Travels With Grandsons, Glenwood
Travels With Grandsons, Glenwood
Travels With Grandsons, Glenwood
This chapter covers the Glenwood Springs area part of the trip. Before tackling the
hanging lake trail we spent much of the first day at the hot springs pool complex in
downtown Glenwood Springs. It is over two city blocks long and billed as the
largest outdoor mineral hot springs pool anywhere. Not having been everywhere I
can’t verify that but it is plenty big to be sure. The big pool is “bathtub”
temperature and the therapy pool is about 105 degrees. The big pool has a diving
board area at the deep end, lap lanes next to the diving area and then a huge “play”
area. Beyond the diving area are two flume rides which the kids loved.
The resort facilities built in the 1880s became internationally renowned. The
elegant 1893 Hotel Colorado, a copy of the Medici Palace in Italy, even served as
the “Western White House” for President Theodore Roosevelt and his cabinet in
Glenwood Springs was one of the first hydroelectrically lighted cities in the world
(1886), having electricity even before New York City. Railroad service [and its
status as a major stop for the California Zephyr passenger service contributed to its
early growth.]
Ready to go again.
Smaller flume
Logan trying out the spring board
Walking from the parking lot to the Hanging Lake trail, Glenwood Canyon.
The trail is steep and follows a fast flowing stream.
Nearing the top of the trail.
More cascades along the trail.
First view of the lake caused when a slab of rock slid down the face of the canyon
causing a step in the side of the cliff. The bottom of the lake is travertine giving it
the green color.
The mist behind the falls is a great cooler after the hot hike up the hill.
Nice view of the cascades on the way back down the trail
Glenwood Springs and Glenwood Canyon are great areas to visit. The pool is
great no matter your age. The trail is steep but relatively short at a little over a
mile each way. The trail has been closed this year because the forest service is
upgrading it. I recommend a visit. Early in the summer is best because the water
flow from the snow melt is stronger.