Ri Yo Coppa FRN
Ri Yo Coppa FRN
Ri Yo Coppa FRN
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER Street SW., 5th Floor, Suite 5610 submitted, please provide any relevant
contains notices to the public of the proposed (Annex E), Washington, DC 20024. data, statistics, or any other evidence,
issuance of rules and regulations. The FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: upon which those comments are based.
purpose of these notices is to give interested Miry Kim, Attorney, (202) 3263622, or 1. Is this method, both with respect to
persons an opportunity to participate in the the process for obtaining consent for an
rule making prior to the adoption of the final
Peder Magee, Attorney, (202) 3263538,
Division of Privacy and Identity initial operator and any subsequent
Protection, Federal Trade Commission, operators, already covered by existing
Washington, DC 20580. methods enumerated in Section
2. If this is a new method, provide
16 CFR Part 312 Section A. Background comments on whether the proposed
On October 20, 1999, the Commission parental consent method, both with
RIN 3084AB20 issued its final Rule 1 pursuant to the respect to an initial operator and any
Childrens Online Privacy Protection subsequent operators, meets the
Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act, 15 U.S.C. 6501 et seq, which requirements for parental consent laid
Rule Proposed Parental Consent became effective on April 21, 2000.2 On out in 16 CFR 312.5(b)(1). Specifically,
Method; Jest8 Limited, Trading as December 19, 2012, the Commission the Commission is looking for
Riyo, Application for Approval of amended the Rule, and these comments on whether the proposed
Parental Consent Method amendments became effective on July 1, parental consent method is reasonably
2013.3 The Rule requires certain Web calculated, in light of available
AGENCY: Federal Trade Commission site operators to post privacy policies technology, to ensure that the person
(FTC or Commission). and provide notice, and to obtain providing consent is the childs parent.
ACTION: Request for public comment. verifiable parental consent, prior to 3. Does this proposed method pose a
collecting, using, or disclosing personal risk to consumers personal
SUMMARY: The Federal Trade information? If so, is that risk
information from children under the age
Commission requests public comment of 13. The Rule enumerates methods for outweighed by the benefit to consumers
concerning the proposed parental obtaining verifiable parental consent, and businesses of using this method?
consent method submitted by Jest8 while also allowing an interested party
Limited, trading as Riyo (Riyo), under Section C. Invitation to Comment
to file a written request for Commission
the Voluntary Commission Approval You can file a comment online or on
approval of parental consent methods
Processes provision of the Childrens paper. For the Commission to consider
not currently enumerated.4 To be
Online Privacy Protection Rule. your comment, we must receive it on or
considered, the party must submit a
DATES: Written comments must be before September 3, 2015. Write Jest8
detailed description of the proposed
received on or before September 3, Limited (Trading as Riyo) Application
parental consent method, together with
2015. for Parental Consent Method, Project
an analysis of how the method meets
No. P155405 on your comment. Your
ADDRESSES: Interested parties may file a the requirements for parental consent
commentincluding your name and
comment at http:// described in 16 CFR 312.5(b)(1).
Pursuant to Section 312.12(a) of the your statewill be placed on the public
ftcpublic.commentworks.com/ftc/ record of this proceeding, including, to
riyocoppaconsent online or on paper, by Rule, Riyo has submitted a proposed
parental consent method to the the extent practicable, on the
following the instructions in the Commission Web site, at http://
Request for Comment part of the Commission for approval. The full text
of its application is available on the www.ftc.gov/os/publiccomments.shtm.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section As a matter of discretion, the
below. Write Jest8 Limited (Trading as Commissions Web site at www.ftc.gov.
Commission tries to remove individuals
Riyo) Application for Parental Consent Section B. Questions on the Parental home contact information from
Method, Project No. P155405 on your Consent Method comments before placing them on the
comment, and file your comment online The Commission is seeking comment Commission Web site.
at http://ftcpublic.commentworks.com/ on the proposed parental consent Because your comment will be made
ftc/riyocoppaconsent by following the method, and is particularly interested in public, you are solely responsible for
instructions on the web-based form. If receiving comment on the questions that making sure that your comment does
you prefer to file your comment on follow. These questions are designed to not include any sensitive personal
paper, write Jest8 Limited (Trading as assist the Commissions consideration of information, like anyones Social
Riyo) Application for Parental Consent the petition and should not be Security number, date of birth, drivers
Method, Project No. P155405 on your construed as a limitation on the issues license number or other state
comment and on the envelope, and mail on which public comment may be identification number or foreign country
your comment to the following address: submitted. Responses to these questions equivalent, passport number, financial
Federal Trade Commission, Office of the should cite the number of the question account number, or credit or debit card
Secretary, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue being answered. For all comments number. You are also solely responsible
NW., Suite CC5610 (Annex E), for making sure that your comment does
Washington, DC 20580, or deliver your 1 64 FR 59888 (1999). not include any sensitive health
comment to the following address: 2 16 CFR part 312. information, including medical records
Federal Trade Commission, Office of the 3 78 FR 3972 (2013). or other individually identifiable health
Secretary, Constitution Center, 400 7th 4 16 CFR 312.12(a); 78 FR at 39913992, 4013. information. In addition, do not include
VerDate Sep<11>2014 15:22 Aug 06, 2015 Jkt 235001 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 E:\FR\FM\07AUP1.SGM 07AUP1
47430 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 152 / Friday, August 7, 2015 / Proposed Rules
any [t]rade secret or any commercial or public comments that it receives on or Correction of Publication
financial information which is . . . before September 3, 2015. For Accordingly, the notice of proposed
privileged or confidential, as discussed information on the Commissions rulemaking and notice of public hearing
in Section 6(f) of the FTC Act, 15 U.S.C. privacy policy, including routine uses (REG10283715) that are subject to FR
46(f), and FTC Rule 4.10(a)(2), 16 CFR permitted by the Privacy Act, see Doc. 201515280 are corrected as
4.10(a)(2). In particular, do not include http://www.ftc.gov/ftc/privacy.htm. follows:
competitively sensitive information By direction of the Commission. 1. On page 35603, in the preamble,
such as costs, sales statistics,
Donald S. Clark, second column, twelfth line, the
inventories, formulas, patterns, devices,
Secretary. language Section 529(d)(2) provides
manufacturing processes, or customer
[FR Doc. 201519425 Filed 8615; 8:45 am] that the is corrected to read Section
If you want the Commission to give BILLING CODE 675001P
529A(d)(2) provides that the.
your comment confidential treatment, 2. On page 35603, in the preamble,
you must file it in paper form, with a second column, nineteenth line, the
request for confidential treatment, and language 529(d)(3) requires qualified
DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY ABLE is corrected to read 529A(d)(3)
follow the procedure explained in FTC
Rule 4.9(c), 16 CFR 4.9(c).5 Your requires qualified ABLE.
Internal Revenue Service
comment will be kept confidential only 3. On page 35606, in the preamble,
if the FTC General Counsel, in his or her first column, second line from the
26 CFR Parts 1, 25, 26, and 301
sole discretion, grants your request in bottom of the first paragraph, the
accordance with the law and the public [REG10283715] language meaning of 1.529A
interest. 1(b)(9)(A) or is corrected to read
Postal mail addressed to the RIN 1545BM68 meaning of 1.529A1 (b)(9)(i).
Commission is subject to delay due to 1.529A1 [Corrected]
heightened security screening. As a Guidance Under Section 529A:
result, we encourage you to submit your Qualifies ABLE Programs; Correction 4. On page 35612, second column,
comments online. To make sure that the second and third line from the bottom
AGENCY: Internal Revenue Service (IRS), of paragraph (b)(16), the language
Commission considers your online Treasury.
comment, you must file it at http:// within the meaning of 1.529
ACTION: Correction to a notice of 1(b)(9)(A) or 1.5292(e)(1)(i) are not
proposed rulemaking and notice of qualified is corrected to read within
riyocoppaconsent, by following the
public hearing. the meaning of 1.529A1(b)(9)(i) or
instructions on the web-based form. If
this Notice appears at http:// 1.529A2(e)(1)(i) are not qualified.
SUMMARY: This document contains
www.regulations.gov/#!home, you also corrections to a notice of proposed 1.529A7 [Corrected]
may file a comment through that Web rulemaking and notice of public hearing 5. On page 35619, third column,
site. (REG10283715) that was published in
If you file your comment on paper, paragraph (a)(5)(iii) the language
the Federal Register on Monday, June furnished though a Web site posting
write Jest8 Limited (Trading as Riyo) 22, 2015 (80 FR 35602). The proposed
Application for Parental Consent and is corrected to read furnished
regulations under section 529A of the through a Web site posting and.
Method, Project No. P155405 on your Internal Revenue Code that provide
comment and on the envelope, and mail guidance regarding programs under The Martin V. Franks,
your comment to the following address: Stephen Beck, Jr., Achieving a Better Chief, Publications and Regulations Branch,
Federal Trade Commission, Office of the Life Experience Act of 2014. Legal Processing Division, Associate Chief
Secretary, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue Counsel (Procedure and Administration).
NW., Suite CC5610 (Annex E), DATES: Written or electronic comments
[FR Doc. 201519369 Filed 8615; 8:45 am]
Washington, DC 20580, or deliver your and request for a public hearing for the
comment to the following address: notice of proposed rulemaking at 80 FR
Federal Trade Commission, Office of the 35602, June 22, 2015, are still being
Secretary, Constitution Center, 400 7th accepted and must be received by
Street SW., 5th Floor, Suite 5610 AGENCY
(Annex E), Washington, DC 20024. If FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
possible, submit your paper comment to Taina Edlund or Terri Harris at (202) 40 CFR Parts 123, 131, 233, 501
the Commission by courier or overnight 3174541, or Sean Barnett (202) 317
service. 5800, or Theresa Melchiorre (202) 317 [EPAHQOW20140461; FRL993057
Visit the Commission Web site at 4643 (not a toll-free number). OW]
http://www.ftc.gov to read this Notice SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Revised Interpretation of Clean Water
and the news release describing it. The Act Tribal Provision
FTC Act and other laws that the Background
Commission administers permit the The notice of proposed rulemaking AGENCY: Environmental Protection
collection of public comments to that is subject of this document is under Agency (EPA).
consider and use in this proceeding as section 529A of the Internal Revenue ACTION: Proposed interpretive rule;
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