Design of Planar High Gain Antenna Using SIW Cavity Hybrid Mode

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Transactions on Antennas and Propagation


Design of Planar High Gain Antenna

using SIW Cavity Hybrid Mode
Soumava Mukherjee, Animesh Biswas

Abstract— In this paper, a planar high gain slot antenna backed by a

rectangular Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) cavity is presented.
The proposed antenna uses a narrow rectangular SIW cavity with high
length to width ratio. This modifies the conventional sinusoidal field
distribution of the cavity modes to generate a hybrid mode field
distribution with more field concentration at the center of the cavity. A
closed form expression is presented which represents the proposed
hybrid mode field distribution as a summation of multiple TEym10 cavity
modes. A slot antenna placed at the top plate of the proposed cavity is
excited by the hybrid mode. Calculation of far field radiation pattern of Fig. 1. (a) Top view and (b) side view of the proposed SIW narrow
the proposed antenna is presented which exhibits its potential to produce rectangular cavity along AA/. (Substrate used: RT Duroid 5880 with
narrower main beam along with high gain. To validate the concept, a dielectric constant (εr) of 2.2)
prototype is fabricated in a thin substrate (h =0.787mm). The (L = 78 mm, W = 10 mm, d = 1 mm, s = 1.6 mm, lin = 4.3 mm, wm = 2.42
experimental result shows antenna resonance at 9.5 GHz with high gain mm, ws = 4.86 mm, h = 0.787 mm)
of 9.62 dBi.
Index Terms— cavity backed antenna, high gain, hybrid mode, slot fed dielectric resonator antenna array, stacked yagi antenna array is
antenna, SIW discussed in [15] and [16]. Recently excitation of hybrid mode in
SIW cavity is discussed in [17], [18], [19], [20] to realize dual band
I. INTRODUCTION and broadband response.
In recent years, there is a huge interest to design high gain In this paper, a planar high gain slot antenna backed by SIW cavity
antennas among the researchers to meet the requirement of modern is presented. The proposed antenna uses a narrow rectangular cavity
radar and satellite technology [1]. The design of high gain antenna of high length to width ratio which helps to excite hybrid mode in
systems replaces complex feeding network based array antennas with the cavity. The generation of hybrid cavity mode is explained by
a simple, easy to fabricate design topology to make it suitable for analyzing it as a summation of multiple TEym10 modes. It is shown
high speed modern wireless communication network [2]. Several that by increasing the length to width ratio, the conventional cavity
technologies to implement high gain antenna systems have been modes of the design overlap with each other to produce a modified
proposed in recent years which use artificial magnetic conductor, sinusoidal field distribution in the cavity. This modified field
dielectric superstrate, dielectric lenses etc. [3], [4], [5]. However, all distribution is then used to excite the planar slot antenna. A
these designs use multilayer substrate to improve the gain calculation of the far field radiation pattern of the antenna
performance of the antenna and hence are not suitable for low demonstrates that excitation of the proposed slot antenna with hybrid
profile, conformal applications. Cavity backed slot antennas for mode helps it to produce narrower main beam and as a result, the
improved gain performance were reported in [6], [7]. gain of the antenna improves significantly. A fabricated prototype of
Recently, substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) the proposed SIW narrow cavity backed slot antenna is presented
technology has emerged as a promising candidate to implement which exhibits a gain of 9.62 dBi at 9.5 GHz. The use of simple
bulky waveguide based circuits in planar substrate for high microstrip feed line along with planar SIW cavity makes the
frequency microwave and millimeter wave applications [8]. The proposed design suitable for low profile, planar applications. The
SIW technology uses rows of metallic vias to implement metallic proposed high gain antenna can be a good candidate for variety of
sidewalls in planar substrate which along with top and bottom copper microwave applications e.g. short range point-to-point
cladding completes the waveguide structure in planar form. SIW communications (~10 dBi), wireless power transfer (5-9 dBi), low
cavity backed slot antennas are reported in [9], [10]. Several designs profile short range radar systems, automotive applications (~ 10
of SIW based high gain large antenna arrays have been proposed in dBi), micro and pico satellites for earth observation, communication
recent years. But the use of complex feeding network along with and educational applications (~6-10 dBi) etc. [1], [14].
multilayer structure increases complexity of the fabrication process The paper is organized as follows. Analysis of narrow rectangular
[11]. In [12], higher order mode of SIW cavity is used to excite cavity and its hybrid mode field distribution is described in Section
multiple slots to produce high gain radiation pattern. SIW fed high II. Also the prediction of far field radiation pattern is described in
gain antenna for end fire radiation pattern is reported in [13]. In [14], details. Next, a fabricated prototype of the SIW cavity backed slot
the gain of the SIW fed slot antenna is improved by using anisotropic antenna with high gain is demonstrated in Section III. The paper is
zero-index metamaterial coating while losing its planar form. SIW finally concluded in Section IV.

Manuscript submitted on June, 2016.

Soumava Mukherjee, was with Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, II. WORKING PRINCIPLE
India. He is now with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian
Institute of Technology Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India (phone: 02912449149; e- The top view of the proposed narrow SIW cavity is shown in Fig. 1.
mail: The design uses four rows of metallic vias to implement the proposed
Animesh Biswas is with the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, U. P., cavity in planar substrate. The diameter (d) and pitch (s) of the vias are
India (e-mail: chosen maintaining the condition d/λ0 ≤ 0.1 and d/s ≥ 0.5 to ensure
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this communication are
available online at
minimum leakage of power through the sidewall of the cavity [9], [10].
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ The length of the cavity is much higher than the width of the cavity

0018-926X (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2017.2780980, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation




Fig. 2. (a) Magnitude of electric field at the top metallic plate of the cavity;
(b) comparison between calculated normalized electric field distribution from
(2) and simulated normalized electric field distribution from Ansoft HFSS
along with reference sinusoidal field distribution.

which are optimized to keep the dominant mode at X band (8-12

GHz). The resonant frequency of the SIW cavity modes can be
determined from the equivalent length and width of the SIW cavity
following the procedure described in [21], [22]. The proposed cavity is (c)
excited by a small section of 50 Ω microstrip line which is inset inside Fig. 3. (a) Proposed narrow SIW cavity backed slot antenna; (b) electric
the cavity up to a length lin. The central feeding line helps to excite field vector at the top metallic plate of the proposed antenna; (c) comparison
between predicted far field radiation pattern from (15) and (16) and
TEym10 modes of the cavity where m is an odd integer. simulated radiation pattern extracted from Ansoft HFSS.
(Lslot = 60 mm, wslot = 0.4 mm, ds = 5.5 mm)

A. Analysis of hybrid mode

The magnitude of electric field at the top metallic plate of the m x y (1)
cavity at first resonant mode is shown in Fig. 2(a). It is interesting to E zn  sin( ) * sin( )
see that the field distribution in the cavity is not purely sinusoidal as However, for the proposed narrow SIW cavity, the field
compared to the field distribution of conventional mode in SIW distribution is modified by the interaction between higher order
cavity [9], [10]. The electric field in the proposed narrow rectangular modes and the resultant hybrid mode field distribution can be written
cavity is concentrated at the middle of the cavity with negligible as
field at the both ends. The normalized field distribution of the
y (2)
proposed cavity extracted from Ansoft HFSS is shown in Fig. 2(b) in E zn  f (x) * sin( )
solid line.
The modification in the field distribution of the cavity can be x 3 x 5 x
f (x)  sin( )  0.375 * sin( )  0.125 * sin( )
explained with the help of interaction of dominant TEy110 and higher L L L
order TEym10 modes in the proposed cavity. Due to the high length to 7 x 9 x
width ratio, the dominant TEy110 mode along with higher order  0.0625 * sin( )  0.03125 * sin( )
TEym10 (m = 3,5,7,...) modes are excited within a close frequency (3)
range. As a result, these modes start to overlap. The similar electric Where f(x) in (3) represents resultant electric field distribution
field distribution of these cavity modes help them to interact strongly along X axis due to the overlapping of TE y110, TEy310, TEy510, TEy710
with each other and as a result, the resultant field distribution of the and TEy910 mode in the SIW cavity. However, the effect of next
cavity is modified. To validate the idea, the proposed cavity field higher order modes is neglected in (3) and only first five terms are
distribution is expressed as a summation of multiple SIW cavity considered to simplify the calculation. The coefficient of the
modes. For conventional cavity mode TE ym10, the normalized electric expression in (3) is determined by curve fitting process with the help
field distribution can be written as

0018-926X (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2017.2780980, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation


of MATLAB and comparing with the simulation results to match the lslot 2 1  (11)
calculated field distribution with the simulated hybrid mode field I1   * * * (1  e i 2 X )
4  lslot
distribution. The calculated field distribution from (2) is shown in X ( )
2 2

Fig. 2(b) as dotted line. The electric field distribution is normalized
to its maximum value in each case. It can be seen that the calculated lslot 2 1 3 (12)
I2   * * * (1  e i 2 X )
field distribution successfully predicts the simulated hybrid mode 4 3  lslot
X 2  ( )2
field distribution of the proposed cavity. The small deviation 2
between calculated and simulated field distribution can be minimized lslot 2
1 5 (13)
by considering the effect of the next higher order modes (m > 9) in I3   * * * (1  e i 2 X )
4 5 2 lslot
(3). X (
k * lslot
X  * sin( ) * cos( ) (14)
B Prediction of Far field 2
The proposed narrow rectangular cavity can be used to excite However, the proposed slot antenna is backed by the SIW cavity
planar slot antenna placed at the top plate of the cavity as shown in which helps to produce unidirectional radiation pattern as shown in
Fig. 3(a). The placement of the slot on the top plate of the cavity Fig. 3. Hence to account for the effect of back side reflector, the
disturbs the hybrid mode field distribution of the cavity. The expression in (8) and (9) is modified following the procedure
impedance matching of the proposed antenna is obtained by described in [Ch. 4.7, 23] which is shown below:
optimizing the slot position as well as slot length. As shown in Fig. E r  f r ( ) * E  (15)
3(b), the difference in magnitude and phase of the cavity field E r  f r ( ) * E  (16)
distribution at the opposite side of the slot helps to excite it to radiate

into free space [9], [10]. However, the excitation of the slot by f r ( )  2 * cos(kh* cos( ));  
hybrid mode of the proposed cavity with most of the field 2 (17)
concentrated at the center of the slot results in a far field radiation 
pattern with narrow beam main lobe. As shown in Fig. 3(c), the far  0;  
field radiation pattern produces narrower beam in H plane compared The calculated far field pattern is plotted in Fig. 3(c) along with
to that of the conventional SIW cavity backed slot antenna [9] which simulated pattern extracted from Ansoft HFSS. It can be seen that
helps to improve gain of the proposed antenna. As a result, high gain the calculated far field successfully predicts the simulated pattern
is achieved from the antenna while maintaining planar configuration with a narrow main lobe in H plane. The half-power beam width
of the design. (HPBW) in both calculated and simulated H plane pattern is 32° and
To predict the far field of the proposed antenna, the excitation in the E plane, the calculated and simulated HPBW is 96° and 102°
electric field across the slot is calculated at first. As shown in Fig. respectively. The narrow beam in H-plane is due to the large aperture
3(a), the electric field across the slot Eslot can be calculated from the size of the slot. Since the slot is excited by a single hybrid mode with
potential difference between (ds-wslot/2) and (ds+wslot/2). a quasi-sinusoidal field distribution, a single beam with high
 (d s  wslot/ 2) directivity and consequently high gain is produced. In conventional
 (d  wslot/ 2 )  E zn mod * h  f (x) * sin( ) * h (4) cavities in which the cavity dimensions are not extended and hybrid
modes are not excited, if the slot length exceeds than half of the
 (d s  wslot/ 2)
 (d  wslot/ 2 )  E zn mod * h  f (x) * sin( ) * h (5) wavelength, higher order modes will be excited in the aperture
W resulting in big side lobes. Hence the proposed design helps to
d 1 realize a planar high gain antenna with simple feeding technique
E slot   yˆ * h * f (x)
dw wslot (6) which is suitable for conformal applications.
 (d s  wslot/ 2)  (d s  wslot/ 2)
*{sin( )  sin( )}
Hence the equivalent magnetic current density across the slot is
Based on the working principle discussed above, a SIW cavity
backed high gain slot antenna is realized in planar substrate Rogers
M s   2 nˆ  E slot (7)
RT Duroid 5880 of thickness 0.787mm which has dielectric constant
Now the far field radiation pattern from the slot can be calculated of 2.2 and loss tangent of 0.0009. The top view of the proposed
from (7) following the procedure described in [23]. The final antenna is shown in Fig. 4(a). The proposed slot antenna is placed at
calculated fields are shown in (8) and (9). However, for simplicity, the top metallic plate of the narrow rectangular SIW cavity. The
only first three terms of f(x) are considered here neglecting higher length of the slot is optimized with the help of Ansoft HFSS to get
order terms (m ≥ 7). proper impedance matching of the antenna. The position of the slot
e  ikr ds is adjusted such that it disturbs the hybrid mode surface current
E  lslot * wslot * ki * * (8)
4 r distribution of the cavity as shown in Fig. 4(b). The excitation of the
(  2 * cos( ) * cos( ) * wslot ) * I proposed slot antenna by the hybrid mode field distribution is shown
in Fig. 4(c). The electric field exists at one side of the slot with
e  ikr negligible field on the other side along with most of the field
E  lslot * wslot * ki * (9)
4 r concentrated at the center of the slot due to the hybrid mode
*(  2 * sin( ) * wslot ) * I distribution. The difference in magnitude and phase of the electric
I  (I1)-0.375*(I2)+0.125*(I3) (10) field at the opposite side of the slot excites it to radiate into free
space. To get impedance matching of the proposed antenna, the
feeding microstrip line is inset in the cavity up to a length lin as

0018-926X (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2017.2780980, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation



(b) Fig. 5. Comparative study of simulated and measured response of the

proposed antenna.

Fig. 4. (a) Top view of the proposed SIW cavity backed high gain slot
antenna; (b) surface current density plot at the top metallic plate of the
cavity; (c) magnitude of electric field at the top metallic plate of the cavity.
(Lslot = 60 mm, wslot = 0.4 mm, w1= 2 mm, ds = 6.4 mm, L = 78 mm, W =
10 mm, d = 1 mm, s = 1.6 mm, lin = 4.3 mm, wm = 2.42 mm, ws = 4.86 mm)

shown in Fig. 4(a). The optimized dimension of the proposed

antenna is mentioned in Fig. 4.
However, due to large length-to-width ratio of the SIW cavity, (a)
there is a tendency to excite higher order modes of the proposed
cavity which degrades the out of band performance of the antenna.
Hence to prevent any unwanted higher order mode excitation, the
proposed slot antenna is modified by widening the central part of the
slot as shown in Fig. 4(a). The effect of the modification of the slot
shape is shown in Fig. 5. The response of the rectangular slot is
shown in dash dot line in Fig. 5 which exhibits the antenna
resonance at 9 GHz along with an additional higher order mode
resonance at 10.48 GHz which degrades the out of band performance
of the antenna. However, the simulated response of the proposed
modified slot antenna is shown in Fig. 5 in dashed line. The
proposed antenna resonates at 9.5 GHz with a bandwidth of 700
MHz along with improved out of band performance.
The fabricated prototype along with the experimental result of the
antenna is also shown in Fig. 5. The measured response of the
antenna matches well with the simulated response along with (b)
measured resonant frequency at 9.6 GHz with a bandwidth of 670
Fig. 6. Comparison between simulated and measured radiation pattern (a) E
MHz. The simulated and measured radiation pattern of the antenna is plane; (b) H plane.
shown in Fig. 6. Due to SIW cavity backing behind the slot, the
proposed antenna produces unidirectional radiation pattern. Both the
E plane and H plane measured radiation pattern of the antenna agrees
finite ground plane and the microstrip feed line. The simulated and
well with the simulated results. The simulated and measured cross
measured front-to-back-ratio (FTBR) of the antenna is below 19 dB
polar component of the antenna are below 25 dB and 22 dB
and 15 dB respectively.
respectively from the co-polar component. The deviation between
However, it is interesting to see that the radiation pattern in H
simulated and measured crosspolar level may be due to the presence plane produces narrower main beam with simulated half-power beam
of metallic flange based measurement setup which was not included width (HPBW) of 28° only. The measured H plane pattern also
in the simplified simulation model. However, there is a small follows the simulated response with measured HPBW of 30°. The
amount of field in the backside of the antenna due to the presence of simulated and measured E plane HPBW is 92° and 95° respectively.

0018-926X (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2017.2780980, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation


Propo SIW antenna Conventional
sed Low gain High gain high gain
Property antenna
Ante antenna antenna
nna [9] [12] [14] [4] [3]
Size 2.47λ0 0.66λ0 1.76λ0 2.57 λ0 2.25 0.7 λ0 ×
× × 0.8λ0 × × λ 0× 0.7 λ0 ×
0.31λ0 × 0.016 1.76λ0 1.79 λ0 0.54 0.25 λ0
× 0.026 λ0 ×0.17 × λ0
λ0 λ0 0.15 λ0
Dielec 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 9.2 2.2
No of Single Single Single Multila Multil Multila
layer layer layer layer yer ayer yer
Freq 9.5 10 32.3 5.8 12.5 14
Fig. 7. Comparison between simulated and measured gain of the proposed (GHz)
antenna. Band 700 170 4.6 450 16- 2%
width MHz MHz GHz MHz 18%
(7.3%) (1.7%) (14.1 (9%)
The generation of narrow beam width can be explained with the help Gain 9.62 5.4 13.8 10 16.95 19
of hybrid mode excitation field of the slot antenna from (15) and (dBi)
(16). Hence the reduced HPBW improves the gain of the antenna and FTBR 19 19 NM 26 NM 15
as a result, a planar high gain antenna is achieved in the proposed (dB)
design. Feeding MLine MLine Coaxi MLine Wave Via
techni feed feed al feed guide feed
The simulated and measured gain of the antenna is shown in Fig.
que feed to
7. The proposed antenna exhibits a simulated gain of 9.62 dBi at 9.5 coax
GHz. The measured gain of the antenna is also very close to the adapt
simulated one with its peak value of 9.3 dBi as shown in Fig. 7. The or
proposed design improves the gain by 4.2 dBi as compared to Mline = Microstrip line; NM = Not Mentioned.
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0018-926X (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2017.2780980, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation


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0018-926X © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

0018-926X (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

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