Computer Networks: III B.Tech-II Semester LTPC Course Code: A10519 3 1 - 3 Course Overview
Computer Networks: III B.Tech-II Semester LTPC Course Code: A10519 3 1 - 3 Course Overview
Computer Networks: III B.Tech-II Semester LTPC Course Code: A10519 3 1 - 3 Course Overview
Course Overview:
This course is to provide students with an overview of the concepts and fundamentals of data
communication and computer networks. Topics to be covered include: data communication concepts
and techniques in a layered network architecture, communications switching and routing, types of
communication, network congestion, network topologies, network configuration and management,
network model components, layered network models (OSI reference model, TCP/IP networking
architecture) and their protocols, various types of networks (LAN, MAN, WAN and Wireless networks)
and their protocols. The course is supplemented by a practical component covered in CS335
Course Objectives:
1. Defining, using and implementing Computer Networks and the basic components of a Network
2. Knowing and Applying pieces of hardware and software to make networks more efficient, faster,
more secure, easier to use, able to transmit several simultaneous messages, and able to interconnect
with other networks.
3. Differentiating the various types of network configurations and applying them to meet the changing
and challenging networking needs of organizations.
4. Defining and analysing the circuits available for voice and data networks, their transmission speeds
(bandwidth), and how they are packaged for commercial use.
5. Domain name systems and working of electronic mails
INTRODUCTION: Network applications, network hardware, network software, reference models: OSI,
TCP/IP,Internet, Connection oriented network - X.25, frame relay. THE PHYSICAL LAYER: Theoretical
basis for communication, guided transmission media, wireless transmission, thepublic switched
telephone networks, mobile telephone system.
THE DATA LINK LAYER: Design issues, error detection and correction, elementary data link protocols,
sliding windowprotocols, example data link protocols - HDLC, the data link layer in the internet.
THE MEDIUM ACCESS SUBLAYER: Channel allocations problem, multiple access protocols, Ethernet,
Data Link Layerswitching, Wireless LAN, Broadband Wireless, Bluetooth
THE NETWORK LAYER: Network layer design issues, routing algorithms, Congestion control
algorithms,Internetworking, the network layer in the internet (IPv4 and IPv6), Quality of Service.
THE TRANSPORT LAYER: Transport service, elements of transport protocol, Simple Transport Protocol,
Internettransport layer protocols: UDP and TCP.
THE APPLICATION LAYER: Domain name system, electronic mail, World Wide Web: architectural
overview, dynamicweb document and http. APPLICATION LAYER PROTOCOLS: Simple Network
Management Protocol, File Transfer Protocol, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, Telnet.
1. A.S.Tanenbaum (2003), Computer Networks, 4th edition, Pearson Education/ PHI, New Delhi, India.
1. Behrouz A. Forouzan (2006), Data communication and Networking, 4th Edition, Mc Graw-Hill, India.
2. Kurose, Ross (2010), Computer Networking: A top down approach, Pearson Education, India.