2000 VISEM Activity Chain Based Modeling

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VISEM - an Activity Chain based

Traffic Demand Model

Stumpfstr. 1
D-76131 Karlsruhe
Tel.: +49-721-9651-0
Fax: +49-721-9651-299
Email: ptv@ptv.de


M. Fellendorf, T. Haupt, U. Heidl, W. Scherr

76227 Karlsruhe


The shortcomings of the four-stage modelling process in transportation planning are obvious, but most
transportation planning systems in practical use are based on it. VISEM is an advanced disaggregate model in this
tradition, which estimates and forecasts trip-tables. It has been used in various cities throughout Europe and Asia.
Comments on the methods and the data modelling reflecting the planning objective and the available data are
made. Our experience in a variety of transportation studies is presented to demonstrate the range of applications
already carried out.

VISEM simulates activities; trip chains are computed as a result. Although important dependencies within the trip
chain generation and interferences of demand and supply are covered, the system does not require extensive
computing power due to the aggregation of individuals to behaviourally homogenous groups. The model is
implemented and calibrated with the help of empirical survey data or census data. Revealed and stated preference
data can be adopted. The activity-related destination choice within trip chains is modeled by an entropy-
maximizing deterrence function. Mode choice is implemented via a multinomial LOGIT model. The number of
modes differ from study to study. VISEM is integrated in an urban and regional transportation planning system
called VISION, the final objective of which is to estimate mode specific traffic volumes in a more realistic manner
than is presently possible using conventional four-stage models.


The presented paper describes a modern activity-based approach to model travel demand which
has been developed continuously over the last 10 years and has been used in many practical
transportation planning studies. This software, called VISEM, is now implemented for the
planning areas of various cities and is used by their administrations to generate demand matrices
as a part of the PTV VISION system (Visual Information System for Interactive Optimization of
Networks). Among the users of VISION are also universities, research institutes and consulting
companies. The transportation planning part of VISION consists of two main modules: VISEM,
the traffic generation part, and VISUM, the network planning and assignment part.

The PTV company developed VISEM as a tool to estimate and forecast mode specific origin-
destination matrices (OD-tables) in a user friendly software system. The two basic ideas of
VISEM are the classification of the population into behaviourally homogeneous groups and the
generation of trip chains derived from activity chains.

The direct predecessor of this model approach was ORIENT (Sparman 1980). ORIENT itself
was derived from a model used in the masterplan of Nrnberg/Frth (Poeck/Zumkeller 1976). All
these predecessors were based on stochastic simulation (like Monte-Carlo simulation). As a

further development Schwerdtfeger and Swidersky from the IfV-Institute at the University of
Karlsruhe provided the first model using matrix computations and as such the basis of todays
VISEM. For further description and references of the German approach: simulating activity
chains see Axhausen/Herz 1989.


1.1 An Overview of VISEM

VISEM replaces the first three steps of the classic four-stage model in an integrated manner.
However the approach can be broken down into three sub-models (See figure 1).

The activity model creates mobility derived from activity chains. The result is a set of daily
mobility programs, distinguished by the residence zones. Input of this sub-model are activity
chains and their probabilities derived from travel diaries, as well as socio-demographic data on a
zonal basis that is used to evaluate the relevant number of persons of all population groups.

The second sub-model transfers activity chains into trip chains. A trip chain is a consistent
sequence of trips between zones. A deterrence model is applied to allocate activities to specific
destination zones. The deterrence function is based upon various input data (i.e. activity specific
attractiveness for each zone and transport related data like separation and quality of supply for
each OD-pair).

The trip chains have to be split into different modes of traffic (mode choice), which is done by a
multinomial LOGIT model. Mode attributes like travel times, travel cost and travel quality
measures are considered.

Mode specific OD-tables are the result of VISEM. These matrices are used by the assignment
models, called VISUM-IT and VISUM-PT, to compute route choice and traffic flows.
Furthermore VISUM produces various network and spatial data which are directed as input to
VISEM. Therefore supply information directly interferes with the demand estimation. Normally
modal split variations and destination choice effects are estimated, but induced changings of the
activity patterns can be modelled as well.

Fig. 1: Scheme of VISEM and its Interaction with VISUM

Only essential data is shown to present the main modelling techniques, rather than a complete
documentation. Whenever the KONTIV is mentioned as source of data, the nationwide
transportation survey of Germany is meant. This activity-based travel diary has been carried out in
1976, 1982 and 1989 with a sample size of about 20.000 households including 40.000 persons
above 10 years (1989: over 6 years).

1.2 Population Segments: Behaviourally Homogeneous Groups

Whereas previous models such as ORIENT (Sparman 1980) simulate persons as individuals,
VISEM uses groups of persons as the primary unit. Using this basis, computation time is reduced
and accuracy increases. These groups are person-categories that differ significantly by their
specific travel behaviour, whereas members of the same group should show quite identical travel
behaviour. VISEM processes each model step separately for each group. The following two
tables show a typical classification of the population into groups by employment/education and
car availability. 18 years is the minimum age to receive a driver licence in Germany. The
parameters listed for each group illustrate the different travel behaviour of the specified groups.
The chosen groups are similar to those proposed by Schmiedel (1984).

Tab. 1 : Example of a Group Classification

Employee having car availability E+c
Employee without car availability E-c
Not employed having car availability NE+c
Not employed without car availability NE-c
Students younger than 18 years St<18
Apprentices Appren
Students 18 years old or older St 18

Tab. 2: Population Groups and Their Travel Behaviour

Group Average values by behaviourally homogeneous group

Number of trips Trip length per Mainly used mode of Main activity **
per day single trip in km transport *
(in % of daily trips) (in % of daily trips)
E+c 3.2 12.8 car (73%) job (28%)
E-c 2.9 7.5 foot (35%) job (27%)
NE+c 3.2 8.3 car (60%) shopping (22%)
NE-c 2.4 4.3 foot (56%) shopping (26%)
St<18 2.9 4.8 bike (36%) education (29%)
Appren 3.0 10.6 car (26%) education (17%)
St 18 3.1 10.6 car (27%) education (21%)
* : out of 6 possible: foot, bicycle/moped, motorbike, car, car passenger, public transport
** : out of 8 possible (without home): job, business, education, shopping, economic activity,
pick up/drop off someone, private purpose/recreation, service
See Tab. 1 for group abbreviations.
Data source: KONTIV 89, Germany, persons 10 years, monday - friday. Own calculations.

The distribution of the total number of inhabitants of a zone into several behavioural
homogeneous groups cannot be determined from the local registration data which are available

through local German authorities. But the shares of each group can be estimated from available
data elements, e.g. from the year of birth (age structure of a zone), with the help of an allocation
of age and group that has to be determined from an empirical survey (e.g. in table 3 from

Tab. 3: Allocation of Age and Group

Female population
Group quota by age group in %
Age group E+c E-c NE+c NE-c Appren St<18 St 18
10-17 2.1 0.8 11.8 85.4
18-24 15.3 16.6 2.0 6.8 15.0 44.4
25-59 30.0 27.4 11.9 24.9 0.7 5.0
> 60 0.5 2.0 8.2 89.3
Male population
Group quota by age group in %
Age group E+c E-c NE+c NE-c Appren St<18 St 18
10-17 1.4 0.5 9.8 88.4
18-24 19.6 11.8 0.9 2.8 16.3 48.6
25-59 71.7 12.0 3.8 4.1 1.0 7.4
> 60 13.0 1.3 41.2 44.5
See Tab. 1 for group abbreviations.
Data source: KONTIV 89, (towns 200.000 inhabitants). Own calculations.

Table 3 shows a (4,7)-matrix (age classes, groups) for male respectively female population. If
separate age statistics (male respectively female population) of all N zones are available as a
(N,4)-matrix (zones, age classes) the zonal number of persons by group results as a (N,7)-matrix
from the following matrix multiplication:

(zones, groups) = (zones, age classes) x (age classes, groups).

Unfortunately this formula does not consider detailed information on the degree of motorization
of groups. If the number of licensed cars is known for each zone or for macro-zones the (age,
group)-matrix can be changed such that in each zone the number of inhabitants E+c and NE+c
equals the number of licensed cars in that zone. The calculation procedure is rather simple. For
each macro zone a special (age, group)-matrix is generated where the share E+c compared to the
share E-c and NE+c compared to NE-c is proportionally adapted according to the ratio of
motorization, which already had been obtained by an initial matrix multiplication.

1.3 Trip Generation: Chains of Activities

An activity is defined as an occupation of a person carried out at one location. A chain of

activities describes the order of different activities during a persons run of the day, starting and
ending at home, e.g. the chain Home - Job - shOpping - Home (HJOH). Such an order of
activities implies movements from one site to another; e.g. from HJOH three trips result: HJ, JO,

In general it is necessary to reduce the huge number of empirical activity chains of a travel diary
(as e.g. in table 4) for the model input. On the one hand chains with low reported probability
(specially chains of exceeding length) shouldnt be respected. On the other hand the empirical
frequencies of activities and their order within chains must be represented in the model. An
heuristic procedure is applied to transform the empirical mobility of travel diaries to a reduced set
of selected activity chains. Even if VISEM does not limit chain length, computation time is the
main reason to drop chains of exceeding length and low probability.

VISEM requires the group specific probability for each activity chain (see table 4). This value
states the probabiltity that the activity chain is carried out by a group member at an average day
(in %). Note that the probability sum of a column will well exceed 100% since many persons
leave home more than once a day.

Tab. 4: Some activity Chains and Their Probabilities

E+c E-c NE+c NE-c St<18 Appr St18
HJH 74.30 62.47 8.01 2.69 1.11 31.25 9.52
HVH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.88 0.00
HOH 17.72 24.67 63.35 60.37 12.40 10.56 21.89
HUH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 51.08
HPH 27.46 22.65 53.56 37.99 41.05 37.28 36.42
HSH 0.99 2.03 1.13 0.62 79.85 0.00 0.00
HJJH 2.68 0.99 0.28 0.04 0.11 0.43 0.18
HJOH 4.49 6.59 0.85 0.28 0.26 1.77 0.66
HJPH 1.35 0.95 0.19 0.01 0.08 0.98 0.90
HOOH 0.74 0.77 4.71 3.31 0.26 0.34 1.42
HOUH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.44
HOPH 0.54 0.95 2.60 1.53 0.47 0.62 0.99
HJJJH 2.12 0.59 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.13
HJJOH 0.10 0.05 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04
HJPJPH 0.02 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.00
See Tab. 1 for group abbreviations.
Activity abbreviations within chains: H=Home, J=Job, O=shOpping, P=Private, S=School, U=University,
Data source: KONTIV 89, persons 10 years, monday - friday. The whole sample has about 300 different activity

Each activity chain specifies a frequency of trips per person and their order in the model. The
complete set of activity chains determines the mobility per person (i.e. number of trips and
number of different activities per head) and the allocation of trips to different trip chains. The total
number of trips and of trip chains generated by VISEM depends on the given structure of
inhabitants of each zone and on the mobility that is given by the set of activity chains by group.

Example: If zone 1 includes 200 employed persons having car available (E+c), their mobility will
be calculated as follows: According to the activity chain distribution listed above they run through
the activity chain HJOH with 4.49 % probability daily. This means 200 * 4.49 % = 8.98 trips HJ,
and JO and OH as well. Thus the 200 E+c in zone 1 generate 3 * 8.98 = 26.9 (rounded 27) trips

by this specific activity chain. Considering the probabilities of other activity chains for each group
and each zone there can be determined exactly how many trips result from which activities.

1.4 Trip Distribution: Activities + Destination Choice = Trip Chains

Considering the destination activity of each trip VISEM allocates destination zones to the trips.
The choice of a destination zone depends on the separation (e.g. distance, travel time) between
origin and destination zone and on the sensitivity of each activity to separation. This sensitivity to
separation is specified in the parameters of the deterrence function for each activity and each

By choosing destinations the destination choice submodel generates numerous trips from each
activity chain; thus the results of trip distribution are a complete trip matrix and the total number
of trip chains.

Example from 1.3 continued: The mentioned 9 (exactly 8.98) trips of the activity pattern HJ have
to lead from the origin zone (zone 1) to possible destination zones (with places of work). For
these 9 trips VISEM chooses destination zones according to the destination choice model which
is described later on. To simplify matters here zone 2 is the destination zone of all trips. Starting
from zone 2 after activity Job the probability of possible destinations of JO (for the destination
activity shOpping) is calculated (e.g. 40% to zone 3 and 60% to zone 2, which are intra-zonal
trips). VISEM multiplies the destination probabilities of possible job and shopping destinations.
For the final activity pair within any activity chain (here: OH) no destination choice is necessary as
the home zone No. 1 is given as the origin zone of the first trip. The examples destination choice
can be summarized:
HJ: 100% leaving zone 1 for destination zone 2,
JO: 60% stay within zone 2, and 40 % leaving zone 2 for zone 3,
OH: 100% return to zone 1.

The resulting trip chains and their frequencies are:

1-2-2-1: 8.89 * 100 % * 60 % * 100 % = 3.56
1-2-3-1: 8.89 * 100 % * 40 % * 100 % = 5.33

Thus there have been generated 5 (exactly 5.33) trip chains of the zonal sequence 1-2-3-1 and 4
(exactly 3.56) trip chains 1-2-2-1.

For this choice of destinations within trip chains the model designer must allocate a certain
structural quantity (e.g. from land use statistics) to each activity. This quantity represents the
attractiveness of zones for trips of that activity.

Tab. 5: Examples of Activities and Correspondent Zonal Attractiveness

Activity Destination of activity Numerical attractiveness Zi can be
(opportunity) represented by

Job ('J') Firms, work places Number of jobs

shOpping ('O') Shopping centres ... Retail floor space
Recreation ('R') Recreational opportunities Capacity of recreational areas or: How
often a zone has been mentioned as
destination of recreational trips in a
transportation survey.
School ('S') School places Number of students < 18 years, enrolled
University ('U') Vocational training schools, Number of students >18 years, enrolled
universities ...
Priv. activities ('P') Private and social opportunities Number of inhabitants

The deterrence of the destination choice is modelled by the following function. Pij specifies the
probability that zone j will be chosen among all destination alternatives as the destination zone for
trips originating in zone i, by:

Pij =
( )
D j f wij

(D f ( wik ))

k =1

Fij = Oi Pij

Fij No. of trips from zone i to zone j
Pij probability for choice of destination j for trips originating
in zone i
Oi originating trips from zone i
Dj attractiveness of zone j
f(wij) deterrence function with:
f ( wij ) = e ij wij
wij separation from zone i to zone j (distance, travel time, generalized cost)
, parameters (alpha-parameter, beta-parameter)
B Set of zones (with k=1 as first zonal index)

If = 0 (what is usually supposed) we get Wilsons entropy-maximizing deterrence function.

Then the specification of parameter is decisive for the choice of destination zones and describes

the sensitivity to separation. If = 0 (and = 0 as well) separation wij will not influence the
destination choice.

Fig. 2: Pattern of the Deterrence Function with Different Alpha-Parameters

alpha= 0



0,6 alpha= 0.1


alpha= 0.5



0,2 alpha= 2











VISEM provides specification of alpha-parameters for each combination of group, activity and
supply quality class.

Surveys of travel behaviour show that persons with a car available cover longer distances than
persons without cars which means that the alpha-parameters of population groups using a car
(E+c and NE+c) have to be lower than those specified for groups without cars (E-c or NE-c).
Based on empirical evidence the alpha-parameter specified for the activity Job has to be lower
than that for activity shOpping.

Each OD-pair has to be classified according to supply quality. In most VISEM-applications for
this classification the public transport service quality is considered (headway and frequency of
changings). Using this method VISEM includes transport supply data in the destination choice
submodel. Classification-dependent increasing alpha-parameters should be specified for groups
without car (e.g. E-c, NE-c or St<18), as the separation sensitivity of these groups declines with
increasing service quality. But the alpha-parameters of groups with cars (e.g. E+c and NE+c) do
not depend on the PT supply quality.

Tab. 6: Alpha-Parameters of the Deterrence Function (Example)
Supply quality classes
1 2 3 4
group E+c:
Job 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
Shopping 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34
Private 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23
group E-c:
Job 0.18 0.28 0.38 0.48
Shopping 0.38 0.49 0.60 0.71
Private 0.25 0.35 0.45 0.65
See Tab. 1 for group abbreviations.
Four supply quality classes reflect public transport quality in this example (measured in heqadway and number of
changes): 1=excellent, 2=good, 3=exceptable, 4=poor.

VISEM can read activity-specific separation matrices. These matrices can be based upon
distances, travel times or generalized costs. These basic units of separation can reflect different
transport supply situations and as such show destination choice effects of supply variations.

1.5 Choice of Transport Mode: The LOGIT Model

After trip generation and trip distribution total travel demand is available as trip chains with
exactly specified origin and destination zones. During the next model step this demand is allocated
to the various transport modes. Conventional modal split models subdivide the total demand
according to aggregated transport system attributes; such models are hardly able to represent
individual choice behaviour. VISEM applies a behaviour-orientated approach which considers
three aspects in mode choice:
the socio-economic situation, specially car availability of the decisive persons (by population
different attributes of the transport mode alternatives (via an utility function),
choice restraints within a trip chain (as there are defined exchangeable and not-exchangeable

This problem of decision is represented by a multinomial LOGIT model, which states the
probability of mode choice for any given trip chain. Therefore the group-specific utility has to be
known which depends on transport mode attributes (travel time, access and egress time, fare etc.).
For a specified group g this model shows the following functionality in VISEM:

eUgij ( m)
Pgij (m) = M

e Ugij ( k )

k =1
i, j indices of zones
m index of mode (M= total number of modes)
Pgij(m) group-specific probability to choose transport mode m for the trip from i to j
Ugij(m) group-specific utility if transport mode m is chosen to get from i to j

with utility formula:
Ugij(m) = p1gm * Tij(m)
p2gm * Zij(m)
+ p3gm * loge(Dij / p4gm)
p5gm * Cij(m)
+ p6gm
+ p7gm* Aij(m)

with mode attributes:

Tij(m) travel time from i to j by tranport mode m

Zij(m) sum of access time in i and egress time in j for
transport mode m
Cij(m) travel cost from i to j by transport mode m
Dij distance from i to j
Aij(m) additional supply attribute
(e.g. parking facilities) for m

and with LOGIT parameters (by group g and transport mode m):

p1gm marginal utility of 1 minute travel time

p2gm marginal utility of 1 minute access or egress time
p3gm marginal utility of logarithmic relative distance
increase (impact of advantage-distance)
p4gm advantage-distance of transport mode m
p5gm marginal utility of 1 monetary unit of fare
p6gm constant utility of transport mode m
p7gm marginal utility of 1 unit of the additional supply

Travel times Tij(m) are given by the network and assignment model VISUM. For public transport
it is recommended to use a travel time matrix including the time required for changings and/or
delay (but no access and egress time data). If schedules differ in the course of the day a matrix
with average values could be used, e.g. from representative peak and off-peak periods. From the
calibrated VISUM road network travel time data can be calculated after assignment, such that the
modal effects of road capacity restraints can be estimated.

Accessibility of modes of transport at trip origin and at trip destination is considered by access
and egress time Zij(m).

By the mid-eighties costs Cij(m) have rarely been considered in urban traffic demand models, as
scientists and professionals agreed upon the indifference of transport costs to the urban modal
split. However, fare variations are considered today; thus political and economic changes, e.g.
road pricing or increasing parking costs or public transport fares, can be represented by the
model. Therefore basic costs (by travel time unit or by distance unit) have to be specified. Usually
it is confined to out-of-pocket cost.

In addition to costs another attribute of modes Aij(m) can be included in the mode choice model
(LOGIT parameter p7 ). So if required the user can take frequency of service and/or delays

(public transport) or parking costs and/or permitted maximum speed (car) into consideration. As
well as travel time or costs this additional attribute must be included as an OD-table.

Parameter p4 is called advantage-distance because it specifies how long (in meters) a trip must
be so that distance has a positive impact on utility. In case of distances Dij > p4 the quotient Dij / p4
will be > 1, and thus the logarithmic term loge(Dij / p4) will be a positive value. For this reason the
formula loge(Dij / p4) has a point of inflexion at Dij = p4 that makes distance utility influence
decreasing for Dij < p4 and increasing for Dij > p4 .

In VISEM the available modes of transport are subdivided into exchangeable (usually foot, car
passenger, public transport) and not exchangeable ones (car, bike). For the first trip of a trip chain
VISEM calculates the LOGIT model. So one of the available modes is chosen. If an
exchangeable mode of transport has been chosen for the first trip the choice of transport mode
will be calculated for each following trip of the chain among all exchangeable modes of transport.
If a not exchangeable mode is chosen for the first trip it will be maintained and no further mode
choice will be calculated for the rest of the trip chain.

1.6 Determination of Trips Day Time

VISEM calculates time-of-day matrices (e.g. a peak hour matrix) based upon time patterns which
represent the temporal distribution of activities during the day.

The VISEM format of such time patterns (see table 7) consists of 2 activitiy abbreviations (2
letters) which represent the change from the one activity to the other; these two letters are
followed by 24 figures, that indicate the probabilities of the specified change of activities over 24

Tab. 7: Day Time pattern of Activity Pair Home-Job

day time 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
probability HJ in % 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.4 1.2 6.9 24.2 33.2
day time 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
probability HJ in % 12.2 3.4 1.6 0.8 2.2 4.6 3.5 1.6
day time 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
probability HJ in % 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.1
See Tab. 2 for activity abbreviations.
* Relevant moment: Start of trip to next activity ( 0 = 00:00 - 00:59 oclock)
Data source: KONTIV 89, persons 10 years, monday - friday.

From the pattern HJ in table 6 the following information on behaviour can be received: Most of
the trips Home-Job occur between 6:00 h and 8.59 h: During these 3 hours of the day 24,2%
(6:00-6:59 h), 33,2% (7:00-7:59 h) and 12,2% (8:00-8:59 h) of all trips HJ are travelled. The
importance of trips (employed persons) back home for lunch and back to job again is not
significant. Not more than 4,6% and 3,5% of trips HJ have been recorded for the periods
between 1:00 pm and 1:59 pm respectively 2:00 pm and 2:59 pm, which can be regarded as trips
back to the job after a lunch break at home.

1.7 Model Dimensions and Computing Time

Model is processed separately for each group. In middle and large applications (> 100 zones) the
computing time is mainly influenced by the number of zones and the number and length of activity
chains. Complexity is then O(n) with n = number of zones. For the following applications
computing time has been measured on a Pentium (90 Mhz):

Tab. 8: Dimensions and Computing Time of Different VISEM Applications

Computing time in min.

Model dimension as number of

Study zones groups acti- modes (#activity chains * #groups)** full dest. mode
area vities l=2* l=3* l=4* l=5* all* calcul. choice choice
Hannover City 373 8 9 5 31 35 0 0 66 31 18 13
Hannover 373 8 9 5 29 36 0 0 65 31 17 14
Cologne 222 8 9 5 31 34 0 0 65 6 3 3
St. Gallen 187 7 7 5 22 42 45 42 151 24 20 4
Halle 319 8 8 5 31 73 0 0 104 30 21 9
Leipzig 150 7 9 5 36 87 0 0 123 3 2 1
Prague 198 7 7 5 34 82 0 0 116 7 5 2
Izmit, Turkey 62 8 7 5 28 27 8 0 63 0.5 0.3 0.2
* l = length of chain (e.g.: HXXH describes three trips, so l=3)
**: Is the number of all activity chains with a probability > 0, summed up over all groups.


2.1 Calibration of Alpha-Parameters and Separation Matrices

The deterrence function described in Chapter 2.1.3 f(wij) = e-wij * wij weightens the
attractiveness of each zone for determination of the specific destination traffic. The alpha-
partameters inherent to the function have to be specified by the user for each combination of
group, activity and supply quality class. In the calibration of the destination choice model
empirical data of real travel demand should be considered. Calibration of alpha-parameters should
be based upon a distance distribution of trips or a travel time distribution as well as upon
empirical OD-data (e.g. commuters matrices generated from census data). As VISEMs
destination choice is activity-based, the calibration should be performed with single consideration
on the subset of trips to one specific activity (one by one).

The deterrence function parameters can be evaluated by weighted linear regression based on a
travel distance distribution of empirical data. In some VISEM applications separation matrices
have been calibrated according to empirical census matrices. This calibration method tries to
adaptthe model to grown habits of zomal interaction.

2.2 Calibration of LOGIT Parameters

Seven LOGIT parameters have to be specified in VISEM input data file for each group and each
mode of transport. Some of the parameters p1, p2, p3, p5 can be specified = 0 according to
circumstances (if it is assumed that the respective transport mode attribute as e.g. access and
egress time or costs is without any influence).

There are two possible methods for LOGIT parameters specification:

1) either using parameter figures from technical literature (see Hautzinger 1978 or Ben-
Akiva/Richards 1975) with, if necessary, manual adaption;
2) using a maximum likelihood procedure for analytic estimation of parameters.

The following tables show modal split percentages and relative frequencies of trip length for
different modes, both from KONTIV 89. Evaluations like these should be used as target values
when data are calibrated by hand. VISEM offers tabular and graphical output functions which
allow to check intermediate results of individual calibration steps continuously.

Tab. 9: Modal Split of Weekday Traffic

locations 20.000 inhabitants
in % E+c E-c NE+c NE-c St<18 Appren St 18
foot 9.6 34.9 21.6 54.0 22.6 9.8 9.6
car passenger 5.3 23.8 5.7 16.3 12.4 19.0 12.7
public transport 2.4 16,0 0.7 6.2 28.4 21.1 14.9
car 77.7 3.4 64.8 0.9 0.9 31.1 42.8
bike 5.1 21.9 7.2 22.6 35.7 19.0 19.9
locations 20.000 - 200.000 inhabitants
in % E+c E-c NE+c NE-c St<18 Appren St 18
foot 13.6 37.7 23.8 57.4 30.1 18.2 21.7
car passenger 4.7 17.5 5.0 13.8 10.7 14.8 10.7
public transport 4.4 22.8 3.1 13.8 20.4 15.9 13.1
car 72.7 0.6 62.8 0.7 1.3 31.6 30.5
bike 4.6 21.4 5.2 14.2 37.6 19.5 24.0

locations 200.000 inhabitants

in % E+c E-c NE+c NE-c St<18 Appren St 18
foot 10.7 30.0 25.6 53.8 30.8 19.5 16.5
car passenger 4.0 13.2 3.8 11.6 9.1 6.1 6.6
public transport 6.0 39.2 4.5 22.6 24.2 32.4 26.7
car 74.8 0.8 59.0 0.3 1.2 26.2 24.8
bike 4.5 16.8 7.0 11.8 34.7 15.8 25.4
Data source: KONTIV 89, persons 10 years, monday - friday. Own calculations.

Tab. 10: Relative Frequency of Distances by Mode of Transport for Group E+c
relative frequency per transport mode (in %)
trip length foot bike car car public all
passenger transport
0 - 0.5 km 40.0 4.1 1.1 1.2 0.1 5.3
0.6 - 1 km 33.0 18.4 3.2 4.6 0.6 6.9
1.1 - 2 km 13.3 25.0 7.9 7.1 4.1 9.0
2.1 - 5 km 8.8 42.7 27.2 29.7 31.9 27.1
5.1 - 10 km 4.9 5.6 27.9 26.5 33.9 24.8
10.1 - 15 km 3.5 13.1 16.8 14.1 11.4
15.1 - 20 km 0.4 5.8 3.3 4.4 4.8
> 20 km 0.5 12.7 10.7 10.1 10.7
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Data source: KONTIV 89, persons 10 years, monday - friday, locations 200.000. Own calculations.

These tables show the average modal split of West German municipalities. It is clearly to be seen
that the share of public transport increases with increasing number of inhabitants, even in case of
groups +c (car available). But studies in several towns also proved that modal split values may
differ significantly between locations of the same size. This may be caused by different quality of
public transport service and by the different quantity of parking facilities available in the municipal
centres or by a different degree of motorization etc. That is why the modal split data listed above
should not be used as a basis for VISEM calibration. If possible a specific local survey should be

LOGIT parameters can also be determined by a maximum likelihood estimation. Appropriate

software is available. The problem arising from empirical data, resulting from activity-based
surveys (according for instance to the German KONTIV standard) is the following: persons who
have to indicate the used transport mode will specify the attributes of the used transport mode
only but not the attributes of the transport mode alternatives. Thus for a maximum likelihood
estimation the attributes of the alternatives which have not been chosen have to be determined
additionally. Past experience has shown that the real situation of decision cannot be modelled
exactly in most cases. This leads to insufficient estimation results. New survey methods (stated-
preference surveys) have been developed which especially focus on the attributes of all
alternatives. Thus parameter estimations can be based upon reliable data and the quality of
forecasts will increase for situations tested by stated preference surveys.


Statements concerning future development of the current transport system are the objective of
every traffic forecast. Here the development of transport supply as well as the evolution of traffic
demand should be considered. With VISEM demand forecasts can be calculated which result from
structural data modifications according to the current trends in reality (called forecast in the
following). Such modifications of structural data may be caused by increasing motorization or by
spatial displacements as well as by demographic shiftings. Furthermore VISEM can generate
future mobility which shows the travel demand responding to a modified supply (new transport

systems, increased quality, additional relations, improved connections; called scenario in the

A traffic forecast is based upon the VISEM model, which has been calibrated for the analysis of
the current state. According to the objectives of forecasts or scenarios, specific elements of these
input data (which originally refered to the current state) are replaced by forecast or scenario data.
Then VISEM calculates forecast matrices from the forecast input data.

3.1 The Use of Demographic Forecasts

Local authorities offer statistics and demographic predictions on changes in the number of
inhabitants and in the shares of different age classes considering birth- and death rates, the
probabilities of future births and deaths as well as rates of immigration and/or migration. Using an
approach based upon behaviourally homogeneous groups VISEM is able to model direct effects
of demographic shiftings on travel demand and traffic generation.

Tab. 11: Modelling Socio-economic Shiftings

Demographic forecast VISEM:

(No. of inhabitants, New group shares effect modelled in
age, zones) derived by zone travel demand and
traffic generation

Superannuation within Relatively increasing VISEM:

certain residential areas number of less-mobile Decline of the
respectively zones groups originating traffic

Increasing number VISEM:

New residential areas of inhabitants Increase of
within these zones originating traffic

Relatively increasing Absolutely increasing VISEM:

number of 20 - 40-years- number of groups of Increasing originating
old persons in the study highest mobility traffic from all zones

From this the advantage of the population-group-orientated approach, as it is applied in VISEM,

can directly be seen: A demographic forecast (inhabitants by age and zone) performed according
to the procedure described in Chapter 1.2 produces data on number of inhabitants by group; from
this future distribution of population groups VISEM calculates traffic generation and choice of
transport modes.

3.2 Spatial Shifting Resulting from New Land Use Patterns

Based upon new zonal attractiveness (e.g. industrial sites, shopping centres etc.) the future
distribution of trip destinations can be forecasted with the help of VISEM.

3.3 Example: Scenario Ecological Traffic Policy

A description of some general ideas for scenario calculation with VISEM follows. The following
scenario approach listed in the table does not much modify behavioural parameters such as alpha-
parameters or LOGIT parameters; such modifications would be caused by real changes of
population behaviour but can hardly be predicted in a serious maner. On the contrary, the
question posed: What travel demand modifications can be caused by optional measures in the field
of transport supply in the case of constant traffic behaviour, as it has been stated in the parameters
of the current model.

Tab. 12: Modelling the Demand Effects of Modified Supply

Mode of Change in transport supply Modelling the supply changes within
transport VISEM

Public Improved accessibility of stops Reduce access and egress time of from/to
transport in/from specified zones these zones

Public Acceleration (bus lanes, priorities), Reduced public transport travel time,
transport additional lines, e.g. tangential lines either obtained from a future VISUM-PT
on OD-pairs which are demanded network model (lines and/or scedule) or
most obtained by processing current travel time

Motorized Limitation of parking facilities in and Increase access and egress times of the
individual car-accessability to respective central zones
traffic the downtown area

Motorized Speed limits (30 km/h) Increase travel time for intrazonal trips in
individual in residential areas zones which are residential areas

Bike Offer sufficient parking facilities for Reduce access and egress times of the
bikes within the downtown area zones concerned

Bike Increase attractivity Increase LOGIT parameter p6.

by improved safety measurements on
all roads

Foot, Bike Abolish hindrances, Increase basic speed or reduce travel time
Priority at junctions required by OD-pair and transport mode


This paper evolves from the work carried out in Germany by various institutions over the past
two decades. A literature review is given by Axhausen/Herz 1989. The authors are grateful for
the substantial work and the ideas brought by our collegues.


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