19 Haasper Hinged Fixator
19 Haasper Hinged Fixator
19 Haasper Hinged Fixator
DOI 10.1007/s00402-006-0116-7
Hinged external fixation and closed reduction for distal humerus fracture
Abstract Elbow fractures are relatively rare in extremity with diabetes mandate a stepwise protocol to minimize
injuries. Functional deficits often comprise the outcome. the potential complications of delayed fracture healing
We report of a 77-year-old diabetic lady with a distal and wound complications. Hinged external fixation of
humerus fracture. She was treated with external fixation the elbow has been used with success for elective
and closed reduction. Special emphasis was directed to treatment of elbow dislocations [16], degenerative dis-
early motion exercises. Follow-up after 1 year demon- eases or contractures [2, 12]. This technique might be
strated a range of motion of 0-30-130° for extension and indicated in some distal humerus fractures although
flexion of the elbow joint. No neurovascular deficits there are no reports in the literature until the present
were seen. The use of a hinged device was successful in day after early application of such a device in acute
re-establishing a good function. Although there are no treatment. Hence, we report of a case using a tech-
earlier reports using this technique in acute treatment, nique that primarily leads up to good functional
we consider this strategy as an alternative option in results.
carefully selected cases.
Fig. 1 A 77-year-old diabetic female struggled over a curb and The lateral radiograph (b) shows a double arc including parts of the
injured the left elbow. The anteroposterior radiograph (a) shows trochlea and the capitellum. To enhance the three-dimensional
displaced articular fragments from the capitellum and the trochlea. understanding a CT reformation (c) was performed
Fig. 2 Anteroposterior (a) and lateral (b) radiograph made days after surgery show stable realignment of the fracture fragments and
applied external device: Compass hinge (Smith and Nephew, Memphis, TE, USA). c Clinical impression of the hinge in place