This report retrieves user activity code data for a given month and user from the SWNC_COLLECTOR_GET_AGGREGATES function. It filters the data to only codes with a task type of 01, and aggregates the counts by code into a table sorted by count. The codes and their counts are then output, distinguishing between report and transaction codes.
This report retrieves user activity code data for a given month and user from the SWNC_COLLECTOR_GET_AGGREGATES function. It filters the data to only codes with a task type of 01, and aggregates the counts by code into a table sorted by count. The codes and their counts are then output, distinguishing between report and transaction codes.
This report retrieves user activity code data for a given month and user from the SWNC_COLLECTOR_GET_AGGREGATES function. It filters the data to only codes with a task type of 01, and aggregates the counts by code into a table sorted by count. The codes and their counts are then output, distinguishing between report and transaction codes.
This report retrieves user activity code data for a given month and user from the SWNC_COLLECTOR_GET_AGGREGATES function. It filters the data to only codes with a task type of 01, and aggregates the counts by code into a table sorted by count. The codes and their counts are then output, distinguishing between report and transaction codes.
parameters: month type dats default sy-datum OBLIGATORY,
user type usr02-bname OBLIGATORY default sy-uname.
types: begin of zusertcode,
operation type char30, type type char10, count type swncshcnt, end of zusertcode.
types: tt_zusertcode type standard table of zusertcode with key
operation type. field-symbols:<user> type line of swnc_t_aggusertcode. field-symbols:<result> type line of tt_zusertcode. data: lt_usertcode type swnc_t_aggusertcode, ls_result type zusertcode, lt_result type tt_zusertcode.
constants: cv_tcode type char30 value 'Tcode',
cv_report type char30 value 'Report', cv_count type char5 value 'Count'.
write: 10 cv_tcode, 20 cv_report, 60 cv_count color col_negative.
loop at lt_result assigning <result>. if <result>-type = 'T'. write: / <result>-operation color COL_TOTAL under cv_tcode, <result>-count color COL_POSITIVE under cv_count. else. write: / <result>-operation color COL_GROUP under cv_report, <result>-count color COL_POSITIVE under cv_count. endif. endloop.