Signature Assignment 440
Signature Assignment 440
Signature Assignment 440
Amber Kalender
which is a major component in the American classroom today. A child who has a speech and
language impairment may have trouble communicating with the instructor and their peers in their
classroom. If child does not receive the tools to correct a speech and language impairment it can
lead to lack of self-esteem and behavior issues at home and in the classroom. To be an effective
educator, it is important to fully understand what speech and language impairment is and how it
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, which is also referred to as IDEA, the official
childs educational performance. (1997), in that definition different types of speech disorders
are listed each with their own symptoms. The communication disorder that causes stuttering is
also know and a fluency disorder. The second of speech disorder is impaired articulation or
difficulty pronouncing certain sounds. The third type is a language impairment which results in a
others, and listening to and retaining information from others. Finally, a voice impairment causes
One famous case of speech and language impairment was documented in the film
entitled, The Kings Speech. In the film George VI demonstrated stuttering, repetitions, and the
prolongation of words. During the film, the viewer can see the anxiety and stress in the Kings
body such as twitching while he is speaking. Speech therapy that George VI underwent is also
featured in the film including: tongue twisters and physical exercises. George VI developed
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social anxiety directly related to public speaking. Speech and Language Impairment can affect
young childrens mental health as well in the same way shown in The Kings Speech.
Generally, speech and language impairments emerge at a younger age. According to Kuhl
(1994) Research suggests that the first 6 months of life are the most crucial to a childs
important because the research shows that early intervention can lead to a child outgrowing the
If a child with a speech and language impairment qualifies for services they may receive
those services from a speech and language pathologist. A speech and language pathologist can
offer many different activities according to the type of speech and language issue the child may
have. Services may include, Helping children with articulation disorders to learn proper
production of speech sounds, helping children who stutter to speak more fluently, Assisting
children with voice disorders to improve their voice quality, (Speech or Language, n.d.).
These techniques can be taught through modeling proper form when speaking such as where the
tongue should be placed to make a certain sound. Techniques for children to learn how to speak
with peers can also be taught through games as well. Though it is a common knowledge that
early intervention is best practices the reality is that at times it can be difficult to find enough
In the IDEA, the phrase: adversely affects educational performance (1997), is used to
determine whether a child qualifies for speech and language services. An issue arises because the
states and school districts. Statistics show that the number of children who are in need of services
do not receive them. In the article, The Importance of Early Intervention the data collected
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reflected the number of children in need of services, In 2009 Part C served 2.67% of the general
population of children aged birth to 3.12 However, research indicates that as many as 13% of
birth to 3 year olds have delays that would make them eligible according to criteria commonly
used by the states.(2011). This need for more services is reflected in communities across the
Mrs. Cortez, a kindergarten teacher, details the difficulty she experienced when
attempting to obtaining services for one of her students whom she felt needed more specialized
support. The focus of the interview was one of her students, Jesus who was 5 years old at the
time. When asked to describe why she thought Jesus needed services she stated, It was like
baby talk. He was very hard to understand. He could not make more that 3-4 word
sentencesThe other students werent able to communicate with him. (2017). Mrs. Cortez also
discussed the emotional effect not being able to communicate in the classroom had on Jesus. At
time Jesus would become so frustrated that he would often cry because he could not express
what he wanted from his classmates including that he wanted to play with him. His classmates
could not understand him so they would ignore him which led to him acting out and developing
Mrs. Cortez described the process she went through to get services for Jesus. Mrs. Cortez
stated, I filled out the referral on him the third week of school, she (speech teacher) observed
him that week and said it was developmental. Then I referred him to SST and after that meeting
the team insisted that she observe him againHis services were not consistent. Sometimes two
weeks would go by with him not being seen. When he was seen it was only once a week for
about 15 minutes in a group setting not one on one.(2017), the type of services described by the
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instructor Mrs. Cortez who admits she saw no improvement during his limited time with the
speech teacher. .
Putting the academic portion of Jesuss life aside the lack of speech support affected him
social and emotionally with his peers and his family. Because Jesus could not express himself, he
would often lash out in anger and frustration which resulted in isolation from his peers. The
family dynamic between Jesus and his sister were also strained like the relationships with his
classmates. On one occasion Jesuss sister became frustrated when interacting with her brother
and threw him on the floor then dragged him onto a school bench to talk to him. This interaction
was stressful and concerning for classmates and staff who witnessed the event however, Jesus
This trend of seeing a child once a week for a small amount of time is a result of the
district policy that places speech teachers at multiple sites rather than one home site. The speech
teachers caseloads and time amount of time available for each student are stretched thin
resulting in unsupported students. To offer more support Mrs. Cortez adopted saying such as,
use your words and to also give Jesus words to use to describe what he wanted rather than
crying. Mrs. Cortez was aware of the needs of her student but did not receive the support she was
looking for, however in the U.K. a research team is taking time to listen to teacher perspectives.
In the United Kingdom, a group of researchers are taking a closer look at parent and
teacher perspectives when it comes to the services received by their speech and language
impaired students. What the team of researchers are highlighting is the fact that many people
who work with speech and language impaired children dont measure their quality of life
improvement from the services they receive. In the UK, the speech and language therapists add a
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focus on social skills in addition to their work with children who have issues communicating
In the UK speech and language therapists communicate with the parents and teachers
regularly through work books, phone meetings, and face to face meetings. During the study one
teacher noted how often their student received services, At times, we were having three hour
sessions in a week (Baxendale, Lockton, Adams, & Gaile, 2013). Three hours a week with a
student is a great contrast to the 15 mins per week that Jesus received. The speech and Language
therapist scheduled ample amounts of time for sessions on a consistent basis which provided
ample time for the student to focus on their speech and social lessons.
The teachers continued to speak about the tools they were given to help their students
grow in the classroom, Taking time for him to calm downtalking about options so youre
encouraging the idea that you can choose to act in one of two ways and that the way you choose
to act will affect the outcome and affect other people as well. (Baxendale, Lockton, Adams, &
Gaile, 2013). The way that the UK is approaching services offered to students who have a
speech and language impairment involves all aspects of a childs life that is affected by a speech
The goal for all educators is to help their students grow into happy, well-adjusted, and
competent adults. It is the duty of the school systems and staff to ensure that every child is
supported appropriately to succeed. We must critically analyze our own educational systems and
compare them to other countries to understand what we are doing effectively for our students as
well as in what areas have room for improvement. By having an open mind and fresh perspective
we can make the changes needed to be better advocates for our children with speech and
language impairments.
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Baxendale, J., Lockton, E., Adams, C., & Gaile, J. (2013). Parent and teacher perceptions of
Black LI., Vahratian A., &Hoffman HJ. (2015) Communication disorders and use of intervention
services among children aged 317 years: United States, 2012. NCHS data brief, no 205.
Cortez, S. (2017, June 20). 2016-17 Speech Therapy Experience [Telephone interview].
Individuals with Disability Education Act Amendments of 1997 [IDEA]. (1997). Retrieved from
Kuhl PK. Learning and representation in speech and language. 1994 Dec; 4(6): 812822.
The Importance of Early Intervention. (2011). Retrieved June 20, 2017, from