Schedule H PKG 2
Schedule H PKG 2
Schedule H PKG 2
1.1 The Contract Price for this Agreement is Rs. 879.55 crore.
1.2 Proportions of the Contract Price for different stages of Construction of the
Project Highway shall be as specified below:
Construction of NH-24 4-lane bypass starting from km 479.500 of NH-24 and terminating at km 17.600 of
MDR-77C (bypass chainage from km 64.900/64.380 to km 79.516/79.000 total length 14.618 km) in the State
of Uttar Pradesh under NHDP Phase-VII on EPC mode.
Item Weightage in Stage for Payment Percentage
percentage to weightage
the Contract
1 2 3 4
(3) Dry Lean Concrete (DLC)
(4) Pavement Quality Control
(PQC) Course
C-1 Reconstruction/New
service road (Flexible
(1) Earthwork up to top of the 7.54%
(2) Sub Base Course 10.88%
(3) Non-Bituminous base 10.19%
(4) Bituminous Base Course 6.75%
(5) Wearing Coat 4.81%
C-2 Reconstruction/New
Service road (Rigid
(1) Earthwork up to top of the
(2) Sub Base Course
(3) Dry Lean Concrete (DLC)
(4) Pavement Quality Control
(PQC) Course
D - Re-Construction and New
Culverts on existing road,
realignments, bypasses:
Culverts (length < 6 m) 1.26
Minor 5.79% A.1 - Widening and repair of
Bridges/Underpasses/ minor bridges (length > 6 m
Overpasses and < 60 m)
Minor bridges
A.2 – New Minor bridges
(length > 6 and < 60 m)
(1) Foundation+Sub- 35.0%
Structure : On completion of
the foundation work including
foundations for wing and return
walls, abutments, piers upto
the abutment/pier cap.
(2) Super-structure: On 25.0%
completion of the super-
structure in all respects
including wearing coat,
bearings, expansion joints,
Construction of NH-24 4-lane bypass starting from km 479.500 of NH-24 and terminating at km 17.600 of
MDR-77C (bypass chainage from km 64.900/64.380 to km 79.516/79.000 total length 14.618 km) in the State
of Uttar Pradesh under NHDP Phase-VII on EPC mode.
Item Weightage in Stage for Payment Percentage
percentage to weightage
the Contract
1 2 3 4
hand rails, crash barriers, road
signs & markings, tests on
completion etc. complete in all
(3) Approaches: On 5.0%
completion of approaches
including Retaining walls,
stone pitching, protection
works complete in all respect
and fit for use.
(4) Guide Bunds and River -
Trailing Works: On
completion of Guide Bunds
and River Training Works
complete in all respects
B.1-Widening and Repair of
B.2- New Underpasses/
(1) Foundation +Sub- 15.0%
Structure: On completion of
the foundation work including
foundations for wing and return
walls, abutments, piers upto
the abutment/pier cap.
(2) Super-Structure: On 15.0%
completion of the super-
structure in all respects
including wearing coat,
bearings, expansion joints,
hand rails, crash barriers, road
signs & markings, tests on
completion etc. complete in all
Construction of NH-24 4-lane bypass starting from km 479.500 of NH-24 and terminating at km 17.600 of
MDR-77C (bypass chainage from km 64.900/64.380 to km 79.516/79.000 total length 14.618 km) in the State
of Uttar Pradesh under NHDP Phase-VII on EPC mode.
Item Weightage in Stage for Payment Percentage
percentage to weightage
the Contract
1 2 3 4
(3) Approaches: On 5.0%
completion of approaches
including Retaining
walls/Reinforced Earth walls,
stone pitching, protection
works complete in all respect
and fit for use.
Major Bridge (length > 28.41% A.1 – Widening and repairs
60 m) works and of Major Bridges
ROB/RUB/elevated (1) Foundations
sections/flyovers (2) Sub-structure
including viaducts, if any
(3) Super-structure (including
(4) Wearing Coat including
expansion joints
(5) Miscellaneous items like
hand rails, crash barriers, road
markings etc.
(6) Wing walls/return walls
(7) Guide Bunds, River
Training Works etc.
(8) Approaches (including
Retaining walls, stone pitching
and protection works)
A.2 – New Major Bridges
(1) Foundations 6.0%
(2) Sub-structure 5.0%
(3) Super-structure (including 9.0%
(4) Wearing Coat including 2.0%
expansion joints
(5) Miscellaneous items like 2.0%
hand rails, crash barriers, road
markings etc.
(6) Wing walls/return walls -
(7) Guide Bunds, River -
Training Works etc.
(8) Approaches (including 4.0%
Retaining walls, stone pitching
and protection works)
B.1 – Widening and Repair of
(a) ROB
(b) RUB
(1) Foundation
Construction of NH-24 4-lane bypass starting from km 479.500 of NH-24 and terminating at km 17.600 of
MDR-77C (bypass chainage from km 64.900/64.380 to km 79.516/79.000 total length 14.618 km) in the State
of Uttar Pradesh under NHDP Phase-VII on EPC mode.
Item Weightage in Stage for Payment Percentage
percentage to weightage
the Contract
1 2 3 4
(2) Sub-structure
(3) Super-structure (including
(4) Wearing Coat : (a) in case
of ROB- wearing coat including
expansion joints complete in
all respects of specified and
(b) in case of RUB-rigid
pavement under RUB
including drainage facility
complete in all respects as
(5) Miscellaneous items like
hand rails, crash barriers, road
markings etc.
(6) Wing walls/return walls
(7) Approaches (including
Retaining walls, stone pitching
and protection works)
Guide Bunds, River Training
Works etc.
B.2 – New ROB/RUB
(a) ROB
(b) RUB
(1) Foundation 7.0%
(2) Sub-structure 5.0%
(3) Super-structure (including 10.0%
(4) Wearing Coat : (a) in case 2.0%
of ROB- wearing coat including
expansion joints complete in
all respects of specified and
(b) in case of RUB-rigid
pavement under RUB
including drainage facility
complete in all respects as
(5) Miscellaneous items like 2.0%
hand rails, crash barriers, road
markings etc.
(6) Wing walls/return walls -
(7) Approaches (including 5.0%
Retaining walls, stone pitching
and protection works)
Construction of NH-24 4-lane bypass starting from km 479.500 of NH-24 and terminating at km 17.600 of
MDR-77C (bypass chainage from km 64.900/64.380 to km 79.516/79.000 total length 14.618 km) in the State
of Uttar Pradesh under NHDP Phase-VII on EPC mode.
Item Weightage in Stage for Payment Percentage
percentage to weightage
the Contract
1 2 3 4
C.1 – Widening and repair of
Elevated Section/Flyovers/
Grade Separators
(1) Foundation
(2) Sub-structure
(3) Super-structure (including
(4) Wearing Coat including
expansion joints
(5) Miscellaneous items like
hand rails, crash barriers, road
markings etc.
(6) Wing walls/return walls
(7) Approaches (including
Retaining walls, stone pitching
and protection works)
C.2 – New Elevated Section/
Flyovers/Grade Separators
(1) Foundation 8.0%
(2) Sub-structure 7.0%
(3) Super-structure (including 12.0%
(4) Wearing Coat including 3.0%
expansion joints
(5) Miscellaneous items like 3.0%
hand rails, crash barriers, road
markings etc.
(6) Wing walls/return walls -
(7) Approaches (including 8.0%
Retaining walls, stone pitching
and protection works)
Other works 16.64% (i) Toll Plaza -
(ii) Road side drains 28.79%
a) Bus bays
(iii) Road signs, markings, km 50.90%
b) Truck lay-
stones, safety devices,…….
(iv) Project facilities
c) Rest areas
d) others (a) Bus Bays 5.23%
(b) Truck lay-byes 0.55%
(c) Rest areas -
(d) Others 13.69%
(v) Road side plantation 0.09%
(vi) Repair of protection works -
other than approaches to the
Construction of NH-24 4-lane bypass starting from km 479.500 of NH-24 and terminating at km 17.600 of
MDR-77C (bypass chainage from km 64.900/64.380 to km 79.516/79.000 total length 14.618 km) in the State
of Uttar Pradesh under NHDP Phase-VII on EPC mode.
Item Weightage in Stage for Payment Percentage
percentage to weightage
the Contract
1 2 3 4
bridges, elevated sections/
flyover/grade separators and
(vii) Safety and traffic 0.75%
management during
Construction of NH-24 4-lane bypass starting from km 479.500 of NH-24 and terminating at km 17.600 of
MDR-77C (bypass chainage from km 64.900/64.380 to km 79.516/79.000 total length 14.618 km) in the State
of Uttar Pradesh under NHDP Phase-VII on EPC mode.
1.3 Procedure of estimating the value of work done.
Procedure for estimating the value of road work done shall be as follows:
Table 1.3.1
A- Widening and
strengthening of existing Unit of measurement is linear length.
road Payment of each stage shall be based on
(1) Earthwork up to top of the pro rata basis on completion of a stage in
sub-grade a length of not less than 10 (ten) percent
(2) Sub-base Course of the total length.
Construction of NH-24 4-lane bypass starting from km 479.500 of NH-24 and terminating at km 17.600 of
MDR-77C (bypass chainage from km 64.900/64.380 to km 79.516/79.000 total length 14.618 km) in the State
of Uttar Pradesh under NHDP Phase-VII on EPC mode.
Stage for Payment Percentage Payment Procedure
C.1- Reconstruction/New
Service Road (Flexible Unit of measurement is linear length.
Pavement) Payment of each stage shall be made on
pro rata basis on completion of a stage in
(1) Earthwork up to top of the 7.54%
full length of 5 (five) km. length, each side
whichever is less.
(2) Sub Base Course 10.88%
(3) Non-Bituminous Course 10.19%
(4) Bituminous Base Course 6.75%
(5) Wearing Coat 4.81%
C.2- Reconstruction/New
Service Road (Rigid Unit of measurement is linear length.
Pavement) Payment of each stage shall be made on
(1) Earthwork up to top of the pro rata basis on completion of a stage in
sub-grade full length of 5 (five) km. length, whichever
(2) Sub Base Course is less.
(3) Dry Lean Concrete (DLC)
(4) Pavement Quality Control
(PQC) Course
D – Re-Construction and Cost of each culvert shall be determined
New Culverts on existing on pro rata basis with respect to the total
road, realignments, number of culverts. Payment shall be
bypasses: made on the completion of at least five
(1) Culverts (length < 6m) culvers.
@ For example, if the total length of bituminous work to be done is 100 km, the
cost per km of bituminous work shall be determined as follows:
Cost per km = P x weightage for road work x weightage for bituminous work x (1/L)
L = Total length in km
Similarly, the rates per km for stages (1), (2) and (4) for new 4 Lane Bypass above
shall be worked out.
Note : The length affected due to law and order problems or litigation during
execution due to which the Contractor is unable to execute the work, may be
deducted from the total project length for payment purposes. The total length
calculated here is only for payment purposes and will not affect and referred in other
clauses of the Contract Agreement.
Construction of NH-24 4-lane bypass starting from km 479.500 of NH-24 and terminating at km 17.600 of
MDR-77C (bypass chainage from km 64.900/64.380 to km 79.516/79.000 total length 14.618 km) in the State
of Uttar Pradesh under NHDP Phase-VII on EPC mode.
1.3.2 Major Bridge and Underpasses/Overpasses
Construction of NH-24 4-lane bypass starting from km 479.500 of NH-24 and terminating at km 17.600 of
MDR-77C (bypass chainage from km 64.900/64.380 to km 79.516/79.000 total length 14.618 km) in the State
of Uttar Pradesh under NHDP Phase-VII on EPC mode.
B.1 – Widening and Repair of Cost of each underpass/overpass shall be
Underpasses/Overpasses determined on pro rata basis with respect
to the total linear length of the
underpasses/overpasses. Payment shall
be made on the completion of widening &
repair works of a underpass/overpass.
B.2 – New Underpass/
Overpasses :
(i) Foundation +Sub- 15.0% (i) Foundation +Sub-Structure : Cost of
Structure : On completion of each Underpass/Overpass shall be
the foundation work including determined on pro rata basis with respect
foundations for wing and return to the total linear length (m) of the
walls, abutment, piers upto the Underpasses/Overpasses. Payment
abutment/pier cap. against foundation + sub-structure shall
be made on pro-rata basis on completion
of a stage i.e. not less than 25% of the
scope of foundation +sub-structure of
each Underpasses/Overpasses subject to
completion of at least two foundation
along with sub-structure upto
abutments/pier cap level each
Construction of NH-24 4-lane bypass starting from km 479.500 of NH-24 and terminating at km 17.600 of
MDR-77C (bypass chainage from km 64.900/64.380 to km 79.516/79.000 total length 14.618 km) in the State
of Uttar Pradesh under NHDP Phase-VII on EPC mode.
and fit for use.
Procedure for estimating the value of Major Bridge works, ROB/RUB and Structures
shall be stated in Table 1.3.3.
Table 1.3.3
Construction of NH-24 4-lane bypass starting from km 479.500 of NH-24 and terminating at km 17.600 of
MDR-77C (bypass chainage from km 64.900/64.380 to km 79.516/79.000 total length 14.618 km) in the State
of Uttar Pradesh under NHDP Phase-VII on EPC mode.
walls/return walls complete in all respects
as specified.
(vii) Guide Bunds, River (vii) Guide Bunds, River Training works
Training works etc. etc. : Payments shall be made on
completion of all guide bunds/river training
works etc. complete in all respects as
(viii) Approaches (including (viii) Approaches : Payments shall be
Retaining walls, stone made on completion of both approaches
pitching and protection including stone pitching protection works
works) etc. complete in all respects as specified.
A.2 – New Major Bridges
(i) Foundation 6.0% (i) Foundation : Cost of each Major
Bridge shall be determined on pro rata
basis with respect to the total linear length
(m) of the Major Bridge. Payment against
foundation shall be made on pro-rata
basis on completion of a stage i.e. not
less than 25% of the scope of foundation
of the major Bridge subject to completion
of atleast two foundations of the major
In case where load testing is required for
foundation, the trigger of first payment
shall include load testing also where
(ii) Sub-structure 5.0% (ii) Sub-structure : Payment against
Sub-structure shall be made on pro-rata
basis on completion of a stage i.e. not
less than 25% of the scope of sub-
structure of the major bridge subject to
completion of atleast two sub-structures of
abutment/piers upto abutment/pier cap
level of the major bridge.
(iii) Super-structure 9.0% (iii) Super-structure (including
(including bearings) bearings): Payment shall be made on
pro-rata basis on completion of a super-
structure including bearings of atleast one
span in all respects as specified.
(iv) Wearing Coat including 2.0% (iv) Wearing Coat including expansion
expansion joints joints : Payment shall be made on
completion of wearing coat including
expansion joints complete in all respects
as specified.
(v) Miscellaneous Items like 2.0% (v) Miscellaneous: Payments shall be
hand rails, crash barriers, made on completion of all miscellaneous
road markings etc. works like hand rails, crash barriers, road
markings etc. complete in all respects as
(vi) Wing Walls/Return Walls - (vi) Wing Walls/Return Walls : Payment
shall be made on completion of all wing
Construction of NH-24 4-lane bypass starting from km 479.500 of NH-24 and terminating at km 17.600 of
MDR-77C (bypass chainage from km 64.900/64.380 to km 79.516/79.000 total length 14.618 km) in the State
of Uttar Pradesh under NHDP Phase-VII on EPC mode.
walls/return walls complete in all respects
as specified.
(vii) Guide Bunds, River - (vii) Guide Bunds, River Training works
Training works etc. etc. : Payments shall be made on
completion of all guide bunds/river training
works etc. complete in all respects as
(viii) Approaches (including 4.0% (viii) Approaches : Payments shall be
Retaining walls, stone made on completion of both approaches
pitching and protection including stone pitching protection works
works) etc. complete in all respects as specified.
B.1 – Widening and repairs
(a) ROB
(b) RUB
(i) Foundation (i) Foundation : Cost of each ROB/RUB
shall be determined on pro rata basis with
respect to the total linear length (m) of the
ROBs/RUBs. Payment against foundation
shall be made on pro-rata basis on
completion of a stage i.e. not less than
25% of the scope of foundation of the
ROB/RUB subject to completion of atleast
two foundations of the ROB/RUB.
Construction of NH-24 4-lane bypass starting from km 479.500 of NH-24 and terminating at km 17.600 of
MDR-77C (bypass chainage from km 64.900/64.380 to km 79.516/79.000 total length 14.618 km) in the State
of Uttar Pradesh under NHDP Phase-VII on EPC mode.
hand rails, crash barriers, made on completion of all miscellaneous
road markings etc. works like hand rails, crash barriers, road
markings etc. complete in all respects as
(vi) Wing Walls/Return Walls (vi) Wing Walls/Return Walls : Payment
shall be made on completion of all wing
walls/return walls complete in all respects
as specified.
(vii) Approaches (including (viii) Approaches : Payments shall be
Retaining walls, stone made on completion of both approaches
pitching and protection including stone pitching protection works
works) etc. complete in all respects as specified.
B.2 – New
(a) ROB
(b) RUB
(i) Foundation 7.0% (i) Foundation : Cost of each ROB/RUB
shall be determined on pro rata basis with
respect to the total linear length (m) of the
ROBs/RUBs. Payment against foundation
shall be made on pro-rata basis on
completion of a stage i.e. not less than
25% of the scope of foundation of the
ROB/RUB subject to completion of atleast
two foundations of the ROB/RUB.
Construction of NH-24 4-lane bypass starting from km 479.500 of NH-24 and terminating at km 17.600 of
MDR-77C (bypass chainage from km 64.900/64.380 to km 79.516/79.000 total length 14.618 km) in the State
of Uttar Pradesh under NHDP Phase-VII on EPC mode.
hand rails, crash barriers, made on completion of all miscellaneous
road markings etc. works like hand rails, crash barriers, road
markings etc. complete in all respects as
(vi) Wing Walls/Return Walls - (vi) Wing Walls/Return Walls : Payment
shall be made on completion of all wing
walls/return walls complete in all respects
as specified.
(vii) Approaches (including 5.0% (viii) Approaches : Payments shall be
Retaining walls, stone made on completion of both approaches
pitching and protection including stone pitching protection works
works) etc. complete in all respects as specified.
C.1 – Widening and repairs
of Elevated Section/
Flyovers/Grade Separators
(i) Foundation (i) Foundation : Cost of each structure
shall be determined on pro rata basis with
respect to the total linear length (m) of the
structures. Payment against foundation
shall be made on pro-rata basis on
completion of a stage i.e. not less than
25% of the scope of foundation of the
structure subject to completion of at least
two foundations of the structure.
Construction of NH-24 4-lane bypass starting from km 479.500 of NH-24 and terminating at km 17.600 of
MDR-77C (bypass chainage from km 64.900/64.380 to km 79.516/79.000 total length 14.618 km) in the State
of Uttar Pradesh under NHDP Phase-VII on EPC mode.
(vi) Wing Walls/Return Walls (vi) Wing Walls/Return Walls : Payment
shall be made on completion of all wing
walls/return walls complete in all respects
as specified.
(vii) Approaches (including (viii) Approaches : Payments shall be
Retaining walls/Reinforced made on completion of both approaches
Earth wall, stone pitching including stone pitching protection works
and protection works) etc. complete in all respects as specified.
C.2 – New Elevated
(i) Foundation 8.0% (i) Foundation : Cost of each structure
shall be determined on pro rata basis with
respect to the total linear length (m) of the
structures. Payment against foundation
shall be made on pro-rata basis on
completion of a stage i.e. not less than
25% of the scope of foundation of the
structure subject to completion of at least
two foundations of the structure.
Construction of NH-24 4-lane bypass starting from km 479.500 of NH-24 and terminating at km 17.600 of
MDR-77C (bypass chainage from km 64.900/64.380 to km 79.516/79.000 total length 14.618 km) in the State
of Uttar Pradesh under NHDP Phase-VII on EPC mode.
shall be made on completion of all wing
walls/return walls complete in all respects
as specified.
(vii) Approaches (including 8.0% (viii) Approaches : Payments shall be
Retaining walls/Reinforced made on completion of both approaches
Earth wall, stone pitching including stone pitching protection works
and protection works) etc. complete in all respects as specified.
Construction of NH-24 4-lane bypass starting from km 479.500 of NH-24 and terminating at km 17.600 of
MDR-77C (bypass chainage from km 64.900/64.380 to km 79.516/79.000 total length 14.618 km) in the State
of Uttar Pradesh under NHDP Phase-VII on EPC mode.
1.3.4 Other works.
Procedure for estimating the value of other works done shall be as stated in table
Table 1.3.4
Construction of NH-24 4-lane bypass starting from km 479.500 of NH-24 and terminating at km 17.600 of
MDR-77C (bypass chainage from km 64.900/64.380 to km 79.516/79.000 total length 14.618 km) in the State
of Uttar Pradesh under NHDP Phase-VII on EPC mode.
Construction of NH-24 4-lane bypass starting from km 479.500 of NH-24 and terminating at km 17.600 of
MDR-77C (bypass chainage from km 64.900/64.380 to km 79.516/79.000 total length 14.618 km) in the State
of Uttar Pradesh under NHDP Phase-VII on EPC mode.