The Power of Your Intention
The Power of Your Intention
The Power of Your Intention
The Power Of
of Your
Your Intention
to Eliminate
To Instantly
Healers and
and Anytime
Your Inner Healer
The Power
Of Your Intention
Tips to Instantly Feel Better
Anywhere & Anytime
by Barbara Robins
The Power of Your Intention
Tips To Instantly Feel Better Anywhere and Anytime
Your Turn To Play With Your Using intention we can find the points in our
Bioenergetic Field bioenergetic field that are blocking the flow of
energy. Jut as our arteries can become blocked
First say to yourself a few times “I feel really, so too our energy pathways can become
really great!”. Now, take a minute to assess how blocked. Did you know that if some energy
you feel. Odds are high, even if your mood pathways become blocked that will lead to our
wasnʼt too great, you now feel lighter.
arteries becoming blocked? Yep, itʼs true. In fact,
whatever your noticeable symptoms are,
Now letʼs try the opposite. Say to yourself a few whether physical, emotional, relational, (financial
times “ I feel really, really too) they all begin with energy
miserable.” Take a minute to blockages.
Be Present
One of the results of this toes in position is that Feelings are the catalyst that put your thoughts
you are more fully present in your body. in motion. Think about this – can you be
emotional and stay still? NO you can’t. Imagine
The Power of Your Intention
Tips To Instantly Feel Better Anywhere and Anytime
you are at the Super Bowl. It’s the last 30 feelings, and send back to you people and
seconds of a tied game. Can you picture situations that reflect your feelings. So that’s
everyone sitting there calmly, silently watching? what you want to think about because thinking
NO! Even if you are not fond of football and were about how life sucks will send those ripples out
playing solitaire the entire game you would be and you will attract sucky experiences instead of
paying attention now. All those standing, empowering experiences.
The following are words we use when we want to express a combination of emotional states
and physical sensations. This list is neither exhaustive nor definitive. It is meant as a starting
place to support anyone who wishes to engage in a process of deepening self-discovery and to
facilitate greater understanding and connection between people.
The contents of this page can be downloaded and copied by anyone so long as they credit CNVC as follows:
Below is a section from the book Attracting Most likely the boats whose captains were
Perfect Customers by Stacey Hall & Jan depending on a steady, constant stream of light
Broguiez. This passage focuses on attracting to guide them safely around potential dangers
customers that are ideal for you, but you can would be damaged or destroyed in the chaos and
also think about this effect for attracting perfect confusion. Other boats might be steered
friends and situations.
dangerously close to shore so those on board
could get a better look at the spectacle. Still
Imagine a lighthouse others would be perfectly
standing strong and tall content to stay where they are
on the rocky shore of a – out at sea, relying on their
beautiful harbor. The own navigational equipment.
water is calm, the sky is The result: very few boats
blue, and many boats are would be served well or at all
out at sea. But off in the by the lighthouse.
We’ve discussed being present in the moment 5. Take a deep breath in and out. Take your
and knowing what feelings are important to you. hand off the page, and then notice how you
But, there is more to sustaining energy flow than are feeling now. Rate that on a 1-10 scale.
just knowing those feelings. I knew I disliked my 6. How does your new rating, the way youʼre
childhood bedroom furniture but identifying that feeling now, compare to the way you were
didn’t magically change the furniture into feeling before you did this exercise?
thing, your mind another and and personal life the channels to ultimate
success and happiness open. Begin by filling out
you can’t seem to move our Illuminating the Deeper You discovery form.
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If you have lived with your pain or problem for a long time and feel
discouraged and depressed it can be easy to lose heart and give up
hope. I know what you are feeing as I have walked in your shoes. You
try one thing after another and nothing gives you the results you are
looking for.
When I finally found a solution for my own stress I knew I was meant
to share it with others. That is what led me to study and become a
master energy healer.
By my first year I had treated over 800 people with a 97% success
rate. I then went on to help an athlete who was staring into the end of
her career, turn that around, and win her first Olympic Gold Medal in
just seven weeks.
"Wherever you are on your path, or in the world, if you are ready for
your life to shine brighter I'm here to help you glow”.
Barbara Robins
Live Fully: Express the Song of Your Soul