Nergy and Nvironment: A Greenhouse Type Solar Dryer For Small-Scale Dried Food Industries: Development and Dissemination

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Volume 3, Issue 3, 2012 pp.383-398
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A greenhouse type solar dryer for small-scale dried food

industries: Development and dissemination

Serm Janjai

Solar Energy Research Laboratory, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Silpakorn University,
Nakhon Pathom 73000, Thailand.

In this study, a greenhouse type solar dryer for small-scale dried food industries was developed and
disseminated. The dryer consists of a parabolic roof structure covered with polycarbonate sheets on a
concrete floor. The system is 8.0m in width, 20.0m in length and 3.5m in height, with a loading capacity
about 1,000kg of fruits or vegetables. To ensure continuous drying operation, a 100kW-LPG gas burner
was incorporated to supply hot air to the dryer during cloudy or rainy days. Nine 15-W DC fans powered
by three 50-W PV modules were used to ventilate the dryer. This dryer was installed for a small-scale
food industry at Nakhon Pathom in Thailand to produce osmotically dehydrated tomato. To investigate
its performance, the dryer was used to dry 3 batches of osmotically dehydrated tomato. Results obtained
from these experiments showed that drying air temperatures in the dryer varied from 35C to 65C. In
addition, the drying time for these products was 2-3 days shorter than that of the natural sun drying and
good quality dried products were obtained. A system of differential equations describing heat and
moisture transfers during drying of osmotically dehydrated tomato was also developed. The simulated
results agreed well with the experimental data. For dissemination purpose, other two units of this type of
dryer were constructed and tested at two locations in Thailand and satisfactory results were obtained.
Copyright 2012 International Energy and Environment Foundation - All rights reserved.

Keywords: Solar energy; Solar drying; Osmotically dehydrated tomato; Dried food industries;
Greenhouse solar dryer.

1. Introduction
Small-scale dried food industries are growing very fast in Southeast Asia, especially in Thailand.
Situated in favorable climate conditions, Southeast Asian countries produce annually huge amounts of
tropical fruits and vegetables. Drying is a major post-harvest processing of these food products. To
respond to the demand of dried food from both domestic and international markets, a number of small-
scaled dried food industries have been developed in Southeast Asia. In Thailand, some of these industries
are established as community enterprises which are operated by villagers. To dry their products in
commercial scale, most community enterprises use cabinet tray dryers heated by using liquefied
petroleum gas (LPG) burners. In some cases, the drying starts with the open-sun drying and continues
with a cabinet tray dryer using an LPG burner.
In the last few years, the price of LPG has substantially increased, thus increasing the drying cost. As
Thailand is located in the tropical zone which receives abundant solar radiation, the country has
tremendous potentials for solar drying of fruits and vegetables [1, 2].

ISSN 2076-2895 (Print), ISSN 2076-2909 (Online) 2012 International Energy & Environment Foundation. All rights reserved.
384 International Journal of Energy and Environment (IJEE), Volume 3, Issue 3, 2012, pp.383-398

In the last 40 years many types of solar dryers have been developed in various countries [3-24]. Many
studies on natural convection solar drying of agricultural products have been reported [3-6]. However,
the success achieved by natural convection solar dryers has been limited due to low buoyancy induced
air flow. This has prompted researchers to develop forced convection solar dryer. Also many studies
have been reported on forced convection solar dryers [7-14]. The intensive literature reviews on solar
dryers can be found in [25, 26]. From this reviews, it is noticed that most solar dryers have as small
loading capacity and cannot function properly during cloudy or raining periods. Consequently, it is not
appropriate to use such dryers for the small-scale food industries in Thailand.
In general, small-scale food industries in Thailand require a solar dryer which could be used to dry
1,000-2,000 kg of fruits or vegetables per batch. As Thailand is situated in the tropics, the rainy season
lasts approximately six months. Apart from high loading capacity, the dryer has to be equipped with an
auxiliary heater to ensure continuous drying operation during the rainy season. To meet this requirement,
we have developed a greenhouse type solar dryer for drying fruits and vegetables in small-scale food
industries in Thailand. The dryer has a loading capacity of 1000 kg for fruits or vegetables. To ensure the
continuous drying operation during cloudy or rainy periods, an auxiliary heater using LPG burner as heat
source was equipped. The technical and economic performance of this dryer for drying osmotically
dehydrated tomato in a commercial scale were presented in this paper.

2. Materials and methods

2.1 Experimental study
2.1.1 Experimental set up
The greenhouse type solar dryer was installed at a small-scale food industry in Nakhon Pathom
(13.96N, 100.10E), Thailand. The dryer consists of a parabolic roof structure made from polycarbonate
sheets on a concrete floor. The system has a width of 8.0 m, length of 20.0 m and height 3.5 m with a
loading capacity of about 1,000 kg of fruits or vegetables. Nine DC fans operated by three 50-Watt solar
cell modules were installed in the wall opposite to the air inlet to ventilate the dryer. An 100 kW LPG-
burner was installed in a housing at the rear side of the dryer to heat drying air which was guided through
the air ducts inside the dryer. The burner was equipped with a thermostat to control the drying air
temperature. This type of burner is widely used in longan dryer in northern Thailand. A pictorial view of
the dryer developed in this study is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Pictorial view of the large-scale solar greenhouse dryer with LPG burner

ISSN 2076-2895 (Print), ISSN 2076-2909 (Online) 2012 International Energy & Environment Foundation. All rights reserved.
International Journal of Energy and Environment (IJEE), Volume 3, Issue 3, 2012, pp.383-398 385

Solar radiation passing through the polycarbonate roof heats the air and the products inside the dryer as
well as the concrete floor. Ambient air is drawn in through a small opening at the bottom of the front side
of the dryer and is heated by the floor and the products exposed to solar radiation. The heated air, while
passing through and over the products absorbs moisture from the products. Direct exposure to solar
radiation of the products and the heated drying air enhance the drying rate of the products. Most air is
sucked from the dryer by nine PV-fans at the top of the rear side of the dryer. In case of rain and cloudy
day, LPG burner is manually started and the AC fan of the burner blow hot air from the burner through
the air guide in to the dryer. A pictorial view of the burner and air guides is shown in Figure 2.

(a) (b)

LPG burner Air guide

Figure 2. A pictorial view of the burner (a) and air guides (b)

2.1.2 Experimental procedure

The dryer installed for a small-scale food industry in Nakhon Pathom was used to produce osmotically
dehydrated tomato. For the production of osmotically dehydrated tomato, small tomato (diameter of 1.5
cm) was used in this study and these were collected from local farmers. Fresh whole tomato was
blanched in boiling water for about 5 minutes. After blanching, the tomato were soaked in sugar solution
(40% of sugar) for 72 hours and next these products were dried in the greenhouse dryer. In this study
1,000 kg of osmotically dehydrated tomato was dried in the solar greenhouse dryer to demonstrate its
potentials for drying. A total of three full scale experimental runs were conducted during the period of
October-December, 2009.
Solar radiation was measured by a pyranometer (Kipp & Zonen model CM 11, accuracy 0.5%) placed
on the roof of the dryer. Thermocouples (type K) used to measure air temperatures in the dryer were
tested by measuring the boiling and freezing temperatures of water to determine the accuracy ( 2%).
Thermocouple positions for temperature measurement are shown in Figure 3. A hot wire anemometer
(Airflow, model TA5, accuracy 2%) was used to monitor the air velocity inside the dryer. The
anemometer was also used to monitor the ambient wind speed. The relative humidity of ambient air and
drying air were periodically measured by hygrometers (Electronik, model EE23, accuracy 2%).
Voltage signals from the pyranometer, hygrometers and thermocouples were recorded every 10 minutes
by a multi-channel data logger (Yokogawa, model DC100). The air speed at the inlet and outlet of the
dryer were recorded during the drying experiments. Before the installations, the pyranometer was
calibrated against a pyranometer recently calibrated by the manufacturer. The hygrometers were
calibrated using standard saturated salt solutions.
For each drying test, 1000 kg of osmotically dehydrated tomato was used. The tomato was placed in the
product trays in a thin layer (Figure 4). The experiments were started at 8.00 am and continued till 6.00
pm. The drying was continued on subsequent days until the desired moisture content (about 17% wb).
The final moisture content corresponds to the moisture content of high quality dried products available
from local markets. Product samples were placed in the dryer at various positions (Figure 3) and were
weighed periodically at three-hour intervals using a digital balance (Kern, model 474-42, accuracy 0.1
g). Also, about 100 g of the product was weighed from the dryer at three hour intervals and the moisture
contents of the products inside the dryer were compared against the control samples (open-air sun dried).

ISSN 2076-2895 (Print), ISSN 2076-2909 (Online) 2012 International Energy & Environment Foundation. All rights reserved.
386 International Journal of Energy and Environment (IJEE), Volume 3, Issue 3, 2012, pp.383-398

The moisture content during drying was estimated from the weight of the product samples and the
estimated dried solid mass of the samples. At the end of the experimental drying run, the exact dry solid
mass of the product samples was determined by the oven method (103C for 24 hours, accuracy 0.5%).

Housing of LPG burner Solar cell module
Fans (Air outlet)
T1 T_outlet
LPG burner
T2 T3 T4

T36 T8
T5 M1 T6
T13 T7

T9 T10 T12
Polycarbonate cover T14
T15 T16 T38
M3 T19 M4 T20
T17 T18
LPG tank
T25 T39 T40 20 m
T26 T22 rh1 T23 T24
T21 T28

M5 T43
T29 T30
T31 T32 Air guide
T41 T42
Concrete floor

Air inlet Door Air inlet

Figure 3. The dimension and the positions of the thermocouples (T), hygrometers (rh), product samples
for weights (M) and solar radiation (It)

Figure 4. Pictorial view of the tomato in the greenhouse dryer

ISSN 2076-2895 (Print), ISSN 2076-2909 (Online) 2012 International Energy & Environment Foundation. All rights reserved.
International Journal of Energy and Environment (IJEE), Volume 3, Issue 3, 2012, pp.383-398 387

2.2 Mathematical modeling

The assumptions in developing the mathematical model for the solar greenhouse dryer are i) no
stratification of the air inside the dryer, ii) drying computation is based on a thin layer drying model, and
iii) specific heat of air, cover and product are constant.
Schematic diagram of energy transfers inside the solar greenhouse dryer is shown in Figure 5 and the
following heat and mass balances are formulated:



Polycarbonate cover hc,c-a hc,p-a


Vin Vin

Figure 5. Schematic diagram of energy transfers inside the solar greenhouse dryer

2.2.1 Energy balance of the cover

The balance of energy on the cover is considered as follows: Rate of accumulation of thermal energy in
the cover = Rate of thermal energy transfer between the air inside the dryer and the cover due to
convection + Rate of thermal energy transfer between the sky and the cover due to radiation + Rate of
thermal energy transfer between the cover and ambient air due to convection + Rate of thermal energy
transfer between the product and the cover due to radiation + Rate of solar radiation absorbed by the
The energy balance of the polycarbonate cover gives:

mcCpc = Achc,ca (Ta Tc ) + Achr,cs (Ts Tc ) + Achw(Tam Tc ) + Aphr,pc (Tp Tc ) + AccIt (1)

2.2.2 Energy balance of the air inside the dryer

This energy balance can be written as: Rate of accumulation of thermal energy in the air inside the dryer
= Rate of thermal energy transfer between the product and the air due to convection + Rate of thermal
energy transfer between the floor and the air due to convection + Rate of thermal energy gain of the air
from the product due to sensible heat transfer from the product to the air + Rate of thermal energy gained
in the air chamber due to inflow and outflow of the air in the chamber + Rate of over all heat loss from
the air in the dryer to the ambient air + Rate of energy absorbed by the air inside dryer from solar
The energy balance in the air inside the greenhouse chamber gives:

ISSN 2076-2895 (Print), ISSN 2076-2909 (Online) 2012 International Energy & Environment Foundation. All rights reserved.
388 International Journal of Energy and Environment (IJEE), Volume 3, Issue 3, 2012, pp.383-398

dTa dM p
m a C pa = A p h c, p a (Tp Ta ) + A f h c, f a (Tf Ta ) + D p A p C pvp (Tp Ta )
dt dt (2)
+ (a Vout C pa Tout a Vin C pa Tin ) + U c A c (Tam Ta ) + [(1 Fp )(1 f ) + (1 p )Fp ]I t A c c

2.2.3 Energy balance of the product

Rate of accumulation of thermal energy in the product = Rate of thermal energy transfer between air and
product due to convection + Rate of thermal energy transfer between cover and product due to radiation
+ Rate of thermal energy lost from the product due to sensible and latent heat loss from the product +
Rate of solar energy absorbed by the product.
The energy balance on the product gives:
m p (C pg + C pl M p ) = A p h c, p a (Ta Tp ) + A p h r , p c (Tc Tp )
dM p
+ D p A pp [L p + C pv (Ta Tp )] + Fp p I t A c c

2.2.4 Energy balances on the concrete floor

Rate of accumulation of thermal energy in the floor = Rate of convection heat transfer between air in the
dryer and the floor + Rate of conduction heat transfer between the floor and the ground + Rate of solar
radiation absorption on the floor.

m f C pf = A f h c, f a (Ta Tf ) + A f h D, f g (Tg Tf ) + (1 Fp ) f I t A f c (4)

2.2.5 Mass balance equation

The accumulation rate of moisture in the air inside dryer = Rate of moisture inflow into the dryer due to
entry of ambient air Rate of moisture outflow from the dryer due to exit of air from the dryer + Rate of
moisture removed from the product inside the dryer. The mass balance inside dryer chamber gives:

dH dM p
a V = A in a H in vin A out a H out vout + D p A pd (5)
dt dt

2.2.6 Heat transfer and heat loss coefficients

Radiative heat transfer coefficient from the cover to the sky (h r ,c s ) is calculated as [27]:

2 2
h r,c s = c(Tc + Ts )(Tc + Ts ) (6)

Radiative heat transfer coefficient between the product and the cover (h r ,p c ) is computed as [27]:

2 2
h r , p c = p(Tp + Tc )(Tp + Tc ) (7)

Convective heat transfer coefficient from the cover to ambient due to wind ( h w ) is computed as [28]:

h w = 2.8 + 3.0Vw (8)

Convective heat transfer coefficient inside the solar greenhouse dryer for either the cover or product and
floor ( h c ) is computed from the following relationship:

Nu k
h c, f a = h c, c a = h c, p a = h c = (9)

ISSN 2076-2895 (Print), ISSN 2076-2909 (Online) 2012 International Energy & Environment Foundation. All rights reserved.
International Journal of Energy and Environment (IJEE), Volume 3, Issue 3, 2012, pp.383-398 389

Nusselt number, ( Nu ) is computed from the Reynolds number (Re) by using the following relationship

Nu = 0.0158 Re 0.8 (10)

The overall heat loss coefficient from the greenhouse cover ( U c ) is computed from the following

Uc = (11)

2.2.7 Thin layer drying equation

We conducted thin layer experiments in a laboratory dryer under controlled conditions of temperature
and relative humidity and the following thin layer drying equation was developed for thin layer drying of
osmotic treated tomato:

M Me
= exp( At B ) (12)
Mo Me

where M (decimal, db) is the product moisture content at time t (hour), M 0 (decimal, db) is initial
moisture content, M e (decimal, db) is the equilibrium moisture content. The drying parameters A and
B are given as:

A=-0.276079+0.00723T+0.001594rh-0.000099Trh+0.000041rh2 (13)

B=1.511073-0.042305T+0.134277rh-0.0020655Trh+0.000533T2-0.001355rh2 (14)

where T is temperature (C) and rh is relative humidity (%)

We also conducted experiments to determine the equilibrium moisture content of the osmotically
dehydrated tomato under controlled conditions of temperature and relative humidity. The result is written

aw = 1.74215
51.50883 0.41666T

where T is temperature (C) and a w is water activity (decimal). The water activity is equal to the
relative humidity in percent divided by 100.

2.2.8 Solution procedure

The system of Eqs. (15) are solved numerically using the finite difference technique. The time interval
should be small enough for the air conditions to be constant, but for the economy of computing, a
compromise between the computing time and accuracy must be considered. On the basis of the drying air
temperature and relative humidity inside the drying chamber, the drying parameters A and B and the
equilibrium moisture content (Me) of the product are computed. Using the A, B and Me values, the
change in moisture content of the product, M for a time interval, t are calculated using Eq. (12).
Next, the system of equations consisting of Eqs. (1), (2), (3) and (4) are expressed in the following form
for the interval t.

ISSN 2076-2895 (Print), ISSN 2076-2909 (Online) 2012 International Energy & Environment Foundation. All rights reserved.
390 International Journal of Energy and Environment (IJEE), Volume 3, Issue 3, 2012, pp.383-398

a11 a12 a13 a14 Tc b1

a a 22 a 23 a 24 Ta b2
21 = (16)
a 31 a 32 a 33 a 34 Tp b3

a 41 a 42 a 43 a 44 Tf b4

This system of equations is a set of implicit calculations for the time interval t. These are solved by the
GaussJordan elimination method using the recorded values for the drying air temperature and relative
humidity, the change in moisture content of the product (M) for the given time interval. The process is
repeated until the final time is reached. The numerical solution was programmed in Compaq Visual
FORTRAN version 6.5.

2.3 Colour measurement of dried tomato

The colour of dried osmotically dehydrated tomato samples was measured by a chromometer (CR-400,
Minolta Co., Ltd., Japan) in Commission Internationale lEclairage (CIE) chromaticity coordinates. L*,
a* and b* represent black to white (0100), green to red (60 to +60) and from blue to yellow (60 to
+60) colours, respectively. Out of five available colour systems, the L*a*b* [30, 31] and L*C*h [32]
systems were selected because these are the most-used systems for evaluation of the colour of dried food
materials. The instrument was standardised each time with a white ceramic plate. Three readings were
taken at each place on the surface of samples and then the mean values of L*, a* and b* were averaged.
The different colour parameters were calculated using the following equations [33].
Hue angle (h) indicating colour combination (i.e. browning) is defined as:

tan -1(b * /a*) (when a* > 0)

h= (17)
180 + tan -1 (b * /a*) (when a* < 0)

Chroma (C*) indicating colour intensity or saturation is defined as:

C*=(a*2+b*2)1/2 (18)

and the total colour change (E) is defined as:

E = (L* L*ref ) 2 + (a* a*ref )2 + (b* b*ref )2 (19)

2.4 Economic analysis

The total capital cost for the solar dryer ( C T ) is given by the following equation:

CT = C m + Cl (20)

where C m is the material cost of the dryer and C1 is the labor cost for the construction.
The annual cost calculation method proposed by Audsley and Wheeler [34] yields:

N 1
Cannual = CT + (Cma int,i + Cop,i )i N (21)
i =1 ( 1)

where C annual is the annual cost of the system. C ma int,i and C op , i are the maintenance cost and the
operating cost at the year i respectively. is expressed as

=(100+ i in )/(100+ i f ) (22)

ISSN 2076-2895 (Print), ISSN 2076-2909 (Online) 2012 International Energy & Environment Foundation. All rights reserved.
International Journal of Energy and Environment (IJEE), Volume 3, Issue 3, 2012, pp.383-398 391

where iin and if are the interest rate and the inflation rate in percent, respectively.
The operating cost consists C op of the gas consumption cost, electricity consumption cost and the labour
cost for operating the dryer. This cost can be written as follows;

Cop = Cgas + Celectric + Clabour , op (23)

The maintenance cost of the first year was assumed to be 1% of the capital cost. Where C gas is the cost
of LPG gas, Celectric is the cost of electricity required by the LPG burner, C labour ,op is labour cost for
operating the dryer.
The annual cost per unit of dried product is called the drying cost (Z, USD/kg). It can be written as

Z= (24)
M dry

where M dry is the dried product obtained from this dryer per year.

Payback period = (25)
M dry Pd M f Pf M dry Z

where M dry is annual production of dry product (kg), Mf is the amount of fresh product per year (kg), Pd
is the price of the dry product (USD/kg) and Pf is the price of the fresh product (USD/kg).

3. Results and discussion

3.1 Experimental results
Figure 6 shows the variations of solar radiation during the typical experimental runs of solar drying of
osmotically dehydrated tomato in the solar greenhouse dryer. During the drying of osmotically
dehydrated tomato, solar radiation increased sharply from 8 am to noon but it considerably decreased in
the afternoon. There was also a slight random fluctuation in solar radiation. However, the overall cyclic
patterns of the solar radiation were similar except the forth day of solar drying of osmotically dehydrated
tomato due to rain and the LPG burner was used.

Solar radiation (W/m )

600 3/11/2009

200 31/10/2009 1/11/2009 2/11/2009

8 10 12 14 16 18 8 10 12 14 16 18 8 10 12 14 16 18 8 10 12 14 16 18
Time (hr)

Figure 6. Variations of solar radiation with time of the day for a typical experimental run during drying
of osmotically dehydrated tomato

Figure 7 shows the comparison of air temperatures at three different locations inside the dryer and the
ambient air temperature for typical experimental runs of solar drying of osmotically dehydrated tomato.
The patterns of temperature changes in different positions were comparable for all locations.

ISSN 2076-2895 (Print), ISSN 2076-2909 (Online) 2012 International Energy & Environment Foundation. All rights reserved.
392 International Journal of Energy and Environment (IJEE), Volume 3, Issue 3, 2012, pp.383-398

Temperatures in different positions at these three locations vary within a narrow band. In addition,
temperatures at each of the locations differed significantly from the ambient air temperature.

Temperature( C)


20 31/10/2009 1/11/2009 2/11/2009
10 T6 T10 T18 T22 T30 Ambient
8 10 12 14 16 18 8 10 12 14 16 18 8 10 12 14 16 18 8 10 12 14 16 18
Time (hr)

Figure 7. Variations of ambient temperature and the temperatures at different positions inside the
greenhouse solar dryer for a typical experimental run during drying of osmotically dehydrated tomato

Figure 8 shows relative humidity inside the dryers for typical experimental runs during solar drying of
osmotically dehydrated tomato. Relative humidity decreases with time inside the dryer during the first
half of the day. This is caused by decreasing relative humidity of the ambient air and increased water
holding capacity of the drying air due to temperature increase, whereas the opposite is true for the latter
half of the day. The relative humidity of the air inside the dryers is always lower than that of the ambient
air and the lowest relative humidity is in the middle of the day which persists for about 5 hours. Thus, the
time of day with the most potential for solar dying is between 8:00 and 16:00. Furthermore, the air
leaving the dryer has lower relative humidity than that of the ambient air, which indicates the exhaust air
from the dryer, still has drying potential.

Relative humidity (%

80 3/11/2009
Outlet 1/11/2009 2/11/2009
60 Ambient


8 10 12 14 16 18 8 10 12 14 16 18 8 10 12 14 16 18 8 10 12 14 16 18
Time (hr)

Figure 8. Variations of ambient relative humidity and relative humidity inside the greenhouse dryer with
time of the day for a typical experimental run during drying of osmotically dehydrated tomato

Figure 9 shows the variations in moisture content of osmotically dehydrated tomato samples at different
positions in the dryer for typical experimental runs compared to the control samples dried in the open-air
sun drying. The moisture content of osmotically dehydrated tomato in the solar dryer was reduced from
an initial value of 54 % (wb) to a final value of 17 % (wb) within 4 days whereas the moisture content of
the sun-dried samples was reduced to 29 % (wb) within the same period. Thus, drying in the solar
greenhouse dryer results in a reduced drying time.
Statistical analysis shows that there is no significant difference in solar drying of osmotically dehydrated
tomato in the different positions inside the solar greenhouse dryers. However, there was a significant
difference between solar-dried and sun-dried osmotically dehydrated tomato product at a significance
level of 1%.

ISSN 2076-2895 (Print), ISSN 2076-2909 (Online) 2012 International Energy & Environment Foundation. All rights reserved.
International Journal of Energy and Environment (IJEE), Volume 3, Issue 3, 2012, pp.383-398 393

During the experiments when there was a rain, the LPG burner was used. The consumption of LPG
during the experiments is shown in Table 1.

Moisture content (%, wb)

31/10/2009 1/11/2009 2/11/2009 3/11/2009
M1 M2
20 M3 M4
10 M5 M6
Open-air sun drying
8 10 12 14 16 18 8 10 12 14 16 18 8 10 12 14 16 18 8 10 12 14 16 18
Time (hr)

Figure 9. Comparison of the moisture contents of osmotically dehydrated tomato at different positions
inside the greenhouse dryer with those obtained by the open-air sun drying method

Table 1. LPG and electricity consumption for the burner

No. of Period LPG consumption Electricity consumption

experiment (kg) (kWh)
1 12 October 15 October, 2009 13 6.0
2 19 October 22 October, 2009 30 8.5
3 31 October 3 November, 2009 25 7.0

3.2 Simulated results

Figure 10 shows typical comparisons between the predicted and experimental temperature values for
solar drying of osmotically dehydrated tomato. Predicted temperature shows plausible behaviour and the
agreement between the predicted and observed values is good.

60 Experiment
Temperature ( C)

50 Simulation

10 31/10/2009 1/11/2009 2/11/2009 3/11/2009
8 10 12 14 16 18 8 10 12 14 16 18 8 10 12 14 16 18 8 10 12 14 16 18
Time (hr)

Figure 10. Comparison of the simulated and observed temperatures inside the greenhouse dryer during
drying of osmotically dehydrated tomato for a typical experimental run

Figure 11 shows comparisons of the predicted and observed moisture contents of osmotically dehydrated
tomato inside the dryer. The model predicts well the moisture content changes of osmotically dehydrated
tomato during drying. The model predictions for drying of osmotically dehydrated tomato were
evaluated on the basis of root mean square difference (RMSD). RMSD of the prediction of the
temperatures inside the dryer were 3.4%. This study indicates that the model can predict the temperatures
with a reasonable accuracy. RMSD of the predictions of moisture contents of osmotically dehydrated
tomato was 7%. Thus, the model predictions are reasonably accurate. Furthermore, predictions are also
within the acceptable limit (10%) [35].

ISSN 2076-2895 (Print), ISSN 2076-2909 (Online) 2012 International Energy & Environment Foundation. All rights reserved.
394 International Journal of Energy and Environment (IJEE), Volume 3, Issue 3, 2012, pp.383-398

Moisture content (%, wb)
10 31/10/2009 1/11/2009 2/11/2009 3/11/2009
8 10 12 14 16 18 8 10 12 14 16 18 8 10 12 14 16 18 8 10 12 14 16 18
Time (hr)

Figure 11. Comparison of the simulated and observed moisture content during drying of osmotically
dehydrated tomato for a typical experimental run

3.3 Colour change

The colour of fresh and dried osmotically dehydrated tomato was measured using chromometer (CR-400,
Minolta Co. Ltd, Japan) and results are shown in Table 2. The colour of fresh osmotically dehydrated
tomato changes from light reddish brown to bright reddish brown after drying. The values of the colour
indices indicate that the colour of solar dried osmotically dehydrated tomato is bright reddish brown
while that of sun dried osmotically dehydrated tomato is light yellow brown. The total colour change of
solar dried osmotically dehydrated tomato was 11.3 which indicates a large difference in color while the
total change of sun dried osmotically dehydrated tomato was 5.8 which indicates an appreciable color
difference. The colour change is more in case of solar dried osmotically dehydrated tomato and this color
is the acceptable color in the dried osmotically dehydrated tomato markets and to the consumers of dried
osmotically dehydrated tomato.

Table 2. Colour variations of dried osmotically dehydrated tomato

Status Colour Value

L* a* b* C* h
Fresh osmotically dehydrated tomato 20.378 13.371 24.214 27.660 61.124
Solar dried osmotically dehydrated tomato 24.847 16.643 14.344 21.969 40.783
Natural sun dried osmotically dehydrated tomato 20.758 13.488 17.371 21.993 52.198

3.4 Application of simulation model and economic evaluation

In order to carry out the economic evaluation of these tomatoes, the simulation model was used to
simulate the performance of the dryer for one year. The typical meteorological data set for Nakhon
Pathom was used for the simulation [36]. The additional thermal energy required during the cloudy and
rain period was estimated from the simulation with this thermal energy requirement and heating value of
LPG, the quantity of LPG required was calculated. Also, the quality of dried product was estimated by
using the simulation.
Based on the estimated production and the capital and operating costs of the drying system for drying of
osmotically dehydrated tomato (Table 3), the payback period of the greenhouse solar drying system for
this product is estimated and this is found to be about 0.65 years.

3.5 Dissemination
Greenhouse solar dryer with the loading capacity of 1,000 kg of fruits were designed to meet the demand
of users for commercial scale production of quality dried fruits and vegetables and it was installed at
Nakhon Pathom. After the successful demonstrations of the dryer it is being routinely used to produce
osmotically dehydrated tomato for commercial purposes. The quality dried products produced in this
solar greenhouse dryer are acceptable in the local and retail markets in Thailand. Other two units of this
type of dryer were also constructed and tested, one at a community enterprise supported by the Royal
Project in Petchabun (16.40N,100.98E ) in the North of Thailand for drying bananas and another at a
community enterprise in Ubon Ratchathani (15.37N, 100.82E ) in the Northeast for drying of chilli

ISSN 2076-2895 (Print), ISSN 2076-2909 (Online) 2012 International Energy & Environment Foundation. All rights reserved.
International Journal of Energy and Environment (IJEE), Volume 3, Issue 3, 2012, pp.383-398 395

(Figure 12). Satisfactory results were obtained from all units. Apart from the improvement of the dried
product quality, this type of dryer help to reduce LPG consumption in small-scale dried food industries.
This is because the dryer uses solar energy as a main heat source. As a result of this success, the
Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency of Thailand has set up a dissemination
program to promote the wide spread use of this type of dryer in small-scale food industries and several
units of this type of the dryer are being used in a number of these industries across the country.

Table 3. Details of the computation of payback period

Items Costs and economic parameters
Materials of constructions of the greenhouse dryer 10,860 USD*
Polycarbonate plates 4,000 USD
Solar modules and fans 1,140 USD
Labour costs for constructions 2,285 USD
Auxiliary heater system 2,000 USD
Repair and maintenance cost 1% of capital cost per year
Gas consumption:
- Amount of LPG for operating 666 kg per year
- Price of LPG for LPG burner 0.43 USD per kg
Electricity consumption:
- Amount of electricity 252 kWh per year
- Price of electricity 0.114 USD per kWh
Labor cost for operating the dryer:
- Labour cost 5.7 USD per person per batch
- Number of labour per batch 2 person
Price of dried osmotically dehydrated tomato 4.57 USD
Expected life of the dryer 15 years
Interest rate 7%
Inflation rate 3.5%
( 1USD = 35 Baht)

Figure 12. Location where the large-scale greenhouse dryer with LPG burner were installed in this work

ISSN 2076-2895 (Print), ISSN 2076-2909 (Online) 2012 International Energy & Environment Foundation. All rights reserved.
396 International Journal of Energy and Environment (IJEE), Volume 3, Issue 3, 2012, pp.383-398

4. Conclusion
A large-scale greenhouse solar dryer with LPG burner has been developed and its performance for drying
osmotically dehydrated tomato have been investigated. Solar drying of osmotically dehydrated tomato in
solar greenhouse dryer resulted in considerable reductions in drying time as compared with the open-air
sun drying and the products dried in the solar greenhouse dryer are high quality dried products. The
problem of drying interruption by rain and cloudy period has been solved.
A system of partial differential equations for heat and moisture transfer has been developed for solar
drying of osmotically dehydrated tomato in the solar greenhouse dryer. The simulated air temperatures
inside the dryer agreed well with the observed temperature data. Good agreement was found between the
experimental and simulated moisture contents of osmotically dehydrated tomato during drying and the
accuracy was within the acceptable range. The model has been used to provide gas quantity consumption
and amount of dried products for economic evaluation. The estimated payback periods of the greenhouse
type solar dryer for tomato are about 0.65 years. Due to its technical and economic effectiveness, this
type of solar dryer has been officially included into the dissemination program by the Department of
Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency of Thailand.

The author would like to thank the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency for
inviting Silpakorn University to carry out this project. The author also thanks Mr. Yuttasak Boonrod, Mr.
Sarawut Nabnean and Mr. Niroot Lamlert for their assistance in carrying out the drying experiments.

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Serm Janjai He is an Associate Professor at the Department of Physics, Silpakorn University,

Thailand. He received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Physics from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand in 1975
and 1978, respectively and docteur de troisieme cycle in energy technology from the University of
Perpignan, France in 1985. He also obtained Marie Curie postdoctoral fellowship from the European
Commission to carry out a research on a solar thermal system at Hohenheim University, Germany in
1995. He has carried out more than 30 research projects on solar radiation and solar thermal technology
funded by national and international organizations. As a result, he has published more than 50 original
research papers in international journals and 3 book chapters and obtained one patent. He has been
recognized for successful development and implementation of solar dryers in Thailand and the
development of solar radiation maps from satellite data for this country. He was also appointed to be a
member of the Scientific Advisory Group for solar ultraviolet radiation measurement (GAW/UV SAG) of the World
Meteorological Organization (WMO). His research interests are solar radiation and solar drying technology. Dr. Janjai has
intensively engaged in research in these fields for more than 30 years.
E-mail address:

ISSN 2076-2895 (Print), ISSN 2076-2909 (Online) 2012 International Energy & Environment Foundation. All rights reserved.
398 International Journal of Energy and Environment (IJEE), Volume 3, Issue 3, 2012, pp.383-398

ISSN 2076-2895 (Print), ISSN 2076-2909 (Online) 2012 International Energy & Environment Foundation. All rights reserved.

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