Fact-Mud LIME
Fact-Mud LIME
Fact-Mud LIME
BOGGED DOWN with MUD caused by SPRING and hydrated lime may be used for soil drying.
THAWS or TOO MUCH RAIN. You're losing time Quicklime has somewhat greater drying capacity
AND MONEY! and dries more rapidly than hydrated lime.
Quicklime is generally used in pebble form, but
You can't wait for the sun to dry up the wet soil. also in ground and granular forms. Hydrated lime
You may just get MORE RAIN. You may be working is available in several types (e.g., Type N, or
inside a building where the sun CAN'T dry up the chemical lime, and Type S, or mason's lime), any of
mud. You don't want to dig up the mud and cart it which may be used for drying. Lime is available in
away--too expensive and disruptive. LIME IS THE bulk or in bags. (Pulverized limestone, or "aglime,"
ANSWER! is not a substitute for lime for this use).
THE SOLUTION: LIME! Lime, in the form LIME IS EASY TO APPLY: Use of lime
of either quicklime or hydrated lime, dries up wet for drying has three simple steps: (1) lime
soil quickly, so that it can be compacted readily, spreading; (2) mixing lime and soil; and
forming a working table that will resist further (3) compaction.
wetting as well--you can get back to work!