Aircraft Dynamic Response To Variable Wing Sweep Geometry
Aircraft Dynamic Response To Variable Wing Sweep Geometry
Aircraft Dynamic Response To Variable Wing Sweep Geometry
A numerical method to obtain a complete solution of the dynamic response of a variable swept wing aircraft in
the course of changing the sweep angle is presented. Both aerodynamic and trajectory computations are in-
cluded. A method for calculating the unsteady aerodynamic characteristics of wing/tail combinations at sub-
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sonic speeds under varying sweep backs is developed. The method uses a potential flow model consisting of
discrete unsteady vortex rings distributed over the wing and tail surfaces. A set of complete equations for flight
dynamics in the main body axes is formed with a deformable system dynamics. The time history method is used
to calculate the aerodynamic characteristics and the aircraft responses. All aerodynamic and flight dynamic
parameters during the whole course of varying the sweep back have been obtained and such influences as various
control rules, flight Mach number, etc., on aircraft response during that vaiation have been satisfactorily
analyzed. Some computation examples and response analyses are presented that are useful for studying the
flight stability, maneuverability, and safety of wing sweep change at low altitudes.
R = flight range, m
Nomenclature S = static moment of an aircraft about the
A area, m2 origin O, N-s 2
a speed of sound, m/s T = thrust, N
b length, m t = time, s
C unsteady fundamental solution, Ref. 4 V = flight velocity, m/s
C(]80) steady aerodynamic coefficient correspon- a = angle of attack, deg
ding to the initial swept-back angle /30 at in- j8 = sweep angle of wing leading edge, deg
itial time step t0 7 = flight path elevation angle, deg
D drag, N A = increment
F force acting on an aircraft, N 5 = elevator deflection angle, deg
g gravity acceleration, m/s2 0 = pitch angle, deg
H flight altitude, m K = index of time step
/ inertia moment of an aircraft about origin 0 = angle of thrust, deg
0, N-m-sVdeg o> = rotational angular velocity, deg/s, Fig. 1
// ( / = 1 ,2 ) inertia moment of the right and left variable o>/(/= 1,2) = rotational angular velocity of the right and
wings about their own center of gravity left variable wings about their own rotating
L unsteady aerodynamic lift, N shaft, respectively, deg/s, Fig. 1
M moment acting on an aircraft, N - m , or
flight Mach number Superscripts
a,d,K,u =as defined above
m mass, kg, = J^M7-
i=6 = first derivative with respect to time, d/dt
= second derivative with respect to time,
n increment of normal load factor,
dVdf 2
(~) = vector
O,X, Y,Z main body coordinates, OX is aligned to the
axis of aircraft, Figs. 1 and 2 (= ) = tensor
Oe,Xe, Ye,Ze ground coordinates, Figs. 1 and 2 Subscripts
q dynamic pressure, N/m 2
a = aerodynamic
g = center of gravity
Received July 21,1986; presented as Paper 86-2234 at the AIAA At- / = 0,1,2 = fuselage and right and left wings of variable
mospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, Williamsburg, VA, Aug. sweep angle, respectively
18-20, 1986; revision received May 4, 1987. Copyright American ib - fundamental solution for dynamic step
Institue of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., 1987. All rights variation
reserved. L =lift
* Visiting Professor, Engineering Mechanics Department; Senior M = moment
Engineer, China Aerodynamics Research & Development Center. ob = fundamental solution for pure swept change
tLecturer, Engineering Mechanics Department. Member AIAA.
JAssociate Professor, Engineering Mechanics Department. ref = reference
Member AIAA. t = thrust
Associate Professor, Engineering Mechanics Department. x,y,z = components of respective variable in the
^Professor, Engineering Mechanics Department. Member AIAA. main body coordinates
** Engineer. oo = freestream
Since rotation of the wings will cause a shift of the aircraft Fig. 1 Main body coordinates and ground coordinates.
center of gravity, to make the calculation easier, in this paper
a set of motion equations in the main body axes has been Ye
derived, which takes a certain point on the symmetry axis of
aircraft as the origin. In the same way, to show more exactly
the variation in the unsteady aerodynamic characteristics of
the wing during varying sweep backs, the conventional com-
putation method for the quasisteady aerodynamic
characteristics of an aircraft is used and a computation
method for unsteady aerodynamic characteristics of the air-
craft during varying sweep backs is introduced. This method is
used to compute the transient unsteady response of an fng
The purpose of this paper is to take into account the factors
mentioned above and to give the parameters of longitudinal Xe Ot
motion, flight attitude, and trajectory of the aircraft in the Fig. 2 Angles, forces, and moments used in this paper.
course of varying sweep backs that is, the longitudinal
dynamic response of an aircraft. It is suitable to assume
various rules for varying sweep backs, thrust change, and wings are assumed to be symmetric, then Eq. (1) can be re-
elevator deflection (including open- and closed-loop controls). duced into the form of the component,
The influences of flight altitude and Mach number are also
taken into account. _ o v co~ 2*3 v co_ + o v
Fig. 3 Fundamental solutions of wing (alone), tail (alone), and tail Fig. 4 Unsteady fundamental solution of variable-sweep wing in the
(influenced by wing wash). course of changing geometry.
CO, = 15
Fig. 8 Variations of flight path elevation angle and pitching angular
Computation Method velocity vs time at different rotational angular velocities of wings
Equations (2) are nonlinear and have variable coefficients. about their own rotating shift.
L and Mza in Eq. (3) can be obtained from Eq. (10) and de-
pend not only on the sweep angle and motion attitude at that
time step, but also on their course of historical development. tal steady flight at the initial time step /0 is computed. Its
So it is extremely difficult to get an analytical solution for the parameters such as thrust, balance angle of attack, and
set of Eqs. (2). balance angle of elevator deflection can be computed by
In this paper, the time history method is adopted to com- iteration.
pute the aerodynamic characteristics and aircraft responses. From time step tl9 the aircraft begins to change its sweep
First, divide the course of varying sweepbacks into 1000 or angle. The sweep angle varies 30-70 deg at a constant angular
thousands of time steps and then make the computations from speed a>! =8, 10, or 15 deg/s and vice versa. In all computa-
time step t0 one by one. At any time step tK9 the variations of tion examples, M=0.65 and //=6000 m are taken to be the
the sweep angle and elevator deflection angle may be intro- typical state. To make comparisons in a few cases, different
duced. Having computed the unsteady aerodynamic altitudes H and Mach numbers M are used.
characteristics, compute all the magnitudes of the aircraft A longer time interval cannot be used to compute the
response according to Eqs. (2-4) at the same time step. The unsteady dynamic response. The time interval usually used in
results computed at time step tK are used as the input not only the computations is 0.005 s. For longer periods, the Runge-
of the next time step tK+l9 but also of any following time step. Kutta method is used and the time interval is 0.05 s. Four com-
In Eqs. (2), Vx, Vy, and cbz are implicit functions; thus, it is putations examples were computed and analyzed, as described
very complicated to write their explicit functions. So, the below.
method to solve linear algebra equations is chosen to compute
VXK\ V(K), and <Jozp) at any time step. Response to Sweep Change without Control
In this way, the computation is cycled over and over. The responses to sweep change without control (that is, the
Through the cross computations in turn at each time step, the thrust and elevator deflection angle keep their initial balance
numerical solutions over the whole course of varying sweep values) are computed first. Figure 7 shows a group of response
backs can be achieved. curves to sweep change when M=0.65, //=6000 m, co 1 =8
deg/s and 0 = 30-70 deg.
Computational Examples and Response Analyses For different rotational angular speeds of wing <t)l, response
To study the influence of the varying sweep angle on air- variation is the key to determining the sweep change rate.
craft motion, a hypothetic variable sweep aircraft in horizon- Figure 8 compares curves of coz and 7 in relation to different
-/5 -O.i5
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Response to Sweep Change with an Autopilot Figures 13 and 14 show the response curves of the steady,
The above computational examples denote the inherent and level-off trim controls of an autopilot when 0 = 70 to 30
characteristics of response to sweep change without control of deg.
the heaving motion. Two types of the control are usually used For steady trim, the balance angle of attack decreases when
in autopilots; the automatic trimming for steady and level-off /3 = 7030 deg and the trim of pitch angle 6 leads to the
states are analyzed numerically in this section. positive flight path elevation angle 7. The trim effect is getting
Figure 11 shows the steady trim response to sweep change worse. Thus, level-off trim control is more suitable for im-
when ]8 = 30^70 deg. It can be seen that both 7 and AH re- proving the response quality of varying sweep backs.
ceived some restraint. However, since the balance angles of at- These computation results should be considered when
tack of the whole aircraft will vary with the sweep angles, the choosing an autopilot control method.
trim of the pitching angle introduces an error in flight path
elevation angle 7. The trim effect is far from ideal. Influence of Gravity Center Shift and Inertia Moment Variation
Figure 12 shows the level-off trim response to sweep change Figure 15 shows the influence of backward shift in the
when /3 = 3070 deg. Because the signal KH>AH+KffH is center of gravity when J3 increases from 30 to 70 deg during
connected when -3<0<10 deg, the altitude is stabilized which Axg is the total shift magnitude (ra). The curves in-
automatically. Therefore, the effect is better. dicate that the proper backward shift in the e.g. improves the
This paper has described the equations of motion of an air-
-520 craft with variable swept wings during changes of the sweep
angle and presented a computational method of solving these
Fig. 15 Varations of flight altitude vs time under the conditions of
equations. Through computation and analysis, the following
backward shift in the center of gravity. preliminary conclusions can be made:
1) The dynamic response to varying sweep backs depends
primarily on variations in the aerodynamic characteristics.
The computational results indicate that it is dangerous to
make sweep change at low altitudes without an autopilot and
that the response is very sensitive to the aerodynamic varia-
tions. So, it is necessary to have an autopilot.
2) A great speed of sweep change does not seriously
deteriorate the response quality in a practical speed range. It is
thus acceptable to raise the speed of sweep change.
3) The computational examples show that, in the practical
speed range, the unsteady effect influences the short-period
parameters more obviously than the long-period ones, such as
the loss of altitude A//, the flight path elevation angle 7, and
speed variation AV.
4) By means of the method and computational program in
this paper, the influence of each design parameter on the
response to sweep change can be quantitatively checked and
the influence of autopilot parameters can also quantitatively
given. In this way, it will be helpful in aerodynamic design
and in the choice of parameters of an autopilot of a variable
sweep aircraft.
Fig. 16 Variations of flight altitude and pitching angular accelera-
tion vs time obtained by steady or unsteady aerodynamic method. References
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