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Journal of Paramedical Sciences (JPS) Summer 2015 Vol.6, No.

3 ISSN 2008-4978

Physico-chemical properties, fatty acid profile and nutrition in palm oil

Mohammadreza Koushki,, Masoomeh Nahidi*, Fatemeh Cheraghali

Department of Food Technology Research, National Nutrition and Food Technology Research Institute, Faculty of Nutrition
Sciences and Food Technology, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

*Corresponding Author: email address: p.nahidi@yahoo.com (M.Nahidi)


The rapid expansion in world production of palm oil over the last three decades has attracted the attention
of the oils and fats industry. Oil palm gives the highest yield of oil per unit of any crop. Palm oil is the major
oil produced, with annual world production in excess of 50 million tonnes. Throughout the world, 90% of
palm oil is used for edible purposes (e.g., margarine, deep fat frying, shortening, ice creams, and cocoa
butter substitutes in chocolate); the remaining 10% is used for soap and oleo chemical manufacturing (fatty
acids, methyl esters, fatty nitrogenous derivatives, surfactants and detergents). Two distinct oils are
produced by oil palms (palm kernel oil and palm oil), both of which are important in world trade. Palm oil
contains 50% saturated fatty acids. The saturated fatty acid to unsaturated fatty acid ratio of palm oil is close
to unity and it contains a high amount of the antioxidants, -carotene, and vitamin E. Palm oil contains a
high proportion of palmitic acid as well as considerable quantities of oleic and linoleic acids. The
physicochemical properties, fatty acid profile and nutrition in palm oils are reviewed.

Keywords: Palm oil; Palm Kernel oil; Physicochemical properties; Fatty acid profile; Nutrition.

INTRODUCTION the fastest growing oil in the world. In fact, palm

Palm oil is an important and versatile raw oil is projected to be the worlds largest oil
material for both food and non-food industries produced, although it is currently occupying
[1]. Recently, palm oil has become the second second position after soybean oil [5]. Most palm
most consumed oil all over the world with a oil is currently produced in South East Asia, even
competitive price compared to other edible oils though the oil palm is originally an African crop,
[2]. The Oil palm is as old as creation. Every part which was introduced to South East Asia in the
of the tree is useful economically and for 19th century. The two largest producers are
domestic purposes [2, 3]. The oil palm is grown Malaysia and Indonesia, who together account for
commercially in Africa, South America, roughly 85% of the world palm oil production [6,
Southeast Asia, and the South Pacific, and on a 7]. The success of the Malaysian palm oil industry
small scale in other tropical areas. Until recent is the result of the ideal climatic conditions,
centuries the palm has been confined to West and efficient milling and refining technologies and
Central Africa where it existed in a wild, semi facilities, research and development, and efficient
wild, and cultivated state. In Africa it remained a and adequate management skills. Practically all
domestic plant, supplying a need for oil and palm oil mills generate their own heat and power
vitamin A in the diet, and it was not until the end through the co-generation system [6, 8].
of the eighteenth and the beginning of the Palm oil, obtained from a tropical plant, Elaeis
nineteenth centuries that oil palm cultivation guineensis. The genus Elaeis comprises two
expanded to the Southeast Asian regions and species, namely E. guineensis and E. oleifera.
strengthened the entry of palm oil into the world Palm oil is a lipid extracted from the fleshy
oils and fats trade [4]. orange-red mesocarp of the fruits of the oil palm
Palm oil is one of the 17 major oils and fats tree. The oil palm tree has an unbranched stem
produced and traded in the world today. Within and belongs to the Palmae family. The tree, which
the span of four decades, palm oil has emerged as can grow to a height of 20 to 30 meters, has an

Journal of Paramedical Sciences (JPS) Summer 2015 Vol.6, No.3 ISSN 2008-4978

economic life span of 25 to 30 years. The female 2011. In addition Palm oil was not always the
bunch produced can weigh as much as 3040 kg most widely used vegetable oil in the world. In
and contain up to 2000 fruitiest which are black in 1961, only 1.5 million tonnes was produced,
color when young, turning to orange-red when compared to 3 million tonnes of soybean oil. In
ripe[9,11]. Germination takes around 3 months, 2006, however, palm oil production surpassed
after which the seedlings are planted in plastic soybean oil production for the first time, and by
bags and transplanted into a field at an age of 2011, world production of palm oil amounted to
around 1 year and produce their first bunches of 48.6 million tonnes, compared to 41.6 million
fruit after less than 2 years[6, 12]. The number of tonnes of soybean oil.
leaves in an oil palm plant increase from 30 to 40 Today, Indonesia is the worlds largest producer
in a year at the age of 5 to 6 years. After that, the of palm oil, with Malaysia coming in at a close
generation of leaves decreases to about 20 to 25 second (Table 1) [16].
per year[6,13].
Malaysia has been the leading exporter of palm
oil, reflecting the countrys large production and
refining capacities, its small domestic market for
palm oil[1,14]. In much of Asia, palm oil is
popular because of its relatively low price vis--
vis soybean oil, its main competitor, reinforced by
the modest freight costs from South East Asian
suppliers. Also, the temperatures in the
tropical/sub-tropical regions are warm enough to
allow refined bleached deodorized(RBD) palm
olein to be used as household oil, without fear of
clouding [15]. Today, palm oil is the most widely
used vegetable oil in the world. As shown in
Figure 1 palm and palm kernel oils accounted
for 35% percent of total vegetable oil production,
Soybeans were the next largest source of
vegetable oil27%, followed by rapeseed (the basis
of canola oil)15% in Figure1. Global vegetable oil production (2011)

Table1.World supply and distribution (Thousand Metric Tons)

Production 2010/11 2010/12 2010/13 2010/14 2010/15 2010/16
Indonesia 23,600 26,200 28,500 30,500 33,000 33,000
Malaysia 18,211 18,202 19,321 20,161 21,250 21,250
Thailand 1,832 1,892 2,135 2,150 22,250 2,250
Colombia 753 945 1,140 1,042 1,070 1,070
Nigeria 850 850 910 930 930 930
Other 3,590 4,022 4,138 4,276 4,293 4,293

Palm oil has the color of a rich, deep red which is biosynthesis of triglycerides and products of
said to be derived from its rich carotenoid lipolytic activities have been detected in the palm
contents, which are known as pigments often oil [3].
found in plants and animals. Palm oil is a viscous Palm oil contains a high concentration of natural
semi-solid and a solid fat in temperate climate carotenoids of 500-700 ppm [18-23]. The main
because the major components of its glycerides carotenes present in crude palm oil are -carotene
are the saturated fatty acid palmitic [17]. The (56%) and -carotene (35%). Both -carotene and
major and minor components of the palm oil play -carotene are provitamin A. Compared with
numerous health functions in humans. Some other sources of natural carotenoids , palm oil has
metabolites which play notable roles in the 15 times more retinol equivalents than carrots and

Journal of Paramedical Sciences (JPS) Summer 2015 Vol.6, No.3 ISSN 2008-4978

300 times more than tomatoes [18]. Studies have are relatively easy to operate, because the phases
also strongly associated beta carotene with the are more distinct than in other fats. A most useful
prevention of certain types of cancer, such as and comprehensive study of the phase behavior of
oral, pharyngeal, lung and stomach palm oil has been reported [28, 29]. It has a high
cancers[18,24-26]. Palm oil has wide applications oxidative stability and results in high-quality and
for the production of high value products for tasty foods. The suitability of palm oil and its
pharmaceutical, food and fuel industries[27]. products for frying was widely demonstrated in
Therefore present article reviewed the physic- many investigations, and the paper shows some
chemical properties, fatty acid profile and examples for the comparison of palm oil with
nutrition in palm oil. other commonly used oils. The oil is a solid fat in
temperate climates, because it consists of 3247%
Kinds of Palm Oil saturated fatty acids, with palmitic acid as main
Palm oil is unique among vegetable oils saturated fatty acid [30-32]. Palm oil obtained
because of its high saturated acid content with a exclusively from the red fruits, which is lower in
significant amount (10-16%) of saturated acids at palmitic acid but higher in oleic acid, would be
the 2-position of its triglycerides. Palm oil also more suitable for processing into vegetable oil,
contains appreciable amounts of diglycerides (5- while the oil from the yellow fruits could be more
8%) and free fatty acids, which can have a useful in the production of soap and detergent
substantial effect on its physical properties. Under [33]. Palm is unique in that it produces two types
normal ambient conditions (20-30 C), palm oil of oil. Palm oil is edible oil referred to by the
appears as heterogeneous slurry of crystals in FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius as being derived
liquid oil. The separation of these phases is the from the fleshy mesocarp of the oil palm fruit and
basis of the large-scale fractionation processes Palm kernel oil is derived from the kernel of the
applied to palm oil. These fractionation processes fruit of the oil palm [34].

Figure 2. Classification of palm oil [34]

In the unprocessed form palm oil is reddish brown products as partial cocoa butter replacers and as
in color, and it has a semisolid consistency at ice cream fats and coating [4, 11, 29].
ambient temperature. Readers should not confuse With increasing interest in cocoa butter
palm oil with palm kernel oil, which is another replacers, many refiners are attempting to
product obtained from the kernel of the oil palm produce a satisfactory middle melting fraction
fruit that has wide application in the oleo from palm oil which will be more or less
chemical industry while palm oil is derived from compatible with cocoa butter[23].
the mesocarp or fruit flesh. Palm oil applications Crude Palm Oil (CPO) and Palm Kernel Oil
in food are shortening, margarine, deep frying fat, (PKO), two main oil, yields from palm oil fruit
and specialty fats. Palm kernel fats or fractions or are extracted from the mesocarp [28, 35, 36].
derived products are used for confectionery These oils have different characteristic and
properties [28]. The properties of CPO make it

Journal of Paramedical Sciences (JPS) Summer 2015 Vol.6, No.3 ISSN 2008-4978

suitable for food products (e.g. margarine, Two other types of products are produced by
cooking oil), while PKO is used for nonfood specific fractionation. The first range of products
products (e.g. cosmetics). In food products, is that of super olein of lower cloud point. The
product quality is crucial, compare with non food second type is that of palm mid-fractions as cocoa
products [37] .The unripe fruits contain very little butter replacers. More sophisticated processing
oil but the mesocarp of ripe fruits has an oil can provide other fractions such as mid-fraction
content of 7075% of its total weight [38]. The and the double fractionated palm olein (super
main products derived from palm kernel are palm olein). Palm mid-fraction, which has properties
kernel oil, palm kernel stearin whereas the by- somewhere between olein and stearin, contains
products are palm kernel meal and palm kernel 60% palmitic and 40% oleic acid, and is used as a
fatty acid distillate. The major composition of the cocoa-butter equivalent. When the target is to
kernel is oil (49%), followed by carbohydrate produce an olein for temperate and cool climates,
(26.1%), protein and crude fiber (8% each) [39]. the required specifications usually are a cloud
Palm oil may be fractionated into two major point below 5 C and a minimum iodine value of
fractions: liquid oil (65 70%) palm olein (m.p. 60. Such oleins also are blended with a more
1820 C) and a solid fraction (3035%) stearin unsaturated oil such as soybean oil to improve the
(m.p. 4850 C).Palm olein is the fractions low temperature stability[43].Food manufacturers
obtained from refining, bleaching and choose palm oil because it has a distinct quality,
deodorization of palm oil. The fractionation requires little or no hydrogenation, and prolongs
process consists of crystallization of that the shelf life of different products[44,45].
portion of the glycerides that solidify at the Meanwhile Palm shell as by product of the palm
temperature of operation followed by their oil industries is abundantly available mainly in
separation from the remaining liquid portion. South East Asia (Malaysia, Indonesia and
The latter fraction is generally referred to as Thailand). For example in Malaysia, the world
olein, and the higher melting portion is called largest producer of palm oil, approximately 2
stearin[40]. This fractionation brings about an million tons of palm shell produced annually.
increase in monounsaturated oleic acid with the Currently, most of these agricultural wastes
concomitant reduction of palmitic acid, the major burned to generate steam. Many previous studies
saturated fatty acid. Palm oil contains a high have been done on the utilization of palm shell as
proportion of palmitic acid as well as considerable raw material of AC production and it was
quantities of oleic and linoleic acids. Palm olein is reported that due to its high density, high carbon
also suitable as dietary fat and in infant contents and low ash, this material can be used for
formulation. The suitability of palm oil and palm the production of good quality AC. Also, in
olein for frying of different foods is widely comparison with similar byproduct precursors for
described in many publications [8, 28, 30]. It is AC preparation like coconut shell at same
also possible to modify both palm oil and palm preparation conditions, palm shell base AC have
olein by hydrogenation to obtain hard fats with shown higher adsorption capacity and better
different properties. Because of the high palmitic micro pore development[46,47].
acid content of palm oil and its various products, Palm oil is known to support the growth of fungi
it has interesting polymorphic properties, which and bacteria especially when it contains moisture.
may be used to advantage in blending with Their lipolytic enzymes are so active that even
different oils and fats used in the production of under unfavorable conditions palm oil is seldom
margarines and shortenings [41]. Red palm oil produced with a free fatty acid content (FFA) of
(RPO) contains 50% saturated, 40% less than 2% and under favorable conditions of
monounsaturated and 10% polyunsaturated fatty processing, the free fatty acid content of this oil
acids. RPO and refined palm olein (REFPO) have reaches 20%and higher. When the fruit is bruised,
good oxidative stability due to the presence of lipolytic action occurs and a near maximum FFA
natural antioxidants (tocopherol and tocotrienols) (8-10%) is reached within 40 minutes. The FFA
and the absence of linolenic acid [17, 42]. of unbruised fruits may increase only 0.2% or less
in the course of 4 days [47].

Journal of Paramedical Sciences (JPS) Summer 2015 Vol.6, No.3 ISSN 2008-4978

Kinds of Fatty acids of different TAGs. There is 710% of saturated

Palm oil quality and price is dependent on the TAGs, predominantly tripalmitin. The fully
free fatty acids (FFA) content in palm oil. High unsaturated TGs constitute 6 to 12%[49,50].The
content of free fatty acids in palm oil affect the minor constituents of palm oil can be divided into
quality of palm oil and leads to various health and two groups. The first group consists of fatty acid
environmental issues. while the fatty acid derivatives, such as partial glycerides
composition of palm oil may vary with the Monoglycerides (MGs), Diglycerides (DGs),
country of origin, oils from the same country phosphatides, esters and sterols [50].
are reasonably consistent, particularly where Phospholipids and glycolipids are the polar
the oil production is plantation-based and lipids of palm oil, with the former receiving
maximum benefit is obtained from control of considerable attention because of the suspected
ripeness at time of harvesting, and genetic deleterious effect of phosphorus on oil
uniformity of the fruit[22].The maximum free quality[36,52,53]. The second group includes
fatty acids content set by the Palm Oil Refiners classes of compounds not related chemically to
Association of Malaysia in crude palm oil is 5 % fatty acids. These are the hydrocarbons, aliphatic
and < 0.1 % in refined bleached deodorized oil. alcohols, free sterols, tocopherols, pigments and
Due to the high demand in palm oil industry trace metals. Different isomers of MGs and DGs
market nowadays, various works has been done to are found in palm oil. -MGs are more stable than
improve the quality of palm oil including the their -isomers. As in most vegetable oils, the
determination and reduction of free fatty acids in ,-DGs (or 1,3 DGs) are the predominant DGs
palm oil [48]. Like all oils, Three AcylGlycerols in palm oil [50].
(TAGs) are the major constituents of palm oil. The major fatty acids in palm oil are myristic
Over 95% of palm oil consists of mixtures of (14:0), palmitic (16:0), stearic (18:0), oleic (18:1)
TAGs, i.e. glycerol molecules, each esterifies and linoleic (18:2) [50]. Palm oil contains almost
with three fatty acids [49, 50]. The triglyceride equal amounts of saturated and unsaturated fatty
(TG) composition of palm oil is normally acids. It contains negligible amounts of the
determined by high-performance liquid hypercholesterolemia fatty acids, lauric (12:0) and
chromatography (HPLC). The HPLC (14:0). It is moderately rich in the
chromatograms indicated a good separation of hypocholesterolemic monounsaturated oleic acid
most of the TG components in the oil [49, 51]. (18:1) and has adequate amounts of linoleic acid
The major fatty acids in palm oil are myristic, (18:2 6) [10, 54, 55]. The fatty acid chains
palmitic, stearic, oleic and linoleic. Most of the present in the palm oil triglycerides could vary in
fatty acids of palm oil are present as TAGs. The the number of carbons present in the chain (chain
different placement of fatty acids and fatty acid length) and in structure (presence of double
types on the glycerol molecule produces a number bonds, i.e., unsaturation) (Tables 2, 3)[4].

Table 2. Fatty acid composition

Oleins Stearin
Fatty Acids Range Observed Mean Range Observed
12:00 0.1 - 0.5 0.2 0.1 - 0.6
14:00 0.9 -1.4 1.0 1.1 - 1.9
16:00 37.9 -41.7 39.8 47.2 - 73.8
16:01 0.1 - 0.4 0.2 0.05 - 0.2
18:00 4.0 -4.8 4.4 4.4 - 5.6
18:01 40.7 - 43.9 42.5 15.6 -37.0
18:02 10.4 -13.4 11.2 3.2 - 9.8
18:03 0.1 - 0.6 0.4 0.1 - 0.6
20:00 0.2 - 0.5 0.4 0.1 -0.6
Iodine Value (Wijs) 56.1 -60.6 58.0 21.6 - 49.4

Journal of Paramedical Sciences (JPS) Summer 2015 Vol.6, No.3 ISSN 2008-4978

Table 3. Triglyceride composition by carbon number

Oleins Stearin
Carbon Number Range Mean Range
C46 _ _ 0.5 3.3
C48 1.3 - 4.0 2.3 12.2 - 55.8
C50 37.7 -45.4 42.0 33.6 - 49.8
C52 43.3 - 51.3 45.7 5.1 -37.3
C54 7.0 - 12.6 9.9 Trace - 8.4

Palm olein, super olein and RPO share the same Physico-chemical properties
major fatty acids e.g. (16:0), oleic and linoleic acids. The physical and chemical properties of palm oil,
However, palm olein and super olein have more like other lipids, are essentially determined by the
oleic and linoleic acids but less palmitic acid than nature of the constituent fatty acids, which make
does palm stearin. In fact, palm olein and super up approximately 95% of the glyceride
olein are more unsaturated. Because of the semisolid molecule[33]. Palm oil, like all oils and fats, is made
texture of palm oil at room temperature, up mostly of glyceridic materials with some
hydrogenation is not necessary. Hydrogenation nonglyceridic materials in small or trace quantities.
leads to the production of appreciable quantities of It is this chemical composition that defines the
trans fatty acids that have uncertain health effects. chemical and physical characteristics of palm oil,
Palm oil and its fraction contain less than 1.5% of which in turn will determine the suitability of the oil
the hypocholesterolemic lauric and myristic acids. in various processes and applications [4].
In palm oil, 1723% of the (16:0) is in the sn-2 Palm oil and hardened groundnut oil had the
position while most of the saturated myristic, and greatest oxidative stability at high temperature, in
stearic acids are in the sn-1,3-configuration comparison to animal fats or highly unsaturated oils,
suggesting the reason for a low thrombotic tendency with regard to the chemical parameters but also
of palm oil since the usual precursors for concerning the sensory evaluation [30]. Because of
desaturation and elongation in the four fatty acid its fatty acid composition, palm oil can readily be
families are essentially the fatty acids in the 2- fractionated, i.e. partially crystallized and separated
position[10]. Palmitic acid content increased and into a high melting fraction or stearin and a low
linoleic acid content decreased linearly with the melting fraction or olein. High-melting stearin may
number of frying cycles [56]. be used in oleo chemical applications, soaps, food
For determination of the free fatty acid content of a emulsifiers and other industrial applications such as
fat/oil is the number of milligrams of KOH required lubricating oil. Three main commercial processes
to neutralize mg of FFA present in fat/oil sample. for fractionating palm oil are in use: the fast dry
The free fatty acid contents of the palm oil process, the slow dry process and the detergent
types/samples were determined according to the process all these processes lead to specific products
method described [57]. The acid value is the number of different quality with different yield and
of mg of KOH necessary to neutralize the free acid operating costs. The physical and chemical
in mg of sample. The acid value is given by T B x characteristics as well as the triglyceride
5.61/W. 0.1M KOH contains 5.6mg/ml or 5.6g/l compositions by high performance liquid
where T=Titer value of the sample; B=Titer value of chromatography (HPLC) of palm oil fractions from
a blank. The blank was provided as a control by these industrial fractionation processes are given.
titrating 2.5ml of the neutral alcohol without sample. Other varieties of products produced by specific
The free fatty acid (FFA) is normally determined as fractionation are presented with analytical data: the
oleic acid where by the acid value = 2 x FFA. superoleins, palm-midfractions and cocoa butter
NaoH may be used and a generalized formula may substitutes. Palm oil is semi-solid oil, sedimenting at
be used (for palm oil and fractions): 25.6 x M NaoH room temperature even in tropical countries.
x V/W where V= Volume of NaOH solution used in Therefore, a fractional crystallization is required.
ml; W=Weight of sample [47]. Because of its triglyceride composition which

Journal of Paramedical Sciences (JPS) Summer 2015 Vol.6, No.3 ISSN 2008-4978

includes substantial quantities of both low and high and +0.8 kg/m 3 for each 1% increase in water.
melting point triglycerides, palm oil can readily be These corrections refer only to determinations at the
crystallized by controlled cooling and separated into usual ambient and measuring temperatures, e.g. 20-
a low melting fraction, olein, and a high melting one 60 C. Thus, for practical purposes the temperature
called stearin [29, 43]. is the most important variable. The most
Table 4 shows some of the physical properties of comprehensive study of the density of palm oil has
palm oil. The apparent density is an important been made by PORIM. Crude and RBD palm oil
parameter from the commercial point of view since and olein were studied over the temperature range
it is used for volume to weight conversions. It can 25-75C. Statistical analysis of the data showed no
also be used as a purity indicator. The density of an significant difference between the various oils, and
oil depends on its saponification value (molecular the density could be expressed as density (g/ml) =
weight), iodine value (unsaturation), free fatty acid 0.9244 - 0.00067 T, where T is the temperature in
content, water content and temperature[10,50]. degrees Celsius. The solid fat content of oil is a
Approximately, density changes by +0.3 kg/m 3 for measure (in percent) of the amount of solid fat
each unit increase in saponification value; +0.14 present in the oil at any one Temperature. It is
kg/m 3 for each unit increase in iodine value; -0.68 measured by means of wide-line nuclear magnetic
kg/m 3 for each degree C increase in temperature; - resonance (NMR) spectrometry after a standard
0.2 kg/m for each 1% increase in free fatty acids, tempering procedure for the samples [4].

Table 4. Major physical properties of palm oil

Property Mean Range
(215 Samples)
Apparent density at 50 C (g/mL) 0.889 0.888 - 0.889
Refractive index at 50 C 1.455 1.455 - 1.456
Solid fat content
5 C 60.5 50.7 - 68.0
10 C 49.6 40.0 -55.2
15 C 34.7 27.2 - 39.7
20 C 22.5 14.7 - 27.9
25 C 13.5 6.5 -18.5
30 C 9.2 4.5 - 14.1
35 C 6.6 1.8 -11.7
40 C 4.0 0.0 -7.5
45 C 0.7
Slip melting point (C)( +) 34.2 31.1 -37.6
Some physicochemical properties of palm oil and its fractions are outlined in Table 5[6].

Table 5. Physicochemical properties of palm oil and its fraction

Palm oil Palm Olein Palm Stearin
Melting point (C) 34.2 21.6 44.5 - 56.2
Relative density (50 C/water at 25 C) 0.89 - 0.92 0.91 - 0.92 0.88 - 0.92
Refraction index () 1.46 1.47 1.45
Moisture and impurities (%) 0.1 0.1 0 - 0.15
Iodine Value 47 - 55.83 55.0 - 61.54 21.6 - 49.4
Saponification value (mg KOH/g) 196 - 208.2 189 - 198.0 193 - 206
Unsaponifiable matter (%) 0.01 - 0.5 0.001 -0.5 0.1 - 1.0

The solid present in the oil at any one temperature crystallization and melting behavior to the oil.
is due to the process of crystallization occurring These thermally associated processes can be
in the oil as a consequence of its chemical followed by means of differential scanning
properties. The different molecular triglyceride calorimetry (DSC), Figures 3 and 4 show the
structures with their differing chemical crystallization and melting thermogram of palm
characteristics manifest their physical states at oil respectively. In the crystallization
different temperatures, thus imparting certain thermogram, points 1 to 2 define the olein

Journal of Paramedical Sciences (JPS) Summer 2015 Vol.6, No.3 ISSN 2008-4978

crystallization peak while points 2 to 3 define the To conclude, the crystallization is a dynamic
stearin crystallization peak. These are defined by reaction where the molecules of triglycerides are
points 1 to 2 and 2 to 3, respectively, in the melting in equilibrium. Many parameters such as the oil
thermogram [4,58]. Palm oil, palm stearin, composition, the temperature, the polymorphism
hydrogenated palm oil and hydrogenated palm olein and the inter solubility may influence this
were crystallized at 5C temperature cycled between equilibrium. Therefore, depending on the
5C and 20C and kept isothermally at 5 C for 36 crystallization method used, the quality as well as
days. The polymorphic state of the fats was the yield of the fractions will be affected. The
monitored by X-ray diffraction analysis. Soft laser availability of palm oil fractions has given
scanning of X-ray films was used to establish the opportunity for greater adaptability to specific
increase in crystal content. Palm stearin was least requirements. The palm oil fractions from single
stable in the form, followed by palm oil. The and double stage blended or not with other oils
hydrogenated oils were very stable in the form. followed or not by interesterification, may give
DSC analysis was used to complement the X-ray new markets. As striking examples we find the
data. Palm oil can also be hydrogenated to yield superoleins and especially the palm mid-fractions
products with various iodine values and melting where throughput and cost consideration are of
points[58]. less importance for the high value product [43] .

Figure 3. Crystallization thermogram of Malaysian palm oil[4]

Figure 4. Melting thermogram of Malaysian palm oil[4]

Journal of Paramedical Sciences (JPS) Summer 2015 Vol.6, No.3 ISSN 2008-4978

Table 6. Melting and solidification characteristics

Tests Oleins Stearin
Range Range
Slip melting point (C) 19.4 - 23.5 21.6 44.5
Cloud point (C) 6.6 - 14.3 1.4 56.2
Neutralized 5.4 - 11.9 8.1 ___
Refined 6.0 - 11.5 8.8 ___

It can be seen that palm oil can be separated under and SUS components; SUS components are
controlled thermal conditions into two observed in both LMP and HMP; the HMP is also
components, a solid (stearin) and a liquid (olein) made up of some SSS, except for palm oleins and
fraction. A range of stearin with differing Chemical super oleins. Sub-2, sub-1, , 2,1 and
and physical properties could be produced, yet polymorphic forms are recorded; the LMP
keeping the chemical and physical properties of the components preferentially crystallize in sub-a2,
oleins to within a very narrow range of values as sub-a1 and a forms; the HMP components
shown in Table 6. It is the variations in the generally crystallize in 2 and 1, with a
structure and number of carbons in these fatty acid tendency to exhibit crystals, depending on the
chains that largely define the chemical and SSS content. Components of the VHMP have an
physical properties of palm oil. The chain lengths increased tendency to stabilize in the form; in
of the fatty acids present in the triglycerides of view of the results, we can assume that there is a
palm oil fall within a very narrow range from 12 to clear relationship between TAG composition,
20 carbons[4]. melting properties and polymorphic behavior and
Dry fractionation is based on differences in the of palm oil and fraction[14] .
melting points of TAG which will crystallize The keeping quality of the oils is basically
selectively during the cooling process. dependent on their chemical compositions, for
Unfortunately, limitations due to inter solubility, instance, the percentages of the degree of
closely linked to polymorphism; induce formation unsaturation[47]. Random analyses of samples of
of co-crystals at each crystallization step. For this refined palm oil, palm olein, and palm stearin have
reason, only restricted TAG enrichments are shown the presence of about 2% of 1, 2-
observed. In this work, a series of samples of palm diglycerides and about 4% of 1, 3-diglycerides
oil, solid and liquid fractions (stearin, mid with trace amounts of monoglycerides. These
fractions, oleins and superoleins) have been partial glycerides are important as they are known
selected and examined in terms of TAG to affect the crystallization behavior of the oil.
composition (by HPLC), DSC melting profile and Inherent Chemical Properties of Malaysian Palm
variable temperature powder X-ray diffraction Oil, summarized in Table 7[4]. Carotenoids
pattern. Three major endotherms [low-melting, degradation is strongly activated by the
high melting and very high-melting peaks (LMP, temperature. The thermal degradation of
HMP and VHMP)] are detected in the DSC carotenoids in palm oil followed 1.3 order reaction
melting profiles (5-7 C/min). The VHMP is only kinetics. The reason for the fractional order may be
recorded for palm stearin which contains more SSS due to the high antioxidant content in the oil;
components. The HMP contribution is weak for therefore the initial oil quality and the heat
palm olein and even not observed for palm super treatment have a major influence on the retention
oleins. The LMP is usually made up of UUU, SUU of carotenoids.
Table 7. Inherent chemical properties of Malaysian palm oil
Chemical Characteristics Mean Range
Saponification value (mg KOH/g oil) 195.7 190.1 - 201.7
Unsaponifiable matter (%) 0.51 0.15 - 0.99
Iodine value 52.9 50.6 - 55.1
Slip melting point 34.2 30.8 - 37.6

Journal of Paramedical Sciences (JPS) Summer 2015 Vol.6, No.3 ISSN 2008-4978

As a conclusion, in order to obtain oil with higher refining processes. Processes are available to
carotene content, it is more interesting to work at refine red palm oil without destroying the
low temperatures for a long time instead of a carotenoids. There are about 11 different
higher temperature for a shorter treatment. carotenoids in crude palm oil .The major
However, under the usual refining conditions, the carotenoids of palm oil are Alfa and beta
stripping of FFA to the desired level demands carotene; together they constitute more than
high temperatures. For that reason, the production 80% of the total carotenoids in palm oil[19,20].
of red palm oil requires the use of alternatives Carotenes, in particular beta carotene and, to a
technologies such as a modified deodorization lesser extent, Alfa carotene are known for their
process, which should be preceded by chemical provitamin A activities, as they are transformed
deacidification steps in order to remove the FFA into vitamin A in vivo. Compared with other
to the required level and retain maximum content sources of natural carotenoids, palm oil has 15
of all the important biologically active times more retinol equivalents than carrots and
constituents. Meanwhile the dependence of 300 times more than tomatoes [18]. Studies have
constant rates with temperature obeyed the also strongly associated beta carotene with the
Arrhenius relationship. The activation energy for prevention of certain types of cancer, such as
the carotenoids thermal degradation in palm oil oral, pharyngeal, lung and stomach
was found to be 109.4 kJ/mol[60]. cancers[18,24-26] .
Many studies show that, the influence of partial The vitamin E content of palm oil is partially lost
replacement of palm olein (POo) with olive oil as a result of processing. For example, it has been
(Oo), (25 and 50%, w/w) was investigated during reported that RBD palm oil, palm olein and palm
five consecutive days of frying. The results stearin retain approximately 69, 72 and 76% of
indicated that frying performance of POo was the original level of vitamin E in the crude oils,
significantly (P < 0.05) influenced by partial respectively. However, there is a large variation in
replacement with olive oil. The highest change in these estimates within the refining industry
peroxide value (PV), anisidine value (AV), totox because differences in the plant conditions as well
value (TV), total polar compound (TPC), as the plant design influence the amount of
viscosity and melting point was shown by the vitamin E lost during refining. It has been
control sample; whereas the replacement of 50% observed that vitamin E tends to partition
(w/w) palm olein with 50% (w/w)olive oil preferentially into the olein fraction during
exhibited the least changes in PV, AV, TV, TPC, fractionation of palm oil. For example, the
viscosity and melting point during the frying concentration of vitamin E in RBD palm olein
process[61]. and RBD palm stearin were 104135% and
Meanwhile Degumming is the first stage in 5775%, respectively of the original level of
refining, and it is used to precipitate metal salts vitamin E in the source RBD palm oil [49].
and other hydrate phosphatides and mucilaginous Almost 90% of the world palm oil productions are
materials likely to cause the oil to develop flavors as food. This has made demands that the
and odors, and induces neutralization. Results nutritional properties of palm oil and its fractions
show that, the effects of degummed type and be adequately demonstrated. The results of a large
strength of degumming reagent on the chemical number of nutrition trials in animals and humans
and physical characteristics of edible vegetable have been published. These studies have indicated
oils are very important [62]. that not only demonstrate the nutritional adequacy
of palm oil and its products but have also caused
Nutrition transitions in the understanding of the nutritional
Palm oil contains a high concentration of and physiological effects of palm oil, its fatty
natural carotenoids of 500-700 ppm [18-23]. The acids and minor components [49]. The results
main carotenes present in crude palm oil are - have shown that palm oil is as good as the
carotene (56%) and -carotene (35%). Both - indigenous oils, in some instances even better in
carotene and -carotene are provitamin A. All its cholesterolemic response to the other oils and
carotenoids are destroyed during the normal fats studied[58,63].Palm oil is an excellent choice

Journal of Paramedical Sciences (JPS) Summer 2015 Vol.6, No.3 ISSN 2008-4978

for food manufacturers because of its nutritional nutrition has noted that there is possible evidence
benefits and versatility. The oil is highly to suggest that the total cholesterol (TC) and low
structured to contain predominantly oleic acid at density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLC) raising
the sn2-position in the major triacylglycerols to effects of palmitic acid are lower for vegetable
account for the beneficial effects described in than animal sources because it is present
numerous nutritional studies [64]. predominantly in the sn1 and sn3 position as
Red palm oil is a highly nutritious premium opposed to sn2 position as in animal fats such as
vegetable oil because of the presence of carotene, lard. As such, palm oil, like other vegetable oils,
vitamin E, ubiquinones, and phytosterols. It is including olive oil, has the favorable oleic acid in
versatile edible oil that can be used in various this position. Therefore, this will lead to an
food applications .The oil can be fractionated into acceptance that palm oil is as good as olive oil.
a number of fractions with different This will also explain why even though 50%
physicochemical properties, thereby further saturated, palm oil behaves more like a
extending its range of food monounsaturated fat [58].
applications[65].Therefore Commercial red palm A novel application of diacylglycerol (DAG)
olein (CRPOo) is a richest and safest source of emerged in the late 1990s as a healthier form of
phytonutrients, vitamin E and carotenoids. These oil, with a focus on the nutritional properties
components exist in comfortable concentration, provided by the glyceride structure of DAG.
suitable for consumption for all individuals DAGs are digested and metabolized differently
.Furthermore these components are well retained from other oils, which significantly reduces the
for up to 12 months of storage under three risk of obesity. DAGs consist of a glycerol
simulated storage condition prevalent in backbone esterifies with two fatty acids (FA).
Malaysia, namely supermarket (20C), kitchen DAGs have two isomeric forms, the sn-1, 3-DAG
(30C) and warehouse (40 C) conditions [66]. and the sn-1, 2(2, 3)-DAG, with a natural
There may be some justifiable concern about the isomeric ratio of approximately 7:3. DAGs are
nutritional and health impact of palm oil as an found as minor components of various edible oils.
edible oil, in view of its relatively higher saturated Notably, DAG has the same bioavailability and
fatty acid content and lower linoleic acid content, physiological fuel value as TAG. There are two
as compared to most of the other vegetable oils main health benefits of DAGs. First, the regular
(with the exception of coconut oil) currently consumption of DAG oil in the diet has been
consumed in India. Since palm oil is going to be shown to affect body weight and body fat in both
used as an additional edible oil, its nutritional and animals and humans. Second, DAG oil has been
health impact have to be assessed as a shown to lower serum triglyceride (TG) levels
complementary source of fat to the currently used when compared with conventional oils.
edible oils [67]. But the nutritional properties of Consequently, oils with high concentrations of
palm oil have been demonstrated since the 80s DAG have drawn attention as useful oils for use
and specifically reported [68]. Where it was in various food applications. The safety issues of
described that although palm oil contains 50% DAG oil have been evaluated by the Japanese
long chain saturated fats, it has a distinct Ministry of Health and Welfare, and DAG oil has
antithrombotic effect based on observations from been classified as a Food for Specified Health
an animal study on arterial thrombogenesis in Use; moreover, the FDA in the United States
vivo. These observations became more prominent classified the oil as GRAS (Generally Regarded
in many more studies carried out subsequently as Safe). Healthier DAGs can be applied in O/W
[64]. Later hypothesized that palm oil does not emulsions, such as mayonnaises and salad
increase cardiovascular risk because the oil is dressings, and in W/O emulsions, such as
highly structured to contain predominantly oleic margarines, spreads, creamy fillings,
acid at the stereo specific numbers (Sn) 2 confectionary foods, shortening, fried products
position in the major triacylglycerols (TAG) . (potato chips, fried cakes, and doughnuts), icings
More recently, the report of an Expert and ice creams. Recently, DAG has been
Consultation on Fats and Fatty Acids in human marketed as functional cooking oil in Japan and in

Journal of Paramedical Sciences (JPS) Summer 2015 Vol.6, No.3 ISSN 2008-4978

United States .The production of DAG usually cisunsaturated fats and saturated fats increases
results in a mixture containing MAG, DAG, and LDLC concentrations, reduces HDLC
TAG through an enzymatic and purification concentrations, which consequently increases the
process. In addition, the free hydroxyl group and TC: HDLC ratio, a better predictor of
nutritional benefits of DAG allow for many cardiovascular heart risk. The recent interim
product possibilities, such as the use of DAG in report from FAO/WHO Expert Consultation also
foods, cosmetics, dietary supplements, and stated that there is convincing evidence that intake
pharmaceuticals. Palm olein-based diacylglycerol of trans fatty acid decreases HDLC and increases
oil (POL-DAG) is a pale yellowish liquid fraction the TC:HDLC ratio in comparison to SFA
obtained from the dry fractionation of palm oil (C12:0C16:0), cis MUFA and PUFA[71] . Also
after crystallization under a controlled reported that a 2%increase in energy intake from
temperature. The purified POL-DAG appears in partially hydrogenated fats or trans fatty acids was
semisolid form at room temperature. POL-DAG is associated with a 23% increase in the incidence of
less saturated than palm oil. To produce POL- cardiovascular heart disease. Current evidence
DAG, palm oil undergoes a two-step glycerolysis also suggests that Trans fatty acids may be
process, and the purified product contains 35.6% implicated in the risk of sudden cardiac death and
C16:0, 46.5% C18:1 and 12.2% C18:2. POL- metabolic syndrome components. The increasing
DAG can be blended with other vegetable oils to use of artificially produced Trans fats in foods
suit various fat applications. Furthermore, palm therefore drew grave concern from the public, and
oil has many applications in the food industry, led to stricter regulatory measures globally.
and many healthful solid fat products can be Consequently, the US Food and Drug
produced from palm-based DAG [69]. Administration required mandatory Trans fatty
It must also be emphasized, however, that while acids labeling on packaged foods from January 1,
evaluating the possible effects of any edible fat on 2006, prompting food manufacturers to find
blood cholesterol, the counteracting or the alternatives to commerciallyhydrogenated
potentiating influence of habitual diets with which vegetable oils for bakery products, margarines,
the oil is consumed, must be taken into account. A and fried foods. In this context, palm oil provides
number of promotive and preventive factors of the best natural replacement for commercially
hypercholesterolemia are normally present in produced hydrogenated vegetable oils, as it is
habitual diets. The balance of these factors naturally solid[58,72].
present in any diet does ultimately determine the High fiber foods start to gain much attention in
possible hyper- or hypocholesterolemic potential the industrial world, due to its importance in
of palm oil. The influence of the habitual diets human health for treating and prevention wide
and their composition on the health effects of range of diseases. Finding new and cheap source
palm oil as an edible oil, has not been closely of dietary fiber is highly needed. Palm kernel cake
examined hitherto [67]. which is wastes produced after oil extraction from
Studies indicated that a combination of palm oil palm kernels is increasing in volume as the oil
with rice bran oil can significantly lower serum palm industry expands in many parts of Asia and
lipids in rats as compared to those given diet Africa. The results showed that the palm kernel
containing palm oil alone[70]. with testa contains the highest amount of the total
Compelling data have linked dietary Trans fatty dietary fiber with 63.06 g/100g sample, crude
acids to increased risk of cardiovascular heart fiber 8.49 g/100g, crude protein content 14.40
disease. Evidence from large epidemiological g/100g, ash 4.43 g/100g sample with p < 0.05.
studies, involving 667 to 80,082 men and women The mean moisture content of the Palm Kernel
in different age groups, followed over 6 to 20 with testa was 3.26 which is least than the other
years, consistently found a positive association samples. Moreover, the defatted palm kernel with
between Trans fatty acid intake and risk of testa considered superior than the defatted palm
cardiovascular heart disease. Controlled feeding kernel without testa and palm kernel cake, and
dietary intervention studies have demonstrated could be used as a good and cheap source of
that Trans fatty acids intake compared to dietary fiber for human consumption [73].

Journal of Paramedical Sciences (JPS) Summer 2015 Vol.6, No.3 ISSN 2008-4978

The effect of consuming palm oil exclusively as that the intake of palm oil as an exclusively edible
the visible or cooking fat in different oil does not compromise the EFA intake of any of
socioeconomic groups of urban and rural areas of the socioeconomic groups, the total EFA intake
India country is shown in Table 8. It can be seen remains at 4-5% energy in all the groups [67].

Table 8.The effect of Replacing the Visible Fat with Palm Oil on EFA Intake of Different Socioeconomic Group in India

Visible fat Linoleic acid intake

Social Group intake
Palm oil En %
(g/day) Invisible fat Total
High Income Group (HIG) 46.0 11.6 4.8 16.4 5.7
Middle income Group (MIG) 35.0 10.0 3.6 13.6 5.2
Low Income Group (LIG) 22.0 10.7 2.3 13.0 5.2
Rural (average) 9.0 10.2 0.9 11.1 4.4

Tocotrienols, a group of vitamin E stereoisomers, fibroblasts, and at elucidating whether the effects
over many health benefits including their ability of tocotrienol rich fraction (TRF) are mediated
to lower cholesterol levels, and provide through inhibition of Tocotrienol-rich fraction
anticancer and tumorsuppressive activities. A (TGF-b1). Results show that TRF from palm oil
diet rich in tocotrienols, especially dietary significantly diminished procollagen 1 and 3
tocotrienols from a tocotrienolrich fraction (TRF) synthesis in Tocotrienol-rich fraction
of palm oil, reduced the concentration of plasma (HIF)[78].Other minor palm oil components that
cholesterol and apolipoprotein B, platelet factor 4, demonstrate major nutritional and health benefits,
and thromboxane B2, indicating its ability to so micronutrients are listed in Table 9[42].
protect against platelet aggregation and RPO in the maternal diet was shown to improve
endothelial dysfunction. Red palm oil is one of the vitamin A status of lactating mothers and their
the richest sources of carotenoids; together with infants. Consumption of RPO incorporated in a
vitamin E, tocotrienols, and ascorbic acid present sweet snack or biscuits significantly improved
in this oil, it represents a powerful network of plasma retinol concentrations in children with
antioxidants, which can protect various tissue and subclinical vitamin A deficiency. There is
cells from oxidative damage. For rat hearts, evidence that if only 35-50% of the recommended
tocotrienol were more proficient in the protection daily intake for vitamin A were to be provided by
against oxidative stress induced by RPO[81]. The emphasis on the worlds nutritional
ischemiareperfusion than atocopherol. problem has shifted from lack of protein (or
Tocotrienols are found to be more effective in energy) to the importance of certain
central nervous system protection compared to micronutrients such as vitamin A. Vitamin A
atocopherol. In another study, TRF is found to status is an important factor in children morbidity
inhibit the glutamateinduced pp60csrc kinase and mortality in developing countries.
activation in HT4 neuronal cells [74-77]. Vitamin A deficiency is one of the major public
Extracellular matrix deposition is key event for health nutritional problems in many developing
the development of bowel stenosis in Crohns countries, particularly those in Africa, Asia and
disease patients. Transforming growth factor-b the Western Pacific .
plays a key role in this process. We aimed at The deficiency of vitamin A, the leading cause of
characterizing the effects of tocotrienol rich preventable blindness in children, is often
fraction on Extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins associated with protein-energy malnutrition,
production and molecules that regulate the parasitic infestation and diarrhea disease and can
synthesis and degradation of extracellular matrix, result in a range of developmental and
matrix metalloproteinase-3 and tissue inhibitor of pathological states, such as heart, lung and eye
metalloproteinases-1, in human intestinal defects.

Journal of Paramedical Sciences (JPS) Summer 2015 Vol.6, No.3 ISSN 2008-4978

Table 9. Micronutrients and other Minor Components of Palm Oil widespread occurrence in developing areas
throughout the world. Vitamin A, because of its
Micronutrient Range (ppm)
/Component relation to growth and implication in
Carotenoids: xerophthalmia, is particularly important in the
-Carotene 30.0 - 35.16b young child Oey Khoen Lian reported that
- carotene 50.0 -56.02b deficiency of vitamin A is the largest single cause
Lycopene 1.0 -1.30b of blindness in Java. So Red palm oil, 4 ml daily,
Total Carotenoids 500 -700b
was given to children from 1 to 5 years of age in
-tocopherol 129 -215a two communities as a source of provitamin A
-tocopherol 22 -37a .Therefore effect of this diet was significant[83].
- tocopherol 19 -32a Palm oil is a rich source of tocotrienols which
- tocopherol 10 -16a have been reported to have anti tumor activity
Total Tocopherol 500 - 600a against certain types of transplantable murine
tumors. Palm oil is a rich source of tocotrienols
-tocopherol 44 -73a
-tocopherol 44 -73a
which have been reported to have anti tumor
- tocopherol 262 -437a activity against certain types of transplantable
- tocopherol 70 -117a murine tumors [84].
Total Tocotrienols 1000 -1200a
Phytosterols 326 -527b CONCLUSION
Phospholipids 5 - 130b
The oil is semi-solid at room temperature; it
Squalene 200 -500b
Ubiguniones 10 - 80b does not require hydrogenation. Palm oil has a
Aliphatic alcohols 100 -200b unique fatty acid and TAG, which makes it
Triterpene alcohols 40 -80b suitable for numerous food applications. It is the
Methyl sterols 40 -80b only vegetable oil with almost 5050 composition
Aliphatic hydrocarbons 50b of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. The
a: OBrien (2010)[79], b: Zou et al. (2012)[80]
major fatty acid in palm oil are meristic, palmitic,
stearic, oleic and linoleic. CPO is used for
The characteristic color of Red palm oil RPO is cooking, frying, and as a source of vitamins.
due to the abundance of carotenoids (500700 Certain characteristics of palm oil such as a high
mg/l) in the crude oil. RPO is the richest natural solid fat content (requiring no hydrogenation),
source of -carotene (375 mg/g) , the most high oxidative stability (long shelf life), high and
abundant carotenoid that can be converted to low melting TAGs (wide plastic range), constant
vitamin A, which is also an antioxidant that supply, competitive price, slow crystallization
destroys singlet oxygen and free radicals. properties, structural hardness, and a tendency for
Although there have been many reports on the
recrystallization permit the use of palm oil in food
effects of some vegetable oils on plasma lipids, applications . Because of high saturated fatty acid
there appears to be no available reports on the content, it has a high oxidative stability and
impact of feeding palm oil (red or refined) on the suitability for frying. Palm oil is being used
vitamin A status of animals. The results suggest increasingly in foods such as cooking oils,
that consumption of palm oil in moderate amounts margarines, shortenings, icecream and
enhances growth of tissues and bioavailability of confectionery products. Palm oil could be blended
-carotene, which may combat vitamin A with different edible oils without modifying the
deficiency in developing countries, in view of the original taste of the oil, but with some slight color
fact that preformed vitamin A in animal products change. Blending palm oil with more unsaturated
(namely meat, liver, eggs and fatty fish) is out of or monounsaturated oils is an option adopted to
the reach of economically deprived people [82]. improve and enhance the commercial, functional,
Besides, it is very rich in -carotene (provitamin nutritional and technical attributes of the oil. The
A) and vitamin E[10,54,55] .
minor components of interest in palm oil are
Malnutrition in early childhood has received vitamin E and carotenoids. The beta carotene of
increasing attention in recent years because of its palm oil may be important to correct vitamin A

Journal of Paramedical Sciences (JPS) Summer 2015 Vol.6, No.3 ISSN 2008-4978

deficiency in addition to protecting against certain effective attributes of palm oil and its
forms of cancer such as stomach cancers, oral, compatibility in various food formulations for
pharyngeal, and lung cancers. Palm oil, at keeping more safety and healthy. The fatty acid
moderate levels, is completely safe and non toxic. composition of palm oil has thus been the focus of
Palm oil can be fractionated into stearin and olein. attention in determining its nutritional adequacy
Meanwhile this feature is the wellknown cost in relation to coronary heart disease risk factors.

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