Congo Family v6.4 User Manual RevA PDF
Congo Family v6.4 User Manual RevA PDF
Congo Family v6.4 User Manual RevA PDF
User Manual
C o p y r i g h t 2 0 1 3 E le c tr o n i c T h e a t r e C o n t r o l s , I n c .
All Rights reserved.
P r o d u c t in f o r m a t i on a n d s p e c i f i c a t i o n s s u bj e c t t o c h a n g e .
P a r t N umbe r : 7310M1200-6.4.0 R ev A
R e le a s ed : 2 0 1 3 - 0 4
E T C p e r m i t s t h e r e p r o d u c t i o n o f m a te r i a l s i n t h is m a nu a l o n l y f o r n o n - c o m m e r c i a l p u r p o s e s . A l l o t h e r r i g h t s a r e
reserved by ETC.
E T C i n t en d s t h i s d o c u m e n t , w h e th e r p r i n t e d o r e l e c t r o n i c , t o b e p r o v i d e d i n i t s e n t i r e t y .
This is the manual for the Congo Family.
(V6.4 2013-03-15 Last: 2012-08-22)
This manual covers Congo, Congo Jr, Congo Kid, Congo Lightserver,
Client and Offline editor.
Table Of Contents
Disclaimer ..................................................................................................................................... 44
***News in This V6.4 *** ........................................................................................................... 45
*** News in 6.3 *** ..................................................................................................................... 46
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................ 86
Troubleshooting - Lights Are Not Responding ........................................................................ 87
Troubleshooting - Crashes & Bugs ........................................................................................... 88
Drag and Drop - Replacing Data (6.3) ................................................................................ 163
About........................................................................................................................................... 165
System Settings - Monitor ...................................................................................................... 210
System Settings - Update ........................................................................................................ 212
Network....................................................................................................................................... 243
Patching....................................................................................................................................... 292
Import Template Wizard (6.2) ................................................................................................ 300
Patch Wizard ........................................................................................................................... 302
Sequences.................................................................................................................................... 387
Sequences - Crossfade Profiles (6.0) ...................................................................................... 408
Sequences - Insert Step ........................................................................................................... 409
Delete a sequence step directly in the main playback (6.0) ................................................ 411
Drag and Drop a Sequence Step (6.3) ................................................................................. 430
Drag and Drop Device Attributes (6.3)............................................................................... 433
Channels...................................................................................................................................... 450
Set Channel Texts For The Database .................................................................................. 520
Display List - Auto Groups ................................................................................................. 523
Channel Database - Import Text File Wizard ..................................................................... 523
Import Text File - LightWright ........................................................................................... 525
Import Text File - Excel ...................................................................................................... 526
Partitions - Activate ................................................................................................................ 549
Devices........................................................................................................................................ 550
Preset Attribute Editor - Columns....................................................................................... 578
Preset Attribute Editor - Times ........................................................................................... 578
Live Dynamics (old) ............................................................................................................... 690
Masters - Sequences (6.1) ....................................................................................................... 793
Master Soft Key page for Jr & Kid (6.2) ............................................................................ 821
This is the manual for the Congo Family.
(V6.4 2013-03-15 Last: 2012-08-22)
This manual covers Congo, Congo Jr, Congo Kid, Congo Lightserver,
Client and Offline editor.
This Manual - Using the Help system
Action Key Feedback
Help [?] The help system is
started in a tab.
Find topic [?] & [Key] Hold the ? key and press
any key in the console to
open help for that key.
Find topic tab [?] Press ? after opening an
editor or list to get help.
Jump to page 1 [?] Press ? to jump to page
Use the up and down arrow keys to browse the table of contents. The right arrow
expands a topic and the left arrow jumps to the parent and closes. See Navigating -
Navigating in the help can be done as a paper manual (next or last page) and as a web
browser (previous page).
Help - Search Function
Pressing TEXT in the Help tab opens a search dialog where you can search for information
in the Online Help.
The result page is shown like this example. The focused link will be bold.
Navigating links is done like this.MODIFY follows the focused link (bold).
Help System - Favourites
Press NOTE in a Help tab to record a Favourite. A dialog allows you to enter a pretty long
descriptive text for the chapter you are tagging as a favourite.
This text is shown in the Info area when you focus on a Favourite in the Browser.
This Manual - Terminology
This manual is intended for use with the Congo lighting control system by ETC.
The on-line manual and the paper manual are the exact same document.
In order to be specific about where features and commands are found, the following naming
and text conventions will be used
Congo processor (hardware): the computer used to run the Congo applications.
Congo Facepanel (hardware): the control console hardware. This is also referred to
simply as the "Facepanel".
Congo software: the application that gives you the functionality of the Congo system
controlled from the Facepanel.
Commands in the Browser Tab are indicated like this: Browser >Files >New.
Console keys in general are indicated in all CAPS. For example RECORD.
Console keys in tables are have a button outline like this:
When a key is held and another key is pressed at the same time is written like this:
References to other parts of the manual are indicated as underlined hyperlinks.
When viewing this manual electronically, click on the reference to jump to that
section of the manual.
We do everything possible to guarantee the reliability of this system.
Please don't load other software onto your Congo lighting console.
ETC has tested the configuration of this system to guarantee its best
performance. Additional software or unauthorized changes within the
operating system may significantly affect the performance of this
lighting control system. In the worst case, ETC may require that the
hard disk be reimaged back to factory default settings to return a
system to an operational state.
We highly recommend that you save your play data frequently while
programming and that you back up important data to portable media
See Troubleshooting.
***News in This V6.4 ***
One of the main differences in 6.4 are the addition of Direct Mode Midi that allow you to
connect any MIDI device that is set up to address the functions described in this chapter and
use as a remote interface for Congo.
Another main differenc is the possibility to use RDM on the local DMX ports of the console.
This is default set to ON.
Besides this there are a lot of minor tweaks, in general search for "6.4".
*** News in 6.3 ***
Version 6.3 is an exciting version in many ways. You can use the search function and search for "6.3"
to find all new instances directly in the help system.
Many users tell us they choose Congo because it provides an intuitive user interface: "Once
you understand the basic structure it is usually easy, fun, and intuitive to find the right
One example of this is the way the RECORD key always has worked in combination with
other keys:
This is fast, logical and simple, but... you have to KNOW that the record key is the one you
need, right?
So, what if you are wondering "which of all functions are the most useful ones when I am
working in the channel view?"
Well, there is the HELP system, so you can hold "?" and press LIVE to open the Help Page
for the Live button. If you know that the CH button is key in selecting channels you can hold
"?" and press CH to get all those shortcuts as well. But, what if you just want to find some of
the most important functions for the channel view in Live (or any other situation)?
When in Live: try pressing SELECT twice. This will open the Context Menu for Live.
These are the options you get in a channel view:
You can choose any of the functions with the arrow keys and press MODIFY to confirm.
The reason it is called a "Context" menu is that it opens the functions that apply most to the
part of the interface you have focused at the moment.
Press BROWSER to select the Browser. Select any node with the arrows and press
SELECT twice to open the appropriate Context Menu.
Press PRESET to open the Preset List. Select any cell with the arrows and press
SELECT twice to open the appropriate Context Menu.
Working with a mouse? Right-Click to open the Context Menu!
6.3 - A New Way of Managing a Sequence
When there is a long main sequence, with may different sections, you may want to get out of
navigating by Preset or Step numbers. This is where the simple philosopy of "bookmarks"
enter in the form of Sequence Section Markers.
They are easy to activate and deactivate from the new context menus directly in the
Playback tab but also available as a column in the Sequence List editor, and an option in the
Advanced tab in the Record dialogue - the Section Markers offer a visual aid as well as a
new way to jump between sections using a key combination or a new type of Direct Selects.
Most of the work with a show is about sorting and grouping data of different kinds and
trimming times. You sort channels and parameters as Groups to select them faster, as
Focus, Color or Beam Palettes to be able to reuse and reference data - and as Presets that
can be played back as steps in a Sequence, or from Masters.
Sometimes you need to reorganize data, maybe move presets from one master to another,
or copy a series of sequence steps to another location.... or just move a device link from one
sequence step to another because it makes too much noise and has to be positioned
Wouldn't it be great if it was possible to do this as easy as copying and pasting or dragging
and dropping in a text document?
This is a new tab in 6.3 and it's packed with power under its simple and innocent looking
grey surface. It shows you the entire data of your show file, in a simple tree structure - similar
to the Browser.
You can navigate with keys or with a mouse. Using keys it is exactly like navigating in the
Using a mouse you can click on any node to expand it, you can select any item, select
several with Shift-Click - and drag (hold left key and drag to a new location).
Other actions
See Drag And Drop.
The interface for importing parts of another play into the current play has changed
completely from the Import Wizard into the new Organizer - with a special Import tab for the
Organizer where you can drag and drop easily from a play in memory to the current play.
6.3 - Enhanced Safari/VLC Import
Additional palette types (4 and 5) are merged into Beam palettes. Note: If there is a
corresponding Beam palette, its existing name will be kept. If there is no
corresponding beam palette, the VLC palette name will be used.
Sequences above 1 are read.
VLC Effects are translated to Chase Sequences with numbers offset by 10 (similar to
Presto import).
Are you familiar with the feeling of wanting your lighting system to interact with other
equipment, and you know it should be possible, but not how easy it can be?
Congo 6.3 integrates Open Sound Control (OSC), a content format for messaging among
computers, sound synthesizers, and other multimedia devices. OSC is often used as an
alternative to MIDI, when higher performance, higher resolution and a richer parameter
space is desired.
Customize remote control by extracting control surfaces from the console such as
master faders and playback buttons to any computer, iPad, iPhone, Android or
similar touch interface...
Customizing data views such as master and playback status from your lighting
system into other equipments...
Integrating lighting with sensory devices of any kind such as switches, light sensors,
Nintendo Wii remote or sound to light over third party OSC software such as
Isadora or Max/MSP
***News in V6.2***
You can find all new functions in the help system by using the search function (press TEXT
when the help is open) and searching for "6.2".
Dimmer/Device Feedback
Information from CEM3, FDX and RDM devices has been added.
See or search the chapter Browser >About >Dimmer/Device Feedback.
UDP Strings
Congo can now receive and send UDP strings.
See or search the chapter Browser >General Settings >Event List >Event List -
Action Macros >UDP Data.
Minor additions
- FCB Time and Delay Soft keys in Jr and Kid Time Displays.
- Macros and Action Macros are indicated in the Playback view
- Devices with native Hue/Saturation parameters are fully supported by the Gel and
Color Picker.
- Templates with calibrated color data that can be controlled with Hue/Sat and color
picker and are indicated in the Import Template Wizard with a (C).
***News in V6.1***
Congo V6.1 brings the following features and improvements:
Performance improvements
These are all around and improve speed of performance, screen updates, saving and
loading shows.
Masters Settings
These have been improved giving you more options and control over how the faders
and buttons control the content of the faders. New dual fader mode masters allow
for true AB crossfading of sequences on masters, spreading the sequence across two
consecutive master faders.
See Dual Fader mode for Sequences
Split Fade
An option for manual fades that removes the dipless crossfade behavior from the
fader pair.
See Sequences - Split Fade
You can find all new functions in the help system by using the search function (press TEXT
when the help is open) and searching for "6.1".
***News in V6***
Congo V6 is a major upgrade bringing new features and improvements to all kinds of
operational styles. This includes improved graphics, response times, timing resolution and
blind editing.
Part of V6 is designed specifically for those of you who need to improvise on the fly -
bringing old school operation to a completely new level with two-scene master mode and
enhanced master settings.
You can find all new functions in the help system by using the search function (press TEXT
when the help is open) and searching for "6.0".
The channel symbols have been redesigned to give you more channels in the same view.
There are several new formats, clearer indications of modes and a lot more information for
moving devices.
Also, the Attribute view is now integrated into all channel views, editors, blind/live -
everywhere - simply press ATTRIB to activate it.
Blind Attribute Editing in V6
Since Attributes now can be shown in any channel view, spreadsheet editing now is
something you activate per tab - this allows you to use parameter wheels, Fetch and Palette
functions in all Attribute views including BLIND.
Effects in V6
The new effect playbacks that were introduced in V5 have new symbols with more details,
and a new type of effect that works great for channel mapping applications has been added:
Image Effects. Image effects allow you to map images, animations (supplied) and texts to
channels, and apply them to intensity, color mix, iris or zoom.
There are some new functions for quickly selecting all channels involved in effect playbacks.
New Remote - iRFR in V6
In V6 the new iRFR for iPhone or iPod touch is supported giving you all the functionality of
the RFR.
Master Playbacks in V6
This is a big part of V6. We have added 40 more master playbacks - giving you a total of 80
master playbacks. These can be accessed both from the software and using any
combination of fader wings.
See Masters.
The master settings and screens have been redesigned to provide fine tuning of the
behavior of every single master playback. This includes flash modes, key modes, fader
modes, masking, inhibit, exclusive, contribution to the LTP field and rubberbanding.
A new mode called Two-Scene Masters brings old school improvisation to a completely new
level providing you with 20 blind masters for presetting and then fading into 20 live masters.
Every master now also has a single editor for the channel content of that master.
Printing in V6
There is a completely new printing wizard that allows you to print play data to pdf or text files,
sorted in different ways and in different formats. These files are copied to a USB memory
and printed from any standard computer.
See Print.
Dock area navigation has been simplified so you always reach the Browser when pressing
BROWSER - and you can close/open or resize any dock area by holding BROWSER and
pressing the arrow key of that dock.
There is a new Designer Summary dock with information about the current playback
status and palettes.
There is a new Selected - Live dock for channels and effect playbacks.
There is a new Time Code dock.
Time Code in V6
There is a new Time Code dock area and a new Time Code Editor for editing multiple steps.
See Time Code Dock and Edit time code in the sequence list
File Handling in V6
In system settings there is a new utility for moving play files between your Congo system and
a USB memory.
Lock Console in V6
You can lock the console so that unauthorized operators are unable to use it.
Preset numbering is increased to 9999.999 providing you with a lot of new possibilities for
organizing your numbering.
Sequence times are also increased to double decimals, providing more refined timing.
Sequence profiles can be recorded manually and played back.
You can insert and delete sequence steps directly with an new shortcut: INSERT & A/B or
Scale Key in V6
In V6 the popular SCALE key is added to the Channels soft key page allowing you to Scale
directly by holding the key which makes it easier to use the function for touring and television
when intensities may need to be scaled.
In Congo System Settings you can activate a mode that will close the previous tab when a
new tab is opened, to keep down the number of tabs at all times.
About Play in V6
There is a new summary of your play in the About node of the Browser.
Getting Started is all about connecting your console, powering up
and understanding the basic functionality.
General Info
Workflow In Congo
Power-up Procedure
System Info
Console Facepanels
General Functions
We recommend new users to spend half an hour on the Workflow in
Congo. Also see the movies in the MEDIA folder of the Browser.
General Info
This chapter describes the key syntaxes, basic software and
control terminology.
System Overview
Installation Guidelines
Key Syntaxes
Congo Terminology
Control Hierarchy
Software & Update
System Overview
Congo is a control system for conventional lights, moving devices, scrollers and media
servers. It controls up to 3072channels and 6144 outputs.
1. Congo
2. Congo Jr
3. Congo Light Server, Net3 RVI & Client
4. Radio Remote
5. Congo Jr Master Playback wing 2x20
6. Universal Fader Wings 1x20, 2x20, 2x10
7. Net3 Node
8. Congo Kid (new) See Facepanel - Congo Kid
For 30 years ETC has been known for revolutionary lighting control design. For 30 years
Avab products have been known for a spirit of bold innovation. Now those great minds have
met, in Congo. Melding together the engineering brilliance and experience of ETC and Avab
systems, Congo maintains the simplicity of classic systems with the feature-rich functionality
of a dedicated moving lights console. Clean functions for everyday theatre work with
conventional lights, plus advanced control of hundreds of moving lights, without mouse
operations or computer menus. Like today's sophisticated but deadline-driven productions,
Congo is high energy -- with short commands for fast results.
With Congo, you can move independent channels such as worklights, conductor lights,
followspot and smoke machine control to a special section that isn't affected by the rest of
the system. You have somewhere to put your screens without blocking your view of the
stage. You see the important information, at any time, on the screens or in the console
displays. And you can even have remote control of your rig with your own cordless phone.
Simple, intuitive and innovative lighting control with a big brain for complexity wherever it
arises. Congo handles the future without forgetting the past. Congo is designed for theater,
broadcast, club systems, concert and special-event lighting. At the Eurovision Song Contest
broadcast in Kyiv, Ukraine, Congo consoles controlled 300+ moving lights, 200+
conventionals and 16 media servers, among other devices. Complete with a theatrical-style
main playback fader pair, 40 multipurpose Masters for group, submaster, effect and
additional sequence control, 40 Direct Selects and a dedicated moving lights control section,
Congo's hardware is suitable for any kind of playback situation. Over 200 moving-light
templates and a brand new Effects system is provided within the console, with an
amazing ability to build and edit effects on the fly.
Console Specification
Interface Specification
Interfaces Explanation
Monitor Congo: 3 x VGA
Congo jr: Y-cable splitter for 2x DVI
or VGA (with adapters, included)
Congo Kid: 2 x DVI or 1 x DVI+1 x
VGA, two monitors maximum
Mouse or trackball USB Interface (integrated in Congo)
Keyboard Integrated plus USB Interface
DMX512 Output 1 & 2 for DMX512. RDM
Ethernet RJ 45 (Twisted Pair)
MIDI In/Out/Thru (2 connectors)
APN For external panels or Lynx fader
wing (not available in Congo Jr)
Radio remote control Radio control, able to penetrate an
"iron curtain"
External trigger inputs D-sub 15 pins
Console lighting Connections for 2 goose neck lamps
(1 in Congo Jr).
Phone Remote RJ 11 Phone Connector
Audio In & Out Mini stereo plug
Installation guidelines
Equipment required to run this system
Connect the monitor signal cable(s) from the back of the console to the monitor(s), and then
connect the power cables to a 230/110V outlet and start all units. After approximately 30
seconds Congo should be running.
The Congo Jr ONLY supports monitors from the dual DVI connector.
You NEED the split DVI to VGA converter to connect a VGA monitor
to Congo Jr.
Key Syntaxes
There are mainly two kinds of keys in the console: keys with a fixed function, and the
softkeys around the LCD Display.
Some keys can combine all three ways of working. An example of this is the PRESET key
Pressing PRESET with no numerical prefix opens the Preset List with all presets.
A number and PRESET selects the channels of that specific preset.
A number and holding PRESET while pressing a Master Key will load preset (#) to
that Master.
Hold down the ? (HELP) key, and press a key to jump to the page in
the online manual that describes that function.
Congo Terminology
It can be easier to understand Congo if you are familiar with the basic terminology.
Channels (terminology)
A Channel is the control handle used to call anything controlled by Congo. Regardless if it is
a dimmer channel, a moving device, a smoke machine or something else it will always
correspond to a channel number in the Patch.
See Channels
Attributes (terminology)
The control of non-intensity parameters, for example a moving device or a scroller, are called
attributes. These are patched to the controls of Congo when the Template corresponding to
that device is assigned to a control channel in the Patch.
Patch (terminology)
Patch is where outputs are assigned to channels, either directly in the case of dimmers or
using a Template in the case of devices. All settings pertaining to outputs, channels and
devices are also adjusted within the patch.
See Patch
Congo supports a lot of output protocols through Ethernet, and has two DMX512 outputs as
Groups (terminology)
Frequently used combinations of channels can be stored in up to 999 Groups, for quick
recall from the keypad or a remote focusing system.
See Groups
Presets (terminology)
This is a specific "Avab" concept. Frequently used combinations of channels are stored in up
to 9999.999 Presets for playback in the Main or Master Playbacks. The combination of a
Preset and a Sequence Step is the equivalent of a "Cue" in many other systems. The
advantage here is that Presets can be reused in any Sequence, with different times.
See Presets
Sequences (terminology)
Lists of Presets are called Sequences, that can be crossfaded, move faded or lock faded in
consecutive order from a Master or Crossfade Playback. A Sequence can be played back in
Chase mode.
See Sequences
Dynamic Effects are wave-forms that are applied to intensity or attribute parameters for a
selection of channels to provide a Dynamic Effect, for example a circular movement or a
See Dynamics
Effects (terminology)
Effects are run in effect playbacks, very similar to channel handles for moving devices. There
is also a backwards compatible older style of chase effect which is a mode for any
See Effects
Control Hierarchy
Intensity is handled with highest-takes-precedence (HTP) logic, meaning the highest output
level will be the "winner" and have control of those channels.
Attributes are handled using last-takes-precedence (LTP) logic, meaning the last instruction
given to the attribute will be the winner.
There is a Grand Master and Inhibit Masters that can subtract from the output.
Playbacks - Introduction
Intensities and parameters can be played back from the following playbacks.
Capture Mode
Exclusive Mode
Inhibit Mode
Balance Mode
Congo has a main theatrical playback, plus 80 Master Playbacks. All of them are capable of
running a sequence or chase. The main difference is that the theatrical playback has a large
amount of different manual controls for crossfades.
The Live and Blind fields are central to the concept of Congo - being able to work in
both at the same time.
The Independents are a special set of masters, designed for control of special
channels you want to keep separate from the rest of the system.
The Direct Selects are used for quick selection and assignment of data suitable for
single-button action like group selects, palettes, screen layouts and such. They are
extremely powerful.
Control Hierarchy - Master Playbacks
Light output from the Masters is added to the output on a Highest Takes Precedence basis.
Device attributes are controlled by Last Takes Precedence.
An Independents Master set to Inhibit Mode will subtract the assigned channels from the
output similar to the function of the Grand Master.
Light output from the Main Playback is added to the output on a Highest Takes Precedence
basis. Device attributes are controlled by Last Takes Precedence.
The Main Playback consists of two faders, one for the active channels (A), and one for the
channels in the next step (B). A and B also interact on a Highest Takes Precedence basis,
with the addition that channels that exist in both faders are calculated so all crossfades are
dipless. As a result, even if both faders are at 0%, common channels will remain on stage.
You can output light from all Masters and the Main Playback at the same time. But what
happens if you have faded in Preset 1 on the Main Playback and it's up on a Master too?
- The answer is that the highest intensity level of a channel "takes precedence" whenever it's
output from more than one place in the system.
If the "Highest" level for a channel is generated from one of the Masters it is displayed in
yellow, if it is generated from the Main Playback it is white.
Software & Update
We constantly update the Congo software with new features, bug fixes and changes. Check periodically to see if there's a more recent version than the one you
are currently working with.
Software versions come in two types: Beta release and Official release. Beta releases are
test versions, which are not meant for use on real Plays. Once Beta releases are tested and
proven reliable, they become official releases.
Version Information
You can see which version you have in About Congo (Browser >About>About Congo).
Workflow in Congo
The workflow in Congo can be divided into five steps
Before you can control a dimmer or device it has to be patched to a channel. See Patch
Control is how you select channels, set levels and control parameters. See Control
To be able to playback something it has to be recorded. See Record (workflow).
There is a main playback and 40 master playbacks. See Playback (workflow).
When recorded information needs to be adjusted there are many tools for editing. See Edit
Patch (workflow)
There are various approaches to patching, which depend on your situation. Very often
conventional lights are patched in one universe, and moving devices in another, in order to
simplify troubleshooting. The main work with patching is the planning involved before
approaching the console.
Patch 1:1
You can choose the option "Patch 1:1" when you open a new play, or you can set the Patch
1:1 in the Patch Wizard.
See Patch Wizard.
Patch by channel
Patch by channel is easy and fast in the Output editor. It can be done live or blind. You can
start with a cleared patch or with a 1:1 patch.
See Patch by Channel/Dimmer.
Patch by dimmer
Patch by dimmer is easy and fast in the Output Editor. It can be done live or blind. You can
start with a cleared patch or with a 1:1 patch.
See Patch by Channel/Dimmer.
To clear the Patch, see the Patch Wizard.
To get an overview of the current patch, see the Channels List.
Patch Wizard
In the Patch Wizard it is easy to patch single devices, and multiple devices that have
consecutive addresses. It's possible to add a channel offset to a template as well.
See Patch Wizard.
Device List
If you are patching single devices, or multiple devices with irregular addresses the Device
List is a great tool. It's also great for changing address or universe, and for adjusting
individual parameters like pan, tilt and scroller calibration.
See Device List.
Control (workflow)
Controlling channels, levels and moving device parameters is very straightforward. The
default setting is to work in "Live" which is the sum of all playbacks. Intensities are added to
live in the A field of the main playback.
Command Syntax
The whole command structure of Congo is designed to get you from point A to point B with
as few keystrokes as possible. Basically, there is no function or feature that involves more
than two key presses (besides numbers).
Press a key
Hold a key and press another key.
When a number is required, simply enter it before either of the key combinations above.
Channel "handles"
Regardless if a lighting instrument is a conventional light, or some kind of moving device, the
intensity function of this device is assigned a unique Channel number in the patch.
Enter a number and move the level wheel to select the channel and change the
When you select this channel, all parameters are automatically mapped to the controls of the
console. All parameters are divided into three groups that have a dedicated key in the
FOCUS (pan/tilt)
COLOR (color mixing and color wheels)
BEAM (gobos, shutters, iris, zoom, prism etc)
If a selected channel has a scroller, press COLOR. The scroller can be controlled
from one of the four parameter wheels by number (frame) or continously.
If a selected channel is a moving device press FOCUS to get pan and tilt functions
on the parameter wheels.
If you are looking for a "RELEASE" function you are probably used to
working with a console that has a "programmer". There is no
programmer in Congo, instead you work directly in any playback.
Record (workflow)
If you press RECORD in LIVE, the default record target is the next free Preset, of the
Sequence in the Main Playback. You can record to any other target as well, using the
various recording functions.
See Presets - Record.
What is recorded?
The default setting is that all intensities on stage are stored. Conventional lights and moving
devices alike.
Moving Devices
Before you start recording moving devices, you need to make two decisions in the default
settings for attributes (parameters).
Where is it recorded?
See Presets.
See Sequences.
Other types of record targets
Besides presets there are Groups for organising channel selection and Palettes for
referencing moving device data.
See Groups.
See Devices - Palettes.
Playback (workflow)
There is a Main Playback, and forty Master Playbacks. The Main Playback is used for
theatre style sequential playback of any Preset or Sequence.
Single channels
Console keys
See Masters.
As soon as a preset is recorded you can play it back in the Main Playback or any of
the 80 Master Playbacks.
See Presets - Load To Playbacks.
All presets that have been recorded in Live have been added to the Sequence of the
Main Playback as Steps with default fade times (5s). They can be played back with
or without this default time, or manually.
See Main Playback.
Intensities will play back following HTP (Highest Takes Precedence) between all
Attributes are LTP (Latest Takes Precedence). As soon as they are triggered they
will move to this position. They are never owned by a playback.
CAPTURE will override all normal playback features and "hold" the values of
intensities and/or attributes.
See Capture.
There is a PARK feature to park any intensity or parameter at a fixed value.
See Parked.
There is an exclusive mode for the Independents and Master Playbacks, that will
"remove" the intensity of the assigned channels from the normal functionality of the
See Independent Modes.
There is an INHIBIT mode for the independents and Master Playbacks, that allow
you to filter the maximum output of an intensity channel.
See Independent Modes.
There is a FREEZE mode that will maintain a static DMX output so you can work
completely blind.
See Output Switch.
Edit (workflow)
Once a Play is recorded you will want to edit and adjust data. Most of the functionality in
Congo is about editing. Here is where basic data is edited.
Intensities, text and FCB timing data are edited in the Preset List.
See Preset - List.
Attributes and individual attribute times are edited in the Preset Attribute editor.
See Device Views - Presets.
Presets, In/Out/Delay/Wait times, text, Attribute Move, Time Code, Macros and
Notes are edited in the Sequence editor.
See Sequences - Sequence List.
Channel Times are edited in the Channel Time editor.
See Sequences - Times.
Master Links are edited in the Master Link editor.
See Sequences - Links.
General playback mode (Sequence/Chase) and chase parameters are set in the
Sequences list.
See Sequences - List.
It's possible to track and edit intensities and parameters in a lot of different ways with
the Track function.
See Track - Track Editing.
To edit channel intensities in the main playback there is a Channel Editor Wizard.
See Presets - Channel Editor Wizard.
Power-up Procedure
For best performance, power-up your system in the following order.
No output will be sent until the startup show file has been loaded.
Action Hardware Feedback
1. Turn on external Power switches
hub(s) or switch(es)
2. Turn on the console Power and/or reset The displays will light up
and monitor(s) switch on console with the Congo logo. The
and monitors. screens will load the
login screen.
In a network with multiple Congo Systems online, allow the main
system to fully start-up before starting the other systems. This will
ensure that your network configures correctly.
Reset The System
When you open a new (empty) Play, you can choose to set the patch 1:1. This chapter is a
checklist for resetting the frontpanel and checking the output.
Before you start, make sure you have loaded a new (empty) Play. See Load a New (empty)
To get light you have to make sure the console is reset properly.
There is an Output Mode switch in the top right corner of the console.
The crossfaders are in the bottom right corner of the console.
The Grand Master is in the top right corner. It controls the total output of the console.
Check The Output
After loading a new Play the patch is set 1:1 and the output protocol will be set to DMX512
on both output connectors in the back of the console.
If you enter a number and move the level wheel, a dimmer should respond - providing there
is one connected.
Bypass Startup Screen
It's possible to set the system to boot directly into the lighting control software - without
having to pass the login screen.
This was designed for backup systems and Light Servers so that they can self-boot, and it
may be desirable also for a normal situation where the system settings are not needed at
When you run into a problem with this system there are few probable
Troubleshooting - Lights Are Not Responding
If you have lights (dimmers, devices) connected and they are not
responding check this list.
Have you reset the console properly? See Reset the system.
Is the device powered properly?
Is the device set to receive the protocol you have set the board to transmit?
Is the device receiving a signal from the console?
Is the device set to the right channel address?
Is there a light source connected to the device?
Is it a lamp failure?
Is the device circuit breaker thrown?
If nothing works you may want to use a DMX tester to check that there is DMX at the
receiving devices.
Troubleshooting - Crashes & Bugs
All software-based products run the risk of a crash regardless of
testing procedures. In the unlikely event it happens, please help us to
eliminate problems with crashes and bugs by reporting them to us.
If you get an error popup we have saved your show data and created two files (log and
dmp) that can be saved to a USB memory if there is one connected to the console.
Mail these file to us. It can help us solve your problem very fast.
This has to be done directly. The dmp file is a temporary file that will
be overwritten if anything happens later. BOTH files are needed to
solve the problem. Thank you for your help.
What to do after a crash?
In most cases your play will have been saved (recover.asc). In this case you got a popup
explaining this and returned to the login screen.
Log in again.
If you don't return to the login screen, which is extremely unlikely you need to restart the
If you have the possibility, try to reproduce the problem by repeating your actions. If you can
send us a description of how to repeat the problem reliably, we are much very likely to solve
it rapidly.
Description (example):
Please fax the bugs reports to Congo BUG REPORT at +49 8024 990-300 or preferably e-
mail them to
Troubleshooting - Reset
There is a "reset" button in the back of the console. It works differently depending on your
Congo Hardware model.
In order to reset the console, hold the reset button for more than 5 seconds. This will
shut down the console.
In order to re-start the console after the above step, hit the reset button once. This
will start up the console again. It is IMPORTANT that you use the same reset button
to start up the console again.
Troubleshooting - Help from ETC Technical Services
Emergency service is available from all ETC offices outside of normal
business hours.
If you are having difficulties, your most convenient resources are the references given in this
manual and the Help system. To search more widely, try the ETC website at If none of these resources is sufficient, contact ETC
Technical Services directly at one of the offices identified below.
When calling for help, please have the following information handy
System Info
This chapter describes what is included in a Congo system.
Console Specification
Interface Specification
Interfaces Explanation
Monitor Congo: 3 x VGA
Congo jr: Y-cable splitter for 2x DVI
or VGA (with adapters, included)
Congo Kid: 2 x DVI or 1 x DVI+1 x
VGA, two monitors maximum
Mouse or trackball USB Interface (integrated in Congo)
Keyboard Integrated plus USB Interface
DMX512 Output 1 & 2 for DMX512. RDM
Ethernet RJ 45 (Twisted Pair)
MIDI In/Out/Thru (2 connectors)
APN For external panels or Lynx fader
wing (not available in Congo Jr)
Radio remote control Radio control, able to penetrate an
"iron curtain"
External trigger inputs D-sub 15 pins
Console lighting Connections for 2 goose neck lamps
(1 in Congo Jr).
Phone Remote RJ 11 Phone Connector
Audio In & Out Mini stereo plug
Console Facepanels
There are four facepanels for Congo:
Congo Jr
Congo Kid
Congo LS (rack)
Facepanel - Congo
Facepanel - Congo Jr
Facepanel - Congo Kid
Facepanel - Congo LS
Facepanel - Programming Section
Facepanel - Console Main Display Facepanel - Trackball
Main Playback
Master Playbacks
Direct Selects
Output Mode Switch
Grand Master
Facepanel - Congo
In the Congo console everything is integrated. There is an integrated trackball and a Master
Playback section. The main display has a display list section.
Facepanel - Congo Jr
In the Congo Jr console there is an external mouse. The Main Display does not have a
display list section. The Master Playbacks is an optional wing. The Master Playback
functionality is integrated into the Main Playback.
Congo Jr Master Playback Wing
For access to physical faders you can connect two different types of master playback wings
to the Congo Jr.
See Accessories - Fader Wings.
The wing that provides the full functionality of the big Congo is the Master Playback wing.
It can be connected with an external power supply and a USB cable to the Jr - or it can be
mounted so they form one unit.
The functionality is the same as in the large Congo - since there are only two graphical
displays, you have to switch between Direct Selects mode and Masters mode. This is done
with the DIRECT SELECT key to the right.
Facepanel - Congo Kid
The Congo Kid is similar to Congo Jr in facepanel layout and display functionality. The
mouse is external if needed (mainly for creating channel layouts). The Main Display does not
have a display list section. There are few, but some limiting factors for the Kid:
The Kid has a maximum control capacity of 256 channels/devices and 1024 outputs by direct
output or Ethernet.
The Master Playback functionality is integrated into the Main Playback. The functions of the
Master Switch are available in the soft key pages. See Master Soft Key page for Jr & Kid
There are direct outputs for 2xDVi or 1xDVI & 1xVGA (but not 2xVGA).
Facepanel - Congo LS
The Congo Light Servers 19-design packs the identical features, channel and output counts
as the Congo console into a stand-alone, rack-mountable enclosure suitable for permanently
installed applications. Running Congos operating software, the Congo Light Server is a fully
independent lighting playback controller or a convenient back-up option. There are twenty
keys with a shift function in the front panel that make it possible to run a lot of functions. An
external mouse is supplied and recommended.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Ch Thru All + @ Output Master Point C Shift
Facepanel - Programming Section
Congo & Congo JR share the exact same layout of the Programming
Section. The only difference is that in Congo Jr, the number input
and channel info displays are only shown on the screen status bars.
The keys in the programming section allow you to select and store channels, levels, moving
light parameters and times.
General Facts
To the right of the numeric keypad there is a row with keys for selecting groups of
channels, and to the right of that is a row with keys for setting levels in different
There are keys for setting times to the sequence in the Main Playback.
There are keys for recording and updating the current preset.
There are direct keys to open editors for play data (SEQ, PRESET, GROUP etc)
The Navigation pad includes the round navigating keys, the arrow keys, the level
wheel and ESC and MODIFY. See Navigating In Congo
Number Input (left) shows the last entered number input from the numerical keypad.
Channel Info (right) shows the number and level of the last selected channel.
Facepanel - Console Main Display
This section has different programming functions.
The Display has soft menus with different sets of functions for the keys around it.
The wheels can be used for any device parameter.
There is a list section in the middle that is controlled by the Disp List function of the
Trackball (not available in Congo Jr)
Congo Jr main display area
The Soft Menu exit key (<--) moves one step back up to the top menu level each time it is
Congo Jr
Summary of soft key menus
Facepanel - Trackball
Congo JR has no integrated mouse or trackball. It is delivered with
an external mouse that is connected via USB.
The trackball has three different modes that are activated with the keys around it.
Key Feedback
Cursor The trackball controls the cursor in the software.
This is mainly used for creating channel layouts.
Parameter Controls Pan and Tilt of the selected Device(s).
Left/Right work as Next/Last (5.0).
Display List Is used to select and scroll Display Lists. See
Display Lists.
It is possible to connect any USB mouse or trackball.
See External Mouse Or Trackball
These are important functions that apply in general and don't belong
to a specific chapter or node of the Browser.
Copy, Cut & Paste
Entering Texts
Display Lists
Mute & Solo
Output Mode Switch
Grand Master
Direct Selects
Jam Mode
Misc Soft Key Page
Lock Console
You can control everything in the software from the Navigating pad.
Open and close tabs, zoom, move tabs and edit in lists. We call it
mouseless navigation.
Navigating - Introduction
Navigating - Browser
Navigating - Tabs
Navigating - Channel Views
Navigating - Lists
Navigating - Introduction
The Navigation Pad is the centre of all programming in Congo. I makes it possible to open
tabs, move tabs, browse the software and zoom without the need to use a mouse or
The round navigation keys are described in other chapters.
The arrow keys are used for navigating in all directions. Hold an arrow key and used the
level wheel to speed scroll in that direction.
Pressing ESC to close a dialogue that does not have an [ESC] button
will keep the settings made in that dialogue.
Modify is the "Enter" command wherever one is needed. It is used to enter values or toggle
between options or open dropdown menus.
Hold MODIFY and press any playback key to open its editor
Hold MODIFY and press certain keys to open an editor, for example CH to open the
Channel List.
The level wheel sets intensities. Together with the navigation keys it also has the following
Hold any arrow key and use the level wheel to speed scroll in that direction
Hold FORMAT and use the level wheel to zoom in channel views
Hold BLIND and use the level wheel to add that content to the output
Hold COLUMN and use the level wheel to scroll the column width
Navigating - Browser
The Browser tab gives you a direct link to everything in Congo.
Browser Controls (6.3)
Browser Functions - LOAD
Use MODIFY and LOAD to activate selected items from the lists in the Browser.
*Its possible to expand items like Sequences to see linked information for each step, and to
open the corresponding editor by pressing MODIFY.
Navigating - Tabs
All data and editors are opened in a tab.
There are direct keys for most tabs (PRESET, PLAYBACK etc)
Tabs can also be opened from the Browser
Two tabs are never closed: LIVE and MAIN PLAYBACK
Tabs can be locked (PARK & TAB)
Every tab is assigned a number when opened.
In Congo System Settings you can activate a mode that will close the previous tab when a
new tab is opened, to keep down the number of tabs at all times.
Navigating The Tabs
Include Channel View in Pool refers only to Live Views. See Live - Live Tab.
Tabs - Drag and Drop (6.3)
You can drag tabs between screens and between split areas with the mouse. You have to
drop the tab in the tab header area of the receiving screen or split area.
There is also a context menu for this if you right-click on the tab header:
Navigating - Channel Views (6.3)
The Channel Views are easy to navigate with the navigation keys.
The status bar in the top shows the current Preset in the Main Playback to the left and the
selected format to the right. You can right-click on the right side of the header bar to open a
context menu with all formats as shown above (6.3).
The channel symbols and formats are described in another chapter. See Channel Symbols.
Compact Channel Format
There is a compact channel format where relative intensity levels are shown with a white
status bar.
Only selected channels are shown. (Pressing FORMAT toggles through the formats.)
Channel View Format - Selected and non-zero
Selected and non-zero channels are shown. (Pressing FORMAT toggles through the
Selected and captured channels are shown. (Pressing FORMAT toggles through the
Channel View Format - Used In Play
Only channels recorded in some way in this play are shown. (Pressing FORMAT toggles
through the formats).
The last selected Channel Layout is shown. (# FORMAT selects Layout #.) If there are no
Layouts stored in the show, this screen will not appear.
Channel View Zoom
Hold C & FORMAT to reset the zoom factor.
Navigating - Lists
All editors are lists. They behave very similar to a standard spreadsheet.
Navigating In Lists
Editing In Lists
* When you enter a value and press MODIFY it is applied to all selected cells.
Sort By Column
* These changes are temporary, they will be lost if the tab is closed and opened again.
Change The List View
Resize the list section [TAB] & Wheel The list section is
* These changes are temporary, they will be lost if the tab is closed and opened again.
Navigating - Soft Key Pages
The Soft Key pages are the menu keys around the Main Display in the consoles. This
display is different between console types, but the functionality is the same.
There is a menu key marked with an left arrow"<--" to the right of the display, that is used to
get to the top level. Press a soft key to get to the corresponding page.
Copy, Cut & Paste
Copy, cut and paste Sequence Steps, Groups, Presets and Device
When you paste a Preset in the Preset Editor, you will overwrite the
content of the currently focused preset. This applies to Groups as
In the Preset List it's possible to copy, cut and paste attributes for the selected channels from
any step to any other step.
Attibutes with the value "0" will not be pasted.
Entering Texts
Almost every item in a Play can be labeled with a text.
The texts are entered from a keyboard, and there is a special TEXT key that can be used to
quickly edit the text of a Sequence Step, or a Preset/Group in a Master.
Numbers and decimal point can be entered from the numerical keypad of the console(s).
If you have an external keyboard with a NUM LOCK key connected
you have to activate NUM LOCK for the numerical keypad in Congo
to work. This is because the numerical keypad on the external
keyboard and Congo's keypad are linked.
Press MODIFY in the text cell of a spreadsheet to activate text input, since the keys of an
external keyboard otherwise simulate functions keys of the console.
It is also possible to activate text input directly to specific items using the TEXT key.
Text From The Console Keyboard
Anytime text input is activated, the lower left and right row of master keys and the displays
are converted into a qwerty keyboard. The master keys correspond to the key in the display.
In the Congo Jr/Kid the keyboard works in the same way, but layered
in the main display of the console. You need to use the three keys to
the left side of the display to select the desired line of letters to use
with the top ten keys.
Right Display
Hold the SHIFT key (Flash for Master 20) to get Capital letters.
Some of the Console keys are used in addition to the letters of the display keyboard.
Display Lists
Display Lists are available on the ML display of the Congo (and ONLY
the large Congo), and within Console Mimic Docks.
See Dock Areas - Console Mimic.
The main display of the console handles a number of data lists in the mid section. You can
use the trackball to access information in these lists in the Display List mode. There are two
ways of opening a List.
These are the lists. Select an item with the trackball and right- or left click to activate it.
Auto Group List [DISPLAY_LIST] & All auto groups from the
[CH] [CH] channel database. Click
to select.
Playback List [DISPLAY_LIST] & Shows the sequence
[PLAYBACK] steps and times in the
Main Playback.
Parameter List [DISPLAY_LIST] & Shows all ranges of the
[WHEEL_KEY] selected parameter.
Mute & Solo
Mute & Solo allow you to treat all Playbacks (masters and Main
Playback) as you would in a sound console - being able to
temporarily Mute or Solo the content of any Playback.
Muting a Playback will temporarily stop all output from this Playback without
changing data or fader level.
Soloing a Playback will temporarily mute all Playbacks except this one, without
changing data or fader levels.
In effect this is the same functionality that is found in a sound console. It allows you to
quickly isolate the lights from any Playback, for editing or for playback purposes.
Clear all Muted [C] & [MUTE] All Muted Playbacks are
playbacks reset.
MUTE will not change any data or fader levels.
In Congo Jr/Kid the MUTE key is a soft key in the Misc Soft Key Page.
Mute & Solo - SOLO
Clear all Soloed [C] & [SOLO] All Soloed playbacks are
playbacks reset.
SOLO will not change any data or fader levels.
The keyboard equivalent of SOLO is Alt Y.
In Congo Jr/Kid the SOLO key is a soft key in the Misc Soft Key Page.
Output Mode Switch
Output Mode is a three-position switch in the top right corner of the console facepanel.
Action Feedback
B.O. A Black Out of all intensity outputs, except
those controlled by the Independents in
Exclusive mode. A red B.O. Indication will
appear on the top of all screens.
ON The mode for normal operation of the console
Freeze The current output to stage is frozen. A
blue FREEZE Indication will appear on the top
of all screens.See Freeze Mode.
Grand Master
The Grand Master is located in the top right corner of the console facepanel.
Console Feedback
Grand Master Will scale the total output of all intensities
(only) when below 100%, except channels
controlled by the Independents and/or
Masters in Exclusive mode. A red Level
Indication will appear on the top of all screens.
Attributes are not affected by the Grand Master.
Freeze Mode
When the Output Mode switch is set to FREEZE, the output is "frozen" and will remain static
until the switch is set back to ON.
When the switch is set back to ON the output is loaded to the A field of the Main Playback.
The Sequence will also reposition to where it was when you activated Freeze.
Action Feedback
Activate Freeze All outputs will be "frozen", including moving
devices. You can work with all functions without
affecting the output*
Deactivate Freeze The "frozen" output of Freeze is loaded to the A
field of the Main Playback**
**If all Masters are down when you exit Freeze, there is no change in the output on stage.
If you set the Output mode switch to FREEZE before you start the
application, the output will not be updated until you move the switch
to on. This makes it possible to start without output and prepare the
correct light before activating it on stage.
This is indicated at the top of the screens with the text "FREEZE".
Direct Selects
The Direct Selects provide extremely fast and hands on access to all
kinds of data. There are four sets with ten Direct Select keys for quick
access to Palettes, Effects, Groups etc.
Direct Selects - Introduction
The Direct Selects give extremely fast access to stored data such as groups, palettes,
effects and screens.
Congo Jr
When you press a TYPE key, Direct Selects are activated for section 1-4. Then use BANK to
select a Bank for this section. Press TYPE again to exit. You can enter a number 1-5 and
press the top Direct Select key to access the five Setups that have direct keys in the big
Congo console.
In Jr you can exit Direct Select Mode by pressing the same key again.
Hold MODIFY and press a Direct Select for a Palette or Group to open
the corresponding editor (5.0).
Direct Selects - Content
Content is selected by type, and then by bank in groups of ten.
When TYPE is held the different types are displayed over each section. Press the key
corresponding to the Type you want, without letting go of TYPE.
Congo Jr & Kid: In Jr the four keys to the left of the display activate Direct Select section 1-
4 AND act as TYPE key for each section when activated.
When BANK is held the different banks are displayed over each section. Press the key
corresponding to the Bank you want, without letting go of BANK.
Congo Jr & Kid: Activate Direct Select section 1-4 with the corresponding TYPE key, as
described above and select a type of content. The key to the right of the ten Direct Select
keys works like the BANK key described above.
A bank contains the content that has been stored to those numbers.
For example Focus Palette 11 is in bank 11-20.
Content Types (6.3)
These are the possible Types of content for the Direct Selects.
*You can enter a time # before pressing a key to activate the change in this time.
**Auto Groups are sorted by Text Column from the Channel Database.
***You can hold the GROUP key and use the level wheel to change levels for this group
directly (6.3)
Direct Selects - Record & Update
The data in the Direct Selects is loaded as it is recorded, regardless of how it is recorded.
It is possible to record and update directly to the direct select keys, which is a very fast
working method requiring extremely few keystrokes.
These are the content types that can be recorded and updated directly holding [RECORD] or
[UPDATE]and pressing a [direct select key] for that content type.
Pal (All Palette)
Direct Selects - User Setups
There are five User Setup "pages" for all settings in the Direct Selects. They are stored to the
five round keys over the Direct Selects.
Congo Jr
See Direct Selects - Content.
Direct Selects - Direct Mode
One of the very fast and unique functions of Congo. A large number of keys can be held to
enter temporary Direct Mode for the Direct Selects. As long as the key is held it is possible to
access the first forty items belonging to this key category.
Key Function
[FOCUS] Focus Palettes.
Jam Mode
Jam Mode allows you to switch over to one of two Playback Modes
that allow improvising with Moving Devices more or less directly
after patching them. It is also possible to auto generate play data for
Jam Mode - Introduction (6.0)
Jam Modes are designed to allow you to improvise directly after patching, regardless if you
have a small or large rig, and regardless if you have moving devices or conventional.
There are two styles of jam mode that can be connected to the Jam Mode switch. See Play
Settings - Master.
Device Masters
This mode is intended for rigs with a lot of moving lights. The console is set up with fader
sections that are used to create combinations of looks on stage live.
Jam mode uses a separate direct select page to store the direct select configuration. It is
therefore possible to assign whatever direct select content to the special Jam mode page
and it will be restored when Jam mode is reactivated.
Activate & Setup Jam Mode (6.0)
Jam mode is activated from the three position switch in the top middle of the big Congo and
on the 2x20 Congo wing for Congo Jr.
The mode for the Jam switch is set in Play Settings - Masters.
1. Press SETUP
2. Select the Masters tab
3. Use the dropdown to select Two Scene Masters (default) or Jam Mode.
Two Scene Masters (6.0)
The most exciting addition to Congo V6 is the playback mode called Two Scene Masters.
This is the default setting for the Jam Mode switch. See Play Settings - Masters.
Two scene masters takes old school improvisation where channels could be preset blind and
then faded onto stage to a new level.
You can set up and record anything on the top masters, and then fade on your choice of
fade time into these settings. Once the fade is complete, all settings in the top masters have
been loaded to the lower masters - which means that you have live control of them.
To fade the settings and content of the top row of masters (blind) into the bottom row of
masters (live) press START or GO on the Masters Playback.
You can enter a time before pressing START or GO. This time will continue to be used until
a new time is entered.
Any changes you make to content in the top masters will be loaded
to the bottom live masters, but ONLY if the fader of the master is over
zero %.
One way of improvising on the fly in two-scene masters mode is to use the Blind field to
create new looks, record them to the top masters and fade into them.
2. Select the channels and moving devices you want to modify blind, and use the parameter
wheels and palette functions to create a look.
3. Hold RECORD and press a Master key for a master in the top row to record to that
master. A popup will ask you to confirm.
4. Bring up the master fader to activate the look. Press START to fade into that look and
load it to the corresponding master in the lower "live" row.
Device Masters (6.0)
The layout and functionality of Device Masters is based on our experience of how many
moving light operators will prepare a console for improvising with moving devices. Most of
this data is set up with the Jam Mode Wizard.
Masters 1-10 are used to select (activate) a Group of Devices, and the
rest of the masters are used to control them.
Use Masters Keys 1-10 for select Groups of Devices and the
faders to control the Intensities
Use Masters 11-14 for effects and 18-20 for adjusting them.
Use 21-30 to move to new positions with faders or buttons.
Use Masters 31-40 to change colors with faders or buttons.
The main difference to normal master operation is that if you select a group by pressing the
master key - it stays selected until another group is selected.
When Jam Mode is left (by moving the mode switch back to Masters or Channels Only) the
console will return to the state of the Master Playbacks previous to entering Jam Mode. To
avoid sudden changes, all Masters over 1% will be set to pending, which means they will
refresh their content when moved to zero.
Device Masters Step 1 - Check Groups
Masters 1-10 are used for Groups. These Groups are the main "handles" for improvising. If
there is specific selection of Devices you need to access fast that isn't created already,
create it.
The Jam Mode Wizard can be used to create a maximum of ten Groups will be created
starting at 101. Group number 110 on Master 10 is ALL DEVICES.
Masters 21-30 are used for Focus Palettes. The first time Jam Mode is activated ten Focus
Palettes will be created starting at 101. They need to be updated because they are all set
to HOME as default. The first one is a HOME Palette - and does not need to be updated.
Updating the Focus Palettes in Master Playbacks 21-30 is the only preparation needed to set
up Jam Mode for improvising with any rig of Moving Devices. Since all Moving Devices are
generated as Groups by Device Type on Master Playbacks we suggest using these Groups
to update the Focus Palettes.
1. Select all Devices in Master 1 by pressing the master key for that Playback. The
LED in the Master key will light up. All Devices of the first type are select.
2. Use the NEXT key to select them one by one and the PAN and TILT wheels (or the
Trackball in Parameter Mode) to create the first Focus.
3. Hold UPDATE and press the Master Key 22 for the second Focus palette. This will
provide an UPDATE POPUP.
4. Press MODIFY again to confirm.
5. Repeat this procedure for as many Focus Palettes as you think you may need. Then
repeat with all devices in the Group on Master 2 (if there is more than one type
Masters 31-40 are used for Color Palettes. The first time Jam Mode is activated ten CMY
Color Palettes will be created starting at 101. The first one is Open White (O/W).
These Color Palettes are auto-generated for Moving Devices with CMY mix. If there are no
CMY devices - you may wish to record some Color Palettes for your Devices. It is also
possible to access fixed colors from the Direct Selects.
1. Select all Devices in Master 1 by pressing the master key for that Playback. The
LED in the Master key will light up. All Devices of the first type are select.
2. Check how they correspond to Color Palette 1 by pressing Master Key 31. They will
all be set to the first color.
1. Select all Devices in Master 1 by pressing the master key for that Playback. The
LED in the Master key will light up. All Devices of the first type are select.
2. Select COLOR parameters for the Main Display of the console.
3. Use the wheels and wheel keys to set Color parameters.
4. Hold UPDATE and press a Master key to store. There will be a popup where you
can enter a Text.
5. Press MODIFY to confirm.
Device Masters Option - Create Beam Palettes
Direct Selects in the fourth (lower right) section are used for Beam Palettes (1-10). Beam
Palettes are not generated automatically. If there are Beam Palettes 1-10 they are displayed.
If not it is easy to update/record them.
1. Select all Devices in Master 1 by pressing the master key for that Playback. The
LED in the Master key will light up. All Devices of the first type are select.
2. Select BEAM parameters for the Main Display of the console.
3. Use the wheels and wheel keys to set Beam parameters.
4. Hold RECORD and press a Direct Select key to store. There will be a popup where
you can enter a Text.
5. Press MODIFY to confirm.
Device Masters - Working Method (6.0)
Device Masters is based on you selecting devices and moving them to positions and colors.
On top of this you have some powerful effects that can be applied on the fly and in the tempo
of your choice. Most of this data is set up with the Jam Mode Wizard.
Device Masters - Set Positions and Colors
The currently active Group (Master LED is lit) will move to the target of any Palette by key or
Masters 21-30 have Focus Palettes, and Masters 31-40 have CMY Color Palettes.
*Executing palettes by pressing the Master keys executes on the field time if there is one, or
on the master page time, if a percent time is set to the field. See Master Playbacks - Times.
Misc Soft Key Page (6.0)
The Miscellaneous Soft Key Page is selected with the soft key MISC in the Main Display of
the console.
These are the functions
(Solo, Mute and Park are described in the chapters: SOLO, MUTE, PARK)
Lock Console (6.3)
You can to lock the console by holding ESC and pressing C/ALT. The same command will
unlock again.
Context Menus (6.3)
In most places of the Congo screen interface there is a context sensitive menu that offers the
functions that apply most to the part of the interface you have focused at the moment.
It is opened by pressing SELECT twice, or by right clicking with a mouse or trackball. This
works in the following views:
Channel View
Attribute View
Press BROWSER to select the Browser. Select any node with the arrows and press
SELECT twice to open the appropriate Context Menu.
Press PRESET to open the Preset List. Select any cell with the arrows and press
SELECT twice to open the appropriate Context Menu.
Working with a mouse? Right-Click to open the Context Menu!
You can choose any of the functions with the arrow keys and press MODIFY to confirm.
In a Channel View it looks like this:
When you are handling dock areas there are two context menus, one in the header to
choose dock content, and one in the content area to choose format (See Dock Areas):
Drag and Drop (6.3)
In most places of the Congo screen interface you can use a mouse or trackball to drag
content to other locations and drop there. This is the same as doing a copy/paste or
cut/paste command with key presses.
Please note that there are two options for drag-and-drop editing within Congo - editing within
the same play and using drag/drop to import data from another play - this can be an older
version of the current play to perform UNDO actions, or another play entirely.
Usually there is a dialogue box to allow you a choice of results when dragging and dropping.
In the Browser, click and hold a preset in the preset node and drag it to a channel
view and drop there to replace the content of that channel view with the preset.
In a Sequence Editor, click and hold a sequence step and drag it to another
sequence step and drop there for a dialogue with options of actions (copy/move).
See Sequence - drag and drop data.
In a Master View, click and hold the content of one master, then drag and drop to
another to move around. See Masters - Drag and Drop Data.
There is no warning, the content of Live will be replaced by the
intensity content of the Preset dropped.
Dragging sequence steps
COPY = Makes a copy of the source and inserts it into the sequence after the target step.
MOVE = Moves the source and inserts it into the sequence after the target step.
If you select the Advanced tab by pressing left arrow, you get the following options:
The first option allows you to define where you want to copy/move the step to.
The second option "Create Between" allows you to create a new step with a new preset
number and insert (after/before).
For more info, see: Sequence - drag and drop data.
Drag and Drop - Replacing Data (6.3)
If you drag a Sequence, Preset or Palette and drop it on another node of the same kind, you
will get the option of replacing the node you are dropping data on. This feature works both
within the same play and in the Import From Organizer.
The About node shows you a summary of the system and a summary
of the currently loaded play.
About Node
About - Congo...
About - Play...
About - Congo
About Congo shows you a summary of your system configuration - this information is often
only used in case of technical support.
Software Version: The version and revision of the Congo software installed.
Qt Library: Qt is a supporting tool that is used by Congo. Only for support.
Dongle number: This is your unique software number that is required when you
upgrade your system size.
Console Firmware Version: Shows the version of the Congo Sr face panel
firmware. Only for support.
IO Firmware Version: Shows the version of the I/O board firmware. Only for
Channels: The number of channels your system can run. If your system is
downgraded in the System Settings the downgrade number is shown.
Outputs: The number of outputs your system is upgraded to run. The maximum is
6144 (12 DMX universes). Contact your ETC dealer for upgrade information.
Possible roles: These are the possible roles your dongle permits: Server, Backup
and/or Client.
Name: System name
Current Role: The currently active role
About - Play
This is a summary of your play. The same information is included in your printouts.
Dimmer/Device Feedback Log (6.2)
The Dimmer/Device feedback log (Browser >About) will show all logged dimmer feedback
messages from:
Active errors are marked with red. A column Type will show the source of the error.
The Active column shows if the error is active or if it has been cleared. You can also
reset a known error (to get rid of the indication on the channel) by toggling the Active
Select one or more rows in the Dimmer Feedback Log and press DELETE to remove
them from the list.
If general dimmer errors are active, there is a warning sign in the title bar (see
In the Header bar on top of the screens, the warning sign indicator will show dimmer and/or
other faults in the format: General Errors/Dimmer Errors.
Sensor3 & Sensor+ Dimmer Feedback (6.2)
These devices will show up in the Net3/ACN Device List (Browser >General Settings
>Network >Net3/ACN Device List).
Channel Display
When a channel is patched to an output that is associated with a Sensor3 or Sensor+
dimmer then that channel will indicate the state of that dimmer.
When the associated dimmer has an error or warning then the channel display will include a
small warning sign as part of the display.
If a channel is selected, the number of active dimmer errors for the channel will be shown in
the Info box below the Browser.
The files node is where you can open, save, export and import show
files. You can also save a default show, copy log files to a USB
memory - and exit the system.
Files Node
Files - Introduction
Save & Save as...
Import from...
Export to Expert diskette
Default show data Wizard
Copy Log files to USB
Exit to System Settings
Exit to Welcome Screen
Power Off (Quit)
Files - Introduction
Make sure you save your information at all times. If the current Play
has been altered since it was last saved, the name is displayed in
yellow instead of white. If over 30 minutes have passed without
saving, the time stamp will turn red (6.1).
All file handling is done from the File node (BROWSER >File).
This system has a hard drive as the primary storage. You can also use a USB memory stick,
an external USB drive, Floppy or a File Server on the network. For alternative Play Paths
see Login Settings - General Functions.
USB memory is the main external storage media.
If you insert a USB device which contains Image or Movie files, you
get a question about auto importing them to the Images and Movies
more information about importing shows files see IMPORT WIZARD.
Sub folders are shown at the start of the file list with the name in
New (6.3)
When you want to clear the console to start with a new play, you use the "New" command
(Browser >Files >New).
If the current play has unsaved changes this dialogue will open;
After which this one will open:
If the current play has unsaved changes and has never been saved this dialogue will open
New Play Patch Options
These are the most important settings that you need to consider when starting a new Play in
First there is a dialogue asking you about the patch options for the new play. There is an
option to use a default patch, a channel-to-dimmer patch 1:1, to start with No patch. See
Then there will be a dialogue asking you to select the most important settings for the new
General Settings
These settings affect default times and master recording in Live.
Set times to - Options are A and B to set which sequence step will receive timing
commands made Live.
See Sequences - Times.
Enable Remote Controls - When checked, allows remote controls to interact with
the lighting system.
See Play Settings - System.
Default Go Time - Sets the time used by sequence steps with no other recorded
timing data.
See Play Settings - Crossfade.
Default out Time - Sets the out-fade time to be recorded to sequence steps.
See Play Settings - Crossfade.
Master Settings
These settings are important for the general behavior of masters and master flash keys.
Exclude Int. from Record - Excludes the intensities from masters when pressing
Record (default is off).
Enable Flash key - Sets Flash keys to be active (default is on).
When you want to open a play, you use the "Open..." command (Browser >Files >Open).
*If the Browser already was selected, it will be closed. Press BROWSER again to reopen.**If
Floppy, File Server or USB files are not shown you can update this node by clicking on it.
Delete a Play
You can delete a Play file by selecting it in the browser and pressing DELETE.
Save & Save as... (6.3)
The key shortcut for saving a play is C & UPDATE (save) or C & RECORD (save as). You
can also press CTRL-S on a keyboard.
Depending on if the current play was saved or not you will either get the "Save" dialogue
or the "Save as" dialogue
*It is possible to set up a file server by specifying the file server path in the Login Settings.
See Login Settings, General Functions.
You can create sub-folders for files with the INSERT command in the context menu (press
SELECT SELECT or the INSERT console key) for the Play Archive node in Browser >File
>Save as... >Play Archive.
Save Copy to USB (6.3)
There is an an option to save a copy of the play directly to a USB memory stick. For
example, this can be used to create a backup copy of the show.
Simply connect your USB memory stick and select this option.
NOTE (6.3)
You have the option of saving revisions 1-9 of a play every time you
store it with the same name on the same USB memory if you use the
Save... option to save to USB.
Import from... (6.3)
You can import part of any play into your current play, if you want to
reuse color palettes, presets, groups or if you want to reload a
previous version of an object such as a preset from an earlier version
of the same play.
You can also import lists from Excel, LightWright or WYSIWYG. See
Channel Database - Import Text File Wizard.
This chapter describes the import functions. Parts about drag and drop are referred to the
chapter about Drag and Drop. See Drag and Drop.
1. Open the play - any play in Standard ASCII Light Cues format (name.asc or
name.alq) can be opened directly.
2. Save the play as a normal Congo play.
3. Use this import Organizer to import parts of these plays.
We strongly advise you to save your Play before using the Import
Organizer, since it can alter your Play greatly.
Import Organizer - Functions (6.3)
The basic functionality of the Import Organizer is that you can use drag and drop (mouse) or
copy and paste (keys) to copy any type of data from an external play to the one in memory.
1. Click and hold on the single item you want to import in the Organizer (import from)
2. Drag the item to the same position in the Organizer tab and let go.
3. Confirm what kind of action you are doing in the drag and drop dialogue. See Drag
And Drop.
1. Use the arrows to select the single item you want to import in the Organizer (import
from) tab.
2. Press COPY
3. Select the Organizer tab (TAB) and use the arrows to select the node you wish to
import this item to.
4. Press PASTE
5. Confirm what kind of action you are doing in the drag and drop dialogue. See Drag
And Drop.
Importing multiple items
When you want to import multiple items, you do it in the exact same way as when importing
single items. The difference is in how you select which items to import.
Select the top node to import all items of the same kind, like Sequence, Presets, Groups
Hold SHIFT (keyboard) or SELECT and click to select a range of multiple items of the same
kind. Hold SELECT and use arrows in console.
Hold CTRL (keyboard) and click to select multiple items of the same kind in a random order.
This is only possible with mouse/trackball and keyboard.
Import - Types of items to import (6.3)
Here are some examples of items that can be imported from any play to the one in memory
using the import function:
Sequence steps
Channel Times
Device Links
Master Links
Action Macros
Master Pages
Scroller Rolls
Channel Layouts
Many items in a Play are dependent on other items. For example, if you want to import a
Focus Palette, it will be dependent on the specific device that is stored within it and the
template of that device. To make it simple, there is an intelligent function under the hood that
finds these dependencies and imports all related items for you.
1. When you import a patch with devices, you will also import the device templates
2. When you import a palette, you will also import the related patch, devices and
3. When you import a preset, you will also import all related palettes, patch, devices
and templates
4. When you import a sequence, you will also import all related presets, patch, devices,
palletes and templates
Every time you make an import with dependencies you will first get a drop dialogue
And after this you will get a dialogue confirming the dependencies that have been imported
as well.
Import From Other Lighting Control Systems (6.3)
Importing a show from another lighting system is easy, as long as it is saved in the Standard
ASCII Light Cues format.
1. Open the play - any play in Standard ASCII Light Cues format (name.asc or
name.alq) can be opened directly.
2. Save the play as a normal Congo play.
3. Use the import Organizer in this chapter to import parts of these plays.
Check each system for specific conversion rules. The ASCII Light Cues format is quite old
and contains standard definition of simple play data like dimmer patch, cues for intensity
information, groups and submasters. More complex data, like moving light data and effects,
is not defined in the standard. Some control systems' ASCII files contain data not included in
the standard, some not. Congo can get differing amounts of data from these ASCII show
files. Systems with expanded capabilites are described below.
Due to some difference in play structure some play data may not be
Only ASCII light cue format is supported (files ending ".asc"). Export this using Expression
Offline or within Emphasis. See the Express(ion) and Emphasis manuals for more details.
Group keywords are now treated as real Groups and not as presets not in the
Parameter Definitions are imported.
Templates are imported.
Devices are imported.
Support for translation of parameter values from channel levels (the Emphasis style)
to attribute parameters (the Congo style).
The following applies when opening a show with data from a Strand System. Strand ASCII
Light Cues files that ends with .alq can be opened directly.
Patch 1 is always used.
Submaster content
If a submaster contained attributes on the Strand system, the attributes are not transferred to
Congo, only the intensities.
Palette references
In the Strand system, attribute information stored in groups can be used as palettes and
referred to in presets. Strand groups that are referenced from presets are converted to All
Palettes and a reference to the palette is stored in the Congo Preset.
Groups that are not referenced from other presets, are stored as Congo groups to avoid mix-
up with preset numbers. In Strand plays groups may contain attributes - this is not supported
in Congo.
Parts are translated to Channel Times. Strand consoles can store channels and values
overlapping in Part cues in a way so sometimes it isnt possible to translate this properly to
Channel Times. Strand consoles can store attribute information in the Parts. This is not
supported on the Congo side.
Since a Congo Palette cannot store intensity values, a Strand group
that gets converted to an All Palette will lose its intensity information.
Most data from a Safari VLC play 3.5 or higher in ASCII format can be imported into Congo.
See local manual for export instructions to this format.
Indexed parameter numbers (like Shutters) are remapped to new Congo parameter
numbers to preserve the corresponding data.
Palette references in sequences are handled.
Scroller Roll references in Palettes are handled.
Additional palette types (4 and 5) are merged into Beam palettes. Note: If there is a
corresponding Beam palette, its existing name will be kept. If there is no
corresponding beam palette, the VLC palette name will be used.
Sequences above 1 are read.
VLC Effects are translated to Chase Sequences with numbers offset by 10 (similar to
Presto import).
Due to some difference in play structure some play data may not be
Import from - Avab Expert
Expert plays can be read directly from a floppy drive or as ASCII plays from a USB, See local
manual for export instructions to this format.
The way Expert plays are read has changed completely to be able to read more data. Using
an external utility, the Expert binary file format is translated into ASCII Light Cues and
opened just like any other file.
Loading an Expert play is done from Browser >File >Open. When a diskette with an
Expert.pla file is detected, you get the option of converting it when you double click
on it.
An "Export to Expert" diskette command in the Browser allows you to export a
Congo play to Expert format.
There are still some parts of the play that arent imported. More will
There are five parts in an expert play (pla, eff, ren, gl & set). All five
are needed.
Congo can read GrandMA alq files. The tracking cues of GrandMA will be converted to full
Export to Expert diskette
This option allows you to export the current play to a floppy disc in Avab Expert play format.
Default Play wizard (6.1)
The Default PlayWizard allows you to store various parts of your current show as a default
file. The data in the default file will be offered when you start with a New Play.
You can print play data to pdf files, sorted in different ways and in
different formats. These files are copied to a USB memory and
printed from any standard computer.
Sequences & Presets
Device List
Channel Database (only those with texts)
Channel List (only patched channels)
Output List (only patched outputs)
3. Choose if you want to include attributes or not.
5. Choose if you want to print All channels or just those that are changed (more compact).
The print file will be stored under the print node in a node called PRINTOUTS.
If a USB memory is inserted before pressing EXECUTE, the files will be copied to it,
in a folder called PRINTOUTS.
This popup will appear and show the name of the file consisting of the play name followed by
the name of the printout and the date and time stamp.
Copy Log files to USB
This function will copy the log files that are automatically stored in case of a program
termination to a USB memory so you can email them to ETC for analysis.
Exit to System Settings
The System Settings is where you configure time, nationality, output,
network, protocols and software update/upgrade.
The Congo System Settings are opened from the Welcome Screen, or from the Browser
(Browser >Files >Exit To System Settings). If you start an offline system all of the options will
not be available, since they relate to the hardware of a console.
System Settings - General
These are the general System Settings.
System Name
This specifies the name this Congo console will use to identify itself on the network to other
devices. It is displayed at the top of each screen.
Preferred Language
Select a language with MODIFY and confirm with MODIFY.
Preferred Help Language
Select a language with MODIFY and confirm with MODIFY.
This will change the way dates are entered, and the international keyboard setting.
Fileserver Patch
This is the default location to save show files. The full path must be typed in and specified in
a legal Windows format.
D:\congo\backup (internal path/folder)
\\anders\playfolder (external server name/folder)
\\\plays (external IPaddress/folder)
Inverse LCD
Inverts the colors for the Master and Direct Select LCD's in the console facepanel.
Channel Downgrade
Reduces the number of control channels in a system. Default is 1,024 channels, but this may
be increased to 3,072 on any Congo system.
Swap 0 & C
Swap the physical location of the numerical keypads 0 and C buttons (do so in the console
as well physically).
At Mode
Sets At Mode for the console. An indicator will show that it is active, in the status bar at the
bottom of all screens.
System Settings - Com Port
This is used to set up the COM port(s) of your Congo Jr or Congo Light Server system. This
has to be defined if you are communicating to an external device through the serial port OR
if you are using an older TT Radio Remote.
Consult the manual of your device for the required settings of the serial port. Please observe
that you cannot use the same serial port for radio remote and trigger devices at the same
System Settings - Protocols
This is where you activate different output protocols.
Net3 is the equivalent of ACN. The system name that is exposed on Net3 is Congo + the
system name.
This needs to be enabled if you have units with bi-directional communication, like for
example the Net3 I/O Gateway.
Priority: A Net3/ACN source can have a priority of 1-200. 200 is highest, and 1 is
lowest. This parameter decides the priority status of this system if there are multiple
sources (for example Congo and Unison). Sources with the same priority share on
an HTP level. If there are different priorities, the highest one will "win".
Streaming ACN
This is a broadcast protocol, like DMX over ethernet, designed to be simple. Check
this feature if you are using devices or nodes receiving streaming ACN. Priority is
fetched from the setting above. In Offline mode, Streaming ACN is sent on priority 1.
Visualisation software such as Capture require sACN tor CITP.
Activate if you are using any ETCNet2 nodes. The system name that is exposed on Net2 is
Congo + the system name.
Priority: An ETCNet2 source can have a priority of 20-1. 1 is highest, and 20 is
lowest. This parameter decides the priority status of this system if there are multiple
sources (for example Congo and Unison). Sources with the same priority share on
an HTP level. If there are different priorities, the highest one will "win". See ETCNet2
Two other common third party protocols are ArtNet and AvabIPX.
- Check this feature if you are using devices or nodes receiving ArtNet.
Address: Choose network and IP address if more than one is available.
Avab IPX
- Check this feature if you are using devices or nodes receiving AVAB IPX. The
settings of the Logical Network will affect the AvabIPX settings. Visualisation
software such as WYSIWYG require Avab IPX to be ON.
Opens the universe map tab.
System Settings - Universe Map (6.0)
Each server in a multiple server system requires a logical network of it's own. There are ten
networks, 0-9. In each of these networks you can set a name, and the EDMX, sACN and
Artnet mapping.
In a setup with several systems in the same network, such as for example a television
studio, you can assign names to the networks belonging to each studio.
When the system is started these names will appear in the top right corner of the Welcome
If you want to turn the protocol off for a specific universe, set it to zero.
System Settings - Output (6.4)
These are the settings for the DMX outputs of the consoles, and ethernet to visualizers.
Visualizer Link
Activates bi-directional communication with third party visualisation tools.
When the software is started in Offline mode there is no DMX output.
Sets start mode of your choice for this system.
Always Server
Always Backup
Server/Backup depends on startup order
System Settings - Network
These are specific network settings for Net3 services and IP settings.
Network Adapter
This will say Online if a network is detected, otherwise it will say Offline.
Net3 Services are a suite of services that provide infrastructure support for a Net3/ACN
network. Those services are a dynamic IP address server, a network time server and a file
server. Each of these services are described below. Unchecking this box acts to disable all
of the Net3 Services. Checking the box only enables services selected to be active.
Network Services
Clicking in the enable box will activate the Net3 settings for Address or Time Server, or TFTP
(file transfer for software distribution).
CAUTION: There should only be a single DHCP server active on a network. It is possible to
start more than one DHCP server on a single network (nothing is built-in to DHCP servers to
prevent this from happening). If this occurs, it will result in unstable conditions and possibly
result in network communications failures.
Clicking in the enable box will start the DHCP server in the Congo console. It will use the
settings below to determine which IP addresses it gives out.
Fist Address - This sets the starting IP address for the range of IP addresses that
the DHCP server will hand out.
Number of Addresses - This sets how many IP addresses the DHCP server will
give out. A setting of 500 means it will give out IP addresses to the first 500 devices
that ask for an IP address.
Subnet Mask - This sets the logical network size vs. the device address. ETCs
default is (class B). This is the subnet mask that the DHCP server
will give to network devices.
Enable Routed Network - This specifies the IP address of a router if one is present
on your network. This is the gateway IP address that the DHCP server will send to
network devices to use. If you are on a flat or non-routed network, the Gateway
IP address should match the IP address of the device. In order to configure this
DHCP server to send out matching gateway IP addresses, configure this gateway
IP address to
match the First Address field. Then the DHCP server will give out a gateway IP
address that matches the IP address.
Update File Directory - This sets the directory where files are to be served through
TFTP. This must be
the full path to the directory, including drive letter. For example: C:\etc\nodesbin
These are the settings that determine the method to get an IP address and/or the actual IP
address information that Congo uses for network communication.
Preferred IP address
This tells Congo which network adapter it should use for communication with the lighting
system. In consoles and Light Servers, there is only one network adapter so the Automatic
(default) setting is fine. When Congo is run offline or on a Client PC, there may be more than
one network connection on that PC (such as on laptops with both wired and wireless
connections). In these cases you may need to tell Congo specifically which network
connection to use to communicate with the lighting system or a connected visualization
software application..
Clicking in the enable box will set Congo to get its IP address dynamically from a DHCP
server. While the console is starting, it will ask for an IP address from a DHCP server. If one
responds, it will use the assigned IP address.
Enabling or disabling the DHCP setting will require you to reboot Congo for the new setting
to take effect.
IP address
o If DHCP is disabled, you set the Congo IP address here. This is a static IP
address and will remain set until changed by a user.
o If DHCP is enabled, this field will display the IP address that is being used
by the console (whether it is served via DHCP or a self-generated link-local
IP address).
Subnet mask
o If DHCP is disabled, you set the Congo subnet mask here. This is a static
setting and will remain set until changed by a user.
o If DHCP is enabled, this field will display the subnet mask that is being
used by the console (whether it is served via DHCP or a self-generated link-
local IP address).
o If DHCP is disabled, you set the Congo gateway IP address here. This is a
static gateway IP address and will remain set until changed by a user.
If DHCP is enabled, this field will display the gateway IP address that is
being used by the console (whether it is served via DHCP or a self-
generated link-local IP address).
This is where you can configure your Net3 Gateways and ETC Networks. To be able to
configure nodes from the console NCE and/or GCE have to be installed.
Download the latest GCE from the ETC website, put it on a USB stick in the same folder as
Congo installers and install it in the same way as you update the Congo software.
System Settings - Monitor
System Settings - Monitor
Monitor 1
Check this enable box to change Placement (left/middle/right) or Mode (resolution).
Monitor 2
Check this enable box to change Placement (left/middle/right) or Mode (resolution).
Show Advanced Options
If you have a custom widescreen monitor with specific coordinates, you can use the
Advanced Options.
Click here to identify all monitors with a number.
Click here to apply the current monitor settings with a time-out option to return to the
previous settings.
System Settings - Update
You can update software, and upgrade the number of outputs your system supports.
To update the software you need a USB memory stick with the latest congo.exe file
from that is inserted in a USB port before activating this tab.
To upgrade the outputs you need an upgrade code from your ETC retailer.
Update Software
In a Congo Jr or Server you will need a mouse to do this. In the big Congo you can use the
System Settings - USB RFR
You can set HF (frequency) and Network ID (group) for each RFR remote. Simply make sure
they correspond to your remote settings. You can also update the firmware of your RFR
base unit and remote. For more information see Remote Control - RFR Radio Remote.
For the remote to work both base station and console need to be set to the same HF and
Network ID.
System Settings - Utilities (6.0)
These are some useful utilities for file handling.
This opens a file manager utility for copying and/or moving files between Congo and a USB
memory or file server.
Technical Services request that you do this as part of fault-finding. Select the appropriate
drive letter and click START..
Creates a backup of your console settings in case you need to reimage the system.
Allows you to restore settings from a backup.
Exit to Welcome Screen
Press MODIFY to exit to the Welcome Screen. From here you can start as Server, Backup or
Offline. You can open System Settings and Quit.
If there are Congos with different software versions running on the same network.
If the same sACN or Net2 universe is mapped to multiple Congo universes.
In the top right corner network and command syntax settings are shown when appropriate.
In the top left corner you will see if there are multiple user setups, for example for different tv-
Power Off (Quit)
Always shut down your system correctly with the Exit function
(BROWSER >File >Power Off). If your console has a softpower button
you can use that as well.
Function Key Feedback
1. Open the Browser [BROWSER] If it was already selected
it will be closed. Press
again to open.
2. Go to Files Down Arrow Files is highlighted
3. Open subnodes Right arrow Subnodes are opened
4. Select Power Off Down Arrow Power Off is highlighted
5. Confirm Power Off [MODIFY] You will get a popup
asking you to confirm,
and exit the system.
The current play will be saved to a temporary file called
"SAVED.ASC". This file is loaded automatically the next time the
Congo is powered up.
Power Loss
ETC recommends use of an external UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) to ensure the
possibility to save your data and perform a proper shutdown of the Congo system in the
event of an external power loss. The console and the monitor with the Browser should be
connected to the UPS.
In early models of Congo with an internal UPS supply, on a power loss the screen
background turns orange. The internal battery of the power supply (UPS) will keep the
console running approximately two minutes, after which it makes a controlled shutdown
saving the Play.
The current play will be saved to a temporary file called
"SAVED.ASC". This file is loaded automatically the next time the
Congo is powered up.
General Settings
The General Settings node contains all the settings for the play, the
console, networking, printing, dock areas etc.
Play Settings
Console Settings
Print Wizard
Screens (5.0)
Dock Areas
User Login
Event List
Macro List
Play Settings
The Settings define default times and values, the behaviour of
recording functions, and attribute behaviour in faders during
Play Settings - Introduction
The system settings are opened with SETUP. You can also open a local settings popup for
any key by holding SETUP and pressing that key (for example GO or RECORD)
Play Settings - Basic
The "Let's Begin" settings are a cross selection of settings from all tabs that are very
important to fill in before starting to work with a new show. See New.
Play Settings - Channels
Press SETUP and use the right/left arrows to select the Channel Settings tab.
Channel Settings
Play Settings - Crossfade
Press SETUP and use the right/left arrows to select the Crossfade Settings tab.
Crossfade Settings
Timing settings
Specific playback settings
Play Settings - Master
In v6 most settings for the masters have moved into individual Master Settings. These are
the global settings for the whole play.
Press SETUP and use the right/left arrows to select the Master Settings tab.
Master Settings
Play Settings - Effects (6.1)
These are global effect settings for the whole play.
Press SETUP and use the right/left arrows to select the Effects Settings tab.
When this is set to "on" all effect parameters are stored and recalled when you shut down
the system, regardless if they are stored into palettes or presets or not.
Play Settings - System
Press SETUP and use the right/left arrows to select the System Settings tab.
System Settings
The System Settings are general for the behaviour of the console.
Play Settings - Attribute
Press SETUP and use the right/left arrows to select the Attribute Settings tab.
Attribute Settings (6.0)
The Attribute settings affect recording and control of moving device parameters.
*You can change this separately for each Sequence Step in the Sequences - Sequence
Time settings
Play Settings - MIDI (6.4)
Press SETUP and use the right/left arrows to select the MIDI Settings tab.
Standard MIDI (6.4)
All keys and faders can send notes and controllers when this is activated in the MIDI
Settings.You can use MIDI notes and controllers to remote control any key or fader of the
Console.The Congo can also be set to activate a specific crossfade when receiving a
Program Change command through MIDI. See MIDI.
Congo supports sending and receiving of MIDI Show Control (MSC) commands. See MIDI -
MIDI Show Control.
Time Code
Every sequence step can be triggered both manually, and by a specific MIDI Time Code time
on the MIDI port. See MIDI - Time Code.
Direct Mode MIDI (6.4)
Direct Mode is designed to allow you to connect any MIDI equipment to Congo and be able
to make it work, providing it is sending the corresponding MIDI commands.
Master 21-40 2 0 19 20
Flash 21-40 2 20 39 20
Page+/Page-, block 2 2 40 41 2
Master 41-60 3 0 19 20
Flash 41-60 3 20 39 20
Page+/Page-, block 3 3 40 41 2
Master 61-80 4 0 19 20
Flash 61-80 4 20 39 20
Page+/Page-, block 4 4 40 41 2
Master 1-20 1 0 19 20
Master 21-40 2 0 19 20
Master 41-60 3 0 19 20
Master 61-80 4 0 19 20
MIDI - Direct playback mode
Play Settings - Show Control
Press SETUP and use the right/left arrows to select the Show Control Settings tab.
In Congo UDP allows you to use the Ethernet network to:
Receive Congo specific Action Macros directly from another unit, without having to
first create a trigger and event.
Send any proprietary string of data to another unit that can receive commands over
OSC (6.3)
Open Sound Control (OSC) is a content format for messaging among computers, sound
synthesizers, and other multimedia devices. See OSC Functionality.
Console Settings
The Console Settings are set from the node Console Settings in the Setup node of the
Browser. (Browser >Settings >Console Settings).
You can set the values from 0-100%. They will take effect immediately and are NOT related
to different play files.
Sound Settings (6.3)
The volume of the internal speaker is set by holding SETUP and moving the level Wheel.
You will see the result in the value next to the loudspeaker symbol in the top right corner of
the monitor screens.
This will take effect immediately and is NOT related to different play files.
You can also right-click on the speaker to open a context menu for setting sound levels (6.3).
Congo has client/server networking with multiple operators. It is
possible to send and fetch a play between Server and Backup. There
is backup sync for running shows.
Network - Introduction
Network - Functions
Server Commands
Backup Commands
Network nodes
Universe Map
Network - Introduction
A Congo network consists of a Server and a Backup, and/or Clients. A Server can have up
to ten Clients.
Any Congo, Congo Jr, Congo Kid or Congo Light Server can be
started as Server, Backup or Client. A backup can only back
up within its channel and output limitations.
General Facts
Network - Functions
These are the general network functions.
Network - Server/Backup
Network - Client
Network - Multiple Users
Network - Server/Backup
Backup consoles/Light Servers are used when it is imperative that control of the lighting
system be maintained in the event of a failure of the server. A Backup sends no data to the
lighting system until it has activated and taken over by converting to a server (either
manually or automatically due to loss of communication with a server).
It is possible to use a crossed cable with just two consoles. But if you are using Server and
Backup, you should use a Switch AND have a Net3 gateway (or similar) that is taking care of
the output of DMX. They can be connected as Server/Backup, or Server/Client. The client
can be used as a separate workstation in parallel with the Server, while the Backup is only
used for programming once converted to Server.
The first system to boot will become the Server unless it has been set up differently.
See Network - Backup Setup.
If two Servers are active on the same network for some reason, the
header bar at the top of all screens will show "Warning: Dual Servers
A message is shown in the Message area (bottom of screens) on the Server system when
a Backup or Client is started. The system that is started as Backup now displays an
information message about this.
When the contact is lost between two linked Congos a message is shown in the Message
area (bottom of screens), and the Backup Congo is automatically converted to Server.
You can connect to ETC nodes with a Switch (avoid routers, they tend to complicate things).
Congo consoles/Client PCs should be given IP addresses in the range
when used with ETCNet2. Please see the ETCNet2 v4 Planning Guide for information on
configuring an ETCNet2 network.
A system can be set up to start as Backup or Server regardless of the order in which the
systems are powered, or by detecting this order. There is also a setting for Auto-transferring
the current play to the Backup when both systems are powered up.
If using fixed roles (always server or always backup) make sure that
both consoles are configured into a fixed role (one as server and one
as backup).!
When the Auto-transfer setting is checked in both Server and Backup, the following actions
will be performed each time you make a New, Open, Save or Save As command on the
You can also set the system to transfer the play automatically every time you record a
preset, in the Recording Setup. Hold SETUP and press RECORD.
Network - Client
You can use the ETC Net3 Remote Video Interface or a personal computer as a client. You
can connect a maximum of ten clients to a server. You need a dongle to run the software in
a personal computer as a Client to an existing Server.
See Net3 Remote Video Interface.
To log in as a Client, use the CLIENT key from the Login Screen of Congo. Once you are
logged in as Backup or Server you have to log out to log in as a Client again.
If the Server is stopped, clients will restart and present a modified welcome screen informing
about what happened, allowing you to restart. If the same Server is online you will be offered
to re-connect. If there is a new Server (if the Backup took over) you will be offered to connect
to this Server.
For the following commands use the CLIENT key of the console.
Network - Multiple Users
In a Multi User setup there will always be a Server. You can connect up to ten clients to this
Server. Each client can access and work independently with the data of the Play in the
Server. Playback controls are shared (See Multiple Users - Global Functions).
This is a true client/server system. This means that all light output is calculated and output
from the Server at all times.
Patch First!
Start by patching the whole system, with devices and everything. See Patch. Basically you
can connect several clients directly after patching, to a Server, or Server/Backup system -
and each client can access the whole system in parallel with the other clients.
All Play data is Global and owned by the database of the Server. Also, all playback features
are Global, shared by all users.
You are free to work independently blind from any client or the
Server at the same time.
Main and Master Playbacks
Playback functions are global and shared by all. This includes functions like GO, PAUSE and
Highlight Mode
This is a global mode, both affecting and indicated on all screens on all stations.
Grand Master
The Grand Master is global. This means any user can control it for the whole system.
The Freeze switch is global. This means any user can control it for the whole system.
The Blackout switch is global. This means any user can control it for the whole system.
The Independents are global. This means any user can control them for the whole system.
Basically everything is local except the global features described above. See Multiple Users -
Global Functions. There are some special cases:
Each user has its own Capture mode, but all captures channels are handled on a global
system level on a first come, first served basis. This means that if a channel can be
controlled from two clients or the Server, and one of them has Captured it - it is "owned" by
this client/Server until released.
Server Commands
These are the general Server functions.
Send Play
Fetch Play
Backup Sync
Force To Backup
Send Play
Play data is not replicated automatically - for security reasons. A play can only be sent from
Server to Backup. Always send or fetch the most current play before running a show.
1. Select the Browser by pressing BROWSER (if it was selected it will be closed, press again
to open).
2. Use the down and right arrow keys to open the NETWORK node.
3. Select Send Play and press MODIFY. You will get a confirmation message in the bottom
of the screens.
Once the Play is transferred you have the same Play information in both consoles. The Play
file name is transferred, and the playbacks in the receiving system will position to the same
steps as in the main system. If you make changes in either console, you have to transfer the
Play to update the other console. This guarantees that a programming crash in one system
won't bring down the other system.
The Play is transferred, but not saved. You have to save it manually.
Fetch Play
Play data is not replicated automatically - for security reasons. Always send or fetch the most
current play before running a show.
1. Select the Browser by pressing BROWSER (if it was selected it will be closed, press again
to open).
2. Use the down and right arrow keys to open the NETWORK node.
3. Select Fetch Play and press MODIFY. You will get a confirmation message in the bottom
of the screens.
Once the Play is transferred you have the same Play information in both consoles. The Play
file name is transferred, and the playbacks in the receiving system will position to the same
steps as in the main system. If you make changes in either console, you have to transfer the
Play to update the other console. This guarantees that a programming crash in one system
won't bring down the other system.
The Play is transferred, but not saved. You have to save it manually.
Backup Sync
The link between the two consoles is activated from the Network node of the Browser. This
can only be done from the Server .
There is an Auto-transfer Play option in the Backup Settings. See
Network - Backup Setup.
1. Select the Browser by pressing BROWSER (if it was selected it will be closed, press again
to open).
2. Use the down and right arrow keys to open the NETWORK node.
You will get a confirmation message in the bottom of the screens. Also, the background color
of the screens in the Backup System will change to a brighter color.
Force To Backup
Force To Backup is only used if there are two servers in a network, due to network dropouts.
1. Select the Browser by pressing BROWSER (if it was selected it will be closed, press again
to open).
2. Use the down and right arrow keys to open the Network >Server Commands >Force to
3. Select Force to Backup and press MODIFY. You will get a confirmation message in the
bottom of the screens.
Backup Commands
These are the general Backup functions.
Fetch Play
Convert To Server
Fetch Play
Play data is not replicated automatically - for security reasons. Always send or fetch the most
current play before running a show.
1. Select the Browser by pressing BROWSER (if it was selected it will be closed, press again
to open).
2. Use the down and right arrow keys to open the NETWORK node.
3. Select Fetch Play and press MODIFY. You will get a confirmation message in the bottom
of the screens.
Once the Play is transferred you have the same Play information in both consoles. The Play
file name is transferred, and the playbacks in the receiving system will position to the same
steps as in the main system. If you make changes in either console, you have to transfer the
Play to update the other console. This guarantees that a programming crash in one system
won't bring down the other system.
The Play is transferred, but not saved. You have to save it manually.
Convert To Server
The Server system is the system that transmits output. The Backup system will start doing so
when it is converted to Server. This will happen automatically in case of a crash. It can
be done manually at anytime too, but only from the Backup itself.
Changing manually
1. Select the Browser by pressing BROWSER (if it was selected it will be closed, press again
to open).
2. Use the down and right arrow keys to open the NETWORK node.
3. Select Convert To Server and press MODIFY. You will get a confirmation message in the
bottom of the screens.
Network nodes
This node shows all Congo devices on the network, including the one you are working on,
which is indicated with a * before the name.
You can see the role, IP address and logical network in the Info area. See System Settings.
Find/configure CEM +
This opens an explorer window to discover CEM dimmers on the network.
See the manual for the CEM dimmers for more information.
Net3/ACN Device List
Lists all Net3 Devices in the network, and allows some editing. Congo servers and backups
will automatically connect to discovered CEM3s as it
does with CEM+s when it is configured to do so. Congo console will attempt re-connect
CEM3s when a network disconnect occurs as it does with CEM+s.
HINTS (5.1)
RFR BaseStation and RFR Handheld devices are shown in the list.
RFR Host is shown as active.
There are 100 definable memories for all screens including zoom, channel format and split
tabs. They are stored in the Direct Selects, as Screens.
When you press this key, all screens will change to the stored layout and format.
In Congo Jr the four Direct Select keys to the left of the display also
work as TYPE keys for each section.
Screen Names
Open the screen list in the Browser >General Settings >Screens, to see and edit names.
You can load a screen from the direct selects or from the Browser. To load from the Browser,
select the screen and press MODIFY or double click.
Delete Screens
Open the screen list in the Browser >General Settings >Screens, to see and delete screens.
Dock Areas (6.1)
Congo is designed so windows never overlap. Instead there is a
concept of tabs that are opened in the middle of each screen, and
dock areas around them.
Dock Areas - Introduction
Dock areas are fast and flexible control and viewing panels that can be set up in the
top/bottom/left/right borders of each screen.
The left Browser dock and the bottom Effect dock are opened by default.
Once they are set up you can toggle the content by holding BROWSER and pressing
Selected channels - Live (6.0)
The top/bottom docks can show
Moving Lights
Console Mimic
Designer (6.0)
Selected channels - Live (6.0)
Time Code (6.0)
Dock Areas - Functions
The dock areas are easy to use once they are configured. Two dock areas are set up
default, the left (browser) and the bottom (effects) on screen 1.
You can toggle the contents of any selected dock area by holding BROWSER and pressing
Docks are defined for each display on the Congo - so each monitor
can support 4 docks. To configure docks, first select a tab on the
screen you want to assign docks to, then press SETUP & BROWSER
to open the setup dialog.
Right-click in the Dock Area of the screens (6.3)
Another way of opening and configuring dock areas is to right click in the dock areas of the
screens. This will work also in screens with no tabs. Please note that you actually click on th
dark edge of the frame in the upper and lower dock areas and on the background color in the
left and right areas.
You can resize any open dock area either holding FORMAT and
moving the level wheel, OR just left-clicking and dragging with the
mouse or trackball.
Navigate Dock Areas (6.3)
Dock Areas can be opened with these key combinations or using a mouse.
Key functions
Mouse functions (6.3)
Console Mimic Dock
The Console Mimic dock gives you the user interface of the physical console.
Click on a button or fader to press or move. Pressed button is indicated with a yellow
Hold CTRL and click on a button to "hold" it so you can press another button after.
Combine the Console Mimic and keyboard or console commands in any way.
Press FORMAT to toggle different console mimic formats
Hold FORMAT and use the Level Wheel to zoom.
Hold Browser (F10) and use the Level Wheel to resize the selected dock area.
Important Limitation - because the mimics are within Congo, when
dialog boxes open on top of Congo all other Congo controls are
unavailable, including the mimic dock. For data entry and navigation
of dialogs, physical console keys, alpha keyboard/mouse or an
attached X-Keys panel must be used.
Designer Summary
The designer summary provides playback information at a glance that is intended to be
useful for the lighting designer.
There are three formats that can be toggled with the FORMAT key:
Selected (channels)
Main playback
Main playback & selected (channels)
Active palettes
Channel database texts
Dimmers address, curves and device address (single channels only)
The previous level
The current level
A command line view of the last key presses
Main Playback
Selected - Live dock
The selected - live dock provides a summary the currently selected channels and effect
playbacks in the Live tab. This is the only view that will show effect playbacks and channels
Time Code dock
The Time Code dock provides a summary of the important time code features and
To the right, use the screen buttons to select Internal or External time code source.
Enable BU (BackUp) clock will set the internal clock to take over if the external source is lost.
Color Dock (6.1)
The Color dock allows you to choose colors with a color picker. For most types of color-
mixing devices, the color gamut (possible colors) is indicated in the color picker.
Click on the color picker using a mouse or touch screen to choose a color. The small black
circle in the color picker indicates the current output of the selected channel.
The color picker does not work for devices with scrollers or fixed color wheels.
User List
User logins allow you to keep personal settings for Direct Selects, Screens and Notes, within
the same Play as other users.
See Direct Selects, and Notes.
It's also possible to connect Partitions to User Logins, which makes it possible to have a
User Login with a predefined set of channels that can be accessed by that user.
See Partitions.
You can view, edit and create new Users in the User List (Browser >General Settings >User
* Please note that the Default Partition has to be set to YES in the User Partition List as well
- this is done automatically.
The default Users "Default" and "View" are defined to allow access to
the full system.
Allowed Partitions
When a new user is created, the Default Partition is set to ALL, and all Partitions are set as
Allowed. You can disallow Partitions for a User by pressing MODIFY in the Allowed
Partitions cell - opening the User Partition List.
Change User
User Login is activated from the command Change User in the Browser. If no User has
been logged in, the Default User will be logged in when a Play is opened.
1. Select the node Change User and press MODIFY (BROWSER >General Settings
>Change User). You will get a popup where you can choose from all defined Users.
2. The User is activated and indicated in the top left corner of all screens:
The last used login name will be remembered in each station and
used for the next startup.
Event List
An Event combines a Trigger with an Action Macro.
Triggers can start Congo commands from external inputs like the
COM port (unison macros for example).
Event List - Introduction
An Event is a combination of a Trigger and an Action Macro. An Action Macro can be
defined also directly in the step of a Sequence.
Action Macro
An Action Macro consists of a string of characters forming a line of commands. These
commands can be used to trigger internal actions (Go, Pause etc) or external devices (DVD
players, computers etc) with serial & MIDI commands
A Trigger is used only to trigger an Action Macro. This can be done from the local Com or
MIDI ports, Closure or through a Net3 node.
An Event is created when a Trigger is combined with an Action Macro.
The COM port of Congo has to be activated to receive Triggers. See
System Settings - Com Port.
Event List - Action Macros
An Action is a kind of Macro that consists of a string of characters forming a line of
commands. These commands can be internal (Congo) or external (COM port serial
communication with DVD player, computers etc). Action Macros can be entered directly in
the Sequence Action Macro column. Action Macros can be linked to Triggers in the Event
In the Playback View Action Macros are shown with the"*" character or the word "Action
Macro" depending on format.
The rules for all Action Macros are very strictly defined. There is no warning if your formatting
is wrong.
An Action Macro starts with an action type (for example COM, MIDI, GO, RELAY).
The commando is followed by a list of parameters, separated by commas.
Parameters in <> are optional.
Multiple commands can be entered in the same Action Macro, separated by a
semicolon ; character.
Congo Action Macros (6.2)
These are the available Congo Action Macros. Some have changed from over the
years. Please note that existing Action Macros using the changed commands will not be
converted automatically. They have to be manually updated to work as expected.
Serial COM data
In an Action Macro, this data is started with the word COM. Two parameters are used after
the COM type.
COM 1 ,41 42 43 sends a serial string with three bytes (all values in hex)
COM 1 ,P L A Y 1 sends a serial string with the value PLAY1 (ASCII data)
COM 1 ,P L A Y 1 0D sends a serial string with the value PLAY1 followed by Carriage
You can send an arbitrary data string on the console MIDI port, or through MIDI on a Net3
In an Action, this data is started with the word MIDI followed by port, comma and data.
When specifying data for a MIDI port trigger or Action, you enter the string with hexadecimal
MIDI 0, 90 24 40 sends a Note On message to the console output on Channel 1 for note 24
(36 in decimal) with a velocity of 40 (64 in decimal)
MIDI 1, 80 24 00 sends a Note Off message on group 1 in a Net3 Gateway on Channel 1 for
note 24.
MIDI 0, C0 10 sends a Program Change message (on channel 1) for program 10 (16 in
Receive Congo specific Action Macros directly from another unit, without having to
first create a trigger and event.
Send any proprietary string of data to another unit that can receive commands over
Event List - Events
To trigger an Action Macro from an external input an Event has to be created and a Trigger
has to be defined. This is done in the Event List.
For each type of trigger (input), an Event list needs to be created. This is to allow for future
expansion of both internal ports and network ports.
Insert an item (INSERT) and define a Trigger (you can add a description).
Use INSERT to insert a new line. Define the Trigger and Action string using the
formats described in Actions & Events - Actions. You can add a description as well
Net3 I/O Node Closure - You can specify the closure input (1-24) and if you want to
trigger on close of open state. Note: Closure input are using the analog inputs of the
physical node but has only two states, on and off.
Net3 I/O Node Analog - You can specify an analog input (1-24), a trigger value and
the direction.
Local Closure - You can define triggers and actions for the external trig inputs in the
same way as for Net3 I/O node closures.
If a trigger is defined for an input, the default action (Go, Pause, Go Back and Master
40) wont be carried out. See Connectors
Group Numbers
Using Group numbers, you can set up a system where Congo listens to several different I/O
nodes (or local ports) and reacts with different actions. Group 0 applies to local serial and
MIDI ports, Group 1-x applies to network ports and has to match the group configured in the
Macro List
A Macro is basically a series of key presses and actions that are stored under a number for
random playback.
The Macro List is opened by holding MODIFY and pressing MACRO. In the list it is possible
to toggle between real-time and fast playback - and set a text label.
Macros are recorded with the LEARN MACRO soft key of the Misc Soft key page in the
Record a Macro
2. Enter a number and press LEARN MACRO. As long as recording is going on the text
"Recording macro" is displayed in the top right corner of the screens.
3. Click on Recording Macro in the top right corner of the screens to end recording.
Playback a Macro
Enter the number and press MACRO. As long as the Macro is being played back the text
"Playing macro" is displayed in the top right corner of the screens.
Before you can control a channel or moving device, it needs to be
Patching Node
Patch - Introduction
Patch - Output Editor
Patch - Patch Wizard
Patch - Device List
>Settings and Tools - Patching
Patch - Introduction
Patch is where outputs are assigned to channels, either directly in the case of dimmers or
using a Template in the case of devices. All settings pertaining to outputs, channels and
devices are also adjusted within the patch.
Before you can control a dimmer or device it has to be patched to a channel. When opening
a new play you can choose to set the Patch 1:1 or cleared. There are many ways to patch.
These are the available options.
To edit Channel scale factor, fade curve, park status or rename, see the Channel
To edit Output scale factor, fade curve & park status, see the Output List.
To clear the patch see the Patch Wizard.
To adjust individual devices, such as inverting or swap pan/tilt. Scroller roll &
calibration. Change template, channel or address. See Device List.
Channel Database
The channel database allows you to tag each channel handle with up to four texts. These
texts will create auto-groups. See Channel Database.
Patch by Channel/Dimmer
You can toggle between these formats by pressing FORMAT. The currently selected format
is indicated in the top right corner.
All outputs
There are color indications for most statuses:
Devices are marked in with a horizontal bar that show the involved outputs.
Levels are shown in 8 or 16 bits (depending on template).
Changing Levels are shown with a blue background for going up, and green for down.
Park status is showed as a dimmed Output symbol (214 in image).
Next and Last can be used to step around within a selection of channels or outputs (197-
199 in image).
Hold FORMAT and press down/up arrow to open/close detailed view showing parameter
Hold FORMAT and move the level Wheel to zoom out/in. When you zoom out you will see all
available universes.
Output Editor - Patch By Channel
As soon as a channel is selected, the Output Editor is automatically in channel mode. Select
a single channel or a range of channels to patch to Outputs. Use 0 MODIFY to unpatch.
Output Editor - Patch By Dimmer
Output Editor - Dimmer Check Mode
2. Set a level for checking with # @ LEVEL (a level is given between 0-255. 128 = 50%)
3. Press + or - to use this level and step to the next/previous Output. Levels that are higher
than zero are restored automatically as they are passed by.
4. Deselect the last output to leave channel check mode (0 OUTPUT). Or, simply set that
output to a level of 0% (0 @ LEVEL or use the wheel)
Channel Check mode is a fast way to check the channels consecutively in the output editor.
2. Set a level for checking with # @ LEVEL (a level is given between 0-255. 128 = 50%)
3. Press + or - to use this level and step to the next/previous patched channel. Levels that
are higher than zero are restored automatically as they are passed by. Channels that are not
patched will not be lit.
4. Deselect the last channel to leave channel check mode (0 CH or C/ALT CH). Or, simply
set that channel to a level of 0% (0 @ LEVEL or use the wheel)
Import Template Wizard (6.2)
Before you can patch a moving device you need to import or create the corresponding
To import from the libraries, use the Import Template Wizard in the Browser
(Browser >Patching > Import Template Wizard).
User templates from other Plays are imported with the Import Wizard. See Import
Custom templates can be created from scratch with the Templates Editor.
1. Open Import Template Wizard from Browser >Patching >Import Template Wizard
3. Select Manufacturer
4. Select Device/mode
Note that devices with calibrated color data are indicated with a (C) - this means they will be
possible to use with the Gel Picker and calibrated Color Picker even if they have more than
three color emitters (6.2)
The imported Template is added to the "Templates" node of the Browser >Patching.
Standard or Extended Library?
The standard library is the one that's been in Congo from the start.
All templates are hand-made. The Extended library is data we get
from the Carallon subscription service and is made by crunching a
lot of data. The templates are as good as Carallon (with some work
from ETC) can make them, but they have not all been tested with real
lights or adjusted by humans.
Patch Wizard
The Patch Wizard is opened from the Browser (Browser >Patching >Patch Wizard). See
Navigating - Browser.
Patch Dimmer(s)
Enter the number of dimmers, the desk channel, DMX address and universe. If you check
Replace existing dimmers, these will be unpatched automatically.
Patch Device(s)
Select a template from the list, or open the Import Template Wizard. See Import Template
Wizard. Importing a template will add it to the list in this dropdown.
Enter the number of devices, desk channel, DMX address and universe. When the device
type and number of devices are specified the required block of outputs is indicated in italic
over the DMX Address (see image). The first free DMX address and output offset is
suggested too.
If you check Replace existing dimmers (default), they will be unpatched automatically. If you
are patching scrollers, you can select a scroller roll. You can assign a scroller roll later as
well, from the device settings list.
Output Offset allows you to set an offset from the first attribute of each moving device to
achieve a specific numbering for the start addresses.
Patched devices are automatically set to default values.
See Home Positioning.
As soon as a moving device is patched, the channel symbol in the
channel views will get an extra field for moving device information.
Clear/reset patch or rename
You can reset (1:1) or clear the dimmer patch, the moving device patch, or the renaming
system for any channel range from # to #. If you check "Apply To All" you don't need to
specify a range. Unpatch All clears channel, device and name patch.
Checking Apply To All clears everything up to the total system limits
regardless of any prior downgrade of channels/outputs.
Device List
You can view and edit moving device settings in the Device List (BROWSER >Patching
>Device List). There is a shortcut to open it: hold MODIFY and press DEVICE.
Device Settings - Columns & Functions
Device Settings - Patching (6.1)
It is possible to Patch devices directly into the Device Settings tab. You can use any channel
selection to patch fast.
*If a template isn't available, use the Import Template Wizard to import it. See Import
Template Wizard.
Edit/Change a Device
You can exchange one moving device with another in the Device List. All parameters that
are similar will continue functioning.
* All play information that can be read by the replacement device template will be used. You
can swap back to the first device at anytime later. This is useful if you have to replace one
type/brand of Moving Device with another.
>Settings and Tools - Patching
These are the settings and tools for Patching.
Channel List
Output List
Parameter Definitions
Dimmer Curve List
Channel List
You can view and edit dimmer outputs, scaling and constant ch level in the Channel List
(BROWSER >Patching >Settings & Tools >Channel List). There is a shortcut to open it: hold
MODIFY and press CH.
When a step is selected, the corresponding channel and output are
selected in the Live and Output Editor tabs
Channel List - Columns & Functions
Channel List - Select & Patch Channels (6.3)
It is possible to select and patch channels to outputs directly with a Command Syntax in this
list (this does not work in At Mode).
Patch - Rename Channels
You can change the number used to access your instruments, without altering your Patch.
This is useful when you want to keep your addresses and dimmer assignments as they are,
but you want to change the numbering to fit the numbering of a Plot. Renaming is done in
the Name column of the Channel List (BROWSER >Patching >Channel List)
Output List
You can view and edit desk channel, scaling and curve for outputs in the Output List
(BROWSER >Patching >Output List >Universe #).
The Output List is divided into DMX universes. Open each from the
Browser >Patching >Output List >Universe #
*Output Lists show EDMX numbers in ( ) after the offset.port numbers in the first column.
This is a direct translation of EDMX values calculated using the EDMX Start value in the
Settings dialog (Congo output 1.1 = the EDMX Start number, and all subsequent outputs are
calculated from there).
Output List - Select & Patch Outputs
It is possible to select outputs directly with a Command Syntax in this list (only in RPN
When an output or attribute is parked it will remain fixed at the parked value regardless of all
other functionality.
Park - Parked Items List
The Parked Items list shows all parked channels, intensities and attributes.
Individual items can be unparked by selecting the appropriate row and pressing [DELETE].
See Parked.
A Template maps the functions of a Moving Device to the moving
light controls of Congo This chapter is about creating and editing
Templates - Introduction
Templates - List
Templates - Editor
Templates - Create
Templates - Type LTP or HTP
Templates - Type 8/16 Bit Control
Templates - Snap Or Fade
Templates - Ranges
Templates - Mode Tables
Templates - Fade With Intensity
Templates - Scroller Rolls
Templates - Import Template Wizard
Templates - Introduction
A template maps the attributes of a moving Device to the controls and functions of Congo.
Most common devices and scrollers already have templates in the library, ready to use.
General Facts
Templates - List
The Template Lists are opened from the Browser (Browser >Patching >Settings and Tools
Templates - Editor
The Template Editor is opened from the Item or Parameter cell in the Template List (Browser
>Patching >Templates). Open an existing one directly in this node as well (Browser
>Patching >Templates >xxxx).
Template Editor - Columns & Functions
Press INSERT to insert a new Parameter. These are the functions in the columns.
Templates - Create
1. Open the Template List from the Browser (Browser >Patching >Templates)
2. Go to the end of the list and press INSERT to select a new Template.
3. Enter a name in the text column (press MODIFY to activate and MODIFY to store).
4. Press MODIFY in the first column. This will open the Template Editor, which will be empty.
5. Use INSERT to create as many steps as the Moving Device has control channels.
6. Edit the columns for each step to fit the specification of the Moving Device.
Templates - Type LTP or HTP
Each parameter in a Template can be set to LTP (Latest Takes Precedence) or HTP
(Highest Takes Precedence).
*Observe that the DMX offset of a parameter has to be incremented by 2, if the previous
parameter is set to 16-bit resolution.
See Device Templates - 16 bit Control
Templates - Type 8/16 bit control
Some Devices have parameters that require 16 bit control. Usually this is Pan or Tilt. This is
set in Type cell of the Template Editor.
The functionality of "Coarse/Fine 16 bit control" is set in the Attribute Setup. Hold SETUP
and press ATTRIB.
On = The wheel controls the Coarse part of the16- bit value. Hold the wheel key
down and move the wheel to control the Fine part of the 16-bit value.
Off (default) = The wheel will control Coarse when moved fast, and Fine when
moved slowly.
Devices with 16 bit control rarely use all 16 bits. Therefore it is possible to fine tune the
resolution of this parameter in the cell Fine Step in the Template Editor.
Full 16 bit control, which few Devices use (generally Media Servers, for example Catalyst)
require this value to be set to 1 (default = 4).
Templates - Snap or Fade
Snap or Fade is defined in the Template Editor.
When set to Snap (checked) it will not be affected by times. It will move at the beginning of
each repositioning.
When Snap is Off (unchecked) - the parameter will fade on times. See Devices - Times.
Templates - Ranges
The Template Range Editor makes it possible to define (and edit) ranges, subranges and
positions (for colors, gobos etc) in Templates.
This editor is opened by pressing MODIFY in the Range column of the Template Editor.
Template Range Editor - Columns
*Values between positions (start=stop) cannot be set with the wheel, unless they are
specified as subranges.
Press WIZARD in the Template Range Editor. This Wizard simplifies entering a number of
evenly spread ranges, for example frames, between 0-255. This is useful to create positions
for a scroller, or a gobo/color wheel.
2. Press WIZARD.
3. Enter the number of ranges you wish to create and press MODIFY.
4. Step to Centered and Snap Positions with arrow keys. Use MODIFY to toggle.
5. Select EXECUTE and press MODIFY (previously existing ranges will be overwritten).
Templates - Mode Tables
Range Tables make it possible to control multiple mode devices such as, for example, the
High End x.Spot.
In the High End x.Spot there are Mode parameters (color mode) that affect the function of
another parameter (color wheel). When a mode is set by selecting a Range on one function,
the corresponding Table Range will be assigned to the other parameter.
If there are both Range Tables and Ranges defined for a parameter, the Range Table will be
used if there is a corresponding range, otherwise the normal Ranges will be used.
1. Define the ranges for the different "modes" of the Device. See Device Templates -
2. Define Range Tables for these modes in the corresponding function parameter. Start by
opening the Range Table editor by pressing MODIFY in the Tables column of the Template
3. Use INSERT* to create a Range Tables. These are the options.
*When you make INSERT for additional Range Tables, the parameter will be copied from the
first defined Range Table.
Templates - Fade With Intensity
Fade with Intensity can be set in the Template Editor.
When On, the parameter will be scaled through the intensity channel of the device. Also, the
types of fixtures where color = intensity will be able to be controlled by the Grand Master and
Black Out key when set up with an Intensity parameter.
This is useful for controlling a softlight or LED fixture with color mix coming from colored
fluorescents, that also are light sources. It makes it possible to mix a color and fade the
intensity of the result without changing the Hue (color mix result).
Parameter Definitions
Parameter types are defined in the first cell or the Template Editor.
Each parameter is used differently. For example, Pan and Tilt automatically belong to Focus
Palettes, and are mapped to the trackball in Parameter mode.
Press MODIFY in the Parameter cell to open the dropdown. Select with arrow keys (or use
the first letter from the keyboard) and press MODIFY to confirm.
The Parameters are picked from the Parameter Definition Editor. Parameters can be added
to this list if necessary. See Parameter Definition Editor.
The complete Parameter Definition Editor contains all to this point known parameters.
Function Description
Parameter Parameter ID - cannot be changed.
Name The name is used for controlling the parameter.
WARNING - Changing an existing name
could alter the complete functionality of all
Palette The Group defines which Palette and parameter
group a parameter will belong to*
Group Description
INT All intensities belong to INT.
FOCUS Focus parameters
COLOR Color parameters
BEAM Beam parameters
AUX 1 Control parameters
AUX 2 Control parameters
Dimmer Curve List
A set of default Curves can be assigned to dimmers in the Output Setup. It is also possible to
create user specific dimmer curves.
When you open a new show (4.1) some default curves are loaded (contained in the file
Dimmer Curve Editor (example: Off/On Curve)
When Interpolation is ON the values to this point will be calculated smoothly from the
previous point. When Interpolation is OFF the value will be jumped to at this level.
If a curve does not have a 0% and 100% rows, it will default to
0% = 0 output and 100% = 100 output
Main Show Data
The main show data is what you generate when you start recording.
All data are under this node of the Browser, except effects, which
have a node of their own.
Groups/Palettes overview
>Settings & Tools - Main Show Data
Organizer (1 tab) (6.3)
The Organizer tab allows you to view, edit and restructure all data in your show in one tab,
The Organizer can be opened with focus on a specific type of data or with all show data
visible at once.
You can press TRACK for items like presets, groups, palettes to track use in the current
Opening Focused Organizer Tabs (6.3)
You can open an organizer tab with only one type of object focused by holding LOAD and
pressing one of the following keys.
Execute from the Organizer (6.3)
In the Organizer there is a function that allows you to execute (play back) Sequence Steps,
Groups and Presets in the Live field directly.
Right-click on the appropriate object to open the context menu and select Execute.
You can click, hold and drag items in the Organizer from one place to another. See
Sequence - Drag and Drop .
Here are some examples of items that can be copied or moved by dragging and dropping:
Sequence steps
Channel Times
Device Links
Master Links
Action Macros
Master Pages
Scroller Rolls
Channel Layouts
If you drag and drop an item on top of a similar item, for example a Sequence Step, you get
the option of creating a copy of this item or moving it.
There is also an advanced tab where you can choose if you want to create an extra step, an
extra preset, before or after or replacing the step you dropped it on.
Organizer (2 tabs) (6.3)
This is the same organizer as the 1 tab organizer, with the option of being able to move
items between two windows, to make work simpler.
Groups are a way of recalling a channel selection with a single
number. They are often used to speed up programming.
Groups - Introduction
Groups - Record
Groups - Select Channels
Groups - Fetch Intensities
Groups - List
Groups - Display List
Groups - Load To Playbacks
Groups - Introduction
Groups are used mainly for selecting lights, but may also be assigned to masters where they
function like traditional intensity submasters. You can store channel combinations into
groups. The difference between a group and a Preset is that a group does not necessarily
need levels for the channels involved, only the channels selected are stored regardless of
how many other channels are active. Groups also do not contain moving light attributes.
Example: channels and levels are stored in groups, under a single number and name.
Group functionality
Record a Group (6.1)
Record a Group:
NOTE: If you are operating in the At Mode syntax you select a group by pressing GROUP
followed by the group number.
Groups - Record
Only selected channels are recorded. The selected channels can have a level, but it is not
900 groups is a remnant from the eighties, when consoles often never had more than 900
channels. To be able to access user definable channel groups from a remote control for
focusing, an exception was made for these presets. In Congo groups 1-999 are available
instead. If an play with 900-groups is imported they will be converted to Congo Groups.
Groups - Select Channels
You can add and subtract channels that are stored in Groups to/from the current channel
At mode syntax
If your Congo is set to use At Mode for channel commands, groups are selected in the same
way as channels once the GROUP key has been pressed. Press CH to return to channel
Groups - Select Channels Context Menu (6.3)
You can select the channels of a Group in the Browser by opening the context menu and
Groups - Fetch Intensities
Fetch intensities for all or specific channels from any Group.
Groups - List
You can view, edit and create new Groups directly in the Group List (GROUP or BROWSER
>Main Show Data>Group).
If the content of a group is changed, the top header will be purple to indicate this. The
channel order of the group is indicated in the far right column.
Group List - Columns & Functions
Open list at... [#] [MODIFY] & The Group list is opened and
[GROUP] focused at the specified
Update changes [UPDATE] [UPDATE] Updates all changes in the
or current group. There is a
[RECORD] [RECORD] popup after the first key.
Insert [INSERT] Inserts a new group with the
next free number, with the
channels that are selected.
Insert as... [#] [INSERT] Inserts a new group with this
number, with the channels
that are selected.
Delete [DELETE] Deletes the selected group.
Cannot be undone.
Set text [MODIFY] Press MODIFY in the text
cell, enter the text and press
MODIFY to exit.
Groups - Display List
You can use a list of groups in the main display of the big Congo console to view, select, add
and subtract groups to the current channel selection.
Groups - Load To Playbacks
You can load Groups directly to any Playback.
A Preset is used to store intensities, attributes or attribute times for
playback in a Sequence, Main- or Master Playback.
Presets - Introduction
Presets - Record
Presets - Update
Presets - List
Presets - Load To Playbacks
Presets - Copy
Presets - Select Channels
Presets - Fetch Intensities
Presets - Display List
Presets - Channel Editor Wizard
Presets - Auto-Save
Presets - Times
Presets - Compare Mode
Presets - Delete
Presets - Rename
Presets - Introduction
The basic building block in Congo is a Preset.
General Facts
Channels, levels, attributes and Dynamic Effects are stored into Presets.
Presets can be played back from the Master Playbacks, and the Main Playback one
by one, or as part of a Sequence or Chase.
You can store Presets with up to three decimals using Preset numbers 0.001-
Presets can be arranged in a list called a Sequence, with predefined fade times.
Presets can be modified blind or live.
Presets can be copied.
Presets can be added together to create new Presets
You can retrieve individual channel levels from recorded Presets with Fetch.
When a Preset is recorded in the A playback, it is automatically placed in numerical
order in a step of the Sequence in that playback.
A Preset is a memory that can be reused in several Sequences or
Playbacks at the same time. To delete it completely you have to go to
the source of all Presets: the Preset List. See Presets - List.
This does NOT mean that the Preset number will disappear from the
Sequence or from Master Pages, but it means that it will be an empty
Preset with no channels or levels stored. It also means that the
number of the Preset will be regarded as an unused Preset in the
When deleting a Preset in the Preset List you will get a checkbox
option of deleting all related Sequence Steps.
Record a Preset Live (6.1)
1. Enter a number
2. Use the level wheel to set an intensity level
3. Press RECORD - you will get a popup suggesting the next free preset number
4. Press RECORD again - you have now recorded a preset
The Main Playback and the Master Playbacks share intensities using
HTP (Highest Takes Precedence) logic. Channels with intensities
coming from Master Playbacks may not appear to fade in the Main
Playback if the levels from the masters are the same or higher than
those in the Main Playback.
Presets - Record
You can record the output on stage, or part of it, to a Preset. What you see in the active
Channel View is what is recorded. Normally only changed moving device parameters are
If there are moving devices defined and you are using "Changed"
recording mode, the first preset in an empty sequence will ask you if
you want to make a block cue.
The Recording Popup (6.3)
The recording popup has Basic, Advanced, and Times tabs. The last used tab is saved as
the default choice for the next record action. The Times tab will default back to the Advanced
tab for the next record action.
In the Basic tab you can confirm recording a Preset (RECORD or MODIFY). You can also
add a Preset or Sequence text and define the fade type.
In the Advanced tab, in addition to the options of the basic tab, you can set a Block flag for
intensities, attributes, and keep Running Dynamics. It is also possible to toggle the GoOnGo
flag and toggle Section Markers.
In the Times tab you can set fade and moving device times.
Record Presets - Live Tab
When the channel control is set to the Live Tab, you will record the complete stage output.
The Preset is automatically added to the sequence in the Main Playback.
*This depends on the BUILD SEQ mode (softkey in the Playback soft key page of the Main
There are a lot of options for recording presets. some are set in the Record Settings (hold
SETUP and press RECORD). This is a summary of the rest.
Record Preset - Do not add to Sequence
When a Preset is recorded, it is automatically added to the sequence in the Main Playback. It
is possible to bypass this.
Depending on how attribute recording is set up only changed moving device parameters are
recorded. You can record all parameters of the selected channels at any time with a
shortcut (similar to a block cue). See Device Recording - Introduction.
Control parameters are normally not recorded. However, many
fixtures have control on the Strobe parameter, which is recorded.
Record Directly To A Master
You can record the selected channels, or all channels with an intensity on stage directly to a
Master. A preset will be created automatically if none is specified. If Attribute recording is set
to Automatic, attributes will also be recorded. The time is default set to 100%. See Presets -
For a Master with a Sequence or Chase, a new preset is recorded to
that Sequence or Chase.
For a Preset - all attributes are recorded, except those Masked by the
Global Mask. For a Sequence step attributes are recorded in the
same way as the sequence of the Main Playback.
Record the selected channels, with attributes and dynamics, to a specified Preset. All
moving device attributes for the selected channels will be recorded (not only changed
Presets - Update
Updates the preset in the playback connected to the channel control. This can be Live, Blind,
any Master Playback or a step in the Preset List.
Presets - List
The Presets list is a spreadsheet view of all presets in your play. You can view, edit and
create new Presets (blind) in the Preset List.
Open the Preset list by pressing PRESET or Browser >Main Show Data >Presets.
Preset List Channel View (6.0)
The top part of the Preset list is a channel view where you can edit all the channel and
attribute values directly.
Press ATTRIB to toggle to the attribute view between channels and attributes. In the attribute
view you can use all the moving device controls to edit parameters.
You can only edit attributes with console functions (wheels and
keys). If you want to edit attributes on the screen, move to the
Attributes cell and press MODIFY to open the Preset Attribute Editor.
Preset List - Columns
Preset List - Functions
These are the functions in the Preset list. See also Copy, Cut & Paste.
Presets - Load To Playbacks
You can load Presets directly to any Playback.
The direct functions allow you to load a series of recorded Presets to Masters, this is called
quick-loading Presets to Masters.
Presets - Copy
Copy a Preset by recording it with a different Preset number. This can be done in any
Playback, or directly in the Preset List. In the Preset List it can be done with the COPY
function as well. See Preset List and Copy, Cut & Paste.
Presets - Select Channels
You can add and subtract channels that are stored in Presets to/from the current channel
You can select the channels of a Preset in the Browser by opening the context menu and
Presets - Fetch Intensities
Fetch intensities for all or specific channels from any Preset.
You can fetch attribute values as well. See Device Control - Fetch/Copy.
Presets - Display List
Opens a list that shows all Presets in the Main LCD of the console.
Presets - Channel Editor Wizard
The Channel Editor Wizard allows you to track intensity changes in all Presets with powerful
arguments. Press WIZARD in any channel view to open the Channel Wizard.
You cannot reverse or undo changes made with this Wizard. We
therefore recommend you strongly to save your play before using
this function.
Channel Editor Wizard - Type Of Change 6.1
You can perform the following actions through any range of Presets.
The parameter "Include All Channels" will affect channels with no level (0%) as well, and is
necessary in some cases.
Function Explanation
Set Level Set level #
Add Absolute Adds # points to the current channel(s) intensity
level - adding with a value of 5, 50% becomes
55%, 80% becomes 85%.
Subtract Absolute Subtract # points from the current channel(s)
intensity level.
Add percent Adds a % of the current channel(s) intensity
level - adding with a value of 10, 50% becomes
55%, 80% becomes 88%.
Subtract percent Subtracts a % from the current channel(s)
intensity level.
Swap channels Change levels between the selected channel
and the channel # in Argument.
Copy from channel Copy all levels from channel value # to the
selected channel(s). (6.1)
Set min level Sets a minimum level HTP with the current
Set max level Sets a maximum level to the current levels.
Depending on the type of change - the number here is the Value used. It can be a level or a
channel number.
Channel Editor Wizard - Include If 0%
This parameter will allow the change to affect the channels with no level (0%) in the target
Presets - Auto-Save
Each time you record a preset or a group all changes to the play since the last RECORD or
Save are stored in a play called AUTOSAVE.ASC.
This play is stored in the Play Archive (Browser >File >Open >Play Archive) and can be
opened like any play.
This is a feature that we recommend you to use with caution. Saving
a large show can slow down the system temporarily.
Presets - Times
FCB times for moving device parameters are stored with the Preset.
The default setting for FCB times is 100% of the main In time
The default setting for FCB delay times is 0 seconds. If you set FCB delay times in
%, then that setting refers to main In time.
These times are executed when played back from a Sequence or from a Master Playback.
You can set them in % or as absolute times in seconds. You can select what to default to in
the Time Settings (SETUP & TIME). Hold C/Alt and press MODIFY to set the opposite of
what is currently selected.
Presets - Compare Mode
The Compare function allows you to compare the current light in the active field with the
recorded version of the preset in the active field. When Compare mode is active it is
indicated in the top of all screens.
Congo Jr
Presets - Delete
Presets are deleted from the Preset List (Browser >Main Show Data >Presets).
Presets - Renumber (6.3)
You can renumber presets in the organizer from the context menu in the Preset nodes.
1. Press SELECT SELECT or right click to open the context menu, then click Renumber.
Changing the number of a Preset will not change any of the
references, such as Master Links, Masters, Sequence Steps, Content
Effects, that pointed to the previous number.
Presets - Import & Undo (6.3)
If you need to import a preset from a previously saved version of your play, because you
want to undo the current changes - it is done in the organizer.
1. Open the Import Organizer for the last saved version (name.001) in the Browser (Browser
>Files >Import From >Play Archive)
2. Drag the previously saved version of the preset and drop on the same preset in the
current play
3. In the Advanced dialogue, check the box "overwrite" (or save with a different number)
You can import a range of presets from a previously saved version of your play.
1. Open the Import Organizer for the last saved version in the Browser (Browser >Files
>Import From >Play Archive)
2. Use SELECT or SHIFT & arrow/mouse to select a range of presets in the previously
saved play.
3. Drag and drop on preset node in the current play
4. In the Advanced dialogue, select the renumbering option "Keep original spacing and gaps"
or "Convert to consecutive numbers" and enter a "start at" number for the first preset.
Keep original spacing and gaps will keep preset numbering as it was in the old play, using
the start at value to create an offset. For example, if you drag in presets numbered 1, 1.5
and 3 into the current play with a start at value of 5, the new presets will be numbered 5, 5,5
and 8.
Convert to Consecutive Numbers will clean up decimals and gaps in the preset list - so
dragging in the same three presets 1, 1.5 and 3 into the current play using this setting and a
start at value of 5 will create presets 5, 6 and 7.
A sequence is a list of presets that can be played back manually, with
fade times, and as a chase.
Sequences - Introduction
Sequences - In The Main Playback
Sequences - List
Sequences - Sequence List
Sequences - Crossfade Movefade, Lockfade
Sequences - Times
Sequences - Insert Step
Sequences - Delete Step
Sequences - Links
Sequences - Load
Sequences - Build & Modify Modes
Sequences - Block Values
Sequences - Track List
Sequences - Chase mode
Sequences - drag and drop data (6.3)
Sequences - Introduction
Theatrical style playback of a number of pre-recorded looks and times is called a "sequence"
in Congo.
A sequence is a list of sequence steps. Each step always contains a preset. Each time a
Preset is recorded in the Live tab a new Sequence step is created with that Preset. Basically
everything in Congo can be triggered from a sequence.
General Facts
1. Enter a number
2. Use the level wheel to set an intensity level
3. Press RECORD - you will get a popup suggesting the next free preset number
4. Press RECORD again - you have now recorded a preset, and it has been added as
the first (or next) sequence step in the main playback
5. Repeat this procedure three times - you will have a sequence with three steps
The Main Playback and the Master Playbacks share intensities using
HTP (Highest Takes Precedence) logic. Channels with intensities
coming from Master Playbacks may not appear to fade in the Main
Playback if the levels from the masters are the same or higher than
those in the Main Playback.
Sequences - In The Main Playback
When you open a new play there is a default sequence (1) in the Main Playback.
When you record a Preset in the Live field it will be added to the sequence in the Main
Sequences - List
You can insert and delete sequences, and change playback modes (chase) in the
Sequences list (SEQ or BROWSER >Sequence).
*The Sequence is deleted, and all timing and text information. The Preset still exists in the
Preset list and can be used again.
Sequences List - Columns
Sequences - Sequence List
You can view, edit and delete sequence steps in the Sequence list (# SEQ or BROWSER
>Sequence >#).
The currently active sequence step in the main playback is indicated with a brown
You can open the Sequence List for the Main Playback by holding
MODIFY and pressing PLAYBACK. This is not possible, however, in
Tabs that use MODIFY for other functions.
Sequence List Channel View (6.0)
The top part of the Sequence list is a channel view where you can edit all the channel and
attribute values directly.
Press ATTRIB to toggle to the attribute view between channels and attributes. In the attribute
view you can use all the moving device controls to edit parameters.
You can only edit attributes with console functions (wheels and
keys). If you want to edit attributes on the screen, move to the Preset
cell and press MODIFY twice to open the Preset Attribute Editor.
Sequence List Functions
Move Step Drag and You can drag and drop a Sequence
drop Step with the trackball to move it.
In time [#] [IN] Sets an In time of # seconds directly
to the focused step.
Out time [#] [OUT] Sets an Out time of # seconds
directly to the focused step.
You can use COPY, CUT and PASTE to insert and delete steps in the
Sequence List as well. See Copy, Cut & Paste.
Sequence List - Columns
Part 1
* You can toggle the time between two steps between Wait, Alert and Followon. See
Sequence Times - Alert Times and Sequence Times - WAF Wait & Followon Times
Part 2
In the sequence list you can see and edit both the unique sequence step text and the text
belonging to the preset occupying a sequence step.
Go to the Text column and press MODIFY to edit the sequence step text.
Go to the P-Text column and press MODIFY to edit the Preset text.
Sequences - Crossfade Movefade & Lockfade
When you record a new Preset to a Sequence you will get the option to store it as a
Crossfade, a Movefade or a Lockfade. Each of these modes affects how channels in that
Preset will be played back when a the next crossfade is started.
When you jump in the sequence with GOTO, the history of all fades will be executed
to recreate the correct state after the jump.
GOTO & B updates the current state (scanning backwards in the sequence
accumulating Move/Lock fades).
For a Lock fade, it is not possible to press PAUSE or GO BACK, since the nature is
to "lock" the fade regardless of other playback controls.
Stepping through the sequence with SEQ+/SEQ- or using GOTO will stop current
Lock fades.
If you start a move or lock fade on top of a crossfade, the crossfade now continues
to run in the background and is also available for speed control on the display.
Move and Lock fades are indicated with M and L in the Channel Views.
Sequences - Times (6.0)
You can set times to a sequence step, and all channels and moving device parameters will
follow that time.
You can also set individual times in seconds, or as a percentage of the in- and delay times
for each channel and moving device parameter in a sequence step.
Times are set from, like this: 0.01 9.99. seconds to 49.59 minutes (0.1- 4959). It is possible
to use hundreds of seconds as input during the first 10 seconds (v6.0)
When no time is set to a sequence step, the default time (5seconds) will be used. Change
this setting by holding SETUP and pressing A.
The easiest way to set times to ANY step of the sequence in the main playback is to use the
TIME EDITOR. Enter the number of the step, hold MODIFY and press TIME. See The Time
Editor Popup.
Fade times of a Sequence Step are related to that step, not to the
Preset occupying the Step. This makes it possible to use the same
Preset with different fade times in other Steps or in the Masters.
Times are set to A or B depending on what situation you are working in. The current setting
is indicated with an arrow next to the times:
Sequence Times - Main Times (in/out/delay/wait)
Times are set to the step in A (Active) or B (Next) depending on the setting for times (SETUP
& TIME).
* A Wait or Followon time will automatically execute a crossfade to the Step it is assigned to.
The difference is that a Wait time starts counting down after the END of the previous
crossfade, while the Followon time starts counting down from the START of the previous
crossfade. Wait times is the default setting. The Alert time will count down as a warning to
the operator, but not execute the next fade. See Sequence Times - Alert Times.
Sequence Times - Channel Times
Times are set to the step in A (Active) or B (Next) depending on the setting for times (SETUP
& TIME).
Function Soft Key Feedback
1. Select the TIME soft TIMES (soft key) The time soft key page is
menu page selected in the main
2. Set a channel time for [#] [CH_TIME] A time is set for the
the selected channels selected channels. You
can set a text label to the
channel time group.
3. Set a channel delay [#] [CH_DELAY] A time is set for the
time for the selected selected channels.
This is what it looks like in a playback view, If no name is assigned, the channel numbers will
be shown.
This is how the time is indicated in the live channel view, under the level.
When Channel Times are activated, the first four Channel Times are
shown on the Main Display over the 4 wheels. The status for each
Channel Time is displayed over each wheel. Rate for each channel
can be adjusted with the corresponding wheel and the Channel Time
can be started/stopped with the corresponding wheel key.
Channel Times are edited in the Channel Time Editor (press MODIFY in the ChTime column
of the Sequence List). See Sequence List.
This is where you can add a text to each channel time group. This text is shown in the
graphical time line view of the Playback list.
The Time Editor Popup
The Time Editor (also part of the Record popups Advanced tab) allows you to edit the times
of any sequence step from a popup.
Press MODIFY and TIME to open the Time Editor popup for the step in A or B (see NOTE
Enter the number of a step first to open it for any step.
The Time Editor follows the setting of the "Times in A/B" parameter
in the Congo Setup (SETUP or F11).
The WAF box allows you to toggle between Wait, Alert and Followon
time for this step.
The first six existing Channel Times can be edited directly in the Channel Times tab.
The Time Soft Key Page is selected with the soft key TIMES in the Main Display of the
Congo Jr (6.2)
These are the functions available. All times are set to the Main Playback.
FCB Times are set to the Preset of a Sequence Step. See Moving Device Times - FCB Time
Individual Moving Device Parameter times are set to the preset of a Sequence Step. See
Moving Device Times - Parameter Time.
Sequence Times - WAF Alert Times
An Alert time will count down from the completion of the previous crossfade, and alert the
operator as to when the next fade should be manually executed.
There is a Learn Mode that will record Alert times automatically as a show is played back in
real time by an operator. This mode is activated with the soft key LEARN ALERT in the
Times Soft Key page. See The Times Soft Key Page.
Time Limit
There is both a visual and an audio warning set to alert 5 seconds before the next fade. You
can change this time limit in the Time Settings. See Settings - Crossfade.
The top part of the playback view will be green as long as the alert time is over 5 seconds. At
5 seconds it turns yellow and after completion it turns red.
The Alert time is edited in the Sequence List WFA and WFA Time columns. It can be toggled
to be a Wait or Followon Time as well. See Sequence List - Columns. See also Sequence
Times - WFA Wait & Followon Times.
It's possible to set a Wait or Followon time between each step of a Sequence.
A Wait time will execute the step it is on, # seconds after the completion of the previous fade.
A Followon time will execute the next step, # seconds after the start of the fade. The
Followon time is displayed in the same way as the Alert Times. See Sequence Times - WAF
Alert Times.
The Wait and Followon times are edited in the Sequence List WAF and WAF Time columns.
They can be toggled to be an Alert Time as well. See Sequence List - Columns.
Sequences - Crossfade Profiles (6.0)
You can record the movements of the A and B faders. When you start the crossfade the next
time, the profile will be played back.
1. Start recording a profile by pressing the LEARN PROFILE soft key in the Times soft key
page. See Times Soft Key Page.
2. The recording will stop when both faders reach their end position at the same time.
The total time of A and B are separately stored as the Out and In times. If you change these
times, the recorded profiles will be scaled on playback to play back in the new time.
A new column (Profile) is added in Sequence Editor. It shows a check mark when a profile
has been recorded. You can press DELETE in this column to delete the profile.
Sequences - Insert Step
There are two ways of inserting a sequence step between two existing ones.
When you are working directly in a Playback and record a new preset, it is inserted
numerically into the sequence of that Playback.
You can insert a preset into the sequence of the main playback directly.
Insert A Sequence Step - In The List
Sequences - Delete Step
Function Shortcut Feedback
1. Open the Sequence [#] [SEQ] The List for sequence #
list is opened.
2. Select the step you Arrow Keys The selected step is
wish to delete highlighted in yellow.
3. Delete the selected [DELETE] You will get a popup
step where you can choose to
delete this step and the
related Preset.
When you delete a Sequence Step all assigned times, links and texts
are lost. The Preset of that step can still exist in the Preset List, and
be used again.
You can delete a sequence step in the main playback directly. The Preset is left intact in the
Preset List.
Sequences - Links
A sequence step can have a link to Master fades, a Master Page, a different sequence step
(see NOTE in this explanation), and a Macro.
All links are done in the Sequence List which can be opened with # SEQ or Browser >Main
Show Data >Sequences >#.
Master Links are loaded when the Sequence step is loaded to the B field. They are faded
when GO is pressed or the crossfade faders are moved.
All functions in the Master Link list are the same as in the View
Masters list. The only differing one is Target, which is the level the
Master will fade to. To load a Master for manual operation, set the
target level to 0%.
Sequence Step Links - Shortcut
There is a shortcut for inserting a Master Link directly to the current Sequence Step in the
Main Playback.
Insert link with target [#] [INSERT] & Master # is linked, with
[Master_Key] its current content, and a
target level of 100 or 0%
depending on earlier
Sequence Step Links - Another Step
Links to another sequence step are used mainly to create playback
loops. Links are NOT used to change a playback order in Congo - this
is done by cutting and pasting a step in a different location. See
Copy, Cut & Paste.
Sequences - Load
A Sequence can be loaded to the Main Playback, or any Master Playback. For information
on how to control a Sequence once it is loaded, see Main Playback and Masters.
Loading a non-existent Sequence to Playback will open a window
asking if you wish to create that Sequence.
Sequences - Build & Modify Modes (6.3)
There are two modes that affect recording and playback of Sequences. Build Sequence and
Modify Sequence.
The fastest way to toggle them on/off is with the context menu (right-click) on the header of
the Playback Tab (6.3).
Both can be set in System Settings as well. See System Settings - Crossfade.
Sequence - Build Sequence Mode
This mode is set in the Crossfade Settings. See System Settings - Crossfade.
The default setting for this mode is ON. When ON every Preset recorded in the Live or A tab
will automatically be added to the Sequence in the Main Playback (in numerical order). The
only reason to set this mode to OFF is when a Preset recorded in Live or A should NOT be
added to the sequence in the Main Playback.
You can record a Preset without adding it to the Sequence in the
Main Playback with a shortcut; # RECORD & PRESET
This function is accessed by a softkey in the Misc Soft Key Page. See Navigating - Misc Soft
Key Page.
The default setting for this mode is OFF. When turned ON all crossfade in Sequences will
disregard Wait and Followon Times, Master Links, Master Pages, Links and other linked
information. It is a mode created for rehearsals where only the main lighting changes are
advanced manually.
When activated there will be a popup explaining what this means for the user;
Sequences - Block Values
It is possible to set a block for all track editing functions for a step.This is done in the
Sequences List.
A block is indicated in the Playback List with a B after the Preset and a line over the step.In
this image step 7 is blocked.
Currently all intensities are blocked. To block the intensity for an
individual channel set it to a different value from incoming or
outgoing values (like 99% or 49%).
Sequences - Track List
All tracking features have been moved to the chapter Track List.
See Track List.
Sequences - Chase Mode
A chase is a sequence set to chase mode, which means it
will constant loop during playback. See Sequences.
Chase - Introduction
Chase - Playback View
Chase - Playback Modes
Chase - Set Rate
Chase - BPM & Tap Tempo
Chase - Wizard
Chase - Introduction
A Sequence can be set to run in Chase mode. This means the Sequence will chase
endlessly through all Steps on the predefined times. There are several parameters that can
affect how it will run in Chase mode.
General Facts
Chase - Playback View
The Chase playback view is the same as the Sequence Playback view with some added
The added chase functionality appears under the sequence name display in the top of the
Playback view. The functions are described in The Sequences List Columns as well as the
rest of this chapter.
Chase - Playback Modes
There are three modes that affect the playback of a chase.
Chase - Set Rate
You can set a rate 1-1000% for a Chase. It will scale all times proportionally.
Chase - BPM & Tap Tempo
You can set the tempo/speed to a chaser in BPM. This can be set numerically in the
Sequences tab (Browser >Main Show Data >Sequences) or using the Tap Tempo function.
*The BPM parameter is only used for sequences in Chase mode. When the BPM parameter
is set, it will override all programmed times. The In and Out times will be 0 s and the Wait
time will be set according to the BPM parameter.
2. Tap the Tempo [TAP] & Hold TAP and tap the
[Master_Key] Master Key at least
*You have to tap at least 2 times in a row before the new tempo is activated. The tapping
speed is translated to, and stored as the BPM parameter in the Sequence List. You can
easily change it afterwards.
Chase - Wizard
The Chase Wizard can create a chase sequence from a channel selection. It is activated
from within the Sequences List.
This is the Chase Wizard
Chase Wizard - Functions
Sequences - Split Fade (6.1)
There is a setting in the Mode cell of each step in the Sequence List that allows you to set
the fade mode to S (Split) in which there will be no dipless calculation between the
crossfaders - allowing for a blackout by moving each fader to zero.
Sequences - Drag And Drop (6.3)
There are many ways of moving around data in a sequence. Drag and drop is one of them. It
can be useful if you want to reorganize the order of your sequence steps, or for example if
you want to move an attribute link from one step to another.
Moving or copying a sequence step to another position can be done in all three Sequence
Playback View
Sequence List
Simply select the step you wish to move, click, hold and drag to another position and drop.
In the Sequence List:
In the Organizer:
COPY = Makes a copy of the source and inserts it into the sequence after the target step.
MOVE = Moves the source and inserts it into the sequence after the target step.
If you select the Advanced tab by pressing left arrow you get the following options:
The first option allows you to define where you want to copy/move the step to.
The second option "Create Between" allows you to create a new step with a new preset
number and insert (after/before).
Drag and Drop Device Attributes (6.3)
Moving and copying device links in a sequence can be done in the organizer, or in the main
playback tab.
1. Open the Organizer tab (Browser >Main Show Data >Organizer (1 tab)) and expand the
sequence nodes.
2. Left-click, hold and drag the Devices node from step 2 to step 1, and drop. This will give
you a dialogue:
Your options are to either copy, or move the device link you just dragged.
You can drag all devices, devices of the same type or just a single
device depending on where you click when you drag.
Main Playback Tab
In the main Playback Tab, left-click, hold and drag devices in the device cell of a sequence
step to another step and drop to get the same dialogue as when you drag and drop in the
Organizer as described above.
Sequences - Section Markers (6.3)
You can organize the contents of a sequence visually by setting section markers that will
provide a blue heading. In addition to this you can jump between section markers.
The quickest way to apply or remove a section marker is using the context menu (right-click
over a sequence step in the Playback tab).
You can see and set the section markers in the sequence editor as well - in the column at
the far right
AND you can set the section marker also when you record a new preset in the sequence
from the Advanced Record dialogue.
Jump Between Section Markers (6.3)
A new Direct Select type is available for Sections to make a Goto directly
Playlist (6.2)
The Playlist allows you to arrange the order in which sequences are loaded to the main
3. Activate Playlist Mode from the Misc Soft Key Page (see below).
NOTE (6.2)
You can reset the Playlist to strart from the top at anytime by holding
C and pressing PLAYLIST in the Misc Soft Key Page.
The Playlist - Mode
Playlist mode is activated by the softkey PLAYLIST in the Misc Soft Key Page.
Congo Jr
When it is active all Sequences in the Playlist will be loaded when the previous is finished,
until the end. Every time a new Sequence is loaded this will be notified with a message on
the main screen.
Hold [<--] and press the softkey PLAYLIST in the Misc soft key page to activate the Playlist
in the main display.
You can select any sequence with the trackball in DispList mode by clicking on it.
Groups/Palettes Overview
This is an overview showing both Groups and Palettes of all types (Focus, Color, Beam, All)
in the same tab.
>Settings & Tools - Main Show Data
These are the settings and tools for Main Show Data.
Fade Curves
Notes Editor
Delete Wizard
Fade Curves (6.1)
It is possible to create and assign fade curves to each crossfade. It is possible to create any
kind of curve in the Fade Curve Editor. The curves affect intensities, not Moving
Device attributes.
When you create a new play (6.1) a set of standard fade curves are loaded.
Notes Editor
Notes allow a comment and a color code to be attached to any Sequence Step, Group,
Preset or Palette. All Notes are summarized in a list with a time and user stamp - and a
direct link to the object the Note is attached to.
All Notes are tagged with a time stamp, and the user login of the operator.
Notes are shown in the Playback View with Flags.
The color of these flags can be set in the Notes Editor.
In the Notes Editor, it is possible to edit, delete and change color code for Notes.
Notes - Create
Playback view
Sequence List
Preset List
Group List
Focus Palette List
Color Palette List
Beam Palette List
All Palette List
Pressing NOTE (for example in the Preset List) will produce the following popup
Notes - Editor
Open the Notes Editor by holding MODIFY and pressing NOTE or from the Browser
(Browser >Main Show Data >Settings and Tools >Note Editor).
Note Editor - Delete
Delete Wizard
The Delete Wizard allows you to delete bulk data in your play.
It is opened from the Browser >Main Show Data >Settings and Tools >Delete Wizard.
Delete All
Delete Partial
Every dimmer or device controlled from Congo is selected and
controlled by its channel number.
Channels Node
Channels Functions
Live View
Blind View
Track List
>Settings and Tools - Channels
Channels - Introduction
A channel is the "handle" you call upon to control any dimmer or moving device connected to
the system.
Dimmer channel
Channels are selected with the channel functions of the programming section. The Channel
Control functions are mapped to any section of the console at any time - for example
pressing LIVE connects to the A field of the Main Playback, pressing BLIND connects to the
Blind field.
Channel Control is not the same thing as a "programmer" where
channels are "stolen" into the programmer and have to be "released"
- instead the Channel Control is mapped to any Playback (A, B, Live,
Blind, Masters), and controls the channels directly in that playback.
General Facts
Channel levels can be set with the faders in Channels Only Mode
Channels can be selected and set with a Command Syntax from the keypad
Channel levels are set from 0-100%. 0% values are not displayed on the channel
screen and 100% values are displayed as F, standing for "Full". The full resolution of
DMX 512 is higher than 100 steps, its 256 steps called bits. Therefore there are
functions for setting and changing levels in increments of bits (0-255).
Channels are always controlled directly in a playback or an editor, and the current
one is indicated in the small display "Channel Control" at the bottom of all screens.
There is a Highlight mode, mainly used for focusing devices, that can also be used
for conventional lights. See Device Control -- Highlight Mode.
Channels - Functions
These are the channel functions.
Channels - Views
Channels - Command Syntax
Channels - Ch Only Mode
Channels - 8 bit 256 Step Levels
Channels - Capture Mode
Channels - Clear Functions
Channels - Check Mode
Channels - Balance Mode
Channels - Random Selection
Channels - Scale Level
Channels - Used & Unused
Channels - Group Wheel Mode
Channels - Rem Dim
Channels - Next & Last Mode
Channels - Views
Channels are displayed graphically in channel views. These views are part of editors like the
Preset Editor, the Sequence Editor, Effect Editors etc. The main channel view is the LIVE
Channel views can show channel intensities, palettes and attributes. They have different
levels of detail and can be zoomed. For more information see Navigating - Channel Views
and Live - Introduction.
Channels - Command Syntax
The default mode for entering commands in the system is simple to learn, requires few
keystrokes and applies to all functions in the system. It is used a lot in HP calculators for
speedy calculations and is called Reverse Polish Notation (RPN). Since RPN applies to
everything in the system we recommend you spend the necessary 30 minutes to understand
it. There's one single rule: enter the number first and press the function key after.
At Mode (also called (Direct Entry) is different in the way that ch numbers are entered
directly, followed by a function (@ LEVEL for example) and the value of that function.
At mode setting is set up and stored in the registry as a system
setting. See System Settings - General.
Select Channels (6.1)
The fastest way to select a channel and set a level regardless of syntax is to enter the
number of that channel and move the level wheel.
This is a table with the key entries for most channel commands.
To complete a channel selection in At Mode without pressing the @
LEVEL key. use the decimal [.] key.
Set Channel Levels
Once a channel(s) is selected you can set levels in the following ways.
*This is the Step Level value of the SETUP for the Level key. You can change it by holding
SETUP and pressing @LEVEL.
There is a function for setting the last recorded level, and for fetching
levels from any recorded Preset.
Park Level
You can set a channel at a constant level. It will not be affected by any other controls
(including the Grand Master).
See Park.
Channels - Ch Only Mode
The idea of a Channels Only Mode allows a complete novice to get some lights on stage.
The Fader Mode switch converts all 40 Playback faders to channel faders temporarily,
actually turning the console into a single scene board.
The levels will remain when you exit Channel Only mode and can be used in the normal
Channels - 8 bit 256 Step Levels
You can work with 8 bit 256 step levels.
Levels for channels controlling dimmers are traditionally set from 0-100%. The internal
resolution of DMX 512 however, is about 2.5 times greater, from 0 to 255. You may want to
use this higher accuracy when you are setting values for mechanical dimming devices.
The board will display the %-value rounded off to the closest value. (1.4% will be displayed
as 1% and 1.6% will be displayed as 2%)
To convert between 0-100% and 0-255 raw DMX levels, you divide the % level with 0.39
(100/255=0.39). For example: 50% / 0.39 = 128 bit steps (actually 128.21)
The other way around you multiply by the same factor of 0.39. Example: 129 x 0.39 =
256 bit step levels are not displayed on the channel screen, but are
stored with the show and exported in ASCII Light Cues.
Channels - Capture Mode
Capture Mode makes it possible to control and record any channel level or parameter,
regardless of where it is output from. Captured levels are considered to be changed at all
times and will be recorded into Presets accordingly. The channel is kept until released.
It is possible to work in a permanent Capture mode, and there are functions for Capturing
any part of a ch.
As soon as Capture is active for a channel or parameter, this is indicated at the top of all
While Capture mode is activated, all channels that are changed are automatically captured.
Capturing levels or parameters
Regardless if Capture mode is active or not, it is always possible to capture channels or part
of channels. Capture mode is not toggled to a permanent active state by these commands
That all of these commands will affect the currently selected channels. If a number is entered
first, only this channel will be affected.
Releasing Captured Channels
Captured channels are released back to the sum of all playbacks, this can be done on time.
Channels - Clear Functions
The C/ALT key is used in combination with other keys to quickly clear different playback
areas of channel levels and channel selection.
*Captured channels and Independent Channels in Exclusive mode are not cleared.
**Channels in Master Playbacks are restored by bringing the Master fader to zero and back
Home Attribute functions
Channels - Check Mode
There is a function for stepping through a series of channels at any selected level. If a
channel is already set to a level when checked it will cut back to the previous level when the
next channel is checked.
Channels - Balance Mode
The Balance makes it possible to temporarily set all channels to 0% except a selection. The
original output of these channels is restored when Balance Mode is exited. This key is in the
Channels Soft Key Page. As soon as balance mode is activated, it is indicated at the top of
all screens.
Congo Jr
Action Key Feedback
1. Select the channels to See Channel Command
work with Syntax
2. Activate Balance [BALANCE] All other channels in the
Mode channel view will be set
to 0% temporarily. You
can now work with the
selected channels.
3. Exit Balance Mode [BALANCE] The channel levels that
were muted are restored.
It is not possible to use RECORD when Balance mode is active.
It is possible to set the REM DIM key to function as BALANCE instead. This is done in the
System Settings.
Channels - Random Select
It is possible to randomize the order of the channels within the current selection. This can be
used to get a random order in a chase or with a Dynamic Effect.
Congo Jr
You can use the numbering functions that allow you to select every 2nd, 3rd or Nth together
with the random function.
Channels - Scale channel levels
Channel Scale is a multiplier applied to the intensity level. When 100%, channels are
controlled and played back at normal or recorded levels. Scale settings other than 100% will
proportionally inhibit or boost the intensity output by the channel. For example, a channel
scaled to 150% will play back 75% when actually recorded and played back at 50% by a
When the light source is too bright due to temporary change of hanging position
When you need to brighten part of a rig temporarily to adapt it for camera footage
1. Hold the SCALE soft key in the Channels Soft key page of the main display. The channel
view will show the scale levels.
2. Use the level wheel to set the scale level 0-200% for the selected channel(s).
A channel with a scaled level gets a symbol next to the level, and the scale leve is shown in
the INFO area of the Browser when the channel is selected.
Scaling from the channel list
Channels - Used & Unused
You can create a selection of channels based on if they are used or not in the
sequence loaded to the Main Playback.
Channels - Group Wheel Mode
In Group Wheel Mode you can assign a channel group to each wheel under the Main
Display. All wheels interact inside the A field of the Live tab on a Latest Takes Precedence
Congo Jr
Congo Jr
Load channels
The channels affected by a group wheel are updated when they are
selected. This means that if the level has changed (by a crossfade or
a manual change of some kind), the group wheel will now always
catch up. The overflow/underflow information will therefore be lost if
you are taking multiple channels over 100% or under 0%.
Channels - Rem Dim
Rem Dim will set all channels in the Channel Control to zero, except the currently selected
It is possible to set the REM DIM key to function as BALANCE. This is
done in the System Settings. See System Settings - Channel
Channels - Soft key page
The Channels Soft Key Page is selected with the soft key CHANNELS in the Main Display of
the console.
Congo Jr
Channels - Next & Last Mode
Next/Last will step through the current channel selection, in the order they were selected.
The focused channel is mapped to intensity and parameter controls.
Next/Last and Highlight Mode are often used in combination for
focusing single channels within a channel selection. See Highlight
Channels - Select Functions
This key is in the Select Soft key page.
Open by pressing SELECT (softkey) from the top menu in the Main Display of the console
facepanel. See Main Display - Functions.
Select - Sub-selection Functions
In all cases below - Press SELECT ALL to return to the original selection.
Function Soft Key Feedback
Every 2nd [Select_2nd] Every second channel from the
current channel selection is
selected. Use NEXT/LAST to
Every 3rd [Select_3rd] Every third channel from the
current channel selection is
selected. Use NEXT/LAST to
Every # th * [#] [Select_Nth] Every # th channel from the
current channel selection is
selected. Use NEXT/LAST to
Random 2nd [RANDOM] & Two random selections are
[Select_2nd] created from the current
selection. Use NEXT/LAST to
Random 3rd [RANDOM] & Three random selections are
[Select_3rd] created from the current
selection. Use NEXT/LAST to
Random Nth [RANDOM] & Nth random selections are
[Select_Nth] created from the current
selection. Use NEXT/LAST to
Live (6.0)
The Live tab is the most fundamental tab, where you can view and
edit values for channels and devices "live".
Live - Introduction
Editing in Live
Channel Symbols
Live - Introduction (6.0)
Live is the main Channel view where you can control and view the live output of all channels
and devices. The Live tab shows all channel levels, no matter where they are output from. If
you add channel intensities they will be output from the Active field of the Main Playback (A).
The Live Tab cannot be closed with ESC unless it is unlocked. To
unlock hold SETUP and press TAB when it is selected.
Pressing LIVE will always select the Live tab, and allow you to control channels and devices.
Selecting channels with mouse (6.3)
Click on a channel to select or deselect it, and hold SHIFT and click on a channel to make a
THRU function. In channel layouts you can click on a bar or box to select all channel on/in it.
Right-click in a channel view to open the context menu with channel functions
You can drag and drop channels between channel views, and to masters. All intensities will
be copied.
All channel views have a variety of viewing formats (selected, non-zero etc). The currently
selected format is indicated in the top right corner of each Channel View. To read more
about the viewing formats see Navigating - Channel views.
All channels
Selected channels
Selected and non-zero channels
Selected and captured channels
Selected and used in play channels* (see NOTE)
Channel Layout (if there is one defined)
# FORMAT (select Channel Layout)
You can activate the following of those formats directly by holding FORMAT and pressing a
SELECTED AND USED IN PLAY = Shows channels that are recorded
in presets and Groups. If you select previously not recorded
channels, they will be shown in this view. But, when you select this
format the next time, a new scan through all groups and presets will
be made and they will disappear again if they dont have recorded
Hold C & FORMAT to reset the zoom factor.
Channel Information - Info Box
Under the Browser there is an INFO box which will show information for the currently
selected channel(s). It is possible to use NEXT/LAST to focus a single channel within a
selection and get the channel info.
Multiple Live Tabs
It is possible to open several Live tabs. They can be set to operate individually, or linked to
the same channel pool - synchronising to show as many channels as possible at all times.
Every Live tab that is supposed to be linked to the same channel pool needs to activate this
1. Hold SETUP and press TAB (with the Tab in mind focused).
Editing in Live
All controls of the console are available for editing when Live is active.
Intensities = HTP
Intensities are added to the output in the A field of the main playback. The levels are piled by
Highest Takes Precedence (HTP)on top of the output from all playbacks.
Record in Live (6.0)
You can record in Live directly to the sequence in the main playback, directly to a master, or
to Preset.
Channel Symbols (6.0)
These are the different channel and device symbols with indicators for basic modes and
You can choose different levels of detail as shown below by holding FORMAT and pressing
the up/down arrows.
Dimmer channels
The channel number is on top, and the level is indicated with a level bar to the right of the
number and/or a level in % 0-F under.
Similar to dimmer channels, except there is additional information about the currently
selected color.
Moving Devices
Similar to dimmer channels, except there is additional information about the device template
and Focus, Color and Beam palettes and activity. If the device has color mixing there is a
color preview to the left of the channel number showing the current mix.
You can toggle if palette names or number are shown by holding FORMAT and pressing
left/right arrow.
Basic indications
*Masters are 1-40, Main Playback is AB, Independents are displayed as "I", Capture as
"C" and Remote fields are displayed as "Re".
Channel Information - Important modes (6.0)
These are the different modes and functions that can "steal" or "filter" the levels and
parameters of a channel or device.
Channel Information - Fade indications (6.0)
Channel information for fades are only shown in the Live channel view and are all related to
the sequence in the main playback.
Up = blue arrow
Down = green arrow
No indication means it is not
Channel Channel Time (T) and Delay
Times (D) are indicated under the
Blind (6.0)
The Blind tab allows you to view and edit values for channels and
devices blind.
Blind - Introduction
Editing in Blind
Blind - Introduction 6.0)
Blind is a channel view where you can control any channels and devices blind.
Pressing BLIND will always select the blind tab, and allow you to edit channels and
devices without affecting the output.
The channel viewing formats, zoom and channel information are the same as for all channel
views and Live - see Channel viewing formats.
Editing In Blind (6.0)
Most normal controls of the console are available for editing in Blind.
You can record from Blind directly to a master, or to Preset.
Copy and load functions
There are shortcuts for quickly copying information to and from the Blind tab.
Track List
It is possible to track intensities, channels, devices and attributes in
Groups, Presets, Palettes and Sequences.
Track - Introduction
Track - Channels
Track - Lists
Track - Presets
Track - Palettes
Track - Track Editing
Track - Introduction (6.3)
It is possible to Track a channel/moving device selection with attributes through Play data
(Presets, Groups, Palettes, Sequences. It is also possible from the Browser, to track Presets
and Palettes.
To track an object press TRACK or open the context menu (SELECT SELECT or right-click)
You can press MODIFY in the first column of any track list to open
the corresponding editor for that item.
In all Track Lists with attributes (Seq, Preset, Palettes), both
attributes and levels can be toggled on/off. See Track Channels -
Show Levels & Attributes.
Track List - Functions
Track List - Show Levels & Attributes
In all Track Lists with attributes, the attributes and levels can be toggled on/off with the
following functions.
Track - Channels
The current channel selection can be tracked in Sequences, Chases, Presets, Groups and
all kinds of Palettes (Focus, Color, Beam & All).
Once the channel(s) are selected there is a key combination of TRACK and some other key
to activate the corresponding tracking tab.
You can delete attribute values by pressing DELETE in a cell. There is no undo for this.
***Track list for the Sequence of a Master Playback
Track To Wizard
If you press WIZARD on a level in a sequence step, you will get a popup where you can
select up to which Sequence Step the same level should be changed (= Tracked To).
*Track list for Presets
Track Channels - Palettes
Track the current channel selection in Palettes (Focus, Color, Beam, All).
See Track Channels - Show Levels & Attributes.
****Track list for All Palettes
Track the current channel selection in Sequences, Presets, Groups and Palettes.
Track - Presets (6.3)
A Preset can be tracked through the current Play. The TRACK function used in the Browser
will produce a listing of all sequences and steps where that Preset is used in the current
Track a Preset in the Organizer
Select the preset under the Preset Node in the Organizer tab and press TRACK (F12) or use
the context menu Track command (SELECT SELECT or right-click).
The Track command can only be used on objects within the current
play and not in the Organizer (Import From) tab.
Track - Palettes
All types of Palettes can be tracked through the current Play. This is done by selecting the
Palette in the Palette node of the Browser (F10) and pressing TRACK.
*Track list for tracking Color Palette 3.0 from the Browser.
Track - Track Editing
Track editing is a very powerful way to edit in a Sequence. They are used to save time when
the same type of change is wanted in a series of Presets.
Intensity changes in a Preset (for all channels) can be tracked forward and/or backward.
When an Intensity Block is set they will stop. This can be set in the Sequence List. See
Sequences - Block Values.
Each channel will be tracked individually until the position where the
level changes value. Dialog shows the number of channels that will
be affected. A step in the sequence set to Block Tracking will prevent
levels from tracking through. To set a block on individual channels in
a step set the intensity to 1% higher or lower on those channels
you wish to block.
Track Editing - Update Attributes (6.1)
Attribute changes in a Preset (for all channels) can be updated to the Preset where they
were last changed.
This dialog includes the possibility to track forwards/backwards/both directions like the
intensity dialog.
Record if changed looks up the sequence on the main playback and finds the source of the
tracked-in attribute(s) and makes the update in that preset.
Record if Active updates many presets, forwards, backwards or in both directions from the
current preset, until a different value or a block instruction is encountered.
3. Confirm.
If you have RECORD set to ACTIVE the console will insert data where
required in previous and7or subsequent steps when this editing is
Track Editing - Unblock Attributes
An Unblock function can be accessed by pressing WIZARD in the Sequence List. It will
remove all duplicate parameter values for Devices in the sequence in the main playback.
You can select the start and stop step for this operation.
3. Make your selection and confirm. All redundant parameters will be deleted.
Park allow you to Park any part of a channel or device at a constant
value. The Park status is stored with the play.
Keyboard shortcut = Z.
Park - Introduction
Park - Parking Values
Park - Edit Parked Values
Park - Un-parking Values
Park - Parked Items List
Park - Introduction
Park allows you to Park the output of any part of a channel or device at a constant value.
Parked values are indicated with PARK in the Channel view and the Info box of the
Browser when the channel is selected.
Wheel parameter keys.
Park replaces the Constant feature of older versions than 4.2.
Park - Parking values
The Parked status is indicated in the status part at the top of the screens in blue, in the Live
channel view for each channel ("PARK") and in the attribute views (dimmed).
PARK applies to the selected cells when an Attribute View is open.
There is a Parked items list that is opened with MODIFY & PARK.
You can hold PARK and press several different values consequently.
Park - Edit Parked Values
Parked values can be edited in the PARK column of the Channel and Output lists. Select the
cell, enter a value and press MODIFY (or click).
Both lists can be opened from the Browser > Patching >Settings and Tools >.
Park - Un-parking Values
It is easy to un-park values. The Parked status is indicated in the Live channel view ("PARK")
and in the attribute views (dimmed).
You can hold the soft key UNPARK (Misc) and press several different items consequently.
Park - Parked Items List
The Parked Items list shows all parked channels, intensities and attributes.
Individual items can be unparked by selecting the appropriate row and pressing [DELETE].
See Parked.
>Settings and Tools - Channels
These are the functions in the Settings and Tools node for Channels
in the Browser.
Channel Database
You can give each channel up to four text labels (ABCD). From these texts "auto-groups" are
automatically created. The auto-groups are available from the Direct Selects and in the
Congo from the Name List in the Main Display (DISP MODE & CH CH).
Any moving device that is patched will automatically show up on the Name List as well,
which allows you to select all "Stage Zooms" or "Scrollers" without creating any groups in
The Channel Database is opened from the Browser (Browser >Channels >Settings &
Tools >Channel Database).
There are three ways of setting text to channels in the Channel Database (Browser
>Patching >Channel Database).
Method 1
In the Channel Database cells directly
Method 2
In the Channel Database with a Wizard
Method 3
In any channel view
You will not get a warning if you are overwriting existing texts.
Display List - Auto Groups
This is the Display List for Auto Groups (available in Congo jr using the console mimic dock).
Key Feedback
[DISPLAY_LIST] & You will get a list of all auto-groups.
[CH] [CH]
Hold DISPLAY LIST When DISPLAY LIST is held you get all lists in the
and press AUTO Direct Selects.
GROUPS in the
Direct Selects
The Channel Database can import any comma or tab-delimited file and assign four text fields
to the text fields (ABCD) of the database. This makes it possible to import data from
programs like Lightwright, Excel, Word, Wysiwyg and such.
The file has to have the ending .txt and is opened from the Browser (Browser >File >Import
Follow the instructions (1, 2, 3) and import the texts. You can save your mapping and reuse
if you want to import a similar file later.
Field description
Setting Feedback
Text file format Choose if the file you are importing is tab or
comma delimited.
Map to columns Channel numbers, and text to each column.
Use column headers in The source file headers will be displayed
Channel Database instead of TEXT A, B, C, D.
Use existing mapping Use this mapping or select a previously stored
Save as new mapping Save this mapping for later use.
Name for new mapping Name for this mapping when saving.
Import Text File - LightWright
It is easy to import Channel Database texts from LightWright. Here are some good things to
You can download the Lightwright demo from The demo works
fine and you can even save shows (it has a limit of 75 units). It also contains a demo show.
Export Format
In Lightwright, data can be exported to tab or comma separated *.txt files. We recommend
tab separated files, since comma separated files can cause problems with data that includes
commas. This is found under File > Export > Data. In this popup you can also select which
data to export.
Uncheck Items
We suggest you select which items to export in the export popup mentioned above, or you
will have an enormous amount of data to select from.
Type & Wattage
Color & Template.
A suggestion for columns to import (besides Channels) into the Channel Database would be
Text A= Purpose
Text B= Position
Text C= Color & Template
Text D= Type & Wattage
Uncheck Parentheses
Lightwright seems to by default use parentheses (#) on channel numbers. So channel 1 in
Lightwright is (1).
When you export the data from LightWright, in Export options, check the option "Strip
channel parentheses ()". If you do not check this option, the channel will be exported with the
parentheses and Congo will not understand that it is a channel number.
There is also a setting in Edit > Preferences, "Use parentheses () around channel numbers".
By checking that box, it's also possible to get rid of the parentheses in the lists.
Export Devices as Channels
Check the option "For lights with attributes, export only the first row" in Export options.
Otherwise it will export all of the attribute channels as separate channels for moving lights.
If there are multiple items/units with the same channel number, only the item/unit data for the
last item/unit will be imported. This is because the multiple units use the same channel
number and one channel cannot contain different data's. In this case each unit has its own
row in the exported file, so several rows have the same channel number.
If the Lightwright show includes several units patched to one channel, only the last Unit# will
be imported.
It is easy to import Channel Database texts from an Excel file. Here are some good things to
If you have a nicely formatted list (check example below) and want to import this to the
Channel Database, you need to make sure the table only has headers at the top, since these
are recognized by the import tool. Save as a Tab delimited .txt file.
Channel Layouts
A Channel Layout is a topographical custom view of your whole
lighting rig, or part of it. It can also contain show data.
Channel Layouts - Introduction
You can have up to 999 custom Channel Layouts in addition to the normal channel views.
General Facts
Channel Layouts - Load and navigate
These are the functions you need to load and navigate layouts in a channel view.
Channel Layouts - List
You can insert and delete Channel Layouts in the Channel layout list (Browser >Channels
>Settings & Tools >Channel Layout).
When a new Layout is inserted it is possible to pre-fill it with the
current channel selection or all patched channels. There is a limit to
500 objects for this.
Channel Layouts - Editor (6.0)
This is where you create and edit a Channel Layout.
It is opened from: Browser >Channels >Settings & Tools >Channel Layout >#.
The Channel Layout Editor requires a mouse or trackball. Select objects in the upper area
and action in the toolbar. Each function is described in the following chapters.
These are general functions.
*The paste popup has options for pasting a range of channels, or mirroring the selected
The wheels are used to spread the selected objects horizontally or vertically, and to change
size or rotation.
1. Select objects (Cursor mode).
Function Feedback
Stretch H Objects are spread horizontally
Stretch V Objects are spread vertically
Size Object size is changed
Rotate Object is rotated. Hold C to rotate
individual objects within selection.
1. Select object.
Channel Layout Editor - Align
1. Select objects
The wizard makes it possible to insert a matrix/array or circle of objects of any type.
2. Select matrix/array or circle.
3. Enter a text and confirm with MODIFY.
Use size to resize a text for an object.
You can print channel layouts the PRINT key in the Channel Layout editor to jpg in grey
scale, or in color using print screen to jpg in the MISC soft key page. The print file will be
stored under the print node in a node called PRINTOUTS and can be copied to a USB
memory from there.
Channel Layouts - Create
Start by inserting and naming a new Layout.
Channel Layouts - Channels
Channels can have color, symbol, rotation and color. You can use Align, Copy, Paste and
Wizard to edit and insert channels. See Channel Layouts - Editor.
1. Select channel object with the arrow in the lower corner of the object box.
4. Continue clicking to insert consecutive objects. Select the arrow tool to edit an existing
2. Press INSERT. The selected channels will be inserted at the top left corner of the Channel
Channel Symbols can be changed here, and are stored in the
Channel Database. See Channel Database.
1. Select channels.
3. Confirm with MODIFY. All channels in the selection will change with the same offset as the
previous numbering. For example if channel 1 and 5 are selected and 10 MODIFY is
pressed - they will change into 10 and 14.
There are various features for a channel in a Layout. Color, size, rotation etc. All of these
features are described in the chapter Channel Layouts - Editor.
Channel Layouts - Lines
Lines can be drawn in any direction.
1. Select line object with the arrow in the lower corner of the object box.
If you click on a line in an active layout, you will select all channels
that are on top of it. If you double click, all other channels will be de-
selected first. Objects will be executed.
Channel Layouts - Boxes and Circles (6.0)
Boxes and circles can be filled or frames and have a text label.
1. Select box or circle object with the arrow in the lower corner of the object box.
If you click on a box or circle in an active layout, you will select all
channels inside. If you double click, all other channels will be de-
selected first. Objects like palettes will be executed when clicked on.
Channel Layouts - Content
The following types of Play content, besides channels, can be added to a channel layout. To
activate a content object in a Layout - click on it.
Color and Size do not apply to these objects. All other Layout functions are available.
Focus Palettes
Color Palettes
Beam Palettes
All Palettes
Channel Partitions
A channel partition is a definition of a limited set of channels and
attributes. When activated, only these channels can be accessed.
Partitions - Introduction
Partitions - List
Partitions - Create
Partitions - Activate
Partitions - Introduction
A partition is a definition of a set of channels/devices. Every Partition has a permission
mask which defines if the Partition is applied to
Partitions can only be activated by users that have permission to activate them. Once a
Partition is active, it limits the access to these channels. The following functions are filtered
through the Active Partition:
The channel selection (only allowed channels can be selected and viewed)
Parameter access (non-allowed attributes are not shown in Attribute Views)
Recording of attributes or intensities
Non-allowed Partitions for the current logged in User are indicated with --- in the Partition
List. Every partition can have a text label.
The default Partition "All" allows access to all functions of all
Partitions - List
You can view, edit and create new Partitions in the Partition List (Browser >Channels
>Settings and Tools >Channel Partitions).
* If a User is logged in that does not have permission to activate a Partition, the Active cell
will show "---". See User Login.
The default Partition "All" is always defined to allow access to the full
Partitions - Create
Partitions are created in the Channel Partition List.
1. Open the Channel Partition List (Browser >Channels >Settings and Tools >Channel
2. Press INSERT
3. Select channels (they will show up in the Channel View part).
4. Press RECORD or UPDATE to store the channel selection.
5. Press MODIFY in the TEXT cell to give a name to this Partition
6. Press MODIFY in the APPLY TO cell to choose permission level.
There is a Wizard to assist you in creating Partitions using Play information that already has
been generated.
These are the different options.
Partitions - Activate
Partitions are activated from the Partition List.
If no Partition is active, all channels are available, and shown in the
Live View.
REFRESH with no channels selected will affect all channels in the
Playback including channels outside the Partition.
A channel with any attributes (parameters) in addition to intensity is
called a Device. This includes scrollers, moving lights and media
Devices Node
Devices - Introduction
Devices - Functions
Live Attributes
Gel Picker
All Palettes
Focus Palettes
Color Palettes
Beam Palettes
>Settings & Tools
Devices - Introduction
A Device has to be Patched before you can start controlling it. See Patch Device(s).
Devices - Controls
Devices - Views
The Live Attribute View shows all parameters for selected devices.
Devices - Palettes
Store reference Palettes for Focus, Color and Beam (or All).
Select all active devices using a palette - "all blue" or "all centre stage".
Store palettes for "all of the same type" and reuse (for color mixing).
Palettes are quickly accessible from the Direct Selects.
Load Palettes to Masters and fade selected channel(s).
Devices - Effects
Use Effects to create patterns of intensity, color or movement such as circles or fly-
Define your own Effects
Devices - Templates
A media server is no different from any other device - patch the template and use it.
However we have created a standardised interaction interface (CITP with a MSEX
extension) that allows interaction with the ArKaos media server, in a specific version of
ArKaos. It is probable that more media server manufacturers will adopt this new
communications standard which will allow Congo to have similar interactivity with servers
from Coolux, Green Hippo and others.
ArKaos support
1. Before trying this interaction make sure the ArKaos system is up and running on the
network, with the right show loaded.
2. You must patch the layers of the media server first, and all layers of a single server must
be patched to a continuous range of channels. Enter the channel number that the first layer
will be mapped to. Subsequent layers will be mapped to the following channels. The number
of layers is defined in the ArKaos software.
3. When an ArKaos system is detected, it will show up under Network Devices in the
Browser. Double clicking on the ArKaos item will allow you to connect to it. A popup will
confirm the connection.
When you connect to an ArKaos system, the names of the available media will be
transferred into the ArKaos template and can be used in all situations where a range name
normally occurs. For this to work, you need to use the Arkaos full fixture mode template.
When connecting to the ArKaos system, all old media names in the ArKaos template will
be cleared first.
Unused media names will be set to #: No name.
A media that is playing is indicated with a play symbol (triangle) in the media preview in
the Channel Layout.
ArKaos: Media extensions (like .jpg) are stripped off the range names.
When using Library and File parameters on Direct Selects, File content is
now updated when you change the Library.
When you connect to a media server the first time (this is when it just
says ArKaos in the Network Devices menu), the names of the media
elements and types are transferred from the media server to the
Congo application. After this, the connection is only used for
transferring runtime status like if a media is playing or not. Updates
to media on the ArKaos side after you connect wont be transferred
to Congo. (In the future, there will be an automatic update in this
Even if you try to connect again on the Congo side, this will not
trigger an update so make sure that all media elements are loaded on
the ArKaos side before you connect.
4.3 Effect types and names are transferred and appear under Effect
Type and Effect Index.
Devices - Functions
These are the general device functions.
Device Control
Device Views
Device Recording
Device Palettes
Device Times
Device Playback
Device Control
The Main Display section of the console is optimized for working with
functions in moving devices.
Device Control - Introduction
When you select the channel(s) of a moving device(s) - all controls are automatically
mapped to this section.
Congo Jr/Kid
Device Controls - Explanation
*All parameters of a moving device are grouped into four groups of functions.
Control parameters = are usually not stored, but can be included or excluded by using
Device Control - Lamp Strike Douse & Reset
In Control Soft Key Page there are functions for lamp ON/OFF and RESET for devices
(which are defined in the template of that device).
1. Go to the top menu for the Main Display in the console facepanel by pressing [<--] until
you have this page.
Congo Jr/Kid
Congo Jr/Kid
Congo Jr/Kid
Control Soft Key Page - Functions
Device Control - Home Positioning
Home positioning of a device means setting all parameters (or part of them) to the default
values defined in the template of this device. See Devices - Templates.
Normally it means setting pan and tilt to 50%, color to white and all other parameters to
Device Control - U1-U2-U3
The parameter group keys U1-U3 can be set up with any mix of device parameters. Each of
them have three sub-pages. This makes a total of nine user definable parameter pages.
This editor is opened by holding MODIFY and pressing U1-U3 or a Wheel key when a bank
(U1-U3) is selected.
Each User Bank (U1-U3) has three parameter pages (1-3). They are
shown in the same editor.
U1-U3 - Setting Up Parameters
Parameters in U1-U3 are still stored in the original palette types
(Focus, Color, Beam).
Device Control - Align
The Align key copies parameters from one Device to others.
Hold ALIGN and then press the key corresponding to the parameter or parameter group you
want to copy
*If Palettes are used, the palettes will be aligned, not the values.
If you are using NEXT/LAST the currently focused channel is the one
you will copy from - to the rest.
Device Control - Fan
FAN is used to distribute values of a parameter evenly around a centre point. There are four
different shapes of fan:
S = S shaped
V = V shaped
U = U shaped
*If no base channel is selected, the centre channel of the selection is used.
Fan Settings
Device Control - Fetch/Copy
Use Fetch to copy parameter values for devices from any Preset. Fetching from Presets in
the Main Sequence will copy the STATE of those devices including any tracked values from
presets earlier in the Sequence.
You can fetch intensity values as well. See Presets - Fetch Intensities.
Device Control - Highlight Mode (6.0)
Highlight is a temporary mode. It will set all intensity channels to the ID level in Congo
Settings (default 100%) and all device channels to the values defined in their templates,
with the highlighted device to white.
Action Key Feedback
Activate Highlight [HIGHLIGHT] All channels in the current selection
are highlighted. The LED in the key is
lit.Highlight is indicated at the top of
the screens
Device Control - Flip
If a moving head reaches its end position for Pan - it is possible to press FLIP (softkey in the
Device Soft Key Page) to invert the pan and tilt values so that the end position is "passed".
Observe that the result of a flip depends on the pan range of a device, and will not always be
the same position as before the flip.
1. Go to the top menu for the Main Display in the console facepanel by pressing [<--] until
you have this page.
3. Select the device(s) you wish to flip, and press FLIP. To undo press FLIP again.
Device Control - Moving Light Dock Area
A Moving Light control panel can be assigned to a dock area. See Dock Areas - Configure.
All features are the same as in the console, and controlled by mouse.
The color picker is unique here. Click to select a color for the selected Moving Device(s).
You cannot click to hold a key and press another at the same time,
like FAN and PAN. To achieve this from an offline editor, use a
keyboard shortcut in combination with this view. For example Ctrl F
(FAN) and click on the Pan wheel to fan Pan.
Open by pressing SELECT (softkey) from the top menu in the Main Display of the console
facepanel. See Main Display - Functions.
Congo Jr & Kid
Device Views
Attributes for devices can be shown in any channel view.
Device Views - Introduction
A device view with attributes can be opened in any channel view by pressing ATTRIB.
They are all edited in the same way. In the Live tab attribute view you can set times. See
Devices - Times.
General Facts
Hold FORMAT and press @LEVEL to toggle levels between 100% and
full 8/16 bit values.
In the browser Preset items have a sub node called Attribute Editor for presets with
attributes. Pressing MODIFY on this node opens the attribute editor (v5.0).
Device Views - Live
The Device view is viewed in the Live tab by pressing ATTRIB.
Selected devices
Non-zero devices
Selected and changed devices
All devices
The currently selected format is indicated in the top right corner of each Channel View
You can open cells for setting parameter times and delays directly by holding FORMAT and
pressing the DOWN ARROW.
Device Views - Filtering
Hold the FORMAT key and press FOCUS, COLOR or BEAM to select which parameter
group to hide/show in a Moving Device View.
Device Views - Editing
When you open a device view you can use all palette and wheel controls to edit attributes.
All attribute views need to be unlocked for screen editing by holding
SETUP & TAB and activating in the popup.
If you unlock the view for screen editing you can enter a value or a Palette reference,
depending on the Attribute Editor Default Settings. The default setting is Palette. See
Attribute Settings.
This is how you can enter values for the selected cell(s). To save changes press UPDATE.
If the Attribute Editor Default Setting is set to Absolute, you can
select Palettes in the same way as setting absolute values in Palette
mode: enter the number, hold C/ALT and press MODIFY.
Device Views - Presets
You can view and edit all device parameters for a Preset in the Preset Attribute Editor (#
Select format by pressing FORMAT.
Hold FORMAT and press Down Arrow to open up Time and Delay
rows. See Device Times - Attribute Time Editor
Preset Attribute Editor - Columns
These are the different Device parameters that are displayed for each with their current
values. For editing see Device Views - Editing.
You can toggle the format of the Preset Attribute Editor to show Times and Delays by
holding FORMAT and pressing arrow DOWN or arrow UP.
Device Views - Data
Attribute data can be shown in absolute values or referenced values (palettes). This is
toggled with the Data softkey added in the Channels Soft key page. Absolute values are
preceded by a # character to show that they are absolute values in stead of palettes.
Press Channels
Press DATA
Live Effects/Preset Attribute Editors show Absolute/Palette in the header depending on the
current setting
Device Recording
Attributes are stored in Presets just like intensities. There are
different recording modes.
Device Recording - Introduction
There are four recording modes for recording device parameters:
Active (default)
If only changed Device parameters are recorded it is important to record all parameters (a
block cue) in the beginning of each Sequence. There is a check box for this in the Advanced
Tab of the Recording Popup.
IF you are working with Changed, there is a SET CHANGED softkey in
the Devices soft key page of the Main Display that allows you to force
the flag changed for any parameter or parameter group. See Device
Recording - Modes.
Device Recording - Modes
There are four different Recording modes for recording Device attributes.
They are set in the RECORD SETTINGS (Hold SETUP and press RECORD). You will get
this popup
Function Description
Changed All changed attributes are recorded
Popup A popup is provided to confirm recording all
changed attributes
All All attributes are recorded
Active (default) All attributes of devices with an intensity over
zero are recorded.
*This means that it is necessary to record all attributes for the first step in a Sequence
manually. See Record All Attributes for selected channels
Changed mode
Attributes are tagged as Changed when they have been altered since they were last
recorded. This indication is a purple background in Channel and Attribute views.
You can force this flag manually with the soft key SET CHNGED in the Devices soft key
page of the console Main Display.
Congo Jr/Kid
All commands are executed to the currently selected Devices.
The changed device indication is cleared when you fade or step in the Sequence.
Active Mode (default) (5.1) means that all devices with an intensity over 0% will be recorded
with all parameters.
To set a Mark level, select the channels and use the MARK key in the Channels Soft key
1. Select channels
2. Activate the Channels soft key page by pressing Channels in the soft key menu of the
3. Press Mark.
This is a mode that is automatically set to ON when you select Active mode for recording
attributes (5.1).
Hold UPDATE & ATTRIB to update changed attribute values in multiple presets (useful in
record if Active mode) similar to Intensity tracking.
Use the check box to activate track-editing through a series of sequence steps of the main
sequence (stopping at Blocks) and select forward, backward or both in the direction
Device Recording - Block Cues
In Changed mode, only changed (purple) parametersare recorded for devices. The opposite
of this is to record all values - this is called a "block cue".
A Block Cue is automatically created when you record devices directly to a Master Playback.
In the sequence it is an option in the advanced Recording Popup. See The Recording
Device Recording - Delete
Deleting a Device from a Preset is done in the Preset editor, or in the Preset Attribute editor.
See Device Views - Editing.
Enter the number of the Preset, hold MODIFY and press PRESET
Open the List from the Browser (Browser >Main Show Data >Presets)
3. Select the channels you wish to delete. If no channels are selected, attributes for all
channels will be deleted.
Device Recording - Cue Only
When this option in the Advanced tab of the Record dialog is activated all the attribute values
that were active in the previous sequence step (regardless of where they were coming from)
will be copied into the Preset in the sequence step following the newly inserted preset. This
is useful when you want to record a new state within a series of tracked values.
Cue Only is an option in the advanced Recording Popup. See The Recording Popup.
Device Palettes
Moving Device values can be stored in Palettes, that are used to
recall these values. Palettes can be stored in Presets, as references
to the stored values. Palettes are organized in parameter groups
(Focus, Color, Beam, All).
Device Palettes - Introduction
A Palette is a memory for all or some parameters of a Moving Device. A Palette is used to
load these parameters quickly, and stored as a reference in Presets for playback.
Direct selects are important for accessing Palettes. See Direct Selects.
Palettes usually store individual values for all devices. Color and Beam Palettes can be
stored for one device, and reused for all devices of the same type. This choice is available in
the recording popup.
Palettes in Presets
When a Palette is used to position a Device before recording a Preset - the Palette is
referenced, not the individual values for each Device. This means that changing the Palette
will update this reference in the whole Play.
Device Palettes - Record
Palettes are stored for the currently selected channel(s).
In the recording popup for Palettes there is a Text field to label each Palette. This is
displayed every time the Palette is used.
When you record a Palette, it is also activated and will be recorded
into the next Preset.
In the Palette recording popup there is a choice to store the values individually for Each
Device, or for Each Device Type.
Positions (FOCUS) are best stored for Each Device, since they always are unique
for each Device (channel).
Color and Beam values are best stored for a Each Device Type, since color and
beam parameter levels are the same for each Device (channel), and can be reused.
If several Device Types are selected, the highest selected channel of
each type will be recorded.
Record A Focus Palette
1. Select channel(s)
4. Select Recording mode. For Focus Palettes this is usually "Each Device".
See Each Device or Each Device Type.
The MASK function can be used to filter out unwanted parameters
when recording a Palette. See Device Control - Mask.
Record A Color Palette
1. Select channel(s)
4. Select Recording mode. For Color Palettes this is default set to "Each Device Type".
See Each Device or Each Device Type.
The MASK function can be used to filter out unwanted parameters
when recording a Palette. See Device Control - Mask.
Record A Beam Palette
1. Select channel(s)
4. Select Recording mode. For Focus Palettes this is usually "Each Device Type".
See Each Device or Each Device Type.
The MASK function can be used to filter out unwanted parameters
when recording a Palette. See Device Control - Mask.
Record An All Palette
1. Select channel(s)
4. Select Recording mode. For All Palettes this is usually Each Device.
See Each Device or Each Device Type.
The MASK function can be used to filter out unwanted parameters
when recording a Palette. See Device Control - Mask.
Device Palettes - Update
The UPDATE PALETTE (softkey) in the Device Soft Key page is the fastest way to update
all changed Palettes.
1. Go to the top menu for the Main Display in the console facepanel by pressing <-- until you
have this page.
3. Press UPDATE PALETTE to update all changed Palettes for the selected channel(s). You
will get a popup confirming which ones are involved.
This shortcut is not available when an Editor is focused that uses
UPDATE for something else. For example the Preset List.
Re-record A Palette - Merge Or Replace
When you re-record a preset or palette where attribute information already exists, you will
get a choice of merging or replacing the existing attributes.
Merge with existing will add the changes for the selected channel(s)
Replace existing will replace all values in this Palette with those of the selected
Device Palettes - Edit
Device Palettes can be edited and filtered in the same way as the Live Attributes and Preset
Attribute views. See Device Views - Editing and Device Views - Filtering.
Device Palettes - Lists
The Palette Lists are opened from the Browser (Browser >Devices >Palettes >Focus
Palettes). You can open them directly by holding MODIFY and pressing FOCUS, COLOR,
Palettes that have been recorded "per type of device" are shown first
in these lists. Most often these are Color Palettes. See Each Device or
Each Device Type
Device Palettes - Activate By Number
Activate a Palette for the selected channel(s) by number.
Device Palettes - Direct Mode
When a Palette key (FOCUS, COLOR, BEAM, PALETTE) is held the first 40 Palettes can be
activated from the Direct Select keys.
Device Palettes - In Masters
Device Palettes can be played back from Master Playbacks. See Master Playbacks -
Device Palettes - Select Active Channels
All channels currently referencing a Palette can be selected using the Direct Select keys for
Palettes (FOCUS, COLOR, BEAM, PALETTE), in combination with CH and ALL.
Palettes are selected from the Direct Selects for this function. See Direct Selects.
Device Palettes - Select Stored Channels
You can Select all channels that are stored in a Palette as Each Device.
This is not possible for palettes stored as "Each Device
Type", since no specific channels are stored with them.
Function Key Feedback
Focus channels [#] [CH] & All channels stored in
[FOCUS] Palette # are selected in
the active Channel View.
Color channels [#] [CH] & All channels stored in
[COLOR] Palette # are selected in
the active Channel View.
Beam channels [#] [CH] & [BEAM] All channels stored in
Palette # are selected in
the active Channel View.
Palette channels [#] [CH] & All channels stored in
[PALETTE] Palette # are selected in
the active Channel View.
Device Palettes - Display List
All Palettes can be activated from the Display Lists in the Main Display of the console
When the Trackball is in DISPLAY LIST mode you can use it to select/activate palettes by
pressing RIGHT/LEFT click.
This is an example of the Color Palette list in the main display (Display Lists are currently
only available in Congo Jr through the console mimic).
Device Palettes - Focusing Mode
Focusing mode is designed for quickly focusing and updating palettes. It works together with
the List section of the LCD Display. It is activated from the FOCUS MODE soft-key in the
DEVICE Soft page.
Device Palettes - Renumber (6.3)
You can renumber a Palette of any type (FCBP) in the Organizer.
1. Open the Organizer for the type of palette you wish to renumber by holding LOAD and
pressing the palette key (FOCUS, COLOR, BEAM, PALETTE).
Device Times
Times for Moving Devices can be set in seconds or as a percentage
of the Sequence Step In-times.
Device Times - Introduction
A Moving Device can have Times and Delays in the following ways.
All times are set to the Preset in the A or B field depending on the
setting of the parameter "Set Times To Field" in the Congo Settings.
There is a default Attribute Time that is used when Moving Devices are positioned manually
or with GoInB. See Moving Device Times - Default Attribute Time.
The Default Attribute Time (3 seconds) is used mainly to keep noise and unnecessary
mechanical friction down when a Moving Device is positioned in the following situations:
The Default Attribute Time does not affect how fast a palette is
activated from direct selects or directly. This time can be set on the
fly - for example #(s) DIRECT SELECT PALETTE.
Percent times, or seconds?
Times for Moving Devices are set in seconds (absolute) or as a percentage of the IN time of
a Sequence Step.
The default setting is percent. This means that all FCB-Times will equal the IN time of a
Sequence Step, and all FCB-Delay Times will execute as a percentage of the IN time of a
Sequence Step.
In all plays files earlier than 4.2, the FCB Delay time was set to 100%
due to the fact that Delay Times were inherited from the Delay In
time. These plays (pre-4.2) with FCB Delays set to 100% will be
converted to use a delay of 0s instead.
If the FCB Times are set to 50% of the IN-time they will be 2.5 seconds at an in time of 5
Device Times - Individual or FCB (6.0)
Device times can be set to individual parameter of selected devices, or to a parameter group
like Focus, Color or Beam for all devices in the preset.
FCB times are defaulted to run in 100% of the main In and Delay times for a step. You can
change this percentage or set an absolute time in seconds. An individual parameter time
always wins over a general FCB time.
Times are shown in the playback view. Individual parameter times are shown as a red dot at
the end of FCB timelines.
You will get a popup asking if you want to set the times on a general FCB -level for all
devices, or as individual Parameter Times for the selected devices.
Key Shortcuts for device times
There is a shortcut for setting both F, C and B-Times to the same
value. Enter the time and hold TIME or DELAY and press ATTRIBUTE.
In the Times soft key page there are keys for setting FCB time and
delay directly. See Times Soft Key Page.
Device Times - Attribute Editor Times
Times can be set and edited in the Live Attributes and Preset Attribute Editors. Please note
that times are set to A working in this editor, regardless of all other settings.
Hold FORMAT and press the down arrow to open Time and Delay rows.
Hold FORMAT and press TIME or DELAY to do the same thing.
Hold FORMAT and press the up arrow to close these rows.
Selected devices
Non-zero devices
Changed devices
All devices
Devices with attributes
The current format is indicated in the upper right corner ("Selected devices" in the example
Times can be set default as % or in seconds. See Device Times -
Percent Or Seconds.
Attribute Times
These functions will work in the Live Attribute Editor and the Preset Attribute Editor.
Attribute Delay Times
These functions will work in the Live Attribute Editor and the Preset Attribute Editor.
Action Key Feedback
1. Open the Delay row [FORMAT] & The Delay row is opened
[Down_arrow] under each cell
2. Select Attribute delay Arrow keys The cell(s) is highlighted
3. Set delay time # [#] [MODIFY] The delay time # is set to
the selected cell(s)
4. Update Preset [UPDATE] Only needed in Live
Attributes Editor.
Delay times can be set to the selected devices also by holding
DELAY and pressing FOCUS, COLOR or BEAM.
Device Times - Fan Times
In the Live and Preset Attribute Views there is a wizard for fanning parameter times. This
Wizard will only open when a Time or Delay cell is selected. The selected cells are fanned
between the devices.
1. Open an Attribute view. See Device Views - Live and Device Views - Presets.
2. Open the Time and Delay rows by holding FORMAT and pressing the Down Arrow.
See Device Times - Attribute Time Editor.
3. Select the Time or Delay cells for the parameters and devices intended.
Device Play Back
When moving Devices are played back from the Main Playback and
the Master Playbacks there are different modes for when and how
attributes are trigged.
Device Play back - Introduction
Attributes will be trigged during playback in the following situations
In a Sequence Step attributes can be set to move with Auto Mark (5.0), OnGo (live) or InB
(move while black, preposition).
Device Play back - Attributes Follow Faders
Attributes will follow the manual movement of masters depending on the Master Settings.
These are some general rules. See Master Settings.
Master Playbacks behave different from the crossfaders of the Main Playback.
When a master leaves its 0% position, the corresponding attribute parameters are trigged
and follow the fader.
During a timed fade in a Master, attributes will follow the FCB-times of the Preset in that
If another master with overlapping attribute parameters is activated, (leaves 0%), it will take
control of the corresponding attributes. To re-gain control from any Master, move it to 0%
and up again.
How attributes behave when moving the Master fader down depends on the settings for the
When a manual crossfade is made, the attribute positions will follow the B fader. If the fader
is moved slower than the time assigned to the attributes, the fader has control. If the fader is
moved faster than the assigned time, the time will take control to make a smooth movement.
Device Play back - Attrib Move
Attributes can be executed in three ways
On Go
In B
Depending on this setting Attributes will be executed when a step is faded in live (On Go) or
when a Step is loaded to be faded in (In B). See System Settings - Attribute.
You can choose a setting as default depending on the style of your show - and then change
individually for any step or device. See Sequence List.
GoInB attributes follow the times recorded in the preset.
The old (pre v5.0) dynamics can be set to start on GO always - See
Settings - Crossfade.
The default setting is AutoMark but you can change this on the sequence step or in the
Preset Attribute editor. In AutoMark mode, attributes are automatically activated In B or On
Go based on the level in Live and in B.
Live view: Channels that are auto-marking are indicated with a blue background on the FCB
indicators. This indicator remains until you press GO.
Live Attributes (6.0)
In addition to the Attribute format of the Live tab you can view all moving device parameters
in the Live Attribute Editor.
This tab can only be opened from the Browser (Browser >Devices >Live Attributes). The
functions are the same as in any channel view with attributes.
All attribute views need to be unlocked for screen editing by holding
SETUP & TAB and activating in the popup.
Hold FORMAT and press Right Arrow to show all parameters listed over each other,
blanking out the ones not relevant. Hold FORMAT and press Left Arrow to change back.
Select format by pressing FORMAT.
Hold FORMAT and press Down Arrow to open up Time and Delay
rows. See Device Times - Attribute Time Editor
These are the different Moving Device parameters that are displayed for each with their
current values. For editing see Device Views - Editing
*Control parameters labelled "control" can be edited, but will not be stored, Aux values are
Hold COLUMN and move wheel to change column sizes.
Gel Picker
There is a Gel Picker that uses the data for each moving device with CMY/RGB mix to
generate the values for gels of each type.
It is opened from the Browser >Devices >Gel Picker. Use arrow keys and MODIFY to select
a color.
If you know the exact gel brand and number you can select a gel from the Direct Selects as
well. See Direct Selects - Content.
All Palettes
This node opens the list of All Palettes.
Press MODIFY in the Attribute cell to open the corresponding Palette editor.
See Device Palettes.
Focus Palettes
This node opens the list of Focus Palettes.
Press MODIFY in the Attribute cell to open the corresponding Palette editor.
See Device Palettes.
Color Palettes
This node opens the list of Color Palettes.
Press MODIFY in the Attribute cell to open the corresponding Palette editor.
See Device Palettes.
Beam Palettes
This node opens the list of Beam Palettes.
Press MODIFY in the Attribute cell to open the corresponding Palette editor.
See Device Palettes.
You can mask whole groups of parameters (FCB) or single parameters in a group with the
MASK key.
When mask is active it is indicated in the LED of the MASK key, and at the top of the
The mask is used when recording Presets, Palettes and Dynamics.
Masked parameters are displayed in Live tab Attributes view and in the ML LCD on
the facepanel with "--".
When you record a Preset or Palette, masked parameters are NOT recorded.
You can prepare and store 999 Mask templates and activate as the global mask
User Masks can be accessed as content in the Direct Selects.
Mask FOCUS [MASK] & [FOCUS] Toggles the Mask for the
all FOCUS parameters
Mask COLOR [MASK] & [COLOR] Toggles the Mask for the
all COLOR parameters
Mask BEAM [MASK] & [BEAM] Toggles the Mask for the
all BEAM parameters
Mask parameter [MASK] & Toggles the Mask for
[Wheel_Key] any single parameter
Open Mask editor [MODIFY] & [MASK] Opens the Mask editor
(see below).
Masking indication
When Mask is enabled, a summary of active masks is shown in the ML display. Each
parameter category is indicated with a dash, lowercase or uppercase letter.
"-" (Dash) means the category is unmasked - all parameters are available for control and
"fcb" (Lowercase lettering) means the category is partially masked - some parameters have
been masked and are unavailable for control or recording.
"FCB" (Uppercase lettering) means the entire category is masked and no parameters from
that category are available for control or recording.
In the Mask Editor, single parameters can be toggled on/off by pressing MODIFY in the
Allow column. This also means that, if you want to toggle a parameter column on/off, you
can select the top cell, press COLUMN to select the whole column, and the press MODIFY.
User Masks - Functions (6.1)
You can save and label up to 999 different combinations of masked parameters. These
Masks can then be applied to masters as playback masks, or to the Global Mask for use
when recording Palettes or Presets. They are stored in the Mask List (Browser > Devices
1. Set up the Global Mask any way you want (See Global Mask - Functions)
2. Enter a number, hold RECORD and press MASK (with no preceding number the
next free Mask is recorded)
1. Enter the number, hold MASK and press the Master key.
- This will load this mask as a playback mask for the content of this master.
You can use # INSERT and DELETE to add or remove masks from this list, and you can edit
them by pressing MODIFY in the Mask cell - which will open the Mask Editor for that Mask.
>Settings & Tools
These are the settings and tools for Devices.
Scroller Rolls
Auto-create Palette Wizard
Scroller Rolls
Scroller Rolls are defined in the Scroller Roll Editor. It is opened from the Browser (Browser
>Devices >Settings & Tools >Scroller Rolls)
1. Open the Scroller Rolls List from the Browser (Browser >Devices >Settings and Tools
>Scroller Rolls).
2.Press INSERT to create a new Roll (a number of standard Rolls are created by default
when you open a new Play).
4. Press MODIFY in the Scroller Roll cell to open the Scroller Roll Editor. A Wizard is opened
where you can define the number of frames and the default Fan value (can be edited later).
5. This it what the scroller roll editor looks like with five frames defined
Scroller Rolls can be assigned from the Device Settings. They can also be assigned when a
scroller is patched, from the Patch Wizard.
1. Open the Device Settings (Browser >Patching >Device Settings). (You can also hold
MODIFY and press DEVICE).
2. Use arrow keys to select the Scroller Roll Cell for a channel.
The currently selected color will be shown in the black box under the level in the Channel
Each scroller roll can be calibrated individually. This is done in the Scroller Calibration Editor
that is opened from the Device Settings.
2. Use arrow keys to select the Calibration Editor cell to the far right.
3. Press MODIFY to open the Calibration Editor for the selected channel.
4. Select Adjusted Position, enter a new value (confirm with MODIFY). It is updated live.
(v5.0) If you change the scroller calibration for a device and close the
Scroller Calibration Editor, recorded data (presets, palettes) for the
previous frame values will be updated to the new frame values.
Values between frames will not be affected.
In the Attribute setup (SETUP & ATTRIBUTE) it is possible to specify an Override value for
all Scroller Fans. If you set a value > 0%, this value will be used instead of the Fan values
programmed in the Scroller Roll. This is useful for making a temporary and absolute override
of all fans, for example during long rehearsals when heat is higher than during a
Auto-create Palette Wizard (6.0)
This wizard allows you to generate palettes for each range for selected parameters in the
currently selected devices. Ranges with the same name will be merged together in the same
palette. You can specify the starting number for newly generated palettes.
Open in the Browser from Browser >Devices >Settings and Tools >Auto-create Palette
For example, if you choose parameter 1 to be a gobo wheel, beam palettes will be created
for each gobo, with the name of the gobo starting at beam palette 101.
Jam Mode Wizard (6.0)
The Jam Mode Wizard helps you create some useful data from your patch and channel
database to save you some time, regardless which Jam Mode you are planning to use.
This wizard can be opened by pressing WIZARD in Jam mode. It is invoked automatically
the first time you enter Jam Mode for Device Masters. In the wizard, you can select which
types of data that you want to generate and the starting numbers.
Tilt 25%
Tilt 75%
Generate effect playbacks
Four effect playbacks for content and dynamic effects are generated.
In Congo v6 there are four different kinds of effects:
There are two older kinds of effects that are compatible with Congo
prior to v5, which are Sequences in Chase mode, and the old
Effects Node
Effects - Introduction
Channel Distribution Wizard
Live Effects
Effect Playbacks
Effect Overview
Chase Effects
Content Effects
Dynamic Effects
Image Effects
Channel Sets
Effects - Introduction (6.0)
The effects in Congo are powerful devices that allow you to create and play with effects in a
very intuitive and fast way, regardless the size or nature of your rig.
Effects are controlled, recorded and edited like any moving device
with an intensity. The only difference is that you select them with #
Current limitations are:
Effects - Functions
These are the general effect functions.
Effect - Views
Effects - Command syntax
Effects - Edit
Effects - Record
Effects - Channel Distribution Wizard
Effects - Views (6.0)
Effects can be viewed in three views
Channel handle
The effect handle in the Effects and Selected Channels - Live dock have four levels of detail.
Hold FORMAT and press up/down arrow to select them.
In the Live Effects tab all attributes are displayed just like a moving device. See Live Effects.
Effects - Command syntax
Effects are selected and adjusted one by one or in groups in the same way as moving
devices. Instead of using the CH key there is an EFFECT key.
As soon as an effect is selected you can control the intensity with all level functions, and
attributes with attribute controls and palettes.
An effect is activated as soon as the level of the Effect Playback is over zero. Please note
that you must create an Effect Playback before you can control it. See Effect Playbacks.
At mode syntax
If your Congo is set to use At Mode for channel commands, effects are selected in the
following ways. You can terminate a selection in At Mode pressing @Level or the decimal
Select channels from effect (6.1)
A very useful function for effects is Home. You can store a home position for all parameters.
Load an effect to a master
A single effect playback can be loaded to a master. This allows you to control the effect
intensity with the master fader. If you press the master key you will select the effect.
The Effect Soft Key Page is selected with the soft key EFFECT in the Main Display of the
These are the functions (jr has U1-U3 which are used to select effect parameters).
Effects - Edit (6.0)
Effects are edited in the same way as moving devices.
Attribute wheels
A soon as an effect is selected the effect parameters are available on live attribute controls
in parameter banks U1-U3. On Congo jr these can be found under the Device softkey or by
using [C] & [FOCUS], [COLOR], [BEAM] respectively.
All effect attributes can be stored and played back from All Palettes.
Hold RECORD and press PALETTE.
You can store a home position for every effect playback.
Hold RECORD and press HOME.
You can fetch attribute values for any parameter from any preset.
Hold FETCH and press the parameter wheel key, or PALETTE.
You can mask attribute values for any parameter from any effect playback.
Hold MASK and press the parameter wheel key.
See Devices.
Effects - Record
Effects are stored in Presets in the same way devices are stored.
If you have the default device setting "store if active" all effect parameters are stored
automatically when the intensity is over zero%.
The level of the effect playback shown and edited in the same way as channel intensities.
Effects - Channel Distribution Wizard
The Channel Distribution Wizard is used for Sets and Chase effects. I allows you to
distribute a selection of channels into a number of parts (steps) in eight different ways.
Press MODIFY in the PARTS cell in a channel set list or chases list.
Create a Chase Object.
1. Select channels
2. Select number of parts
3. Select distribution method for the channels into the parts
These are the different distribution methods. Note that if the number of channels cannot be
divided by the number of parts, the results will be different when using inverted distribution,
since the odd channels will end up in the last part. Also, the order in which the channels are
selected is the order in which they are distributed.
Live Effects
Press EFFECT to open Live Effects. This is where you can view and edit the parameters of
all running effect playbacks in the screens. In the consoles you can control the same
parameters in the Main Display over the parameter wheels.
Effect Playbacks
An effect playback is the control handle for an effect, similar to a channel controlling a
moving device.
All Effect Playbacks are listed and can be inserted/deleted from the Effect Playbacks list
Browser >Effects >Effect Playbacks.
Create an Effect Playback
Effects can be created from the Effect Playbacks list, or as a key command.
2. Select type of Playback (Cannot be changed once inserted, to change you need to delete
and reinsert the playback).
3. Done. You can now control the effect. See Select & Activate Effects.
Effect Overview
The effect overview tab lists all types of data objects that can be involved in creating and
editing effects. It's opened from the Browser >Effects >Effect Overview.
Channel Sets
Dynamic templates
Chase Effects
This is a step based, defined intensity effect. A chase is what you use when you want lights
to chase on/off in a specific pattern.
You can define a high level for all channels in a step, and a low level which will be the
background level of these channels in all steps.
To start a Chase effect you need
A Chase Object
A Chase Effect Playback
Chase object
Contains the channel list and the high/low intensity levels and timing values.
It has a number of steps, with channels, up, dwell and down times.
Intensities per step have a Max (high) and Min (low) value.
Once a Chase object is programmed it will replay in the exact same way.
The effect will run as soon as the effect playback intensity is over zero.
The intensity level of the effect playback also masters the high level of the output of
the effect.
The intensities will contribute to the Live output on a HTP basis.
Live Parameters
A single Chase Effect Playback can be associated with any Chase object. To play back more
than one Chase object simultaneously you need to insert multiple Chase Effect Playbacks.
Create a Chase
1. Open the Channel Distribution Wizard. This can be done in two ways.
2. Select channels, parts, name and distribution. See Channel Distribution Wizard.
3. You can now start the chase, by selecting it and setting a level over zero. See Select &
Activate Effects.
It will use the default times and values. These can be edited in the Chase Editor and the
Chase Step Editor.
1. Open the chase editor and select the chase you wish to copy
2. Press PASTE to create a copy at the end of the chase editor list.
Control a Chase Effect
As soon as a Chase Effect playback is selected, you can control it in two ways:
From the console parameter wheels using U1-U3. In Congo jr these can be found
under the Device softkey or by using [C] & [FOCUS], [COLOR], [BEAM] respectively.
From the Live Effects view.
Press MODIFY to get a dropdown to change chase, or enter a number and press MODIFY.
When you press MODIFY or enter a number it will be an absolute
value or a Palette value - depending on the setting in Attribute
Settings. See Play Settings - Attribute.
When you select a Chase Playback, you will have two parameters, Chase # and Rate/Tap.
Press the Rate/Tap parameter key in the main display of the console to set a Rate/Tap. You
can also edit this parameter in the Live Effects view.
Chase Effect Parameters
A Chase object is never adjusted live - it is defined in two editors
Sets the direction in which the steps are played back.
The style decides the starting level.
Loop Time
This time will force a value to all Step Times = Loop Time/Steps. See Step Time further
Step Time
This is when this step will execute in relation to the previous Step.
If the Step time is shorter than the sum of In+Dwell+Out you will get a
"ripple" effect.
Chase Editor
The chase editor is a summary and editor of all chases. You can create (INSERT) and edit
chases here.
Press the soft key CHASE in the EFFECTS soft key menu
Press MODIFY in the Browser node Browser >Effects >Chase.
Chase Editor - Functions
The Chase can only be edited from the Chase Editor and the Chase Step Editor. This
ensures that a Chase will always play back in the way it is defined.
Column Action Feedback
Chase No Input The number of this chase, cannot be
Text [MODIFY] Enter a label.
*The Default times are applied until you define a different time in the Chase Steps Editor.
**Loop Time = the amount of time it takes to pass through all the steps of the chase once.
Edit the loop time and all step times will be adjusted to evenly fit within this time value..
***RateMin and RateMax work together to set the playback rate of the chase. When these
values are the same, the chase is adjusted evenly. When these rates differ, the chase will
play back randomly using rate values between the Min and Max value. This is a good way to
create more organic chases for things like lightning and water reflections.
Chase Step Editor
The Chase Step Editor allows you to edit channels, levels and times for each step
Chase Step Editor - Functions
The Chase can only be edited from the Chase Editor and the Chase Step Editor. This
ensures that a Chase will always play back in the way it is defined. Timing information on a
step level overrides timing information on the Chase Editor top level.
High [#] [MODIFY] Sets the High level for this step,
which is applied to all channels
when the step is active.
Low [#] [MODIFY] Sets the Low level for this step,
which is applied to all channels
when the step is active.
Channels Displays the channels in this step.
*Times set from the Chase Editor top level are edited per step here.
Content Effects (6.0)
Content effects are simply speaking simply a series of steps containing show content like
palettes and presets or even raw parameter levels that you can apply to any existing group
(or set) in your show.
The simplest form of content effect is the intensity series (on/off) that is created automatically
when you make a new play. By applying this to a group of channels you can create chase,
ripple and pulsating intensity effects on the fly. There is a default intensity content effect
when you create a new play from v6.0.
A more complex example of a content effect could be "set all devices in the target group that
have a color mix to blue, then pop to white two by two from sides to center" and it's easy to
add two lines of code to the series to make them "fly out when they pop to white".
The content effect separates the channel source (group or channel set) from the actions
within the effect (series). Actions are defined using steps that can contain palettes, presets
or parameters. Content effects can switch channel lists and/or series of steps independently
and can be run in three different modes to change how the channel lists and steps interact
with each other.
Content effects can be run in three different modes to change how the channel source and
Series interact with each other.
To start a Content effect you need
Live Parameters
Now that the effect playback is created you can apply it to any channel group, or you can
create channel sets and select them. You have to have a Series defined, since it is the
engine of the content effects.
2. You can now start the effect, by selecting it and setting a level over zero. See Activate &
Control Effects.
The Effect playback is controlled similar to how a moving device
channel is controlled. A level above 0 starts the non-intensity content
and the intensity level of the playback masters the intensity levels
within the effect.
Control Content Effects
As soon as a Content Effect playback is selected, you can control it in two ways:
From the console parameter wheels using U1-U3 (In Congo Jr these are found in the
Effect soft key page, or by using [C] & [FOCUS], [COLOR], [BEAM] respectively).
From the Live Effects view (if editing is enabled). <Press EFFECT.
Step around with arrow keys, press MODIFY to get a dropdown, or enter a number and
press MODIFY.
When you press MODIFY or enter a number it will be an absolute
value or a Palette value - depending on the setting in Attribute
Settings. See Play Settings - Attribute.
Besides the necessary channel source (Group or Channel Set) and Series, a number of
parameters are combined to define the result of a Content effect. You can adjust all of them
live by selecting the Effect Playback.
Channel Source
The Channel Source that the effect is applied to can be a Set or a Group. See Channel Sets
and Groups.
The advantage with a Set is that you can define any type of custom channel
distribution over the parts, and they will always replay in the same way.
The advantage with Groups is that you can reuse all Groups you have already
recorded, and create distribution and number of parts on the fly with the GrpParts
and GrpDistri parameters.
Select a Set or Group as the Channel Source.
NOTE: There is a special option named Groups (Auto) which will set the number of parts to a
selected group to the number of channels in this group - allowing for a single step chase
If you have selected a Group as the Channel Source, this parameter defines how many parts
the Group is divided into.
NOTE: There is a special option named Groups (Auto) which will set the number of parts to a
selected group to the number of channels in this group - allowing for a single step chase
If you have selected Groups as the Channel Source, this parameter defines the channel
distribution over the Group Parts. The options are the same that are available in the Channel
Distribution Wizard used to create Sets. See Channel Distribution Wizard.
Allows you to run the Set or Group parts Forward or Backward.
A list of steps that execute specific kinds of play content or parameter settings. Each step
may have 4 kinds of content - Intensity + three variable slots that can contain palettes,
presets or direct parameter data. Each of those four pieces of content may have their own
"Attack" (fade) time within the step.
Play Mode
There are a number of play modes:
Play Forward
Play Reverse
The Play mode generally refers to the way the Series gets played back, so between
PartDirec and PlayMode you can change the direction of the channel source but have the
steps play back as written, or vice versa.
Content Effect can play back it's Series in three modes, Continous, Break and Build. The
result differs quite a lot. Some Series are set to a default mode, because they are designed
to be played back this way.
In a Continuous mode content effect, parts are always executing a step. In a three
color Red-Green-Blue effect, all channels would be in one of those three colors all
the time the effect is running.
In a Build mode content effect, all parts execute step 1 before they execute step 2.
Using the same series as above, all parts would become red using the step and
attack times until all channels are red, then they would each step into green until all
are green, then they would start stepping into blue.
In a Break mode content effect, assuming you have more parts than steps, then
part 1 will execute the "active" portion of the series and when done it will fade into
the Background state (step 0) and wait there (take a "break") until all the other parts
have executed the active steps in the series. When using Break mode, the "sustain"
and "release" times on the active steps come into play - if you think about the
stadium "wave" phenomenon at football matches you'll know what I mean - the
active step is to "Stand up and raise your arms" and the background state is "sit
down". The attack time is how long it takes you to stand up, the sustain time is how
long you remain standing, and the release time is how long it takes you to sit back
down again. The background state has no timing of its own, as it is used when the
channel is not doing anything else.
As you see in the example, the step time will control if each step goes into the
background between steps.
Loop Time
This time equals how long it takes all the parts to run through the effect once. If you lengthen
this time, you will impose a gap before the next pass through the effect begins. If you shorten
this time, you will cause the next pass to start before the first pass is completed.
Use this value to scale the whole timing scheme faster or slower. Tapping the wheel key will
adjust the timing of the effect to match your tapped in rate. Fade times will scale
appropriately when you use tap.
The Entry mode decides how channels will enter into the effect.
Step Time
The tempo of the effect - this time determines when each step will be executed..
Attack Time
The fade time of the associated step or individual piece of content..
Content Effect Modes
A Content Effect can play back its Series in three different modes:
In the Series Editor you can define a default mode that is set every time the Series is
activated. It's possible to change this mode on the fly when you edit the Effect Playback
parameters. See Series List.
The modes allow you to get completely different results, using the same Series. The beauty
of the Content Effect is that it allows you to get very specific results with little programming
effort. We can provide some examples, but the whole idea is that you create your own
unique effects using this powerful tool.
In this example absolute values for Cyan, Magenta and Yellow were
used. It could have been a single color palette just as well. Also, the
times are set to 100% of the default times.
A fly out can be done with a Dynamic Effect, but you have no control
over the specific start and end points for each device. Here this is
easy to change at any time by re-recording either of the two focus
palettes used..
In this example Color Palettes are used, although we could have used
absolute values for CMY just as well.
It is the combination of the parts distribution and the step timing that
creates the overlapping ripple behavior. If the Attack+Sustain+Decay
time is greater than the step time, you get ripple (overlapping)
behavior. The number of Parts in the Channel Source will define how
"wide" the ripple is.
Content Effect Times
Step Time
Attack Time (separate for Intensity and each content 1-3 in each step)
Sustain Time (Break mode only) per step
Release Time (Break mode only) per step
Series List
The engine of a content effects is a Series. Browser >Effects >Content Effect >Series.
You can think of a series as a number of place holders for parameter and intensity
Each place holder has timing data that applies when it is called upon.
There is a special place holder called background, that is used when effects are
played back in Break mode.
The place holders are general, and can be applied to any type of channel or moving
device with the same parameters.
Series List - Functions
*Often Series are written that will be used most often in a specific mode. The Default mode is
applied within the Content Effect Playback automatically when the series is selected. The
mode can be changed within the playback as needed.
**The Default times are applied until you define a different time in the Series Steps Editor.
Series Step Editor
The Series Step Editor is opened by pressing MODIFY in the Series or Steps cell of the
Series List (above).
When Palettes/Presets are used as content, the values will reference
only to the numbers of these Palettes/Presets (not the names) - this
is so that you can reuse the same series in other plays easily.
Series Step Editor - Functions
*All Step timing is set to 100% of the Default times in the Series (one level up).
Dynamic Effect
A dynamic effect is a relative effect that uses a dynamic template which applies wave-forms
around a base point to create a movement, for example a circle or ballyhoo. In the same way
as the content effect, it is applied to any group or set.
To start a Dynamic effect you need
Live Parameters
A number of common Dynamic Effect Templates are included in the Effect Library of the
Browser. It is possible to create new ones as well. If you are acquainted with SmartFade
effects, you will find that SFML style tables and effects have been added to the library.
Waveforms - Dynamic Templates & Tables
Dynamics are a way of creating effects by assigning waveforms (sinus, saw etc) to intensity,
color, movement or any other parameter. you can define custom tables. See Dynamics -
The waveform will "run" the parameter it is assigned to, but you can still move the "base
value" of the parameter that the Dynamic is working with.
To create a movement, like a "Circle" for a moving Device, two sinus
waves are applied to pan and tilt, and one of them is offset 25%.
Now that the effect playback is created you can apply all existing Dynamic templates to any
channel group, or you can create channel sets and select them. The Effect playback is
controlled similar to how a moving device is controlled. Select the effect and use the
parameter wheels or the Live Effects editor.
2. Select the Effect, to start is set a level over zero. See Select & Activate Effects.
Control a Dynamic Effect
As soon as a Dynamic Effect playback is selected, you can control it in two ways:
From the console parameter wheels using U1-U3. On Congo jr these can be found
under the Device softkey or by using [C] & [FOCUS], [COLOR], [BEAM] respectively.
From the Live Effects view.
Step around with arrow keys, press MODIFY to get a dropdown, or enter a number and
press MODIFY.
When you press MODIFY or enter a number it will be an absolute
value or a Palette value - depending on the setting in Attribute
Settings. See Play Settings - Attribute.
A number of parameters are combined to define the result of applying a Dynamic Template
to a channel Set or Group. You can trim all of them live by selecting the Effect Playback.
Channel Source
This can be a Set or a Group. See Channel Sets and Groups.
Select which Set or Group.
Dynamic Template
Templates are pre-defined in the Dynamic Templates editor. You can create your own as
well. See Dynamic Templates.
The offset parameter distributes the channels along the waveform. See the example with 5
channels on a sine wave. See Dynamics - Relations & Distance.
Dynamic Templates
Dynamic Templates are definitions of waveforms applied to parameters used for Dynamic
Open by holding MODIFY pressing DYN EFFECT (or Browser >Effects >Dynamic Effect
> Dynamic Templates).
1. Open the Effect Library by holding MODIFY and pressing DYN EFFECT.
4. Go to TEXT and press MODIFY to enter a name. Press MODIFY again to confirm.
6. Press INSERT to create a step. Each step contains the settings for a single parameter -
for example, a pan/tilt effect would have two steps.
Dynamic Tables
The basic element of a Dynamic effect is a wave-form, or "table", that is assigned to the
intensity or any other attribute parameter of a channel.
A Sine wave, for example, will fade a parameter up/down continuously over/under the
current Base Value.
By changing the Rate and Size of this Sine Wave, you will affect the speed and value range
of the result.
Although the idea of tables is very technical, it really requires little technical understanding:
most designers prefer to experiment with different tables and parameters to understand - the
effect of a Sine Wave is too different on a color parameter, compared to pan or intensity, to
explain in detail here.
Table Description
Stop A "Stop Dynamics" table
Sine A normal sinus wave
Step An "on-off" wave
Sawtooth A linear "fade up - fade down" wave
Ramp A "fade up-cut down" wave
RampInv A "cut up - fade down" wave
MarkOn "On-longer-than-off" used for fly-in or fly- outs
MarkOff "Off-longer-than-on" used for fly-in or fly- outs
Spiral A sinus wave with varying amplitude
Tangent A sinus wave with a "sharp top"
Random1 Random curve 1
Random2 Random curve 2
Random3 Random curve 3
If you are used to working with for example WholeHog (tm) Tables, a
Sine + 90 degrees is a Sine with an offset of 25% here.
Table Editor
Press INSERT to create new tables at the end of the table list in the Browser, but not delete
existing ones since this would mess up the indexing of existing tables used by effects.
Pressing MODIFY on a table opens the Dynamic Table Editor where you can insert and
delete table values. You cannot have more than 64 points in a table.
Live Dynamics (old)
This tab is used with the old Dynamic Effects package prior to v5. See Dynamics (old).
All parameters of running Dynamic Effects can be edited in the Live Dynamic Effects tab.
Press DYN EFFECT to open it. This tab can be opened from the Browser as well (Browser
>Live Dynamic Effects).
The top right corner shows a pan/tilt monitor with a dot representing each channel. This is a
visualisation for the Offset Relation, Delay Relation and Distance values.
If you start to select channels in Live Dynamics, you will get a popup
if you want the selection to affect the running effect or not. Once you
have said yes to this, all channel selection will update the running
effect until you close and reopen Live Dynamics.
Live Dynamic Effects - Columns
Old Dynamic Effects
The old Dynamic Effects prior to Congo v5 are still compatible and
work in the same way. They are much more limited, so we
recommend you to use the new ones unless you are importing an
older Play.
Dynamics - Base Value
When a Dynamic Effect is activated, it will run with the current position of the corresponding
attribute or intensity as a Base Value.
If you change this Base Value, the Dynamic Effect will follow. If you run a Preset with a
Dynamic Effect and then run another Preset with a new base value, the default action is for
the Dynamic Effect to fade out. Use the Keep Dynamics setting to allow the Dynamic Effect
to play through Presets. See Record Keep Dynamics.
If a pan/tilt effect such as Circle is running for a moving Device, you can change the Base
Value by moving Pan and Tilt, or by selecting a Focus Palette.
If the Base Value is too small, some effects will not be visible, for
example color mix and intensity effects. Set the Base Value to 50%
for maximum effect.
Dynamics - Start
Dynamics are activated for the currently selected channel(s). The current attribute and
intensity values are used as the Base Value for the Dynamic Effect.
A "D" will appear in the top right corner of the channel symbol.
Activating a Dynamic Effect will "lock" the attributes and intensities
of the selected channels to the Dynamic Effect.
See Dynamics - Stop.
Start Dynamics From The Effect Library Node
Start Dynamics With Direct Mode
1. Hold DYN EFFECT (don't let go until the Dynamics are started).
- When this is held, the first 40 Dynamic Effects in the Effect Library are displayed on the
Direct Select keys.
Dynamics - Control
The Dynamics Soft Key Page in the Main Display of the console facepanel is opened by
pressing DYNAMICS in the Effects soft key page.
The Clear Dynamics soft keys (left column) are used to clear and/or stop running Dynamics.
Dynamic Wheels - Size, Rate, Offset & Delay
Wheels 1 and 2 are used to set Size and Rate for Live Dynamics. See Dynamics - Size &
Wheels 3 and 4 are used to set Offset and Delay relations. See Dynamics - Relations &
Use the Trackball in Display List mode to select (click) a running dynamic
Use DELETE DYNAM to delete the currently selected Dynamic from this list
The KEEP DYNAM soft key is used to record a new base position for a running Dynamic
Effect. See Record Keep Dynamics (New Base Value).
Set Distance In %
The DISTANCE soft key is used to set the Distance % parameter for the selected running
Dynamics directly. See Dynamics - Relations & Distance.
Dynamics - Stop
Dynamic Effects can be stopped in the following ways.
*Providing the Auto-Stop parameter in the System Settings is set to ON. See System
Moving Device attributes are stopped automatically when a new value is played back from
any Playback or Master. Intensity Dynamics can only be stopped with the Stop Dynamics
table of the manual stop functions.
Dynamics act like Attributes - they are executed in A or B depending
on the GoOnGo or GoInB flag of the step.
See Device Play back - GoOnGo or GoInB.
Activate A Dynamic Stop Table
Intensity Dynamics can only be stopped by assigning a Stop Intensity Table. There is a
STOP I Dynamic in the Effect Library for this.
You can record this to the Preset in the A field of the Main Playback.When the Preset with
this Stop Table is activated, the Intensities will fade the size of the Dynamic Effect using the
IN time of this Preset.
Delete A Dynamic Using The Dynamics Display
Dynamics can be cleared or deleted from the Display List or with the soft keys in the
Dynamics Display.
Activate the Dynamics Soft Key Page in the Main Display of the console facepanel by
pressing DYNAMICS in the top menu.
Congo Jr
1. Activate Display list mode for the trackball (DISPLAY LIST). The Trackball will turn
2. Select a Dynamic in the Live Dynamic Effects list using the trackball.
3. Press DELETE DYNAM to delete.
Fade In A Preset In The Main Playback
When a Preset with new attribute values is faded in the Main Playback, any active Dynamics
for those attributes will be stopped.
When a new Sequence is loaded to the Main Playback, all running Dynamics are stopped
the next time GO is pressed.
Dynamics - Record
Dynamic Effects are recorded in Presets for playback.
Only Dynamics that have changed or are started since you last pressed RECORD
will be stored.
Record Mode should be set to AUTOMATIC for attributes.
A "Keep Dynamic" flag can be set to a Preset. This will allow the Dynamic to move to
new base values without stopping the Dynamic.
*Record Mode has to be set to Automatic for Attributes - See Devices - Recording Modes.
*Record Mode has to be set to Automatic for Attributes - See Devices - Recording Modes.
*Record Mode has to be set to Automatic for Attributes - See Devices - Recording Modes.
Record Keep Dynamics (New Base Value)
Keep Dynamics will set a Keep Dynamics flag to an existing Preset. When this Preset is
played back in a Sequence it will change the Base Values for a running Dynamic Effect
without stopping it.
There are two ways of setting this. From a checkbox in the Recording Popup, or from the
Dynamics Soft Key page (described below). See The Recording Popup.
1. Select the Dynamics Soft Key Page in the Main Display of the console facepanel by
pressing DYNAMICS in the top menu.
Congo Jr
The Currently running dynamics are stored with a Keep Dynamics flag in the Preset active in
the A field of the Main Playback. Keep dynamics is shown with a waved line under the value
in the Preset Attribute Editor.
You can store to a different Preset by entering a number before Keep Dynam. The Preset
has to be recorded first.
You can set a Keep Dynamics flag for a parameter group (Focus,
Color, Beam) by holding KEEP DYNAM and pressing either of these
Dynamics - Preset Dynamics Editor
The Preset Dynamics Editor is identical to the Live Dynamics Editor. All editing functions are
the same. See Dynamics - Edit Live Dynamic Effects .
Open Preset Dynamics [DYN_EFFECT] & [A] Dynamic Editor for the
Editor for the Preset in A Preset in A is opened
Open Preset Dynamics [DYN_EFFECT] & [B] Dynamic Editor for the
Editor for the Preset in B Preset in B is
opened (4.2)
You can open this editor in two more ways
Dynamics - Size & Rate
Each Dynamic Effect has a Size (amplitude) and Rate (frequency) value. It is possible to
assign an intensity channel to each of them.
You can set Size and Rate for running Dynamic Effects with the wheels in the Dynamics Soft
Key Page. See Dynamics - Control.
From 4.2 it is no longer possible to modulate the size or rate of a
dynamic effect using another intensity dynamic effect on the size/rate
channel. This may change the behaviour of existing plays if this rare
feature has been programmed.
Sets the size (amplitude) of the waveforms in a Dynamic Effect. It is set from 0-1000%.
This can be set with the first parameter wheel in the Dynamics Soft Key Page of the Main
Display in the Congo facepanel. (DYNAMICS softkey)
It can also be set in the Preset- and Live Dynamic Effects tabs.
See Live Dynamic Effects and Preset Dynamic Effects
Size Channel
Any channel can be set to control the Size of a Dynamic Effect. At 50% it does not affect the
programmed Size at all. At 0% the Effect is stopped, and at 100% the Size is doubled.
Sets the rate (frequency) of the waveforms in a Dynamic Effect. It is set from 0-1000%.
You can also change this parameter with the second parameter wheel in the Dynamics Soft
Key Page (press DYNAMICS in the Index Page).
It can also be set in the Preset- and Live Dynamic Effects tabs.
See Live Dynamic Effects and Preset Dynamic Effects
Rate Channel
Any channel can be set to control the Rate of a Dynamic Effect. At 50% it does not affect the
Rate at all. At 0% the Effect is stopped, and at 100% the Rate is doubled.
Dynamics - Relations & Distance
Offset Relation, Delay Relation and Distance set all channels to perform a Dynamic one after
the other, or overlapping.
These parameters can be set in the Live Attribute editor and from the Dynamic Display soft
key page.
Offset Relation
Offset is set in the Dynamic Effect views (Live and Preset). Press MODIFY in either for a
dropdown with the following options
Action Description
All All devices start at the same point in the table.
Evenly Spread The starting point (offset) is evenly spread.
1:2-1:9 The selected devices are divided in # groups
In the Dynamics Display the Offset Relation for the selected Dynamic Effect is mapped to
wheel 3.
Activate the Dynamics Soft Key Page in the Main Display of the console facepanel by
pressing DYNAMICS in the top menu.
Congo Jr
Delay Relation & Distance
Delay Relation and Distance are set in the Dynamic Effect views (Live and Preset). Press
MODIFY in Delay Relation for a dropdown with the following options
Action Description
All All devices start at the same time.
Evenly Spread The starting time is evenly delayed.
1:2-1:9 The selected devices are divided in # groups
Distance specifies the time (in percent) between the starting point of each channel when the
Delay Relation is used.
Delay Relation & Distance - Dynamics Display
In the Dynamics Display the Delay Relation is mapped to wheel 4. There is a soft key for
setting the Distance parameter directly with a numeric value.
Activate the Dynamics Soft Key Page in the Main Display of the console facepanel by
pressing DYNAMICS in the top menu.
Congo Jr
Enter a number and press DISTANCE to set the Distance value 0-100%.
Dynamics - Loop Count
A Dynamic Effect can be set to run a specific number of loops and then stop automatically. If
set to 0 it will run forever.
This is done in the Loop Count column of the Dynamic Effects tabs.
See Dynamics - Live Dynamic Effects and Dynamics - Preset Dynamic Effects
Dynamics - Fade
A Dynamic Effect can fade in size, rate or both when played back in a Sequence. When
faded manually in a Master Playback, size will follow the fader (0-100%).
The Fade parameter is set in the Live and Preset Dynamic Effect tabs in the Fade column.
Intensity Dynamics
When a Stop Table is activated, the Dynamic Effect will fade out on the in time of the
corresponding sequence step. If the Stop Table is assigned manually, the effect will snap
Attribute Dynamics
When new attribute values are played back from the Sequence, they will fade from the
Dynamic in the attribute time of that Sequence Step. When they reach zero the Dynamic is
deleted automatically.
Dynamics - Form
Form specifies the relation between the size for the Pan and Tilt parameters. It is used to
control the behaviour of Pan/Tilt combinations like a Circle.
Normal value is 100 (displayed as "F:F") which means that both Pan and Tilt are equal in
If you enter a value between 0 and 99, this will be used as the size for the Pan
parameter showed as "0:F" to "99:F".
If you enter a value between 101 and 200, this will be used as the size for the Tilt
parameter showed as "F:99" to "F:0".
Think of it as a continuous scale from a vertical movement through the full circle to a
horizontal movement.
This is done in the Form column of the Live- and Preset Dynamic Effects tab.
Dynamics - Fetch From A Preset
Dynamics can be copied from any Preset. All channels with Dynamics in that Preset will be
Dynamics - Playing Back
A Preset with Dynamic Effects can be played back in any of these ways:
General Facts
When activated, Dynamic Effects fade to the initial value including the Offset.
If the attributes are masked, the Dynamic will start anyhow.
Dynamics run until Deleted or Size is set to zero.
Device Dynamics will stop if new attributes are faded in a Sequence Step.
IMPORTANT SETTING: Always Start Dyn On Go (Crossfade Settings) => When
activated from a Sequence Step, dynamic effects are always started on Go
regardless of the GoOnGo setting for the sequence step.
Dynamics - Store Running To Library
Running Dynamics can be stored as a Dynamic Template in the Effect Library and be reused
with different channels.
1. Open the Dynamic Effect Library by holding MODIFY and pressing DYN EFFECT, or from
the Browser (Browser >Effect Library)
3. Press INSERT. You will get the question "Record running dynamics as a Dynamic
If you answer OK, the dynamics for the currently selected channels (in the selection order)
will be used as a base for creating the new Dynamic Template.
4. Enter a name in the text column (press MODIFY to activate, enter text and press MODIFY
to confirm).
Image Effects (6.0)
Image effects allow you to map a text an image (jpg/gif) or an animation (supplied) to the
intensity or color of a predefined effect layout of channels. This can be used to create
abstract or absolute patterns.
The result of mapping an image, animation or text will depend on the resolution of your effect
Text effect with the letter "E" mapped to intensity and then color in a 10x10 layout
There are controls for adjusting the playback of the image or text live. You can position,
scroll, rotate and change colors. You can map to intensity, color mix, iris or zoom.
Effect Layout
The effect layout is a "pixel map" of channels in your rig that the effect is applied to. You can
define it up to 128x128.
Effect Types
The effect types are image, animation (gif) or text. A library of animations are loaded when
you create a new play.
To start an image effect you need
An image or text
An effect layout
An Image effect playback
Now that the effect playback is created you need an Effect Layout to apply it to.
If you unlock the spreadsheet for screen editing (SETUP & TAB) you can step around with
arrow keys, press MODIFY to get a dropdown, or enter a number and press MODIFY.
When you press MODIFY or enter a number it will be an absolute
value or a Palette value - depending on the setting in Attribute
Settings. See Play Settings - Attribute.
Image effect parameters (6.0)
These are the image effect parameters divided into Content, Position, Color & Effect.
The content can be image, animation or text. It needs a layout to be mapped to, and you
have to set if it is applied to intensity, color mix, iris or zoom.
Layouts are created in the Effect Layout editor. This is the "projection screen" of an image
Choose between image, animation or text.
This is the index number of the image, animation or text chosen.
The image, animation or text can be mapped to intensity, color mix, iris or zoom of the
channels in the effect layout.
The position of the content defines where it is placed and how in the effect layout.
The size of the content can be scaled from 0-1000. 100 is "normal".
The aspect will adjust the shape of the content by adjusting X size against Y size.
Rotates the content.
Sets the speed of an animation.
Both color and effect are "filters" applied on top of the content and all previous parameters.
Scroll X
Scroll X ><
Scroll Y
Scroll Y <>
Animation effects are great for creating abstract intensity or color patterns, similar to old
school video effect generators. A number of digital animations are supplied with Congo.
These are a few.
Effect layouts (6.0)
An effect layout is the "projection screen" for an image effect. The effect layout is where you
create a positional relationship among channels. This in turn determines how pixels from the
source image will apply to channels. It is created in the Effect Layout editor, and the tools are
a simpler versions of the Channel Layout tools.
This is the effect layout editor with a simple ten by ten layout.
Create a new effect layout (6.0)
1. Open the effect layout editor (Browser >Effects >Image Effects >Effect Layouts...).
2. Press INSERT. You will get a popup where you can define the width and height in "pixels".
One pixel is the smallest possible resolution, and usually a single light source.
3. Press MODIFY in the Layout column of the new layout. This opens the layout editor tool.
Effect layout wizard (6.0)
The wizard is the easiest way to create an array/matrix or circle of channels. It opens a
popup where you can choose either of these.
Effect Layout Editor wheels (6.0)
The wheels are used to spread the selected objects horizontally or vertically, and to change
size or rotation.
Function Feedback
Stretch H Objects are spread horizontally
Stretch V Objects are spread vertically
Size Object size is changed
Rotate Object is rotated. Hold C to rotate
individual objects within selection.
If the effect layout isn't symmetrical you can work with channels one by one with these tools.
The arrow tool is a select tool which you use to select channels for all other function.
The channel tool is used to place channels on screen. Enter the number first then
Copy & Paste
Align is the same as the ALIGN key on the console. It will open a popup with options for
aligning the selected channels.
Copy an effect layout (6.0)
1. Open the effect layout list (Browser >Effects >Image Effects >Effect Layouts...)
3. Press PASTE.
Effect Images (6.0)
Effect images are jpg or gif images that you can create with the Image tool, or import from a
USB memory.
They are mapped pixel by pixel to the effect layout when selected. In other words, if the
effect layout consists of 100 light sources that are aligned 10x10 - you can create an image
that is 10x10 to fit exactly, or 128x128 if you want to be able to scale and zoom in the image.
Simple black & white image mapped to intensities, and color in a 10x10 effect layout
1. Open the Effect Images tool (Browser >Effects >Image Effects >Effect Images...)
3. Enter the size of the image. The size is relevant to the size of the effect layout it will be
applied to. We recommend 128x128 which you can scale to a lot of layouts.
4. Press MODIFY in the Image column of the new image. This opens the layout editor tool.
Edit an image (6.0)
The Effect Image Editor can be used to create new images and to edit imported images.
It offers some simple drawing tools. All of them are mouse operated.
Drawing tools
The drawing tools are the pen and the select tool. The pen will draw with the selected colors
and the select tool can be used to select an area and drag it to a different location.
Zoom tool
Color tools
There are two ways to select color:
Kaleidoscope tool
Anything you draw is mirrored on the other side of the lines. Makes it easy to make
symmetrical patterns.
Copy an effect image (6.0)
1. Open the effect image list (Browser >Effects >Image Effects >Effect images...)
3. Press PASTE.
Effect Texts (6.0)
You can create a text and apply it to an effect layout with the image effect. The text can be
applied to intensity, color mix, iris or zoom.
This is an example of the letter "E" applied to intensity and then color mix in a 10x10 effect
1. Open the Effect Text tool (Browser >Effects >Image Effect >Effect Texts...)
3. Press MODIFY in the Text column, write a text and press MODIFY to confirm.
Import Effect Images (6.0)
You can import images (jpg/bmp/gif) from a USB memory.
2. Open the Import Effect Images function (Browser >Effects >Image Effects >Import Effect
Image). This will open the import image popup where you can select the image you want to
4. Enter the target size of the image. The size is relevant to the size of the effect layout it will
be applied to. We recommend 128x128 which you can scale to a lot of layouts.
5. Press MODIFY in the Image column of the new image. This opens the layout editor tool.
Once the image is imported you can access it from the Image Effect controls.
Channel Sets
A Channel Set is a defined set of channels distributed into a number of parts. Sets can be
used as an alternative to groups, in both content and dynamic effects. The advantage of a
Channel Set compared to a group is that you can create very specific distribution models.
See Channel Distribution Wizard.
Create a Set
Sets are created in the Channel Sets editor. You can use the Channel Distribution Wizard, or
create them one by one using all channel selection and Group features in Congo as a help.
Helpful hint: Groups can be used to enter channel selections within
parts, if desired. If you are making a very complicated Channel Set
distribution, it may be easier to first create a Group that corresponds
to the contents of each individual Part, and then use the Groups on
masters or Direct Selects to simplify the entry of the channels in each
part. .
You can now use this set in any Content or Dynamic Effect Playback.
Edit a Set
Select the set using arrow keys. The channels and parts are shown in the top of the editor.
Main Playback
The Main Playback is a "theatre style" playback for sequences.
Main Playback - Introduction
The Main Playback can play back a Sequence in normal/chase mode, or random presets.
While a crossfade is being executed the "Playback" status at the lower right corner of all
screens will be red.
Manual crossfaders.
Transport keys for timed fades with default or pre-programmed times.
Split speed controls for in and outgoing channels.
REFRESH to refresh values to those of the Playback.
PLAYBACK for assigning sequences and selecting the Main Playback Tab.
In Congo Jr there is only one playback, which serves both the main playback and any of the
Master playbacks.
The CONNECT key is used in combination with any Master key to control that playback.
Once a master is connected, it is sufficient to press CONNECT.
The PLAYBACK key is used to set the controls to the main playback.
The main difference for the main playback compared to the large Congo console is that there
is no split rate control for in/outgoing fades. Instead TAP is held together with the wheel to
control rates. In Jr, this playback is used also as the Master Playback.
Main Playback - Functions
These are the functions for the Main Playback.
Main Playback - Manual Crossfades
Move the crossfaders from the down position to the up position to perform a manual
crossfade. When both reach the top position the crossfade is terminated and the next
sequence step is advanced.
General Facts
Main Playback - Transport Keys
These are the transport keys of the Main Playback.
Function Key
Start a crossfade* [GO]
Start a new crossfade during an ongoing crossfade [GO]
Pause a crossfade [PAUSE]
Crossfade to the previous step [GO_BACK]
Reverse an ongoing crossfade by making a [GO_BACK]
crossfade to the previous step
Step (without times) to the next step [SEQ+]
Step (without times) to the previous step [SEQ-]
Open the GOTO list** [GOTO]
Crossfade to any recorded preset on the stored or [#] [GOTO]
default times
Relocate the sequence from preset # in B (Next) [#] [JUMP_TO_B]
*When a crossfade is completed there is a beep.Turn this off in the System Settings -
**See The GOTO List
Device parameters are executed as LTP, independent of the playback
that once started them. This means that you cannot use (for example)
PAUSE to stop attributes.
The GOTO List (6.1)
The GOTO List is a list of all Presets in the Sequence of the Main Playback. Open by
pressing GOTO.
Select any preset with the arrow keys and press GOTO or MODIFY to fade to that preset.
The current preset in A is indicated with a gold background, and the preset in B with dark
background. Block cues are indicated with a slightly darker grey background.
Main Playback - Edit Keys
These are the editing and mode keys of the Main Playback.
Function Key
Connect the Active (A) field to the channel [A]
controls, and open the A Tab
Connect the Next (B) field to the channel [B]
controls, and open the B Tab
Load Preset # to A. [#] [PRESET] & [A]
Load Preset # to B. [#] [PRESET] & [B]
Load a sequence to the Main Playback [#] [SEQ] & [PLAYBACK]
Clear the Main Playback [C/Alt] & [PLAYBACK]
Activating the Playback Tab connects the A [PLAYBACK]
field to the channel controls and selects the
Playback tab.
Main Playback - Time Settings
Hold SETUP and press TIME to open the Settings.
Setting Feedback
Set times to Times are set to the step in B (default). You can
set them to the step in A as well.
Time: Use % as default Times for FCB will be set in % of the main fade
Default Go time The default time is set to 5 seconds.
Default Go Back time The default time is set to 2 seconds.
Main Playback - Default Settings
Hold SETUP and press PLAYBACK to open these settings.
These are the default settings for the functions of the Main Playback.
Setting Feedback
Modify Sequence When active, this mode will suppress all wait
times and master links.
Build Sequence When active (default) all presets recorded in A
(Live) will be added to the sequence.
Followon Wait times will be treated as Followon times,
counting from GO instead of from the
completion of the last fade.
GOTO jumps to The default is PRESET, you can set it to STEP.
Crossfade both ways The default setting for a manual crossfade
is upwards. You can set it both ways.
Main Playback - Refresh Functions
The Refresh function can be used for any part of a channel and will refresh to the resulting
state of the current Sequence Step in the Main Playback.
Function Key
Everything [REFRESH]
Attributes of all device(s) [REFRESH] & [ATTRIB]
Levels of all device(s) and channel(s) [REFRESH] & [@LEVEL]
Focus parameters of the selected device(s) [REFRESH] & [FOCUS]
Color parameters of the selected device(s) [REFRESH] & [COLOR]
Beam parameters of the selected device(s) [REFRESH] & [BEAM]
Wheel parameters of the selected device(s) [REFRESH] & [Wheel_key]
The Refresh function will take the currently focused channel into
account if you are using NEXT/LAST.
Playback View
The Playback views normally have a packed format like this. There is an unpacked format as
well (see below).
It provides highlighted information about the current step, and a graphical time
representation for the next step. Notes are shown with a yellow flag and displayed to the left
of the graphical view for the next step. There are progress bars for A/B at the top.
Channel Times
- are summarised as ChT: #. The # indicates how many different time groups there are in a
Moving Devices
- are summarised as Dev: #. The # indicates how many moving devices are affected by the
Master Links
- are indicated as ML: #. The # indicates how many Masters are linked to the step.
Master Pages
- are indicated as MP: #. The # indicates which Master Page is linked to the step.
MOUSE FUNCTIONALITY: You can click on many objects in the
Playback View to open the corresponding editor directly. For
It shows the in and outgoing fade times as arrows, and FCB times and channel times as
progress bars.
You can toggle this view on/off by holding FORMAT and pressing the UP or DOWN arrow.
Sequence Playback Views - Column Format
It is possible to show the information in the Playback view in a traditional columnised format,
instead of the packed default format.
You can toggle this view on/off by holding FORMAT and pressing the RIGHT or LEFT arrow.
Delay Times
An < or > character points to the time that will be delayed. If there are two delay times, the
out delay is shown and < > characters indicate that there are two delay times defined.
Sequence Editor
This node opens the Sequence Editor for the sequence in the Main Playback. See
Sequences - Sequence List.
Load Sequence
This node opens a dialogue that allows you to load any recorded Sequence to the Main
Playback. Press MODIFY to activate.
The independents are potentiometers and keys that can be set up to
control lights that you want to separate from the main controls - such
as houselights, work lights etc.
Independents Node
Independents - Introduction
Using the Independents
Independent Modes
Independents - Introduction
The Independents offer a control surface for potentiometers and keys to which you can
assign channels that can be excluded from normal control and recording.
Smoke machines
Congo Jr
The content of Independents can be assigned to a dock area. See Dock Areas - Configure.
Using the Independents
Action Console Feedback
1. Open the Setup* Hold Setup and A popup will appear with
move the a channel view***
potentiometer or
press a key**
2. Set channels, levels
and attributes
3. Select Mode [MODIFY] See Independent Modes
*The Setup can be opened from the Browser as well (Browser >Independents)
**Keys have the option to be toggling on/off.
***The Independent popup
Independent Modes
Mode Screen Feedback
Exclusive Blue level Blackout,
GrandMaster, Capture or
any other channel
function will not affect
this channel(s).
Inclusive No indication Works as an additional
Master Playback
Inhibit Red level Is an Inhibit Master -
works as a Grand Master
for the selected
*If you have several Independent Functions set to Inhibit and they have overlapping
channels, the highest Special Function will be in control. The result on stage can be
Only Intensities can be Exclusive. Attributes remain LTP, and thus
may be 'stolen' back by the rest of the console.
Independent Dock Area
Dock areas are configured by holding SETUP and pressing BROWSER.
It is possible to select Independents and set levels from the dock with the MASTER key.
Using a mouse or trackball
Click to select and hold right key and move to set levels. Click to add more, double-click to
deselect all but the last clicked.
There are 80 Master Playbacks that can be used to playback any type
of content such as channels, groups, effects, presets, sequences or
console keys, macros and moving device parameters.
Masters Node
Masters - Introduction
Masters - Functions
Master View
Master List
Master Pages
Masters - Introduction (6.0)
The masters are incredibly flexible and powerful. You can set them up individually in a
number of different modes and play back virtually any type of content that can be
programmed in Congo.
All of the 80 master playbacks can be controlled virtually by number. Physically you can
access them depending on your choice of hardware.
A master will always have a Master key to load content and select channels.
Depending on hardware, some masters have a second Flash/Option key.
Depending on hardware, master content and modes are shown in displays between
the master rows, and in the master view on the screens.
Fader keys
The two master keys belonging to each fader can be set up to control playback functions
related to the type of content loaded to the master.
Master Playback
You can connect any master to the Master Playback controls. This gives you functions like
Additional keys
Other keys that control important functions for the masters are:
The Switch with three positions next to the masters sets the 80 Master playbacks into one of
three modes.
Position Function
Channels Only Masters 1-80 will control the first 80 intensities in
the system. Select range of channels with the Direct
Masters The normal position. Masters 1-80 are Masters 1-
Jam A special mode for busking shows with different
functions. See Jam Mode.
Masters - Functions (6.0)
These are the master functions.
Masters - Settings
Masters - Commands
Masters - Clear
Masters - Times
Masters - Channels
Masters - Presets
Masters - Groups
Masters - Effects
Masters - Palettes
Masters - Sequences
Masters - Chase mode sequence
Masters - Dynamics
Masters - Channel Layouts
Masters - Attribute parameters
Masters - Console keys
Masters - Macros
Masters - Playback Keys
Masters - Drag and Drop
Masters - Settings (6.1)
All settings for masters are individual per master. You can define master settings from the
Master Settings popup or directly from the console if you have the full wing or big Congo.
See Master Settings from the console.
Flash key
Master key
Contribution to the Live output
Contribution to recording functions
Priorities against other playbacks
Open Master Settings
Hold SETUP and press Master.
To open settings for several masters select the first master (# MASTER) and add master
with + and THRU, then hold SETUP & press MASTER.
To open settings for a specific master enter the master number, then hold SETUP and press
Master Mode
These are the main modes that define the basic behaviour of a master playback.
Mode Screen Feedback
Exclusive Blue level Blackout,
GrandMaster, Capture or
any other channel function
will not affect this channel(s).
Inclusive No indication Works as an additional
Master Playback
Inhibit Red level Is an Inhibit Master - works
as a Grand Master for the
selected channel(s).*
*If you have several Independent Functions set to Inhibit and they have overlapping
channels, the highest Special Function will be in control. The result on stage can be
When you are in "exclusive" mode, the attributes will still be "stolen"
back by any function calling them from the rest of the console, even
if the intensity is "exclusive". If you wish to stop this from happening
enable Active Parameter Lock. See Master fader settings.
Exclude Record
This setting excludes the contribution of this master to the live output, from recording
functions. This is useful for worklights and effects that are on, but you don't want to include in
new presets.
Master button (6.3)
The master button is the single key in all master modules that is used to assign content to
the master. The different modes apply to specific content types - which is described closer in
the sections of these contents.
Master fader settings (6.1)
The fader settings define the behaviour of intensities and attributes for the fader. The
different modes apply to specific content types - which is described closer in the sections of
these contents.
Previous = last LTP values
Preset = a specified preset
Main Pb = sequence step in A
Preset Preset, effect Return to preset (see above)
Active parameter Preset, effect Attributes cannot be stolen by
lock another master or the Main
Playback. Manual control is still
If several masters have Fade type = Solo, the last Solo master that
leaves its 0% position will have priority over the other Solo masters.
To take control with another Solo master, move it down to 0% and up
The flash button is the lower key in all master modules. Some modules and the large Congo
only have flash keys for the lower row of faders. The different modes apply to specific
content types - which is described in greater detail in the tables below.
Flash Button
Flash type
Flash mode
The top area of all screens will indicate that flash is disabled by showing the Flash disabled
indicator pictured below.
The top of the monitor screens will indicate the Flash is Disabled like this
Master Settings From the Console
You can check and set master settings directly from the Congo console or Congo Jr Master
Playback Wing. Universal Fader Wings and Congo Kid do not support this feature.
Hold FLASH MODE and use the page keys to step through the settings per master.
Use the Master key to toggle the settings per master.
Masters - Commands
You can select masters and set levels pretty similar to how channels, effects and groups can
be selected. The MASTER key is used for this.
It is possible to select masters and set levels with the MASTER key PROVIDING a Master
View is open and selected.
Master single field editor (6.1)
You can open a single field master editor for channel intensities by holding MODIFY and
pressing the Master key. All channel functions plus UPDATE are available.
Adjustments made in this field are live if the master's fader is above
zero. When there is an unsaved change the grey title bar will be
purple and you will get an option of saving before closing or leaving
this tab (6.1)
To edit attributes in this tab, press ATTRIB. Editing Attributes opens the Preset Attribute
Editor tab. Edits to attributes are blind, and the fader must be brought to zero before those
changes will appear on the master.
Press a Master key to select all channels in the Ch, Preset, Effect or Group of that Master.
Mask in masters (6.1)
Every master has a mask that you can define per parameter. The mask will inhibit the
playback of those parameters from that master. The same content on a different unmasked
master will play back all of its content. You can use playback masks to reuse content for
different purposes, or to keep parameters from playing back, without having to edit those
parameters out of the content.
The mask is either set up from the Master List in the Mask column, or by copying the global
Mask to a master by holding MASK and pressing the Master key.
You can also assign any user mask from the Mask list by entering # holding MASK and
pressing the Master Key. See Device Control - Mask.
The mask is indicated in the display, the Masters tab and Masters dock.
Masters - Clear
These are the general functions you use to clear content and fader levels in master
Masters - Times
Masters can have In, wait and out times. These times can be used by
Flash on time
Master Links
The START function
Manual fades
In times can be set with a key shortcut. Wait and out times are set from the master editor.
In Time
1. Open the master list using [MODIFY] & [MASTER] or from the Browser >Masters
These are the settings you can set individually for master times.
Hold SETUP and press the Master key to open the settings. See Masters - Settings.
These are the settings that affect times, and only for content where times apply.
Function Function
Fader Intensity With "Follow Master Time" Fader will never fade
faster than the fade time
Flash: Use time Flash will use master time
Flash On Time
When Flash On Time is activated, the Master Playbacks will flash on the time assigned to
each playback. See Master Playbacks - Times.
Masters - Channels (6.0)
You can load and play back single channels (Ch#), or a group of channels (Chs) with set
levels from master playbacks. These are stored in the current Master Page.
Master Settings for channels (6.0)
These are the settings you can change for masters with channel content.
Hold SETUP and press the Master key to open the settings.
Please note that some settings will make other settings invalid - for example, if you set a
master to Inhibit, the main function will be inhibit.
Function Function
Mode Inclusive = playback interacts with other
Inhibit = fader limits the output of the ch's
Exclusive = fader "owns" channel intensities
Exclude Int From Excludes intensity from recording.
Master button Default = Select channels in master as group
Start = Toggles fader to full/zero
Flash = Flashes the content
Include intensity Playback will control intensities
Attributes follow fader Not used
Fader type Add = Adds intensities HTP
Solo = Replaces the content of all other masters
Fader: Use time Fader will never fade faster than the fade time
Return to (FCB) Not used
Preset Not used
Active Parameter Lock Not used
Flash button Off = No function
Momentary = Flash when pressed
Latching = Toggles flash off/on
Flash type Add = Adds intensities HTP
Solo = Replaces the content of all other masters
Flash mode Intensity = Intensities only
Flash: Use time Flash will use master time
Flash Level Sets the target level for flash
Masters - Presets (6.0)
You can record, load and play back presets from master playbacks. Since these are the
most common type of content they are displayed only with the number in the master
A preset can contain device and effect attributes. These can be set to
If a change is made to a Preset or Group that is loaded to a Master
which is active - the change will be pending until the Master is
brought to zero and back up. Pending content indicated with inverted
colors on the master LCD.
Load a preset to a master (6.0)
Recording a preset to a master you will be able to choose to record the current channel
selection or all channels on stage (if no channel is selected).
Record as a preset
Record as a return to preset
Record as a preset in a sequence
3. Enter a preset text (optional) and press RECORD again. The return to preset is shown in
the master display and master view.
2. Hold RECORD & Master key. Use the right arrow to select Return To.
Record a preset to a sequence in a master
2. Hold RECORD & Master key. Use the right arrow to select Sequence.
3. Enter a preset text, Sequence name, and step text (optional) and press RECORD again.
Master settings for presets (6.0)
These are the settings you can change for masters with preset content.
Hold SETUP and press the Master key to open the settings.
Please note that some settings will make other settings invalid - for example, if you set a
master to Inhibit, the main function will be inhibit.
Function Function
Mode Inclusive = playback interacts with other
Inhibit = fader limits the output of the preset ch's
Exclusive = fader "owns" preset intensities
Exclude Int from Excludes intensity from this master from recording
Master button Default = Select channels in preset as group
Start = Toggles fader to full/zero
Execute Attributes = Only executes attributes
Flash = Flashes the content
Include intensity Playback will control intensities
Attributes follow fader Playback fader will control attributes
Fader type Add = Adds intensities HTP
Solo = Replaces the content of all other masters
Fader: Use time Fader will never fade faster than the fade time
Return to (FCB) Specifies where attributes return to when the fader
is faded down
Masters - Groups (6.0)
You can load and play back groups from master playbacks. They are displayed with a "Gr"
before the number in the master displays.
If a change is made to a Preset or Group that is loaded to a Master
which is active - the change will be pending until the Master is
brought to zero and back up. Pending content indicated with inverted
colors on the master LCD.
These are the settings you can change for masters with group content.
Hold SETUP and press the Master key to open the settings.
Please note that some settings will make other settings invalid - for example, if you set a
master to Inhibit, the main function will be inhibit.
Function Function
Mode Inclusive = playback interacts with other
Inhibit = fader limits the output of the group
Exclusive = fader "owns" group intensities
Exclude Int. from Excludes intensity from this master from recording
Master button Default = Select channels in master as group
Start = Toggles fader to full/zero
Flash = Flashes the content
Include intensity Playback will control intensities
Attributes follow fader Not used
Fader type Add = Adds intensities HTP
Solo = Replaces the content of all other masters
Fader: Use time Fader will never fade faster than the fade time
Return to (FCB) Not used
Preset Not used
Active Parameter Lock Not used
Flash button Off = No function
Momentary = Flash when pressed
Latching = Toggles flash off/on
Flash type Add = Adds intensities HTP
Solo = Replaces the content of all other masters
Flash mode Intensity = Intensities only
Flash: Use time Flash will use master time
Flash Level Sets the target level for flash
Masters - Effects (6.0)
You can load and play back effects from master playbacks. They are displayed with a "E"
before the number in the master displays.
An effect contains effect attributes. These will always be dependent upon the last played
back settings for that Effect Playback, or manual control.
The Effect Playback on the Master does not contain any recorded settings at all but If the
effect is stored to a preset that is assigned to a master, the effect attributes can be set to
Master settings for effects (6.0)
These are the settings you can change for masters with effect content.
Hold SETUP and press the Master key to open the settings.
Please note that some settings will make other settings invalid - for example, if you set a
master to Inhibit, the main function will be inhibit.
Function Function
Mode Inclusive = playback interacts with other
Inhibit = fader limits the output of the preset ch's
Exclusive = fader "owns" preset intensities
Exclude Int from Excludes intensity from this master from
Record recording.
Master button Default = Select effect channel as a group
Start = Toggles fader to full/zero
Execute Attributes = Only executes attributes
Flash = Flashes the content
Include intensity Playback will control intensity
Attributes follow fader Not used
Fader type Add = Adds intensities HTP
Solo = Replaces the content of all other masters
Fader: Use time Fader will never fade faster than the fade time
Return to (FCB) Not used
Preset Not used
Active Parameter Lock Not used
Flash button Off = No function
Momentary = Flash when pressed
Latching = Toggles flash off/on
Flash type Add = Adds intensities HTP
Solo = Replaces the content of all other masters
Flash mode All = Intensities and attributes
Intensity = Intensities only
Attributes = Attributes only
Tap = Tap tempo for the effect
Flash: Use time Flash will use master time
Flash Level Sets the target level for flash
Masters - Palettes (6.1)
You can load and activate palettes from master playbacks. They are displayed with a
"Fo,Co, Be, Pa" before the number in the master displays.
Once a palette is loaded onto a master you can use the master to activate the palette for
selected channels:
The fader will fade the attributes of the selected channels to the
palette values when moved up. What happens when you move the
fader down depends on the setting of Return To in the Master
Load palettes to masters
Palettes are activated with the master key or the fader, for the currently selected channel(s).
Masters - Sequences (6.1)
You can record, load and play back sequences from master playbacks. They are displayed
with an "S" before the number in the master displays.
Record a sequence to a master (6.1)
When you record a second preset to a master, or if a sequence is loaded to a master - you
will get the option to continue to record to that sequence using the same recording logic as
when you record to the sequence in the Main Playback (6.1).
2. Hold RECORD & Master key. Use the right arrow to select Sequence.
3. Enter a preset text, Sequence name, and step text (optional) and press RECORD again.
These are the settings you can change for masters with sequence content.
Hold SETUP and press the Master key to open the settings.
Please note that some settings will make other settings invalid - for example, if you set a
master to Inhibit, the main function will be inhibit.
Function Function
Mode Inclusive = playback interacts with other
Inhibit = fader limits the output of the group
Exclusive = fader "owns" intensities
Exclude Int from Excludes Intensity from this master from recording
Master button Default = Select channels in current step as group
GO = Same as GO in the main playback
GO/Pause = Go and Pause
Start = Toggles fader to full/zero
Flash = Flashes the content
Include intensity Playback will control intensities
Attributes follow fader Not used
Fader type Add = Adds intensities HTP
Solo = Not used
Fader: Use time Fader will never fade faster than the fade time
Return to (FCB) Not used
Preset Not used
Active Parameter Lock Not used
Flash button Off = No function
Momentary = Flash when pressed
Latching = Toggles flash off/on
GoBack = Same as Go Back in the main playback
Flash type Add = Adds intensities HTP
Solo = Not used
Flash mode Intensity = Intensities only
Flash: Use time Flash will use master time
Flash Level Sets the target level for flash
Dual Fader mode for Sequences (6.1)
When this mode is active, there are two modes involving two masters for controlling the
sequence loaded to the first master, and there are more configurable buttons for controlling
the sequence.
The sequence master and the next higher master will control the sequence as an A/B
playback providing a crossfader pair, just like when a sequence is controlled from the Main
Int + A/B
The first master controls the intensity of the sequence, and the second is a combined A/B
The default button settings (press MODIFY on "Button settings for dual fader mode) are:
The Master View will change to show these button settings and some more information for
the A/B pair like this:
Simpler master wing displays: The linked A/B master shows the sequence number in
parenthesis to indicate that the master is occupied.
The Dual Fader mode setting can be selected also in the Master List
(Browser >Masters >Master List).
Masters - Chase mode sequences (6.0)
You can load and play back sequences in "chase" mode from master playbacks. They are
displayed with a "C" before the number in the master displays.
Attributes are executed only when the fader is over zero. The Chase will start from the first
step every time the fader is brought over 0%.
Time Master
A special feature available for sequences in chase mode is a Time Master. By creating a
time master you can control the speed of a chase.
1. Open the master list using [MODIFY] & [MASTER] or from the Browser >Masters
Load a chase sequence to a master (6.0)
These are the settings you can change for masters with sequence content.
Hold SETUP and press the Master key to open the settings.
Please note that some settings will make other settings invalid - for example, if you set a
master to Inhibit, the main function will be inhibit.
Function Function
Mode Inclusive = playback interacts with other
Inhibit = fader limits the output of the group
Exclusive = fader "owns" intensities
Exclude Int. from Excludes intensity from this master from recording
Master button Default = Select channels in current step as group
GO = Same as GO in the main playback
GO/Pause = Go and Pause
Start = Toggles fader to full/zero
Flash = Flashes the content
Include intensity Playback will control intensities
Attributes follow fader Not used
Fader type Add = Adds intensities HTP
Solo = Not used
Fader: Use time Fader will never fade faster than the fade time
Return to (FCB) Not used
Preset Not used
Active Parameter Lock Not used
Flash button Off = No function
Momentary = Flash when pressed
Latching = Toggles flash off/on
GoBack = Same as Go Back in the main playback
Tap = Tap mode for the chase Bpm
Flash type Add = Adds intensities HTP
Solo = Not used
Flash mode Intensity = Intensities only
Flash: Use time Flash will use master time
Flash Level Sets the target level for flash
Masters - Dynamics
You can load and activate dynamic templates direct from master playbacks. These are
temporary data stored in the current Master Page. They are displayed with an "Dy" before
the number in the master displays.
Use the master key to activate the dynamic effect for the currently selected
This is an old version of dynamic effects in Congo. We recommend
you to use the new Dynamic Effect playback instead, since it offers
much more control.
Masters - Channel Layouts
You can load and activate channel layouts direct from master playbacks. These are
temporary data stored in the current Master Page. They are displayed with an "La" before
the number in the master displays.
Use the master key to activate it for the currently selected channel view.
Masters - Attribute parameters (6.1)
You can load and activate attribute parameters from master playbacks. This is very useful for
parameters that map well to faders, like iris, focus, shutters and color mixing. They are
displayed with a "Pm" before the number in the master displays.
Once an attribute parameter is loaded to a master, and depending on the nature of the
parameter, you can
To load a parameter to master select a device with that parameter, hold the parameter wheel
key and press a master key.
Masters - Console keys
You can assign any console key to a master playback. This is useful if there is a soft key you
are using a lot like "select 2nd" or "DATA", so you have fast access to it. Console keys are
displayed with a "Ke" and the key function, in the master displays.
You cannot clear a console key from a master by holding C and
pressing the master key - since C is used in combination with
console keys. To clear, go to the Master List.
1.Open the master list using [MODIFY] & [MASTER] or from the Browser >Masters
Masters - Macros
You can assign a macro key to a master playback so you have fast access to it. Macro keys
are displayed with a "Ma" and its text, in the master displays.
Master Playback - Functions
Masters - Drag and Drop Data (6.3)
There are many ways of moving around data between masters. Drag and drop is one of
them. It can be useful if you want to reorganize the content of your masters.
You can drag a channel selection from any channel view to a master:
You can drag any type of object that can be loaded to a master from the Browser:
You can move content between masters. Note that all master settings will be moved along
with the content.
If there is content in a master field, you will get a dialogue for overwriting:
You can create a master link in a sequence by dragging the master from the master view to
the sequence step.
The master will be linked with a target level or 100% if it is over 50% when linked, and a
target level of 0% if it is under 50% when linked. You can double-click the master link in the
Playback view to edit it.
Master View
The master view is a graphical view of the content in the master playbacks. It has several
formats and is zoomable.
Master Views can be assigned to a dock area. See Dock Areas -
Master View - Formats
All Masters
Selected Masters
Active Masters
Masters with content
You can toggle what is shown for a sequence or chase by holding FORMAT and pressing
right/left arrows
You can zoom the level of detail by holding FORMAT and pressing the up/down arrows.
You can zoom the size of the masters by holding FORMAT and using the level wheel.
The currently selected format is indicated in the top right corner of each Master View.
In the All format there is a header bar visible for each row of masters
that shows information about the currently selected master page.
Master List
The Master List is a spreadsheet editor for all master fields where you can change settings
and assign content to several fields at the same time.
It is opened from the console with MODIFY & MASTER or from Browser >Masters >Master
Master list - Columns & Functions
Times can be set in % or in seconds. This is selected in the Settings
Attributes - you can always toggle this by holding C before pressing
MODIFY in the In/Wait/Out columns.
Masters - Content
You can play back almost any kind of content from a Master Playback. The content can be
loaded directly or from the Master Editor. See Load/Clear & Master Editor.
Content Function
Prs Play back Preset from fader, select channels with
Master key. Flash with Flash key.
Chs Single channels or several channels as a temporary
selection (previously called Grp).
Seq Play back Sequences. The Master key is Go. The
fader is a Grand Master for that Sequence. Connect
to the Master Playback for more functions.
Chases (old) Play back Sequences in Chase mode. The Master
key is Go. The fader is a Grand Master for that
Sequence. Connect to the Master Playback for
more functions.
Focus, Color, Beam, Activate any kind of Palette (F, C, B, All) for the
Pal. selected channels.
Macro Assign a Macro to activate with the master key.
Dynamic Activate a Dynamic Effect for the selected
Mask Assign a Mask to activate with the master key.
Key (5.0) A master can be set as any console key. The
master key will function as this key.
Group Play back Groups from fader, select channels with
Master key. Flash with Flash key.
Layout Any Channel Layout can be assigned to a Master
Parameter Any parameter of a moving device can be assigned
to a Master Playback*
Time Master Any Master can be assigned as a Time Master for a
Sequence in Chase mode. See Chases (old).
*Can be assigned by holding a Parameter key and pressing the Master key, or from the
Master List.
Master Pages
Master Pages store all content for 20 masters and can be used used
in any row of 20 Master Playback Faders, eg the upper (21-40) or
lower (1-20) rows.
Master Pages - Introduction
You can store all content of 20 Master Playbacks into a Master Page. Master Pages can be
stepped through, or loaded.
General Functionality
Loading a new Master Page puts the new content in a pending state
if the master is above 0%. When the Master is faded to 0% the new
information is loaded.
Master Pages - Record (6.2)
All content changes in the affected Master Range (1-20 or 21-40) are automatically recorded
when Auto-Update is On (default). They can be recorded manually to the same Page or to
another Page as well.
Master Pages - Functions (6.1)
It is possible to load and change Master Pages separately to any row (1-20, 21-40, 41-60,
61-80) of Master Playbacks. When a new play is created Page 1-4 are automatically loaded.
*The corresponding Masters are cleared. If the Page does not exist it will be created
PENDING - If a master fader is over 0% when new content is loaded -
it will load the new content after fading to 0%.
Master Soft Key page for Jr & Kid (6.2)
Since Congo jr and Congo Kid support masters without dedicated paging controls,
there is a Masters soft key page with master functions. The Masters soft key page is
selected with the soft key MASTERS in the Main Display of the Congo jr and Congo
Page keys (PAGE 1-20, PAGE 21-41, PAGE 41-60, PAGE 61-80)
These keys are the PAGE key for each master section. Master pages may be assigned to
banks of masters even when no wings are attached to Congo jr. Congo Kid has physical
faders for masters 1-20 and 21-40, and masters 41-60 and 61-80 may still be used with the
Masters tab or dock and the keypad for selection and control.
Enter a number and press a Page #-# key to select a page for masters #-#
Hold a Page #-# key and press PAGE- or PAGE+ to change page last/next
Hold C and press a Page #-# key to clear this section.
Hold RECORD and press a Page #-# to record to this section (6.2)
Master Pages - List
You can view, edit and create Master Pages directly in the Master Page List (BROWSER
>Master Pages).
The system always creates 10 empty Master Pages when a new Play
is opened.
Master Pages List - Functions
Master Pages - Editor
In the Master Page Editor you can view and edit the content and times of Master Pages.
Open in Browser> Masters >Master Pages> Master Page #.
You can use copy and paste to make a copy of an existing master page.
Master Page - Columns
*Content dropdown
Master Pages - Times
Master Playback times can be stored in Master Pages. Times are set from 0.1seconds to
49.59 minutes (0.1- 4959).
General Facts
The Master Page Time is used for Palettes (content= palette) and Presets with In times set
in %.
*The Master Page Time can be set from the Master Page List as well.
Master Page Times - BPM
The Master Page BPM will affect all chasers running in that Master Page.
Master Pages - Auto-update Mode
This is the default mode for Master Pages - in which all changes automatically are stored to
the current Master Page.
Master Pages - Display List
The Display lists are shown in the main display of the console. The trackball has to be in
Remote Controls
There are different remote control systems for Congo. Each one has
it's own working field. This is where you can set/edit and clear these
fields, and rename the remotes.
Clear Remotes
Remote Control List
All different types of remote controls are described in Accessories - Remote Control.
Clear Remotes
Select this node and press MODIFY to clear all intensities set in remote fields.
This function is available in Congo Jr in the Misc soft key menu as well.
This editor shows all active remote controls. BROWSER >Remote Controls >Remotes List.
You have the possibility to give names to each Remote control (currently only possible on
Net3 RFR devices) and disable the contribution from specific remotes. In Settings: System,
you can set all remote input to off. See Play Settings - System.
If you press MODIFY in the Clear Levels column, you can quickly clear all levels
from that remote.
The channels and levels in each remote field can be edited directly in the channel
view in the top of the editor.
The Online column is just an indicator for network RFR's.
To set this remote to work in A instead of it's unique remote field activate this cell.
The Media node contains tutorial movies, images of your choice,
software documentation and Training Projects.
Media Node
Media - Introduction
Training Projects
Media - Introduction
The Media node of the Browser has four nodes. Each of them represent a folder with the
same name in the CONGO folder at the root of the system. Information dropped in these
folders can be viewed in the Tabs of Congo.
In the movies folder there are tutorials for learning Congo. Mostly, they are around five
minutes and in English. You start them by selecting them and pressing MODIFY or ENTER.
Do not watch movies in the console during playback.
You can import movies from a USB memory stick or a digital camera by connecting it to
Congo and selecting "Import Images.." from the Browser >Media >Import Images node.
You can import images from a USB memory stick or a digital camera by connecting it to
Congo and selecting "Import Images.." from the Browser >Media >Import Images node.
This works for cameras that show up as a new Drive in Windows (not
as a camera device).
You can delete images directly from the Browser by pressing DELETE.
Training Projects
This is visualisation plug-in for training purposes. The projects are created in a third-party
software called Capture and supplied by ETC. The idea is not to run large shows with
processor-heavy visualisation inside Congo. It is meant as a training tool that allows you to
understand functions like Dynamic Effects without having a rig.
There is a camera (viewing angle) that allows you to zoom, pan and rotate the "stage". There
are some default functions connected to the FORMAT key of Congo, and some functions are
accessible by patching the camera as a Device to a channel.
Default functions
Camera does not have to be patched as a DMX device.
DMX functions
Camera is patched as a device to channel 22 in the project A Demo Play. When the channel
controlling the camera is selected all functions are mapped to the device controls around the
Main Display.
FOCUS functions
Zoom = Zoom
X <> = Move stage right/left along the X axis
Y <> = Move stage up/down along the Y axis
Z <> = Move stage in/out along the Z axis
Ambient L = Houselights
Fixture L = Fixture lights
Atmospher = Atmosphere/smoke
Training Projects - Hints
The Training Project is a simple way of getting to know some of the moving light functionality
of Congo, and to understand Dynamics.
In the corresponding Congo Play (A Demo Play) there is a sample of a Channel Layout that
can be used together with the Plug-in. If you are running one monitor and split the screens
you will have a view like this.
This Chapter is about the console key functions, keyboard
equivalents and shortcuts. Its a very useful chapter.
Console Key Quick Help
These are all console keys with a short explanation and a summary
of functions, in alphabetical order.
This text is linked to each key in the console and opens if you hold [?] and press a
There are links to the corresponding chapters of the manual.
The keyboard equivalent in an alphanumeric keyboard is listed.
Console Key - ?
This is the HELP function. It activates the online help system, which is a complete electronic
copy of the user manual.
Press this key to move one level up in the main display soft key menus of the console.
No keyboard equivalent
Console Key - @LEVEL
This key is used to set levels to channels. It can also be used in combination with other keys
for specific level functions.
If the console is set to operate in At Mode this key has a slightly different syntax. See
Channels - Command Syntax .
Console Key - A
Opens the channel view for the A field of the Main Playback. The channel control will be
connected to the A field.
This key is used to align device parameters to the one currently selected with NEXT/LAST.
[ALIGN] & [parameter key] (CYAN, or FOCUS for example) - Aligns these
Console Key - ALL
The ALL key is used for selecting channels with levels over 0% in different targets.
[ALL] - Selects all channels with a level over 0% in any channel view.
[ALL] [ALL] - In the Live view the first press will select all channels over 0% in A, the
second press will select channels in all Master Playbacks as well.
[ALL] & [PALETTE KEY] - Hold ALL and press a Direct Select key for a palette to
select all channels with an intensity over 0% using that palette.
The arrow keys are a vital part of all navigating functions, and are used a lot in combination
with the silver colored navigating keys, and the level wheel.
[Arrow keys] - Move in the direct of that key in the Browser, or a spreadsheet view.
In dialogue boxes the side arrows will move between tabs, and up and down will
select input areas. In the Browser the right arrow will open the current node, and the
left arrow will close and jump to the top of any list.
[Arrow key] & [level wheel] - Speed scroll in any list view.
[TAB] & [side arrows] - Moves the current tab to the next screen.
[TAB] & [down arrow] - Splits the screens, the same command with the up arrow will
undo the current split.
[FORMAT] & [down arrow] - Opens more detailed information when available.
[FORMAT] & [up arrow] - Selects less detailed information when available.
Left Arrow
Right Arrow
Up Arrow
The ATTRIB key is used to record, edit and view attributes for moving devices.
For more information see Device Views - Live, Device Views - Presets, Record All Attributes
For Selected Channels
Console Key - B
This key opens the channel view for the B field of the Main Playback. The channel control
will be connected to the B field.
The BALANCE key is a soft key in the CHANNELS menu of the console main display. It is
used to mute all channel intensities except the current selection, temporarily.
[BALANCE] - Temporarily mutes all channel intensities except the current selection.
Press again to return.
[SETUP] & [REM DIM] - Opens the dialogue to set this key as BALANCE.
Console Key - BANK
The BANK key is used to change bank of data in the Direct Select key sections.
Hold [BANK] - When this key is held, you can use the direct select keys to select a bank (1-
10, 11-20 etc) for each section of direct select keys.
This key is used to record and recall Beam palettes for moving devices.
[RECORD] & [BEAM] - Record the next free palette for the currently selected
[#] [RECORD] & [BEAM] - Record a new palette for the currently selected devices.
[#] [BEAM] - Recall a recorded palette for the currently selected devices.
[MODIFY] & [BEAM] - Open the Beam palette list.
Hold [BEAM] - When BEAM is held, all existing palettes 1-40 can be accessed from
the direct select keys.
For more information see Devices - Palettes, Record A Beam Palette, Device Palettes -
Direct Mode.
The BLIND key is used to edit and load content to the blind editing field. You can edit and
record channels in BLIND independently from all other fields.
[BLIND] - Open the Blind view, and set channel control to this field.
[LIVE] & [BLIND] - Move the values of the current channels over 0% into BLIND.
[BLIND] & [A] or a [master key] - Move the values of the currently selected channels
from BLIND to that field.
[BLIND] & [level wheel] - Fade the content of BLIND into the output of the console.
Console Key - BROWSER
The Browser is a fundamental part of the Congo system. This is where all functions are
located, all data can be viewed, and where you can access settings, files and the Help
This key is used to clear numeric entries. When it is held it can be combined with other keys
for clearing information, and for Macro style functions like channel check mode.
Console Key - CAPTURE
This key is used to activate Capture mode, in which any channel that is manually altered will
be Captured, and cannot be controlled from any other function until it is released from
Capture mode. Captured channels are indicated with a red background in the channel views.
When you record a captured channel, the captured levels are stored.
The CH key is used to select channels, and in combination with other keys for additional
channel functions.
[#] [CH] - Select that channel (if you are operating in At Mode, this key is not used in
the same way).
[C/ALT] & [CH] - Clear levels and channel selection in the selected channel view.
[CH] & [up/down arrow] - Scroll in the selected channel view.
[CH] & [@LEVEL] - Toggle the levels of the selected channel(s) 100-0% for
[#] [CH] & [TIME] - Record a channel time for the selected channel(s).
[#] [CH] & [DELAY] - Record a channel Delay for the selected channel(s).
[ON/FETCH]&[CH] - Revert (undo) level changes back to value at initial selection.
The CHANNEL SET soft key in the EFFECTS soft key menu, is used to open the Channel
Set editor for effects.
Console Key - CHASE
The CHASE soft key in the EFFECTS soft key menu, is used to open the editor for chase
CH TIME is a soft key in the TIME menu of the console main display. It is used to record
individual channel times. Times are recorded to the Sequence Step in A or B depending on
the setting of Times.
[#] [CH TIME] - Record that time to the currently selected channel(s).
CH DELAYT is a soft key in the TIME menu of the console main display. It is used to record
individual channel delay times. Times are recorded to the Sequence Step in A or B
depending on the setting of Times.
[#] [CH DELAY] - Record that time to the currently selected channel(s).
CLEAR CHANGED is a soft key in the DEVICE menu of the console main display. It is used
together with the attribute record setting "Changed" to clear the Set Changed flag on
parameters that have been changed, so they will not be recorded.
[SET CHANGED] & [PALETTE] - Set all parameters for the selected channels to not
[SET CHANGED] & [FOCUS] - Set Focus parameters for the selected channels to
not changed.
[SET CHANGED] & [COLOR] - Set Colorparameters for the selected channels to not
[SET CHANGED] & [BEAM] - Set Beam parameters for the selected channels to not
[SET CHANGED] & [wheel parameter key] - Set this parameter for the selected
channels to changed.
The CLIENT key is used to activate and deactivate external access from network clients, and
to set permissions.
Console Key - COLOR
This key is used to record and recall Color palettes for moving devices.
[RECORD] & [COLOR] - Record the next free palette for the currently selected
[#] [RECORD] & [COLOR] - Record a new palette for the currently selected devices.
[#] [COLOR] - Recall a recorded palette for the currently selected devices.
[MODIFY] & [COLOR] - Open the Color palette list.
Hold [COLOR] - When COLOR is held, all existing palettes 1-40 can be accessed
from the direct select keys.
For more information see Devices - Palettes, Record A Color Palette, Device Palettes -
Direct Mode.
For more information see Navigating - Lists, Change The List View, Sort By Column.
The CONNECT key is used to connect a Master with a Sequence to the Master Playback
controls of the console frontpanel. A Playback tab will be opened for this master.
Console Key - COMPARE
COMPARE is a soft key in the CHANNELS menu of the console main display. It is used to
compare the intensities in a channel view with any other Preset. It is a mode that has to be
exited before returning to normal operation.
[COMPARE] - Load the last recorded preset that was loaded to this channel view.
Press again to return.
[#] [COMPARE] - Load that preset to this channel view. Press again to return.
The COPY/CUT key is used to copy and cut information for pasting. Information that can be
copied, cut and pasted is Text, Sequence Steps (Sequence List), Groups (Group List),
Presets (Preset List), Device Templates (Device Template List) and Attributes in the Preset
The CURSOR key is only available in the big Congo console to set the built in trackball to
mouse mode.
Console Key - DATA (6.0)
The DATA key is a soft key in the CHANNELS menu of the console main display. It is used
to set toggle how attribute data is displayed in the channel views and the console displays.
When DATA is active absolute data is shown, for example Pan 50%.
When DATA is off, referenced data is shown, for example F1 (focus palette 1)
The DELAY key is used to set delay times to the sequence step in the A or B field of the
Main Playback (depending on the Time Settings).
Console key - DEVICE
The DEVICE key is used to open the Device List, where you can edit the settings for all
moving devices.
The five Direct Select Page keys will activate a user setup that is auto-stored for the Direct
The DISPLAY LIST key is only available in the big Congo console to open Display Lists in
the main display.
[DISPLAY LIST] - Activate display lists and set the trackball to this mode (green).
Use the trackball and LEFT/RIGHT to select items in the lists.
Hold [DISPLAY LIST] - Show all display list options in the Direct Selects.
Console Key - EFFECT
The EFFECT key is used to operate the effect playbacks for chase, content, image and
dynamic effects.
NOTE that the command syntax for effects is different when operating in At Mode. See
Effects - Command Syntax.
The EFFECT OVERVI soft key in the EFFECTS soft key menu, is used to open the Effects
Overview tab with a summary of all data available to use for effects.
The ESC key is used to close and exit all tabs and dialogues.
Console Key - FAN
The FAN key is used to fan (distribute around a centre point) attributes and times. The
distribution can be set to U, V and S shape in the Fan Settings.
[FAN] & [level wheel] - Select devices, use NEXT/LAST to set the centre point. Then
hold FAN and move the wheel of the parameter you wish to fan. Attribute times are
fanned with a wizard that opens when you select an attribute time or delay in an
attribute view and press WIZARD.
For more information see Device Control - Fan, Device Times - Fan Times.
The FCB DELAYsoft key in the Times soft key page, is used to set a delay time to FCB for
the moving device channels.
[#] [FCB_Delay] - Sets the FCB times to # for the moving device channels, in the A
or B field of the main playback depending on the settings for times.
The FCB TIME soft key in the Times soft key page, is used to set a time to FCB for the
moving device channels.
[#] [FCB_Time] - Sets the FCB times to # for the moving device channels, in the A or
B field of the main playback depending on the settings for times.
Console Key - FLASH
The lower row of masters in the Congo console and the large fader wing of the Congo Jr are
equipped with two keys per master. The top key is the master key used to load content, and
the lower key is a flash key. The flash key can be set to different modes and levels.
The lower row of masters in the Congo console and the Congo Jr Master Playback Wing, the
Universal wings and Congo Kid masters are equipped with two keys per master. The top key
is the master key used to load content, and the lower key is a flash key. The flash key can be
set to different modes and levels.
[FLASH MODE] (held) - Shows master settings in console display, use page +/-
to step through and press the Master Key to toggle settings.
[#] [FLASH MODE] & [flash key] - Set a flash level for a master.
[C/ALT] & [FLASH MODE] - Disable flash mode (toggles)
The FLIP key will flip the pan and tilt values of the selected moving devices.
Console Key - FOCUS
This key is used to record and recall Focus palettes for moving devices.
[RECORD] & [FOCUS] - Record the next free palette for the currently selected
[#] [RECORD] & [FOCUS] - Record a new palette for the currently selected devices.
[#] [FOCUS] - Recall a recorded palette for the currently selected devices.
[MODIFY] & [FOCUS] - Open the Focus palette list.
Hold [FOCUS] - When FOCUS is held, all existing palettes 1-40 can be accessed
from the direct select keys.
For more information see Devices - Palettes, See Record A Focus Palette, Device Palettes -
Direct Mode.
The Focus Mode soft key in the Device Soft key page is used activate a specific focus mode
for quickly adjusting palettes.
The FORMAT key is a vital part of controlling what is shown in all views except spreadsheets
(lists). It is used a lot in combination with the arrow keys, and the level wheel.
[FORMAT] - Change channel sorting (all channels, non-zero channels etc) for the
current channel view.
[FORMAT] & [level wheel] - Zoom in channel and attribute views.
[FORMAT] & [up/down arrows] - Compress/expand information in a view.
Console Key - GO
This GO key in the Master Playback starts the next crossfade in the master/sequence
connected to the Master Playback.
The GO BACK key starts a crossfade to the previous sequence step in the Main Playback.
[GO BACK] - Start a crossfade to the previous sequence step in the Main Playback.
Press GO BACK during an ongoing crossfade to reverse it.
[SETUP] & [GO BACK] - Change default times.
Console Key - GO BACK (Master Playback)
The GO BACK key starts a crossfade to the previous sequence step in the master/sequence
connected to the Master Playback.
[GO BACK] - Start a crossfade to the previous sequence step in the connected
master. Press GO BACK during an ongoing crossfade to reverse it.
No keyboard equivalent
The GOTO key is used to crossfade into any existing preset in the Main Playback.
[#] [GOTO] - Start a crossfade to that preset. If the preset exists in the current
sequence, the step times will be used.
[SETUP] & [GOTO] - Change settings.
For more information see Main Playback - Transport Keys and The GOTO List.
The GROUP key is used to store and recall channel selections stored into Groups.
NOTE that the command syntax for selecting groups is different when operating in At Mode.
See Groups - Select channels.
[RECORD] & [GROUP] - Record the currently selected channels and levels into the
next free group.
[#] [RECORD] & [GROUP] - Record the currently selected channels and levels to
that group.
[#] [GROUP] - Select the channels of that group.
[#] [GROUP] & [level wheel] - Fade the channels of that group in proportionally.
[GROUP], or [MODIFY] & [GROUP] - Open the Group List.
GROUP WHEEL MODE is a soft key in the Channels menu of the console main display. In
Group Wheel Mode you can assign a channel group to each wheel under the Main Display
The HIGHLIGHT key will activate highlight mode for the currently selected devices.
The HOME ATTRIB key will set all or some parameters for the currently selected devices to
their default home position. The home position can be re-recorded at any time.
[HOME ATTRIB] [HOME ATTRIB] - Home all parameters for the selected devices.
[HOME ATTRIB] & [FOCUS, COLOR, BEAM] - Home these parameters.
[HOME ATTRIB] & [wheel parameter key] - Home only this parameter.
[RECORD] & [HOME ATTRIB] - Record the current values as the new HOME
position for the selected devices.
[C/ALT] & [HOME ATTRIB] - Home all parameters for all devices.
[C/ALT] & [HOME ATTRIB] [HOME ATTRIB] - Home all parameters for all devices
and set intensities to zero.
Console Key - IN
The IN key is used to set In times to the sequence step in the A or B field of the Main
Playback (depending on the Time Settings).
The three keys and potentiometers in the Independents area of the consoles are used to
control lights outside the main functionality of the console - for example houselights or
worklights. They can operate in three modes: Inclusive, Inhibit and Exclusive.
The INSERT key is used to insert new data in a list. In some lists a number is required, in
some not. A new item is usually inserted after the current item.
Console Key - INV GROUP
The INV GROUP key is used to invert the current channel selection and select all other
channels with a level over 0% in a channel view.
The JUMP TO B key is used to reposition the sequence in the main playback blindly to
continue from a different sequence step.
[#] [JUMP TO B] - Enter the number of a preset or sequence step (depending on the
settings for this function) and press JUMP TO B to move that item to the B field of
the Main Playback.
For more information see Main Playback - Transport Keys, Crossfade Settings.
The LAST key is used to select the previous channel within the current channel selection.
This is useful for adjusting single moving devices within a selection, and also for selecting a
specific device as reference point for the Fan and Align functions.
[LAST] - Press LAST with more than one channel selected to activate Next/Last
mode. Press SELECT ALL to exit.
For more information see Device Control - Next & Last Mode.
Console Key - LEARN ALERT
LEARN ALERT is a soft key in the TIMES >LEARN soft key menu of the console main
display. It is used to activate Learn Alert mode in which alert times are auto-stored when a
sequence is played back.
The LEARN MACRO soft key in the Misc soft key page, is used to record Macros.
[#] [Learn_Macro] - Starts recording a new macro, click with mouse in top right
corner of the screen on "Recording Macro" to stop.
LEARN PROFILE is a soft key in the TIMES soft key menu of the console main display. It is
used to activate Learn Profile mode in which the actual fader movement is stored during a
manual crossfade in the main playback.
The Left key, in the big Congo only, is the left mouse key of the trackball.
Console Key - LIVE
The LIVE key is fundamental. It selects the Live tab and sets the channel control to the live
output, through the A field of the Main Playback.
The LOAD key activates items in the Browser, like Groups, Palettes & Effects.
The MACRO key in the MISC soft key page is used to activate macros.
[#] [MACRO] - Enter the number of a macro and press MACRO to activate.
Console Key - MARK
MARK is a soft key in the CHANNELS menu of the console main display. It is used to set a
"mark" level (less than 1%) to the selected device(s) to enforce a move command without
having intensities.
The MASK key is used in combination with other keys to toggle the mask functions that
mask device parameters from recording.
Console Key - MASTER KEYS
Every master has a master key that is used to load content to the master, and for some
Keyboard equivalent: [1]-[9] and [0] over the letter keys correspond to master keys 1-10
The MASTER key is used to open the Master List editor where you can see and control the
master fields.
[MASTER] - Open the Master view. When the Master view is open, you can enter a
number and press MASTER to control that master with the level wheel.
[SETUP] & [MASTER] - Opens settings for this key.
[MODIFY] & [MASTER] - Opens the master list.
For more information see Master View - Select And Set Levels.
Console Key - MINUS
The MINUS key (-) is part of the channel select keys. It is used to subtract a channel from
the current selection. It is also used for the Channel Check function.
[#] [-] - Deselect the channel,(if the console is set to operate in At Mode press
MINUS and then enter the number).
[C/ALT] & [-] - Make a channel check to the previous channel with the current level.
Hold [-] & [master key] - Subtract the channels in that master from the current
[#] [GROUP] & [-] - Subtract the channels in that Group from the current selection
[#] [PRESET] & [-] - Subtract the channels in that Preset from the current selection
The MINUS PERCENT key (-%) is part of the channel level keys. It is used to subtract 5%
(default) from the current selection. It is also used for setting a selection to zero in
combination with the C/ALT key.
Console Key - MODIFY
The MODIFY key is central for a lot of functions. It is both the equivalent of an ENTER key
and part of a syntax in combination with other keys.
[MODIFY] - Answer dialogues, activate choices, enter numbers, open lists, activate
text input in text cells.
[MODIFY] & [PRESET] - Opens the Preset List.
[MODIFY] & [GROUP] - Opens the Group List.
[MODIFY] & [SEQ] - Opens the Sequences List.
[MODIFY] & [DYN EFFECT] - Opens the Effect List.
[MODIFY] & [FOCUS] - Opens the Focus Palette List.
[MODIFY] & [COLOR] - Opens the Color Palette List.
[MODIFY] & [BEAM] - Opens the Beam Palette List.
[MODIFY] & [PALETTE] - Opens the All Palette List.
[MODIFY] & [U1-U3] - Opens the Wheel Parameter Lists.
[MODIFY] & [PARK] - Opens the Park List.
[MODIFY] & [NOTE] - Opens the Notes List.
[MODIFY] & [master key] - Opens the Master Editor.
The MODIFY SEQ key is a soft key in the MISC menu of the main display. It is used to
toggle the Modify Sequence mode on or off (default). When Modify Sequence is on, you can
advance the sequence in the main playback without triggering auto times or wait times and
master links.
[MUTE] & [master key] - Temporarily mutes the output of that master playback.
Console Key - NEXT
The NEXT key is used to select the next channel within the current channel selection. This is
useful for adjusting single moving devices within a selection, and also for selecting a specific
device as reference point for the Fan and Align functions.
[NEXT] - Press NEXT with more than one channel selected to activate Next/Last
mode. Press SELECT ALL to exit.
For more information see Device Control - Next & Last Mode.
The NOTE key is used to set a note for the selected item in some lists and the Playback
view. It can also be used to store favorites for the HELP system.
[NOTE] - Press NOTE in a list or the playback view to set a note to the selected
[NOTE] - Press NOTE in the help system to create a favorite.
[MODIFY] & [NOTE] - Opens the Notes list.
The numerical keypad is where numbers are input. This is also where you have the decimal
point, and the C/ALT key (clear numerical entry). The C/ALT key is also a prefix key
for clearing Playbacks, and for some console Macros.
NOTE that in an alphanumerical keyboard, the number keys 1-9 and 0 over the keys are
master keys, and cannot be used to enter numbers. In a notebook computer the numerical
keypad is integrated into the alphanumerical keyboard, and you have to activate the NUM
LOCK function to access it.
Console Key - ON/FETCH
The ON/FETCH key is used to set channels on at the last used level, and to fetch levels for
intensities or attributes for the selected channels from any presets.
[ON/FETCH] - Set the last recorded level to the current channel selection.
[ON/FETCH]&[@LEVEL] - Revert (undo) changes to channel level.
[#] [ON/FETCH] - Fetch the level from Preset # to the current channel selection.
[#] [ON/FETCH] & [ATTRIB] - fetch attribute information from Preset # to the current
channel selection.
[#] [ON/FETCH] & [parameter key] - fetch attribute information from Preset # to the
current channel selection.
For more information see Presets - Fetch Intensities, Device Control - Fetch/Copy.
The OUT key is used to set Out times to the sequence step in the A or B field of the Main
Playback (depending on the Time Settings).
The OUTPUT key is used to select outputs directly, regardless if they are patched or not. It
will open the Output editor where it is possible to patch by channel or output.
[#] [OUTPUT] - Open the Output editor, and select that output. Use the level wheel
to set a level.
[MODIFY] & [OUTPUT] - Open the Output editor with no output selected.
Console Key - PAGE
Keyboard equivalent: [M] (upper row) [CTRL] & [M] (lower row)
The PAGE+ key is used to load the next page of 20 masters to a master row.
The PAGE- key is used to load the previous page of 20 masters to a master row.
The PAUSE key is used to pause an ongoing crossfade in the Main Playback.
[PAUSE] - Pauses the ongoing crossfade (intensities and attributes) in the main
Console Key - PAUSE (in Master Playback)
The PAUSE key is used to pause an ongoing crossfade in the Master Playback.
The PALETTE key is used for recording and recalling All Palettes, containing information
from all parameters in a device.
[RECORD] & [PALETTE] - Record the next free palette for the currently selected
[#] [RECORD] & [PALETTE] - Record a new palette for the currently selected
[#] [PALETTE] - Recall a recorded palette for the currently selected devices.
[MODIFY] & [PALETTE] - Open the All palette list.
Hold [PALETTE] - When PALETTE is held, all existing palettes 1-40 can be
accessed from the direct select keys.
For more information see Devices - Palettes, Record An All Palette, Device Palettes - Direct
The PARAMETER key in the big Congo console is used to set the trackball to Parameter
mode, controlling pan & tilt.
Console Key - PARK
[PARK] & [CH] - Parks intensity and attributes of the selected channel(s).
[PARK] & [@LEVEL] - Parks intensity of the selected channel(s).
[PARK] & [ATTRIB] - Parks attributes of the selected channel(s).
[PARK] & [FOCUS] - Parks focus attributes of the selected channel(s).
[PARK] & [COLOR] - Parks color attributes of the selected channel(s).
[PARK] & [BEAM] - Parks beam attributes of the selected channel(s).
[PARK] & [Wheel_Key] - Parks the attribute of the selected channel(s).
[MODIFY] & [PARK] - Opens the Park list
The PASTE key is used to paste information that has been copied or cut. Information that
can be copied, cut and pasted is Text, Sequence Steps (Sequence List), Groups (Group
List), Presets (Preset List), Device Templates (Device Template List) and Attributes in the
Preset List.
[PASTE] - Paste the last copied or cut object. In the Preset List a numerical
argument is needed first.
The PLAYBACK key selects the Playback tab and sets the channel control to the live output,
through the A field of the Main Playback.
Console Key - PLAYLIST
The PLAYLIST key is used to activate the Playlist for the Main Playback.
The PLUS key (+) is part of the channel select keys. It is used to add a channel to the
current selection. It is also used for the Channel Check function.
[#] [+] - Add the channel to the current selection, (if the console is set to operate in At
Mode press MINUS and then enter the number).
[C/ALT] & [+] - Make a channel check to the next channel with the current level.
Hold [+] & [master key] - Add the channels in that master from the current selection.
[#] [GROUP] & [+] - Add the channels in that Group from the current selection
[#] [PRESET] & [+] - Add the channels in that Preset from the current selection
The PLUS PERCENT key (+%) is part of the channel level keys. It is used to add 5%
(default) from the current selection. It is also used for setting a selection to full in combination
with the C/ALT key.
Console Key - PRESET
The PRESET key is used to store and recall channel levels and moving device attributes.
Presets are fundamental building blocks and can be played back in masters, in sequences
and randomly in the main playback using GOTO. Every Sequence Step uses a Preset to
hold the level and attribute information for that step. The same Preset can be repeated any
number of times in any playback or sequence.
IMPORTANT: For moving devices there are different recording modes. All, Active
or Changed. This will decide what is stored in a preset. Also, there is a difference between
recording to the main playback and to a master.
The RANDOM key in the Selects Soft key page allows you to randomize the order of the
channels within the current selection.
Console Key - REM DIM
The REM DIM key is part of the channel select and level keys. It is used to set all channels
in the A field to zero except the current selection. It can be set to perform the BALANCE
function as well which holds the cleared levels in a temporary memory bank.
[REM DIM] - Set all channels except the current selection to zero.
[SETUP] & [REM DIM] - Opens settings for this key.
For more information see Channels - Rem Dim, Channels - Balance Mode.
The RECORD key is fundamental in that it is used for recording all types of data
into Presets, Groups and Palettes.What is recorded depends on your Settings, where you
are recording, and what your record target is.
In Live:
[RECORD] - Opens the recording dialogue to record the current look on stage into
the next free Preset.
[#] [RECORD] - Opens the recording dialogue to record the current look on
stage into that Preset..
[RECORD] [ATTRIB] - Record all attributes for the currently selected channels to the
Preset in the A field of the main playback.
[#] [RECORD] & [ATTRIB] - Record all attributes for the currently selected channels
to Preset #.
[RECORD] & [FOCUS, COLOR, BEAM or PALETTE] - Record the next free palette
for the currently selected channels.
[#] [RECORD] & [FOCUS, COLOR, BEAM or PALETTE] - Record palette # for the
currently selected channels.
[RECORD] & [CH] - Record all attributes and levels for the currently selected
[#] [RECORD] & [CH] - Record all attributes and levels for the currently selected
channels to Preset #.
[RECORD] & [master key] - Record all data for the currently selected channels to
that master as the next free 800-Preset.
[#] [RECORD] & [master key] - Record all data for the currently selected channels to
that master as Preset #.
[RECORD] & [GROUP] - Record the currently selected channels as the next free
[#] [RECORD] & [GROUP] - Record the currently selected channels as Group #.
For more information see Presets - Record, Device - Recording, Groups - Record, Device
Palettes - Record.
The REFRESH key is used to refresh channels that have been manually adjusted since the
last crossfade in the main playback back to the intensity and parameter values of the
previous crossfade.
The RELEASE key is used to release channels that have been Captured. Captured channels
are indicated with a red background in the channel views..
Console Key - RIGHT (DispSel)
The Right key, in the big Congo only, is the right mouse key of the trackball.
SCALE is a soft key in the CHANNELS menu of the console main display. It is used to scale
the output level of the selected channel(s)
The SELECT key is used to select more than one cell for editing in spreadsheet views.
The SELECT 2ND key in the Selects Soft key page allows you select every 2nd
channel within the current selection.
Console Key - SELECT 3RD
The SELECT 3RD key in the Selects Soft key page allows you select every 3rd
channel within the current selection.
The SELECT ALL key is used to return to the current channel selection after using NEXT or
For more information see Device Control - Next & Last Mode.
The SELECT CHANGE key in the Select soft key page is used to select all device channels
that have manually changed attributes other than intensity since the current Preset was
loaded to the A field..
The SELECT NTH key in the Selects Soft key page allows you select every Nth
channel within the current selection.
Console Key - SERIES
The SERIES soft key in the EFFECTS soft key menu, is used to open the Series editor for
Content effects.
The SETUP key is used to open the system settings summary tab, or in combination with
keys to open the settings for that key.
SET CHANGED is a soft key in the DEVICE menu of the console main display. It is used
together with the attribute record setting "Changed" to force the Set Changed flag on
parameters that have not been changed, so they will be recorded.
[SET CHANGED] & [PALETTE] - Set all parameters for the selected channels to
[SET CHANGED] & [FOCUS] - Set Focus parameters for the selected channels to
[SET CHANGED] & [COLOR] - Set Colorparameters for the selected channels to
[SET CHANGED] & [BEAM] - Set Beam parameters for the selected channels to
[SET CHANGED] & [wheel parameter key] - Set this parameter for the selected
channels to changed.
Console Key - SEQ
The SEQ key is used to load and administrate Sequences and Chases.
For more information see Sequences - List, Sequences - Sequence List, Sequences - Load.
The SEQ + key is used to step to the next step in the sequence of the main playback,
without using times.
The >> key in the master playback is used to step to the next step in the connected
sequence, without using times.
Console Key - SEQ -
The SEQ - key is used to step to the previous step in the sequence of the main playback,
without using times.
The << key in the master playback is used to step to the previous step in the connected
sequence, without using times.
The SOLO key is used to solo the output of a playback, temporarily muting the rest.
[SOLO] & [PLAYBACK] - Toggles solo mode for the main playback.
[SOLO] & [MasterKey] - Toggles solo mode for a master playback.
Console Key - TAB
The TAB key is a fundamental part of the Congo navigation. All views are opened in tabs,
and the tab key is used to select, move, organize and record these.
[TAP] & [master key] [master key] - Hold [TAP] and press a [master key] twice to set
a tempo to a chase in that master.
[TEXT] - Open the text input for the sequence step in the A field of the main
[TEXT] & [master key] - Activate text input for the content for that master playback.
[TEXT] & [direct select key] - Activate text input for the content for that direct select
Console Key - THRU
The THRU key is used to select a range of channels, and in combination with other keys for
additional channel functions.
If you are operating in At Mode the syntax is "ch number - THRU - ch number".
The TIME key is used to set In/Out times to the sequence step in the A or B field of the Main
Playback (depending on the Time Settings).
[#] [TIME] - Set an In/Out time to the next fade in the main playback.
[#] [CH] & [TIME] - Set a channel time to the selected channel(s).
[#] [TIME] & [FOCUS] - Set a parameter time.
[#] [TIME] & [COLOR] - Set a parameter time.
[#] [TIME] & [BEAM] - Set a parameter time.
[#] [TIME] & [wheel parameter key] - Set a parameter time.
[MODIFY] & [TIME] - Open the Time Editor for the step in A or B of the main
playback. Enter a number to open for a specific sequence step.
[TIME] & [A] - Forces the setting "Times to A"
[TIME] & [B] - Forces the setting "Times to B"
For more information see Sequences - Times, Sequence Times - Set To A or B, Master
Playbacks - Times, The Time Editor Popup.
Console Key - TRACK
The TRACK key is used to open the Track list for the selected channel(s). It is used in
combination with RECORD and UPDATE for track recording.
[TRACK] - Open the Track list for the selected channels. You can change the
channel selection. Use FORMAT & FOCUS, COLOR, BEAM to open parameter
[TRACK] & [GROUP] - Track the current selection in all Groups.
[TRACK] & [PRESET] - Track the current selection in all Presets.
[TRACK] & [SEQ] - Track the current selection in all Sequences.
[TRACK] & [PALETTE, FOCUS, COLOR, BEAM] - Track the current selection in all
corresponding palettes.
TRACK] & [CH] - Track the current selection in the whole show.
[TRACK] - Tracks the selected preset or palette in the Sequence loaded to the Main
The TYPE key is used to change type of data in the Direct Select key sections.
Hold [TYPE] - When this key is held, you can use the direct select keys to select a
type (Group, Focus, Color, Beam, Auto Group, Screens, etc) for each section of
direct select keys.
Console Key - U1-U3
The U1-U3 soft keys in the EFFECTS soft key menu, and in the frontpanel of Congo, are
used to select user parameters for the selected channels or effects.
UNPARK is a soft key under the MISC soft key menu of the main display. It is used to unpark
a channel or part of a channel.
[UNPARK] & [CH] - Unparks intensity and attributes of the selected channel(s).
[UNPARK] & [@LEVEL] - Unparks intensity of the selected channel(s).
[UNPARK] & [ATTRIB] - Unparks attributes of the selected channel(s).
[UNPARK] & [FOCUS] - Unparks focus attributes of the selected channel(s).
[UNPARK] & [COLOR] - Unparks color attributes of the selected channel(s).
[UNPARK] & [BEAM] - Unparks beam attributes of the selected channel(s).
[UNPARK] & [Wheel_Key] - Unparks the attribute of the selected channel(s).
The UPDATE key is used to quickly update Presets, Groups and Palettes without a numeric
[UPDATE to open the update dialogue for the Preset loaded to the A field of the
main playback.
[UPDATE] & [direct select key] - Update a Palette or Group.
[UPDATE] & [@LEVEL] - Open the intensity tracking dialogue.
[UPDATE] & [ATTRIB] - Open the attributes tracking dialogue.
The UPDATE PALETTE key is used to quickly update all currently active palettes for the
selected channel(s).
The WAIT soft key in the Times soft key menu, is used to set Wait times to the sequence
step in the A or B field of the Main Playback (depending on the Time Settings).
For more information see Sequences - Times, Sequence Times - Set To A or B, The Time
Editor Popup.
The WIZARD key is used to activate the Wizard function (if appropriate) for the current
Soft Key Menu - Channels
The CHANNELS soft key, is used to open the Channels soft key page with channel tools.
The DEVICE soft key, is used to open the Device soft key page with device tools for control
and editing.
The EFFECT soft key, is used to open the Effect soft key page with tools for editing effects.
The LEARN soft key, is used to open the Learn soft key page with tools for learning times
and fade profiles.
Soft Key Menu - Misc
The Misc soft key, is used to open the Miscellaneous soft key page.
The SELECT soft key, is used to open the Select soft key page with tools for selecting a sub-
set of channels from the current selection.
The Times soft key, is used to open the Times soft key page.
The wheel keys are used together with parameter control on the wheels.
Console Key Shortcuts
This is a summary of all keys and shortcuts, organised by the type of
Shortcuts - Select Channels
These are the keys and shortcuts for selecting channels. Some of them assume the
Command Syntax is set to RPN - see Channels - Command Syntax.
Select a channel [#] [CH]
Add channel to the channel selection [#] [+]
Subtract channel from the channel selection [#] [-]
Select a range of channels [#] [THRU]
Step to the next channel [+]
Step to the previous channel [-]
Select all channels with a level in the Main [ALL]
Select all channels with a level in any Playback. [ALL] [ALL]
Deselect all channels [C/ALT] [C/ALT]
Invert the channel selection [INV_GROUP]
Invert the channel selection [C/ALT] & [THRU]
Enter Next/Last mode for the next channel within [NEXT]
the channel selection
Enter Next/Last mode for the previous channel [LAST]
within the channel selection
Leaves Next/Last mode and focuses all selected [ALL_CHANNELS]
Open the Channel Select wizard [WIZARD] & [CH]
Set all channels in all playbacks to zero [C/ALT] & [LIVE]
Shortcuts - Channel Levels
These are keys and shortcuts for setting levels to the currently selected channels. Some of
them assume the Command Syntax is set to RPN - see Channels - Command Syntax.
Set the selected channels to 70%, second press [@LEVEL]
sets 100%
Set a level to the selected channels [#] [@LEVEL]
Clear and deselect the selected channels [C/ALT] &
Set 100% [C/ALT] & [+%]
Set 0% [C/ALT] & [-%]
Increase the level of selected channels 5% [+%]
Decrease the level of selected channels 5% [-%]
Increase the level of channel # with 5% [#] [+%]
Decrease the level of channel # with 5% [#] [-%]
Increase the level of selected channels #% [#] [.] [+%]
Decrease the level of selected channels #% [#] [.] [-%]
Set level in internal resolution (0-255) [#] [.] &
Fetch values to the selected channels from a preset [#] [ON/FETCH]
Increase level in 1 bit steps [.] & [+%]
Decrease level in 1 bit steps [.] & [-%]
Set the last recorded level for the selected [ON/FETCH]
Shortcuts - Channel Modes
Compare* the light in the Channel Control with its [COMPARE]
recorded version
Compare* the light in the Channel Control with preset # [#]
Toggle Balance* mode on/off [BALANCE]
Step with Check mode to the next channel [C/ALT] & [+]
Step with Check mode to the previous channel [C/ALT] & [-]
*COMPARE and BALANCE are soft keys in the Channels Soft Key Page of the Main Display
of the console. BALANCE can be set instead of REM DIM in the console settings. See
Channels - Compare Mode and Channels - Balance Mode.
Functions for selecting every Nth channels from the current channel selection. All these
functions are Soft Keys in the Channels - Random Select Soft Key Page of the Main Display
in the console.
Select the SELECT Soft Key Page in the Main [SELECT]
Select every # nth channel [#] [Select_Nth]
Select every 2nd channel [Select_2nd]
Select every 3rd channel [Select_3rd]
Select every 2nd channel randomly [RANDOM] &
Select every 3rd channel randomly [RANDOM] &
Select every Nth channel randomly [RANDOM] &
Select devices that have changed. [SELECT_CHANGE]
Shortcuts - Channel Views
Scroll in the active channel view [CH] & [Arrow_Keys]
Scroll in the active channel view [CH] & Wheel
Toggles Channel View formats. [FORMAT]
Selects Channel Layout #. [#] [FORMAT]
Zooms the Channel View. [FORMAT] & Wheel
Toggle channel symbols in Channel Layout. [FORMAT] & [Arrow_Keys]
Show temporary Captured format. [FORMAT] & [CAPTURE]
Show temporary Parked format. [FORMAT] & [PARK]
Select All Channels format. [FORMAT] & [ALL]
Select non-zero channel format [FORMAT] & [CH/ID]
Shortcuts - HELP
These are the keys and shortcuts used for the online HELP function.
Open the help index. If a menu or editor is open it will [?]
open help for that.
Opens help for that key [?] & [Any_Key]
Scroll the Help content Down arrow &
Open the free text Search Function [TEXT]
Next page [Down_Arrow]
Page before this page [Up_Arrow]
Last visited page [Left_Arrow]
Previously visited page [Right_Arrow]
Navigating the Hyperlinks
Next hyperlink [C/ALT] & [Down_Arrow]
Previous hyperlink [C/ALT] & [Up_Arrow]
First hyperlink on page [C/ALT] & [Left_Arrow]
Last hyperlink on page [C/ALT] & [Right_Arrow]
Follow focused hyperlink [MODIFY]
Creating a Favourite
Create a Favourite from a HELP tab [NOTE]
Delete a Favourite from the Browser [DELETE]
Channels Only Mode is activated by the three position Fader Mode switch in the top middle
of the console. It turns the console into a single field manual desk.
Switch Direct Ch mode on/off. Fader Mode Switch
Select a channel range for the manual faders Direct Select keys
These keys are central in the general editing functions of the console. They are mostly used
in combination with the navigation keys.
Closes popups and tabs without executing. [ESC]
Clears numerical input, and is used in combination with other [C/ALT]
keys as an ALT key.
Works as an ENTER key for popups and in spreadsheet cells. [MODIFY]
Is used in combination with a lot of keys to open editors.
Shortcuts - Spreadsheet Editing
The arrow keys are used to navigate in a Arrow Keys
spreadsheet or list, but also in combination with all
the other navigation keys for different functions.
Will insert a new entry in most spreadsheet lists [INSERT]
Will insert the entry # in most spreadsheet lists [#] [INSERT]
Will delete the focused entry in most window lists [DELETE]
Selects all items (down) in the column of a [COLUMN]
Scrolls the size of a column. [COLUMN] & Wheel
Sorts by the content of a column. [COLUMN] &
Moves a column. [COLUMN] &
Select cells to the right of the current cell [SELECT] &
Select cells below the current cell(s) [SELECT] &
Shortcuts - Navigation Keys
The top four Navigation keys are central in the Navigating functions of the console. They are
mostly used in combination with the General Editing keys.
Focuses the Browser. If the Browser is already [BROWSER]
focused, it will be closed.
Scrolls the size of the Browser. [BROWSER] &
Toggles through all open tabs. [TAB]
Focuses Tab #. [#] [TAB]
Scrolls the divider in a spreadsheet tab. [TAB] & Wheel
Splits the tab view in horizontal or vertical. [TAB] &
Removes a split tab view. [TAB] &
Moves the focused tab to the next/last screen or split [TAB] &
area. [Right_Arrow]
Moves the focused tab to the next/last screen or split [TAB] &
area. [Left_Arrow]
Shortcuts - Master Playbacks
These are the main keys and shortcuts for managing content in the Master Playbacks. See
also Shortcuts - Recording Functions.
Master control functions
Activate the Master View* [MASTER]
Open the Master Editor. [MODIFY] &
Set an individual flash level (in flash mode) [#] [FLASH_MODE] &
Toggle a master on/off [START] &
Toggle master # on/off [#] [START]
Fade a master to a specific level [#] [START] &
Hold FLASH MODE and press master keys to [FLASH_MODE] &
toggle modes. Use PAGE +/- to select functions. [Master_Key]
Connect a master playback to the Master [CONNECT] &
playback [Master_Key]
Tap tempo for sequence on a master (hold tap [TAP] & [Master_Key]
and tap Master key).
*You can also click on the Master View node in the Browser.
Shortcuts - Masters & Channels
Select the channels of a Preset/Group in a Master [Master_Key]
Add channels of a Preset/Group in a Master Playback [+] &
to the channel selection [Master_Key]
Subtract channels of a Preset/Group in a Master [-] &
Playback from the channel selection [Master_Key]
Select channels of a Preset/Group in a Master [ALL] &
Playback which are active on stage [Master_Key]
Load the selected channels and levels one by one to [CH] &
Master Playbacks. [Master_Key]
Load the selected channels and levels as a group to a [GROUP] &
Master Playback. [Master_Key]
Shortcuts - Master Pages
Main keys and shortcuts for handling Master Pages. Master pages are recorded/loaded
separately for masters in banks of 20.
Load a Master Page # [#] [PAGE]
Clear masters [C/ALT] & [PAGE]
Record changes to current Master Page* [RECORD] & [PAGE]
Record master content to Master Page # [#] [RECORD] &
Load next Master Page [PAGE] & [+]
Load previous Master Page [PAGE] & [-]
Tap tempo for a Master Page [TAP] & [PAGE]
Set a Master Page time [#] [TIME] & [PAGE]
Activate the Master Page List in the Main [DISPLAY_LIST] &
Display** [PAGE]
Next Page [PAGE_+]
Previous Page [PAGE_-]
Shortcuts - Devices To Home Position
Functions for recording & setting Home positions to the selected Devices.
Set Home All [HOME_ATTRIB]
Set Home All (shortcut) [C/ALT] &
Set Home Focus [HOME_ATTRIB] &
Set Home Color [HOME_ATTRIB] &
Set Home Beam [HOME_ATTRIB] &
Set Home Focus [0] [FOCUS]
Set Home Color [0] [COLOR]
Set Home Beam [0] [BEAM]
Set Home All [0] [PALETTE]
Set Home to a Parameter [HOME_ATTRIB] &
Record current attribute values as the home [RECORD] &
position for the selected channels [HOME_ATTRIB]
Open Live Attribute Editor for the selected tab [ATTRIB]
Open Attribute Editor for the Preset in field A [ATTRIB] & [A]
Open Attribute Editor for the Preset in field A [PRESET] & [ATTRIB]
Open Attribute Editor for the Preset in field B [ATTRIB] & [B]
Open Attribute Editor for a Preset on a Master [ATTRIB] & [Master_Key]
Keys and shortcuts for toggling information on/off in the Attribute Editors
Toggle Focus information [FORMAT] & [FOCUS]
Toggle Color information [FORMAT] & [COLOR]
Toggle Beam information [FORMAT] & [BEAM]
Toggle Time information [FORMAT] & up/down_arrows
Toggle Single Parameter [FORMAT] & wheel_key
Zoom [FORMAT] & wheel
Clear global Mask [C/ALT] & [MASK]
Toggle global Mask on/off [MASK]
Toggle Focus parameters in global Mask [MASK] & [FOCUS]
Toggle Color parameters in global Mask [MASK] & [COLOR]
Toggle Beam parameters in global Mask [MASK] & [BEAM]
Toggle single parameter in global Mask [MASK] & [Wheel_Key]
Open the Mask Editor tab [MODIFY] & [MASK]
Save the current mask to a Direct Select (6.1) [RECORD] & [Direct_Sel]
Recall a mask setting from a Direct Select (6.1) [Direct_Sel]
Record the current mask to a master (6.1) [MASK] & [Master_Key]
Shortcuts - Device Palette Recording
Record selected Devices to the first free Focus [RECORD] & [FOCUS]
Record selected Devices to the first free Color [RECORD] & [COLOR]
Record selected Devices to the first free Beam [RECORD] & [BEAM]
Record selected Devices to the first free All [RECORD] & [PALETTE]
Record selected Devices to Focus Palette # [#] [RECORD] &
Record selected Devices to Color Palette # [#] [RECORD] &
Record selected Devices to Beam Palette # [#] [RECORD] & [BEAM]
Record selected Devices to All Palette # [#] [RECORD] &
Record Palette # from the Direct Selects [RECORD] &
Shortcuts - Device Palette Activating
Keys and shortcuts for activating values in Device Palettes for the currently selected
Activate values from a Focus palette [#] [FOCUS]
Activate values from a Color palette [#] [COLOR]
Activate values from a Beam palette [#] [BEAM]
Activate values from an All palette [#] [PALETTE]
Activate a single parameter from a Focus [#] [FOCUS] & [Wheel_Key]
Activate a single parameter from a Color [#] [COLOR] &
palette [Wheel_Key]
Activate a single parameter from a Beam [#] [BEAM] & [Wheel_Key]
Activate a single parameter from an All [#] [PALETTE] &
palette [Wheel_Key]
Activate a Palette from a Direct select [Direct_Select_Key]
Activate a Palette from a Direct select on [#] [Direct_Select_Key]
time #
Activate a Palette from a Master [Master_Key]
Activate a Palette from a Master on time # [#] [Master_Key]
Keys and shortcuts for updating Device Palettes. Some of these keys are softkeys in the
Device soft key page of the Main Display.
Toggle Focusing mode on/off (soft key) [FOCUSING_MODE]
Select Palette in Display List [Right__Click]
Step to the next channel in palette selection [NEXT]
Step to the previous channel in palette selection [LAST]
Update the current palettes for the selected channel(s) [UPDATE_PAL]
(soft key)
Toggle Highlight mode on/off [HIGHLIGHT]
Shortcuts - Device Palette Specials
Select channels recorded in a Focus palette [#] [CH] & [FOCUS]
Select channels recorded in a Color palette [#] [CH] & [COLOR]
Select channels recorded in a Beam palette [#] [CH] & [BEAM]
Select channels recorded in an All palette [#] [CH] & [PALETTE]
Direct Select mode for Focus Palettes [FOCUS]
(as long as the key is held)
Direct Select mode for Color Palettes [COLOR]
(as long as the key is held)
Direct Select mode for Beam Palettes [BEAM]
(as long as the key is held)
Direct Select mode for All Palettes [PALETTE]
(as long as the key is held)
Open the Focus Palette Editor [MODIFY] & [FOCUS]
Open the Color Palette Editor [MODIFY] & [COLOR]
Open the Beam Palette Editor [MODIFY] & [BEAM]
Open the All Palette Editor [MODIFY] & [PALETTE]
Activate the Focus Palette Display List [DISPLAY_LIST] & [FOCUS]
(console main display)
Activate the Color Palette Display List [DISPLAY_LIST] & [COLOR]
(console main display)
Activate the Beam Palette Display List [DISPLAY_LIST] & [BEAM]
(console main display)
Activate the All Palette Display List [DISPLAY_LIST] & [PALETTE]
(console main display)
Shortcuts - Device Palettes In Masters
Load a Focus palette to a master* [#] [FOCUS] & [Master_Key]
Load a Color palette to a master* [#] [COLOR] & [Master_Key]
Load a Beam palette to a master* [#] [BEAM] & [Master_Key]
Load an All palette to a master* [#] [PALETTE] & [Master_Key]
*If you keep the Palette key pressed and continue pressing Master keys, you will continue
loading the next recorded Palette of each kind to the following Masters.
Functions for aligning & fetching values for the selected Devices. Align uses the first selected
Device, or the Device focused with NEXT/LAST as the argument.
Align parameters for Focus [ALIGN] & [FOCUS]
Align parameters for Color [ALIGN] & [COLOR]
Align parameters for Beam [ALIGN] & [BEAM]
Align a single Parameter [ALIGN] & [Wheel_Key]
Fetch Focus values from a preset [#] [ON/FETCH] & [FOCUS]
Fetch Color values from a preset [#] [ON/FETCH] & [COLOR]
Fetch Beam values from a preset [#] [ON/FETCH] & [BEAM]
Fetch Parameter values from a preset [#] [ON/FETCH] & [Wheel_Key]
Fetch all attributes from a preset [#] [ON/FETCH] & [ATTRIB]
Shortcuts - Patch & Outputs
Select an output for temporary direct control - [#] [OUTPUT]
opening the Output Editor.
Add an output to the current selection [#] [OUTPUT] [+]
Subtract an output from the current selection [#] [OUTPUT] [-]
Add an Output range to the current selection [#] [OUTPUT]
Open the Channel List [MODIFY] & [CH]
Open the Device List [MODIFY] &
Open the Output Editor [MODIFY] &
Toggle level information the Output Editor [FORMAT] & Up-Down
Patch output # to channel # [#] [OUTPUT] [#] [MODIFY]
Patch outputs # - # to, or from, [#] [OUTPUT] [#] [THRU] [#]
channel # (popup) [MODIFY]
Patch outputs consecutively to [#] [CH/ID] [#] [THRU] [#]
channels # - # from output # [MODIFY]
Shortcuts - Main Display, General
These are the keys and shorcuts used to operate the functionality of the Main Display in the
Go back to the previous soft key page, then <--
Clear the LCD-display List [C/ALT] &
Shortcuts - Track
Track in the Sequence of the Main Playback. [TRACK]
Track in all Sequences [TRACK] & [SEQ]
Track in the Sequence of a Master Playback. [TRACK] & [Master_Key]
Track in Presets. [TRACK] & [PRESET]
Track in Groups. [TRACK] & [GROUP]
Track in Focus Palettes. [TRACK] & [FOCUS]
Track in Color Palettes. [TRACK] & [COLOR]
Track in Beam Palettes. [TRACK] & [BEAM]
Track in All Palettes. [TRACK] & [PALETTE]
Track in All Play Data. [TRACK] & [CH/ID]
Track selected preset or palette [TRACK]
Keys and shortcuts for toggling information on/off in the Track lists with attributes.
Toggle Focus information [FORMAT] & [FOCUS]
Toggle Color information [FORMAT] & [COLOR]
Toggle Beam information [FORMAT] & [BEAM]
Toggle Parameter information [FORMAT] & [Wheel_Key]
Toggle Intensity information [FORMAT] & [@LEVEL]
Shortcuts - Presets
Presets can be loaded and recorded in many ways. There are shortcuts also for selecting all
channels in a Preset, or fetching the levels.
Record a Preset in a Channel View [RECORD]
Record a Preset directly to a Master Playback [RECORD] & [Master_Key]
Shortcuts - Groups
Groups can be loaded and recorded in many ways. There are shortcuts also for selecting all
channels in a Group, or fetching the levels. See also Shortcuts - Recording Functions.
Record a Group in a Channel View [#] [GROUP] & [RECORD]
Select all channels in a Group [#] [GROUP]
Fetch levels from a Group [#] [ON/FETCH] & [GROUP]
Add channels from Group [#] [GROUP] & [+]
Subtract channels from Group [#] [GROUP] & [-]
Add a range of Groups [#] [GROUP] & [THRU]
Levels from Group are fetched [#] [GROUP] & [@LEVEL]
Load selection to master [GROUP] & [Master_Key]
Bring Group in proportionately on the [#] [GROUP] & Wheel
Add Group # to LIVE [#] [GROUP] & [LIVE]
Add Group # to BLIND [#] [GROUP] & [BLIND]
Load Group # to a Master Playback [#] [GROUP] &
Open the Group List [GROUP]
Temporary Direct Select mode [GROUP] held down
Open Group List focused at Group # [#] [MODIFY] & [GROUP]
Shortcuts - Live & Blind
These are keys and shortcuts for loading and clearing the content of Live and Blind.
Sets the Channel Control to the A field of the Main [LIVE]
Playback, and focuses the Live tab.
Sets the Channel Control to the Blind field and focuses [BLIND]
the Blind Tab.
Clear all channels and levels in Live [C/ALT] & [CH/ID]
Clear all channels and levels in Live [C/ALT] & [LIVE]
Clear all channels and levels in Blind [C/ALT] &
Copy Live to Blind [LIVE] & [BLIND]
Copy Blind to Live [BLIND] & [LIVE]
Load Preset # in Live [#] [PRESET] &
Add Preset # to Blind [#] [PRESET] &
Add Group # to Live [#] [GROUP] &
Add Group # to Blind [#] [GROUP] &
Adds the content of the Blind field to the total output. [BLIND] & Wheel
Shortcuts - Record Functions
These are shortcuts for recording Presets, Groups and master pages.
Record the next free preset in a Channel View [RECORD]
Record the preset # in a Channel View [#] [RECORD]
Record current channel selection to a Master [RECORD] &
Record current Master Page content to a [#] [RECORD] &
different Master Page [PAGE]
Record all attributes in this Preset for the [RECORD] & [ATTRIB]
selected channel(s)
Record attributes for selected channels to Preset [#] [RECORD] &
Record current channel selection as the next [RECORD] & [GROUP]
free Group
Record current channel selection as Group # [#] [RECORD] &
Record only Captured channels to Preset # [#] [RECORD] &
Update changes in the Preset loaded to this [UPDATE]
Channel View
Update Palette # in a Direct Select [UPDATE] &
Update level changes tracking [UPDATE] & [@LEVEL]
Update attributes at source [UPDATE] & [ATTRIB]
Shortcuts - Channel Text Wizard
This is the shortcut for opening the Channel Text Wizard that sets texts to the Channel
Database directly from a Channel View.
Open the Channel Text Wizard for the current channel [CH/ID] &
selection. [TEXT]
Load/Create Sequence # [#] [SEQ] &
Load Preset # to A [#] [PRESET] & [A]
Load Preset # to B [#] [PRESET] & [B]
Focus the Main Playback TAB and connect the [PLAYBACK]
Channel Control to Live
Goto Preset # [#] [GOTO]
Goto Preset # in B [#] [JUMP_TO_B]
Step to the next Preset in Sequence [SEQ+]
Step to the previous Preset in Sequence [SEQ-]
Start the next crossfade [GO]
Start the next crossfade during an ongoing fade [GO]
Insert a Master Link to the current Step [INSERT] &
Insert a Master Link with Target # to the current [#] [INSERT] &
Step [Master_Key]
Open the Sequence List at the current step [MODIFY] [PLAYBACK]
Open the Sequence List at step # [#] [MODIFY]
Refresh functions
The Refresh Functions are used to reset any intensity or attribute that has been altered since
the last crossfade in the Main Playback - back to where it would have been if the sequence
had been run from the start.
Refresh all channels [REFRESH]
Refresh the intensity of selected channel(s) [REFRESH] & [@LEVEL]
Refresh the attributes of all or selected [REFRESH] & [ATTRIB]
Refresh a parameter of all or selected [REFRESH] &
channel(s) [Wheel_key]
Refresh Focus Parameters of selected [REFRESH] & [FOCUS]
Refresh Color Parameters of selected [REFRESH] & [COLOR]
Refresh Beam Parameters of selected [REFRESH] & [BEAM]
These are shortcut in the Sequence List that will set times directly to the focused step
Set an In/Out Time [#] [TIME]
Set an In Time [#] [IN]
Set an Out Time [#] [OUT]
Shortcuts - Direct Selects
Select Type of content (hold key) [TYPE] &
Select Bank of content (hold key) [BANK] &
Record a Palette directly [RECORD] &
Update a Palette directly [UPDATE] &
Change User Setup User Setup key 1-5
Record a Screen Setting [TAB] &
Activate a Palette in time # [#] [Direct_Key]
Select all channels in a Palette [CH/ID] &
Select all channels with an intensity over zero, that [ALL] &
are set to a Palette [Direct_Key]
Shortcuts - Notes
You can set a Note directly to the current Sequence Step or the focused step in a
Create a Note for the current sequence step when in the [NOTE]
Main Playback or Live tab
Create a Note for a focused item in a spreadsheet [NOTE]
Open the NOTE Editor directly [MODIFY] &
Shortcuts - Capture & Release
Capture functions
Activate permanent Capture mode [CAPTURE]
Capture intensity and attributes for the selected Wheel
channel in Capture mode
Capture intensity and attributes for the selected [CAPTURE] &
channel(s) [CH/ID]
Capture the intensity of selected channel(s) [CAPTURE] &
Capture the attributes of selected channel(s) [CAPTURE] &
Capture a parameter of selected channel(s) [CAPTURE] &
Capture Focus Parameters of selected channel(s) [CAPTURE] &
Capture Color Parameters of selected channel(s) [CAPTURE] &
Capture Beam Parameters of selected channel(s) [CAPTURE] &
Release functions
Releases the selected ch from Capture Mode [RELEASE]
Release all Captured channels [RELEASE] [RELEASE]
Release all Captured in # seconds [#] [RELEASE]
Release intensity and attributes for the selected [RELEASE] & [CH/ID]
Release the intensity of selected channel(s) [RELEASE] &
Release the attributes of selected channel(s) [RELEASE] & [ATTRIB]
Capture a parameter of selected channel(s) [RELEASE] &
Release Focus Parameters of selected [RELEASE] & [FOCUS]
Release Color Parameters of selected channel(s) [RELEASE] & [COLOR]
Shortcuts - Dynamics (old)
These Dynamics functions can be used to start/stop and control older Dynamic Effects.
Many of them are soft keys in the Dynamics Soft Key Page. See Dynamics - Control.
Activate an Dynamic Template for the selected [#] [DYN_EFFECT]
Open the Live Dynamics List [DYN_EFFECT]
Select the DYNAMICS Soft Key Page in [DYNAMICS]
the Main Display (softkey)
Activate the Dynamic Template or Dynamic [DISPLAY_LIST] &
Table list. [DYN_EFFECT]
Select all channels with a running dynamic [SELECT_ALL]
Select all channels with a running dynamic [CH] & [DYN_EFFECT]
Clear running dynamics for the selected [CLEAR_SELECTED]
channels (softkey)
Clear running dynamics for the selected [C/ALT] & [DYN_EFFECT]
Load a Dynamic Template to a master [#] [DYN_EFFECT] &
Delete the selected Dynamic from the Live [DELETE_DYNAM]
Dynamic Effect Display List (softkey)
Delete all running Dynamics (softkey) [DELETE_ALL]
Delete all running Dynamics (softkey) [ALL] & [DELETE_DYNAM]
Activate Direct Select for Dynamics (hold key [DYN_EFFECT]
for 2secs to get display)
Open the Dynamic Effect List [MODIFY] &
Record and edit Dynamic Effects
Record running Dynamics to the current [RECORD] &
Preset in A [DYN_EFFECT]
Record running Dynamics for the selected [#] [RECORD] &
channels to Preset # [DYN_EFFECT]
Fetch dynamics for the selected channels [#] [ON/FETCH] &
from a preset* [DYN_EFFECT]
Open the Dynamics Editor for the current [PRESET] &
preset [DYN_EFFECT]
Keep the Dynamics in the next Preset [KEEP_DYNAM]
*Dynamics are always fetched for all channels in the target Preset, even if only one is
Shortcuts - Times
Keys and shortcuts for setting times. Times are set to the Active Sequence Step (in A) or the
Next Sequence Step (in B) depending on the Time Settings. See System Settings -
Set an In/Out time [#] [TIME]
Set an In time [#] [IN]
Set an Out time [#] [OUT]
Set a Delay In time [#] [DELAY] & [IN]
Set a Delay Out time [#] [DELAY] & [OUT]
Set a Channel time [#] [CH/ID] & [TIME]
(to the selected channels)
Set a Parameter time [#] [TIME] & [Wheel_key]
Set a Channel Delay time [#] [CH/ID] & [DELAY]
(to the selected channels)
Set a FOCUS time [#] [TIME] & [FOCUS]
Set a COLOR time [#] [TIME] & [COLOR]
Set a BEAM time [#] [TIME] & [BEAM]
Set a FOCUS Delay time [#] [DELAY] & [FOCUS]
Set a COLOR Delay time [#] [DELAY] & [COLOR]
Set a BEAM Delay time [#] [DELAY] & [BEAM]
Set a Parameter delay time [#] [DELAY] & [Wheel_key]
Set an FCB time [#] [TIME] & [ATTRIB]
Set an FCB Delay time [#] [DELAY] & [ATTRIB]
This Chapter is about accessories and options, such as remote
control, networking, printer, fader wing panel, keyboard etc.
Accessories - Ext. Keyboard
An external keyboard will simulate most keys of the console. See the
Console Functions Table below.
This is simple to work with, since the keyboard works exactly like the console. For example
pressing R is the same as pressing RECORD, and pressing 1 is the same as pressing
Master key 1.
Multi-media keyboards may have special keys, for example SLEEP -
which puts CONGO - to sleep. Avoid using these keyboards, they will
trigger functions that you most probably do NOT want.
If you are running the offline editor in a notebook without a numerical keypad, you can
access numbers and basic channel and level functions using ALT.
These are the keyboard equivalents of the console keys. If you are using an offline editor
they allow you to access most of the functionality directly, as if you had a console.
Console Key Keyboard Key
- Keypad Ctrl *
- Ctrl Left Arrow
+ Keypad *
+ Ctrl Right Arrow
ALL Keypad Ctrl -
AT LEVEL Keypad +
BEAM (B) Alt B
C/ALT Backspace
CH Keypad -
CUT Ctrl X
FAN Ctrl F
FETCH/ON Keypad Ctrl +
GO Ctrl G
Console Key Keyboard Key
HELP (?) F1
IN Ctrl I
IND 7 Ctrl F7
IND 8 Ctrl F8
IND 9 Ctrl F9
Master Keys 1- 10 1-0
OUT Ctrl O
PAGE (lower) M
PAGE (upper) Ctrl M
SELECT ALL F7, Ctrl N or Ctrl L
Console Key Keyboard Key
SEQ - X & Up
SEQ + X & Down
THRU Keypad /
U1 N/A
U2 N/A
U3 N/A
You can use a mouse wheel (or right click held) to emulate the level wheel for setting levels
and navigating. See Ext. Mouse Or Trackball.
Keyboard - CH Step
You can hold CTRL and use the left/right arrows to emulate CH+ and CH-.
Accessories - Ext. Mouse or Trackball (6.3)
You can use an external USB mouse or trackball in the same way as
the built in trackball. Connect it to the USB port.
Congo is designed to be used without a mouse as button pressing is faster and does not
force you to look at the screen cursor. However, there are a lot of useful mouse functions for
situations where you find it practical. For example, working in a workstation without a
console facepanel, or while using an offline editor.
Accessories - Fader Wings
A Congo system supports up to 80 Master Playbacks. These can be
accessed physically by connecting fader wings . In Congo Kid you
can access all 80 numerically but you cannot connect a wing for
physical control of the last 40.
Any combination wings may be attached to a system, for a total of up to 80 master playback
faders. An external power supply, provided, is required when used stand-alone.
The Congo Master Playback Wing provides physical access to 40 Congo Master Playbacks,
including the LCD displays for labelling and all master, flash and paging keys. Additionally,
the Wing can be switched into Direct Select Mode, providing access to the 40 direct selects.
It also features the Channels-Only/Masters/Jam switch, giving the Congo Jr all the flexibility
of the Congo console in a significantly smaller footprint.
The Master Playback Wing is a modular accessory for the Congo jr lighting control console.
It may be connected physically to either side of the Congo jr, or it may be used as a stand-
alone wing connected to the console with a provided USB cable. An external power supply,
provided, is required when used stand-alone.
Universal Fader Wings (6.0)
Besides the Congo Master Wing, there are three Universal fader wings. They can be
connected with a USB cable, and with Congo Jr they can be mounted on the sides or top of
the console. An external power supply, provided, is required when used stand-alone.
The Lynx is an older, compatible Master fader wing with 24 extra faders and a crossfade
playback. It is connected to the APN port in the back of the console and can be used to get a
remote control for Masters 1-24, the A/B Crossfade Playback, and five keys (from left to
Accessories - Remote Control
This system can connect optional remote controls for controlling
channels and levels. Note that each remote control has its own
working field. Also see Remote Controls.
Remote Control - Introduction (6.0)
There are a number of options for remote controlling a Congo system.
To clear input from the Remote Fields go to the Clear Remote Fields
node in the Remote Controls Node.
See Remote Controls.
There are two older remotes that are compatible with some functionality. Talk to your dealer.
If your console is set to operate channels in at mode, the remote will also function in at
mode. See System Settings - General and Channels - Command Syntax.
Remote Control - RFR Radio Remote
The RFR Radio Remote provides bi-directional remote control with a
hardware designed for stage environment. All of the RFR functions
are the same for iRFR.
The RFR works within its own field and this field can be cleared from the console. All
channel intensity levels generated by the remote can only be recorded into targets from the
remote control itself.
Hold the decimal point when starting the RFR to get a choice of connection methods.
Group and frequency can be changed if necessary or if you have multiple units. The HF
(frequency) and Network ID (group) are changed in the remote from the remote menu, and in
the base station from the system settings. See System Settings - RFR.
RFR - General Functionality
The upper display line shows information about the selected channel(s). The labels for the
soft buttons are on the two lower rows of the display. In all displays the wheel controls the
level of selected channels - except in the parameter controls display where the two encoders
control the displayed two parameters (like pan/tilt, etc...)
Top Level
Soft1-6 give direct access to basic channel functionality. Pressing MORE SK will always
return to this level. Pressing MORE SK from the Top Level will show the other menus.
In all displays, the wheel controls the level of the selected channel(s).
The most common channel functions can be used to select channels and set levels (At Mode
Command Syntax is supported from v5.1). This includes the console shortcut C & CH to
clear all channels in A.
RFR Group List
Press MORE SK and then GROUP to get a list of recorded Groups to select from. Use the
wheel(s) to focus the item you want and click the wheel button to activate it. # GROUP
selects the item directly without showing the list.
Normally the wheel scrolls one step per click. If you hold the wheel button and scroll, it will
step in complete pages instead for faster navigation.
RFR Devices
Press MORE SK and then DEVICE to enter the Device sub menu. When you have selected
the Device sub menu, pressing ParamF/ParamC/ParamB will select the parameter pages for
the selected devices. Two parameters at a time will be displayed in the middle of the display
and controlled by the two wheels. Press a wheel to toggle between coarse and fine for
Next, Last and Select All functions are used to step within the current selection, Select All
will return to the original selection.
ParamF, ParamC and ParamB keys are used like Focus, Color and Beam keys on the
console. These will cycle thru the available parameter pages for the selected device(s). Use
the wheels to adjust parameter values. Clicking the wheel will toggle coarse/fine mode on
the wheels. Fine mode is indicated with a "-" symbol before the parameter value.
RFR Playback (6.1)
Press MORE SK and then PLAYBACK to enter the Playback sub menu. The Playback
functions are
Go Goto Record
GoBack Preset Update
Function Key Feedback
GO [Go] Next crossfade is started
When recording or updating a preset a confirmation message is shown on the RFR display.
To enable recording/updating from remote, check the setup option "Allow recording from
Press MORE SK and then PATCH to enter the Patch sub menu.
Output Goto Patch
Universe Preset DvAddr
Outputs can be selected in address.universe format. For example [10.3] [Output] will
select output 10 on universe 3.
Use the left wheel to jump to next output and the right wheel to set a level to the
selected output.
Use a number and the @ button to set a channel or output level directly (instead of
the right wheel).
Use +/- to step outputs as well as channels.
Press MORE SK and then PALETTE to enter the Palette sub menu.
The FCB buttons can be pressed without a number to present a palette list or with a
number to select a palette directly.
In the palette list, use one of the wheels to scroll and press the wheel to select the
focused palette.
Entering 0 and selecting a palette type will home the values of this palette type (6.1).
RFR Focus Mode
1. Select a palette from the FCB list buttons. This will enter channel/parameter mode.
2. Use Next/Last/SelAll buttons to select channels. Use ParamFCB buttons to select
the parameter. Use wheels to change.
3. Press the Mode button to go back to palette select/update screen.
4. Use Update to update the palette or select a new palette with the FCB palette list
5. Press MORE SK will leave focusing mode.
Press MORE SK and then CALIBSCR to enter Scroller calibration mode. In Scroller
Calibration you can calibrate each scroller roll individually, like on the console. Also see
Scroller rolls.
1. First, turn on the channels for which you wish to calibrate the scrollers, so you can
see when the scroller is in full frame.
2. When pressing CALIBSCR a list of channels with scrollers is shown. Select a
channel to calibrate it's scroller.
3. A list of the colors in the scroller is shown on the display. Use the left wheel to focus
a color and use the right wheel to adjust the value so that the whole frame is shown.
Changes are updated automatically (values are kept within the current frame (6.1)).
4. Use the MORE SK button to exit Scroller Calibration.
Remote Control - Phone Remote
The Phone Remote option allows you to use a standard phone -
without a phone line - to remote control channels and levels.
Connect the base station of a standard wireless phone directly to get a low-level remote
control solution. Activate the handset for an internal call (depends on the system how this is
done) and use the numeric keypad to control channels and levels directly.
The handset has two available commands for each key on the unit. Numbers are accessed
directly. The *-key is used as Shift to access the functions. Press the *-key first (do not press
and hold) and then press the function. The #-key when pressed once is decimal point and
when pressed twice clears the number input.
These are the basic functions you can access from the phone remote.
In the table below # means a numbers input, while [#] equals the key # on the handset.
Key Function Feedback
Select a channel # [SHIFT] [CH] Channel is selected
Load levels from Preset # [SHIFT] [PRESET] Levels from Preset # are
# loaded
Clear number input [#] [#] Clears number input
Using the decimal point it is also possible to select and turn on channels recorded in groups.
Note: When recording from the remote, only levels set from the remote are recorded, not the
whole stage output.
Note: To enable recording from remote, check the setup option "Allow recording from
Remote Control - iRFR (6.0)
The iRFR Remote option allows you to use an iPhone or an iPod
Touch with a wireless network as a remote for Congo.
The iRFR works within its own field and this field can be cleared from the console. All
channel intensity levels generated by the remote can only be recorded into targets from the
remote control itself.
This is how you launch the application. How to set up and configure the network is described
The functionality of iRFR is the same as RFR. See Remote Control RFR Radio Remote.
Tip 1
To turn the encoder wheels, simply drag with your finger. To press the encoder wheels, one
quick tap will do the trick.
Tip 2
Tap the Virtual RFR screen to cycle through different interface layouts. (You can also lock
the layout in the Settings screen)
iRFR Color Picker (6.0)
With the iRFR Color Picker you can select colors for your color mixing devices. Select the
Color Picker button at the top of the Virtual RFR screen to open the Color Picker screen.
You can return to the Virtual RFR anytime by pressing the Virtual RFR button in the top left
The current color for the first selected channel is displayed by a small rotating indicator.
Press anywhere on the color wheel to change the color, and the indicator will then move to
the new color.
Quick Start: when this is turned ON, the iRFR skips past the splash screens and
attempts to connect to the console automatically. If a connection is made, it goes
straight into the Virtual RFR screen.
Sounds: when this is turned ON, you will hear various sound effects (button
presses, wheel turns, encoder ticks, etc...)
Lock RFR Layout: when this is turned ON, you cannot cycle through the RFR
interface layouts. Instead it remains locked on the chosen layout, and you will see a
small padlock icon indicating that the lock is enabled.
Sleep Disabled: when this is turned ON, your iPhone/iPod will not automatically go
to sleep after a period of inactivity. (This may decrease battery life)
At the Welcome screen, select the Flashlight for some quick light. Tap the screen to reveal 2
sliders which control the hue & brightness of the screen.
Here you will find a link to the charity's website, a link to the iRFR Wiki, and the version of
your iRFR app.
The iRFR requires that your console be on a wireless network. Below are a couple
examples of how you may choose to configure your wireless network. If you are using a
wireless router, make sure you connect to the WAN port.
iPhone and iPod Configuration (6.0)
Once your wireless network is setup, you must configure your iPhone/iPod to connect to it:
3. At the Wi-Fi Networks screen, find the wireless network your console is on and select it.
Once connected, you will see a check mark to the left of the network name. Now press the
round blue arrow button to configure your network settings.
4. Now you must configure your iPhone/iPod's network settings so that it can connect to the
console. The reccomended IP address is as follows for a standard static network
Once your iPhone/iPod is configured to be on the same wireless network as your console,
here's a quick test to make sure the iRFR and your console can talk.
3. Fill in the Host field with the IP address of your console (see the tip below if you don't
know how to locate your console's IP address).
4. Now, press the magnifying glass to test communication between your iPhone/iPod and the
console. You will see either a green checkmark for YES or a red circle with a line through it
for NO.
5. If the communication test FAILS, double-check that you have entered the correct IP
address of your console in the Host field at the Settings screen. If the test still fails, exit the
iPhone/iPod home screen and verify that you are still connected to your console's WiFi
You can find the IP address of your console in Browser >About >About Congo and in
System Settings >Network.
If you have tested your network you are ready to connect to Congo.
1. You need to have Remote Controls and ACN enabled in your Congo. No other settings or
protocols need to be turned on for the iRFR to work.
2. Launch the iRFR app on your iPhone/iPod. At the Welcome screen, select Settings.
3. At the Settings screen, enter your console's IP address in the Host field (this is different for
Congo, Jr and Light Server, see above). If you do not see a green checkmark after entering
the IP, you won't be able to connect. That means you have either entered the wrong IP
address or there is a problem with your wireless network configuration. The Password is not
used with Congo and CongoJr consoles. Only with Eos/Ion/Element. Leave the Password
field blank.
4. Press the Welcome button at the top left to return to the Welcome screen, and then press
5. Once connected, you will see a that you are connected to a Congo, and the version of
software it is running. The Virtual RFR menu item will also become available.
Remote Control - cRRFU Radio Remote
All instructions for connecting and operating the older, compatible ETC CRRFU Radio
Remote control are packaged and delivered with this unit.
The transmitter has two available commands for each key on the unit.
Direct commands are displayed above each key. To access the commands that are
displayed vertically to the left of each key, press the [FUNC] key first (do not press and hold
An example of mixing direct and [FUNC] commands to record channels 1-5 at 75% into
Preset 5 follows:
Function Key Feedback
Select a channel [#] [CH] Channel is selected
Function Key Feedback
Preset loaded into A
Clear number [C] Clears numbers input
Clear remote field [FUNC] [All] [FUNC] Clears all channels turned
[0%] on from remote
At Mode
If a console is set to work in At Mode, channel selection functions on the remote behave
differently. For example:
Set channels 1 thru 5 to 55%: [1] [THRU] [5] [@Level] [5] [5]
Set channels 11 thru 14 at full: [11] [THRU] [14] [FUNC] [100%]
Number entry after [@Level] is a two digit entry. If you only enter one number, you can press
[C] to end level entry.
When RECORDING only levels from the remote are recorded, not the
whole stage output.
Transmitter Setup
The transmitter unit has a slide switch (on/off) and 16 keys for console commands. The unit
has a sleep feature that helps to conserve battery life when the switch is left in the on
position. Set the switch to the off position to guard against accidental key presses.
The keys of the transmitter unit are illuminated. The keys are brightly lit while keys are
pressed and the unit is transmitting. After the key is released, the keys remain dimly lit for a
period of time before the unit sleeps. The sleep delay can be programmed at the transmitter
unit as described below.
Step 3: While pressing one of the keys above, slide the switch to the on position and wait
until the keys are blinking (about 5 seconds).
Step 4: Release the key you are pressing. The sleep delay time is now programmed to the
setting you selected above.
The transmitter unit requires a single 9V alkaline battery (provided) for power. This battery
should provide approximately one year of normal usage before requiring replacement. To
replace the battery, remove the two M3x4mm screws at the bottom of the unit to access the
battery compartment and replace with a 9V alkaline battery. Replace the lid and secure it
with the same two screws. Dispose of the old battery as is appropriate in your local area.
Remote Control - TT Radio Remote
The TT Radio Remote control from Transtechnik is an old remote to which Congo is
backwards compatible using the serial COM port. The COM port needs to be set up to listen
to this remote. See System Settings - COM.
The Radio Remote ignores the transmitter ID and receives data from
any transmitter. There are some functions screened on the Remote
that do not apply to this console, since the same Remote is used for
a whole range of products.
Function Key Feedback
Record current light [#] [REC] Preset stored.
Accessories - Visualisation Software
It is possible to connect a separate computer running a visualisation software such as
WYSIWYG or CAPTURE directly to Congo with Ethernet.
In Congo there are two important settings. IPX and WYSIWYG/Sandnet/Capture Link.
IPX is a protocol being used for communicating light information over Ethernet
The WYSIWY/Sandnet/Capture Link enables these softwares to communicate
specific features back to Congo - such as focusing lights.
Preparations in Congo
In Windows XP make sure IPX drivers are installed under Windows (normally, only TCP/IP is
installed by default). Under Windows Vista and newer, CITP must be used instead.
1. Go to Network Properties in your PC (right click and select properties on the Network
symbol in the Control Panel)
2. If the IPX/SPX protocol isn't installed, click on Install, select Protocol and find the
IPX/SPX protocol in the list.
3. When the IPX/SPX protocol is installed, select Properties and verify that frame type
is set to 802.3. Otherwise the utility will not be able to find your console on the
Visualisation - WYSIWYG
In the computer hosting WYSIWYG There is an Avab Driver for WYSIWYG that needs to be
installed. Also, you need to make sure IPX is active and that the frame type is set to 802.3.
1. Make sure that you have WYSIWYG Rel. 7 or later installed on your PC (Avab Vista
dongles need the Console Edition (CE) version).
2. Download the setup.exe file from Execute setup.exe to start the
installation. Follow the instructions on screen.
3. Open a show in Wysiwyg and follow the instruction manual to connect an external
WYWISYG Link: You can send the patch in WYSIWYT to Congo. Make sure you have
imported the templates involved first. Clear patch clears the dimmer patch as well as the
device patch.
Visualisation - Capture
In the computer hosting Capture you need to make sure IPX is active and that the frame type
is set to 802.3. Capture will recognize Congo on the network and patch it automatically
providing Congo is set up with IPX and LINK on as described in the beginning of this
chapter. Accessories - Visualisation Software.
There is a plug-in for Training Projects powered by Capture. See
Media - Training Projects.
This is not available in v6 because it conflicted with the new Blind attribute handling. In
addition, it only worked on IPX protocol.
Accessories - Client
Using the same graphic displays as the Congo console, the Congo Client software provides
an operating environment identical to the console itself. With a complete set of
alphanumeric-keyboard shortcuts for commonly used commands, Congo Client can be used
to view console data or to interact with your Congo console.
See Network - Client.
Congo Client software can be run on a PC with the Windows XP operating system. A
dongle is required to connect the Client PC to the Congo console over an Ethernet network.
When not connected to the network, or without the dongle attached, the Client PC can be
used as a Congo Offline Editor workstation.
Accessories - Net3 Remote Video Interface
The Remote Video Interface a 2U 19 rack mount device - provides remote video and local
programming functions for Congo and Congo jr. control systems.
Controls on the front of the unit include the power switch, USB port and 20 buttons for
commonly used functions. These buttons have default mapping specific to the Congo
product line, reflecting commonly used features for the designer or assistant designer.
The RVI also supports a dual video output for two DVI/SVGA high-resolution monitors.
An alpha-numeric keyboard and/or pointing devices can be connected to the RVI to provide
remote programming capability using the Congo keyboard shortcuts. X-Keys can also be
attached via USB.
See X-Keys.
ETC recommends the use of PI Engineering's X-Keys panel with Congo Client software. X-
Keys is a panel of user-definable keys.
We have provided a file that defines the X-Keys Professional 58-key panel with the Congo
hotkey shortcuts most used in offline programming and editing. The X-Keys Professional 58-
key panel is very similar to the layout of the Congo keypad, so frequently used functions
appear in relative positions between the actual console and the offline editor.
The Appendix contains information about control interfaces, fuses,
key shortcuts etc.
The Congo Story
These are the connectors in the back of the console.
Connector - DMX512
Connector - VGA Monitor
Connector - Phone remote
Connector - Remote Radio
Connector - MIDI
Connector - APN
Connector - External 1-9
Connector - Ethernet
Connector - Keyboard, Printer & Mouse
Connector - Desk Light
Connector - Congo Jr Backpanel
Connector - Congo Kid Backpanel
Connector - DMX512
Pin 1 Gnd
Pin 2 Data-
Pin 3 Data+
Connector - VGA Monitor
Pin 1 Red
Pin 2 Green
Pin 3 Blue
Pin 5 Gnd
Pin 6 Red Gnd
Pin 7 Green Gnd
Pin 8 Blue Gnd
Pin 10 Sync Gnd
Pin 13 Horizontal
Pin 14 Vertical
Pin 4 Data+
Pin 5 Data -
The Remote Control Setting must be turned on for the remote to work. See Settings -
Connector - Remote Radio
RFU is a 6-pin XLR with the same pinout as on all ETC consoles
The Remote Control Setting must be turned on for the remote to work. See Settings -
Connector - MIDI
Pin 4 Data +
Pin 5 Data -
Pin 2 Gnd
Pin 4 Data +
Pin 5 Data -
Connector - APN
Pin 4 Data+
Pin 5 Data -
Connector - External Trig 1-9
The external trig can be used for any console function by assigning appropriate Triggers in
Event Lists.
1: Go
2: Pause
3: Go Back
4: Toggles Master 40 On/Off.
The Remote Control Setting must be turned on for the remote to work. See Settings -
Connector - Ethernet
Pin 1 TX+
Pin 2 TX-
Pin 3 RX+
Pin 4 NC
Pin 5 NC
Pin 6 RX-
Pin 7 NC
Pin 8 NC
Keyboard and mouse are connected to the USB ports in the back of the console.
You can connect a standard desk light to the connectors in the top corners of Congo, and
the rear left-hand side of Congo Jr.
Connector - Congo Kid Backpanel
Observe that the Kid has monitor outputs to either 2xDVI or 1xDVI and 1xVGA.
MIDI allows you to interface with Time Code and other MIDI
MIDI - Introduction
MIDI - Standard MIDI
MIDI - MIDI Show Control
MIDI - Time Code
MIDI - Implementation Chart
MIDI - Introduction
MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface. The reason you can find it in a lighting
console is that MIDI today is being used for a lot more than having synthesizers to speak to
each other as was intended originally.
Basically MIDI is a standard for transmitting notes 0127 (on/off) with velocity (how hard
they are played) and continuous controllers such as faders (volume for example). There are
more parameters but these are the basic ones. In Congo all keys correspond to a note and
all faders to a controller.
MIDI is transmitted serially in up to 16 individual MIDI channels in one three-lead cable. The
communication is unidirectional, which means there is no feedback or intelligent bi-
directional contact between MIDI units (DMX512 is also unidirectional, while a pair of walkie
talkies (for example) are bi- directional, allowing communication both ways).
Standard MIDI
Send and receive Notes,Controllers and Program Change.
Once you have connected a MIDI Device to the Congo with the MIDI connectors in the back
of the console, you have to set up the console to receive and/or transmit MIDI, and define
which MIDI commands it will recognize.
There is a MIDI Setup where you can configure how the console will function with MIDI. See
System Settings - MIDI.
MIDI - Standard MIDI
All MIDI functions need to be activated in the MIDI Setup. See System Settings - MIDI.
The Congo can be set to activate a specific crossfade when receiving a Program Change
command through MIDI. When the Program Change parameter (in MIDI Settings)is set to
"On" the board will activate a crossfade to step 0-127 when receiving Program Change 0-
You have to have a Sequence Step recorded in the board to be able
to jump to it.
MIDI - MIDI Show Control
Congo supports sending and receiving of MIDI Show Control (MSC) commands. GO
and Pause/Resume are commands that Congo sends when MIDI Show Control is enabled in
the setup. GO, Stop, Resume and Set commands can be sent to Congo from other devices
to control playback actions.
Congo supports reception of the following MSC commands. All example command
strings are shown in hexadecimal values.
Executes the next crossfade in the same way as pressing GO in the console. If GO is
pressed in the console, the number of the Preset is automatically transmitted as well. This is
sent automatically when GO is pressed and MSC is active.
Preset numbers in the GO command are encoded using ASCII and 2E is the decimal point.
For example preset 10 equals 31 30.
GO (Main Playback):
F0 7F 01 02 01 01 F7
MSC GO commands in Congo support only one decimal number.
Presets with more then one decimal number will not send an MSC GO
command and these presets cannot be triggered with MSC from
other sources.
Pauses the current crossfade. This is sent automatically when PAUSE is pressed and MSC
is active.
Resumes the current crossfade. This is sent automatically when PAUSE is pressed after
PAUSE and MSC is active.
The SET command allows setting Congo's faders to specific levels. An MSC SET command
packet looks like this:
Where <cc> <cc> defines the Controller number and <vv> <vv> defines the level. These are
both 14-bit values, a combination of two 7-bit values. Both in <cc> <cc> and <vv> <vv> the
first value is the LSB and the second value is the MSB. For <vv> <vv> fader values Congo
uses the most significant 8-bits of the 14-bit value for the level, giving a resolution of 256
Some examples of how percent value convert to <vv> <vv> values in Congo:
The <cc> <cc> Controller numbers used in Congo are:
Master 1 at 100%
F0 7F 01 02 01 06 00 00 7F 7F F7
Master 20 at 50%
F0 7F 01 02 01 06 13 00 00 40 F7
Master 33 at 0%
F0 7F 01 02 01 06 20 00 00 00 F7
Grandmaster at 20%
F0 7F 01 02 01 06 7E 03 7F 19 F7
For more info about MIDI, MSC and other Show Control commands a
good book to have is Control Systems for Live Entertainment by
John Huntington (ISBN: 978-0-240-80937-3)
MIDI - Time Code
Every sequence step can be triggered both manually, and by a specific MIDI Time Code time
on the MIDI port.
In the Sequence Editor, this time can be set or edited in a column to the far right. It is
possible to enter a time code timestamp for each sequence step. When the specific time
code position is reached, the sequence step will be executed providing Time Code is set to
on. See System Settings - MIDI.
Time Code is edited from the keyboard (display or external) in all Congo consoles. In
the bigger Congo it can be edited from the numerical console keypad as well.
If there is MIDI Time Code coming into the system, the running time will be shown on
top of the monitor instead of the normal date and time.
Learn mode
Each time GO is pressed, the current time code timestamp will be recorded in the current
sequence step. See System Settings - MIDI.
It is also possible to run the system so that any Sequence Step matching a specific Time
Code time is run automatically regardless if it is in the B field or not.If the "Auto- locate step"
parameter is set to "On", any step that is matching the incoming MIDI Time Code will be
executed. See System Settings - MIDI.
Edit time code in the sequence list (6.0)
When you press MODIFY in the Time Code column, you will be presented with a Time Code
Editor. In this editor you can Set, Add and Subtract time code values. All sequence steps
that are selected before you open the Time Code Editor will be affected by the change. Also
see Sequences - Sequence List.
It is possible to enter timecode in a short form format. Entered digits will be assigned from
right-to-left to frames, seconds, minutes and hours. Leading 0s can be omitted. Example:
123 would be
MIDI - Implementation Chart
All MIDI messages described below can be sent or received on any
MIDI Channel between 1 and 16.
The values shown in parenthesis (like this = 144) all refer to MIDI
channel 1. To be able to use other MIDI channels, you have to add
the channel number and subtract 1.
NOTE ON on channel 4 = 144 + 4 1 = 147.
All keys are transmitted as Note On and Note Off messages.
By sending the corresponding command to the MIDI In port, the Congo will execute the key.
Since standard MIDI Notes only can accept a maximum of 127 individual notes and the
Congo uses far more buttons than that, a special coding had to be introduced for the buttons
above 127.
In the table below, these are shown as x, y. The first value is used as the note number and
the second value is used for the velocity.
Sending the Align key would look like this:
144, 125, 98 (key pressed) followed by 128, 125, 98 (key released).
Console Keys - MIDI Chart
Key MIDI Code (Hex) MIDI Code (Dec)
Ch 26 38
Ch+ 27 39
Color 7D, 1B 125, 27
Column 7E, 53 126, 83
Connect 7E, 55 126, 85
Copy/Cut 7D, 5A 125, 90
DecimalPoint 3E 62
Delay 7D, 22 125, 34
Delete 51 81
Device 7D, 26 125, 38
Direct Select 1 7D, 6D 125, 109
Direct Select 40 7E, 1C 126, 28
Direct Select page 1 7E, 6B 126, 107
Direct Select page 5 7E, 6F 126, 111
Down 4D 77
Esc 2C 44
Fan 7D, 0A 125, 10
Fetch 2F 47
Flash 1 7E, 2D 126, 45
Flash 20 7E, 40 126, 64
FlashMode 30 48
Focus 7D, 1A 125, 26
Format 7E, 61 126, 97
GO 31 49
GoBack 32 50
Goto 33 51
Group 7E, 56 126, 86
Help 34 52
Highlight 7D, 34 125, 52
In 7D, 46 125, 70
Independent 1 7E, 63 126, 99
Independent 2 7E, 64 126, 100
Independent 3 7E, 65 126, 101
Key MIDI Code (Hex) MIDI Code (Dec)
Insert 50 80
Inv Group 7D, 66 125, 102
Last 7D, 2A 125, 42
Left 4E 78
Live 7E, 5E 126, 94
Load 7E, 74 126, 116
Macro 35 53
Mask 7D, 28 125, 40
Master 7D, 2B 125, 43
Master Page- (lower) 7D, 5D 125, 93
Master Page (upper) 7E, 1D 126, 29
Master Page- (upper) 7D, 5F 125, 95
Master Page+ (lower) 7D, 5C 125, 92
Master Page+ (upper) 7D, 5E 125, 94
MasterKey1 0E 14
MasterKey20 21 33
MasterKey21 56 86
MasterKey40 69 105
MasterPage 36 54
Modify 37 55
Mute 7E, 47 126, 71
Next 7D, 29 125, 41
Note 7E, 45 126, 69
Out 7D, 45 125, 69
Output 38 56
Palette 7D, 23 125, 35
Park 7E, 46 126, 70
Paste 7D, 5B 125, 91
Pause 3B 59
Playback 6D 109
Preset 3F 63
Record 40 64
Refresh 7D, 33 125, 51
Key MIDI Code (Hex) MIDI Code (Dec)
Release 7E, 70 126, 112
Rem Dim 7E, 52 126, 82
Right 4F 79
Select 7E, 58 126, 88
Select All 7D, 30 125, 48
Seq 44 68
Seq- 6B 107
Seq+ 6C 108
Setup 46 70
Solo 7E, 48 126, 72
Start 45 69
Tab 7E, 5F 126, 95
Tap 7E, 54 126, 84
Text 7D, 64 125, 100
Thru 47 71
Time 48 72
Track 7D, 63 125, 99
Type 7E, 42 126, 66
U1 7D, 1D 125, 29
U2 7D, 1E 125, 30
U3 7D, 1F 125, 31
Up 4C 76
Update 7E, 4F 126, 79
Wizard 7D, 32 125, 50
Console Faders - MIDI Chart
Fader MIDI Code (Hex) MIDI Code (Dec)
Upper_12 60 96
Upper_13 61 97
Upper_14 62 98
Upper_15 63 99
Upper_16 64 100
Upper_17 65 101
Upper_18 66 102
Upper_19 67 103
Upper_20 68 104
AFader 69 105
BFader 6A 106
GrandMaster 6C 108
The Congo Story
Congo is the result of ETC and AVAB efforts combining over 30 years
of experience in lighting control. Here is some of the story.
When Fred Foster of ETC acquired the Avab brand his aim was to maintain it and continue
development. The Avab core team were given the possibility of a lifetime to hand pick people
in the industry with the experience they wanted, and work together with the resources of
ETC to create Congo.
If there is a better crossover between dedicated moving light console and a true traditional
theatre or television console in this price range - please let us know!
Outside this core team there are layers of collegues, power users and beta testers that have
contributed immensely to this project. It would be impossible to remember all but here are
some: Oskar Krogell (FI), Jussi Kaatrasalo (FI), Jeremy Roberts (UK), David Gray (IT), David
Smith (US) - the list grows...
Congo - The Avab Heritage
Back in the seventies Avab was a leading Scandinavian lighting console manufacturer that
held one of the world's two existing 999 channel consoles, the Viking. The other one was
Strands Galaxy. Both were state of the art in their own way. Viking could talk (speech
module) and had very exclusive thumbwheels with tactile feedback.
Most of the functions for conventional lighting existed at this point in either or both of these
systems. If you want to sum up what has happened since the answer would be
Moving Lights
Media Servers
System prices have gone down 1000%
During the years before Congo the development team made an extensive survey to lighting
control operators and lighting designers in all paths and backgrounds of the industry. Over
200 people were interviewed.
There were over 100 questions. And the most important feedback for the Congo Team was
This may seem simple, but it implicated a lot of things we had to take in consideration.
Congo - Designing The Screens
Moving to a graphical interface opened a lot of possibilities. Color, graphics, local menus,
Interviews led us quickly in a different direction. The main input we got from all roads of
experience was
True enough. Local menus, toolbars and colors were skipped for the simple concept of the
Browser. We took aboard graphical designer wiz Peppe Tannemyr from Beacon to create an
environment that used color only when necessary, that had nothing to do with office
computer environments, and everything to do with lighting.
Congo - Designing The Hardware
We also wanted someone with a lot of experience of the lighting industry to put it together,
so we took aboard Magnus Anuell, the engineer behind the successful Rainbow Color
Congo - The Eurovision
The very first show run on the Congo was the Eurovision Song Contest final. The most
prestigious annual live broadcast in Europe with over 250 million viewers.
The systems were networked, and all shows saved on a mutual File Server. Every system
had a synchronised backup.
Congo - The arrival of Jr!
2006 at PLASA the ultra-compact and modular smaller version of the Congo Console is
presented - Congo JR.
Packing every ounce of power from the larger console - this little beast is a dream come true
for touring theatre operators, moving light operators and smaller-but-complex venue
operators and designers.
"The Congo Jr is a dream come true for any moving light operator,
designer or tech wanting a full system in a very small package."
(Bullen Lagerbielke)
V5 - a new approach to effects!
Along with cleanups, a lot of new functionality and several new related products like the rrfu
remote and the Net3 Remote Video Interface the family is growing fast. Most interesing of all
is the new approach to effects in v5.
By introducing the Effect Playbacks together with three types of effects, very complex effects
are made possible and accessible at the same simple level of control as a single intensity
channel with some extra attributes.
It doesn't look very advanced, right? It isn't, but what you can do with them is!
V6 - Time to Play!
The best way to sum up all the improvements in V6 of Congo is - Time to Play!
Well, this is what lighting should be all about isn't it? Not having to spend time on tedious
programming routines. With all the improvements of speed and graphics backed up by the
completely new and exciting Two Scene Masters mode for the Jam switch it becomes quite
amazing what you can do in very little time with Congo V6.
RDM Functionality (6.3)
The idea of RDM (Remote Device Management) is to make it possible for devices in a
control network to communicate with the lighting control system. It can be used to simplify
patching, addressing, and controlling modes of a device or supervising temperature via
embedded sensors (when provided).
There is a setting in Console Settings where you can disable "RDM Discovery" - Browser
>General Settings >Console Settings (6.3).
DMX communicates levels to devices. RDM adds communication back from the devices to
allow us to remotely observe (sensors) control (setups) and configure (modes) these
devices. The level of RDM functionality depends on the features of the controller and on the
features of the device. It is possible that some devices do not support all the features
available in Congo, or that Congo does not yet support all the RDM features of a device.
RDM data is sent back over the DMX line.
"It's not in the right mode, it doesn't have the right address, and you don't have to bring out
the ladder."
The DMX512 specification requires DMX connectors to be a 5-pin XLR type, with only the
first 3 pins being used (pins 4 and 5 were reserved for "future use"). RDM uses the same
pins as DMX (pins 2 and 3) to make it possible for all manufacturers to implement it.
Be aware that for RDM to work every DMX buffer/splitter has to be
RDM compatible.
These are the basics of working with RDM and Congo. These steps assume you have RDM
functioning, you have hung and cabled all of your devices, and that this is the first time you
are working with the system:
1. The outputs of the Net3 ACN DMX/RDM Gateway must have RDM Discovery enabled to
allow Congo to communicate with connected RDM devices. Please consult the Net3 ACN
DMX/RDM Gateway User Manual for directions on enabling and disabling RDM Discovery.
Remember that only equipment with RDM will talk back to Congo.
2. As soon as an RDM device is discovered on the network this will be indicated at the top of
the monitors, with a red "RDM:" and a number. The number indicates the quantity of
discovered new devices on the network. A new device is one that has not yet been patched
in the current show file. (Note: if you have already patched all of your RDM devices, you will
not see the number again (when restarting or reopening this show file). Only unpatched
devices are indicated here.
3. SEE LIST: Open the RDM Device List (Browser>Patching>RDM Device List), where you
can see all discovered devices and their current addresses and settings. They are still not
patched to congo - only discovered. You now have to actively make some desicions about to
which Congo channel you want to patch them, and with which template. See the RDM
Device List section below.
4. IDENTIFY: Press MODIFY in the Identify cell to tell the light to "identify itself". Depending
on the type of device, this may mean the light flashes on and off, or the LCD display may
flash its backlight. Consult the user manual of the device to see how the device will identify
itself using RDM.
5. PATCH: In the "Patched to channel" column, enter a channel number of Congo and press
MODIFY. You will get a dialogue that will show if the device is known and will match a
template in Congo, or if you wish to force a basic template from the data the device can
provide over RDM. At most times you will find that the template is known and matched in the
extended library of Congo. The advantage of using the known template is that it (usually)
contains additional information, like text names for ranges and color calibration data for use
with the Color Picker and Gel Picker. If it doesn't work the way you want you always have the
option of creating a template manually.
RDM Indicators (6.2)
Mismatch errors will show as "MISMATCH". Mismatch errors include patched settings not
matching device settings, patch overlaps, and so on.
RDM Device List (6.2)
The RDM Device List is the main RDM Window. This is a standard list of purely standard
RDM information. It is the same for all devices.
This list allows you to identify devices, change basic settings of the device (like start
address, personality or mode) patch to Congo channels and access deeper settings of
devices, if that functionality is supported by those devices.
This list also shows conflict or mismatch states in red. In the case of overlapping device
addresses, you must solve these overlaps manually by choosing and entering new starting
addresses for those fixtures. RDM will send the new address setting to the fixture for you.
Note that in the Browser there is a command to "Clear offline RDM", use this command to
clean up the list if you have removed devices, or moved devices from port to port on the
The information displayed is the standard information within the RDM Specification:
DMX PERSONALITY: This displays the actual device setting and will match to a template in
DMX FOOTPRINT: The number of outputs needed
PARAMETERS: This is the number of settings within the device that can be displayed or
edited using RDM. This is not the same as the DMX controllable parameters (attributes) of
the device.
SUB DEVICES: If the device has more devices associated with it, for example, you have one
RDM-capable dimmer rack that contains 6 individual dimmers, the rack settings would be
found under Parameters and individual dimmer settings would be seen in the Sub Devices
Normally RDM cache is something you don't have to worry about. In some rare situations
you may want to force a re-query.
There is a column that shows cache status. The Cache contains stored information
discovered about a device over RDM and this indicator shows if Congo has cached data
about a fixture so Congo no longer needs to query about the device structure.
Press MODIFY in this cell to re-query or store the cache (see options below)
"Restart to re-query"
- At the next restart of Congo, a new query will be performed.
RDM Device Parameter List (6.2)
The Device Parameter List provides access to the settings of each device that can be seen
and controlled over RDM. This list is only available when there are discovered RDM devices.
It is opened from the RDM Device List by pressing MODIFY in the Parameter cell of the
device you wish to adjust. Note that regardless of which device you use to open this tab, it
will show all devices of that model in the same table.
All data in this tab is generated by the RDM device and is then displayed by Congo.
Parameters you can edit are shown in white text. Changes you make in this tab are sent
directly to the device and are not stored in any way by Congo. The valid data for a parameter
is wholly dependent on the way the device manufacturer has developed their RDM
functionality. Valid input may be numerical (type the new value and press MODIFY) or may
be entered using a drop down menu (usually shown in text). Consult the user manual for the
device to understand the impact of changing parameters in this tab.
The Device Sensor List provides access to the sensor information an RDM Device transmits
(read-only). This list is only available when there are discovered RDM devices. It is opened
from the RDM Device List by pressing MODIFY in the Sensors cell of the device whose
sensor data you wish to view. Regardless of which device you use to open this tab, it will
show all devices of that model in the same table.
OSC Functionality (6.3)
Open Sound Control (OSC) is a content format for messaging among computers, sound
synthesizers, and other multimedia devices. You can remotely control Congo using OSC.
You can remotely control OSC devices using Congo.
OSC is often used as an alternative to MIDI, when higher performance, higher resolution and
a richer parameter space is desired. OSC messages are commonly transported across
networks using (UDP/IP, Ethernet). OSC messages between gestural controllers such as the
Wii Remote are usually transmitted over serial endpoints of USB by being wrapped in the
SLIP protocol. OSC gives developers more flexibility in the kinds of data they can send over
the wire, enabling new applications that can communicate with each other at a high level
(Source Wikipedia).
Use OSC to create a remote interface for Congo, for example in an iPad, using a
standard third party OSC software such as TouchOSC.
Use third party developer software such as Max or Isadora to integrate Congo with
other OSC devices.
Be aware that for OSC to work you need to activate OSC control and
relevant settings in the Play Settings.
See Play Settings - Show Control.
OSC is not intended to be used as remote control for Congo over any
open Internet connection. ETC recommends strongly that lighting
networks remain separate from the Internet.
Receive - OSC Input (6.3)
To receive OSC commands you have to activate reception of OSC and select the
appropriate Port number (default 7000) in Play Settings - Show Control.
The device transmitting OSC needs both this port number and the IP address of your Congo
system. You can check your IP address in Browser >About >About Congo.
/refreshstatus = Command to force an update of all labels and fader values
/masters/fader/X <0.0-1.0>
/masters/key/X <0.0-1.0>
/masters/flash/X <0.0-1.0>
/masters/pagePlus/X = Page+ for master block X (1-4)
/masters/pageMinus/X = Page- for master block X (1-4)
/masters/page/X = Master page (1-999)
/masters/fader/X <0.0-1.0> = transmission when a fader value changes
/masters/label/X <string> = Sends master label changes
/masters/page/label/X <string> =Sends master page label changes
Main Playback
/independents/fader/X <0.0-1.0> X= 1-6
/independents/key/X <0.0-1.0> X = 7-9
Direct Selects
/directselects/page/X, X = 1-5
/directselects/key/X, X = 1-40
Congo will send bank labels and direct select labels when they change:
Action Macro
/actionmacro <string>
For example:
/actionmacro GO PB
If you are sending from Max, make sure that the whole command is sent as one string
parameter, using around it when necessary.
OSC output can be transmitted from an Action Macro, or from a template. In addition,
sequence texts and master levels are transmitted to remote devices - see Receive - OSC
To transmit OSC commands you have to activate transmittion of OSC and select a port
(default 8000) and IP address(es) of the devices to send to in Play Settings - Show Control.
Template OSC
It is possible to define any parameter in a template to send optional OSC data. In the
Template editor, there is now a new column called OSC. It will open a dialog where OSC
parameters can be defined. Scaling through Max value is supported.
Press MODIFY or double-click on OSC
8 ConsoleMimic,273 FadeWithIntensity,333
ConsoleSettings,241 FetchPlay,254,258
ContentEffects,669 Files,171
8bit256StepLevels,459 ContextMenus,157 FocusPalettes,626
ControlHierarchy,71 FreezeMode,135
A ConvertToServer,259
Copy,Cut&Paste,126 G
About,165 Crashes,88
AboutCongo,166 Crossfade,398 GelPicker,624
AboutPlay,168 CrossfadeProfiles,408 GENERALFUNCTIONS,107
ActionMacros,284 GeneralSettings,220
AllPalettes,625 GETTINGSTARTED,62
D GrandMaster,134
B GroupWheelMode,473
DefaultPlaywizard,192 Groups,345
Backup,205 DesignerSummary,274
BackupCommands,258 DeviceControl,555 H
BackupSync,256 DeviceList,305
BalanceMode,466 DevicePalettes,589 Helpsystem,40
BeamPalettes,628 DevicePlayBack,618
Blind,493 DeviceTimes,609
BlockValues,418 DeviceViews,572 I
Browser,111 Devices,550
Bugs,88 DimmerCurve,336 Importfrom,182
Build&ModifyModes,416 Dimmer/DeviceFeedbackLog,169 ImportTemplateWizard,300
BypassStartupScreen,85 DirectModeMIDI,237 Independents,752
DirectSelects,136 Installationguidelines,67
C Disclaimer,44
DockAreas,266 K
CaptureMode,460 DragandDrop,160
CEM+,261 DynamicEffect,682 KeySyntaxes,68
ChOnlyMode,458 Keyboard,922
ChannelDatabase,520 E
ChannelLayouts,527 L
ChannelList,310 EffectImages,728
ChannelPartitions,544 Effectlayouts,722 Live,481
ChannelViews,117 EffectPlaybacks,656 LiveEffects,655
Channels,452 EffectTexts,731 Lockfade,398
ChannelsUsed&Unused,472 Effects,640 LTPorHTP,324
ChaseBPM&TapTempo,425 EventListActionMacros,283
ChaseEffects,659 EventListEvents,288
CheckMode,465 ExittoSystemSettings,196 M
Client,959 ExittoWelcomeScreen,217
ColorPalettes,627 Ext.MouseorTrackball,926 MacroList,290
ComPort,199 MainPlayback,735
CompareMode,380 MainShowData,338
CongoTerminology,69 F Mask,629
Connectors,963 MasterPages,817
CONSOLEKEYS,839 Facepanels,94 MasterView,812
Masters,759 Presets,356 SystemSettings,197
MastersSettings,763 PresetsList,366
MIDI,969 PresetsUpdate,365
MIDIImplementationChart,977 Print,193 T
MIDIStandardMIDI,971 Protocols,200
MIDITimeCode,975 Tabs,114
MIDIData,285 Templates,318
MIDIShowControl,972 R TemplatesRanges,328
Monitor,210 TemplatesSnaporFade,327
Movefade,398 RandomSelect,468 TemplatesType8/16bitcontrol,
Movies,834 RDM,991 325
Mute&Solo,131 RemoteControl,929 Texts,127
RemoteControlcRRFURadio ThisManual,43
Remote,951 TimeCodedock,276
N RemoteControliRFR,941 TrackEditing,510
RemoteControlPhoneRemote, TrackList,497
Navigating,108 938 TrainingProjects,836
Net3RemoteVideoInterface,960 RemoteControlRFRRadio TriggersforEvents,288
Net3/ACNDeviceList,262 Remote,932 Troubleshooting,86,91
Network,206,243 RemoteControlTTRadioRemote, TwoSceneMasters,146
NetworkClient,249 955
NetworkMultipleUsers,251 RenameChannels,313
Networknodes,260 ResetTheSystem,82 U
S UDPdata,286
O UniversalFaderWings,928
Save,179 UniverseMap,202
Organizer,339 Saveas,179 Update,212
OSC,997 SaveCopytoUSB,181 UpdateSoftware,213
Output,204 Scalechannellevels,470 USB,195
OutputModeSwitch,133 Screens,263
SelectedLive,275 V
P SendPlay,254
Sequences,387 Visualisation,958
ParameterDefinitions,334 SequencesChaseMode,420
Parked,513 SequencesInsertStep,409
PatchbyChannel/Dimmer,294 SequencesLinks,412 W
PatchWizard,302 SerialCOMdata,285
Patching,292 ServerCommands,254 WorkflowinCongo,74
PlaySettings,221 Server/Backup,246
Playlist,439 Shortcuts,889
PowerLoss,219 Software&Update,73 X
PowerOff(Quit),219 SystemInfo,92
PowerupProcedure,81 SystemOverview,64 Xkeys,961
Corporate Headquarters 3031 Pleasant View Road, P.O. Box 620979, Middleton, Wisconsin 53562-0979 USA Tel +608 831 4116 Fax +608 836 1736
London, UK Unit 26-28, Victoria Industrial Estate, Victoria Road, London W3 6UU, UK Tel +44 (0)20 8896 1000 Fax +44 (0)20 8896 2000
Rome, IT Via Pieve Torina, 48, 00156 Rome, Italy Tel +39 (06) 32 111 683 Fax +44 (0) 20 8752 8486
Holzkirchen, DE Ohmstrasse 3, 83607 Holzkirchen, Germany Tel +49 (80 24) 47 00-0 Fax +49 (80 24) 47 00-3 00
Hong Kong Rm 1801, 18/F, Tower 1 Phase 1, Enterprise Square, 9 Sheung Yuet Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel +852 2799 1220 Fax +852 2799 9325
Service: (Americas) (UK) (DE) (Asia)
Web: Copyright 2013 ETC. All Rights Reserved. Product information and specifications subject to change.
7310M1200-6.4.0 Rev A Released 2013-04