Algorithms For Next-Generation Sequencing Data (3319598244)
Algorithms For Next-Generation Sequencing Data (3319598244)
Algorithms For Next-Generation Sequencing Data (3319598244)
Algorithms for
Sequencing Data
Techniques, Approaches, and
Algorithms for Next-Generation Sequencing Data
Mourad Elloumi
Algorithms for
Next-Generation Sequencing
Techniques, Approaches, and Applications
Mourad Elloumi
Tunis, Tunisia
University of Tunis-El Manar
Tunis, Tunisia
viii Preface
the field of NGS data analysis. The techniques and approaches presented in this
book combine sound theory with practical applications in life sciences. Certainly,
the list of topics covered in this book is not exhaustive, but it is hoped that these
topics will get the reader to think of the implications of the presented algorithms
on other topics. The chapters presented in this book were carefully selected for
quality and relevance. This book also presents experiments that provide qualitative
and quantitative insights into the field of NGS data analysis. It is hoped that this book
will increase the interest of researchers in studying a wider range of combinatorial
problems related to NGS data analysis.
Preferably, the reader of this book should be someone who is familiar with bioin-
formatics and would like to learn about algorithms that deal with the most important
and/or the newest topics encountered in the field of NGS data processing. However,
this book could be used by a wider audience such as graduate students, senior
undergraduate students, researchers, instructors, and practitioners in bioinformatics,
computer science, mathematics, statistics, and life sciences. It will be extremely
valuable and fruitful for these people. They will certainly find what they are looking
for or, at least, a clue that will help them to make an advance in their research. This
book is quite timely since NGS technology is evolving at a breathtaking speed and
will certainly point the reader to algorithms for NGS data that may be the key to
new and important discoveries in life sciences.
This book is organized into four parts: Indexing, Compression, and Storage of
NGS Data; Error Correction in NGS Data; Alignment of NGS Data; and Assembly
of NGS Data. The 14 chapters were carefully selected to provide a wide scope with
minimal overlap between the chapters to reduce duplication. Each contributor was
asked to present review material as well as current developments. In addition, the
authors were chosen from among the leaders in their respective fields.
x Contents
xii Contributors
1.1 Introduction
The availability of numerical data grows from one day to the other in an extraor-
dinary way. This is the case for DNA sequences produced by new technologies
of high-throughput Next Generation Sequencing (NGS). Hence, it is possible to
sequence several genomes of organisms and a project1 now provides about 2500
individual human genomes (sequences of more than 3 billion characters (A, C, G,
T). In fact, we come across a huge, and growing, amount of highly similar DNA
sequences that are more than 99% identical to a reference genome. These data form a
large collection of sequences with great rates of similarity, highly similar sequences,
where each entry differs from another by a few numbers of differences (often
N.B. Nsira ()
Laboratory of Technologies of Information and Communication and Electrical Engineering
(LaTICE), Tunis, Tunisia
University of Tunis-El Manar, Tunis, Tunisia
The Computer Science, Information Processing and Systems Laboratory (LITIS), EA 4108,
University of Rouen-Normandy, Normandy, France
T. Lecroq
LITIS, EA 4108, University of Rouen-Normandy, Normandy, France
M. Elloumi
LaTICE, Tunis, Tunisia
University of Tunis-El Manar, Tunis, Tunisia
of the high rate of similarity between sequences. We explain for each data structure
how it supports and solves the search functionality.
An alphabet is a finite set of ordered letters, usually called †, and its size is denoted
by D j†j. A string or a sequence T is a sequence of characters of †. The length
of a string T is denoted by jTj. Note that a string can be empty; in this case we
denote it by " and j"j D 0. Thus, all possibilities of strings over † are elements of
† . †n contains all strings of length n.
The concatenation of two strings T of length n and a string T 0 of length n0
is obtained by appending T 0 at the end of T. The obtained string is in the form
T T 0 D TT 0 of length n C n0 .
A string T of length n is indexed from 0 to n 1, so that TŒi corresponds to the
i C 1-th character of T. A substring or a factor of T is composed from consecutive
characters of T. A factor is written TŒi : : : j D TŒiTŒi C 1 TŒ j where i is the
starting position of the factor in T and j is its ending position. A prefix is a factor
starting at the first position of T and is denoted by TŒ0 : : : j. A suffix is a factor
ending at the last position of T and is of the form TŒi : : : n 1. A prefix w or a suffix
w of T is proper if w ¤ T. The mirror (reverse) of T is the string that corresponds
to TŒn 1TŒn 2 TŒ0 and is denoted by T .
The lexicographic order is an order over strings induced by an order over
characters denoted in the same way. Let u; v 2 † , u v if u is a prefix of v or
u D u0 au1 and v D u0 bv1 and a < b with u0 ; u1 ; v1 2 † and a; b 2 †.
All indexes studied in the following enable identifying exact occurrences of a
given (relatively short) pattern P 2 † of length m in a given sequence T of length
n, m n. We say that P occurs in T at position i if it is equal to TŒi : : : i C m 1.
A circular shift (permutation) or conjugate of T is a string of length equal to T
obtained by concatenating a suffix of T with a prefix of T. The circular permutation
starting at position i is said to be on an order of i.
The empirical entropy consists of a common measure of the compressibility of
a sequence. The zero-order empirical entropy of a text T of length n, H0 .T/ is the
average number of bits needed to represent a character of T if each symbol always
receives the same code. Formally it is defined as follows2 :
X nc n
H0 .T/ D log2
n nc
In this exposition all logarithms are in base 2 unless stated otherwise.
6 N.B. Nsira et al.
If one wants to achieve better ratios, one can encode each character according
to the appearance probability of the k previous characters. Hence, one gets the k-th
order empirical entropy defined as follows:
X jT s j
Hk .T/ D H0 .T s /
As a preliminary, classical data structures had birth in the need to study data and
to solve problems to facilitate access and analysis in biological sequences. The
sequences are usually stored sequentially together in one structure. Although these
structures did not show a clever analysis when studying genetic variations between
individuals of the same species, they still were versatile and able to answer to
1 Algorithms for Indexing Highly Similar DNA Sequences 7
Fig. 1.1 A trie for S D fC$; CTAG$; GTTG$; GTAGTTAG$g. In general the arity of trie nodes may
be as large as the alphabet size
1.3.1 Trie
prefix of P corresponding to a path in the trie. Indeed, the search consists of finding
the path from the root labeled by the symbols of the pattern in the trie. If such a path
exists, there are two cases:
1. the path ends in an internal node, then P is a prefix of some strings represented
by the trie;
2. the path ends in a leaf, then P is a string of the input set.
If such a path does not exist, P is not a prefix of any string in the set.
In practice, the dependence on the log of the above complexities can be reduced
to O.1/ by using a table of length space in each node. Thus, to find the successor
of a given node a direct access to the table is performed. Thus, the total size is O./
times the number of nodes.
Another alternative is to use hashing techniques for the children of each node.
This amortizes the complexities in time and space to O.1/ per edge. But the
construction requires quadratic space.
A trie can be used as an index for an input text T; thereby a data structure called
suffix trie is used and defined as follows.
Definition 2 A suffix trie of a text T is a trie that represents all suffixes of T.
Being an index, the suffix trie can be exploited to support tasks such as locating
a given pattern P of length m in the indexed text T. When one feeds the suffix trie
with the characters of the pattern there are two main situations:
1. all the characters of the pattern can be read and a node is reached, and then one
can obtain all suffixes of T prefixed by P (positions of the corresponding suffixes
are stored in leaves contained in the subtree rooted by the reached node). It should
be noted that the number of occurrences of P corresponds to the number of leaves
in the subtree;
2. all the characters of the pattern cannot be read and then there is no suffix of T
that is prefixed by P. Thus, P does not occur in T.
The search algorithm is simple and reports all occurrences of P in O.m C occ/
time where occ is the number of occurrences of P in T.
The suffix trie has ‚.n2 / nodes. It can be compacted to allow linear construction.
Definition 3 A compact trie is obtained from the original trie by removing internal
nodes with exactly one successor and concatenating edge labels between remaining
Morrison in 1968 [46] designed a type of compact trie called PATRICIA Tree that
allows linear construction complexity in time and space in the worst case.
Another variant that represents the same information as suffix trie by allowing linear
construction in time and space in the worst case is known as suffix tree.
1 Algorithms for Indexing Highly Similar DNA Sequences 9
Fig. 1.2 Suffix tree for T D CTAGTTAG$. Circles represent internal nodes, while squares
represent leaves and are numbered by the starting position of the suffixes they are associated with
Weiner was the first to introduce a linear-time algorithm to design a suffix tree. It is
constructed in an incremental manner: it scans the input string from right to left and
successively inserts suffixes one by one from the shortest to the longest [60]. The
algorithm runs in O.n/ time but requires quadratic space O.n2 /. A short time later,
McCreight [45] proposed a novel algorithm allowing the reduction of the memory
requirement of the Weiner solution. Moreover, it becomes possible to speed up the
insertion of suffixes by the use of suffix links [45, 58]. These links connect the node
representing the factor a u with the node representing the factor u, a 2 † and
u 2 † . Furthermore, Ukkonen’s algorithm [58] works on-line; this is a strong
property that makes the algorithm very useful [25]. Hence, when constructing the
suffix tree, there is no need to read the whole string Beforehand, and the tree
increases progressively when adding new symbols. Farach [14] presented a truly
10 N.B. Nsira et al.
linear time construction algorithm that works for strings over integer alphabets.
The algorithm computes the suffix trees separately for odd and even positions,
respectively, and then it merges them efficiently. The complexity of suffix tree
construction algorithms for various types of alphabets is given in [15].
For a set of strings S D fT0 ; T1 ; : : : ; Tr1 g, it is possible to construct the suffix
tree in a linear time in the total length of the strings. Such a structure is called
Generalized Suffix Tree (GST) and is an extension of the classical suffix tree. The
construction procedure is similar: at each iteration one string from the input set
is considered; when the suffixes of the string have been completely inserted, the
algorithm considers the next string while starting from the root. For a given set
S D fT0 ; T1 ; : : : ; Tr1 g, the structure requires O.N/ memory space and running
time to be constructed on a constant size alphabet.
The search algorithm is similar to a search in a trie. Starting from the root of the
tree, the search algorithm is as follows: for a query pattern P, the algorithm follows
the path such that the starting edge is labeled with the starting character of P. This
process is repeated until one of two cases arises: either it is no longer possible to
go down in the tree with the current character in P, which means that there is no
occurrence of P in the given string T, or all characters of P are recognized. Hence,
the number of occurrences is equal to the number of leaves in the subtree deriving
from the node located at the end of the reached edge, and typically each leaf in the
subtree stores the starting position of an occurrence of P. If a leaf is reached then
only one occurrence of P, whose starting position is stored in the leaf, is reported.
Undoubtedly, suffix trees are very efficient data structures and are mentioned as
versatile structures [3] allowing supporting many problems for stringology such as
basic search operations of a pattern in a string. Nevertheless, this solution is memory
costly. As mentioned above, construction algorithms of a suffix tree associated to a
string require time and space proportional to the size of the input string [45, 58, 60].
For instance, the memory requirement is about 10n bytes and can reach 20n in the
worst case (n being the length of the input string) [34]. This constraint prevents
managing huge sets of data such as NGS data. For instance, the human genome
contains about 3 109 nucleotides, and its suffix tree requires 45 GB [34].
1.3.3 DAWG
The number of the nodes of the suffix trie of a text T can be reduced by applying a
minimization algorithm that gives a structure known as Direct Acyclic Word Graph
defined as follows:
1 Algorithms for Indexing Highly Similar DNA Sequences 11
Fig. 1.3 Relationship between suffix trie, suffix tree, DAWG, and CDAWG
Definition 5 The Direct Acyclic Word Graph (DAWG) is the smallest deterministic
automaton that accepts all suffixes of a string.
A DAWG can be compacted to produce a Compact Direct Acyclic Word Graph
(CDAWG) in a similar way as a suffix trie can be compacted to produce a suffix
tree. Crochemore and Vérin explain the relationship among suffix tries, suffix trees,
DAWGs and CDAWGs [12]. Actually, the CDAWG can be obtained by either
compacting the corresponding DAWG or minimizing the corresponding suffix tree,
as shown in Fig. 1.3.
The linearity of the DAWG data structure was discovered by Blumer et al. [6], who
published a linear construction algorithm. The minimality of the structure as an
automaton is from Crochemore [12], who showed how to build the factor automaton
of a text with the same complexity. The advantage with the CDAWG is that it
preserves some features of both the suffix tree and the DAWG and requires less
space than both of them [7, 12]. Several construction algorithms of the CDAWG
were proposed. In their paper, Blumer et al. [7] gave a construction based on
compaction of the associated DAWG as follows: delete all non-final nodes of out-
degree one and their corresponding edges. Although this solution is linear in time
(proportional to the size of the input string), it seems not to be very efficient because
it needs to calculate the DAWG structure before the compact one and typically it is
costly in memory space.
An algorithm that directly constructs CDAWG in linear time and space was first
introduced by Crochemore and Vérin [12], based on McCreight’s algorithm [45]
for constructing suffix trees. It lacks the on-line property: the proposed algorithm
requires the whole input string to be known beforehand. Then, the CDAWG has
to be rebuilt when a new character is added to the input string. An on-line linear-
time algorithm that builds the CDAWG for a single string as well as for a set of
strings, inspired from Ukkonen’s on-line algorithm [58] for constructing suffix trees,
12 N.B. Nsira et al.
was proposed by Inenaga et al. [28]: it takes advantage of the on-line property.
The algorithm processes the characters of the input string from left to right, one by
one, with no need to know the whole string beforehand, and it was shown that the
algorithm can be easily applied for building the CDAWG for a set of strings [28]. It
runs in linear time with respect to the total length of the strings in the input set [28].
As well as other data structures, DAWGs and CDAWGs can solve several
combinatorial problems on strings [7, 11, 26, 59]. It was shown that CDAWGs
require less memory space than the associated DAWGs and suffix trees [7].
The searching algorithm with the DAWG is similar to searching with the suffix
trie. The searching algorithm with the CDAWG is similar to searching with the
suffix tree.
8i; 0 i n 1.
Figure 1.4 shows an example of a suffix array.
1 Algorithms for Indexing Highly Similar DNA Sequences 13
The suffix array of a string can be obtained in linear time from its suffix tree by
performing a lexicographic traversal of the suffix tree; assuming that the children of
the nodes of the tree are lexicographically ordered by the edge labels left to right,
it is possible to collect leaves in this order. Yet, this construction is not optimal. It
is more convenient to adopt a method that allows directly constructing the suffix
array. In general, the suffix array can be built using lexicographic sorting of the set
of suffixes.
The first O.n log n/ construction algorithm was described in [42]. The algorithm
uses a doubling technique; it performs a first sort by the first two characters, and then
uses results to perform sorting by the first four characters, and then the first eight
and so on. The disadvantage of this construction is that it requires a time longer than
that needed to construct a suffix tree because of suffix pre-sorting.
More sophisticated algorithms appeared simultaneously [30, 32, 33], requiring
linear time. These algorithms are recursive; they divide suffixes into different classes
and perform a sort to each class.
In practice, the recursivity of these solutions will significantly slow down their
efficiency compared to algorithms with worse theoretical complexities (not linear
time) [29, 36, 43, 44, 56], which are faster and need less memory space [53].
Since suffixes are sorted, a binary search can be performed on the suffix array. The
search outputs an interval SAT Œs; e containing all the suffixes that start with the
query P. Hence, the number of occurrences corresponds to occ D e s C 1, located
in positions SAT Œs; SAT Œs C 1; : : : ; SAT Œe. The binary search performs O.log n/
steps with m comparisons in the worst case at each step. The final complexity
to locate the given query is thus O.m log n/. This complexity can be reduced to
O.m C log n/ with the use of additional information. An array called LCP can be
used to store the length of the longest common prefixes between two consecutive
suffixes [42]. Hence, although this technique needs more memory space, it allows
14 N.B. Nsira et al.
Several data structures are based on the compression of the suffix array. Such data
structures always allow retrieving SAT Œi, for any i. As well as with the classical
suffix array, a range SAT Œs; e can be computed when searching a pattern P. The
search is solved with one of two searches, forward search or backward search,
which are based on the and LF functions (we will give details in the sequel).
In this section, we consider the FM-index [18] and the compressed suffix
array [23, 55].
1.4.1 FM Index
The FM index was introduced by Ferragina and Manzini [16, 18]. It is based
on the Burrows–Wheeler Transform (BWT) [8]. It is composed of a compressed
representation of a text from BWT and of a backward search.
The BWT is a method that reorganizes an input string T of length n. The output,
denoted by T bwt , is a permutation of T, which generally compresses more than the
original input string T.
Let us consider a nn (conceptual) matrix MT , wose rows are circular shifts (also
called conjugates) of lexicographically sorted T. The first column of M is denoted
by F, and the last one is denoted by L; this latter is actually equal to T bwt . Hence,
T bwt is the concatenation of the last character of each sorted circular shift. Because
of the presence of the symbol $ with the lowest order, the matrix MT is sorted in
1 Algorithms for Indexing Highly Similar DNA Sequences 15
Ferragina et al. proposed a new binary search that performs a search for a pattern
from its last character to its first one, called backward search. The crucial property
is that when operating, the process does not require the original text and the search
is done using only the BWT.
The initial step of the search considers PŒm 1 and calculates the range interval
SAT Œsm1 ; em1 of suffixes in SAT prefixed by PŒm 1. The next step computes
SAT Œsm2 ; em2 of suffixes prefixed by PŒm 2 : : : m 1. The process is renewed
inductively, such that at each step i SAT Œsi ; ei is computed for PŒi : : : m 1 from
the previous interval SAT ŒsiC1 ; eiC1 computed for PŒi C 1 : : : m 1. The process
is completed until either all symbols of the query have been considered and Œs0 ; e0
gives all suffixes prefixed by P or an empty interval is returned and there is no suffix
16 N.B. Nsira et al.
that contains P as a prefix. One can notice that the search can be performed by
exploiting the relation between SAT and MT . The crux is to use the LF function to
update bounds of the interval at each step. Consider the range ŒsiC1 ; eiC1 in MT of
rows starting with PŒi C 1 : : : m 1 and one wants to compute those preceded by
PŒi. Indeed, all the occurrences of PŒi in T bwt ŒsiC1 ; eiC1 appear contiguously in the
first column F of MT ; moving backward with LF, we obtain the range Œsi ; ei .
The basic idea to retrieve the positions of suffixes is to store a sample of
values of the suffix array every k positions and to use LF to compute unsampled
positions. Assume that one wants to retrieve SAT Œi. Since SAT Œi D SAT ŒLF.i/ C 1,
then eventually after 1 j < k backward steps the original position SAT Œi D
SAT ŒLF k Œi C k is obtained [50].
Count is a small table of log n bits. The run time of the backward algorithm
depends mainly on the run time of rankc . The classic way to solve rankc is to
perform counting on each query. This requires time since T is scanned at each
step. Hence, different alternative solutions of the backward search aim to implement
rankc in O.1/ time and therefore solve the search in O.m/ time only.
Since the suffix array is not explicitly stored, all implementations of the FM index
use regular text sampled positions to retrieve the positions covered by the resulting
range. Hence, samples of the M rows are marked, and their corresponding values in
the suffix array are stored in an array SA0T .
The original FM index was first described by Ferragina and Manzini in 2000 [16].
They showed that their opportunistic data structure compresses T bwt in at most
5nHk .T/ C o.n/ bits, where Hk is the k-th order empirical entropy of the sequence,
for sufficiently low fixed k 0, and the search of occurrences is answered in
O.m C log n/ for a constant > 0. Note that in practice Ferragina et al. slightly
modify the theoretical implementation to achieve more space effectiveness [17]. A
very effective alternative that uses wavelet trees [50] was later proposed by [19, 23].
The theoretical space is nH0 C O.n log / bits. The use of the Huffman-shaped
wavelet trees [41] leads to n.H0 C 1/ C o.n log / bits and O.H0 .T/ C 1/ average
searching time in practice. Ferragina et al. went further and gave a surprising version
of the FM index [20]. The new index achieves nHk C o.n log / bits of space; this
holds where k ˛ log n, for a constant 0 < ˛ < 1, and D O.polylog.n//.
The Compressed Suffix Array (CSA) represents the suffix array and the text by a
sequence of numbers defined by a function .
Definition 8 The function is defined for all 0 i n 1, such that .i/ D j
where SAT Œ j D SAT Œi C 1 mod n
Consider two suffixes TŒSAT Œi : : : n 1 and TŒSAT Œi C 1 : : : n 1. If they share
the same first character, and since entries of SAT are stored in the increasing order,
it holds that TŒSAT Œi : : : n 1 < TŒSAT Œi C 1 : : : n 1, and they differ in their
1 Algorithms for Indexing Highly Similar DNA Sequences 17 Grossi-CSA
can see that B0 Œ6 D 0. Thus, 0 .6/ D 1, and one must compute SA0 Œ .6/ D
SA0 Œ1. Then, SA0 Œ1 D 2SA1 Œrank1 .B0 ; 1/ 1 D 2SA1 Œ1 D 2 3 D 6. Finally, one
can easily obtain SA0 Œ6 D SA0 Œ .6/ D 1 1 D 6 1 D 5. Sadakane-CSA Grossi-Gupta-CSA
The previous solutions were improved by Grossi, Gupta et al. [23]. Their implemen-
tation reduces further the representation of to nHk bits rather than nH0 .
The solution uses lists one for each character in †. A position i is in the list of
the character a if the suffix starting at a position SAT Œi is preceded by a.
A context is defined as the prefix of length k starting at .i/. In brief,
each value .i/ belongs to the list of TŒSAT Œ .i/ 1 and to the context
TŒSAT Œ .i/ : : : SAT Œ .i/Ck1. Values of are increasing along the same context
(sorted by TŒSAT Œi : : : SAT ŒiCk, in increasing order of i), so that the representation
verifies Lemma 1.
Let ns D jT s j be the number of characters (lists) that precedes a given context,
then the encoding of the context needs ns H0 .T s / bits and the summing up over all
contexts requires nHk .T/ bits.
To retrieve .i/, one needs to answer in which list and context it is stored and
find the right position. First, one needs to compute c D TŒSAT Œ .i/ 1 by using
either a bit-vector Gk where c D rank1 .Gk ; i/ or bit arrays Lky and bky computed for
each list such that the first one is aligned to values of owned by the list c and the
second one contains a bit to indicate whether a context is non-empty in the list c. Gk
requires space in memory that sums over nH0 .Gk / bits, Lky over nc H0 .Lky / where nc is
the number of values in the list c and bky over k / bits. Both techniques answer
to queries in constant time, and it is possible to have information about values of the
suffix array (the range) stored at each context. For this a bit array, Fk that indicates
if the context changes when crossing SAT is used, and its space requirement is O.n/
bits. Finally, to determine the needed value of SAT , a bit array Z is used that for each
couple (context, list) indicates which values stored at Fk belong to the given list.
The representation of Fk over all contexts and lists adds up to nHk bits. It should
be noted that this representation works for all levels of . Recall that O.log / time
is needed to identify a level h, and then O.log log nClog / time is needed to retrieve
The Lempel–Ziv algorithms were first introduced by Lempel and Ziv [37] in 1976.
They are based on the concept of encoding future segments of the text T via the
maximum length encoding recent past segments. Thus, the encoding is performed
progressively when scanning the text, taking advantage of repetitions (repetitions
are replaced by pointers to their occurrences in T). More precisely, the algorithm
factorizes the text from left to right into phrases (that are different, non-overlapping
and the longest possible ones): let wi be a string, and w1 corresponds to ". Then,
T D w0 : : : wn0 , where (1) wi ¤ wj , for 0 i < r and 1 j < i, and (2) for
1 i n0 every proper prefix of wi is equal to some wj , for 0 j < i.
One can take advantage of the properties of the LZ78 parsing to represent the
text using the least possible space. It is based on the idea that all phrases are prefix-
closed such that each wi D wj c for some c 2 †. Then, the compressor outputs the
couple . j; c/. A trie can be built with these phrases, called LZ78-trie, which consists
of n0 nodes, where n0 is the total number of phrases. According to [5] n0 log n0 D
O.n log /. Furthermore, the size of the output text (slowly) converges to the entropy
of the original text [9], and [18] shows that the number n0 is related to the empirical
entropy Hk .T/. Thus, the trie can be stored in O.nHk / bits.
The LZ index was originally the purpose of Kärkkäinen and Ukkonen in
1996 [31]. Then, it was improved in 2002 by Navarro [49]. In 2005, Ferragina
and Manzini [18] proposed an efficient solution based on the LZ78 parsing. The
LZ index of Arroyuelo [4] permits restricting the space requirement and the search
time. This latter will be detailed in this section. LZ Index
In this section, we present more advanced solutions that minimize further the cost in
space while saving the search time. These solutions seek to represent a collection of
similar sequences by storing only a reference sequence with differences from each
of the other sequences.
22 N.B. Nsira et al.
Huang et al. [27] give an efficient solution to index highly similar sequences that
exploits the BWT and the suffix array data structures. Their index works for two
different representations (models) of data. Let T0 be a reference sequence (arbitrary
Model 1 Let T0 ; T1 ; : : : ; Tr1 be r strings not necessarily of the same length.
Each Ti is of the form Ri;0 C0 Ri;1 C1 Ck1 Ri;k , where Ri; j .0 j k/ are
called differentiating segments (or R segments) and vary from the corresponding
segments in T0 and Cj .0 j k 1/ are common segments. Note that Ri; j may
be empty for any i ¤ i0 and that Ri; j and Ri0 ;j may not have the same length.
Model 2 Let T0 ; T1 ; : : : ; Tr1 be r strings all of the same length n. Each Ti (i ¤ 0)
differs from T0 in xi positions, where xi << n. Note that these positions may not
be the same for Ti and Ti0 , with i ¤ i0 . Model 1
Fig. 1.7 An example for the data structure. (a) Input set of sequences, common parts and R
segments (underlined); (b) R, C and arrays StartC and StartR ; (c) all differentiating suffixes in
lexicographical order and arrays SAR, SAR0 and c-rank
prefix of the following Ri; j in some Ti . .P1 $/ is searched using the BWT of C to
identify the common segments suffixed by P1 . This yields to a range LR1 . Then, P2
is searched using SAR0 (looking for occurrences of P2 starting at the first character
of Ri; j ), and a range LR2 is obtained. The idea is to check for each value in LR1 that
refers to Cj1 if there is a value in LR2 that points to the following segment Ri; j in Ti .
This is done by computing c-rank in SAR for each value in LR2 . Recall that c-rank
is the rank of $Cj1 $ $C0 with respect to all suffixes in C . Thus, if c-rank is
within LR1 , P1 appears as a suffix of Cj1 .
The above checking can be made in constant time. The array StartC is used for
searching the suffix arrays SAR and SAR0 . The BWT index supports the backward
search, so that the range of PŒ0; PŒ0 : : : 1 ; : : : ; PŒ0 : : : m 1 can be computed
incrementally in O.m/ time. Thus, the range of .PŒ0 : : : i$/ can be obtained in
O.1/ time from the range of .PŒ0 : : : i/ .
The search of type (3) occurrences requires O.m C PSC.P/.m log.rk/ C rk/ C
occ3 / time, where PSC.P/ is the number of prefixes of P that are suffixes of some
common segments, and where occ3 is the number of type (3) occurrences of P in
the Ti s. It is possible to avoid the reliance on the size of LR2 . This is worth noting
since it is possible that no entries in LR2 could validate an occurrence of P. A 2D-
range structure [51] is used to check whether any c-rank stored in SAR0 (specified
by LR2 ) falls in the range LR1 . The range search index requires O.rk log n/ bits. The
check is done in O.log n/ time, and each occurrence can be retrieved in O.log n/
time. Thus, the complexity becomes O.m C PSC.P/.m log.rk// C occ3 log n/ time.
The overall complexity requires O.n C N 0 log rk C rk.log n C log N 0 // bits. Model 2
Compressed indexes based on factorization (or parsing) of texts using the Lempel–
Ziv compression are not suitable to index highly similar texts in theory [54] and
in practice [57]. Do et al. [13] proposed a solution based on a new alternative of
factorization called relative Lempel–Ziv (RLZ) scheme [35]. Experiments show that
this method gives good results for repetitive sequences.
Description The RLZ compression is defined as follows:
Definition 9 The RLZ parsing LZ(S=T0 ) of a set S D fT1 ; : : : ; Tr1 g constitutes
a way to represent S by a sequence of phrases that are substrings (factors) of a
reference sequence T0 of length n such that each Ti D wi0 wi1 wici is built as
follows: The first phrase is wi1 D ". For all j > 0, assume that wj1 has already
been processed, then wij is the longest prefix of Ti Œ.jwi1 : : : wij1 j C 1/ : : : jTi j 1
that occurs in T0 .
An example is displayed Fig. 1.8.
The output of an RLZ compressor is a pair .si ; `i /, where pi is the starting
position of the phrase wi in T0 and `i is its length. Note two facts: (1) all the phrases
in an RLZ parsing are not necessarily different from each other; (2) the factorization
guarantees that no phrase can be extended any further to the right. This gives an
important property of the RLZ parsing:
and Ie Œi can be computed in O.1/ time given GŒi and information about factors. To
report all occurrences of P inside factors in TF Œ0 : : : f 1, one needs O.occ1 .log nC
log // time, where occ1 is the number of type 1 occurrences and is a constant.
Type 2 For the type 2 occurrences, every occurrence of P is divided into two
1. the first subcase: locate every occurrence of a prefix of P that equals a suffix
Xp1 of a factor wip1 of S.
2. the second subcase: find all occurrences of suffixes of P that are equal to a prefix
of a suffix starting with a factor in S, i.e., of the form wip wiq YqC1 .
The result of the first subcase is the set of factors in TF having a prefix of P as
a suffix. First note that every non-empty prefix P0 of P is considered as a separate
query pattern. Second, the searching algorithm searches P0 in the reference sequence
using SAT0 and obtains its suffix range ŒsP0 ; eP0 . Since the array TF stores the f
distinct factors of the form wij 2 S sorted lexicographically, the searching algorithm
can report all occurrences of P by the following:
Theorem 1 For any suffix range ŒsP ; eP in SAT0 of a query pattern P, the data
structure can report the maximal range Œ p; q such that P is a prefix of every element
TF Œ p : : : TF Œq.
Some properties are required to check whether the query P is a prefix of any
Lemma 4 Let ŒsP ; eP and Œsj ; ej be the suffix ranges respectively of P and the factor
TF Œ j in SAT0 . Then, P is a prefix of TF Œ j if and only if either: (1) sP < sj eP ; or
(2) sP D sj and jTF Œ jj > m.
One can observe from the above Theorem 1 a mapping between the suffix array
SAT0 and the sorted array of factors TF to determine whether a pattern is a prefix
of any factor. For every i D 0; : : : ; n 1 let .i/ D fjTŒ jj j sj D i and Œsj ; ej is
the suffix range of TF Œ j in SAT0 g; in other words, .i/ stores the set of lengths of
factors whose suffix ranges start at i in SAT0 . .i/ is used to compute the mapping
from a suffix range in SAT0 to a range of factors in TF as follows:
Lemma 5 Suppose ŒsP ; eP is the suffix range of P in SAT0 . Then, Œ p; q is the range
in TFP Œ0 : : : f 1 such that P is a prefix of all TF Œ j where
P P p j q where p D
sP 1
1 C iD0 j.i/j C jfx 2 .ST P / j x < mgj and q D eiD0 j.i/j.
The data structure uses O. f log n/ C o.n/ bits. It can report the maximal range
Œ p; q such that P is the prefix of all TF Œ j, where p j q, in O.log log n/ time.
Let us now turn our interest to the second subcase. Each suffix P0 of P can
be factorized using the reference sequence LZ.P0 =T0 /. Then, all the factorizations
are matched with the sequences in one scan from right to left using dynamic
Let F be the lexicographically sorted array of all non-empty suffixes in S that
start with a factor, i.e., each element in F is of the form wip wipC1 wici and it is
called factor suffix.
1 Algorithms for Indexing Highly Similar DNA Sequences 29
The result of the second subcase is the set of factor suffixes in F such that a
suffix PŒi : : : m 1 of P, for 0 i m 1, is a prefix of these factor suffixes.
Then, the algorithm reports, for an index p in F, the unique location in S where the
factor suffix FŒ p occurs. To resolve the problem, the algorithm performs two main
1. Compute the relative locations in S of a factor suffix in F, given an index p of P
in F, and return i and j so that FŒ p starts at wij in S.
2. Convert
Pj1 the relative locations in S to the exact locations in S, given i, j and return
1 C qD1 jwiq j; this computes the locations of wij in the input string Si 2 S.
The built data structure, for a given query P, computes the range Œ p; q of
PŒi : : : m 1, for 0 i m 1 in F, where PŒi : : : m 1 is a prefix of each
FŒ p; : : : ; FŒq. Let QŒi denote the range for each i.
The head of FŒi is the first factor of FŒi. Let = be the concatenation of the factor
representations of all strings in S and ˇ be a general BWT index of =. Define AŒi D
PŒi : : : j, where j is the largest index such that PŒi : : : j is a factor of S, if one exists,
and nil otherwise. Let YŒi be the range Œ p; q in F such that PŒi : : : m 1 is the
prefix of all the heads of factor suffixes FŒ p; : : : ; FŒq, if one exists, nil otherwise.
Then, Q is computed as follows:
< YŒi if YŒi ¤ nil
QŒi D BackwardSearch.AŒi; QŒi C jAŒij/ if YŒi D nil and AŒi ¤ nil
nil otherwise.
i i
The last step consists of encoding combinations of Xp1 and wip wiq YqC1 , which
are adjacent in some Ti 2 S. For that, one needs to construct a . f nF / matrix to
find the needed combinations. If this matrix is stored in O.nF log f / bits, the task
can be answered in O.log f = log log f C occ log f / time, where occ is the number
of answers.
The data structures for type 2 occurrences use O.n/ C .2 C 1=/nHk .T0 / C
o.n log / C O.nF log n/ bits. It reports all suffix ranges of F that match some suffix
of P of length m0 , where 1 m0 m 1, in O.m0 .log = log log n C log log n//
The whole data structure for this solution requires 2nHk .T0 / C 5:55n C
O.nF log n log log n/ bits and O.m.log C log log n/ C occ .log n log nF
log n
// query
time, where occ is the number of occurrences of a given P.
The authors of [52] presented another idea of combining indexing similar DNA
sequences and compression. They proposed a self-index called BIO-FMI based on
known alignments between every single sequence with a chosen reference by using
the FM index.
30 N.B. Nsira et al. Description
Data Model Given a set of similar sequences fT0 ; : : : ; Tr1 g, let T0 be the reference
sequence. All other sequences Ti , for 1 i r 1, are represented as: Ti D
Ri;0 Ci;0 Ri;1 Ci;1 Ci;ki1 Ri;ki , where Ci; j (0 j < ki ) are segments common to Ti
and T0 and Ri; j (0 j ki ) are distinct segments.
Let d be a string that stores the concatenation of all the variations in every Ti of
the form: Ci;00 j1 Ri; j Ci;0 j where Ci;00 j1 is a suffix of Ci; j1 and Ci;0 j is a prefix of Ci; j of
length `c 1 (`c being a parameter). Such a suffix and a prefix are respectively called
left and right context of Ri; j . Note that Ri; j may be an empty string (if deletion) or a
single symbol (if SNV).
The index will be able to store quadruples .; p; `; o/, where is the type of
variation (indel, SNV), p is the position in T0 , ` is the length of the variation, and o
is the offset between Ti and T0 , i.e., o D qp ,where q is the position of the variation
in Ti . This defines the essential idea behind the proposed solution that consists of
tracking the variations (alignments) between every Ti and T0 . The approach contains
two FM indexes: the first one built over T0 and the second one over the string d.
Let I0 be the index for T0 . A wavelet tree over T0bwt is constructed (this implies
that SA.T0 / and T0bwt are precomputed). Also consider a bit vector IsLoc over the
built wavelet tree. The process is to use the regular text sampled position over T0
with log n rate. Hence, each log n-th symbol is marked using IsLoc. By applying
rank operations over IsLoc0 , one can obtain a pointer to the Loc array that contains
the base position of the corresponding symbol in T0 .
The data structure for I0 consumes n C n C n log C log n C 4n log log n bits.
This is because Loc0 and IsLoc0 each requires n bits. The n log is the space for
the wavelet tree. The number of samples is logn2 n C log n , and they are recorded using
simple byte codewords of log n and log log2 n bit length, respectively .
For the string d, the data structure Id includes a wavelet tree built in the same
way as for T0 , IsLocd , which recognizes positions of variations in Ti and an array
Locd . The process for the array Locd is different: it will be able to extract each Ti
containing a variation and to give information for quadruples .; p; `; o/. Hence, it
points to an array aIndex that stores start positions of variations in sequences and
stores the ranks of its variations for each Ti . For every Ti , the variations are sorted
in increasing order and then stored in additional arrays, aBasePos, that contain the
start position of a variation in T0 , aOffset that stores the offset of a variation and aOp
that gives information about the type and the length of the variation. An auxiliary
array is used to accelerate the extraction of the ith sequence called SampleStart
that stores pointers to the start positions of a single sequence Ti .
Let N 0 D O.†iD1 i<r
.ki C 1// and N D †iD1 i<r j<ki
†jD0 jRi; j j be respectively the number
and the total length of all distinct segments. For the data structure Id , the wavelet
tree uses O.N log /, and the bit vector IsLocd uses N bits in the same way as for I0 .
The numbers of bits used by the other arrays are as follows: O.N 0 .log rClog Nr //
for Locd , O.r log0 N/ for aIndex, O.N 0 log n/ for aBasePos, O.N 0 log n/ for aOffset,
O.N 0 / for aOp and O.r log N 0 / for SampleStart. The overall complexity gives O.NC
1 Algorithms for Indexing Highly Similar DNA Sequences 31
N 0 .log r C log Nr / C N log C logN N C 4N logloglogN N C r log N 0 C N 0 log n C N 0 log n C
N 0 C r log N/ memory space.
Search for a Pattern P of Length m First, the pattern P is divided into chunks
of length `c as follows: P D P1;`c Pj `m j`c ;m , and then each chunk is searched
separately. Each single chunk is first searched for using the index Id and for each
occurrence, occj , its position aBasePosj C aOffsetj is stored in a hash table. Next
the chunks are searched again using the index I0 , and each base occurrence in T0 is
stored in the hash table using the aBasePosj position. Then, the algorithm evaluates
whether the occurrences in T0 can be propagated to all the sequences. For each
occurrence occj in T0 at position pj , for each Ti it looks for the distinct segment just
preceding position pj to see whether the occurrence can be validated. At a final step,
the algorithm reports all positions with complete occurrence of the pattern.
The algorithm takes O.log / time for the wavelet tree in I0 and Id . It needs
O.s log / time for each chunk to locate its occurrences in T0 and Ti , where s is the
length of a sample with a localization pointer. To find occurrences in all sequences
Ti , it needs O.r log Nr / time.
The suffix tree of an alignment of Na et al. [47] is an improvement over the classical
generalized suffix tree based on a new representation of the alignment of sequences.
The space usage is strongly reduced without compromising the linear time of the
The alignment is a way to map between two given strings so that it can retrieve
one string from another. It is obtained by replacing substrings of one string into
those of the other one. Let give the formal definition.
Definition 10 Given T0 D ˛1 ˇ1 ˇk ˛kC1 and T1 D ˛1 ı1 ık ˛kC1 two strings
for some k 1, the alignment of T0 and T1 consists of replacing each ˇi with ıi ,
and it is denoted by ˛1 .ˇ1 =ı1 / ˛k .ˇk =ık /˛kC1 .
An important property of the alignment is that it satisfies the following condi-
tions: ˛i cannot be the empty string (except for ˛1 /; either ˇi or ıi can be empty; the
first characters of ˇi ˛iC1 and ıi ˛iC1 are distinct. Note that a special character $ is
inserted at the end of ˛kC1 to ensure that it is never empty.
for simplicity, assume that T0 and T1 are of the following form: T0 D ˛ˇ and
T1 D ˛ı and the alignment is of the form ˛.ˇ=ı/ . Let ˛ i be the longest suffix of
˛, which occurs at least twice in Ti with 0 i 1, and let ˛ be the longest of ˛ 0
and ˛ 1 . Alignment-suffixes (also called a-suffixes) are defined as follows:
1. suffixes of ;
2. suffixes of ˛ ˇ longer than ;
3. suffixes of ˛ ı longer than ;
32 N.B. Nsira et al.
First, the suffix tree ST.T0 / of T0 is constructed. Second, suffixes of T1 are mapped
into a-suffixes according to the three categories described above (types 1, 3 and 4).
Then, the obtained a-suffixes are inserted into ST.T0 /. For a-suffixes of type 1, there
is nothing particular to do; they already exist in the tree. The insertion of a-suffixes
longer than is done in three steps. The first and the second steps aim to insert
explicitly a-suffixes of type 3 (which are shorter than or equal to ˛ ı ). The last
step handles implicitly the a-suffixes of type 4. The three steps consist of:
1. finding ˛ 0 and inserting suffixes of ˛ 0 ı longer than ;
2. finding ˛ and inserting suffixes of ˛ ı longer than ˛ 0 ı ;
3. inserting suffixes of ˛ı longer than ˛ ı .
For step 1, ST.T0 / is used to find ˛ 0 , by checking for some suffixes of ˛, whether
or not two leaves exist to represent them. Let ˛ .i/ be the suffix of ˛ of length i.
The method consists of checking whether suffix ˛ .i/ is represented by at least two
leaves for i D 1; 2; 4; 8; : : : using a doubling technique described in [45]. Let h be
the smallest i in the previous set such that ˛ .h/ is represented by only one leaf. Let
˛ .k/ D ˛ 0 be the longest suffix of ˛ that is represented by two leaves, and then
h=2 j˛ .k/ j < h. Then, ˛ .k/ is searched by scanning ˛ .h1/ ; ˛ .h2/ ; : : : using suffix
links. After finding ˛ 0 , suffixes from ˛ 0 ı to d , where d is the last character of ı,
are inserted is ST.T0 / with the classical method resulting in tree ST 0 .
Note that finding ˛ for step 2 is not obvious, since ST 0 is not complete:
• suffixes of T1 longer than ˛ 0 ı are not contained in ST 0 ;
• all suffixes of T0 and some suffixes of T1 are represented in ST 0 ;
• suffixes of type 1 share leaves with suffixes of T0 but some suffixes of type 3 do
It is easy to demonstrate that ST 0 can provide efficient information to retrieve ˛ .
From the definition of ˛ it appears at least twice in T0 or in T1 . Then, it can be
found by checking for some suffix ˛ 0 longer than ˛ 0 in ST 0 if at least two leaves
exist to represent it as for finding ˛ 0 is ST.T0 /. After finding ˛ , the end of step 2
1 Algorithms for Indexing Highly Similar DNA Sequences 33
consists of inserting suffixes of type 3 in ST 0 . For the last step, a-suffixes of type 4
of the form ˛ 0 ı have to be inserted where ˛ 0 is longer than ˛ . Recall that these
suffixes share a common leaf with the a-suffix ˛ 0 ˇ . These a-suffixes are implicitly
inserted by just replacing every ˇ by .ˇ=ı/ .
The first step requires O.j˛ 0 j/ time to find ˛ 0 and O.j˛ 0 ı O j/ time for the insertion
where O is the longest prefix of such that d O occurs at least twice in T0 and T1
where d is the character preceding . O.˛ / time is spent to find ˛ and O.j˛ ı O j/
time to perform the insertions. The last step is implicitly done. Then, the overall time
for the construction of the suffix tree of alignment ˛.ˇ=ı/ is O.j˛jCjˇjCjıjCj j/.
This method can be easily extended to represent general alignments of form
˛1 .ˇ1 =ı1 / ˛k .ˇk ık /˛kC1 . Furthermore, the previous representation can be
extended into alignments of more than two strings.
This method has been extended to construct the suffix array of an alignment [48].
The searching algorithm with the suffix tree of alignment is similar to searching
with the usual suffix tree.
Since suffix trees are costly in practice, the suffix array of an alignment (SAA) of
Na et al. [48] was proposed as an economical version of the suffix tree of alignment
The alignment is defined as in [47] (see previous subsection).
Assume that T0 , T1 and T2 are of the following form: T0 D ˛ˇ , T1 D ˛ı and
and T2 D ˛# . Then, the alignment is of the form ˛.ˇ=ı=#/ . Let ˛ i be the longest
suffix of ˛ that occurs at least twice in Ti with 0 i 2, and let ˛ be the longest
of ˛ 0 , ˛ 1 and ˛ 2 . Then, a-suffixes are classified into five categories as follows:
1. suffixes of ;
2. suffixes ! 0 , where ! 0 is a non-empty suffix of ˛ ˇ;
3. suffixes ! 1 , where ! 1 is a non-empty suffix of ˛ ;
4. suffixes ! 2 , where ! 2 is a non-empty suffix of ˛ #;
5. suffixes of the form ˛ 0 .ˇ=ı=#/ , where ˛ 0 is a suffix of ˛ longer than ˛ (this
represents three usual suffixes derived from T0 , T1 and T2 ).
Definition 12 The suffix array of alignment ˛.ˇ=ı=#/ is a lexicographically
sorted list of all the a-suffixes.
The sorted order is well defined for a-suffixes of types 1-4, since an a-suffix of
these types represents one string. Let an a-suffix of type 5 of the form ˛ 0 .ˇ=ı=#/
be used. We know that j˛ 0 j > j˛ j and that it appears as a prefix only once in
each string ˛ 0 ˇ , ˛ 0 ı and ˛ 0 # , i.e., substrings of T0 , T1 and T2 , respectively.
34 N.B. Nsira et al.
The generalized suffix array (GSA) of all a-suffixes of the alignment is constructed.
A-suffixes of type 1 are suffixes of in T0 . The suffixes of T0 longer than ˛ ˇ are
converted implicitly to the a-suffixes of type 5. The insertion of a-suffixes of type 3
and 4 needs a particular reasoning.
Assume 0 , 1 and 2 are the longest prefix of , appearing at least twice in T0 ,
T1 and T2 , respectively. Let be the longest of 0 , 1 and 2 . The construction of
the SA˛.ˇ=ı=#/ is done in three steps that consist of:
1. find j˛ j and j j;
2. construct the GSA for T0 , ˛ ı d and ˛ # d, where d is the symbol following
in ;
3. delete suffixes of d derived from ˛ ı d and ˛ # d.
From the definition of ˛ , it appears at least twice in T0 , T1 or T2 . Then, it can
be found by searching for the longest suffix ˛ 0 of ˛. First, ˛ 0 is computed. It can
be found by using SAT0 . Once found, the next step consists of finding the longest
suffix ˛ .k/ , k D 1; 2 longer than ˛ 0 . For computing ˛ .k/ , one can omit the method
followed for ˛ 0 , for the simple reason of avoiding complexities proportional to the
total length of input strings. Since ˛ .k/ is longer than ˛ 0 , it is easy to demonstrate that
it occurs in some suffix prefixed by ˛ 0 in Tk . Hence, the suffix arrays of the
substrings ˛ 0 ı 0 and ˛ 0 # 0 are sufficient to deduce it.
Then, is found symmetrically using the suffix arrays of T0 , ˛ 0 ı 0 and ˛ 0 # 0
to obtain 0 , 1 and 2 , respectively, and retain the maximal one. Note that the suffix
array constructed for each substring is needed only in the corresponding substep.
The step 2 constructs the GSA of T0 , ˛ ˇ d, ˛ # d, where d is the symbol
that follows in . It is not obvious to determine the order of a-suffixes of form
! k (type 3, 4), since d occurs only once in each string. Hence, the order is
determined by ! d.
In step 3, the GSA is scanned to delete suffixes of d in ˛ ı d and ˛ # d that
are redundant with a-suffixes of type 1.
The step for finding ˛ and requires O.jT0 j C j˛ ı j C j˛ # j/ time and
O.jT0 j/ space. Both steps 2 and 3 spend O.jT0 j C j˛ ı j C j˛ # j/ in time and
space. For a given alignment, its suffix array of alignment is constructed in O.jT0 j C
j˛ ı j C j˛ # j/ time and working space.
This data structure can be generalized to consider alignments with multiple
non-common regions of the form ˛1 .ˇ1 =ı1 #1 / ˛k .ˇk =ık #k /˛kC1 . A non-common
region is of the form ˇi1 ˛i ˇi . Hence, the GSA is extended to represent 2k C 1
strings, and it requires at O.jT0 j C †kiD1 .2j˛i j C jıi j C j#i j// space.
1 Algorithms for Indexing Highly Similar DNA Sequences 35
The searching algorithm with the suffix array of alignment is similar to the searching
with the usual suffix array.
1.6 Conclusion
In this chapter, we made a summary of the state of the art to the most known
data structures for DNA sequences and gave a generic view on each family of
indexes. We presented basic indexes and showed that although they proved a strong
ability to solve problems in the area of stringology, these indexes are memory
consumers. Advanced families that are based on the essential ideas related to text
compressibility permit to improving the memory usage while allowing an efficient
search over the index. Recent efforts yield to more advanced data structures directly
related to highly similar sequences. We focused on the essential ideas that take
advantage from the high rate of similarity in a given set of sequences.
Instead of classical indexes that do not exploit the property of the high similarity
between sequences and that yield to a redundant representation, novel solutions offer
data structures devoted to highly similar data, which store only a reference sequence
with differences with other sequences. This yields to an efficient compact index
while providing fast searching over the sequences.
In other words, the more advanced indexes that we have reviewed take space
close to the length of one sequence with the number of differences.
In Table 1.1, we gave a brief summary of complexities of data structures we
have presented. We presented only the most recent and useful indexes with the best
results for each category.
Table 1.1 Table depicting some complexities (memory consumptions and search times): n is
the length of the input sequences, n0 and N 0 denote respectively the number of common and
differentiating segments, and Npsc is the number of prefixes of a given pattern that are suffixes
of some common parts (Huang et al.), NF is the number of factors of a reference sequence used to
compress the other sequences of the input set (RLZ)
Structure Space Search time
ST.T/ O.n/ O.m/
SA.T/ O.n/ O.m C log n/
FM index nHk C o.n log / O.m/
CSA nHk .T/ O.log log n C log /
LZ index 4nHk .T/ C o.n log / O..occ C 1/ log n/
Huang et al. O.n0 C N 0 log rk C rk.log n0 C log N 0 // O.m C Npsc .m log.rk// C occ3 log n/
RLZ 2nHk .T0 / C 5:55n C O m.log C log log n/ C occ
log N
O.NF log n log log n/ log n log nF
SAA O.n C j˛ ı j C j˛ # j/ O.m C occ/
The number of occurences of a pattern is denoted by occ
36 N.B. Nsira et al.
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1 Algorithms for Indexing Highly Similar DNA Sequences 39
2.1 Introduction
The rest of the chapter is organized as follows: Sects. 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 give
fundamental definitions required throughout the following sections. Sections 2.2.1
and 2.2.2 introduce the suffix trie, a fundamental index of all substrings of a
single string or multiple strings, and the suffix tree, a more compact representation
of the suffix trie. The Burrows-Wheeler Transform, described in Sect. 2.2.4, is a
transformation of the text applicable to text compression and full-text indexing,
e.g., for the FM-index explained in Sect. 2.3.2. Section 2.3.1 introduces the suffix
array and how it can be used like a suffix trie. Sections 2.4.1 and 2.4.2 cover
two suffix tree indexes, the theoretical optimal enhanced suffix array and the
dynamically constructed lazy suffix tree. Section 2.5 describes the q-gram index, a
simple index of all substrings of length q. Finally, Sects. 2.6.1, 2.6.2, and 2.6.3 show
how the proposed indexes can be applied to practical HTS problems, e.g., exact and
approximate string matching, and how they perform on real data.
2.1.1 Notations
2.1.2 Padding
We define padding of strings and string collections in order to well define full-text
indexes. Padding is necessary to ensure that no suffix is a prefix of a string in the
collection. To this end, we define the special terminator character $ 62 ˙, such that
$ < a for any a 2 ˙.
Definition 5 (Padded String) For a string S over ˙, we call S$ the padded string
over ˙$ , with ˙$ D ˙ [ f$g.
Definition 6 (Padded String Collection) For a string collection S D fS0 ; S1 ; : : : ;
1 g over ˙, we call fS0 $0 ; S1 $1 ; : : : ; S
1 $
1 g the padded string collection
over ˙$ , where ˙$ D ˙ [ f$0 ; $1 ; : : : ; $
1 g and $0 ; $1 ; : : : ; $
1 are individual
terminator characters with $i < $j () i < j.
We remark that such terminator characters are used only for ease of explanation,
e.g.,, to have a one-to-one relationship between suffixes and their start positions, to
well define a lexicographical order on them, and to associate the Burrows-Wheeler
Transform (BWT) [8] with the suffix array. Explicit representation of terminator
characters increases the size of the padded alphabet ˙$ and thus complicates
the implementation of any full-text index. Thus, almost all careful full-text index
implementations avoid representing terminator characters explicitly.
2.2 Background
In the following, we define the concepts of suffix trie, suffix tree, and suffix
array full-text indexes in general. Then, we will introduce the Burrows-Wheeler
Transform of a text and how it can be inverted.
Definition 7 (Suffix Trie) The suffix trie Tstrie .S/ [41] of a padded string S
(Definition 5) is a lexicographically ordered tree data structure having one node
designated as the root and jSj leaves labeled by 0; 1; : : : ; jSj 1, where leaf i refers
to suffix Si , such that:
1. Incoming edges of inner nodes are labeled by characters from ˙, and incoming
edges of leaves are labeled by the terminator character.
44 D. Weese and E. Siragusa
Fig. 2.1 Suffix trie (a), suffix tree (b), and suffix array (c) of the string ananas$
2. The outgoing edges of each inner node are labeled by distinct characters.
3. The path from the root to the leaf i spells suffix Si $.
An example of a suffix trie is given in Fig. 2.1a.
Definition 8 (Generalized Suffix Trie) The generalized suffix trie Tstrie .S/ of a
padded string collection S (Definition 6) is a suffix trie having kSk leaves labeled by
pairs .i; j/ which refer to suffixes S.i;j/ , and the path from the root to leaf .i; j/ spells
suffix S.i;j/ $i .
In the following, we introduce a set of generic operations to traverse any Tstrie
realization in a top-down fashion. Note that the top-down traversal stops when
encountering terminator edges and thus does not reach suffix tree leaves. Given a
suffix trie Tstrie .S/, we define the following operations on the node v pointed during
the traversal of Tstrie .S/:
• ISROOT (v) returns true if and only if the pointed node is the root.
• ISTERMINAL (v) returns true if and only if all outgoing edges labels are termina-
• LABEL(v) returns the character labeling the edge entering v.
• OCCURRENCES (v) returns the list of positions pointed by leaves below v.
• PARENT(v) returns the parent node of v.
Moreover, we define the following operations moving from pointed node v and
returning true on success and false otherwise:
• GODOWN(v) moves to the lexicographically smallest child of v.
• GODOWN(v; c) moves to the child of v whose entering edge is labeled by c.
• GORIGHT (v) moves to the lexicographically next sibling of v.
Time complexities of the above operations depend on the specific realization of
the (generalized) suffix trie. For realizations shown in what follows in this chapter,
LABEL is O.1/, both variants of GO D OWN and GO RIGHT range from O.1/ to
O.log n/, and while OCCURRENCES is linear in the number of occurrences, PARENT
is O.1/ but requires O.n log n/ bits to stack all parent nodes. Recursive algorithms
implicitly implement PARENT by stacking all parent nodes during recursive calls.
2 Full-Text Indexes for High-Throughput Sequencing 45
The (generalized) suffix trie contains O.n2 / nodes, where n is the total text
length. However, its practical realizations consume only O.n log n/ bits as they do
not explicitly represent the internal nodes. In the following section, we describe the
(generalized) suffix tree [25, 58], a data structure that represents a text (collection)
in O.n/ nodes but can be traversed like a suffix trie.
The suffix tree [25, 58] arises from the suffix trie by compacting each path
where only start and end nodes are branching into a single edge labeled by the
concatenation of edge labels. Thus, the suffix tree comes with the restriction that
internal nodes must have more than one child and with the property that edges can
labeled by strings of arbitrary length.
Definition 9 (Suffix Tree) The suffix tree Tstree .S/ of a padded string S is a
lexicographically ordered tree data structure having one node designated as the root
and jSj leaves labeled by 0; 1; : : : ; jSj 1, where leaf i refers to suffix Si , such that:
1. Edges are labeled by strings over ˙$ .
2. The outgoing edges of each inner node begin with distinct characters.
3. The path from the root to the leaf i spells suffix Si $i .
4. Each internal node is branching, i.e., it has at least two children.
An example of a suffix tree is given in Fig. 2.1b.
Definition 10 (Generalized Suffix Tree) The generalized suffix tree Tstree .S/ of a
given padded string collection S is a suffix tree having kSk leaves, where leaf .i; j/
refers to suffix S.i;j/ and the path from the root to leaf .i; j/ spells suffix S.i;j/ $i .
The (generalized) suffix tree of a string (collection) of length n can be constructed
in O.n/ time and O.n log n/ bits space [15, 40, 55]. The space consumption can be
achieved by representing edge labels implicitly, i.e., by storing only their begin and
end positions in the underlying input string.
As a consequence of property 2, every tree node v can uniquely be identified
by the concatenation of edge labels on the path from the root to v. For a node
v, we denote this string by CONCAT.v/ and call it the concatenation string or
representative of v. Note that, conversely to tries, LABEL on (generalized) suffix
trees returns a substring instead of a character.
The suffix array (SA) has been introduced by Manber and Myers [36] as a practical
and memory-efficient replacement for the suffix tree in string matching applications.
46 D. Weese and E. Siragusa
The SA represents explicitly all leaves of the suffix trie, while it omits internal nodes
and outgoing edges. An example of a suffix array is given in Fig. 2.1c.
Definition 11 (Suffix Array) The suffix array SA.S/ of a string S of length n is an
array A containing a permutation of the interval Œ0; n/, such that SAŒi1 <lex SAŒi for
all i 2 Œ1; n/.
The first generalization of the SA to string collections can be found in [49].
Recently, several authors have implemented the generalized suffix array, for
instance, [4, 35, 52, 53].
Definition 12 (Generalized Suffix Array) The generalized suffix array SA.S/ of
a string collection S is an array A of length n D kSk containing a permutation of
all pairs .i; j/ where i refers to a string Si 2 S and j refers to one of the jSi j suffixes
of Si . Pairs are ordered such that SP AŒi1 <lex SP AŒi for all i 2 Œ1; n/, where SP is the
corresponding padded string collection of S.
Various algorithms have been proposed to construct the SA in linear time. An
interesting review can be found in [44].
(a) suffix array with suffixes (b) , LF, and sorted cyclic shifts with BWT
Fig. 2.2 Suffix array (a) and sorted cyclic shifts (b) with permutations and LF of the string S D
ttatctctta$. The BWT of S corresponds to SŒAŒi 1, i.e. the last column of the sorted cyclic
shifts matrix
The cyclic shifts matrix is conceptual and does not have to be constructed
explicitly to derive the BWT of S. The BWT can be obtained in linear time by
scanning the SA A and assigning the character SŒAŒi 1 to the ith BWT character.
However, constructing the BWT from the SA is not desirable in practice, especially
for strings over small alphabets like DNA, as the SA consumes .n log n/ bits
in addition to the .n log / bits of the BWT. Therefore, various direct BWT
construction algorithms working within o.n log / bits plus constant space have
been recently proposed in [5, 11, 18, 27]. Inversion
We now describe how to invert the BWT to reconstruct the original string S. For
convenience, we denote the first column SŒAŒi of the cyclic shifts matrix by F.
BWT inversion relies on two simple observations [8] on the cyclic shifts matrix.
Observation 2.1 For all i 2 Œ0; n/, character LŒi precedes character FŒi in the
original string S.
Observation 2.2 For all characters c 2 ˙$ , the ith occurrence of c in F
corresponds to the ith occurrence of c in L.
These observations are evident as F is column S ŒAŒi and L is column S ŒAŒi 1
(see Definition 13 and Fig. 2.2b).
48 D. Weese and E. Siragusa
Inverting the BWT means being able to know where any BWT character occurs
in the original string. To this intent, we define two permutations, LF W Œ0; n/ ! Œ0; n/
and W Œ0; n/ ! Œ0; n/, with LF D 1 ; the value of LF.i/ gives the position j in F
where character LŒi occurs and the value . j/ gives back the position i in L where
FŒ j occurs. The iterated is defined as:
0 . j/ D j
iC1 . j/ D . i . j//
LF 0 . j/ D j
LF iC1 . j/ D LF.LF i . j//:
Character SŒi corresponds to F i . j/ , and SŒi corresponds to L LF i . j/ with
j being the position of $ in L. Thus, the full string S is recovered by starting in F at
the character preceded by $ and following the cycle defined by the permutation .
Conversely, the reverse string S is recovered by starting in L at the position of $ and
following the cycle defined by the permutation LF.
Permutation LF needs not to be stored explicitly as it is computable from the
BWT with the help of some additional character counts. Given Observations 2.1,
2.2, permutation LF is computed by:
In the following, we introduce two different full-text indexes that both can be
traversed like a suffix trie. They both emulate the traversal of the potentially
quadratic number of suffix trie nodes, either by conducting binary searches or by
utilizing a property of the Burrows-Wheeler Transform, and hence have a space
consumption linear in the length of the text.
2.3.2 FM-Index
The FM-index [17] is the most popular succinct full-text index for HTS. Over
the last years, the FM-index has been widely employed under different re-
implementations by many popular bioinformatics tools, e.g., Bowtie [32] and
50 D. Weese and E. Siragusa
Algorithm 1 B(v; c; )
Input v : SA iterator
c : character to query
: lexicographic comparator
Output integer denoting the left or right SA interval
1: .i1 ; i2 / .v:l; v:r)
2: while i1 < i2 do
3: j b i1 Ci
4: if SŒAŒ j C v:d c then
5: i1 jC1
6: else
7: i2 j
8: return i1
Algorithm 2 GODOWN(v; c)
Input v : SA iterator
c : character to query
Output boolean indicating success
1: if ISTERMINAL(v) then
2: return false
3: l B.v; c; </
4: r B.v; c; /
5: if l < r then
6: v fl; r; v:r; v:d C 1g
7: return true
8: else
9: return false
Algorithm 3 GODOWN(v)
Input v : SA iterator
Output boolean indicating success
1: if ISTERMINAL(v) then
2: return false
3: v:l B(v; $; )
4: cl SŒAŒv:l C v:d
5: cr SŒAŒv:r 1 C v:d
6: v:parentR v:r
7: if cl ¤ cr then
8: v:r B(v; cl ; )
9: v:d v:d C 1
10: return true
BWA [34], and is now considered a fundamental method for the full-text indexing
of genomic sequences.
The FM-index allows to emulate efficiently the top-town traversal of a (gen-
eralized) suffix trie. This is possible thanks to the BWT, provided an efficient
representation of function Occ (see Sect. 2.2.4). Thus, we first show how to represent
function Occ, and afterwards, we describe the top-town traversal.
2 Full-Text Indexes for High-Throughput Sequencing 51
Function Occ, answering the question “how many times does a given character c
occur in the prefix L Œ0; i/?” has to be done ideally in constant time and succinct
space. The general problem on arbitrary strings has been tackled by several studies
on the succinct representation of data structures. This specific question takes the
name of rank query, and a data structure answering rank queries is called rank
dictionary (RD).
Definition 14 Given a string S over an alphabet ˙ and a character c 2 ˙,
RANK c .S; i/ returns the number of occurrences of c in the prefix S Œ0; i/.
The key idea of RDs is to maintain a succinct (or even compressed) repre-
sentation of the input string and attach a dictionary to it. By doing so, Jacobson
shows how to answer rank queries in constant time (on the RAM model) using
o.n/ additional bits for an input binary string of n bits [29]. Here, we follow the
explanation of Navarro and Mäkinen [42], yet we stick only to the most practical
RDs for HTS. We first consider RDs for strings over a binary alphabet B D f0; 1g.
We start by describing a simple one-level rank dictionary answering rank queries
in constant time but consuming O.n/ additional bits. Subsequently, we describe an
extended two-levels RD consuming only o.n/ additional bits. Finally, we generalize
these RDs for strings over small alphabets, e.g., DNA.
The one-level binary RD partitions the binary input string S 2 B in blocks of b
characters and complements it with an array R of length bn=bcC1. The jth entry of R
provides a summary of the number of occurrences of the bit 1 in S before position jb,
i.e., RŒ0 D 0 and RŒ j D RANK1 .S; jb/ for any j > 0. Note that R summarizes only
RANK 1 , as RANK 0 .S; i/ D i RANK 1 .S; i/. Therefore, the rank query is rewritten
The query is answered in O.b/ time by(i) fetching the rank summary from R in
constant time and (ii) counting the number of occurrences of the bit 1 within a block
52 D. Weese and E. Siragusa
(a) (b)
0 1 2 3
= 0 2 4 5
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 2 4 5 0 1 1 1 1 1 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0
Fig. 2.3 Binary RDs of the string S D 010101100100. (a) One-level RD with b D 4; for
instance, RANK1 .S; 6/ D 3 is answered as RŒ1 C RANK1 .S4 ; 2/. (b) Two-levels RD with b D 2;
RANK1 .S; 6/ D 3 is answered as R2 Œ1 C RŒ2 C RANK1 .S4 ; 2/
of O.b/ bits. An example of a one-level rank dictionary is given in Fig. 2.3a. [29]
answers step (ii) in O.1/ time by posing b D dlog ne and using the four-Russians
tabulation technique [3]. However, despite being theoretically optimal, the four-
Russians method can be quite slow in practice; a more practical solution consists
in using the SSE 4.2 popcnt instruction [28] to implement step (ii) in O.b=w/ time,
where w is the SSE register width, e.g., w D 256 bits on modern processors. As the
array R stores O.n= log n/ positions and each position in S requires dlog ne bits, R
consumes O.n/ bits. Thus, the one-level binary RD adds O.n/ bits of memory.
The two-levels binary RD squeezes space consumption down to o.n/ bits of
additional memory. The idea is to divide S in superblocks of length b2 and add
another array R2 to store the number of occurrences of the bit 1 in S before
each superblock. The initial array R now counts bit 1 only within the overlapping
superblock defined by R2 . Accordingly, the rank query becomes:
2 ˘
RANK 1 .S; i/ D R2 i=b C RŒbi=bc C RANK 1 .Sbi=bcb ; i mod b/: (2.5)
Figure 2.3b shows an example of two-levels binary RD. Each value in R is less
than b2 and thus consumes only O.log b2 / D O.log b/ bits. Summing up, this RD
consumes n bits for the input string, O.n log n=b2 / bits for R2 and O.n log b=b/ bits
for R. By posing b D dlog ne as in the above one-level RD, it follows O.n= log n/
bits for R2 and O.n log log n= log n/ bits for R. Hence, the two-levels binary RD
adds o.n/ bits of memory.
It is easy to extend the above binary RDs to support strings over arbitrary
alphabets; in the following, we show how to extend the one-level RD. Consider
an input string S of n characters over ˙, thus consisting of n dlog e bits. As in
the binary case, this one-level RD partitions S in blocks of b bits. It complements
the string S with a matrix R of size bn=b C 1c , summarizing the number of
occurrences for each character in ˙. The rank query is rewritten accordingly:
Figure 2.4 shows an example of one-level DNA RD. Answering this query requires
counting the number of occurrences of the character c inside a block of b bits.
2 Full-Text Indexes for High-Throughput Sequencing 53
a t t t t t t a c c
We now describe how to emulate the top-town traversal of a (generalized) suffix trie
Tstrie .S/ using permutation LF [see Eq. (2.3)]. The top-down traversal of Tstrie .S/
spells all suffixes of S. Therefore, to emulate the traversal, it is sufficient to
enumerate all suffixes of S by inverting the BWT using the counting argument
of permutation LF. This enumeration provides not only all suffixes of S but also
their corresponding SA intervals, as permutation LF and the SA are closely related.
However, we have seen that permutation LF enumerates suffixes of S in a backward
direction, while we would rather need permutation to enumerate suffixes of S
in a forward direction. Since LF D 1 , we consider the BWT of S, so that
its permutation LF enumerates suffixes of S. LF of S computes intervals on the
backward SA A of S, so OCCURRENCES has to reverse the occurrences of A back as
those of the forward SA A.
We represent the current node v by the elements fl; r; eg, where Œl; r/ represents
the current SA interval and e is the label of the edge entering the current node.
Therefore, we define the following node operations:
• GO ROOT (v) initializes v to f0; n; "g.
• IS T ERMINAL (v) returns true if and only if Occ.$; v:r/ Occ.$; v:l/D v:r v:l.
• returns v:e.
• OCCURRENCES returns each value .i; j/ of AŒl; r/ as .i; ni j x:d 1/.
54 D. Weese and E. Siragusa
The traversal easily goes from the root node to a child node following the edge
labeled by character c, as it suffices to determine the interval ŒC.c/; C.nextlex .c//.
Now, suppose the traversal is on an arbitrary suffix trie node v of known interval
Œv:l; v:r/ such that the path from the root to v spells the substring CONCAT.v/.
The traversal goes down to a child node w of unknown interval Œw:l; w:r/ such
that the path from the root to w spells CONCAT .v/ c for some c 2 ˙. Thus, the
known interval Œv:l; v:r/ contains all suffixes of S starting with CONCAT.v/, i.e.,
all prefixes of S ending with CONCAT .v/, while the unknown interval Œw:l; w:r/
contains all suffixes of S starting with CONCAT.v/ c, i.e., all prefixes of S ending
with c CONCAT.v/. All these characters c are in L Œw:l; w:r/ since LŒi is the
character SŒAŒi 1 preceding the suffix pointed by AŒi. Moreover, these characters
c are contiguous and in relative order in F (see Observations 2.1 and 2.2). If
p0 ; p1 ; : : : ; pm1 are all positions in L within Œv:l; v:r/ such that LŒ pi D c and
v:l p0 < < pm1 < v:r, then w:l D LF. p0 / and w:r D LF. pm1 / C 1.
Therefore, LF. pi / becomes:
Algorithm 5 GODOWN(v; c)
Input v : FM-index iterator
c : char to query
Output boolean indicating success
1: if ISTERMINAL(v) then
2: return false
3: x:l C.c/ C Occ.c; x:l/
4: x:r C.c/ C Occ.c; x:r/
5: x:e c
6: return x:l < x:r
2 Full-Text Indexes for High-Throughput Sequencing 55
Algorithm 6 GODOWN(v)
Input v : FM-index iterator
Output boolean indicating success
1: if not ISTERMINAL(v) then
2: c minlex .˙/
3: do
4: if GO DOWN(v; c) then
5: return true
6: while c nextlex .˙/
7: return false
In this section, we show two suffix tree indexes. While the first has optimal running
time and space consumption, the second might be faster in practice as it doesn’t need
to be fully constructed in advance but can be constructed dynamically on demand.
56 D. Weese and E. Siragusa
The enhanced suffix array (ESA) has been introduced by Abouelhoda et al. [1] as a
memory-efficient replacement for suffix trees. In general, the ESA of a string S (or
string collection S) consists of the (generalized) suffix array, the longest common
prefix (LCP) table, and the child table. Each table is a string of the total text length
n that consists of values between 1 and n and thus requires O.n log n/ bits of
memory. In the following, we define the LCP and the child table and their relation
to suffix trees. Then, we describe how the ESA can be traversed like a suffix tree.
Note that the ESA is generalized to a collection S.
The LCP table (also known as height array) [37] stores the lengths of the longest
common prefix between every consecutive pair of suffixes in the suffix array A.
Definition 15 (LCP Table) Given a string S of length n and its suffix array A, the
LCP table H of S is a string of length n C 1 over the alphabet Œ1; n 1. For every
i 2 Œ1; n/ hold:
HŒ0 D 1 (2.9)
ˇ ˚ ˇ
HŒi D ˇLCP SAŒi1 ; SAŒi ˇ (2.10)
HŒn D 1: (2.11)
ˇ ˚ ˇ
The definition applies as well for string collections with HŒi D ˇLCP SAŒi1 ; SAŒi ˇ
in (2.10). For the sake of simplicity, we extended the LCP table by two boundary
values (1) which are implicitly needed by some algorithms if the text is not padded.
However, they are not explicitly required in the implementations of these algorithms.
We call the table entries LCP values and HŒi the LCP value of SAŒi or the ith LCP
Manber and Myers [37] introduced the LCP table and how to construct it as a
by-product of the O.n log n/ suffix array construction. The first optimal algorithm,
proposed by Kasai et al. [30], constructs the LCP table for a text and a given
suffix array in linear time. In [56], Kasai et al.’s algorithm has been extended to
construct the generalized LCP table. Other optimal construction algorithms for the
generalized LCP table have been proposed in [4, 35].
Besides the linear-time algorithm to construct H, Kasai et al. [30] proposed a method
to traverse the suffix tree Tstree .S/ in a bottom-up fashion by solely scanning H from
left to right and updating a stack that represents the path from the traversed node to
2 Full-Text Indexes for High-Throughput Sequencing 57
the root. This method is used in [1] to construct the child table cld, which contains
links to the siblings and children of a node and thus represents the structure of the
suffix tree. To understand the child table, we first need to introduce LCP intervals.
Definition 16 (LCP Interval) An interval Œi; j/ Œ0; n/ with i C 1 < j is called an
LCP interval of value ` or `-interval Œi; j/ if the following hold:
1. HŒi < `;
2. HŒ j < `;
3. 8k2.i;j/ HŒk `;
4. 9k2.i;j/ HŒk D `:
For completeness, interval Œi; i C 1/ is defined to be a (singleton) `-interval with
` D jSAŒi j and i 2 Œ0; n/.
An `-interval Œi; j/ is associated to a set of suffixes SAŒi , SAŒiC1 , . . . , SAŒ j1 . Then,
the following hold: (1) The longest common prefix ! of these suffixes has length
` by properties 3 and 4; this `-interval is called an !-interval. (2) A non-singleton
`-interval Œi; j/ is maximal by properties 1 and 2, i.e. every extension to the left or
right is no longer an `-interval. In Fig. 2.5, Œ6; 8/ is an `-interval or !-interval with
` D 3 and ! D tct.
Lemma 1 (Node-Interval-Duality) For every suffix tree node v in Tstree .S/ there
is an !-interval Œi; j/, and vice versa. If v is an inner node, it holds ! D CONCAT.v/
and otherwise ! $ D CONCAT .v/.
In the following, we consider the suffix tree Tstree .S/ and for each node v, denote
with S.v/ the suffixes represented by the leaves below v.
Corollary 1 Every suffix tree node v is identified by an LCP interval Œi; j/; both
node and interval represent the same set of suffixes S.v/ D fSAŒi , SAŒiC1 , . . . ,
SAŒ j1 g.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
9 2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 0
-1 1 0 2 0 2 1 3 1 3 -1
58 D. Weese and E. Siragusa
up.i/ D minfq 2 Œ0; i/ j HŒq > HŒi ^ 8k2.q;i/ HŒk HŒqg ; (2.12)
down.i/ D maxfq 2 .i; n j HŒq > HŒi ^ 8k2.i;q/ HŒk > HŒqg ; (2.13)
next`Index.i/ D minfq 2 .i; n j HŒq D HŒi ^ 8k2.i;q/ HŒk > HŒig : (2.14)
Abouelhoda et al. proposed an easy and elegant way to reduce the memory
consumption of the child table by two-thirds. The authors take advantage of
redundancies, e.g., identical down and up values of adjacent `-values or undefined
values, to store the three subtables in a single string cld of size n instead of using
three separate strings of that size. Figure 2.6d shows where the three values are
stored in cld. For more details, we refer the reader to [1].
The ESA, consisting of suffix array, LCP table, and child table, allows to emulate
a top-down traversal of the suffix tree by means of a node traversal of the
corresponding LCP interval tree. The top-down iterator represents the current node
by its LCP interval boundaries l and r. These boundaries and the `-values of the
current interval become the boundaries of the children’s intervals. The iterator can
be moved down to the leftmost child by replacing the value of r with the first `-value.
Moving right to the next sibling corresponds to replacing the value of l with the value
2 Full-Text Indexes for High-Throughput Sequencing 59
Fig. 2.6 Suffix tree (a) and LCP interval tree (b) of S D ttatctctta$. The bold numbers
between LCP interval nodes (b) are `-indexes of the parent interval above. The child table (d)
stores for every `-index i the up, down, and next`Index values (compare with c), which are the
first `-indexes in the LCP interval left of i, right of i, or the next `-index in the same LCP interval,
respectively. After the removal of redundant down links, the three columns (d) can be stored as a
single string cld of length n
60 D. Weese and E. Siragusa
Algorithm 9 ISNEXTL(i)
Input i : `-index
1: j cldŒi
2: if i < j and HŒi D HŒ j then
3: return true
4: return false
Algorithm 10 GODOWN(v)
Input v : ESA iterator
Output boolean indicating success
1: if ISTERMINAL(v) then
2: return false
3: if v:r ¤ v:parentR then
4: v:parentR v:r
5: v:r cldŒv:r 1 F get up value of right boundary
6: else
7: v:r cldŒv:l F get down value of left boundary
8: return true
of r and the value of r with its next `-value, if it exists, or the right boundary of the
parent interval otherwise.
The functions GOROOT , GODOWN, GORIGHT (Algorithms 8, 10, and 11) move
the iterator if possible and return false otherwise. The iterator starts in the root node
with Œl; r/ D Œ0; n/ and stores the right boundary of the parent node in parentR. For
all but the rightmost child, i.e., r ¤ parentR, the first `-index in `-indexes.l; r/
is the up value of r stored at cldŒr 1; otherwise, it is the down value of l
2 Full-Text Indexes for High-Throughput Sequencing 61
A lazy suffix tree (LST) [21] is a suffix tree whose nodes are created on demand,
i.e., when they are visited for the first time in a top-down traversal. Depending
on the usage scenario, using a lazy suffix tree can significantly improve on the
overall running time and memory consumption compared to an enhanced suffix
array. Giegerich et al. [21] introduced the first lazy suffix tree data structure that
utilizes the Write-Only, Top-Down (WOTD) algorithm [20] for the on-demand node
expansion. In the following, we first describe this algorithm, then we generalize the
original data structure to multiple sequences [56] and finally describe its top-down
The basic idea of the WOTD algorithm is to determine the children of a branching
suffix tree node by partitioning the set of corresponding suffixes by the character
following the longest common prefix. Beginning with only the root node, the
algorithm recursively expands a directed tree step-by-step up to the entire suffix
tree. We consider a given non-empty text S of length n and a rooted, directed tree T
in the following referred to as a partial suffix tree that in every state of the algorithm,
is a subgraph of the suffix tree including its root. Let R be a function that maps any
string ˛ 2 ˙ to the set of suffixes of S$ that begin with ˛:
˚ ˇ
R.˛/ WD ˛ˇ ˇ ˛ˇ is a suffix of S$ n f$g : (2.15)
Algorithm 12 WOTDEAGER (T; b
Input T : partially constructed suffix tree
Input b ˛ : suffix tree node
1: divide R.˛/ into subsets R.˛c/ of suffixes where character c follows the ˛-prefix
2: for all c 2 ˙ [ f$g and R.˛c/ ¤ ; do
3: ˛cˇ LCP R.˛c/
4: d as a child of b
add ˛cˇ ˛ in T
5: if jR.˛c/j > 1 then
6: d
A key property of the WOTD algorithm is that it constructs the suffix tree top-
down, so that nodes from disjunctive subtrees can be expanded independently and in
arbitrary order. That makes it possible to expand single nodes step-by-step instead
of entire subtrees and allows turning the suffix tree construction into a lazy, on-
demand construction. Such a lazy suffix tree requires a method to expand any suffix
tree node and a data structure to represent a partial suffix tree whose nodes are either
in an expanded or unexpanded state. Further, it requires R.˛/ for the expansion of
nodes b˛ and needs to provide the corresponding set of suffix start positions for all
(even expanded) nodes b ˛:
˚ ˇ
l.˛/ WD i 2 Œ0; n/ ˇ 9ˇ2˙ Si $ D ˛ˇ (2.16)
2 Full-Text Indexes for High-Throughput Sequencing 63
Consider an unexpanded node b ˛ whose text occurrences are stored in A Œi; j/. To
expand b ˛ , the elements k 2 A Œi; j/ are sorted by S Œk C j˛j using counting sort.
The result is a partition Œl0 ; l1 /; Œl1 ; l2 /; : : : ; Œlm1 ; lm / with l0 D i and lm D j,
such that A Œl0 ; l1 / ; A Œl1 ; l2 / ; : : : ; A Œlm1 ; lm / store the occurrences of the substrings
˛x1 < ˛x2 < < ˛xm in the text S$, with xi 2 ˙ [ f$g. The intervals
correspond to the children of the suffix tree node b ˛ , and corresponding entries
are contiguously and in the same order inserted at the end of T as described
above, where singleton intervals become leaves and non-singleton intervals become
unexpanded inner nodes. Finally, the former unexpanded node b ˛ will be converted
an expanded
node by modifying its
two entries. The whole
LST is expanded in
O n2 C j˙jn time in the worst and O n logj˙j n C j˙jn time in the average case
Fig. 2.7 Different states of the lazy suffix tree for S D ttatctctta$ and how they are
represented by the data structure. Below each unexpanded node b ˛ , the remaining suffixes R.˛/
are shown without their common ˛-prefix. In the beginning (a), the lazy suffix tree consists of
only the unexpanded root node. (b) shows the result of the root node expansion, (c) and (d) the
expansions of nodes b
t and tca
T needs not to be changed, as all of its entries solely store prefix lengths, interval
boundaries, or child pointers. In order to construct an LST, whose nodes have the
same order as in the ESA-based suffix tree, the sentinel relation $0 < < $
1 <
minlex .˙/ must be retained. This is achieved without introducing extra alphabet
2 Full-Text Indexes for High-Throughput Sequencing 65
Algorithm 15 UPDATER(v)
Input v : LST iterator
1: if TŒv:node & 2LC ¤ 0 then
2: v:r v:parentR
3: else if TŒv:node & 2L ¤ 0 then
4: v:r v:l C 1
5: else
6: v:r TŒv:node C 2 & .2L 1/
Algorithm 16 GODOWN(v)
Input v : LST iterator
Output boolean indicating success
1: if TŒv:node & 2L ¤ 0 then
2: return false F Leaf bit is set
3: if TŒv:node C 1 & 2U ¤ 0 then
4: EXPAND N ODE.v:node/
5: v:node TŒv:node C 1 & .2L 1/
6: tmp v:r
8: v:parentR tmp
9: return true
characters in the implementation by using a stable counting sort with one extra
bucket in front of all other buckets that represents all sentinels. When sorting the
suffixes R.˛/ by their character at position j˛j, this sentinel bucket contains all pairs
.i; j/ with j C j˛j D ni . As counting sort is stable, these pairs will have the same
relation as in the initialization, i.e., in A a suffix ˛$i will be stored left of a suffix
˛$j with i < j. At last, these suffixes are appended to T as leaves below b ˛ . They are
appended in the same order as they occur in A, left of the remaining buckets.
The simplest but most commonly used index in HTS is the q-gram index (also
known as the k-mer or inverted index) [7]. It is useful when the suffix tree structure
is not required and the substrings of interest are short and of uniform length q.
A q-gram is simply a sequence of q characters over a given alphabet ˙, e.g.,
˙ D fA; C; G; Tg in case of DNA. Given an input string (collection), a q-gram
index allows the quick retrieval of all the occurrences of any q-gram from the input.
An optimal q-gram index counts the number of occurrences of a q-gram in constant
time and locates its occurrences in time proportional to their number.
The simplest optimal q-gram index consists of two tables, a table bkt to store the
occurrences grouped by q-gram, and a bucket table pos to map each q-gram to its
first entry in the occurrence table. If we, for example, consider a single sequence of
length n, the occurrence table has n q C 1 different entries between 0 and n q,
one for each position a q-gram can start at. The bucket table typically occupies an
entry for each of the j˙jq possible q-grams.
To look up the occurrences of a q-gram, it is first converted into a hash code,
which is a number h between 0 and j˙jq 1, e.g., its lexicographical rank in the
set of all j˙jq possible q-grams. Then, the bucket table entry at position h is used
to determine the first entry of the group of occurrences in the occurrence table.
Assuming that occurrences are grouped in the same order as q-grams are mapped to
numbers, the end of the group is stored at entry h C 1 in the bucket table. Figure 2.8
gives a detailed example of such a q-gram index.
As described above, the bucket table pos of the direct addressing q-gram index is a
table of size j˙jq C 1, and the whole index consumes .j˙jq C n/ space. Thus, for
2 Full-Text Indexes for High-Throughput Sequencing 67
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
aa ac ag at ca cc cg ct ga gc gg gt ta tc tg tt
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 5 7 7 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2 4 6 1 8 3 5 0 7
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Fig. 2.8 Two-gram index of ttatctctta. To look up all occurrences of the 2-gram ta, first
determine its numerical value code.ta/ D 12. At positions 12 and 13 the bucket table bkt stores
the boundaries 3 and 5 (excluding) of the group of occurrences in the occurrence table pos. Hence,
1 and 8 are the only occurrences of ta in the text
2.6 Applications
In this section, we consider core problems arising in HTS. We give basic algorithms
that use the generic suffix trie traversal operations defined in Sect. 2.2.1 and are thus
applicable to all suffix trie realizations presented so far. Note that such algorithms
are equally applicable to any suffix tree realization, as a suffix trie is easily achieved
by inserting non-branching internal nodes during suffix tree traversal. We first
consider a simple depth-first traversal algorithm and subsequently, algorithms for
exact and approximate string matching. Moreover, we show the experimental results
of these algorithms.
As data structures, we consider the suffix array (SA), the FM-index with a two-
levels DNA rank dictionary (FM), the fully constructed lazy suffix tree (LST), the
enhanced suffix array (ESA), the q-gram index with Direct Addressing (QDA), and
the q-gram index with Open Addressing (QOA) for fixed values of q. As text, we take
the C. elegans reference genome (WormBase WS195), i.e., a collection of six DNA
strings of about 100 Mbp total length. As patterns, we use sequences extrapolated
from an Illumina sequencing run (SRA/ENA id: SRR065390). In the plots, we
always show average runtimes per pattern. We run all experiments on a workstation
running Linux 3.10.11, equipped with one Intel R
Core i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50 GHz,
32 GB RAM, and a 2 TB HDD @ 7200 RPM.
Algorithm 18 DFS(x; d)
Input x : Tstrie iterator
d : integer bounding the traversal depth
1: if d > 0 then
2: if GO DOWN(x) then
3: do
4: DFS(x; d 1)
5: while GO RIGHT(x)
2 Full-Text Indexes for High-Throughput Sequencing 69
1 Index
Time [s]
0.01 LST
6 8 10 12 14 16
Fig. 2.9 Runtime of the depth-first traversal of various suffix trie implementations
Finding all text occurrences of a pattern is called the exact string matching problem:
Definition 17 (Exact String Matching) Given a string P of length m, called
pattern, and a string T of length n, called text, the exact string matching problem
is to find all occurrences of P in T [25].
Exact string matching is one of the most fundamental problems in stringology.
The online variant of this problem has been extensively studied from the theoretical
standpoint and is well solved in practice [16]. Here, we concentrate on the offline
variant, which allows us to preprocess the text. The preprocessing consists in
building a full-text index of the text beforehand to speed up subsequent searches.
In the following, we assume the text T to be indexed by its suffix trie Tstrie .T/.
Algorithm 19 searches the pattern P by starting on the root node of Tstrie .T/ and
following the path spelling the pattern. If the search ends up in a node v, then
each leaf i in OCCURRENCES .v/ points to a distinct suffix Ti such that T Œi; i C m/
equals P.
70 D. Weese and E. Siragusa
Time [µs]
10 20 30 40 50
Pattern length
Algorithm 20 KMISMATCHES(t; p; k)
Input t : Tstrie .T/ iterator
p : pattern iterator
k : number of mismatches
Output list of all occurrences of the pattern in the text
1: if k D 0 then
3: else
4: if ATEND(p) then
5: report OCCURRENCES(t)
6: else if GO DOWN(t) then
7: do
8: d ı.LABEL.t/; VALUE.p//
9: GO N EXT(p)
10: KM ISMATCHES(t; p; k d)
12: while GO RIGHT(t)
Time [µ s]
10 20 30 40 50
Pattern length
11 times faster than FM for length 15, while QOA is 2.3 times faster than FM for
length 30.
It is interesting to compare the runtimes of exact and approximate string match-
ing algorithms. With FM, exact string matching for patterns of length 30 is 16 times
faster than 1-mismatch; on average, the former problem takes 1:3 microseconds
(ms), while the latter takes 21:0 ms. With ESA, exact string matching is 24 times
faster than 1-mismatch; it spends 1:7 ms, compared to 40:8 ms. Finally, with QOA,
exact string matching is 77 times faster than 1-mismatch.
2 Full-Text Indexes for High-Throughput Sequencing 73
2.7 Conclusion
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Chapter 3
Searching and Indexing Circular Patterns
3.1 Introduction
This chapter was written when Rahman was on a sabbatical leave from BUET.
C.S. Iliopoulos • S.P. Pissis ()
Department of Informatics, King’s College London, The Strand, London WC2R 2LS, UK
M.S. Rahman
A`EDA Group, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bangladesh University of
Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka 1205, Bangladesh
algorithm for space-efficient construction of the circular suffix tree, which requires
time O.M log M/ and O.M log C d log M/ bits of working space, where M is the
total length of the dictionary patterns. In [2], the authors proposed an algorithm to
solve the circular dictionary matching problem by constructing an indexing data
structure in time and space O.M/ and answering a subsequent online text query in
average-case time O.n/, assuming that the shortest pattern is sufficiently long.
Analogously, the aim of constructing an index to provide efficient procedures for
answering online circular pattern queries related to the content of a fixed text was
studied in [24]. The authors proposed two indexing data structures. The first one
can be constructed in time and space O.n log1C" n/, and an online pattern query can
be answered in time O.m log log n C Occ/. However, it involves the construction
of two suffix trees as well as a complex range-search data structure. Hence, it is
suspected that, despite a good theoretical time bound, the practical performance of
this construction would not be very good both in terms of time and space. The
second indexing data structure, on the other hand, uses the suffix array (for an
introduction to suffix arrays, see [26]), which is more space-efficient than the suffix
tree and does not require the range-search data structure. It is conceptually much
simpler and can be built in time and space O.n/; an online pattern query can then
be answered in time O.m log n C Occ/.
In this chapter, we revisit the aforementioned problems for searching and
indexing circular patterns; we formally define them as follows:
Input: a fixed set D D fx0 ; x1 : : : ; xd1 g of patterns of total length M and,
subsequently, an online query of a text t of length n, such that n > jxj j, 0 j < d
Output: all factors u of t such that u D xij , 0 j < d, 0 i < jxj j
Input: a fixed text t of length n and, subsequently, an online query of a pattern x
of length m, such that n > m
Output: all factors u of t such that u D xi , 0 i < m
Notice that in the CDM and CPI problem settings, once the relevant indexing data
structures are constructed, an unlimited number of online queries can be handled.
We present details of the following solutions to these problems:
• An algorithm to solve the CDM problem by constructing an indexing data
structure in time and space O.M/ and answering a subsequent online text query
in average-case time O.n/, assuming that the shortest pattern in D is sufficiently
long [2].
• An algorithm to solve the CPI problem by constructing an indexing data structure
in time and space O.n/ and answering a subsequent online pattern query in time
O.m log n C Occ/ [24].
80 C.S. Iliopoulos et al.
The rest of the chapter is organized as follows: In Sect. 3.2, we present a solution
to the CDM problem; in Sect. 3.3, we present a solution to the CPI problem; finally,
in the last section, we summarize the presented results and present some future
The partitioning technique, introduced in [34], and in some sense earlier in [29],
is an algorithm based on filtering out candidate positions that could never give
a solution to speed up string matching algorithms. An important point to note
about this technique is that it reduces the search space but does not, by design,
verify potential occurrences. To create a string matching algorithm, filtering must be
combined with some verification technique. The technique was initially proposed
for approximate string matching, but here we show that this can also be used for
circular string matching.
The idea behind the partitioning technique is to partition the given pattern in such
a way that at least one of the fragments must occur exactly in any valid approximate
occurrence of the pattern. It is then possible to search for these fragments exactly to
give a set of candidate occurrences of the pattern. It is then left to the verification
portion of the algorithm to check if these are valid approximate occurrences of
the pattern. It has been experimentally shown that this approach yields very good
practical performance on large-scale datasets [16], even if it is not theoretically
3 Searching and Indexing Circular Patterns 81
For circular string matching, for an efficient solution, we cannot simply apply
well-known string matching algorithms, as we must also take into account the
rotations of the pattern. We can, however, make use of the partitioning technique
and, by choosing an appropriate number of fragments, ensure that at least one
fragment must occur in any valid occurrence of a rotation. Lemma 1, together with
the following fact, provides this number.
Fact 1 ([2]) Let x be a string of length m. Any rotation of x is a factor of x0 D
xŒ0 : : : m 1xŒ0 : : : m 2, and any factor of length m of x0 is a rotation of x.
Lemma 1 ([2]) Let x be a string of length m. If we partition x0 D xŒ0 : : : m
1xŒ0 : : : m 2 into four fragments of length b.2m 1/=4c and d.2m 1/=4e, at
least one of the four fragments is a factor of any factor of length m of x0 .
Input: a pattern x of length m and a text t of length n > m
Output: all factors u of t such that u D xi , 0 i < m
First, we describe how to compute the longest common extension, denoted by lce, of
two suffixes of a string in constant time. In general, the longest common extension
problem considers a string x and computes, for each pair .i; j/, the length of the
longest factor of x that starts at both i and j [23]. lce queries are an important part
of the algorithms presented later on.
Let SA denote the array of positions of the lexicographically sorted suffixes of
string x of length n, i.e., for all 1 r < n, we have xŒSAŒr 1 : : : n 1 <
xŒSAŒr : : : n 1. The inverse iSA of the array SA is defined by iSAŒSAŒr D r,
for all 0 r < n. Let lcp.r; s/ denote the length of the longest common prefix of the
strings xŒSAŒr : : : n 1 and xŒSAŒs : : : n 1 for all 0 r; s < n and 0 otherwise.
Let LCP denote the array defined by LCPŒr D lcp.r 1; r/, for all 1 < r < n,
and LCPŒ0 D 0. Given an array A of n objects taken from a well-ordered set, the
range minimum query RMQA .l; r/ D argmin AŒk, 0 l k r < n returns the
position of the minimal element in the specified subarray AŒl : : : r. We perform the
following linear-time and linear-space preprocessing:
82 C.S. Iliopoulos et al.
Example 1 Let the string x D abbababba. The following table illustrates the
arrays SA, iSA, and LCP for x.
i 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
x[i] a b b a b a b b a
SA[i] 8 3 5 0 7 2 4 6 1
iSA[i] 3 8 5 1 6 2 7 4 0
LCP[i] 0 1 2 4 0 2 3 1 3
we try to extend to the left via computing El using lce queries on the suffixes
of Tr .
6. For each El and Er computed for tuple < px0 ; `; pt >2 L , we report all the valid
starting positions in t by first checking if the total length El C ` C Er m; that
is the length of the full extension of the fragment is greater than or equal to m,
matching at least one rotation of x. If that is the case, then we report positions
Example 2 Let us consider the pattern x D GGGTCTA of length m D 7 and the text
(Step 4). Extending to the left gives El D 0, since Tr Œ9 ¤ Tr Œ30, and extending to
the right gives Er D 4, since TŒ7 : : : 10 D TŒ26 : : : 29 and TŒ11 ¤ TŒ30 (Step 5).
We check that El C ` C Er D 7 D m, and therefore, we report position 10 (Step 6):
pt E` D 10 0 D 10; : : : ; pt C ` m C Er D 10 C 3 7 C 4 D 10I
4djxmax j
2jxmin j1
n cn
3 Searching and Indexing Circular Patterns 85
4djxmax j
2jxmin j1
4djxmax j 2jxmin j 1
c 4
4.log 4 C log d C log jxmax j log c/ 2jxmin j 1
Rearranging and setting c such that log c 1=4Clog 4 gives a sufficient condition
for our algorithm to achieve average-case time O.n C M/:
In this section, we discuss a data structure called CPI-II. CPI-II and another data
structure, called CPI-I, were presented in [24] to solve the CPI problem. CPI-II
consists of the suffix array SA and the inverse suffix array iSA of text t. Both
SA and iSA of t of length n can be constructed in time and space O.n/ [27].
To handle the subsequent queries, CPI-II uses the following well-known results
from [18] and [22]. The result of a query for a pattern x on the suffix array SA
of t is given as a pair .s; e/ representing an interval Œs : : : e, such that the output set
is fSAŒs; SAŒs C 1; : : : ; SAŒeg. In this case, the interval Œs : : : e is denoted by Inttx .
Lemma 2 ([18]) Given a text t of length n, the suffix array of t, and the interval
Œs : : : e D Inttx for a pattern x, for any letter ˛, the interval Œs0 : : : e0 D Inttx˛ can be
computed in time O.log n/.
Lemma 3 ([22]) Given a text t of length n, the suffix array of t, the inverse suffix
array of t, interval Œs0 : : : e0 D Inttx0 for a pattern x0 , and interval Œs00 : : : e00 D Inttx00
for a pattern x00 , the interval Œs : : : e D Inttx0 x00 can be computed in time O.log n/.
Remark 1 At this point, a brief discussion on how Inttx0 is combined with Inttx00
to get Inttx0 x00 is in order. We need to find the interval Œs : : : e. The idea here is to
find the smallest s and the largest e such that both the suffixes tŒSAŒs : : : n 1
and tŒSAŒe : : : n 1 have x0 x00 as their prefixes. Therefore, we must have that
Œs : : : e is a subinterval of Œs0 : : : e0 . Now, suppose that jx0 j D m0 . By definition,
the lexicographic order of the suffixes tŒSAŒs0 : : : n 1; tŒSAŒs0 C 1 : : : n
1; : : : ; tŒSAŒe0 : : : n1 is increasing. Then, since they share the same prefix, x0 , the
lexicographic order of the suffixes tŒSAŒs0 C m0 : : : n 1; tŒSAŒs0 C 1 C m0 : : : n
1; : : : ; tŒSAŒe0 C m0 : : : n 1 is increasing as well. Therefore, we must have that
iSAŒSAŒs0 C m0 < iSAŒSAŒs0 C 1 C m0 < < iSAŒSAŒe0 C m0 . Finally, we
just need to find the smallest s such that s0 iSAŒSAŒs C m0 e0 and the largest
e such that s00 iSAŒSAŒe C m0 e00 .
Lemma 4 ([22]) Given a text t of length n, the suffix array of t, the inverse suffix
array of t, interval Œs : : : e D Inttx for a pattern x, and an array Count such that
CountŒ˛ stores the total number of occurrences of all ˛ 0 ˛, where ‘’ implies
lexicographically smaller or equal, for any letter ˛, the interval Œs0 : : : e0 D Intt˛x
can be computed in time O.log n/.
CPI-II handles a query as follows. It first computes the intervals for all the
prefixes and suffixes of x and stores them in the arrays PrefŒ0 : : : m 1 and
SufŒ0 : : : m1, respectively. To compute the intervals for prefixes, Lemma 2 is used
as follows. CPI-II first computes the interval for the letter xŒ0 and stores the interval
in PrefŒ0. This can be done in time O.log n/. Next, it computes the interval for
xŒ0 : : : 1 using PrefŒ0 in time O.log n/ by Lemma 2. Then, it computes the interval
for xŒ0 : : : 2 using PrefŒ1 and so on. So, in this way, the array PrefŒ0 : : : m 1
can be computed in time O.m log n/. Similarly, CPI-II computes the intervals for
suffixes in SufŒ0 : : : m 1. Using Lemma 4, this can be done in time O.m log n/
3 Searching and Indexing Circular Patterns 87
as well. Then CPI-II uses Lemma 3 to combine the intervals of xj;f and xj;` for
0 j m 1 from the corresponding indexes of the Pref and Suf arrays. Thus,
all the intervals for all the rotations of x are computed. Finally, CPI-II carefully
reports all the occurrences in this set of intervals as follows. To avoid reporting a
particular occurrence more than once, it sorts the m intervals according to the start
of the interval requiring time O.m log m/, and then it does a linear traversal on the
two ends of the sorted intervals to get an equivalent set of disjoint intervals. Clearly,
CPI-II data structure can be constructed in time and space O.n/ and can answer the
relevant queries in time O.m log n C Occ/ per query.
Further improvement on the above running time seems possible. In fact, we can
improve both from the time and space point of view, albeit not asymptotically, if
we use the FM-index [12]. Using the backward-search technique, we can compute
array Suf in time O.m/. However, any analogous result for Lemma 2 still eludes us.
We are also unable to improve the time requirement for Lemma 3. Notably, some
results on bidirectional search [30] may turn out to be useful in this regard which
seems to be a good candidate for future investigations.
Before concluding this section, we briefly shed some light on another sort of folklore
indexing data structure to solve the CPI problem. The data structure is based on
the suffix tree and Weiner’s algorithm for its construction [33]. Suppose we have
computed the suffix tree STt of t$, where $ … † using Weiner’s algorithm. Then an
online pattern query can be answered as follows:
1. Let x0 D xx#, where # … † and # ¤ $. Set ` D jx0 j.
2. Let ˛ D x0 Œ` 1. Extend STt such that it becomes the suffix tree of t0 D ˛t$.
While extending, keep track of whether the new suffix diverges from a node v
with depth.v/ m of the original tree STt . Let us call these nodes output nodes.
3. Set ` D ` 1. If ` > 0, then go to Step 2.
4. Output the starting positions of the suffixes corresponding to t from the output
5. Undo the steps so that we again get STt and become ready for any further query.
The correctness of the above approach heavily depends on how Weiner’s
algorithm constructs the suffix tree. We are not going to provide all the details
here, but very briefly, Weiner’s algorithm first handles the suffix tŒn 1 : : : n 1,
followed by tŒn 2 : : : n 1, and so on. This is why feeding x0 to STt (cf. the
loop comprising Steps 2 and 3 above) works perfectly. At first glance, it seems that
the above data structure would give us a time-optimal query of O.m C Occ/ with a
data structure construction time of O.n/. However, there is a catch. The linear-time
construction algorithm of Weiner (and in fact all other linear-time constructions,
e.g., [31]) depends on an amortized analysis. Hence, while we can certainly say that
88 C.S. Iliopoulos et al.
the construction of the suffix tree for the string xx#t$ can be done in time O.m C n/,
given the suffix tree for t$, we cannot always claim that extending it for xx#t$ can
be done in time O.m/.
In this chapter, we described algorithms and data structures for searching and
indexing patterns with a circular structure. We considered two different settings for
this task: in the first one, we are given a fixed set of patterns, and we must construct a
data structure to answer subsequent online text queries; in the second, we are given
a fixed text, and we must construct a data structure to answer subsequent online
pattern queries. This type of task finds applications in computational molecular
biology and in pattern recognition.
For the first setting, we described an algorithm to solve the problem by
constructing an indexing data structure in time and space O.M/ and answering a
subsequent online text query in average-case time O.n/, assuming that the shortest
pattern is sufficiently long. For the second setting, we described an algorithm to
solve the problem by constructing an indexing data structure in time and space O.n/
and answering a subsequent online pattern query in time O.m log n C Occ/.
Despite both theoretical and practical motivations for searching and indexing
circular patterns, we noticed a lack of significant research effort on this particular
topic, especially from the perspective of computational molecular biology. Sequence
comparison algorithms require an implicit assumption on the input data: the left- and
right-most positions for each sequence are relevant. However, this is not the case for
circular structures. To this end, we conclude this chapter posing an exciting question
that could alter the perspective of current knowledge and state of the art for sequence
Would dropping this implicit assumption yield more significant alignments
and thereby new biological knowledge, for instance in phylogenetic analyses, for
organisms with such structure?
We believe that the circular string matching paradigm could bring forth a
complete new era in this context.
3 Searching and Indexing Circular Patterns 89
Acknowledgements Part of this research has been supported by an INSPIRE Strategic Partnership
Award, administered by the British Council, Bangladesh, for the project titled “Advances in
Algorithms for Next Generation Biological Sequences.”
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Chapter 4
De Novo NGS Data Compression
4.1 Introduction
During the last decade, the fast evolution of sequencing technologies has led to an
explosion of DNA data. Every field of life science has been impacted. All of them
offer new insights to approach many biological questions. The low sequencing cost
is also an important factor that contributes to their successes. Hence, today, getting
molecular information from living organisms is no longer a bottleneck. Sequencing
machines can generate billions of nucleotides. On the other hand, managing this
mass of data to extract relevant knowledge is becoming a real challenge.
The first step is simply to deal with the information files output by the sequencers.
The size of these files can be huge and often ranges from tens to hundreds of
gigabytes. Files have to be stored on the disk storage computing environment (1)
to perform the genomic analysis and (2) to be archived. In both cases, the required
space storage is high and asks for important hardware resources. Compressing Next
Generation Sequencing (NGS) data is thus a natural way of significantly reducing
the cost of the storage/archive infrastructure.
Another important point is the exchange of data. The first level is Internet
communication. Practically, transferring files of terabytes through the Internet takes
time and is fastidious (the larger the files, the longer the transfer time and the higher
the probability to be interrupted). A 100 Mbit/s connection will require several hours
to transfer a file of 100 GB. A second level is the internal computer network. Data
are generally moved on specific storage bays. When required for processing, they are
transferred to the computing nodes. If many jobs involving many different genomic
datasets are run in parallel, the I/O computer network can be saturated, leading to
a drastic degradation of the overall computer performance. One way to limit the
potential I/O traffic jam is to directly work with compressed data. It can be faster to
spend time in decompressing data than waiting for uncompressed ones.
Compressing NGS data can also be an indirect way to speed up data process-
ing. Actually, the sequencing coverage provides a significant redundancy that is
exploited by DNA data compressors. In other words, similar sequences are more
or less grouped together to optimize their description. In many treatments such
as sequence comparison, genome assembly or Single Nucleotide Polymorphism
(SNP) calling (through mapping operation), the aim is to find similarity between
sequences. Thus, even if the final objective is different, the way data are manipulated
is conceptually very similar. In that sense, a NGS data compressor can be viewed
as a preprocessing step before further analysis. But to be efficient, the compressor
should be able to directly transmit this preprocessing information to other NGS
Hence, based on the above argumentation, the challenge of the NGS data
compression is manifold:
1. Provide a compact format to limit computer storage infrastructure.
2. Provide a fast decoding scheme to lighten I/O computer network traffic.
3. Provide a format to directly populate a data structure suitable for further NGS
data processing. Of course, these different criteria are more or less antagonistic,
and compression methods have to make compromises or deliberately privilege
one aspect.
Generic compression methods, such as GZIP [8], do not fit the above require-
ments. Compression is performed locally (i.e., without vision of the complete
dataset) and, thus, cannot exploit the coverage redundancy brought by NGS data.
However, due to the text format (ASCII) of the NGS files and the reduced alphabet
of the DNA sequences, a compression rate ranging from 3 to 4 is generally obtained.
This is far from negligible when such volume of data is involved. Furthermore, the
great advantage of GZIP is that it is well recognized, stable, and that many NGS
tools already take it as input.
Also, independently of not exploiting the global redundancy, GZIP-like methods
cannot perform lossy compression. Indeed, NGS data include different types of
information that can be more or less useful according to downstream processing.
Each DNA fragment comes with additional information related to the technological
process and the quality control. In some cases, it can be acceptable to suppress or
degrade this information to improve the compression ratio. Hence, some compres-
sors propose lossy options that essentially operate on these metadata [2, 4].
Another way to increase the compression ratio is to rely on external knowledge.
If a reference genome is known, NGS data from the same or from a close organism
can advantageously benefit from that information. In that case, the compression
consists in finding the best mapping for all DNA fragments. Fragments that map are
replaced by the coordinates where the best match has been found on the reference
together with the differences. This chapter will not discuss any more of this type
of compression as it is dedicated to de novo compression, i.e., compression without
4 De Novo NGS Data Compression 93
reference. But this approach must not be forgotten. Actually, it could be of great
interest in the future as the number of sequenced genomes is growing every day.
The rest of the chapter is structured as follows: Sect. 4.2 gives an overview of
standard string compression methods. Actually, as it will be seen in Sect. 4.3, NGS
files include metadata that can be processed with generic compression methods.
It is thus interesting to have a brief overview of these techniques. Section 4.3 is
devoted to methods that have been specifically developed to compressed NGS data.
Lossless and lossy compression are presented. Section 4.4 provides an evaluation
of the different NGS compressors and proposes a few benchmarks. Section 4.5
concludes this chapter.
All the methods compressing NGS data files somehow use techniques from generic
text compression. These techniques can be adapted or tuned for compressing each
component of the NGS files. Therefore, it is essential to know the bases of generic
text compression techniques and how the popular methods work.
Text compression consists in transforming a source text in a compressed text
whose bit sequence is smaller. This smaller bit sequence is obtained by providing
fewer bits to the most frequent data, and vice versa. The compression can be lossless
or lossy. Lossless techniques rebuild the original text from the compressed text,
whereas lossy techniques only retrieve an approximation of the source. In some
cases, the loss of information can be desirable, but this section focuses only on
lossless methods.
As shown in Fig. 4.1, a text compressor is composed of an optional transforma-
tion algorithm, a model, and a coder. Transformation algorithms usually produce a
shorter representation of the source or a reordering of the source. They can help the
compressor in different ways: increasing the compression rate, improving its speed,
or reducing its memory usage. The model chooses which data is more frequent in
the source and estimates a probability distribution of the symbols of this source. The
coder outputs a code for each symbol based on the probabilities of the model: the
highest probable symbols are encoded by the fewest bit codes.
There are three main kinds of lossless text compression techniques: statistical-
based, dictionary-based, and those based on the Burrows-Wheeler Transform
(BWT). The first uses a complex modeling phase to accurately predict the symbols
that often appear in the source. The more accurate are the predictions, the better will
be the compression rate. The second and the third are transformation algorithms.
Dictionary-based methods build a dictionary containing sequences of the source;
each occurrence of these sequences is then replaced by its respective address in
the dictionary. Finally, BWT-based methods rearrange the symbols of the source to
improve the compression.
94 G. Benoit et al.
Fig. 4.1 Standard workflow of a text compressor. Firstly, the original text can be transformed
to help further compression. The model then makes a probability distribution of the text, and the
coder encodes the symbols based on their probability of occurrences
4.2.1 Coding
Coders output a code for each symbol depending on the probability distribution
computed by the model. The codes must be chosen to provide an unambiguous
decompression. The Shannon information theory [24] tells us that the optimal code
of a symbol s of probability p has a bit length of log2 .p/.
The two most used coders are Huffman coding [11] and arithmetic coding [28].
Huffman coding starts by sorting the symbols based on their probabilities. A binary
tree is then constructed, assigning a symbol to each of its leaves. The code of the
symbols is obtained by traversing the tree from the root to the leaves. The tree is
unbalanced because the codes produced by the encoder must be unambiguously
decoded by the decompressor. Frequent symbols will be stored closed to the root,
ensuring that frequent data will have the shortest codes, and vice versa.
In the rare case where the probability of a given symbol is a power of 1/2,
Huffman coding produces optimal code length. In the other cases, this method does
not strictly respect the Shannon entropy because the code length are integers.
Arithmetic coding does not bear this limitation and produces codes near the
optimal, even when the entropy is a fractional number. Instead of splitting the source
in symbols and assigning them a code, this method can assign a code to a sequence
of symbols. The idea is to assign to each symbol an interval. The algorithm starts
with a current interval [0, 1). The current interval is split in N subintervals where N
is the size of the alphabet of the source. The size of the subintervals is proportional
to the probability of each symbol. The subinterval of the current symbol to encode
is then selected. The boundary of the current interval is narrowed to the range of the
selected subinterval.
Splitting and selecting intervals continue until the last symbol of the source is
processed. The final subinterval specifies the source sequence. The larger is this
final interval, the fewer bits will be required to specify it, and vice versa.
4 De Novo NGS Data Compression 95
Even if Huffman coding can be faster than arithmetic coding, arithmetic coders
are most often preferred. The gain in compression rate is really worth despite the
speed penalty.
4.2.2 Modeling
The model gathers statistics on the source and estimates a probability distribution
of the symbols. A model can be static or dynamic. In the static case, a first pass
over the source determines the probability distribution, which is used to compress
the text in a second pass. The distribution must be stored in the compressed file
to allow the decompressor to retrieve the original text. In the dynamic case, the
distribution is updated each time a symbol is encoded. The compression is then
executed in a single pass over the data. The distribution does not need to be
transmitted to the decompressor because the information can be retrieved each
time a symbol is decoded. This is a great advantage compared to static models
because the distribution can sometimes be heavy. Arithmetic coders perform well
on dynamic models, whereas Huffman coders are better suited to static models.
The most used model is a variation of Markov chains, the finite context models. In
an order-N context model, the probability of the current symbol is given using the
preceding N symbols. This kind of model relies on the fact that the same symbol
will often appear after a specific context. A simple example can demonstrate the
effectiveness of this model. In an English text, an order 0 model (no context) may
assign a probability of 2.7% to the letter “u,” whereas an order 1 model (context
of size 1) can assign a probability of 97% to “u” within the context “q”, meaning
that “q” is almost always followed by “u.” A symbol with such a high probability of
occurrence can be encoded on one bit or less by the coders which are presented in
the following section.
The Prediction by Partial Matching (PPM) [18] aims at solving this problem by
using a variable order model. The probability of the current symbol is determined
by finding the longest context such that it has already been seen. If the context
of size N does not exist in the distribution, the model is updated and the N1
context is tried out. The compressor reports the change of context by creating an
escape symbol. These operations are repeated until the context of size 0 is reached.
In this case, the same probability is assigned to the 256 possible symbols. The
context mixing approach [17] goes further by combining the predictions of several
statistical models. A lot of mixing strategies exist; the simplest one is to average
the probabilities of each model. The resulting prediction is often better than the
prediction of a single model.
The PAQ series [16] is a set of compressors which have implemented a lot of
complex models. These tools achieve the best compression rates, but they are not so
popular, mainly because of their lower speed.
4.2.3 Transforming
decompression speed, on the contrary, is very fast. This makes them very useful
algorithms for text archiving.
The BWT [3] is not directly a compression technique but a reordering of the
symbols of the source. The transformation tends to group the identical symbols
together when the source contains redundant sequences. A simple compression
technique, such as Run-Length Encoding (RLE), can then be used to reduce
the sequences of repeated symbols. RLE replaces these sequences by a couple
representing the number of occurrences and the repeated symbol, for example, the
string BBBBBBBCDDD will become 7B1C3D.
The BWT is obtained by sorting all the rotations of a sequence by alphabetical
order. The last symbol of each rotation is concatenated to form the BWT. One of
the main advantages of this technique is the reversibility property of the BWT. A
compressor can then forget the original text and work only on the BWT.
The popular compressor BZIP2 [23] is based on the BWT. Its compression rate is
better than the dictionary-based methods, but the execution time is slower for both
compression and decompression.
This section focuses on the compression of raw data provided by high throughput
sequencing machines. After a short description of the NGS data format that mainly
contains quality and DNA sequence information, lossless and lossy compression
techniques are presented.
4.3.1 Introduction
The sequencing machines are highly parallel devices that process billions of
small DNA biomolecules. A sequencing run is a complex biochemical protocol
that simultaneously “reads” all these biomolecules. This reading is performed by
very sensitive captors that amplify and transform the biochemical reactions into
electronic signals. These signals are analyzed to finally generate text files that
contain string sequences over the A, C, G, T alphabet, each of them representing
one nucleotide. In addition, depending of the quality of the signal, a quality score is
associated to each nucleotide.
The standard file format output by the sequencing machines is the FASTQ format.
This is a list of short DNA strings enhanced with quality information. Each sequence
98 G. Benoit et al.
has also a specific identifier where different information related to the sequencing
process is given. An example of an FASTQ file with only two DNA sequences is:
The line starting with the character ‘@’ is the sequence header. It gives the
metadata associated to the DNA sequence and to the sequencing process. The
following line is the DNA sequence itself and is represented as a list of nucleotides.
The ‘N’ character can also appear for nucleotides that have not been successfully
sequenced. The line ‘+’ acts as a separator. The last line represents the quality. The
number of symbols is equal to the length of the DNA sequence. A quality value
ranging from 0 to 40 is associated to each symbol, each value being encoded by a
single ASCII symbol.
Hence, we may consider that NGS files contain three different types of infor-
mation. Each of them has its own properties that can be exploited to globally
optimize the compression. Headers are very similar to each other, with a common
structure and fixed fields. They can therefore be efficiently compressed with generic
text compression methods described in the previous section. The DNA sequence
stream contains redundant information provided by the sequencing coverage, but
this information is spread over the whole file. Therefore, sequences must first be
grouped together to benefit from this redundancy. Finally, quality compression is
probably the most challenging part since there are no immediate features to exploit.
Actually, the quality information may highly limit the compression rate. So,
it is legitimate to wonder whether this information is essential to preserve or, at
least, if some loss in quality would be acceptable. A first argument is that quality
information is often skipped by a majority of NGS tools. A second one is that the
computation of the quality scores with such precision (from 0 to 40) does not reflect
the real precision of sequencers. The range could be reduced to lower the number of
possible values with very minor impact to the incoming processing stages but with
a great added value on compression. Recent studies have even shown that reducing
the quality scoring can provide better results on SNP calling [30]. Removing the
quality, re-encoding the quality score on a smaller scale, or modifying locally the
score to smooth the quality information are also interesting ways to increase the
compression rate.
The two next subsections describe in detail quality and NGS sequence compres-
sion methods. The header part compression is no longer considered since generic
text compression techniques, as described Sect. 4.2, perform well.
4 De Novo NGS Data Compression 99
For each nucleotide, the FASTQ format includes a quality score. It gives the “base-
calling” confidence of the sequencer, i.e., the probability that a given nucleotide has
been correctly sequenced. In its current format, quality scores Q are expressed in an
integer scale ranging from 0 to 40, derived from the probability p of error with Q D
10 log10 p. These scores are usually named Phred scores, after the name of the first
software that employed it. In the uncompressed FASTQ file, these scores are encoded
with ASCII characters. Each DNA sequence is accompanied by a quality sequence
of the same length; therefore, quality strings take the same space as DNA in the
original file. Its compression is more challenging than DNA compression in several
aspects. Firstly, its alphabet is much larger ( 40 symbols instead of four); secondly,
it does not feature significant redundancy across reads that could be exploited; and
lastly, it often looks like a very noisy signal.
We distinguish between two different compression schemes: lossless and lossy.
Lossless mode ensures that the decompressed data exactly match the original data.
On the contrary, lossy compressors store only an approximate representation of
the input data but achieves much higher compression rates. Lossy compression is
traditionally used when the input data is a continuous signal already incorporating
some kind of approximation (such as sound data). At first, NGS compression
software were mostly using lossless compression, then several authors explored
various lossy compression schemes. Lossy compression schemes can themselves be
roughly divided in two categories: schemes that work only from the information
contained in the quality string and schemes that also exploit the information
contained in the DNA sequence to make assumptions about which quality score
can safely be modified.
Wan et al. explored different lossless transformations that can help further compres-
sion: min shifting and gap translating [26]. With min shifting, quality values are
converted to q qmin , with qmin the minimum quality score within a block. With gap
translating, qualities are converted to qqprec . The objective of such transformations
is to convert quality to lower values, possibly coded with fewer bits. This can act as
a preprocessing step for other methods.
One major difficulty of quality compression comes from the wide range of different
qualities. The first simple idea to achieve a better compression ratio is to reduce this
range to fewer different values.
Wan et al. explored the effects of three lossy transformations: unibinning, log
binning, and truncating [26]. In the first transformation, the error probabilities are
equally distributed to N bins. For example with N D 5, the first bin spans quality
scores with probability of error from 0% to 20%. All quality values in that bin will be
represented by the same score. In the second transformation, the logarithm of error
probabilities is equally divided into N bins. This respects the spirit of the original
Phred score; if original Phred scores are represented with values from 0 to 63, a
log binning with N D 32 amounts to convert each uneven score to its lower nearest
even value. Several software use similar discretization schemes, such as FASTQZ
and FQZCOMP in their lossy mode [2].
Other approaches exploit information in the read sequences to modify quality
values. Janin et al. assume that if a given nucleotide can be completely predicted
by the context of the read, then its corresponding quality value can be aggressively
compressed or even completely discarded. They first transform the set of reads to
their BWT to make such predictions from the Longest Common Prefix (LCP) array
Yu et al. also exploit the same idea but without computing the time-consuming
BWT of reads [30]. Instead, they compute a dictionary of commonly occurring k-
mers throughout a read set. Then, they identify in each read k-mers within small
Hamming distances of commonly occurring k-mers. Position corresponding to
differences from common k-mers are assumed to be SNP or sequencing errors, and
their quality values are preserved. Other quality scores are discarded, i.e., replaced
by a high-quality score. However, their method scales to a very large dataset only
if the dictionary of common k-mers is computed on a sample of the whole dataset.
LEON [1] also exploits a similar idea. It counts the frequency of all k-mers in the read
set and automatically computes the probable solidity threshold above which k-mers
are considered to be error-free. Then, if any given position in a read is covered by a
sufficient number of solid k-mer, its quality value is discarded. If the initial quality
score is low, then a higher number of solid k-mers is required in order to replace
the quality score with a high value. The underlying idea is that replacing a low
4 De Novo NGS Data Compression 101
quality score with a high score may be dangerous for downstream NGS analysis and
therefore should be conducted carefully. These approaches are obviously lossy since
they change the original qualities. However, modifying the quality values based on
the information extracted from the reads means that some quality scores are actually
corrected. This can be viewed as an improvement instead of a loss and explains the
improvements of downstream NGS analysis discussed in [30].
The simplest compression method for DNA sequences consists in packing multiple
nucleotides in a single byte. The DNA alphabet is a four letter alphabet A, C, G
and T, and each base can thus be 2 bit encoded. The N symbol (that actually rarely
appears) does not necessarily need to be encoded because its quality score is always
0. During decompression, the symbol is simply inserted when a null quality score
is seen. Packing four nucleotides per byte represents, however, a good compression
rate, decreasing the size of the DNA sequences by a factor of 4.
To get a better compression ratio, two main families of compression techniques
have been developed: reference-based methods and reference-free methods, also
called de novo methods. The idea of the reference-based methods is to store only
the differences between already known sequences. On the contrary, The de novo
methods do not use external knowledge. They extract the compression rate by
exploiting the redundancy provided by the sequencing coverage. The compression
rate of the reference-based methods can be significantly better, but they can be only
used if similar sequences are already stored in databases. This is generally not the
case when sequencing new species.
This chapter only focuses on de novo compression methods that, from an
algorithmic point of view, are more challenging. They have first to quickly extract
redundancy from the dataset and have also to deal with sequencing errors that
actually disrupt this redundancy. De novo DNA sequence compression methods fall
into three categories:
1. Approaches using a context model to predict bases according to their context
2. Methods that reorder the reads to boost generic compression approaches
3. Approaches inspired from the reference genome methods.
Historically, the first DNA compressors were only improvements of generic text
compression algorithms and belonged to the context model and reordering cate-
gories. It is only recently that new methods appeared that fully exploit algorithms
and data structures tailored for the analysis of NGS data, such as the de Bruijn
Graph, mapping schemes, or the BWT.
102 G. Benoit et al.
These methods start with a modeling phase in order to learn the full genome
structure, i.e., its word composition. With high-order context models and a sufficient
sequencing coverage, the models are able to accurately predict the next base to
G - SQZ [25] is the first tool to focus on the de novo compression of NGS data.
It achieves a low compression rate by simply using an order 0 model followed by a
Huffman coder. QUIP [13] and FQZCOMP [2] obtained, by far, a better compression
rate by using a higher-order context model of length up to 16 and an arithmetic
coder. FASTQZ [2] grants more time to the modeling phase by using a mix of
multiple context models. DSRC2 [7] can be seen as an improvement of GZIP adapted
for NGS data. Its best compression rate is obtained by using a context model
of order 9 followed by a Huffman coder. But the proposed fully multi-threaded
implementation makes it the fastest of all NGS compression tools.
The efficiency of these methods is strongly correlated with the complexity and
the size of the target genome. On large genomes, such as the human one, an order
16 context model will not be sparsely populated and will see more than one of
the four possible nucleotides after a lot of context of length 16, resulting in a poor
compression rate. A solution will be to use higher-order models, but a context model
is limited by its memory usage of 4N for the simplest models. These methods also
cannot deal with sequencing errors. These errors cause a lot of unique contexts
which will just degrade the compression rate.
The purpose of reordering reads is to group together similar reads in order to boost
the compression rate obtained by a generic compression tool, such as GZIP. In
fact, dictionary- and BWT-based compressors only work on small blocks of data
before clearing their indexing structure. This is a solution to prevent a too high
memory usage. In the case of DNA sequence compression, such tools miss the
whole redundancy of the source because similar reads can be anywhere in the
dataset. If the reordering is accurate, some dedicated transformation algorithms can
also be used to encode a read using one of its previous reads as reference.
RECOIL [29] constructs a similarity graph where the nodes store the sequences.
A weighted edge between two nodes represents their number of shared k-mers.
Subsets of similar reads are retrieved by finding maximal paths in the graph. Finally,
the largest matching region between similar reads is determined by extending their
shared k-mers. FQC [21] also identifies similar reads by their shared k-mers. But this
time, the reads are clustered together. And for each cluster, a consensus sequence is
built by aligning all of its reads. The compression algorithm uses the consensus as
reference to encode the reads. Both methods are time or memory consuming. They
have been applied only on small datasets and are hardly scalable to today’s volumes
of data.
4 De Novo NGS Data Compression 103
BEETL [6] proposes an optimization of the BWT which is able to scale on billions
of sequences. Classical BWT algorithms cannot handle as many sequences because
of their memory limitations. Here, much of the memory is saved during the process
by making use of sequential reading and writing files on disk. Cox et al. [6] also
showed that the compression ratio is influenced by the sequence order. In fact, each
sequence in the collection is terminated by a distinct end-marker. Depending on
the assignment of these end-markers to each sequence, hence depending on the
order of the sequences in the collection, the BWT can result in longer runs of the
same character. The most compressible BWT is obtained by reversing the sequences
and sorting them by lexicographic order. To avoid a time- and memory-consuming
preprocessing step of sorting all sequences, the algorithm makes use of a bit-array
(called SAP) indicating whether a given suffix is the same as the previous one
(except from the end-marker). This enables to sort only small subsets of sequences
after the construction of an initial BWT, in order to locally update the BWT.
SCALCE [10] and ORCOM [9] first partition all reads in several bins stored on
disk. Each bin is identified by a core string with the idea that reads sharing a large
overlap must have the same core string. In SCALCE, the core substrings are derived
from a combinatorial pattern matching technique that aims to identify the building
blocks of a string, namely the Locally Consistent Parsing (LCP) method [22]. In
ORCOM, the chosen core string is called a minimizer, which is the lexicographically
smallest substring of size m of a read. When the disk bins are built, they are
sorted by lexicographical order, with respect to the core string position, to move the
overlapping reads close to each other. SCALCE uses generic compression tools, such
as GZIP, to compress each bin independently, whereas ORCOM uses a dedicated
compression technique: each read is encoded using one of its previous reads as
reference, the best candidate being the one which has the fewest differences with the
current read and is determined by alignment anchored on the minimizer. The differ-
ences are encoded using an order 4 PPM model followed by an arithmetic coder.
Reordering methods are well suited to exploit the redundancy of high throughput
sequencing data. Some of them can avoid memory problems on large datasets by
reordering the reads on disk. For a long time, the main drawback of these methods
has been their compression and decompression speed, but this problem has been
solved recently by ORCOM which is faster and obtains a better compression rate
than the other methods. However, it is important to notice that reordering methods
is a form of lossy compression. In fact, most of these tools do not restore the original
read order, and this can be an issue for datasets containing paired reads (which are
the most common datasets). All NGS tools relying on paired reads information (read
mapping, de novo assembly, structural variation analysis. . . ) can therefore not work
on data compressed/decompressed with these tools.
Contrary to the two above categories, methods falling in this third category do not
try to find similarities between the reads themselves but between each read and a
104 G. Benoit et al.
go-between, called a reference. These approaches are largely inspired from the ones
relying on a reference genome.
Reference-based methods require external data to compress and decompress the
read file, that is, a known reference sequence assumed to be very similar from
the one from which reads have been produced. The idea is to map each read
to the reference genome and the compressed file only stores for each read its
mapping position and the potential differences in the alignment instead of the whole
read sequence. However, as already mentioned, relying on external knowledge is
extremely constraining, and this knowledge is not available for numerous datasets
(e.g., de novo sequencing or metagenomics). To circumvent these limitations, the
scheme of some de novo methods is to infer the reference from the read data by
itself and then apply the reference-based approaches.
Conceptually, there are no differences between assembly-based methods and
reference-based methods. In the first case, however, an assembly step is needed
to build a reference sequence. Once this reference is obtained, identical mapping
strategies can then be used. An important thing to note is that the reference sequence
may not necessarily reflect a biological reality. It is hidden from the user point of
view and is only exploited for its compression features.
Two methods follow this strategy: QUIP [13] and LEON [1]. The main difference
lies in the data structure holding the reference: in QUIP the reference is a set of
sequences, whereas in LEON it is a graph of sequences, namely a de Bruijn Graph.
In QUIP, the reference set of sequences is obtained by de novo assembly of the
reads. Since de novo assembly is time and memory consuming, only a subset of
the reads (the first 2.5 million by default) are used for this first step. The reads are
then mapped on the assembled sequences, called contigs, using a seed-and-extend
approach. A perfect match of size 12 between the contigs and the current read is
first searched. The remaining of the alignment is then performed; the chosen contig
is the one which minimizes the Hamming distance. The read is then represented as
a position in the chosen contig and the eventual differences.
In LEON, a de Bruijn Graph is built from the whole set of reads. The de Bruijn
Graph is a common data structure used for de novo assembly. It stores all words of
size k (k-mers) contained in a given set of sequences as nodes and puts a directed
edge between two nodes when there is a k 1 overlap between the k-mers. When
k-mers generated by sequencing errors are filtered out and the value of k is well
chosen (usually around 30), the de Bruijn Graph is a representation of the reference
genome, where each chromosome sequence can be obtained by following a path
in the graph. In LEON each read is encoded by a path in such a graph, that is, an
anchoring k-mer and a list of bifurcations to follow when the path encounters nodes
with out-degree greater than 1.
The main difference between these two methods is that QUIP executes a complete
assembly of the reads, whereas LEON stops at an intermediate representation of
the assembly which is the de Bruijn Graph. In order to decompress the data, the
reference must be stored in the compressed file. A priori, storing contigs may seem
lighter than storing the whole graph. In fact, a naive representation storing each base
on 2 bits costs 60 bits per 30-mer which is not acceptable for a compression purpose.
4 De Novo NGS Data Compression 105
4.3.4 Summary
Table 4.1 shows a summary of the compressors presented in this section. Tools are
classified in three main categories: statistical-based methods, reordering methods,
and assembly-based methods. A brief overview of the compression techniques used
Table 4.1 Summary of compression methods and software, classified according to their method
for the DNA stream
Software Year Methods Quality access Multi-threaded Remarks
Statistical-based methods
G -SQZ [25] 2010 Huf Yes No
DSRC [7, 20] 2014 Markov, Huf Lossless /lossy Yes Yes
FASTQZ [2] 2013 CM, AC Lossless/lossy No No
FQZCOMP 2013 Markov, CM, Lossless/lossy No No
[2] AC
Reordering methods
RECOIL [29] 2011 Generic No No FASTA
FQC [21] 2014 PPM, AC Lossless – – No impl
BEETL [6] 2012 BWT, PPM Yes No FASTA
SCALCE [10] 2012 Generic Lossless/lossy No Yes
ORCOM [9] 2014 Markov, No Yes Seq only
Assembly-based methods
QUIP [13] 2012 Markov, AC Lossless No No
LEON [1] 2014 Markov, AC Lossless/lossy No Yes
Quality only methods
RQS [30] 2014 k-mer Lossy No No
BEETL [12] 2013 BWT, LCP Lossy No No
LIBCSAM [4] 2014 Block Lossy No No
Random access is the ability for the compressor to retrieve a sequence without the need to
decompress the whole file.
Huf: Huffman coding, Markov: context model, CM: context mixing, AC: arithmetic coding,
Generic: generic compression tools such as GZIP and BZIP 2, PPM: prediction by partial matching,
Seq: sequence, LCP: longest common prefix array, FASTA : FASTQ format without the quality
stream, No impl: no implementation available
106 G. Benoit et al.
is also given. In the Random access column, one can identify the tools that propose
the additional feature of quickly retrieving a given read without decompressing the
whole file, such as G-SQZ and DSRC.
BEETL is more than a compressor because its BWT representation can be used
for popular indexation structures such as the FM-index. Consequently, BEETL can
quickly deliver a list of sequences containing a given k-mer.
Some compressors such as G-SQZ and RECOIL are already outdated. They are
not multi-threaded and do not scale on the current datasets. FQZCOMP and FASTQZ
can use a maximum of three cores to compress the three streams in parallel.
This solution was not qualified as multi-threaded in Table 4.1 since it is limited
and it provides unbalanced core activity, the header stream being actually much
faster to compress than the two other streams. To take full advantage of multi-
core architectures, a solution is to process the data by blocks and compress them
independently, as this is the case in DSRC or LEON. Depending on the method,
implementing such a solution may not be straightforward if one wants to preserve
good compression factors.
Compression tools are not generally focusing on one specific kind of NGS data.
One exception is PATHENC which seems to be specialized for RNA-seq data,
although it can still be used on any data [13]. A comparative study of compression
performance on different kinds of NGS data (whole genome, exome, RNA-seq,
metagenomic, ChIP-Seq) is conducted in the LEON and QUIP papers [1, 13]. It
shows without surprise that the best compression is obtained on data with the highest
Some tools cannot compress the FASTQ format. RECOIL and BEETL only accept
the FASTA format which is a FASTQ format without quality information. ORCOM
only processes DNA sequences and discards header and quality streams. FQC
cannot be tested because there is no implementation of the method available.
This section aims to illustrate the compression methods presented in the previous
section by evaluating current NGS compressors. The capacity to compress or
decompress files is only tested, even if some tools have advanced functionalities
such as the possibility to randomly access sequences from the compress data
structure. For each tool, the evaluation process followed this protocol:
1. Clear the I/O, cache system’
2. Compress the original file A
3. clear the I/O cache system
4. decompress the compressed file(s) into file B
5. generate metrics
NGS compressors deal with large files, making them I/O data intensive. The
way the operating systems handle the read and write file operations may have a
4 De Novo NGS Data Compression 107
4.4.1 Metrics
More generally, we define a global compression factor for the whole file:
Stream correctness (SC): Depending of the nature of the stream, the correctness is
computed differently. For the DNA data stream, we check that the DNA sequences
after the compression/decompression steps are identical. The idea is to perform a
global checksum on the DNA sequences only. The DNA data stream correctness is
calculated as follows:
ok if Checksum.A; d/ D Checksum.B; d/
SC.d/ D
ko if Checksum.A; d/ ¤ Checksum.B; d/
therefore define the stream correctness metric as the following percentage (0 means
correct stream):
nb of mismatches of .rai ; rbi / in stream s
SC.s/ D i 100
size of stream s
< s D one of the streams .q/; or .h/
ra D ith read of A
: i
rbi D ith read of B
4.4.2 Benchmarks
NGS compressors are tested with the three following high coverage datasets
extracted from the SRA database:
• Whole genome sequencing of the bacteria E. coli (genome size
5 Mbp):
1.3 GB, 116 coverage (SRR959239)
• Whole genome sequencing of the worm C. elegans (genome size
100 Mbp):
17.4 GB, 70 coverage (SRR065390)
• Whole genome sequencing of a human individual (genome size
3 Gbp):
732 GB, 102 coverage (SRR345593/4)
They are real datasets from high throughput sequencing machines (here, Illu-
mina, with around 100 bp reads) and are representative of NGS files that are
generated daily. Table 4.2 summarizes the evaluation. Columns have the following
• Prog: name of the NGS compressor. Tools allowing lossy compression on the
quality stream are labeled with a * suffix.
• Factor: total compression factor, followed by the compression factor for each
stream (header, DNA sequence and quality). Note that some tools like GZIP
do not have specific stream factors; in such a case, we display only the total
factor. The tool ORCOM is specific because it compresses only the DNA sequence
• Correctness: results on header, genomic data, and quality streams are reported
(0 means correct stream).
Table 4.2 High coverage benchmarks for E. coli, durability, and human FASTQ files
Factor Correctness Compress Decompress
Prog Main hdr seq qlt Sum hdr seq qlt Time (s) mem. (MB) Time (s) mem. (MB)
WGS E. coli—1392 MB—116
GZIP 3.9 – – – ok 0 0 0 188 1 25 1
BZIP 2 4.9 – – – ok 0 0 0 164 9 83 6
DSRC 6.0 – – – ok 0 0 0 21 1995 35 2046
DSRC * 7.6 – – – ok 0 0 81 12 1942 30 1996
FQZCOMP 9.9 35.2 12.0 5.7 ok 0 0 0 64 4424 66 4414
FQZCOMP * 17.9 35.2 12.0 19.6 ok 0 0 95 64 4165 69 4159
4 De Novo NGS Data Compression
• Compression: system metrics for the compression; execution time (in seconds)
and the memory peak (in MBytes)
• Decompression: same metrics as above.
The first comment on these results is that, in general, the specific NGS com-
pressors perform better than the generic ones (GZIP and BZIP2), in terms of both
compression rate and execution time. The main reason is that these tools exploit the
features of NGS data and especially the redundancy provided by the sequencing
coverage. This redundancy is spread over the whole file and cannot be locally
captured by generic text compressors.
We can also observe that the header streams are always well compressed. As
already mentioned, no specific methods have been developed for this data stream,
which is mainly composed of repetitive motifs. The generic methods provide near
optimal compression, and this stream does not constitute the critical part of the NGS
data compression challenge.
Concerning the DNA stream, the compression factor depends on the read dataset.
It is expected to depend on the read coverage, but the table highlights that it
depends also on the size and complexity of the sequenced genome from which the
reads are generated; compression factors are the worst for the human dataset, even
when compared to the C. elegans dataset which has a lower coverage (thus less
redundancy). This can be explained by the higher complexity of this genome, i.e.,
mainly its amount of repeated sequences. Most compressors try to learn a model
representative of the genome, that is, its composition in words of size k that would
enable to predict a given word knowing its preceding one: the more the genome
contains large repeated sequences (larger than k), the more difficult it is to predict
its sequence.
Interestingly, FASTQZ used with a reference genome does not always have the
best compression ratio. On the C. elegans dataset, ORCOM outperforms FASTQZ
on the DNA sequence stream. However, strictly speaking, the comparison is not
perfectly fair since ORCOM reorders the reads. The decompressed set of reads
remains the same but is stored in a different order. For technologies that provide
pair-end or mate-pair reads in two different files, this strategy cannot be used.
When the lossy option is activated, the compression ratio can be significantly
improved. Techniques that do not consider independently compression for the DNA
sequence and the quality streams but try to exhibit correlations between the two
streams are particularly powerful as demonstrated by the LEON compressor.
This test aims to demonstrate that NGS compressors are not well suited for any
kind of NGS datasets. In particular, they can perform poorly on NGS metagenomic
data. The main reason is that these datasets generally contain low redundancy.
Table 4.3 confirms that the compression rate of DNA sequences is low and is
similar to generic compressors. The lossy mode, however, allows FASTQ files to
be significantly compressed.
112 G. Benoit et al.
This last part evaluates the loss in quality—or the gain in quality—of downstream
processing after a lossy compression. The chosen bioinformatics task is the SNP
calling. The evaluation protocol is the following:
• Compress file A in lossy mode.
• Decompress file A into file B.
• Process file B for SNP calling.
• Compute Recall/Precision metrics.
In this experiment, SNPs are called with BWA aligner followed by samtools
mpileup [14, 15]. Precision/Recall are computed from a validated set of SNPs from
human chromosome 20, coming from the “1000 genomes project”, on individual
HG00096, read set SRR062634.
Five lossy compression tools, representative of all categories of lossy compres-
sion methods are compared. A lossless method was also included in the test, as well
as the results obtained when discarding all quality scores; in this case, all quality
values were replaced by a high value, “H,” for the SNP calling procedure. Results
are shown in Table 4.4.
First, it can be seen that qualities are indeed useful for SNP calling; the no quality
test has a significant drop in precision, from 85.02 in lossless to 57.7%. Then,
the tools FASTQZ, LIBCSAM, and FQZCOMP achieve a better compression factor
than lossless, with only a slight degradation in precision/recall. Lastly, tools using
information coming from the reads, such as LEON and RQS, achieve both a high
compression factor and an improvement in precision and recall compared to the
original dataset. This can be explained by the fact that during compression, some
qualities are in fact corrected using read information.
4 De Novo NGS Data Compression 113
4.5 Conclusion
Due to the recent emergence of NGS data, de novo NGS compression is still an open
and active research field. A large number of methods have already been proposed
and have shown that NGS data redundancy can bring a high compression rate.
In addition, if lossy compression of the quality information is permitted, much
better compression can be reached with, in some cases, an improvement in the
postprocessing quality.
Generally, performances of the NGS compressors are first evaluated by their
compression rate. In lossless mode, the compression rate ranges from 5 to 10. The
differences come both from the compression methods and the data themselves.
For NGS files with a high sequencing coverage, the maximum compression rate
on DNA fragments is achieved, but the global compression rate is limited by the
quality information that doesn’t present the same redundancy property. On the other
hand, if lossy mode is allowed, the compression rate can be drastically improved as
demonstrated, for example, by the LEON compressor.
Compression and decompression time are another parameter to take into consid-
eration. NGS compressors behave very differently on that point. DSRC, for example,
is very fast to compress NGS files but has a moderate compression rate compared to
other concurrent software. Its biggest advantage is that it is ten times faster than
generic compressors with a better compression rate. As usual, there is a trade-
off between speed and quality: the longer the compression time, the better the
compression rate.
The nature of the NGS data may also dictate the choice of the compressors.
Metagenomic data, for instance, are not very redundant. As shown in the previous
section, compressors perform poorly on these data. In that case, a fast compressor is
probably a much better choice since methods optimized to extract redundancy will
systematically fail.
114 G. Benoit et al.
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Chapter 5
Cloud Storage-Management Techniques
for NGS Data
Evangelos Theodoridis
5.1 Introduction
E. Theodoridis ()
Computer Technology Institute, Patras, Greece
per year. Moreover, other large-scale data are emerging from high-throughput
technologies, such as gene expression data sets, protein 3D structures, protein–
protein interactions, and others, which are also generating large volumes of data.
The massive data volumes being generated by these new technologies require
new data management and storage techniques. The bioinformatics research commu-
nity needs new and improved approaches to facilitate Next Generation Sequencing
(NGS) data management and analysis. According to the NGS research community
[10, 17, 38], this is a complex topic requiring bioinformaticians, computer scientists,
and biomedical scientists to join efforts to bring NGS data management and analysis
to new levels of efficiency and integration. In [19, 27, 32], the reader can find
interesting surveys on sequence alignment and biomedical analytics applications
developed on cloud infrastructures.
In this chapter, we survey cutting-edge big-data management cloud technologies
for storing and processing large biological and NGS data sets. We focus on platforms
based on batch-processing big-data technologies, such as Apache Hadoop, Google
BigQuery, Apache Spark, and Hive. We highlight the special characteristics of each
technology and platform. Moreover, we highlight the features of these platforms
that make them suitable for storing, indexing, and processing large amounts of NGS
The structure of this chapter is as follows. In Sect. 5.2, we survey the existing
big-data management cloud technologies for storing and processing large biological
and NGS data sets. We focus on platforms based on batch-processing big-data
technologies, such as Apache Hadoop [3], Google BigQuery [22], Apache Spark
[8], and Hive [4], also providing an overall comparison of them. In Sect. 5.3, we
discuss the open challenges in processing and indexing NGS data and how they can
be overtaken with current technologies. Finally, in Sect. 5.4, we conclude the chapter
by identifying a number of deficiencies still existing in this domain and open topics
for future developments.
Apache Hadoop [3] tries to deal with a fundamental problem, inherited natively
from how computer systems are built and interconnected. The problem is that
storage capacities of a single machine have increased massively but the access
speed of data is still considerably small. As a consequence, storing large volumes
of data in a single machine is somehow prohibited. So, the primitive idea behind
5 Cloud Storage-Management Techniques for NGS Data 119
Job(jar) lts
s ult Job(jar)
Slave Node
Slave Node
Slave Node
Fig. 5.1 Apache hadoop architecture: job tracking, task tracking and HDFS
120 E. Theodoridis
Apache Pig [6] relies on Apache Hadoop mechanics and introduces an extra level
of abstraction for processing large data sets. Apache Pig consists of two major
components, a language called Pig Latin [36] designed for expressing data flows
and an execution environment to run Pig Latin programs. The execution can be
done either locally in a single JVM or distributed on a Apache Hadoop cluster. A
Pig Latin program is made up of a series of operations, or transformations, that
are applied to the input data to produce output. Apache Pig internally expresses the
transformations into a series of MapReduce jobs transparently to the programmer,
which allows programmers to focus on the data rather than the workflow of the
execution. Apache Pig was designed to be extensible [34]. Processing statements in
Pig Latin consist of operators, which take inputs and emit outputs. The inputs and
outputs are structured data expressed in bags, maps, tuples, and scalar data. Apache
Pig resembles a data-flow graph, where the directed vertices are the paths of data
and the nodes are operators (operations such as FILTER, GROUP, and JOIN) that
process the data. In Pig Latin, each statement executes as soon as all data reach
them, in contrast to a traditional program that executes as soon as it encounters
the statement. Most parts of the execution path are customizable: loading, storing,
filtering, grouping, and joining can be programmable by user-defined functions.
Apache Pig, like Apache Hadoop, is suitable for batch processing of data accessing
a major part of the analyzed data set. For more details on processing design patterns
on Apache Pig, rely on [34].
Apache Hive [4] is a framework for data warehousing on top of Apache Hadoop.
Apache Hive supports analysis of large data sets stored in Apache Hadoop’s HDFS
and compatible file systems. Hive provides an SQL dialect, called Hive Query Lan-
guage (HQL), for querying data stored in an Apache Hadoop cluster [45]. Apache
Hive translates most queries to MapReduce jobs, thereby exploiting the scalability
of Hadoop, while presenting a familiar SQL abstraction. To accelerate queries, Hive
provides indexes, including bitmap indexes. Hive is most suited for data warehouse
applications, when the data are not changing rapidly, where fast response times
are not required. Due to inherited characteristics from Apache Hadoop, queries in
Apache Hive have higher latency because of the start-up overhead for MapReduce
jobs. Therefore, Hive does not provide functionalities required for transaction
processing, so it is best suited for data warehouse applications, where a large data
set is maintained and mined for aggregates and reporting.
122 E. Theodoridis
Apache Spark [8] is also an open-source data analytics cluster computing frame-
work. Apache Spark is built on top of the HDFS but does not follow the MapReduce
programming paradigm. The framework provides primitives for in-memory cluster
computing that allow user programs to load data into a cluster’s memory and query it
repeatedly, making it well suited to machine-learning algorithms. The framework is
based on two key components, Resilient Distributed Data sets [51], a distributed
memory abstraction that lets programmers perform in-memory computations on
large clusters in a fault-tolerant manner, and a directed acyclic graph computation
execution engine. This technology supports two kinds of operations: transforma-
tions and actions. Transformations create new data sets from the input (e.g., map or
filter operations are transformations), whereas actions return a value after executing
calculations on the data set (e.g., reduce or count operations are actions).
BigQuery [22] has evolved on top of Dremel [28], which is an interactive ad hoc
query system for analysis of read-only nested data. It supports multi-level execution
trees and columnar data layout and execution of aggregation queries This framework
is proprietary and is coupled with the Google Storage. Storage and computing
resources automatically scale to the size of the data and analysis requirements. The
technical implementation is different from that of a relational database management
system (RDBMS) and traditional data warehousing solutions. BigQuery supports
data inserts, deletion (through dropping of tables), and the ability to add columns
to table schema after the data have already been loaded. It does not support direct
updates to the stored data. The updates can be handled by using temporary tables
until the final ones having the updates. The query is processed by many servers in
a multi-level execution tree structure, with the final results aggregated at the root.
BigQuery stores the data in a columnar format so that only data from the columns
being queried are read. This approach affects I/O performance and performs better
compared to traditional relational database models because the entire record is not
accessed. For more details, refer to [23].
In this section, we review current NGS platforms based on the aforementioned large
data processing platforms.
– Seal: [37] is a tool for short read pair mapping and duplicate removal. It is
currently structured in two sequential methods implemented with MapReduce on
5 Cloud Storage-Management Techniques for NGS Data 123
Apache Hadoop. The first one is PairReadsQseq, which is a utility that converts
the sequencing files produced by Illumina sequencing machines into a file format
that places entire read pairs on a single line. The next is Seqal, which implements
read alignment and performs duplicate read removal. PairReadsQseq groups
mate pairs from sequencing data files into the same record, producing files where
each line consists of five tab-separated fields: id, sequence and ASCII-encoded
base qualities for read 1 and 2. Seqal, takes input pairs in the produced format
and produces mapped reads in SAM format. The read alignment is implemented
in the map function by integrating Burrows-Wheeler Aligner [12]. For each pair
of reads, the aligner produces a pair of alignment records. The user can choose
to filter these by whether or not the read is mapped and by mapping quality.
Then, the reads may be directly output to SAM files or put through a reduce
phase where duplicates are removed; the choice is made through a command line
option. Seqal identifies duplicate reads by noting that they are likely to map to
the same reference coordinates. When a set of duplicate pairs is found, only the
one with the highest average base quality is kept.
– Hadoop-BAM [30] is a library for manipulating aligned NGS data in the Apache
Hadoop. Its primary goal is to integrate analysis applications and files containing
sequence alignment data (BAM, SAM [40]) that are stored and processed on
HDFS. The library provides a proper API for implementing map and reduce
functions that can directly operate on BAM records, and it based on the Picard
SAM Java development library [35]. The library supports two modes of access to
BAM files. The first one uses a precomputed index that maps byte offsets to BAM
records to allow random access. The second one locates boundaries between
compressed blocks via BGZF numbers and then on a lower level detects BAM
block boundaries via redundancies in the BAM file format. Moreover, Hadoop-
BAM provides a Picard-compatible Java API to programmers, facilitating coding
without considering the issues of BGZF compression, block boundary detection,
BAM record boundary detection, or parsing of raw binary data.
– BioPig [31] is a framework for genomic data analysis using Apache Pig ([6],
Sect. 5.2.2) and Apache Hadoop. The software builds a .jar file that can then be
used on Apache Hadoop clusters or through the Apache Pig query language.
The framework also integrates a set of libraries, which adds an abstraction
layer for processing sequence data. Basically, the framework contains three core
functional modules: BioPigIO module, which reads and writes sequence files in
the FASTA or FASTQ format, BioPigAggregation module, which is a wrapper
for common bioinformatics programs, such as BLAST, CAP3, and kmerMatch,
a set of tools for the compression and encoding of sequences.
– DistMap [33] is a platform for sorting/mapping reads in a MapReduce framework
on a local Apache Hadoop cluster. DistMap supports a large number of different
short read mapping methods, such as BWA [12], GSNAP [50], TopHat [46],
and many others [33]. It accepts reads in FASTQ format as input and provides
mapped reads in an SAM/BAM format. DistMap supports both paired- and
single-end reads, thereby allowing the mapping of read data produced by dif-
124 E. Theodoridis
Although most of the aforementioned technologies have been developed in the last
10 years, they have long way to go before they can be used widely and easily off
the shelf in many bioinformatics applications. Setting up and programming these
frameworks require much effort and expertise to develop parallelized execution
applications. As we showed in the previous section, there have been some efforts to
simplify the development process (e.g., with SQL interfaces that generate Apache
Hadoop jobs in the background). Nevertheless, MapReduce is designed to place
each line as an individual record by default. In most cases, sequence file formats
involve multiple lines per sequence, so programmers have to dig in internal storage
to map multiple line formats to single line formats.
Moreover, most of the aforementioned technologies are designed for use as
back-end data-processing techniques, storing output data in files in most cases.
Currently, front-end visualization functionalities are lacking for either visualizing
and browsing the results or setting up and deploying the jobs. In most cases, this
is done through a shell command line. As discussed before, there have been some
efforts to create developer-friendly GUIs such as CloudDOE [15] or Cloudgene
[16], but these solutions are still in development with experimental status (beta) and
provide limited visualization functionalities.
Furthermore, one of the most significant challenges is the exchange of NGS data
over the web and internet. In many cases, researchers would like to process large
volumes of genomic data and acquire metadata and extra information for various
online data sources. Getting all these data into and out of the cloud might be a very
time-consuming process. Software tools are needed that will orchestrate the data-
gathering workflow until the final processing takes place. Moreover, modern transfer
techniques, such as multi-part upload of Amazon S3 [2], can speed up the data
transfer process considerably. Another interesting direction is to adapt platforms to
support various compression/decompression functionalities so that processing can
be performed directly on compressed data sets.
According to [21], data integration is a persisting challenge driven by technology
development producing increasing amounts and types of data. While the availability
of genomics data is reasonably well provided for by publicly accessible and well-
maintained data repositories, improved annotation standards and requirements are
needed in data repositories to enable better integration and reuse of public data. The
data exploitation aspect of data integration is quite significant as it involves using
prior knowledge, and how it is stored and expressed, the development of statistical
methods to analyze heterogeneous data sets, and the creation of data exploratory
tools that incorporate both useful summary statistics and new visualization tools.
The massive data volumes being generated by NGS technologies require new
data management and storage techniques. According to the NGS research com-
munity [10, 17, 38], this is a complex topic requiring bioinformaticians, computer
scientists, and biomedical scientists to join efforts to bring NGS data management
and analysis to new levels of efficiency and integration. In recent NGS network
126 E. Theodoridis
5.4 Conclusions
31. Nordberg, H., Bhatia, K., Wang, K., Wang, Z.: BioPig: a Hadoop-based analytic toolkit for
large-scale sequence data. Bioinformatics 29(23), 3014–3019 (2013)
32. O’Driscoll, A., Daugelaite, J., Sleator, R.D.: Big data’, Hadoop and cloud computing in
genomics. J. Biomed. Inform. 46(5), 774–781 (2013)
33. Pandey, R.V., Schlötterer, C.: DistMap: a toolkit for distributed short read mapping on a
Hadoop cluster. PLoS One 8(8), e72614 (2013)
34. Pasupuleti, P.: Pig Design Patterns. Packt Publishing, Birmingham (2014)
35. Picard Tools.
36. Pig Latin.
37. Pireddu, L., Leo, S., Zanetti, G.: SEAL: a distributed short read mapping and duplicate
removal tool. Bioinformatics 27(15), 2159–2160 (2011). doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btr325.
38. Regierer, B., et al.: ICT needs and challenges for big data in the life sciences. A workshop
report-SeqAhead/ISBE Workshop in Pula, Sardinia, 6 June 2013. EMBnet. J. 19(1), pp-31
39. Roche/454
40. SAMtools
41. Schatz, M.C.: CloudBurst: highly sensitive read mapping with MapReduce. Bioinformatics 25,
1363–1369 (2009)
42. Schumacher, A., et al.: SeqPig: simple and scalable scripting for large sequencing data sets in
Hadoop. Bioinformatics 30(1), 119–120 (2014)
43. SeqWare
44. SoapsSNP
45. Thusoo, A., Sarma, J.S., Jain, N., Shao, Z., Chakka, P., Anthony, S., Liu, H., Wyckoff, P.,
Murthy, R.: 2009. Hive: a warehousing solution over a map-reduce framework. Proc. VLDB
Endow. 2(2), 1626–1629 (2009)
46. Trapnell, C., Pachter, L., Salzberg, S.L.: TopHat: discovering splice junctions with RNA-Seq.
Bioinformatics (2009). doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btp120
47. Venner, J.: Pro Hadoop, 1st edn. Apress, Berkely, CA (2009)
48. White, T.: Hadoop: The Definitive Guide, 1st edn. O’Reilly Media, Inc., Sebastopol (2009)
49. Wiewiórka, M.S., et al.: SparkSeq: fast, scalable, cloud-ready tool for the
interactive genomic data analysis with nucleotide precision. Bioinformatics (2014)
doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btu343. First published online: May 19 (2014)
50. Wu, T.D., Nacu, S.: Fast and SNP-tolerant detection of complex variants and splicing in short
reads. Bioinformatics 26, 873–881 (2010)
51. Zaharia, M., et al.: Resilient distributed datasets: a fault-tolerant abstraction for in-memory
cluster computing. In: Proceedings of the 9th USENIX Conference on Networked Systems
Design and Implementation (NSDI’12) (2012)
Part II
Error Correction in NGS Data
Chapter 6
Probabilistic Models for Error Correction
of Nonuniform Sequencing Data
6.1 Introduction
Over the last few years, next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies have
revolutionized our ability to study genomic data. While these techniques have
initially been used to study DNA sequence data [12], they are now widely used to
study additional types of dynamic and condition-specific biological data, including
that in genome-wide studies of transcriptomics and chromatin immunoprecipitation
(ChIP). The sequencing of polyadenylated RNAs (RNA-Seq) is rapidly becoming
standard practice [25] due to its ability to accurately measure RNA levels [13],
detect alternative splicing [15] and RNA editing [17], and determine allele- and
isoform-specific expression [19] and its usage in de novo transcriptome analysis
[5, 21]. Similarly, the sequencing of metagenomes has gained a lot of attention for
measuring the composition of bacterial species in different parts of the human body
and correlating these to metabolic function [11] or disease states [28] or studies of
microbial evolution [6] to name a few.
Many recent studies deal with the subject of read sequencing error correction.
However, most of the methods assume a uniform sequencing coverage [8, 22],
which is usually obtained for genome sequencing of thousands of cells, each of
which contains the same number of chromosomes. Sequencing of small or long
RNAs [23], metagenomes or metatranscriptomes [3], or single-cell genomes lead to
nonuniform sequencing coverage [14, 16]. We illustrate this difference in Fig. 6.1
where we show a genomic, a transcriptomic, and a metagenomic dataset. The latter
two are sequencing experiments with nonuniform coverage and are devoid of a clear
peak of the median or expected coverage in the dataset. Most of the error correction
6 Methods for Nonuniform Error Correction 133
observed frequency (%)
0 20 40 60 80
23 mer count
Fig. 6.1 Analysis of frequency distribution of 23-mers in human brain RNA (dotted), E. coli
genome (full line), and human gut metagenome (tiled line) sequencing experiments. The number
of 23-mers (x-axis) is compared to the frequency of distinct 23-mers that occur in the sequencing
dataset (y-axis). Due to uniform coverage, the genome dataset shows a clear peak around the
median sequencing coverage of 57. On the other hand, the RNA and metagenome experiments
do not lead to such a clear peak but rather contain a large fraction of 23-mers that are only present
20 times or less in the dataset
Machine learning methods, which are often probabilistic and which combine sta-
tistical estimation, inference, and algorithmic efficiency are often used to deal with
exactly this type of stochastic, noisy data. A number of different machine learning
methods, ranging from clustering of short reads to the expectation maximization
inference method to hidden Markov models have been suggested for the de novo
error correction task. In most cases, these methods improve (sometimes quite a lot)
upon deterministic methods when evaluated on simulated and real data. However,
such improvements can come at a cost. As we discuss in more detail below, these
methods can be either less memory efficient than their deterministic counterparts
or slower (in terms of run time). These memory and run time requirements often
result from the need to learn parameters for these probabilistic models which
require either multiple iterations over (a subset of) the reads or from the need to
store additional information regarding the relationship between reads. This tradeoff
between efficiency and accuracy is an important issue to consider when deciding
which method to use. Below, we discuss in detail a few representative examples of
machine learning-based methods for de novo read error correction.
The rest of the chapter is organized as follows. In Sect. 6.2 algorithms that use the
Hamming graph are introduced. In Sect. 6.3 an error correction algorithm that uses
profile hidden Markov models is introduced. In Sect. 6.4 the performance of two
algorithms is illustrated on a RNA-Seq dataset, and Sect. 6.5 ends with a discussion.
6.2.1 Definitions
Table 6.1 Overview of methods that use the Hamming graph for read error correction using either
full read sequences or k-mers of reads as nodes in the graph
Name Datasets tested Hamming graph Citation
FreClu Small RNA Read [18]
Recount Small RNA, mRNA Read [26]
Hammer Single-cell genome k-mer [14]
BayesHammer Single-cell genome k-mer [16]
PREMIER Genome k-mer [27]
First we discuss two methods, FreClu and Recount, that work on the Hamming
graph with nodes representing the complete read, i.e., G D .V ; E / where a node
n 2 V corresponds to s.n/ 2 ˙ l , s.n/ 2 R. Building the Hamming graph over the
entire read sequence is desirable when (1) the assumed number of errors is low and
(2) the reads are short, as is the case for small RNA sequencing, for example.
Qu et al. [18] introduced the FreClu method which is based on the idea of grouping
or clustering reads such that each cluster represents a collection of erroneous short
reads that can all be attributed to a parent (correct) read. Let r1 and r2 be two short
reads and let f1 and f2 be their frequencies in the dataset.
We say that r1 is a parent of r2 (and so r2 belongs to the r1 cluster) if:
1. the Hamming distance between r1 and r2 is 1 and
2. a hypothesis test determines that the frequency observed for r2 (f2 ) can be
explained as an error in reads coming from the same transcript as r1 .
The hypothesis test relies on f1 as well as on the average quality value for Q in
r1 . If we reject the null hypothesis, then we do not assign r2 to r1 . Otherwise, r2
is assigned to the r1 cluster and base at position Q in r2 is assumed to be an error
which is corrected by changing it to the base at position Q in r1 .
The main challenge in the above procedure is how to perform such assignment
process efficiently. Qu et al. described a greedy algorithm for this task where
136 M.H. Schulz and Z. Bar-Joseph
m is the total number of short reads and l is the length of each read. Their algorithm
starts by hashing the set of 1-distance neighbors for each read and then sorting them
according to their frequencies. Next, going from the bottom (lowest frequency) read
r to the top, they perform the two tests for the most abundant read in the Hamming
neighborhood of r and stop either when r is assigned to a parent or when no parents
can be assigned in which case r is a parent of its own cluster. Thus, while the run
time of the algorithm is very efficient (linear in the number of reads), memory
requirements can be large because it depends on the neighborhood of each read
which can be 3l large.
An application of the method to correct errors in data from small RNA from the
HT-29 human colon adenocarcinoma cell line using the Illumina reads showed that
the method is effective in reducing read errors. Using the reference human genes,
Qu et al. showed that the percentage of nonaligned redundant reads decreased from
12% to 10%, and for nonredundant reads, it decreased from 38% to 32%. Perhaps
more impressively, the fraction of nonredundant sequences that can be perfectly
match Recounted to the genome increased threefold, from 8% to 25% illustrating
the power of the method.
not need to store a neighborhood for each read but rather computes the ˛ parameters
which leads to large reduction in memory requirements. On the other hand, while
each iteration of the EM algorithm is linear in the number of reads and their length,
unlike FreClu that only does one pass over all reads, the number of iterations of
the E- and M-steps in Recount is not known in advance which can lead to longer
In an analysis of error correction of mouse short reads expression data, Recount
was shown to improve the number of mappable reads by almost 14%, whereas
FreClu improved this number by 11.5%. As expected, FreClu was faster than
Recount (by a factor of 1.35); however, Recount was almost 15 times more memory
efficient than FreClu for this data.
In the previous subsection, the Hamming graph was built over the entire read
sequence. However, as read length increases with advances in sequencing technol-
ogy, the number of absolute errors per read increases. When Hamming graphs over
reads are used, it becomes harder to recognize reads with errors.
Consider for example an erroneous read that overlaps with the beginning of a
set of reads Ri and at the end with another abundant set of reads Rj . The methods
described above cannot be used to correct this erroneous read because the Hamming
distance to both sets is very large (the overlap is only half the read). However, it is
likely that all three different sets of reads came from the same abundant sequence,
and so we should be able to use Ri and Rj to correct the erroneous read. Note that
the Hamming graph over k-mers may allow this if k is chosen small enough to
recognize overlap with Ri and Rj . Therefore, methods that break the read into k-
mers have been proposed to avoid the shortcomings for correcting long reads using
Hamming graphs.
Medvedev et al. [14] proposed the Hammer algorithm for read error correction with
Hamming graphs over k-mers, i.e., G D .V ; E / with a node n 2 V corresponds to
s.n/ 2 ˙ k , s.n/ 2 R. Their algorithm is based on the following simple observation.
A true k-mer u of a read r generates erroneous k-mers with sequencing error rate
; all k-mers together are termed the generating set G.u/. If we build the Hamming
graph G , then all k-mers in G.u/ will form a connected component in G . Of course,
in reality we do not know the true k-mer u, so we have to compute the best possible
generating k-mer from the connected components (CCs) of G . Assuming that all
k-mers in a CC are generated by the same k-mer u, the task becomes to find the
k-mer that minimizes the distance to all other k-mers in the CC. Formulating that as
a maximum likelihood inference, it turns out that the weighted consensus sequence
138 M.H. Schulz and Z. Bar-Joseph
of all k-mers in the CC represents the most likely generating k-mer, leading to the
following simple algorithm:
Hammer algorithm
1. Compute multiplicity of each k-mer 2 R.
2. Build Hamming graph G .
3. Identify connected components in G .
4. Compute the weighted consensus sequence for each component.
5. Correct k-mers in the component to the consensus.
6. Update and report corrected k-mers.
Nikolenko et al. [16] proposed an extension of the Hammer algorithm for read
error correction with Hamming graphs over k-mers. Their main motivation for
introducing BayesHammer was to tackle the problem that more than one generating,
true k-mer can be part of a CC in the Hamming graph. As it is unknown how
many generating k-mers are part of one CC, the authors suggest to use a clustering
approach to find k-mer centers. They formulate a function L.k1 jk2 / to quantify the
likelihood that k-mer k1 was generated by another k-mer k2 , assuming independent
error probabilities. This function can then be used to express the likelihood
6 Methods for Nonuniform Error Correction 139
BayesHammer algorithm
1. Compute the multiplicity of each k-mer 2 R.
2. Build Hamming graph G .
3. Identify connected components in G .
4. Compute Bayesian subclusters for each component.
5. Select high-quality solid k-mers from subcluster centers
6. Iteratively expand the set of solid k-mers.
7. Correct each read base with consensus over solid k-mers.
8. Update and report corrected reads
Another approach, called PREMIER, which uses the Hamming graph over k-mers,
is presented by Yin et al. [27]. Their method was initially designed and applied
on multicell DNA sequence data. However, the method does not directly assume
uniform coverage, and since the method is one of the first to use graphical models
for the error correction task, we briefly mention it here.
140 M.H. Schulz and Z. Bar-Joseph
PREMIER builds a hidden Markov model (HMM) for each read using the global
frequency information for k-mers (across all reads). Each read is thought of as a
continuous set of overlapping k-mers. The correct k-mers from which this read was
obtained are represented by the (unobserved) states in the HMM. The basic idea
is that the observed k-mers are emitted from the true k-mers using a probabilistic
emission model. Thus, errors in the k-mers can be represented by this emission
process, and by using the HMM inference process (the Viterbi algorithm), we can
obtain the true states that generated each of the reads and use these to correct
errors. The set of possible states is constrained to be only observed k-mers, which
allows to drastically reduce the complexity of the model. Emission probabilities
are also constrained by placing a cutoff on the potential difference between a state
(unobserved k-mer) and the observed k-mer that is assumed to be emitted from that
state. Since HMM learning is cubic in the number of states, which is too slow for the
task of learning a model for each read, Lin et al. use a number of speedup methods.
These methods are used to obtain an approximate solution to the forward-backward
algorithm by severely limiting the number of potential transition probabilities the
algorithm keeps track of for each state and path in the model. While the authors do
not provide an explicit asymptotic run time analysis, it seems that the algorithm is
likely linear in the length of the read (for each read).
The method was applied to relatively small datasets (one million and five million
reads of sequencing data from C. elegans and E. coli, respectively) and was shown to
improve upon other DNA-Seq error correction methods. Unfortunately, the authors
do not discuss run time or memory usage, making it hard to determine how well this
method can scale to much larger datasets.
The HMM and other methods discussed above work by correcting individual reads
one at a time. While such method can offer several advantages, it is restricted by
the requirement to limit the number of errors allowed for each read (for example,
Hamming distance 1) and the fact that in many cases, the context for the read or k-
mer is lost which means that partially overlapping reads from the same genomic
location are usually not used to improve read error correction. In addition, all
previous methods can only correct for mismatches but cannot be used to correct
for indels, since these change the location of all subsequent bases leading to a large
Hamming distance.
To address these issues, we have recently developed the SEquencing Error
CorrEction in RNA-Seq data (SEECER) method [10], which relies on profile hidden
Markov models (PHMMs) for performing de novo read error correction. Here,
PHMMs are used to describe the nucleotide distribution of all reads in a multiple
sequence alignment. Unlike prior machine learning methods for this task, which
6 Methods for Nonuniform Error Correction 141
are centered around individual reads, SEECER joins partially overlapping reads into
contigs and uses these contigs to correct for mismatches and indels leading to both
better usage of correct reads and increased ability to correct sequencing errors.
SEECER models contigs (a set of partially overlapping reads that represent a
consensus region) with a PHMM recognizing substitutions, insertions and deletions.
We start by selecting a random read from the set of reads that have not yet been
assigned to any PHMM contig. Next, we extract (using a fast hashing of k-mers)
all reads that overlap with the selected read in at least k nucleotides (with k r,
where the read length r, thus making hashing more efficient than FreClu). Because
the subset of overlapping reads can be derived from alternatively spliced or repeated
segments, we next identify the largest coherent subset of these reads (where coherent
in this context refers to the entropy along the matched positions in the multiple
sequence alignment) and use these as the seed reads for learning an initial PHMM
contig. Next, we use the consensus sequence defined by the PHMM to extract more
reads from our unassigned set (again, using the hashed k-mers). These additional
reads are used to extend the PHMM in both directions. This process, retrieving new
overlapping reads and extending the PHMM, repeats until no more reads overlap
the current PHMM or the entropy at the edges of the PHMM exceeds a predefined
Unlike standard PHMMs which usually have a predefined number of states,
SEECER needs to determine the number of states, which corresponds to the final
length of the contig and is unknown in advance. In addition, because SEECER learns
a PHMM for each transcript (and in many cases, multiple PHMMs for alternatively
spliced transcripts), the total number of PHMMs SEECER learns is often hundreds
of thousands. This means that the standard PHMM learning procedure, which is
cubic in the length of the transcript, cannot be used (PHMM learning takes O.nt /
where n is the number of states and t is the length of the input sequences; in our
case, both are linearly related to the length of the reconstructed PHMM transcript).
Instead, SEECER uses a number of speedup procedures that reduce run time for
learning a single transcript PHMM to where m is the number of reads
assigned to that PHMM and l is the length of each read leading to a linear run
time in the number of total reads.
To achieve fast run time while maintaining accurate models, SEECER imple-
ments several strategies. These include initial subset selection to drastically reduce
the seed set size of a PHMM contig, constrained models that only allows limited
insertions and deletions based on the number of current expected errors [4], block-
wise online learning of model parameters, and using entropy to determine when
to terminate the learning process and output the final contig PHMM. Using these
methods, it was shown that SEECER can be applied to large datasets in a reasonable
time (145M paired-end, 101 bps reads in 40 h using a eight node cluster).
SEECER was tested using diverse human RNA-Seq datasets and was shown to
improve both the percentage of mappable reads and the performance of downstream
de novo assembly of these reads. We also compared SEECER against other deter-
ministic de novo error correction methods. In all cases, the probabilistic, machine
learning- based, approach of SEECER outperformed the other methods [10]. In
142 M.H. Schulz and Z. Bar-Joseph
addition to the improved alignment and assembly, using SEECER improves the
ability to perform SNP calling. Using SEECER led to the largest number of SNP
calls matching annotated SNPs in dbSNP [20] when compared to uncorrected data
and to data corrected using other methods. To illustrate the ability of SEECER to
perform de novo analysis of nonsequenced species, it was used to analyze RNA-Seq
data for the sea cucumber [10]. The ability to accurately analyze de novo RNA-Seq
data allowed the identification of both conserved and novel transcripts and provided
important insights into sea cucumber development.
6 Methods for Nonuniform Error Correction 143
Table 6.2 Assessment of error correction on the performance of de novo transcriptome assembly
with Oases, on the original data or after using BayesHammer or SEECER
Data # transcripts Sensitivity Specificity 100% length 80% length
Original 146,783 20.85 80.08 2776 16,789
BayesHammer 154,840 20.74 76.23 2368 15,024
SEECER 133,681 21.89 80.86 3291 18,157
The RNA-Seq dataset was derived from universal human reference tissue. The total number of
assembled transcripts is shown in column 2. Column 3 denotes the nucleotide sensitivity, i.e., the
percentage of base pairs of the reference annotation (Ensembl 63) that are reconstructed with the
assembled transcripts. Similarly, column 4 denotes nucleotide specificity, i.e., the percentage of
base pairs of the mapped assembled transcripts that overlap with reference annotation. Column 5
and 6 denote Ensembl 63 human transcripts recovered to 100% and 80% of their original length
with assembled transcripts, respectively
6.5 Discussion
Currently there are very few studies that apply methods tailored to nonuniform
error correction and investigate the effect of error correction on downstream
analyses. For example, we did not find any studies investigating these issues for
metagenomics or metatranscriptomics de novo assembly or SNP calling. There is
an urgent need for such studies to investigate the importance of nonuniform error
correction methods to guide future research.
Acknowledgements We would like to thank Dilip Ariyur Durai for his help with the Oases
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Chapter 7
DNA-Seq Error Correction Based on Substring
7.1 Introduction
D. Weese ()
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany
M.H. Schulz
Excellence Cluster for Multimodal Computing and Interaction, Saarland University, Saarbrücken,
Computational Biology and Applied Algorithms, Max Planck Institute for Informatics,
Saarbrücken, Germany
H. Richard
Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Université Paris 06, UMR 7238, F-75005 Paris, France
Laboratory of Computational and Quantitative Biology, Institut Biologie Paris-Seine
(LCQB-IBPS), F-75005 Paris, France
Let us explore now the existing sequencing technologies and what kind of errors
may occur during sequencing. During the last few years, sequencing through-
put increased dramatically with the introduction of so-called High-Throughput
Sequencing (HTS), also known as deep sequencing or Next-Generation Sequencing
(NGS), which nowadays allows the sequencing of billions of base pairs (bp) per day
and produces millions of reads of length 100 bp and more. Since 2005, when 454
Life Sciences released the first commercially available NGS machine, throughput
has continued to increase and new technologies provide longer reads than currently
available. Moreover, the sequencing costs are decreasing more rapidly than the costs
for hard disk storage or Moore’s law for computing costs [36].
Currently available NGS platforms include ABI SOLiD (Life Tech. Corp.),
Illumina (Illumina Inc.), Ion Torrent (Life Tech. Corp.), Single Molecule Real
Time (SMRT) (Pacific Biosciences Inc.), and 454 (Roche Diagnostics Corp.).
See Table 7.1 for a comparison of their throughputs, run times, and expendable
costs. Compared to older sequencing technologies by gel electrophoresis, a key
improvement is its ability to cycle and image the incorporation of nucleotides or
to detect the incorporation in real time. Removing the necessity of placing each
sequence on a separate gel tremendously reduced the sequencing costs and has made
it possible to miniaturize and parallelize sequencing. Common to all technologies
is that the DNA is first fractionated into smaller double-stranded fragments, which
Table 7.1 Approximate run times, yields, read lengths, costs, and sequencing error rates of
different high-throughput sequencing technologies by mid-2011 [7]
Yield Read length Costs Error rate
Technology Instrument Run time (Mb/run) (bp) ($/Mb) (%)
Sanger 3730xl (capillary) 2h 0.06 650 1500 0.1–1
Illumina HiSeq 2000 8 days 200,000 2 100 0.10 0:1
SOLiD SOLiD 4 12 days 71,400 50 C 35 0.11 > 0:06
454 FLX Titanium 10 h 500 400 12.4 1
SMRT PacBio RS 0.5–2 h 5–10 860–1100 11–180 16
7 Index-Based Error Correction of DNA-Seq Data 149
are optionally amplified and then sequenced in parallel from one or both ends. The
sequencing process is either cycled, where a single base (Illumina), a single primer
(SOLiD), or a run of a single nucleotide (454) is incorporated in each, or in real
time (SMRT, Ion Torrent), where the length, the intensity, or the color of a signal
determines the length and nucleotide of the incorporated homopolymer run.
Cycled technologies amplify the DNA fragments within small clusters (Illumina,
SOLiD, 454) and require that each cluster contain thousands of identical molecules
that are sequenced synchronously and whose combined signal is measured. Syn-
chronization is realized either by using reversible terminator chemistry, which
ensures that only one nucleotide is incorporated at a time (Illumina), by ligation
of only one primer at a time (SOLiD) or by washing only one nucleotide over all
fragments, which results in the incorporation of only one homopolymer run at a time
One type of error of technologies with a prior amplification step is the so-called
dephasing, where due to a synchronization loss in a cluster, e.g., due to missed
incorporations, the signals of the current base and their neighbors in the DNA
template interfere and lead to an increase of miscalls toward the end of the reads,
see Fig. 7.1a. Another type of error is related to a limitation in signal resolution.
Technologies that use the signal intensity (454) or length (SMRT, Ion Torrent)
to determine the length of homopolymer runs cannot reliably detect the length of
large runs due to a limited sensor resolution and an increase of noise, e.g., caused
by variations of the DNA polymerase speed. Such technologies typically produce
reads with insertions or deletions in homopolymer runs. A third type of error causes
deletions of bases in technologies that omit a prior template amplification (SMRT,
Ion Torrent) due to weak and undetected signals.
(a) (b)
Probability Density
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Normalized Signal
Fig. 7.1 (a) Missed nucleotide incorporations or failed terminator cleavage contribute to a loss
of synchronization, also called dephasing. (b) In 454 sequencing, a whole homopolymer run is
incorporated at a time. The intensity of the emitted signal follows a normal distribution with mean
and deviation proportional to the homopolymer length [19]
150 D. Weese et al.
In summary, it can be said that the most prevalent error types differ depending
on the technology. Illumina technology produces mostly substitution errors [23],
whereas 454 sequencers cannot accurately determine the length of longer runs of
the same nucleotide and tend to produce insertions [34]. More recent technologies
such as reads produced by the Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine and Pacific
Biosciences RS were shown to have a higher rate of indel errors and substitution
errors [27].
Assuming a constant-sized alphabet.
The artificial $ characters must be appended to each sequence to let all suffixes end in leaves.
7 Index-Based Error Correction of DNA-Seq Data 151
Fig. 7.2 (a) The suffix tree of banana$. (b) The generalized suffix tree of the two sequences
abab$1 and babb$2 . Leaves are labeled with string positions i or . j; i/ representing suffixes (of
the j’th sequence) starting at position i
indices and typically consists of two tables. The first table stores all possible begin
positions of k-mers and arranges them so that occurrences of the same k-mer are
stored continuously. The second table maps each k-mer to its continuous block in
the first table. This can be realized with a hash map or a lookup table that has an
entry for each possible k-mer. Wherever sufficient, k-mer indices are the preferred
choice due to their simplicity and efficacy. They can be used for approximate string
search, exact seeding, or k-mer statistics.
All read error correction methods can be divided into three essential tasks that are
performed sequentially: (1) read overlap computation, (2) error detection in reads,
and (3) actual correction of the error. To perform those tasks, different types of
data structure are usually used. Accordingly, Yang et al. [41] classified the existing
methods into the three following categories: k-spectrum based, multiple sequence
alignment (MSA) based and suffix tree/array based.
k-spectrum approaches use a simpler form of the k-mer index that only stores
the number of occurrences per k-mer. k-mers with an abundance below a threshold t
are considered erroneous. Using Hamming distance3 to other k-mers, an erroneous
k-mer is replaced with the k-mer that has the smallest Hamming distance and
is not erroneous. Recent approaches additionally incorporate base quality values
[12, 40], select the best abundance threshold t using mixture models [4, 5, 12], or
replace absolute thresholds by a likelihood formulation [21]. However, the general
disadvantage of the k-spectrum approach is that only base substitution errors can
be corrected, a severe limitation for NGS technologies like 454 or Ion Torrent
sequencing. In addition, most of these approaches need to be run with different
The Hamming distance between two sequences of same length is the number of positions at which
the letters are different.
152 D. Weese et al.
parameters for a dataset because k and often other parameters have a strong influence
on error correction performance.
MSA methods use a k-mer index to retrieve reads with a common k-mer and
use the k-mer as an anchor for an initial MSA, which they refine using dynamic
programming [11, 29]. Errors are corrected using a majority vote [29] or a maximum
a posteriori estimation [11] over the MSA columns. Coral [29] and SEECER [14]
are the only MSA methods to correct indel errors which on the other hand require a
more costly dynamic programming algorithm.
Suffix tree and suffix array approaches use a variable seed length for read
overlapping and error detection [10, 28, 31–33]. They consider for each erroneous
read a set of correcting reads such that all reads share a .k 1/-mer left of the
error and the set of correcting reads share a k-mer that ends with the correct base
which outvotes the erroneous base. To efficiently find erroneous reads and correcting
candidates, they either traverse a generalized suffix tree of all reads [28, 32, 33], in
which erroneous and correcting reads occur as children of branching nodes with
string depth k 1 or a generalized suffix array [10, 33], where each .k 1/-mer
is a suffix array interval that includes erroneous and correct reads as subintervals.
Another approach is to process each read individually and search its suffixes in
several top-down traversals [31]. In this case, it is not necessary to record all
correction candidates until the end of the traversal but after processing the read,
however, at the expense of a higher running time and memory consumption, as the
full suffix tree must be kept in memory and cannot be partitioned. The general suffix
tree traversal approach can be extended to correct indel errors [28, 33] as well as
sequences in color space [28]. However, many suffix tree/array methods lack a clear
formulation of error correction [10, 28, 32], i.e., when the same error is encountered
multiple times through different seed lengths in the tree, it is not defined which
correction has to be applied and in which order multiple errors in a read should be
In the following, we detail the different suffix tree/array methods and their
algorithmic steps as they show the greatest flexibility to correct reads with indels
and reads of variable length which are common in IonTorrent or 454 datasets. The
rest of this chapter is organized as follows: Sect. 7.2 details the statistical properties
of k-mers counts and the method used to detect erroneous k-mers; Sect. 7.3 details
how current methods use suffix tree and suffix arrays to compute the overlap
between reads, and we introduce in Sect. 7.4 a new method that corrects error
using multiple suffixes. Finally, Sect. 7.5 compares the performance of the various
published methods, and we conclude with a few perspectives in the last section.
The main ingredient to detect reads containing errors relies on the observation that
sequencing errors will introduce sequences which are not present in the genome, see
Fig. 7.3a. Given the depth of the sequencing, every genomic position is expected
7 Index-Based Error Correction of DNA-Seq Data 153
0 10 20 30 40 50
k−mer count
Fig. 7.3 Coverage properties of sequencing errors. (a) Due to the redundancy of DNA-Seq data,
each string in the genome (grey) is expected to be covered by multiple reads. For instance, the
string CGGAA is covered by five reads. Sequencing errors (in boldface) create substrings which
are usually not present in the genome (for instance, CGGAC). However, sequence repeats will
obscure this effect, as the string CCATT, repeated twice, and the leftmost read TTCCCAT will
be misplaced despite the error. (b) Histogram of all substring frequency of length 14 (plain) and
30 (dashed) in the dataset SRR611140 (see Table 7.2). Most of the very low-frequency k-mers
are expected to contain sequencing errors—in particular, singletons. Different k-mer lengths have
different histograms and will not identify the same errors
to be covered by multiple reads, and sequencing errors should thus have a lower
coverage, see Fig. 7.3b. Statistical error detection then primarily consists in setting
an abundance value under which a string is deemed erroneous. This strategy was
first initiated in the correction module of the EULER read assembler [26] which,
after selecting the least abundant substrings (usually singletons), corrected them
using a nearest-neighbor strategy. The approach has been extended with a more
general modeling framework, using models for the sampling of genomic positions
[5, 12, 32]. We will first present this strategy in the next two sections and then
describe how error detection works for suffix trees and how parameters can be set.
154 D. Weese et al.
P.Yk D c j z > 0/
log Cw (7.1)
P.Yk D c j z D 0/
The constant w will have an effect on the proportion of erroneous reads detected.
To match the setup of a naive Bayes classifier, one reasonable use would be to set
it to the log odds ratio of the probability that the k-mer has errors compared to the
probability that the k-mer has no error: w D log.1 .1 "/k /=.1 "/k : As we will
show in the following section, under a uniform model for reads placement, the only
parameters needed to determine the threshold value are the genome length n and the
average error rate ".
The fragments before sequencing and, thus, the k-mers composing them are drawn
according to binomial sampling along each position in G . If we assume the sampling
to be uniform along positions, that any word of length k is unique in G , then the
expected count
k of a k-mer before sequencing is:
`i k C 1
k D (7.2)
n `i C 1
Note that this formulation does not incorporate cases where errors would accumu-
late on other reads in the neighborhood of the k-mer. This effect can be neglected
given the relatively low error rate of current sequencers (<5%).
156 D. Weese et al.
k k
X X ei ci
P.Yk D c/ D i P.Yk D c j z D i/ D i (7.5)
iD0 iD0
i Š
Note that without the i D 0 term, this formulation denotes the distribution for reads
with at least one error. In practice, when error rates are around 1–5%, one only needs
to compute the distribution of Yk up to i D 2.
However, the hypothesis of uniform sampling of genomic positions is rarely
met, and eukaryotic genomes reportedly have a significant fraction of repeated
content. Therefore, in a more data- driven approach, Chaisson and Pevzner [5] first
proposed to empirically adjust a mixture distribution, with correct and erroneous
k-mers modelled by Normal and Poisson distributions, respectively. This model
was later extended in Quake [12] by adding a covariate r to account for the higher
multiplicity of some of the sequences. r is supposed to follow a Zeta distribution, a
distribution with a long tail that can account for the common characteristic of repeats
in genomes. Erroneous k-mers are modelled by a Gamma distribution. This mixture
model has a total of six free parameters which can be estimated by numerical
optimization or an EM procedure, given the histogram of word counts. However,
despite being more flexible and adapted to each dataset, this strategy presents two
disadvantages. First, the distributions used are meant to model real values and not
counts. Second, it is necessary to obtain the histogram of all k-mers before doing
error correction, which comes at a significant computational cost.
Due to the flexibility of the suffix tree data structures, error detection could in
principle be performed for any seed length (up to the length of the reads). However,
given genome complexity and characteristics of the sequencing experiment (depth,
read length), only a limited range of values for k are relevant. Certainly, the smallest
seed length kmin cannot be too small because in this case, repetitive sequences greatly
complicate error correction. Conversely, longer seeds will have a lower coverage,
resulting in a lack of sensitivity of erroneous reads (as shown in Fig. 7.3b for two
k-mer sizes).
7 Index-Based Error Correction of DNA-Seq Data 157
A first way of fixing kmin , proposed in Shrec [32], is to consider a random sequence
of length n and then to control the expected proportion of repeats. When all bases
have the same probability, 1=4, a repeat will occur with probability 2n=4k . Fixing the
maximal expected proportion of repeats to ˛ (for instance 0:1%), kmin D log.2n=˛/.
This parameter is easy to set but ignores the interplay between error rate and seed
length for being able to place a correct seed within a read.
In a fashion similar to what was done for seed design in sequence alignment
[25], the authors of HiTEC [10] proposed to determine the best value for kmin by
balancing the sensitivity of the seeds and their accuracy, given the error rate and
the read lengths. This formulation was later extended in Fiona [33] to account
for heterogeneous read lengths. They compute for each possible seed length two
quantities, proxies for sensitivity and specificity, corresponding to two types of reads
that cannot be corrected:
• Uncorrectable reads (Uk ) are the expected number of reads where errors are
distributed in such a way that they will cover all possible seeds of length k (for
instance, a read of length 10 with 3 errors cannot be corrected using a seed of
length 8).
• Destructible reads (Dk ) are the expected number of reads where a sequencing
error in the seed misdirects the genomic location it should be corrected to. For
instance, in Fig. 7.3a, suppose that a read coming from location TCCTAA on the
right is sequenced with an error on the second position as TCCCAA. The 5-bp
seed TCCCA will then be corrected according to the left position on the genome
with sequence TCCCAT.
Then, one way to select kmin is to choose k such that Uk C Dk is minimal. The
maximum value kmax can be set to ensure that a minimum expected coverage is
While all existing index-based approaches for error correction have a common
strategy to detect errors using seeds with a relatively low frequency, they differ in
the way they determine the overlapping bases between erroneous and correct reads.
In the following, we present and compare the different approaches proposed for the
computation of the overlap.
The first and simplest approach, used in HiTEC [10], only considers the seed
itself for the overlapping information. This corresponds to searching branches in
a suffix trie at a fixed string depth and correct errors right of branching nodes. In
practice, HiTEC proceeds by examining a suffix array for blocks of suffixes that
begin with a common seed. It partitions each block according to the first base
observed right of the seed into subsets of reads and flags each subset as correct
or erroneous according to its coverage. If there is only one correct subset, it is used
to correct all reads from the erroneous subset on the differing base. For more than
158 D. Weese et al.
one correct subset, erroneous reads have to overlap on more than two bases after the
mismatching position to be corrected.
In a more accurate approach, Shrec [32] and HybridShrec [28] verify whether the
potentially erroneous read can be overlapped right of the seed by at least a correct
one. To this end, they skip the first base right of the common seed and descend
in two parallel subtrees of the generalized suffix trie of the reads. The overlap is
computed by recursively examining whether the correct subtree contains a path
down the leaves that can be matched to the erroneous read up to m mismatches
(m D 0 for HybridShrec, m D 1 for Shrec). In case of a success, the erroneous read
will be corrected using the base skipped in the correct subtree. HybridShrec extends
this approach to correct single-base indels a well.
Fiona [33] searches a generalized suffix trie as well to find branches that separate
erroneous from correct reads. However, instead of overlapping only the suffixes
right of the seed it computes anchored overlap alignments between the whole
read sequences. This approach reduces the number of false positive corrections
and allows to tolerate arbitrary error rates in the overlap without additional
computational costs when compared with the exhaustive search in both subtrees.
To improve the running time compared to classic dynamic programming-based
overlap alignment algorithms, Fiona uses a banded variant of Myers’ bit-vector
algorithm [24].
After errors are detected and possible corrections are identified as explained above,
the final task becomes to decide which correction is the true one. For example,
consider two read suffixes ACCG and ACG and assume that the latter one was
detected to have an error at position 3 (the G). Considering read 1 as the correct
read there are two possibilities how to correct read 2: either an insertion of a C at
position 3 of the suffix or a substitution of the G by a C at position 3. Therefore,
algorithms need to have rules to select the best correction for each error.
In addition, as substring indices record all suffixes (and their reverse comple-
ments) of the reads, the same error appears several times in the tree. An example
is shown in Fig. 7.4, where an error is depicted at three different depths in the
tree. Obviously, this property is one of the main advantages of substring-based
approaches for error correction as the error can be found multiple ways, and thus,
false negatives can be avoided. However, when the error is found at multiple length
suffixes, it must not be true that the same corrections are found. The figure highlights
this fact as for k D 4, G or T are possible, whereas for k D 6, only T is a possible
correction. Thus, depending on how the algorithms perform the search for errors in
the index, the same error may be corrected differently as we explain below.
Fig. 7.4 Sequencing errors add branches to the suffix tree over reads. An error in a suffix at
position k will create a branch at depth k. Here, we show a sequence error in the string TCGGAT,
where the last position is sometimes sequenced as a C and thus creates three branches at k D 4; 5; 6.
Further, there is a repeat copy at branches for k D 4; 5 which has a G instead of T
160 D. Weese et al.
The first algorithm to suggest using suffix indices for correction was introduced in
the Shrec method [32]. As explained above, Shrec builds subtrees of the full suffix
trie for traversal and finding of erroneous nodes. Whenever errors are encountered,
they are corrected immediately. That means the next subtree build already contains
corrected read suffixes. This has the advantage that in one round of correction, i.e.,
one complete traversal of the tree, more than one error per read can be corrected.
The disadvantage is that the first occurrence of the error may have led to a false
positive correction. This type of first come, first corrected paradigm was adopted by
most of the other substring-based methods, including HiTEC [10] and HybridShrec
Thus far, there have been two different approaches to integrate information from
multiple length suffixes. The first was introduced by Savel et al. [31] and termed the
PLURIBUS algorithm. Different to other substring-based methods, in their work,
read errors are not found by tree traversal but by searching for all suffixes of a
read. In this way, whenever a search path of a read suffix contains an erroneous
node in the tree, the algorithm collects possible corrections for that read. After
searching all suffixes, the correction that was found most often is selected as the best
possible correction. This heuristic approach uses the fact that errors are encountered
at different suffixes. The disadvantage of this approach is that the search is quadratic
in the read length and takes O.L `2 /, where L denotes the total length of all reads.
Further, the memory required for building the suffix tree over all reads is prohibitive
for larger datasets.
A second approach was suggested in the Fiona algorithm. In order to collect
possible corrections for each read, Fiona holds a linked list of possible corrections
for each position in a read. During tree traversal, each found possible correction
for an erroneous position is saved in the linked list. But instead of counting in
how many different suffixes the same correction was found, Fiona defines a score
that summarizes the contribution of all correcting reads at the branch. This score is
inspired by methods that use multiple sequence alignments for correction [14, 29].
As such, it considers the score.c/ as the total number of bases that are shared
between the erroneous read re and all the correct reads ri that support correction c:
score.c/ D ; ri / ; (7.6)
where ; ri / denotes the number of bases shared between two reads and the
sum goes over all reads in the correct branch supporting correction c.
7 Index-Based Error Correction of DNA-Seq Data 161
After traversal of the tree, Fiona has collected these scores for each possible
mismatch, insertion, or deletion correction for an error. Then, for each read, the best
correction for a read position is chosen as the one with maximal score, avoiding
indel corrections in the same read that are closer than seed length. Compared to
PLURIBUS, Fiona’s approach has the advantage that the information about all
corrections is stored in the linked list, which takes less space than storing the whole
substring index in memory. Therefore, Fiona is able to correct large datasets from
complex organisms like humans.
It was shown that the approach to integrate information from multiple length
suffixes in Fiona outperforms the first come, first corrected approach, in particular
for indel-prone datasets [33].
Using 11 different datasets, seven from the IonTorrent and four from the 454
sequencer, we previously compared many error correction methods [33]. Table 7.2
lists the datasets with general characteristics and their accession numbers that were
used for comparison. We compare the following read correction programs that can
correct indel errors: Fiona [33], Allpaths-LG [8], Coral [29], and Hybrid-Shrec
[28]. Allpaths-LG is an error correction program that was primarily designed for
the correction of Illumina data but is also able to correct small indel errors. It uses
a hash table for read positions of k-mers in the reads as index and looks at stacked
sequence reads to find and correct errors. A similar index is used by Coral, but
further, an optimal multiple sequence alignment for overlapping reads is computed
to properly account for indel errors.
Because Coral and Hybrid-Shrec did not perform well with default parameters,
we optimized the parameters in all the experiments reported; therefore, both
methods are denoted with a star ( ). For HybridShrec, we optimized the range of k-
mers as well as the correction threshold, and for Coral, we optimized the sequencing
error rate parameter. For both methods we took the parametrization that achieved the
highest gain value for each dataset.
For the evaluation of read correction quality, the metric gain, also known as
accuracy, has been established in [40, 41] as a measure that combines sensitivity
and precision, and we use it with edit distance to capture indel errors. Uncorrected
reads are aligned against the genome with BWA-SW [15] using default parameters,
and these alignments are considered as the true origin of the read. After correction,
changes in the read in comparison to the read origin are used to compute the gain
= .b a/=b, where a and b denote the number of errors observed after and before
162 D. Weese et al.
read correction. The compute_gain tool was used to produce the gain values and
read error rates (number of edit distance errors divided by the total number of bases
considered) [33]. The gain is negative if more errors are introduced than corrected.
Four different 454 datasets with different coverage values were collected, see
Table 7.2. The per-base error rate ranges from 0.6% to 1.76% for all datasets.
We observe that HybridShrec yields negative gain values on some datasets, thus
producing more errors than correcting errors, as reported previously by Yang et
al. [41]. Fiona shows the highest gain for all but the S. aureus dataset, where Coral*
works better. However, Fiona runs roughly 10 times faster than Coral* on this
Next, seven different Ion Torrent datasets are analyzed, see Table 7.2. On six out
of seven the Fiona method leads to the smallest error rate and best gain value, often
with a significant improvement in error correction capability and generally more
stable results than the other methods tested. The exception is the E. coli (156)
dataset, where Fiona and Coral* have comparable gain values (Table 7.3).
Figure 7.5 shows a comparison of runtime and memory consumption for two
different datasets for all methods, all methods are run with multiple threads. It
is interesting to see how the methods based on different index types differ in
their performance. For example, Fiona uses a partial suffix array which always
outperforms the partial suffix trie in terms of run time and memory usage. The k-
spectrum-based method Allpaths-LG is always the fastest with the lowest memory
Table 7.3 This table shows the base error rate (e-rate, in percent) before and after read correction
as well as the gain metric
Original Allpaths-LG Coral* Fiona HybridShrec*
Dataset e-rate e-rate Gain e-rate Gain e-rate Gain e-rate Gain
D. melanogaster 18 1:17 1:07 8:87 0:55 53:30 0:42 64:62 0:73 38:17
E. coli K-12 13 1:06 0:74 30:68 0:54 49:42 0:25 76:88 0:64 40:05
S. aureus 34 1:76 1:34 23:85 0:44 74:90 0:53 69:87 1:40 20:50
S. cerevisae 16 0:95 0:78 18:45 0:92 2:99 0:61 36:04 0:73 23:11
B. pertussis 85 3:71 2:22 40:13 2:57 30:60 1:01 72:83 4:07 9:68
E. coli K-12 8 0:62 0:28 54:46 0:30 51:86 0:06 90:52 0:36 41:81
E. coli K-12 163 1:46 1:23 15:99 0:38 73:72 0:27 81:24 1:46 0:00
E. coli K-12 156 1:11 0:75 31:98 0:28 74:70 0:29 74:06 1:11 0:00
E. coli O104:H4 32 5:19 3:09 40:53 3:44 33:82 1:59 69:33 4:31 16:76
P. falciparum 13 5:06 3:97 21:39 3:80 24:94 2:33 54:12 4:63 8:50
S. aureus 109 3:32 2:83 14:89 1:44 56:91 1:17 64:94 3:31 0:32
For each dataset, the method achieving the highest gain is highlighted in bold. The results are
separated by sequencing technology, the 454 results are the top box and the IonTorrent results are
the lower box
7 Index-Based Error Correction of DNA-Seq Data 163
Fig. 7.5 Analysis of runtime in seconds (left) and memory consumption in GB (right) on two
datasets to illustrate the differences between the methods. The bars denote the D. melanogaster
(dark grey) and S. aureus dataset (light grey), respectively
but also shows huge losses in the gain value as compared to Fiona, for example.
However, the Coral method uses more memory than the partial suffix array in Fiona,
despite the simpler index structure. Overall, one can conclude that Fiona shows the
best correction performance with a scalable resource consumption.
The exponential increase of DNA sequencing throughput in the last years resulted in
an ever- higher accessibility of whole genome sequencing or resequencing datasets.
As a consequence, methods for the automatic correction of sequencing errors had
shown a regain of interest. However, most of the tools are still limited in their
design to a specific sequencing technology and assay. For instance, most of the
available methods correct only substitution errors—in practice only applicable to
Illumina technology. Another practical limitation relates to genome ploidy (the copy
number of each chromosome). Many tools do not specifically integrate the presence
of heterozygous SNPs in diploid genomes, which is an important concern in genetic
studies. Moreover, the more complex cases of polyploid genomes, very common in
plants, has still not been addressed.
In addition, the genomic assays considered until now are sequencing the genome
of one single clonal population. This may become the exception rather than the rule
in the future, as various assays are considering a mixture of genomes. This is the
case for metagenome sequencing, with the DNA content of a microbial community
being sequenced, or cancer genomics, where the material being sequenced is
usually a mixture of somatic and tumor cells (with extremely variable genomic
content). Additionally, when a small quantity of starting material is available,
single cell sequencing generates a highly nonuniform coverage distribution and thus
invalidates the uniform coverage assumption that is used to detect erroneous reads
(see Sect. 7.2.2). While the methods presented in this chapter could in principle be
164 D. Weese et al.
extended to account for those types of assays, many of the algorithmic details do not
carry over directly. Nonuniformity in datasets is often addressed with probabilistic
models on the Hamilton graph of k-mers to perform error correction instead (see
Chap. 6 by Schulz and Bar-Joseph in this book for a presentation on the subject).
Finally, to successfully assemble long and repetitive genomes, various sequenc-
ing technologies are typically used on the same sample. For instance, it is now
common to sequence long reads from Pacific Biosciences with higher error rates
together with shorter and more accurate Illumina reads at higher throughput. This
category of experiments slightly changes the problem of error correction, as one
could in principle combine the information from diverse sequencing runs in one
go. Existing read error correction tools only use one technology as a template to
correct the one with the higher error rate, either using the profile from pairwise
alignments [13] or k-spectrum techniques [9]. Merging all reads in one global
correction scheme would necessitate to extend the formalism for the classification
of erroneous substrings, as well as the criteria for correction of an error to account
for multiple libraries at the same time. While this can be done relatively easily, some
challenges remain to be able to index and access those informations efficiently.
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Chapter 8
Error Correction in Methylation Profiling
From NGS Bisulfite Protocols
8.1 Introduction
DNA methylation presents the most characteristic traits of epigenetic marks [1].
Basically, it consists of a covalent bond between a methyl group and the cytosine’s
fifth carbon, which will result in methylcytosine, called the “fifth base of the DNA”
by some authors [2]. During the last years, efforts have been made to elucidate how
methylation works and in which biological processes it is involved [3]. However,
despite the increasing knowledge about its working mechanism and functions,
DNA methylation is still a broadly unknown epigenetic regulatory mark. Since
the discovery of DNA methylation [4] and its implication in the regulation of gene
expression [5, 6], many different methods have been proposed for its detection and
quantification; these have been reviewed and compared in recent reviews [2, 7].
Recently, the advent of high-throughput sequencing techniques together with
the bisulfite treatment of the DNA [8] allows whole-genome methylation profiling
at a single cytosine resolution in a relatively short time. Consequently, Whole-
Genome Bisulfite Sequencing (WGBS) has become the primary method for studying
DNA methylation. However, unlike other methylation assays, such as, for example,
microarrays, the WGBS data sets have not had a straightforward processing
G. Barturen ()
Centro de Genómica e Investigaciones Oncológicas, Pfizer-Universidad de Granada-Junta de
Andalucía, Granada 18016, Spain
J.L. Oliver • M. Hackenberg
Dpto. de Genética, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Granada, Campus de Fuentenueva s/n,
18071 Granada, Spain
protocol, and many quality controls should be included to ensure the reliability of
the methylation ratios. The WGBS protocol is composed of two major separated
steps: the alignment of the bisulfite-treated reads to a reference genome and
the profiling of the methylation levels. The alignment to reference genomes of
bisulfite-treated reads cannot be addressed as with non-treated reads because of
the reduction of the sequence complexity caused by the bisulfite conversion.
Currently, many tools exist to align these reads, such as BSMAP/RRBSMAP [9], BS-
Seeker [10, 11], mrsFAST [12], Bismark [13], MethylCoder [14] or NGSmethPipe
[15], among others. The alignment is an important step during the methylation
calling process, and researchers must choose the most appropriate aligner for
their experimental protocol. However, this chapter will not focus on that issue, as
there are good reviews and comparisons about this topic [16–18]. Regarding the
methylation ratio quantification, due to its nature, methylation can be measured in
different ways, which have also been reviewed [19]. In addition, both steps inherit
potential important error sources from either the High-Throughput Sequencing
(HTS) technology or the bisulfite conversion, which must also be taken into account
and properly managed to avoid undesirable biases in the final results. In this chapter,
all the known additional bias sources are exhaustively reviewed and critically
evaluated. In Sect. 8.3, potential sequence contamination biases are reviewed for
different methylation profiling techniques. In Sect. 8.4, coverage and sequence
composition biases are evaluated and some recommendations are given to deal
with them. In Sect. 8.5, we discuss how redundant sequencing calls might affect the
methylation values and recommend some available software to manage and remove
this redundant information. In Sect. 8.6, some recommendations are given to remove
bad sequencing bases. In Sect. 8.7, we reviewed some approaches to assess and deal
with bisulfite conversion failures. In Sect. 8.8, we go over some biases that can only
be assessed during or after the methylation value estimation. Finally, according to
our knowledge, an extensive review of the error sources that can bias the methylation
level measurement and the different algorithms that have been proposed to deal with
them does not exist. Therefore, in this chapter, all known WGBS error sources are
extensively reviewed and critically evaluated to suggest a few of the best practices
to deal with all sources of bias in WGBS assays.
The adapters are oligonucleotides added during the library construction of all HTS
techniques and are composed of a primer and a binding sequence to the flow cell.
Generally, these sequences should not be part of the reads. However, when the
number of sequencing cycles exceeds the DNA fragment length, variable lengths
of the adapter can appear at the 30 end of the reads (see read 2 in Fig. 8.1). Barcodes
a 1
5’– –3’
P5 Primer DNA P7
b fragment
5’– –3’
Fig. 8.1 Artificial sequences in WGBS libraries. (a) Typical read schema of artificial sequences
added to WGBS libraries. (b) Reads schema for barcodes or tags added to libraries. Read 1
sequencing cycles do not exceed the DNA fragment length and thus will not contain adapter
sequences, while in read 2 part of the adapter will be sequenced at its 30 end
170 G. Barturen et al.
can be added to sequence multiple libraries together within the same sequencing
lane (multiplexing); however, they are usually not used in bisulfite sequencing
experiments. Barcodes are located at the 50 end of the reads (see Fig. 8.1).
Both adapters and barcodes must be detected and trimmed before aligning the
reads against the reference genome. Otherwise, their presence can either reduce the
mapping efficiency [21] or even bias the final results.
The BS-Seq protocol [22] applies another type of barcode (also ligated at the 50 end
of the reads and usually called tags), which, instead of allow sequencing multiple
libraries together, is used to distinguish between reads sequenced from the bisulfite-
converted strand and its reverse complementary strand (see Fig. 8.1). However, they
must be found and discarded before the alignment step using a proper trimming
software, because most of the alignment programs do not manage them properly.
To our knowledge, only BS-Seeker [10, 11] manages those tags properly. BS-Seeker
detects the tags and tries to align each read against its theoretical orientation, thus
reducing the search space from four possible strands to two (the first version of the
BS-Seeker paper presents a detailed explanation of the process [10]).
The most common restriction enzyme used for RRBS methodologies [23] is the
MspI. This endonuclease cleaves the DNA, leaving sticky ends formed by an
overhanging CG, which must be repaired before adding the adapter. The nucleotides
introduced during the repair will align perfectly on the reference sequence, but will
not reflect the original methylation state. In directional single-end libraries, the
end repair will not introduce any bias at the 50 end of the read as the sequenced
nucleotides at this end maintain their original methylation state (see read 1 in
Fig. 8.2). Moreover, the 30 end will only be affected when the sequencing cycle goes
beyond the end of the genomic fragment (see read 2 in Fig. 8.2). Then, in directional
single-end experiments, the bias can be avoided by including a CG dinucleotide at
the 50 end of the adapter sequence to be trimmed. In case of non-directional and/or
paired-end libraries, both ends of the reads can be affected, so the overhanging
number of nucleotides left by the endonuclease must be trimmed from both the
30 and 50 ends of the reads (see 3 reads in Fig. 8.2).
8 Error Correction in Methylation Profiling From NGS Bisulfite Protocols 171
Fig. 8.2 Artificial methylation in the RRBS end-repair step. The schema shows all the unmethy-
lation cytosines that could be artificially added in the RRBS experiments during the end-repair
step. Read 1 does not sequence any artificially added cytosines, while reads 2 and 3 present
unmethylated cytosines at the 30 and 50 end, respectively
The Illumina WGBS protocol includes an end-repair step after the sonication of the
genome. To maintain the double-stranded DNA, the potential overhanging ends are
filled up with complementary unmethylated nucleotides, which might result in an
underestimation of the methylation at those positions. This kind of bias at the end
of the reads could be included under the term M-bias [24], as it should be treated
differently from other sequence contaminations; M-bias detection and management
will be reviewed below (see Sect. 8.7.3).
Even if all the sequence contaminations reviewed can introduce biases in methy-
lation calling steps, the methylation biases depend on the presence of thymines
and/or cytosines in the added artificial sequence. Nevertheless, this is not the
case with the nucleotides coming from end repair (Sects. 8.3.3 and 8.3.4), which
must be taken into special consideration. These nucleotides maintain the sequence
information but not the original methylation status, and they then might be aligned
perfectly in a methylation context, introducing a large bias in the methylation levels
of these positions.
In addition to the control steps included in some of the alignment and methylation
calling programs, there are some suitable tools to identify and clip these sequences,
for example, FastQC [25] to check the sequence contamination present in the sample
172 G. Barturen et al.
and FASTX-Toolkit [26], Cutadapt [27] or Trimmomatic [28], among others, to trim
the artificial sequences.
One of todays’ HTS technology bases is the random location and independent
composition sequencing of DNA fragments from the genome. In this way, the
HTS method should obtain an unbiased representation of the sequenced DNA.
However, the HTS methodology has been shown to introduce biases in the number
of fragments sequenced for different regions of the genome (coverage bias).
8.4.2 GC Composition
Another common issue affecting HTS Illumina libraries is the GC bias, mainly
caused by the amplification during library preparation [32], which reduces the
coverage at extremely AT- and GC-rich regions [33]. By definition, protocols
without library amplification, such as PBAT [34], will not present a GC bias.
However, at least currently, they are not broadly used.
Both sources of coverage bias lead to a non-random distribution of the reads
along the genome, which would mainly affect quantitative signal approaches (copy
number estimation, RNA-Seq or Chip-Seq). However, on bisulfite sequencing
analysis, the coverage bias would also reduce the sensitivity of further analysis
(as differential methylation identification), especially on low coverage data sets
(because of the potential loss of cytosine information). The only way to reduce its
effects on library amplification WGBS protocols, beyond improving the experimen-
tal protocols, is sequencing with the appropriate coverage for the further methylation
analysis to be done. Choosing an appropriate sequencing coverage and number of
8 Error Correction in Methylation Profiling From NGS Bisulfite Protocols 173
replicas for each sample in the study is the first technical decision when designing a
bisulfite sequencing experiment. Increased coverage may lead to wasted resources,
while low coverage sequencing could affect the methylation profiles. Recently, it has
been suggested that the sequencing coverage per replica in single CpG methylation
analysis should be between 5 and 15, ideally reaching 30–40 sum coverage
for all replicas in the sample. Moreover, samples with the same total coverage but
higher numbers of replicas have been shown to present better results [35]. Then,
choosing the appropriate coverage and number of replicas will not only reduce the
potential coverage bias shown by Illumina sequencers, but will also increase the
reliability of the results.
The most common source of reads sequenced more than once in HTS protocols
arises from duplications during the PCR amplification event (PCR duplicates) [36].
PCR duplications occur when two copies of the same original read occupy different
beads or primer lawns in the flow cell. Optical duplicates are another source of
artificial sequence duplication, which occurs when a cluster on the flow cell is
erroneously split into two or more clusters.
The percentage of PCR duplicates should be controlled during the experimental
protocol, for example, starting with enough DNA or not including many short reads
in the library. However, due to the experimental procedure, duplication percentages
of around 5% cannot be avoided. Therefore, some computational methods have
been proposed to deal with them. The PCR duplicates frequently are detected by
means of their 50 coordinates, choosing the best read in terms of sequencing quality
(SAMtools [37] or Picard-tools [38]). Although these tools are widely used, at high
read coverage (40), they might incorrectly discard many reads as the probability
to obtain several non-duplicated reads starting at the same position increases with
the coverage. Furthermore, they do not take into account that reads with the
174 G. Barturen et al.
10 bases hg19
35,000,500 35,000,510 35,000,520 35,000,530
Overlapping region
Fig. 8.3 Single and paired read potential redundant calls. Example of potential single-end (a) and
paired-end (b) read PCR duplications. The figure is represented using UCSC Genome Browser
same start coordinate could represent different alleles or come from different cells
(see Single-End Reads in Fig. 8.3). Recently, to reduce the number of incorrectly
discarded duplications on bisulfite-treated protocols, a new method was proposed
in MethylExtract [39], which combines the positional information and sequence
composition of the reads.
Regarding the optical duplicates, by definition, they are discarded among the
PCR duplicates (as all of them present the same 50 position), but they could be
detected in a more specific way. In RRBS experiments [23], where discarding the
PCR duplicates will result in a large data loss, and in PBAT experiments [34],
where theoretically PCR duplicates should not appear, discarding only the optical
duplicates might be relevant. Currently, Picard-tools [38] are able to detect and
quantify this type of duplication using the tile and image coordinate information
contained in the FastQ identifiers [40]. To our knowledge, currently no existing
tools allow discarding optical duplicates independently from the PCR ones.
Paired-end mates contain sequence and methylation information from the same
DNA strand. Therefore, when the sum of sequencing cycles from both mates
exceeds the DNA length fragment, the 30 ends of both mates will overlap and contain
duplicated information (see Paired-End Reads in Fig. 8.3). To avoid scoring the
information twice, programs such as Bismark [13] or MethylExtract [39] discard the
overlapping information from the second pair, which usually shows lower quality.
8 Error Correction in Methylation Profiling From NGS Bisulfite Protocols 175
The sequencing quality is another issue common to all HTS protocols, and the
bisulfite-treated protocols are not an exception. Each base call has a PHRED quality
score encoded as a single ASCII character within the FastQ file [40], which gives
an estimation of the probability of the sequencing errors. Since the advent of the
HTS techniques, this sequencing quality score has been used to improve the read
alignment as well as downstream analysis [39, 42–44].
Apart from the 30 end quality decay, some other low-quality positions can exist along
the reads. These low-quality positions are usually, but not exclusively, associated
to specific sequencing contexts [48] and must be managed carefully to obtain the
most reliable results. Recently, it has been shown that discarding positions with low-
quality scores can greatly increase the accuracy of the methylation calls in bisulfite
sequencing experiments [39], thus stressing the importance of the sequencing
quality information also in the methylation calling. Currently, only MethylExtract
discards low-quality positions for methylation calling, which probably leads to the
higher specificity compared to Bis-SNP [49]. A commonly accepted previous step to
manage single base sequencing quality scores, at least for SNP calling experiments,
is the base-quality recalibration. Currently, the Bis-SNP package [49] includes a
modified GATK recalibration algorithm [50] to work on bisulfite-treated data sets.
176 G. Barturen et al.
The bisulfite sequencing methods are based on the premise that the bisulfite
treatment of single-stranded DNA converts unmethylated cytosines into uracils
(converted to thymines after PCR amplification) while leaving methylcytosines
unconverted [8]. Then, after sequencing and alignment against a reference genome,
the original methylation state can be recovered. However, the bisulfite conversion
has a certain error rate, and usually reads with an incomplete bisulfite conversion
can be found, which can lead to an overestimation of the methylation levels.
Detecting and discarding the incompletely converted reads are critical steps to
infer the correct methylation levels. Two types of incomplete read conversions have
been observed in the unmethylated spiked phage genome: partially unconverted and
global unconverted [11].
Most of the unconverted cytosines in a CpG context (around 85%) have been
found in global unconverted reads, which has been proposed to be the result of
spontaneously secondary structure formation [11]; therefore, the bisulfite cannot
access the sequence. Generally, a low percentage of non-CpG contexts is methylated
in the genomes, so most of these contexts should be converted to thymines during
the treatment. Therefore, Lister et al. proposed a method where reads with 3
unconverted non-CpG cytosines were considered incompletely converted [51].
Currently, MethylExtract [39] and BS-Seeker2 [11] include methods based on the
same idea. MethylExtract has an option to include either a percentage or an absolute
number threshold of unconverted non-CpG contexts, while BS-Seeker2 requires
both thresholds to be satisfied. Although the method seems to be effective in
discarding global unconverted reads, special care must be taken when the samples
are known to have increased non-CpG methylated contexts (for example, plant or
mammal embryonic stem cells). In these cases, stricter thresholds should be set or
the detection of unconverted reads should be deactivated.
8 Error Correction in Methylation Profiling From NGS Bisulfite Protocols 177
The partially unconverted reads cannot be detected by the method described in the
last section, because most of the cytosines in these reads are correctly converted.
The unconverted cytosines on partially unconverted reads have been suggested to
be caused by random conversion failures or confused with T to C sequencing
errors [11]. Some of these conversion failures can be removed during the M-
bias correction, particularly those coming from 30 end decay sequencing errors.
However, unconverted random cytosines cannot be detected or trimmed. So, the
methylation level reliability should be estimated after the methylation calling step
and will be reviewed in Sect. 8.8.2.
8.7.3 M-bias
Fig. 8.4 M-bias plots for the single-end read SRR202019 data set from Hon et al. [52] (a) and a
second pair of paired-end read SRR949208 data sets from Ziller et al. [53] (b). (a) show a slight
bias at the 30 end, while (b) presents the bias at the 50 end. M-bias plots are represented using
BSeQC [54] after trimming the adapter using CutAdapt [27] and aligning the reads using Bismark
default parameters [13]
178 G. Barturen et al.
Although most of the bias that might affect the methylation estimation are corrected
or discarded before calculating the methylation levels for each cytosine, some bias
can only be managed during or after the methylation calling.
The methylation levels are estimated comparing the bisulfite converted reads with
the genome reference sequence (see Sect. 8.2), and then a C to T substitution in the
sample can be interpreted as an unmethylated cytosine, when actually there is no
cytosine in the sample. This natural sequence variation is an important error source
in bisulfite sequencing data sets, as two thirds of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms
(SNPs) in human genome occur at CpG contexts, having C/T or G/A alleles. This
error not only leads to an underestimation of the methylation levels, but also to a
miscounting of the methylation contexts in the genome.
Some authors [53] have opted for discarding all the genome positions where a
polymorphism has been described (included in dbSNP [55] or HapMap [56]), but
this approach requires curated SNP information for the species in the study and
still does not solve the problem in a sample-specific way (it overlooks specific
sample variants and discards more contexts than necessary). Another potential
solution resides in the fact that the bisulfite only converts single-stranded cytosines
to thymines, while the guanines on their reverse complementary strands will remain
unaffected [57]. The information on the unconverted strand can then be used to
infer the sample sequence allele. Therefore, a variant calling algorithm could use
8 Error Correction in Methylation Profiling From NGS Bisulfite Protocols 179
the unconverted strand information during the methylation estimation step to check
the sequence context present in the sample and solve this issue in a sample-specific
way. Currently, only Bis-SNP [49] and MethylExtract [39] include modified variant
calling algorithms to work on bisulfite sequencing data sets, based on GATK [58]
and VarScan [59], respectively.
Despite the important biases checked before the methylation level estimation,
it is not possible to detect, and therefore discard, the random bisulfite failures.
The only way to take these potential failures into account in further analyses is
assessing the reliability of the methylation levels statistically based on the bisulfite
conversion efficiency. It is widely accepted that the best way to measure the bisulfite
conversion rate is to spike an unmethylated genome into the experiment (in plants
the chloroplast genome can be used). In mammals, for example, some authors have
argued that non-CpG contexts [60] or cytosines on the mitochondrial genome [49]
can be used for this purpose because of their low methylation rate. However, using
them might introduce an additional bias, as these cytosines could present functional
and non-random methylation levels [61–63]. Once the bisulfite conversion rate
has been estimated, binomial statistics can be used to calculate the probability
of a cytosine being really methylated and not being a conversion failure artifact
[19, 51]. However, other biologically relevant methylation levels besides methylated
or un-methylated do exist, such as intermediate levels (around 0.5) reflecting allele-
specific methylation or partially methylated levels associated with distal regulatory
regions [64]. To assess the reliability of any methylation states, an error interval
should be chosen, and, by means of the binomial distribution, the probability of the
methylation level relying on the chosen interval can be estimated using an additional
script provided by MethylExtract [39].
8.9 Conclusion
Nowadays, bisulfite HTS is the gold-standard technique for the study of DNA
methylation as it is the most powerful technique for methylation profiling in terms
of specificity and speed. However, its raw data sets must be managed carefully to
obtain the most reliable results because of the great number of potential biases that
can arise from either the HTS technique or bisulfite conversion.
Once the libraries have been sequenced with appropriate coverage, the first
step before the alignment must be properly finding and trimming all the artificial
sequences added to the 50 and 30 ends of the reads, which also should include
a 30 end quality trimming. This step improves the alignment and discards the
potential bias introduced by the artificial methylation of the added sequences.
180 G. Barturen et al.
After the alignment step, duplicated reads and those potentially not affected by the
bisulfite conversion must be discarded (remember that duplicates removing is not
required in all protocols). The next issue to deal with is the bisulfite conversion
biases that can be found at both ends of the reads (M-bias); if M-bias is detected
in your data set, the entire library should be trimmed accordingly to the M-bias
plots. These steps are the major modifications that must be done to your libraries
before starting the methylation calling. During the methylation calling, there are
other important considerations: the reference sequence must be corrected using
an appropriate variant caller, and redundant calls from 30 overlapping pair-end
reads, low-quality bases and nucleotides affected by end repair must be discarded.
Finally, after the methylation calling and despite all the quality steps, statistically
assessing the methylation conversion ratio for each cytosine covered by the data set
is recommended.
To our knowledge, no other complete reviews of the known bisulfite high-
throughput sequencing biases like the one included in this chapter are available.
For each error source, how it may affect the methylation ratios and what methods
are proposed for dealing with it (usually already implemented in the available
software) are described. Moreover, and because there is no single program that
covers all known error sources, in conclusion, a methylation analysis workflow
has been proposed, which can be shown as a summary of best practices that
should be followed to obtain the best reliable methylation ratios from bisulfite HTS
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Part III
Alignment of NGS Data
Chapter 9
Comparative Assessment of Alignment
Algorithms for NGS Data: Features,
Considerations, Implementations, and Future
9.1 Introduction
Due to the nature of massively parallel sequencing use of shorter reads, the
algorithms developed for alignment have been crucial to the widespread adoption
of Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS). There has been great progress in the
development of a variety of different algorithms for different purposes. Researchers
are now able to use sensitive and efficient alignment algorithms for a wide variety
of applications, including genome-wide variation studies [1], quantitative RNA-
seq expression analyses [2], the study of secondary RNA structure [3], microRNA
discovery [4], identification of protein-binding sites using ChIP-sequencing [5],
recognizing histone modification patterns for epigenetic studies [6], simultaneous
alignment of multiple genomes for comparative genomics [7], and the assembly
of de novo genomes and transcriptomes [8]. In clinical settings, alignment to
reference genomes has led to rapid pathogen discovery [9], identification of
causative mutations for rare genetic diseases [10–12], detection of chromosomal
abnormalities in tumor genomes [13], and many other advances which similarly
depend on rapid and cost-effective genome-wide sequencing.
As previously mentioned, the ability of NGS to perform massively parallel
sequencing depends on the alignment of short sequence reads to a reference genome.
Prior to the development of NGS, Sanger sequencing had been the gold standard
for automated sequencing, utilizing electrophoretic separation to accurately identify
linear sequences of randomly terminated nucleotide sequences. However, limited
by its linear workflow, an automated Sanger machine can only read small amounts
of DNA of 500 bp to 1 kb in length within a reasonable time frame [14]. NGS
overcomes this bottleneck by fragmenting the target DNA into short fragments,
sequencing the short sequences in parallel, and aligning them to a reference genome.
The processes of alignment, data storage, and analysis contribute to the immense
computing resource requirement of NGS programs. As a result, new alignment tools
are constantly and rapidly developed in order to satisfy the lofty requirements of
resources and accuracy of NGS technologies.
Alignment algorithms must be able to map reads accurately despite sequence
variations and errors inherent in the reference genome, e.g., repetitive regions and
polymorphisms. The selection of an inappropriate aligner which fails to account
for such variations and errors would lead to inaccurate interpretations of biological
outcomes. Therefore, the ability to evaluate the features, performance, and accuracy
of aligners in the context of various biological and clinical applications is of
paramount importance [14, 15].
The rest of this chapter is organized as follows: In Sect. 9.2, we illustrate the
importance of NGS and the development of new alignment algorithms. In Sect.
9.3, we present an overview of algorithms and discuss the technical and theoretical
implications of some example aligners. In Sect. 9.4, we describe the biological and
clinical applications of aligners and evaluate criteria for selection. Finally, in Sect.
9.5, we discuss future developments of NGS algorithms.
9.2.1 Overview
a Sanger machine. It is estimated that NGS has decreased the cost of sequencing
more than 100,000-fold in the past decade [17].
NGS technology relies on the fragmentation of the DNA template into shorter
fragments. The most widely used NGS platforms (Roche 454, Illumina, ABI
SOLiD, Ion Torrent) generate shorter read lengths (30–400 bp) compared to
Sanger sequencing (500 bp–1 Kilo base-pairs (Kbp)). The subsequent mapping
or alignment of DNA fragments to a reference genome is therefore required to
assemble the target sequence. Any reference genome, assembled from a mosaic
of representative DNA sequences, likely contains inherent sequence variations and
sequencing errors, such as repetitive regions; structural variations, e.g. insertions,
deletions, and translocations; and polymorphisms [15]. New alignment algorithms
are constantly developed and modified to better predict these variations and to
increase the accuracy of mapping. In addition to the challenges of aligning short
reads to a reference genome, short read lengths also make de novo assembly of
a genome very difficult, such that the original sequence is almost impossible to
reconstruct. Therefore, despite its advantages of speed and efficiency, short-read
alignment represents the rate-limiting step in progressing toward the widespread
adoption of NGS [18].
Currently, sequencing platforms are being developed to produce longer read lengths
in order to overcome some of the challenges described above. Particularly, longer
read lengths allow for easier de novo genome assembly and more sensitive
detection of structural variations and repetitive regions. Since longer reads are
more likely to contain structural variations and repetitive regions than short reads,
long-read aligners must be more permissive toward alignment gaps and inexact
matches. The algorithms used by long-read aligners, which are hash-table-based, are
therefore fundamentally different from those preferred by short-read aligners, such
as Burrows-Wheeler-Transform (BWT)-based programs [18]. The different classes
of algorithms and their implementation will be further discussed in this chapter.
paired-end sequencing, both forward and reverse reads of a linear segment of DNA
are paired together in order to map both ends of the sequence. This is achieved by
first independently aligning the two reads belonging to a pair, then identifying the
pairs of hits with the correct orientation and the right distance apart [19]. Since
sequencing errors and structural variations have to be accounted for in both reads in
a pair, not all aligners can achieve paired-end alignment. An aligner in paired-end
sequencing must allow for mismatches and/or gaps in alignment. In mate-paired
sequencing, DNA fragments are circularized, enabling both ends to be mapped at
once. When alignment at both ends fails, the error is detected and fixed. Paired-
end alignment is shown to have higher sensitivity and specificity than single-end
alignment [18].
Currently, there are three NGS sequencing platforms used to a large extent: Roche
454, Illumina, ABI SOLiD, and Ion Torrent [15]. These platforms vary in their
engineering and sequencing chemistry; therefore, aligners with different properties
are required to map the different types of reads produced by these platforms.
Roche 454 sequencers are able to produce longer reads more than 500 bp in
length. Because of this capability, it has wide applications in de novo sequencing and
resequencing, as well as transcriptome sequencing and ultra-deep sequencing [20].
An additional advantage of this platform is that the reads generated have high 50 base
quality [18]. On the other hand, reads generated by Roche 454 instruments are more
prone to contain insertions and deletions due to their longer length. Some popular
aligners used on this platform are RMAP, SHRiMP2 [21], BWA [22], SOAP2 [19],
Bowtie [23], and SSAHA2 [15].
Illumina Hi-Seq sequencers amplify DNA on the surface of micro-fluidic chips,
providing templates for the sequential addition of fluorescent reversible terminator
deoxyribonucleotides. The chips are imaged subsequent to each nucleotide addition
and analyzed to generate a sequence [24]. Illumina Hi-Seq sequencers historically
could produce hundreds of millions of shorter reads (25–50 bp) [25] but are now
moving toward longer reads (250–300 bp). Shorter read lengths allow for higher
speeds and lower costs of sequencing [26]. The high 50 base quality of reads
and the low indel error rate are also advantages [18]. On the other hand, the
shorter read lengths of Illumina are unlikely to encompass all structural variations
and repetitions, leading to a higher sequencing error of mismatches. Examples of
popular aligners used on this platform include RMAP, SeqMap, MAQ, SHRiMP2,
BWA, SOAP2, and Bowtie [15].
ABI SOLiD sequencers generate up to 50 bp read lengths and use a unique
ligation-mediated sequencing strategy, which increases its sensitivity for homopoly-
mers [27]. In addition, they generate two-base encoding data, which allow dis-
crimination between sequencing errors and polymorphisms. On the other hand,
ABI SOLiD sequencers are comparatively slower than other sequencers. Instead
9 Comparative Assessment of Alignment Algorithms for NGS Data: Features,. . . 191
Alignment algorithms are derived from two fundamental algorithms, namely the
hash-table-based algorithm and the BWT algorithm [18].
The idea of hash-table indexing originates in the Basic Local Alignment Search
Tool (BLAST) [35], which searches for regions of similarity between biological
sequences (nucleotides or proteins). Hash-table-based algorithms use a strategy
named seed-and-extend. First, during the seed step, the program performs a
homology search, localizing the k-mer substrings shared by both reads and the
192 C. Shen et al.
reference genome through hash tables. Then, the program extends these local
alignments of seeds using a slower and more accurate dynamic programming
algorithm, e.g., the Smith-Waterman algorithm [36]. Aligners classified under the
hash-table-based method include SeqMap, PASS, MAQ, GASSST, RMAP, PErM,
RazerS, microread Fast Alignment Search Tool (mrFAST), microread (substitutions
only) Fast Alignment Search Tool (mrsFAST), GenomeMapper, and BOAT [15].
Different alignment algorithms have different strategies for seed detection. A seed
allowing mismatches at certain positions is called a spaced seed. The BLAST
algorithm performs seed alignment with 11 consecutive matches between read and
reference sequences. However, spaced seed requires matches only at certain pre-
selected positions, allowing for the possibility of sequence errors and structural
variations in the read sequence. The result is improved speed and sensitivity of the
homology searches [37]. Examples of aligners that perform spaced seeds include
PerM, SHRiMP2, RazerS, BOAT, and GASSST [15].
The pigeonhole principle is an extension of the spaced seed principle. The general
principle states that if there are more items than the number of containers available
for holding them, then at least one container will hold more than one item. Using
this principle, if there is an alignment of k C n bases with at most n mismatches,
k/2 bases must be exact matches. It follows that given the type of inexact alignment,
the number of guaranteed exact matches can be quantified. For alignment using the
pigeonhole principle, after the initial seeding of inexact alignment, the expected
exact matches within the inexact alignment can be extended to produce longer
matches. Examples of alignment algorithms that use the pigeonhole principle
include SeqMap, MAQ, RMAP [38], and SOAP2 [15].
One problem with consecutive seeds, spaced seeds, and seeds that use the pigeon-
hole principle, however, is that they are not permissive toward gaps within the seed
[15]. The g-gram filter is based on the observation that in a w-long read with at most
k differences (mismatches and gaps), the read and the w-long reference sequence
share at least (w C 1)–(k C 1)q common subsequences of length q [18, 39]. Non-
candidate filtration is then performed based on a seed-and-extend alignment of
clusters of short, overlapping q-grams. This method is useful for accelerating long-
read alignment. Examples of aligners that use the q-gram filter include SHRiMP2
[21] and RazerS [40].
9 Comparative Assessment of Alignment Algorithms for NGS Data: Features,. . . 193
Instead of aligning seeds of reads against substrings from the reference genome,
alignment algorithms based on the BWT align entire reads against the reference
genome. In order to do this, all the suffixes of reference genome sequences are stored
in a database based on certain representations of data structure, such as the prefix-
suffix tree, suffix array, and FM-index [18]. A prefix-suffix tree data structure allows
the alignment of multiple identical copies of a segment in the reference genome
all at once since they are all collapsed in a single path in the tree. The benefit of
this strategy is that it efficiently solves alignment to multiple identical copies in the
reference genome sequence, instead of aligning repetitive sequences individually as
in a hash table index [18]. The FM-index was developed by Ferregina and Manzini
as a reversible data compression algorithm which allowed for reduced memory
occupation of data structures [41]. At 0.5–2 bytes of memory per nucleotide, the
FM-index of the entire human genome occupies 2–8 GB of memory [18], which
allows it to be stored on any personal computer. Aligners classified under the FM-
index include SOAP2 [19], BWA [22], Bowtie [32], and CUSHAW [42].
9.4.1 DNA Bowtie
Bowtie is an aligner which utilizes the FM-index based on BWT. Bowtie was
developed in 2009 as a response to the high computational cost of aligning short
reads to a large genome. As a result of the BWT indexing of the reference genome,
alignment with Bowtie incurs a very small computational cost compared to that of
aligners previously developed, which relied largely on hash tables. Bowtie aligns
35-bp reads at over 25 million reads per CPU hour and has a memory footprint
of only about 1.3 GB for the human genome [23]. The increase in speed does
come at a cost of accuracy, especially in the context of resequencing. However,
the aligner’s backtracking algorithm that allows inexact matches and favors high-
quality alignments help increase its sensitivity.
Although Bowtie is able to perform efficient ungapped alignment of short reads,
it fails to align reads spanning gaps efficiently. In 2012, the authors developed
an extension of Bowtie, Bowtie 2, to allow for gapped alignment. Bowtie 2 first
undergoes an ungapped seeding stage based on the FM-index, followed by a gapped
extension stage that uses dynamic programming [32]. BWA SOAP 2 Novoalign SHRiMP2
9.4.2 RNA RNA-seq
Alignment of RNA reads can be useful for identifying differences in gene expression
and better understanding certain biological pathways, such as tumorigenesis, devel-
opment, and metabolism. The unique challenge of RNA alignment is that the aligner
196 C. Shen et al.
must be able to place spliced reads spanning introns and to correctly determine
exon-intron boundaries. The criteria for evaluation of RNA aligners is thus accuracy,
mismatch and gap sensitivity, exon junction discovery, and suitability of alignments
for transcript reconstruction [2]. One study showed that FM-index-based aligners
perform better than hash-based aligners when taking these criteria into account [45].
Aligners such as GSNAP [46], GSTRUCT, MapSplice [47], and STAR [48]
are effective RNA-seq aligners. They use different techniques in identifying exon
junctions and aligning RNA reads to a reference. GSTRUCT and MapSplice are
able to infer exon junctions from the initial seeding based on the presence of gapped
alignment then perform realignment to the reference genome in order to account
for exon-intron boundaries. GSNAP detects splice junctions in reads as short as
14 bp by using probabilistic models or a database of known splice sites. STAR
allows direct non-contiguous alignment of RNA reads to the reference genome,
followed by stitching together clusters of the aligned seeds to build an entire read.
MapSplice is the most conservative regarding exon junction calls, whereas GSNAP
and GSTRUCT tend to detect more false junctions [2]. MicroRNA
throughput has improved 5-fold per year, while Moore’s law estimates a doubling
of computational performance every 18–24 months [62]. In order to handle this
increasing volume of data, computational architectures need to increase efficiency,
reduce operating costs, and be scalable.
Many investigators have turned to cloud computing to address these challenges.
Cloud computing refers to the network-coordinated distribution of computational
load over multiple machines simultaneously. The ability to outsource computing
resources to cloud servers (e.g., Amazon Web Services) reduces costs and increases
accessibility for researchers without access to dedicated computing centers. As a
proof of concept, Maji et al. modified TopHat, a splice junction mapper using
the Bowtie aligner, by changing certain serial computational steps into parallel
ones. Pipelined Version of TopHat (PVT), designed to be implemented on a
cloud architecture, reduced execution time by 41% for paired-end reads [63].
Researchers at the University of Minnesota implemented a cloud-based, web-based
computing infrastructure designed to handle increasing volumes of NGS data. Initial
testing demonstrated reduced the cost per sequencing sample without sacrificing
accuracy [64]. Similarly, Reid et al. developed Mercury as a scalable cloud-based
bioinformatics pipeline for the purpose of increasing efficiency [65].
Improved computational performance may also be achieved through the pairing
of algorithms with dedicated hardware. The Dynamic Read Analysis of GENomes
(DRAGEN) processor by Edico Genomics has been designed specifically for
NGS computations [66]. Custom processors could be engineered to sacrifice
the flexibility of a general-purpose computer in order to optimize efficiency for
sequencing applications. While current bioinformatics programs are written to
run on conventional computing hardware, future algorithms may be designed to
maximize the hardware capabilities of dedicated processors such as DRAGEN.
integrated RNA-seq program that performs sequence alignment among other key
computational tasks in an effort to standardize research workflows [67]. Several
companies also offer integrated bioinformatics services, including Seven Bridges
Genomics, Appistry, BINA Technologies, DNA Nexus, and Flatiron Health.
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Chapter 10
CUSHAW Suite: Parallel and Efficient
Algorithms for NGS Read Alignment
10.1 Introduction
Y. Liu ()
School of Computational Science & Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology,
Atlanta, GA, USA
B. Schmidt
Institut für Informatik, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Mainz, Germany
limited, typically one gap, for the sake of alignment throughput. RMAP [10], MAQ
[11], BFAST [12], Bowtie[13], BWA [14], CUSHAW [15], and SOAP2 [16] are
example first-generation aligners. Propelled by the advances in NGS, read length
continually grows larger. Compared to shorter reads, these longer reads usually have
higher sequencing error rates and, meanwhile, tend to have more true mismatches
and indels to the reference genome. This challenges the first-generation aligners in
terms of alignment quality, speed, or even both and calls for aligners that support
fully gapped alignment with more mismatches and indels allowed. In this context,
a few second-generation aligners have been developed, including BWA-SW [17],
GASSST [18], Bowtie2 [19], CUSHAW2 [20], CUSHAW2-GPU [21], CUSHAW3
[22, 23], GEM [24], SeqAlto [25], SOAP3-dp [26], and BWA-MEM [27]. All of
these aligners employ the seed-and-extend heuristic [28], in which a read is aligned
by first identifying seeds, i.e., short matches, on the genome and then extending
the alignment to the full read length using dynamic programming [28]. In order to
reduce search space, we usually exert some constraints and filtration while refining
and extending alignments. On the other hand, the seeding approach is also a key
factor to the performance of an aligner.
In this chapter, we present the CUSHAW suite, a software package for parallel
and efficient alignment of NGS reads to the reference genome. This suite consists
of three individual software tools, namely CUSHAW [15], CUSHAW2 [20], and
CUSHAW3 [22], all of which are designed based on the seed-and-extend heuristic.
CUSHAW is the first distribution of our suite, which for the first time has introduced
a complete alignment pipeline utilizing Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) computing
for paired-end (PE) reads. This aligner employs a quality-aware bounded search
approach based on the Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) [29] and the FM-index
[30] and harnesses Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA)-enabled GPUs to
accelerate the alignment process. However, this aligner does not provide support for
gapped alignments for single-end (SE) reads and merely enables gapped alignments
while rescuing read mates for PE reads. CUSHAW2 is the second distribution of
our suite and employs MEM seeds to find gapped alignments. This aligner has
been further accelerated using CUDA, leading to the open-source CUSHAW2-
GPU [21]. CUSHAW3 is the third distribution of our suite, which introduces a
hybrid seeding approach in order to further improve the alignment quality for base-
space reads. Meanwhile, it provides new support for the alignment of color-space
The performance of our aligners have been evaluated by aligning both simulated
and real reads to the human genome. In our evaluations, CUSHAW has been
excluded since it merely supports ungapped alignments and has inferior alignment
quality to both CUSHAW2 and CUSHAW3. In our assessment, the base-space
alignment quality of our aligners is compared to that of Novoalign [31], BWA-
MEM, Bowtie2, and GEM, and the color-space alignment quality, to that of
SHRiM2 [32] and BFAST [12].
The rest of the chapter is organized as follows. In Sect. 10.2, we briefly
introduce the essential techniques constituting the foundation of our algorithms.
Subsequently, we present the algorithmic and implementation details of CUSHAW
10 CUSHAW Suite: Algorithms for NGS Read Alignment 205
in Sect. 10.3, CUSHAW2 in Sect. 10.4, and CUSHAW3 in Sect. 10.5, respectively.
In Sect. 10.6, we evaluate the performance of our algorithms and further compare
them with existing state-of-the-art works. Finally, we conclude this chapter in
Sect. 10.7.
Given a sequence S, define jSj to denote the length of S, SŒi to denote the character
at position i, and SŒi; j to denote the substring of S starting at i and ending at j for
0 i < jSj and 0 j < jSj.
both of them allow mismatches or indels but with some additional constraints such
as minimum optimal alignment score and the number of seed occurrences in the
target sequence. Hybrid seeds [22] work by combining multiple types of seeds,
such as exact k-mer seeds and variable-length seeds, to realize more sophisticated
The BWT of T starts from the construction of a conceptual matrix MT , whose rows
are all cyclic rotations of a new sequence T$ sorted in lexicographical order. T$ is
formed by appending to the end of T the special character $ that is lexicographically
smaller than any character in ˙. After getting MT , the last column of the matrix is
taken to form the transformed text BT , i.e., the BWT of T. BT is a permutation
of T and thus occupies the same memory size jTjdlog2 .j˙j/e bits as T. MT
has a property called Last-to-First Column Mapping, which means that the i-th
occurrence of a character in the last column corresponds to the i-th occurrence of
the same character in the first column. Table 10.2 shows an example matrix MT
and BT .
The FM-index consists of a vector C./ and an occurrence array Occ./, both of
which are constructed from BT . C./ contains j˙j elements with each element C.x/
representing the number of characters in T that are lexicographically smaller than
x 2 ˙. Occ./ is an array of size j˙j jTj with each element Occ.x; i/ representing
the number of occurrences of x in BT Œ0; i. C./ requires only j˙dj log2 .jTj/e bits,
while Occ./ requires j˙jjTjdlog2 .jTj/e bits. Thus, Occ./ dominates the overall
memory footprint of the FM-index. An approach to trade off speed and memory
overhead is to use a reduced occurrence array (ROcc) [15], which only stores
the elements whose indices in Occ are multiples of and then calculates the
missing elements with the help of BT at the runtime. Through the use of ROcc,
10 CUSHAW Suite: Algorithms for NGS Read Alignment 207
we are able to reduce the memory footprint of the FM-index to j˙j log2 .jTj/ C
jTj.j˙jdlog2 .jTj/e= C dlog2 .j˙j/e/ bits.
where I1 .i/ and I2 .i/ represent the starting and end indices of the SA interval for
suffix SŒi; jSj 1. I1 .jSj/ and I2 .jSj/ are initialized as 0 and jTj, respectively. The
calculation stops if it encounters I1 .i C 1/ > I2 .i C 1/. The condition I1 .i/ I2 .i/
holds if and only if suffix SŒi; jSj 1 is a substring of T. The total number of the
occurrences is calculated as I1 .0/ I2 .0/ C 1 if I1 .0/ I2 .0/ and 0, otherwise.
After getting the SA interval, the location of each occurrence can be determined by
directly looking up SA with a constant time complexity. Hence, the time complexity
208 Y. Liu and B. Schmidt
for finding n occurrences of S is O.jSj C n/ when using Occ and O. jSj C n/ when
using ROcc.
After getting the SA interval, the position of each occurrence in T can be determined
by directly looking up the SA. However, it will take jTjdlog2 .jTj/e bits if the entire
SA is loaded into memory. This large memory consumption is prohibitive for large
genomes. Fortunately, we can reconstruct the entire SA from parts of it. Ferragina
and Manzini [30] have shown that an unknown value SAŒi, can be reestablished
from a known SAŒj using Eq. (10.2):
j D ˇ .d/ .i/
where ˇ .d/ .i/ means repeatedly applying the function ˇ.i/ d times. The ˇ.i/
function implements Last-to-First Column Mapping for the i-th row of MT and
is calculated by:
In Eq. (10.2), d is actually the distance between the two starting positions (i.e.,
SAŒi and SAŒj) in T. Thus, for any unknown i-th element of SA, we can calculate
its value SAŒi in v iterations if we store the SA elements whose values are
multiples of a constant number v (i.e., the starting positions in T are multiples of
v). However, this will complicate the storage of SA by introducing additional data
structures for occurrence locating. Instead, we construct a Reduced Suffix Array
(RSA) [15] by simply storing SAŒi whose index i is a multiple of v. This approach
reduces the total memory size of a suffix array to jTjdlog2 .jTj/e=v bits but cannot
guarantee to complete each computation within v iterations. This is because a
maximal distance v between i and j does not mean a maximal distance v for starting
positions SAŒi and SAŒj in T. The selection of v is a trade-off between look-up
time and memory space. For a suffix array index i that is not a multiple of v, we
repeat d iterations using Eq. (10.3) until j is a multiple of v, where SAŒj is equal to
RSAŒj=v, and then calculate SAŒi as SAŒj C d following Eq. (10.2). In this case,
we have an approximate time complexity of O.v n/ for locating n occurrences
of S.
By combining ROcc and RSA, we can arrive at a significantly smaller memory
footprint of j˙jdlog2 .jTj/e C jTjdlog2 .j˙j/e C jTj.j˙j= C 1=v/dlog2 .jTj/e bits.
Additionally, the time complexity of O. jSj C v n/ for finding n occurrences of
S is still acceptable.
10 CUSHAW Suite: Algorithms for NGS Read Alignment 209
CUSHAW [15] is the first distribution of our CUSHAW software suite, and
its source code is freely and publicly available at
This aligner targets ungapped alignments and employs CUDA-enabled GPUs to
accelerate short-read alignment.
Fig. 10.1 An equivalent complete 4-ary tree for the search of all inexact matches of the sequence
“ACG” using a reverse BWT: circles mean the original bases, rectangles mean the mutated bases
and it only expands one subtree of the root
210 Y. Liu and B. Schmidt
chooses to use the DFS approach, whose memory consumption is small and directly
proportional to the depth of the tree (i.e., the full length of a read). In addition, we
have used a stack framework to implement the DFS approach.
number of mismatches in the non-seed region and outputs the “best” alignment after
a specified maximum number of search attempts. BWA does not use base quality
scores when performing alignments but assigns different penalties on mismatches
and gaps. It then reports the alignment with the best score that is calculated from the
number of mismatches and gaps in the alignment.
As mentioned above, CUSHAW attempts to find the best alignments in the full-
length read alignment by enumerating and evaluating all possible alignments. Given
a read of length l and a specific MMR, the total number of possible alignments is
˙kD0 3 Cl , which increases polynomially with l (postulating MMR is fixed) and
MMR k k
where err is the uniform base error rate specified for the input reads. By default,
CUSHAW supports a maximal read length of 128 (can be configured up to 256).
212 Y. Liu and B. Schmidt
The MMR0 s for all l0 (1 l0 128) are pre-calculated on the host prior to alignment
and are then loaded into cached constant memory on the GPU devices.
For a read pair S1 and S2 , CUSHAW supports paired-end mapping and completes it
in the following three steps:
• Firstly, if both S1 and S2 have matches to the reference genome, we iterate each
mapping position of S1 and calculate the distance to each mapping position of S2 .
If a distance satisfies the maximal insert size, the read pair is considered paired
and the corresponding mapping positions are output, finishing the pairing of S1
and S2 .
• Secondly, if S1 has matches to the genome (no matter whether S2 has or not),
it iterates some mapping positions (at most 2 by default) of S1 and estimates
the region in the genome to the right of S1 , where S2 is likely to have a match,
using the maximal insert size. The SW algorithm is used to find the optimal local
alignment for S2 and the genome region. If we find an alignment satisfying the
constraints specified by the user, such as the maximal number of unknown bases
in the short read and the minimal number of bases in the optimal local alignment
for both the short read and the genome region, the read pair is considered paired
and otherwise, we will continue the pairing process.
• Finally, if S2 has matches to the genome (no matter whether S1 has or not), it
uses the same pairing method as in the previous step, except that the estimated
genome region is to the left of S2 . If we still fail to find an optimal local alignment
satisfying the constraints specified by the user in this step, the read pair is
considered unpaired.
The SW algorithm is most time consuming in the pairing process, having a
quadratic time complexity with respect to sequence length. Thus, the more reads
that are paired in the first step, the smaller the overall execution time. Moreover, the
maximal insert size also has an impact on the number of reads that are paired and
the overall execution time. This pairing process has been multi-threaded in order to
benefit from multi-core CPUs.
CUSHAW2 [20] is the second distribution of our CUSHAW suite, and its source
code is freely and publicly available at This aligner
employs MEM seeds to enable gapped alignments of reads to the reference genome.
10 CUSHAW Suite: Algorithms for NGS Read Alignment 213
Fig. 10.2 CUSHAW2 pipeline: the dashed lines show the additional two stages for the PE
For the SE alignment, CUSHAW2 works in three stages: (1) generate MEM seeds;
(2) select the best mapping regions on the genome; and (3) produce and report the
final alignments. For the PE alignment, we introduce two additional stages before
producing the final alignments: one is the seed pairing stage and the other is the read
rescuing stage. Figure 10.2 illustrates the pipelines of CUSHAW2 for both the SE
and the PE alignments.
Herein, we will investigate how to generate MEMs based on the succinct BWT and
FM-index data structures.
We are only interested in the MEM seeds whose lengths are not less than a minimal
seed size MSS. Decreasing MSS generally increases the sensitivity by finding more
hits in homologous regions but may have a higher probability of generating more
noisy hits. Increasing MSS generally decreases the number of hits, thus improving
speed, but may undergo the decrease in sensitivity. Many seed-based aligners
therefore require users to carefully tune MSS. However, this tuning work is tedious.
To address this issue, we propose an automatic estimation of MSS according to a
given read length.
Our estimation of MSS is based on the q-gram lemma [38] and a simplified error
model. The q-gram lemma states that two aligned sequences S1 and S2 with an
edit distance of e (the number of errors) share at least Nq q-grams, where Nq is
214 Y. Liu and B. Schmidt
defined by:
This means that for overlapping q-grams, one error may cause up to q-grams not to
be shared by the two reads, and for non-overlapping q-grams, one error can destroy
only one q-gram [35]. Hence, given the edit distance e of S aligned to the genome,
MSS is estimated by:
n n o o
MSS D min max b eC1 c; MSSlo ; MSShi (10.7)
where MSSlo and MSShi are the global lower bound and upper bound, respectively.
The estimation is based on the pigeonhole principle for non-overlapping q-grams,
meaning that at least one q-gram of length MSS is shared by S and its aligned
substring mate on the genome. By default, our aligner sets MSSlo D 13 and
MSShi D 49.
Since the error model for gapped alignments is quite complicated, we employ a
simplified error model for ungapped alignments to estimate e. Supposing that the
number of substitutions w in the full-length alignment of S is a random variable and
each base in S has the same error probability p (default = 2%), the probability of
having z substitutions is calculated by:
z z
P.w D z/ D CjSj p .1 p/jSjz (10.8)
Our simplified error model results in the following values: MSS D 16 for 100-bp
reads, MSS D 22 for 200-bp reads and MSS D 35 for 500-bp reads. In addition, we
also provide parameters to allow users to customize MSS.
We represent an exact match between two sequences S1 and S2 as a triplet .p; q; k/,
where k is the length of the exact match and the substring S1 Œp; p C k 1 is identical
to the substring S2 Œq; qCk1. An exact match is called right maximal if pC1 D jS1 j
or q C 1 D jS2 j or S1 Œp C k ¤ S2 Œq C k and left maximal if p D 0 or q D 0 or
S1 Œp 1 ¤ S2 Œq 1. An exact match is called MEM if it is both left maximal and
right maximal.
10 CUSHAW Suite: Algorithms for NGS Read Alignment 215
For local alignment with affine gap penalty, the positive score for a match is usually
smaller than the penalty charged for a substitution or for an indel. Using such type
of scoring schemes, the length of the optimal local alignment of S to the genome
cannot be greater than 2jSj as a local alignment requires a positive alignment score.
This conclusion forms the foundation of our genome mapping region determination
approach for each identified MEM seed. In our aligner, we employ a commonly
used scoring scheme (e.g., also used in BLAST [28] and BWA-SW) with a match
score 1, a mismatch penalty 3, a gap opening penalty 5 and a gap extension
penalty 2.
For a read, a MEM indicates a mapping region on the genome, which includes
the seed and potentially contains the correct alignment of the full read. We can
determine the range of the mapping region by extending the MEM in both directions
by a certain number of bases. Since the optimal local alignment length of S cannot
be greater than 2jSj in our aligner, it is safe to determine the mapping region range
by extending the MEM by 2jSj bases in each direction. This extension does work
but will result in lower speed due to the introduced redundancy. Hence, we attempt
to compute a smaller mapping region with as little loss of sensitivity as possible. We
define Pm to denote the starting position of a MEM in S, Tm to denote the mapping
position of the MEM on the genome and Lm to denote the MEM length. Assuming
that the MEM is included in the final alignment, our aligner estimates the mapping
216 Y. Liu and B. Schmidt
Our aligner computes the optimal local alignment scores in all determined
mapping regions of S using the SW algorithm and then builds a sorted list of all
mapping regions in the descending order of score. Mapping regions whose scores
are less than a minimal score threshold (default = 30) are removed from the sorted
list. Subsequently, the sorted list of qualified mapping regions is used in the SE
and the PE alignment for determining the final alignments and approximating the
mapping quality scores.
The alignment of two paired reads generally has two constraints: alignment strand
and mapping distance. For the alignment strand constraint, our aligner requires the
two reads to be aligned to the genome from different strands. For the mapping
distance constraint, our aligner requires that the mapping distance of the two
reads cannot exceed a maximal mapping distance threshold defined by the insert
size information of a library. Assuming that the mean insert size is X and the
standard deviation of the insert size is , we calculate the maximal mapping distance
threshold as X C 4. For the PE mapping, our aligner has two stages: (1) pairing
qualified mapping regions in order to find the correct alignments for both ends and
(2) rescuing unaligned reads through their aligned read mates.
For any aligned read pair, we can first compare their mapping distance on the
genome (calculated from the positions of the best alignments of the two reads) to the
insert size constraint. If this comparison is within the mapping distance threshold,
the corresponding alignment is output. Otherwise, we could calculate the mapping
distance for each mapping position pair from all qualified mapping regions in the
sorted list. However, the associated computational overhead cannot be tolerated
since we need to obtain the alignment paths for all qualified mapping regions of
a read pair. Hence, we introduce a seed-pairing approach to heuristically accelerate
the read pairing.
The seed-pairing heuristic works by enumerating each seed pair of S1 and S2 in
order to find all potential seed pairs. If the seed pair has different alignment strands
and locates on the same genome fragment, it will be used to estimate the mapping
distance of S1 and S2 and otherwise will be discarded. In our aligner, the mapping
position Tp of S is estimated from one of its MEMs by:
Pm ; if the strand is forward
Tp D Tm (10.12)
jSj Pm C 1; if the strand is reverse
10 CUSHAW Suite: Algorithms for NGS Read Alignment 217
Since the introduction of mapping quality scores in MAQ [11] to indicate the
probability of the correctness of alignments, the concept of mapping quality scores
has been frequently used in many NGS read aligners. Generally, a higher mapping
quality score indicates a higher confidence in the correctness of an alignment.
As stated in BWA-SW, if an aligner guarantees to find all local alignments of a
read, the mapping quality score Mq is determined by these local alignments only.
Although our aligner does not find all local alignments of the read, the sorted list of
qualified mapping regions still provides sufficient information to approximate Mq .
In our aligner, we employ two equations to approximate Mq for the SE and the PE
alignment. For the SE alignment, Mq is approximated by:
b1 b2
Mq D 250 r (10.13)
Equation (10.13) is similar to the mapping quality approximation in BWA-SW,
where b1 is the best local alignment score, b2 is the second best local alignment
score, and r is calculated by dividing the number of bases of the read in the
final alignment by the read length. For the PE alignment, the calculation of Mq
depends on two conditions. If the two reads are correctly paired through the seed-
pairing heuristic, the mapping quality score for each read is equal to its SE Mq .
Otherwise, if one read is rescued by its mate, the mapping quality score of the read
is approximated as r Mqmate , where Mqmate is the SE Mq of its mate.
on the CPU side, we have adopted the Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 (SSE2)-
based parallel implementation of the SW algorithm in SWIPE [40]. Moreover, a
multi-threaded design based on Pthreads has been introduced to parallelize the
alignment process. We use a dynamic scheduling policy to assign reads to threads,
which allows one thread to immediately start a new alignment without waiting
for the completion of the other threads. For the SE alignment, a thread aligns a
single read at a time and then reads a new read from the input file immediately
after finishing the current alignment. For the PE alignment, we follow the same
scheduling policy with the difference that one read pair is assigned at a time. Locks
are appropriately used to ensure mutually exclusive accesses to both the input and
output files.
We have further accelerated CUSHAW2 using the CUDA-enabled GPU. In this
parallelization, we have investigated an inter-task hybrid CPU-GPU parallelism
mode to efficiently harness the compute power of both the CPU and the GPU,
which conducts concurrent alignments of different reads on the two types of
processing units. Moreover, a tile-based SW alignment backtracking algorithm
using CUDA [41] is introduced to facilitate fast alignments on the GPU. More
implementation details can be obtained from our open-source CUSHAW2-GPU [21]
CUSHAW3 [22] is the third distribution of our CUSHAW suite, and its source
code is freely and publicly available at This
aligner provides new support for color-space read alignment in addition to
base-space alignment and has introduced a hybrid seeding approach in order
to improve alignment quality. This hybrid seeding approach incorporates three
different seed types: MEM seeds, exact k-mer seeds, and variable-length seeds
derived from local alignments, into the alignment pipeline. Furthermore, three
techniques, namely weighted seed-pairing heuristic, PE alignment pair ranking,
and sophisticated read mate rescuing, have been proposed to facilitate accurate PE
Our hybrid seeding approach incorporates MEM seeds, exact-match k-mer seeds,
and variable-length seeds at different phases of the alignment pipeline. For a single
read, the alignment pipeline generally works as follows (see Fig. 10.3):
• Firstly, we produce the MEM seeds for both strands of the read based on BWT
and FM-index.
10 CUSHAW Suite: Algorithms for NGS Read Alignment 219
Generate maximal
exact match seeds
Rank seeds
Generate exact-
match k-mer seeds
N Qualified N
Re-seeding Qualified local
done? alignment?
Fig. 10.3 Program workflow of the single-end alignment using hybrid seeding
S1 S2
Generate and rank Generate and rank
Weighted seed-
maximal exact maximal exact
paring heuristic
match seeds match seeds
Y N Re-seeding S1 or S2
Produce PE Any qualified
using exact-match k-
alignments seed pairs?
mers (if applicable)
Fig. 10.4 Program workflow of the paired-end alignment with hybrid seeding
that end and all new seeds will be ranked in the same way as for MEM seeds.
Subsequently, we merge all high-quality k-mer seeds with the high-quality MEM
seeds and then re-rank all seeds. The seed merge is used because some significant
alignments, which are not covered by MEM seeds, may be reflected by k-mer
seeds, and vice versa. After getting the new list of seeds, we repeat the weighted
seed-pairing heuristic to gain qualified seed pairs. The seed-pairing and reseeding
process will be repetitively continued until either both ends have been reseeded
or any qualified seed pair has been identified.
• Fourthly, we compute the real alignments of both ends from the qualified seed
pairs. An alignment pair will be considered qualified if their mapping position
distance satisfies the insert size constraint. Similar to the weighted seed-pairing
approach, we have also ranked all qualified alignment pairs by means of a max-
heap data structure. In this manner, we would expect better alignment pairs to
come out earlier in the output.
• Finally, we attempt to rescue read mates from the best alignments of each end
when failed to pair reads in previous steps.
222 Y. Liu and B. Schmidt
2!1 !2
!D (10.14)
!1 C !2
!i D (10.15)
jSi j MS
In Eq. (10.15), ASi denotes the optimal local alignment score between read Si and
the mapping region derived from the seed, and MS represents the positive score for
a match in the alignment. To rank all qualified seed pairs, a max-heap data structure
has been used with ! as the key of each entry.
In addition to seed pairs, all qualified alignment pairs have been further ranked
in terms of weight and edit distance. For an alignment pair, we calculate its
weight following Eq. (10.14) with the difference that ASi is not definitely the
optimal local alignment score but might be the optimal semi-global alignment score.
This is because an alignment is possibly produced from a semi-global alignment
as mentioned above. Furthermore, when two qualified alignment pairs hold the
same weights, we further rank them by comparing the sums of the edit distances
of each alignment pair. In this case, smaller edit distance sums mean higher
For unpaired reads, we have employed a sophisticated read mate rescuing procedure,
which attempts to rescue one read from the top hits of its aligned mate by using
the paired-end long-range distance information. In general, our rescuing procedure
works as follows:
• Firstly, the best alignments of the two reads are computed (if available). The read,
whose best alignment has a MAPping Quality (MAPQ) exceeding a minimum
threshold (default D 20), will be used to rescue its mate. If an optimal alignment
satisfying the aforementioned constraints has been gained for the mate, the two
reads are considered as paired. Otherwise, we will continue the rescuing process
using the alignments with smaller MAPQs.
• Secondly, if the two reads have not yet been properly paired, we will attempt
to pair them from more top hits of both reads. The rescuing process will not
stop until the two reads have been properly paired or have reached the maximum
number (default D 100) of top seeds for each read.
10 CUSHAW Suite: Algorithms for NGS Read Alignment 223
• Finally, for unpaired reads, we will report their best alignments (if available) in
an SE alignment mode.
This read mate rescuing is usually time consuming mainly due to two factors.
One is the dynamic-programming-based alignment with quadratic time complexity.
The other is the maximal insert size of a read pair, which basically determines
the mapping region size of the mate on the genome. In sum, the more reads are
paired by seed-pairing heuristic, the less time is taken by the read mate rescuing
To measure alignment quality, we have used the sensitivity metric for both simulated
and real data. Sensitivity is calculated by dividing the number of aligned reads by
the total number of reads. Since the ground truth is known beforehand for simulated
data, we have further used the recall metric. Recall is calculated by dividing the
number of correctly aligned reads by the total number of reads. For simulated reads,
an alignment is deemed to be correct if its mapping position has a distance of 10
to the true position on the genome.
224 Y. Liu and B. Schmidt
Considering that for a read, GEM reports all of the detected alignments and
BWA-MEM might produce multiple primary alignments, we define that a read is
deemed to be correctly aligned if any of its reported alignments is correct. For fair
comparison, we have configured CUSHAW3, CUSHAW2, and Bowtie2 to report
at most 10 alignments per read and Novoalign to report all repetitive alignments.
All of our tests have been conducted on a workstation with dual Indel Xeon X5650
hex-core 2.67 GHz CPUs and 96 GB RAM running Linux (Ubuntu 12.04 LTS). In
addition, we have highlighted in bold all of the best values in the following tables.
As mentioned above, CUSHAW has been excluded from the following evaluations,
since it has inferior alignment quality to both CUSHAW2 and CUSHAW3. We
have evaluated the performance of CUSHAW2 (v2.1.10) and CUSHAW3 (v3.0.2)
by aligning both simulated and real reads to the human genome (hg19) and have
further compared the performance to that of four other leading aligners: Novoalign
(v3.00.04), BWA-MEM (v0.7.3a), Bowtie2 (v2.1.0), and GEM (v1.376).
error rate grows higher, Novoalign has the least significant performance drop and
CUSHAW3, the second least in terms of sensitivity. In terms of recall, nonetheless,
CUSHAW3 has the smallest performance decrease.
Secondly, we have generated the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC)
curves by plotting the True Positive Rate (TPR) against the False Positive Rate
(FPR), where the minimum MAPQ threshold is set to be greater than 0. For each
dataset, we first sort all of the alignments in descending order of MAPQ. At each
mapping quality score q > 0, TPR is computed by dividing the number of correctly
aligned reads of MAPQs q by the total number of reads, and FPR by dividing
the number of incorrectly aligned reads of MAPQs q by the number of aligned
reads of MAPQs q. As GEM does not compute MAPQs, it has been excluded.
For Bowtie2, we have disabled the option -k to enable meaningful MAPQ and
have used the default setting to report 1 alignment per read. CUSHAW2 and
CUSHAW3 have both been configured to report 1 alignment per read for the SE
and PE alignments. For Novoalign, we have used the -r Random parameter to
report 1 alignment for a single read. Figure 10.5 shows the ROC curves using
simulated data, where Novoalign yields the most significant MAPQs for each case.
Thirdly, we have assessed all aligners using three real PE datasets produced from
Illumina sequencers (see Table 10.4). All datasets are publicly available and named
after their accession numbers in the NCBI sequence read archive. In this evaluation,
226 Y. Liu and B. Schmidt
Fig. 10.5 ROC curves of all evaluated aligners on the simulated data with the minimum
MAPQ > 0
the sensitivity is computed by setting the minimum MAPQ to 0 (see Table 10.5).
For the SE alignment, CUSHAW3 aligned the most reads for each dataset and
GEM is worst. As for the PE alignment, BWA-MEM gives the best sensitivity and
CUSHAW3, the second best for all datasets.
Finally, we have assessed the performance of all evaluated aligners using the public
benchmarks at GCAT [43], which is a free collaborative platform for comparing
10 CUSHAW Suite: Algorithms for NGS Read Alignment 227
multiple genome analysis tools across a standard set of metrics. In this evaluation,
we have compared CUSHAW3, CUSHAW2, BWA-MEM, and Novoalign with
respect to alignment quality and variant calling. In addition, the evaluation results
can also be obtained from the project homepage of CUSHAW3 (http://cushaw3. for each aligner.
To assess alignment quality, we have used two Illumina-like SE datasets and
two Illumina-like PE datasets. For the two datasets of each alignment type, one has
small indels in reads (the small-indel dataset) and the other contains large indels
(the large-indel dataset). All of the four datasets are simulated from the human
genome and have read length 100, where there are 11,945,249 reads in each SE
dataset and 11,945,250 reads in each PE dataset. To be consistent with the GCAT
standard evaluations, both CUSHAW2 and CUSHAW3 are configured to report 1
alignment per read for both the SE and PE alignments. Table 10.6 shows the align-
ment results of all evaluated aligners. In terms of SE alignment, CUSHAW3 yields
the best sensitivity for both datasets. The best recall is achieved by CUSHAW3,
CUSHAW2, and BWA-MEM on the small-indel dataset and by BWA-MEM on
the large-indel dataset. CUSHAW3 performs better than Novoalign for each case.
228 Y. Liu and B. Schmidt
Besides alignment quality, the speed of each aligner has been evaluated using the
aforementioned simulated and real data. We have run each aligner with 12 threads
on the aforementioned workstation. For fair comparison, GEM has counted in the
SAM format conversion time (sometimes takes >50% of the overall runtime), as
every other aligner reports alignments in SAM format. In addition, all runtimes are
measured in wall clock time.
Table 10.8 shows the runtime (in minutes) of all evaluated aligners on both
simulated and real data. For the simulated data, Novoalign is the slowest for
nearly all cases, with an exception that CUSHAW3 performs worst in terms of PE
alignment for the dataset with 4% error rate. For the SE alignment, BWA-MEM runs
fastest on the datasets with 2% and 4% error rates, while Bowtie2 performs best for
10 CUSHAW Suite: Algorithms for NGS Read Alignment 229
Table 10.8 Runtimes (in minutes) on simulated and real base-space reads
Error rate 2% Error rate 4% Error rate 6%
Simulated SE PE SE PE SE PE
CUSHAW3 3:4 6:2 3:7 8:1 3:9 10:7
CUSHAW2 2:5 2:5 2:8 2:9 2:9 3:1
Novoalign 6:7 6:6 38:1 7:0 131:7 12:6
BWA-MEM 1:4 2:3 1:9 1:9 2:0 2:1
Bowtie2 2:1 3:6 2:0 2:7 1:7 2:2
GEM 5:7 2:4 5:9 1:9 5:4 2:0
SRR034939 SRR211279 ERR024139
CUSHAW3 62:0 292:4 78:6 317:9 85:1 264:1
CUSHAW2 38:0 38:5 47:2 49:0 51:4 50:5
Novoalign 862:1 497:6 2024:0 1243:8 754:2 460:3
BWA-MEM 25:2 25:9 24:6 26:1 27:7 30:9
Bowtie2 50:4 55:9 79:1 69:5 78:0 72:7
GEM 53:0 34:4 72:2 44:7 68:3 51:0
the dataset with 6% error rate. For the PE alignment, BWA-MEM is superior to all
other aligners for each dataset, with an exception that GEM has a tie with BWA-
MEM for the dataset with 4% error rate. In addition, the runtimes of both Novoalign
and CUSHAW3 are more sensitive to the error rates compared to other aligners. For
the real data, BWA-MEM is consistently the fastest for each case and Novoalign is
the worst.
As for memory consumption, the peak resident memory of each aligner has been
calculated by performing PE alignment on the dataset with 2% error rate using
a single CPU thread. Bowtie2 takes the least memory of 3.2 GB and Novoalign
consumes the most memory of 7.9 GB. CUSHAW3 and CUSHAW2 have a memory
footprint of 3.3 GB and 3.5 GB, respectively. For BWA-MEM and GEM, the peak
resident memory is 5.2 GB and 4.1 GB, respectively.
10.7 Conclusion
In this chapter, we have presented CUSHAW software suite for parallel, sensitive,
and accurate NGS read alignment to large genomes such as the human genome. This
suite is open-source and comprises three individual aligners: CUSHAW, CUSHAW2,
and CUSHAW3. All of three aligners are designed based on the well-known seed-
and-extend heuristic but have different seeding policies. CUSHAW employs inexact
k-mer seeds, CUSHAW2 adopts MEM seeds, and CUSHAW3 introduces hybrid
seeds incorporating three different seed types, i.e., MEM seeds, exact-match k-
mer seeds, and variable-length seeds derived from local alignments. Our aligners
accept NGS reads represented in FASTA and FASTQ formats, which can be
uncompressed or zlib-compressed, and provide an easy-to-use and well-structured
interface, as well as a more detailed documentation about the installation and usage.
Furthermore, our aligners intend to generate PHRED-compliant MAPQs for the
produced alignments and then report them in SAM format, enabling seamless
integration with established downstream analysis tools like SAMtools and GATK
[46]. In addition, support for color-space read alignment has been introduced in
10 CUSHAW Suite: Algorithms for NGS Read Alignment 231
Acknowledgements We thank the Novocraft Technologies Company for granting a trial license
of Novoalign.
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Chapter 11
String-Matching and Alignment Algorithms
for Finding Motifs in NGS Data
11.1 Introduction
G. Fiscon ()
Institute of Systems Analysis and Computer Science, National Research Council, Via dei Taurini
19, 00185 Rome, Italy
E. Weitschek
Department of Engineering, Uninettuno International University, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II 39,
00186 Rome, Italy
genome (or large portions of it) with sufficient precision and speed [33]. Therefore,
it is extremely important to develop methods that can quickly establish whether two
reads or NGS sequences are similar or not.
In this chapter, we focus on string-matching and alignment algorithms to address
this problem and to analyze biological sequences extracted from NGS machines.
Additionally, we describe the most widespread string-matching, alignment-based,
and alignment-free techniques. Section 11.2 presents an overview of the string-
matching algorithms, both exact and approximate ones. Sections 11.3 and 11.4
deal with the state-of-the-art and up-to-date alignment algorithms, which are able
to process NGS reads and sequences. In Sect. 11.5 we introduce the techniques
for NGS read mapping. Moreover, in Sect. 11.6, we describe a practical approach
for NGS reads and sequences comparisons, alignment-free algorithms, which are
very effective due to their speed and scalability. Finally, in Sect. 11.7 we draw the
The aim of this chapter is to provide the reader with a wide overview of the main
string-matching and alignment methods for NGS sequence analysis.
symbols, which denote sets of strings and operations over these sets, respectively
[24]. Formally, if there exists at least one regexp that matches a particular set, then
there exists an infinite number of such expressions.
One of the key points of regular expressions is the ability to search for a character
class (or one to be chosen from a provided list of characters), instead of searching
for a specific character. Indeed, character classes allow to try an infinite number
of different combinations. Furthermore, another essential feature of regexp is the
repetition of characters. In fact, for each expression “a,” i.e., a simple character or
character class, we can specify how many times the character must be present in the
text. Thus, for example the regexp ab .c j / denotes the set of strings starting
with “a,” then zero or more “b,” and lastly, optionally a “c,” i.e., {a, ac, ab, abc,
abb, abbc, . . . }. Finally, several advanced features exist (e.g., modifiers, statements,
groups) that can extend their simple basic syntax.
It is worth noting that regular expressions are only for describing a pattern but
do not influence the complexity of pattern searching algorithms. Therefore, by using
the regular expressions, we can flexibly manipulate the character strings since we are
able to generally describe several comparisons or substitutions within other strings
through a unique pattern, i.e., a construction scheme of a string.
Given a pattern PŒ1 m and a text TŒ1 n; where m < n, the pattern matching
problem is equal to find all occurrences of P in T. The elements of P and T are
characters drawn from a finite alphabet set. Therefore, the character arrays of P and
T are also referred to as strings of characters [12]. In greater detail, the pattern P is
said to occur with shift s in text T.
If 0 s n m and TŒs C 1 s C m D PŒ1 m or TŒs C j D PŒ j for
1 j m, such a shift s is called a valid shift.
The string-matching problem is hence the problem of finding all valid shifts
with which a given pattern P occurs in a given text T. It should be noticed that
the occurrences of P in T could be overlapped. In order to solve this problem,
very different algorithms have been developed, which are explained in the following
There is always a naive solution that sooner or later finds the correct solution to the
string-matching problem. Clearly, such a solution is extremely inefficient, and this
inefficiency increases with the length of the considered text T [12]. Thus, the first
solution for the string-matching problem is based on a trivial algorithm which aligns
the first character of the pattern P to the first one of the text T. The algorithm finds
238 G. Fiscon and E. Weitschek
The algorithm of Knuth, Morris, and Pratt (KMP) [23] proposes the answer on how
to increase the shifting without losing occurrences yields by using a preprocessing
phase in order to “learn” the internal structure of the pattern P and of the text T.
Mostly, this step decreases the running time of the algorithm. Indeed, as opposed to
the Brute-Force Algorithm, it is not always necessary to move the P of one location.
Let us define the prefix and the suffix of a string S:
prefix SŒ1 i of a string S is a substring that begins at position 1 of S and ends
at position i.
suffix SŒi jSj of a string S is a substring that begins at position i and ends at the
final position of S.
Suppose we have the setting drawn in Fig. 11.1 with P in s C 1. It should be
noticed that within the matching of length q D 5, there is a substring PŒ3 5 D
aga, which coincides with the prefix PŒ1 3.
Intuitively, it is clear that we can move P in s0 D s C 1 C .q k/ C 1, making sure
that there exists a first matching of length k D 3 for the prefix PŒ1 3 as shown in
Fig. 11.2. Since the prefix PŒ1 q coincides with the substring TŒs C 1 s C q,
we want to know what is the minimum deviation s0 > s such that PŒ1 k D
TŒs0 C 1 s0 C k. We find s0 D s C q k, showing that the comparison among the
first k characters of P are not necessary.
11 String-Matching and Alignment Algorithms for Finding Motifs in NGS Data 239
Fig. 11.3 Example of the computation of the prefix function Œq starting from a pattern P with q
matched characters
Œq D maxfk W k < q and PŒ1 k is a suffix and must be found such that
PŒ1 qg where Œq is the length of the longest prefix of P that is also a suffix
for PŒ1 q. In Fig. 11.3, we show an example of the prefix function computation.
We can see that the KMP algorithm is divided in two phases: the preprocessing,
where the prefix function is computed, and the search, where the effective search
240 G. Fiscon and E. Weitschek
for the matches is performed. In general, the pattern P is moved to the right by more
than one position.
In the worst case, the KMP algorithm takes O.n C m/ where O.n/ is the running
time of the search phase and O.m/ is the time needed to compute the prefix function,
according to the preprocessing phase.
The above mentioned algorithms have the common feature to consider at least all
characters of the text in the worst case. A result of Rivest [38] states that the pattern
matching algorithms, which use comparisons, must examine at least n m C 1
characters in the worst case, where n is the length of the text T and m is the length
of the pattern P. However, it is possible to improve the performances in the average
case. Indeed, simultaneously with KMP in 1991, Boyer and Moore proposed an
algorithm that for each portion of m characters of the text T, compares on average
only O.log n/ [18].
The KMP algorithm is quite fast with short patterns since it increases the
probability that a prefix of the pattern has a match. In all other cases (in practice
the most frequent), the BM algorithm [11] is the most efficient, specifically with
large texts and large patterns.
In particular, the BM algorithm makes the comparison between the text T and the
pattern P from right to left and incorporates two heuristics that allow avoiding much
of the work that the previously described string-matching algorithms perform. These
heuristics are so effective that they often allow the algorithm to skip altogether the
examination of many text characters. These heuristics, known as the bad-character
heuristics and the good-suffix heuristics can be viewed as operating independently
in parallel; when a mismatch occurs, each heuristics proposes an amount by which
s can safely be increased in order to perform a valid shift. Then, the BM algorithm
chooses the largest amount and increases s by the latter.
Bad-Character Heuristics
When a mismatch occurs, the bad-character heuristics uses the information about
where the bad text character TŒs C j occurs in the pattern in order to propose a new
shift. In the best case, the mismatch occurs on the first comparison (PŒm ¤ TŒsCm)
and the bad character TŒs C m does not occur in the pattern at all. Let us consider
searching for a pattern P of length m in a text string T of length n. In this case, we can
increase the shift s by m since any shift smaller than s C m will align some pattern
characters against the bad character, causing a mismatch. If the best case occurs
repeatedly, the BM algorithm examines only a fraction m1 of the text characters since
each examined text character yields a mismatch, thus causing s to increase by m.
This best-case behavior illustrates the power of matching right to left instead of left
to right.
11 String-Matching and Alignment Algorithms for Finding Motifs in NGS Data 241
ƒ W si ; s2 ; : : : ; sjSj ! 1; 2; : : : ; m (11.2)
Good-Suffix Heuristics
We analyze the following example presented in Fig. 11.10. Since the suffix
PŒ j C 1; m coincides with the substring TŒs C j C 1; s C m, the rightmost position
k < j (if it exists) must be found, such that:
Œ j D maxfk W k < jC1; PŒ jC1; : : : ; m suffix of PŒ1 kCmj and PŒk ¤ PŒ jg.
11 String-Matching and Alignment Algorithms for Finding Motifs in NGS Data 243
Fig. 11.12 Example of a good-suffix heuristics: case 2—the position k does not exist
The Œ j is the lowest amount by which we can advance s and not cause any
characters in the “good suffix” TŒs C j C 1 s C m to be mismatched against
the new alignment of the pattern. The function is defined for all j and is called
good-suffix function for the pattern P.
Two different cases can be presented:
1. The position k does not exist: in this case, P moves up to match its prefix with
a suffix of TŒs C j C 1 : : : s C m or m steps if it is a prefix of P that is suffix of
TŒs C j C 1 : : : s C m does not exist.
2. The position k exists (see Fig. 11.11) and P moves the lowest number of steps in
order to match its prefix with a suffix of the occurrence of P in T, or if this one
does not exist, P moves m steps, as shown in Fig. 11.12.
In conclusion, even the BM algorithm can be divided in two phases: the
preprocessing, where the two heuristics functions are computed, and the search,
where the effective search for the matches is performed. In general, the pattern P is
moved by more than one position to the right.
The BM algorithm takes O.nm/ in the worst case, where O.nmC1/m D O.nm/
is the running time of the search phase and O.j†j C m/ C O.m/ D O.j†j C m/ is the
time needed to compute the prefix function, according to the preprocessing phase.
To date, the BM algorithm is the most frequently used for the detection of exact
matches in DNA and NGS sequences, due to its performances.
Whereas most algorithms rely on improving the number of shifts by examining the
structure of P or T, the Rabin–Karp algorithm improves the character-to-character
comparison step. The worst-case complexity is still O..n mC1/ m/, like the naive
algorithm, and even O.n2 / for certain choices of P and T. However, the algorithm
has a good average-case behavior, which lowers time complexity to O.n C m/.
Let’s assume the alphabet as follows: † D f0; 1; 2; : : : ; 9g, a string of k
consecutive characters can be considered as representing a length-k decimal number.
Let p denote the decimal number for PŒ1 m, and let ts denote the decimal value
of the length-m substring TŒs C 1 s C m of TŒ1 n for s D 0; 1; : : : ; n m.
The value ts is equal to p if and only if TŒs C 1 s C m D PŒ1 m and s is a
valid shift.
The number p and ts can be computed in O.m/ time as follows:
where h D d m1 .mod q/ is the value of the digit “1” in the high order position of an
m-digit text window.
Since two numbers are equal, modulo q does not imply they are actually equal,
so false matches between P and T can be performed (i.e., ts D mod q but ts ¤ p);
the latter forced the algorithm to explicitly perform the comparison TŒs C 1 n D
PŒ1 m when ts D p mod q
In conclusion, the running time of the algorithm is the sum of two addends:
the first to compute p and t0 ; : : : ; tnm and the second one to perform n m C 1
comparisons. The overall time complexity is hence the following: O.n C m/ C
O.n m/ D O.n C m/.
11 String-Matching and Alignment Algorithms for Finding Motifs in NGS Data 245
In order to scan the text string T for all occurrences of the pattern P, a lot of string-
matching algorithms build a finite automaton. These string-matching automata are
very efficient since they examine each text character exactly once, taking constant
time per text character.
In particular, a finite automaton M is a 5-tuple (Q, q0 , A, †, ı), where:
1. Q is a finite set of states.
2. q0 2 Q is the start state.
3. A (subset of Q) is a set of accepting states.
4. † is a finite input alphabet.
5. ı is a function from Q † into Q, called the transition function of M.
The idea is to use a finite state automaton that recognizes the words that have
our pattern P as a suffix and during the input scanning whenever the automaton
makes a transition that leads to the final state; it is recognized that up to this point,
one occurrence of the pattern has been accessed and the starting position of the
occurrence about the shift s is returned.
Let P be a pattern such as jPj D m, and let Pq be defined as PŒ1 q and
representing the prefix of the string P of length q.
Thus, given a pattern P, let’s define an auxiliary function , called suffix function,
corresponding to P. The function is a mapping from † to f0; 1; : : : ; mg such that
.x/ is the length of the longest prefix of P that is a suffix of x.
The string-matching automaton M (Q, q0 , A, †, ı) to be used that corresponds to
a given pattern P is built as follows:
1. The state set Q is 0; 1; : : : ; m, where q0 D 0 and m is the only accepted state.
2. A D m.
3. The transition function ı is defined for any state q and character a as follows:
ı.q; a/ D .Pq a/.
The multiple pattern matching is defined as the search of more than one pattern in a
sequence. Several approaches exist to address this issue. The most widespread ones
are explained in this section.
Likewise, in one single pattern matching, the easiest solution is a naive approach,
or rather, a repeating a single algorithm for pattern matching (e.g., the algorithm
“brute force”) r times, one for each pattern. Since there is not an optimization based
on any affinity between the searched patterns, the complexity of the algorithm is
246 G. Fiscon and E. Weitschek
equal to its own multiplied by the number of r patterns. Such an approach is very
simple to implement; however, it has a prohibitive complexity equal to O.jSjmn/,
where S is the set of pattern to look for, and hence, it is not able to deal with very
long sequences.
Prefix Tree
A multiple prefix tree, also named trie, is a tree whose edges are labeled with a
character that will be different if one vertex has two different outgoing edges. The
use of the prefix tree can be divided in two parts: (1) the tree construction and
(2) the search for matching [14]. The generation of a trie is a preprocessing phase
(Fig. 11.13), where the pattern P belonging to the set S to look for in the text T
should form a prefix tree. The leading idea is that the more the branches among
the patterns that share a common prefix will be away from the root, the more the
common prefix will be long. In greater detail, the construction of the prefix tree is
structured as follows: firstly, the root vertex (not labeled) is created, and then, each
pattern Pi (2 S) is added to the tree. Starting from the root node, the path labeled
with the character of the pattern Pi is followed. Thus, if the path ends before Pi , a
new edge and a new vertex for each remaining character of Pi are added, labeling
the new edge with the sum of characters. Lastly, the Pi identifier i in the last node of
the path is stored.
The search phase (Fig. 11.14) is performed by scrolling the text along the tree,
becoming aware whether one or more patterns belong to the latter. Along the prefix
tree, we have some vertices that represent the end of a specific pattern, labeled
with the pattern identifier. Once one of those vertices have been reached during
the scrolling, it is sufficient to find an occurrence in the text of the pattern to which
such a vertex belongs. Finally, the computation of the first phase of tree generation
requires a complexity equal to O.j S j/, while the second phase can be performed
with a simple algorithm of complexity equal to O.j S j m/, where m is the length of
the pattern P. This data structure is particularly suited for NGS to align efficiently
the same substring to a reference because this operation is performed once (identical
substrings are represented by a single path in the trie) [29].
A widespread NGS analysis technique based on prefix trees is the Ferragina
and Manzini index (FM-index) [29], which allows a constant time search phase
for locating exact matches. The index is memory efficient and used for reference
genome indexing.
11 String-Matching and Alignment Algorithms for Finding Motifs in NGS Data 247
Suffix Tree
Instead of the prefix tree, a suffix tree is a data structure that does not stem from the
set of patterns S but from the text T; the tree generation is based on all the suffixes
of T. This solution, unlike the previous one can be used not only in order to look
for multiple patterns in a text T but even to find all occurrences of the single pattern
P in T [51]. A suffix tree has leaves numbered from 1 to n, where n is the size of
the text T. This leaf-associated value corresponds to the position in the text from
which the suffix starts; the suffix is obtained by concatenating all the labels from
the root to such a leaf. As a prefix tree, the use of suffix trees requires two phases:
the tree construction and the search for matches. As mentioned, the construction
of a suffix tree (Fig. 11.15) takes place starting from all the suffixes of a text T.
This phase requires a time complexity equal to O.n/. Once the tree is generated, the
search for patterns (Fig. 11.16) has to be performed as follows. The tree is scrolled
for each pattern P, and either when a leaf has been reached before the end of P or
when a path not belonging to P occurs, there are no occurrences of P in T [32].
Otherwise, all the sub-tree leaves of the path with P labels are the points of T, in
248 G. Fiscon and E. Weitschek
Especially when searching for patterns in NGS sequences, an exact pattern matching
is very hard to find and often not so useful to be investigated due to its complex
structure. For this reason, an approximate solution for the pattern matching problem
has been proposed.
In a pattern matching approximation, the issue is to seek whether a text
subsequence is similar to the pattern searched for and, if the similarity overcomes
a certain threshold, the search result is considered. Given a set of s sequences on
the alphabet † D fA; C; G; Tg, the approximate pattern matching aims to find all
(M, k) patterns, i.e., patterns of length M that occur with at most k mismatches
in at least q sequences of the set (q s). In particular, a mismatch between
the text T and the pattern P occurs for a given displacement of P, if one or more
characters of P are different from the corresponding characters of T. The first simple
11 String-Matching and Alignment Algorithms for Finding Motifs in NGS Data 249
Fig. 11.15 The Suffix tree: Generation of the tree. In this example, the text T D
solution is a naive algorithm, which tries to find the pattern P in the text T with less
than k errors, where k is equal to the highest number of allowed mismatches. The
algorithm requires as input a pattern PŒ1 : : : m, a text TŒ1 : : : n, and the maximum
number of mismatches k. The output of the algorithm is given by all positions
1 < i < .mnC1/, such that TŒi iCm and PŒ1 m have at most k mismatches.
Thus, the algorithm gives as output the set of valid shifts of the pattern P in the text
T. This algorithm has a time complexity equal to O.nm/, where n and m are the T
and P lengths, respectively.
250 G. Fiscon and E. Weitschek
Fig. 11.16 The Suffix tree: Search for the patterns matching. In this example, the text T D
fATGAGCATGATg and the set of patterns S D fATG; AGCATA; TGA; GAGCATGAT; TGATAg
The similarity of two genomic sequences of different organisms that are obtained
by the NGS assembly process can be explained by the fact that they share a
common ancestral DNA. According to this assumption, mutations occurred during
the evolution, causing differences among families of contemporary species. Major
modifications are due to local mutations, which specifically modify the DNA
sequence. Such local changes between nucleotide sequences (or more generally
between strings over an arbitrary alphabet) can be the following ones: (1) insertion,
i.e., to insert one or more bases (letters) into the sequence; (2) deletion, i.e., to
remove a base (or more) from the sequence; and (3) substitution, i.e., to replace
a sequence base by another. Therefore, the analysis of DNA sequences can be
approached in two different ways: to compute either a measure of distance or a
measure of similarity. Following the concept of mutation events and, hence, of
assigning weights to each mutation, the distance between two sequences is defined
as the minimal sum of weights for a set of mutations that transform one into the other
one. Following the theory of one ancestral ancient DNA and, hence, of assigning
weights corresponding to the similarity, the similarity between two sequences is
defined as the maximal sum of such weights [43].
11 String-Matching and Alignment Algorithms for Finding Motifs in NGS Data 251
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
P a pair of sequences S D S1 ; S2 ; : : : ; Sk and T D T1 ; T2 ; : : : ; Tk on the alphabet
[fg ( space character), which satisfy the following conditions:
1. j S0 jDj T 0 jD k where max.m; n/ k .m C n/.
2. S is obtained by removing all the spaces from S0 .
3. T is obtained by removing all the spaces from T 0 .
4. If Si0 D , then Ti0 ¤ , and viceversa.
Therefore, a global alignment requires as input two sequences (S and T) of
roughly the same length, and it investigates what is the maximum similarity between
them, in order to find the best alignment. Unlike an edit distance, it aims to
maximize the similarity instead of minimizing the distance. Moreover, it can be
defined as a weighted alignment: a score matrix assigns to each pair of characters
.a; b/ a score d, representing the cost (or benefit) of replacing a with b. The aim
of the alignment
Pl is, hence, finding an alignment .S0 ; T 0 / between S and T, whose
0 0
score A D iD1 d.S .i/; T .i// is maximum. In the following subsection, we will
describe the widespread Needleman–Wunsch algorithm that is based on dynamic
programming [35].
The cost of the alignment is AŒm; n and the complexity of such an algorithm is, where m and n are the S and T lengths, respectively.
Instead of the global alignment where the whole sequence must be aligned, a
local alignment consists of aligning only parts of the analyzed sequence. A local
alignment requires as input two sequences S and T, and it investigates what is the
maximum similarity between a subsequence of S and a subsequence of T, in order to
find the most similar subsequences. For example, this approach can be useful either
to investigate unknown parts of the DNA or to find structural shared subunits among
different proteins. To compute a local alignment, there are different techniques,
such as the Smith–Waterman algorithm [42], the dotplot analysis (Dotter)[45], or
heuristic approaches, like FASTA (based on Smith–Waterman algorithm), BLAST
[7], and Bowtie [26, 27]. The latter is widely used in NGS analysis, particularly for
read mapping and the assembly process.
The Smith–Waterman algorithm stops when a cell with zero value is reached and
the final result is the one with the highest value within the entire matrix A [10].
254 G. Fiscon and E. Weitschek Dotter BLAST
Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) [7] finds regions of similarity among
sequences, comparing nucleotide or protein sequences to sequence databases and
calculates the statistical significance of matches.
There exists also a version of BLAST called Mega-BLAST that uses a greedy
algorithm for nucleotide sequence alignment search. This program is optimized for
aligning sequences that differ slightly as a result of sequencing or other similar
“errors.” When a larger word size is used, it is up to ten times faster than more
common sequence similarity programs. Mega-BLAST is also able to efficiently
handle much longer DNA sequences than the traditional BLAST algorithm.
On one hand, BLAST is available online and does not require computing local
resources and it is easy to read and interpret from a command line. Moreover, it is
easily automatized. On the other hand, it is not interactive, it shows only the best
homologies, and it is not a suitable tool to look for repeated sequences.
Furthermore, BLAST is used to search for homologies with proteins or known
DNA sequences in huge databases, whereas Dotter is used to search for repeated
regions or to search for homologies between few sequences. In conclusion, BLAST
can be used in NGS for mapping a set of short query sequences against a long
reference genome [29] or to assess the similarity among reads. Bowtie
Bowtie [26, 27] is an ultra-fast and memory-efficient software, able to align short
NGS DNA sequences (reads) to genomes. In particular, given a reference and a set
of reads, it provides at least one good local alignment for each read if exists. It is
11 String-Matching and Alignment Algorithms for Finding Motifs in NGS Data 255
Fig. 11.18 An example of the BWT for the string T Dacaacg. Starting from the suffix array or
BWM, the BWT of the string T is the last column of the matrix, i.e., BWT(T)=gc$aac
worth noting that a “good alignment” implies an alignment with fewer mismatches,
as well as the concept of “failing to align a low-quality base is better than failing to
align an high-quality base.”
Bowtie is based on Burrows–Wheeler Transform (BWT) [28] and makes use of
suffix trees (described in section “Suffix Tree”) to speed up the algorithm. BWT
only finds exact matches; to map reads with differences, we must generate many
alternate reads with different characters or indels at each position. Genomes and
reads are too large for direct approaches like dynamic programming, and hence,
Bowtie implements as indexing a reversible permutation of the characters in a text,
known as BWT [28]. The BWT is based on the suffix array, also known as Burrows–
Wheeler Matrix (BWM), i.e., an alphabetically ordered list of the suffixes of a string
[43]. In particular, starting from an extended suffix array, the BWT represents the
last column (see Fig. 11.18). It has the propriety that the k-th character of the given
string in the first and last columns is the same character, which makes it easy to find
the next character in a string by going backwards. The main advantages of BWT are
that it requires small memory (1–3 GB) and that the same indexing can be used if
the size of the reads changes. However, BWT only finds exact matches, and hence,
in order to map reads with differences, it needs to generate many alternate reads
with different characters or indels at each position [43].
Fig. 11.20 Example of a global alignment for the input sequences S and T
Fig. 11.21 Example of a semi-global alignment for the input sequences S and T
First of all, we define a gap as the maximal contiguous run of spaces in a single
sequence within a given alignment. The length of a gap is the number of inserted or
deleted subsequences. A gap penalty function is a function that measures the cost of
a gap as a (non-linear) function of its length. Given as input two sequences S and T,
it aims to find a best alignment between them by using the gap penalty function.
Gaps aid to build alignments that more closely fit biological models. The idea is
to deal with a gap as a whole, rather than to give the same weight to each space.
The concept of gap is relevant in many biological applications. In fact, insertions or
11 String-Matching and Alignment Algorithms for Finding Motifs in NGS Data 257
The Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) problem is the process of taking three
or more input sequences and forcing them to have the same length by inserting a
universal gap symbol, in order to maximize their similarity as measured by a score
function [50].
An optimal MSA can be useful to provide information on the evolutionary history
of the species. Moreover, a local one can reveal conserved regions, which can be key
functional regions, as well as priority targets for drug development.
A MSA of strings S1 ; S2 ; : : : ; Sk is a series of strings with spaces S D
S0 1 ; S0 2 ; : : : ; S0 n , such that: j S0 1 jDj S0 2 jD Dj S0 n j and Sj0 is an extension
of Sj , obtained by insertions of spaces. For example, a MSA for the three following
sequences ACBCDB, CADBD, ACABCD is shown in Fig. 11.22. There are many
available software packages to perform a MSA, e.g., CLUSTAL W [47], based on
the Feng–Doolittle algorithm, which aligns sequences according to the order fixed
by the phylogenetic tree, and DiAlign [34], which identifies the diagonals of the
sequences, i.e., the subsequences without spaces, and builds the alignment starting
from them. However, all the problems of multiple alignment are NP-hard [8, 20, 50],
and hence, we need to find algorithms that provide good alignment with time-
efficiency. The evaluation of a multiple alignment is based on a scoring function; the
aim is to reach one of the alignments of maximum score. The rating of an alignment
S0 of S is given by the sum of the scores associated with all the columns of S0 .
The score is computed as explained in Sect. 11.3, extending the computation from
pairwise to multiple alignment.
In NGS analysis, MSA is used to align and map the reads to the reference
genome. However, sequencing errors, variations, and polymorphisms are present
in the reference genome, and hence, a right choice of the MSA algorithm is crucial
to reach effective results.
The problem of read mapping is defined in the following way [43]. Given 100
million reads (or more) from a NGS experiment, for each find the genomic
coordinates, chromosome, and first base, where it has the best match in a reference
genome, either with the forward or reverse strand. The best match means zero or a
small number of differences with the reference genome, which include mismatches
and indels. Finally, determine if it has multiple matches or none at all.
An example of read mapping is drawn in Fig. 11.23a [43]. Structural variants are
any rearrangements of the genome relative to a reference. They include:
1. Insertions/deletions
2. Inversions
3. Translocations
4. Tandem repeat variations
Examples of read mapping with insertions and deletions are sketched in
Fig. 11.23b, c. Several mapping algorithms are available, i.e., Bowtie, BWA,
SOAP2, SSAHA2, Mosaik, BFAST, Zoom, SliderII, and [41]. These algorithms
can perform an indexing of the genome by using short words (seeds), which have a
bounded expectation for failed mapping, or by using longer words (seeds), which
guarantee a mapping with bounded number of errors. The methods for similarity
detection involve some form of scanning the input sequences, usually with a window
of fixed size (also called seed). Information about the contents of the window is
stored, which is called indexing. The index is a list of all possible window contents
together with a list, for each content, of where it occurs.
Alternatively, these algorithms can implement the BWT [28] of the genome, in
order to obtain an exact matching or generating many alternate reads with different
characters or indels at each position to map reads with differences.
Fig. 11.23 Read mapping: (a) normal case, (b) case with deletion, (c) case with insertion [43]
260 G. Fiscon and E. Weitschek
to extract a human readable model which contains the identified motifs of the NGS
sequences. An example is drawn in Table 11.2, where if-then rules (motifs) to
classify bacterial genomes starting from their reads are depicted.
11.7 Conclusions
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Part IV
Assembly of NGS Data
Chapter 12
The Contig Assembly Problem
and Its Algorithmic Solutions
12.1 Introduction
DNA sequencing, assuming no prior knowledge on the target DNA fragment, may
be roughly described as the succession of two steps. The first of them uses some
sequencing technology to output, for a given DNA fragment (not necessarily a whole
genome), a collection of possibly overlapping sequences (called reads) representing
small parts of the initial DNA fragment. The second one aims at recovering the
sequence of the entire DNA fragment by assembling the reads. The quality of the
resulting DNA sequence (or assembled sequence) depends on the quality of the
reads, on the specific information at hand, and on the assembly method. We briefly
discuss each of them below. (Note that we do not consider here the assembly of DNA
fragments from RNAseq or metagenomic experiments, which have an additional
dimension due to the different gene sequences and genomes present in the sample.)
The quality of the reads is expressed in terms of read length, the rate and type of
sequencing errors, and the average number of reads covering an arbitrary position
in the target DNA fragment (the latter one is termed coverage). These parameters
directly depend on the sequencing technology used to obtain the reads. The classical
Sanger technology produces relatively long reads of sizes between 500 and 1000 bp,
with a low error rate. The research for lower-cost sequencing methods led to the
emergence in 2005 of the next-generation sequencing (NGS for short) platforms
(see [1] for a description), producing billions of reads with a very low cost. However,
cost and time reduction came with a modification of read length and quality. The
length of the reads ranges from 35 to 800 bp, depending on the technology, thus
allowing us to speak about very short reads (up to 50 bp), short reads (between 50
and 250 bp), and longer reads (more than 250 bp). In order to counterbalance the
loss of information due to smaller fragments, a higher coverage of the sequenced
DNA fragment is needed. Note that new high-throughput platforms appeared more
recently, allowing to speak about third-generation sequencing. In this chapter, we
assume NGS data concerns very short or short reads, whatever the platform which
generated them.
In addition to the collection of reads, the assembly step may benefit from
supplementary information specific to the DNA fragment to be assembled. Most
NGS platforms propose sequencing protocols providing pairs of reads (called paired
reads) for which an approximate distance (called insert size) separating them on
the DNA fragment is known. Another important piece of information, when it
is available, is a reference genome that is used as a template for the assembly,
allowing reads to be mapped against it [48]. This type of assembly is termed
comparative assembly. At the opposite, when the assembly of the reads uses no
reference genome, we are in a de novo context.
Finally, the assembly method uses the information at hand and reads, as well as
reference genomes when available, to construct an assembled sequence aiming at
being as close as possible to the real one. Assembly is a very complex task, dealing
with a variety of problems and requiring a wide range of skills. Consequently, an
assembler is usually a multistage pipeline including as separate stages the pre-
assembly error correction in reads, the contig assembly in which overlapping reads
are grouped into larger sequences called contigs, and the contig scaffolding resulting
into the assembled sequence, where contigs are ordered and separated by gaps
representing the uncovered regions. Another important task, but not necessarily
identified as a separate stage, is repeat solving, which constitutes one of the
bottlenecks of assembly and requires to correctly locate on the assembled sequence
the regions which have identical sequence but different locations. The performances
of an assembler are therefore the result of an important number of methods the
assembler implements.
Three main approaches are known for dealing with (very) short data, namely
greedy, Overlap-Layout-Consensus (OLC), and de Bruijn methods. Whereas the
former two of them, and especially the OLC methods, are widely (since success-
fully) used for computing assemblies with Sanger data, only the latter of them is
able to reach good performances on very short or short data, and particularly when
the size of the genomes is large. This is due to the very large amount of data to
handle in the case of very short or short reads.
In this chapter, we propose a state-of-the-art of the algorithmic aspects presented
by de novo whole-genome assembly using NGS data, focused on the crucial step
of contig construction. Our aim here is threefold: firstly, to propose a tutorial
allowing the reader, with some help from us, to make himself a methodology-based
comparison of the assembly algorithms that is complementary to the numerous
experimental comparisons of the assemblers [5, 16, 49, 61]; secondly, to point out
the omnipresent heuristics, whose legitimacy is based on many true arguments
(like erroneous data, huge data, NP-complete problems, not enough criteria to
discriminate predictions between right or wrong, too many criteria to evaluate and
12 The Contig Assembly Problem and Its Algorithmic Solutions 269
so on) but which are still very limited from an algorithmic point of view; and
thirdly, to support the idea that, since assembly is a collection of problems, better
assemblers should result from a fine assembly of best solutions to each problem.
It is worth noticing here that this study is focused on algorithmic issues and their
performances, rather than on assemblers and their performances, meaning that we
chose to present the principles of the assemblers and not to compare the assemblers.
As a consequence, assemblers are mentioned in order to illustrate the algorithmic
issues we present here but are certainly not limited to these issues (many of them
are far too complex to be deeply described in a few pages).
The organization of the chapter is as follows. In Sect. 12.2 we give the main
definitions, formulate the problems to solve, and fix the context of our tutorial. In
Sects. 12.3–12.5, we present respectively the general features of the greedy, OLC,
and de Bruijn approaches, whose different algorithmic developments are given.
Section 12.6 contains the perspectives and the conclusion.
In this section, we present the general assembly problem, discuss the role of contig
assembly in solving it, and fix the context of our chapter.
Given a sequence over the alphabet ˙ D fA; C; G; Tg, where A; C; G; T
respectively stand for the nucleotides adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine, its
length h is the number of its characters. We write jj D h and we also say that
is a h-mer. Its i-th character is denoted Œi, whereas the subsequence of characters
between the positions i and j is denoted Œi : : : j. The reverse complement of
is obtained by first reversing the order of its characters and then replacing every A
by a T, every G by a C, every T by an A, and every C by a G. Furthermore, given
k h, we say that a k-mer x occurs in if there exist positions i and j such that
x D Œi : : : j. Equivalently, we also say that contains x. The k-spectrum of is
the set Sk ./ of k-mers occurring into . A read is possibly any sequence of the
alphabet ˙ D fA; C; G; Tg.
Then, the assembly problem, in its most general form, requires to reconstruct a
DNA fragment given a set R of reads from this fragment, in the most accurate way
possible. Depending on the modeling of the problem, a sequence S is considered an
accurate reconstruction from R if it solves an optimization problem (see for instance,
[36, 40]), that is, if it maximizes or minimizes a given reconstruction score rec.S; R/.
In other words, the precise problem to solve depends on the modeling, but as a
generality, the assembly problem may be stated as follows:
Input: A non-empty set of reads R over ˙, of length l each, resulting after
sequencing a DNA fragment D; a reconstruction score rec
Requires: Find an assembled sequence S over ˙ containing each read in R or the
respective complement of each read such that rec.S; R/ is optimal.
270 G. Jean et al.
Notice that the GENERAL ASSEMBLY PROBLEM allows any read or its com-
plement (and even both) to be part of the assembled sequence since the DNA
fragment has two complementary strands and the original strand of a read (i.e., its
orientation) is not known. Moreover, the read is not required to have an exact copy
in S (assemblers correct reads before including them in the assembled sequence).
Also note that the assumption that all reads have the same length is not always
true in practice but is not a real restriction and allows us to greatly simplify the
Assembly algorithms strongly rely on the overlaps between reads. Formally,
overlaps are defined as follows. Let s.x; y/ be a similarity measure between
reads (usually the Smith–Waterman similarity measure [56]), and call a prefix
(respectively a suffix) of length j, with j > 0, of a read x the subsequence of x
made of the first (respectively last) j characters of x. Denote, respectively, Pref .x; j/
and Suff .x; j/ the prefix and suffix of x of length j.
Definition 1 (Overlap) Let r1 and r2 be two reads, and t be a positive real value.
Then r1 overlaps r2 (equivalently, there is an overlap between r1 and r2 ) with overlap
weight t if there is a suffix sr1 of r1 and a prefix pr2 of r2 such that s.sr1 ; pr2 / D t.
When sr1 D pr2 , the overlap is called exact. Otherwise, it is called approximate. We
note w.r1 ; r2 / D maxft j r1 overlaps r2 with weight tg, the maximum overlap weight
between r1 and r2 , and len.r1 ; r2 / D minfjsr1 j; jpr2 jg, their overlap length.
The most natural approach in solving the GENERAL ASSEMBLY PROBLEM is to
compare reads so as to identify overlaps between them and to infer that overlapping
reads should be glued together in the assembled sequence.
Definition 2 (Extension) Let r1 and r2 be two reads of length l with an exact
overlap of length p. Then, the extension of r1 with r2 is the sequence obtained by
concatenating to r1 the suffix of r2 of length l p.
When the overlap is approximate, an extension may also be defined, but it
must be context-dependent, that is, it must take into account the other reads which
overlap with the two initial reads. Due to many difficulties (that are discussed in
the remainder of the chapter), and particularly repeats in the target DNA fragment,
the sequences resulting from a series of extensions (called contigs) do not cover
the entire genome. Therefore, the problem to solve is slightly different from the
GENERAL ASSEMBLY PROBLEM formulated above. Here, a length score is a
function evaluating the combined length of a set of sequences over ˙.
Input: A non-empty set of reads R over ˙ of length l each, resulting after
sequencing a DNA fragment D; a reconstruction score rec; and a
length score ls
Requires: Find a set C of sequences over ˙, named contigs, such that ls.C/ is
maximum and, for each sequence Ci in C, there exists a set Ri of reads
from R such that rec.Ci ; Ri / is optimal.
Equivalently, each contig Ci from C is required to be an accurate reconstruction
of a region from D, and the total length of the contigs is required to be maximum.
12 The Contig Assembly Problem and Its Algorithmic Solutions 271
Contigs are then parts of the target sequence D, for which the order, the orientation,
and the distances between them along the assembled sequence are computed during
the scaffolding step, which finishes the construction of the assembled sequence.
The main source of ambiguity in finding the contigs comes from repeats, i.e.,
sequences having several identical copies in the target genome. In the set of reads,
one loses the information about the location of each copy on the target genome and,
moreover, each copy appears in several reads, either as a whole or only as fragments.
Resolving repeats thus means correctly assembling the reads containing the same
copy (or fragments of it), implying to correctly choose them among those containing
other copies. This is a very hard task, especially when complicated repeats (i.e.,
included in each other, or much longer than the reads etc.) exist. Therefore, the
treatment of repeats is essential in every assembler and has a major effect on the
quality of the resulting assembled sequence.
The particular context we deal with in this chapter is as follows. We consider
the de novo assembly problem in the context of whole-genome sequencing, i.e.,
when the DNA fragment to sequence is an entire genome and there is no reference
genome. We focus on the CONTIG ASSEMBLY PROBLEM (or contig assembly,
for short), but we present the existing algorithms within the general context of
the assemblers implementing them. Therefore, the pre-assembly error correction
procedure is detailed when such a correction exists since it is prior to contig
assembly and thus has an effect on it, whereas the scaffolding stage is only
mentioned in our algorithms.
As most assemblers do, we assume a priori that we have no information
concerning paired reads at the contig assembly level. Such information, when
available, is usually exploited at the scaffolding level, although some assemblers
[2, 8, 37, 39] are able to use it at the contig assembly level. As the orientation of
the reads is not known, the set R is assumed to contain both the reads obtained
after sequencing and their reverse complements. As a consequence, the assembly is
always performed symmetrically on both strands.
We distinguish three different approaches for contig assembly of NGS data (see
Fig. 12.1). The greedy approach adopts a local contig extension procedure avoiding
all-to-all comparisons between reads but whose performances are limited by the
local choices. The OLC approach benefits from global information obtained by all-
to-all comparisons between reads but needs important computer resources. The de
Bruijn approach splits the reads into overlapping k-mers from which a so-called de
Bruijn graph is built that captures the overlaps between k-mers but which is also
very sensitive to errors in reads. Figure 12.1 also shows some hybrid approaches
(combining different features, usually greedy and OLC) that we mention without
giving details. While reading the following sections, the reader should be aware that
whereas the contig assembly problem is the core of the assembly, an assembler is an
implementation of the algorithm which adds many features impossible to describe
here, many of them related much more to engineering than to algorithmics.
272 G. Jean et al.
The greedy approach is the most intuitive method for building contigs using the
overlaps between reads. Based on the idea that the larger the overlap between two
reads, the stronger the confirmation that the two reads are overlapping in the target
genome, the greedy approach successively makes local choices of the read which
best extends a current contig (itself made of overlapping reads). See Fig. 12.2a, b.
As indicated in Sect. 12.2, we assume we are given a set R of l-length reads over the
alphabet ˙ D fA; C; G; Tg, containing all the reads obtained after sequencing, and
their reverse complements. An overlap between a contig c and a read e is defined
similarly to an overlap between reads (see Definition 1) since a contig is made of
overlapping reads. When such an overlap has been identified, the extension of c with
e, according to this overlap, is the contig obtained by concatenating to c the suffix
of e not overlapping c.
Algorithm 1 presents the general lines of a greedy algorithm, which always
follows a seed-and-extend principle. It first computes a set S of seeds, which are
reads or even contigs identified as interesting for extension. Then, the seeds are
successively considered for extension, each of them defining an initial contig c.
Notice that in Algorithm 1, once a seed c is used, both it and every read in it (as
well as its reverse complement) are removed from all the sets they belonged to
(here, S and/or R). This is done by the function Remove.c; c; R; S/. Then, the greedy
algorithm first considers the possible extensions of c to the right using the reads in R
and successively extends c either by one read or, in some versions, by one character
12 The Contig Assembly Problem and Its Algorithmic Solutions 273
(A) (C)
Reference sequence
Reads: Reverse complements: GATCTT
Seed Available reads Overlaps for extension
r1 r2, r3, r4, r5, r6 GAAAGATC (2) AAGATCAG
r2, r4, r5, r6 GAAAGATCAG
Fig. 12.2 Illustration of the greedy and OLC approaches. (a) The reads (here, assumed to occur
on the same strand of the genome) and their complements, of length l D 8. (b) The greedy
method, where a read is available if and only if its reverse complement is available. (c) The OLC
method, where the reads only (and not their complements) are in bold. Here, the overlaps are
exact, and—for each pair of reads—only the longest overlap of length at least 2 is represented.
(c.1) The overlap graph built in the overlap step. (c.2) A path found in the layout step. (c.3) The
consensus sequence corresponding to the path, computed in the consensus step, which is also—in
this case—the assembled sequence
at a time. Second, the algorithm searches in the same way the extensions to the left
of c by taking the reverse complement c of c (not of R since it contains both a read
and its complement). Once the two extension steps are finished, c is added to the set
C of contigs. Scaffolding is the last step, meant to orient and order the contigs to
274 G. Jean et al.
deduce an assembled sequence. This step is often missing in the first versions of the
12.3.2 Refinement
Algorithm 2 SSAKE
Input: Set R of reads of length l > 0,
integer min > 0 (minimum length of an overlap),
integer h > 0 (prefix length)
Output: An assembled sequence
Step 1: Data preparation
1.1: Frequency based sorting of reads in R
compute the read frequencies f .r/
sort R by decreasing value of f .r/
compute the prefix tree T of R for length h
1.2: Compute the seed set S and update R
Step 2: Build contigs by left-right seed extensions
C 0;
while R ¤ ; do
2.1: choose a seed c from S
c the first element in S
Remove.c; c; R; S; T/
2.2: repeatedly extend c, then c, to the right
extend true; switch false
while (extend) do
k l1
while min k do
u the rightmost k-mer in c
Ext fv 2 R j Pref .v; k/ D ug (uses T)
if jExtj D 1 then
let e 2 Ext
c the extension of c with e
Remove.e; e; R; S; T/
k l1
if jExtj > 1 then k min 1 else k k 1 endif
end if
end while
if (not switch) then switch true else extend false endif;
c c;
end while
C C [ fcg
end while
Step 3: Scaffolding
Use paired reads to solve repeats and connect contigs
exists (not detected by SSAKE since corresponding to a substring of e), and the
extension makes a dubious choice, or not. In the first case, the extension is stopped.
In the second case, the contig is extended and the extension process continues.
VCAKE [25] follows the same principles as SSAKE but modifies the read extension
method in order to handle errors. In VCAKE, all the possible reads having with c an
overlap of length between min and l 1 (see step 2 in Algorithm 2) are considered
in order to decide which extension to choose for a contig c. The contig is then
276 G. Jean et al.
successively extended by the character which is the most frequent at its position
over all the possible extensions, assuming that the frequencies observed are not too
high, in which case a repeat inducing abnormally high frequencies is detected and
the extension is canceled.
QSRA [7] modifies VCAKE in the case where a given threshold on the number
of extensions is not reached even when min is as low as 11. In this case, QSRA
uses so-called quality-values (or q-values) of the reads—statistically estimating the
confidence of each read—to decide whether the global quality of the extensions is
good enough (depending on another threshold) to nevertheless allow the extension.
If so, the extension is done similarly to VCAKE.
PE-Assembler [2] has a complex seed construction procedure, where a seed is
obtained by the extension of a read similarly to VCAKE, assuming this extension
exceeds a given length threshold. Moreover, its contig building procedure—once
again similar to VCAKE—takes into account paired reads, which is rare enough to
be worth noticing.
12.3.3 Summary
The greedy technique claims simplicity and moderate ambition, both of which are
defensible. Recent comparisons [32] show that, in general, greedy assemblers need
higher coverage than de Bruijn assemblers (but comparable with OLC assemblers)
for a comparable result (in terms of coverage of the target genome by the resulting
contigs), but with more assembly errors. Consequently, the time and memory
usage—which grows rapidly when the data size increases [61]—are higher than with
OLC or de Bruijn assemblers, making the assembly of large genomes not feasible
with greedy assemblers. Behind the computational requirements, the generally
complex structure of large genomes is a bottleneck for the simple criteria used
by greedy approaches. It is worth noticing here that an assembler called SUTTA
[41] proposes to replace the greedy extension of a contig by an exact branch-
and-bound search of the best extension (as computed using a specific optimization
criterion) first to the right and then to the left. Since these directional extensions are
independent from each other, the algorithm keeps some greedy features, however.
Introduced for Sanger read assembly [43] and then adapted for NGS data (see for
instance [39]), the OLC method proposes a global approach of genome assembly
using a graph formulation and following three main steps named overlap, layout,
and consensus steps.
12 The Contig Assembly Problem and Its Algorithmic Solutions 277
Let us first present the principles of the three steps (see Fig. 12.2c for an example).
Overlap Step Given the set R of reads (including their reverse complements),
the first aim of the OLC approach is to build a global graph giving an account
of the overlaps between reads. This is done during the overlap step, where the
set R of input reads (and their reverse complements) is first used to compute a
set O of ordered pairs .ri ; rj / with ri ; rj 2 R (i ¤ j) whose overlap (exact or
approximate) is significant with respect to some specific criterion defined by a
similarity function s.:; :/. The choice of O is crucial for downstream procedures
since O has an important impact on the assembly result [17]. At the end of the
overlap step, the directed graph G.R/ D .R; O; w/, called the overlap graph of R, is
built, with node set R and arcs .ri ; rj / from O. Each arc .ri ; rj / of it is weighted by the
maximum overlap weight w.ri ; rj / obtained using s.:; :/ (see Definition 1). Although
computing the overlaps needed by this step and their weights is not algorithmically
difficult, with the important amount of data handled by the NGS assemblers, the
computational cost of this step is high, even when the most efficient algorithms [53]
are used.
Layout Step The goal of this step is to find a path in the overlap graph that uses at
least one node from every pair of nodes associated with a read and its complement,
meaning that the orientation of the read into the genome is computed at the same
time as the path defining the sought assembled sequence. Even when the orientation
of the reads is known (which is not the case in practice), this problem is very
difficult from an algorithmic viewpoint since it reduces to the Hamiltonian path
problem, requiring a path containing each node of a given graph exactly once. The
Hamiltonian path problem was proved NP-complete in [19].
Consensus Step The consensus step aims at finding a sequence which best repre-
sents all the reads in the path. Given the ordered list L D r1 ; r2 ; : : : ; rn of the reads
on the path and a weighted edit distance D.:; :/ between sequences on ˙, the aim is
to find a sequence s? and contiguous subsequences s?1 ; s?2 ; : : : ; s?n of s , in this order
from left to right of s? , such that (1) consecutive sequences s?i ; s?iC1 ; : : : ; s?j overlap
if and only if the corresponding reads ri ; riC1 ; : : : ; rj overlap and such that (2)
D.s?i ; ri / is minimized. Such a sequence s? is called a consensus sequence for
L (and also for the initial path). Since finding a consensus sequence is another NP-
complete problem [52], most of the OLC assemblers implement heuristic methods.
As was already the case for greedy algorithms, whereas we seek to solve the
GENERAL ASSEMBLY PROBLEM, in practice—and mainly due to the repeats—
it is rather the CONTIG ASSEMBLY PROBLEM that the assemblers solve. The
OLC assemblers are based on the approach proposed in [26] and are organized as
described in Algorithm 3. Once the overlap step is done (Step 2), the layout and the
consensus steps are performed once or twice (Steps 3 and 4). In the second case,
the contigs are not directly obtained from paths found in the overlap graph G.R/
but from paths found in a refined graph G0 .R/ whose nodes are sequences called
278 G. Jean et al.
Ref. G
Fig. 12.3 Particular configurations in an overlap graph. On the left, a region of the genome and a
set of reads (length l D 5) are given. On the right, the corresponding overlap graph whose nodes
are the reads and whose arcs are exact overlaps of length 3. (a) A repeat, identified by two paths
that converge then diverge. (b) A tip (also called a spur): a dead-end path (dotted circle) resulting
from sequencing errors (CG instead of GA) at the end of a read. (c) A bubble (also called a mouth):
the change of G into T in some reads results into a pair of paths that converge then diverge
unitigs. It is worth mentioning that the unitig notion is an ambiguous term which
does not have the same meaning when talking about different de Bruijn graph-
based assemblers. The paths used in G0 .R/ are usually linear paths, i.e., paths whose
nodes have in- and out-degree exactly 1 (thus guaranteeing that the reads in the path
are involved in no repeat, as repeats introduce branchings into the overlap graph;
see Fig. 12.3a). Optionally, a scaffolding step ends the treatment by ordering and
orienting the contigs and resolving a number of repeats using paired data.
12 The Contig Assembly Problem and Its Algorithmic Solutions 279
12.4.2 Refinement
Algorithm 4 CABOG
Input: Set R of reads,
real t (min. similarity between two reads),
integer lmin (min. overlap length),
integer k (defines the k-mers),
integer m (min. number of shared k-mers)
Output: An assembled sequence
Second, a unitig is broken if the number of violated read pairs in this unitig exceeds
a given threshold. A read pair is violated if the two reads in the pair lie in the same
unitig and the distance between them on the unitig is not consistent with the insert
size. As a result, we obtain a set U of unitigs.
In Step 4, CABOG relies once more on information about paired reads, if it
is available (otherwise, it outputs the set U as the set of final contigs). For each
unitig u 2 U, CABOG first statistically decides whether u corresponds to a unique
sequence of the target genome (in which case u is called a U-unitig) or to a repeat.
The set U 0 of U-unitigs is the basis for the construction of a unitig graph G.U 0 /,
whose nodes are the U-unitigs and whose arcs are given by overlapping U-unitigs.
Among these overlaps, some are confirmed by information about paired reads, in
the sense that the overlap is consistent with the insert distance as witnessed by at
least two pairs of paired reads. Then, in G.U 0 /, a contig is built from any maximal
linear path p of U-unitigs with confirmed overlaps (p is then a confirmed path) as
a consensus sequence. Finally, all contigs (including repeated unitigs) are oriented
and ordered in the scaffolding step, again with the help of information about paired
Edena [22] is the first assembler based on the string graph method. It uses efficient
data structures to compute exact overlaps as presented by Algorithm 5.
A suffix array [35] SAR of R is built. The suffix array SAR is an array of
integers containing the starting positions of the sorted suffixes (with respect to the
lexicographical order) of SR D r1 $r2 $r3 : : : $rjRj $ where the sentinel character $
separates two reads. Locating every occurrence of a subsequence X within SR can
be efficiently done with a binary search using SAR . Now, given a read r 2 R, assume
we want to find the exact overlaps of length at least lmin between r and any other
read in R. Then, for each suffix sr of r of length at least lmin , it is sufficient to search
for $sr in SR using SAR . In Algorithm 5, the method ExactOverlaps./ computes the
set O of exact overlaps of length at least lmin for all reads in R with SAR .
Edena obtains the string graph G.R/ from the overlap graph built from R and O
by removing the transitive arcs. Then, it corrects particular errors in G.R/. These
errors are (see Fig. 12.3b, c) the tips (also known as spurs) which are short dead-end
paths resulting from a sequencing error close to the end of a path and the bubbles
(also known as mouths) which are paths that diverge then converge resulting from
a sequencing error close to the middle of a read. Tips and bubbles are detected
by a local exploration of G.R/. The procedure Extract.G.R/; v; md/ outputs, for
each junction node v (i.e., a node with in- or out-degree superior to 1), the set of
maximal paths with less than md nodes. They are identified as tips and are marked.
Once all junction nodes are visited, the nodes participating only in tips are removed.
Bubbles are pruned with the function Pairs.G.R/; v; ms/ that searches for pairs of
paths starting at a junction node v and converging after at most a given number ms
of nodes. The procedure RemovePath./ removes the least covered path meaning the
one with less evidence from the reads.
Since Edena only considers exact overlaps, the consensus sequence obtained for
each maximal linear path .s1 ; s2 /; .s2 ; s3 /; : : : ; .sp1 ; sp / of G.R/ is in fact obtained
by repeatedly extending s1 with s2 ; s3 ; : : : ; sp . No scaffolding process is produced.
12 The Contig Assembly Problem and Its Algorithmic Solutions 283
Algorithm 5 Edena
Input: Set R of reads
integer lmin > 0 (min. overlap length),
integer md > 0 (max. length of a tip)
ms > 0 (max. length of a bubble)
Output: A set of contigs
ri overlaps rk (so the latter one is transitive). Then, the maximal suffix x of rj not
overlapping with ri is a prefix of the maximal suffix y of rk not overlapping with
ri . To find all the irreducible overlaps between a read ri and other reads, SGA first
searches all the prefixes of reads that overlap a suffix of ri with FMR then extends
them rightwards letter by letter. For each sequence obtained by this extension, it
stops whenever it finds the end of a read (this read is rj ). At this point, the extension
sequence represents x, and it is also a prefix of all the suffixes y of all potential reads
rk . Thus, there is an irreducible overlap between ri and rj .
Instead of building directly the full string graph, SGA assembles a sequence
around each read to get a set A of pre-assembled reads. A pre-assembled read is
a sequence obtained from a read r1 2 R by successively extending r1 with r2 , r3 ; : : :,
rn such that ri (1 i < n) has only one irreducible overlap, that is, with riC1 .
The final string graph G.A/ is built from A and the irreducible overlaps computed
from the FM-index FMA of A. After removing tips and bubbles in G.A/, contigs
are built similarly to the Edena algorithm (Step 4 of Algorithm 5), and optionally
scaffolding can be done with a strategy similar to classical OLC assemblers if paired
data is available.
12.4.3 Summary
The assemblers presented above show that the global view of the overlaps proposed
by the OLC method allows to produce assemblies of very good quality, especially
when the reads are long [49, 50]. However, when the size of the reads reduces
(and particularly for very short reads), the coverage is necessarily increased and
results in very important computational requirements. For large genomes, a program
failure is therefore possible [27, 49], despite the important efforts made to surpass
these problems. Alternative solutions exist, either by using parallelized assemblers,
such as CloudBrush [12], or by using hybrid assemblers, whose principle is to
combine two approaches, among which one usually has the OLC approach. In
the hybrid greedy-OLC approach, a seed-and-extend technique is adopted (as in
greedy methods), looking for the best extension in a local overlap graph (as in OLC
methods) that sometimes is not explicitly built. This is the case of Taipan [51],
SHORTY[23], and Telescoper [6]. Some hybrid methods have been shown to be a
successful alternative for greedy and OLC methods on short and very short reads in
small genomes with respect to the running time, although the memory requirements
are higher [61].
The role of OLC methods in the genome assembly problem will probably
increase with the evolution of sequencing technologies. The third-generation
sequencing platforms are able to produce much longer reads than the NGS
platforms, with lengths between 1 and 20 kbp [9]. The OLC approach is suitable for
assembling reads in this interval. However, because of the high error rate of these
reads, most of the current assembly methods are based on a hybrid de Bruijn-OLC
approach, using both long and short reads (see for instance [28]).
12 The Contig Assembly Problem and Its Algorithmic Solutions 285
Input: An integer k > 0, the de Bruijn graph Gk .R/ corresponding to the set
R of reads, and the set P k .R/ of read-paths for the reads in R
286 G. Jean et al.
Fig. 12.4 Illustration of the de Bruijn approach, on the same example as in Fig. 12.2. Here, l D 8
and k D 3. (a) The set R of reads and the 3-spectrum S3 .R/. (b) The resulting de Bruijn graph,
where the subgraph in bold is the subgraph corresponding to one strand of the genome. (c) Paths
in (b) with no branchings (i.e., linear paths) have been contracted into a node. (d) The h-superpath
yielding the correct sequence of the genome
Fig. 12.5 Particular configurations in a de Bruijn graph. On the left, a region of the genome and
a set of reads (length l D 5) are given. On the right, the corresponding de Bruijn graph whose
nodes are the 4-mers. (a) A repeat, identified by two paths that converge then diverge. (b) A tip
(also called a spur), a dead-end path (dotted circle) resulting from sequencing errors (CG instead
of GA) at the end of a read. (c) A bubble (also called a mouth), the change of G into T in some
reads results into a pair of paths that converge then diverge
12.5.2 Refinement
We present in detail two algorithms whose contributions to the method are essential.
Then, we discuss several other algorithms.
Euler [47] (see Algorithm 7) puts the basis of this approach, proposing solutions to
the problems encountered by the similar approach on Sanger data [24]. The method
for pre-assembly error correction in reads we present here is one of the two methods
proposed in [47] that we chose as it has the twofold advantage of showing the
principles used for this task and to be more easily described. First, only valid k-mers
s with respect to their frequency f .s; R/ in R and a bottom threshold m are kept in the
k-spectrum Sk . Then, the reads are considered successively and, for each read r, the
minimum number mn.r; Sk / of modifications (insertions, deletions, substitutions)
needed to ensure that all the k-mers contained in r belong to Sk is computed. When
this number does not exceed a given threshold ˛, the modifications are performed;
otherwise, the read is invalidated and it is removed from R.
The graph construction uses a sorted list V of the k-mers in Sk , in which the
possible successors of each k-mer with respect to the overlapping requirements
are searched for using a binary search. Real successors are identified by searching
the .k C 1/-mer resulting from the extension of s with t in the reads in R, and
the corresponding arcs are built by the procedure Arc.s; t/. It is worth noting that
linear paths are collapsed so as to reduce the size of the graph, although this is not
specifically written in our algorithm.
Repeat solving is an essential part of the method, and in Euler, it is based on
two operations called detachments and cuts whose role is to transform a couple
.G; P/, initially defined as .Gk .R/; P k .R//, into another couple .G0 ; P 0 / using
equivalent transformations, that is, transformations preserving the h-superpaths.
The specific aim of such a transformation is to carefully untangle the de Bruijn graph
by separating paths which have a passage through a common subpath, therefore
identified as a repeat. The .a; b/-detachment unambiguously couples—based on
information issued from the set of paths P—the arc a entering into a repeat with the
arc b going out from the same repeat. The a-cut removes the arc a from all the paths
in P containing it. Both these transformations need to satisfy strong hypotheses, not
given here, in order to ensure the sought equivalence. When these hypotheses are
12 The Contig Assembly Problem and Its Algorithmic Solutions 289
Algorithm 7 Euler
Input: Set R of reads of length l > 0,
integer k > 0 (defines the k-mers),
integer m > 0 (min frequency),
integer ˛ 0 (modifications threshold)
Output: A set of contigs
Step 1: Data preparation
1.1: Compute Sk and additional information
compute Sk
compute frequencies f .s; R/, for all s 2 Sk
1.2: Correct errors in reads
Sk Sk fs 2 Sk j f .s; R/ > mg
while exists r 2 R with mn.r; Sk / > 0 do
if mn.r; Sk / ˛ then modify.r; Sk /
else R R frg end if
update f .s; R/ for all s 2 Sk
Sk Sk fs 2 Sk j f .s; R/ > mg
end while
Step 2: Construction of Gk .R/
2.1: Define a node for each s 2 Sk
2.2: Compute the arcs .s; t/
V sorted list of all the k-mers in Sk
for all s 2 Sk do
Candidates BinarySearch.V; sŒ2::k/
for all t 2 Candidates do
x the extension of s with t
if x occurs in R then Arc.s; t/ end if
end for
end for
2.3: Compute P k .R/
Step 3: Cleaning of the de Bruijn graph
3.1: (optional, not done) Correct errors
3.2: Resolve repeats
while a detachment or a cut is possible do
modify the couple .Gk .R/; P k .R//
end while
Step 4: Contig building
such repeats are carefully separated in order to form longer unbranched paths. When
paired data is available, Euler maps the reads onto the de Bruijn graph in order to
solve more repeats. As usual, the scaffolding step uses information about paired
reads to solve other repeats, as well as to orient and order the contigs.
Euler has several variants: Euler-DB [46] uses double-barreled data (particular
paired reads) to further untangle the de Bruijn graph, Euler-SR [10] is optimized for
high-coverage short-read assemblies, and Euler-USR [11] corrects reads using a so-
called repeat graph of the target genome, which can be approximated by simplifying
the de Bruijn graph.
Velvet [59] In order to minimize memory requirements, the graph Ck .R/ built by
Velvet compresses in one node n a series of successive k-mers from the same read,
of which only the first and the last k-mer may overlap another read (equivalently,
the k-mers form a linear path in the standard de Bruijn graph). Moreover, the node n
contains, in this case, both the representation of the sequence and the representation
of its reverse complement. Arcs are defined on the same principle as in the standard
de Bruijn graph between two nodes, n1 and n2 , such that the last k-mer in the series
of n1 overlaps on k 1 characters the first k-mer in the series of n2 . Note that in
Velvet, the value k is odd by convention, thus preventing a k-mer from becoming its
own reverse complement (which is unsuitable for the bidirectional nodes).
Velvet (see Algorithm 8) orders the reads by giving them identity numbers and
computes for each read r the set O.r/ of original k-mers (not occurring in preceding
reads) as well as the set P.r/ of original k-mers also occurring in succeeding reads
(sets P.r/ are stored in a hash-table Hread ). A series of consecutive original k-mers
from a read is then a node if and only if none of the k-mers belongs to P.r/.
Procedures FindSeries and FindAdj respectively compute the nodes and the arcs
of the graph using information from P.r/ and O.r/. To speed-up the computations,
two hash-tables are used.
Velvet does not correct sequencing errors before the graph construction but
corrects three types of errors in the de Bruijn graph (see Fig. 12.5b, c): the tips,
the bubbles, and the erroneous connections that are due to false overlaps created by
sequencing errors. The algorithm will remove the tips shorter than 2k and whose
first arcs have the so-called minority count property, that is, its multiplicity (defined
as the number of reads inducing that arc, which may be computed at the same time
as the de Bruijn graph) does not reach the maximum value over all arcs outgoing
from the same node. These conditions are required in order to avoid removing paths
due to reads without sequencing errors. In order to remove bubbles, Velvet uses a
breadth-first search algorithm called the “Tour bus” algorithm similar to Dijkstra’s
well-known algorithm. Each time a bubble is discovered, the algorithm merges
the two alternative paths into a consensus path. Once the “Tour bus” algorithm is
finished, the erroneous connections are identified as nodes with a low coverage,
according to a chosen threshold.
After the correction of the graph, contigs are generated with a method similar to
Step 4 in Algorithm 7. A noticeable difference with Euler is that in Velvet, repeat
solving is postponed after contig generation and is thus a part of the scaffolding
12 The Contig Assembly Problem and Its Algorithmic Solutions 291
Algorithm 8 Velvet
Input: Set R of reads of length l > 0,
integer k > 0 (defines the k-mers),
Output: An assembled sequence
Step 1: Data preparation
1.1: Compute Sk and additional information
compute Sk
compute an id number ID.r/, for r 2 R
for all s 2 Sk do
a.s/ minfID.r/ j r contains sg
end for
for all r 2 R do
O.r/ fs 2 Sk j a.s/ D ID.r/g
P.r/ fs 2 O.r/ j 9r0 ¤ r; containing sg
insert .r; P.r// into Hread
end for
1.2: (not done) Correct errors in reads
Step 2: Construction of Ck .R/
2.1: Compute the nodes
for all r 2 R do
FindSeries.r; O.r/; Hread /
end for
2.2: Compute the arcs
for all node n do
FindAdj.n; Hread /
end for
2.3: (optional, not done) Compute P k .R/
Step 3: Cleaning of the de Bruijn graph
3.1: Correct errors: bubbles, tips etc.
remove frequent tips of length less than 2k
Dijkstra-like breadth-first search
for all bubble b identified do
merge the two paths of b into one
end for
remove nodes with low coverage
3.2: (optional, not done) Resolve repeats
Step 4: Contig building
for all maximal linear path p in Ck .R/ do
let the sequence spelled by p be a contig
end for
Step 5: Scaffolding
Use paired reads, if available, to solve
repeats and connect contigs
The second version of Velvet improves the scaffolding step by including two
algorithms called Pebble and Rock Band [60]. These two algorithms have the role
of connecting and filling the gap between contigs by using paired-end reads in the
case of Pebble and long reads in the case of Rock Band.
292 G. Jean et al.
AllPaths [8] marks a breakthrough with the other assemblers, proposing several
original approaches. First, it starts with a read correction method similar to the one
used in Euler (Step 1, Algorithm 7) but applies it simultaneously to three sets of k-
mers, for several values of k. Once the reads are corrected, the assembler continues
with a unique value of k. Second, it uses paired reads even in the contig building step.
These reads are used to compute groups of reads from R; these groups correspond to
overlapping regions of the target genome. Third, it performs a local assembly before
the whole-genome assembly. Indeed, for each group of reads corresponding to a
region, a local de Bruijn-like graph (called a sequence graph) is computed, analyzed,
and cleaned before being merged into a global sequence graph. The contigs are
deduced after a series of editing steps, whose aim is to correct errors and resolve
repeats. As usual, the scaffolding step finishes the assembly. The improved version
of AllPaths proposed in [20] is called AllPaths-LG. It increases the performances of
the pre-assembly read error correction procedure of the repeat solving step and of
the memory usage and is very efficient [49].
SOAPdenovo [31] closely follows the generic de Bruijn algorithm (Algorithm 6).
However, it aims at assembling large genomes (specifically, human genomes) and
thus proposes a fine modularization of each step, with sequential execution of the
modules under the form of a pipeline, in order to load in the computer memory a
limited amount of data at each step. As a consequence of this goal, each step is
optimized (and even simplified) for such a modularization. In order to still reduce
the needed memory space, the second version of the software, SOAPdenovo2 [34],
implements a sparse graph structure [58] (see also the alternative approaches below)
and improves the choice of the k-mers’ length.
IDBA [44, 45] iteratively adapts the de Bruijn graph for different values of k in
an accumulated de Bruijn graph, thus avoiding the difficulty of choosing a unique
value of k. A small value for k allows a more accurate correction of the reads, while
a larger value favors the detection of small repeats (which remain inside the same
k-mer). IDBA takes advantage of small and large values of k by using an interval
Œkmin ; kmax instead of a fixed value for k. At each iteration, the de Bruijn graph
Gk corresponding to a value k is corrected using techniques similar to Velvet, the
potential contigs are built, and then Gk is transformed into GkC1 by converting each
edge of Gk into a vertex of GkC1 . Two vertices in GkC1 are connected by an arc if
the previously obtained contigs verify this connection. At the end, the contigs are
connected using information about paired reads to build scaffolds.
Lowering the computational requirements is the major concern for all the assem-
blers, and those based on a de Bruijn graph propose a number of solutions that
we skim through below. In order to reduce memory requirements, the design and
implementation of highly efficient data structures are investigated.
12 The Contig Assembly Problem and Its Algorithmic Solutions 293
SparseAssembler [58] uses a so-called sparse de Bruijn graph which replaces the
storage of g C 1 consecutive k-mers (i.e., a .k C g/-mer) in a read with the storage
of one representative k-mer, thus allowing to reduce the k-mer storage to 1=g of
its initial size but increasing the memory needed to store the adjacencies of each
k-mer. Tests [58] show that the memory savings are increasing when the difference
between the length l of the reads and k increases and range from 50% to 90% with
respect to the assemblers using a classical de Bruijn graph.
SPAdes [3] is based on a special case of de Bruijn graph called paired de Bruijn
graph which includes the paired read information directly into its structure. Instead
of using simple k-mers as nodes, the paired de Bruijn graph associates a unique pair
of k-mers with each node such that the distance on the target genome between the
two k-mers from a pair is equal to the insert length of the paired reads. Since in
practice the paired reads are not separated by an exact insert length, the paired de
Bruijn graph used in SPAdes adds to each node an integer representing the estimated
distance between the two k-mers of the node. This distance is computed using an
accumulated de Bruijn graph similar to the one used in IDBA. Thus, the first step of
SPAdes consists in building and correcting an accumulated de Bruijn graph. During
the second step, an estimated distance on the target genome is computed between
k-mers based on paths in the accumulated de Bruijn graph. Then the assembler
builds the paired de Bruijn graph and constructs the contigs.
Minia [14] uses a probabilistic representation of the de Bruijn graph, proposed in
[42] and based on a Bloom filter [4]. A Bloom filter is a compact structure storing
a set of elements in a bit array with the help of several functions indicating the
precise bits that have to be set to 1 when a given element is in the filter. Searching
for an element in a Bloom filter thus may have false positives, whose probability of
apparition increases with the number of elements inserted in the filter. However, the
Bloom filter also has undeniable advantages in terms of space requirements. Minia
solves the false nodes problem by storing false positives in a supplementary table,
thus compromising on the memory requirements. Given the little information stored
in a Bloom filter, another additional structure is needed, allowing a breadth-first
search of the graph in order to build contigs. The resulting global data structure has
a larger size than the initial Bloom filter but still allows important memory savings
[27]. Note that there is no scaffolding step in Minia.
In order to exploit the full potential of the computer systems, some assemblers
are able to distribute both the set of k-mers and the computation of the de Bruijn
graph over different computers working in parallel, to recollect the results, and to
put them together in order to output a unique assembled sequence. In this way, they
benefit from the important memory space offered by the computer cluster and make
important running time savings.
ABySS [55] is the first parallelized assembler which distributes the representation
of the de Bruijn graph over a network of commodity computers. Two main problems
need efficient solutions when such a distributed representation is proposed. First, the
sequence of a k-mer must uniquely and efficiently determine the location of the k-
mer, i.e., the computer to which the k-mer is affected. Second, the k-mers adjacent
to a given k-mer must be stored in a way independent from the location of the given
294 G. Jean et al.
k-mer. ABySS solves both problems using a base-4 representation for each k-mer
(coupled with the use of a hash function), and eight bits per node to indicate which
of its up to eight incident arcs are present in the de Bruijn graph.
PASHA [33] is another parallelized de Bruijn graph-based assembler, which is
moreover able to exploit the hybrid computing architectures composed of both
multiprocessor machines with shared memory and distributed-memory computer
clusters. Like ABySS, the main steps are the distribution of the k-mers over the
computers, the construction of the de Bruijn graph, and the contig generation. In
order to reduce the running time, PASHA implements a different hash function
and uses two different threads on each computer: one which performs local
computations for the assembly and another for the communications between the
different computers. The construction and correction of the de Bruijn graph, as well
as the generation of the contigs and scaffolds are similar to the ones used in Velvet.
12.5.4 Summary
De novo assembly algorithms for NGS data have made a lot of progress recently.
Their performances get closer and closer to that of assemblers for Sanger data, in
terms of coverage and accuracy [16, 20], and this is mainly due to the de Bruijn
approach. Still, the assembly of a genome—and especially of large genomes—
remains a very important challenge. There are several reasons for this. First, no
assembler is able to guarantee a minimum quantitative or qualitative performance
for a given dataset [61]. Second, no assembler performs better (according to the
usual criteria) than all the others on all types of datasets [5, 16, 49]. Third, the
evaluation protocols for assemblers use numerous criteria [16], which are able
altogether to give insights about the behavior of assemblers on general types of
genomes, but imply no predictive model for evaluating the expectations one may
have from a given assembler on a given data (the Lander–Waterman model [30]
successfully used for Sanger data shows inadequate for NGS data [50]). Various
research directions are inferable from these observations, in order to improve the
result of an assembly process. Here are three of them.
The quality and quantity of the data are essential for the performances of any
assembler. Progresses in this direction are systematically made since the emerging
third-generation sequencing produces, with much lower cost and a slightly higher
error rate, reads of 150–400 bp and, with a larger cost and a much higher error rate,
reads of thousands of bp [21].
The major bottleneck of the general assembly problem is the detection and the
process of repeats. Repeats already got a lot of attention but are still responsible
for many mis-assemblies and missing repetitive parts in the genome [61]. To handle
them, the current solutions must be completed with coverage statistics helping to
identify repeats, the use of different sizes for the reads or for the inserts between
paired reads, and possibly a more global view of the assembly construction.
Another major bottleneck is related to the computational resources, i.e., memory
storage and running time. de Bruijn assemblers obviously improved over greedy and
OLC assemblers concerning the running time, but their memory requirements are
still important in general [27, 61]. New solutions for storing the de Bruijn graph
[14, 58] are promising with respect to memory savings, although they seem to
compensate with a sometimes very important running time for large genomes [27].
In this chapter, we proposed a detailed algorithmic view of the existing
approaches, including both the classical ones and the more recent ones. We preferred
rigorous formulations of the problems to (only) intuitive formulations, following
the underlying idea that improving the assemblers requires bringing the practice and
the theory closer. Practice is the ultimate, true evaluation environment. Theory may
highly improve the algorithms, and thus the results, by proposing new approaches
to the numerous problems risen by genome assembly.
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Chapter 13
An Efficient Approach to Merging Paired-End
Reads and Incorporation of Uncertainties
13.1 Introduction
run paired-end read mergers multiple times with different parameters to improve the
quality of the results. Thus, merger performance represents a bottleneck.
Once the paired-end reads have been merged, one can assemble the reads with a
de novo assembler, for shotgun sequenced genomes [7]. De novo assembly is based
on computing overlaps among short reads to build longer target sequences called
contigs. A naïve but accurate approach is to compute overlaps between every pair
of reads and merge the pair with the best overlap. However, this involves O.n2 /
overlap computations between reads pairs, where n is the number of reads. Thus,
this approach is rarely used for large data sets due to the lack of efficient overlap
computation algorithms.
This chapter is divided into two parts. We first present an algorithm for finding
overlapping regions between two short reads without considering gaps (as gaps are
infrequent on Illumina platforms [8]). It follows the same principles of Dynamic
Programming (DP) as algorithms for pairwise sequence alignment [9–11] or edit
distance (Levenshtein distance) computation [12]. In our case, insertions and
deletions (gaps) are not taken into account, and hence, the algorithm is closely
related to computing the Hamming distance between two equally long segments
of sequences (see [13]). The difference to the Hamming distance is that we use
a scoring matrix to assign a score to a pair of bases, instead of the value 1 for a
match and 0 for a mismatch. Moreover, we devise a novel, vectorization scheme
for speeding up the computation which, as we will show, achieves optimal speed-
ups (i.e., speed-up proportional to the vector length) compared to the non-vectorized
approach. Our scheme is an adapted version of the vectorization used for computing
the DP table of Smith and Waterman for calculating local pair-wise sequence
alignments [14].
In the second part, we focus on quantifying uncertainties in overlap computa-
tions. One characteristic of the Illumina platform is that the quality of base calls
decreases toward the end of the sequence. Therefore, the overlapping region of the
paired-end reads often contains the low-quality ends of the reads. The raw Illumina
data come with a quality score for each base call, representing the error probability.
We will discuss how these quality scores can be used to improve merging accuracy.
The remainder of this chapter is organized as follows: In Sect. 13.2, we introduce
basic definitions that will be used throughout the chapter. In Sect. 13.3, we first
formally define the problem of finding overlaps between two sequences; we then
describe the sliding window approach and show how to convert it into a DP
formulation. Finally, we extend the DP approach to a vectorized scheme which
yields optimal speed-up. In Sect. 13.4, we discuss how to utilize the quality scores
of the Illumina reads to improve merging accuracy. Finally, Sect. 13.5 provides a
summary of the topics discussed in this chapter.
13 An Efficient Approach to Merging Paired-End Reads and Incorporation of. . . 301
13.2 Preliminaries
A string is a finite, possibly empty, sequence of symbols taken from a finite non-
empty set ˙, which we call alphabet. We denote the empty string by ". Further, we
denote the length of a string x by jxj and the concatenation of two strings x and y, by
xy. Now, let x; y; w and z be strings such that y D wxz. String x is called a substring
of y. If w ¤ ", then w is a prefix of y. On the other hand, if z ¤ ", then z is a suffix
of y. We use Pref .x/; Suff .x/; and Subs.x/ to denote the set of prefixes, suffixes, and
substrings of x, respectively. The i-th character of a string x is denoted by xi , starting
from 0. Substrings of x are denoted by xŒi : : : j, for 0 i j < jxj, where i and j are
the positions of the first and last symbol of a substring within x. To avoid duplicate
computations that would arise had we considered a string as prefix (resp. suffix) of
itself, we define the notion of proper prefix (and suffix), which in addition requires
that xz ¤ " (wx ¤ "). We implicitly assume prefixes and suffixes as proper, unless
otherwise stated.
In the rest of the text, we work with biological sequences (strings), in particular
nucleotide data, and hence, we assume that the alphabet ˙ consists of four symbols
(A,C,G, and T) which we refer to as nucleotides. We also use the term sequence
and string interchangeably. All algorithms are presented for the four nucleotides,
although they can be extended to arbitrary finite alphabets, such as the alphabet for
all 15 degenerate nucleotide characters (see Sect. 13.4).
We distinguish among three types of overlaps among strings x and y and describe
them using the following three definitions:
Definition 1 (Suffix–Prefix Overlap) A Suffix–Prefix overlap between strings x
and y is a pair .u; v/ 2 Suff .x/ Pref .y/ such that juj D jvj. The set of all
overlapping regions between suffixes of x and prefixes of y is defined by:
C x;y D f.u; v/ j .u; v/ 2 Suff .x/ Pref .y/ ^ juj D jvjg:
Fig. 13.1 The three types of overlapping regions between two strings x and y of lengths n and m.
(a) illustrates the Suffix–Prefix case. There are exactly n max.0; n m/ 1 overlapping regions
(xŒi : : : n 1; yŒ0 : : : n i 1) for 1 C max.0; n m/ i n 1. (b) illustrates the Prefix–
Suffix case. There are exactly min.m; n/ 1 overlapping regions of the form (xŒ0 : : : i; yŒm i
1 : : : m 1), for 0 i < min.m; n/ 1. (c) illustrates the substring overlap case. There are exactly
max.n m; m n/ C 1 overlapping regions of the form (xŒi : : : i C m0 1; yŒ0 : : : m 1) if n > m
or (xŒ0 : : : n 1; yŒi : : : i C n 1) if n < m, and (x; y) if n D m, for 0 i n m
In the rest of the text, we use the term overlap to refer to elements of C , which we
formally define as the union of the three previously defined sets, that is:
Cx;y D C x;y [ C x;y [ C x;y
Figure 13.1 illustrates the three types of overlaps. If strings x and y are already given,
we may use C instead of Cx;y . Moreover, for simplicity, we define the operation jcj
for an element c 2 C as the length of the overlap, that is, the length of one of its
two components.
Given two sequences and a scoring matrix, our goal is to find the overlap that
yields the highest score. Typically, a scoring matrix rewards matches and penalizes
mismatches. Let
sW˙ ˙ !Z
be a mapping between pairs of symbols and scores, and let s.u; v/ be the value of
the scoring matrix for symbols u and v. We evaluate the Alignment Score (AS) of
each possible overlap C D .x; y/ 2 C by:
AS.C/ D s.xi ; yi /: (13.1)
We then consider the best overlap to be the overlap that maximizes the AS.
The two sequences we want to overlap are referred to as the reference sequence
r and the query sequence q. Note that the choice of the scoring matrix influences
13 An Efficient Approach to Merging Paired-End Reads and Incorporation of. . . 303
the probability of finding the true overlap, that is, the real merging region for the
two sequences. Also, the best overlap might not necessarily be the true overlap.
For instance, a scoring matrix where matches are rewarded by positives scores and
mismatches are assigned a zero value will have a high false-positive rate of finding
long overlaps between two random sequences.
In what follows, an example of an overlap between two sequences is provided:
r = G T T C G C T A A T A C
j j j . j j
q = T A A G A C T A A C
For simplicity, assume our scoring function rewards matches with a score of 1
and penalizes mismatches with a penalty of 1, that is s.u; v/ D 1 if and only if
u ¤ v, and s.u; u/ D 1 otherwise. As there are five matches and one mismatch in
the example of overlap above, the AS is 4. This is the highest AS for any possible
overlap between the two sequences (given the current scoring matrix), and therefore,
we consider it as the best overlap.
Using a scoring matrix for evaluating a sequence alignment (in our case, the
overlap) is a standard approach that is widely used, for instance, in BLAST [15],
Bowtie2 [16], and PEAR [3].
Keep in mind that the best overlap does not necessarily correspond to the true
overlap (as the two sequences may not overlap at all and the best overlap found
by the scoring matrix is just a random phenomenon; sequencing errors may also
prevent us from finding the true overlap [3]). Therefore, the significance of the
overlap identified by this approach can be determined by a user-specified threshold
for the minimal overlap size (such as in FLASH [5]) or via a statistical test (such as
in PEAR [3]).
The following subsections present three methods for finding the best overlap.
We first present a simple method that uses a sliding window to compute the AS of
every overlapping region. We then extend it to a DP formulation. Based on this DP
method, we subsequently present a novel vectorized algorithm.
The sliding window approach directly follows Definitions 1–3 to evaluate the AS
of all overlaps Cx;y of sequences x and y of lengths n and m, respectively. First,
the Suffix–Prefix overlaps .u; v/ 2 C x;y are considered, which correspond to u D
xŒi : : : n 1 and v D yŒ0 : : : n i 1, for 1 C max.0; n m/ i n 1, by
sliding i through the values of its domain, and thus forming a “sliding window”
that indicates the overlap (see Fig. 13.1a). Then all substring overlaps are evaluated
by iterating over all elements .u; v/ 2 C x;y , which depend on whether jxj > jyj.
If the inequality holds, then u D xŒi : : : i C m 1 and v D yŒ0 : : : m 1, for
304 T. Flouri et al.
0 i jxj jyj. In the other case, u D xŒ0 : : : n 1 and v D yŒi : : : i C n 1, for
0 i jyj jyj (Fig. 13.1c). Finally, we evaluate the set of Prefix–Suffix overlaps
.u; v/ 2 C x;y , where u and v correspond to xŒ0 : : : i and yŒm i 1 : : : m 1, such
that 0 i < min.m; n/ 1 (Fig. 13.1b).
Theorem 1 (Complexity) The sliding window approach runs in .nm/ time.
Proof The sliding window approach progressively evaluates all overlaps in order to
determine the one that yields the highest score. Set C x;y consists of n max.0; n
m/1 elements that represent Suffix–Prefix overlaps of sizes 1; 2; : : : ; nmax.0; n
m/ 1. This requires .n max.0; n m//.n max.0; n m/ 1/=2 base pair
comparisons. If we assume n > m, it amounts to m.m 1/=2 base pair comparisons.
On the other hand, if n m, the number of comparisons is n.n 1/=2. The set C x;y
consists of min.m; n/ 1 elements that represent Prefix–Suffix overlaps of sizes
1; 2; : : : ; min.m; n/ 1. This leads to min.m; n/.min.m; n/ 1/=2 comparisons of
base pairs. Again, the number of comparisons can be rewritten as m.m 1/=2 if
n > m, or n.n 1/=2 otherwise. Finally, C x;y comprises of max.n m; m n/ C 1
elements of size min.m; n/ and amounts to .max.n m; m n/ C 1/ min.m; n/
comparisons of base pairs, that is, .n m/m comparisons if n > m, .m n/n if
n < m, or no comparisons if m D n. The sum of performed comparisons over all
cases gives the total number of exactly nm comparisons. Therefore, we have proven
that the asymptotic complexity of the sliding window approach is ‚.nm/. t
There are two approaches to parallelize the overlap computation of two sequences
on a single CPU. One way is to evaluate several base pairs of a single overlapping
region simultaneously. The other method is to simultaneously evaluate base pairs
of multiple overlapping regions. To maximize the efficiency of the parallelization
scheme, it is necessary to maximize the number of elements being processed in x86
vector units per CPU cycle. Hence, an efficient memory layout is also important for
attaining optimal performance.
Here, we focus on designing a memory layout for evaluating base pairs of
multiple overlapping regions simultaneously. We focus on this vectorization method
for two reasons. First, overlapping regions of the same type (e.g., Prefix–Suffix)
have varying lengths, which complicates the design of an efficient memory layout.
Second, the AS is the sum of scores of every base pair in a single overlapping
region. Since the base pair scores are computed in parallel, additional instructions
are required after this initial computation to obtain the AS of the overlapping region
by computing the sum over those scores. We resort to a DP algorithm that uses
a matrix to compute the scores of all overlaps, in analogy to DP algorithms for
computing the Hamming and edit distances of two strings (see [17] for a review).
13 An Efficient Approach to Merging Paired-End Reads and Incorporation of. . . 305
AS.C/ D D.i k; m k/ (13.2)
AS.C/ D D.n k; j k/ (13.3)
Figure 13.2 illustrates the resulting matrix for two strings, x D TAAAGACTAAC
Theorem 2 (Complexity) Given two sequences x and y of lengths n and m, the DP
algorithm runs in .nm/ time and requires .nm/ space.
306 T. Flouri et al.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
T 0 -1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1
A 0 -1 -2 0 0 -2 -2 -2 2 0 -2 2 -2
A 0 -1 -2 -3 -1 -1 -3 -3 -1 3 -1 -1 1
G 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 0 -2 -4 -4 -2 2 -2 -2
A 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -1 -3 -3 -3 -3 3 -3 Prefix-suffix
C 0 -1 -2 -1 -2 -5 -4 -2 -4 -4 -4 -4 4
T 0 -1 0 -1 -2 -3 -6 -3 -3 -5 -3 -5 -5
A 0 -1 -2 -1 -2 -3 -4 -7 -2 -2 -6 -2 -6
A 0 -1 -2 -3 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -1 -3 -5 -3
C 0 -1 -2 -3 -2 -3 -2 -5 -6 -7 -2 -4 -4
Suffix-prefix Substring
Fig. 13.2 The DP solution for computing overlaps between sequences x D TAAAGACTAAC and
y D GTTCGCTAATAC. The arrows indicate the dependency of each cell with its upper left
diagonal cell. Each cell D.i; j/ of the matrix corresponds to the AS of a specific overlapping
region of CxŒ0:::i1;yŒ0:::j1 , depending on the concrete values of i and j. If i D jxj 1 and
0 j < min.jxj; jyj/ 1, then it is a Suffix–Prefix; otherwise, if j min.jxj; jyj/ 1 it is a
substring overlap. Similarly, if j D jyj 1 and 0 i < jxj max.0; jxj jyj/ 1, then the value
represents the AS of a Prefix–Suffix overlap; otherwise if i > jxj max.0; jxj jyj/ 1, then it is
a substring overlap. The three cases for x and y are illustrated in the figure
Proof Each cell D.i; j/ is the sum of two values: the score s.xi1 ; yj1 / and the value
of cell D.i 1; j 1/. We have n C m C 1 initialization steps (first row and first
column). Then, the computation of the n m cells requires O.1/ time per cell, and
hence, the asymptotic complexity is ‚.nm/. Moreover, since we store the complete
matrix in memory, the space requirements are also ‚.nm/. t
We can further reduce the memory footprint from ‚.nm/ to ‚.m C n/ by
computing the matrix on a column-by-column basis. At each iteration, we only store
the current column in memory. Computation of the next column then uses the results
from the previous column which is stored in memory. The new values overwrite the
previous values in the storage column. This reduces the memory footprint to ‚.n/.
Since we need to store the bottom value of each column in memory as the final
result (the bottom row of the matrix) along with the last column (rightmost column
of matrix), we require a total space of ‚.n C m/.
Figure 13.3 illustrates the approach in detail. Lines 2–5 initialize the array
HH of size QLEN (query sequence length). The outer loop at line 6 iterates over
the nucleotides of the reference sequence RSEQ. The inner loop iterates over the
nucleotides of the query sequence QSEQ and fills the corresponding column at lines
9–15 according to the score s.i; j/ of the nucleotides QSEQ[i] and RSEQ[j]. The
13 An Efficient Approach to Merging Paired-End Reads and Incorporation of. . . 307
Fig. 13.3 Pseudo-code for the non-vectorized approach of computing the scores of all overlapping
following operations are performed at each iteration j of the outer loop and i of the
inner loop:
1. Store the value of HH[i] from the previous (inner loop) iteration i 1 in a
temporary variable X (line 11). This value will be needed in the next inner loop
iteration since it is the upper-left diagonal cell of the next cell (below the current
one) that will be computed.
2. Add the score value of the two nucleotides QSEQ[i] and RSEQ[j] to the value
of H (which contains the value of the upper-left diagonal cell).
3. Store H at HH[i].
4. Retrieve the value saved in X, and place it to H. Now, H holds the value of the
upper-left diagonal cell for the next cell that will be computed and stored in our
After a column has been computed, its last value is stored in array EE of size
RLEN (line 16) which corresponds to the bottom row of the matrix.
This algorithm forms the cornerstone of the vectorized approach. In fact, we
directly build upon this algorithm to devise the vectorization.
308 T. Flouri et al.
We build upon the algorithm presented in Fig. 13.3 by extending the computation of
a single cell to multiple cells. The underlying idea is to process cells simultaneously
along the query sequence (in a vertical direction along the DP matrix), as shown
in Fig. 13.4a. The advantage of this approach is that the corresponding substitution
scores can be loaded more efficiently from memory.
Moreover, as we assume a finite alphabet, the same look-ups s.xi ; yi / (16 different
types for nucleotides) are repeated to calculate the matrix. Therefore, we can
improve performance by creating a so-called score profile for the query sequence.
This profile, which is a query-specific substitution score matrix, is computed only
once for the entire DP procedure and saves one memory access in the inner loop
of the algorithm as the query sequence no longer needs to be accessed. Instead of
indexing the substitution score matrix s by the query and the reference nucleotide,
the profile is indexed by the query sequence position and the reference nucleotide.
The scores for matching nucleotide A in the reference with each nucleotide in the
query are stored sequentially in the first query profile row, followed by the scores
for matching nucleotide C in the next row and so on. This query sequence profile is
13 An Efficient Approach to Merging Paired-End Reads and Incorporation of. . . 309
reference sequence
a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 (8k + 0, j) 0
(8k + 1, j) (8k + 0, j)
(8k + 2, j) (8k + 1, j)
(8k + 3, j) (8k + 2, j)
(8k + 4, j) (8k + 3, j)
(8k + 5, j) (8k + 4, j)
(8k + 6, j) (8k + 5, j)
(8k + 7, j) (8k + 6, j)
query sequence
(8k + 0, j) (8k + 7, j)
(8k + 1, j) 0
(8k + 2, j) 0
(8k + 3, j) RSHIFT 7 0
(8k + 4, j) 0
(8k + 5, j) 0
(8k + 6, j) 0
(8k + 7, j) 0
(a) (b)
Fig. 13.4 Vector arrangements in the SIMD implementation of the DP approach for computing
the AS of overlapping regions
accessed frequently in the inner loop of the algorithm and is usually small enough
to fit the L-1 cache (Fig. 13.5).
The query profile can be precomputed by iterating over the query sequence once.
For each nucleotide qi of the query q, we set the i-th value of rows representing
2 ˙ (for each character of the alphabet) to s.; qi /, for all 0 i < jqj.
Before describing the vectorization scheme in more detail, we introduce the
notation we use for our algorithm. In our description, we use vectors of size 8.
This corresponds, for instance, to a 128-bit SSE vector register, with 16-bit long
integers. Figure 13.4b shows the two types of shift operations that we use in our
method. LSHIFT 1 is used to shift the contents of a SIMD register by one element
to the left. We use the SSE2 pslldq (vpslldq for AVX2) instruction for this.
Similarly, RSHIFT 7 shifts seven elements to the right (SSE2 psrldq; AVX-2
vpsrldq instructions). The new elements of the register resulting from the shifts
are automatically filled with zeroes. Although our notation might seem counter-
intuitive given the vertical representation of vectors as columns, the first bit in the
register (topmost in our illustration) is the Least Significant Bit (LSB) and the last
bit (bottom in our illustration) is the Most Significant Bit (MSB). In CPU registers,
the LSB appears in the rightmost slot, while the MSB in the leftmost.
310 T. Flouri et al.
Fig. 13.5 Illustration of typical vector instructions. The pshufb instruction accepts two argu-
ments, an index register and a shuffle register. The values of the shuffled register are permuted
according to the index register and stored in an output register. The slots of an index register
indicate the slot number where the value at the current position of the shuffle register should be
moved to in the output register. The paddw instruction treats cells as 16-bit values and performs
a pairwise addition among cells of the two input registers. Finally, por performs a 128-bit logical
OR on the two input registers
The vectorization scheme is presented in Fig. 13.6. The outer loop iterates
horizontally over the reference sequence and is similar to the non-vectorized
algorithm in Fig. 13.3 apart from a small difference in the inner loop. While the
non-vectorized version processes one query nucleotide per inner loop iteration, the
vectorized version processes a complete query vector in the vertical direction along a
column of the DP matrix. Hence, vectors are always oriented vertically. To compute
such a query vector along a matrix column, we first copy the values of the adjacent
vector (part of the previous column) to the left into a vector register H (line 16).
Then, we left-shift (shift values down the column) by one element to vertically
align the cells of the vector in the current column we want to update with their
diagonal counterparts in the previous column. However, because of the left-shift
(shift down by one element in the part of the column the vector spans), we are now
missing the uppermost value in the present vector. Therefore, we copy the bottom
value of the vector above it and one column to the left first, and place it to the first
13 An Efficient Approach to Merging Paired-End Reads and Incorporation of. . . 311
RSEQ is the reference sequence
QPROFILE is a scoring profile based on the query
n is the length of the reference
m is the length of the query
10. FOR j=0 TO n-1 DO For each nucleotide in the reference sequence
11. {
12. X = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] Initialize X-vector for 1. round
13. CHAR c = RSEQ[j] Current nucleotide from reference
14. FOR i=0 TO y-1 DO For each vector along query sequence
15. {
16. H = HH[i] Load previous H-vector from HH-array
Fig. 13.6 Pseudo-code for the vectorized approach. The LSHIFT and RSHIFT operations shift
the elements of a vector the specified number of times to the left or right. The OR operation returns
the bitwise or of the vector elements. The query sequence is assumed to be padded to the closest
multiple of 8 that is greater or equal to the sequence length
entry of the current vector via a bitwise OR with the vector X. Thus, the vector X
contains the last value of the vector above the present one before this vector above
was updated. Hence, this corresponds to the last element of the vector above and
one column to the left. Then, the elements of the query profile for the current vector
(current fraction of the column) that correspond to the match/mismatch scores for
reference nucleotide c with the query nucleotide vector are added to the elements of
the current vector H (line 20).
312 T. Flouri et al.
At the beginning of iteration j of the outer loop, array HH holds the computed
vectors from the previous iteration j 1, that is, the values from column j 1 to
the left. At the end of each inner loop iteration i, vector HH[i] will have been
overwritten with the updated vector i for the current column j (line 21). Before
overwriting the vector entry i in HH, its last value is stored in vector X (lines 17 and
19). This vector X will be used in the next inner loop iteration i C 1 to set the first
element of the first vector of column i C 1 (line 18).
Typically, NGS platforms generate short reads of length between 100 and 300 bp.
Given that the query profile must be computed from scratch for each pair of reads
we want to overlap and that the query profile for two sequences x and y over ˙
consists of j˙j rows of size jxj, its computation amounts to j˙j jyj
of the time required
to compute the matrix values. This might seem to be a tiny fraction of the run-time.
However, if we consider that the matrix computation is vectorized, then it amounts
to sj˙j
jyj , where s is the speed-up we obtain from vectorizing the matrix computation.
Assuming a speed-up of 8, an alphabet of all degenerate nucleotides (16), and reads
of length 200, the non-vectorized query profile computation accounts for 64% of
total run-time. Thus, we need to design a vectorization scheme for computing the
query profile given the scores are encoded as 16-bit values. The concept is illustrated
in Fig. 13.7 for a vector of 8 16-bit elements and for j˙j D 4.
Briefly, the underlying idea is to transform the value of each nucleotide qi of the
query sequence q into j˙j indices pointing to the values s.; qi /, for all 2 ˙. The
scoring matrix is stored in vector registers, and hence, we use each of the j˙j sets
of jqj indices pointing to s.; qi /, 0 i jqj 1, as index registers for shuffling
the register holding the values fs.; 0 / j 8 0 2 ˙g. This operation is repeated j˙j
times to create the j˙j columns of the query score profile.
Figure 13.8 illustrates the process. We iterate through the query sequence and
read 16 (8-bit) nucleotide values at each iteration, using the movdqa instruction
(step 1). Note that the scoring matrix values are loaded into two registers, which
have the layout illustrated in Fig. 13.7 and/or Fig. 13.8, and that the values are
16-bit integers (8 values per register). In our concrete example, the first scoring
matrix register holds the scores for aligning any nucleotide with nucleotides A
and C, and the second register holds the scores for aligning any nucleotide with
G and T. Initially, we transform the value of each actual nucleotide qi stored in a
vector to indices of the entries of the two scoring matrix registers that contain the
values s.qi ; A/; s.qi ; C/; s.qi ; G/, and s.qi ; T/. The nucleotides are encoded as A 7! 0,
C 7! 1, G 7! 2, and T 7! 3. Hence, we multiply these encoded qi values by four
to index the A resp. G scores of the first resp. second scoring matrix register. We
proceed analogously for the C resp. T scores of the two scoring matrix registers. The
multiplication of the qi values by four is carried out by adding the vector register
twice to itself (step 2). Because we use 16-bit integer scores while the nucleotides
13 An Efficient Approach to Merging Paired-End Reads and Incorporation of. . . 313
q2 8 symbols (even)
q4 xmm6
q10 8 symbols (odd)
q12 xmm7
q22 shuffle procedure
q34 T G C A
scoring matrix
q36 C A C A C A C A xmm4
q40 T G C A
q42 T G T G T G T G xmm5
Fig. 13.7 Computation of the query score profile. The query sequence q is assumed to be padded
to the closest multiple of 16 that is greater or equal to the sequence length, and the profile is
constructed in jqj=16 steps. At each step k, 0 k < jqj=16, 16 nucleotides from the query are
loaded and split into two registers (xmm6 and xmm7). These registers operate as the bitmasks for
shuffling the 4 4 scoring matrix of 16-bit scores, to finally obtain the values s.qi ; A/, s.qi ; C/,
s.qi ; G/, and s.qi ; T/ for each nucleotide qi , 16 k i < 16 .k C 1/. These values are stored in
four arrays A, C , G, and T of the same length as q such that AŒi D s.qi ; A/; CŒi D s.qi ; C/; GŒi D
s.qi ; G/; TŒi D s.qi ; T/. The four arrays represent the query score profile
are stored as 8-bit values, we need to use two indices for each score of a single
nucleotide qi , one pointing to the lower 8 bits and one pointing to the upper 8 bits
of the score. Therefore, we split the 16 loaded 8-bit nucleotides into two vector
registers using the pshufb command and an appropriate mask (step 3 only shows
one of the resulting two registers). In those two vector registers, the 8 nucleotide
values are stored in the odd bytes of the vector and the even bytes are filled with
314 T. Flouri et al.
Fig. 13.8 The shuffling procedure. We iterate over the query sequence in steps of 16 nucleotides.
At each iteration, 16 nucleotides are loaded into a register using one load (movdqa) instruction
(1). Then, each value is multiplied by 4. Multiplication is carried out using two add (paddb)
instructions (2). The 16 8-bit values in the register are then split into two registers, one holding
the first eight values (in the illustration), the second one holding the last eight values (not shown).
The actual 8-bit values are then moved to the odd (starting from 1) bytes of the register using
a shuffle (pshufb) instruction with the appropriate mask (3). The 8-bit values are then copied
to the even bytes of the vector register using a left-shift (pslldq) instruction and a bitwise OR
(por) instruction (4). Finally, using one add (paddb) instruction, we add 1 to the even bytes in
the vector register (5). The resulting register serves as the index register for shuffling the scoring
matrix registers, in our case the AC component, to obtain the A and C score profile vectors for
eight characters in the query sequence
zeroes (as shown in step 3 of Fig. 13.8). At this point we have already transformed
the values of each nucleotide qi into indices pointing to the lower 8-bits of the scores
s.qi ; A/ resp. s.qi ; G/ of the first resp. second scoring matrix register. The next step is
to transform the zero value of the even slots to an index pointing to the upper 8 bits
of the corresponding score. This is achieved by using an additional vector register
where the eight indices representing qi are shifted one byte to the left each (pslldq
instruction). Then, we perform a logical OR (por instruction) on the shifted and
unshifted vector registers (see step 4). Finally, we use the paddb instruction to
increment the even bytes of the resulting register by one, for they must point to the
corresponding upper 8-bit part of the score values (recall that their adjacent bytes
in the direction of the LSB index the lower 8-bit part of the score values). Thereby,
each adjacent pair of bytes starting at odd positions (we enumerate byte positions
from 1 to 16 in this concrete example) in this modified index vector register holds
13 An Efficient Approach to Merging Paired-End Reads and Incorporation of. . . 315
indices to the corresponding lower and upper 8-bit score value. We use this index to
shuffle the two scoring matrix registers (pshufb instruction) and obtain for each
loaded nucleotide the 16-bit score of aligning it with an A or a G (step 6). We then
reuse the results of step 5 but now add two to each byte of the index register, in
order to shift the indices to the C resp. T component of the two scoring matrix
registers. Then, we execute the pshufb instruction again on the original scoring
matrix registers to get the scores for aligning the nucleotides with C or T. The same
operations are conducted with the register holding the next eight nucleotide values
(not shown in the figure). Therefore, we can construct the query score profile as
shown in Fig. 13.7, in a vectorized way.
20 19.29
16.36 16.58
speedup [-]
11.26 11.66
10.57 10.55
7.11 7.42
6.94 6.59
100 150 250 300
reads length [bp]
The results show that we obtain an optimal speed-up over the non-vectorized
version of approximately 16 when using the 8-bit SSE implementation given that
the read length is sufficiently large. The 16-bit SSE implementation yields a near-
optimal speed-up of approximately 7. Finally, the AVX-2 implementations only
yield a run-time improvement of approximately 16% over the corresponding SSE
implementations, instead of the expected twofold speed-up. This is because of the
limited availability of certain integer arithmetic and logic instructions in the AVX-2
instruction set. For instance, shifting integer values from the lower 128-bit bank to
the upper 128-bit bank of a 256-bit vector register is not possible using a single
instruction. This is implemented using more expensive shuffle and permutation
In this section we deal with uncertainties for base calls and provide methods for
computing the best overlap given these uncertainties. We handle two levels of
uncertainty. First, the observed base may not be the true base (Sect. 13.4.1). Second,
a base call may be represented as a degenerate character, which stands for a set
of nucleotides instead of a single one (Sect. 13.4.2). Note that we would like to
13 An Efficient Approach to Merging Paired-End Reads and Incorporation of. . . 317
point out that the vectorization scheme described in Sect. can directly be
applied to degenerate characters. The query profile simply needs to be precomputed
for an alphabet of size 16 (instead of 4) for nucleotide data. Incorporating quality
scores renders the application impractical due to the large size of query profile. A
unique entry in the query profile must be precomputed for each possible nucleotide
(16 when considering degenerate characters) and quality score combination (40 for
Illumina data). Hence, the size of the query profile (precomputation) can become as
large as (or larger than) the size of the matrix that needs to be computed. Thus, this
method is less efficient, especially in the case of shorter reads (e.g., 75- to 200-bp).
To alleviate this limitation, it is possible to compute the entries in the query profile
on the fly as needed. However, such an approach is appropriate when comparing one
(fixed) sequence against multiple query sequences. In this case, we can dynamically
build a query profile for the fixed sequence. For merging paired-end reads, it is
unlikely that an entry in the query profile will be used more than once.
Finally, we show how to determine the consensus base for the overlapping region
and how to derive the error estimate for the consensus base in Sect. 13.4.3.
The Illumina platform is one of the most accurate NGS platforms [18]. However,
it still has a typical average error rate of 1% [18], and the quality of base calling
decreases toward the end of these reads (Fig. 13.10). The raw Illumina reads are
accompanied with a quality score (Q-score) for each base call. Quality scores are
expressed on a logarithmic scale known as the Phred scale [19]. More specifically,
the quality score Q is defined as:
where e is the estimated error probability for a base call. Q-scores are rounded to
the nearest integer and usually range between 1 and 40. It is easy to see that a higher
Q-score corresponds to a more reliable base call (lower error probability), and vice
versa. For instance, Q = 30 suggests the estimated accuracy of the base call is 99.9%
and Q = 20 indicates an accuracy of 99%.
For visual convenience, the Q-scores are encoded in ASCII by adding a base
number b (typically b D 33 or b D 64). Thus, given a Q-score, we can easily
convert it back to e with:
e D 10 10 : (13.5)
The EAS has a valid mathematical interpretation in the sense that it represents the
expected value of AS for the given overlap, given the scoring matrix s, that is, for
each ordered pair of characters from the alphabet, we compute the AS and weight it
by the probability of true bases being equal to a specific nucleotide pair. The EAS
is then the sum over these terms.
The second method, A , is computed as:
A .C/ D ı.xi ; yi / (13.7)
13 An Efficient Approach to Merging Paired-End Reads and Incorporation of. . . 319
s.xi ; yi /PrŒx0i D y0i j xi ; yi W xi D yi
ı.xi ; yi / D
s.xi ; yi /PrŒx0i ¤ y0i j xi ; yi W xi ¤ yi
For the sake of convenience, we drop the subscript i from xi , yi , x0i , and y0i .
Expanding PrŒx0 D y0 j x; y, we get:
PrŒx0 D y0 j x; y D PrŒx0 D y0 D z j x; y (13.8)
A priori, we assume independence between the two sequences. Thus, the probability
for x0 only depends on x (and ex , as well as ). With this, we can rewrite the equation
PrŒx0 D y0 j x; y D PrŒx0 D z j xPrŒy0 D z j y (13.9)
Note that
The common element in Eqs. (13.6), (13.9), and (13.12) is PrŒx0 D z j x. We can
compute it as:
< 1 ex W zDx
PrŒx0 D z j x D ex Pz W z¤x (13.13)
: q
We now outline Eq. (13.9) using two concrete examples. The first one shows the
case where the two observed characters are identical. We assume x D y D C with
error probabilities ex and ey :
PrŒx0 D y0 j x; y D .1 ex /.1 ey /
C ex ey
T T (13.14)
C ex ey
C ex ey
The second example illustrates the case where the two observed characters are
different. We assume x D C and y D A by Eq. (13.10):
PrŒx0 D y0 j x; y D ex .1 ey /
C .1 ex /ey
C ex ey
C ex ey :
The function A has been used in PEAR [3] with a simplified scoring matrix such
that s.a; b/ D C1 if a D b and s.a; b/ D 1 if a ¤ b. For this simple case, we
deduce the following correlation between E and A .
Proposition 1 Given ˛ D C1, ˇ D 1, it follows that E .C/ D 2 A .C/ C ˛
nm C ˇ nh , where nm and nh are the numbers of mismatches and matches of bases
in C, irrespective of quality scores.
Proof The proof is straightforward and is therefore omitted. t
Functions E , A , and B provide three different ways of integrating uncertainties
into computing the AS. The function E sums over the expected score for each
position in the overlapping region. Thus, as mentioned above, it represents the
expected AS for an overlap. The second function A explicitly considers whether
the two observed bases are the same, and the score for each position is scaled by
13 An Efficient Approach to Merging Paired-End Reads and Incorporation of. . . 321
the probability of the true underlying base match (or mismatch), given the observed
bases and error probabilities. The last function B scales the value of each pair of
nucleotides by the confidence we have in those values, that is, how likely they are
to be true. Function B represents a general formula from which A is deduced. If
the scoring for A is such that s.a; a/ D s.b; b/ for all a and b and s.a; b/ D c for all
a ¤ b and some constant c, then A is a simplification of B . In this case, only two
events can occur—either both values are identical, irrespective of whether both are
A, C, G or T, or they are different.
The scoring functions E and A have been implemented in PEAR [3]. Empirical
tests suggest that A merges more reads correctly than E . The performance of B
remains to be tested.
each of which stands for three ambiguous nucleotides; and finally, category 4 is the
N character that represents an unknown nucleotide (A, T, G or C) and a gap “-.” We
employ a set notation for those symbols. For example, SD fC, Gg and ND fA, C,
G, Tg.
First, consider the case of calculating the EAS (E ) as described in Eq. (13.6).
The same formula can be used for degenerate characters as well; we only need to be
able to compute PrŒx0 D z j X for a degenerate character X.
For this, we consider the observed characters in the four categories discussed
above. Category 1 only comprises non-degenerate characters; thus, the formulas
are the same as in Eq. (13.13). For categories 2 and 3, we differentiate between z
being an element of X and z being different to any element in X. For N, no further
distinction is needed as x0 will be in N.
For z in X, we get
PrŒx0 D z j X D .1 eX / P ; (13.16)
q2X q
PrŒx0 D z j X D eX P (13.17)
q…X q Case: N
The probability that the true underlying character is z can be calculated if we observe
that the N character is simply given by the base frequencies (recall that can be
estimated from the input data set), that is:
Next, for the case of Eq. (13.7) (A ), we employ a slightly different approach:
A .C/ D ı.Xi ; Yi / (13.19)
˛ PrŒx0i D y0i j Xi ; Yi W Xi \ Yi ¤ ;
ı.Xi ; Yi / D
ˇ PrŒx0i ¤ y0i j Xi ; Yi W Xi \ Yi D ;
13 An Efficient Approach to Merging Paired-End Reads and Incorporation of. . . 323
xO yO
s0 .X; Y/ D P P s.Ox; yO / : (13.20)
.Ox;Oy/2XY z2X z z2Y z
With s0 .X; Y/, Eq. (13.12) can be easily applied to compute B for degenerate
characters. The interpretation of s0 is that it is the expected score of a given pair
of degenerate characters with respect to the scoring matrix s.
The Q-score for the two characters prior to the merging step measures the
probability of errors for observing those two characters in each read, respectively.
After merging the two reads, we need to compute a new Q-score for each position in
the overlapping region that represents the error probability given the corresponding
characters in the merged read. Note that we implicitly assume the two reads to
have the same characters in the overlapping region. Bayes’ theorem gives us the
probability of observing any of the four DNA states (A, C, G, and T) in the merged
read by:
PrŒx0 D y0 D x j x0 D y0 ; X; Y
PrŒx0 D y0 j x0 D y0 D x ; X; Y PrŒx0 D y0 D x j X; Y
PrŒx0 D y0 j X; Y
1 PrŒx0 D y0 D x j X; Y
PrŒx0 D y0 j X; Y (13.21)
0 0
PrŒx D x j XPrŒy D x j Y
PrŒx0 D y0 j X; Y
PrŒx0 D x j XPrŒy0 D x j Y
DP 0 0
z2fA;C;G;Tg PrŒx D z j XPrŒy D z j Y
where the variable x is the character for this position in the merged string.
The probabilities required to calculate the new Q-score are the same as explained
in Sect. 13.4.2. The character in the overlapping region should be the character
with the highest value obtained, thereby. The Q-score is computed using Eq. (13.4),
324 T. Flouri et al.
13.5 Conclusions
In the first part of this chapter, we discussed a discrete algorithm for finding
overlapping regions between two short reads. We showed how to convert the
classical sliding window approach into a DP problem. Using this DP formulation,
we then implemented a vectorization scheme and showed that the speed up over the
non-vectorized implementation is near-optimal. In the second part of this chapter,
we presented three functions that allow to incorporate quality score information into
the overlap score calculation. These quality scores represent the error probabilities
of base calls from the sequencing platforms. Furthermore, we presented solutions
for handling reads that contain degenerate characters. Finally, we discussed how to
compute the posterior error probabilities for a consensus base in a Bayesian setting.
Acknowledgements T.F is supported by DFG project STA/860-4. L.C, K.K and J.Z are funded
by a HITS scholarship.
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Chapter 14
Assembly-Free Techniques for NGS Data
The genomic era started around the mid-1970s with the development of the first
effective sequencing technologies. Among them, the most successful has been chain
termination methods, usually referred to as Sanger methods after one of the authors
of the original paper [39]. The process starts by separating the two DNA strands
by means of heating; afterwards, a primer is attached to one of the strands. The
primed template is then inserted into a mixture containing several reagents that allow
the chain reaction to start; the result is excited using gel capillary electrophoresis,
14 Assembly-Free Techniques for NGS Data 329
and, by means of either dyes or radio labeling, the sample is read and translated
into a sequence of bases. Despite being one of the first available methods for DNA
sequencing, Sanger technology possesses several desirable properties. Thanks to the
relatively long reads (between 600 and 900 bases) and high reliability (1% error or
below), this technology is still the only choice when high-quality data are needed,
for example, for the completion of complex parts of genomic sequences. The Sanger
methods’ main problem is the high cost (a few thousand dollars per megabase),
especially when compared with NGS methods.
Sanger technology remained the de facto choice for sequencing for more than 30
years. During this period, huge projects were successfully completed. Among them,
the whole human genome project deserves particular attention; it culminated in the
milestone paper [26] that announced the first non-draft version of the human (Homo
sapiens) genome as the result of a huge collaboration involving many different
research groups worldwide. At the beginning of the 2000s, new sequencing methods
started to be developed by several life science and bioengineering companies.
As a result of this competitive market, several novel methods for whole shotgun
sequencing became available; they were (and still are) all called Next Generation
Sequencing (NGS).
Such new technologies became very popular in the scientific community thanks
to their low cost. Using NGS sequencers, it is currently possible to produce one
million bases for as little as 0:1$, which is five times cheaper than the Sanger
sequencers. Such new methods have changed the way the scientific community
looks at genomic projects [30]. Since their introduction, the number of massive
sequencing projects initiated has increased day by day, and, as groups all over
the world have started to share their experiments, the amount of data available
has exponentially increased, as shown in Fig. 14.1. Of all the projects, the 1000
Genomes Project1 is worth mentioning, which aims to sequence a total of 1000
human individuals belonging to different races. The project’s site reports [. . . ] the
goal of the 1000 Genomes Project is to find the most genetic variants that have
frequencies of at least 1% in the populations studied [. . . ]. Finding all such variants
is much harder than the reconstruction of 1000 individuals’ genomes, and tasks of
this complexity were not feasible until the NGS technologies appeared.
One of the key features of NGS methods is the possibility of producing really
huge amounts of data during a single experiment. This reduces the total cost of both
the reagents and experts needed to supervise the entire sequencing process. This
combination of cost-lowering factors allows NGS sequencers to attain competitive
costs in terms of dollars per base.
330 M. Comin and M. Schimd
1e13 1e15
1e12 1e14
1e11 1e13
1e10 1e12
1e9 1e11
1e8 1e10
1e7 1e9
1e6 1e8
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Sequences (8.5 trillions) Bases (1,071.9 trillions)
Fig. 14.1 Growth rate for the Sequence Read Archive (SRA).
statistics, accessed 21 July 2014
fragments of lengths up to 700 bases. These days, however, NGS methods can
compete with the Sanger ones in terms of read length even though the data sets
produced with previous versions of the same technologies represent a big fraction of
the total available data on public databases. A second aspect related to NGS data is
their reliability; next generation reads are known to be more noisy than Sanger ones.
The error rate on NGS data is approximately one order of magnitude higher than the
average error rate of Sanger methods (which is usually under 1%); on average, NGS
data contain one erroneous base every hundred. With such an error rate, the chance
of miscalled bases within a single read becomes very high, and while designing and
developing algorithms for NGS data, researchers must take this into account.
Most of the NGS sequencers are able to produce mate pairs, which are pairs
of reads sequenced using the same sample but starting from the opposite ends.
The advantage of mate pairs is the possibility of using different libraries with
different sample sizes. This allows the sequencers to produce pair of reads with
an approximately known spacing called insert size, which is much larger than the
actual read length and (in most of the cases) can be set to span repeats, allowing
their resolution.
NGS methods are now the standard in sequencing technologies; however, further
advances are being revealed. The most promising future generation sequencer was
introduced by Pacific Biosciences and is based on a new sequencing procedure
known as single molecule real time (SMRT) sequencing [18]. The commercial
product (usually referred to as PacBio), which has recently been presented and
discussed [4], produces reads with characteristics that are considerably different
from both NGS and Sanger reads. PacBio reads can be as long as 10,000 bases,
a size never available before, but the error rate on such reads is as high as 15%
with 12% insertions, 2% deletions and (just) 1% substitutions. This combination of
factors makes the algorithms developed for all previous technologies not feasible or
not effective for this type of data.
In this chapter, we present a parameter-free alignment-free method, called
Under2 , based on variable-length patterns. We will define a similarity measure using
variable-length patterns along with their statistical and syntactical properties, so that
“uninformative” patterns will be discarded. The rest of the chapter is organized
as follows: in Sect. 14.2, we present the main challenges the NGS data pose, in
Sect. 14.3 we describe how NGS data are used to solve problems of comparative
genomics, and finally Sect. 14.4 gives our conclusions.
332 M. Comin and M. Schimd
The available variety of sequencing technologies, each having its own reads profile
(in terms of error, length, biases, . . . ), makes the task of designing and developing
efficient and effective algorithms very challenging. In this scenario, it is not true that
one size fits all, and approaches designed for one technology may be completely
useless for another one. Each feature of the produced reads has an impact on the
development of algorithms, and it is important to be aware of all such aspects before
starting to work on new approaches.
Genomic sequences are the result of the evolution process that the corresponding
species experienced. While some organisms (like humans) have a relatively short
story, many others (like plants) have gone through several mutations. Each time the
DNA replicates, there is a small chance that the process creates mutations that were
not previously present. Several types of mutations can happen during the replication
process, but many of them have the net effect of replicating portions of the sequence
in other positions on the genome itself. This creates complicated structures generally
called repeats. The characteristics of repeated structures on a real genomic sequence
are quite variable. The same genomic sequence (like the human one) can contain
repeats of a few bases to thousand of bases long. The number of copies of the same
repeated sequence is also a variable factor of all genomes; we may have structures
that are repeated a few times as well as sequences that appear thousands of times in
the same genome. Finally, the relative position of repeated regions can be adjacent
(like tandem repeats) or far apart from each other. It is easy to see how short reads
make the process of discovery and resolving repeats very difficult. For example, a
read sequenced “inside” a repeat appearing in many different places of the sequence
14 Assembly-Free Techniques for NGS Data 333
can never be reliably mapped into either of these positions. Even though NGS
technologies can currently be used to resolve short to medium-long repeats, there
are still genomic structures that need to be addressed with different data (like, for
example, mate pairs or PacBio reads).
Although noisy data may look like a minor problem, combining this with the
problems we already discussed (short reads, repetitive structures, . . . ) amplifies
them. Approaches to error correction are often part of a proposed approach and may
rely on pre-processing (e.g., filtering) or “online” procedures that try to identify
errors as “unexpected” behaviors of the algorithms.
Although every single challenge may not seem that difficult to cope with (with
the possible exception of repeats that in some situations make the solution not
unique), the combined effect of all of them makes the bioinformatics problem
difficult if not impossible to solve without using heuristics and approximate
algorithms [33, 47].
14.2.4 Assembly Greedy
Greedy algorithms [17, 51] start by selecting a seed read (or set of reads) that
represents the initial assembly and proceed by finding the best alignment to extend
it. At each iteration, the “best read” is chosen and removed from the original set.
The process continues until either the set is empty or no good enough alignment can
be obtained with all the remaining reads. This approach is clearly greedy since, once
a read has been used to extend the current assembly, there is no possible “regret”
for such a decision. The advantage of greedy strategies is that they are fast and easy
to implement, but, on the other hand, it is very likely (especially with big and noisy
sets) that the algorithm stops at a suboptimal solution.
The overlap layout consensus (OLC) [22, 23] algorithms divide the task of
producing an assembly into three subsequent phases. During the overlap phase, an
all-against-all pairwise read comparison is performed to determine the best possible
overlaps. Since this phase could require lot of computational time, usually seed
overlap is detected using k-mer sharing (i.e., an overlap is actually tested between
reads that share at least a certain amount of k-mers), which is easier to compute than
14 Assembly-Free Techniques for NGS Data 335
an actual alignment; only for those pairs of reads that satisfy the k-mer requirement
is the actual alignment computed. The alignment relation between reads is laid out
on a graph where each node represents a read and an arc between nodes exists if
a valid alignment has been detected between the corresponding reads. After the
graph has been simplified, a path detection algorithm is run to identify a consensus
sequence that is then output as the candidate assembly.
There are two major problems with OLC algorithms: the first one is related to all-
against-all pairwise alignment, which is a time-consuming operation; the second
problem is the phase of path discovery that requires finding a Hamiltonian path,
which is known to be an NP-hard problem.
The latter has been the main motivation triggering the development of assembly
algorithms based on De Bruijn graphs [32, 40, 52]. The idea is to create what is
called k-mers graph, which is a simplified version of the De Bruijn graph.
On k-mer graphs, each node corresponds to a k-mer (but, as opposed to De
Bruin graphs, not all possible k-mers have an associated node). Edges represent
an observed .k 1/-mer. The graph is constructed by scanning the read set so that
each k-mer that is present in at least one of the reads has a corresponding node on
the graph. If the read is sequenced without error and with perfect coverage, then the
graph constructed from the read set and the graph constructed from the reference
sequence are identical. A key observation is that the k-mer graph, by construction,
contains an Eulerian path that represents the reference sequence [32].
Comparative genomics is the biology field that studies genetic material with the
goal of identifying and classifying biological features shared by different organisms
or by different individuals of the same species. Practically, this can be achieved
using genome analysis techniques to test the correlation between sequences. There
are many known correlation structures for which specific algorithms exist: variant
detection, rare variation and burden testing, and identification of de novo mutations
are a few of them, and a detailed survey can be found in [25]. With the introduction
of NGS data, the number of organisms that can be simultaneously compared has
dramatically increased. As a the consequence of this, the overall complexity of the
problems has increased as well. Moreover, using High Performance Computing
techniques, we can now perform comparative genomics analysis at the genome
scale, and genome-wise association studies (GWAS) are now becoming fundamen-
tal steps in all comparative genomics projects. For many years, genome assembly
and sequence alignment have been essential primitives to perform comparative
genomics studies; however, with the advent of massive sequencing, many of the
336 M. Comin and M. Schimd
approaches based on these primitives are no longer practical. When looking for
variations between sequences, (short) reads need to be aligned to a reference
allowing non-perfect matching; these are, indeed, the variation to be discovered,
on the form, for example, of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). When
performed on millions (or even billions) of reads, this task becomes computing
intensive, and standard alignment tools may not be the best choice.
Since the beginning of the genomic era, researchers have focused their interests
on finding coding sections of the human genome. More generally, one of the main
tasks has been (and still is) finding recurrent patterns and classifying them based
on the role they have in the regulation of human biology. Pattern identification,
reconstruction and many other problems at the heart of bioinformatics all resort to
the fundamental algorithmic primitive of alignment. Informally, alignment is the
process of superimposing two different sequences to obtain the best possible match
between them; more technically, the problem of alignment does not have a unique
definition. Alignment can be performed with or without mismatches, which means
that a certain degree of difference between superimposed sequences is or is not
tolerated. Due to mutations induced by evolutionary events, sequence alignment is
(almost) always performed allowing mismatches. How the mismatches are treated
during the process is a matter of specific algorithms and may lead to different results
on the same input data.
One of the most popular ways to perform sequence alignment relies on a dynamic
programming approach called the Smith–Waterman after the authors of the original
paper [42], which was published more than 30 years ago. The idea is to define a
recurrence that assigns scores to: matches, mismatches, insertions and deletions.
Given two sequences x and y with size n and m, respectively, the Smith–Waterman
algorithm computes an n m matrix. This matrix is then used to derive the optimal
sequence of string operations (i.e., substitutions, insertions and deletions) that
transforms x into y. The complexity of this approach is O.nm/ for time, while the
space (still O.nm/ with a naïve implementation) can be kept at O.mCn/ using some
tricks. It is important to note, however, that dynamic programming approaches are
able to find the optimal solution once the recurrence has been given. Another popular
approach, first proposed and implemented in a tool called BLAST [1], relies on hash
maps to perform fast alignment of sequences based on their k long subsequence
(i.e. k-mers). Based on the specific necessities, the alignment obtained using hash
maps can be refined using dynamic programming algorithms. With the advent of
NGS data, the dynamic programming approach started to become impractical. The
main reason is not the complexity of a single alignment itself, but the number of
alignments required when the read set contains millions of reads. Moreover, the
shorter the reads are, the more likely they can fit in more than a single position of
the reference sequence for any given score. This means that multiple positions can
give the same (optimal) score for one given read.
14 Assembly-Free Techniques for NGS Data 337
With the advent of NGS technologies, a many short read data have been generated.
These data are used to study many biological problems, such as transcription factor
binding site identification, de novo sequencing, alternative splicing, and so on. The
first step of most studies is to map the reads onto known genomes. However, if a
reference genome is not available, the assembly of a template sequence is usually
challenging, as we have already discussed in previous sections.
When the NGS reads cannot be mapped onto a reference genome, alignment-
based methods are not applicable. Moreover, the size of NGS data demands the use
of very efficient algorithms. For these reasons, the comparison of genomes based
on the direct comparison of NGS reads has been investigated only recently using
alignment-free methods [44].
The use of alignment-free methods for comparing sequences has proved useful
in different applications. Some alignment-free measures use the pattern distribution
338 M. Comin and M. Schimd
This is the inner product of the word vectors Aw and Bw , each one representing
the number of occurrences of words of length k, i.e., k-mers, in the two sequences.
However, Lippert et al. [28] showed that the D2 statistic can be biased by the
stochastic noise in each sequence. To address this issue, two other popular statistics,
called DS2 and D2 , were introduced respectively in [24] and [35]. These measures
14 Assembly-Free Techniques for NGS Data 339
X AQ w BQ w
Ds2 D q
w2˙ k AQ 2w C BQ 2w
These similarity measures respond to the need for normalization of D2 . All these
statistics have been studied by Reinert et al. [35] and Wan et al. [50] for the detection
of regulatory sequences. In [44], the authors extended these statistics for genome
comparison based on NGS data and defined d2 , d2s and d2 . The major difficulties are
the random sampling of reads from the genomes and the consideration of double
strands of the genome. They tested the performance of d2 , d2s and d2 on synthetic
and real data sets. In particular, the common motif model, introduced by Reinert et
al. [35], is used to mimic the exchange of genetic material between two genomes,
and MetaSim [36] is used to simulate the sequencing. We describe the common
motif model in the next subsections and propose a more realistic formulation. In
this chapter, we will follow the same experimental setup as [44] and compare our
results with these statistics.
The notion of irredundancy is meant to remove the redundant patterns, i.e., those
patterns that do not convey extra information for the similarity measure. The second
driving principle is the fact that, in previous approaches, every position of a read
contributes a multiple number of times to the final score.
In the following, we address these two issues separately. The goal is to build a
similarity measure between the two sets of reads R1 and R2 using all exact patterns
of any length, ˙ , that are shared between the two sets.
One can easily show that most sequences share an unusually large number of
common patterns that do not convey extra information about the input. To keep the
article self-contained, here we summarize the basic facts already proved in [10] and
extend the notion of an irredundant common pattern to the case of two sets of reads.
If the occurrence of a pattern in a read completely overlaps with the occurrence of
another longer pattern, we say that the occurrence of the first pattern is covered by
the second one.
Definition 1 (Irredundant/Redundant Common Patterns) A pattern w is irre-
dundant if and only if at least an occurrence of w in R1 or R2 is not covered and by
other patterns. A pattern that does not satisfy this condition is called a redundant
common pattern.
Let us consider the two read sets R1 and R2 defined above. In the third read of
set R1 , i.e., TAAC, the common pattern AC occurs; however, it is covered by the
other common pattern AAC. We highlight in bold the pattern occurrences that are
not covered by other patterns. Following the definition above, AC is a redundant
common pattern, and the only irredundant common patterns are AA, TA and AAC.
R1 R2
14 Assembly-Free Techniques for NGS Data 341
Note that the in the first set R1 , these patterns partially overlap. This observation
will be important later. We observe again that the set of irredundant common
patterns IR1 ;R2 is a subset of the well-known linear set of maximal patterns [2];
therefore, the number of irredundant common patterns is bounded by jR1 j C jR2 j,
where jR1 j D jR2 j D Mˇ.
A simple algorithm that can discover all such patterns has already been described
in [11], and it employs a generalized suffix tree of two sequences. To extend this
algorithm to the new input R1 and R2 , it is sufficient to use the two sets of reads,
while keeping the occurrences that belong to the two sets separate. The construction
of the generalized suffix tree and the subsequent extraction of the irredundant
common patterns can be completed in time and linear space in the size of sequences
[11]. In summary, the notion of irredundancy is useful for removing non-informative
patterns and thus for drastically reducing the number of candidates to be analyzed
to estimate the sequence similarity between R1 and R2 .
The basic idea behind our approach is that a position on the sequences should
contribute to the final similarity only once. Traditionally, alignment-free statistics
fail to comply with this simple rule. In fact, every position, apart from the borders,
belongs to k different k-mers and thus contributes k times to the similarity.
In previous works on whole-genome comparison, to solve this problem we used
the notions of pattern priority and of underlying pattern [11]. The pattern priority
rule is mainly based on the idea of selecting, for each position, those patterns that
represent the largest number of matching sites between sequences and that are thus
more likely to be conserved patterns Here we recall the definition of pattern priority
and of the underlying pattern from [11], and we adapt these concepts to the new
Let us consider the set of irredundant common patterns IR1 ;R2 as input. Given
two patterns, w and w0 , we say that w has priority over w0 , denoted w ! w0 , if and
only if either jwj > jw0 j or jwj D jw0 j and w are less likely to appear in the sequences
than w0 , or if w and w0 have the same length and probability to appear, but the first
occurrence of w appears before the first occurrence of w0 ; that is, w appears on the
same read of w0 but at a lower index or w appears on a read that precedes (using an
arbitrary order) the reads where w0 appears. We say that an occurrence l of w is tied
to an occurrence l0 of another pattern w0 if these occurrences (partially) overlap each
other, Œl; l C jwj 1 \ Œl0 ; l0 C jw0 j 1/ ¤ ;, and w0 ! w. Otherwise, we say that
l is untied from l0 . As observed above the patterns, TA and AAC partially overlap
on the third read TAAC; in other words, TA is tied with AAC (because the former is
longer than the latter even though it occurs later on the same read).
Definition 2 (Underlying Patterns) A set of patterns UR1 ;R2 IR1 ;R2 is said to
be Underlying set of fR1 ; R2 g if and only if:
342 M. Comin and M. Schimd
(i) every pattern w in UR1 ;R2 , called underlying pattern, has at least one occurrence
in both sets of reads, that is untied from all the untied occurrences of other
patterns in UR1 ;R2 n w, and
(ii) a pattern w 2 IR1 ;R2 n UR1 ;R2 does not exist such that w has at least two untied
occurrences, one per set of reads, from all the untied occurrences of patterns in
UR1 ;R2 .
Let us consider the two sets of reads introduced above and the set of irredundant
patterns IR1 ;R2 D fAA; TA; AACg.
R1 R2
Our similarity is inspired by the average common subword (ACS) approach [48],
where the scores of common patterns found are averaged over the length of
sequences. Here we follow the same approach, but, instead of counting all common
patterns, we use just the untied occurrences of the underlying patterns, which by
definition do not overlap [11]. We can note that the set of underlying patterns UR1 ;R2
is not symmetric, in general UR1 ;R2 ¤ UR2 ;R1 . Thus, to build a symmetric measure,
we need to consider both sets.
In ACS, the contribution of each position is given by the length of the pattern
covering that position. In our approach, we use instead the ratio of the number of
occurrences for an underlying pattern w and the expected number of occurrences
for that pattern. Let us define occw as the number of occurrences of w in all reads
of R1 and R2 and untiedw1 as the number of untied occurrences of w in R1 . First, we
compute the score:
w2UR1 ;R2 jwj untiedw1 occw
Score.R1 ; R2 / D :
jR1 j
Recalling that the untied occurrences do not overlap with each other, we notice
that the term jwjuntiedw1 counts the positions where w appears without overlapping
any other pattern. For each such position, we sum the score EŒocc w
, where EŒoccw is
the expected number of occurrences. Note that the expectation of this ratio is exactly
1. This sum is then averaged over the length of the first sequence under examination,
R1 . This score is large when the two sequences are similar; therefore, we take
its inverse. Another observation is that the number of occurrences of a pattern
increases logarithmically with the length of R2 . Thus, we consider the measure
log4 .jR2 j/=Score.R1; R2 /, where a base-4 logarithm is used to represent the four
DNA bases.
To center the formula, such that it goes to zero when R1 D R2 , we subtract the
term log4 jR1 j. If R1 D R2 there will be just one underlying pattern that is equal
to the sequence itself. In this case, Score.R1 ; R1 / will be 1, and the term log4 jR1 j
2 .R1 ; R1 / D 0. These observations are implemented in the
makes sure that Under
344 M. Comin and M. Schimd
2 .R1 ; R2 /.
general formula of Under
2 .R1 ; R2 / C Under
Under 2 .R2 ; R1 /
Under2 .r1 ; R2 / D
Finally, to correct the asymmetry, our similarity measure called Under2 is the
2 .R1 ; R2 / and Under
average of the two statistics Under 2 .R2 ; R1 /.
An important aspect of this formula is the computation of the expected number
of occurrences of a pattern w. A Markov model usually outperforms the Bernoulli
model on biological sequences. In our case, the length of reads is relatively short.
Thus, to avoid overfitting, we will rely on a first order Markov model. In summary,
the expectation is computed as EŒoccw D pw M.ˇ jwj C 1/, where pw is
the probability of w using the Markov model, M is the number of Reads, and
.ˇ jwj C 1/ are the possible occurrences of w. Finally, we extend our approach
to account for untied occurrences that are present in the reverse, complement and
reverse-complement of each sequence to simulate the DNA strand and the evolution
of sequences. For more details about this extension, we refer to [11].
To compare the performance of Under2 and all d-type statistics proposed in [44],
we performed several experiments using both simulated and real data.
We start from background sequences (20 in our experiment), which can be either
synthetic or a real genomic reference; we call such sequences negative to indicate
that no correlation exists between any two of them. For each negative sequence,
we created a positive one using three different correlation models. The first is the
Common Motif (CM) model introduced in [35]. In the CM model, a pattern of
length five is inserted at position j with probability
, while the background is left
unchanged with probability 1
; we chose the same pattern and the same length
used in [35, 44]. In the CM model, the pattern inserted is always the same. The
second model we adopted is the simple multiple motifs (SMM). In this model, five
patterns with length varying from four to six bases are considered. Note that the five
patterns are all different now. Moreover, we also consider their reverse complement
in this model. For each position j, a pattern is inserted with probability
; the pattern
to be inserted is chosen so that all five patterns and their reverse complements are
14 Assembly-Free Techniques for NGS Data 345
inserted with the same probability as follows: first The last model introduced is the
full multiple motifs (FMM) model, which is a slight variation of the SMM where,
for each pattern, not only the reverse complement is considered, but also the reverse
is inserted. The introduction of these two models SMM and FMM tries to mimic the
exchange of genetic material between genomes, where regions of variable length as
well as reverse and reverse complements are important.
We test the performance of the different statistics by assessing if sequences from the
positive set score higher than those from the negative set. We compute the similarity
scores for all pairs of sequences in the positive set and all pairs of sequences in the
negative set. Then, we sort all scores in one combined list. We consider as positive
predictive value (PPV) the percentage of pairs from the positive set that are in the top
half of this list. A PPV of 1 means perfect separation between positive and negative
sequences, while a PPV of 0:5 means no statistical power.
Following the experimental setup of [44], during all the experiments we main-
tained a constant pattern intensity
D 0:001. For each sequence (either positive or
negative), we used MetaSim2 [36] to generate M reads with ˇ D 200 length and
with 0 standard deviation (i.e., all reads have a length of exactly ˇ) to obtain an
overall coverage D .Mˇ/=N (where N is the length of the sequence) equals 5.
We will use these parameters for most of the experiments. Except where indicated,
exact (i.e., no errors) sequencing has been simulated; when errors are considered,
the MetaSim preset for 454 model is used with all parameters set to their default
values. For each experimental setup, we compute the average score over five runs of
Under2 and of all d-type statistics.3 During all simulations, parameters of different
algorithms have been maintained fixed; more specifically, we used k D 5 for d-type
statistics because this is the best value measured in [44] as well as the best value we
observed in a set of preliminary tests.
In this first test, we use random sequences as background. Although real data sets are
always more desirable than simulations, the use of random sequences is very useful
to establish the behavior of alignment-free statistics. Moreover, random background
sequences can be used to formally prove the statistical power of the d-type statistics
(see [35, 50]).
To simulate data, we used the same setup of [44]. We considered two different
i.i.d. models for negative sequences, uniform background with pA D pC D pG D
346 M. Comin and M. Schimd
Fig. 14.2 PPV for uniform and GC-rich backgrounds with the CM model. (a) Uniform back-
ground. (b) GC-rich background
Fig. 14.3 PPV for uniform and GC-rich backgrounds with the SMM model. (a) Uniform
background. (b) GC-rich background
Fig. 14.4 PPV for uniform and GC-rich backgrounds with the FMM model. (a) Uniform
background. (b) GC-rich background. (c) Uniform background and double coverage ( D 10)
14 Assembly-Free Techniques for NGS Data 349
However, this effect becomes significant only for small values of N and when the
FMM model is used, while all d-type statistics and all other cases of Under2 are
almost immune from this effect, probably because performance in these cases is
already poor. Finally, in Fig. 14.4c, we double the coverage, D 10. If we compare
this plot with Fig. 14.4a, we can note a moderate improvement, especially for longer
sequences. Thus, for random backgrounds, increasing the coverage will produce a
small performance improvement.
4, dmel-all-intergenic-r5.49.fasta.
350 M. Comin and M. Schimd
Fig. 14.5 PPV obtained with Drosophila genome as background. (a) CM model. (b) FMM model.
(c) FMM model and MetaSim 454 errors model
14 Assembly-Free Techniques for NGS Data 351
Fig. 14.6 PPV with Drosophila genome as background using the FMM model with 454 sequenc-
ing error for various values of parameters ( ,
and ˇ). (a) Double coverage ( D 10). (b) More
implanted patterns (
D 0:01). (c) Shorter reads (ˇ D 100)
352 M. Comin and M. Schimd
Table 14.1 Comparison of phylogenetic trees of prokaryotic organisms, computed using NGS
data, with the reference taxonomy based on the R–F distance
Under2 d2 d2S d2
NJ 8 16 14 14
UPGMA 8 16 12 14
organisms among the species in [48] for DNA phylogenomic inference. The
organisms come from both the major prokaryotic domains: Archaea, six organisms
(accession nos. BA000002, AE000782, AE009439, AE009441, AL096836,
AE000520); Bacteria, six organisms (accession nos. AE013218, AL111168,
AE002160, AM884176, AE016828, L42023). The reference taxonomy is inferred
using the 16S rDNA sequences and the multiple alignment of these sequences
available from the Ribosomal Database Project [5]. Then, we perform a maximum
likelihood estimation on the aligned set of sequences using Dnaml from PHYLIP
[19] to compute a reference tree.
We simulate the sequencing process with MetaSim following the same setup
as above and then compute the distance matrices using all statistics. From these
distance matrices, we derive the taxonomies with the PHYLIP [19] software using
neighbor joining (NJ) [38] and the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic
mean (UPGMA) [43]. We compare the resulting trees with the reference taxonomy
using the Robinson and Foulds (R–F) distance [37]. For two unrooted binary trees
with n 3 leaves, the R–F score is in the range Œ0; 2n 6. A score equal to 0 means
that the two trees are isomorphic, while 2n 6 means that all non-trivial bipartitions
are different.
The R–F distances between the reference taxonomy and the resulting phyloge-
netic trees, for all statistics and the two reconstruction methods, are summarized in
Table 14.1. In general, Under2 outperforms all d-type statistics obtaining the lower
value with both reconstruction methods NJ and UPGMA. We can also observe that
d2S and d2 obtain comparable results, and, in some cases, the former outperforms the
latter, confirming a similar observation in [44]. This latter experiment confirms that
Under2 is able to detect the genetic signal between unassembled NGS data.
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