MR 5-30 or MR 5-30N Series Fuel Meter Owner's Manual

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5252 East 36th Street North

Wichita, KS USA 67220-3205
TEL: 316-686-7361
FAX: 316-686-6746

MR 5-30 or MR 5-30N Series Fuel Meter

Owners Manual

To the owner
Congratulations on receiving your GPI
TABLE OF CONTENTS MR 5-30 Meter. We are pleased to provide
you with a meter designed to give you
General Information 2
maximum reliability and efficiency.
Installation 2
Operation 3
Our business is the design manufacture,
Calibration 4
and marketing of liquid handling,
Maintenance 4
agricultural, and recreational products. We
Troubleshooting 5
succeed because we provide customers
Specifications 5
with innovative, reliable, safe, timely, and
Illustrated Parts Drawing 6
competitively-priced products. We pride
Illustrated Parts List 6
ourselves in conducting our business with
Parts and Service 7
integrity and professionalism.

We are proud to provide you with a quality

product and the support you need to
obtain years of safe, dependable service.

Great Plains Industries, Inc. is a member of President

the Petroleum Equipment Institute.
Great Plains Industries, Inc
06/11 Rev. A 92152501
GENERAL INFORMATION 2. Do not use this equipment for dis-
pensing any fluids other than those
The purpose of this manual is to assist for which it was designed. To do so
you in installing, operating and main- may damage the meter and will void
taining your mechanical fuel meter. the warranty.
Please take a few moments to read
these instructions before installing and 3. DANGER Observe precau-
operating your fuel meter. tions against fire or explosion when
dispensing fuel. Do not operate the
meter in the presence of any source
of ignition including running or hot
engines, lighted cigarettes, or gas
or electric heaters.
The following safety alert symbols are such as hose, nozzle, or pump
used in this manual. added to your meter must be stati-
cally grounded and approved for
DANGER use with petroleum fuels.
DANGER indicates a hazardous 5. WARNING Avoid prolonged
situation which, if not avoided, will skin contact with petroleum fuels.
result in death or serious injury. Use protective goggles, gloves,
and aprons in case of accidental
WARNING splashing or spillage. Change
WARNING indicates a hazardous saturated clothing and wash skin
situation which, if not avoided, could contact areas promptly with soap
result in death or serious injury. and water.
The MR 5-30 Mechanical Fuel Meter is
CAUTION designed for the field measurement of
CAUTION indicates a hazardous thin viscosity petroleum fuels only and
situation which, if not avoided, may intended for use with pump systems in
result in minor or moderate injury. the 5 to 30 GPM or 19 to 114 LPM flow
range (not intended for gravity flow sys-
It is your responsibility to: tems). Using mechanical gears, these
know and follow applicable na- meters translate flow data from a nutat-
tional, state and local safety codes ing disc into calibrated units which are
pertaining to installing and operat- indicated on the face of the meter. This
ing electrical equipment for use meter is factory calibrated for diesel
with flammable liquids. fuel. Field calibration feature is available
know and follow all safety precau- for other fluids, see Calibration section.
tions when handling petroleum
ensure that all equipment operators Before installing your meter, review the
have access to adequate instruc- safety instructions given above. Exam-
tions concerning safe operation ine your meter to make sure there are
and maintenance. no visible signs of shipment damage.
1. This meter is designed for use only Plan your meter installation by review-
with thin viscosity petroleum fuels ing the following procedures. Your sys-
such as gasoline (up to 15% alcohol tem must be mounted on a vented tank.
blends such as E15), diesel fuel, If the tank is unvented, your local dealer
and kerosene. or distributor can supply a pressure cap.
If the meter is located in a rigid piping
system where the fluid is trapped (for

example, by gravity, valves or nozzles) 4. Remove the bevel gear from the
thermal expansion of the fluid can center of the coverplate. Remove
create pressure spikes that can damage the eight pairs of nuts and bolts
a meter. that hold the coverplate assembly
Install a thermal relief valve or otherwise in place.
allow for thermal expansion of the fluid. 5. Now you can rotate the coverplate
Prior to installation, determine the fitting to the desired orientation.
angle desired and whether horizontal or Reassemble in reverse order,
vertical orientation is required. making sure the O-ring is fully
seated. Torque eight nuts and bolts
Rotate Fittings to 60 - 72 in-lb.
To rotate inlet and/or outlet fittings,
remove the two nuts and bolts that Meter Installation
secure each fitting. Rotate the fitting to 1. Remove protective plugs from the
the desired orientation. Make sure the meter inlet and outlet ports.
O-ring is fully seated. Tighten the nuts 2. Wrap threaded male connections
and bolts snugly. with thread tape or use a pipe
sealant compound compatible with
Change Orientation petroleum fuels. We recommend
1. Pull the knob to remove from unit. thread sealant at the inlet fitting in
Remove screws that hold bezel in horizontal orientation.
place and set aside. 3. Install the meter on the pump using
2. Remove the two screws that hold an appropriately sized nipple. The
the faceplate in place and remove meters flow path is marked on the
faceplate. (Figure 1) housing exterior with an arrow point-
ing toward the outlet port.
Figure 1 4. Install other system components on
the meter and tighten snugly.
3. Remove two screws to release the each use, visually check the meter to
counter assembly. (Figure 2) ensure it is securely connected to other
system components and there is no
leakage. Promptly wipe spilled fuel from
Figure 2 the meters exterior and other system
The large meter display represents the
Batch Total for each fuel delivery. Before
dispensing, reset the Batch Total to zero
by turning the knob. (Figure 3)

Figure 3 Figure 4

The small display represents the

Cumulative Total of all fuel deliver- b. If the meter registered less than
ies and cannot be reset. the quantity in the container, turn
the calibration screw clockwise.
CALIBRATION If the meter registered more
than the amount in the
The meter is accurately calibrated at the container, turn the calibration
factory for use with diesel fuel. Due to screw counterclockwise.
differences in viscosity and flowrates,
the meter may require recalibration 5. Empty the calibration container
to measure other fuels or to adjust for and repeat steps 2 to 4 until the
inaccuracies. meter registers the quantity in the
1. Purge air from the meter and fuel
system by dispensing fuel into a 6. Install the nylon washer and calibra-
container until a full flow occurs. tion screw cover.
Close the nozzle. MAINTENANCE
2. Reset the meter counter to zero by
The meters strainer should be cleaned
turning the reset knob. (Figure 3)
at regular intervals, especially when low
3. Pump into a graduated calibration flow is detected.
container to a specified quantity.
For the greatest accuracy, be sure Clean or Replace Strainer
the container is placed on a level 1. Remove the nuts and bolts at the
surface and a consistent flow rate is inlet fitting. Remove the fitting,
used. When topping off the calibra- O-ring, and strainer.
tion container, use a quick-open and 2. Using a fine brush, clean the
quick-close method until the mark strainer. Replace the strainer as
is reached. necessary.
4. Compare the meter display to the 3. Wipe clean the inlet, housing, and
quantity in the container. If the O-ring groove. Coat the O-ring with
meter display does not register the oil or light grease. Make sure the
quantity on the container, adjust the O-ring is fully seated. Replace the
meter by performing the following: strainer.
4. Position the inlet fitting in the desired
a. Gain access to the recessed orientation and tighten the nuts and
calibration screw by turning bolts to 60 - 72 in-lb.
the calibration screw cover and
seal counterclockwise. Remove
the cover and nylon washer.
(Figure 4)


Symptom Probable Cause Corrective Action

A. Meter counter does 1. Broken counter assembly. Replace counter.
not operate. (Nor-
mal fuel delivery) 2. Foreign material in counter Remove and clean counter
assembly or nutator assembly. assembly or nutator assembly.
3. Broken nutator disc pin or Install new nutator assembly.
defective nutator assembly.
4. Missing or worn bevel gear. Replace bevel gear.

B. Meter counter does 1. Clogged strainer in meter. Clean or replace strainer.

not operate.
2. Other system components Check all system components
or no fuel flow) malfunctioning. tank to nozzle for clogs and/or
malfunctions. Repair as necessary.
3. Foreign material in nutator Remove and clean nutator
assembly. assembly.
C. Fuel leakage. 1. Leakage at counter drive shaft. Replace coverplate assembly.
2. Leakage between coverplate Remove coverplate and inspect
and housing. for damaged, missing or
incorrectly seated seal. Replace
as required.
3. Leakage at fittings. Remove fittings and inspect for
damaged, missing or incorrectly
seated seals. Replace as required.
4. Leakage at threads. Remove meter and reseal all
threaded connections with
thread tape or pipe thread
sealing compound approved
for use with flammable liquids.

Gallon Models Litre Models
Unit of Measure U.S. Gallon Litre
Flow Range 5 to 30 GPM 19 to 114 LPM
Typical Accuracy 2% 2%
Type Nutating Disc Nutating Disc
Housing Material Aluminum Aluminum
Maximum Working Pressure 50 PSIG 3.4 bar
Inlet/Outlet Fitting Size 3/4"*, 1" or 1-1/2" 3/4"*, 1" or 1-1/2"
Threads NPT NPT or BSPP*
Maximum Batch Total 999.9 9999
Maximum Cumulative Total 999,999.9 9,999,999
Approximate Ship Weight 8.1 lbs. 3.7 kg
Maximum Dimensions: Width: 8.0 inches 20.3 cm
Height: 7.0 inches 17.8 cm
Depth: 6.0 inches 15.2 cm
* Not available on ENP model.
Note: Accuracy is factory calibrated using diesel fuel. Field Calibration is available on all models.



Kits and Accessories

Part No. Description

A 126530-09 Seal Kit - includes one housing O-ring and two fitting O-rings
126530-59 Seal Kit - ENP model
B 126530-08 Nutator Assembly Kit - includes hardware
126530-58 Nutator Assembly Kit - ENP model
C 126530-06 Bevel Gear Kit
D 126530-04 Gallon Counter Assembly Kit - includes counter assembly
and hardware
126530-05 Litre Counter Assembly Kit - includes counter assembly
and hardware
E 126530-02 Gallon Faceplate Kit - includes faceplate, decal and hardware
126530-52 Gallon Faceplate Kit - ENP model
126530-03 Litre Faceplate Kit - includes faceplate, decal and hardware
F 126530-01 Bezel Kit -includes hardware
G 126530-07 Knob Assembly Kit
H 126530-12 Fitting Kit for 3/4-inch NPT (2 Fittings, 2 Fitting O-Rings, 1
strainer and hardware)
126530-13 Fitting Kit for 3/4-inch BSPP (2 Fittings, 2 Fitting O-Rings,
1 strainer and hardware)
126530-14 Fitting Kit for 1-inch NPT, (2 Fittings, 2 Fitting O-Rings,
1 strainer and hardware)
126530-64 Fitting Kit for 1-inch NPT, ENP model
ENP model includes stainless hardware for wetted components. The housing is ENP and the
seals are Fluorocarbon instead of Nitrile.

Kits and Accessories, continued
Part No. Description
126530-15 Fitting Kit for 1-inch BSPP (2 Fittings, 2 Fitting O-Rings,
1 strainer and hardware)
126530-16 Fitting Kit for 1-1/2 inch NPT (2 Fittings, 2 Fitting
O-Rings, 1 strainer and hardware)
126530-66 Fitting Kit for 1-1/2 inch NPT, ENP model
126530-17 Fitting Kit for 1-1/2 inch BSPP (2 Fittings, 2 Fitting
O-Rings, 1 strainer and hardware)
I 126530-11 Calibration Screw Kit - includes screw, washer O-ring
& cover
J 126530-10 Hardware Kit - includes O-rings, strainer, nuts & screws
126530-60 Hardware Kit - ENP model


For warranty consideration, parts, or other Do not return meters or parts without
service information, contact your local distributor. specific authority from the GPI
If you need further assistance, please contact Customer Service Department.
GPI Customer Service Department in Wichita, Due to strict regulations governing
Kansas during normal business hours at shipment of flammable liquids, meters
1-800-835-0113. may be refused and returned to the
sender if sent without authorization.
To obtain prompt, efficient service, always be
prepared with 1.) the model number of your
meter, 2.) the manufacturing date located on the
back of the meter, and 3.) specific information,
as necessary, obtained from the Illustrated Parts
List. For warranty work always be prepared with
proof of purchase date.
Please contact GPI before returning any parts.
It may be possible to diagnose the trouble and
identify needed parts without returning parts.
GPI can also inform you of any special handling
requirements you will need to follow covering
the transportation and handling of fuel transfer
equipment. Before packing for shipment, make
sure the meter is thoroughly drained and free of
fuel and vapors.

Limited Warranty Policy
Great Plains Industries, Inc. 5252 E. 36th Street North, Wichita, KS USA 67220-3205, hereby provides a limited
warranty against defects in material and workmanship on all products manufactured by Great Plains Industries,
Inc. This product includes a 2 year warranty from date of purchase as evidenced by the original sales receipt.
A 30 month warranty from product date of manufacture will apply in cases where the original sales receipt is
not available. Reference product labeling for the warranty expiration date based on 30 months from date of
manufacture. Manufacturers sole obligation under the foregoing warranties will be limited to either, at Manufac-
turers option, replacing or repairing defective Goods (subject to limitations hereinafter provided) or refunding
the purchase price for such Goods theretofore paid by the Buyer, and Buyers exclusive remedy for breach of
any such warranties will be enforcement of such obligations of Manufacturer. The warranty shall extend to the
purchaser of this product and to any person to whom such product is transferred during the warranty period.
This warranty shall not apply if:
A. the product has been altered or modified outside the warrantors duly appointed representative;
B. the product has been subjected to neglect, misuse, abuse or damage or has been installed or
operated other than in accordance with the manufacturers operating instructions.
To make a claim against this warranty, contact the GPI Customer Service Department at 316-686-7361 or
800-835-0113. Or by mail at:
Great Plains Industries, Inc.
5252 E. 36th St. North
Wichita, KS, USA 67220-3205
GPI will step you through a product troubleshooting process to determine appropriate corrective actions.
The company herewith expressly disclaims any warranty of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose
other than for which it was designed.
This warranty gives you specific rights and you may also have other rights which vary from U.S. state to U.S. state.
Note: In compliance with MAGNUSON MOSS CONSUMER WARRANTY ACT Part 702 (governs the resale
availability of the warranty terms).

5252 East 36th Street North

UL Listing only applies to Wichita, KS USA 67220-3205
models with NPT threads TEL: 316-686-7361
FAX: 316-686-6746

GPI is a registered trademark of Great Plains Industries, Inc.

Printed in U.S.A.
06/11 Rev. A 92152501

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