The Role of Imaging in Acute Ischemic Stroke: E T, M.D., Q H, M.D., P .D., J B. F, M.D., M W, M.D., M.a.S
The Role of Imaging in Acute Ischemic Stroke: E T, M.D., Q H, M.D., P .D., J B. F, M.D., M W, M.D., M.a.S
The Role of Imaging in Acute Ischemic Stroke: E T, M.D., Q H, M.D., P .D., J B. F, M.D., M W, M.D., M.a.S
AANS, 2014
Elizabeth Tong, M.D.,1 Qinghua Hou, M.D., Ph.D.,1,2 Jochen B. Fiebach, M.D., 3
and Max Wintermark, M.D., M.A.S.1,4
Neuroradiology Division, Department of Radiology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia;
Department of Neurology, Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou, China;
Department of Neurology, Center for Stroke Research Berlin, CharitUniversittsmedizin Berlin, Campus
Benjamin Franklin, Berlin, Germany; and 4Department of Radiology, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire
Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Neuroimaging has expanded beyond its traditional diagnostic role and become a critical tool in the evaluation
and management of stroke. The objectives of imaging include prompt accurate diagnosis, treatment triage, prognosis
prediction, and secondary preventative precautions. While capitalizing on the latest treatment options and expanding
upon the time is brain doctrine, the ultimate goal of imaging is to maximize the number of treated patients and
improve the outcome of one the most costly and morbid disease. A broad overview of comprehensive multimodal
stroke imaging is presented here to affirm its utilization.
troke is the fourth leading cause of death in the ation and management of patients in whom acute ischemic
United States. According to the American Heart stroke is suspected. In addition to displaying anatomical
Association, 795,000 patients experience a new or structures, the latest neuroimaging techniques can eluci-
recurrent stroke each year in the US, and stroke results in date the underlying hemodynamics and pathophysiology.
1 of every 19 deaths.63 Current treatments for acute ische- The goals of comprehensive imaging in patients with acute
mic stroke include intravenous (IV) tissue plasminogen stroke are to provide prompt accurate diagnosis, facilitate
activator (tPA), endovascular mechanical recanalization, triage, expand treatment cohort, optimize individual out-
and intraarterial thrombolysis. The number needed to come, and strategize secondary precautions. Logistically,
treat for IV tPA to benefit 1 patient is about 7.47 How- the best-practice protocol at each institution varies and de-
ever, less than 5% of patients with acute stroke receive pends on available imaging modalities, physicians prefer-
IV tPA. This is largely due to the narrow time window ences, intervention capabilities, and time constraints.
for treatment (34.5 hours for IV tPA,2,21,72,73,125,155 6 hours This review will briefly discuss the utility of com-
for intraarterial thrombolysis,92 8 hours for endovascular prehensive imaging in acute stroke. Patients who present
mechanical recanalization159,169,177,193,201) and delayed pre- with acute stroke symptoms fall into one of 3 broad cat-
sentation to care.3 egories: 1) candidates for IV tPA, 2) candidates for en-
Neuroimaging has become a critical tool in the evalu- dovascular therapy, and 3) other settings. The following
discussion is organized based on these 3 categories.
Abbreviations used in this paper: ADC = apparent diffusion
coefficient; ASL = arterial spin-labeling; ASPECTS = Alberta
Stroke Program Early CT Score; CBF = cerebral blood flow; CBV Establishing the Diagnosis of Acute Ischemic
= cerebral blood volume; CTA = CT angiography; DSA = digi- Stroke
tal subtraction angiography; DWI = diffusion-weighted imaging;
GRE = gradient-recalled echo; IV = intravenous; MCA = middle Ruling Out Intracranial Hemorrhage
cerebral artery; MRA = MR angiography; MTT = mean transit
time; NCHCT = noncontrast head CT; PCT = perfusion CT; PWI = The initial step in the evaluation of patients with
perfusion-weighted imaging; SWI = susceptibility-weighted imag- symptoms of acute stroke is to differentiate between hem-
ing; TIA = transient ischemic attack; TOF = time-of-flight; tPA = orrhagic and ischemic stroke. Since intracranial hemor-
tissue plasminogen activator. rhage is an absolute contraindication for reperfusion ther-
apies,1,92,93 most stroke protocols begin with noncontrast baseline ASPECTS correlates inversely with severity as as-
head CT (NCHCT). NCHCT has been widely accepted sessed by the NIHSS within the first 3 hours of middle ce-
as the standard method for the detection of acute intracra- rebral artery (MCA) stroke onset. ASPECTS of 7 or lower
nial hemorrhage since early reports describing its accu- has been shown to predict poor functional outcome (78%
racy with early-generation CT scanners.88,167 However, its sensitivity and 96% specificity) and symptomatic hemor-
sensitivity and specificity in detecting intracranial hem- rhage (90% sensitivity and 62% specificity)220 (Fig. 3).
orrhage have not been formally studied by comparing to Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) is approximately
actual pathological/histological specimens. 4 to 5 times more sensitive in detecting acute stroke than
Although CT is the standard method, gradient T2*- NCHCT25,33,57,65,92,116,219,221(Fig. 4). Its sensitivity in detect-
weighted MRI sequences (including gradient-recalled ing ischemia is reported as 99% with a high specificity
echo [GRE] and susceptibility-weighted imaging [SWI] of 92%.9,11,25,33,92,103,123,139,145 Within minutes of vessel oc-
sequences) are equallyif not moresensitive for the clusion, failure of the sodium potassium pump leads to
detection of acute intracranial hemorrhage.56,105 The ac- an influx of water from the extracellular space to the in-
curacy of MR imaging techniques in the detection of in- tracellular space. Cytotoxic edema restricts diffusion of
tracranial hemorrhage in acute stroke setting (within 6 water molecules and appears as increased signal intensity
hours) was reported as likely equivalent to NCHCT.56,105 on DWI.204 About 95% of hyperacute infarcts are posi-
Furthermore, T2*-weighted sequences have superior ac- tive on DWI.9,52,65,139 DWI can detect acute brain infarc-
curacy in the detection of small hemosiderin deposits tion within 1 to 2 hours, while NCHCT may be negative
from chronic microhemorrhages,98,105,124 which are often for the first 24 to 36 hours.165 DWI can distinguish acute
undetected on NCHCT due to insufficient signal contrast from chronic ischemia, thereby delineating new lesions
and limited spatial resolution. However, the clinical sig- even when located in proximity to prior ischemic injury145
nificance of microhemorrhages is uncertain and remains (Table 2). Obscure lesions indiscernible on CT scans,
an area of intense investigation. While a meta-analysis of such as lacunar infarcts, particularly those located in the
patients who received IV thrombolysis with a small num- posterior fossa, are better visualized on DWI.135,154,197
ber of chronic hemorrhages (fewer than 5) concluded that Despite strong evidence supporting DWI as superior
there is no significantly increased risk of hemorrhage,23,58 to NCHCT for confirming diagnosis of acute stroke with-
the outcome when numerous microhemorrhages (5 or in the first 24 hours,25 logistical issues limits its use in
more) are present has not been studied. emergent setting. Most institutions find it challenging to
obtain emergent MRI without delaying treatment.
Diagnosing Ischemic Stroke Of note, restricted diffusion is not exclusively ob-
Early ischemic changes in NCHCT include loss of served in acute ischemic stroke, but can also be seen
gray-white distinction, indistinct insular cortex and ob- in some nonischemic entities. These include seizure,
scured basal ganglia, and hyperattenuated clot in the encephalitis, abscesses, metabolic derangement (hypo-
proximal vessels166,219 (Fig. 1). The hyperdense vessel sign glycemia), Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, lymphoma, and
is most specific but has low sensitivity.127 Abnormalities mucinous adenocarcinoma metastases.194 Under the guid-
on NCHCT are present in 40%50% of acute ischemic ance of clinical presentation, these entities can be read-
strokes.217,219 When obvious signs are present, NCHCT al- ily differentiated when studies are reviewed in combina-
lows rapid diagnosis and correlation with presenting symp- tion with studies using other imaging modalities such as
toms. However, acute ischemic changes are often subtle, FLAIR. Occasionally, clinical differentiation of seizures
with intra- and interobserver variability.68 Multiple classifi- from acute stroke may be difficult. Discerning DWI le-
cation systems based on imaging features have been devel- sions confined to a major vascular territory, a distinctive
oped to offer reliable, reproducible grading of the extent of feature of acute stroke lesions, may be helpful.
ischemic changes on NCHCT. One of them is the Alberta
Stroke Program Early CT Score (ASPECTS), a 10-point Determining Eligibility for IV tPA
scoring system12 (Fig. 2; Table 1). Studies have shown that There is strong evidence supporting the use of IV tPA
Fig. 1. Early ischemic changes on NCHCT. Axial NCHCT images demonstrating an indistinct right insular cortex (arrow, A)
and obscured right basal ganglia, with loss of gray-white distinction (open arrow, B) and hyperdense right MCA (arrow, B and C).
Fig. 4. Superior sensitivity of DWI in the detection of acute infarcts.A: Axial NCHCT image obtained at admission showing
subtle obscuration of the right insular cortex (arrow).B: Axial DW image demonstrating hyperintense lesions in the right MCA
territoryright lateral frontal cortex and right basal gangliaconsistent with acute infarction (arrow). The central hypodensities
likely represent petechial hemorrhage.C: Axial CTA maximum intensity projection confirms occlusion of the M1 segment of the
right MCA (arrow).
of the extracranial arteries. It is relatively independent of is achieved quickly47,62,86,90 (Fig. 7). The evolution of the
flow dynamics and is less susceptible to motion artifacts penumbra is a dynamic process and can be indirectly vi-
(Fig. 5). Peak arterial enhancement is obtained by esti- sualized by various advanced imaging techniques.
mating the arrival of the contrast bolus. This technique Perfusion-CT (PCT) can characterize cerebral perfu-
is often limited by inaccurate timing of the bolus, which sion by dynamically tracing an iodinated contrast bolus
causes venous contamination.133 Newer time-resolved from its arrival to its departure.50 PCT allows quantitative
contrast-enhanced MRA repeatedly acquires images of assessment of cerebral blood flow (CBF), cerebral blood
a volume during the passage of the contrast material. De- volume (CBV), and mean transit time (MTT).50 PCT de-
lineation of arterial vasculature from venous vasculature lineation of the ischemic core and penumbra is typically
is more accurate.114,133 Additionally, the dynamic acquisi- based on the concept of cerebral vascular autoregula-
tion allows visualization of complex flow patterns.114,133 tion. In the penumbra, where autoregulation is preserved,
The combined use of 3D TOF and contrast-enhanced MTT is prolonged, but CBV is maintained.223 Quantita-
MRA can improve diagnostic ability.203 However, CTA tively, a relative increase in MTT of 145% most accurate-
has been shown to be slightly superior to MRA for this ly represents the penumbra.223 Within the ischemic core,
purpose, typically for distal vascular lesions68,107 (Fig. 6). where autoregulation is lost, there is a matched reduction
in CBF and CBV with prolonged MTT.223 A prospective
Assessing Viable Ischemic Brain Tissue multicenter study reported an absolute CBV < 2 mL/100
g optimally best delineated the ischemic core.106 However,
Following an arterial occlusion, brain tissue that can- more recent studies found relative CBF to be more pre-
not sustain the sudden drop in perfusion rapidly under- dictive of the ischemic core.6,1719,99,110,147,168,202
goes infarction. The surrounding hypoperfused tissue that MRI delineation of the ischemic core and penumbra
can autoregulate to sustain metabolic needs remains vi- relies on DWI and perfusion-weighted imaging (PWI)
able.77,225,226 The former is labeled ischemic infarct core, techniques.67 Characterization of the ischemic core and
and the injury to this tissue is irreversible. The latter is penumbra on MRI is based on the assumption that the
known as ischemic penumbra. Differentiation of the is- DWI abnormality reflects the ischemic core, whereas the
chemic core and ischemic penumbra relies on the tissues PWI abnormality reflects the overall area of ischemia.90
ability to carry out vascular autoregulation.77,223,225,226 The The PWI/DWI-mismatch is often thought to represent
penumbra is in danger of proceeding to infarction, but the ischemic penumbra36,64 (Table 3; Fig. 8). However, us-
represents potentially salvageable tissue if recanalization ers should be cautious of the spontaneous resolution of
TABLE 2: Temporal changes of MRI findings in ischemic stroke*
Fig. 6. Vascular occlusion detected by CTA, MR 3D-TOF, and DSA.A: CTA maximum intensity projection demonstrating
severe stenosis in the M1 segment of the right MCA (arrow). There is retrograde filling of the distal portions of the right MCA by
collaterals.B: MR 3D-TOF image demonstrating overestimation of the stenosis and showing absence of antegrade flow in the
right MCA distal to the stenosis.C: DS angiogram demonstrating a short segment of tight stenosis in the proximal right MCA
(arrow) with collaterals.
Fig. 7. PCT maps obtained in a patient with left MCA stroke before and after thrombectomy. AC: Pretreatment images.
The CBV map (A) shows decreased CBV in the left frontal lobe. The CBF map (B) shows decreased CBF in the left frontoparietal
lobe. Regions with CBV < 2 ml/100 g represent infarct core. The MTT map (C) shows a large region of prolonged MTT in the left
hemisphere, representing the penumbra. DF: Images obtained after endovascular thrombectomy. The CBV (D), CBF (E), and
MTT (F) maps show reduction of the lesion, suggesting salvaged ischemic tissue, with only a residual infarct (low CBV, low CBF,
high MTT) in the left lenticular nucleus. s = seconds.
Neuroradiology and the Society of Interventional Ra- tion of cerebral blood flow (CBF).129,130 ASL is a method
diology recently proposed a standardized classification for describing brain perfusion based on MRI without the
scheme for leptomeningeal collaterals78 (Table 4). Several need of a contrast medium. The blood in a region of inter-
imaging approaches have been explored, including DSA,8 est is magnetically labeled. As the labeled blood flows,
CTA,148 arterial spin-labeling (ASL),34,215 PWI,8,158 and its paramagnetic effect alters the image intensity.32 ASL
PCT.108 technique can be applied selectively to individual artery,
Primary and secondary collateral vessels can be di- thereby delineating the regions each vessel supplies. This
rectly characterized with conventional angiography uti- technique can show collaterals, arising from one artery,
lizing DSA. Angiography illustrates collaterals in real supplementing another occluded or stenotic artery.34
time with good spatial and temporal resolution.129 Angi-
ography also has the unique ability to isolate each major Determining Eligibility for Endovascular
vascular territory by selective injection.130 Revascularization
CTA has been proposed as a surrogate for DSA in Mechanical thrombectomy devices received FDA
the assessment of collateral circulation. However, CTA approval for use in patients presenting up to 8 hours after
only offers a snapshot of the cerebral vessels without dy- symptom onset because of early recanalization being as-
namic information and can only provide an approxima- sociated with a 4- to 5-fold improvement in clinical out-
tion of the maximum extent of collaterals.129 The dynamic come.177
nature of collaterals is better appreciated on PCT, which Three imaging strategies for selecting patients for en-
follows the dispersion of a contrast bolus by performing dovascular revascularization were proposed. In the first
a repeated series of images at predefined slice locations. strategy, the patient proceeds to the angiography suite
Perfusion imaging techniques provide estimates of immediately after the initial NCHCT, thus minimizing
collateral flow through measurement of the contrast ar- the door-to-recanalization time. The patency of the ves-
rival delay, typically featuring prolonged time-to-peak sels and collaterals are assessed by DSA. However, in-
(TTP) or mean transit time (MTT) with relative preserva- farct volume can only be indirectly assessed by attention
to flow, parenchymal blush, and arterial-to-venous tran-
TABLE 3: Perfusion-weighted imaging/diffusion-weighted sit times. The second strategy utilizes multimodal CT
imaging in acute ischemic stroke (NCHCT and CTA) to assess ischemic core and vascular
patency (with optional PCT for penumbra assessment) for
Finding Interpretation making decisions regarding endovascular therapy. The
rationale for this approach is to limit catheterization stud-
PWI > DWI mismatched regions likely represent penumbra
ies to those patients with a vascular clot amenable to en-
PWI = DWI infarcted lesion, no penumbra dovascular treatment. The third strategy uses multimodal
PWI < DWI early reperfusion of the ischemic tissue MRI for information gathering, which includes DWI, the
Fig. 8. Evolution of stroke on NCHCT and MRI. Day 1: NCHCT demonstrates obscure left insular cortex. No abnormal
lesion is identified on T2-weighted imaging. DWI and ADC images show restricted diffusion in the left insular cortex and left len-
ticular nucleus, consistent with acute infarction (open arrow). PWI abnormalities in the left MCA territory. The PWI/DWI mismatch
is thought to represent ischemic penumbra (arrow).Day 2: NCHCT demonstrates hypodense left lenticular nucleus and left
insula (arrow), consistent with acute infarction. The corresponding lesion is identified on T2-weighted MRI and DWI (open arrow)
with an additional hyperintense lesion in the left temporal cortex (open curve arrow). The abnormality on PWI (arrow) is mostly
resolved.Week 2: Subacute infarct in the left lentiform nucleus (arrow).Month 2: The images show a chronic infarct in the
left lentiform nucleus (arrow).
most accurate method, to assess the extent of the ische- Wake-Up Stroke
mic core. Several studies have demonstrated that the extra Currently, patients with unknown onset of symp-
time required for MRI/DWI did not adversely affect the toms, such as those who suffer wake-up stroke, are of-
outcome.26,113,195 To date, there is no definitive evidence to ten denied treatment. Multimodal MRI (using DWI-PWI
favor one strategy over the other. mismatch or DWI-FLAIR mismatch) or multimodal CT
(NCHCT, CTA, and PCT) may be used to assess the tis-
Other Settings sue clock.100,209,210 A recent study has shown that a DWI-
positive lesion in a patient with a concomitant normal
For the remaining patients not falling under the broad FLAIR image suggests that less than 3 hours has elapsed,
categories described above, imaging still plays a crucial with > 90% specificity and positive predictive value (Fig.
role. This is a conglomerate group including those with 10). Therefore, if acute reperfusion therapy is considered,
wake-up strokes (in which patients awaken with neuro- distinguishing a matched DWI-FLAIR lesion from a mis-
logical deficits), transient ischemic attack (TIA), and pos- matched DWI-FLAIR lesion may be a plausible way to
terior fossa strokes. estimate the elapsed time since onset and identify patients
Fig. 9. Reversible DWI lesions. Axial DW (upper) and ADC (lower) images. The DW image obtained 1 hour (h) after pre-
sentation shows a hyperintense lesion in the right basal ganglia. The DW image obtained 4 hours after presentation shows a
hyperintense lesion at the right inferolateral frontal lobe. The abnormality previously seen in the right basal ganglia has resolved.
The DW image obtained 24 hours after presentation show the hyperintense lesion at the right inferior frontal lateral lobe and
reappearance of the lesion in the right basal ganglia.
who are likely to benefit from thrombolysis.211 However, tients with TIAs.38,95,96 The ABCD2 score is one of the
there is no prospective evidence supporting imaging se- more widely used systems. This score represents the sum-
lection for treatment in this patient population. mation of points associated with 5 clinical factors inde-
pendently predictive of stroke riskage, blood pressure,
Transient Ischemic Attacks clinical features such as unilateral weakness or speech
impairment, symptom duration, and the presence of dia-
Patients with TIAs are a very diverse group in terms betes153 (Table 5). The ABCD2 score has been shown to
of their symptoms, risk factors, prognosis, and future accurately predict the risk of stroke at 2, 7, and 90 days
stroke risk. As the presenting symptoms can be diverse, following a TIA.153
imaging can potentially help to improve the accuracy of Studies have shown imaging, MRI, or CT can further
TIA diagnosis. DWI abnormalities are found in approxi- enhance the prediction of stroke risk.38,48,172 Abnormali-
mately 40% of patients with TIAs.37,139,176 ties on DWI are associated with a higher risk of additional
After establishing the diagnosis of TIA, triage begins vascular events.39 Other imaging features associated with
with identifying patients who require admission, which stroke risk include occlusion of large cervicocerebral ar-
depends on their imminent stroke risk. Several scoring teries,38,55,172 and embolic signals on transcranial Doppler
systems have been proposed to predict stroke risk in pa- sonography.126,146
TABLE 4: American Society of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology/Society of Interventional Radiology
collateral flow grading system*
Score Description
0 no collaterals visible to the ischemic site
1 slow collaterals to the periphery of the ischemic site, w/ persistence of some of the defect
2 rapid collaterals to the periphery of the ischemic site, w/ persistence of some of the defect, but only to a portion of
the ischemic territory
3 collaterals w/ slow but complete angiographic blood flow of the ischemic bed occurring by the late venous phase
4 complete & rapid collateral blood flow to the vascular bed of the entire ischemic territory, by retrograde perfusion
vasively obtaining information on intracranial oxygen- subtraction angiography: an index of collateral cerebral blood
ation in patients with infarctions and swelling.40 flow in internal carotid artery occlusion. Stroke 13:469472,
9. Ay H, Buonanno FS, Rordorf G, Schaefer PW, Schwamm LH,
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ment options and expanding upon the time is brain doc- therapy for acute ischemic stroke. Stroke 42:693699, 2011
trine, the ultimate goal of neuroimaging is to maximize 11. Barber PA, Darby DG, Desmond PM, Gerraty RP, Yang Q,
the number of patients treated and improve the outcome Li T, et al: Identification of major ischemic change. Diffu-
sion-weighted imaging versus computed tomography. Stroke
of one the most costly and morbid diseases. Definitive 30:20592065, 1999
validation of various aspects of stroke imaging awaits 12. Barber PA, Demchuk AM, Zhang J, Buchan AM: Validity and
more research and further studies. reliability of a quantitative computed tomography score in
predicting outcome of hyperacute stroke before thrombolytic
Disclosure therapy. ASPECTS Study Group. Alberta Stroke Programme
Early CT Score. Lancet 355:16701674, 2000 (Erratum in
Dr. Wintermark reports receiving funding from GE Healthcare Lancet 355:2170, 2000)
and Philips Healthcare and having a consultant relationship with 13. Barger AC, Beeuwkes R III, Lainey LL, Silverman KJ: Hy-
Biogen Idec. pothesis: vasa vasorum and neovascularization of human
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Tong. Acquisition of data: Fiebach. Drafting the article: all authors. 14. Barnett HJ, Taylor DW, Eliasziw M, Fox AJ, Ferguson GG,
Critically revising the article: all authors. Reviewed submitted ver- Haynes RB, et al: Benefit of carotid endarterectomy in pa-
sion of manuscript: all authors. Approved the final version of the tients with symptomatic moderate or severe stenosis. N Engl
manuscript on behalf of all authors: Wintermark. Study supervision: J Med 339:14151425, 1998
Wintermark. 15.Bash S, Villablanca JP, Jahan R, Duckwiler G, Tillis M,
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217.von Kummer R, Bourquain H, Bastianello S, Bozzao L, Please include this information when citing this paper: DOI:
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218. von Kummer R, Meyding-Lamad U, Forsting M, Rosin L, Charlottesville, VA 22908. email: