Whirred and Whirled
Whirred and Whirled
Whirred and Whirled
This title requires a little explanation, but we are confident that people will
embrace it quickly. PLU-Perfectthat is, People Like Us: Perfect! Its all
Copyright 2012 by Word & World, Luther Seminary, Saint Paul, Minnesota. All rights reserved. 103
around us. Political caucuses, synods and congregations, gated communities, ra-
dio and TV talk shows, you name itPeople Like Us are perfect. Others are
not. We want PLU-perfect churches, PLU-perfect political parties, and ideally, of
course, a PLU-perfect world. Some argue against total PLU-perfectionism, rec-
ognizing properly that without others (the less than perfect) there would be no
foil, no enemy, no bad guys to prove we are the good guys. But we dont need too
many of them.
The beauty of this is its ability to be exclusive and inclusive at the same time.
We all (inclusive) want the world to be made up of people just like us (exclu-
sive)its perfect. Several articles are pending for this issue:
Be Perfect (Matt 5:48): Even Jesus Agrees!
Prophets or Cheerleaders? What Do Congregations Really Want?
Recovering the Liturgical Confession of Sins: Theirs!
Learning Perfect Hatred (Ps 139:22): A Biblically Based Parish Education
Hosting Tyre Cosmetics Parties in Christian Homes: How to Be Perfect
in Beauty (Ezek 27:3)
Cursing the Other: Rediscovering the Imprecatory Psalms for Parish
We take the world in our title seriously, having shown that with an issue on
Water in 2011 and Bread in 2012. The next topic for this natural world series
is obvious: cucumbers. The articles are taking shape:
Fruit or Vegetable? What Determines Meaning, Elitist Scientific Exegesis or
Common-Sense Readers Response? A Hermeneutical Case Study
Giant Cucumbers: State Fair Oddity or an End to World Hunger?
Im in a pickle! A Cucumbers Spiritual Lament (a rare first-person
A lapful of wild gourds (2 Kings 4:39): Were They Really Cucumbers? A
Text-Critical Investigation
The Cucumber and the Bee: An Exploration of Odd Sexual Attraction
Cucumbers at the Church Potluck: Recipes to Relish
Face to Face: Burpless or Traditional? Has Genetic Manipulation Gone Too
Far at Last?
one that provides church leaders with insights necessary for parish ministry. Sev-
eral articles are already commissioned:
The Bat Is a Bird (Deut 14:18)? Can Literalism Be Defended?
Why Are Bats Unclean (Lev 11:19)? An Early Case of Speciesism?
Crapping on Idols Heads: The Mission of Bats in Epistle of Jeremiah 1:22:
Is It Ours as Well?
From Sparrows at the Altar to Bats in the Belfry: A Fascinating Look at the
Wirkungsgeschichte of Ps 84:3
Archaeologists Uncover the Club of Gods Fury (Isa 10:5): They Remain
Puzzled over the Inscription (Louis[b?]ille S[n?]ugger)
Texts in Context: Preaching to the Graphic-Novel Generation: Exploring the
Dark Caves of the Bible with the Bats and the Moles (Isa 2:20)