In recent years domestic natural gas has experienced a considerable growth in demand
particularly in the power generation industry. However, the desire for energy security, lower
fuel costs and a reduction in carbon emissions has produced an increase in demand for
alternative fuel sources. Current strategies for reducing the environmental impact of natural gas
combustion in gas turbine engines used for power generation experience such hurdles as
flashback, lean blow-off and combustion dynamics. These issues will continue as turbines are
presented with coal syngas, gasified coal, biomass, LNG and high hydrogen content fuels. As it
may be impractical to physically test a given turbine on all of the possible fuel blends it may
experience over its life cycle, the need to predict fuel interchangeability becomes imperative.
This study considers a number of historical parameters typically used to determine fuel
interchangeability. Also addressed is the need for improved reaction mechanisms capable of
accurately modeling the combustion of natural gas alternatives.
Modern, low-emission gas turbines that utilize lean, pre-mixed (LPM) combustion are tuned
to maintain cool flame conditions that avoid the formation of NOx pollutants. Gas turbine
engines utilizing this technology have shown the ability to produce single digit NOx emissions1,2.
However, changes within the combustion system have resulted in LPM combustors being more
susceptible to undesirable combustion phenomena such as lean blow-out, flashback and
combustion instabilities. These conditions are exacerbated further by the effects of fuel
Domestic natural gas supplies are typically composed of greater than 90% methane with
small amounts of heavier hydrocarbons (ethane and propane) and inerts such as nitrogen, carbon
dioxide and water vapor3. Growing economic and environmental pressures have increased
interest in the use of alternative to what we know as typical pipeline gas, including coal derived
syngas, landfill and biomass gases, imported liquefied natural gas (LNG) and hydrogen
augmented fuels (Table 1). Although syngas compositions can vary considerably, these fuels are
primarily H2 and CO, with smaller amounts of CH4, N2, H2O and CO24. Landfill gases are
characterized by lower heating values primarily due to CO2 which can be as high as 40% by
volume with the remainder being mostly CH4 and a balance of N25. The cryogenic processes
used to produce liquefied natural gas (LNG) often results in reduced levels of inerts producing
fuels with greater levels of heavier hydrocarbons, thus higher heating values (HHV). Inerts such
as nitrogen and air can be blended with hotter fuels to reduce the heat values. Given the wide
range of compositions these fuels present there is expected to be an influence on combustion.
Landfill Coal
NG Gas Syngas LNG
CH4 (%) 92.0 54.5 0.9 89.8
C2H6 (%) 3.6 - 7.5
C3H8 (%) 0.8 - 2.0
C4+ (%) 1.5 - 0.7
H2 (%) - - 45.0 -
CO (%) - - 49.0 -
CO2 (%) - 37.5 2.9 -
N2 (%) 1.8 7.0 2.2 0.2
O2 (%) - 1.0 -
Wobbe Index
(BTU/scf) 1367 639 450 1415
A number of studies have been published regarding the effects of fuel composition and
ambient conditions on gas turbine operation6. Recent studies of Flores et al7 and Hack8
demonstrated an increase in NOx emissions in a micro-turbine when heavier-hydrocarbons
(C2+) were added to conventional pipeline gas in significant quantities. Lieuwen et al9 and
Zhang et al10 considered how syngas mixtures, rich in hydrogen and carbon monoxide may
influence the operability of premixed combustors. Particular emphasis was given to
phenomenon such as flashback, lean blowoff and combustion instabilities which have shown
some sensitivity to fuel composition. Noble3 suggested the use of a classical Damkohler number
scaling to predict the onset of lean blowoff.
It should not be suggested that engines cannot be adjusted or tailored to operate on
widely different fuel composition. Kurz2 notes that some engines may allow as much as a 10%
variation in fuel heating value, while others can accommodate less than 2-3%. Although engines
may be adjusted/designed for different fuels, a key question is whether engines that have been
designed to meet emissions standards on domestic natural gas can accommodate sudden changes
in fuel composition, without causing machine upsets, excess emissions, or component damage.
Fuel interchangeability is often used to describe the ability of substituting one gaseous
fuel for another in a combustion application without significantly altering operation and
performance4. Issues of fuel interchangeability have been a concern from almost the start of the
industrial age as town began switching from manufactured or city to a distributed pipeline
natural gas in the 1930s11,12. Concerns regarding the effect a substitute gas may have on
combustion and burner operation lead to the creation of a number of parameters in an attempt to
predict the outcome. These parameters could be classified as either single index or multiple
indices methods. Single index parameters focused on relating the energy content of the fuels in
question, while the multiple indices attempted to predict some elements of the combustion
behavior13. Both single and multiple indices were derived from empirical data obtained from
thousands of test performed on a range of burner12. During the period in which these parameters
were derived, the primary end-use for the gas supply was industrial or residential burners
operating at atmospheric conditions. Primary concerns for fuel interchangeability at this time
were to ensure a consistent heat input, and predict flame lifting or blow-off, flashback, yellow
tipping, sooting and carbon monoxide emissions related to incomplete combustion. Today, only
industrial use (33%) outweighs power generation (31%) in terms natural gas consumption with
residential usage at 21% of the total14.
As the currently available interchangeability factors were derived from atmospheric
burners, there is some concern as to their applicability for gas turbine engines used for power
generation. As previously stated, next generation turbines must meet ever increasing NOx
emissions standards regardless of the fuel being consumed. Although there have been some
recent attempts in predicting the effects of increasing the concentration of heavier hydrocarbons
in the fuel on NOx emissions8, none of the historic parameters address this concern.
Furthermore, turbines that utilize LPM technology to meet NOx emissions tend to be more
susceptible to lean blow-off, flashback and combustion dynamics. Interchangeabilities factors
such as Wobbe number, which is still commonly used today, do not specifically address
combustion related phenomena, and while factors do exist for flashback and blow-off, their
applicability for pressurized gas turbine combustion is unclear. To address the need for the
prediction of fuel gas interchangeability in modern high pressure gas turbine engines, the Natural
Gas Council convened the NGC+ task group in 2005. This group produced a series of interim
guidelines which were published in the NGC+ white paper15 that applied strict limitation on
Wobbe number, fuel heating value and inert gas concentration.
This paper provides a brief evaluation of the use of existing interchangeability prediction
methods for use in fuel flexible gas turbine applications. A basic review of several of these
common indices is provided along with some discussions with regards to current
recommendations. A brief experimental analysis on the use of these parameters to predict
changes in the onset of combustion dynamics is presented. Followed by conclusions and some
discussion on the use of modern computational tools to better predict fuel interchangeability.
Interchangeability Models
In response to the growing concerns over fuel interchangeability the Natural Gas Council
formed the NGC+ Work Group on Interchangeability. The result of their work was published in
a white paper with the objective of defining an acceptable range of fuel gas characteristics15.
Based on their findings a series of interim guidelines, shown graphically in Figure 1, were
obtained. These guidelines suggested a range of +/- 4% from the local historical average gas,
subject to a maximum Wobbe number of 1400 and a maximum heating value of 1100 BTU/ft3.
Additionally fuel compositions limits were placed on butanes, with a maximum of 1.5% by
volume, and inerts which were limited to 4% by volume. These guidelines are demonstrated in
Figure 1 plotting the higher heating value (HHV) versus the specific gravity based on the US
Average Wobbe value of 1345 reported in the 1992 Gas Research Institute (GRI) survey. This
results in +/-4% Wobbe values of 1400 and 1291, respectively. Trend lines end at the
recommended maximum HHV of 1100 BTU/ft3. Fuels described in Table 1 are also shown for
reference with an additional blend of pipeline NG (Wobbe = 1367), typical LNG import blend
(Wobbe = 1415) and the same LNG import blended with the recommended maximum of 4%
inert nitrogen (Wobbe = 1347) and blended with 1.5% nitrogen to reach the recommended HHV
maximum of 1100 BTU/ft3 (Wobbe = 1392).
Although these guidelines are based largely on Wobbe number, there is some concern as to
its applicability to predict performance important to todays combustion equipment, particularly
gas turbine engines. This point was also address by the NGC+ work group suggesting that while
gas interchangeability indices, such as Wobbe number, represent the best starting point for
developing guidelines there are some significant limitations to the relying solely on Wobbe
number and additional specifications may be necessary.
Work in the area of fuel effects on specific combustion phenomena important to gas turbine
combustion, such as combustion dynamics, flashback, lean blow-off and NOx emissions
continues as evident by recent works by Hack et al8 and Lieuwen et al9. These works address the
issue of fuel flexibility and interchangeability, and attempt to provide predictive tools for NOx
emissions based on the content of C1, C2 and C3 hydrocarbons in the fuel8 or utilizing the
Damkhler number (ratio of residence time to chemical time scale) to predict lean blow-out3.
However, while the research community pursues much needed updated parameters, gas suppliers
and end-users continue to utilize historical interchangeability parameters as a means of
qualifying a particular fuel blend. To this end, the remaining of this paper reviews several
historical single index parameters and there applicability to modern LPM gas turbine engines.
Higher Heating Value - HHV (BTU/scf)
LNG Import
LNG +1.5%N2
Pipeline NG
Wobbe = 1291
Wobbe = 1400
LNG +4%N2
Figure 1: US Average Natural Gas supply with NGC+ Work Group Interim
Interchangeability Factors
Wobbe Index
The Wobbe index is a single index parameter that by itself is a measure of the heat input of a
fuel to a given burner design and is defined by the following equation
Wobbe = (1.1)
where HHV is the higher heat value given in BTU/ft3 or MJ/m3, and SG is the specific gravity of
the gaseous fuel. The use of the specific gravity allows for the generalization of a range of fuels
to a specific burner give a constant pressure drop and fixed orifice size in the fuel injector. As
gas appliances are designed for a given thermal input, the Wobbe number provides a sufficient
measure for this application. However it is not intended to be a measure of overall
interchangeability. This may be even more significant for gas turbine engines as they are
typically controlled for turbine inlet temperature and Wobbe index is not a good indicator of
flame temperature.
Schuster Index
The Schuster index represents an early attempt to measure the effects of varying fuel
composition on combustion and not limited to just the thermal input of the fuel16. The Schuster
index is a ratio of the heat input of the fuel, as measured by the Wobbe index, to the rate of heat
production or burning velocity (Su)
Sc = (1.2)
The use of this parameter has been limited, due in part to the lack of availability of
reliable flame speeds at the time of its derivation. Since that time reliable experimental data has
been obtained for many individual constituents such as methane, ethane, propane, etc. As
conventional pipeline natural gas has been an area of interest and relatively constant for some
time, kinetic mechanisms obtained in part from empirical results of the flame speed data of the
individual constituents have shown to be accurate. Flame speeds measurements for alternative
fuels such as coal derived syngas, landfill gases and imported LNG have not experienced the
same level of evaluation. Although flame speed data is readily available for the individual
constituents that make up these fuels, derivation of the kinetic mechanisms is not trivial.
Lieuwen et al9 discussed the difficulty in dealing with fuel mixtures as opposed to individual
constituents due to differences in transport and thermodynamic properties of the mixtures.
However, accurate kinetic mechanisms are becoming available17 and thus the Schuster Index
may prove to be a more comprehensive single index parameter.
Weaver Indices
The Weaver indices is a set of multiple indices that include lifting, flashback and yellow tipping
and additional parameters for heat input ratios, primary air ratios and incomplete combustion
(CO). Through these indices, Weaver11,16 attempted to reliably predict interchangeability for
high-BTU gases, while maintaining reasonable accuracy for low-BTU gas. Similar to the
Schuster Index, the foundation of the Weavers empirically derived indices is the inclusion of a
flame speed parameter. The Weaver indices for primary air ratios, lifting, flashback and the
Weaver Flame Speed Factor are given below, where A is the stoichiometric air, Q is the molar
fraction of oxygen in the mixture, ai is the molar fraction of combustible component i, Bi is the
empirically derived Weaver flame speed coefficient, and Z is the molar fraction of inerts in the
gas mixture. The subscript a indicates the primary or adjustment gas while terms without
the subscript are for the substitute gas. Fuel interchangeability is predicted based on the limits
that give a relative correlation of the Substitute fuel to the adjustment gas.
Given the progress made in flame speed measurements since the derivation of these indices
in 1951, replacing the Flame Speed Factor with predicted flame speeds based on current kinetic
models may improve the usefulness of these parameters.
A Sa 2
Primary Aeration Index: J A = Limit: 0.8 - 1.2
Aa S
S 100 Q
Lifting Index: JL = JA Limit: 0.64
Sa 100 Qa
Flashback Index: JF = 1.4 J A + 0.4 Limit: 0.26 (1.3)
Experimental Analysis
The lab-scale burner is a ring-stabilized premixed burner that is inserted into a quartz-tube.
The quartz (Rijke) tube has an 8.0 cm diameter and an 80 cm length (see Fig. 2). This Rijke tube
arrangement produces acoustic feedback that interacts with the heat-release rate in the flame to
drive combustion instabilities14. This burner arrangement
has been described in previous work15. The burner nozzle
is a stainless steel tube with an inside diameter of 2.18cm
and a wall thickness of 1.8 mm. The premixing tube and
ring stabilizer are positioned 20 cm (L) into the quartz
main body in order to produce peak resonance. The flame Quartz Main
is anchored on a ring (2.0 cm OD x 1.8 cm ID) located at Ring
the top of the nozzle. Stabilizer
The lab-scale burner was operated on seven test fuels composed of various combinations of
methane, propane and nitrogen as shown in Table 2. The average nozzle exit velocity was
maintained at 1.5 m/sec while the flame equivalence ratio was varied from approximately = 0.6
1.3. In addition to composition, Table 2 also provides the calculated Wobbe Index (BTU/ft3)
for each of the fuels. Fuel A, which consisted of 100% CH4, was used as the reference fuel and
the percentage variation of each fuel Wobbe Index from the reference is shown in the bottom of
the table. Various amounts of propane and nitrogen are blended with methane to form fuels B -
Fuels B and F contain relatively large quantities of propane with 25% and 100% respectively,
resulting in fuels with much higher heating values and thus higher Wobbe Indices (14% and 50%
higher, respectively). Although not representative of typical natural gas, LNG, syngas or landfill
gases they do provide an extreme boundary in which to evaluate the effects of fuel variability on
combustion instabilities. Fuel D and E provide a more realistic fuel blend similar to what is
commonly found in natural gas, or LNG supplies. Note that Fuel C, E and G are the same
quantities of methane and propane as Fuels B, D and F respectively, only with nitrogen added to
reduce the Wobbe Index back to the level of reference Fuel A. These diluted fuels now have
Wobbe Indices well within the +/- 4% variation that is commonly observed in pipeline supply4.
Table 3 is a list of the Wobbe and Schuster indices for each fuel along with the percent
difference from the baseline fuel, Fuel A. Flame speed measurements used for the Schuster
index were obtained from Cantera18 using the C3 mechanism from Qin et al17.
Dynamic combustion instabilities are a continual concern for gas turbine systems utilizing
lean pre-mixed combustion. Strong dynamics can produce pressure oscillations as much as 10%
of the operating pressure. RMS pressure levels within the burner provide a means of
characterizing the magnitude of the dynamic, or unstable, response of the burner to changes in
fuel composition. The base case represents the observed response with 100% methane fuel, Fuel
A. The other cases shown represent fuel blends with various levels of methane, propane and
nitrogen. Again, note that although Fuels C, E and G have different fuel compositions, the
Wobbe Index for each of these cases was made to match the baseline case (Wobbe 1360) in
order to evaluate the ability of nitrogen dilution and Wobbe index matching on predicting the
dynamic response of the burner. Fig 6 is a plot of the RMS pressure levels normalized to the
maximum response of the burner on Fuel A as a function of equivalence ratio. A particular
finding shown here is that for the baseline fuel (Fuel A) and Fuels D and E there is virtually no
difference in the measured RMS pressure over the operating range investigated although there
was a difference in the Wobbe number (6% for Fuel D). As the propane percentage is increased
to 25% (Fuel B) there is a noticeable increase in the magnitude of the dynamic response. Further
increasing the propane concentration to 100% (Fuel F) resulted in a continual increase in the
magnitude of the dynamic response.
Of special interest are the measured response of Fuels C and G. These fuels were blended
with high concentrations of propane and then diluted with nitrogen to reduce the Wobbe index to
match Fuel A (WI = 1360). Results shown in Fig 6 indicate that although the Wobbe Index
matched that of Fuel A, the dynamic response was essentially unchanged from its non-diluted
fuel (Fuels B and F).
Fuel A
Fuel B
1.2 Fuel C
Fuel D
Fuel E
Fuel F
Fuel G
0.55 0.75 0.95 1.15 1.35
Figure 3: Dynamic response plotted as a function of equivalence ratio for varying fuel compositions.
Results from fuels C and G in which inerts were added in order to reduce the Wobbe seem to
suggest that the Wobbe index is not sufficient at predicting a change in the dynamic response
given a change in fuel composition. A similar finding is obtained for the Schuster Index. Fuels
B, C, F and G had a similar response but significantly varied from that of Fuel A, while Fuels D
and E had a very similar response as Fuel A. However, both fuels C and G had a Schuster Index
closer to that of Fuel A. This would suggest a lack of correlation between the flame speed and
the dynamic response although chemical time scales are an important mechanism in
understanding combustion instabilities.
Figure 4 is a plot of the RMS pressure levels normalized to the maximum response of the
burner on Fuel A (Tf = 2241 K) as a function of the theoretical adiabatic flame temperature. This
plot would appear to suggest that the dynamic response of the burner was less affected by the
actual fuel composition and more dependent upon the resultant flame temperature. Similar to
Figure 3, there is very little difference in the dynamic response between fuels A, D and E
although there was a difference in the Wobbe number (6% for Fuel D). As the propane
percentage is increased to 25% (Fuel B) there is a noticeable increase in the magnitude of the
dynamic response even at the same flame temperature. Further increasing the propane
concentration to 100% (Fuel F) resulted in a continual increase in the magnitude of the dynamic
response. This may suggest that changes in the chemical time scales alter the phase angle
difference as to better align the heat release and acoustic pressure perturbations thus acting to
increase the overall gain of the system. Although there appears to be a fairly good correlation of
flame temperature with dynamic response, none of the commonly reported interchangeability
factors include a component to account for flame temperature.
Fuel A
Fuel B
Normalized RMS Pressure
reduce Wobbe
Nitrogen dilution to
Fuel C
1 Fuel D
0.75 Fuel E
Fuel F
Fuel G
1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300
Adiabatic Flame Temp (K)
Figure 4: Dynamic response of the lab-scale burner as a function of the adiabatic flame temperature
normalized to the maximum dynamic response of the burner on Fuel A
As interests in the use of alternatives to domestic natural gas, such as coal derived syngas,
landfill gases and imported LNG, continues to increase, so will the need for predicting the
interchangeability of these fuels. This is especially true in LPM gas turbine engines that are
susceptible to lean blow-off, flashback and combustion instabilities. Current trends in industry
are to utilize single or multiple index parameters to predict how changes in fuel composition may
affect burner operation. However, these parameters were derived empirically from tests
conducted on atmospheric burners and may not be applicable to high pressure turbine
While not fully detailed in this report, much of the emphasis today is on the development of
computational models as opposed to simple parameters. These models take into account the
complex thermodynamic and transport interactions of the gas mixtures. And by reducing these
mechanisms to the most important parameters, it may be possible to incorporate their use in
high-speed control systems to account for real-time changes in the fuel supply.
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