Brittnay Lengle Delaware Technical Community College Terry Campus Week 6 Plan of Care Paper
Brittnay Lengle Delaware Technical Community College Terry Campus Week 6 Plan of Care Paper
Brittnay Lengle Delaware Technical Community College Terry Campus Week 6 Plan of Care Paper
Brittnay Lengle
The patient examined for the plan of care is named Linda Lengle. The
abnormalities found in her health assessment were hyperlipidemia, being overweight and skin
abnormalities. The patient had a history of other chronic issues such as hypothyroidism and a
hysterectomy, but these problems have been treated or are currently still being treated. No
abnormalities were found in emotional, psychosocial, social/occupational and spiritual. The rest
defined as too much LDLs in the blood (American Heart Association. 2017). HDLs are good
cholesterol that fight off the bad cholesterol. Patients are at a higher risk of heart disease when
HDLs are to low (American Heart Association. 2017). The patients goal for date to prove her
high cholesterol is an LDL level of 160. The patient had labs drawn 2 months ago. The patient is
planning on following up with her primary care provider to recheck her cholesterol. The goal for
the patient is for her LDLs to decrease to 130 by her next appointment in 6 months. The plan of
care involved daily exercise and a health diet. High cholesterol can often be changed with
lifestyle modifications. The American Heart Association recommends limiting saturated fat to 5
to 6 percent of daily calories and minimizing the amount of trans fat you eat (American Heat
Association, 2017). It is important to maintain a diet high in fiber and low is trans fat. Foods high
is fiber include vegetable and fruits. It is also important to maintain a health exercise routine. The
One of the identified problems with the patient assessed is being overweight.
Being overweight can put the patient at an increased risk of heart disease. Being overweight puts
the patient at a higher risk for health problems such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure,
diabetes and more (American Heart Association. 2016). The evidence of the patient being
overweight is a BMI of 28. The goal is for the patient to decrease her BMI to 26 in six months.
The patient will follow up with her primary care provider to follow her weight loss. The plan of
care is for the patient to exercise 30 minutes daily or follow the American Heart Associations
vigorous aerobic exercise 3 to 4 times a week (American Heart Association. 2017). Referrals that
can be made for the patient include a dietitian to help with maintaining a healthy diet. Also
helping the patient get involved with a gym membership or classes in the community to help
The last abnormality during the health assessment was an abnormal mole the patient
noticed on her face. The patient has reported that the mole had increases in size over the past
couple months. The plan of care for the patient is to follow up with a dermatologist as soon as
possible. Normal moles are common small brown spots or growths on the skin that appear in the
first few decades of life in almost everyone (The Skin Cancer Foundation. 2017). Melanoma one
of the deadliest forms of skin cancer, most often appears as an asymmetrical, irregularly
bordered, multicolored or tan/brown spot or growth that continues to increase in size over time
(The Skin Cancer Foundation. 2017). The patient was advised to keep the spot out of the sun
and to continue to take pictures of the mole to make sure the mole does not continue to increase
in size.
The Skin Cancer Foundation. (2017). How to Spot an Atypical Mole. Retrieved from:
Plan of Care