RWS Discourse Community: Meredith Grey
RWS Discourse Community: Meredith Grey
RWS Discourse Community: Meredith Grey
Yolanda Moreno
RWS 1301
John Swales (1990) mentioned that a discourse community there are common goals to
have in there group. For this paper the character Ill be using is Meredith Grey from Greys
Anatomy. Swales defines his six characteristics of a discourse community, to help figure out
what groups Meredith may be in from the show. There are many groups that Meredith can be
place in, but the ones Ill be focusing on more is her persons, and medical field groups she
belongs to.
Swales gives us an idea about what a discourse community is, has he describes it
testifies to the increasingly common assumption that discourse operates within conventions
defined by communities be they academic disciplines or social groups (Swales, 1990, p. 217).
There are two discourse community about Meredith that Ill be discussing about her. The first is
her person's, meaning that the people who will always be there for no matter what and having
something that represents their meaning of their friendship or relationship, and the second
At the hospital where Meredith works is where she has all her discourse community. The
name of her hospital is Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital, named after sister Lexie Grey who had
passed away, as well as her close friend Mark Sloan who had died as well. The hospital has
different headquarters for different departments, as well as a free clinic attached to the side of the
hospital. My main focuses would be Meredith's persons and medical field groups she brings to.
Literature Review
John Swales article The Concept of Discourse Community talks about his six
defines everyone of his six characteristics to place each categorized in its group to if others can
relate to what hes talking about. Each characteristics has its own group it belongs to, some
might be what that group has as a common goal, commutation with the group, their feedback
towards each other, their standards for one another, terminology with each other, and everyone in
the group understanding each other in their own way (Swales, 1990).
Swales explains in great detail whats consider a discourse community and what itll
following under. How discourse community can also relate close to a speech community. That
a speech community is seen as being composed of those who share functional rules that
determine the appropriacy of utterances (Swales, 1990, p. 219). Meaning that the group has the
same lingo or understand one another. In order to have the same lingo (language) their discourse
community needs of the goals tend to predominate in the development and maintenance of its
discoursal characteristics (Swales, 1990). They all have the same goal in whatever group they
may be in, they can either help each other out to all reach their goal, or make it in a competitive
way to reach the same goal just wanting a little thrill to reaching it. According to Porter a
approved channels and where discourse is regulated (Porter, 1986, p. 38-39). Swales and Porter
have the same idea about the discourse community, about having a group interest with something
As described above Meredith works at Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital where she has her
own discourse community. The two main groups that she belongs to are her persons and her
medical field. Her persons would be Cristina Yang, Derek Shepard, and Alex Karev.
RWS Discourse Community: Meredith Grey
In the beginning of the season her main person became to be Cristina Yang. Meredith and
Cristina both started off as residence at the original hospital name Seattle Grace Hospital.
Cristina was the competitive one who wanted to have cardio since the beginning. Meredith saw
how well Cristina was doing at the time, so she wanted to like her. Meredith and Cristina than
became each other persons since they knew how to help each other out. Every since that day
Meredith and Cristina would help each other to do well either at work or outside from work.
What represented them was them dancing it out, not matter what type of situation is was. That
would be how they talked and understanded one another. As Swales talked about how in a
discourse community they have their type of lingo to be able to understand each other. Meredith
and Cristina lingo would be them dancing it out in a way be a proper way of commutation to
them since they dont always know how to describe or what to talk about, they would just say
lets just dance it out. Cristina would try to help Meredith with different types of situation she
was in either a work situation or non-work related. Cristina would help Meredith most of the
Which would bring in Derek being a person for Meredith. Derek became a person to
Meredith when he became romantically involved with her. Once Derek left his wife, Meredith
told Derek to pick me, choose me, love me, since then they became each other person. What
makes their lingo special is their vows to one another, which is represented by the post it.
Whenever something happens they would say post it, after that they knew what it represented
to them. How it meant so much to one another and would always have one another because of
that post it. Just with them saying post it would be their lingo to each other of what it represented
and how well they understood each other and what they meant. How Meredith and Alex have
RWS Discourse Community: Meredith Grey
their way of just being there for each other. What represents their relationship is just talking to
each other and telling the truth no matter what the outcome is.
Meredith discourse community goal is to help their patients and help each other out to be
able to focus on their career. Which is where her persons come together to her rock to her her
throw anything. Meredith goes through different challenges all throughout the seasons . Each
character or friends help Meredith in different ways, even having their own meaning why to have
done what they have done. Also theyre commutation towards one another is different since they
all have there own way of situation of helping and dealing with each other. The response she gets
back from her group is a good thing was always looking out for her. Even when she gets in
trouble or if someone in her group gets in trouble since theyll have each others back to try get
them out of trouble or an situation they're in. They even support each other to reach their goal, to
Meredith comes with a lot of baggage you can say, but there is a lot of reasons why it is
that happens. She has to find out she has two sisters, trusting people has they come and go,
losing love ones, and going through so much drama. Dealing with all this stuff and situation, she
needs her discourse community. Meredith had to deal with so much drama and crisis of things,
that she needs her people to be there for her. Meredith has done so many crazy things, like put
her hand on a bomb in order for not to kill everyone in the room or part of the hospital. She
doesnt like to express her emotions that often but when she does she explode like a bomb. That
she would need her right person for the job to be her rock, to let her just let her vent out.
Everyone needs some sort of community to go to for any kind of situation. Swales
explains different kinds of discourse community can apply to anyone if they recognize their
group they belong to. He also explains at longest you have a common goal with a group of
RWS Discourse Community: Meredith Grey
people that can be their discourse community. He tries to relate all these six characteristics of
discourse community to everyone. Swales also understand that people leave the group. Just like
how in Merediths group of people, Cristina leaves after she gets a new job position somewhere
else. But before she leaves Cristina and Meredith do their one last dance with each other as their
way of communication. Meredith also losing Derek from her group, but because he had died in
season 11 due to a car crash. Meredith took this hard, she didnt want to talk to anyone at all.
This is when Alex came in the picture to help her out, she saw it has an opportunity to stick
together since they were the only two felt from their starting group as residence. Ever since then
Alex and Meredith had each other backs no matter what happens to them.
In conclusion, Swales point of view as discourse community is to relate to any group you
can belong in this category. Meredith discourse community helps her with her medical field and
having her people there to help her out with her situations. Everyone in a way need a discourse
community to just have them their for one another. Its never bad to have a group of people to go
to for anything, either to have a shoulder to cry on, have your back, with you get out of trouble,
or just want advice on anything you need. All these types of these stuff Meredith has people to
go to for anything.
RWS Discourse Community: Meredith Grey
Work Cited
Swales, J. (1990). The Concept of Discourse Community. In E. Wardle & D. Downs (Eds.),
Writing about writing: A college reader (p. 212-227). Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martins.
Porter, J. (1986). Intertextually and the Discourse Community. In E. Wardle & D. Downs (Eds.),
Writing about writing: A college reader (p. 395-405). Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martins.