Skin Effect Lecture-EPT
Skin Effect Lecture-EPT
Skin Effect Lecture-EPT
where δ is called the skin depth. The skin depth is thus defined as the depth below the
surface of the conductor at which the current density has fallen to 1/e (about 0.37) of JS. In
normal cases it is well approximated as:
- where
• ρ = resistivity of the conductor
• ω = angular frequency of current = 2π × frequency
• μ = absolute magnetic permeability of the conductor
Material effect on skin depth
• In a good conductor, skin depth varies as the inverse square root of the conductivity. This
means that better conductors have a reduced skin depth.
• The overall resistance of the better conductor remains lower even with the reduced skin
• Skin depth also varies as the inverse square root of the permeability of the conductor. In
the case of iron, its conductivity is about 1/7 that of copper.
• In case of ferromagnetic its permeability is about 10,000 times greater. This reduces the
skin depth for iron to about 1/38 that of copper, about 220 micrometres at 60 Hz.
• Iron wire is thus useless for A.C. power lines. The skin effect also reduces the effective
thickness of laminations in power transformers, increasing their losses.
• Iron rods work well for (DC) welding but it is impossible to use them at frequencies much
higher than 60 Hz.
Factors affecting Skin depth
• Shape of conductor
• Type of material
• Diameter of the conductors
• Operational frequency
Mitigation (Reduction)
• Instead of normal conductors/wires A type of cable called litz wire (from the German
Litzendraht, braided wire) is used to mitigate the skin effect for frequencies of a few
kilohertz to about one megahertz.
• With the skin effect having little effect on each of the thin strands, the bundle does not
suffer the same increase in AC resistance that a solid conductor of the same cross-sectional
area would due to the skin effect.
Mitigation (Reduction)
ACSR : Aluminium conductor steel-reinforced cable