Abstract:-T: Microwave Access by The Wimax Forum, Formed in June 2001 To
Abstract:-T: Microwave Access by The Wimax Forum, Formed in June 2001 To
Abstract:-T: Microwave Access by The Wimax Forum, Formed in June 2001 To
• Broadband access.
• WiFi access
• Dial-up access
O F D M ( O r t h o g o n a l F r e q u e n c y D i v i s i o n M u l t i p l e x i n g) : -
802.16 Specifications
• Range - 30-mile (50-km) radius from base station
• Speed - 70 megabits per second
• Line-of-sight not needed between user and base station
• Frequency bands - 2 to 11 GHz and 10 to 66 GHz (licensed
and unlicensed bands)
IEEE Standards:-
The current 802.16 standard is IEEE Std 802.16e-2005 approved in
December 2005. It followed on from IEEE Std 802.16-2004, which
replaced IEEE Standards 802.16-2001, 802.16c-2002, and 802.16a-
F E A T U R E S O F 8 0 2 . 1 6 a: -
IEEE 802.16e
IEEE 802.16e formally named, but still best known as, 802.16e or
Mobile WiMAX provides an improvement on the modulation
schemes stipulated in the original WiMAX standard. It allows for
fixed wireless and mobile Non Line of Sight applications primarily
by enhancing the OFDMA.
Advantages over Wi-Fi
In practical terms, WiMAX would operate similar to WiFi but
at higher speeds, over greater distances and for a greater number
of users.
The WiMAX specification provides symmetrical bandwidth
over many kilometers and range with stronger encryption and
typically less interference.
Wi-Fi is short range has WEP or WPA encryption and suffers
from interference as in metropolitan areas where there are
many users.
It provides connectivity between network endpoints without
the need for direct line of sight in favourable circumstances.
The non-line-of-sight propagation (NLOS) performance
requires the .16d or .16e revisions, since the lower
frequencies are needed. It relies upon multi-path signals,
somewhat in the manner of 802.11n.
WiMAX Systems:-
This figure shows that wimax systems may be used to provide point
to point and point to multi point communication service can
provide different types of communication service from a common
digital system this diagram shows that wimax can be used to
provide dedicated high speed data links to hundreds of user in
relatively large geographical area.
W i M A X R ad i o : -
There may be many usage scenarios
That can be addressed by wimax.
Following are some mobility usages of
Cellular backhaul:-
Campus connectivity:-
Government agencies, large
enterprises industrial campuses,
t r a n s p o r t a t i o n hubs, u n i v e r s i t y ’ s , a n d c o l l e g e s c a n u s e