SBCA Byelaws For Karachi Updated 2015
SBCA Byelaws For Karachi Updated 2015
SBCA Byelaws For Karachi Updated 2015
1-5. These Regulations shall supersede the Karachi Building & Town
Planning Regulations 1979 & the Karachi Building Control
Licensing Regulations 1982. , 2
Notwithstanding the replacement of the Karachi Building & Town
Planning Regulations-1979 by these Regulations as noted in Clause-(1-
1.1) above hereinafter referred to as the said Regulations and Rules, any
instruction issued, action taken, funds created or established,
departmental inquires and proceedings initiated under the said
Regulations and rules and in force immediately before commencement of
these Regulations (Karachi Building & Town Planning Regulations-2002)
shall be deemed to have been passed issued, established, initiated or
made in these Regulations (Karachi Building &Town Planning
Regulations-2002), as if these regulations were in force at the time of
which such orders were passed, instructions issued, and made and shall
continue to have effect accordingly.
Note: Through out the regulations, for the words and bracket, City District
Karachi and the words and brackets Master Plan & Environmental
Control Department (MP&ECD) the words and brackets City District
Government Karachi (CDGK) and the words and brackets Master Plan
Group of Offices (MPGO) shall respectively be substituted.
Subject to the provisions of Chapter 1 of the Regulations, the following public agencies
are designated as Concerned Authorities for the respective areas and purposes here
7 Sindh Katchi Abadies Authority All areas within its jurisdiction other than
those under the jurisdiction of other public
agencies listed here.
2-1. In the Regulations hereinafter contained, the following terms and
expressions shall have the meanings hereinafter respectively assigned to
them, unless such meaning be repugnant to or inconsistent with the
context or subject matter in which such words or expressions occur:
2-1.1. Words imparting the singular number shall include the plural;
2-1.2. Words imparting the plural shall include the singular; and
2-1.3. Words imparting the masculine gender shall include feminine
gender as well.
2-5. "Alteration" means any change brought about, after the approval of
Building plan without affecting or violating any provision of these
2-7. Amenity Plot means a plot allocated exclusively for the purpose of
amenity uses as define in Chapter 19 of these Regulations, such as
Government uses in 19-2.2.1, Health and Welfare uses in 19-2.2.2,
Education uses in 19-2.2.3, Assembly Uses in 19-2.2.4, Religious
uses in 19-2.2.5, Parks and Play grounds in 19-2.2.7, Burial grounds
in 19-2.2.8, Transportation right-of-way in 19-2.2.9, Parking in
19-2.2.10 and Recreational Areas in 19-2.2.12.
2-10. Apartment Building means a building having more than one storey
and containing more than two apartments sharing common staircase,
or access space.
2-20. Bath Room means a room containing a water tap/wash basin and a
shower or a bathtub or a bath tray, and may with or without a W.C.
2-21. Building Line means a line upto which any part of a building from
its lowest level, including any and all foundations, or other structure,
abutting on a public street or a road planned future public street, may
extend, provided always that such line is within the property line of
such building or cut line as provided in these Regulation of such plots.
2-22. Building Designer means a person who had been granted license
to act as such under Karachi Building Control Licensing Regulations
2-25. B.S.S. mean the latest applicable published edition of the relevant
British Standard Specifications.
2-27. Carpet Area means the net floor area within a rent-able/saleable
unit excluding the area of peripheral walls but including the area of
internal walls and columns.
2-28. Car Porch means a shelter or a shed for a car which is permanently
open on at least two sides.
2-32. Clinical Buildings means the buildings specified for health and
welfare uses as defined in sub-clause 19-2.2.2.
2-39. COS Compulsory Open Space means that part of a plot which is
to be left completely open to sky, over which no structure or any
integral part of the building shall be permitted except two way upward
ramp from the front side of building, from side and rear in case road
40 feet wide or more is available (drive way or any projection of
parking floor shall not be allowed in COS), permissible projections,
basement including ramp, open emergency stair, steps, septic under
ground tanks, soakpits, water reservoirs and lines for sewage, water,
electricity, gas, telephone etc., or those structures required by civic
agencies such as electric sub-station permitted elsewhere in these
Regulations. (,2, , 2)
2-40. Corner Plot means a plot situated at the intersection of two or more
2-41. Cottage Industry includes small and medium size repair shops,
handicrafts, and small scale inoffensive non hazardous and non
obnoxious production and manufacturing units in areas, specified for
such uses.
2-47. Development Plan means the plan meant for the development of
Karachi currently adopted by the Master Plan Group of Offices
(MPGO) and concerned agencies notified by the Statutory Authority or
as revised from time to time.
2-52. Fire Escape means an exit from a building, for use in the event of
2-55. Floor Area means horizontal area of floor in a building covered with
roof, whether or not enclosed by walls but excluding ancillary covered
spaces and projection allowed under these Regulations.
2-56. Floor Area Ratio means the total floor area of a building divided by
the area of the plot.
2-57. Footprint means the portion of a plot of land covered, at any level,
by a building or part thereof other than basement and ramp upward /
downward for parking.
2-59. Ground Floor Means the floor of any structure built just above the
plinth level.
2-61. Head Room means the clear vertical distance measured between
the finished lower level and the underside of lowest obstruction such
as ceiling or rafter, whichever is lower.
2-69. Land includes the earth, water and air, above, below or on the
surface, and anything attached to the earth, and has the meaning
assigned to it under Clause(a) of Section 3 of the Land Acquisition
Act, 1984.
2-70. Land Development has the meaning assigned under clause 3-3.1.
2-71. Land use Plan means a land use plan, referred to in Appendix A,
heretofore or hereafter approved by, or on behalf of, MP&ECD for a
specified existing or new community or a major area thereof, which
may include area standards or other provisions relating to:-
2-71.1. the precise location and characteristics of road, other rights of
way, and utilities;
2-71.2. the dimensions and grading of plots and the dimensions and
siting of structures;
2-71.3. the precise location and characteristics of permissible types of
development; and
2-73. Licensee means an individual/s or firm who has been duly licensed
by the Authority.
2-77. Master Plan means a Development Plan for an area providing short
terms and long terms policy guideline for a systematic and controlled
growth in future.
2-79. Medical Waste means such waste or item which can, or is likely to,
cause infection, and without prejudice to the generality above,
includes needles, operating theatre material, surgical gloves,
bandages, blood, bones and flesh etc.
2-84. Open Staircase means a staircase at least two sides of which are
open, except for a guard rail or wall of a maximum nominal height of
4ft.(1.2m), and which has no roof.
2-93. Plinth means the height of the finished floor level of the ground
floor, measured from the top of the finished surface of the road
serving the plot, taken from the centre of the property line of the plot
along the road. In case of more than one road serving the plot, the
plinth will be measured from the road providing principal access at the
higher level. The height of the plinth shall be limited to 4-6, except on
plots where the natural contours are more than 4-6 over at least 40%
of the plot area as measured from the point at the centre of the
property line of the road adjacent to it.
2-100. Property line for the purposes of these Regulations means that
part of plot boundary which separates private property from the public
property or a private property from another private property.
2-103. Public Use Building" means a building designed for public use and
includes a dispensary, post office, police station, tonga stand and
transport stand, town hall, public library, cultural centre, cinema and
such other buildings which are meant for public use facilities.
2-105. Public Sale Project means a project designed with the intention of
transferring to the public on ownership basis by way of public sale and
for which Sale NOC is obtained from the Authority.
2-112. Scrutiny Fee means a fee to be determined and levied as per the
provision of the Ordinance, as amended from time to time.
2-114. Shop includes any room or part of a building used, wholly or mainly,
for the purpose of trade or business but shall not be used for any
activity as may cause noise and nuisance in the neighbourhood.
2-115. Sub-Division means the division of land held under the same
ownership in to two or more plots.
2-120. Toilet means a space for personal ablution which includes at least
one urinal and/or W.C. (water closet).
2-121. Total Floor Area means the sum of floor areas of all the floors of all
the buildings on a plot, less exemption as permitted in these
3-1.1. Public Notice
3-1.1.1. Public notice, whenever required under these Regulations, shall
be given in the following manner:
3-1.1.2. The notice shall state the place at which, and the officers with
whom replies/objections may be filed within a specified time.
3-1.2.2. If the person responsible for the violation has not taken the
corrective action directed by such Authority within the time
specified provided that the Authority has given such person
an opportunity to be heard on the matter.
* Architect and Structural Engineer are both required for residential bungalows on more than
400Sq.yds.(336Sq.m) plots.
3-Permits & Procedures
**Structure vetting by a Proof Engineer is required for all buildings of category III & IV having a
height of more than ground plus four floors or 50 ft (15.2m) and / or total floor area more than
1,00,000 Sq.ft (9,293.6 Sq.m), for category II buildings having more than ground plus two floors
near coastal area and for structures of special nature and unusual designs, such as shells and
folded plate systems, water towers and stack like structure apart from category III & IV buildings.
However structure of all other buildings of Category III & IV shall be scrutinized by the department.
3-2.2.2. In case of form (ZP-1) for proposed plan, initially three sets
and finally Six sets of drawings for category I & II of buildings
at the time of submission, duly signed by the owner and duly
signed and stamped by the relevant Professional. The
drawings, shall show Plans, Sections and Elevations together
with other necessary details pertaining to RCC elements,
joinery work and covered area etc. of every floor, including
basement, of the building intended to be erected, along-with
a block plan of the site, drawn to a scale of not less then
1:500 (1=40), showing the position of proposed building
and existing building if any; the width and levels if necessary,
of the streets on which the plot abuts: and the survey number
or the numbers of the adjoining plot or plots, if any, together
with the cardinal points; which shall be drawn to a scale of
not less than 1:100 (1=8). If the building is so extensive
as to make a smaller scale necessary, it may be drawn to
a smaller scale but not less than 1:200 (1=16). Such plans
and sections shall show the purpose for which the building
or parts thereof are intended to be used; the access to
and from the several parts of the building; the position,
3-Permits & Procedures
under E&D rules if the case is not finalised within the period
specified above.
c) In case the formalities noted in (a) & (b) are fulfilled by the
applicant, the occupancy certificate may be issued by the
Authority within 30 days of submission of completion plan
with application.
3-2.15.2. In case building work is completed in all respect but the utility
services are not provided by the utility agencies despite the
payment of estimate by the developer / owner in public sale
buildings / projects, in such cases the completion plan /
provisional occupancy certificate shall be issued on the basis
of provision of services as provided in clause 5-1.20.2 of
these Regulations.
3-2.19. Insurance
Contractor/Builder/Developers/owner will cover all the damage to life
and property including third parties by Contractors All Risk Insurance
(c) require the said person on such day at such time and
place as shall be specified in such notice to attend
personally or through an agent duly authorized by him
and show sufficient cause why such building works or part
thereof should not be removed or altered.
(a) require the person who has carried out the works against
the provisions of these regulations or any other statute, to
demolish the whole building or part thereof;
(b) to alter the works so as to bring it into conformity with these
(c) Regularize the violations in the existing structure after
realization of regularization fee as per Table I & II, depends
on the nature and merits of the case, provided that no
violation shall be regularized :
(vii) If the building work extends beyond the property limits except
otherwise provided in provision No. 9-5 KB&TPR-2002;
(viii) If the building work or part thereof violated fire or any other safety
(ix) For any other violation of the Master plan not falling in the above
(xi) Where approved passage and stairs have been altered or misuse
for other purpose until such space is restored to its original
purpose as per approved plan.
(xii) Where approved air raid shelter has been or misuse for other
purpose until such space is restored to its original purpose as per
approved plan. Furthermore owner/builder shall hand over the
possession of the air raid shelter to association of flats/units
(d) The building which has already been considered / approved for
Regularization / Revision / Addition Alteration under the KB & TP
Regulations 1979 shall not be further considered for regularization
/ addition / alteration / revision / extra floors on the existing building
as per KB&TPRegulations-2002. except residential bungalow upto
399 Sq. Yds. subject to stability certificate duly signed by Licensed
Structural Engineer and for amenity plots subject to stability
certificate by a Licensed Structural Engineer duly endorsed by a
A category Proof Engineer. However, other than above
categories, the plan approved under regulations 1979 shall only be
considered under the same regulations viz.1979.
(f) In case a builder absconds, the Authority shall black list the said
builder and shall initiate prosecution proceeding.
3-Permits & Procedures
(g) This Section shall remain in force for a period of two years from
the date of commencement of the Notification and thereafter the
same shall seize to exist but Section 3-2.20 shall remain in
3-3.1.2. The following activities or uses shall be taken for the purposes of
these Regulations to involve land development as defined herein
unless expressly excluded by these Regulations:
3-3.5.2. The Concerned Authority shall refer to MPGO, for its decision,
all applications for a Special Development Permit, except as
otherwise provided in these Regulations.
3-Permits & Procedures
3-3.6.5. MPGO shall give along with its decision on the application, a
statement of its planning position, which shall:
3-3.9.4. If MPGO or the Concerned Authority, as the case may be, denies
the application or grants permission subject to conditions, it shall
state the reasons for the denial or conditions.
3A-1. MPGO and CDGK shall charge such fee for the scrutiny of town
planning projects/development permits and other matters as may from
time to time be determined by the CDGK.
1. The Authority shall charge for the scrutiny of building plans and other
matters during the disposal of the plan or in phase of its construction a fee
to be known as Scrutiny fee.
2. For the purpose of scrutiny fees, Total Floor Area shall include all
exempted areas excepting voids.
4. The Authority shall charge no Scrutiny fee in respect of plans for building to
be used exclusively for places of religious worship, public sector buildings,
educational/vocational buildings for handicapped persons and building for
registered charities.
5. The cost of various forms shall be determined by the Authority from time
to time as per provisions of Ordinance.
8. Scrutiny fee for approval of building plans. 3,
ii) The rate of betterment charges for High Density Zone in Block-1
to 4, Clifton, KDA Scheme-5, Karachi shall only be applied and
levied on enhanced ratio i.e. 1:5.5 to 1:9 at the rate of Rs.50/-
per Sq.ft. 2
Under Section 19(1-C) of SBCO 1979
If the violations / deviations in building works do not exceed beyond 20% of
permissible Floor Area Ratio (FAR), Foot Print (F.P) & Compulsory Open Space
Under Section 19(1-C) of SBCO 1979
* Violation / deviation beyond 20% of permissible FAR, F.P. & C.O.S, shall not
be compoundable under any circumstances.
3-Permits & Procedures
i) Residential / Amenity.
a) Category I & II.
b) Category III & IV Rs.5,000/=
c) Category V & VI.
4. Karachi Port Trust. All built up areas under the 1. Allotment conditions.
jurisdiction of Karachi Port 2. Lease Agreement.
All built up areas under the
5. Pakistan Western jurisdiction of Pakistan 1. Allotment conditions.
Railways Western Railways except 2. Lease Agreement.
those mentioned in
Appendices A to E.
6. Sind Public Works All built up areas under the 1. Allotment conditions
Department jurisdiction of Sind Public 2. Lease Agreement.
Works Department except
those mentioned in
Appendices A to E.
7. Federal Public Works All built up areas under the 1. Allotment conditions.
Department jurisdiction of Federal Public 2. Lease Agreement.
Work Department except
those mentioned in
Appendices A to E.
8. Board of Revenue All built up areas under the 1. Allotment conditions.
jurisdiction of Federal Public 2. Lease Agreement.
Works Department except
those mentioned in
Appendices A to E.
3-Permits & Procedures
Notice relating to Change of Land Use shall conform to the format provided
Change of Land Use of Plot No. _____________ Scheme _______.
4-Licensing / Registration of Professionals
4-1. Qualifications
The following tables list the requisite qualifications for various categories of
Professionals and Firms.
A Registered Structural All Commercial,
Engineer with KBCA, Residential Buildings,
possessing a M.Sc. Hospital & Educational
(Structure) & having 15 Institutions & any other
years of relevant special type of structure.
experience & clearance
of proficiency test.
4-Licensing / Registration of Professionals
Geo Proprietor of the firm should be Soil Recommendation of bearing
Technical Consultant registered with PEC as Geo capacity of soil / and other related
Laboratory Technical Consultant possessing B.E recommendations such as pile load
(Civil) having 15 years or M.Sc. with 10 test & designing of dewatering
years experience in the relevant field. scheme for all types of Building
List of technical staff. Projects and submission of soil
List of all soil Testing equipment report.
Material Fully equipped laboratory having Material testing of all Buildings
Testing technical staff as follows: and Projects.
Laboratory - Registered as Professional
Engineer (Civil) with PEC,
minimum five years experience
in field and technical
paper/article on material /soil
- Material / Soil Engineer (B.E
Civil) registered as professional
Engineer (Civil) with PEC and
with minimum five years of
List of all Material Testing
equipment required.
4-2.3. When an application for the grant of license has been approved by the
Licensing Committee, the applicant will be informed accordingly and
will be required to deposit the license fee (Schedule 4A).
4-3.2. The Committee shall hold its meeting at least every one month or as and
when required.
The quorum of this Committee shall be four out of which two must be
representatives of Professional Bodies.
4-4.2. The Committee shall interview the applicants for grant of license.
4-4.4. The Committee at the time of interview for grant of license shall
inspect the original documents submitted and may:
4-4.6. The Committee shall hear the appeals against the orders of suspension
of license issued by the Chief Controller of Buildings and shall decide
the cases.
4-Licensing / Registration of Professionals
4-7.1. The applicant of a fresh license granted under these Regulations shall
pay the fee as prescribed in Schedule 4A. Any fee paid to the Authority
shall not be refundable.
4-7.2. The application for renewal of license that has been granted under
these Regulations accompanied by such fee as prescribed in
Schedule 4A shall be made to the Authority on prescribed Form.
4-7.3. If the application for renewal of license has not been submitted within
the allowed time, late fee shall be charged in addition to usual fee as
prescribed in Schedule 4A.
4-9.2. The period of limitation for filing such appeal under these regulations
shall be 90 days from the date of receipt of cause for such grievances.
4-10.4. The licensee disturbs, defies or breaks the discipline of any office of
the Authority.
4-10.5. The licensee willfully obstructs the officers of the Authority in carrying
out their duties, fails to provide facilities for inspecting the building/site
and refuses to furnish the required information from time to time.
4-10.7. The licensee willfully misrepresents any fact or makes any false
statement to the Authority or suppresses information of any material fact
relating to the work for which he has been engaged.
4-11.3. In case the license violates the terms and conditions as per these
Regulations for the third time the license shall stand cancelled.
4-11.4. Provided that the Chief Controller of Buildings, KBCA may re-call, alter,
amend his order of cancellation / suspension on sufficient cause shown
by the Licensee within a period of 90 days from the date of cancellation /
suspension of license. 2
4-12.2.4. A nominee (not less then the rank of a professor of relevant field)
from Civil Engineering Department, N.E.D University Engineering &
- Member
4-12.2.8. In addition to the above, the committee may co-opt any member(s).
These fees may be revised subject to the approval of Oversee Committee formed
under Ordinance.
Note: If license/registration was not renewed for three consecutive years then the
license shall be deemed to be cancelled and new application would be
4-Licensing / Registration of Professionals
Note: If license/registration is not renewed for three consecutive years, then it shall
be deemed to be cancelled and new registration / licensing would be required.
b) Renewal Fee.
Note: If license/registration is not renewed for three consecutive years, then the
license shall be deemed to be cancelled and new application would be
5-Public Sale Projects
This price shall be quoted in all the advertisement and promotion literature
published by the Builder, no escalation in the cost shall be allowed except
where inflation (as defined by the Ministry of Finance) is above double
digit for particular year in such case excess over the double digits shall be
the percentage of price increase. In this case the Builder shall simply
inform the Authority along with relevant inflation figure. No escalation shall
be granted to the Builder who has failed to complete the project in time.
5-Public Sale Projects
5-1.6.2. The 1% security deposit will be paid in two (2) equal instalments as
5-1.6.3 Authority shall have the right to utilise the Security Deposit to
remedy any fault/defect in the construction of the building after
receiving complaints / notice and if the Builder fails to rectify the
same by himself or violation of any condition of the NOC granted by
the Authority that come to light at the time of the completion of the
project or in case the builder / developer fails to comply with any of
the following:-
5-1.6.4 Any such defect or violation shall have to be made good by the
Builder at their own cost and risk and the cash security deposit,
shall not absolve the Builder/Developer of his responsibility to the
project as per condition of NOC and the agreement made with the
allottee or as enunciated in clause No.5-1.7.4.
5-1.6.5 This security deposit shall not, in any way, prejudice the Authoritys
rights under these Regulations to initiate any other proceedings or
action in the event of violation of any of these Regulations.
5-1.6.6 The deposit shall be released to the Builder after one year of
obtaining Occupancy Certificate and after handing over
maintenance of project to the Residents Cooperative Society of the
Project duly registered under Sindh Cooperative Societies Act
5-1.12.2. The allottee must complete all documentation for lease and loan
within 120 days of booking as written in the agreement and a
reminder shall be issued by the Builder. The repayment of the
loan instalments shall be made by the allottee/borrower to the
loaning agency as and when it falls due as per rules of the
relevant agency. The allottee/ borrower will abide by the
arrangements of loan and will follow rules and regulations and
orders and instructions of the loaning agency.
5-2.5.2 Deleted.
5-2.5.3. Authority shall have the right to utilise the Security Deposit to
remedy any fault/defect in the development works or violation of
any condition of the NOC granted by the Authority that come to light
at the time of the completion of the project or in case the builder /
developer fails to comply with any of the following:-
5-Public Sale Projects
5-2.5.4. Any such defect or violation shall have to be made good by the
Builder at their own cost and risk and the cash security deposit,
shall not absolve the Builder/Developer of his responsibility to the
project as per condition of NOC and the agreement made with the
allottee or as enunciated in clause No.5-2.10.
5-2.5.5. This security deposit shall not, in any way, prejudice the Authoritys
rights under these Regulations to initiate any other proceedings
including prosecution or any other action in the event of violation of
any of these Regulations.
5-2.5.6. The deposit shall be released to the Builder after one year of
obtaining Occupancy Certificate but after meeting all Builders
liabilities as cleared by the Committee defined in Clause 5-2.26.
5-2.8.2 If the allottee refuse to agree with the escalation in price granted by
the Authority, the Builder shall refund the amount deposited along
with the mark-up at the prevailing rate of profit of the average of
three Scheduled Banks for the period extending for the date of first
payment by the allottee to the date of refund by a Builder. This
amount shall be paid within 60 days as per banking principle.
5-2.11.Payment of Instalment
5-2.11.1. The payment of instalments shall be made by the allottee strictly
according to the schedule of payment approved by KBCA (Form
DNP-I Annexure-6) attached to Agreement.
5-2.11.2. If, in response to the above cancellation notice the allottee intends
to continue the booking, the Builder shall restore the allotment, after
receipt of pending payment and charging the mark-up on the
prevailing Bank rate for the period of delay on unpaid instalment.
5-2.15.Withdrawal of Allotment
The allottee if he/she so wishes can withdraw his/her allotment of the unit
by surrendering the original letter of allocation / allotment to the company
and in this event the Developer will refund to the allottee the amount
5-Public Sale Projects
deposited till that time. In case the cancellation is made before allotment
the Developer shall refund total amount paid by the allottee till cancellation
within 30 days. However, after the allotment of unit 25% of the amount
paid that far, for the unit, shall be retained by the Developer and the rest of
the amount shall be refunded within 12 months time with post dated
5-2.20.Development of Scheme
The Builder shall develop the area by providing water supply system,
sewage disposal system, storm water drainage system, roads and
walkways, refuse collection depots, and parks and play grounds. The
Builder shall initiate the process for the arrangement of bulk supply of
electricity and gas for the concerned development scheme / area.
5-Public Sale Projects
5-2.22.Defect Liability
The Builder shall assume Defect Liability of the plot and external services
provided for a period of 12 months from the date of offering possession of
the plot after obtaining Completion Certificate, and all defects shall be
rectified to the satisfaction of the Authority as per provision of Ordinance
as amended from time to time.
5-2.23.1. The Builder shall ensure the development of all Amenity plots by
the time 50% of the cost of the allotted plots have been received
from the allottee before demanding any further payments from the
allottee. Development of the amenity plot shall be certified by the
Authority before allowing the Builder to demand any further
5-2.28. Developer seeking NOC for Sale and Advertisement for the housing
scheme (open plots) outside planned schemes of KDA/MDA/LDA
having no integrated utility infrastructure shall furnish NOC of utility
agencies, the concerned agencies must assure the availability of the
services before the completion date of the project. 3
5-Public Sale Projects
Schedule 5A Scrutiny Fee for Issuance of Sale NOC
These rates will be in respect of NOC for sale & advertisement on MP-1 Form
irrespective of other scrutiny fee etc., which might be payable as per existing
6-Violations of Land Development
6-1.2.1 The notice shall indicate the nature of the violation and
the Authority/Concerned Authority may order such
action as it may deem appropriate to correct the
violation including but not limited to:
6-1.2.2 The order shall specify the period within which the
violation shall be corrected and in the event of non-
compliance with the order the Authority/Concerned
Authority may itself cause appropriate measures under
the relevant statute to be taken to effect compliance.
The expenses shall be recoverable from the owner or
owners in the manner provided for the recovery of
arrears of land revenues or taxes.
6-3. Appeals
6-3.1. Within 30 days from the date of receipt of any order of an
Authority/Concerned Authority/MPGO under these Regulations,
any aggrieved person so served may appeal to the
Authority/Concerned Authority/MPGO as the case may be, which
shall give him an opportunity to be heard before such officer
within 15 days of filing such appeal.
7-1. General.
For the purposes of this chapter all such buildings, walls or structures
which are declared by the Technical Committee on Dangerous Buildings
as dangerous shall lie in the following two categories:
7-7.3. When the owner of any building, wall, structure or any thing
affixed thereto fails to execute the repairs required from him by
the Authority under Clause 7-7.1, the tenant/occupy of such
7-Dangerous Buildings
8-9.2. Material shall not be placed or stocked near the edge of any
excavation so as to endanger persons working below.
8-12. Scaffolds
8-12.1. Suitable and sufficient scaffolds shall be provided for all
work that cannot safely be done from the ground or from part of
the building or from a ladder or other available means of
support, and sufficient safe means of access shall be
provided to every place at which any person has to work at
any time.
8-12.2. Every scaffold and means of access and every part thereof shall
be adequately fabricated with suitable and sound material, and
of required strength for the purpose for which it is used,
shall be properly supported and shall where necessary be
sufficient and properly strutted or braced to ensure stability.
Unless designed as independent structures they shall be rigidly
connected to a part of the building which is of sufficient
strength to afford safe support. All scaffolds, working platforms,
gangways, runs and stairs shall be maintained to ensure
safety and security.
8-16. Ladders
8-16.1. Every ladder shall be of good construction, sound material and
adequate strength for the purpose for which it is used.
8-16.2. Every ladder shall be securely fixed when in use and shall not
have any missing or defective rungs.
8-18.3. No chain or wire rope shall be used which has a knot tied
in any part which is under direct tension.
Min.height above
street level from
centre of street
Width of Max.length Max. Projection Balconies and
Street of Balconies of Balconies sunshades.
9-6.4. The minimum areas and widths of W.C.s and bathrooms shall be:
9-6.5. The minimum clear height of rooms shall be as per table below:
9-7.2. Deleted.
9-7.4. 40% of the shopping area may have shops of minimum floor
area of 56 Sq.ft.(5.2 Sq.m) provided they are not facing the road.
9-7.5. The minimum clear height of shop will be 10ft.(3m). whereas the
maximum clear height will be 16ft.(4.87m)
9-7.6. Clear width of Arcade between inner surface of the outer column
and shop shall be minimum of 5-6 and width from outer column
and shop shall be 8-0.
9-7.7. The minimum width of passage shall be 6ft. Upto 1199 Sq.Yds.
of plot and 8ft. from 1200 Sq.Yds. to 1 Acre excluding areas
where height restriction is applicable i.e. Garden East & the
areas falls within mile radius of Quad-e-Azam mausoleum.
9-8. Staircases
9-8.1. The riser of all buildings shall not be more than 7 inches (18 cm)
and the tread shall not be less than 10 inches (25 cm) except for
houses where the maximum riser shall be 7 inches (18 cm) and
the minimum tread will be 9 inches (23 cm). Stair cases to lofts
and spiral stair case to non public access areas shall be
excluded from these requirements.
9-8.5. For all buildings other than bungalows, there shall not be more
than 15 risers between each landing in a straight flight. Depth of
the landing shall not be less than the width of the flight.
9-9. Lifts
Wherever required under these regulations, no lift will be of capacity less
than 6 person, and lifts shall conform to the technical provisions of
BS5655 with respect to all safety devices, procedures of examination
and annual testing/certification of lifts by a professional engineer of
concerned disciplines.
9-13.1 Provision of ramp upto ground floor with a minimum width of 4 ft.
(1.20m) and maximum gradient 1:12 with a railing at least on
one side.
9-14. Air raid shelter is mandatory in all Commercial and Public Sale Projects
having minimum plot area 300 Sq.yds. and above with minimum three
storeys and above as per order of Home Department Government of
Sindh letter No.SO(PDPC)/1-29/2002 Dt:15.03.2004 and Ministry of
Science & Technology Government of Pakistan letter No.7(1)/2002-
ASA(P&C) Vol.II Dt:22.01.2004.
This floor has been designed to
sustain a superimposed load of
10 lbs per Sq.ft.(48.9 Kg. Per sq.m)
10-Lighting and Ventilation
10-3.2. Where only kitchens, W.C.s and bathrooms receive daylight and
ventilation from air-wells, their sizes shall conform with the
following as minimum:-
10-6. Garages
Every garage shall be provided with opening of not less than 5% of the
floor area for ventilation and lighting incorporated in a wall or in the
10-7. Staircases
All staircases which are enclosed shall be provided with adequate
lighting and ventilation from openings not less than 7.5% of the
staircase area.
11-2. Deleted.
11-8. Specifications
Specifications of Material Quality Control and workmanship will be of
high quality and in accordance with the requirements of ACI Building
Codes, Uniform Building Code (UBC) and ASTM Standards.
11-10. Supervision
6. Hotels 225
7. Industrial 45-135
8. Storage including warehouse 30
9. Service Station 200
10. Bus/Truck Stands (per vehicle) 200
11. Live Stock (per animal) 45-150
12. Poultry (per chicken) 45
12-6.2. In no case shall the internal diameter of a soil pipe or waste pipe
be less than the internal diameter of any pipe or of the outlet of
any appliance which discharges into it.
12-7.1. For every five(5) single room units or servant quarters: one
wash-basin, one W.C. and one(1) bathroom shall be
12-9.2. A leader shall not discharge into or connect with any soil pipe or
its ventilating pipe, or any waste pipe or its ventilating pipe, nor
shall it discharge into a sewer.
12-9.3. Rain water from leader spouts etc. shall not discharge onto a
public street at a height greater than 12inch(300mm) from that
street, or onto a neighboring property.
13-Fire Resistance and Fire Precautions
13-1. General
Every building shall comply with the provisions laid down in Chapters 13
and 14 in respect of fire resistance and fire precautions, unless noted
13-2.1.1. All buildings which are ground plus three storeys or above
or more than 43ft.(13m) high shall be provided a set stand
pipe/ pipes as given below:-
13-2.1.2. The number of stand pipes shall be such that all parts of
every floor area are at a maximum distance of
120ft.(36.5m) from the stand point.
13-3.1.7. All building areas used primarily for storage of goods, and
material including areas clearly specified for storage of
incombustible materials and goods, which are more than
1000Sq.ft.(92.93Sq.m) in areas.
13-6.1.1. All hotels, motels, dormitories, more than one storey high
and with a capacity of fifty (50) or more occupants.
13-Fire Resistance and Fire Precautions
13-6.1.3. All School buildings with provision of more than Thirty (30)
students above the ground floor.
13-6.1.4. All mercantile buildings with more than 186m2 above the
first floor.
13-6.1.6. All office buildings more than five (5) storeys in height and
with occupancy area of more than
1,00,000Sq.ft.(9293.68Sq.m) above the ground floor.
ii) Institutional:
- upto 92ft.(28m) high 1 1.5
- over 92ft.(28m) high 1.5 2
v) Mercantile Buildings
- upto 25ft.(7.5m) high 0.5 1
- upto 50ft.(15m) high 1 1
- upto 92ft.(28m) high 1 2
- over 92ft.(28m) high 2 4
14-Fire Resistive Structure Requirements
14-3.2. Any steel beam or column, wherever forming part of, or carrying,
an external wall constructed of non-combustible material shall
also be constructed wholly of non-combustible material.
14-4.2. Any separating wall or fire wall which forms a junction with a
roof shall be carried above the upper surface of the roof covering
to a distance not less than 15 inch (375mm). A separating wall or
fire wall shall not be required to comply with this requirement if:-
14-5. Compartmentalization
Every floor of a building shall be divided as far as possible into
compartments by means of appropriate fire resistant elements/measures
for example fire walls as follows:
14-5.1. Separating one occupancy from another within the same building.
14-5.2. Separating part of a building from any other part of the same
building which is used, or intended to be used, for a different
function such as residential, institutional, assembly, storage,
commercial use etc.
14-7.2. Except in case of fire doors giving access to occupancy areas from
common circulation areas, all fire doors must open in the direction
of escape.
14-8.2. An opening for access required in above clause shall be not less
than 3.6ft.(1.1m) high by 2ft.(0.6m) wide, with a sill height of not
more than 3ft.(0.9m) above the inside floor.
14-8.3. Access panels above the first storey shall be readily openable from
both inside and outside, or the opening shall be glazed with plain
14-Fire Resistive Structure Requirements
14-9.3.2. shall not contain any pipe conveying oil or gas or any
ventilating duct;
14-9.6. A shaft that does not extend to the roof of a building shall be
enclosed with top construction of the same strength and fire
resistance as that of the shaft enclosure. Such shafts shall be
provided with non-combustible vents for the relief of smoke and
gases in the event of fire, with an area not less than 10% of the
shaft area.
14-9.7. All shafts that extend to the roof of a building shall be ventilated
by a window in the side of the shaft of not less than 75% of the
area of the shaft. Such window shall not be located within three
10ft.(3m) of an interior property line, and its sill level shall not be
less than 2.5ft.(0.76m) above the finished roof level.
14-Fire Resistive Structure Requirements
14-10.2. The clearance between the leaf of the door and the frame, or
between two leaves shall be as small as practicable.
14-10.3. If two separate doors (whether single or double leaf door) are
installed on opposite sides of an opening, the required fire
resistance may be achieved by the two doors together or by either
of them separately.
14-11.1.1. The bottom of the upper opening shall be not less than 3ft.
(0.91m). above the top of the lower opening and not less
than 1.5ft.(0.56m) above the upper surface of the floor
separating the storeys; OR
14-14.3. Where ducts pass through floors or walls other than fire walls
or separating walls, the space around the duct shall be sealed
with roped asbestos, mineral wool or other non-flammable
material to prevent the passage of flames and smoke.
15-Preservation of Heritage Buildings
15-1. Definition
These definitions shall confined to this Chapter only.
15-3.2. In the event that there is open space at rear of the declared
heritage building, additional construction in the open space may
be allowed within allowable FAR and the owner of the plot shall
ensure that the existing heritage building will be protected and
15-3.2.1. Deleted
15-3.2.2. Deleted
15-3.2.3. Deleted
15-3.2.4. Deleted.
15-Preservation of Heritage Buildings
16-1. Definitions
16-1.1. For the purposes of this Clause Road Widening means
proposed widening of any road/street by drawing up new
alignments. All the buildings on the roads declared under Road
Widening scheme shall be constructed only according to the
setback prescribed by MPGO in consultation with concerned
authorities from time to time.
16-1.2. For the purposes of these Regulations, roads listed in the Table
in Clause 16-3, Roads under Widening Scheme shall be
considered as declared roads under Road Widening Schemes.
16-2.5. The required COS shall be measured from the property line, In
the event of building line is required to be set back on account of
road widening greater than the required COS, no further COS
will be required.
16-Widening of Roads
S. Existing Proposed
No. Name of the Road Width Width Remarks
(app.) ft.
1. Jehangir Sethna Road 80 130 -----
(24.4m.) (39.6m).
2. Aga Khan Road (Tahilram Khem 60 80 -----
Chand Road) (18.3m.) (24.4m.)
3. Business Recorder Road (Deep 100 120 -----
Chand Ojha Road) (30.5m.) (36.6m).
4. Nooman Road 42 80 -----
(12.8m.) (24.4m.)
5. Princes Street (Chand Bibi Road) 90 100 -----
(27.4m.) (30.5m.)
6. Aiwan-e-Saddar Road 56 80
(a) Strachen Road (17.0m.) (24.4m.) -----
(b) Havelock Road 80 140 -----
(24.4m.) (42.7m.)
7. Aram Bagh Road 52 80 -----
(15.8m.) (24.4m.)
8. Zaibunnisa Street (Elphinstone 72 80 -----
Street) (22.0m.) (24.4m.)
9. Jamila Street (Barness Street) 66 80 -----
(20.1m.) (24.4m.)
10. Preedy Street 87 120 -----
(26.8m.) (36.6m.)
11. Syedna Tahir Saifuddin Road 55.9 80 -----
(Wadhumal Odharam Road) (17.0m.) (24.4m.)
12. McLeod Road (I.I. Chundrigar Road) 82 116 -----
(25.0m.) (35.4m.)
13. Club Road & Moulvi Tamizuddin 62 120 -----
Khan Road (18.9m.) (36.6m.)
14. M.A. Jinnah Road (Bunder Road) 83 140 (i) From Old
(25.3 to (42.7 to Exhibition to
145 150 Garden Road
(44.2m.) (45.7m.) 150(45.7m.)
(ii) From Garden Road
to Preedy Street,
no extension of
(iii) From Preedy
Street to
Tower 140(42.7m.)
16-Widening of Roads
18-2.3. MPGO shall limit the validity of a Special Development Permit for
a major sub-division to such period as it may deem reasonably
necessary to complete the development or specified stage of
development, and if at the end of such period the development
or stage is not completed the Special Development Permit shall
lapse unless extended on application.
18-Sub-Division & Amalgamation of
Land & Change of Land use
18-2.4. It shall be unlawful for any person to erase, alter, or modify any
development permit issued by the Concerned Authority/MPGO
including the application thereof or any plans or drawings
accompanying the same.
18-2.6. Any development permit issued shall be void twenty four (24)
months after the date of issue or the period fixed unless
extended on application.
18-3.1.2. Plots earmarked for flats shall not be considered for sub-
division in to smaller plots.
18-3.1.6. Deleted
18-3.2.1 A Deleted. (, )
18-4.2.2. The applicant shall apply and pay necessary fee to the
concerned authority for change of land use of the plot with
full justification, which shall examine the application in the
light of the planning of the area and forward it to the
MPGO for consideration.
18-4.2.3. The MPGO shall also issue a public notice for the change
of land use of the plot / plots in accordance with the
provisions of these Regulations and the expenses shall
be borne by the applicant.
18-4.2.5. The applicant shall pay the prescribed fees and other
charges to MPGO.
18-4.3. Deleted. (, )
19-1.2. Where land includes mixed uses, the designations of the various
uses classes may be combined as appropriate (e.g.
19-2.2.2. Health and Welfare Uses: includes land used for health
and social welfare services such as health centre, medical
& dental clinics, hospitals, maternity homes, medical
research institutions, nurseries, mother and child care
centres, homes or other institutions for physically disabled
persons, mental institutions, homes for the elderly, and
veterinary clinics/hospitals including green areas and
open spaces essential for the proper functioning of such
20-1.1.2. plot area of R category shall be 120 sq. Yds. (100.33 sq. m).(, )
20-1.1.3. plot area of A category shall be 240 sq. Yds. (200.67 sq. m). (, )
20-1.1.4. plot area of B category shall be 400 sq. Yds. (334.45 sq. m). (, )
20-1.1.5. plot area of C category shall be 600 sq. Yds. (501.67 sq. M). (, )
20-3.1. Definitions:
20-3.1.1. Residential density means the average number of
persons residing on 1 acre (4067.22Sq.m) of residential
area. For the purposes of this clause residential area
means an area devoted to residential uses, as defined in
clause 19-2.1; and does not include streets or lanes or
other residentiary uses defined in Clause 19-2.2.
20-3.2.2. Flats for low income groups: no more than (650) six
hundred fifty persons per acre (0.404 hectare) of
residential area;
20-3.2.4. Flats for high income groups: no more than (325) three
hundred twenty five persons per acre (0.404 hectare) of
residential area.
20-4.2. Allocations of land for new industrial towns and estates for large
and medium size industries shall be as follows:-
21-1.3.1. If the slope of the terrain is greater than 5o, the difference
in slope may be made up by an appropriate number of
steps; the series of steps for each 5o higher slope shall
be separated by a landing at least 6.5 ft. (1.97m) wide
also there should be a ramp for wheel chair.
21-2.2. Minimum width of street shall be 24 ft. (7.31 m) with kerb side
parking on one side only.
21-4.2. The width of side walks (a) shall depend on the pedestrian traffic
volume. However, minimum width of side walk shall be 3 feet
(0.900 M).
21-4.3. New width of green strip (b) in roads will depend on the nature
and dimension of the utility lines to be laid under them.
22-1. Scope
22-1.1. For the purpose of these Regulations, the terms 'industrial uses'
'industrial purposes', industrial activities' and 'industrial
development' include:
22-3.2.2. implications for road and rail traffic and traffic congestion;
23-4.2.4. Design of marinas and piers etc. may not hamper free
flow of tides.
% of total Acres/hectare
For recreation 70
23-5.3.4. A plot ratio of 1:1 shall be used for all buildings for hotels,
motels, amusement halls.
23-5.3.6. Large open space for car parking along the approach
road will be provided. Proper car parking facilities will be
24-Parking Requirements
24-1. Scope
Parking requirements for motor vehicles specified in these Regulations
shall apply when so ever:-
24-2.5. 16% of the total car parking space will be utilized to provide
space for Motorcycle parking @ 6 Motorcycles and 8 bicycles
for every one car.
However for plot upto 720 Sq. Yds. following are the
(b) For plots upto 400 Sq. Yds. (334.45m) height of the
building is restricted upto Ground + four floors where off
street parking is exempted.
24- Deleted.
24- for every 1200 Sqft (111.5 Sq.m) categories II & III.
*i) For ramp gradient with 1:7.5 transition space of 8.5ft. length shall be
provided at start and termination of ramp with gradient of 50% of the
main ramp gradient.
ii) For total climb of up to 3.3ft.(1m), the above shall be exempted.
24-Parking Requirements
24-6.2.1. For plots upto 720 Sqyds, 11-0 wide ramp shall be provided
for 2 way traffic upto maximum climbing height of 12-0 (3.6m)
for one level of parking only.
24-6.2.2. In the event that column/s are located in ramp, the clear
dimension within the face of column/s of the ramp shall be
minimum 9-0 (2.7m) on each side.
24-7.2. All buildings on plots of odd shapes and dimensions where there
is no physical possibility of designing car parking space within
the premises. The exemption in such case shall be given by a
committee of representative of PCATP, PEC and the C.O.B. of
the concerned zone/Area. The appeal against the decision of the
Committee may be referred to Oversee Committee and its
decision shall be final.
24-8. Deleted.
iii). The parking plaza with the main project shall be linked
through a bridge on existing lane/road if any having a
minimum height of 18ft.from the existing lane/road. 2
viii). The road width for entrance to the parking plaza shall be
minimum 40 ft. 2
ix). The premises of the parking plaza shall not be used for
any other purpose except parking and undertaking be
submitted by owner/builder on stamp paper. (,2)
ii) The Project and the surrounding Commercial Plot shall be linked
through bridge on existing lane/road having minimum height 18
ft. from the existing lane/road level.
25-Zoning Regulations
25-1.1. In addition to the general conditions as specified in clause No.25-
1.2. to 25-1.10. special conditions applicable to different
categories of plots shall be applicable.
25-1.3. Projections
25-1.3.1. Boundary walls or any other structures in the front of the plot
shall be totally within the plot.
25-1.5.2. wherever more than one residential buildings / town houses are
permitted within the plot boundary, for buildings of maximum two
storeys height open space on front and rear of the building shall
be minimum 15ft. (4.56m) and minimum open space between the
buildings on sides of the buildings shall be minimum 7ft.(2.1m).
25-1.7. Exemptions
25-1.7.1. In all commercial, public sale, public use and industrial buildings
the following areas shall be excluded from FAR:
a) Car parking including ramps and driveways.
b) Building services areas, such as sub-station, plant rooms,
lift shafts, lift machine rooms, electrical and mechanical
ducts and electric power generator space, corpse room with
washing area, meter rooms, passage, stairs, driver sitting
area with bathroom, guard room with bathroom. etc.
c) Arcades, if provided.
25-Zoning Regulations
25-1.7.2. Staircase tower over the stair shaft shall be allowed with
maximum clear height of 10 ft.(3m). This area shall not be
included in FAR.
25-1.9. Miscellaneous
No workshop for denting, painting or repairing of vehicles shall be
allowed on commercial plots. In addition, a building intended to carry
out dangerous and offensive trades, trades emitting obnoxious smell,
factories and mills which produce noise, smell, smoke or other
nuisance shall not be allowed to be constructed on commercial plots.
25-1.10.3. The height of the building shall not be above the podium level
of 91ft.(27.72m) MSL within 3/4 mile(1.2 K.m) radius of Quaid-
e-Azams Mausoleum. To determine height of building a
certificate (height pavement) shall be obtained from MPGO
CDGK on payment of Rs.12,000/-
25-Zoning Regulations
25-2.1. Building Bulk Standards ( ,, )
All Residential houses/ bungalows/ buildings shall observe the
following standards, except where any of these standards are in
conflict with Clause 25-9, in which case Clause 25-9 shall prevail.
Note :. Plots where original allotment conditions or previous rules provide for
higher FAR than the one provided in the above chart (25-2.1) the FAR which
are on higher side shall be adopted and numbers of floors shall be allowed in
accordance with the allowable quantum of FAR.
plot area of 400 Sq.Yds. (336 m2) and above, (except for
category `G` plot of 3347.55 Sq.Yds. to 4064.89
Sq.Yds.(2800m2 to 3400 m2 ) where the height of 50 ft. or four
storeys whichever is less be allowed and for category H plots
of 4000 sq.yds and above where height of 72 ft or 6 stories
whichever is less will prevail).
25-2.2.3. Plots abutting a public street, lane and permanent open space
on the rear shall be exempted from the provision of rear COS up
to Plot size of 119Sq.yds. (100Sq.m). For plots greater than
119Sq.yds.(100Sq.m), the rear COS shall be 50%.
25-2.2.4. One basement at residential plots having minimum plot area 400
Sq.yds. shall be permissible maintaining the Compulsory Open
Space. Area of such Basement shall not be included in
permissible FAR
25-Zoning Regulations
25-3.1. Building Bulk Standards
All Commercial plots shall observe the following standards, except
where any of these standards are in conflict with Clause 25-9, in which
case Clause 25-9 shall prevail. ( ,)
5 ft
GF. (1.5m) on 7 ft
(251- 1:4
85% one side 10% of (2.1m)
344m2) 7 ft
Upper only building
400-599 Flr- 5ft (1.5m) height 10% of
(335- 75% 1:5 on one above 30 building
501m2) side only ft. (9m) height
600-799 Ground with a 8ft (2.5m) above
(502- floor minimum 30ft. (9m)
668m2) 80% 8 ft 8ft (2.5m) of 5 ft with a
800-999 Upper (2.5m) one side (1.5m) 10ft (3m) minimum
(669- floor of 10ft
835m2) 70% (3m)
1000- 75%
2000 Ground
(830- floor 10% of
10% of
1672m2) and 7ft building
65% height
upper above
floor 30 ft.
1:5.5 30 ft. 10ft (3m)
Over 70% (9m)
2000 Ground with a
(836- floor minimum
of 10ft
1672m2) and 10ft (3m) of 10ft
65% (3m)
25-Zoning Regulations
2). Plots where the allotment conditions or previous rules permit for
higher FAR than the FAR noted in the above chart (25-3.1), the
allotment conditions or previous regulations which provide for
higher FAR shall be adopted .
3). In case of corner plot, COS on sides abutting the lane or road
40ft. wide and above shall be condoned and arcade will be
provided, otherwise COS shall be provided as specified.3
25-6.2. The area of the following structures will not be treated as floor area:-
25-6.2.8. Underground air raid shelter not exceeding 10% of the foot print.
25-6.6. The following single storey structures will be permitted in the COS
along the access road/s.
25-6.9. For installation of all Boilers in/outside the factory, special approval
from the Chief Inspector of Boilers is mandatory.
25-6.10. For industries using natural gas, the laying/testing certificate of pipes
has to be furnished by contractors who are registered with the
relevant Gas Company.
25-6.12. List of specific trades and industries which are required specially
designated/approved areas for their location (excluding residential
and general industrial zones).
a) Timber.
d) Sugar refining.
25-Zoning Regulations
c) Coke ovens.
d) Crematory.
h) Slaughtering of animals.
25-Zoning Regulations
27-8.2. These are special type of plots, where processing of milk into
various items will be done. Cattle or other livestock will not be
allowed on these plots.
27-8.3. Not more than 1/3rd of the plot area shall be allowed to be
covered including all ancillary structures.
b) Lea Quarters
c) Keamari Quarters
d) K.P.T. Area
25-9.1.2. Floor area ratio shall be followed according to the use as laid
down hereunder:
25-9.2. ZONE B
25-9.2.1. The following areas are included in this zone.
e) Deleted.
25-Zoning Regulations
25-9.2.2. Floor area ratio shall be followed according to the use as laid
down hereunder:
25-9.3. ZONE C
25-9.3.1. The following areas are included in this zone.
25-9.3.2. Floor area ratio shall be followed according to the use as laid
down hereunder:
a) Residential 1:3.00
25-9.4. ZONE D
25-9.4.1. The following areas are included in this zone.
25-9.4.2. Floor area ratio shall be followed according to the use as laid
down hereunder:
a) Residential 1:3.00
b) Industrial uses 1:3.00
c) Residential-cum-commercial uses 1:4.00
d) Commercial uses 1:4.50
25-9.5. ZONE E
25-9.5.1. The following areas are included in this zone.
25-9.5.2. Floor area ratio shall be followed according to the use as laid
down hereunder:
25-Zoning Regulations
a) Residential 1:3.00
25-9.6. GENERAL
25-9.6.1. Subject to the general conditions as defined in Clause 25-1.
25-9.6.2. In case the depth of the plot is less than 25ft.(7.6m) it would be
exempted from the rear COS.
25-9.6.5. Corner plots where the buildings is allowed to abut on the sides
shall be required to leave minimum square space of
7.5ft.(2.25m) on the side at the rear corner.
25-9.6.6. For all residential plots facing more than 30ft.(9.13m) road /
street width, the minimum COS and foot print as prescribed in
Section 25-2 shall be applied subject to clause No. 25-9.6.3
except the part of old city including following area.
25-9.6.8. The plot ratio for public buildings falling under the category of
other residentiary uses as defined in Sub-clauses 19-2.02.1
through 19-2.02.5 shall be the same as for residential or
industrial uses of the respective zones in which they fall.
25-9.6.9. The required COS shall be measured from the property line, in
the event of building line is required to be set back, on account
of Clause No. 25-9.6.3, greater than the required COS, no
further COS will be required.
25-Zoning Regulations
25-10.3. Floor area ratio shall be followed 1:1 for plots meant for cinema
25-11.2. For the purposes of this Clause the term Petrol Station means
a station for the sale, at retail, of petrol and ancillary products for
motor vehicles.
25-11.6. The minimum area of a petrol station used for petrol filling
facilities and servicing activities shall be 1000Sq.yds.(840Sq.m)
provided, however, that in built-up areas with limited available
space, the MPGO may permit a reduction to no less than
600Sq.yds.(504.20Sq.m) if at least 10ft.(3.04m) of open space is
maintained on each side of the petrol station.
25-11.8. Adequate space shall be provided for parking for oil supply
tankers while discharging its load.
25-11.9. No less than one (1) lavatory shall be provided at each petrol
station exclusively for public use in addition to lavatory/lavatories
provided for the staff.
25-Zoning Regulations
25-11.13. Deleted.
25-11.17. Both facilities i.e. Petrol Pump & CNG shall be allowed on the
following types of plots subject to payment of fee/charges as
25-12.4. Three copies of layout plans duly signed by the owner and
registered Town Planner should be submitted to the MPGO
for processing and approval.
25-12.14. NOC will be issued with the approval of MPGO and CDGK
on payment of conversion charges at the following rates.
a) For Petrol Pump Plots CNG Station shall be allowed
on payment of @Rs.500/- per Sq.yds. (Rs.598/-per
b) For Commercial plots @Rs.1000/- per sq.yd
(Rs.1196/- sq.m) 5
c) For Industrial plots @Rs.2000/- per sq.yd. (Rs.2392/-
per sq.m) 5
d) For Residential plots @Rs.3500/- per sq.yd.(Rs.4186/-
per sq.m). 5
25-12.18. A CNG Station may not be located within 0.46 mile (0.75
km) of the site of an existing or approved CNG Station
unless the CNG Station and the other such site or sites are
located on the opposite side of a street having a right-of-
way of not less than 100 ft. (30.48m) and a dividing median
25-Zoning Regulations
25-14.7.1. Minimum area of plot should not be less then 1000 sq. yds.
25-14.9. Environment