Recent Advances in The Pathogenesis and Treatment of Osteoporosis
Recent Advances in The Pathogenesis and Treatment of Osteoporosis
Recent Advances in The Pathogenesis and Treatment of Osteoporosis
Authors: Elizabeth M Curtis, A Rebecca J Moon,B Elaine M Dennison,C Nicholas C HarveyD and Cyrus CooperE
Over recent decades, the perception of osteoporosis has and propensity to fracture. Worldwide, there are nearly 9
changed from that of an inevitable consequence of ageing, to million osteoporotic fractures each year, and the US Surgeon
that of a well characterised and treatable chronic non-commu- General's report of 2004, consistent with data from the UK,
nicable disease, with major impacts on individuals, healthcare suggested that almost one in two women and one in five men
systems and societies. Characterisation of its pathophysiol- will experience a fracture in their remaining lifetime from
ogy from the hierarchical structure of bone and the role of its the age of 50 years.1 The cost of osteoporotic fracture in the
cell population, development of effective strategies for the UK approaches £3 billion annually and, across the EU, the
identification of those most appropriate for treatment, and estimated total economic cost of the approximately 3.5 million
an increasing armamentarium of efficacious pharmacologi- fragility fractures in 2010 was €37 billion.2 In this article we
cal therapies, have underpinned this evolution. Despite this review the pathogenesis of osteoporosis and approaches to
marked progress, individuals who experience a fragility fracture improving bone strength, aimed at reducing the immense
remain under-treated in many areas of the world, and there is burden of osteoporotic fracture.
substantial need for investment both in secondary and primary
prevention globally. In this brief article, we give an overview of Pathogenesis
the pathogenesis of osteoporosis, and summarise current and
future approaches to its assessment and treatment. Hierarchical structure
Fractures occur when the force applied to a bone exceeds its
KEYWORDS: osteoporosis, epidemiology, pathophysiology,
strength. A bone needs to be both stiff and flexible to resist
treatment, risk assessment, dxa
fracture, which is achieved through a hierarchical structure.
Collagen type-1 fibrils are wound in a triple helical structure,
linked together with non-collagenous proteins, which help to
Introduction prevent shearing. Hydroxyapatite crystals deposited on the
Osteoporosis is characterised by deterioration of bone mass collagen structure add strength, particularly in compression.
and microarchitecture, resulting in increased bone fragility Cross-linkage between collagen fibrils with non-collagenous
proteins is reduced in osteoporotic bone, leading to reduced
tensile strength.3 In addition, larger hydroxyapatite crystals are
found in osteoporosis, making bone more brittle and prone to
Authors: Aacademic clinical fellow, MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology fracture.4
Unit, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK; Bclinical
research fellow, MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit, University of
Bone cells
Southampton, Southampton, UK, and Paediatric Endocrinology,
Southampton University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Osteoblasts, osteocytes and osteoclasts are the three main
Southampton, UK; Cprofessor of musculoskeletal epidemiology, types of bone cells. Osteoblasts are bone forming and
MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit, University of Southampton, may become embedded within bone mineral as mature
Southampton, UK; Dprofessor of rheumatology and clinical osteocytes (comprising 90–95% of the cells within bone)
epidemiology, MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit, University or remain on the surface as bone-lining cells. Osteoclasts
of Southampton, Southampton, UK, and NIHR Southampton are multinucleated cells responsible for bone resorption.
Biomedical Research Centre, University of Southampton and Osteoblasts and osteoclasts work together in a coordinated
University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, fashion at specific sites on the surface of trabecular or
Southampton, UK; Edirector and professor of rheumatology, cortical bone, forming ‘bone multicellular units’. During
MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit, University of Southampton, bone formation, osteoblasts lay down new osteoid collagen
Southampton, UK, NIHR Southampton Biomedical Research Centre, matrix and over a period of weeks to months, crystals of
University of Southampton and University Hospital Southampton calcium hydroxyapatite form on the collagen fibrils. Bone is
NHS Foundation Trust, Southampton, UK, and NIHR Musculoskeletal laid down during growth and repair and through adaptation
Biomedical Research Unit, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK to mechanical loading in a process known as modelling.
meta-analysis of the anti-fracture studies suggests that calcium for myocardial infarction: 1.6), in addition to the previously
and vitamin D supplementation in combination is associated known risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE). Therefore
with an improvement in mortality, which is not observed its use is now restricted to treatment of severe osteoporosis
with vitamin D supplementation alone.14 Almost all of the in postmenopausal women with high risk of fracture and in
randomised control trial evidence for the efficacy of anti- men at increased risk of fracture, but with no cardiovascular
osteoporosis drugs comes from patients who were prescribed or cerebrovascular disease. However, within this selected
concomitant calcium and vitamin D supplementation; both group of patients, particularly now that many individuals have
should therefore usually be prescribed adjunctively with undergone long-term bisphosphonate treatment, strontium
treatment for osteoporosis. ranelate does still offer a useful alternative.17
Cathepsin-K inhibitors
Odanacatib is a once weekly oral treatment for osteoporosis in We would like to thank Medical Research Council (UK), Arthritis
which phase-III clinical trials have recently been performed. Research UK, National Osteoporosis Society (UK), International
It inhibits cathepsin-K, a cysteine protease expressed in Osteoporosis Foundation and NIHR for supporting this work.
osteoclasts which degrades type-1 collagen. In postmenopausal
women with low BMD, 24 months of treatment with odanacatib
was shown to produce increases in lumbar spine and total-hip Note
BMD by 5.5% and 3.2%, respectively, whereas BMD at these This article was originally published in the 2015 Clinical Medicine
sites was essentially unchanged with placebo (−0.2% and supplement Horizons in Medicine 27. All articles in this supplement
−0.9%).24 However, later trial outcomes also demonstrated a are available at
possible increase in cerebrovascular events, which has led to a
delay in FDA approval while outcomes are further adjudicated. References
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