Syllabus: Computer Science and Applications Note

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SYLLABUS sions as under :

D:\SLET\Slet (syllabus) 3AA(6)

Session Paper Number of Marks Duration

Note : 60 out of which
There are Three Papers for each of the subjects. Paper-I on First I 50 questions are 50%2=100 1 Hours
Teaching and Research aptitude, Paper -II and Paper-III to be attempted
based on the syllabus of concerned subjects. Details are 50 questions all
furnished below : First II ofwhich are 50%2=100 1 Hours
PAPER -I 75 questions all
Second III of which are 75%2=150 2 Hours
Subject : General Paper on Teaching & Research Aptitude compulsory
The test is intended to assess the teaching/research aptitude of
2. The candidates are required to obtain minimum
the candidate. They are supposed to possess and exhibit cognitive
marks separately in Paper-II and Paper -III as given below
abilities like comprehension, analysis, evaluation, understanding
the structure of arguments, evaluating and distinguishing Minimum marks (%) to be obtained
deductive and inductive reasoning, weighing the evidence with Category Paper-I Paper-II Paper-III
special reference to analogical arguments and inductive
generalization, evaluating, classification and definition, avoiding General 40 (40%) 40 (40%) 75 (50%)
logical inconsistency arising out of failure to see logical 67.5 (45%) rounded
OBC 35 (35%) 35 (35%)
relevance due to ambiguity and vagueness in language. The off to 68
candidates are also supposed to have a general acquaintance with PH/VH/ 35 (35%) 35 (35%) 60 (40%)
the nature of a concept, meaning and criteria of truth, and the SC/ST
source of knowledge.
Only such candidates who obtain the minimum
There will be 60 questions, out of which the candidates can required marks in each Paper, separately, as mentioned above,
attempt any 50. In the event of the candidate attempting more will be considered for final preparation of result.
than 50 questions, the first 50 questions attempted by the
candidate will only be evaluated. However, the final qualifying criteria for eligibil-
ity for Lectureship shall be decided by Steering Committee
1. The Test will be conducted in objective mode from before declaring of result.
SET 2012 onwards. The Test will consist of three papers. All
the three papers will consists of only objective type ques- 3. The syllabus of Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-III will
tions and will be held on the day of Test in two separate ses- remain the same.
(3) Syllabus/Computer Science Syllabus/Computer Science (4)


PAPERII O-O Programming Concepts : Class, object, instantiation. Inher-
itance, polymorphism and overloading.
1. Discrete Structures
Sets, Relations, Functions,. Pigeonhole Principle, Inclusion-Ex- C++ Programming : Elements of C++ Tokens, identifiers. Vari-
clusion Principle, Equivalence and Partial Orderings, Elementary ables and constants, Data types, Operators, Control statements.
Counting Techniques, Probability. Measure(s) for information and Functions parameter passing. Class and objects. Constructors and
Mutual information. destructors. Overloading, Inheritance, Templates, Exception han-
Computability : Models of computationFinite Automata, Push-
down Automata, Non-determinism and NFA, DPDA and PDAs 4. Relational Database Design and SQL
and Languages accepted by these structures. Grammars, Lan- E-R diagrams and their transformation to relational design. nor-
guages, Non-computability and Examples of non-computable prob- malization 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF and 4NF. Limitations of 4NF
lems. and BCNF.
Graph : Definition, walks, paths, trails, connected graphs, regular SQL : Data Definition Language (DDL). Data Manipulation Lan-
and bipartite graphs, cycles and circuits. Tree and rooted tree. guage (DML), Data Control Language (DCL) commands. Data-
Spanning trees. Eccentricity of a vertex radius and diameter of a base objects like Views, indexes, sequences, synonyms, data dic-
graph. Central Graphs. Centre(s) of a tree. Hamiltonian and tionary.
Eulerian graphs, Planar graphs.
5. Data and File structures
Groups : Finite fields and Error correcting/detecting codes.
Data, Information, Definition of data structure. Arrays, stacks,
2. Computer Arithmetic queues, linked lists, trees, graphs, priority queues and heaps.
Propositional (Boolean) Logic, Predicate Logic, Well-formed-for- File Structures : Fields, records and files. Sequential, direct, in-
mulae (WFF), Satisfiability and Tautology. dex-sequential and relative files. Hashing, inverted lists and multi-
Logic Families : TTL, ECL and C-MOS gates. Boolean algebra lists. B trees and B+ trees.
and Minimization of Boolean functions, Flip-flopstypes, race 6. Computer Networks
condition and comparison. Design of combinational and sequen-
tial circuits. Network fundamentals : Local Area Networks (LAN), Metropoli-
tan Area Networks (MAN). Wide Area Networks (WAN), Wire-
Representation of Integers : Octal, Hex, Decimal, and Binary. 2s less Networks, Inter Networks.
complement and 1s complement arithmetic. Floating point repre-
sentation. Reference Models : The OSI model, TCP/IP model.

3. Programming in C and C++ Data Communication : Channel capacity. Transmission media

twisted pair, coaxial cables, fibre-optic cables, wireless transmis-
Programming in C : Elements of CTokens, identifiers, data types sionradio, microwave, infrared and millimeter waves, Lightwave
in C. Control structures in C. Sequence, selection and iteration(s). transmission. Thelephoneslocal loop, trunks, multiplexing,
Structured data types in Carrays, struct, union, string, and point- switching, narrowband ISDN, broadband ISDN, ATM, High speed
LANS. Cellular Radio Communication satellitesgeosynchronous
(5) Syllabus/Computer Science Syllabus/Computer Science (6)

and low-orbit. and unlock.

Internetworking : Switch/Hub, Bridge, Router, Gateways, con- Scheduling : CPU scheduling, I/O scheduling, Resource schedul-
catenated virtual circuits, Tunnelling, Fragmentation, Firewalls. ing, Deadlock and scheduling algorithms. Bankers algorithm for
deadlock handling.
Routing : Virtual circuits and datagrams. Routing algorithms.
Conjestion control. UNIX
Network Security : Cryptographypublic key, secret key. Domain The Unix System : File system, process management, bourne shell,
Name System (DNS) Electronic Mail and Worldwide Web. The shell variables, command line programming.
DNS, Resource Records, Name servers. E-mail-architecture and Filters and Commands : Pr. head, tail, cut, paste, sort, uniq, tr,
Serves. join, etc., grep, egrep, fgrep, etc., sed, awk, etc.
7. System Software and Compilers System Calls (like) : Creat, open, close, read, write, iseek, link,
Assembly language fundamentals (8085 based assembly language unlink, stat, fstat, umask, chmod, exec, fork, wait, system.
programming). Assemblers2-pass and single-pass. Macros and 9. Software Engineering
System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) : Steps, Water fall model,
Loading, linkig, relocation, program relocatability, Linkage edit- Prototypes, Spiral model.
Software Metrics : Software Project Management.
Text editors, Programming Environments, Debuggers and program
generators. Software Design : System design, detailed design, function ori-
ented design, object oriented design, user interface design. De-
Compilation and Interpretation. Bootstrap compilers. Phases of sign level metrics.
compilation process. Lexical analysis. Lex package on Unix sys-
tem. Coding and Testing : Testing level metrics. Software quality and
reliability. Clean room approach, software reengineering.
Conext free grammars. Parsing and parse trees. Representation of
parse (derivation) trees as rightmost and leftmost derivations. 10. Current Trends and Technologies
Bottom up parsersshift-reduce, operator precedence, and LR. The topics of current interest in Computer Science and Computer
YACC package on Unix system. Applications shall be covered. The experts shall use their judge-
Topdown parsersleft recursion and its removal. Recursive de- ment from time to time to include the topics of popular interest,
scent parser.Predictive parser, Intermediate codesQuadruples, which are expected to be known for an application development
Triples, Intermediate code generation, Code generation, Code op- software professional, currently, they include :
timization. Parallel Computing
8. Operating Systems (with Case Study of Unix) Parallel virtual machine (pvm) and message passing in-
Main functions of operating systems. Multiprogramming, multi- terface (mpi) libraries and calls. Advanced architectures.
processing, and multitasking. Todays fastest computers.
Memory Management : Virtual memory, paging, fragmentation. Mobile Computing
Concurrent Processing : Mutual exclusion. Critical regions, lock Mobile connectivityCells, Framework, wireless deliv-
(7) Syllabus/Computer Science Syllabus/Computer Science (8)

ery technology and switching methods, mobile informa- Windows Programming

tion access devices, mobile data internetworking stan- Introduction to windows programmingWin32, Microsoft Foun-
dards, cellular data communication protocols, mobile com- dation Classes (MFC), Documents and views, Resources, Mes-
puting applications. Mobile databasesprotocols, scope, sage handling in windows.
tools and technology, M-business.
Windows Programming
Scrolling, splitting views, docking toolbars, status bars, common
Electronic Commerce : Framework, Media Convergence dialogs.
of Applications, Consumer Applications, Organisation
Applications. Advanced Windows Programming
Elecronic Payment Systems : Digital Token, Smart Cards, Credit Multiple Document Interface (MDI), Multithreading, Object link-
Cards, Risk in Electronic Payment System, Designing Electronic ing and Embedding (OLE), Active X controls. Active Template
Payment Systems. Library (ATL). Networking programming
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) : Concepts, Application, (Le- PAPERIII(A)
gal, Security and Privacy) issues, EDI and Electronic Commerce,
Standardization and EDI, EDI Software Implementation, EDI CORE GROUP
Envelope for Message Transport, Internet-Based EDI. UnitI
Digital Libraries and Data Warehousing : Concepts, Types of Combinational Circuit Design, Sequential Circuit Design,
Digital documents, Issues behind document Infrastructure, Cor- Hardwired and Microprogrammed processor design, Instruction
porate Data Warehouses. formats, Addressing modes, Memory types and organisation, In-
terfacing peripheral devices, Interrupts.
Software Agents : Characteristics and Properties of Agents, Tech-
nology behind Software Agents (Applets, Browsers and Software Microprocessor architecture, Instruction set and Programming
Agents) (8085, P-III/P-IV), Microprocessor applications.
Broadband Telecommunications : Concepts, Frame Relay, Cell UnitII
Relay, Switched Multimegabit Data Service, Asynchronous Trans- Database Concepts, ER diagrams, Data Models, Design of Rela-
fer Mode. tional Database, Normalisation, SQL and QBE, Query Processing
and optimisation, Centralised and Distributed Database, Security,
Main concepts in Geographical Information System (GIS), E-cash,
Concurrency and Recovery in Centralised and Distributed Data-
E-Business, ERP packages.
base Systems, Object Oriented Database Management Systems
Data Warehousing : Data Warehouse environment, architecture (Concepts, Composite objects, Integration with RDBMS applica-
of a data warehouse methodology, analysis, design, construction tions) ORACLE.
and administration.
Data Mining : Extracting models and patterns from large data- Display systems, Input devices, 2D Geometry, Graphic operations,
bases, data mining techniques, classification, regression, cluster- 3D Graphics, Animation, Graphic standard, Applications.
ing, summarization, dependency modelling, link analysis, sequenc-
ing analysis, mining scientific and business data. Concepts, Storage Devices, Input Tools, Authoring Tools, Appli-
cation, Files.
(9) Syllabus/Computer Science Syllabus/Computer Science (10)

UnitIV and its removal. Recursive descent parser. Predictive parser, In-
Programming language concepts, paradigms and models. termediate codesQuadruples, triples. Intermediate code genera-
tion, code generation. Code optimization.
Data. Data types. Operators, Expressions, Assignment. Flow of
ControlControl structures, I/O statements, User-defined and built- UnitV
in functions, Parameter passing. Analog and Digital transmission, Asynchronous and Synchronous
Principles, classes, inheritance, class hierarchies, polymorphism, transmission, Transmission Media, Multiplexing and Concentra-
dynamic binding, reference semantics and their implementation. tion. Switching techniques, Polling.
Principles, functions, lists, types and polymorphisms, higher or- Topologies, Networking Devices, OSI Reference Model, Proto-
der functions, lazy evaluation, equations and pattern matching. cols for(i) Data link layer, (ii) Network layer, and (iii) Transport
layer, TCP/IP protocols, Networks security, Network administra-
Principles, horn clauses and their execution, logical variables, re- tion
lations, data structures, controlling the search order, program de-
velopment in prolog, implementation of prolog, example programs UnitVI
in prolog. Definition, Simple and Composite structures, Arrays, Lists, Stacks
Principles of parallelism, coroutines, communication and execu- queues, Priority queues, Binary trees, B-trees, Graphs.
tion. Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) and Message Passing Inter- Sorting and Searchin Algorithms, Analysis of Algorithms, Inter-
face (MPI) routines and calls. Parallel programs in PVM para- polation and Binary Search, Asymptotic notationsbig ohm, omega
digm as well as MPI paradigm for simple problems like matrix and theta. Average case analysis of simple programs like finding
multiplication. of a maximum of n elements. Recursion and its systematic re-
Preconditions, post-conditions, axiomatic approach for semantics, moval. QuicksortNon-recursive implementation with minimal
correctness, denotational semantics. stack storage. Design of Algorithms (Divide and Conquer, Greedy
method, Dynamic programming, Back tracking, Branch and
Compiler structure, compiler construction tools, compilation Bound). Lower bound theory, Non-deterministic algorithmNon-
phases. deterministic programming constructs. Simple non-deterministic
Finite Automata, Pushdown Automata. Non-determinism and NFA, programs. NPhard and NPcomplete problems.
DPDA, and PDAs and languages accepted by these structures. UnitVII
Grammars, Languagestypes of grammarstype 0, type 1, type 2,
and type 3.The relationship between types of grammars, and fi- Object, messages, classes, encapsulation, inheritance, polymor-
nite machines. Pushdown automata and Context Free Grammars. phism, aggregation, abstract classes, generalization as extension
Lexical Analysisregular expressions and regular languages. LEX and restriction. Object oriented design. Multiple inheritance,
package on Unix. Conversion of NFA to DFA. Minimizing the metadata.
number of states in a DFA. Compilation and Interpretation. Boot- HTML, DHTML, XML, Scripting, Java, Servelets, Applets.
strap compilers. UnitVIII
Context free grammars. Parsing and parse trees. Representation Software development models, Requirement analysis and specifi-
of parse (derivation) trees as rightmost and leftmost derivations. cations, Software design, Programming techniques and tools, Soft-
Bottom up parsersshift-reduce, operator precedence, and LR. ware validation and quality assurance techniques, Software main-
YACC package on Unix system. Topdown parsersleft recursion tenance and advanced concepts. Software management.
(11) Syllabus/Computer Science Syllabus/Computer Science (12)

UnitIX Non-regular languages, and Pumping lemma.

Introduction, Memory management, Support for concurrent pro- Pushdown Automaton (PDA), Deterministic Pushdown Automa-
cess, Scheduling, System deadlock, Multiprogramming system. I/ ton (DPDA), Non-equilvalence of PDA and DPDA.
O management, Distributed operating systems, Study of Unix and Contex free Grammars : Greibach Normal Form (GNF) and
Windows NT. Chomsky Normal Form (CNF), Ambiguity, Parse Tree Represen-
UnitX tation of Derivations. Equivalence of PDAs amd CFGs. Parsing
Definitions, AI approach for solving problems. techniques for parsing of general CFGsEarlys, Cook-Kassami-
Younger (CKY), and Tomitas parsing.
Automated Reasoning with propositional logic and predicate logic
fundamental proof procedure, refutation, resolution, refinements Linear Bounded Automata (LBA) : Power LBA. Closure proper-
to resolution (ordering/pruning/restriction strategies). ties.
State space representation of problems, bounding functions, breadth Turing Machine (TM) : One tape, multitape. The notions of time
first, depth first, A, A*, AO*, etc. Performance comparison of vari- and space complexity in terms of TM. Construction of TM for
ous search techniques. simple problems. Computational complexity.
Frames, scripts, semantic nets, production systems, procedural Chomsky Hierarchy of languages : Recursive and recursively-enu-
representations, Prolog programming. merable languages.
Components of an expert system, Knowledge representation and ElectiveII
Acquisition techniques, Building expert system and Shell. Models for Information Channel : Discrete Memoryless Channel,
RTNs, ATNs, Parsing of Ambiguous CFGs. Tree Adjoining Gram- Binary Symmetric Channel (BSC), Burst Channel, Bit-error rates.
mars (TAGs). Probability, Entropy and Shannons measure of information. Mu-
tual information. Channel capacity theorem. Rate and optimality
Systems approach to planning. Designing, Development, Imple- of Information transmission.
mentation and Evaluation of MIS.
Variable Length Codes : Prefix Codes, Huffmann Codes, Lempel-
Decision-making processes, evaluation of DSS, Group decision Ziev (LZ) Codes. Optimality of these codes. Information content
support system and case studies, Adaptive design approach to DSS of these codes.
development, Cognitive style in DSS, Integrating expert and De-
cision support systems. Error Correcting and Detecting Codes : Finite fields, Hamming
distance, Bounds of codes, Linear (Parity Check) codes, Parity
PAPERIII(B) check matrix, Generator matrix, Decoding of linear codes, Ham-
ElectiveI Image Processing : Image Registration, Spatial Fourier Trans-
forms, Discrete Spatial (2-dimensional) Fourier Transforms, Res-
Theory of Computation : Formal language, Need for formal com-
toration, Lossy Compression of images (pictures).
putational models, Non-computational problems, diagonal argu-
ment and Russels paradox. Data Compression Techniques : Representation and compression
of text, sound, picture, and video files (based on the JPEG and
Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA); Non-deterministic Finite
MPEG standards).
Automaton (NFA), Regular languages and regular sets, Equiva-
lence of DFA and NFA. Minimizing the number of states of a DFA. ElectiveIII
(13) Syllabus/Computer Science Syllabus/Computer Science (14)

Linear Programming Problem (LPP) in the standard form, LPP in Unix : Operating System, Structure of Unix Operating System,
Canonical form. Conversion of LPP in Standard form to LPP in Unix Commands, Interfacing with Unix, Editors and Compilers
Canonical form. SimplexPrevention of cyclic computations in for Unix, LEX and YACC, File system, System calls, Filters, Shell
Simplex and Tableau, Big-M method, dual simplex and revised programming.
simplex. Windows : Wndows environment, Unicode, Documents and Views,
Complexity of simplex algorithm(s). Exponential behaviour of Drawing in a window, Message handling, Scrolling and Splitting
simplex. views, Docking toolbars and Status bars, Common dialogs and
Ellipsoid method and Karmakars method for solving LPP. Solv- Controls, MDI, Multithreading, OLE, Active X controls, ATL,
ing simple LPPs through these methods. Comparison of complex- Database access, Networking programming.
ity of these methods.
Assignment and Transportation Problems : Simple algorithms like
Hungarian method, etc.
Shortest Path Problems : Dijkstras and Moores method. Com-
Network Flow Problem : Formulation. Max-Flow Min-Cut theo-
rem. Ford and Fulkersons algorithm. Exponential behaviour of
Ford and Fulkersons algorithm. Malhotra-Pramodkumar-
Maheshwari (MPM) Polynomial algorithm for solving Network
flow problem. Bipartite Graph and Matchings; Solving matching
problems using Network flow problems.
Matrois : Definition. Graphic and Cographic matroids. Matroid
intersection problem.
Non-linear Programming : Kuhn-Tucker conditions. Convex func-
tions and Convex region. Convex programming problems. Algo-
rithms for solving convex programming problems-Rate of con-
vergence of iterative methods for solving these problems.
Neural Networks : Perceptron model, Linear separability and XOR
problem. Two and three layered neural nets, Backpropagation
Convergence, Hopfield nets, Neural net learning, Applications.
Fuzzy Systems : Definition of a Fuzzy set, Fuzzy relations, Fuzzy
functions, Fuzzy measures, Fuzzy reasoning, Applications of Fuzzy

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