Giant Inguinal Hernia: A Case Report
Giant Inguinal Hernia: A Case Report
Giant Inguinal Hernia: A Case Report
Case Report
Giant Inguinal Hernia: A Case Report
Imtiaz Wani, Mubashir Shah, Ajaz A. Malik and Sameer H. Naqash
Copyright © 2013 Imtiaz Wani, Mubashir Shah, Ajaz A. Malik and Sameer H. Naqash. Distributed under
Creative Commons CC-BY 3.0
Giant inguinal hernia is rare. This may be asymptomatic or present with the complications. Contents
vary from colon, small gut, vermiform appendix, mesentery, to omentum. A case of giant inguinal
hernia in a 62-year-old male who presented with features of intestinal obstruction is reported.
Patient had giant inguinoscrotal hernia which was tender, irreducible, and had no cough impulse.
Emergency exploration via inguinoscrotal approach revealed that contents were small and large
intestines, omentum, mesentery, and vermiform appendix. Right orchidectomy, reduction of contents
into abdominal cavity after enlarging internal ring with a double layer closure of wall, and the
reconstruction of scrotal skin were done. Giant inguinal hernia presenting as intestinal obstruction is
Cite this Article as: Imtiaz Wani, Mubashir Shah, Ajaz A. Malik and Sameer H. Naqash (2013), “Giant Inguinal
Hernia: A Case Report,” International Journal of Case Reports in Medicine, Vol. 2013 (2013), Article ID 692094,
DOI: 10.5171/2013. 692094
International Journal of Case Reports in Medicine 2
urinary tract infection and was a smoker. distension gut. Scrotal ultrasonography
There was no history of chronic cough or revealed distended gut loops in inguinoscrotal
constipation. General physical examination as region. Patient had emergency exploration via
well as systemic examination could not reveal inguinoscrotal approach. Peroperative
any significance. Patient was afebrile. findings revealed contents being terminal
Abdominal examination revealed distension ileum, caecum with appendix, ascending
and mild tenderness in abdomen. Bowel colon, omentum, and mesentery (Figure 3).
sounds were exaggerated. Examination of Ipsilateral testis was markedly reduced in
inguinal area revealed an inguinoscrotal size. There were no signs of ischemia or any
swelling (34×17.7×9.7 centimeters) being adhesions. Widening of deep inguinal ring was
present for the last 6 years which was done, and reduction of contents into
asymptomatic and had gradual increase in abdominal cavity was achieved. Right
size with thickened scrotal skin which had orchidectomy with the double-layered closure
bluish discoloration. Left inguinal canal was by prolene was done followed by
normal and left testis was palpable. Penis was reconstruction of the scrotal wall.
buried and right testis was not palpable. Postoperatively, patient had massive scrotal
Inguinoscrotal swelling had no cough impulse edema which was managed conservatively,
and was tender and irreducible (Figures 1 and and he was regularly attending our follow-up
2). Serum electrolytes were normal. X-ray and clinics for the last 2 years.
ultrasonography abdomen were showing
Imtiaz Wani, Mubashir Shah, Ajaz A. Malik and Sameer H. Naqash (2013), International Journal of Case Reports in
Medicine, DOI: 10.5171/2013. 692094
3 International Journal of Case Reports in Medicine
Imtiaz Wani, Mubashir Shah, Ajaz A. Malik and Sameer H. Naqash (2013), International Journal of Case Reports in
Medicine, DOI: 10.5171/2013. 692094
International Journal of Case Reports in Medicine 4
Imtiaz Wani, Mubashir Shah, Ajaz A. Malik and Sameer H. Naqash (2013), International Journal of Case Reports in
Medicine, DOI: 10.5171/2013. 692094
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Imtiaz Wani, Mubashir Shah, Ajaz A. Malik and Sameer H. Naqash (2013), International Journal of Case Reports in
Medicine, DOI: 10.5171/2013. 692094