Embedded Image Grabber and Processing System Based On Camera Link
Embedded Image Grabber and Processing System Based On Camera Link
Embedded Image Grabber and Processing System Based On Camera Link
Abstract—In order to realize real-time measurement based camera link a necessity[2-3]. The camera link interface will
on image, proposes a design project of embedded image reduce support time, as well as the cost of that support.
grabber and processing system based on camera link The standard cable will be able to handle the increased
interface. The system adopts FPGA+DSP structure design. signal speeds, and the cable assembly will allow
DSP used to process the image and send out processing
customers to reduce their costs through volume pricing[4-5].
results to external. FPGA adopts modularize design. It
contains camera link interface module, image memory This article introduces a embedded image grabber and
module, DSP connection module and so on. The experiment processing system based on camera link interface[6]. The
results show that the system design flexibility, small cubage, system adopts FPGA+DSP structure design. it can satisfy
high real-time image processing, and can fulfil the the needs of image processing speed, also convenient
requirement of real-time measurement. design interface with other systems.
Keywords- camera link interface; real-time image II. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION
processing; dsp;fpga
DSP and FPGA are the core parts of embedded image
acquisition, and processing system, and camera link
I. INTRODUCTION interface chip, FLASH, SRAM and so on are the periphery
Along with the development of image sensor, measure parts of embedded image acquisition and processing
technology based on image is more application. Because system. The system configuration shows as figure 1.
the data of image is so large, so the transmission The principle of embedded image acquisition and
technology, memory technology and processing processing system as follows: First, DSP sends image
technology of image are bottle-necks of image acquisition command to camera link interface module of
measurement. FPGA[7], camera link interface module configures the
Many camera and frame grabber manufacturers camera and send external trigger to camera by CC1 control
contributed to the development and definition of the port. Second, camera link interface module grab valid
camera Link standard. Camera link is a communication image by DVAL signal, LVAL signal and FVAL signal of the
camera, and the same time write the data to SRAM. After store
interface for vision applications[1]. The interface extends this frame image, FPGA sends external interrupt signal to
the base technology of channel link to provide a DSP. Finally, DSP reads the data from SRAM and
specification more useful for vision applications. processes the data, and attains measurement result. When
Increasingly diverse cameras and advanced signal and
data transmissions have made a connectivity standard like