The Chemical Sunscreen Health Disaster
The Chemical Sunscreen Health Disaster
The Chemical Sunscreen Health Disaster
On the other hand, over the past decade, many scientists studying
cancer have come to virtually the opposite conclusion; that is, the use
of sunscreen chemicals may be increasing the incidence of cancer and
that sunlight exposure may actually decrease human cancer rates and
improve your health.
Digalloyl trioleate
Menthyl anthranilate
Studies have found that the incidence of skin cancers has increased
even as sunscreens have become popular among fair-skinned people.
The establishment answer to this increase in the cancer rate is that
wearing sunscreen makes people stay in the sun too long. A study by
Drs. Mike Brown (Kate Law of the Cancer Research Campaign) Philippe
Autier (European Institute of Oncology in Milan) reported that children
using sunscreen returned from holiday with more skin moles - a
possible sign of increased cancer risk. Some say that people who wore
higher factor sunscreens tend to stay out in sunlight much longer,
because they fell protected. However, others have pointed out that if
sunscreen chemicals were protective, the factors of longer sun
exposure would be somewhat countered by the sunscreen's supposed
protective actions.
Skin Cancer Increase Not Due to Ozone Depletion
But what about ozone depletion and skin cancer? Could this be the
cause of the increased skin cancer rates? Professor Johan Moan of the
Norwegian Cancer Institute found that the yearly incidence of
melanoma in Norway had increased by 350% for men and by 440%
for women during the period 1957 to 1984. He also determined that
there had been no change in the ozone layer over this period of time.
He concludes his report in the British Journal of Cancer by stating
"Ozone depletion is not the cause of the increase in skin cancers"
(Moan, J. & Dahlback, A. The relationship between skin cancers, solar
radiation and ozone depletion. British Journal of Cancer, Vol. 65, No. 6,
June 1992, pp. 916-21).
Even worse for your health is the fact that many common free radical
generating sunscreen chemicals also have estrogen like-effects. Such
effects can increase cancers, cause birth defects in children, lower
sperm counts and penis size in men, plus a plethora of other medical
problems. These effects are similar to many banned chemicals such as
DDT, Dioxin, PCBs.
Estrogenic chemicals can mimic hormonal (or real) estrogen, the key
female sex hormone. When the body's hormone receptors recognize
the estrogenic chemical as estrogen, the result is feminization of the
In the 1950s, the effect of estrogenic toxins such as DDT was linked to
eggshell thinning in many bird species. Chemicals with estrogen-like
actions can also cause severe developmental problems such as turning
fish into hermaphrodites. Over the past 50 years, studies on
estrogenic toxins have greatly expanded our knowledge of these effect
- some of which is detailed below.
Her group tested six common chemicals that are used in sunscreens,
lipsticks and facial cosmetics. Five of the six tested chemicals
(benzophenone-3, homosalate, 4-methyl-benzylidene camphor (4-
MBC), octyl-methoxycinnamate and octyl-dimethyl-PABA) behaved like
strong estrogen in lab tests and caused cancer cells to grow more
One very common sunscreen chemical, 4-MBC, was mixed with olive
oil and applied to rat skin. This caused a doubling of the rate of uterine
growth well before puberty. "That was scary, because we used
concentrations that are in the range allowed in sunscreens," said
Schlumpf. Three of the six caused developmental abnormalities in
animals. The major cause of sterility in women in the USA is
endometriosis, a condition afflicting 5.5% of American women.
Exposure to excessive estrogen, that may have come from such
sunscreens, is felt to be the primary cause of endometriosis.
Breast milk
The basic human form is female. Early in fetal development, the genes
must signal if a fetus is to be male. The secretion of male hormones is
the signal that activates genes that cause male development. If this
does not happen, the human has female imprinting - regardless of
whether the person's cells have male (XY) or female genes (XX). If a
mother has been exposed to a natural estrogen or estrogenic toxin
during the crucial period when genes normally activate masculine
patterns, the seventh and 14th weeks of pregnancy, then there is not
the proper switching from female to male. If the estrogenic
toxins only appear sporadically (such as when the mother uses an
estrogenic sunscreen, the disruptions may not trigger a complete
reversal of a male's gender,
but may exert subtle physical (such a reduced penis size) and mental
changes (such as sex role confusion) that become apparent later in life.
Conversely, if a synthetic compound blocks estrogen actions, this can
produce the sex organs of a male in a fetus that is genetically female.
Some currently used pesticides have been found to interfere with male
development, producing undescended testes, nipples on males,
hypospadias, decreased sperm counts, and altered mating behavior.
When a widely used insecticide, methoxychlor, was fed at low doses to
pregnant mice, it caused permanent increases in prostate weight in
male offspring of females.
Florida Panthers
Testicular Cancer
Though formed near the kidneys, both testicles should migrate down
into the scrotum by birth. Undescended testicles usually complete their
migration within a year or two after birth, but some never do. Men
with undescended testicles are unable to make sperm.
Hypospadias in Men
The boy's mothers had eaten PCB-contaminated rice oil in 1979. The
children consumed none of the oil but they were exposed before birth
to PCBs in their mother's blood and after birth to PCBs in their
mother's milk. The rice oil contained 100 parts per million (ppm) PCBs.
A new mother in the USA has an average of one ppm PCBs in her
breast milk.
Orcas of Pacific
Dying from
Every summer, I
spend many
happy weekends
fishing for salmon
off the coast of
American Camp National Park on San Juan Island in Washington State.
Normally, when we are fishing, we get a visit from the San Juan Orca
Pod. Usually Orca just check out the area around the boat for salmon
but at times they stop for hours and fish around the boat. The smaller
Orca spend a lot of time with their heads out of the water or "spying"
to see what happens above water. In the picture, my wife is watching
two Orca immediately to the right of her head (but not easy to see in
this photo) who were fishing around our boat. The Orca are friendly
and very inquisitive.
Effects of
In countries
have been
used over
the past 50 years, there have also been profound changes in sexual
attitudes and conduct. Many scientists are of the opinion that some of
these changes have been induced by the widespread exposure to
estrogenic chemicals. These effects include sexual confusion,
unhappiness, and a difficulty in bonding with others. This is
exemplified by falling or negative birth rates in most culturally
advanced societies.
The texts from classical Greece and Rome indicate that while the
ancients may have been guilty of sexual excesses, trying just about
anything that humans could think of, but they seemed to have never
suffered the types of sexual insecurity and sexual gender confusion
that typifies our current society. Today we think in terms of various
types of rigid sexual life styles but the ancients viewed all variants of
sexual attraction as aspects of one common theme. It may be that
environmental estrogenic toxins (in sunscreens and the wider
environment) are altering normal brain development during fetal
development and this alters subsequent thought patterns and desires
and produces the subsequent confusion.