Christian Attitudes To War and Peace PDF
Christian Attitudes To War and Peace PDF
Christian Attitudes To War and Peace PDF
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Christian Attitudes
War anH Peace
Copyright 1914 Punch, London
Christian Attitudes
War and Peace
A Historical Survey
and Critical Re-evaluation
Abingdon Press
New York Nashville
Cornelius Kruse
List of Illustrations 11
Introduction 13
13. From the Outlawry of War to the Atom Bomb 211
Notes 269
Index 291
of Illustrations
Byzantion, XVI, 1
The Battle of Poitiers in 1346 from a miniature of the four-
teenth century in Weygand, op cit., p. 76 118
"What Did You Die For?" From The Nation (October 16,
IN our time when the atomic bomb threatens to end the atomic era,
the ethical problems of war and peace cry urgently for re-examina-
tion.For the Christian this must mean a restudy of the implications
of the Christian gospel. For Christian behavior this will suffice,
but as a basis for world peace it is not adequate, because all peoples
and religions of the earth are involved. When we seek for an inter-
national ethos, the inquiry must be broadened. This question will
engage us at the end of this book, but our primary concern is with
the stand to be taken by the Christian.
The obvious point of beginning is the New Testament. Yet the
New Testament has so little to say specifically on the subject that
from itspages can be derived only principles rather than precepts.
How those principles are to be applied the Christian must discover
for himself in the light of changing circumstances. A knowledge of
how they have been applied in the past should be of help in the
present because the essential human situation has not altered.
Admiral Mahan in his work on sea power declared that a history of
naval strategy should begin with the days of sailing vessels, because
all the technological advances of modern times have not fundamen-
tally changed the lines which any naval encounter must assume.
Similarly the moral problem of killing masses of men to vindicate
justice and restore peace is not basically different from what it was in
the time of Joshua or Jesus. There is, of course, this difference, that
the destructiveness of war is today greater and less discriminating,
and this difference may invalidate ancient codes. The study of history
ideal, the Christian faith. Since the enemy was without the pale, the
code tended to break down.
These three attitudes were not rooted in different views of God and
only to a degree in different views of man, because all Christians
just war.
The atomic bomb has brought bewilderment and division. The
bomb has divided the bishops and their flocks. There are suggestions
of an emergent pacifism, based not on Christian principles but simply
on the desire for survival.
The bulk of this book is devoted to a delineation and an account
of the historical emergence and adaptation of these concepts. At the
close there is a critical appraisal and a defense of a personal position.
Chapter 1
Peace in
in antiquity was con-
as the ethic of the just
ceived in the framework of peace, the concept and ideal of peace
afford the best point of departure. There were some variations in the
Peace meant security and for that reason the word shalom could be a
component in the name of an impregnable fortress, Yeru'shalom,
Among word eirend (from which comes our word
the Greeks the
irenic) was derived from a root meaning "linkage." Peace was thus
a state of order and coherence. 4 The difference from the Hebrew
Virtue, reason and much else they say.
I learned it digging up the ground.
Peace it is, born of kindliest goddess,
Bestower, dearest Zeus, of every treasure;
Weddings, kindred, children, friends,
Wealth, health, wheat, wine and pleasure.
the Romans as well as the Greeks, peace was the bestower
abundance. 6
For allthe people of antiquity peace was a religious concept, most
of all for the Hebrews. For them, peace was the gift of Yahweh:
"I will give peace in the land, and ye shall lie down, and none shall
make you afraid." The Greeks and the Romans personified and
deified peace, which of course the Hebrews could not do, because
their monotheism. The pagans had gods for all of man's major
concerns, for as well as for war Eiren and Pax for the one,
Ares and Mars for the other. Altars were erected by the Greeks to
Eiren and by the Romans to Pax, adorned with a bas relief of
Terra Mater with fruit in her lap, children on her knees, and sheep
and oxen at her feet. Some deities, once warlike, grew peaceful.
Hercules developed from the Goliath of the Dorians to be suffering
servant of humanity, enduring colossal labors to free the world of
monsters and befriend mankind. Athena, the protectress of Athens,
appeared at first armed with helmet, lance,
and shield, but with the
cultural development of the city she became the patroness of learn-
battles was transformed into the sedate
ing. The fluttered owl of her
symbol of wisdom, and her favored tree, the olive, gave its branches
as a sign of peace. Even Nik, the goddess of victory, enlarged her
art. She would hand
scope to sponsor any contest whether of sport or
not only arms to the warrior, but also the lyre to the musician. Such
refined deities were able to pass as mythological symbols into Chris-
tian culture, whereas the other gods of the pagan pantheon were
relegated to demonology.
Peace was deemed desirable by all the peoples of antiquity in
Among the Greeks, the Spartans trained the ruling oligarchy for
war and militarized the state, but they were exceptional among the
Greeks. Perhaps in the days of the invasions, war may have been
the time of the harvest when neighboring states sought to steal one
another's crops. A modern historian declares "that in spite of their
wars, they never regarded warfare as anything but a
many tragic
interruption of ordinary life."
The Romans manifestly built their empire by war,
but considered
yielded her increase without the toil of man; hence, there was no
need for private property, no temptation to introduce slavery, and
no reason for recourse to war. Peace in this idealistic state obtained
even between men and animals; the lion and the lamb lay down
together. War resulted from a fall of man. In the Hebrew story the
disobedience of Adam and Eve introduced enmity between the
serpent and the seed of the woman, while the murder of Abel by
Cain started bloodshed among mankind.
The first appearance of the myth in Greek literature was in the
poem of Hesiod, who portrayed the golden age of Cronos when men
dwelt in ease, prosperity, and peace. There ensued a progressive
deterioration through the ages of silver and bronze to the present
The concept of the golden age of peace was not without practical
import because of the belief that it could be restored. The Hebrews
were confident that the bliss of Eden would return in the Messianic
down with the kid." Yahweh declared, "And in that day will I make
a covenant for them with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of
heaven, and with the creeping things of the ground: and I will break
the bow and the sword and the battle out of the earth, and will make
them to lie down safely."
Among the Gentiles the picture of the golden age could convey
less comfort to those who held a cyclical view of history, for though
peace might come again, so also would war. Scipio Africanus, when
he committed Carthage to the flames, wept not out of pity for the
fifty thousand survivors whom he was about to enslave, but only
from the reflection that the revolving wheel of time would
long at
last bring the same fate to Rome. Not all of the pagans were of
including war.
who, absent from his wife, must spend a single month in a benched
20 At times the men of Homer were on the
ship. verge of composing
their differences when the gods intervened to drive them to their
doom. Aeschylus derided the Trojan war. To be sure, said he,
Menelaus was bereft of Helen, but every soldier who sailed for
vengeance left behind a brooding wife to whom Ares would return
urns and ashes. The epitaph would read "hero fallen in action," but
the secret comment would be "for another man's wife/' 21 Euripides
in The Daughters of Troy retold the story from the sandpoint of
the enemy and caused Andromache to say, on learning that the
Greeks would dash her child against the rocks through fear of rearing
the son of a hero, that the Hellenes were barbarians. 22
goddess had been thrown into a pit by the demon of war. The
Greek cities were summoned to her help and were scathed by the
dramatist because of their obstructionist assistance.
Alexander, whose conquest actually fostered cosmopolitanism, was
nonetheless berated in the silver age of Latin literature for his
the succession for a year. During this struggle Tacitus recorded that
a Spaniard enrolled on one side, leaving at home a son who later en
listed on the other. The lad unwittingly struck down his father and,
abhorred for his parricide, since the blame should rest with the state.
The soldiers watched as the son performed the last rites for his father,
while down the line went cries of stupor, grief, and execration of this
most cruel war. It was in this same conflict that Musonius the Cynic
went among the ranks deriding the war. 88 Perhaps he addressed the
men in the words of one of his surviving fragments, "Is not the world
the common fatherland of all men? I am a citizen of the city of
God." *
War as Scourge
Waiting the husband that never approaches them,
watching the years that are gliding away.
MAGISTRATE: Men, I suppose, have their youth everlastingly.
mony and cohesion. The heavenly bodies, said Dion of Prusa, move in
weaker stars
harmony. The sun at night graciously gives way to the
and to the moon and even by day suffers himself to be eclipsed or
beclouded. The stars in turn preserve their orbits without collision.
Likewise in the lower world the birds nest beside the birds. The ants
assist the ants and the bees do not quarrel over the same flower.
that men, being of the same species and endowed also with conscious
reason, should exhibit less amity toward their kind than serpents!
Juvenal wrote in this vein:
Wild beasts are more merciful to beasts spotted like themselves. When
did the stronger lion ever attack the weaker? In what wood did a boar
expire under the tusks of a larger boar?
The fierce tigress of India dwells
in perpetual peace with her fellow; bears live in harmony with bears.
Men formerly made only hoes, harrows, spades and plowshares
but now,
learned to the deadly blade on the impious anvil, are not
having forge
content merely with killing someone but act as if a man's breast, arms
and face were a kind of food. 42
* to Peace
A number o ways were proposed, and in a
for achieving peace
measure practiced, alike by the Gentiles and the Jews in antiquity.
The approach of the Gentiles was primarily pragmatic. The elimina-
proposed that they separate and suffered Lot to take the plain of
Jordan, well watered as the garden of the Lord.
Let no one accuse me of softness toward Athens. Have I not lost two
sons in the war? How do I envy those who died gloriously for their country
leaving me to a childless old age. Nevertheless mercy should be extended
to Athens, partly on the grounds of law since the common usage of the
Greeks forbids the slaughter of the vanquished, and partly on the grounds
of humanity. To crush a bruised reed is to despise the common weakness
of mankind. Why did the ancients set up their trophies in wood rather
than in stone? That the memory of their victories might be short. Let
Athens, who first erected an altar to Mercy, find mercy in the city of
Syracuse. In the fluctuations of Fortune the victor of today may be the
vanquished of tomorrow and how can he expect to find mercy if he refuse
it? Magnanimity will be the best way to establish peace and make the
reason why and above all let humanity be exercised toward those of the
same stock. 47
on a belief in metempsychosis was ascribed to
Pacifism based
Pythagoreans whose leader according to Seneca inspired men with
We punish murders and what shall we say of wars and massacres which
we laud because they destroy whole nations? . That which would be
. .
bloodshed, even handing on their wars to their children, whereas animals
devoid of reason are at peace. . Man who is sacred to man is even
. .
In his book on natural history Seneca said that the winds were not
designed to waft men to battle and death without burial. 'Tools, what
are you seeking? Death which is everywhere?"
Marcus Aurelius likewise derided military bombast. "A spider/'
said he, "prides itself on capturing a fly; one man on catching a hare,
another on netting a sprat, another on taking wild boars, another
bears, another Sarmatians. Are they not all brigands?"
Yet Seneca was the prime minister of Nero, and Marcus wrote his
meditations in the camp defending the empire against the barbarians.
The thought of the Hebrews was so deeply religious that human
devices for achieving peace were seldom proposed. Peace is a gift of
God. Man fulfills the covenant; God bestows peace. A
condition of
peace is righteousness, but the point not plain whether the right-
ing of his suffering is that "with his stripes we are healed." Does this
mean simply that we God or that we are so trans-
are reconciled to
formed by example and
his by God's mercy that we shall be at peace
among ourselves, and will this mean anything for the peace of the
For a mind so religious as that of the Hebrew the answer could
scarcely be any other than that man must do justice, love mercy,
walk humbly, and leave to God the bestowal of his peace.
Peace by Conquest
The enthusiasm with which the Pax Romana was greeted is evi-
to wreck a city in order that he might drink from a jeweled cup or
sleep on Tyrian purple.
The poets of the Augustan age took up the strain. Horace rejoiced
in the return of faith, honor without shame, and peace. Tibullus
the earth. 6 * Propertius
prayed that love might walk unharmed upon
portrayed the soldier's wife cursing
him who first made the trumpet
out of bones. She rejoiced in her husband's triumphs only because
they brought him home:
The Classical
Origins of
just War
JL HE idea of the just war arose in the context of the ideas of peace
already described. The object of such a war was the vindication of
justice and the restoration of peace; of necessity, therefore, peace
had to be esteemed as an ideal, and recourse to war as a very last re-
mediation had failed. The war should be so conducted as
sort after
not to preclude the restoration of an enduring peace. Hence, the
conduct of war would have to be restrained by a code.
The resolution of disputes by mediation if possible, and if not,
then by limited war, presupposed certain practical conditions which
were fulfilled by the Greek city-states. The first was a relative equality
of power; the lion does not arbitrate with the lamb, Rome was a
lion, Israel a lamb. Rome w*ould not submit her own disputes to
arbitration, though willing to enforce it upon her subjects. Israel was
not in a position to ask for arbitration with Rome, nor for that
matter with Egypt or Assyria. The Greek cities, however, were in-
dependent sovereign states of approximately equal strength. To be
sure, Athens first led, then Sparta, then Thebes, but the discrepancy
of power was at no time so great as that between Assyria and Israel or
between Rome and Spain. In the case of the Greeks, with forces so
well matched that neither an easy victory nor certain defeat could
be predicted, wisdom pointed to mediation rather than to the arbitra-
ment of a long and indecisive conflict.
If war did come, and if the opportunity through some freak of
fortune was afforded of liquidating the foe, why not be forever rid
of the menacing assailant? What considerations dictated restraint?
they are of one speech they should compose their differences by any
means rather than battle." *
Obviously Panhellenism had its limitations as a restraint upon war,
because it could only apply to Hellenes. If the scope of the restraint
were to be extended, the range of kinship must be enlarged. Stray
Sophists and Cynics anticipated this development. Antiphon asserted
that by nature all men are equal Greek and barbarian alike* 2
because by arms he had imposed what the word had been unable to
in the bowl of friendship he had mingled the lives and customs
Strictly speaking this was not cosmopolitanism in which all the world
is one city, but literally a syn-agogism, a going up together to the
mount of the Lord. The breakdown of Jewish particularism con-
sisted, not in a vague diffusion of cosmic fellowship, but in making
others the heirs of the same promise. Yahweh's exclusive concern for
Israel disappeared. He had brought the Philistines from Caphtor
and the Syrians from Kir, just as he had brought Israel from Egypt. 7
"In that day shall Israel be the third with Egypt and with Assyria-
even a blessing in the midst of the land: whom the Lord of hosts
shall bless, saying, Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria
the work
Among peoples who looked upon themselves as akin, war was con-
sidered a hideous extremity. Attempts at mediation must come first,
and among the Greeks they did. Their record of successful arbitration
isremarkable, for during the years from 740 B.C. to 798 B.C. eighty-one
cases occurred, with frequency increasing toward the end of the
period. Not all were voluntary, nor did the sum of them prevent the
Greeks from mutual decimation. Nevertheless the record is impres-
sive. 10 In various other ways the Greeks obviated conflicts; the
the Greeks came together peaceably. Elis, the city of the games, was
to enjoy perpetual immunity from war, nor could any of the partici-
The Delphic oracle was consulted alike by Hellene and barbarian.
Apollo the god of light and humanity, responded to all save the cruel,
as for example the Milesians, who were refused a
response because
they had not expiated their excesses in the civil wars. Here was a
form of excommunication. An order to a city to take down and bury
an impaled head was obeyed. Athens was refused a response for failure
to pay a fine to the Eleans. She complied. Again, having expelled the
Delians in 422 B.C., she restored them at the behest of the god. The
oracle both recommended arbitration and acted as an arbitrator, 12
travention of the treaty in order that she might defend herself against
the Numidian Massinissa. Rome saw here a threat to herself and Cato
reiterated: Carthago delenda est. Scipio Nasica opposed on prudential
grounds, arguing thatRome's western dependencies such as Spain
would be less submissive if relieved of the menace of invasion by
another great power; and Rome herself would succumb to dissension
if not united by the fear of a rival. 16 His advice went unheeded.
Limited Violence
Since according to Plato the object of the Hellenic feud was the
restoration of peace, the amount of violence should be restricted to
the minimum necessary to obtain satisfaction from the enemy. The
houses of the Greeks should not be burned. The land should not
be scorched. Only the annual harvest might be confiscated. The sensi-
bilities of the foe were not to be outraged by despoiling the dead of
suggest that they could be segregated during the course of the conflict.
His warning was simply against indiscriminate violence in which
all alike would suffer.
to each his due." What then was his due? The answer, rather assumed
than expressed, was conceived in terms of a static society resting on
the basis of social inequality. 18 That was why Aristotle could apply
the term, a "just war" and he first coined the expression to a war
whose object was to enslave those designed by nature for servitude
but who resisted their proper assignment in the social scale. 19 Be-
tween states justice meant the inviolability of harvests and the in-
brutality, Socrates steadfastly set his face. Better, said he, to suffer
wrong than to inflict it. 20 Plato agreed. Law and nature were not
thus to be divided; they were reassociated as the law of nature.
what was the law of nature? The answer depended on
how the source of nature and the nature of nature were conceived.
If nature were rooted in the transcendental, as in Plato's realm of
usually construed quite simply as the rectification of injury to life
and goods, and this was deemed a proper ground for war.
When the notion of the just war was taken over by the Romans
certain modifications were introduced by reason of the altered circum-
stances. Cicero was to transform the just war into a code for con-
querors an ethic for empire. His life span encompassed the last
days of the republic and the beginning of the Roman Empire in the
first century of the Christian era. Behind him lay the extension of
Rome's sway well-nigh to the confines of the then known world. His
version of the just war contained certain elements derived from old
Roman practice. 22 To be just, said he, a war must be conducted by
the state. A soldier not inducted by oath could not legally serve. This
formula excluded the possibility of a revolution against the govern-
ment. Cicero went so far as virtually to personify the state when he
said that individuals die but the state should live forever. 23 One state,
Cicero, like Plato, distinguished between the guilty and the in-
nocent among the enemy, but he did not specify that noncombatants
were to be spared. His greatest concern was with the treatment of the
vanquished, because only a liberal peace was a sound basis for the
Julius the Conqueror. Such was the ideal in war and peace of those
who established the Pax Romana.
hearts I will write it." 2T The covenant was vindicated by Yahweh
who could use even the very Assyrians as the rod of his anger.
An obvious parallel was to be found between the golden age of
the Stoics and the Garden of Eden, and in both myths there was the
notion of a fall.
The Origins of
Samuel warned the people that the king "will take your sons, . . .
for his chariots, and to be his horsemen. . . . And will set them to
plow his ground, and reap his harvest, and to make his instruments
of war, and instruments of his chariots. . . . And he will take the
tenth of your seed, and of your vineyards, and give to his officers, and
to his servants." 7census of the land ordered by David in order
to learn the military potential was undertaken against the advice of
his captain Joab. When the numbering was done, David's heart smote
the land with a
him, because the Lord was sore displeased and visited
pestilence in which
there died seventy thousand men.
Then arose a much more serious question in which David the
statesman acted in the material interest of the nation against the
of the ardent prophets. The
scruples of the devout particularly
with the Canaanites who still
question was what should be done
dwelt in the land. They had not been exterminated. The Book of
When Lord thy God shall bring thee into the land whither thou
goest to possess it, and hath cast out many nations before thee, the
Hittites, and the Girgashites, and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and
the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, seven nations greater
and mightier than thou: And when the Lord thy God shall deliver them
before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt
make no covenant with them, nor show mercy unto them.
Thou shalt surely smite that [faithless] city with the edge of the
. . .
burn with fire the city . and it shall be an heap for ever. 16
. .
ceedingly important point in their rationale was that Israel had in-
vaded at the behest of Yahweh and advanced under the protection of
his outstretched arm.
A change in the character ascribed to Yahweh is observable in the
course of these developments. We have already noted that Yahweh
was the giver of peace. That he should also be the author of war need
not surprise us because in a monotheistic system the one God has to
do everything. Functions cannot be distributed among the gods of
peace and the gods of war. Yahweh gives peace, and Yahweh gives
war. Yahweh bestows victory, and Yahweh may inflict defeat as a
enemy camp against his neighbor. David slew Goliath with a
20 At the sound of the
pebble. Jael smote Sisera with a tent pin.
21 Not
trumpets the walls of Jericho came tumbling down. by the
conscript armies of kings, but by the weak instruments of the Lord
of Hosts were his enemies put to confusion.
The disinterestedness of the warriors was evidenced in the ob-
servance of the ban, which entailed the destruction of everything
among the enemy which the victor might have retained and enjoyed.
Israel had vowed a vow unto the Lord and said, "if thou wilt indeed
deliver this people into my hand, then I will utterly destroy their
cities." 22 When Achan laid hand upon the spoils and took for himself
a goodly Babylonian mantle and silver and gold, the anger of the
Lord was kindled against the children of Israel and could not be
appeased until Achan was stoned, together with his sons and daugh-
ters, his oxen and his sheep and his tent. Though Saul slew the
Gibeonites, yet he offended by saving some of the booty devoted to
Yahweh, and Samuel had to expiate the offense by hewing Agag in
24 As for the
pieces before the Lord, Israelites at Jericho,
they "utterly
destroyed that
all was in the city, both man and woman, young and
old, and ox, and sheep, and ass with the edge of the sword." 25 Ai was
taken by strategem and twelve thousand men and women wiped out.
And Joshua "burnt Ai, and made it an heap for ever, even a deso-
lation unto this day. And the king of Ai he hanged on a tree until
eventide/' The summary of several exploits was that Joshua "smote
all the country of the hills and of the south, and of the vale, and of
the springs, and all their kings: he left none remaining, but utterly
One how ill fared the code for humane conduct required
by the just war when the conflict became a crusade. War is more
humane when God is left out of it.
swoop down upon his people. "The Assyrian came down like a wolf
on the fold." Hezekiah entrenched himself in Jerusalem. Whereas
the biblical account says that the host of Sennacherib was smitten
by the Lord and withdrew, the Assyrian records reveal that Sen-
nacherib actually overran the land, captured forty-six villages and
earned off 200,000 men, besides the cattle, and caged Hezekiah in
Jerusalem. All the king's horses and all the king's men had been of
no avail. Manasseh, the son of Hezekiah, at first submitted, then re-
sistedand was deported. His successor Josiah, more as prophet than
king, revived the Deuteronomic ideal and rebuilt the army, presum-
27 Political resistance to
ably on the basis of voluntary recruitment.
Assyria appeared feasible, because of the emergence of Babylon as
a rival. When Egypt then rallied to the support of Assyria, Josiah
and Arpad? Where are the gods of Sepharvaim? Who are they among
allthe gods of these lands that have delivered their land out of my
ple to be taken captive to Babylon. Yet such events did not shatter
faith nor prove the futility of crusades. Defeat was explained as
chastisement. Israel stood in covenant relationship with Yahweh,
who would perform what he had sworn, but only provided that
Israel observed his precepts to do them. The moral, then, was that
Israel should rend her heart and not her garments.
delay? Nineveh he had laid waste; why not Babylon? Could it be that
he was impeded by foes in the heavenly places whom he must first
overthrow before vindicating his people on earth? Lucifer had as-
cended to heaven and exalted his throne above the stars of God. He
had shaken kingdoms and overthrown cities and would not loose
his prisoners to their home. 29 Likewise Gog of Magog was more than
an earthly adversary. The conflict had assumed cosmic proportions
and only after an apocalyptic denouement would the Redeemer suc-
cor his people. This is a transfer of the crusading idea to the heavenly
places. The result of this shift may be quietism with everything left
to God. Yet frequently those who believe in an apocalyptic war are
Alexander's empire, when the Seleucids controlled Palestine. They
desired to promote the blending of cultures and looked with favor
on the Hellenizing of Judaism. Many of the Jews were not averse.
They saw no infidelity to Yahweh in treating Melkart as his colleague.
"Let us go and make a covenant with the heathen who are round
about us," said they. "For since we departed from them, we have had
much sorrow/ 80 The Hellenizers were ready to abandon circum-
cision and the Sabbath. Jason, the high priest of Yahweh, sent a
When a Jew complied, the Maccabees flared up and slew the apostate.
The days of Deborah and Gideon then returned: Judith slaying Holo-
fernes was the new Jael. The covenant
again became the oath which
the Lord swore unto the fathers to destroy the host of their enemies.
Bands of frenzied enthusiasts, sometimes without armor and sword,
trusting in the God, who turned the Red Sea waters, leaped like
lions upon the defilers of their laws, and the Lord came down from
heaven once more to the field of battle, discomfiting their enemies
before their faces. Resisting cities were fired when taken and all
males put to the sword. Those who took refuge in temples were
burned together with the sanctuaries, while the Maccabean warriors
sang psalms and hymns as they went through the land. The crusade
had returned.
The Christian Church for centuries was unaware of the stages in
the historical development of the rise, fall, and, revival of the cru-
sading ideal, and the early Fathers never so much as suspected that
the wars of the conquest of Canaan might have been only the ro-
of Yahweh might be allegorized but they could not be omitted; not
until the rise ofmodern biblical criticism did anyone suggest that
they had never occurred. The architects of the Christian crusade,
therefore, drew their warrant from the books of the conquest and of
the Maccabean revolt.
Chapter 4
Christian Attitudes
cepts to do them. The characteristic Greek word for love was eros,
a lofty aspiration for union with the beautiful and the good by which
the self was fulfilled and transformed. It tended to inspire rather
Testament peace was still well-being and security, but the physical
characteristics disappeared. The Kingdom of God consisted not in
food and drink but in righteousness and peace. The recovery of Eden
was not a return to toilless bliss, but the restoration of the image o
God in fallen man. Peace was victory, as with the Greeks, but it was
victory over the powers of darkness. Peace in the New Testament had
man, for the peace of God proclaimed by Christ made the Gentiles
fellow citizens with the saints. 14 He who was at peace 15 was able to
bestow peace. 16 The Christian peace was creative and dynamic, ac-
companied not by the cornucopia but by joy, life, hope, and power.
"Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing,
that ye may abound in hope, in the power of the Holy Ghost." 1T
Because Christians were peacemakers, they would be called the sons
of God. 18
These attitudes were plainly not irrelevant to the issues of peace
and war. The more specifically political problems, however, were not
posed, let alone answered, in the New Testament.
was, however, necessary as to whether the Christian might avail him-
self of the protection of the Roman government. The answer in this
instance was affirmative, but war was not here involved. The third
situation emerged after the death of Paul,when the Roman govern-
ment began to persecute the Christians. Then the book of Revelation
reverted to the imagery of the Jewish apocalyptic war in which
sading passage, "he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and
22 The
buy one." difficulty here is that the verse has a double focus.
It is placed in the midst of directions for a new missionary journey
where Jesus' followers would no longer be freely entertained. Hence
he that had a purse was advised to take it. Then follows this text. The
immediate sequel was the scene in the garden where one of the
disciples smote the High Priest's servant and was rebuked on the
ground that they who take the sword will perish by the sword. 23
One is
tempted to feel that the deed of violence arose from the mis-
classic text has been "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's." 2 *
This pronouncement was actually a rejoinder to a question posed by
the Herodians and Pharisees on the propriety of paying tribute. A
more incriminating question could not have been contrived. Palestine
was an occupied country. The tribute was a device of exploitation
and therefore the symbol of imperialism. To facilitate the collection
of the tax at the very time when Christ was born a census had been
instituted by Augustus. Three parties had developed in Judaism with
reference to the occupation and the tribute. The Herodians were
The reply of Jesus was adroit. He asked to
be shown a specific coin, a denarius.25 This
was a silver coin minted outside of Palestine.
The time was the reign of Tiberius. His de-
narius bore a bust of the emperor crowned
with laurel as the sign of his future divinity
and bore the inscription "Augustus son of the
divine Augustus." On the reverse was the title A CQIN QF TlBERIUS *
Pontifex Maximus and sometimes an image A D> 22
of the emperor's mother seated upon the
throne of divinity. The emperor was thus celebrated as the head of
the pagan religion and as the divine son of divine parents. The coins
were Rome's best device for popularizing in the provinces the cult
of the deified ruler. The Jews would have none of it, however, and
when Pilate introduced in Jerusalem military standards bearing sym-
bols of the imperial cult, the Jews made such a stout protest that he
yielded. Purists were equally averse to the coins and later, during
the revolt of Akiba, hainmered them flat and stamped them afresh
with Hebrew characters. But many of the Jews, while adamant as
to the Roman standards, were pliant in regard to the coins. Jesus
accordingly asked to be shown a denarius and inquired whose head
and inscriptionbore. His questioners answered simply ''Caesar's."
His reply might be paraphrased, 'If then you trifle with your scruples
and carry the tainted coins, give back to Caesar what he has given to
you, but remember your prime allegiance is to God." No wonder
Mark commented "and they were amazed at him"!
Jesus had parried skillfully, but what was his own position? The
point of his words might have been that neither were the coins to be
carried nor the tribute to be paid; but we do know that Jesus paid
tribute, for so Peter informed the tax collectors. 26 We
may infer that
Jesus was traduced before the Romans as a Zealot, otherwise they
would not have but equally we may assume that he
crucified him;
was not a Zealot, for otherwise his countrymen would not have pre-
Caesar Divi
Augfvsti] FpHvs] Avgvstfvs] Impferator] VIII.
On the reverse:
Pontif[ex] Maxim [w]. The shape is irregular because the coin has been clipped to steal
ferred Barabbas. To derive from these few conclusions a complete
political philosophy, make vast assumptions. Payment
however, is to
In the New Testament these positions did not clearly emerge, but
there were suggestions of all three. The first might be inferred from
the sharp differentiation of the Church from the world. The Church
was called the new Israel of God, 28 and Christians were described as
an elect race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. 20 Christ purchased
"us to God by [his] blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and
people, and nation; and hast made us unto our God kings
and priests:
and we shall reign on the earth/' 80 The Church encompassed the
earth, but more than the earth, for her membership included the
immortal dead, 82 and her head was the Risen Lord. 88 Her citizenship
was in heaven. 34 She could not, therefore, identify herself with any
earthly community and must stand in some measure aloof. "Come
out from among them, and be ye separate/' The world was rejected
military Luke was also the most favorable. Only he had the soldiers
come to John the Baptist 42 and he alone told the story of the king
who prepared for war. 43 Luke omitted the injunction, 'Tut up the
sword," 44 and only he recounted the enigmatic statement about buy-
ing the sword. The nuances of Luke point to the Constantinian view
that Christianity and the Roman empire were conjoint works of God
for the advancement of his kingdom. 45
Pacifist Texts
public enemy who was to be loved. The remaining text, "Resist not
ologians; but the Jew of Jesus' day did not consider the imitation of
God be impossible, for did not the book of Leviticus say "Ye shall
be holy: for I the Lord your God am holy"? 4S
Another proposal for obviating the apparent
meaning of these
texts is to refer them not to outward acts but to an inner
of the heart. These
precepts plainly tell us to love our enemies but
do not say that we may not constrain or kill. The distinction is not
without point, but inwardness cannot be used as the sole clue to the
ethic of the Sermon on the Mount. The command not to look
a woman to lust after her called indeed for an inward disposition, but
not for a disposition at variance with outward behavior.
Some interpreters have restricted these precepts in another
namely at the point of the time to which they apply. The method is
generation. This was practically to say "give away your cloak because
there will never be another winter/' Yet in the Sermon on the Mount
such a motive was never assigned. Rather the
appeal was to the imita-
tion of God. One must bear in mind also that the
expectation of a
divine intervention did not
coming of necessity make for pacifism.
In Judaism it served rather to messianic war. More than the
temporal factor is to
required explain why the messianism of Jesus
repudiated armed revolution. 40
The second variant of the temporal device
posits a post interim
ethic. The assumption is that the
precepts on nonresistance were not
expected to go into effect until after the coming of the Son of Man,
when the whole structure of society would be altered and such sub-
missiveness would then become feasible. Paul certainly did not so
interpret Jesus. He exclaimed "Now it is high time to awake out of
sleep . . . The ... let us walk honestly as in the
night is far spent
Observe that the day had not yet come. Before it arrived
Christians were even then enjoined to walk honestly.
The failure of the eschatological hope is by some in our
own day as a reason for discarding Jesus' precepts on nonresistance.
We are reminded that even in the Gospels God is portrayed as exer-
cising great severity at the last judgment. Since that day a long way is
The pacifism of the New
Testament centers on the yielding spirit
rather than on plans or philosophies of world peace as in the classical
tradition. But the pacifism of the New Testament is not exhausted by
counsels of submission. There is a positive role for the peacemaker.
The beatitude, "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called
the children of God" is an extremely striking saying, if one bears in
mind Roman Empire of that day the only persons else-
that in the
where to be called Sons of God because they were peacemakers were
the Roman emperors, the upholders of the Pax Romana. The very
same Greek word for peacemaker, eirendpoios, is to be found upon
the emperors' coins. 52 Of this Jesus was presumably unaware, yet how
heavenly sphere."
5S The New Testament begins with the proclama-
tion of peace on earth and ends with the announcement of war in
heaven. Paul delighted to dwell on the Christian's battle, and his
epistles abound in military imagery. "We do live in the flesh but we
do not make war as does the flesh; the weapons of our warfare are not
the weapons of the flesh, but divinely strong to demolish fortresses,
to cast down
reasoning, and every rampart erected against the knowl-
edge of God, to take prisoner every conception for obedience to
Christ and to courtmartial every insurbordination." 5 * Even Christian
love could be described as a breastplate, 55 and the spirit as a sword
and faith as a shield, 50 The use of military metaphors was a part of
the Romanizing of the gospel. The Oriental understood what it was
to bear the cross. The Roman responded better iftold "to fight the
good fight."
5T More than once, wrote James Moffatt, we feel that the
the use of such language. To state the
gospel of peace in terms of war-
fare was a telling as well as an intelligible method of self-expression.
To say that their faith was "the victory that conquers the world" or
that by bearing persecution and suffering, they were "more than
seriously. But there are new divisions. The believer stands over
against the unbeliever, and Paul's anathema upon any who should
preach another gospel foreshadows, however dimly, the wars of ortho-
doxy. There is also the distinction between the elect and the non-
elect. It maycoincide with the other cleavage, though not necessarily
at a given moment, because the Saul who persecutes the faith today
may tomorrow become Paul, the apostle and martyr. But if any way
is discovered for the identification of the elect and the nonelect, then
The Pacifism of
the Early Church
JL HE three
Christian positions with regard to war, already briefly
delineated, matured in chronological sequence, moving from pacifism
to the just war to the crusade. The
age of persecution down to the
time Constantine was the age of pacifism to the degree that during
this period no Christian author to our knowledge approved of Chris-
ceptance of slavery by the apostle Paul was colored by his belief that
in view of the shortness of the time it mattered little whether one
were bond or free. Yet when the time proved not to be short the
church fathers were not alert in revising their ethic.
There is a sense, however, in which the thought of these fathers
was closer to the New Testament than to that of succeeding periods,
namely, that they operated almost exclusively with New Testament
concepts without drawing so heavily as did later generations on classi-
cal and Old Testament themes. If at times a classical motif was
it was radically transformed in the
borrowed, process. For example,
the Cynic cult of poverty reappears in several of the fathers; not with
the intent of achieving emancipation from the fickleness of fortune
nor with the thought of promoting peace, but rather as a daily dis-
army. The subject of military service obviously was not at that time
controverted. The reason may have been either that participation was
assumed or that abstention was taken for granted. The latter is more
probable. The expansion of Christianity had taken place chiefly
among civilians in the urban centers. Few as yet were converted while
in the army. Converts not already in the ranks had many reasons
against volunteering, and they were not subject to conscription. As
slaves or freedmen many were ineligible. The danger of idolatry in
the army was greater than in civilian life. Add to these considerations
the rigorism of the Church which throughout the second century
would not readmit to communion penitents guilty of apostasy, adul-
tery, or bloodshed, and the likelihood appears greater that the Church
withheld its members from military service than that they were per-
would be nothing to prevent the king from being left in utter solitude
and desertion and the forces of the empire would fall into the hands
of the wildest and most lawless barbarians/' 2 Such words are so ex-
pointing to their presence in the palace, the senate, the forum, and
the army. 3 His stern rebuke in the De Corona (A.D. 211) to voluntary
enlistment is a witness to the practice which he condemned. 4 During
the persecution of Decius in A.D. 250, we have a reference in Cyprian
to two soldier martyrs. The number
5 of Christians in the army must
have increased during the latter part of the third century, because
even before the great persecution of A.D. 303-4 Galerius sought to
weed Christians out of his forces. 6 When the storm broke the brethren
in the ranks suffered the first shock. 7 A number of soldier Christians
died for their faith, not for casting off their weapons.
8 How numerous
were the Christians in the army at the commencement of the fourth
century we have no means of knowing. The historian Cadoux has
conjectured that they must have been relatively few because no
sovereign would readily deprive himself of a tenth or even of a
twentieth of his military power. 9
The inscriptions referring to Christian soldiers offer very little
assistance. Leclercq compiled a list of 176, chiefly from Latin sources.
He pointed out that these figures were minimal because the sources
had not been fully exploited and because many early Christians did
not see fit to record any profession. A more serious difficulty for the
present purpose is that the inscriptions in most instances cannot be
dated with sufficient precision to assign them with confidence to the
pre-Constantinian period. Out of Leclercq's total only six belong
incontestably to the age of persecution; two belong to the second
10 To this number Cadoux added an-
century, and four to the third.
other couple, making a total of eight. 11 These inscriptions do, how-
ever, witness to something more than the mere existence of eight
Christian soldiers. The
inscriptions are epitaphs and as such prove
that the Christian communities where these men were buried did
not prohibit the recording of the military profession upon their
Our data, albeit scanty, permit of more geographical classification
than has hitherto been attempted. The results indicate that pacifism
best flourished within the interior of the Pax Romana and was less
The situation must have been on the point o change at the time
of his death in A.D. 251, because we have one inscription from Phrygia
disclosing Christian soldiers about the
middle of the century. 18
In nothern Africa there is evidence alike of acceptance and rejec-
tion of military service. Tertullian, who is our witness for the pres-
ence of Christians in the army, also affirmed that many upon con-
Cyprian, as we have seen,
version withdrew from military service,
mentioned two soldier martyrs, yet close to the grave of Cyprian was
buried a youth, Maximilianus, executed for his conscientious objec-
tion to wearing the soldier's badge. 16
Of the pre-Constantinian inscriptions mentioning Christian
soldiers, one is from Besan^on, one from Phrygia, and six from Rome
the Church notorious for its leniency toward offenders. Rome
under Callistus first let down the bars in granting forgiveness to sexual
offenders (A.D. 220) and under Cornelius
to apostates (A.D. 250) . We
cannot be certain, but the assumption is plausible that Rome may
have been ahead of other Christian communities in relaxing opposi-
tion to the military profession.
of Christian sanc-
The most indisputable and persistent tradition
tion for participation in warfare comes from the eastern provinces.
The Thundering Legion, which contained Christian soldiers in
A.D. 173, was recruited in the province of Melitene in southern
Armenia. In that same the fourth century when a
district, early in
the Armenian
persecuting emperor attempted to enforce idolatry,
Christians took up arms and defeated him. In Syria, Abgar IX, the
in A.D.
king of Edessa (A.D. 179-216) was converted to Christianity
202 and for the remainder of his reign made this religion the official
clouds of mosquitoes and gnats to tickle the trunks of the enemy's
the third century already had its solitaries dedicated to chastity and
abstinence from wine and flesh. 19 In such circles we find also a
recording the military profession. The eastern frontier reveals the
most extensive Christian participation in warfare, though concur-
rently we find there a protest against it among groups tending to
ascetic and monastic ideals.
the Fathers up to A.D. 180 are general. Athenagoras said that Chris-
tians "do not do not go to law when robbed; they give to
strike back,
them them and love their neighbors as themselves.' 23
that ask of
Justin Martyr was more specific: "We who were filled with war and
mutual slaughter and every wickedness have each of us in all the
world changed our weapons of war swords into plows and spears
. . .
the loud trumpet summons soldiers to war, shall not Christ with a
strain of peace to the ends of the earth gather up his soldiers of
peace? A
bloodless army he has assembled by blood and by the word,
to give to them the Kingdom of Heaven. The trumpet of Christ is
his gospel. He has sounded, we have heard* Let us then put on the
armor of peace." 29 Irenaeus, despite his residence in Gaul, may be
reckoned by origin, language, and ideas to the East. He referred the
prophecy of beating swords into plowshares to the Christians who
do not know how to fight, but when struck offer the other cheek. 30
In the West, Tertullian was the most unambiguous when he said
that "Christ in disarming Peter ungirt every soldier." 31 In his
For since we in such numbers have learned from the precepts and
laws of Christ not to repay evil withevil, to endure injury rather than to
inflict it, to shed our own blood rather than to stain our hands and
conscience with the blood of another, the ungrateful world now long
owes to Christ this blessing that savage ferocity has been softened and
hostile hands have refrained from the blood of a kindred creature. 37
danger was real. The cult of the deified emperor was particularly
prevalent in the camps. Officers were called upon to sacrifice; privates
participated at least by their attendance. Origen listed idolatry
and robbery as sins common in the army. 40 On the other hand,
Tertullian indicated that the problem was not so acute for the private
soldier, who was not called upon actually to perform a sacrifice.
Moreover one cannot well understand how the Church could have
permitted its members as it did to remain in the service even
in peacetime in the pre-Constantinian period, if idolatry had been
Attitude to Rome
A further reason commonly adduced for the aversion of Christians
to military service in the age of persecution was their hostility to
Rome as a persecuting power. Why should they fight for the main-
had injected a virus of corruption into the Roman blood stream,
while Lactantius 48 borrowed from Sallust the theme that Rome by
destroying Carthage lost the stimulus of rivalry and fell a prey to
dissension, cruelty, ambition, pursuit of luxury, and debauchery. The
At the same time, the early Church did not follow the book of
Revelation in identifying Rome with Antichrist. 51 The blessings of
the Roman peace were appreciated. Irenaeus rejoiced that the roads
were free from brigands and the seas from pirates. 52 Tertullian was
Some modern interpreters would say that the ground for early
antimilitarism was indeed not hostility but rather indifference, be-
cause of the belief that the empire would pass away with the im<-
minent coming of the Lord. In the period when pacifism was preva-
lent in the early Church, however, the expectation of the Lord's
speedy return was long since waning. Even at the beginning of the
second century Christians were asking, "Where is the promise of his
coming, for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they
were?" 55 In the second century the Montanists, who sought to keep
alive the eschatological hope, were repudiated by the Church at
large. Tertullian however joined them, and the attempt has been
made to ascribe his pacifism to their eschatology. The proper inter-
he was a Catholic and not a pacifist.
When he wrote the De Idolatria,
however, he had become a Montanist and was therefore a pacifist.
The argument is faulty at two points. In the first place the Apologia
isnot nonpacifist. Tertullian, in order to refute the charge of social
aloofness, did indeed say that there were Christians in the army, but
in the same tract declared that Christians were sufficiently numerous
to resist persecution by force of arms were it not that they would
rather be slain than slay. The other error lies in circuitous reasoning
in the dating of the De Idolatria; if pacificism must o necessity be
Montanist, then the pacifist De Idolatria must be dated in the
Montanist period. As Harnack rightly pointed out, rigorism as
such was not Montanism. On literary grounds he placed the tract
prior to Tertullian's conversion to Montanism in A.D, 202.
In the third century we discover that among pacifist authors the
love your enemies and pray for your adversaries and persecutors?" 63
idols, from and from blood," plus the Golden Rule. In
that context blood was taken to mean bloodshed. Whichever text
is historically correct, and many scholars regard the Western as the
more defensible, the form containing bloodshed was early and widely
received. It was applied alike to murder, capital punishment, and
lamented that the world was wet with bloodshed and homicide
esteemed a virtue if 72
Arnobius thought it better
practiced publicly.
to pour out one's own blood than to stain one's hands and con-
science with the blood of another. 73 Lactantius declared that when
God forbade killing he forbade not only brigandage but also that
which is regarded as legal among men. 74 Vitricius described his re-
jection of military service in the words, arma sanguinis obiecisti.
In the East Athenagoras said that the Christian cannot bear to see
a man put to death even justly. 76 Origen averred that "God did not
deem it becoming own divine legislation to allow the killing
to his
of any man whatever." The Canons of Hippolytus enacted that "a
soldier of civil authority must be taught not to kill men and to refuse
to do so if he is commanded." 78
Even after the objection to warfare
was abandoned by the Church, the aversion to bloodshed remained.
Basil the Great wrote: "Killing in war was differentiated by our
fathers from murder nevertheless perhaps it would be well that
. , .
those whose hands are unclean abstain from communion for three
79 In Syria the Bardesanic Book of the Laws asserted that Mars
cannot compel a man "to shed the blood of this brother." 80
That the objection to war lay in the scruple against killing rather
than in social indifference is borne out by the
willingness of a number
of early Christian writers to sanction even military service provided
it were restricted to
police functions and did not entail bloodshed. A
soldiermight serve for a lifetime without killing in an empire at
peace where the army was vested with the functions of a police force.
For example, in the city of Rome fire protection and the keeping of
the peace were assigned to a military unit known as the Vigiles.**
We have evidence of Christian participation in two branches of the
service devoted primarily to police work. The beneficiarii were troops
distinction between wartime and peacetime service is apparent in
writings of Tertullian who, however, rejected both. He inquired:
"How will a Christian take part in war, nay, how will he serve even
in peace?" 89
fling canon of the Council of Aries, which in A.D. 314, decreed that
thosewho laid down their arms in peace should abstain from com-
munion:De his qui arma proiciunt in pace placuit abstineri eos a
communione (Canon III) 94 The injunction has given great difficulty
Varieties of Pacifism
with Gnostic repugnance to the physical, a position which is not
Christian.Marcion represented this view in conjunction with Chris-
tian elements. In the name of Christian love he rejected the God of
the Old Testament together with all his wars. Had not Yahweh sent
the flood upon mankind, consumed Sodom and Gomorrah with
fire,plagued the Egyptians, hardened Pharaoh's beart, blessed the
murderer Moses and the ruthless conqueror Joshua, burned the
priests of Baal, and brought bears to devour the children who mocked
Elisha? Paul said, "Let not the sun go down upon your wrath." But
Joshua had kept the sun up till his wrath went down.
These passages in the Old Testament were very troublesome for
the pacifist church fathers. Doubly so because Christians in the army
peaceful Christ would never have been permitted to read the histori-
cal books of the Old Testament unless the horrible wars there re-
counted were to be spiritually understood. 101
Marcion's pacifism arose, however, from a deeper root than the
incongruity between New Testament love and Old Testament
terror. He was Gnostic in his adverse judgment as to the goodness of
life in the body. The world, said he, is fundamentally bad because
it contains wars, flies, fleas, and fevers. 102 The body which is subject
to their torments should not be allowed to continue as a prison for
the spirit. For that reason marriage was rejected. 108 In view of this
theory one might assume that the killing of the body would have
been regarded as advantageous, but presumably the objection was
to the carnal character of a struggle between body and body. This
type of pacificism was not Christian.
The third type of pacifism might be called pragmatic or redemp-
tive. Ittook cognizance of life on earth and of social consequences
and responsibilities, but objected to war in part because there was a
more excellent way. The most outstanding representative of this type
was Origen. The problem was set for him very pointedly by Celsus
who claimed that Christians should either assume the full burden of
citizenship or else cease to have children and withdraw from the
world. 104 The Church was eventually to agree with Celsus, in that it
allowed some Christians to take the one course and some the other.
But Origen did not agree and argued that Christians might reject
war and yet remain in society, because their prayers and their dis-
ciplined lives were of more service than soldiers to kings, since wars
are fomented by demons who inspire the violation of oaths and dis-
turb the peace. 105 "Men fight," said he, "sometimes because of hunger
and more frequently because of avarice, the lust of power, an insane
craving for vain glory and absence of a tranquil disposition."
The greatest warfare, in other words, is not with human enemies but
with those spiritual forces which make men into enemies.
Christian warfare should supplant political warfare. Implicit in
the concept of Christian warfare was a parallelism between the
Church and the state. Both had similar objectives justice and peace
but the Church had a better and more effective way of bringing
them to pass. The state had created the external peace of the Pax
Romana. The Church must give to it reality by overcoming dissen-
sion within. Even the barbarian foe without could be tamed by the
removed from the position of his contemporary Plotinus, that the sage
should abstain from conflict, whereas common folk might participate.
The Christian Church was in the end to find a vocational resolution
by way of monasticism, involving a division of function not between
the Church and the world, nor between the Church and the state,
but between differing levels within the Church itself. Eusebius,
writing in A.D. 313, posited two grades of Christian conduct, the first
for the laity who might participate in pure marriages, in just wars,
in farming, in trade, and in civic pursuits; and the second for the
The Theory of
Just War
In the Christian Rowan Empire
popular mind a fusion was taking place between Rome and Chris-
tianity as over against the barbarian and the pagan. The alignment
was rendered plausible by the provenance of the great persecutors
of the third and fourth centuries, who had come from the half-
barbarian provinces in the Danubian area: Maximinus Thrax,
Decius, Diocletian in a measure, Galerius, and Maximinus Daza.
A Christian author saw in Galerius a "barbarity foreign to Roman
blood/' and Constantine was lauded not only as the champion of the
faith but as the restorer of Rome. 1
At the same time one cannot but marvel that neither the emperor
nor the Church an impropriety in placing the cross upon the
to the gods and the Christians only to the martyrs, was assumed by
the Christian emperor on the ground that what the martyrs had com-
menced with their blood, he had completed with his sword. 2
which incited them to war. The Roman peace and the Christian
thus supported each other, and the prophecy that swords should be
beaten into plowshares had received fulfillment in the Pax Romana.
Christ by these Christians was turned into a Roman citizenand
Augustus well-nigh made into a Christian. The religion of the one
God and the empire of one ruler were recognized as having been
made for each other. Polytheism was a religion appropriate for a
congeries of city-states perpetually in strife, but monotheism and
universal monarchy were congruous, and to the confession of one
faith, one lord, and one baptism could now be added that of one
empire and one emperor.
These themes were struck by Eusebius of Caesarea in his Oration
on Constantine, in which the Stoic ideals of harmony and concord
were held to have been realized by the partnership of the Roman
Empire and the Christian religion, so that the human race from East
to West appeared as a well-ordered and united family and that
ancient oracle was fulfilled that "Nation should not take up sword
war anymore." s
against nation, neither should they learn
The Eastern theologians echoed the strain. Diodor of Tarsus de-
clared that through Christianity and Rome God had caused wars to
cease to the ends of the earth and had mingled cities and peoples
through the preaching of the city of God. Chrysostom more realisti-
cally saw the fulfillment of the prophesies of Isaiah in that the greater
part of the world was at peace with only a few soldiers doing the
fighting for the others.
The theme was not confined to the Easterners. Jerome, who might
be reckoned both to the East and to the West, saw realized in the
Pax Romana all the pacific hopes of the Old Testament and of the
New spears beaten into pruning hooks, the beatitude on the peace-
makers, the dream of every man under his own vine and fig tree. 6
Ambrose wrote in a similar vein 7 and Orosius made the Redeemer
of the world into a Roman citizen by virtue of his birth during the
time of the census, when the gates of Janus were closed and the world
rejoiced in the most blessed tranquillity of peace.
The classical expression of the fusion of the Pax Romana and the
Pax Christiana is found in the lines of Prudentius:
sighting the enemy picked up a stone, leapt upon one of the foe, and
struck him dead. To the valor of this deacon Synesius attributed the
Clerical participation was, however, unusual and long after
lay service was sanctioned, clerical service was censured.
The debacle of the earlier pacifism was not absolute, and some in-
stances of refusal of military service are to be found among Christians
in this period. We have noted the cause of Martin of Tour who stayed
in the army only until a battle was imminent, then refused longer to
serve, saying, "Iam a soldier of Christ; I cannot fight.'* To prove his
sincerity he offered on the morrow to face the barbarian foes with
no arms save a cross. The conclusion of peace without battle saved
him from the ordeal and he was allowed to retire from the ranks. 14
A similar example was recorded by Paulinus of Nola in the case of
a soldier who on
conversion immediately refused further service on
the ground, as he said, that he had exchanged the weapons of iron
for the weapon of Christ. Paulinus tells us that he was saved from
decapitation because the executioner was stricken blind.
The prime transmitters of the nonmilitary tradition of the early
Church were the monks. 16 They accepted the dilemma set by Celsus
that either Christians should accept full political
or else give up having families. 17 Their withdrawal from society at
large necessarily entailed withdrawal also from the army. The em-
peror Valens in A.D. 376, we are told, struck against these monks by
forcing them into military service. Into the deserts of Egypt "he sent
tribunes and soldiers that the saints and true soldiers of God should
be subject to persecution under another name." 18 Chrysostom in-
terpreted monastic pacifism as vocational. "If you consider war," he
wrote, "then the monk fights with demons and having conquered is
crowned by Christ. Kings fight with barbarians. Inasmuch as demons
are more fearful than barbarians, the victory of the monks is more
glorious. The monk fights for the religion and true worship of God
. ,the king to capture booty, being inspired by envy and the lust
of power." 19
Christian participation in war was rendered easier for him because
the defense of the empire coincided in his mind with the defense of
the faith. The The Danubian provinces
barbarians were Arians.
which offered weak a resistance to the invaders were also Arian.
Ambrose regarded the whole incursion as a proof of the divine wrath
because of the spread of unbelief. "From Thrace, Dacia, Moesia, and
all Valeria of the Pannonians we hear blasphemy preached and bar-
barians invading. How could the Roman state be safe with such
. . .
. . . Not eagles and birds must lead the army but thy name and
religion, O Jesus."
of the just war: that the conduct of the war should be and that
monks and priests should abstain.
Augustine was a Christian, and the Sermon on the Mount had burned
into his heart.He was steeped in the writings of the age of persecu-
tion and thought of the Church as the remnant of the persecuted. He
was at the same time a member of the Church catholic, coextensive
with the empire and allied with the state. Such a man could not find
an easy solution to the problem of the relation of Christianity to
society and more particularly to war and peace.
His view of man was much more somber than that which had
prompted the pragmatic pacifism of Origen. Augustine had aban-
_ inJlifi.
possibility of Christian^ perf c^
Once he had said that the precepts of the Sermon on the Mount
should be perfectly obeyed as "we believe them to have been fulfilled
Later he said that they should "be obeyed as
by the apostles."
perfectly as they were fulfilled by the apostles," meaning that even
the apostles had not realized them to the full. 24
With the passing of the hope of Christian perfection was coupled
the vanishing of the dream of peace on earth. Swords never had been
beaten into plowshares and never would. "Such security is never given
to a people that it should not dread invasions hostile to its life." 25
On our earthly pilgrimage we pant after peace, yet are involved in
constant strife with the pagan, with the heretic, with the bad
Catholic, and even with the brother in the same household. One may
grow weary and exclaim, "Why should I eat out my life in contention?
I will return within myself." But even there one will find that the
flesh lusts against the spirit. 26 Peace will not come until this corrupti-
ble puts on incorruption, and then only for the redeemed, because
hell is the perpetuation of unresolved conflicts. 27 Perfect peace is
reserved for heaven, where there shall be no hunger nor thirst nor
provocation of enemies.
The inwardness of Augustine's ethic served to justify outward
violence, because right and wrong were seen to reside not in acts but
had proved very useful in explaining
in attitudes. Such a distinction
the apparently unchristian deportment of the patriarchs of the Old
Testament. Elijah, for example, was warranted in calling down fire
from heaven because at the same time he had love in his heart, where-
as the disciples were rebuked for wishing to do the like against the
Samaritans because the wish was prompted by vengeful intent. 29
Killing and love could the more readily be squared by/Augustine
because in his judgment life in the body is not of extreme importance.
What matterseternal salvation] The destruction of the
is body may
actually be of benefit to the soul of the sinner.
Another respect in which Augustine differed from Origen was in
his view of the Church, which could not be set so easily over against
the world as embodying a different spirit and employing a different
having lost his wife, desired to retire and become a monk. "Not now/'
pleaded Augustine. "The monks indeed occupy a higher place before
God, but you should not aspire to their blessedness before the proper
time.You must first be exercised in patience in your calling. The
monks will pray for you against your invisible enemies. You must
them 83
fight for against the barbarians, their visible foes."
The larger question remained as to why God had suffered Rome,
the eternal, to be taken by Alaric in A.D. 41 L Augustine answered
with a philosophy of history according to which states both rise and
fall through their vices. Virtues indeed of a sort they have, and Rome
34 but
would never have succeeded without self-discipline, all of her
virtues were tainted. The very good faith of Regulus was elicited
only because of his implacability toward Carthage. The state itself
being, as Cicero held, but only for its well-being. A robber band has
the essential characteristics of a state, and states have been in the main
robber bands. 36 By way of illustration Augustine moved down the
years chronicling the sins of states. Even the Hebrews, he held,
achieved their victories not by their virtues but by the vices of their
foes. 87 Rome, founded on fratricide, grew by the rape of the Sabines
and deteriorated through the destruction of Carthage. All of the
earlier theories of Roman decadence were thus worked into a scheme
of progressive decline. 88 The establishment of the empire evoked
in Augustine no enthusiasm. By him the emperor Augustus was
39 and the Pax Romana was not lauded as a
slighted preparation for
the gospel, 40 let alone as the fulfillment of the prediction that swords
should be beaten into plowshares. 41 What then of the cultural bene-
fits of the Roman empire? What of the one language, the bond of
peace? Yes, agreed Augustine, but by how many wars, how much
slaughter, how much bloodshed was this unity obtained? As for the
benefits conferred by the Roman government, are there no senators
in countries which have never heard of Rome? How much better if
the dubious benefits had been conferred with the consent of the
nations? Talk not of glorious victories. Look at naked deeds the
lust of dominion with which Sallust reproached mankind. If a glad-
iator fought with his father in the arena, should we not all be
shocked? Is it less shocking that a daughter nation should fight with
her mother? Why glory in the greatness of an empire built up by
dark and blood, which, whether shed in civil or in
fear, cruel lust,
foreign war, still is human blood? Well did Pompeius Trogus trace
the cycle of robber empires from Assyria to Rome. 42 So wrote
the Roman peace, but when Constantine was converted. If the ruler
o an empire be Christian, there is then a possibility of justice in the
state. Augustine had asserted that "great states without justice are
prey yet seeks a mate, builds a nest, and maintains a domestic alli-
ance as peacefully as he can. How much more powerful are the laws of
man's nature which move him to preserve peace with all men, so
much as in him lies? 4T
*8 What sort of injuries? An attack on the existence of the
but not under all circumstances. Cicero had said that the state
might defend its safety and honor. Augustine pointed out that the
two might conflict, as in the case of the Saguntines who were able
to preserve honor only at the price of their national existence. 49
Honor is to be preferred to safety, but ordinarily the divine law
permits self-defense to states. Other injuries to be forcibly rectified
included failure to make amends and refusal to grant passage, 51
The war must be just in its disposition, which is Christian love,
and this is not incompatible with killing, because love and non-
resistance are inward dispositions. Augustine said:
If it is supposed that God could not enjoin warfare because in after
times was said by the Lord Jesus Christ, "I say unto you, Resist not
evil . ," the answer is that what is here required is not a bodily action
. .
moved not by cruelty but by love. So also was Paul when he committed
the offender to Satan for the destruction of his flesh. 52 Love does not
53 nor that correction which
preclude a benevolent severity, compassion
itself dictates. No one indeed is fit to inflict
punishment save the one
who has first overcome hate in his heart. The love of enemies admits of
no dispensation, 5 * but love does not exclude wars of mercy waged by
the good. 55
citizen to prevent robbery or rape is an unjust law, 60 "As to killing
others to defend one's own life I do not approve of this, unless one
though unlike them he centered his hope not so much upon a divine
intervention in the historic process as upon a new order beyond the
grave. For that reason he had no hope for entire peace on earth, yet
regarded peace as an ideal and appropriated the classical arguments
in its favor. He sought to restrain war by the rules of the justum
helium and the dispositions of the Sermon on the Mount, The
Roman empire, especially under a Christian sovereign, was regarded
as an institution to be preserved, though the process by which it had
arisen was excoriated with all the rancor of the conquered peoples.
These elements, diverse in origin, were synthesized in a graded ethic.
The distinctive points in Augustine's theory were these: that love
judge may employ torture to determine guilt, but the suspect may
not after all be guilty, in which case the innocent has been punished
in order to avoid punishing the innocent. "If then,"
Augustine, "such darkness shrouds social life will the wise judge
take his seat on the bench? That he human society, which
will. For
he cannot rightly abandon, constrains him to do his duty. He will
take his seat and cry 'From my necessities deliver Thou me/ " 6 *
What Augustine said of the judge he would have said equally of the
The position of Augustine here delineated is of extreme impor-
tance because it continues to this day in all essentials to be the ethic
of the Roman
Catholic Church and of the major Protestant bodies.
Whether, assuming the premises, this ethic is valid for our time, is a
problem to engage us later. Whether it was sound even in Augustine's
day may detain us here for a moment.
/ Augustine assumed that a just war can be just one one side only.
^ To him it seemed obvious that the cause of Rome was just, that of
'the barbarians unjust. They were invaders. Not only would they
commit injuries to property, life, and honor, but they would disrupt
the order maintained by the empire.
We today, who are actually more fully informed than was the
Bishop of Hippo as to what was going on all over the empire in his
own day, can make out
a very good case for the barbarians. They
were being pushed westward by hordes from the East. There was
room for them in the empire. They had long been infiltrating by a
process of controlled immigration. The Roman army in the imperial
period had been increasingly recruited from among the barbarians.
When Rome was taken by Alaric the Goth, the defender of the
capital was Stilicho the Goth. Then arose an old Roman party which
asked permission to settle in the empire with their families, to the
number of a million souls. They were for the most part Christian.
Fritigern was their leader. The Emperor Valens promised admission.
The horde came over the Danube, but instead of being settled was
coralled by the forces of Rome and kept alive by a supply of dead
dogs. The price for each dog was a child to be sold into slavery. The
guard of Fritigern was treacherously murdered by the Romans. The
Goths broke loose and ravaged Thrace, Valens met them in battle.
The emperor himself perished, together with two thirds of the im-
perial army. Thenwas that the Spanish general Theodosius re-
better order. It is not too much to hope that a people will exercise
the wisdom to make
voluntarily those adjustments to change which
will both avoid collapse and provide for a better order.
Chapter 7
From the
Just War to the
of the early fathers nor the hope of Constantine that she would be the
cement of the empire. On the contrary, theological divisions had
fused with already existing rifts within the social structure to intensify
the cleavages. In the West the Donatist controversy in northern Africa
had pitted the Berber and Punic against the Latin elements in the
population, and in the East the Christological controversies had set
the Copts, Syrians, and Armenians against the Greeks, thus facilitat-
ing the eventual disruption of the Byzantine Empire, Yet the Church
actually did exert a unifying influence in the West, as also in early
Russia. One is tempted to make the generalization that the Church is
divisive when the state is strong and cohesive when the state is
weak, which only another way of saying that the Church can unify
only on her own terms. When the state is strong and seeks to im-
plement policies or force beliefs which the Church cannot accept,
then she is bound to be in opposition. If the state is feeble, however,
the Church is ableunhampered to give substance to a social entity.
It was to be so in the West. There the Church became the architect
and molder of our civilization. The Church was heir to the unity
of Rome and custodian of the unity of the faith. Through many
centuries she sought to convert, tame, and unite the Northern peo-
between the two great powers of integration, the papacy and the
empire, facilitated the rise of city-states and nation-states. Their ex-
istence as sovereign political units with a common faith and culture
gave a new relevance to the doctrine of the just war, while their cen-
tralization of government opened a possibility of making war more
deadly when it came.
The monastics sometimes forsook their assigned roles; when mon-
were attacked, monks would slip armor over their cowls. Even
protection of life and honor, as Augustine had done, but upon the
of property. Adecretal of Gratian, for example, affirmed
the object of the just war to be the repulse of enemies this Augustine
would have said and the recovery of stolen goods. 8
The ultimate sanction for this position was found by the scholastic
and the canon lawyers increasingly in the doctrine of natural law
rather than in the word of the New Testament; for obviously the in-
junctions of the gospel to give away the cloak as well as the coat,
and the plea of Paul that Christians should not even go to law, pre-
clude the use of war to reclaim one's own. Natural law was pitched
on a less exalted plane, particularly when it was itself conceived more
in terms of Aristotelian social conservatism than of Stoic radicalism
with 9
picture of the communistic golden age.
prior to the sixteenth century, when Vittoria said that no war was
just which would inflict great damage upon the world at large and
upon Christian population. 11
might be the land appertaining to the state. When, then, there were
many little states contending with each other, the tendency was to
think of them as individuals in other words, to personify the state
as Cicero had long since done. This personification became more than
a convenient fiction when supported by the medieval philosophy
known as realism, according to which entities called universals really
exist. The state is such an entity or universal, and is not
simply the
aggregate of its
component citizens. The maxim that force 12 may be
punished for his obstinacy. On this basis, a heretic may not rightly
stand against the Church, nor a conscientious objector against the
Ages was the attempt to eliminate despotic rulers. The ethic of tyran-
nicide was much debated, and a warrant for it was discovered in a
combination of several traditions. There was the old Germanic view
that the chieftain owed fealty to his men as much they to him. The
that some other officers of the state should lead the people in popular
insurrection? In his other works, however, Thomas declared that
tyrannicide was not allowable.
The Church sought thus to repristinate and by adaptation to con-
serve the just-war theory as a restraint
upon war. But better far
would it be if there were no war, and valiant efforts were made for its
eradication. The approval of the Church was never bestowed on
those clerics and monastics who had taken defense into their own
hands. St. Thomas, writing even after the commencement of the cru-
sades, held that the clergy should be excluded from military functions,
not so much, however, for ethical as for sacramental reasons. He
declared that there are some acts which cannot be performed by the
same persons; although participation in warfare is legitimate for
the Christian, not for the clergy because they serve at the altar.
it is
For that reason they may not shed the blood of another, but should
be prepared rather to shed their own in imitation of Christ. Various
enactments of the period prescribed also that the cleric might not
act as a judge. The Fourth Lateran Council, for example, declared
in 1215 that those who administered the sacraments of the Saviour
might not pronounce sentence of death. 11
For the laity a moral taint continued to be attached to warfare up
to the very threshold of the crusades. Ten
years after the Norman
conquest some of the participants sought counsel from their bishops
as to the appeasement of their consciences for the blood they had
shed. A council at Winchester in 1076 enacted that he who had killed
a should do penance for a year. He who did not know whether
his wounded assailant had died should do penance for forty days.
He who did not know how many he had killed should do penance one
day a week throughout his life. All archers should do penance thrice
for the space of forty days. 18
movement emanating from the monastery of Cluny aimed
at the radical Christianizing of society by the purging of the Church,
the subordination of the state to the reformed Church, and the en-
cemeteries and cloisters to sixty feet, the lands of the clergy, shep-
herds and their flocks, agricultural animals, wagons in the fields, and
olive trees.
The Truce of time for military operations. There
God limited the
should be no fighting from Advent through Epiphany nor from
nor on Sundays,
Septuagesima until the eighth day after Pentecost,
Fridays,and every one of the holy days throughout the year. 19
The Peace of God and the Truce of God could be combined, and
we find elements of both in the oath taken by Robert the Pious
not infringe on the Church in any way. I will not hurt a cleric
I will
or a monkif unarmed. I will not steal an ox, cow, pig, sheep, goat, ass,
There were those who took these oaths and did not keep them.
What then? How
could they be punished? How could they be
coerced? Should the enforcement be left to the civil power or should
the Church undertake sanctions? Were she to do so, she would en-
croach upon the traditional role of the state. The lines of demar-
The prince bishop in his
cation were, however, already obscured.
own person already combined Church and state. He was a bishop. He
was a prince and he had armies. Why should he not then as a bishop
call upon the troops which he commanded as a
prince in order to
enforce the Church's peace? In the eleventh century peace militia
were formed in Germany and in France, in which the clergy partici-
pated with their church banners. We read that in Germany one such
army got out of hand and ravaged the country, so that a count with
his forces withstood and defeated the peace fighters, leaving seven
hundred of the clergy dead upon the field. 21 In other words a civil
ruler assumed his traditional role against the usurpation of the
Church. Another example occurred in Italy, where Giovanni de
Vincenza, a preaching friar, in 1233 organized a great peace league
of the northern Italian cities. Then he became so overweening that
the Benedictines of Padua roused their city to resistance. The apostle
of peace retaliated with armed forces, was defeated, and retired to a
monastery, thus ending his "withered dream/'
Implicit in these attempts to enforce the peace was the idea of a
crusade, that is to say of a war conducted under the auspices of the
Church for a holy cause the cause of peace. These initial ventures
had home. Perhaps they might be more successful if chan-
failed at
neled into a war abroad. The great speech of Urban II at the Council
of Clermont in 1095, which inaugurated the crusades, commenced
with another of the peace speeches so frequent in the French coun-
cils of the previous half century. The Pope said:
Some of our men (and thiswas more merciful) cut off the heads of
their enemies; others shot them with arrows, so that they fell from the
towers; others tortured them longer by casting them into the flames. Piles
of heads, hands, and feet were to be seen in the streets of the city. It
was necessary to pick one's way over the bodies of men and horses. But these
were small matters compared to what happened at the temple of Solomon,
a place where religious services are ordinarily chanted. What happened
there? If I tell the truth, it will exceed your powers of belief. So let it
suffice to say this much at least, that in the temple and portico of Solomon,
men rode in blood up to their knees and the bridle reins. Indeed, it was
a just and splendid judgment of God, that this place should be filled with
the blood of the unbelievers, when it had suffered so long from their
Now that the city was taken it was worth all our previous labors and
hardships to see the devotion of the pilgrims at the Holy Sepulcher. How
they rejoiced and exulted and sang the ninth chant to the Lord. It was
the ninth day, the ninth joy and exaltation, and of perpetual happiness.
The ninth sermon, the ninth chant was demanded by all. This day, I
say, will all future ages, for it turned our labors and sorrows
be famous in
into joy and exultation; this day, I say, marks the justification of all
Christianity and the humiliation of paganism; our faith was renewed.
"The Lord made this day, and we rejoiced and exulted in it," for on this
day the Lord revealed Himself to His people and blessed them.
This mood was all very different from the attitude of the Byzan-
tines, who had long withstood the Turks but without religious fa-
naticism. The emperors sometimes even gave their daughters to the
harems of the sultans. There was more hate for the Latins than for
the Turks. Hence the saying "Better to come under the turban than
under the tiara."
As for the Byzantine attitude to clerical fighting, we have a very
illuminating account from the pen of Anna Comnena, the daughter
of the Eastern emperor of Constantinople at the time of the first
crusade. Although the Franks had come to the aid of the Greeks,
certain Latin priest stood on the stern and discharged arrows. Though
streaming with blood, he was quite fearless, for the rules as to priests are
different among the Latins from ours. We are taught by the canonical
laws and the gospel that the priest is holy . but the Latin barbarian
. .
will handle divine things and simultaneously wear a shield on his left
arm and hold a spear in his right. At one and the same time he com-
municates the body and blood of God and becomes a man of blood, for
this barbarian is no less devoted to sacred things than to war. This priest,
or rather man of violence, wore his vestments while he handled an oar
and was so bellicose as to keep on fighting after the truce.
The medieval theologians were not aware that the crusade had
written a new chapter in the ethic of war. They could accomodate
the crusade to the doctrine of the just war, because by common con-
sent the crusade was not fought to convert the infidel but only to
protect the passage of pilgrims to the Holy Land; this at any rate
was the initial objective. There was latent a fundamental difference,
however. The
purpose was not to recover stolen goods nor to repel
an invasion, but to vindicate a right of religion under a foreign juris-
diction. This was after all a war of faith.
The religious character of the crusade became all the more ap-
parent when it was used to suppress heresy at home. One of the
anomalies of medieval history is that the Church itself remained
united from the barbarian invasions to the peak of the papal theoc-
racy and then, when such an amazing degree of unity had been
achieved, appeared in her structure. Indirectly the crusades con-
east,passed through Bulgaria and there were infected with the heresy
of the Bogomili, a sect in the spiritual succession of the Gnostics
who looked with upon the flesh. The Cathari, as these
sectaries, were called, looked upon the sexual act as defiling, con-
migration of souls, and for that reason, would not take a life. way A
to detect a member of the sect was to call on him to kill a chicken.
Of necessity, therefore, the Cathari rejected war, though when at-
tacked they defended themselves. Perhaps under pressure their prac-
tice failed to conform to principle, or perhaps the discrepancy is to
Medieval Arbitration
At any rate these centuries did exhibit a surprising degree of re-
course to arbitration. Novacovitch has recorded 127 cases between
the years 1218 and 1441. Such instances were rare in the twelfth cen-
dropped off. An
examination of these cases reveals several points of
interest, including the geographical range from the Scandinavian
countries to Spain, England, France, the Low Countries, Poland,
Lithuania, Hungary, Austria, Bohemia, the Holy Roman Empire,
the Swiss Confederacy, the Italian Cities, and even the Balkans.
The disputants were less commonly the greater powers, though
occasionally England, France, Denmark, Sweden, Bohemia, Hungary,
Poland, and the Empire were among the litigants. For the most part,
however, the list runs after this fashion: the Countess of Troy
against the Duke of Lorraine; the city of Riga versus the Knights of
Christ; the Count of Ragus and the King of Serbia; the Bishop of
Speyer against the city of Speyer; Aragon, Sicily, and Naples against
each other as to the distribution of tribute from the sultan of Tunisia;
Uri, Schwiz, and Unterwalden, Zurich and Berne in agreement
for perpetual arbitration; Holland versus Brabant; the Duke of Bar
against the Duke of Lorraine; Wiirttemberg versus Esslingen; the
Count Palatine of the Rhine, the Duke of Saxony, and the Marquis
of Brandenberg as to the allocation of expenses for the imperial elec-
tion; the Rhine cities, Strassburg, Mainz, Worms, and Cologne in
dispute with each other; and the Italian cities in like case.
The complexion of the arbitrators is striking because the Church
played so small a part. Only one dispute was mediated directly by
the pope, though several were handled by papal legates a cardinal
or a bishop. On the whole there was a disposition to avoid appeals
to the Church, because she would inject claims of her own. On one
occasion, the pope was himself a litigant and frequently bishops,
convents, and orders such as the Teutonic Knights were among
the parties. Laymen most frequently were arbiters, often the King of
France or some other monarch or nobleman and not infrequently a
board of arbitration set up by the contestants. Among the Italian
cities churchmen were more often the judges. 30
to recover the estates in Italy which had been overrun when the
papacy was transferred to Avignon.
Medieval Pacifism
One can understand the revulsion which ensued against
crusades in general, and in particular against crusades to recover
a certain Niger pro-
papal property. Already in the twelfth century,
tested on the ground that the cost and the risks were enough to dis-
The Hussite movement developed two wings, one pacifist and one
crusading. This bifurcation is not anomalous
as may at first
as it
replaced by prosperous burghers and educated intellectuals. Never-
theless a group survived; it is called from now on the Minor Party.
Many secular lords had the sagacity to welcome to their estates these
The other wing of the Hussites, led by the blind general Ziska,
flung crusading armies of peasants, as contemptible as the handful
of Gideon, against the forces of the empire and put them to rout.
The land was ravaged, as Chelciky reported, and the crusade was
carried beyond the confines of Bohemia into Saxony. This was again
warfare in the name of the Lord of Hosts.
Although pacifism was the affair of the sects, one is not to conclude
that the concern for peace in the late Middle Ages was restricted to
them. We have already observed the efforts of the Church to es-
tablish peace through concord or enforcement. Whereas the inade-
control* the rising national states and Pierre Dubois saw better the
when he proposed France as
actualities the Lord's chosen people to
unite mankind under a single sway. But this too could not have been
Chapter 8
The Renaissance
and the
again fell from his horse and was trampled to death. In the battle of
Molinella, nobody was killed; only a few horses were wounded, and a
few prisoners were taken on each side. 1 To be sure, Machiavelli
barbed his shafts with exaggeration. There were larger casualties.
The condottieri sought some victories for prestige, and if they had
recourse to protracted wars of maneuver, it was partly because the
resources of the Italian city-states were too meagre and their power
too nearly balanced to permit swift and decisive large-scale en-
counters. The resemblance to the Peace of God and the Truce of
God was accidental, due to a new configuration of power rather than
to a resurgence of the old ideal. The character of this period is
of historical interest because it demonstrates that ah approximation
to the ideals of the just-war theory is realizable, given an equality of
Our religion has glorified rather the humble and the contemplative
than the active, the summum bonum has been conceived in terms of hu-
mility, abjectness and contempt of the world. For as the religion [of the
ancients] saw the highest good rather in greatness of mind, prowess of body
and whatever else makes men courageous, our religion counsels that if
you have any strength you should suffer rather than be strong. This be-
havior has made the world weak and has given it as a prey to the unprin-
cipled who are able to dominate with impunity since the majority of men
think the way to get to heaven is to suffer blows rather than to avenge
them. That tie world is effeminate and heaven disarmed arises from the
cravenness of men who have interpreted our religion as indolence rather
than as virttu 2
lesser degree. Virtii animates the state, though Machiavelli did not
advance the view that some states are more endowed than others and
have for that reason a right to impose their will. Each prince and
each state, he claimed, must gain and hold power, must indeed pre-
serve very existence through the exercise of virtii. No considera-
should appear pious, faithful, humane, religious and sincere, and should
indeed be all of these, but should ever be ready, if need be, to change to
the contrary. ... A prince, and especially a new prince cannot observe all
those qualities for which men are esteemed good. If it be necessary to
maintain the state, he must be ready to violate faith, charity, humanity
and religion.However, he must have a mind ready to veer with every
wind and variation of Fortune. 3
the works of Machiavelli runs the assumption that one's own exist-
ence and the existence of the state are paramount. "When it is a
question of the safety of the country,"
he wrote, "no account should
be taken of what is just or unjust, merciful or cruel, laudable or
shameful, but without regard to anything else, that course is to
unswervingly pursued which will save the life and maintain the
liberty of the [fatherland]/'
This does not mean that politics is nothing but unabashed chican-
on The
ery and cruelty. No state can
rest hate. virtii
of the ruler is dynamic but not demonic, save on occasion. Ordinarily
it is restrained by prudence. The wise ruler will so choose
his means
maintenance of the security of the state. This means, of course, that
the traditional code of the just war was jettisoned. Only that war
could be considered just, said Machiavelli, which was dictated by
interest. And there could be no nonsense in the conduct of a war. The
term war did not apply "when nobody gets killed, no cities are
sacked and no lands are scorched." 5
One element of significance in the thought of Machiavelli, because
censure not only because astrology conflicted with the-
Humanist Pacifism
without forsaking its formulae they could condemn all the wars of
their generation. The just-war theory requires that the object of war
be peace and that every expedient for reconciliation shall have been
exhausted prior to the declaration of hostilities. Could Francis or
Charles or Henry pretend that these conditions had been fulfilled?
War against the Turks was more of a problem to the humanist
pacifists, but even in this case the espousal of the ultimate crusade
was not incompatible with a program of peace. That brilliant ec-
centric Guillaume Postel* dedicated his life to the conversion of
the Muslim, traveled in the Orient, learned Arabic and Syriac and
worked furiously to produce translations of Christian works into the
Oriental tongues. After a great missionary putsch, he was willing to
countenance a crusade to bring the obstinate residue under a world
empire led by France shades of Pierre Duboisl The emphasis was
on the peaceful campaign for the Concordia Mundi.
Some of the individual emphases among the humanists may be
noted Rabelais scoffed at the triviality of the causes of war by re-
counting how some cake bakers were driving a cart laden with their
goods when accosted civilly by some shepherds who wished to buy
at current prices. They were met with a
volley of Rabelaisan invec-
tive. The spokesman of the without
shepherds, losing his sang froid,
remonstrated and renewed the request. The chief cake baker feigned
consent, but when the trusting shepherd drew near he received a
lash across the shins. All the shepherds then fell
upon the cake bakers,
"whence arose great wars." 10
Montaigne complained of the stupidity of those who committed
their course to the capricious issue of battle, where defeat might be
occasioned by a contrary wind, by the flight of crows obscuring vision,
by the misstep of a horse, by a dream, a voice or a morning mist. 11
Clichtove, the great Catholic antagonist of Luther, centered on the
impropriety of war among Christians, the sacrilege of clerical par-
ticipation, and the unseemliness of taking the cross into battle where
itmight be desecrated by trampling in the fray. 12 Vives commenced
his tract on War with the Turk as if he were about to revamp the
fighting each other. One would expect his next point to be that the
Christians should stop fighting each other and unite against the com-
mon foe. Not so; however, since God does not need the unity of
men in order to repulse the foe he went on a mere handful will
and those who enjoy Christ's favor may be assured of security,
apparently if they do nothing at all, The reason for the Turkish suc-
cess was not so much that Christians were divided as that they were
divisive, and that not merely at the political level. There were, alas,
contentions between the Thomists and the Occamists, the Monks
and the Minorites, the Franciscans and the Dominicans, the Cath-
olics and the Lutherans, and among the Lutherans themselves. Let
contention cease, then peace would ensue. As to the new weapons of
war employed in the sixteenth century, Vives recalled the remark of
one of the ancients who when the Syracusans used darts of liquid
fire, commented ruefully; "Now valor is no more." "Today," said
"we might better say 'humanity is no more'." ls
The Utopia of the ring of righteousness. The
Thomas More had
noblest wars, in his judgment, were those undertaken by the state
on its own behalf but to succour the injured. The rules of the just
war should be observed, hostilities should cease the moment
the objective was achieved, and during their course humanity should
be practiced. For the Utopians "doo no lesse pytye the basse and
common enemies people, than they doo theyre owne;
sorte of their
knowynge that they be driven to warre agaynste theyre wylles by
and heades." The Utopians "do
furyous madnes of theyre prynces
not waste nor destroy there enemies lande with forraginges, nor they
burne not up their corne. . They hurt no man that is unarmed,
. *
onles he be an espiall. ... All the weak multitude they leaue un-
John Colet, the Dean of St. Paul's, likewise confined himself to the
at all impugne it, though Christ and his Apostles teach quite another
doctrine. So that contrary to the Doctrine of Christ, it has obtained no
small Honour in the Church, by reason of the many Orders of Holy
Soldiers, all whose religion consists in Blood, Slaughter, Rapine and
Pyracy, under pretence of defending
and enlarging the Christian faith;
as if the Intention of Christ had been to spread his Gospel, not by Preach-
but by Menaces and high Threats of Ruine and Destruction, strength of
Arms, Slaughter and Massacres of Mankind. Nor is it enough for these
Soldiers to bear theirArms against the Turks, Saracens and Pagans, unless
they fight also for Christians against Christians. War and Warfare have
begot many bishops, and it is not seldome that they Fight stiffly for the
Popedome; which made the Holy Bishop of Camera Affirm, "That seldom
any Pope ascends the Chair without the Blood of the Saints." 18
The most renowned and vocal of all the humanists pacifists of the
Renaissance was Erasmus of Rotterdam. In his letter to the abbot of
Bergen, in the commentary on the adage of Pindar "Sweet is war to
him who knows it not," in the Institute of the Christian Prince,
Complaint Peace, not to mention allusions in nearly
especially in the
every work and in many letters, Erasmus reiterated his perennial plea.
Peace was necessary for his program of the reform of the Church and
society through the processes of education. Erasmus the more despised
a sword in the hand because he had a rapier in his tongue. The use
of such a verbal weapon appeared to him to be not incompatible with
Christian love, because there are battles of truth and they should be
conducted by the instruments of the mind. There is here a deep in-
might be repelled but added the proviso that nothing should be done
contrary to the will of God. Was this another of those artifices by
which Erasmus nullified a concession? At any rate, when it came to
the wars of Europe, he could and did condemn them all as incom-
will show how he quarried afresh in the classical and Christian
sources to produce a new synthesis.
Here follows an epitome:
Peace enters speaking in her own person and lamenting that she is so
little received among men. She marvels at this the more because the
fight it is only to assuage their hunger. Why then should not man of all
creatures be at peace with man? The more
so because he is endowed with
reason and gifted with speech, the instrument of social intercourse and
reconciliation, and with tears which in a shower dissolve the clouds and
suffer the sun again to shine. Man depends for his very existence upon
tinually contentious. The home is indeed better, yet not without discord,
and even in the breast of a single individual the passions are at war with
All this is the more amazing when one examines the precepts of the
Christian religion. In the Old Testament Isaiah foretold the coming of
the Prince of Peace and in the New Testament Christ bequeathed
.ashis legacy. The mark by which his disciples should be known is love
one for the other. The Lord's Prayer addresses Our Father, but how can
they call upon a common Father who drive steel into the bowels of their
brethren? Christ compared himself to a hen, Christians behave like hawks.
Christ was a shepherd of sheep, Christians tear each other like wolves.
Christians have the same Supper of the Lord, the same
heavenly Jeru-
salem, but they are less peaceful than the Jews who fight only with
foreignersand the Turks who keep the peace among themselves.
And who is responsible for all this? Not the common people, but kings,
who on the strength of some nmsty parchment lay claim to neighboring
territory or because of the infringement of one point in a treaty of a
hundred embark on war. Not the young, but the graybeards. Not
the laity, but the bishops. The very cross is painted on their banners and
cannons are christened and engraved with the names of the apostles, so
that Paul, the preacher of peace, is made to hurl a cannon ball at the
heads of Christians.
Consider the wickedness of it all, the breakdown of laws which are
ever silent amid the clangor of arms. Debauchery, rape, incest, and the
foulest crimes are let loose in war. Men who would go to the gallows in
peace are of prime use in war, the burglar to rob, the assassin to disem-
bowel, the incendiary to an enemy city, the pirate to sink his vessels.
Consider the cost of it In order to prevent the enemy from leaving
his town one must sleep for months outside of one's own. New walls could
be built for less than is required to batter down old ones. When all the
damage is taken into account, the most brilliant success is not worth the
How is peace to be secured? Not by royal marriages, but by
cleansing the human heart. Why should one born in the bogs of Ireland
seek by $ome alliance to rule over the East Indies? Let a king recall that
to improve his realm is better than to increase his
territory. Let him buy
peace. The cheapest war would be more expensive. Let him invite the arbi-
tration of learned men, abbots, and bishops. Let the clergy absent them-
selves from silly parades and refuse Christian burial to those who die
in battle. If we must fight, why not go against the common enemy, the
Turk? But wait. Is not the Turk also a man and a brother?
Above all else let peace be sincerely desired. The populace is now
incited to war by insinuations and propaganda, by claims that the English-
man is the natural enemy of the Frenchman and the like. Why should
an Englishman as an Englishman bear ill will to a Frenchman and not
rather good will as a man to a man and a Christian to a Christian? How
can anything so frivolous as a name outweigh the ties of nature and the
bonds of Christianity? The Rhine separates the French from the German
but it cannot divide the Christian from the Christian. The Pyrenees lie
between the French and the Spaniards but cannot break the indissoluble
bond of the communion of the church. A little strip of sea cuts off the
English from the French, but though the Atlantic rolls between it could
not sever those joined by nature and still more indissolubly cemented by
grace.In private life one will bear with something in a brother-in-law
only because he is a brother-in-law, and cannot one then bear anything
in another because he is a brother in Christ?
Let us then repent and be wise, declare an amnesty to all past errors
and misfortunes, and bind up discord in adamantine chains which can
never be sundered till time shall be no more.
tory propaganda.
In the colloquy, The Erasmus caused the fishmonger
to declare what he would do if he were emperor. He would admit
that his victory over the king of France had been due only to a freak
of Fortune, and would release his valiant foe with the plea that ani-
mosity be forgotten and that henceforth the two kings should vie
with each other as to who should govern his own land with the
greatest justiceand goodness. "In the former conflict I have borne
away the Prize of Fortune, but in he that gets the better shall gain
far more glory. As for me, the fame of this Clemency will get more
true glory than if I have added all France to my dominion."
How sorely was Erasmus grieved when in the very year of the Diet
of Worms, which did so much to disrupt the spiritual unity of Europe,
the Holy Roman Emperor and the most Christian king of France
embarked upon war.
of Religion
rejected the crusading idea. All of the Protestant state churches ap-
propriated the just-war theory, but within its terms the Reformed
churches reinstated the crusade, partly because of their theocratic
pretensions and partly because of their circumstances. Pacifism, as
in the late Middle Ages, was the affair of the sects of the Anabaptists
in the sixteenth century, the Quakers in the seventeenth, and the
Brethren in the eighteenth.
Luther 1 almost of necessity rejected the crusade because it was a
war instigated by the pope against the Turk, whereas in Luther's
eyes the pope was worse than the Turk. "The mighty in the Church/'
said he, "fight the Turks, that is, not their vices but the rod with
which God scourges their vices." 2
Because of this statement Luther,
like Erasmus, was understood to mean that the Turk was not to be
view which both men undertook later to correct.
resisted at all, a
There were, however, deeper theological reasons why Luther rejected
a crusade under the auspices of the Church. His objection was rooted
in his view of the two kingdoms, the one the Kingdom of God or
Christ, the other the kingdom of the world the kingdom of civil
affairs. The Church belongs to the former; the state controls the
latter. The state includes all people, be they Christian or unchristian.
The goes back to the order of creation and arose in paradise
because of man's urge to association. The coercive power of the state
was introduced after the Fall by reason of Cain's murder in order
to prevent a general anarchy of revenge. The state is the affair of all
God and wield the sword, whether to maintain justice within the
state or to repel invasions from without. The minister of the Church
isarmed only with the Word. From this it follows obviously that the
minister cannot be a judge, an executioner, or a soldier and of
course not a crusader.
The has led some interpreters
sharp demarcation of these spheres
of Luther to say that he posited also two moralities, one for the state
and one for the Church. The suggestion has even been made that
his thought
resembled that of Machiavelli, but this is a
perverse misreading of Luther. Because he said that the magistrate
cannot rule with a foxtail and that there cannot be war without
bloodshed, he is not to be understood to have jettisoned political
morality. He had mind not two ethics, but two and more than
two codes of behavior. At this point his position was a simplification
of the view of Augustine, who as to war had posited four codes: for
the magistrate, the minister, the monk, and the citizen, Luther
omitted the monk and thus was left with the other three. There is
a certain here to the two aspects of God's character.
For God operates in history with a left hand which is the coercive
state and a right hand which is the persuasive Church. He is con-
In the exercise of severity the magistrate is not going counter to
Christian love. Though his work appears cruel, it is as merciful as
an amputation performed by a doctor. The magistrate is as much
subject to the Christian ethic as the minister, though in a much
more difficult position because the magistrate in executing a male-
factor must be completely devoid of any personal rancor, resentment,
or revenge. He is solely God's instrument/ He must indeed perform
his task with a sorrow which the minister has no need to feel. "We
be pained to condemn the guilty
see then that the godly judge will
and he will be grieved by the death which the law imposes. This
work has every appearance of wrath and unmercifulness but gentle-
ness is so utterly good that it remains in such a wrathful work and
wellsup all the more in the heart when it is required to be angry
and hard." T Here we have again the mournful magistrate of Augus-
tine. This reference of course is to the judge, but is equally relevant
for the soldiet, because Luther, like Augstine, thought of war as an
aspect of the police function of the state.
The role of the minister is strictly spiritual. He may curse and
damn the malefactor, but he may employ no weapons other than the
Word. The common citizen should never He may
defend himself.
serve at the behest of his prince; otherwise he should suffer. The monk
isout of the picture. This meant that the soldier was given a higher
status not that Luther directly and consciously substituted the one
for the other. The
point was rather that the notion of a religious call-
ing was taken away from the monk and bestowed upon all worthy oc-
cupations. Luther recognized three general categories, Nahr$tand>
Lehrstand, and Wehrstand. The
included agriculture and what-
ever sustains the body; the second the ministry, education, and all
that concerns the mind and spirit; the third applied to government,
whether in peace or in war. The soldier then had a legitimate calling
ordained of God.
Luther accepted the traditional view that the object of the just
war is peace, and like the ancient Greeks and Hebrews extolled all
her blessings.
Through peace we enjoy our body and life, wife, children, house and
castle, yes, all of our members, hands, feet,, eyes, health, and freedom.
And we sit secure in these walls of peace. Where there is peace there is
half of the Kingdom of Heaven. Peace can make a crust of dry bread
taste like sugar and a drink of water like malmosier wine. I could more
easily number the sands or count all the blades of grass than narrate all
of the blessings of peace. 8
Bund, and though the Lord Jesus would soon come to reap the
harvest, yet the angels, identified with the peasants, must begin the
work. Muentzer rallied them to the cause by unfolding the banner
of rebellion in the very church. Luther fumed. To engage in revolu-
tion against God's ordained magistrate is rebellion, but for a minister
to instigate revolt in the of the gospel is sacrilege. What then
should be done if the minister thus forsook his proper role? Smite
him down! Thus Luther's hardness was a corollary of his doctrine of
nonresistance in the case of the minister.
Later in his Luther was asked for a judgment with regard to
good medieval fashion that only equals can make war upon equals.
Peasants cannot make war upon lords and by the same token lords
cannot make war upon the emperor. When in the early 1520's the
question was whether Frederick the Wise could resist the emperor
by arms in case he were to extradite Luther, the answer was abso-
lutely no. After the Diet of Speyer in 1529 the question came to
be, What should be the response if the emperor were to try to
eradicate the Protestant faithand compel Lutherans to go to mass?
Here, too, Luther was at first disposed to advise passive resistance
only. He had always counseled disobedience in case the emperor were
to issue a command contrary to the will of God, and argued that a
private citizen might refuse to serve in war if he knew the cause to
be unjust and opposed to the gospel. Luther thus highly approved
of the desertion of the troops engaged by Joachim of Brandenburg
the terms of his oath. Observe that this was no doctrine of popular
subject toobey. Although Luther had said that the minister should
be the mentor of the magistrate and the pulpit should "wash the fur
of the ruler and clean out his mouth whether he laughs or rages/'
in a state church the minister came to be so dependent for his posi-
tion the government that any free exercise of the prophetic
role was excluded. The way lay open for political absolutism and the
militarization of the state.
The churches of the Reformation, with the exception of the
of the just war as basic. The
Anabaptist, all endorsed the theory
Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England affirmed that "it is
lawfull for Christian men, at the comrnandement of the Magistrate,
to weare weapons and serve in the warres."
God, the successor to the chosen people of the old covenant and
realized in the church at Zurich. On behalf of this company the one-
time near was to become a crusader. 11
In his earlier years Zwingli had been revolted by the mercenary
service of the Swiss and in his Fable of the Ox, the dog, who was
ravage your farms and vineyards, drive off your cattle, cut
down your
sons where they try to protect you, violate your daughters, kick your
wives as they supplicate for themselves and you, drag you out, an old
man cowering in your house and stab you before the eyes of your wife
and then burn home and house? If fire did not burst from heaven
to consume such villains, would you not say that there is no God?
And if you do this to another, will you call it the right of war?*' 1S
Yet if the security of the fatherland were threatened Zwingli was
not ready to renounce a war of defense, and when the gospel was
imperiled war was not to be regarded as the wrangling of men but
as a veritable crusade of the new Israel to vindicate the honor of
God. That the Catholic cantons should not suppress the gospel in the
evangelical lands, Zwingli drew up a plan of campaign, and solicited
German Protestants. He counseled a show
a military alliance with the
when the Protestants had such an overwhelm-
of the sword at a time
ing preponderance that they could win without using it. They sallied
forth, Zwingli with them and armed. On the field of battle an old
Swiss besought both sides to negotiate, and since the Catholics lacked
bread and the Ziirichers milk, each supplied the lack of the other
and peace was concluded over a huge bowl of bread and milk.
Zwingli was disheartened, because he believed the issue would have
to be decided eventually in blood and not in milk* When the
Catholics gained a military ascendancy, they marched. The Ziirichers,
England and partly one of ideas. Calvin spoke of "the Church re-
stored" as the kingdom of God, and Calvinists were active in erecting
holy commonwealths. The kernel of the theocratic ideal was the
doctrine of election, with more and more tangible tests of the elect,
who could be identified in reasonable charity by faith, upright de-
portment, and participation in the sacraments. The role of the state
in the religious commonwealth was indeed restricted, in that church
humanity when the security of the state was in jeopardy. Calvin took
loftier ground since the honor of God transcends the security of the
state, but one may well inquire whether either can be conserved if
humanity be flouted.
The question of war was acute during Calvin's lifetime because
Geneva was constantly in danger of attack from the Catholic powers*
The duke and the bishop, having been expelled, desired restoration;
after Calvin's death an attack was in fact made. The atmosphere at
Geneva throughout his life was surcharged, though actual war over
religion broke out only in France. In that land Calvinism was from
the outset a revolutionary movement, prohibited by law, spreading
war broke out led by Cond of the house of Bourbon, Calvin had
only encouragement to offer.
tally a more acute problem had arisen under "Bloody" Mary, because
no Parliament and no nobles were willing or able to offer resistance
to her. For that reason Ponet and Goodman hesitantly endorsed
so also did John Knox in Scot-
private resistance as a final recourse;
land, though less on the ground that tyranny may be resisted than
that idolatry extirpated. At the
must be same period Catholic authors
naturally espoused similar views.
Such were not without bearing on the course of the wars of
pathizers disposed of Duke Henry of Guise and his son Duke Francis,
and Catholic sympathizers made away with Henry III and Henry IV,
not to forget William of Orange in the Low Countries. The un-
successful attempt on the life of Coligny set off the massacre of St.
The conduct of the wars was marked by barbarities. A commander
guilty of atrocities justified himself by saying, "The first acts are cruel-
ties, the second mere justice." A
Catholic commander, having
captured a town on the Rhone, put the people to the sword and
threw their bodies into the river with a note to the bridge keeper at
Avignon to let them pass since they had paid the toll already.
Huguenots wore strings of priest's ears, buried Catholics up to then-
necks, and played nine pins with their heads. 18 Said a contemporary,
"Only Christians are permitted to rage against each other with every
variety of inhumanity provided it be for the advancement of one
party and the detriment of another. Those who are moderate are
held suspect." 10
prince cannot be squared with a war under the prince. The Puritan
preachers struggled manfully to find a formula of accommodation.
The was that they were not fighting the king but only his evil
pilot is drunk, inferior mariners must take over. Finally, some argued
that if the king were a tyrant he was no longer a king, and in that
case even a private citizen might bring him to book.
Oliver Cromwell grew impatient with the quest for the authority
of the prince as a guarantee for the justice of the cause. How can the
reasonings." The Lord himself has given the answer. "Let us look
unto providences; surely they mean somewhat. They hang so to-
21 The
gether; they being so constant, so clear and unclouded."
crusading theory in these words is complete.
If the formulation had waited thus long, the mood had been
present for some time in the sermons of the parliamentary divines
and the dispatches of the parliamentary leaders. The crusading idea
requires that the cause shall be holy (and no cause is more holy
than religion) that the war shall be fought under God and with his
help, that the crusaders shallbe godly and their enemies ungodly,
and that the war be prosecuted unsparingly. Examples of all
very Nerves and sinews of the Common-wealth, the very heart and
prime fountain of life and livelihood, the Crown, the glory of a Na-
tion, the beauty, the strength, the perfection, the Spirit, the soul of
a Kingdome; in Religion is the publicke safety; when
that is aimed at, the danger is
dreadfull, the losse beyond recovery." 23
Edmund Calamy, urging upon the Commons the summoning of the
Scots in October, 1643, defended himself that as a minister he
pleaded for war. Did not the priests in the Old Testament blow the
silver trumpets? "And certainly, if this were the way of God in the
The Saints receive their commission from the great King, King of Kings,
to have a two edged sword in their hands, to execute judgment upon the
Heathen, and punishment upon the people; To binde their Kings with
chaines, and their Nobles with fetters of iron; to execute upon them the
judgment written, This honour have all the Saints. Hence then we see
what a type of Holy Writ lies upon our Parliament and Army, to execute
judgment upon the King and his wicked Adherents.
27 and did not Oliver Crom-
preached before the Commons in 1644,
well pause with his army at St. Abb's Head to sing the sixty-eighth
psalm, "Let God arise, Let
His enemies be scattered"? Victory
of his ap-
was regarded doing and the manifest proof
as the Lord's
to his success as "an unspeak-
proval of the cause. Cromwell referred
able mercy," 29 and emphasized the disparity of the forces in order
that divine assistance might be the more apparent. "Sir, this is
to him/' 30 Ad-
nothing but the hand of God. Praise onely belongs
dressing the Speaker of the House the general exclaimed, "Sir, what
can be said to these things? Is it an arm of flesh that does these!
otherwise." ai
Anglicans did not dispel the amenities which obtain among gentle-
In the meantime the Thirty Years' War raged on the continent.
The beginning was over a point of religion, though the course of the
war became increasingly a struggle for power. The sack of Magde-
burg was considered one of the great atrocities of the age. A modern
author is inclined, however, to believe that it was not the result of
deliberate fanaticism and brutality on the part of Tilly and Pappen-
heim, but was due rather to the license of uncontrollable troops. It
is an illustration not of the point that a religious war is less humane
than a secular war, but rather that all war unleashes helL*'
Cluster 10
peace churches," not because other churches are not concerned for
peace but because these groups have refused to take part in war.
They have somewhat among themselves in their emphases.
The Anabaptists have been the most aloof from society and averse
to participation in government* The Quakers have been the least
optimism on this score in the case of these three may not be un-
related to the circumstances of their origins. The Anabaptists began
way in which William Penn in the course of his trial won the battle
for the nonintimidation of juries.
The Anabaptists
The Anabaptists 1 made a sharp distinction between
the two king-
doms, the kingdom and
of the world
the kingdom of Christ. The
of iron we leave to those who, alas, consider human blood and swine's
blood well-nigh of equal value." *
The Christians who endorsed the just war or the crusade con-
fronted the Anabaptists with many examples of warriors approved
of God in the Old Testament. The reply was that the New Testa-
ment represents the radical new order of Christ. This suggests that
the Old Testament belongs to the kingdom of the world under the
administration of God and the New Testament to the kingdom of
Christ. The danger here implicit, and had to be refuted, that the
Anabaptists were setting the kingdom of God the Son over against
that of God the Father. How to handle the Old Testament was of
course a problem for all Christians. None rejected it completely but
all to a degree. Paul himself had said that the law of Moses was
binding only until Christ. How much more, then, would one expect
new 5
the dispensation to reject the immoralities of the patriarchs,
such as the suicide of Samson, the theft of the Israelites from the
Egyptians, the tyrannicide of Judith, the lie of Abraham, the
polygamy of the patriarchs, and the conquest of Canaan in con-
travention of the requirements of the just war? Some answered that
all of these were allowed by reason of a special revelation from God
embark upon missionary tours for the conversion of the heathen
whether Catholic or Protestant. The gathering of the pure
Church would be the prelude to the coining of the Lord to establish
his kingdom upon earth. Thus they held hope for society, but only
dained of God. 6
their view to the kingdom of Christ. If all men would enter the
goods they took to their wagons until they found a nobleman who
would grant toleration without protection. 8
unusual situation developed in Poland, where a number of
noblemen were themselves converted to the faith of the Brethren
and discarded the sword in favor of the staff. Faustus of Socinus was
for a time of this persuasion. Their position was again that of the
not been unrealistic in the days of the early Church, when the
Roman soldiers were engaged primarily in police work. It was not
realistic in the wars of Poland, and this accommodation speedily
proved to be the undoing of the pacifism of the Polish Brethren.
The Quakers
The Quakers occupied a median position between Erasmus and
the Anabaptists. The Quakers were ready to address pleas to rulers
and even to offer counsel as to the use of the sword, while themselves
refraining from its employment. To a degree
they have sought peace
through politics. While separating the kingdom of Christ from the
kingdom of the world, they have not utterly despaired of the world.
As already noted, their attitude may have been related to the com-
The word of the Lord came unto me and said, "Put up thy sword into thy
scabbard; my kingdom were of this world then would my children fight.
Knowest thou not that, if I need, I could have twelve legions of angels
from my lather?" Which word enlightened my heart, and discovered the
mystery of and that the kingdom of Christ was within; and the
enemies was [sic] within, and was spiritual, and my weapons against them
must be spiritual, the power of God. Then I could no longer fight with a
carnal weapon, against a carnal man, for the letter, which man in his
carnal wisdom had called the Gospel, and had deceived me; but the Lord
. . . caused me to in obedience, to
yield up my carnal sword into the
scabbard and to leave the Army. 10
and done good things for them in these nations in our age, and the
Lord once armed them with the spirit of courage and zeal against
many abominations, and gave them victory and dominion over
much injustice and oppression and cruel laws." They should avenge
innocent blood and break down the thorns and briers which impede
the work of the Lord. "And yet though such a victory would be
honourable unto you, yet there is a victory more honourable, to wit,
the victory over sin and death and the devil in yourselves. Your . * .
work hath been, and may be, honourable in its day and season, but
he hath a work more honourable to work after you; that is, to destroy
the kingdom of the devil and the ground of wars." u
In this spirit, Barclay set the case very clearly when he said:
the public profession they make of Christ's name, yet we may boldly affirm,
that they are far from the perfection of the Christian religion; because in
the state in which they are they have not come to the pure dispensation
of the Gospel. And therefore, while they are in that condition, we shall
not say, that war, undertaken upon a just occasion, is altogether unlawful
to them. For even as circumcision and the other ceremonies were for a
season permitted to the Jews, not because they were either necessary of
themselves, or lawful at that time, after the resurrection of Christ, but
because that Spirit was not yet raised up in them, whereby they could
be delivered from such rudiments; so the present confessors of the Chris-
tian name, who are yet in the mixture, and not in the patient suffering
spirit, are not yet fitted for this form of Christianity, and therefore cannot
be undefending themselves until they attain that perfection. But for such
whom Christ has brought hither, it is not lawful to defend themselves by
arms, but they ought over all to trust to the Lord. 12
The question would not down: if Quakers held that those who
believed in just wars should fight just wars, why should not Quakers
join them that justice might prevail? The answer given was that war
as a method is not appropriate for the achievement of peace. This is
a pragmatic consideration, but the ground was deeper. Said Isaac
Pennington, "Fighting is not suitable to a gospel spirit, but to the
spirit of the world and the children thereof. The fighting in the
gospel is turned inward against the lusts, and not outward against
the creatures." 13 This sounds very much like the word of Erasmus,
who was constantly pitting the inward against the outward. The
Quakers applied to the sword the word "carnal," and carnal meant
not only the fleshly but also the irrational, the entire lower nature of
man. George Fox proclaimed his mission "to stand a witness against
all violence and against all the works of darkness, and to turn people
from the darkness to the light and from the occasion of the magis-
trate's sword With the carnal do not fight, but am from
weapon I
prisoning the Quaker, and might there not then be a clash between
those equally conscientious, a clash capable of reconciliation only by
a struggle of body for body? Early in the eighteenth century, Pierre
Bayle raised the problem in the case of a conscientious tyrannicide
such as the assassins of Henry III and Henry IV. If an individual
conscientiously believes himself called upon to kill the monarch, he
must follow his conscience, but at the same time the magistrate must
punish him.
20 Samuel
Johnson wrestled with the difficulty.
asked whether the Roman magistrates were justified in persecuting
the early Christians, the doctor replied, "Sir, the only method by
which religious truth can be established is by martyrdom. The magis-
trate has a right to enforce what he thinks; and he who is conscious
of the truth has a right to suffer. I am afraid there is no other way of
private. A
more serious and loftier consideration is that the conscien-
tious objector to military service is not antisocial nor ordinarily anti-
political.His very integrity makes of him the finest citizen and the
most effective civil servant in a post which he can in conscience accept.
The man who may have to be imprisoned in war may become a
prime minister in time of peace. In England,
men who opposed
particular wars, like Lloyd George
and Ramsay MacDonald, did
become prime ministers, and Bertrand Russell now sits in the House
of Lords. The state therefore should employ only that minimum of
Pennington was told that his program was fit only for "a world in the
moon," he retorted:
marching under the banner of love which would reach such strength
that "wars would cease, cruelty end, and love abound." 24t This was
to be the work of the Lord, but his instruments were men "who have
A Quaker Example
A concrete example of the dilemmas, predicaments, problems, and
behavior of the early peace churches is afforded by the case of a
Quaker, Thomas Lurting by name, who lived in the time of the
man. He brought the other Friends to be of the same mind. Then a
vessel, presumed to be Spanish, bore down upon them, and the cap-
tain summoned all to their posts. The Friends headed by Lurting
was taken. The Turks boarded. They were ten; the English were
nine. But the Turks were armed. A storm separated the English and
the Turkish vessels. Lurting proposed to lull the Turks by com-
pliance; then to disarm them. The men were
ready to cut throats,
the Quaker captain said no. Lurting reassured him, though doubt-
ful whether he could hold his men. The Turks were
to bed in different cabins. While asleep, their arms were collected and
the pirates were locked in the hatch with the English all on the deck.
The Turks wept, but were promised that they would not be sold
into slavery. Lurting feared to put into a Spanish port lest he should
not be able to keep his word and made instead for the Barbary
Coast. As they neared the shore, the English saw the difficulty of land-
ing the Turks. The rowboat would not hold more than fourteen. If
an equal number of English and Turks got in, two trips would be
necessary and the Turks first put ashore might give the alarm. But
if there were ten Turks to four
Englishmen, the Turks might make
them captive. Lurting resolved to risk it. He took charge himself,
with three of hisown men and no arms save blunt instruments. The
Turks were quiet until one of the English called out, "There are
Turks in the bushes/' Lurting was smitten with fear. The Turks
saw it and rose. He confronted them in silence until his composure
returned. Then with a boathook he struck the master of the Turks,
who sank and the rest followed. As the Turks landed,
into his seat,
they invited the English to come and enjoy much wine in a town
three miles distant. They declined. The Turks were given supplies
of food and their arms, "and so we departed in great love, and stayed
until they had all gone up the hill, and they shook their caps at us
and we, at them." When the English vessel sailed up the Thames,
King Charles and the Duke of York came aboard and plied the
Friends with many questions."Said the King, 'I should have brought
the Turks to him.' Ianswered, 'that I thought it better for them to
be in their own country/ At which they all smiled and went away/'
gold." De Soto and his men raped the Vestal Virgins of the Incas and
by treachery assembled and butchered the princes and took over the
empire. Cortez responded to the proposal that the Spaniards, instead
of enslaving the Indians, should themselves work the land, by saying,
"I came to get gold, not to till the soil like a peasant." Others strove
for the conversion of the Indians, but how much good conversion
did them, in some instances, is evidenced by the case of a chief in
Chile who requested baptism. With solemn rites he was baptized and
then riddled with arrows. A
combination of motives was expressed
by one who said, "We came here to serve God and also to get rich."
The conditions for the just war with the Indians were set forth by
Francesco Vittoria. 28 The natives were not to be converted by force
nor killed because of a rejection of the gospel, but they might be
constrained if they denied the natural right of travel through their
territories and also if they refused to permit the preaching of the
gospel. The just war required an announcement of the conditions
on fulfillment of which war could be avoided. These were set forth
in a document called The Requirement in 1513. The natives must
acknowledge the Church as the ruler of the world and the king of
Spain as its representative, and they must permit the preaching of
the faith. A modern historian reports that "Captains muttered its
conqueror revolted by what he had seen and done. First as a layman
and then as a friar, he dedicated himself to the Indians, to the
abolition of forced labor in the encomienda system of slavery, to
peaceful conversion, and to free labor for the Indian with agricul-
tural work for the Spaniards. Free Indianswould not work the
mines, however, and Spaniards would not till the lands. Attempts at
tians and children of God, as boasted, but not even that we were born
on this earth or generated by a man and born of a woman; so fierce
an animal, they concluded, must be the offspring of the sea/' 29
If the Spaniards appealed to Aristotle, the New Englanders ap-
pealed to Moses. In so doing they reversed all previous Christian
exegesis. For by common consent the conquest of Canaan had been
the only instance of a just aggressive war, and it was just only because
commanded by God. But God was commonly held no longer to issue
such commands. They were reinstated by the theocratic holy com-
monwealth in the wilderness, which regarded itself as the New Israel
of God commissioned to subdue the Indians as the Amalekites. In
his Soldier's Counselled written in 1689, Cotton Mather affirmed that
the NewEnglanders had acquired all of their land by just and fair
purchase and not by encroachment like the Spaniards, but the
30 He
Indians, said he, were "a treacherous and barbarous enemy."
was of course ignorant of their political institutions and expected
them to conduct their foreign relations after the manner of European
sovereigns. Since they did not, he pronounced them to be "the
veriest tigers"and summoned the colonists to go forth against
"Amalek annoying this Israel in the wilderness." One would have
thought that he might have been as generous as Vittoria, who saw
justice on both sides in Indian wars, on the side of the Spaniards
who were vindicating the right of free travel in accord with natural
law and on the side of the Indians because of their invincible ig-
norance. Cotton Mather did not make even this less than tender con-
cession, however. For him, the eradication of the aborigines was a
The behavior of the Puritans was little better than that of the
with Saul ... for not entirely destroying Amalek." This took care
of the Indians. As for the French: "Endeavor to stand the guardians
of the religion and liberties of America; to oppose Antichrist and
prevent the barbarous butchering of your fellow countrymen."
When Cape Breton was captured in 1745, Thomas Prince of the
South Church in Boston said that he had long regretted the transfer
by treaty in 1713 from the British to the French of this island abound-
ing in the finest coal in America. In the intervening thirty years the
French had so developed the island as well-nigh to capture the trade
of Spain, Italy, and Portugal, He had considered that a war for its
recovery would be expedient, and now the Lord had been pleased
to instigate the French to "precipitate the war upon us," with the
result that all of their prodigious labor "has accrued to us. It is the
Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our eyes." 8e
righteous solemnity to pour the vials of His wrath upon the Romish
beast." 38
In New as in the Spanish possessions there were protests
against the maltreatment of the Indians. John Elliott, Roger Wil-
liams, David Brainerd, and Jonathan Edwards sought by peaceful
means to save the souls of the Indians. Unhappily, success in this en-
deavor imperiled the Indians' temporal existence, since converts were
esteemed neither white nor red. And, conversions or no conversions,
"Westward the course of empire took its way."
Be observed however that in dealing with fellow Protestants
such as the Dutch the Puritans adhered to the code of the just war. 89
A very serious attempt to keep peace with the Indians was made in
Quaker Pennsylvania. William Penn was the son of the admiral of
the British fleet. The old sea dog disowned him for joining the
Friends. Though young William Penn renounced "the treasures of
Egypt/' he did not escape from the treasures of the Admiral, and
Charles II, in order to discharge a debt of the crown to the father,
presence of the king did not on that account forfeit the friendship of
princes, though no doubt they thought it more pleasant to have him
on the other side of the ocean.
William Penn was ready to abandon England's thrust for a mari-
time empire, but he saw no reason to renounce the colonial enter-
prise, since he assumed that it could be pursued peaceably through
the exercise of justice and friendliness toward the natives.
The Quakers tried resolutely for nearly a century to implement his
40 The
experiment but never had a completely free hand. colony
was a grant from the crown, and the crown was not pacifist. The gov-
ernors were appointed by the crown and, after William Penn, they
too were not pacifist. Residence in the colony was open, and those
who flocked in were sometimes in accord with the Quaker dream,
but sometimes they were not. The Mennonites and the Schwenck-
felders could be counted as allies, but not the Anglicans, and by no
means the Scotch-Irish Presbyterians, whose slogan was: "And when
the Lord thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite
them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with
them, nor shew mercy unto them." 41 The Quakers controlled the
legislature- They did not control the king. They did not
all of the constituency and they were opposed to coercing the con-
sciences of others.
At first
there was no great problem, because the Indians were few.
They were of the tribe of the Delawares, subject to the Iroquois, and
by them forbidden to engage in war* Their enforced situation well
accorded with Penn's holy experiment. He treated them justly and
generously. No finer example of the treatment of the aborigines is
to be found in history.
By and by came the French. The struggle for the American con-
tinent was not simply with the red man, but with other Europeans for
the opportunity to exploit and exterminate the red man. The French
found a way to the Ohio Valley through the territory of Pennsyl-
vania. There they sought to enlist the Iroquois as allies, and the
English countered in kind. Both supplied rum and rifles. The Iro-
quois desired to be neutral, to let the French and the English fight
it out and the more killed the better. An Indian
complained of the
encroachments from both sides, saying that if an Indian found a bear
in a tree an owner of the land would pop up and forbid him to kill
it. The Indians veered to the French, partly because the French inter-
married with the Indians, partly because the French were fur traders
and clashed less with the Indians' way of life, and partly because the
English were divided into several colonies striving with one another.
The Delawares had even less desire than the Iroquois to be drawn
into war, but the pressures were increasing, and they were infuriated
Chapter 11
The Enlightenment
compassion for the women of the enemy, but ony to borrow certain
dramatic techniques. 1 Shakespeare, otherwise so universal, lacks this
theme. 2 The poor conscripted devils, Ralph Mouldy and Peter Bull-
calf, impressed byFalstaff, are introduced only for burlesque. To be
sure, Aufidius, the Volscian, can shed a tear over Coriolanus, his fall-
en Roman foe: "My rage is gone, and I am struck with sorrow/' This
is only the theme of the medieval duel, in which he who fell could
still in dying declare that he who felled him was his greatest friend.
the primitive way of breaking eggs before we eat them was upon the
larger end; but his present Majesty's grandfather, while he was a boy,
going to eat an egg, and breaking it according to the ancient practice,
happened to cut one of his fingers. Whereupon the Emperor, his father,
published an edict, commanding all his subjects, upon great penalties,
to break the smaller end of their eggs. The people so highly resented this
law, that our histories tell us, there have been six rebellions raised on that
account; wherein one Emperor lost his life, and another his crown. These
civil commotions were constantly fomented by the monarchs of Blefuscu;
and when they were quelled, the exiles always fled for refuge to that
empire. It is computed that eleven thousand persons have at several times
suffered death rather than submit to break their eggs at the smaller end.
Many hundred large volumes have been published upon this controversy;
but the books of the Bigendians have been long forbidden, and the whole
party rendered incapable by law of holding employments. During the
course of these troubles the emperors of Blefuscu did frequently expos-
tulate by their ambassadors, accusing us of making a schism in religion,
This, however, is thought to be a mere strain upon the text; for the words
are these: That all true believers break their eggs at the convenient end,
And which is the convenient end seems, in my humble opinion, to be left
to every man's conscience, or at least in the power of the chief magistrate
to determine. Now, the Bigendian exiles have found so much credit in
the Emperor of Blefuscu's court and so much private assistance and en-
couragement from their party here at home, that a bloody war hath been
carried on between the two empires for thirty-six moons, with various
success; during which time we have lost forty capital ships, and a much
greater number of small vessels, together with thirty thousand of our best
seamen and soldiers; and the damage received by the enemy is reckoned
to be somewhat greater than ours. However, they have now equipped a
numerous fleet, and are just preparing to make a descent upon us; and
his Imperial Majesty, placing great confidence in your valour and strength,
hath commanded me to lay this account of his affairs before you.
I could not forbear shaking my head, and smiling a little at his igno-
rance. And, being no stranger to the art of war, I gave him a description
of cannons, culverins, muskets, carbines, pistols, bullets, powder, swords,
bayonets, battles, sieges, retreats, attacks, undermines, countermines,
bombardments, sea-fights; ships sunk with a thousand men; twenty
thousand killed on each side, dying groans, limbs flying in the air; smoke,
noise, confusion, trampling to death under horses' feet; flight, pursuit,
victory; fields strewed with carcasses, left for food to dogs and wolves, and
birds of prey; plundering, stripping, ravishing, burning, and destroying.
And to set forth the valour ofmy own dear countrymen, I assured him
that I had seen them blow up a hundred enemies at once in a siege, and
as many in a ship; and beheld the dead bodies come down in pieces from
the clouds to the great diversion of the spectators.
point Cruc betrays the classical origin of his idea, for with the pass-
ing of sailing vessels a little wind could no longer determine the
fortunes of battle. His observation was sound enough, however
that the sovereign of today might be the slave of tomorrow.
Above all he revives the great theme of humanity. Nationalism, as
in the Renaissance, was accepted as a political fact but derided as a
sentiment. Hostilities between people, he avers, are
only political and cannot take away the connection that is and must be
between men. The distance of places, the separation of domicile does not
lessen the relationship of blood. It cannot either take away the similarity
of nature, true base of amity and human society. Why should I, a French-
man, wish harm to an Englishman, a Spaniard, or a Hindu? I cannot wish
it when I consider that they are men like me, that I am subject like them
to error and sin and that all nations are bound
together by a natural and
indestructible tie which insures that a man cannot consider
another a stranger. 4
of natural law was necessary. Grotius, in his famous tract on the Law
ism and practicality would in the long run coincide, nor did the
Quaker who eschewed none of the economic virtues foresee that
business might be as inimical to the Christian ethic as war.
Penn's scheme was one of those which transcended the boundaries
o Europe and would include the Turks and the Muscovites. The
notion of a crusade was utterly gone, and this is significant because
in his day it was not extinct. James I tried to marry his son Charles
to the Spanish Infanta in order to which
cement a political alliance
would drive the Turks from the Mediterranean, where they were still
preying upon European commerce and selling Europeans into
slavery. Recall the case of Thomas Lurting.
Within Europe, Penn betrayed no trace of English nationalism.
He planned a parliament of nations which should surrender national
sovereignty in international affairs and retain home rule in matters
domestic. When it came to voting he would give to the German
Empire twelve votes the aura of the Holy Roman Empire had not
yet vanished while France should have ten, Italy eight, and England
only six.
sovereign. The fifth was accorded to the King of Spain; the sixth
should be shared by Persia, China, Tartary, and Muscovy; and the
seventh by Great Britain, Poland, Denmark, Sweden, Japan, Mo-
rocco, and the great Mogul. French nationalism is evident in the
place assigned to Great Britain. On the whole, however, there is here
a singular world-mindedness and also a remarkable secularity of tone.
Comenius, a Moravian, in The Angel of Peace (1667) takes his
own stand on the Sermon on the Mount, but says to his readers, "if
you are not equal to the precepts of Christ, at least imitate the con-
cessive Abraham." Let the English and the Dutch divide the spheres
of their trade and not one try to rule the waves. Conflict will
justice be done, though the earth perish." But it will not perish. "The
universe would not totter if there were fewer wicked men in it."
How far are the nations of Europe from exercising the natural right of
universal hospitality! At what an excess of injustice do we not behold
them arrive, when they discover strange countries
and nations? . The
. .
are to no ... the islands, that den of slavery the most re-
purpose sugar
fined and cruel, produce no real revenue, and are profitable only indirectly
... to form sailors for the navies, consequently to carry on war
in Europe,
which service render to powers who boast the most of piety and who,
whilst they drink like water, to equal the elect in point
iniquity pretend
of orthodoxy. 12
would never succeed in being just. The very concept was based on
the ofanalogy and that analogy he held to be false.
There never has been a system in which war was the instrument of
an international justice determined by an impartial tribunal. Even
the papacy never functioned in this way. Rather, each party de-
termined justice for itself. Kant observed that "the field of battle is
the only tribunal before which states plead their cause; but victory
. does not decide/* This statement would seem to imply that war
. .
lightly than that of the others. He did not scruple for convenience
to change from Catholicism to Calvinism. Still, he could be a Chris-
tian without being and
passionately addicted to either, in any case,
his treatise moves on a secular level.
Limited War
The eighteenth century is not to be written off as if it had done
nothing but compose abortive tracts. In this period the magnitude of
war was reduced and the cruelty of war restrained. This happened not
because men as men became was brutal; death
less cruel. Civil life
was the penalty for trivial offenses; prisons stank; amusements were
cruel; but war was reduced in intensity and extent. For this change
there were a number of contributing factors sociological, political,
and ideological. Europe had again become more unified. Religion
had ceased to divide. One might almost say that there was again one
religion this time, the religion of deism. Science was more de-
veloped, and science was not divided along national lines. French
culture was universally admired and imitated, even by Frederick the
Great and Katherine the Great, and commerce, though it might
incite war, yet imposed restraints because it was not prudent in
night without fires rather than burn the wood stacked up near the
encampment, because the troops lacked money with which to pay for
Looting was held in supreme detestation, and when the Russians
did it in East Prussia in 1757 there was an outcry. 13
Bloodshed was reduced, not altogether for humanitarian reasons.
Mercenary armies could not be trusted. They might desert for more
pay from the other side, to escape combat, or to avoid killing their
own countrymen among the *
They might have given them a gentle religion. Instead they gave
them a furious superstition. They might have freed the slaves; in-
stead they enslaved the free. They might have enlightened them as
to human sacrifice;instead they exterminated them." 18
There was in this period genuine reluctance to invent and to em-
ploy cruel weapons. This note did not originate in the eighteenth
century. Leonardo had invented some sort of submarine but,
said he, do not divulge on account of the evil nature of
"This I
eighteenth century were making for new wars. One was injustice.
The iron rule of the army was itself an aspect of despotism, and the
treatment of the France was to produce the Revolution.
serfs in
Peace is not secure when based only on chivalry; there must also be
justice. If this be true in Europe, how much more in the colonial
world, where some of the excesses of the conquest were tempered
but where the white man still exploited all those of colorl At the
same time, the industrial revolution means more
provided the for
deadly weapons. The French Revolution swept away courtesy and
reintroduced plunder, and the democratic revolution ended the
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lapsed into a state of nature in which they could make a new compact
with each other and form a new government. Although the theory
of the war was secular, the mood still had much of the crusade, at
any rate for the New England Congregationalists. Among them re-
gard vanished for the old rule of clerical abstention. Several of the
Connecticut clergy served not only as chaplains but recruited and led
companies of militia.
Other churches followed more nearly their own traditional lines.
The Anglicans were frequently Tories out of devotion to the king,
the head not only of the state but also of the Church. The Method-
ists, only just emerging as a body separate from the Church of Eng-
land, shared the same political outlook. John Wesley printed a tract
on "Taxation no Tyranny," and in general the Methodists were
cool to the revolutionary cause. The peace churches of Pennsylvania
the Mennonites, the Brethren, and the Quakers maintained
their witness and suffered at the hands of their compatriots, for
Pennsylvania had long since ceased to be under Quaker control. The
Lutherans were ready to support the war but were averse to clerical
participation. There was one notable exception. John Peter Gabriel
Muhlenberg in his farewell to his congregation in January, 1776, de-
clared: "In the language of Holy Writ, there is a time for all things.
There isa time to preach and a time to fight; now is the time to
Chapter 12
From Waterloo to
A Century of Comparative Peace
comparative peace from 1815 to 1914. The primary reason was that
the Napoleonic conflict did not disrupt the balance of power which
had obtained during the eighteenth century. The French failed to
establish a hegemony in Europe, and the victorious Allies were
wise enough, after their victory, not to eliminate the vanquished
from the power conclave. Throughout the nineteenth century the
powers to be taken into account were England, France, Germany,
Russia, and Austria. Spain, Holland, and Sweden had lost the pre-
eminence of former years. Britannia ruled the waves and intervened
on land only to keep the balance, as in the Crimean War to prevent
Russia from cutting through Turkey to the Dardanelles. By no means
negligible as a stabilizing factor was the American frontier, which
eased the strains on the European social fabric by
affording an outlet
for the indigent and the insurgent. During the
century 66,000,000
persons emigrated. Even more important was the survival of the
sense of European unity. Christendom lived on, at least as a cultural
they commonly are, between those who sought peace through world
taking the lead through her emancipation from the dynastic quarrels
of a decadent Europe. Ralph Waldo Emerson in his "Address on
War" voiced alike the faith and the hope. In 1838 he said:
One of the most novel turns of the peace movement was the re-
examination of historical wars. A
Unitarian minister in Maine,
Sylvester Judd, published a tract entitled The Moral Evils of Our
Revolutionary War, as a result of which he was dismissed as the
chaplain of the state legislature. John Humphrey Noyes was so in-
near them. With them in spirit we also go forth from the sweet peace
of our beloved firesides to smite the foe. O Lord our God, help us to tear
their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells. . . Help us to wring the
Thee for the refuge of the grave and denied it. ... Blast their hopes, blight
their lives, protract their bitter pilgrimage, make heavy their steps, water
their way with tears, stain the white snow with the blood of their wounded
feet. We ask it in the spirit of love, of him who is the source of Love, and
who is the ever-faithful refuge and friend of all that are sore beset and
seek His aid with humble and contrite hearts. Amen. 9
In England the great drive came from the Quakers; their attitude
will be delineated below in connection with Bright' s critique of
cade, every window a shot-hole. I saw a breastwork there which was formed
of corpses. The defenders had heaped up all the slain that were lying near,
in order, from that rampart, to fire over onto their assailants. I shall never
forget that wall in all my life. A
man, who formed one of its bricks,
penned among the other corpse-bricks, was still alive, and was moving
his arm. ... If there were any angel of mercy hovering over the battle-
fields he would have enough to do in giving the poor creatures men and
beasts who are "still alive" their coup de grdce.
The baroness animated the German peace movement until her death
just before the outbreak of the First World War.
Russian pacifism in this period, represented by the sects, was with-
out impact not only in Europe but even in Russia. The Dukhobors
were few and were persecuted and segregated. Their aversion to
miltary service appears, as a matter of fact, not to have arisen from
pacifism at all, if the charge be true that they were guilty of murder-
ing any deserters from their cult. The reason would seem rather to
have been hatred for the czars' government, which had inflicted
them such frightful persecution.
17944800 4 1841-60 25
1801-20 12 188M900 111
182140 10 1901-10 25
The establishment of the Hague Tribunal in 1899 provided a
convenient machinery for adjudication, but it has been hampered
by the failure of the nations to surrender their sovereignty to the de-
gree of submitting all disputes to juridical decision. High hopes were
entertained for this goal when in 1910 President Taft declared that
even questions involving national honor should be resolved in this
way. There was even greater enthusiasm when, under Woodrow
Wilson, the Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan negotiated
thirty treaties requiring that prior to hostilities a "cooling off" period
should intervene, in which all disputes should be submitted to an
investigating commission. Bryan presented to each of the diplomats
of the signatory powers a plowshare paperweight beaten from a sword
results, to which one may well believe the agitation of the peace socie-
ties had contributed. The most spectacular accomplishment was the
force ever since and has never resulted in any untoward incident from
either side.
Agitation for similar but much more extensive peace action among
the great powers was persistent on the continent and in
where the dissenting churches threw their whole weightinto the
endeavor. Statesmen and parliamentary bodies discussed the idea.
Yet all were amazed when in August of 1898, a call for a disarmament
conference was issued by the Czar Nicholas II of Russia, in which he
lamented that the desire of the great powers for a general pacification
had yielded no results during the preceding twenty years. Hundreds
of millions were being spent on engines of destruction, regarded to-
which sincerely wish to bring about the triumph of the grand idea
of universal peace.'*
"Could it be that the Czar really meant it?" gasped an astounded
Europe. Was this perchance a ruse? He did in fact mean it, for he
had been influenced by the work of Von Bloch, who predicted that
future war would bring "not fighting but famine/' the bankruptcy
of nations, and the disruption of the social order. The Czar's ministers
did they agree? Did they also mean it? There was reason to believe
that they did because Russia wished peace with the West in order
to expand toward the East. The conference met, and it did accomplish
the establishment of the Hague Tribunal, a very relevant achieve-
ment since the corollary to disarmament is the settlement of disputes
under law. 17
Actual disarmament made no strides, however. President Roosevelt
peace is
entirely valid, but this is only to say that there were no con-
flictsof equal magnitude to the Napoleonic wars earlier or to the
First and Second World Wars afterward. There were wars during the
nineteenth century. England had the Crimean War with Russia and
the Boer War. Bismarck, as we have observed, fought with Denmark,
Austria, and France. The United States was involved in the War of
1812, the Mexican War, the Civil War, and the Spanish-American
War. The attitudes of the churches in the respective countries to
these wars call for review. In the United States, peopled mainly by
the dissenting religious bodies of Europe, the traditional varieties of
the Christian ethic were less displaced by the attitude of the en-
lightenment than had been true in Europe. One observes that during
the Civil War there
was a recrudescence of the old alignments, nota-
bly on the part of the Northern churches. Those who had come from
the established churches of Europe the Catholics, the Anglicans,
and the Lutherans looked upon the war less as a crusade for the
emancipation of the slaves than as the suppression of a rebellion.
They talked in terms of "inevitable necessity" (Lutheran) "support ,
pation of all slaves. Could Quakers continue at the same time to op-
pose both slavery and this war to end slavery? Some Quakers became
colonels, but the Society as a whole continued to combine the cam-
Cutting across the old lines was sectionalism. This was at no time
War. The churches in the South supported
so evident as in the Civil
the Confederacy, and three of the
great denominations were split:
the Methodists, the Presbyterians, and the
Baptists. The two former
have since been reunited. The Mexican War to a lesser degree dis-
closed a sectional rift.
Support war came from the churches
for the
close to the Mexican border, and
opposition came from New England.
The Christians nearest to the Rio Grande shrieked their Deus vult.
The Southern Baptists, being closest, were the most vociferous. The
Congregationalists and the Unitarians, in the area converging on
Boston, were emphatic that Deus non vult.
The War of 1812 may have exhibited sectionalism, but the matter
has not been sufficiently investigated to admit of final analysis. The
pressure of the war came from what was then the frontier, running
in a crescent from New Hampshire to Buffalo, on through Kentucky
and Tennessee to Savannah. There was no division along the lines of
North and South, because the North desired to annex Canada and
the South, Florida. Since England and Spain were, at the moment,
allied in fighting Napoleon, war with England was also war with
mood of the country, became evident in the Spanish-American War.
Itwas an expansionist war, pushed by men like "Teddy" Roosevelt,
theRough Rider, who was convinced that the civilized nations must
keep the barbarians in tow. Popular passion was fanned by the propa-
ganda of the Hearst Press, which disseminated fabricated atrocity
stories illustrated by Remington. Though Spain had conceded our
demands, President McKinley declared war and took over not only
Cuba, where Spain's misrule was claimed to be intolerable, but also
the Philippines. The full facts were not available to the public at the
time. The Church press at the outset exhibited an admirable modera-
I shall not read the Sermon on the Mount to men who don't acknowl-
edge its authority, nor shall I insist on my reading of the New Testament
to men who take a different view of it; nor shall I ask the members of a
church whose articles especially justify the bearing of arms to join in any
movement which shall be founded upon what are called abstract Christian
peace doctrines. But I will argue this question on the ground which our
opponents admit, which not professing Christians only, but Mohamme-
dans and heathen and humanity will admit. I will this
argue it upon
ground, that war is probably the greatest of all human calamities. 22
I don't think so. They must act on their principles, seeing they admit no
others. ... I have not pleaded . . , that this country should remain with-
out adequate and scientific means of defense. I acknowledge it to be the
duty of your statesmen, acting upon the known opinions and principles
of ninety-nine out of every hundred persons in the country, at all times,
with all reasonable moderation, but with all possible efficiency to take
stepswhich shall preserve order withinand on the confines of your king-
dom. But I shall repudiateand denounce the expenditure of every shill-
ing, the engagement of every man, the employment of every ship, which
has no object but intermeddling in the affairs of other countries, and
endeavoring to extend the boundaries of an Empire which is already large
enough to satisfy the greatest ambition, and I fear is much too large for
the highest statesmanship to which any man has yet attained. 2 *
I am not, pretend to be, a statesman; and that character
nor did I ever
is so tainted and our day, that I am not sure that a pure
so equivocal in
and honourable ambition would aspire to it. I have not enjoyed, for thirty
years, like these noble lords, the honours and emoluments
of office. I
have not my sails to every passing breeze. I am a plain and simple
mine were a solitary voice, raised amid the din of arms and the clamours
of a venal press, I should have the consolation I have tonight and which
I trust will be mine to the last moment of my existence the priceless
consolation that no word of mine had tended to promote the squandering
of my country's treasure or the spilling of one single drop of my country's
The Angel of Death has been abroad throughout the land; you may
almost hear the beating of his wings. There is no one, as when the first
born were slain of old, to sprinkle with blood the lintel and the two
sideposts of our doors, that he may spare and pass on; he takes his victims
from the castle of the noble, the mansion of the wealthy, and the cottage
of the poor and the lowly, and it is on behalf of all these classes that I
make this solemn appeal.
I tell if he be ready honestly and frankly to en-
the noble lord, that
deavour by the negotiations about to be opened at Vienna to put an end
to this war, no word of mine, no vote of mine, will be given to shake his
power for one single moment, or to change his position in this House.
[Hear, hear]
The noble lord has become "the foremost subject of the Crown."
Let him achieve "a still higher and nobler ambition: that he had re-
There were others among the British dissenting churches who held
that the war was being fought on behalf of the South African natives,
who would not be accorded equality in status by the Boers, as they
would be the British. The English won the war at the cost of in-
stituting concentration camps for Boer civilians.
The war was fol-
lowed by a generous peace which granted to the Boers home rule, but
the outcome of this idealistic war for the native has come to be
As for the attitude of the churches on the continent to the wars
of the nineteenth century, we know in general that all supported their
All over Russia, from the palace to the remotest village, the pastors of
churches, calling themselves Christians, appeal to that God who has en-
joined love to one's enemies to the God of Love Himself to help the
work of the devil to further the slaughter of men. . . . The same thing is
going on in Japan* . Japanese theologians and religious teachers no
. .
less than the military ... do not remain behind the Europeans in the
techniques of religious deceit and sacrilege, but distort the great Buddhis-
tic teaching by not only permitting but justifying that murder which
Buddha forbade.
being transported by thousands to the Far East these are those same
not more than 50,000 live Russian men whom Nicholas Romanoff and
Alexis Kuropatkin have decided they may get killed and who will be
killed in support of those stupidities, robberies, and every kind of abomi-
nation which were accomplished in China and Korea by immoral, am-
bitious men now sitting peacefully in their palaces and expecting new
glory and new advantage and profit from the slaughter of those 50,000
unfortunate defrauded Russian
workingmen guilty of nothing and gain-
ing nothing by their sufferings and death.
the publication of this indictment in
England, the London
Times commented, "The enormity of bloodshed is the
gist of his
[Tolstoy's] doctrine; yet he holds the governing classes of his own
country up to the execration of ignorant peasants with a recklessness
which might lead in certain circumstances to the cruelest of all blood-
shed the bloodshed of social war." 2T
Germany's destiny by blood and iron, but having attained his goal,
he then stopped. Alike, Hegel and Bismarck would have been aghast
at Hitler and probably at
Bethmann-Hollweg when he referred to
the treaty over Belgium as a "scrap of paper." Yet the lines do run
from the restrained precursors to their less inhibited successors. A
appeared between German and notably English
distinct difference has
and American attitudes. Bethmann-Hollweg's remark was defended
in Germany, but when Admiral Fisher, head of the British Navy,
proposed to "Copenhagen" the Germany fleet, after the manner of
Nelson who, at Copenhagen, fell without warning upon the fleet of
Denmark, British leaders were horrified and promptly disavowed his
proposal, Troeltsch summarized by saying that to the Germans the
Anglo-Saxon attitude appeared to be compounded of moralism and
pharisaism. Tothe English and Americans the German attitude
seemed to be a blend of mysticism and barbarism.
Whatever may be the proper assessment of responsibility, whatever
the relative roles of sensate and ideological factors, the war did come
and the churches in every land gave support to their governments. In
Germany the Catholic Mausbach 30 and the Protestant Holl 31 looked
upon Germany as begirt by foes bent on her strangulation. For
Germany to defend herself against their encirclement was nothing
other than a just war.
In England, the mood fluctuated between that of the just war and
the crusade. The latter outlook became the more prevalent as fabri-
cated atrocity stories were disseminated and believed, to the effect
that the Germans had cut off the hands of babies in Belgium and
had crucified a Canadian.
The Bishop of London with brutal candor exhorted young Eng-
land to do that which in war has to be done: "Kill Germans to kill
them, not for the sake of killing, but to save the world, to kill the
Henry Hodgkin, a Quaker, founded the Fellowship of Reconciliation.
In the United States the mood was a blend of hysterical nationalism
and crusading idealism. The rancor was the greater because of the
fervent desire of the nation to be neutral Hence virulent resentment
against those who, contrary to our will, dragged us into the conflict.
Wilson was re-elected on the slogan "He kept us out of war/' At the
beginning of hostilities in Europe his intervention was confined to
Wilson's sympathies were with England, because he shared her blood,
her ideas, and her ideals. England was a democracy, Germany a mon-
archy, and though the ostensible occasion for entering the war was
still the defense of neutral
rights, once America became involved the
goal was declared, "to makethe world safe for democracy."
A surprised and outraged nation rallied to the support of the
president, American churchmen of all faiths were never so united
with each other and with the mind of the country. This was a holy
war. Jesus was dressed in khaki and portrayed sighting down a gun
barrel. The Germans were Huns. To kill them was to purge the
earth of monsters. Nor was such action incompatible with love, be-
cause their deaths would restrain them from crime and transplant
them to a better land. The Lord God of battles was rolling up the
hosts of Armageddon to destroy the great beast of the abyss that the
new Jerusalem might descend from the sky. To be sure, not all
ministers were so immoderate. There were eighty pacifist clergymen. 34
Nor were churchmen so savage as the general populace. The press
pneumonia. When his widow came to claim the remains, the corpse
was dressed in a uniform. 35
Strategically the war bogged down Mirred in
into trench warfare.
mud and gore, the choicest of Europe's youth went over the top and
fell in no man's land. The war ended, as winter was about to set in,
Chapter 13
From the
Outlawry of War
To the Atom Bomlo
I was one of but few civilians who saw something of the battle of the
Somme. In the distant view were the unending trenches filled with a
million and a half men. Here and there, like ants, they advanced under
the thunder and belching volcanoes from 10,000 guns. Their lives were
thrown away until half a million had died. Passing close by were unend-
ing lines of men plodding along the right side of the road to the front,
not with drums and bands, but with saddened resignation. Down the
came the unending lines of wounded men, staggering among
left side
unending stretchers and ambulances. Do you think one can forget that?
And it was but one battle of a hundred. . . .
Because men had not yet forgotten. Woodrow Wilson was hailed
as a messiah by delirious throngs who saw in him the leader through
whom a new world order should come into being.
The revulsion against the misery of war was intensified by the dis-
closures and failures which followed in its wake. The sole guilt of
Germany was called into question by the Revisionists. The atrocities
in the conduct of the war were demonstrated to have been the fabri-
cations of propagandists. Evidence was presented pointing to the con-
clusion that an international ring of munitions makers, selling to
both sides,had had a hand in fomenting and prolonging the war.
Disillusionment as to the cause and conduct of the struggle was aug-
mented by despondency over the failure to realize in the peace the
ideal objectives for which the war had been waged.
The war to end war had been followed by the invasion of Man-
churia and Abyssinia. The campaign to make the world safe for
War No More
The first strove progressively to eliminate war by reduction in
armaments. To this end a four-power treaty was signed in 1921 by the
United States, Great Britain, Japan, and France. It was really not
disarmament but only proportional limitation in accord with the
actual status quo. It applied only to naval construction and set ratios
at five for the United States, five for Great Britain, three for Japan,
and 1.7 for France. The United
States gained heavily because, by
agriculture.The phrase used in the treaties was "renunciation of war
as an instrument of national policy." Precisely what did this mean?
That a nation should not defend itself, or merely that it should not
use war to enforce its will by aggression?
Baptists, Methodists, and
Presbyterians, among others, made plain that they did not propose
to outlaw a war of defense or a war of ideals. In other words, the
were asked this question: "Do you believe that the churches of
America should now go on record as refusing to sanction or support
any future war?" The affirmative list was headed by one of the historic
peace churches, that of the Brethren* The Methodists and the Dis-
ciples were near the top; the Congregationalists and the Unitarians
in the middle; the Baptists, the Presbyterians, the Episcopalians, and
the Lutherans in descending order at the bottom. As for the Catholics
some were doubtful whether in modern times the conditions of the
just war could be realized.
A third approach to the elimination of war was an effort to discover
alternate techniques which could be employed by the world com-
On the Brink
Hitler came into power in 1933 and initiated the sequence which
ran directly to the Second World War. Whether his adyent could
have been prevented, and whether after his accession the war could
have been averted are still questions for rueful speculation. The
Treaty of Versailles was certainly not as magnanimous and wise as
the Treaty of Vienna. Germany was saddled with immense repara-
tions on the ground that she was solely responsible for the outbreak
of the conflict. When the historians in the Allied countries later
came to the frank avowal that this was not the case, the treaty was not
in consequence revised. Actually, of course, the reparations were
never paid in full, but if only there could have been an open remis-
sion with a disavowal of the accusation of sole guilt, how gratifying
would have been the effect upon the German public mind, instead of
the course actually taken of continuing the demands for reparations
and financing the payments by American aidl 5
Another step which might have forestalled Gehenna would have
been sincerity in the matter of disarmaments. The Treaty of Ver-
sailles exacted disarmament of Germany and promised disarmament
on the part of the Allies. The exaction was executed, the promise
not fulfilled. Repeated disarmament conferences were abortive. In
1931 Bruning pleaded that if he could return to Germany with a real
ing point. On the other hand, had there been prompt intervention
before Germany was rearmed, Hitler might have been held in leash.
But England impeded France, and France, England. They were all
playing the game of the balance of power, and it did not balance.
Hitler sought the unification of Europe by the revival, with even
dustrial Conference Board that "J aPan has been cut off from about
75 per cent of her normal imports as a result of the Allied blockade."
Before hostilities were declared we were already so nearly embarked
on an undeclared war that the Saturday Evening Post on May 24,
1941, revised its noninterventionist editorial policy without retract-
ing a single argument in its favor, on the sole ground that the coun-
try was by this time too involved for retreat. "For the truth is that the
only way now to avoid the shooting, if it has not already begun, is to
and act 10
This entire analysis was most stoutly opposed by a group who
urged at first all aid to Britain short of war and in time came to favor
even military intervention. They rejected the characterization of
the war as merely a struggle between rival imperialisms. To speak in
such terms was to strain out the British gnat and swallow the German
camel. Granted that were tainted with sin, that all stood in need
No Crusade
in which the knight could fight without qualm, assured that the
cause was holy, that God was with him and Christ beside him, and
that victory would be a triumph of the cross. Such a mood recurred
but slightly this time and chiefly in secular quarters. Practically
every church pronouncement was replete with the note of contrition.
A lone crusader like Stanley High was somewhat irritated that
"prayers for use in wartime fairly reek with penitence, and the sons
of God are being sent forth to war clad only in sackcloth." Paul
wielding "the sword of the Lord and Gideon." The English, he said,
at the outbreak of the war thought of themselves sometimes as a
If pacifism and the crusade are excluded, the only position remain-
ing in historic Christian thought is the ethic of the just war. The
traditional concept of the just war had been subject to so much
criticism, and the incompatibility of its conditions with modern war
so cogently displayed that some Christians who rejected the other
two positions could not find a refuge here, however. Hence, the quest
for a fourth position was undertaken by the Christian Century. With
weapons which smash alike arsenals and cathedrals and shatter equally
troop trains and air-raid shelters filled with children; the blindness
of a strife, the precise reasons for which may not become clear until
ten years after its termination; the complexity of a war where rival
imperialisms, nationalistic interests, and clashing ideologies criss-
cross inextricably on a loom shaken by shifting alliances, so that the
solemn pronouncements of one day appear ironic to the next. In
such a struggle, the Christian Century could discover no meaning
and no morality. This was not a just war; it was just war. We were
in the war, and none of us could get out. We should have to see it
edge of justice. The case was well stated by Reinhold Niebuhr, who
protested against allowing contrition to obliterate moral distinctions.
"We do not find it particularly impressive," he wrote, "to celebrate
one's sensitive conscience by enlarging upon all the well-known evils
of our western world and equating them with the evils of the totali-
tarian systems. It is just as important for Christians to be discrimi-
ence tomany of them if they could know that on what they do de-
possibility of justice and freedom of men everywhere/'
the ie
been taken to save him! But when the next morning the Marconi
(the wireless) brought word of a blood bath at Port Arthur or
Mukden, it was only an interesting piece of news. 18
The war of etiquette prevalent in the eighteenth century is thought
by some to have been broken down by the struggle in the New World
with the Indians, whose code the white man adopted. One may
doubt, as a matter of historical fact, whether the Indians could teach
the white man anything on the score of cruelty and treachery. The
point is rather that when the French, the English, and the Spaniards
fought each other on the terrain of the new world, and with Indian
allies,they no longer lined up and said, "You shoot first, dear col-
league." The methods of the savages were taken over by the civilized
and turned against each other.
Another stage in the brutalization was marked by the American
Civil War, which differed from the European conflicts of the eight-
eenth century in two respects. In the first place, it was not organized
under strong monarchs able to pay and control their troops. In the
second place, to the eyes of the North it was a crusade. These two
factors may have contributed to Sherman's use of the scorched earth
technique in his march through Georgia. Said he, "War is hell, and
the way for the enemy to avoid it is to surrender. In Europe the
makers of modern Prussia were through with politeness. Clausewitz
said, "To introduce into the philosophy of war a principle of modera-
tion would be absurd. War is an act of violence pursued to the
uttermost." 19
gas cannot be palliated. The blockade in the Middle Ages had been
applied usually to cities from which non-combatants were sometimes
permitted to withdraw before the commencement of the siege. Such
permissions could not be granted when the whole of Germany was
ringed around and the object was to break the war potential of the
In an earlier age sea powers like England had never refrained from
throwing cannon balls from ships into enemy ports, even though
civilians were killed. How much more deadly was this
when the missile was released not from the sea but from the air! The
First World War had seen the advent of the
airplane. It was then
used only to strike at troops and military installations. In the Second
World War it came to be used to break the morale and the resistance
of civilian populations. Strategic bombing was followed by oblitera-
tion bombing. The first step was taken by England as an extension
of the principle of naval bombardment. This is not to forget th,at
Hitler first bombed Warsaw and Rotterdam, where civilian popula-
tions were destroyed. His object was to pave the way
still strategic
for the entry of invading troops rather than to shatter civilian
morale. 20 Churchill, in January, 1940, stigmatized obliteration bomb-
ing as "a new and odious form of attack/' President Roosevelt, in
1939, before the United Statesbecame involved in the war, addressed
an appeal to the German and Polish governments in which he
affirmed that "the ruthless bombing from the air of civilians in un-
fortified centers of population . . . has profoundly shocked the con-
science of humanity. ... I am therefore addressing this urgent appeal
to every government to affirm its determination that its armed forces
shall in no event and under no circumstances undertake bombard-
ment from the air of civilian populations or unfortified cities." 21
In May, 1940, only five months after Churchill's excoriation of
"the new and odious form of attack," Britain, by an extension of her
old naval policy, gave to an aerial warfare a new turn in the bombing
of cities no longer to facilitate the movement of troops, but to
wreck the will to resist in the enemy population. Germany, in Septem-
ber, retaliated with attacks on Coventry and Birmingham. Churchill
informed the House, in 1942, that Germany was to be subjected to
"an ordeal, the like of which has never been experienced by any
country." A year later he declared, "There are no sacrifices we will
not make, no lengths of violence to which we will not go." 22
Vera Brittain in her book Seeds of Chaos documented the havoc:
"According to a member of the German Government Statistics Office
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Copyright 1914 Punch, London
surrounding regions so that many who escaped the fire died of suffo-
cation. Men, having greater power than
of resistance, suffered less
women and children. The loss of life at Hamburg was sixty times
greater than at Coventry.
To such wanton destruction for even
Churchill described the attacks only as an experiment not certain to
achieve a military objective some Britons were cynically indifferent.
In one district a children's competition was organized for the best
to be preferred for the bombs. Those
essay or poem on the target
more remote from the devastation in England were even more un-
Nuclear Warfare
Their bodies were burnt. Their skin was hanging down like rags. Their
faces were swollen to twice normal size. They were holding their hands
to their breasts. They were walking, embracing one another and crying
out with pain. Someone was walking, dragging something along. To my
it was his intestines. His stomach was
great surprise ripped open and it
came out and he was dragging it along without knowing what he was
doing. .
My eldest daughter had only two slight wounds. ... A month
. .
after the bombing she died. My second daughter had no wounds at all,
six years after the explosion, she told me about
but one day in July, pains
in the throat and shoulder and she said she could not walk very well.
She died six days after having been taken ill. "It is more than ten
years since the war was over,but the sufferings from the bomb have
not yet been cured/' 24
In a splendor beyond any that man has known, the new age we have
claimed came to birth.
The brightness of its drawing was the fierce shining of three suns together
at noonday, shedding, for golden seconds, such beauty over the earth
as poets, painters, philosophers and saints have imagined and striven
in vain to reveal to man in symbols and parables.
And we used it to destroy a hundred thousand men, women and children.
The A bomb
has been followed by the H
bomb. The test at
Bikini affected twenty-three Japanese fishermen far beyond the range
of estimated radioactivity. They returned to land and were hos-
Chapter 14
range of choice. Two colossi now face each other each possessed of the
power to paralyze the other if not to liquidate the globe. Against
nuclear destruction there is no military defense. The experts are
agreed that intercontinental ballistic missiles cannot be completely
intercepted and only a few H
bombs would suffice to incinerate our
The Russians by a surprise attack could destroy, according to
would halve the sum, but even fifty million exceeds the population
of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Others again reassure us that even so we should not be disabled.
They point out that obliteration bombing against civilian popula-
tions did not destroy the military potential of either Germany or
Japan and now that we are forewarned, as they were not, we can take
preventative measures either by the dispersal of our cities or by re-
verting to the rabbit stage of civilization of living in holes in the
earth. We are not to forget, however, that the balance of weapons is
not static. Every new instrument of attack is followed by a new device
for defense, and if it is successful there is then a new instrument of
attack. When the atomic submarine succeeded in cruising beneath
the seven seas and emerging undetected in Boston harbor, the
was immediately for a counter contrivance, because the
is that
any newly invented weapon of attack will soon be in the
possession of the enemy. We must then invent a defense which will
also soon be in the hands of the enemy, and then we must both devise
a new means of attack. In the present instance should we succeed in
circumventing nuclear annihilation the enemy will shift to bacterio-
logical warfare, which is harder to ward off, because it can be directed
not only against men but also against cattle and crops. There may also
be a reversion to poison gas. The public, inarticulately aware of all
this, is actually not going underground, but, convinced that the only
defense is massive retaliation, is content to strew the floors of the
Florida seas with billions of dollars' worth of debris from experi-
mental missiles. We
are preparing ourselves likewise to retaliate
with bacteriological weapons with regard to which extensive research
is being conducted at Porton in
England, Suffield in Canada, and
Fort Detrick in the United States. In the meantime advance in
technology continually restricting our choices. Some of the mili-
tary experts are now telling us that a surprise nuclear attack would
incapacitate us for counterattack. Massive retaliation in that case is
already obsolete, and the only recourse is preventative war, to which
thus far our government has been unwilling to commit itself. 1
Some again seek to assuage our fears by the assurance that despite
nuclear weapons war can be limited* As a matter of fact there have
been seventeen limited wars since the Second World War. With this
in a study committee of the World Council of Churches advo-
cated among the nations "the development of that discipline . . .
him. 8 To do this we must have the full panoply of nuclear arms in
reserve and we must be willing to use them. Kissinger, who has done
most to popularize the idea of limited war, recognizes that it must not
be "our only strategy. We
must maintain at all times an adequate
retaliatory force and not shrink from using it if our survival is threat-
ended." 4 Some Christians suggest that we might achieve our end by
bluff. 5 Weshould be prepared to retaliate, but resolved not to re-
taliate, but we should not let the enemy know that we would not
retaliate. This sounds like the practice of a Quaker merchant of the
The Christian Century commented: "If the war goes on, with obliter-
ation bombing continuing wipe out whole regions and popula-
For the Catholics in this country Father Ford, in 1944, came out
with an on "The Morality of Obliteration Bombing" in which
A footnote revealed, however, that some were unwilling to renounce
the restraint of aggression by the fear of reprisals.
The discussion has continued with a tendency to retrench. In 1950
a new Protestant commission rendered this judgment:
probable defeat.
proportionate reason" would exist for using our bombs on his cities
"to preserve our country and our whole remaining people from
utter enslavement." 1X
Morerecently Cardinal Ottaviani has declared bellum ornnino
interdicendum, war is to be entirely interdicted, by which he meant
that is incampatible with the just war. He stressed the
modern war
principle of proportionate damage. A
just war is one in which the
foreseeable good exceed* the predictable evil. In modern war the
tude in this extremity I will now proceed to my own analysis and
Prior Assumptions
As man and his terrestrial destiny history has
to the nature of
something to say. The picture is mixed. When man ate of the tree
of the knowledge of good and evil he became capable of rising above
the angels or of sinking lower than the brutes. He has been guilty of
continuously engaged in wars large and small and yet has made
notable achievements by way of peace in limited times and areas.
There have been examples of peace by conquest the Pax Romano,
of peace by concord as between the principalities in the Middle Ages,
the Italian city-states in the Renaissance, the modern national states
in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and most notably between
the United States and Canada with an unfortified and unguarded
frontier. There has been peace by federation as in the case of the
Swiss and the United States. No one of these instances exhibits per-
fection. Rome had occasionally to subdue revolts. The Middle Ages,
the Renaissance, and the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries could
be called peaceful only in comparison with our own time. Federation
did not prevent civil conflicts in Switzerland at the time of the
Reformation or between the American states in the Civil War. Never-
theless these periods were less lethal than our own. If it be said that
the past does not warrant hope for Utopia the reply may be that
without achieving Utopia we should be vastly better off could we
but recover the lost Atlantis.
If we consider Christian man
operating through the Church the
record again mixed. The
is Church has promoted peace and fomented
wars. The reason is partly the divergence of view with regard to the
ethical implications of the gospel. In part, however, it is due to the
Yet, when the full indictment is in, one is not to forget that the
Church has never failed to pray dona nobis pacem, and in our own
day has made and making valiant efforts to avert the holocaust.
Some there are who take a gloomy view of man's predictable be-
havior not because his heart is bad but because his hands are tied.
Determinism exercises a persistent lure. A contemporary historian
commenting on Churchill's reference to the Second World War as
"an unnecessary war*' remarks: "Churchill probably would not deny,
however, that there is an overriding necessity in the course of history,
grounded not so muchin political events as in the moral and in-
tellectual fiber of nations and men/' 14 This observation is unques-
been a period without some war somewhere, but there has been great
fluctuation in the frequency and magnitude of wars.
slow. Furthermore if the future is not to be vastly worse than the past
cultural patterns from the kraal to the Kremlin and the Pentagon
requires a social adjustment as great as the technological advance
from the javelin to the H
bomb. Man may not be equal to it. Perhaps
we are so trapped by our previous mistakes and crimes that we can
only play out the drama to its tragic end. We do not know. But history
does not preclude hope.
When we turn from man to God theological presuppositions appear
at first glance to be irrelevant. From every theological position di-
cumstances alter, may lead to divergence. More to the
point is this,
that theological assumptions are not so ultimate as to be
solely de-
terminative for ethics. Morals have to do with men, and men have
to take each other into account whether or no there be a God. Any
theology which justifies the sacrifice of Isaac, the burning of Servetus,
or the incineration of a hundred million
persons in an act of massive
retaliation has gone wrong somewhere along the line.
preserved at any cost. "He that loses his life shall save it." Neither
is the indefinite continuance of man on this
planet the chief end of
creation, for in the apocalyptic denouement the present order is to
reverence for life and averred that "ethical man shatters no ice crystal,
tears no leaf, breaks no flower, crushes no insect." But Schweitzer at
the same time recognized that man must kill to live. Yet in killing he
should be remorseful. "A good conscience is an innovation of the
devil." 1T Why should man feel remorse for the unavoidable? Why
might he not rather blame God for such necessities? To eschew
wanton killing is certainly sound, but reverence for life compels
some killing, for without killing there can be no life.
This applies to the lower orders. But may man kill man? God
obviously takes the life of man, but God may do so because
he gives
life. The creature not to usurp the office of the Creator. This is
not specious and was pointedly posed in recent years for a divinity
student who at the outbreak of the Second World War declined
arrived at the time when the Hindus were massacring the Moslems.
The latter were seeking only to escape but at the very railway stations
objector said that he had reached the point where he would prefer
martial law to sheer chaos.
In this situation the restoration of order might have taken some
lives. To justify such action means that one does not subscribe to an
absolute nonresistance. It means that the command to turn the other
cheek is not an absolute when it is somebody else's cheek. It means
that the command "Thou shalt not kill" is also not an absolute. It
means that the police protection which Paul accepted is not ruled
out. To concede all of this is not to justify war, however, because
war not an act of protection, except incidentally. Primarily it is
would have to exercise be minimal. Men do not wage implac-
able warfare against those who are not
seeking to harm them. In the
quelling of riots tear gas commonly suffices. Here technology has
assisted the reduction of violence. There is a further difference in
that the numbers involved were fewer than in war, and therefore the
Christian ideal of handling offenders as individuals with an eye to
reclamation could be more nearly achieved. One of the most serious
indictments of modern war is that it deals not with men but with
The question may be raised as to what is to be done in a frontier
situationwhere no police force exists. Are vigilantes then justified?
Here one observes that in history the establishment of orderly gov-
ernment has been achieved by the coincident operation of two forces,
on the one hand by the consolidation of power and on the other by
the renunciation of power. Kings have built up monarchical author-
piece and the revolver from the holster. Those in recent years who
have argued that the only way to win world government was first
to defeat all of the opponents of world government may come to see
that a surer way is the voluntary renunciation of the means of self-
defense. .
to its precepts or principles. The ethical teaching of Jesus is con-
sidered inapplicable because it was conditioned by the expectation
of the speedy end of the age. This point has already been considered.
ples are rejected in favor of inspired hunches, and the Christian ethic
comes be devoid not only of predictability but even of coherence.
case only of the intention, because in fact modern war could not have
saved either. The Hungarians would have been incinerated in the
explosion ignited by their defenders.
The crusade suffers from the assurance not to say the arrogance of
all elitism. It is the war of a
theocratically minded community which
seeks to impose the pattern of the Church
upon the world. The saints
are to rule. They are the elite. One difficulty is to determine with any
surety who are the elite and to be sure that they will remain elite
after having become elect. The crusade is furthermore
dangerous be-
cause it down such restraint as can be placed upon the carnage
of war. The enemy being beyond the pale, the code of humanity
collapses. The crusade is dangerous again because it impedes the
making of a magnanimous peace. Those who have fought in a frenzy
of righteousness against the enemies of God or of the democratic
Field Marshall Keitel, Chief of the German staff, was hanged for
that it were better had none been hanged. The victors in war cannot
administer disinterested justice, and least of all is this possible in the
case of a crusade. 18
The point need not, however, be labored further because since
First World War there has been a revulsion against crusading.
Christians who undertake to justify modern war do so through an
attenuated version of the doctrine of the just war, which requires
therefore a lengthier consideration.
feelings of regret and remorse over the plans which had failed and
the method which should never have been attempted. 19 One finds
it hard to
pronounce any word of condemnation against those who
acted in such complete self-effacement, but one may wonder whether,
had they succeeded, they might not also have failed.
One of the prime requisites of the just-war theory is that the war
shall be just on one side only. The determination of this point calls
for an impartial court of judicature which does not and never has
existed. Without it not even the information essential for a judgment
is available. The intervention of the United Nations in the Korean
conflict is
frequently cited as an exception. Yet a decade later dispute
continued as to whether the North or the South Koreans first crossed
the line. 20 If ten years afterward the very facts are controverted how
could they at the time have been self-evident?
Most Christian adherents of the just-war theory have given up the
claim to exclusive justice, and now maintain only an edge of justice.
One would not be disposed to confute this claim. In any war, victory
for one side may be preferable to that of the other, but whether
modern war can vindicate that edge of justice is another question
and one of very great moment.
The protection of small states is the least contestable form of the
edge of justice, provided of course that the protector is disinterested.
We do well to remind ourselves that protection often imperils the
protected. A historian of the Second World War made this state-
ment: "An astonishing and ironic revelation regarding the campaign
in Greece has been made since the war by the Greek Commander in
Chief, General Papagos. The Greeks actually asked Britain not to
send help, feeling that it would be too small to be effective but
enough to attract Germans like a magnet. Britain insisted in order
not to lose face." 21
the point o moral discrimination. The code of the just war calls for
the sparing of noncombatants. Today not even children are im-
mune. At the time of Mussolini's Abyssinian adventure a speaker
in the United States defended resort to military sanctions. in-An
quirer put to him a question, "Would you then bomb Rome and
kill women and children?" "Why not?" he retorted. "Isany more life
using the weapons which this age has imposed. Those who fight in
be found, but they are few.
this spirit are to
been impressed into a service which they loathe and from which
they cannot escape, but they will just have to go on killing and being
killed till the bloody mess is over.
The possibility of killing in love is remote in the frenzy of battle
when passions are unleashed and hate becomes the slogan. The so-
called "beasts" at West Point are trained to work themselves up to
maniacal combativeness.What happens in combat was described by
an American soldier who had seen forty months of active warfare
culminating in Iwo Jima and Okinawa.
Lord John Fisher very well took care of love in war when he said:
There are Christians who concede all of this, yet contend that
battle frenzy is not really hate and that soldiers who have so behaved
can be decent as an army of occupation. The point has some validity,
but one should not exaggerate the benevolence of an army of occu-
pation. Since the days of the Assyrians, it has never been a charitable
institution, and the fraternization tends to be too largely directed to
the female population.
One may conclude that although a war may be fought in sorrowful
love, it can never be won in this mood. Those who entertain such a
disposition are few,and wars are the affairs of the masses. To beat
the enemy one must use the scum of one's own population. The
Christian in war cannot win without the aid of obnoxious allies. He
does not endorse their behavior but he cannot dispense with their
assistance and he becomes therefore in a measure guilty of their
As to Pacifism
If the crusade and the just war are rejected as Christian positions,
opinion, one never knows. The scaffold may sway the future, but it
which may attain large proportions, and that is a pacifism of
dence, based on the desire for survival. Such a movement may start
not from Christians addicted to the Sermon on the Mount but from
generals averse to futility. The two types of pacifism would largely
coalesce as to their program. Their day is not
yet, however, and in
the meantime we have the questions, shall small
groups of Christians
espouse a pacifist view, and by so doing would they render them-
selves irrevelant?
The indictment of the pacifist is summed up in the charge that he
is motivated by the desire to preserve his personal purity and fails
to see that the price of purity is irrelevance as the
price of relevance
corruption. We shall discuss first the claim that he is motivated by
a concern to appear before God with clean hands and a pure heart.
Personal purity is not the point, but rather the purity of the cause.
The pacifist is fearful that, if in withstanding the beast he descend
to themethods of the beast, he will himself become the beast, and
though the field be won the cause will be lost.
charge continues that by seeking to be pure the pacifist be-
comes irrelevant and this indictment is thought to hold whether the
purity in question be that of the person or the cause. The assumption
is that involvement entails corruption,
particularly political involve-
ment because power necessarily corrupts. Yet the exercise of power
is essential to the attainment of justice. Consequently to ensure
justice one will have to be corrupted. Therefore let one regard cor-
ruption as the supreme sacrifice, the sacrifice of one's virtue for the
is the best alternative. To hold out for the absolute means to forfeit
the relative good. To this the reply may be that to elect the relative
perhaps less ready than other peoples to recognize this point because
of the system of government in which the president is expected not
to resign but to finish his term, even though he may have lost the
support of Congress and the country. If he remain in office he must
then either stymie legislation or stifle his conscience and implement
the public will. In Britain this dilemma cannot arise because a gov-
ernment which has lost the confidence of the House must resign, and
the resignation of a cabinet member who dissents from his colleagues
is deemed honorable.
The final and most telling criticism against the pacifist is that by
his refusal to destroy the
oppressor he abandons the oppressed, be-
cause there are circumstances in which military intervention may
terminate tyranny. One answer to this reproach is pragmatic, that
military intervention by the nation-state without due process of law
normally impedes rather than aids the vindication of justice. The
other answer is the admission of circumstances in which the refusal
to employ violence may bring hurt to others and even to one's own
family. Yet the protection even of one's own family cannot be an
ultimate. The principle is recognized in war that if a civilian to
protect his family shoots a soldier he will thereby unleash reprisals
against an entire population. If the resister to tyranny, in order to
protect his family, ceases to resist, all resistance may fold up, because
the tyrant well knows how to exploit the love of family to quell
resistance. The
choices which confront the pacifist are almost as
Ckpter 15
What Then?
war, and the other was respect for the consciences of those who did
not renounce war. The element of fair play was and is involved. If a
nation is committed to war as an ultimate recourse it must at all
times be ready for war, and it is hardly fair for those who do not
approve of war so to impede the preparation that, if it comes, those
who do believe in it will be so ill prepared as to suffer defeat. If then
a military appropriation is to be voted in time of
peace the pacifist in
a legislative assembly, if he does not resign, should at any rate abstain
from voting.
This does not mean that he cannot oppose any military appropria-
tion or that he cannot vote against involvement in any
war. John Bright opposed every war in which England was engaged
during his lifetime, not on Quaker principles but on grounds of
public policy. There are wars that are indefensible on every count,
and there aremilitary appropriations so excessive as to imperil the
peace through the fear and counter measures which they inspire in
the enemy state. A
nonpacifist liberal will oppose such appropria-
tions and a pacifist legitimately join him in so doing.
may A
then, may participate in politics as a liberal rather than as a pacifist.
absolutely, but who oppose war in our time on grounds of the hu-
manitarian and the pragmatic. The question then comes to be, what
are the lineaments of a peace program on which those with differing
trols, we not be capable much longer of acting even irrationally.
In any case, however men behave, the Christian in addressing his
fellows and especially statesmen, must proclaim sanity, even though
interest. Yet there are today many among us who assume that self-
interest and should be the primary concern of the state. This judg-
domain, but our concern here is with the public. The point is simply
to indicate that any sharp demarcation between private and public
is excluded. Each has its own particular problems and neither is
altruism, the
lofty do-goodism, the unctious moralism, which
prompted us to commit Japan and Germany to the renunciation of
arms and then in short order to force upon them rearmament. When
their military assistance was necessary for our own security, we jet-
tisoned the commitments which we had imposed upon them. We
should have been less hypocritical had we never exacted what we
were not prepared to adopt. The point is well taken that candor is
to be preferred to cant, but candor can be achieved in either of two
German, and Swiss lines. Nothing is more to the interest of us all
than the elimination of war.
Ways to Peace
The first, the most obvious, and the most imperative step in that
direction is world disarmament. One could wish that our nation
would disarm unilaterally. One could wish that the churches would
urge such a course. There seems to be little likelihood that our na-
tion will do so or that the churches will ask it. We shall probably
muddle and spar precariously until the tensions are eased, provided
in the meantime someone does not inadvertently pull the wrong
In urging disarmament one must, however, not forget that it
would entail perils and drastic rearrangements in our way of life.
Were we to strip ourselves of all defense the Communists might ex-
tend their sway. On
the other hand they might with sincere relief
turn their efforts to industrial production and relax their grip on
However that may be, the dismantling or con-
the satellite countries.
version of armament plants would cause a huge dislocation of in-
is to coerce the
opponent into compliance through pressures mainly
economic. Gandhi's boycott of British cotton goods was of this order.
It differed no whit in principle from any other boycott and re-
was better but the concessions less than in Kenya with terrorization.
Since then Kenya has become independent and violence has broken
out in South Africa, In the French resistance movement the issue
was complicated since the common cause, to save the Jews, was made
by Christian nonresisters and the Maquis. In the United States the
Negroes, who successfully boycotted the busses, combined economic
pressure with persuasion and won. 7
Nothing can be more important, and nothing can more properly
engage the attention of all those interested in peace than a statesman-
like grappling and a flexiblehandling of all the social changes which
we shall have to confront and are not in a position to predict. The
dislocations which such changes occasion provide fertile ground for
wars. There is the problem of overproduction, to which our industry
is geared. In order to
keep going at all we have to make more than
we can use. For a time foreign markets and foreign aid may absorb
the surplus but this process cannot be continued indefinitely after
all peoples come to be industrialized. The problem may be solved
terest and
partly in the interest o a world movement which aspires
to the establishment of a classless society and an economic
but for the present achieves classlessness to a degree and
equality in
a measure by liquidating resisters within and without. In other words
canwe deal with the Russians?
One who has had a great deal of experience in dealing with them
makes some pertinent suggestions. Our approach, he says, must be
one of courtesy and patience because there is a heritage of suspicion
from the days when the United States joined in the effort to restore
czarism. In debate we must work from their premises and to that
end must be versed in their scriptures. If we can show that their
conduct is not consistent with the teachings of Marx and Lenin, they
may reconsider. The most important point is that we should not pre-
sent a plan with the claim that it is to their advantage. They will
immediately look for the catch. We should say that it is to our ad-
All of the devices thus far considered for the elimination of war
will be futile without the will to peace. The desire for peace is uni-
versal; less so, the will to peace. The line between desire and will is
all in his article with the title "Kindling for Global Gehenna/'
Norman Cousins stresses the pity of it all in his book Who Speaks
for Man? Bertrand Russell points to the folly of it all when he in-
quires whether the sublimity of feeling
which makes the species
worth preserving is all
Co end in trivial horror because so few are able to think of Man rather
than of this or that group of men?our race so destitute of wisdom, so
Beyond that there loom the truly apocalyptic dangers of our time, the
ones that threaten to put an end to the very community of history outside
which we would have no identity, no face, either in civilization, in culture,
or in morals. These dangers represent for us not only political questions
but stupendous moral problems, to which we cannot deny the courageous
Christian answer. Here our main concern must be to see that man,
whose own folly once drove him from the Garden of Eden, does not now
commit the blasphemous act of destroying, whether in fear or in anger
or in greed, the great and lovely world in which, even in his fallen state,
he has been permitted by the grace of God to live. 18
The Christian must do more than say "no" to war. His vocation is
century brought the reproach that if all men were as the Christians,
the empire would be overrun by lawless barbarians. Julian the
tailed in atomic warfare and sought to turn men to a nobler way. In
his Easter message in 1954 he said:
phosa, Asyncritus, Phlegon, Julia, Nereus, and the rest. One of the
ingredients in the degradation of modern war is that it has become
so completely depersonalized that justice cannot be administered on
a basis of individual responsibility, nor can punishment be made to
fit the crime. Perhaps even worse, the revulsion against war is
struck by the inhumanity of what they are doing when they know
the enemy only as a target.
At the close of the Second World War two veterans met in the
home of an American professor; one was a German, the other an
American. Both were theology students. The German had been on a
submarine, the American in an airplane. They compared notes. The
German related that on a given day in a given month in a particular
year he had been in a submarine off a Baltic port, dodging the
bombs from an American plane. The American said that on the
same day of the same month and the same year off that same Baltic
port he had been in a plane dropping bombs in an effort to bag a
German submarine. For the first time each of them felt the monstrous
incongruity on the part of two men training to be ministers of Jesus
In man's idealism lies both his strength and his weakness as a fire.
He can be made to fight for his personal and social survival, but it is
easier to inspire him with a call to service for abstract values than
a promise of material gain. In terms of interest men
divide, only in
terms of the defense of the moral order can
they unite. Because man
loves peace, it always the opponent who is the aggressor, and, because
he prefers decency it is always the enemy who fights unfairly and with
cruel and dastardly means. National
struggles inevitably become struggles
between good and evil, crusades against sin and the devil. Modern wars
can be fought successfully only in an
atmosphere of unreality and make-
believe/ IT
all these assumptions are valid we need not here decide. The point is
per cent of all the combat soldiers actually pulled the trigger. A
sergeant testified, "Time and time again I had to expose myself and
crawl from foxhole to foxhole to get half of the platoon to fire. Some-
times I'd practically have to sight the rifle and pull the trigger for the
guy." General Marshall explains this behavior on the ground that,
"All his life, the boy's mind works unconsciously to suppress any
desire to kill. Then, abruptly, he is put into a soldier suit and told to
shoot fellow human beings. One man in two loses the resulting
struggle to break down the lifelong inhibition." He goes on to say
that the Russians had an advantage over us because their men had
fewer inhibitions against killing. The General despairs of obtaining
100 per cent firing from our men. If we could raise the proportion to
75 per cent, "That is the best we can possibly expect." The way to
do it is to induce a mobpsychology which overrides individual in-
hibitions. "The most dramatic innovation has been talking it up
the yelling in combat which has accompanied many of our most
heroic actions in Korea." 1S
If aversion to killing is actually the normal response of our young
men, to build out from that base toward peace should be easier than
to reverse all of their previous training in favor of war.
Let us suppose that our nation should disarm unilaterally. What
would happen? We do not know. Such an unparalleled renunciation
might have an amazing effect. Weakness as such has no power; the
If a
Jews were helpless, and their helplessness did not soften Hitler.
nation possessed of strength should voluntarily renounce its ad-
there are cases on a more personal level which point to hope. Hans
to talk to the
deBoer, a German pacifist, went to Kenya, resolved
leaders of the Mau Mau. Everyone told him that if he went into the
Mau Mau country, he would never come back with his head on. He
consulted an American Quaker who had been in the land for some
twenty years. The advice was, "Young man, I wouldn't do it if I were
you. One should not tempt God."
DeBoer nevertheless went and entirely unarmed. After some two
hours of walking, as he was approaching the first settlement, two
natives in remnants of European dress accosted him in English, ask-
But If Not
"But if These words were spoken by the three Jewish
not . . ."
Shall the scrupulous then become unscrupulous in order to sur-
vive?Are we to renounce honor, shame, mercy, and compassion in
order to live? The ancient pagans would not have said so. Did not
Socrates declare that to suffer injustice is better than to inflict it?
Shall we allow this pagan to take over the virtues which we have
been wont to call Christian, while we invoke Christ to justify nuclear
Chapter 1
1. Ps. 122:7.
2. Ps. 128.
3. Onthe concept of peace in the Old Testament consult: The article eirenl in
Gerhard Kittel, Theologisches Worterbuch (1935) ; Wilhelm Caspari, "Vorstellung und
Wort Friede im Alten Testament," Beitrage zur Forderung Christlicher Theologie,
XIV, 4 (1910) ; Caspari, "Der biblische Friedensgedanke nach dem Alten Testament,"
Biblische Zeit-und Streitfragen, X(1916) ; Martin Noth, "Die israelitischen Peisonen-
namen . . . ," Beitrage zur Wissenschaft vom Alten und Neuen Testament, III, 10
4. John L. Myres, The Political Ideas of the Greeks (New York, 1927) , p. 142.
5. Fragment 71 in Comicorum Atticorum Fragmenta, ed. Koch (1884) .
cepts of Peace (New York, 1919) ; Wilhelm Nestle, "Der Friedensgedanke in der antiken
Welt," Philologus, Suppl. Bd. XXXI, 1 (1938) ; articles by Bruno Keil and Karl Brug-
mann in Berichte sachs. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, Philol. hist. KI., LXVIII
(1916) ; fuller bibliography in Michael Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic History
of the Hellenistic World, III (Oxford, 1941) , pp. 1358-59.
7. Lev. 26:5-6.
8. Denyse Le Lasseur, Les Dresses Armies dans I'art classique (Paris, 1919) ; Andr
Baudrillart, Les Divinite's de la Victoire en Grece et en Italic (Paris, 1894) .
9. Heinrich Gross, "Die Idee des ewigen und allgemeinen Weltfriedens im Alten
Orient und im Alten Testament," Trier TheoL St., VII (1956) ; Michael Rostovtzeff,
A History of the Ancient World. The Orient and Greece, Vol. 1 (Oxford, 1930) , pp.
10. William S. Ferguson, "Economic Causes of International Rivalries and Wars in
Ancient Greece," Annual Report American Historical Association. (1915) , pp. 111-21.
11. A. W. Gomme, A Historical Commentary on Thucydides, I (Oxford, 1945) p. 14. ,
20. Ibid., II, 290-94. Cf. Odyssey, XXIV, 486.
21. Agamemnon, lines 399-449.
22. Lines 764-70.
23. Persians, lines 845-51.
24. Naturales Quaestiones, III, Praef.
25. Satire, X, 168-73.
26. Res Gestae Alexandri, VII, 8, 15.
27. Julius Caesar, De Bello Gallico, VII, 77.
28. Tacitus, Agricola, 30.
29. Seven Books, VI, 1.
30. Justinus, Epit. Pompei Trogi, XXVIII, 2.
31. Ep odef VII.
32. Catilina, ch. I-X, fragments 11-12.
33. Tacitus, Historia, III, 25, 81.
34. Stobaeus, Anthology, III, 40, 9.
35. Fragment 110.
36. Aeschylus, Seven Against Thebes, trans. Gilbert Murray (London: George Allen
& Unwin Ltd.) , lines 345-51.
37. Pythian Odes, 4, 272-74,
38. Historia, I, 87.
39. I, 594, trans. Benjamin B.
Rogers (Loeb Classical Library ed.; Cambridge, Mass.:
Harvard University Press) p. 63. Used by permission.
Chapter 2
1. History VII, 9, 1.
2. Hermann Diels, Die Fragments der Vorsokratiker (3 vols.; Berlin, 1952) , II, 87, 44.
3. Diogenes Laertius, Lives, VI, 63.
4. W. W. Tarn, "Alexander the Great and the Unity of Mankind," Proceedings of
the British Academy, XIX (1933) .
64-74; Max Pohlens, "Antikes Fuhrertum, Cicero de Officiis und das Lebensideal des
Panaitios," Neue Wege zur Antike, II, 3 (1934) , pp. 137 ff.
27. The biblical citations are: Jer. 11:10, Hos. 2:18, Jer. 33:20-25, I Enoch 69:10 ff.,
Jer. 31:31-34.
28. I Mace. 2:38 and Josephus, Antiquities, XII, 6 and XIV, 4.
Chapter $
1. Num. 10:35.
2. Judg. 5, Cf. Gerhard von Rad, Der heilige Krieg im Alien Testament (Zurich,
3. Edward Meyer, "Kritik der Berichte uber die Eroberung Paiastinas" and
Stade, "Nachwort des Herausgebers," Zeitschrift fur alttestamentliche Wissenschaft,
I (1881) , pp. 117-50. There has been much discussion since with Noth attacking and
Albrecht defending the tradition in substance.
4. I Sam. 22:6.
5. I Sam. 22:13; II Sam. 15:18; I Rings 1:8.
6. I Kings 10:26.
7. I Sam. 8:11-18. Cf. Rudolf Kittel, Geschichte des Volkes Israel, II (Gotha, 1925),
pp. 174-75.
8. I Sam. 24.
9. Judg. 3:1-4.
10. Judg. 3:5.
11. II Sam. 21:2.
12. I Kings 18.
13. II Kings 10:28.
14. II Sam. 21:3-9.
15. Hos. 1:4.
16. Deut. 7:1-2; 13:15-16.
17. Exod. 14:26-29; Num. 16:31; Josh. 10:12-14; Judg. 5:20.
18. Deut. 32:41-42.
19. Judg. 7.
20. Judg. 4:21.
21. Josh. 6.
22. Num. 21:2.
23. Josh. 7.
24. I Sam. 15:10-33.
25. Josh. 6:21.
26. Josh. 10:40. Cf. Num. 31 and the many passages collected by Maurice Davies,
The Evolution of War (New Haven, 1929) pp. 312, 318-19, 321, 327, 338-39.
27. Ehrhard Junge, "Der Wiederaufbau des Heerwesens des Reiches Juda unter
Josia," Beitrage zur Wissenschaft vom Alien und Neuen Testament^ IV, 23 (1937) ,
Chapter 4
1. De dementia II, 5, 4-5.
2. Meditations 7, 22.
3. Satire 15.
4. I John 5:4.
5. I Mace. 4:10.
6. I Cor. 11:25.
7. Matt. 25:31-46.
8. Rom. 14:17.
9. Rom. 16:20.
10. Eph. 4:1-3.
11. Only in Acts 12:20 and 24:2.
12. Ps. 85:8, Isa. 57:21.
13. Rom. 5:1.
14. Eph. 2:11-23.
15. Phil. 4:7.
16. Matt. 10:13.
17. Rom. 15:13.
18. Matt. 5:9.
19. John 2:15.
20. Matt. 10:34.
21. Luke 12:51.
22. Luke 22:35-38.
23. Matt. 26:52.
24. Mark 12:17.
25. Ethelbert Stauffer, "Die Geschichte vom Zinsgroschen," Christus und die Caesaren
(Hamburg, 1948) .
English: Christ and the Caesars (Philadelphia, 1955) .
26. Matt. 17:24-25.
27. Rom. 13:1-6. Cf. I Pet. 2:13-17; I Tim. 2:2.
28. Gal. 6:16.
29. I Pet. 2:9.
30. Rev. 5:10. Cf. 1:6.
31. Col. 1:6.
32. I Cor. 15:29.
33. Eph. 1:23.
34. Phil. 3:20.
35. See II Cor. 6:14-18.
36. Heb. 11:10, 13; 13:14; I Pet. 1:17; 2:11.
37. Meditations, VII, 9.
38. Eph. 4:5.
39. Jas. 4:1.
40. Luke 2:1.
41. Luke 3:1.
42. Luke 3:12-14.
43. Luke 14:31-33.
44. Matt. 26:52.
45. Luke 22:25-38.
46. Matt. 5 and Luke 6.
47. James Moffatt, Love in the New Testament (New York, 1930) , pp. 113-19.
48. Lev. 19:2.
49. Hans Windisch, Der Messianische Krieg und das Urchristentum (Tubingen, 1909) .
Chapter 5
Abbreviations: CSEL Corpus Scrip torum Ecdesiasticorum Latinorum
PG Patralogia Graeca
PL Patrologia Latina
1. For examples see my article "The Early Church and War," Harvard Theological
Review, XXXIX, 3 (July, 1946) , pp. 189-212, portions of which are incorporated into
this chapter. Substantially in agreement is Hans Freiherr von Campenhausen, "Der
Kriegsdienst der Christen in der Kirche des Altertums," Offener Horizont (Jasper's
Festschrift, Munchen, 1953) , pp. 255-64. The usual Catholic attempt to discover non-
pacifist motives for the rejection of military service reappears
in Edward A. Ryan, "The
Rejection of Military Service by the Early Christians," Theological Studies, XIII
(1952) , pp. 1-32.
7. Ibid.f VIII, 1, 8.
8. Adolf Harnack, Militia Christi. (Tubingen, 1905) , pp. 117-21.
9. C. J. Cadoux, The Early Church and the World (Edinburgh, 1925) , p. 580.
10. Nos. 12, 21, 22, 24, 29, 47.
11. Cadoux, op. cit., p. 421.
12. Contra Celsum, VIII, 73.
13. W. M. Ramsay, Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia (2 vols.; Oxford, 1895) , p. 717,
no. 651.
14. Cor. XI.
15. Ruinart, Acta Martyrum (Ratisbon, 1859) , pp. 340-42.
16. Eusebius, HE, IX, 8, 2-4.
17. Ibid., VII, 30, 8.
18. Theodoret, HE, II, 26.
19. F.C. Burkitt, Early Eastern Christianity (London, 1904) .
1944) , p. 149, associates with Melito two other Asiatic bishops, namely Theophilus
and Abercius.
45. On Rome as the power that restrains: Tertullian, De Resurrections Carnis, XXIV;
Origen. Com. in Joh. 6:3; Lactantius, Inst., VII, 25; Hippolytus, In Danielem IV, 21, 5.
46. Harold Fuchs, Der geistige Widerstand
gegen Rom in der antiken Welt (Berlin,
1938) .
47. Tertullian, Ad
Nationes, IX. Minucius, Octavius, XXV.
48. Inst., VII, 15.
49. ApoL, XXV.
50. Inst.t VI, 9.
51. Wilhelm Bousset, The Antichrist Legend (London, 1896) , p. 126.
52. Haer., IV, 30, 3.
53. De Pallio, I.
54. Contra Celsum, II, 30. Cf. C. J. Cadoux, The Early Church and the World
(Edinburgh, 1925) , pp. 378, 386.
55. II Pet. 3:4.
56. Adolf Harnack, Die Chronologic der altchristlichen Literatur , II . . .
1904) p. 273, and my discussion in the article listed in note 1.
57. Robert Frick, "Die Geschichte des Reich Gottes-Gedankens in der alten Kirche
bis zu Origenes und Augustin," Beihefte z. Zt. f. d. neutestamentliche Wissenschaft, VI
(1928) and Cadoux, op. cit., pp. 305 ff., 347, 379.
58. Apol.f XXXII, XXXIX, Ad Scapulum IH. But a speedy coming desired in De
Oratione V. On the mora finis: cf. Cyprian, Ad Donatum, XX. On Hippolytus: Karl J.
Neumann, Hippolytus von Rom in seiner Stellung zu Staat und Welt (Leipzig, 1902) ,
pp. 56-57.
59. The Epistle of Diognetus contains the classic statement. For parallels consult
Luigi Salvatorelli, "II pensiero del Cristianismo antico intorno allo stato dagli
Apologeti ad Origene," Bilychnis, XVI (1920) , pp. 264-79, 333-52, and Wilhelm Wagner,
Der Christ und die Welt nach Clemens von Alexandrien (G6ttingen, 1903) .
81. P. K, Baillie Reynolds, The Vigiles of Imperial Rome (Oxford, 1926) .
pp. 529-30.
83. Dist. d'Archeologie Chretienne, II, p. 1160, no. 24,
84. De Fuga, XIII.
85. Diet. d'Archeologie Chretienne, II, pp. 1172-73.
86. E. Ch. Babut, "La guarde imp&iale et les officiers de I'arme'e romaine," Rev.
Hist., CXIV (1913) , pp. 225-60; CXVI (1914) , pp. 225-93. Cf Ernst Stein, Geschichte
Chapter 6
1. Lactantius, De Mortibus Persecutorum, IX. Cf. Rene* Pichon, Lactance (Paris,
1909), p. 404.
2. Felix Riitten, "Die Victorverehrung im christlichen Altertum," Studien zur
Geschichte und Kultur des Altertums XX, I (1936) , p. 42.
3. Eusebius, Oratio Constantini, XVI, 3-8. GCS, VII, 249-50. Praeparatio Ev., I, iv.
Migne PG, XXI, 35-42. cf. Erik Peterson, Monotheismus als politisches Problem
(Leipzig, 1935).
4. Karl Staab, "Pauluskommentare aus der
griechischen Kirche," Neutestamentliche
Abh., XV (1933) p. 107. ,
14. Sulpicius Severus, Vita Martini, I, i-v. Migne, PL, XX, 161-63.
15. Ep.t XVIII, 7-10, Migne, PL, LXI, 240-44.
16. John T. McNeill, "Asceticism versus militarism in the Middle Ages," Church
History, V (1936) , 3-28.
17. Origen, Contra Celsum, VIII, 55.
18. Orosius, Historiarum Lib. VII, XXXHI, CSEL, V, 516.
19. Migne, PG, XLVII, 389, sec. 2.
20. Julian, Ep., 51.
21. De Fide Christiana, II, 16. Migne, PL, XVI, 587-90.
22. De Officiis, the Latin in Migne, PL, XVI, English PNF 2d, X.
23. Sermo Dom., I, iv, 12, Migne, PL, XXXIV, 1235.
24. Retract. I, xix, 1.
25. De Civitate Dei, XVII, 13.
26. In Joan. Ep., XXXIV, 10, Migne PL, XXXV, 1656.
27. DeCivitate Dei, XIX, 28.
28. En. Ps. CXLVII, 20 Migne, PL, XXXVII, 1930. Many passages are collected by
Harald Fuchs, "Augustin und der antike Friedensgedanke," Neue philol. Unters.
No. 3 (Berlin, 1926) p. 47 f. ,
31. Roland H. Bainton, "The Parable of the Tares," Church History, I (1932) 67-89. ,
46. Epist., 189, 6, and 209, 2.
47. Rom, 12:18. De Civitate Dei, XIX, 12-13.
48. Quaest. Kept., VI, 10, CSEL, XXVIII, 2, p. 428.
49. De Civitate Deif XXII, 6.
50. De Libero Arbitrio, V, 12. Migne, PL, XXXXII, 1227.
51. Quaest. Hept., IV, 44, CSEL, XXVIII, 2, p. 353.
52. Contra Faustum, XXII, 76 and 79.
53. Epist., 138, ii, 14.
54. Sermo Dom.t I, xx, 63 and 70. Migne, PL, XXXIV, 1261 ff.
Chapter 7
1. History of the Franks, II, 30.
2. Heliand, German trans. K. L. Kannegieser (1847) , pp. 145-46.
3. Edgar Nathaniel Johnson, The Secular Activities of the German Episcopate 919-
1024 (University of Nebraska Studies, 1932) .
4. Albrecht von Stade, Chronicon Alberti Abbatis Stadenis (Helmestadii, 1587) , for
the year A.D. 1172.
5. Lina Eckenstein, Woman under Monasticism (Cambridge, Eng., 1896) pp. 65-67.
Sprichworte der Romer," Sitzungsberichte der bayr. Ak. der Wiss., phil.-hist. Kl. (1888) .
13. Vanderpol, op. cit., p. 29.
14. Emanuel Hirsch, Luther Studien, Bd, 1, Drei Kapitel zu Luthers Lehre vom
Gewissen Michael Wittmann, Die Ethik des hi. Thomas von
(Gtitersloh, 1954) ;
Aquino Oskar Renz, "Die Synteresis nach dem hi. Thomas von
(1933) , pp. 176-78;
Aquino/' Beitrage zur Geschichte der Philosophic des Mittelalters, X, 1-2 (1911) , p. 137.
15. Ferdinand Geldner, Die
Staatsauffassung und Filrstenlehre des Erasmus von
Rotterdam (Berlin, 1930) , p. 14 note 12.
16. Fritz Kern, "Gottesgnadentum und Widerstandsrecht," Mittelalterliche Studien I,
2 (Leipzig, 1914).
Max Lessen, Die Lehre vom Tyrannenmord in der christlichen Zeit (Miinchen,
17. Vanderpol, op. tit., pp. 119-24.
18. Ibid., p. 117.
19. Ludwig Huberti, Studien zur Rechtsgeschichte der Gottesfrieden und Landfrieden,
I that appeared, Ausbach, 1892) ,
(all pp. 314-15.
20. Ibid., p. 165.
21. Ibid., p. 21 Iff.
22. Bede Jarrett, op. cit., p. 187.
23. Passages are here combined from several versions translated in Dana Carlton
Munro, "Urban and the Crusaders," Translations and Reprints (University of Penn-
sylvania, 1901).
24. Carl Erdmann, Die Entstehung des Kreuzzugsgedankens (Stuttgart,
1935) , p. 164.
25. Historia
Francorum, trans. Frederick Duncalf and August C. Krey, Parallel Source
Problems in Medieval History (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1912) Used by permis- .
26. Anna Comnena, The Alexiad, trans. Elizabeth Dawes (London:
Routledge &
Kegan Paul Ltd., 1928) pp. 255-57. Used by permission.
27. Migne PL, 182, 921 ff. Cf. Steven Runciman, A History of the Crusades, vol. I,
ch. I, "Holy Peace and Holy War" (Cambridge, Eng., 1951) .
28. Hoffman Nickerson, The Inquisition (London, 1923) p. 115; Jean C. L. Simonde
de Sismondi, History of the Crusades Against the Albigenses (London, 1826) , pp. '35,
29. Richard Wallach, "Das abendlandische Gemeinschaftsbewusstsein im Mittelalter,"
Beitrage zur Kulturgeschichte des Mittelalters und der Renaissance, Bd. 34 (Leipzig,
1928) .
31. Helen Jenkins, Papal Efforts for Peace under Benedict XII, 1334-1342 (University
of Pennsylvania Diss., Philadelphia, .
John Gruber, "Peace Negotiations of the Avignonese Popes," Catholic Historical
Review, XIX (1933-34), pp. 190-99; Clemens Bauer, "Epochen der Papstfinanz,"
Historische Zeitschrift, CXXXVIII (1928) , pp. 457-504.
32. George B. Flaliff, "Deus non vult," Medieval Studies, IX (1947) , pp. 162-88.
33. Palmer Throop, Criticism of the Crusade (Amsterdam, 1940) , especially p. 58.
34. Ellen Scott Davison, Forerunners of St. Francis (Boston 1927) , pp. 257, 271.
35. Der Christ in der Welt, III, 3 (1952-53) p. 82. ,
Chapter 8
Florentine, IV, 6; V, 33; VII, 20. Cf. Felix Gilbert on Machiavelli in Makers
1. Istorie
fare in this is
period Piero Pieri, // Rinasctmento e la crisi militare italiana
given by
(1952) On Machiavelli and his
thought consult Frederico Chabod, Machiavelli
and the Renaissance (London, 1958) . On the international community of the Italian
city-states see Angelo Sereni, The Italian Conception of International Law (New York,
1943) , ch. VI.
2. Discorsi, II, 2.
3. Principe, XVIII.
4. Ibid., XVII.
5. Istorie Fiorentine t V, I.
6. Thomas Fenne, Fennes Frutes (1590) , fol. 53, cited in Paul A. Jorgensen, Shake-
speare's Military World (Berkeley, 1956) , p. 192.
7. Paracelsus, Sozialethische und sozialpolitische Schriften, hrsg. Kurt Goldammer
10. Gargantua, XXV. Cf. Paul Stapfer, "Les Ide*es de Rabelais sur la Guerre/'
Bibliotheque Univ. et Rev. Suisse, XL (1888) pp. 367-79. ,
13. Ludovicus Vives, Opera Omnia (Basel, 1555) De Bello Turcico, II, 947-59.
17. LesterK. Born, "The Education of the Christian Prince," Records of Civilization,
XXVIII (New York, 1936) .
18. R. H. Bainton, "The Classical and Christian Sources of Erasmus* Querela Pacts/'
Archiv fur Reformationsgeschichte, 42 (1951) , pp. 32-48, for full literature.
Chapter 9
L The most important writings of Luther on this subject are the following arranged
in chronological order and with references to the Weimar edition:
1523 Von weltlicher Oberkeit, II, 245-81,
1525 Ermahnung zum Frieden, XVIII, 291-334.
Wider die rauberischen und morderischen Rotten der Bauern, XVIII, 357-61.
Sendbrief von dem harten Biichlein wider die Bauern, XVIII, 384-401.
1527 Ob Kriegsleute, XIX, 623-62.
1529 Vom Kriege wider die Tiirken, XXX, II, 107-48.
Heerpredigt wider den Turken f XXX, II, 160-97.
1534 Zwo Predigten von Zorn, XLI, 748 ff.
The following literature covers Luther's political theory and his views as to war
against the peasants, the Turk and the emperor:
Paul Althaus, 'Xuthers Haltung im Bauernkrieg," Jahrbuch der Luthergesetlschaft,
VII (1925) , 1-39.
Heinrich Bornkamm, "Luthers Lehre von den zwei Reichen . /' Archiv fur Reforma-
Kurt Mathes, "Luther und die Obrigkeit," Aus der Welt christlicher Frommigkeit,
XII (1937).
Karl Miiller, "Luthers Ausserungen fiber das Recht des bewaffneten Widerstands
den Kaiser," Sitzungsberichte der kon. JBayr. Akad.
philos-philol. Kl., VIII (1915) .
Gustaf Tornvall, Andligt och varldsligt regemente hos Luther
(1940) , German, Geist-
liches und weltliches
Regiment bei Luther (1947) .
Oscar Waldeck, "Die Publizistik des Schmalkaldischen Krieges," Archiv fur Reforma-
tions geschichte, 7 (1909-10) , pp. 1-55.
2. Weimarer Ausgabe, I, 535. (Abbr. WA) ,
7. WA f VI, 267.
8. WA, XXX, I, 202.
9. The saying comes from Suetonius, Vita Octavii, XXV. In Luther WA t VI, 261.
It is quoted sometimes as a golden hook and sometimes as a golden net.
10. LII, 189 and XXXVII, 319.
11. OnZwingli consult Walter Koehler, "Ulrich Zwingli und der Krieg," Christliche
Welt 29, No. 34 (1915) , pp. 675-82. The same theme is handled by Oskar Farner in
Zwingliana, III (1914) pp. 78-80. ,
J. W. Allen, A History of Political Thought in the Sixteenth Century (New York, 1928) .
R. H. Bainton, "Castellio Concerning Heretics," Records of Civilization, XXII (New
York, 1935) , the section on Calvin.
The Age of the Reformation (Anvil Original, 1956) , documents on the right of
Robert Kingdom, Geneva and the Coming of the Wars of Religion in France (Geneva,
1956) .
"The First expression of Theodore Beza's Political Ideas," Archiv fur Reformations-
geschichte, 46 (1955) , pp. 88-100.
Richard Niirnberger, Die Politisierung des Franzosischen Protestantismus (Tubingen,
1948) .
15. Calvini Opera, Corpus Reformatorum, VIII, 476; XXIV, 360; XLIV, 346.
16. Ibid., XVIII, 425-26.
17. I Kings 11:11.
18. Henry White, The Massacre of St. Bartholomew (London, 1868) , pp. 238, 248.
19. Chanon. Trois Verite's. Cited in Geoffrey Atkinson, Les Nouveaux Horizons (Paris,
1935) ,
p. 396.
20. See R. H. Bainton, "Congregationalism: from the Just War to the Crusade in
the Puritan Revolution," Andover Newton Theological School Bulletin, Southworth
Lecture (April, 1943) .
21. Thomas The Letters and Speeches of Oliver Cromwell, ed. S. C. Lomas
London, 1904) , I, 396.
(3 vols.;
22. London, 1643.
23. A Sermon Preached Before the Commons, May 27, 1646 (London, 1646) p. 8. ,
27. A
Sermon, Jan. 29, 1644 (London, 1645) .
28. Carlyle, op. cit., II, 100.
29. A Great Victory God hath vouchsafed by the Lord Generall Cromwels Forces
against the Scots (London, 1651) , p. 5.
30. A full RELATION
of the Great Victory (London, 1648), p. 7.
31. Carlyle, op. cit., I, 511.
32. THE WORKES of Ephesus Explained, April 27, 1642 (London, 1642) , p. 50.
33. A WARNING-PEECE to WARRE (London, 1642) .
Chapter 10
1. On the Anabaptists consult:
Franklin Littell, The Anabaptist View of the Church (new ed., Boston, 1958) .
Hans J. Hillerbrand, "The Anabaptist View of the State," Mennonite Quarterly Re-
view XXXII, 2 (1958) , pp. 83-111.
"An Early Anabaptist Treatise on the Christian and the State," XXXII, 1 (1958) ,
pp. 28-48.
Harold Bender, "The Pacifism of the Sixteenth Century Anabaptists," Mennonite
Quarterly Review, XXX, 1 (1956) pp. 5-19. ,
On the Brethren:
Rufus Bowman, The Church of the Brethren and War (Elgin, 111., 1944) .
On the Quakers:
Margaret E. Hirst, The Quakers in Peace and War (London: George Allen & Unwin
Ltd., 1923) .
Geoffrey F. Nuttall, Christian Pacifism in History (Oxford, 1958) .
2. Rom. 13.
3. Lydia Muller, "Glaubenszeugnisse oberdeutscher Taufgesinnte," Quellen und
Forschungen zur Reformationsgeschichte, XX (1938) , p. 249.
4. Cited by Horsch, op. cit.
5. R. H. Bainton, "The Immoralities of the Patriarchs . ." Harvard
Theological .
20. Oeuvres diverses de Mr. Pierre Bayle (The Hague, 1727), II, 432-33.
21. Boswell's Life of Johnson (London, I, 511 under the year 1773.
1904) ,
pp. 91-94.
23. Hirst, op. cit., p. 125*
24. Ibid., p. 130.
25. Bowman, op. cit.t p. 43.
26. ThomasLurting, The Fighting Sailor (London, 1770's) .
27. On
the Spanish conquest consult:
Lewis K. Hanke, The Spanish Struggle for Justice in the
Conquest of America (Phila-
delphia, 1949) . The statements below refer to the following pages: 7, 71, 6, 7, 34,
and 2 in this order.
Aristotle and the American Indians
(London, 1959) .
28. Franciscus de Vittoria, Classics of International Law, ed. T. B. Scott (1917) , pp.
129, 250, 163-87.
29. Hanke, Aristotle, p. 26.
30. Cotton Mather, Souldiers Counselled and Comforted, a Discourse Delivered Unto
Some Part of the Forces Engaged in the Just War of New England Against the Northern
and Eastern Indians. September 1, 1689. (Boston, 1689) .
31. George Leon Walker, Thomas Hooker (New York, 1891) , p. 100.
32. Jer. 46:10. Henry Gibbs, The Right Method of Safety or, The Just Concern of
the People of God . , .
(Boston, 1704) .
36. Thomas
Prince, Extraordinary Events the Doings of God, and Marvellous in
Pious Eyes (Boston, 1745) , pp. 18-20.
37. Samuel Woodward, A Sermon Preached October 9, 1760. Being a Day of Public
Thanksgiving on Occasion of the Reduction of Montreal and the Entire Conquest of
Canada, by the troops of His Britannic Majesty . - (Boston, 1760) p. 26. . ,
39. Records of Plymouth Colony, IX, p. 7, art. IX and X, pp. 26 and 56. On this
period compare Arthur H. Buffinton, "The Puritan View of War," Publications of
the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, XXVIII (April, 1931) , pp. 67-86.
40. Robert L. D. Davidson, War Comes to Quaker Pennsylvania 1682-1756 (New
York, 1957) .
Chapter 11
1. George Norman Clark, War and Society in the Seventeenth Century (Cambridge,
Eng., 1958) .
2. Jorgenson, op. cit.
3. Palace of Peace, The Hague, Bibliography of the Peace Movement Before 1899
. Lists
twenty-eight editions during the seventeenth century
and six during the
eighteenth exclusive of the Opera.
4. Eymeric Cruce. Le Nouveau Cynte, ed. Thomas W. Balch (Philadelphia, 1909) ,
6. Elizabeth V. Souleyman, The Vision of World Peace in 17th and 18th Century
France (New York, 1941), especially pp. 11, 13, 113; Kurt von Raumer, Ewiger Friede
(Munchen, 1953) , analizes the peace plans beginning with Erasmus. The smaller are
printed in full, the longer in excerpts,
7. De Ivre Belli ac Pacts
(Amsterdam, 1642) Prolog. XX. ,
8. T. S. K.
Scott-Craig, Christian Attitudes to War and Peace (New York, 1938) ;
Joachim von Elbe, "The Evolution of the Concept of the Just War in International
Law," American Journal of International Law, XXXIII, 4 (October, 1939) , pp. 665-88.
9. William Penn, An Essay towards the Present and Future Peace of Europe, reprinted
12. Immanuel Kant, Perpetual Peace, reprinted from the translation of 1796 (Co-
lumbia University, New York, 1939) .
George Clark, War and Society in the Seventeenth Century (Cambridge, 1958) .
Fritz Redlich, "De Praeda Militari, Looting and Booty 1500-1815," Vierteljahrschrift
fur Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Beiheft, 39 (1956) , especially p. 72.
14. John V. Nef. War and Human Progress (Cambridge, Mass., 1950) , p. 233.
15. Ibid., p. 162.
16. Denis de Rougement, Love in the Western World (1939) , p. 239.
17. Emmerich de Vattel, Le Droit des Gens (Neuchatel, 1773) , III, pp. 110-11, 94-96.
18.Charles L. Montesquieu, "L'Esprit des Lois," Bk. X, iv, Bibliotheque de la
Pleiade, 81 (1949) , p. 381.
19. Nef, op. cit., pp. 118, 122, 252, 260.
20. Elise Constantinescu-Bagdat, Etudes d'histoire Pacifique, II De Vaughban a
Voltaire (Paris, 1925) , p. 252.
21. Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan (reprint Oxford, 1909) , pp. 457-69.
22. Charles F. Mullett, Fundamental Law and the American Revolution 1770-1776
(New York, 1933) .
23. Alice Baldwin, The New England Clergy and the American Revolution (Durham,
N.C., 1928) .
Chapter 12
Harry Rudin, "Diplomacy, Democracy, Security: Two
Centuries in Contrast,"
Political Science Quarterly, LXXI, No. 2 (June, 1956) , pp. 161-81 and "The Problem
of Security," in God and the Nations, ed. Paul Poling (New York, 1952) .
4. Ralph Waldo Emerson, Works (12 vols, Boston, 1909) XI, 201. ,
10. Bertha von Suttner,
Lay Down Your Arms, trans. T. Holmes (London, 1894),
pp. 236-37 and 203.
11. J. F. C. Wright, Slava Bohu
(New York, 1940) .
12. Pauline V. Young, The
Pilgrims of Russian Town (Chicago, 1932) .
13. George P. Fedotov, The Russian Religous Mind (Cambridge, Mass., 1946) and ,
19. C. S. Ellsworth, "American Churches and the Mexican War," American Historical
Review, XLV, 2 (January, 1940) pp. 301-26.
21. William Archibald Karraker, The American Churches and the Spanish-American
War (Unpublished dissertation, University of Chicago) .
22. Hirst, op. cz'i., p. 275. Used by permission of & Unwin
George Allen Ltd.
23. Ibid., p. 286.
24. George B. Smith, The Life and Speeches of .
John Bright (New York, 1881,
. .
29. Georg Wilhelm Hegel, Werke (18 vols.; Berlin, 1832-45) , VIII Philosophic des
Rechts f sections 259, 333-39.
30. Joseph Mausbach, Vom gerechten Kriege . .
(Munster, 1914) .
31. Karl Holl, Gesammelte Aufsatzef III (1928) , section 7, pp. 147-70. This address
was delivered in 1917.
32. Bishop A. F. Winnington-Ingram speaking on November 28, 1918, cited in
Keith Bryant and Lyall Wilkes, Would I Fight? (Oxford, 1935) , p. 43.
33. George K. A. Bell, Randall Davidson (2 vols.; Oxford, 1935) , II, 903,
34. Ray H. Abrams, Preachers Present Arms (New York, 1933) .
35. H. C. Peterson and Gilbert C. Fite, Opponents of War 1917-18 (Madison, Wis.,
1957) , p. 134.
36.Maurice Baring, "In Memoriam A. H.," from Collected Poems (London: The
Bodley Head, 1925) , pp. 8-4. Used by permission.
Chapter 13
1. Herbert Hoover, Shall We Send Our Youth to War? (New York: Coward-McCann,
Inc., 1939) . Used by permission.
2. Vera Brittain, The Testament of Youth (New York, 1933) ; A. A. Milne, Peace
with Honor (New York, 1934) ; Aldous Huxley, Ends and Means (New York, 1937;
Charles E. Raven, /$ War Obsolete? (1934) , and War and the Christian (New York,
1938) ; Archibald MacLeish, Air Raid (New York, 1938) ; Harry
Emerson Fosdick, A
Christian Conscience about War (1925) .
3. P. J. Noel Baker, Disarmament (New York, 1926) ; Mary Katherine Reely, Select
Documents on 'Disarmament (New York, 1921) Benjamin H. Williams, The United ;
5. Hajo Holborn, The Political Collapse of Europe (New York, 1951) , p. 136.
6. John W. Wheeler-Bennett, The Pipe Dream of Peace (New York, 1935) , pp.
7. Arnold Wolfers, Britain and France between Two Wars (New York, 1940) .
p. 179.
11. Reinhold Niebuhr, Christianity and Power Politics (New York, 1940).
12. Christianity and Crisis (September 21, 1942) , p. 6 and (April 19, 1943) , p. 4.
13. Christendom (Autumn, 1943) , p. 482.
14. Christian Century (November 1, 1939) , p. 1347.
15. Christianity and Crisis (February 10, 1941) , p. 6.
16. Ibid. (September 21, 1942) , p. 1.
17. From
"Fears in Solitude," composed 1798.
18. Memoirs
of Bertha von Suttner (Boston, 1910) , II, 408-9.
19. Liddell Hart, The Revolution in Warfare (London, 1946) .
20. Patrick M. S. Blackett, Fear, War and the Bomb (New York, 1949) , p. 15.
21. Cited by John C. Ford, "The Morality of Obliteration Bombing," Theological
Studies (September, 1944) , pp. 261-309. This citation p. 26.
22. Churchill's statements are cited in Vera Brittain, Seed of Chaos (London, 1944) ,
p. 15.
23. Reprinted in Fellowship (March, 1944) .
24. "Hiroshima It must Not Happen Again," (London, 1955) . Used by per-
mission of the publisher, Today and Tomorrow Publications.
25. Herman Hagedorn, The Bomb that Fell on America (Santa Barbara, Cal,, 1946) ,
pp. 9, 14.
Chapter 14
1. On
the possibility of defense against nuclear warfare consult:
Bernard Brodie in Quincy Wright, ed., A Foreign Policy for the United States (Chicago,
1947) , pp. 92-94.
Patrick M. S. Blackett, Fear, War and the Bomb (New York, 1948) , pp. 20-30, 36-38, 60.
Stanton A. Coblents, "H-Bombs; New Maginot Line," Christian Century (November
28, 1956) , and his From Arrow to Atom Bomb (New York, 1953) .
A number of articles in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists deal with the subject,
e.g., McCleary (September, 1956) , Kahn (January, 1959) . Chisholm on bacteriological
warfare (May, 1959) ; and Lapp (October, 1959) , who discusses the obsolescence of
massive retaliation.
2. Committee of the World Council of Churches (July, 1958) , Article 79, 2.
3. Hanson W. Baldwin, "Limited War," Atlantic Monthly (May, 1959) pp. 35-43. ,
4. Henry A. Kissinger, Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy (New York, 1957) , p.
5. Compare C. F. von WeizsScker, Ethical and Political Problems of the Atomic Age
(London, 1958).
6. Fellowship
(March, 1944) .
7. Christian Century (March 22, 1944) , p. 361.
See note 21, chap. 13.
Federal Council of Churches, Atomic
Warfare and the Christian Faith (March,
10. Federal Council of Churches, The Christian Conscience and
Weapons of Mass
Destruction (1950) , pp. 14, 23.
11. Wilfred Parsons, "Peace in the Atomic
Age," Catholic Association for Interna-
tional Peace (1947) .
14. Hajo Holborn, The Collapse of Europe (New York, 1951) , p. 149.
15. George F. Kennan, American Diplomacy (New York, 1951) p. 53. ,
19. Gerhard Ritter, Carl Goerdeler Cf. Oscar Jaszi and John D.
(Stuttgart, 1954) .
Used by permission.
23. Edgar L. Jones, "One War Is Enough," Atlantic Monthly (February, 1956),
48-53. Used by permission.
24. Reginald Hugh Bacon, Lord Fisher (London, 1929) I, 120-21. ,
Chapter 1$
1. The view that foreign policy should be directed primarily to national self-interest
is espoused by:
Hans J. Morgenthau, In Defense of the National Interest (New York, 1951) p. 252; ,
and "The Decline and Fall of American Foreign Policy," New Republic (December
10, 1956) , p. 14.
Louis J. Halle, "A Touch
of Nausea," New
Republic (January 21, 1957) , pp. 1-17.
Kenneth Thompson, Christianity and Crisis. (January 7, 1957) .
Ernest Lefever, Ethics and United States Foreign Policy (New York, 1957) .
2. George F. Kennan, American Diplomacy 1900-1950 (Mentor Paperback, 1952) , p.
3. Friends Committee on National Legislation (October, 1956) .
(May George Meader, "Our Foreign Aid Program," Reader's Digest (April,
9, 1956)
Barthelemy de Ligt, The Conquest of Violence (London, 1937) ,
Hallam Tennyson, India's Walking Saint (New York, 1955) .
Cecil E. Hinshaw, "Nonviolent Resistance," Pendle Hill Pamphlet 88 (1956) .
Martin Luther King, Jr., "Nonviolence and Racial Justice," Christian Century (Febru-
ary 6, 1957) .
8. On
the population problem:
Information Service of the National Council of Churches (June 6, 1959) bibliography. ,
John Boyd Orr, The White Man's Dilemma (London, 1953) . The cycle will run its
Daedalus (summer, 1959) , articles by Hudson Hoaglund on the control of fertility and
by John L. Thomas and John Bennett on the Catholic and Protestant approaches
to the control of population.
John N. Hazard, "The United States and the Soviet Union," Quincy Wright,
A Foreign Policy for the United States (Chicago, 1947) .
10. Lewis Mumford, "Kindling for Global Gehenna," Saturday Review of Literature
(June 26, 1948) , p. 7, and "The Morals of Extermination," Atlantic Monthly (October,
1959) pp. 38-44.
Bertrand Russell, "Man's Peril from the Hydrogen Bomb," The Listener (Decem-
ber 30, 1954) reprinted by the Friends Peace Committeef London.
12. C. F. von WeizsJicker, Ethical and Political Problems of the Atomic Age (London:
Student Christian Movement Press, 1958) Used by permission. .
13. George F. Kennan, "Foreign Policy and Christian Conscience," Atlantic Monthly
18. Bill Davidson, "Why Our Combat Soldiers Fail to Shoot," Colliers (Nov. 8,
Guide to Literature
The literature on the problems and the ethic of war and peace is too voluminous
for coverage in the notes or even in a separate bibliography which would itself com-
prise a volume. Space precludes more than a reference to bibliographical aids. Guides
to literature have been issued by:
The Fellowship of Reconciliation, Box 271, Nyack, New York.
The Friends Peace Committee, 1520 Race St., Philadelphia 2, Pa. In December, 1956,
and again in 1959.
The Puidoux Theological Conference, August, 1955. Apply to the secretary Pastor
Dale Aukerman, Gluckstrasse 3, Becklinghoven bei Beuel, Germany. The compiler
of this list, Walter Dignath, has provided bibliographies in his: "Kirche, Krieg und
Kriegsdienst," Theologische Forschung, X (Hamburg, 1955)
and in his article:
For Catholic coverage see the publications of The Catholic Association for International
Covenant, 30, 35-36, 42, 50, 51, 54, Dubois, Pierre, 120, 127-28
139-40, 146 Dukhobors, 195, 210
Coventry, 225 Dutch Reformed, 193
Cromwell, Oliver, 147-51
Cruce, Eymeric de, 177, 179-80 Edwards, Jonathon, 169
Crusade, American Civil War as, Eiren, 17-18
198; American Revolution as,
Egypt, 33, 36, 69, 89
188; critiqueof, 242-43; Crom- Election, doctrine of, 14344
well's, 147-51; decline of, 221; Elijah, 92
First World War as, 205-10; for Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 191
peace, 211-15; in the New Testa- Empedocles, 29
ment, 56-57; in the Old Testa- Epicurus (Epicurean), 28, 181
ment, 44-52; in the Middle Ages, Episcopalian. See Anglican
14;Reformed churches views 1
Gandhi, 216, 240, 257 Holmes, John Haynes, 219
Geneva, 145 Holofernes, 108
Gibbs, Herbert, 168 Hoover, Herbert, 211
Gideon, 48, 121 Homer, 19, 22
Giovanni de Vincenza, 111 Hopkins, Samuel, 192
Gladstone, William Ewart, 200 Horace, 23, 32
Gnostics, 82, 115, 239 Hotman, 146
Goerdeler, Carl, 244 Huguenots, 147, 173
Golden Age, 20-22, 43, 106, 174 Humanity, Humanitas, Humanite*,
Goodman, Christopher, 146 28, 42, 127-29, 145, 159, 162,
Gratian, 106 177-78, 184-86, 191, 243
Guilt, sole, 99, 205, 212 Hus (ites) , 120-21
Guise, house of, 146 Hutterites, 156
Gulliver's Travels, 175-76 Huxley, Aldous, 212
Grotius, Hugo, 178, 188
Idolatry in theRoman army, 73-74
Hagedorn, Herman, 228 Indian Mutiny, 201
Hague Tribunal, 196-97 Indians. See Aborigines
Just war cont'd Macdonald, Ramsay, 162, 208
formulation in antiquity, 14; Machiavelli, Niccolo, 123-27, 138,
Greek code of, 38-39; Hebrew 145, 262
code of, 42-43; in the Middle MacLeish, Archibald, 214
Ages, 103-8; in the Renaissance, Magdeburg Confession, 142, 146
121-22; Luther's view on, 139-40; Magistrate, inferior, 141, 146, 148
New Testament texts for, 57-61; Man, doctrine of, 83, 91, 125, 152,
Roman code of, 41-42 162-63, 211, 216, 235-38, 253
Justin Martyr, 72, 77 Manchuria, 204, 212
Juvenal, 23, 26, 54 Manasseh, 49
Marcion, 82
Kant, Immanuel, 182 Marcus Aurelius, 29, 30, 54, 68
Katherine the Great, 184
Marseillaise, 187
Keitel, Field Marshal, 243 Marshall, S. L., 265
Kellogg-Briand treaties, 214 Marsilius of Padua, 121, 127
Kennan, George F., 236, 260-61 Martin of Tour, 81, 88
Kenya, 257, 265 Mary Tudor, 146
Kissinger, Henry A., 232
Massinissa, 38
Knox, John, 146 Massive retaliation, 231, 266-67
Mather, Cotton, 167-68
Lactantius, 73, 75-76, 78
Mausbach, Joseph, 207
Lafollette, Robert, 209
Maximilianus, 70
Lateran Council, Fourth, 109
Mediation, 36, 214; see also Arbitra-
League of Nations, 215 tion
Leclercq, 69
Meleager, 35
Lenin, Nikolai, 238
Melito of Sardis, 74, 86
Leonard of Lichtenstein, 156
Leonardo da Vinci, 186 Menelaus, 22
Mournful mood, 98, 112, 139, 145, Pacifism con t d
221-22 early church, 66-84; eschatologi-
Muentzer, Thomas, 15940, 143 cal, 81; Greek, 28-29; Hebrew,
Muhlenberg, John, 189 30-31; humanist, 127-35; legalistic,
Mumford, Lewis, 259 53, 81, 154; medieval, 118-21;
Musonius, 24 New Testament, 61-63; pruden-
Mussolini, 246 tial, 31, 34, 159, 179, 181-82, 193,
249; redemptive, 30, 82-83; Ro-
Nagasaki, 226, 261 man, 29-30; see also Arbitration,
Pilate, 58 Resistance, right of, 106, 141, 146-
Pindar, 24 47, 186-88
Pity, 174, 203 Revolution, American, 185, 187-89;
Pius XII, 263 French, 183; Puritan, 147-51
Pizarro, 166 Roberts, Richard, 208
Plateia, battle of, 34 Roman decadence, 23, 74, 94
Plato, 38-40, 95 Romans, 13, 58, 83
Plotinus, 29, 84 Romantic movement, 206
Plutarch, 34-35 Romulus, 23, 74
Poitiers, battle of, 118 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 225
Poland, 157 Roosevelt, Theodore, 196-97
Police, 60, 79, 81, 240 Rotterdam, 225
Political theory, Anabaptist, 155-56; Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 182-83
early church, 74-75, 83-84; medie- Royden, Maude, 218
val, 105; Of American Revolu- Russell, Bertrand, 162, 212, 238,
of 259
tion, 188; Luther, 137-38;
Puritan, 146-47 Rush-Bagot Agreement, 196
Russians, dealing with, 259
Polytheism and war, 87
Pompeius Trogus, 94
Sabbath, no warfare on, 43, 90
Ponet, John, 146
Saint Bartholomew Massacre, 146
Population problem, 258 Saint Bernard, 114
Postel, Guillaume, 127-28
Saint Francis, 119
Prince, Thomas, 169 Saint Louis, 118
Propertius, 32 Saint Peter, 58, 103
Protection, theory of, 156, 251; Saint Pierre, Abb de, 183
peril of, 245 Sallust, 23, 94
Presbyterians, 151, 193, 198, 208, Salms, Count of, 104
215, 219 Samuel, 48
Prudentius, 88 Sarajevo, 205
Prussia, 184 Saul, 46
Pyncheon, 168 Schweitzer, Albert, 259
Pythagoreans, 29 Schwenckfelders, 170
Shepherd, "Dick," 212 Truce of God, 110-12, 123
Sherman, General, 224 Truman, Harry, 243
Sisera, 44, 48 Turk, 113, 118, 128, 137, 140, 163,
Socrates, 39, 181, 268 178-79, 183, 190
Solomon, 45 Twain, Mark. See Clemens, Samuel
Sophists, 34, 39, 124 Tyrannicide, 106, 108, 109, 154
Sorokin, Pitirim, 237
Smith, William, 163 Ulpian, 39
Socinus, Faustus, 157 Unitarians, 198
Sparta, 19, 33, 142, 146 United Nations, 256
Speyer, Diet of, 141 Universals, 107
Spykman, Nicholas, 264 Urban II, 111
Standish, Miles, 168
State personified, 41, 107, 126 Valens, 99-100
Stead, W. T., 203 Vattel, Emeric de, 185
Sterne, Laurence, 195 Versailles, treaty of, 217
Stilicho, 99 Victor, title, 85
Stoics, 20, 22, 26, 35, 37, 43, 53, 87, 217
Vienna, treaty of,
90, 128, 174, 206 Vim vi repellere, 104, 253
Suttner, Bertha von, 194, 223
Vinoba Bhave, 257
Sulla, 42
Virgil, 22, 31, 42
Sully, 183
Virtues, Christian, 54, 55, 124, 261-
Swift, Jonathan, 175-77 62
Synesius, 88, 99
Vitricius, 78
Vittoria, Francesco, 106, 166
Tacitus, 23, 124
Vives, Juan, 127, 129
Taft, William Howard, 196
Vocationalism, 63, 97, 121, 139, 156
Tares, Parable of, 92
Voltaire, Francois, 174-75, 177
Tatian, 71
Tawney, R. H., 242 119
Templars, 114, 118
Walker, George, 149-50
Temple, William, 267
War, American Civil, 198-99, 224,
Tertullian, 73-84
235; American Revolution, 185,
Theodosius I, 95, 100
187-89; Anglo-Dutch, 184-85; Bis-
Theodosius II, 88
marck's, 198; Boer, 198, 203;
Thucydides, 124 costly, 24, 27; Crimean, 190, 200-
Thomas, Aquinas, 67, 106 201; First World, 194, 198, 205-10,
Thundering Legion, 68 232; French Revolution, 187;
Tibullus, 32 Franco-Prussian, 198, 204;holy,
Tiberius, 58, 61 44, 209; Hundred Years', 117; ir-
Tilly, 151 rational, 24, 26; Kappell, 141;
Tolstoy, Leo, 195, 204 Korean, 244-45, 265; Mexican,
Transmigration, 115 198-99; Napoleonic, 190, 198; of
Troeltsch, Ernst, 205-7 religion, 144-47; of 1812, 191,
Wars cont'd Williams, Roger, 169
199; Peasants', 125-26, 140; Pelo- Wilson, Woodrow, 196, 208-9, 212
ponnesian, 22, 37; Persian, 22, 34; Woolman, John, 172
Puritan Revolution, 147-51; Rus- World Council of Churches, 230
so-Japanese, 204; Second World, World Court, 215
198, 216-18, 231, 236, 240, World government, 256
245, 264; Seven Years', 185; Span- Worms, Diet of, 135
ish-American, 198, 200; Thirty Wycliffe, John, 119
Years', 151, 173; Trojan, 22; see
also Just war and Crusade
Xenophon, 27
Warfare, aerial, 225-26; bacterio-
logical, 231; carnal, 82, 159; deg- Yahweh, as god of war, 47-52, 103
radation of, 223-29; limited, 230;