Particle Swarm Optimization-Based Functional Link Artificial Neural Network For Medical Image Denoising
Particle Swarm Optimization-Based Functional Link Artificial Neural Network For Medical Image Denoising
Particle Swarm Optimization-Based Functional Link Artificial Neural Network For Medical Image Denoising
Abstract In this paper, a new computationally fast and efficient adaptive digital
image filter has been proposed for denoising of digital medical image corrupted
with additive white Gaussian noise. A particle swarm optimization-based func-
tional link artificial neural network (FLANN) has been applied for this interesting
and challenging problem. The three others competitive networks based on artifi-
cial neural network such as multilayer perceptron (MLP), direct linear artificial
feed-through neural network (DLFANN), and LMS-based FLANN have also been
applied for this purpose. The quantitative analysis of the proposed algorithm has
been carried out by taking the peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and mean square
error (MSE) as two parameters. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency
and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
The medical image may be corrupted during telemedicine due to the noisy com-
munication channel. The presence of noise degrades the medical image q uality
affecting many of its inherent features that alleviates the problem of disease
Fifth International Conference on Computational Vision and Robotic, 10th August, Bhubaneswar,
2.1Multilayer Perceptron
The multilayer perceptron is one of the feed-forward networks, which have one
or more hidden layers. All the nodes in all layers (except the input layer) of the
MLP contain a nonlinear function. The weighted sum of outputs of a lower layer
is passed through the nonlinear function of a node in the upper layer to produce its
output. The mean square error (MSE) is used as cost function and the back propa-
gation (BP) algorithm attempts to minimize the cost function by updating all the
weights of the network [2] (Fig.1).
Particle Swarm Optimization-based Functional Link 107
The process of noise cancelation may have both linear and/or nonlinear behav-
ior over its working range. Hence, it appears more appropriate to have a network
structure that is capable of handling both linearity and nonlinearity. The DLFANN
configuration which combines conventional NN architecture with a set of linear
terms, to produce a network, can handle both linear and nonlinear behavior at the
same time [5] (Fig.2).
In this network, neurons associated with input layer are connected directly with
neuron of hidden as well as output layer. The arrangements are shown by thick
and thin solid lines, respectively. These direct interconnections between input
and output neurons are accountable for handling linear terms. The computational
complexity of the network is increased as weights corresponding to direct inter-
connection between the input and output neurons are added. This increases the
complexity of network and the training of network also take more CPU time to
108 M. Kumar and S.K. Mishra
The FLANN is one of the variants of ANN which has single layer architecture
and has expanded inputs based on some functional expansions such as trigono-
metric expansion, Chebyshev, and power series expansion. In contrast to linear
weighting of the input pattern produced by the linear links of an MLP, the func-
tional link acts on the entire pattern by generating a set of linearly independent
functions [12]. The architecture becomes simple and the need of back propaga-
tion is eliminated. In this paper, Chebyshev polynomial expansion is used and the
structure C-FLANN is shown in Fig.3. These higher Chebyshev polynomials for
1<x<1 may be generated using the recursive formula given by
Tn+1 = 2Tn (x) Tn1 (x) (1)
The first few Chebyshev polynomials are given by
T0 (x) = 1
T1 (x) = x
T2 (x) = 2x 2 1 (2)
T3 (x) = 4x 3x
T4 (x) = 8x 4 8x + 1
In this paper, some of the expanded inputs of FLANN model are chosen by apply-
ing PSO. The weights of the model are chosen by applying PSO. The idea of par-
ticle swarm optimization was first introduced by Kennedy and Eberhart in [13].
This algorithm is formulated by observing the social behavior of school of fish
or focus of birds. Due to the robustness, simplicity and low computational com-
plexity PSO is applied to many other interesting fields of research [4, 14]. In
PSO, each solution is considered by a particle and ith particle (Xid), where d is
the dimension of the search space. The ith particle of the swarm population has its
Particle Swarm Optimization-based Functional Link 109
Functional Expansion
: (.)
X2 -
T1 Adaptive e
X9 Algorithm
best position (Pi) that generates the highest fitness value. The global position (Pg)
is the best particle that gives best fitness value in the entire population. Vi is the
current velocity of ith particle [15]. The position and velocity can be expressed in
the next iteration are mathematically expressed as
Vi (d) = wVi (d) + Ci (d) rand (Pi (d) Xi (d)) + C2 rand Pg (d) Xi (d)
3Simulation Studies
are trained by using the BP algorithm. The PSO technique is used for training
of FLANN. The training targets were normalized within value [0, 1]. This pro-
cess continues iteratively until full pattern of the image get processed and whole
process continues for 100 times to find MSE as well as PSNR value. The size of
X-ray image has been taken 256256 for the training and testing (Fig.4).
In this work, computer simulation is carried out to compare the PSNR value of fil-
tered images obtained from these adaptive models. In this case, the Gaussian noise
having mean 0 and variance 0.01 is taken. Let X(m, n), Y(m, n) is the noise-free
image, noisy image, respectively. The size of the image of MN pixels, where
m=1, 2, 3M is the number of rows and n=1, 2, 3N is the number of col-
umns. Then the formula for PSNR and MSE is shown as (Table1)
M N 2
m=1 n=1 ((m, n) Y (m, n)) 1
MSE = and PSNR = 10. log10 (5)
The PSO-based FLANN model is proposed for denoising of for medical image
corrupted by Gaussian noise. To solve this challenging problem, three other vari-
ants of ANN such as MLP, DLFANN, and LMS-based FLANN have also been
Particle Swarm Optimization-based Functional Link 111
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