Sometimes these are called λ-rings and what we call "λ-rings" are called special λ-rings. This does indeed occasionally lead to confusion
Sometimes these are called λ-rings and what we call "λ-rings" are called special λ-rings. This does indeed occasionally lead to confusion
Sometimes these are called λ-rings and what we call "λ-rings" are called special λ-rings. This does indeed occasionally lead to confusion
Adams operations
For many of the applications of topological K-theory, we do not need the entire structure of
K ∗ (X); the group K 0 (X) suffices. One of the main reason for this is the Adams operations, which
create a very rigid structure on the groups K 0 (X).
Definition 13.1. A commutative ring R has a pre-λ-ring i if there exist operations λn : R R
satisfying the following relations for all r, s ∈ R:
(L1) λ0 r = 1.
(L2) λ1 = 1R .
(L3) λn (r + s) = nk=0 λk (r)λn−k (s).
We can construct a pre-λ-ring structure
n on K 0 (X) by using the exterior product of bundles.
More concretely, we define λ [E] = E. This also satisfies the extra nice property that
λn (E) = 0 if n > dim E.
Suppose that R is a pre-λ-ring. We can define Λ(R) to be the abelian group of power series with
coefficients in R and constant term equal to 1 under multiplication.
Then we can put a pre-λ-ring
structure on Λ(R) in the following manner. Let α(t) = 1 + n≥1 an tn and β(t) = 1 + n≥1 bn tn .
Write formally
α(t) = (1 + ξn t) and β(t) = (1 + ηn t).
n≥1 n≥1
We then have
(1 + ξm ηn t) = 1 + Pn t n .
m,n n≥1
Note that Pn is a symmetric polynomial in the ξi , ηi , and thus it can be written as a polynomial in
terms of ai ’s and bi ’s (whose coefficients are the elementary symmetric polynomials). In fact, by
degree considerations, Pn will only depend on a1 , . . . , an , b1 , . . . , bn . For example,
a1 = ξn b1 = ηn
n≥1 n≥1
P1 = ξ n η m = a1 b 1 .
For P2 we have
P2 = ξm1 ξm 2 ηn1 ηn2
m1 ,m2
n1 ,n2
(m1 ,n1 )=(m2 ,n2 )
= ξm1 ξm 2 ηn1 ηn2 + ξm ηn1 ηn2 + ξm1 ξm2 ηn2
m1 <m2 m,n1 <n2 m1 <m2 ,n
n1 <n2
= a2 b2 + b2 ξm + a2 ηn2 = a2 b2 + b2 (a21 − 2a2 ) + a2 (b21 − 2b2 )
m n
= b2 a21 + a2 b21 − 3a2 b2 .
By the general theory of symmetric polynomials, it will always be possible to express Pn in terms
of a1 , . . . , bn . Note that in order to compute Pn we do not need to assume that there are infinitely
iSometimes these are called λ-rings and what we call “λ-rings” are called special λ-rings. This does indeed
occasionally lead to confusion.
many variables ηi and ξj ; if there are at least n of each then the calculation of Pn in terms of the
ai and bj will be correct. We can then define a multiplication on Λ(R) by
α(t) ∗ β(t) = 1 + Pn (a1 , . . . , bn )tn .
We also define
(1 + ξi1 · · · ξin ) = 1 + Ln,m tm .
i1 <···<in m≥1
By a similar argument to the above, these will only depend on the ai and bj . For example,
L2,1 = ξ n ξ m = a2 .
We then define
λn α(t) = 1 + Ln,m tm .
In other words, the tensor product V ⊗ W is a “symmetric polynomial” in the variables Vi and
Wj . The polynomial Pℓ tells us exactly how to get this polynomial in terms of the symmetric
polynomials in Vi and the symmetric polynomials in Wj ; thus λℓ (V ⊗ W ) = Pℓ (λ1 V, . . . , λℓ W ).
A similar explanation works for λm λn (V ).
Thus a λ-ring is one where symmetric polynomials “work correctly.”
Once we have a theory of symmetric polynomials we can use Newton’s identities to define good
“power operations.”
Definition 13.6. Let sk be the polynomial such that when it is applied to the first k elementary
symmetric polynomials it produces the sum of the k-th powers of the variables. (By the general
theory of symmetric polynomials this polynomial is independent of the number of variables.) We
define the k-th Adams operation ψ k : K 0 (X) K 0 (X) to be
ψ k ([E]) = sk (λ1 ([E]), . . . , λk ([E])).
Since the Adams operations are defined using the λ-ring structure we expect that the operations
will be nicely natural. In fact, we have the following theorem:
Theorem 13.7. The ψ k are ring homomorphisms K 0 (X) K 0 (X) satisfying the following rela-
tions for all compact Hausdorff X:
(1) ψ k f ∗ = f ∗ ψ k ; in other words, the ψ k are natural transformations.
(2) ψ k (L) = Lk for a line bundle L.
(3) ψ k ◦ ψ ℓ = ψ kℓ .
(4) ψ p (α) = αp (mod p), in the sense that for all α there exists a β ∈ K 0 (X) such that
ψ p (α) = αp + pβ.
(5) When X ∼ = S 2n and we restrict to K 0 (X), ψ k (α) = k n α.
We will prove this theorem later. For now we use it to prove a geometric theorem.
We begin with a definition:
Definition 13.8. The attaching map of a 2n-cell is a map f : S 2n−1 S n . We define the Hopf
invariant of f to be the integer h such that α ⌣ α = hβ (for α the cohomology class represented
by S n and β the cohomology class represented by the 2n-cell attached by f .
Let X = S n ∪f D2n . Then we have a cofiber sequence
Sn X S 2n .
Since K is an evenly graded cohomology theory on spheres, we get the following short exact
0 0 (S 2n )
K 0 (X)
K 0 (S n )
K 0.
Let α be the generator of K (S ) and let β be the generator of K
0 2n ′ (S ). (We know that both of
0 n
these groups are Z.) Write α for the image of α in K (X) and β for any preimage of β ′ in K 0 (X).