Practice Writing Proofs. Math 113 Summer 2014
Practice Writing Proofs. Math 113 Summer 2014
Practice Writing Proofs. Math 113 Summer 2014
These problems are to help you get some practice writing simple proofs, especially in prepa-
ration for the first exam. The proofs should all be fairly short.
2. Each time you use a new variable (g , H, etc.), make sure you first say clearly where it
lives. For example: Let g be an element of G or pick any subgroup H of G ...
3. Keep your attention focused on what you want to prove - this should direct your steps,
but always start from a) whats given, or b) a fact thats known from class.
4. The first and last lines are in some sense the most important, as they dictate the logical
flow of the proof - where you start from, and what youre proving.
5. Make sure your work is understandable, coherent and well-presented - if the grader has
to work to determine what/where your solution is, they will get grumpy and more prone
to giving lower grades.
7. Let p be a prime number. Prove that f : Z/pZ Z/pZ given by f (n) = np is the
identity map (you can assume that its well-defined).