Hiv/ Aids: General Medical Background
Hiv/ Aids: General Medical Background
Hiv/ Aids: General Medical Background
Intravenous drug users
Blood transfusion
Organ transplantation
Dialysis recipients
Hemophiliacs - blood disease which the body
lacks a chemical that thickens & stops flow of
blood when a vessel is injured
People with heterosexual contact with partner
who are infected with AIDS
Transmission from mother to baby
Health care professionals & laboratory workers
1. General
Retro-orbital pain
Arthralgias / myalgias
Weight loss/anorexia
2. Neuropathic
Encephalitis- inflammation of brain
Peripheral neuropathy- disease in
peripheral nerves causing weakness &
3. Dermatologic
Erythematous maculopapular rash
Mucocutaneous ulceration
2. Oral lesions
a. Thrush
White, cheesy exudate- erythematous
HIV type 1 infection results in the destruction of Soft palate are most affected
CD4 positive lymphocytes, leading to a b. Oral hairy leukoplakia
decline in their numbers. Filamentous white lesion (lateral
In acute primary infection, HIV-1 replicates borders of the tongue)
c. Aphthous ulcers of the posterior
briskly and vital titer rises rapidly.
As more CD4 cells are killed, the immune Painful, interference swolloing
system weakens.
5 7
Within 1 week of onset, 10 to 10 infectious 3. Reactivation herpes zoster or shingles
particles per microliter of plasma can be (10%-20%)
measured. 1 clinical indication of immunodeficiency
5 years following primary infection
Within a few weeks to months, scroconversion
occurs and HIV-1 anibodies can be measured 4. Thrombocytopenia (3%; platelet 150,000) -
by ELISA and western blood tests. platelet in blood
Within 6-12 month of seroconversion, a steady Bleeding gums
state of plama HIV RNA level is established extremity petechiae
Levels of 10 HIV-1 RNA copies or greater per easy bruisabilty
microliter of blood correlate with rapid
D. AIDS (Full Blown)
progression over a few years.
Opportunistic infection disease would set in
Hallmark of HIV Disease: like pneumocystis carinii (causes pneumonia
Profound Immunodeficiency (quantitative and in immunosuppressed pts, usually ff
qualitative decrease of CD4+ T-lymphocyte; intensive chemotherapy), Pneumonia, TB,
normal is 700 1400/mL). Kaposis sarcoma (a malignant tumor arising
from BV in the skin & appearing as purple to
VI. CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS dark brown plaques or nodules) & the like
A. Acute HIV syndrome (approx. 50%-70%)
- Symptoms usually persist for 1-2 wks. &
gradually subside as immune response to
- Opportunistic infections have been reported
during this stage of infection, presumably as a
result of the transient immunosuppression.
Surgical Management
When surgery is planned, preparations for Most important aspect of rehabilitation is to keep
postoperative rehab can be made in advance. the patient as mobile as possible to prevent the
Orthotic and prosthetic appliances also can complications often associated with prolonged bed
be planned in advance and prosthetic fitting rest
can even take place in the operating room.
The need for pretreatment interventions in the A. To improve function:
patient undergoing radiation therapy are - Gait and functional retraining
equally important. - Prevention of effects of deconditioning
The institution of a vigorous stretching - Use of adaptive equipment and strategies
program can help to prevent contractures and
deformity that otherwise would occur as a B. For impaired mobility, difficulty with self-
result of radiation fibrosis. care, impaired cognition, and uncontrolled pain:
Training in skin care and the proper use of - Therapeutic exercises
moisturizing creams can help to prevent - Gait aids
breakdown or infection. - Bathroom and safety equipment
- Orthosis
EVALUATION, & DIAGNOSIS - Whirlpool treatment
- Assistance especially in areas of stair climbing,
I. Points of emphasis on examination ambulation, bowel management, and LE
Pulmonary test dressing
UE and LE
Instability test C. For cancer pain and pain in patients with HIV:
ROM Heat modalities
Motor and sensory tests Caution: may increase circulation to the involved
area, possibly increasing the potential for
Check for deconditioning problems: metastatic spread.
Contracture - US over malignant tissues is contraindicated
Adhesions - Therapeutic heat and cold are used on non-
Atrophy cancer patients
LOM - TENS for reducing the dependence on opioid
Weakness medications particularly in phantom pain,
Instabilities radiculopathy and incisional pain
Conventional high frequency setting is
II. Problem list most effective
Impaired mobility
Difficulty with self-care
Impaired cognition
Uncontrolled pain