Cadcam Lab

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Document No: Date of issue: Complied by: Authorized by

SMEC/ME/LAB MANUAL- 02/07/2016 Balaji D. Tandle D.V.SRIKANTH

T.Raja Santosh

1. Development of part drawings for various components in the form of orthographic
and isometric.
2. To manufacture the given model using parting-off operation
1. Generation of various 3D Models through pad,shaft ,shell sweep.
2. Feature based and Boolean based modeling surface and Assembly
Modeling. Design simple components.
3. To manufacture the given model using step turning operation.
4. To manufacture the given model using thread cutting operation.


1. Determination of deflection and stresses in 2D and 3D trusses and beams.

2. Determination of deflections component and principal and VonMises stress, plane
strain and Axi-symmetric components.
3. Determination of stresses in 3D and shell structures.
4. Estimation of natural frequencies and mode shapes Harmonic response of 2D beam.
5. Steady state heat transfer Analysis of plane and Axi-symmetric

1. To manufacture the given model using facing operation.

1. Students are required to remove their footwear outside the center and keep
it in the box provided for the same.

2. Students should leave their belongings outside the lab except their
observation note book, the concerned books/manuals and calculators.

3. Students are requested not to place their legs on the wall or on the table.

4. Students should refrain from leaning on the table and sitting on it.

5. Before logging in to a particular terminal, if there is something wrong in

the terminal, the student should report the same immediately to the
concerned staff.
6. Students should not use any disks brought from outside without prior
permission from the concerned staff.

7. Students can get the required manual or disks from the staff after
signing in the appropriate register.

8. Students should collect their printouts before leaving the lab for that particular

9. Before leaving the Terminal, the students should logout properly and leave
their chairs in position.

10. Students are not allowed to take any manual outside the center.

11. Edibles are strictly prohibited in the center.

12. No internet browsing allowed during the lab hours.


1. Get permission from the concerned staff before switch ON the CNC machines.

2. Ensure the proper power supply for the system and machine.

3. Handle the CNC machines very carefully.

4. If any problem occurs in the system or machine immediately inform to the

concerned staff.
5. Your batch is responsible for the CNC machine and its system while doing the
lab exercise assigned to your batch.
What is CAD/CAM?

CAD/CAM (computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing) refers to

computer software that is used to both design and manufacture products.

CAD is the use of computer technology for design and design documentation.
CAD/CAM applications are used to both design a product and program manufacturing
processes, specifically, CNC machining. CAM software uses the models and assemblies
created in CAD software to generate tool paths that drive the machines that turn the
designs into physical parts. CAD/CAM software is most often used for machining of
prototypes and finished parts.

Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacture is the way things are made
these days. Without this technology we wouldnt have the range and quality of
products available or, at least, they wouldnt be available at a price most of us can
afford. Hand-building and manual techniques still very much have their place and
Design Education needs to treasure and foster these skills so that future generations
will have the hands-on skills to understand the man-made world and
A solid modeling system is usually an interactive computer graphics system that is
intended to create true three-dimensional components and assemblies. Recent
advances in CAD software, computers, and graphical displays have made it possible to
use solid representations of components being considered in the design process. These
solid models can be employed in numerous ways.
Advantages of Solid Modeling
A realistic visual display: By producing a shaded visible surface image of the solid,
solid modeling allows a designer to see exactly what has been created.
Easy to deal with different views: Once a part has been created, we have the ability to
rotate, shade, section, or produce almost any view required by a designer.
Single associated model database: The solid modeler provides the only database
suitable for all CAD operations. Almost all information needed for part generation is
contained in the solid model. The algorithm should be able to ensure that it represents
physically possible shape that is complete and unambiguous Applications. e.g.,
automatic generation of a mesh for a finite element analysis.
Provide the next generation of engineers, designers and technicians. All of these
professionals will be using CAD/CAM techniques or CAD/CAM products in their work,
alongside practical hands-on skill. Design and Technology education has to reflect
modern practice so it is crucial that students have the opportunity to use real CAD/CAM
tools in their designing and making.
1. Recognition of need
2. Definition of problem
3. Synthesis
4. Analysis and optimization
5. Evaluation
6. Presentation



1. Part modeling and analysis

The part analysis includes the material type, mass and inertial properties, functional
properties of the faces, etc.

2. Hierarchical relationships
An assemble tree and assemble sequence must be given.

3. Mating conditions.
There are two methods for specifying mating conditions:
Specify the location and orientation of each part in the assembly, together with the
representation of the part itself, by providing a 4 x 4 homogeneous transformation
matrix. (i.e., transformation from MCS to WCS).

Specify the spatial relationships between its individual parts as mating conditions.

CAD/CAE/CAM Data Exchange

Computer databases are now replacing paper blueprints in defining product geometry
and non-geometry for all phases of product design, analysis, and manufacturing. It
becomes increasingly important to find effective procedures for transferring data among
CAD/CAE/CAM systems.

The need to exchange modeling data is directly motivated by the need to integrate and
automate the design and manufacturing process to obtain the maximum benefits from
CAD/CAE/CAM systems. Four Types of Modeling Data to be transferred:

(2)Non shape
(4) Manufacturing
(1) Shape data consists of both geometrical and topological information as well as
part features. Entity attributes such as font, color, and layer as well as
annotation is considered part of the entity geometrical information. Topological
information applies only to products described via solid modeling. Features
allow high-level concept communication about parts.
Examples are hole, flange, web, pocket, chamfer, etc.

(2) Non shape data includes graphics data such as shaded images, and model global
data as measuring units of the database and the resolution of storing the database
numerical values.

(3) Design data has to do with the information that designers generate from geometric
models for analysis purposes. e.g., mass property and finite element mesh data.

(4) Manufacturing data consists of information such as tooling, NC tool

paths, tolerancing, process planning, tool design, and bill of materials.
Commonly Used CAD Data Exchange Format:

IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification)

PDES (Product Data Exchange Using STEP)

IGES is focused on CAD-to-CAD exchange where primarily shape and non shape data
were to be transferred from one system to another.

PDES is previous called Product Data Exchange Standard. It is for the exchange of
complete product descriptions which covers the four types of modeling data (i.e.,
shape, non shape, design and manufacturing).

Other data exchange interfaces include: STL, Neutral, SET, ECAD, VDA, STEP, PDGS,
Base Features in Part Modeling

Pad: Pad in third axis of the profile

Shaft: Shaft the profile about axis of symmetry

Sweep: Pad of a cross section

along a path
Blend / Loft: Blending of different cross sections along a path

Editing & Engineering Features in Part Modeling

Round: Modify the sharp edge to curved

edge Chamfer: Modify the sharp edge to
flat edge
Shell: Removes a surface or surfaces from the solid then hollows out the inside of the
solid, leaving a shell of a specified wall thickness.
Rib: Special type of protrusion to create a thin fin or
web Cut: Remove the undesirable portion from the
basic part
Hole: Remove cylindrical portion from the basic part

Pattern: Create instances of the selected feature by varying some specified


When a command prompts you for a point, you can use the pointing device to specify
a point, or you can enter a value on the command line. You can enter two-dimensional
coordinates as either Cartesian (X,Y) or polar coordinates.

Cartesian and Polar Coordinates

A Cartesian coordinate system has three axes X, Y, and Z. When you enter coordinate
values, you indicate a points distance (in units) and its direction (- or +) along the X,
Y and Z axes relative to the coordinate system origin (0,0,0).

In 2D, you specify points on the XY plane, also called the construction plane. The construction
plane is similar to a flat sheet of grid paper. The X value of the cartesian coordinate specifies the
horizontal distance, and the Y value specifies the vertical distance. The origin point (0,0) indicates
where the two axes intersect.
The origin is marked by an object known as the UCS icon UCS = User Coordinate System. This
icon can be manipulated (moved and rotated) such that the origin point moves. But for the purposes
of learning the basics of coordinates, this post will treat the UCS icon as a static object in a
permanent position. Oddly enough, the UCS icon does have permanent position that it can always
be re-positioned to. This position is called the World coordinates.
Absolute Coordinates let you type in a specific X and Y location on the construction plane.

Use the picture below to work through the use of using absolute coordinates to create the shape that
is shown. Note that the coordinates that are shown in the lower left of the screen (status bar)
displays the coordinates of your cursor.
Note the all of the Drafting Setting toggles are turned off. this is because when DYN
(dynamic input) is turned on it changes how absolute and relative coordinates are entered.

Relative Coordinate
Relative Coordinate entry is simply specifying the next point as it relates to your previously defined

point whether you picked a point with the cursor or you entered a specific coordinate.
Think of this method as the last point you specified being equal to
the coordinate 0,0. The way that you tell AutoCAD that you want to use
relative coordinates is that you prefix the coordinate with the @ symbol. Note that the
first point that is specified is an absolute coordinate since there is not a specified
previous point.

Note the all of the Drafting Setting toggles are turned off. this is because when DYN
(dynamic input) is turned on it changes how absolute and relative coordinates are
Relative Polar Coordinate entry is very useful but for some people it is easily forgotten. As shown
above, Relative coordinates use the @ symbol when specifying a point. As shown in the picture
below, relative polar uses the # symbol to specify the LENGTH of the object followed by the <
symbol to specify the angle.
Use the below picture to create the shape that is shown using Relative Polar Coordinate
entry. Turn off all toggles in the drafting settings.
As mentioned before each exercise, Dynamic Input when enabled turns your entry
method to an automatic Relative Polar method. This is confusing because when DYN is
turned on and say that you want to specify the coordinate of 0,0 you will not see
anything happen. So in order to force Dynamic input to use Absolute coordinates use
the # sign before the coordinates.
To Draw the given diagram by Using AUTOCAD/CATIA

To Draw the given diagram by Using AUTOCAD/CATIA

To Draw the given diagram by Using AUTOCAD/CATIA

To Draw the given diagram by Using AUTOCAD/CATIA

To Draw the given diagram by Using AUTOCAD/CATIA

To Draw the given diagram by Using AUTOCAD/CATIA

To Draw the given diagram by Using AUTOCAD/CATIA

To Draw the given diagram by Using AUTOCAD/CATIA

To Draw the given diagram by Using AUTOCAD/CATIA

To Draw the given diagram by Using AUTOCAD/CATIA

To create a given model by Using the AUTOCAD/CATIA/CATIA

Suggested Steps:
1. Select the XY plane (the plane the profile will be sketched
on). Reference Step 3 for information on selecting planes.
2. Enter the Sketcher Work Bench. Reference Step 4.
3. Sketch the profile of the part.
Hint: use the Profile tool.
4. Anchor the lower left hand corner of the sketch.
5. Constrain the profile to match the dimensions shown
above. Reference Step 18 for constraining a profile.
6. Exit the Sketcher Work Bench, return to the Part Design
Work Bench (the 3D environment). Reference Step 21 for
exiting the Sketcher Work Bench and entering the Part
Design Work Bench.
7. Once in the Part Design Work Bench pad the profile to
the dimension showed (2). Reference Step 22 for
padding a profile.
8. Save the part.
To create a given model by Using the AUTOCAD/CATIA

Hint: To help make it easier to sketch this part set the grid Primary Spacing to 1
and the Graduations to 4. This will put the grid lines in the Sketcher screen to a .25
inch spacing. With that spacing all you have to do is snap to the intersections of the
grid to sketch the part.

To create a given model by Using the AUTOCAD/CATIA

Hint: It is not as complicated as it looks. If your grids Graduations are set to 10 just
snap to the intersections for the beginning and ending points of your lines. To set the
constraint for the angles select the angled lines and the angle constraint will appear.
Reference Step 19 for modifying the angle value.
To create a given model by Using the AUTOCAD/CATIA

Hint: This part can be done using the radius option in the profile command.

To create a given model by Using the AUTOCAD/CATIA

Hint: Use the Line or Profile icon first to sketch the profile using sharp corners (no
radius). Once it is constrained to the dimensions above, go back and add in the
radiuses using the Corner icon.
To create a given model by Using the AUTOCAD/CATIA

To create a given model by Using the AUTOCAD/CATIA

To create a given model by Using the AUTOCAD/CATIA

To create a given model by Using the AUTOCAD/CATIA

To create a given model by Using the AUTOCAD/CATIA

To create a given model by Using the AUTOCAD/CATIA

To create a given model by Using the AUTOCAD/CATIA

To create a given model by Using the AUTOCAD/CATIA

To create a given model by Using the AUTOCAD/CATIA

To create a given model by Using the AUTOCAD/CATIA

To create a given model by Using the AUTOCAD/CATIA

To create a given model by Using the AUTOCAD/CATIA

To develop the given model by Using CATIA

Viva Questions:

Expand CATIAV5?
Computer Aided Three Dimensional Interactive Application.

What is the save pad of sketcher file?

CAT Part

Does CATIA V5 work on UNIX Platform? Yes

Is it possible to increase the size of plane boundary representation & how?

Yes, go for Tools-Options- Infrastructure-Part structure-Display

Is It Possible to directly enter in to Sketcher Workbench?

No, it is not possible to enter in to sketcher workbench directly. We have to
go for any workbench &form there we can enter the sketcher workbench..

Which is the tool used to exit from sketcher workbench to part design
Exit Sketcher.

What is the use of construction elements?

Construction elements assist in sketching the required profile in sketcher.
What are the default units of LMT (Length, Mass and Time)
mm, Kg, Second.
Is it possible to hide specification tree?
Yes, with help of F3 button, but the option in Tools command must be checked
to allow this.
What is SHOW/HIDE option?
Show mode enables us to see all the components presently opened and in Hide
mode we can hide the desired elements from the view for time being.
What is the meaning of true dimension?
True dimension is the dimension desired after the machining. In other words,
this is the value that should be attained after the machining.
What are different conic sections?
Ellipse, Hyperbola and Parabola
Structural Analysis



1.1 Objective: To determine the stresses acting on a cantilever beam with a point
load of 750 N acting at one of its ends and perpendicular to the axis of the beam.
Youngs modulus = 2e5
Poissons ratio = 0.3
Length of the beam = 2 m = 2000 mm
Breadth of the beam = 80 mm
Height of the beam = 40 mm
1.2 RESOURSES: Ansys Software
STEP 1: From the Main menu select
preferences Select structural and press
STEP 2: From the main menu select Pre-processor
Element type Add / edit/Delete Add BEAM 2D Elastic 3 Apply
Close Material properties material models Structural Linear Elastic
Isotropic EX = 2e5; PRXY = 0.3
STEP 3: From the main menu select Pre-processor
Sections Beam Common Sections Select subtype as Rectangular section
Enter B = 100, H = 50 Apply Preview
Real constants Add Add Ok Geometric Properties Area =
5000, Izz = 4170000, Height = 40 Ok Close
STEP 4: From the main menu select Pre-processor Modeling
Create the key points in the
Workspace Create Key points in
active CS X 0 2000
Y 0 0
Click APPLY to all the points and for the last point click OK
Create LINES using the Key points
Create Lines Lines Straight Line Click on Key points to generate
lines Select Plot controls from menu bar Capture image file save as
and save your file
Figure: Deformed and undeformed Model

STEP 4: Meshing the Geometry

From the main menu select Meshing
Meshing Size controls Manual size Lines All lines Number of
element divisions = 20 Click OK
Meshing Mesh Lines pick all
Figure: Meshed Model with nodes


STEP 5: From the ANSYS main menu open Solution

Solution Analysis type new analysis Static
STEP 6: Defining loads at the Key points
Solution Define Loads Apply Structural Displacement On key
points Left end ALL DOF arrested
Solution Define loads Apply Structural Force/moment On key
Right end Apply a load of FY = -750 N
Select Plot controls from menu bar Capture image file save as and save
your file

STEP 7: Solving the system



1. Deformation
From the main menu select General post processing

Select 'Def + under edge' and click 'OK' to view both the deformed and
the unreformed object.

Nodal solution

From the Utility menu select PLOT

PLOT Results Contour plot Nodal solution DOF solution Y
component of displacement OK
Figure: Y-Component displacement of the Model

= SMX =


1. If a cantilever beam has a uniformly distributed load, will the bending moment diagram be
quadratic or cubic?
2. Name the element type used for beams?
3. Define Analysis and its Purpose?
4. What are the modules in Ansys Programming?
5. What are the Real Constants & Material Properties in Ansys? Explain?

2.1 OBJECTIVE: To determine the nodal deflections, reaction forces, and stress of
the indeterminate truss system when it is subjected to a load of
2000 N.

2.2 RESOURSES: Ansys 12.0

Youngs modulus = 2e5
A = 3250mm2
Poissons ratio = 0.3

STEP 1: From the Main menu select
preferences Select structural and press OK
STEP 2: From the main menu select Preprocessor
Element type Add / edit/Delete Add Link 2D spar 8 ok
close Real constants Add Geometric Properties Area =
Material properties material models Structural Linear Elastic
Isotropic EX = 2e5; PRXY = 0.3
STEP 3: From the main menu select Pre-processor Modeling
Create the key points in the Workspace
Pre-processor Modeling Create Nodes In active CS
0 0 0
5 0 0
10 0 0
15 0 0
2.5 2.5 0
7.5 2.5 0
12. 2.5 0
Click APPLY to all the points and for the last point click OK
STEP 4: Meshing the Geometry
From the main menu select Meshing
Meshing Size controls Manual size Lines All lines Number of
element divisions = 20 Click OK
Meshing Mesh Lines pick all
Figure: Meshed Model with nodes


Create LINES using the Elements

Pre-processor Modeling Create Elements Auto numbered through nodes

select node 1&2 apply 2&3 apply3&4 apply1&5 apply5&2 apply
2&6 apply6&3 apply 3&7 apply 7&4 apply 5&6 apply 6&7
ok close

STEP 5: From the ANSYS main menu open Solution

Solution Analysis type new analysis Static
STEP 6: Defining loads at the Key points
Solution Define Loads Apply Structural Displacement On nodes
select node 1&4 ok select All DOF ok
Left end ALL DOF arrested
Solution Define loads Apply Structural Force/moment On
Select node 2&3 ok FY direction Give force value as 2000 N ok close

From the main menu select General post processing

General post processing Plot Results Deformed Shape
Select 'Def + undef edge' and click 'OK' to view both the deformed and the
undeformed object.
1. Deformation

Figure: Model with boundary conditions

STEP 7: Solving the system
Solution Solve Current LS


Figure: Y-Component displacement of the Model

Nodal solution

From the Utility menu select PLOT

PLOT Results Contour plot Nodal solution DOF solution Y component of

displacement OK


1. Ansys needs the final element model(FEM) for its final solution.(T/F)
2. Element attributes must be set before meshing the solid model. (T/F)
3. In a plane strain, the strain in the direction of thickness is assumed to be zero.(T/F)
4. The elements are used for in-plane bending problems.
5. Which one of the following elements is required to define the thickness as a real
a. Beam
b. Shell
c. Solid
d. None
To find the displacement, maximum, minimum stresses induced in a given cantilever
beam and draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams by using ANSYS tool,
also list the results according to the given loads.



Main menu > preferences > check structural


1. Main menu > preprocessor > element type > add/edit/delete > Add > select Beam -2D
elastic3 > click ok > close.
2. Main menu > preprocessor > Real constraints > Add/Edit/Delete > Add > Click ok > Enter
the following values Area=1, Area moment of Inertia ( IZZ)=1/12, Height=1, > click ok >
3. Main menu > preprocessor > Material properties > Material model > structural > linear >
elastic > isotropic > enter Ex as 2E5 & PRXY as 0.3 > click ok > close.

4. Main menu > preprocessor > modeling > create > nodes > Inactive CS > (Enter
X<Y<Z location values) as shown in the figure starting from node-1 i.e., 0,0,0
and 10,0,0 thus two nodes are created.
5. Main menu > preprocessor > modeling > create > element > auto numbered >
through nodes (select node by node and middle click ) with this elements are

1. Solution > define loads > Apply > structural > displacement > pick on nodes
(Pick the node which are to be constrained with direction) > middle click > select
DOF or UX or UY or UZ as required > click ok.
Pick node-1 > middle click > select all DOF since to constrain the beam.

2. Solution > define loads > Apply > structural > force/moment > on nodes >
select node > middle click > select FX and FY or MZ depending on the problem >
click ok. In the above problem load acting downwards i.e. in negative Y-direction
at node -2 of about 10N.
General post processor:

1) General post processor > element table > define table > add select by sequence
number > enter SMISC , 2,4,6,8,12 one after the other > click ok > close.
2) General post processor > plot results > deformed shape > click ok.
3) General post processor > plot results > contour plot > nodal solution > click ok.
4) General post processor > plot results > contour plot > element solution > click
5) General post processor > plot results > contour plot > line element results > use
6) Combination 2,8 for shear force diagram and 6,12 for bending moment diagram.
7) General post processor > plot results > vector plot > predefined > click ok.
8) General post processor > list results > nodal solution > click ok.
9) General post processor > list results > element solution > click ok.

Result: Thus the analysis on the given beam is performed using ANSYS tool, Shear
force, bending moment diagrams are captured and values are noted.

Viva Questions:

1. What is ANSYS?
2. Why ANSYS is used?
3. What is Structural Analysis?
4. What is Thermal Analysis?
5. What is the difference between Structural Analysis and Thermal Analysis?
6. What is node?
7. What is element?
8. What is difference between node and element?
9. What are the minimum requirements to develop a drawing ANSYS?
10. What is general post processor?
To find the displacement, maximum, minimum stresses induced in a given cantilever
beam with uniformly distributed load and point loads and draw the shear force and
bending moment diagrams by using ANSYS tool, also list the results according to the
given loads.
3t 10N/m

1m 1.5m 2m 1m


Main menu > preferences > check

structural Preprocessor:

1) Main menu > preprocessor > element type > add/edit/delete > Add > select
Beam -2D elastic3 > click ok > close.
2) Main menu > preprocessor > Real constraints > Add/Edit/Delete > Add > Click
ok > Enter the following values Area=1, Area moment of Inertia ( IZZ)=1/12,
Height=1, > click ok > close.
3) Main menu > preprocessor > Material properties > Material model > structural >
linear > elastic > isotropic > enter Ex as 2E5 & PRXY as 0.3 > click ok > close.

4) Main menu > preprocessor > modeling > create > nodes > Inactive CS > (Enter
X<Y<Z location values) as shown in the figure starting from node-1 i.e., 0,0,0
and 1,0,0, 2.5,0,0, 4.5,0,0, 5,0,0 thus five nodes are created.
5) Main menu > preprocessor > modeling > create > element > auto numbered >
through nodes (select node by node and middle click ) with this elements are

1. Solution > define loads > Apply > structural > displacement > pick
on nodes (Pick the node which are to be constrained with
direction) > middle click > select DOF or UX or UY or UZ as
required > click ok.
Pick node-1 > middle click > select all DOF since to constrain the

2. Solution > define loads > Apply > structural > force/moment > on
nodes > select node > middle click > select FX and FY or MZ
depending on the problem > click ok. In the above problem load
acting downwards i.e. in negative Y-direction at node
-2 and 5 of about 3tones and 2.5 tones.
3. Solution > structural > pressure (applied or uniformly distributed load) > on
define beams > select beam middle click(Enter pressure value at the both
loads > ends) i.e., at I & J , enter 1 and 1 > click ok
apply > Solution > solve > click ok.

General post processor:

1. General post processor > element table > define table > add select by
sequence number > enter SMISC , 2,4,6,8,12 one after the other > click
ok > close.
2. General post processor > plot results > deformed shape > click ok.
3. General post processor > plot results > contour plot > nodal solution >
click ok.
4. General post processor > plot results > contour plot > element solution >
click ok.
5. General post processor > plot results > contour plot > line element results
> use the
6. Combination 2,8 for shear force diagram and 6,12 for bending moment

7. General post processor > plot results > vector plot > predefined > click ok.
8. General post processor > list results > nodal solution > click ok.
9.General post processor > list results > element solution > click ok

Result: Thus the analysis on the given beam is performed using ANSYS tool, Shear
force, bending moment diagrams are captured and values are noted.

Viva Questions:
1. What is nodal solution?
2. What is pre processor?
3. What is post processor?
4. What is modeling?
5. What type of options we use in preferences?
6. ANSYS is it a tool or software?
7. What is the difference between Animation and Modeling?
8. What is DOF?
9. How to create a Node?
10. How to create an Element?
To find the displacement, maximum, minimum stresses induced in a given cantilever
beam with uniformly distributed load and point loads and draw the shear force and
bending moment diagrams by using ANSYS tool, also list the results according to the
given loads.

400kg 300kg 800kg 500kg


0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5


Main menu > preferences > check

structural Preprocessor:

1. Main menu > preprocessor > element type > add/edit/delete > Add >
select Beam - 2D elastic3 > click ok > close.
2. Main menu > preprocessor > Real constraints > Add/Edit/Delete > Add >
Click ok > Enter the following values Area=1, Area moment of Inertia
(IZZ)=1/12, Height=1, > click ok > close.
3. Main menu > preprocessor > Material properties > Material model >
structural > linear > elastic > isotropic > enter Ex as 2E5 & PRXY as 0.3
> click ok > close.

4. Main menu > preprocessor > modeling > create > nodes > Inactive CS >
(Enter X<Y<Z location values) as shown in the figure starting from node-1
i.e., 0,0,0 and 1,0,0, 0.5,0,0, 1,0,0, 1.5,0,0 , 2,0,0 thus six nodes are
5. Main menu > preprocessor > modeling > create > element > auto
numbered > through nodes (select node by node and middle click ) with
this elements are created.

1. Solution > define loads > Apply > structural > displacement > pick on nodes (Pick
the node which are to be constrained with direction) > middle click > select DOF or
UX or UY or UZ as required > click ok.
Pick node-1 > middle click > select all DOF since to constrain the beam.

2. Solution > define loads > Apply > structural > force/moment > on nodes > select
node > middle click > select FX and FY or MZ depending on the problem > click ok.
In the above problem load acting downwards i.e. in negative Y-direction at node
-2 ,3,4,5and 5 of about 400kg.300kg.800kg.500kg and at node-1 a force in MZ
direction of about 2700 kg m is acting , pick node-1 > middle click > select MZ >
enter value as 2700.
General post processor:

1. General post processor > element table > define table > add select by
sequence number > enter SMISC, 2, 4, 6,8,12 one after the other > click
ok > close.
2. General post processor > plot results > deformed shape > click ok.
3. General post processor > plot results > contour plot > nodal solution >
click ok.
4. General post processor > plot results > contour plot > element solution >
click ok.
5. General post processor > plot results > contour plot > line element results
> use the
6. Combination 2,8 for shear force diagram and 6,12 for bending moment
7. General post processor > plot results > vector plot > predefined > click ok.
8. General post processor > list results > nodal solution > click ok.
9. General post processor > list results > element solution > click ok.

Result: Thus the analysis on the given beam is performed using ANSYS
tool, Shear force, bending moment diagrams are captured and
values are noted.

Viva Questions:

1. What is steady state Analysis?

2. What is unsteady state Analysis?
3. What are the types of Thermal Analysis?
4. What is task in Thermal Analysis?
5. How to apply loads in Thermal Analysis?
6. How to apply loads in Structural Analysis?
7. What is load?
8. What is structure?
9. What is beam?
10. What is Shear force?
To find the displacement, maximum, minimum stresses induced in a given simply
supported beam and draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams by using
ANSYS tool, also list the results according to the given loads.

4000N 10kN 9kN

1.5m 2.5m 2m 2m

Main menu > preferences > check

structural Preprocessor:

1. Main menu > preprocessor > element type > add/edit/delete > Add >
select Beam - 2D elastic3 > click ok > close.
2. Main menu > preprocessor > Real constraints > Add/Edit/Delete > Add >
Click ok >
Enter the following values Area=1, Area moment of
Inertia ( IZZ)=1/12, Height=1, > click ok > close.
3. Main menu > preprocessor > Material properties > Material model >
structural > linear > elastic > isotropic > enter Ex as 2E5 & PRXY as 0.3
> click ok > close.

4. Main menu > preprocessor > modeling > create > nodes > Inactive CS >
(Enter X<Y<Z location values) as shown in the figure starting from node-1
i.e., 0,0,0 and 1.5,0,0, 3.5,0,0, 5.5,0,0, 7.5,0,0 , 2,0,0 thus five nodes are
5. Main menu > preprocessor > modeling > create > element > auto
numbered > through nodes (select node by node and middle click ) with
this elements are created.

1. Solution > define loads > Apply > structural > displacement > pick on nodes
(Pick the node which are to be constrained with direction) > middle click > select
DOF or UX or UY or UZ as required > click ok
Pick node-1 > middle click > select all DOF since to constrain the beam.

2. Solution > define loads > Apply > structural > force/moment > on nodes >
select node > middle click > select FX and FY or MZ depending on the problem
> click ok. In the above problem load acting downwards i.e. in negative Y-direction
at node -2, 3,4 of about 4KN, 10KN, 7KN.
General post processor:

1. General post processor > element table > define table > add select by sequence
number > enter SMISC, 2, 4, 6,8,12 one after the other > click ok > close.
2. General post processor > plot results > deformed shape > click ok.
3. General post processor > plot results > contour plot > nodal solution > click ok.
4. General post processor > plot results > contour plot > element solution > click
5. General post processor > plot results > contour plot > line element results > use
6. Combination 2,8 for shear force diagram and 6,12 for bending moment diagram.
7. General post processor > plot results > vector plot > predefined > click ok.
8. General post processor > list results > nodal solution > click ok.
9. General post processor > list results > element solution > click ok.

Result: Thus the analysis on the given beam is performed using ANSYS tool, Shear
force, bending moment diagrams are captured and values are noted

Viva Questions:

1. What is Bending Moment?

2. What is Cantilever Beam?
3. What is Simply Supported Beam?
4. What are the types of Beams?
5. What are the types of Loads?
6. What is overhanging Beam?
7. What is UDL?
8. What is Work?
9. What are the units for Work?
10. What is General post processor?


Make: HMT Model:
CNC Tutor Control system:
Hinumeric Axis: 2(X, Y,) Year
of purchase: 2015 Cost:
Rs.12, 92,399.80
Machine Specifications:
1. Height of centres: 70mm
2. Distance between centres: 310mm
3. Swing over bed: 100 mm
4. Swing over cross slide: 60mm
5. Traverse of cross slide: 55mm
Head Stock:
1. Spindle Taper MT 2
2. Hole through work spindle 16mm
3. Spindle range 50-3200 RPM
4. Output power 0.3 Kw
Tail Stock:
1. Spindle Diameter 22mm
2. Spindle Taper MT 2
3. Sleeve stroke 35mm
Feed Rate:
1. Rapid traverse 700mm/min
2. Auto feed rate 1-699mm/min

CNC System Features:

Standard preparatory and miscellaneous
codes Linear & Circular Interpolations
200 blocks of storable part program
Program editing facility Inch/Metric
Mode of input
Absolute/incremental method of programming
Feed programmable in per minute & per
revolution Position preset possible
10 tool offset possible
Subroutine programming
Threading cutting operation
Canned Turning & Threading Cycles
Digital display of spindle speed
Alarm messages during fault conditions
Display of programs and axes positions
RS 232 C Serial Port
Home Cycle
Optional Features
1. Alphanumeric CRT display
2. DNC interface
3. Graphics with DNC interface
4. Magnetic cassette recorder for multiprogramming storage
Main Specifications:
1. Table Size: 420x125mm
2. Max. Job weight: 20Kg.
Axes Travel Ranges:
1. Longitudinal (Table): 200mm
2. Cross (Saddle): 125mm
3. Vertical: (Spindle): 200mm
4. Distance from spindle nose To Table top: 25-225mm
5. Distance from spindle centre line to column: 155mm
6. Spindle Centre to table top (Horizontal mode) 114-314mm
1. Spindle nose: ISO 30
2. Spindle motor: 0.44 Kw
3. Speed Range: 200-2000 RPM (Infinitely Variable)
4. Tool change: Manual with CNC prompting
5. No. of tools: 8 No.
6. Axis drive: Through stepper motor 1.8 step angles, on all the 3 axes.
7. Machine weight including CNC system: 200 Kg
8. Overall machine dimensions with control system: 1800x1000x800mm
Exercise 1
Aim: To develop the given model by using CNC machine.
1. Tool
2. Mild Steel shaft
3. Micro meter
4. Vernier
1. For the given dimensions of the work piece to be machined write the program using G
codes and M codes
2. Using the simulation software or by running the machine in test mode check the
Program and if there is any error make the correction in the program.
3. Fix the work piece on the chucks.
4. Move the tool to the start point of the work piece by manual mode.
5. Reset the Machine.
6. Change the machine from manual mode to single block mode or auto mode.
7. Execute the program to get the required shape of the work piece.
8. Remove the machined work piece from the chuck.
5 10

15 10

Procedure: O0055;
N1; G21G40G0;
G28 U0 W0;
T0101; G92S3000;
G96S300M03; G00
X31 Z1 G71 U0.5
G71 P1 Q2 U0.2 W0.1 F50
N1 G01 X10. 20
N2 G01 X15.0 Z-15.0 G70
P1 Q2 S2000 F0.3
G28 U0 W0 M05
G97; M30;
Thus the given job is manufactured.
Viva Question:

1. What is CAM?
2. What is CIM?
3. What is P code?
4. What is G code?
5. What are the advantages using Computer Aided Lathe Machine over
Conventional Lathe?
6. What are the advantages of CAD?
7. What is mean by G21?
8. What is mean by G00?
9. What is mean by G71?
10. What is mean by G98?
Exercise 2

Aim: To develop the given model by using CNC machine.


1. Tool
2. Mild Steel shaft
3. Micro meter
4. Vernier


1. For the given dimensions of the work piece to be machined write the program using G
codes and M codes

2. Using the simulation software or by running the machine in test mode check the
Program and if there is any error make the correction in the program.

3. Fix the work piece on the chucks.

4. Move the tool to the start point of the work piece by manual mode.

5. Reset the Machine.

6. Change the machine from manual mode to single block mode or auto mode.

7. Execute the program to get the required shape of the work piece.

8. Remove the machined work piece from the chuck.

5 10
10 5
R5 5


25 20 15
N1; G21G40G0;
G28 U0 W0; M06
T0101; G92S3000;
G96S300 G00G42
X29.0 G71 U0.5
G71 P1 Q2 U0.3 W0.1 F0.2;
N1 G01 X10 20
G01 X15 2-5
G01 X15 2-15 G02
X15 2-20 R5 G01 X20
N2 G03 X25 2-35 R5 G70
P1 Q2 U0.0W0.0F0.1;
G28 U0 W0 G97;
M05 M30;

Thus the given job is manufactured.

Viva Questions:
1. What is mean by M05?
2. What is mean by U00?
3. What is mean by W00?
4. What is mean by M30?
5. What is N series?
6. What is the difference between Manufacturing and Production?
7. What is Counter?
8. What is ASP?
9. What is F30 command?
10. How you fix the tool?
Exercise 3

Aim: To develop the given model by using CNC machine.

1. Tool
2. Mild Steel shaft
3. Micro meter
4. Vernier
1. For the given dimensions of the work piece to be machined write the program
using G codes and M codes
2. Using the simulation software or by running the machine in test mode check the
Program and if there is any error make the correction in the program.
3. Fix the work piece on the chucks.
4. Move the tool to the start point of the work piece by manual mode.
5. Reset the Machine.
6. Change the machine from manual mode to single block mode or auto mode.
7. Execute the program to get the required shape of the work piece.
8. Remove the machined work piece from the chuck.

5 10 5 10

18 5


G28U0 W0;
; T0101;
G00G42 X21 Z3.0
M7; G71 U0.5
G71 P10 Q20 U0.3 W0.1 F0.3
N10 G01 X20 Z-0
G01 X20 Z-35
G03 X25 Z-40 R5
G01 X25 Z-50
G01 X30 Z-55
N20 G01 X30 Z-60
G70 P10 Q20U.0W0.0 F0.1;
G28 U0 W0
M06 T2
G00 X20.2 Z-23
G75 R1
G75 X14 Z-25 P100 Q1000 F30
G28 U0 W0
M06 T3
G00 X21 Z0
G76 P021560 Q50 R0.02
G76 Z18.774 Z-20 P0.613
G28 U0 W0
M06 T4
G00 X0 Z0
G74 R1
G74 X0 Z-10 Q1000 F20
G28 U0 W0

Thus the given job is manufactured.

Viva Questions:

1. What Lathe you are using?

2. What are the different types of lathes?
3. Why we opt for CNC lathe than for conventional?
4. What is T3 command?
5. What this G00 X0 Z0 command performs?
6. What is difference between Group technology and FMS?
7. What is computer assisted part programming?
8. What is storage system?
9. What is Production flow analysis?
10. How you fix the work piece?

Miscellaneous functions (M codes)

M Codes are instructions describing miscellaneous functions like calling the Tool, Spindle rotation, Coolant ON

M00 Program Stop
M01 Optional Stop
M02 Program end
M03 Spindle Forward (CW)
M04 Spindle Forward (CCW)
M05 Spindle Stop
M06 Tool change
M08 Coolant ON
M09 Coolant OFF
M10 Chuck Open
M11 Chuck Close
M13 Spindle Forward, Coolant ON
M14 Spindle Reverse, Coolant ON
M25 Quill Extended (Tailstock)
M26 Quill Retract (Tail stock)
M30 Program End & Rewind
M38 Door Open
M39 Door Close
M62 Output 1 ON
M63 Output 2 ON
M64 Output 1 OFF
M65 Output 2 OFF
M66 Wait Input 1 ON
M67 Wait Input 2 ON
M76 Wait Input 1 OFF
M77 Wait Input 2 OFF
M98 Subprogram Call
M99 Subprogram Exit

Note: Only one M code can be accommodated in a single block

Preparatory Functions (G Codes)
A 2- digit number following address G Determines the meaning of the command of the block concerned.

G00 Positioning (Rapid traverse)
G01 Linear Interpolation
G02 Circular Interpolation (CW)
G03 Circular Interpolation (CCW)
G04 Dwell
G20 Inch Data Input
G21 Metric Data Input
G28 Reference Point Return
G32 Thread Cutting
G40 Tool noce Radius Compensation Cancel
G41 Tool Nose Radius Compensation Left
G42 Tool Nose Radius Compensation Right
G50 Work Co-ord.Change/Max.Spindle speed setting
G70 Finishing Cycle
G71 Stock Removal in Facing
G72 Stock removal in Facing
G73 Pattern repeating
G74 Peck Drilling in Z-Axis
G75 Grooving in X-Axis
G76 Thread Cutting Cycle
G90 Cutting Cycle A
G92 Thread Cutting Cycle
G94 Cutting Cycle B
G96 Constant Surface Speed Control
G97 Constant Surface Speed Control Cancel
G98 Feed per Minute
G99 Feed per Revolution

Up to three G codes can be accommodated in a single Block

S-Speed in RPM (Max. Speed can be used is 2000 RPM)

T- Tool Number (01 to 08)

1, 3, 5 & 7 are Tool stations for External Operation Tools
2, 4, 6 & 8 are Tool stations for Internal Operation Tools

For emergency purposes to stop the machine press the EMERGENCY STOP Button
Exercise: 1 Operation: Facing
Objective: Write a part programming for facing operation and perform facing by using CNC Turn lathe for the
given aluminum rod.

Resources: CNC Lathe Machine.


[BILLET X32 Z70]
G21 G98
G28 U0 W0
M06 T01
M03 S1200
G00 X33 Z0
G01 Z-0.5 F100
G01 X-1
G00 X33
G01 Z-1
G00 X33
G01 Z-1.5
G00 X33
G01 Z-2
G00 X33
G28 U0 W0
Exercise: 2 Operations: Simple Turning
Objective: Write a part programming for Simple Turning operation and perform Simple Turning by using CNC
Turn lathe for the given aluminum rod.

Resources: CNC Lathe Machine.


40 30

[BILLET X32 Z70]
G21 G98
G28 U0 W0
M06 T01
M03 S1200
G00 X32 Z5
G01 Z-30
G00 Z2
G01 Z-30
G00 Z2
G01 Z-30
G00 Z2
G01 Z-30
G00 Z2
G01 Z-30
G00 Z2
G28 U0 W0
Exercise: 3 Operations: Step Turning
(G90 Box Turning cycle)

Objective: Write a part programming for Step Turning operation and perform Step Turning by using CNC Turn
lathe for the given aluminum rod.

Resources: CNC Lathe Machine.



40 15 15


[BILLET X22 Z70]

G21 G98
G28 U0 W0
M06 T03
M03 S1200
G00 X22 Z1
G90 X22 Z-30 F100
G00 X14 Z1
G90 X13 Z-15 F100
G28 U0 W0
Exercise: 4 Operations: Multiple Turning

Objective: Write a part programming for Multiple Turning operation and perform Multiple Turning by using
CNC Turn lathe for the given aluminum rod.

Resources: CNC Lathe Machine.




6 10 5 8 4 5 2


G 71- Multiple Turning cycle

G 71 U R
G 71 P Q U W F
1st block: U Depth of cut for each pass in mm
R Retraction / Relief amount in mm
2 block: P Starting block of the profile
Q End block of the profile
U Finishing allowance in X- axis in mm
W Finishing allowance in Z axis in mm
F Feed rate in mm/minute
[ BILLET X32 Z70 X16 Z-2
G21 G98 Z-7
G28 U0 W0 G02 X20 Z-11 R4
M06 T03 G01 Z-19
G00 X32 Z5 X26 Z-24
M03 S1200 Z-34
G71 U0.5 R1 N5 BG03 X32 Z-40 R6
G71 P1 Q5 U0.1 WO.1 F100 G70 P1 Q5 S1800 F60
N1 G01 X14 G28 U0 W0
Z0 M05
Exercise: 5 Operations: Grooving.

Objective: Write a part programming for Grooving operation and perform Grooving by using CNC Turn lathe
for the given aluminum rod.

Resources: CNC Lathe Machine.





G75 Grooving cycle

Format: G75 R
G 75 X Z P Q F
R- Retraction in mm
X- Required diameter in mm
Z- Groove length in mm
P- Depth of Cut in X- axis, in microns
Q- Tool movement in Z-axis, in microns
F- Feed rate in mm/minute


G21 G98
G28 U0 W0
M06 T05
M03 S1200
G00 X33 Z-33
G75 R1
G75 X28 Z-34 P50 Q1000 F30
G28 U0 W0
Exercise: 6 Operations: External threading.

Objective: Write a part programming for External Threading operation and perform External Threading by
using CNC Turn lathe for the given aluminum rod.

Resources: CNC Lathe Machine.

M 32 X 1



G76- Threading cycle

Format: G76 P Q R
G76 X Z P Q F
1 Block:
P051560- 05= No. of finishing cycles
15= Pull-out angle
60= Thread angle
Q- Depth of cut in microns
R- Finishing allowance in mm
2nd Block:
X- Minor dia. in mm
Z-Thread length in mm
P- Thread height in microns
Q- Depth of cut for first pass in microns
F- Pitch of the thread in mm
M32 x 1mm pitch
Assume thread length is 20 mm
Minor dia.=Major dia-2 x thread height
Thread height = 0.613 x pitch of the thread
G21 G98
G28 U0 W0
M06 T07
M03 S400
G00 X32.5 Z2
G76 P051560 Q50 R0.01
G76 X30.774 Z-20 P613 Q200 F1
G28 U0 W0
Exercise: 7 Operations: Multiple Operations.

Objective: Write a part programming for Multiple operations and perform Multiple operations by using CNC
Turn lathe for the given aluminum rod.

Resources: CNC Lathe Machine.

R4 M 24X 1
2 X 45



4 8 6 4 4 10 2



[BILLET X32 Z70 G28 U0 W0

G21 G98 M06 T7
G28 U0 W0 M03 S400
M06 T03 G00 X24.2 Z5
M03 S1200 G76 P051560 Q50 R0.01
G00 X32 Z2 G76 X22.774 Z-14 P613 Q200 F1
G71 U0.5 R1 G28 U0 W0
G71 P1 Q5 U0.1 W0.1 F100
N1 G01 X22
X24 Z-2
Z- 22
X28 Z-28
N5 G03 X32 Z-40 R4
G70 P1Q5 S1800 F60
G28 U0 W0
M06 T5
M03 S400
G00 X26 Z5
G01 Z-14
G75 R1
G75 X20 Z-15 P100 Q1000 F30
Exercise: 8 Operations: Drilling

Objective: Write a part programming for Drilling operation and perform Drilling by using CNC Turn lathe for the
given aluminum rod.

Resources: CNC Lathe Machine.




G74- Drilling cycle
Format: G74 R
G74 X Z Q F
R- Retraction in mm
X-Dimension in x-axis in mm (Always zero)
Z- Drilling length in mm
Q- Tool movement in Z- axis in microns ( Q<500 microns)
F- Feed rate in mm/minute
Tool Numbers 2,4,6& 8 are for internal operations


G21 G98
G28 U0 W0
M06 T02 [Center drill R2.5mm
M03 S1000
G00 X0 Z2
G74 R1
G74 X0 Z-5 Q500 F40
G28 U0 W0
M06 T04 [Drill R6 mm
M03 S1000
G00 X0 Z2
G74 R1
G74 X0 Z-20 Q500 F40
G28 U0 W0
Exercise: 9 Operations: Drilling & Boring
Objective: Write a part programming for Drilling & Boring operation and perform Drilling & Boring by using
CNC Turn lathe for the given aluminum rod.

Resources: CNC Lathe Machine.



10 6 4



G28 U0 W0
[BILLET X32 Z70 M06 T08
G21 G98 M03 S1200
G28 U0 W0 G00X12 Z5
M06 T02 [ center drill R2.5mm G71 U0.5 R1
M03 S1000 G71 P1 Q5 U-0.1 W0.1 F60
G00 X0 Z2 N1 G01 X22 F60
G74 R1 Z0
G74 X0 Z-5 Q500 F40 Z-4
G28 U0 W0 X16
M06 T04[drill of R3mm Z-10
M03 S1000 X12
G00 X0 Z2 N5 G01 Z-20
G74 R1 G70 P1 Q5 S1800 F40
G74 X0 Z-20 Q500 F40 G28 U0 W0
G28 U0 W0 M05
M06 T06 [ drill of R 6mm M30
M03 S1000
G00 X0 Z2
G74 R1
G74 X0 Z-20 Q500 F40

Note: G71 cycle can be used for multiple turning and boring operation
Exercise: 10 Operations: Drilling & Boring

Objective: Write a part programming for Drilling & Boring operation and perform Drilling & Boring operation by
using CNC Turn lathe for the given aluminum rod.

Resources: CNC Lathe Machine.





5 9 4


[BILLET X32 Z70 G71 U0.5 R1
G21 G98 G71 P1 Q5 U-0.1 W0.1 F60
G28 U0 W0 N1 G01 X28 F60
M06 T02 Z0
M03 S1000 X26 Z-2
G00 X0 Z2 Z-6
G74 R1 G02 X20 Z-10 R4 F60
G74 X0 Z-5 Q500 F40 G01 Z-15
G28 U0 W0 X16 Z-20
M06 T04 N5 Z-25
M03 S1000 G70 P1 Q5 S1800 F40
G00 X0 Z2 G28 U0 W0
G74 R1 M05
G74 X0 Z-25 Q500 F40 M30
G28 U0 W0
M06 T06
M03 S1000
G00 X0 Z2
G74 R1
G74 X0 Z-25 Q500 F40
G28 U0 W0
M06 T08 [ boring tool
M03 S1200
G00X12 Z5
Exercise: 11 Operations: Drilling, Boring & Internal
Objective: Write a part programming for Drilling ,Boring & Internal threading operation and perform Boring &
Internal threading operation by using CNC Turn lathe for the given aluminum rod.

Resources: CNC Lathe Machine.

M 22 X 1



6 5 12



[BILLET X32 Z70 G71 U0.5 R1

G21 G98 G71 P1 Q5 U-0.1 W0.1 F60
G28 U0 W0 N1 G01 X20.774 F60
M06 T02 [ center drill R2.5mm Z0
M03 S1000 Z-12
G00 X0 Z2 X16
G74 R1 Z-17
G74 X0 Z-5 Q500 F40 X12
G28 U0 W0 N5 G01 Z-23
M06 T04[drill of R3mm G70 P1 Q5 S1800 F40
M03 S1000 G28 U0 W0
G00 X0 Z2 M06 T02 [Internal threading
G74 R1 M03 S400
G74 X0 Z-20 Q500 F40 G00 X20 Z5
G28 U0 W0 G76 P101560 Q50 R0.01
M06 T06 [ drill of R 6mm G76 X22 Z-10 P613 Q100 F1
M03 S1000 M05
G00 X0 Z2 M30
G74 R1
G74 X0 Z-20 Q500 F40
G28 U0 W0
M06 T08 [ boring tool
M03 S1200
G00X12 Z5


Length = 550 mm
Width = 540 mm
Height = 880 mm

MAXIMUM Cross Travel = 90 mm
MAXIMUM Longitudinal Travel = 170 mm
MAXIMUM Head Travel = 115 mm
Spindle nose to Table top = 190 mm
Spindle to column = 110 mm
Spindle taper = R8 mm
Spindle taper for ATC = BT35
Working table surface = 360 mm x 130 mm
3 Tee Slots = 10 mm width x 50 mm pitch
Z axis ball screw = 16 mm dia x 5 mm pitch
X axis ball screw = 16 mm dia x 5 mm pitch
Y axis ball screw = 16 mm dia x 5 mm pitch
Machine resolution = 0.01 mm
Weight (with ATC) = 113 kg
Power Supply = 220/240V 8A, 50/60 hz, Single



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