Lighweight Concrete (LWC)
Lighweight Concrete (LWC)
Lighweight Concrete (LWC)
Most lightweight concrete are good insulator of heat and sound. It has
tremendous sculptural possibilities and is ideal for monolithic, wall-roof
construction depend on materials used. Light weight concrete differs from heavy
concrete by its use of naturally lightweight materials (aggregates) such as
vermiculite, perlite, scoria, and pumice (volcanic stone) in place of the sand and
gravel used in ordinary structural concrete mixes. It only weighs half as much.
LWC construction can be a partial solution for several environmental problems.
Nowadays, LWC has been used widely in construction industry. Lightweight
concrete is one of the most fundamental bulk building materials of the future.
Individual Assignment:
Lightweight Concrete
1) Compressive Strength
2) Density
normalweight aggregates are usually well established, with the common practice of
assuring a value of 2.65 unless otherwise determined. Surprisingly, even though the
relative density of cement is typically 3.15 the relative density of the hardened
cementitious matrix fraction (referred to as the hydrated cement paste HCP) of
concrete is quite low and closer to that of lightweight aggregates then that of any
normalweight aggregates used. Normalweight aggregate is the heaviest component
in concrete.
The relative density of the HCP fraction is further reduced by the voids
developed by entrapped and deliberately entrained air as shown below in Fig. 6.1.
Assume an air entrained concrete at 6%. When the coarse aggregate is removed the
remaining mortar changes to having a 9% air entrained and when the fine aggregate
is removed the remaining HCP has about 18% air entrainment. This is always the
case as all the air is in the HCP matrix.
6% AIR
33.3% 33.4%
9% AIR
41% 50%
18% AIR
Therefore as shown in the example, a concrete with a W/c ratio of 0.5 and
6% air has a oven dry HCP with a relative density as follows: Oven dry density
(HCP) = 1.46 = 1.24 (77 pcf) 1.18 A lightweight aggregate with a 50% pore volume
and a relative density of the vitreous ceramic solid equal to 2.60 has an oven dry
density of LWA dry density 2.60 x .50 = 1.30 (81 pcf) When the HCP relative
density is compared to lightweight aggregate the fractions are quite similar, and
both are significantly lower than that of natural aggregates (typically 2.65 for
quartz, 2.3-2.7 limestone and 2.8 to 3.0 for some igneous minerals (diabase)). In
other words the HCP is really a lightweight component. The concept of elastic
compatibility is shows how lightweight aggregate is more compatible with the HCP
than normalweight 6-9 aggregate. The compatibility of the lightweight aggregate
and high performance concrete fractions minimizes micro-structural strains that
result from service loads as well as those developed by thermal gradients.
Equilibrium Density – Self Loads ―Self loads used for design should be based
upon equilibrium density that, for most conditions and members, may be assumed to
be approached after 90 days. Extensive tests conducted during North American
durability studies demonstrated that, despite wide initial variations of aggregate
moisture content, equilibrium density was found to be 3.1 lb/ft³ (50 kg/m³) above
oven-dry density (Fig. 6.2). European recommendations for in-service density are
similar (FIP 1983). Concrete containing high cementitious contents, and particularly
those containing efficient pozzolans, will develop densities with less of a difference
between fresh and equilibrium density‖ ACI 213R-03. Unless otherwise specified
self-loads may be determined by a calculation of equilibrium density using the
procedures of ASTM C 567.
When weights and moisture contents of all the constituents of the batch of
concrete are known, a calculated equilibrium density can be determined according
to ASTM C 567from the following equations:
O = calculated oven-dry density, pcf (kg/m )
E = Calculated equilibrium density, pcf (kg/m )
Specified Density Concrete
3) Modulus Of Elasticity
Concretes containing LWA have lower modulus of elasticity at both early and
later ages. Since exact modulus data at release (18 hrs. +) is crucial to strand
location, camber and deflection control, it is essential to determine the properties
directly from the proposed concrete mixture. It is also important to realize that even
with normalweight concrete at the same density, the modulus of elasticity can vary
considerably. Table 6.3 reveals that for the ―control‖ limestone concrete the tested
elastic modulus correlated reasonably well with the computed value using the ACI
318 formula Ec=33w1.5√Fc. For the lightweight concrete tested at early age and
with a 29 day compressive strength of 6120 psi (42 MPa), the ACI formula clearly
over estimates the value of the elastic modulus
4) Absorption
Prior to the introduction of the test specimens into the seawater, all concretes lost
mass during the drying phase of their curing, although concrete with a compressive
strength of 9,000 psi (62 MPa) did not lose very much due to its very dense matrix.
This testing program reported that density changes mixtures containing silica fume,
would experience some drying during their initial curing period, and experience
long-term density gains 48 to 64 kg/m when subjected to hydrostatic pressures
5) Internal Curing
The benefits of ―internal curing‖ go far beyond any improvements in long-term
strength gain, which from some combinations of materials may be minimal or non-
existent. The principal contribution of ―internal curing‖ results in the reduction of
permeability that develops from a significant extension in the time of curing.
Powers (1959) showed that extending the time of curing increased the volume of
cementitious products formed which caused the capillaries to become segmented
and discontinuous.
6) Contact Zone
Implication of Contact Zone on Failure Mechanisms
7) Permeability
In the Onoda Cement Company tests, concretes with water to cement ratios
of 0.55, moist cured for 28 days when tested a 9 kg/cm water pressure had a depth
of penetration of 35 mm for normalweight concrete and 24 mm for lightweight
concrete. When tested with sea water, penetration was 15 and 12 mm for
normalweight and lightweight concretes respectively. The author suggested that the
reason for this behavior was, ―a layer of dense hardened cement paste surrounding
the particles of artificial lightweight coarse aggregate.‖ U.S. Navy
sponsored ―Permeability Studies of Reinforced Thin Shell Concrete‖, conducted by
Keeton reported the lowest permeability with high strength lightweight concrete.
Bamforth incorporated structural lightweight concrete as one of the four concretes
tested for permeability to nitrogen gas at 1 MPa pressure level. The normalweight
concrete specimens included high strength (90 MPa) concrete as well as concrete
with a 25% fly ash replacement. The sanded structural lightweight concrete (50
MPa, 6.4% air) with a density of 1985 kg/m (124 lb/cf) demonstrated the lowest
water and air permeability of all mixes tested. Mehta (1986) observed that the
permeability of concrete composite is significantly greater than the permeability of
either the continuous matrix system or the suspended coarse aggregate fraction. This
difference is primarily related to extensive microcracking caused by mismatched
concrete components differentially responding to temperature gradients, service
load induced strains and volume changes associated with chemical reactions taking
place within the concrete. In additions, channels develop in the transition zone
surrounding coarse aggregates giving rise to unimpeded moisture movements.
Fully hydrated portland cement paste has the potential to form an essentially
impermeable matrix that should render concretes impermeable to the flow of liquids
and gases. In practice, however, this is not the case, as microcracks form in concrete
during the hardening process as well as later due to shrinkage, thermal and applied
stresses. In addition, excess water added to concrete for easier placing will
evaporate leaving pores and conduits in the concrete. This is particularly true in
exposed concrete decks where concrete has frequently provided inadequate
protection for steel reinforcement. To evaluate this behavior several series of thick
walled cylindrical specimens were tested with flow of nitrogen gas being measured
radially as the axial load was increased. In this way flow rate could be measured
normal to the compressive stress as is the case of containment vessels and bridge
decks. To evaluate the influence of stress level on permeability normalweight and
structural lightweight concrete specimens were tested with increasing loads in a
nitrogen gas cell shown in Fig. 6.6. Nitrogen was chosen because the concrete’s
permeability would not be affected by this inert gas. The results were reported by
Sugiyama et. al (1996).
8) Poisson’s Ratio
SKAA 2112
Civil Engineering Materials
Individual Assignment:
Lightweight Concrete
Lightweight concrete has been successfully used for marine applications and
in shipbuilding. LWC ships were produced in the USA during the 1914-1918 war,
and their success led to the production of the USS Selma (a war ship). In both 1953
and 1980 the Selma’s durability was assessed by taking cored samples from the
water line area. On both occasion little corrosion was noted.
In 1984, Thomas A. Holm estimated that there were over 400 LWC bridges
throughout the world especially in USA and Canada. The research carried out by
The Expanded Clay and Slate Institute proves that most of the bridges appeared to
be in good condition.
Even though some cracks were reported, but these posed no structure
problems. A second structure comprising both LWC and normal concrete which had
been in seawater for 13 years was examined for salt penetration.
Materials of Lightweight
Natural light weight aggregates are found in some places and they are not of uniform
quality. Pumice is widely used as a natural light weight aggregates.
a) Pumice: These rocks of volcanic origin which occurs in many parts of the
Sawdust world. They are light enough due to the escaping of gas from the
molten lava when erupted from deep beneath the earth's crest. Pumice is
usually light coloured and has fairly even texture of interconnected cells.
b) Diatomite. This is hydrated amorphous silica derived from the remains of
microscopic aquatic plants called diatoms in deep ocean bed. Its density is
450 kg/m3.
c) Scoria: This is also of volcanic origin which is usually dark in colour and
contains larger and irregular shaped cells unconnected with each other. It is
slightly weaker than Pumice.
d) Volcanic cinder: These are loose volcanic product resembling artificial
e) Sometimes Sawdust is used as a light weight aggregates in flooring, roofing
tiles and in the manufacturing of precast products.
f) Rice husk: Limited use of the rice husk, ground nut husk and bagasse have
been used as light weight aggregates for the manufacture of light weight
concrete for special purposes.
a) Brick Bats: These are used where natural aggregates are not available or
costly. The aggregates are made from slightly over burnt bricks, which will
be hard and absorb less water.
b) Artificial cinders & coke breeze. These are residues from high-temperature
combustion of coal or coke in industrial furnaces. These are also used for
making screeds over flat roofs and for plastering.
c) Foamed stag. These are produced by treating blast-furnace slag with water.
The molten slag is run into pits containing controlled quantities of water or is
broken up by mechanical devices and subjected to sprays or streams of water.
The products are fragments that have been vesiculated by steam. The amount
of water used has a pronounced influence on the products, which may vary
over wide ranges in strength and weight.
d) Bloated clay. When certain glass and shale’s are heated to the point of initial
fusion, they expand or what is termed as bloat to many times their original
volume on account of the formation of gas within the mass at the fusion
temperature. The cellular structure so formed is retained on cooling and the
product is used as light weight aggregates.
e) Expanded shale and slate. All expanded shale and slate aggregates are made
by heating prepared materials to the fusion-point where they become soft and
expand because of entrapped expanding gases.
f) Sintered fly ash. It is finely divided residue, comprising of spherical glassy
particles, resulting from the combustion of powdered coal. By heat treatment
these small particles can be made to combine, thus forming porous nodules
which have considerable strength.
g) Exfoliated vermiculite: Raw vermiculite is a micaceous mineral and has a
laminar structure. When heated with certain percentage of water it expands
by delamination. This type of expansion is known as exfoliation due to which
the vermiculite expands even as much as 30 times and will have density of
only 60 to 130 kg/m3.
h) Expanded perlite. Perlite is one of the natural glasses like pumice. This when
crushed and heated to the point of incipient fusion at a temperature of about
1000° C it expands to form a light cellular material with density of about 30
to 240 kg/ m3
aggregates would enable the use of massive lightweight concrete for different
structural applications.
Figure 2
The feasibility of developing structural lightweight concrete using normal
coarse aggregates and foaming agent admixture:
i. The increase in the foaming agent dosage results in the development of pores
and, as a result, the density of mortar and concrete decreases.
ii. In order to obtain higher compressive strength, it is essential that the matrix
of the concrete should be improved. Therefore, it is judged that creating
pores through foaming agent addition to ultra-high strength concrete would
be more efficient to produce structural lightweight concrete.
iii. It is possible to calculate the modulus of elasticity and compressive strength
of structural lightweight foamed concrete from the measured values of
modules of elasticity and compressive strength of concrete without foaming
iv. Structural Lightweight Concrete can be made with normal coarse aggregates
and foaming agent.
lightweight. LWC can be used in both non-load bearing and load bearing walls.
LWC can be applicable in construction engineering (compensation for the
foundation, pipeline backfilling, roof insulation, etc.), but also get some application
results in infrastructure facilities (such as bridge and culvert backfill, road widening,
resolving bumping at bridge-head of soft base embankment.
characteristics. It is widely used as loose-fill insulation in masonry construction
where it enhances fire ratings, reduces noise transmission, does not rot and termite
resistant. It is also used for vessels, roof decks and other applications.
1. Screeds and thickening for general purposes especially when such screeds or
thickening and weight to floors roofs and other structural members.
2. Screeds and walls where timber has to be attached by nailing.
3. Casting structural steel to protect it against fire and corrosion or as a covering
for architectural purposes.
4. Heat insulation on roofs.
5. Insulating water pipes.
6. Construction of partition walls and panel walls in frame structures.
7. Fixing bricks to receive nails from joinery, principally in domestic or
domestic type construction.
8. General insulation of walls.
9. Surface rendered for external walls of small houses.
10. It is also being used for reinforced concrete.
in the mining industry and applications in sewage lining grouting, this market has
enormous potential. Typical applications are void filling in mines, after excavation
work or disused trenches and shafts. This is just one example of how this market
can be developed. Its applications as decorative facades, lightweight garden
ornaments, lightweight blocks and reconstituted stone tiles etc.
i. Architectural
ii. Geotechnical
iii. Restoration in General
Restorations, besides for floors, for all other types of casting (piles, bearing
walls, beams, slabs, stairs, structures on shelves, etc) that have to be lighten up not
to weigh on pre-existing structures and foundations.
Structures in which the load is the main component of the operating loads
(bridges with along bay, concrete roof tiles, large pre-fabricated panels, floors with
large clear spans, pedestrian platform and more. The use of lightweight concrete
enables the creation of thinner structures with lower sections, hence less concrete
and frames. The final results are aesthetically more pleasant besides being more
Construction Control of LWC
SKAA 2112
Civil Engineering Materials
No-fines concrete can be defined as a lightweight concrete composed of cement and fine
aggregate. Uniformly distributed voids are formed throughout its mass. The main
characteristics of this type of lightweight concrete is it maintains its large voids and not
forming laitance layers or cement film when placed on the wall. Figure below shows one
example of No-fines concrete.
No-fines concrete usually used for both load bearing and non-load bearing for external
walls and partitions. The strength of no-fines concrete increases as the cement content is
increased. However, it is sensitive to the water composition. Insufficient water can cause lack
of cohesion between the particles and therefore, subsequent loss in strength of the concrete.
Likewise too much water can cause cement film to run off the aggregate to form laitance
layers, leaving the bulk of the concrete deficient in cement and thus weakens the strength.
Porous lightweight aggregate of low specific gravity is used in this lightweight concrete
instead of ordinary concrete. The lightweight aggregate can be natural aggregate such as
pumice, scoria and all of those of volcanic origin and the artificial aggregate such as
expanded blast-furnace slag, vermiculite and clinker aggregate. The main characteristic of
this lightweight aggregate is its high porosity which results in a low specific gravity.
The lightweight aggregate concrete can be divided into two types according to its
application. One is partially compacted lightweight aggregate concrete and the other is the
structural lightweight aggregate concrete. The partially compacted lightweight aggregate
concrete is mainly used for two purposes that is for precast concrete blocks or panels and cast
in-situ roofs and walls. The main requirement for this type of concrete is that it should have
adequate strength and a low density to obtain the best thermal insulation and a low drying
shrinkage to avoid cracking.
Structurally lightweight aggregate concrete is fully compacted similar to that of the normal
reinforced concrete of dense aggregate. It can be used with steel reinforcement as to have a
good bond between the steel and the concrete. The concrete should provide adequate
protection against the corrosion of the steel. The shape and the texture of the aggregate
particles and the coarse nature of the fine aggregate tend to produce harsh concrete mixes.
Only the denser varieties of lightweight aggregate are 6 suitable for use in structural concrete.
Figure below shows the feature of lightweight aggregate concrete.
Aerated concrete does not contain coarse aggregate, and can be regarded as an aerated
mortar. Typically, aerated concrete is made by introducing air or other gas into a cement
slurry and fine sand. In commercial practice, the sand is replaced by pulverized fuel ash or
other siliceous material, and lime maybe used instead of cement.
There are two methods to prepare the aerated concrete. The first method is to inject the gas
into the mixing during its plastic condition by means of a chemical reaction. The second
method, air is introduced either by mixing-in stable foam or by whipping-in air, using an air-
entraining agent. The first method is usually used in precast concrete factories where the
precast units are subsequently autoclaved in order to produce concrete with a reasonable high
strength and low drying shrinkage. The second method is mainly used for in-situ concrete,
suitable for insulation roof screeds or pipe lagging. Figure below shows the aerated concrete.
The differences between the types of lightweight concrete are very much related to its
aggregate grading used in the mixes. Table below shows the types and grading of aggregate
suitable for the different types of lightweight concrete.
Production of Light Weight Concrete
Mining is where the raw materials like limestone, silica, aluminates, ferric minerals and
others are obtained. Some typical materials used for calcium carbonate
in cement manufacturing are limestone, chalks, marbles, marls, and oyster shell.
Kiln is a cylindrical vessel, inclined slightly to the horizontal, which is rotated slowly about
its axis. The material to be processed is fed into the upper end of the cylinder. As the kiln
rotates, material gradually moves down towards the lower end, and may undergo a certain
amount of stirring and mixing. Hot gases pass along the kiln, sometimes in the same direction
as the process material, but usually in the opposite direction. The hot gases may be generated
in an external furnace, or may be generated by a flame inside the kiln. Such a flame is
projected from a burner-pipe which acts like a large Bunsen burner. The fuel for this may be
gas, oil, pulverized petroleum coke or pulverized coal.
Screening is the separation of material into 2 - 6 different sized products. The material is
separated by passing it through a vibrating 'screen box' which has a number of different sized
screens, or meshes, which the material falls through like a sieve. The material falls onto
attached conveyors which stock pile the end products. The end products can then be used in
the building and construction industries.
Mining of raw materials
Advantages of Light Weight Concrete
1) Reduced weight, with a wide range of possible densities and strength. Compared with
dense weight concrete, reduction in weight from 10% to 87% can be achieved.
2) The cost advantage would be typically around 15 to 20% compared with dense weight
concrete. 3) Additional, substantial savings are achieved due to a lower deadweight of the
building. Structural components and foundation cost are greatly reduced, in particular on
high-rise projects
4) It is possible to add other products to the foam Mix to obtain lightweight composite
concrete. Notably the use of various fibres increases the strength of the product and prevents
cracking in adverse conditions.
5) Fire rated to a minimum of 2 hours for a 75 mm (3") thick panel.
6) No obnoxious or toxic fume emission - no health hazards both in the manufacturing
process and if product is subjected to heat (such as in case of fire).
7) Ongoing savings on power / energy costs (for air-conditioning and heating) are very
substantial because of its thermal insulation qualities.
8) Aerated Lightweight Concrete can be sawn, sculptured with hand or common power tools
and be penetrated by normal building nails and screws.
9) Compressive strength can be varied according to requirements. This is a function of
density, moisture, mix proportion, chemical and physical characteristics of components
materials and curing method.
10) Low water absorption because of its closed cellular structure.
11) Acoustic properties are such that sound is being absorbed, not reflected as is the case with
dense weight concrete or brick walls.
12) The reduced weight facilitates cartage and handling and reduces transport cost.
Advantages Disadvantages
i) rapid and relatively simple i) Very sensitive with water content
construction in the mixtures
ii) Economical in terms of ii) Difficult to place and finish
transportation as well as reduction because of the porosity and
in manpower angularity of the aggregate. In
iii) Significant reduction of overall some mixes the cement mortar
weight results in saving structural may separate the aggregate and
frames, footing or piles float towards the surface
iv) Most of lightweight concrete iii) Mixing time is longer than
have better nailing and sawing conventional concrete to assure proper
properties than heavier and stronger mixing
conventional concrete