PMT and Dilatometer Test
PMT and Dilatometer Test
PMT and Dilatometer Test
The pressuremeter and dilatometer tests are in situ loading tests executed by expansion of
a cylindrical cavity. The stresses are exerted on the walls of the cylinder drilled in soils or
rocks by mean of a pressurized fluid acting on one or several inflatable membranes. The
relation between the stresses and the obtained deformations, can be analyzed theoretically
at the difference of the other in-situ tests, or empirically according to the hypothesis on
the properties of the surrounding materials.
The instrument exerts a radial and uniform field of stresses on a given length of the
probe. This hypothesis is the basis of the conception of the Louis Menard tri-cellular
The deformations of the soil or rock comprise a pseudo-elastic and a plastic phases.
Tests in the soils and soft rocks
There is two types of instruments which differ by the way of measuring the deformations.
In the first type this measure is made by measuring the volume injected to dilate the
probe and in the second type is directly made by measuring the variations of diameter of
the probe. (Figure # 2)
2.1.1) MENARD PRESSUREMETER( type G,G-Am) ( Figure # 3 )
Tri-cellular probe giving a uniform radial field of stresses in the central third.
Radial deformation deducted from the measurement of the injected volume requiring
the determination of the parasitic dilatation.
Very large number of tests already performed in various materials giving references
of the long-term behaviour of structures and confidence in the use of empirical
2.1.2) TEXAM (Figure # 4)
Measurement of the deformations according to 3 diameters by mean of arms
instrumented with electrical strain gages.
2.1.5) BOREMAC ( Figure # 8 )
Remark: These instruments have many common points with the pressuremeters and are
therefore just mentioned in this paper for comparison. Their use and interpretation are
also just briefly described.
Does not allow to measure the anisotropy. Involves a large volume of rock.
2.2.2) MAZIER DILATOMETER ( DMP-R95 model) (Figure # 10 )
Experimental prototyp e.
Goodman jack
The method to do the borehole must be adapted to the type of rock or soil in a way to
reduce the risks of disturbance of the walls.
I n the case of the dilatometer tests in rocks, the boreholes are almost always made by
drilling with a diamond bit. The other methods with percussion drills do not allow to
obtain a good calibration of the hole and furthermore create fractures which modify the
properties of rock.
The small depth boreholes in cohesive soils can be made by mean of an hand or
mechanical auger. For most of the other conditions, the best results are obtained by using
tricones or fish-tails with teeth in carbide of tungsten and slurry of bentonite.
The importance of the disturbance can be detected by looking at the shape of the pressure
versus deformation curve and the ratios between the different parameters as discussed in
the following chapter regarding the validation of the results.
This method of setting the probe requires a large experience to co-ordinate the speed of
rotation, the flow of the fluid used to flush the cuttings and the speed of advancement of
the tool. If all these parameters are not adequate there is a risk of disturbance by clogging
and pushing of the probe. This method is limited to the fine soils and is only used in
particular areas.
A probe with inverted cutting edge and retro-jetting has been conjointly developed by
Louis Menard and Roctest but although the preliminary results were very satisfying has
never been completed for commercial use.
These methods which evidently disturb the soils are used in the grounds where the
conventional boreholes are difficult to do as the gravel below the water table or the
fillings made of ungraded materials.
The use of the Pencel has been limited to the control of compaction of granular soils at
small depth.
The driven slotted casing in which a G-Am type probe in inserted is very frequently used
for the control of the dynamic compaction and the evaluation of fills containing blocks.
In this special case, slotted casings have already been placed before placing of the fill
with insertion of inflatable packers to avoid the crushing of the slotted parts during the
The creep curve is obtained by drawing the deformations between 30 seconds and 1
minute versus the pressures. It presents also 3 phases.
With the TEXAM, the test is run with 20 equal increments of volume
The pressures are recorded after 30 seconds.
The limit pressure corresponds to the failure of the surrounding soil. It is given by the
asymptote of the pressuremeter curve. As this asymptote is not always easy to define, an
other definition as been given to the limit pressure which corresponds to the pressure for
which the volume of the initial cylindrical cavity has doubled. This value takes into
account the pressure of inertia of the probe Pi which is generally very small (Pi< 50 kPa)
and is often neglected excepted in the soft clays.(Figure # 14 )
For the normal tests with the standard probes for which the at rest volume Vc is 535 cc.
, and the injected volume Vo at the contact with the walls is about 100 cc. ,the limit
pressure corresponds to an injected volume of about 700 cc.( Vc +2 Vo)
To complement the previous method called manual to estimate the abscise of the
asymptote of the normal curve, 3 other methods of extrapolation have been developed
and are used when the test has reached the plastic phase but not the limit pressure. It must
be noted that in fact the test is always interrupted before reaching this pressure to avoid
the bursting of the probe. If Vc is the at restvolume of the probe and Vo the injected
volume necessary to obtain the contact with the walls of the borehole, Vi the initial
volume of the cavity is given by Vi = Vc +Vo. If we call V the total injected volume, the
3 methods are defined as follows: (Figure # 15)
The log- log method for which the curve of pressures is drawn in logarithmic
coordonnates in function of V-Vo/Vc+Vo. This curve presents a straight segment in
the plastic phase and the limit pressure is reached when the previous relation is equal
to 1.
The relative volumes method for which the curve of the pressures is drawn in
function of V-Vo/Vc+V. This curve also presents a straight segment in the plastic
phase and the limit pressure is reached when the previous relation is equal to 1/2.
The method of the inverted volumes for which the curve of the pressures is drawn in
function of 1/V.As for the previous methods this curve is a straight line in the plastic
phase, and the limit pressure corresponds to V=700 cc for the standard probes. This
last method is described in the D 60 general brochure. The figures #16 and 17 show
an example of use of this method.
At the obtained value must be subtracted the value of the pressure of inertia Pi,and added
the hydrostatic pressure due to the column of fluid filling the tubing between the probe
and the measuring instrument located at ground level.
V cavity V V0 V cavity V V0 1
= = 1 or = =
Initial vol. Vc + V0 Total vol. Vc + V 2
V V 0
Vc + V 0
V V 0
Vc + V
The pressuremeter modulus E is based on the Lame equation giving the radial increment
of a radial cavity in function of the pressure in an elastic medium.
The formula which gives the Shear modulus G is: G= Vx ?P/?V
where V is the volume of the cavity and P the pressure in this cavity.
?P/?V is the slope of the pressuremeter curve in its linear pseudo-elastic part, taken for
the volume Vm, located in the middle of the segment Vo-Vf. Vo is the volume
corresponding to the pressure of recompression of the walls of the borehole, which is
more or less the at rest pressure of the soil. Vf corresponds to the creep pressure.
In an elastic medium the relation between the shear modulus G and the Young modulus E
is: G = E/2( 1+? ) where ? is the Poisson ratio.
In the case of the pressuremeter modulus Em, the Poisson ratio is equal to 0,33.
If Vc is the at restvolume of the probe, we obtain:
Em =2,66 (Vc +Vm )x ?P/?V ( Figure # 18 )
E=2,66 Vm x ? P/? V
Normal pressuremeter and creep curves comprise 3 well defined parts when the test is run
in a bore-hole.(Figure # 13 )
The phase of recompression of the ground which presents a concavity toward the axis
of pressures for the curve pressure versus volume, and a segment of straight line with
a negative slope for the creep curve.
The pseudo-elastic phase where the pressuremeter curve is a straight line with a
positive slope and a segment of straight line with a small positive slope for the creep
The plastic phase and failure with a concavity toward the axis of volumes and a
vertical asymptote for the pressuremeter curve and a segment of straight line with a
large positive slope for the creep curve.
When the test is perfectly realized, the creep curve shows a very well defined point
between the 2 last phases which is a confirmation of the validity of the test.
The ratio between the modulus and the limit pressure must correspond to the type of
In over-consolidated soils, this ratio must be between 12 and 30
When, other in-situ test have been made in the same ground, as the Standard Penetration
Test (SPT) giving the index N, the Dynamic Cone Test giving the index D, or the Static
Penetration Test which gives the point resistance Rp, it is possible to compare the
obtained results by using the following mean correlations.
In clays
Rp=3 Pl
In silty sand
D=250 Pl
Rp=6 Pl
In the previous relations, Pl, Rp, are expressed in kPa, and N and D in number of
Several comparisons have been made between the tests made with a rammed slotted
casing and the conventional boring methods with a tri cone or fishtail and a slurry of
bentonite. The following observations have been noted.
The modulus and the limit pressure are increased in the compact granular soils above
the water table.
The limit pressure and above all the modulus are reduced for the tests run at shallow
depth and below the water table. An example is given in the table # 1.
The previous tests have been run in a fine silty sand at a depth varying between 1 and 4
meters, below the water table.
To define the factor K, the Techniques Louis Menard have classified the materials in 4
categories (Table #2 )and run a large number of tests on various types of foundations.
The values of the bearing factor K are given in the D60 manual and shown in the figure
The minimum value of K is 0,8 and corresponds to a foundation built on the surface of
the ground.
We remark that below a given relative depth h/R , where R is the half width of the
foundation and h its depth, the K factor becomes constant. This depth is called the critical
depth and varies from 4 for the circular or square footings in clays, to 22 for the strip
footings in the very dense sands and gravel.
When the properties of the ground in which the foundation is built vary wit h the depth,it
is necessary to use an equivalent limit pressure Ple.
The ground is divided in layers with a thickness equal to half the width of the foundation.
If we call Pl1 the geometrical mean value of the limit pressures of the layers which are
between 3R and +3R above the foundation, Pl2 the geometrical mean value for the
layers located between +R and R (just above and below the foundation level ) and Pl3
the geometrical mean value for the layers located between R and 3R.below the
foundation, we obtain:
Ple = 3 Pl'1 Pl'2 Pl'3
For the shallow foundation, Pl1 is not taken into account and Ple is equal to the square
root of the product of the 2 other values.(Figure # 21 )
Ple = 3 Pl '1xPl '2 xPl '3
( Figure # 22 )
Q = Qp + Qf (S1, S2)
In the very compressive soils which still settle under their own weight (see thereafter
level of auto-bearing.) the lateral friction becomes negative. It is called S3 and for E
<1500 kPa
S3 is taken equal to 10 kPa. When extra fill or load are added, the value of S3 is
increased in function of Pl.(Figure # 23 )
The level of auto-bearing is the value of the characteristics that the soil must reach to
avoid settlement under its own weight. This notion is particularly important for the recent
fills. This level can be defined by its limit pressure and varies with the type of soils.
For a layer of 0 to 10 meters the following values have been given for different types of
- clays : Pl = 250 to 300 kPa
- silts : Pl = 400 kPa
- sands : Pl = 600 kPa
- sands with gravel and stones : Pl =800 kPa
1.33 R
W= pRo 2 + p3R
3E Ro 4 .5 E
L/2R 1-Circle 1-Square 2 3 5 20
?2 1 1,12 1,53 1,78 2,14 2,65
?3 1 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5
The very large number of foundations for which the settlements have been calculated
with the previous empirical formula has shown that the results were closed to those
observed after construction, e xception made of the large rafts on very compressive clays.
This observation can be explained by the fact that the expression W2 corresponding to
spherical component of the tensor then becomes important and is better evaluated by the
oedometric tests.
Generally the pressuremeter modules vary with the depth. To take this variation into
account, two equivalent moduli Ea and Eb corresponding respectively to the spherical
and deviatoric field of stresses are used to calculate the total settlement W.
To calculate Ea and Eb the ground is divided in horizontal layers having a thickness of of
R equal to the half width of the foundation, to a total depth of 16 R.
If 1 corresponds to the first layer, located in contact with the basis of the foundation, and
16 the deepest layer, we obtain:
EB =
1 1 1 1 1
+ + + +
E1 0,85E 2 E3 , 4 ,5 2,5E6 , 7 ,8 2,5E9 16
The moduli which represent several layers are the harmonical means of the corresponding
layers.(See the D60 manual for more details.)
When the tests have not been run up to a depth equivalent to 16R, the previous formula
giving Eb is simplified as follows:
-for the tests run to a depth of 5R
Eb =
1 1 1
+ +
E1 0,85E 2 E3 , 4 ,5
This is the frequent condition of a raft founded on a soft layer, with a thickness inferior to
half the width of the foundation and overlying a substratum regarded as uncompressible
as the bedrock. The used formula is named the rule T5 in the manual D60. The formula
takes into account the repartition in elasticity of the stresses below the foundation and the
moduli corresponding to the same depths, and the coefficients of structure a already
defined in addition to a coefficient function of the adopted value of the safety factor.
This factor is the conventional ratio between the bearing capacity at failure and the
effective chosen level of stress, in function of the depth.
This problem is complex due to the superposition of the field of stresses of each
individual foundation. By example in the case of 3 parallel strip footings, we have to
consider 4 elementary fields and the total settlement is the sum of 4 terms corresponding
to these 4 fields. This corresponds to add to the settlements of each individual foundation,
the settlement of a fictitious foundation with a width equal to the total area covered by the
footings and a pressure equal to the mean pressure Pm that the building will impose on a
general raft.
The excavation of ground creates a reduction of stresses in the different underlying layers
and a heaving of the bottom of the excavation.
The calculus of the settlement comprises 2 phases.
-a first phase corresponding to the load exerted by the structure in addition of the
pre-existing stress.
-a second phase corresponding to the re-establishment of the previous level of
stresses existing before excavation and for which is used the alternate modulus Ea. In the
case of Ea has not been measured during the pressuremeter tests, the following
approximate values are used depending of the type of soil.
Type of soil Ea/E
Clay 2
Silt 3
Sand and gravel 4
Several methods of calculation of the structures submitted to lateral forces require the
determination of a modulus of reaction called generally k. This modulus is based on the
hypothesis tha t the deformations d are proportional to the stresses p.
P= kxd
This modulus does not take the dimension of the structure into account.
The modulus k can be deducted from the pressuremeter tests by dividing the 2 terms
giving the total settlement by the pressure p. (Rule To)
An approximation of the modulus of reaction can also be obtained for the rigid or flexible
foundations with the following formula:
The parameter a varies with the coefficient of structure a of the soil from 1,33 for the soft
clays to 2,8 for the sands and gravel.
The figure #25 shows the basis of calculation of the rigid foundations submitted to a
lateral load.
Kz =Kd (z/D)xb. Where Kz is equal to the modulus of reaction at the depth D.
b=0 for an ideal cohesive soil.
b=1 for an ideal frictional soil.
Several studies have been made to deduct the specific parameters as the angle of friction
and the cohesion of soils from the pressuremeter tests. Papers with abacus giving these
parameters in function of Pl are available but the results are not sufficiently confirmed to
use them with confidence in the calculations as the slope stability analysis.
However these results can be used with precaution in the case of undrained tests to
approximate the total cohesion or in the case of well drained tests to obtain the intrinsic
angle of friction of very pervious sand or gravel.
Excepted for the dynamic compaction and the vibroflotation, the pressuremeter tests have
been rarely used for the control of compaction. They, however, present numerous
advantages in this field by comparison with the traditional methods of control.
-testing in depth
-immediate results.
-direct measure of Pl and E instead of the density.
-very sensitive method.As an example,when the dry density increases only by 4%
in the silty sand with gravel,the limit pressure doubles.
The pressuremeter tests being in situ loading tests run up to failure, it is recommended to
use them in similar applications such as the determination of the bearing capacity of
foundations. Furthermore, as a large number of tests on real foundations as footings of
limited dimensions and strip footings have been run to measure their bearing capacity and
settlement, the use of the pressuremeter is reliable to calculate the settlements.
On the other hand, the settlement of large rafts on soft clays must be complemented by
laboratory tests. In fact, the French LCPC recommend to do a complementary study with
oedometer tests in the case of wide foundations ( rafts or fills ) for all soft soils, peat, and
saturated sands and silts when their modulus E is below 5000 kPa, or when the values
obtained for the settlement is above 20 cm in the soils of greater modulus.
The studies requiring the knowledge of the specific values as the angle of friction or the
cohesion must be examined with great care.
In every case, the pressuremeter profiles must be complemented by detailed geotechnical
profiles as the presence of heterogeneity such as a layer of low resistance in a more
resistant material modifies completely the field of stresses and invalidate the results
obtained with the standard methods.
The distance between two tests in a profile must be reduced and in the order of 1 meter,
and it is recommended to have a continuous sampling.
There is no standardized dilatometer test as for the Menard pressuremeter test. The
increments of pressure are generally defined in function of the maximum capacity of the
instrument, as it is unusual to reach the failure of the rock unless it is a very soft rock.
This maximum capacity is given by the manufacturer and is a function of the diameter
reached during the test.
At each level of pressure, the deformations are registered every minute, or in continue if
an automatic data acquisition system is available, and the pressure is kept constant until
stabilization of the deformations. In fact as the time required to reach the stabilization can
be very long, some users have fixed their own rule to define the procedure. By example, a
new increment of pressure can be made when the difference of deformations in the last 2
minutes is less than 5% of the same difference obtained in the first 5 minutes.
When the maximum pressure is reached, the unloading cycle is made. The pressure is
reduced to the value corresponding to the pressure of contact, by steps as for the loading
cycle, until the stabilization is reached.
For all types of dilatometers, the calibration tests giving the parasitic dilatation ?v/?p of
the instrument (probe, tubing and readout) are very important. This value limits the use of
the high-pressure pressuremeter to the soft rocks when the Mazier dilatometer can be
used in rocks having moduli of 5000 to 50000 Mpa.
The results are presented as a graphic showing a series of loops of hysteresis from which
several moduli can be calculated depending of the problem to solve. (Figure # 26 )
Modulus of unloading Er. The ratio between the first loading modulus and the
unloading modulus E/Er varies generally between 1 and 3 and can even reach 5 in
heavily fractured rocks.
The dilatometer tests are used to evaluate the deformations of rocks according to their
different variations of the field of stresses.
The moduli calculated from the test results are generally used in elasticity analysis or
with the finite elements analysis in the following applications:
Design of pressurized penstocks in rock.
Deformations of the supports of bridges or other large structures as the arches of the
biodome in Montreal.
In the soft rocks the high-pressure pressuremeter tests allow to obtain a good
approximation of the loading and cyclic moduli.
The pressuremeter tests run in rocks require the use of high-pressure equipment and in
particular of tubing in Tecalan instead of Rilsan as for the standard apparatus. Special
calibration tests are run to determine the parasitic dilatation. They are made by placing
the probe in a thick wall steel tube. The parasitic deformation is then calculated:
The formula giving the pressuremeter modulus becomes:
E= 2(1+?)/(?V/?P-a)
We can see that to obtain a significant test in rock the value of a must be small and
repetitive. When the saturation of the pressuremeter (apparatus, tubing and probe)is
perfectly done the maximum significant modulus is in the order of 2,5 millions of kPa..
Additional information regarding the use and the interpretation of the pressuremeter in
rocks can be found in the manuals D3, D21, and D35 of the Techniques Louis Menard.
The tables #5 and 6 give a comparison of the moduli obtained with a pressuremeter and
those obtained with a Goodman Jack (Peace River-Site C ) and Plate Loading Tests ( dam
of Chulac-Guatemala)
OF TEST Maximum Minimum Mean
PRESSUREMETER 4500 900 2300
PLATE LOADING 3600 400 2000
Pl 2 = 1000x1200 = 1090
Ql=K (Ple-Po)+Qo
Ple=890 kPa
Qo=?h=2,0x350=700 kPa
Ql=3(890-350)+700=2635 kPa
1.33 R
w= xpRo 2 + p3 R
3EB Ro 4.5EA
EB= = 11600kPa
1 1 1
+ +
E1 0,85E 2 E3, 4 , 5
EA=E1=950 kPa
W=1,51+0,73=2,24 cm