Lab 5
Lab 5
Lab 5
Task 5. 1:
What are photo resistors? Explain Working.
Task 5.2:
Write at least five applications of photo resistors.
Task 5. 3:
Construct a circuit (whether on Bread board or Vero board.)
Use a Light-dependent resistor to control a LED.
Make use of comparator IC e.g. LM 311
Set V- using potentiometer
Connect V+ with LDR
Instrumentation Characteristic curve of photo resistor
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering
Task 5.5:
Write a one page description about the circuit you made.
Instrumentation Characteristic curve of photo resistor
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering
In Lab 05
To plot the characteristic curve of a photo resistor by varying levels of illumination.
o Module Holder
o Connecting wires
o DIN Cable
Light Transducer:
Transducers are devices that convert energy from one form to another. Here we use this term to
define those devices that transform physical quantity into an electrical one.
Light transducers are devices that transform the light radiation into an electrical quantity (resistance,
current), where light radiation may be de fined as that region of the electro magnetic spectrum that
includes the infrared, visible and ultraviolet components. A part of the light radiations can be
detected by the human eye and is defined as visible radiation or light.
Transducer Electrical
Instrumentation Characteristic curve of photo resistor
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering
Interacting with a substance, the light radiation produces different effects. Among which, there is the
Photoelectric Effect which consists of the liberation of electrons by electro-magnetic radiation
incident on a metal surface and in case of semi-conductors, in the generation of electron hole pairs.
The first phenomenon is called photoemission and is applied to phototubes, photomultipliers etc. The
second phenomenon, i.e. photoelectric effect on semi-conductors can be further divided into two:
Devices belonging to the first category are called photoresistors, while those belonging to the second
are called photodiodes, photoelectric cells and phototransistors.
A photoresistor is a passive semiconductor component without a junction .The resistance illumination
characteristic curve of a photoresistor may be given as:
Instrumentation Characteristic curve of photo resistor
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering
When crossed by al light radiation it varies its resistance as a result of the photoconductive effect. The
resistance drops when the light increases. In dark conditions, the photo resistor practically acts as an
insulting piece, as it has resistance Values measured in M (dark resistance); if strongly illuminated
it has very low Resistance values measured up to some tens of . The material used for a photo
resistor determines the wavelength at which the device presents the maximum sensitivity.
The following materials are used as photo sensible materials: crystals of cadmium sulphide or lead for
sensors within the visible range and crystal of cadmium selenide for sensors in the infrared range
The photoresistor used in unit TY13/EV has the following main characteristics:
Usually the output, electrical quantity of a transducer cannot be directly manipulated, for e.g., the
output voltage range may not be the wished one, the supplied signal power may be too low, the
electrical quantity may not be the one requested and so on. For these reasons, the transducer is never
supplied alone but with a signal conditioner. The signal conditioner is an instrument converting an
electrical quantity into another electrical one that is more suitable to the specific application.
1. Connect jumper 2 to 11 as shown in the figure and connect module G13 to unit
2. Set the switch of the Photoresistor Conditioner block to position A so as to isolate the
photoresistor from the circuit and measure its resistance (With switch I 1 in the position A, the
transducer is disconnected from the rest of the circuit so that it can be analyzed without the influence
of the other components.)
3. Set the multimeter to measure the resistance and connect it between ter minals 16
and 17.
5. Set the lamp to the maxi mum distance with the slide.
6. Set the potentiometer of the SET-POINT block to the maximum value (300 Lux).
7. Move the la mp near the light transducers with the slide in correspondence to the divisions shown
on the panel of unit TY13/EV, read the resistance value indicated by the multimeter and report them
in table (column OHM).
8. Plot a graph with illumination on the x-axis and resistance on the y- axis anddraw the points
detected. The characteristic curve of the transducer is obtained by joining these points.
9. Remove the multimeter form ter minals 16 and 17 and set the switch of the Photoresistor
Conditioner block to B. Now insert the multimeter , selected as volt meter for DC voltage, between
ter minal 18 and ground.
10. Repeat all the last measure ments: in this case measure the response of the transducer together
with the signal conditioner.
11. Plot a graph with illumination on the x-ax is and voltage on the y-axis and draw the points
Instrumentation Characteristic curve of photo resistor
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering
12. The characteristic curve of the transducer together with its signal conditioner is obtained by
joining these points.
1 57
2 68
3 83
4 104
5 133
6 177
7 248
8 370
9 612
10 1200
Table 1
The post lab report consists of a written report to be submitted by all students in the week after the lab
is completed and will be returned in the next lab. Late submissions are not allowed.
1. Introduction
Summarize the whole Lab topic briefly including the equipment, software or system used in Lab.
2. Procedure:
Design of experiment
A paragraph regarding the procedures which will be implemented to fulfill the stated aims
Schematic diagram
The circuit or system should be clearly displayed using the simulation software, the pre-lab
(software) and laboratory (experimental) results.
Any data tables/ graphs should be with an explanation of the table/ graph. The graphs must have
their axes labeled. (Use Multisim for plots and Microsoft Word or Excel for tables)
4. Conclusions:
2) Font size for main text body=12, times new roman, line spacing 1.5, Subheadings Font size=14,
Main heading font size=16
Instrumentation Characteristic curve of photo resistor
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering
4) Figure captions should be left aligned, Figures should be center aligned, and Figure captions
are below the figure. Captions are to be numbered like Fig 1, Fig 2, etc.
5) Table captions should be center aligned, Tables should be center aligned, and Table captions
are above the table. Captions are to be numbered like Table 1, Table 2, etc.
7) Equations must be numbered like (Eq 1). Numbering should be right intended, whereas the
equation is center aligned.
8) The tables, figures and equations must be referred in text. (As Fig 1 suggests. or The
results in Table 2 indicate that...)
9) All reports must include Title page, Table of contents, List of figures, List of tables, and
References. Reference numbers must be indicated throughout the report in square brackets.
Table of Contents
List of Figures .............i
List of Tables ..i
Introduction .ii
Procedure ..iii
Results and Analysis...v
Conclusions ..vii
Instrumentation Characteristic curve of photo resistor
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering