1.1 Introduction
All the PRAN products are produced as per international standards maintaining
highest level of quality at every stages of its production process.
The study is mainly an exploratory one and survey method used to collect
information from primary sources. I have used random sampling method to
collect data. Total population size is 40,000 employees and I made a sample
survey on 21 employees. In addition, related secondary information collected
for research purpose. The primary data has been collected from face to face
interview, and the secondary data has been collected from their annual reports
and from web sites.
Primary Sources
Secondary data are collected from Internet, different published articles, books,
prospectus, journals, other publications and written information provided by the
company. For collecting data from secondary sources, go through various web
Now, Pran-RFL consumers not only value PRAN for its traditional refreshing
fruit juice drinks products, also for its oral cavity providing water quality
sweetmeat products with high overall look and fascinating texture. PRAN
intend to expand their occurrence to every nook of the world and attempt to
make Pran-RFL a really international brand to be recognized worldwide. Pran-
RFL started its procedure as a processors fresh fresh fruit and vegetable in
Bangladesh. Over the years, the business has not only produced in stature but
also contributed significantly to the overall socioeconomic development of the
nation. Pran-RFL is presently one of the most admired food & refreshments
brand among the millions of individuals of Bangladesh and other 94 countries
worldwide where Pran-RFL products are regularly being exported. Just about all
the Pran-RFL tools are produced according to international requirements
maintaining highest level of quality each and every stages from the production
Prans products can be categorized under a few categories, such as, Juice,
Drinks, Snacks, Confectionary, Dairy, Beverages and winery products. Their
juices come in a great variety of quality packing in eight different flavors;
orange, mango, lemon, litchi, pineapple, mango-pine, guava and fruit cocktail,
offers collection of refreshing choices. From purified natural drink to processed
fruit drink.
Pran-RFL provides a wide range to many alternatives for quenching the thirst.
In their winery section, they offer a wide range of products from tea, spices,
pickles, chutney, sauce and ketchup, rice products, mustard oil, semai
and molasses, etc. Pran snacks products are variously flavored consisting of
biscuits, potato crackers and mini snacks.
Pran-RFL, the largest exporter of processed food from Bangladesh, had a vision
of creating a huge demand globally of those agro based products produced by
native farmers. The key was to process the agro products and increase shelf-life
thereby. Starting successful journey to export market in 1996, PRAN currently
exports to over 94 countries.
Pran-Rfl Group is one of the fastest growing corporate houses in the country. It
has got quit good number of subsidiary enterprises, which includes:
PRAN-RFL is looking for top-caliber people who want the flexibility and
resources to grow in their career. If someone is that kind of person who has
always stood out, they offer a place where one can continue to excel. PRAN-
RFL has thousands of diverse people from different cultures and backgrounds
working in a variety of different jobs in different fields
1. Need Assessment
2. Defining the position description
3. Checking the recruiting options
4. Advertisement
5. Screening and Short listing Applications
6. Written test
7. Selection interview (3 tier)
8. Employment decision (Application Bank)
9. Offer letter10. Orientation / Induction
2.9.2 Source of Recruitment
Bangladesh is done in four ways depending on the job category of the vacant
position. Therefore, the recruitment process of this organization is classified
into four types, which are done based on the job grade/ group. These are as
Entry-level management
MT (Manager Trainee)
Mid or / and senior level management
Graded staff / Non- management staff
There are two most important sources that have been followed by PRAN-RFL.
1. Internal Source.
2. External Source.
Internal Source
There could be a person competent for the required job working within the
organization. If there is, the existing manpower is then shuffled to place the
selected person in the new post. If there is no such person inside the company,
then the management goes for the second step.
External Source
After considering above option, the company goes for external recruiting if
needed. Those who best meet the skills, qualifications, experience and
competencies required for the position should fill vacancies. Therefore, if there
is no candidate within PRAN-RFL, who is suitable for the role, external
advertisement should be placed to attract the potential candidates followed by
the selection procedures.
2.9.3 Advertisement
The Company gives advertisement in national dailies to attract the talents from
the market. PRAN- RFL puts two types of advertisements in the newspapers. It
sometimes keeps the identity concealed in the ads, mentioning a GPO BOX
number only. The purpose of the concealed identity is to avoid the unwanted
pressure from the stakeholders for the employment of their desired candidates.
But this way the company may lose the talents out there in the market
who would have applied for the same post had they known the name of the
organization. This is why the company kept the identity open in their recent job
advertisement when the quality of the candidate was a very important factor to
consider. By revealing the BPL identify, the company attempts to attract the
best potentials among all the others.
Employee referrals
Employment Agency
An agency finds and prescreens applicants, referring those who seem qualified
to the organization for further assessment and final selection. PRAN- RFL also
takes help from such employment agency. They post their job vacancies on job
portal like: BD jobs, BITAC.
Walk-ins are some seekers who arrived at the HR department of BPL in search
of a job; Writeins are those who send a written enquire .both groups normally
are ask to complete and application blank to determine their interest and
abilities. Usable application is kept in an active file until a suitable opening
occurs or until an application is too old to be considered valid, usually six
The unsolicited applications stored in the data bank are consulted. If the quality
of a person matches with the requirements mentioned in the position
description, then he / she is called for interview. If not, then the third step is
The responses to the advertisements are sorted and screened. The CVs as well
as the Covering letters are judged. In the covering letter, the style and language
of writing, the emphasis put on the areas asked for tin the advertisements and
the quality of the letter (whether it is specifically tailored to the advertisement or
just a standard response) are the aspects that are judged. Different weights are
assigned to the selection criteria mentioned in the man specification depending
on their relative importance. (For example, educational institutions like IBA,
are given the highest weight among the local ones and the foreign universities of
UK, Australia, etc. are put at par with the best of the country). Based on the
presence of these factors to the desired extent (experience, educational degree,
computer literacy, etc) the cumulative weights for all the applicants are counted
and the short list of a sizable number of the top most candidates is generated.
However, the HR officials also study the CVs with the respective line manager
to check whether any valuable deciding parameter is missed that are mentioned
in the CVs. Then the candidates selected in the short list are called for the
written test.
Written Test
Selection Interview
Reference Checks
If they are uncomfortable, an alternative person other than the current employer
has to be chosen by the candidate (work colleague, for example). Unless the
candidate is a graduate or school leaver with no prior work experience, only
contact work related referees should be contacted. At least two reference checks
should be done, however the more the better. There is a sample reference-
checking guide that is more or less followed. It is important to prepare
a reference check guide that asks the referee about the key skills, competencies
and experience
required for the position. Reference checks need to be done by line manager or
personnel of the HR department. During the interviews, the candidates would
have given some examples of incidents, tasks or projects that can be asked
about. The referee should be asked what the candidate did in those examples,
which ascertain whether the information received from the candidate is
consistent with that of the referee.
Employment Decision
If the candidate has no problem with the stated terms and conditions of the job
and the organization mentioned and discussed in the final interview, s/he is
offered an application blank. The application blank is a standard format of
employee-information that includes all the information the organization needs
regarding the personnel. The candidate has to fill this blank and submit this to
the company along with a CV.
Once the above activities are done, the candidate is given an offer letter
specifying the salary package, job responsibilities, utilities that will be provided
by the organization. Even at this stage the selected candidate has the chance to
withdraw her/himself from the job offer. S/he is always free to discuss whatever
difficulty may arise regarding pay structure/ facilities, etc. the door of HR is
kept open for any sort of relevant discussion.
Verbal offer
The verbal offer of the role to the candidate is given once the employment
decisions and reference checks have been successfully completed. The
discussion cover the following:
Tell the candidate that company would like to offer them the role.
Congratulate them.
Tell them the remuneration package that is being offered, including
Ask them if they are happy with it.
Ask them if they verbally accept the position.
Tell them that company will be sending them a written letter of
offer and introductory package.
A written letter of offer forwarded to the candidate. Once the candidate has
verbally accepted the position, the appropriate letter of offer is organized. This
letter sends to the candidate within two or three days of making the verbal offer.
An introductory package also sent to the successful candidate, along with the
letter of offer. At least one week before the person commencing in their new
position, an appointment notice will be placed on notice boards and/or the
Literature Review
Storey (1995) argues that HR planning today is a very important task of every
contemporary organizations HR department. According to him, HR planning
mainly involves the identification of skills and competence within the
organization, the filling of identified competence gaps, and the facilitation of
movements of employees within the organization. An essential part of the HR
planning is the succession planning which aims to ensure the supply of
individuals and filling of gaps on senior key positions when they become vacant
and replenish competences to areas where they are most valued (Wolfe, 1996).
Dransfield, J., Tesoro, F. and Manokaran, N. (2002). Rattan. Rome: Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United States.