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Lowdose heparin as treatment for early

disseminated intravascular coagulation during
sepsis: A prospective clinical study

Department of Respiratory Disease, Hospital of Binzhou Medical University, Binzhou, Shandong 256603, P.R. China;
Department of OtolaryngologyHNS, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106, USA

Received September 7, 2013; Accepted October 17, 2013

DOI: 10.3892/etm.2013.1466

Abstract. The present study aimed to investigate whether physiological features common during sepsis(1). A previous
lowdose heparin improves the condition of patients suffering study(1) has shown that the severity and prognosis of sepsis
from early disseminated intravascular coagulation (preDIC) are closely associated with blood coagulation disorders or
during sepsis. In total, 37patients were randomly divided into disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). Multiple organ
lowdose heparin intervention and control groups. The heparin dysfunction syndrome (MODS), which is a severe consequence
group received a lowdose of heparin for 57days, while the of DIC, results in high mortality of septic patients. Early mani-
other group received only saline. The two groups were treated festation of DIC is not well diagnosed. The hypercoagulable state
for sepsis. Blood samples were collected at various times and of early DIC has recently been named preDIC, characterized
acute physiology and chronic health evaluation (APACHE)II by a predisposing factor for DIC and fibrinolytic coagulation
scores were recorded at day 1and7. In addition, the number abnormalities, but with insufficient criteria for diagnosing DIC.
of days applying mechanical ventilation and in the intensive Successful diagnosis of preDIC may prevent DIC, as underlying
care unit (ICU) were recorded, as well as the 28day mortality diseases and hematological abnormalities may be managed.
rate. APACHEII scores in the two groups decreased following Three largescale multicenter clinical trials were
treatment, however, scores in the heparin group decreased more performed to investigate the efficacy of coagulation inhibitors
significantly. Prothrombin fragment and thrombinantithrombin as treatments for sepsis. In phaseIII clinical trials, recombinant
complex levels in the heparin group were significantly human activated protein C (APC) was found to significantly
decreased. In addition, the number of days applying a ventilator reduce the 28-day mortality rate(2,3). Application of APC
was fewer and the total stay in ICU was significantly shorter was strongly recommended by the Society of Critical Care
compared with the control group. Significantly fewer complica- Medicine (SCCM) for the treatment of severe septic patients,
tions were observed in the heparin group, however, there was no who had an acute physiology and chronic health evaluation
significant difference in the 28day mortality rate. In conclusion, (APACHE)II score of >25points(4). However, the cost of this
lowdose heparin improves the hypercoagulable state of sepsis, treatment is >6,000US dollars for each course, which makes
which subsequently reduces the incidence of DIC or multiple it extremely expensive to apply for the majority of patients.
organ dysfunction syndrome, decreasing the number of days of Heparin, as an anticoagulant, which, not only inhibits the
mechanical ventilation and hospitalization. activation of the coagulation system, but is also an antiinflam-
matory and immunomodulatory agent, has been widely used
Introduction during DIC treatment and in the prevention and treatment
of thrombotic diseases. It is easy to obtain and inexpensive.
Systemic inflammatory responses, coagulation/fibrinolytic Several nonrandomized clinical studies indicated that
system disorders and immune dysfunction are among the patho- heparin partially inhibits sepsis by activating the coagulation
system(5). However, there is a lack of randomized controlled
prospective clinical studies. Therefore, the aim of present
study was to investigate the effects of lowdose heparin treat-
ment in patients with sepsis and preDIC to determine whether
Correspondence to: Dr ChangJun Lv, Binzhou Medical
University, 522 Yellow River Road, Binzhou, Shandong256603, this treatment improves the coagulation status, MODS and/or
P.R.China the prognosis of patients.
Materials and methods
Key words: sepsis, lowdose heparin, coagulation, treatment,
clinical trial, disseminated intravascular coagulation Reagents and patient selection. Patients were selected
according to the diagnostic criteria for sepsis of the American

Table I. Patient age, gender and APACHEII scores in the two treatment groups.

Characteristics Heparin (n=22) Control (n=15) Pvalue

Male:female 12:10 9:6 0.254

Age, years 48.8614.30 47.4714.68 0.576
APACHEII score 20.826.50 21.06.69 0.935

APACHE, acute physiology and chronic health evaluation score.

Thoracic Society, presented in 1992 (American College of as well as the 28day mortality rate for the two groups.
Chest Physicians/SCCM)(6) and the preDIC diagnostic Moreover, the number of patients suffering from MODS or
criteria established at the Seventh Country Thrombosis and DIC was established.
Bleeding Meeting in China in 1999. Informed consent was
obtained from the patients and the study was approved by the Statistical analysis. Data were analyzed using SPSS11.5
local Ethics Review Committee of the Hospital of Binzhou (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) and are expressed as
Medical University (Binzhou, China). meanSD. Coagulation indicators of the two groups were
Exclusion criteria included pregnancy/breastfeeding, compared using multifactor repeated measurement analysis
age<16or >70years, requiring or receiving anticoagulant of variance. P<0.05 was considered to indicate a statistically
therapy for thrombotic disease, requiring blood or peritoneal significant difference.
dialysis for chronic renal failure, severe chronic lung, kidney
or liver diseases, contraindications for the use of heparin Results
(congenital bleeding disorders), serious head injury, intra-
cranial surgery or stroke <28days prior to enrollment, brain Patients. In total 37sepsis patients (21males, 16females;
arteriovenous malformation, cerebral aneurysm or a history average age, 49.3years), treated between June2008 and
of extensive damage of the central nervous system. Following March2009 in the ICU at Binzhou Hospital, were enrolled
selection, patients were randomly divided into the heparin and in the study. A list of the underlying diseases of the patients
control treatment groups. is summarized in Fig.1. Patients were randomly assigned
F1+2 (prothrombin fragment1+2), TAT (thrombinanti- to a heparin (n=22) or control (n=15) group. There were no
thrombin complex), ATIII (antithrombinIII) and PAI1 clinically significant differences in the APACHEII scores
(plasminogen activator inhibitor1) levels were determined between the two groups(TableI). However, after seven days,
using doubleantibody sandwich ELISA kits (Age Diagnostics the APACHEII scores had significantly decreased in the two
Laboratories Ltd., Boca Raton, FL, USA), according to the groups with the decrease in the heparin group being signifi-
manufacturer's instructions. cantly higher (P=0.044;TableII).
Sputum or body fluids from 15patients of each group were
Study design and procedure. The study was performed as a cultured and found positive for the following microorgan-
randomized, doubleblind, placebo controlled singlecenter isms: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Viscousmarcescens,
clinical trial. Following selection, patients were randomly Klebsiellapneumoniae, Powell acinetobacter, Burkholderia
divided into the heparin or control treatment groups. cepacia, Enterococcus feces and Staphylococcus aureus
In the heparin group, 70U/kg/24h heparin was adminis- (Fig.2).
tered by continuous infusion for 57days. The input rate and
dose were adjusted according to the activated partial throm- Indicators of coagulation activation. PT, APTT, Fib concen-
boplastin time (APTT), which extended to 2or 3times. In the tration and PLT were assessed prior to and following treatment.
placebo group, an equal amount of saline was administered. These parameters were not found to be significantly different in
The two groups were treated according to the sepsis cluster the two groups. However, the F1+2 level increased significantly
treatment guidelines(4). in the heparin group during the first 18h, as compared to the
At 12, 18, 24, 48 and 72h and at day7 following treat- baseline (0h) measurement and then decreased significantly at
ment, serum samples were collected and anticoagulated using 72h following the start of treatment. TAT levels increased at
sodium citrate. Plasma F1+2, TAT, ATIII and PAI1 levels 48h and then also decreased significantly at day7. ATIII and
were determined as the primary endpoint measures using PAI1 levels in the groups did not change significantly during
sandwich ELISA assays. Platelet count (PLT), prothrombin treatment (P>0.05;TablesIV andV).
time (PT), APTT, fibrinogen (Fib) and other indicators were
investigated in the hospital laboratory. At the same time, the Mechanical ventilation time, number of days in the ICU
second endpoint measurements, including APACHEIIscores, and 28day mortality. Patients receiving lowdose heparin
were recorded and calculated for each patient. In addition, the treatment required significantly less mechanical ventilation
number of days receiving mechanical ventilation and under- and fewer days in the ICU, as compared to the control group
going treatment in the intensive care unit (ICU) were recorded, (P=0.017 and0.048, respectively). After 28days, 13patients

Table II. Clinical indicators between the lowdose heparin treatment and control groups.

Clinical indicators Control (n=15) Heparin (n=22) Pvalue

0h 21.006.69 20.826.50 0.935
7days 18.266.12 15.686.16
0h7days 2.732.49 5.134.48 0.044
Days in ICU 14.207.31 9.005.35 0.017
Days of applying ventilator 11.738.34 7.005.74 0.048
28day mortality (%) 6/15 (40) 7/22 (31.8) 0.434
Complications morbidity, n (%)
MODS 11 (73.3) 8 (36.4) 0.030
DIC 6 (40.0) 2 (9.1) 0.034

Results are expressed as meansSD. APACHE, acute physiology and chronic health evaluation score; ICU, intensive care unit; MODS,
multiple organ dysfunction syndrome; DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation.

Table III. Coagulation parameters prior to and following lowdose heparin treatment.

Group Time PT, sec APTT, sec Fib, g/l PLT, x109/l

Heparin 0h 13.382.83 27.898.62 4.421.61 163.1884.60

7days 13.411.81 40.0314.21 3.880.94 158.2793.21
Control 0h 13.442.51 26.7110.88 4.041.95 169.6759.68
7days 13.492.52 39.4113.79 4.651.87 185.2784.78

PT, prothrombin time; APTT, activated partial thromboplastin time; Fib, fibrinogen; PLT, platelet count.

Figure 1. Hospitalization causes of the patients included in the study. Figure 2. Various pathogens identified in the sputum or body fluids of the

had succumbed to the disease, of whom 7(31.8%) were in the

heparin group and 6(40%) in the control group(TableII). dollars. In addition, the mortality rate of sepsis is high, with
findings of a previous study indicating that despite intensive
Occurrence of complications. Significant differences were care, mortality remains at 3050%(8). More than half of the
observed for the incidence of MODS and DIC between the patients with sepsis present with coagulation factor abnormali-
two groups (P<0.05;TableII). ties and the incidence of DIC is >20%. In cases of DIC incidence,
the mortality rate is almost 63%(9). It has been confirmed that
Discussion DIC leads to ischemic injury of vital organs(10) and eventu-
ally to MODS(11). Therefore, treating the coagulopathy state
Results of an epidemiological study in the USA found sepsis to is necessary to improve multiple organ function, which may
have a high incidence of ~0.3%, which is on the increase at a also be a promising approach for treating sepsis.
rate of 1.5% annually(7). Financial issues are involved in the Sepsis involves the production of endotoxin by
treatment of sepsis, with the annual cost being 17.4billion US Grampositive bacteria, a key mediator of the inflammatory

Table IV. Activated coagulation parameters under lowdose heparin treatment.

F1+2, nmol/l TAT, ng/ml

Time Heparin Control Heparin Control

0h 1.660.69 1.680.81 4.212.15 4.382.19

12h 1.650.61 1.570.60 4.583.05 4.121.87
18h 1.820.77* 1.580.62 4.822.89 4.241.63
24h 1.940.99 1.570.51 4.053.67 4.271.39
48h 1.841.14 1.590.70 4.784.48* 4.341.43
72h 1.220.61* 1.610.65 3.302.17 4.281.31
7days 0.880.48* 1.280.56* 2.441.51* 3.911.49
P<0.05, vs. 0h measurement. F, prothrombin fragment; TAT, thrombinantithrombin complex.

TableV. Anticoagulation and fibrinolysis parameters under lowdose heparin treatment.

ATIII, IU/ml PAI1, ng/ml

Time Heparin Control Heparin Control

0h 3.922.07 3.941.44 25.768.58 27.097.84

12h 3.731.76 3.861.28 26.0211.06 25.466.80
18h 3.821.96 3.841.46 25.028.71 26.317.68
24h 3.821.45 3.831.54 25.359.08 23.736.83
48h 4.131.45 4.041.53 26.449.12 23.484.99
72h 4.431.38 4.131.47 22.6410.16 23.776.46
7days 4.481.52 4.171.21 20.748.13 23.457.29

ATIII, antithrombinIII; PAI1, plasminogen activator inhibitor1.

response during septic shock. In the current study, 56% of the and other proteases, including factor Xa. Heparin also binds
cases detected pathogens, 23% of which were grampositive platelets to induce platelet aggregation, resulting in a strong
bacteria (Staphylococcusaureus being the most common). anticoagulant effect(13). In the present study, the subjects
Coagulation activation is an important feature in the were in an early stage of DIC, during which blood is hyperco-
pathogenesis of sepsis(9). Thrombin generation is a key step agulable, platelets are activated and activation of coagulation
in an activated coagulation system. Due to the extremely short has already been initiated. In addition, during the preDIC
halflife of thrombin, it is difficult to determine activated period, there is no extensive microthrombosis, fibrinolysis,
thrombin levels in blood. Therefore, other molecular markers consumption or degradation of platelets and clotting factors.
were used to confirm thrombin generation. In the present study, During lowdose heparin therapy, F1+2 showed a gradual
four molecular markers were selected to detect the early stages increase, followed by a decrease over the first 24h. At 72h
of coagulation. The markers are produced at various stages and 7days, it was found to be present in significantly lower
and appear earlier than PT, APTT and platelet abnormalities. amounts (P<0.05). Similarly, TAT was initially increased,
In addition, the markers were selected to help diagnose the but subsequently decreased and eventually was reduced
emergence of preDIC. These early indicators included F1+2, to only half the initial level at day 7, following initiation of
TAT, fibrinopeptide A and soluble fibrin monomer complex. lowdose heparin therapy (P<0.05). This was consistent with
F1+2 directly reflects the amount of generated thrombin, while the observation that therapy led to the activation of coagula-
the remaining three markers only partially reflect thrombin tion(12). Heparin is not only involved with the coagulation
generation. Therefore, F1+2 is considered the most sensitive factor Xa, but also collaborates with AT to inhibit thrombin.
indicator of thrombin generation(12). The heparin dose used to inhibit factor Xa was much lower
Heparin is a sulfated polysaccharide with a heterogeneous than that required to inactivate thrombin, thus it is likely that
structure and complex polymerization (MW, 357kDa). the effectiveness of lowdose heparin is dependent on this
Heparin binds to ATIII, causing a conformational change mechanism to prevent thrombosis. Formation of thrombin is
that increases the flexibility of the reactive site loop, acti- reduced by inhibiting factor Xa and F1+2, which explains the
vating ATIII. The activated ATIII then inactivates thrombin decrease in thrombin levels following a reduction in factor

Xa. As a result, TAT decreases, which is consistent with the the application of lowdose heparin is relatively inexpensive
observations in the present study of decreased F1+2 and TAT and safe, indicating the suitability for the early treatment of
levels. sepsis.
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which is the most important plasma inhibitor of the coagula- Acknowledgements
tion system. It is capable of inhibiting all serine proteases
at a low speed, particularly factor Xa and thrombin. In the The study was supported by a grant from the Nature Science
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