D&D5e - Encounters in The Savage Jungle

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Encounters in the

Savage Jungles
See Cast of Writers

Cover Artist
Nathalie Lehnert

Interior Artists
Luiz Prado

Layout Artist
Benoit de Bernardy

Elven Tower RPG Maps, Jeff C. Stevens

Ken Carcas, Jean Headley

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s
Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast
product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected
under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or
artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast.
Copyright © Jeff C. Stevens 2017

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

The Cast of Writers
Tim Bannock (@neuronphaser) – Tim has quite a Josh Kelly (@jcoltkelly) – a great writer and a cool
few products on the DMs Guild, and his Curse of person. Josh has written several adventures, and a
Strahd DM’s Kit & Screen is a Platinum best-seller! couple of Adventurers League adventures – one of
Check out Tim’s website site neuronphaser.com for which is titled Shackles of Blood.
articles, reviews, and free stuff!
Ginny Loveday (@ginnyloveday) – Ginny is the
Casey Bax (@mid_mo_gamer) – This is Casey’s first former D&D Adventurers League US Southeast
work on the DMs Guild. He’s a member of my D&D Regional Coordinator. She’s also a coordinator for
group, and the coordinator of the yearly Dungeons Save vs. Hunger – a charity gaming convention held
of Awesome gaming convention we hold in Joplin, in Maryville, Tennessee. Find out more at www.
Missouri. Although I’ve not been DM’d by Casey yet, savevshunger.org
I’ve heard tales of his creativity, so I asked him to
contribute to the Quick Encounters section of this Jean Lorber (@jlorber4) – Jean’s Volo’s Lost
supplement. He didn’t disappoint! Encounters is a great collection of encounters,
receiving a 5-star review from Merric Blackman.
Benoit de Bernardy (@BenoitBernardy) – the man Jean’s fairly new to the DMs Guild, but I expect we
responsible for this product’s awesome layout, and will see many great things from him soon.
the owner of Goblin Stone. Benoit is also the creator
of the best-selling, 5-star rated adventures Banquet Tony Petrecca (@TonyPetrecca) – I love this
of the Damned and Scarab of Death. Check out his man’s style! Tony’s jungle encounter introduces an
fantastic website: goblinstone.com NPC named TimReh. To learn about more bizarre
creations of the mad druid Elpam and the archmage
Chris Bissette (@pangalactic) – Chris recently Accertep, check out his adventure Hunted!
published a supplement called Jungle Goodies – The
Treasures of Chult. He’s the man behind the ENNie Patrick E. Pullen (@raistlin0072) – artist, map
nominated loottheroom.uk. maker, and adventure writer. If you need adventures,
stock art, puzzles, riddles or commissions, Patrick is
MT Black (@MTBlack2567) – MT is a fantastic your man.
producer of 5th Edition content. His name is listed
on 39 DM’s Guild products, with the collaboration Derek Ruiz (@ElvenTower) – owner of Elven Tower
product Elminster’s Guide to Magic currently sitting RPG Maps. Derek has been my cartographer for
at #1 in the Most Popular section. several of my projects, and he does fantastic work. His
website, elventower.com, was recently nominated for
Merric Blackman (@MerricB) – If you follow D&D an ENNie award! If you need a map, get in touch with
on Facebook and Twitter, you’ve probably heard of Derek!
Merric. Merric is an avid gamer and writes many
articles about Dungeons & Dragons. He’s also a Matt Sanders (@Trenchcoatdwarf) – Matt runs the
fantastic reviewer of DMs Guild products! Check out dwarvesintrenchcoat.com website, and he recently
his blog at merricb.com. collaborated with Chris Bissette to create Jungle
Goodies – The Treasures of Chult.
Alex Clippinger (@Aclippinger) – a fantastic young
writer who has what it takes to create fine adventures. Bryan R. Stevens (@iamyournerd) – my little brother,
Alex has written several adventures based in Chult, who I must thank for getting me back into the world
and he’s recently created a collection of his work titled of D&D! Without him, I wouldn’t be creating today.
Alex Clippinger’s 2017 Bundle. Love you, bro!

Wes Cordell (@ratkingnow) – Wes is owner of Jeff C. Stevens (@jcorvinstevens) – that’s me!
ratkingnow.wordpress.com – a website where you can
find some cool information and his free Random Spell
Generator table. Be sure to check out Wes’s Armory
of Tharizdun on the DM’s Guild.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

About this Supplement
Thank you for purchasing Encounters in the
Savage Jungles – the third installment of my
Running the Encounters
Savage Encounters supplements. In this
supplement you get: Text in textboxes is to be read to the players.
†† 23 fully-developed encounters / mini- Feel free to summarize the descriptions if that
adventures is more your DMing style.
†† 15 Quick Encounters
†† New weapons and armor
†† New creatures
Text in orange boxes is for your information
†† Custom maps
and should not be read to the players.
†† Original art
Inspired by the vast area of exploration in the
Tomb of Annihilation campaign, this supplement The stat blocks for the creatures in this module
provides encounters and mini-adventures you can be found in the 5th Edition Monster Manual
can use while the party explores the uncharted or in Volo’s Guide to Monsters.
jungles of Chult. It can also be used in your
home game, and not just in jungle settings. Official Wizards of the Coast books referenced:
Many of the encounters could easily be adjusted MM = 5th edition Monster Manual
to wilderness settings. PHB = 5th edition Player’s Handbook
As with Encounters in the Savage Cities and DMG = 5th edition Dungeon Master’s Guide
Encounters in the Savage Frontier, I reached VGtM = Volo’s Guide to Monsters
out to other Dungeon Masters Guild writers for ToA = Tomb of Annihilation
encounter submissions. I also asked a few new
Unless otherwise noted, assume all NPCs have
writers who hadn’t published on the Guild yet.
the stats of a commoner (MM, p 345). Maps: for
With these supplements, I want to give you a
all maps, 1 square = 5 feet.
valuable resource for your gaming sessions, and
I want to share the imagination, creativity, and Although we give you a good idea of how the
the writing styles of various authors with you. encounter should go, we have no idea how
As always, this supplement was a lot of work, your players will react to these situations. Be
but it was also a lot of fun. I want to say Thank prepared to be unprepared and have fun! Let
You to all the writers, artists, cartographers, your imagination fly!
and everyone else who had a hand in making
this product what it is. Please take a moment to
read the short biographies in The Cast of Writers
section. If you’re on Twitter, be sure to follow
Thanks for purchasing Encounters in
the Savage Jungles! We hope you enjoy the

Now—go play D&D!

- Jeff C. Stevens

PS: If you like this supplement, please leave a

rating, a review, or give it a shout-out on your
favorite social media application. Your feedback
and promotion of the product really does help!

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

Table of Contents
Dam Kobolds! Tim Bannock page 6 CR 6
The Butcher Benoit de Bernardy page 11 CR 4
Stairs to Nowhere Chris Bissette page 14 Any CR

Idol of the Three-Headed God M.T. Black page 17 CR 1-10

The Lost Treasure-Hunter Merric Blackman page 19 CR 5

Asad the Merchant Alex Clippinger page 20 Any CR
Jeff C. Stevens
The Nest Elven Tower page 25 CR 2-4
Enter the Ouroboros Joshua C. Kelly page 27 CR 11-17
Fire and Fangs Joshua C. Kelly page 31 CR 1+
Collector’s Edition Jean Lorber page 33 CR 5-7
Lend a Hand, Won’t You? Jean Lorber page 37 CR 4-6
What a Fungi! Ginny Loveday page 39 CR 1-10
TimReh! Tony Petrecca page 42 CR 2-5
Crypt of the Golden Mummy Patrick E. Pullen page 46 CR 5-7
An Uninvited Guest Patrick E. Pullen page 48 CR 7-9
Substitute Guardians Rat King Games page 50 CR 5
Pincer Movement Matt Sanders page 52 CR 2
Exploding Gnomes Bryan R. Stevens page 56 CR 4
It’s Daddy Time! Jeff C. Stevens page 59 Any CR
The Lost Vault of Jalelel Jeff C. Stevens page 62 CR 1-10
No Ordinary Projectile Jeff C. Stevens page 66 CR 1-10
Stiggy Tong! Jeff C. Stevens page 68 CR 1-10
Yum Yum! Jeff C. Stevens page 71 Any CR

Appendix A: Quick Encounters Casey Bax page 74

Bryan Stevens
Jeff C. Stevens

Appendix B: Bonus Maps page 80

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

Dam Kobolds!
By Tim Bannock
“In a stretch of jungle abundant in ryath root This encounter uses varying degrees of cover,
and zabou mushrooms (Tomb of Annihilation; which is discussed in Chapter 9 of the Player’s
Appendix C), a band of kobolds has built a dam Handbook. For easy reference, a summary of the
to help keep their harvest bountiful. Molding the cover rules is listed below:
caves behind a waterfall into a dangerous lair, †† Half cover: +2 bonus to AC and Dexterity
these kobolds are sure to challenge parties much saving throws
more powerful than one would expect!” †† Three-quarters cover: +5 bonus to AC and
Dexterity saving throws
Type: Combat †† Total cover: can’t be targeted by an attack or a
CR: 6 spell.
This encounter also uses the Squeezing into
DMs Notes a Smaller Space rule, which is discussed in
This encounter area lends itself well to theater- Chapter 9 of the Player’s Handbook. For easy
of-the-mind combat because of the dozens of reference, a restatement of the rules is provided
crawlspaces only accessible to kobolds (or other below:
small creatures), the many vertical drops, and †† A creature must spend 1 extra foot for every
the non-standard terrain. That said, creative foot it moves through a smaller space, it has
use of battle maps that depict vertical surfaces, disadvantage on attack rolls and Dexterity
or counters that can show relative height saving throws, and attacks against it are made
positioning can also be used to great effect in with advantage while it is in the smaller space.
these encounters.
DMs should note that the kobolds make Wilderness Area
frequent use of the ryath root (Tomb of
Annihilation; Appendix C) they harvest in the The encounter begins when the party follows any
upper levels of their lair, and this provides them length of river that descends toward naturally
with more hit points. These kobolds can take broken terrain, such as a valley. The river forks,
a lot more hits before being defeated, and that with one side partially dammed before the excess
will make the party’s time in these twisting and flows over the side of a sheer cliff. The waterfall
turning tunnels a lot more challenging! For ease drops 100 feet into a shallow pool before flowing
of reference, the following monsters featured into the valley below.
in this encounter have the noted hit point There are several entrances to the kobold lair,
maximum: but the residents arrogantly assume the terrain is
†† Kobold (CR 1/8; MM): 10 hit points. enough to camouflage their hideout or dissuade
†† Winged kobold (CR 1/4; MM): 15 hit points. attempted raiders. Still, the kobolds maintain
†† Kobold scale sorcerer (CR 1; VGtM): 40 hit some “defense systems” (see Area A2), and have
points. patrols, though they are just as often involved in
†† Kobold dragonshield (CR 1; VGtM): 55 hit menial work, hunting, or foraging, so they aren’t
points. particularly alert.
†† Kobold inventor (CR 1/4; VGtM): 20 hit points. Patrols. There are two patrols, one near the
†† Ogre (CR 2; MM): 70 hit points. dam that also serves to forage and hunt (and
therefore isn’t very alert): treat these kobolds as
having a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check
for noticing any activity. The second patrol is
active near the pool formed at the bottom of the
waterfall, and are much more alert. They have

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

a DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check. Neither swimming in the river, above). However, moving
group looks for activity on the ledge (middle across the dam on foot is entirely possible,
section). though it is difficult terrain. Taking the dash
Each patrol consists of 3 kobolds, 1d4 kobold action at any point while in a space on the dam
dragonshields, and 1 green guard drake (CR 2; requires a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, or
VGtM). else you fall prone. Failing by 5 or more causes
you to slip into the water, and be swept 20 feet
A1. Top-side downstream towards the waterfall.
Jungle. The river and dam appear amongst the Cliff and Waterfall. The sheer cliff drops 40
thick jungle foliage. Everything up to 10 feet to feet down to a narrow ledge (see Area A4), and
either side of the river is difficult terrain. then it’s 60 feet from this ledge to the pool or
River. The river has a strong current; the dam ground below; that’s a 100-foot total drop from
does little to slow it. Attempts to swim across the topside to the lower area on the map. Falling
the river require a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) past the ledge provides creatures with a chance
check. Succeeding means the character moves to make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw to
as normal in their intended direction, while land on that ledge (and taking any appropriate
failure means the character is carried 40 feet damage from the fall). Failing that, creatures
downriver by the current. In the area past the tumble all the way down to the lower area.
dam, towards the waterfall, the DC is only 12. Creatures that land in the water below take only
Dam. The dam is only partially constructed, so half damage from a fall.
it only slightly impedes the current of the water
as it heads towards the waterfall (see the DCs for

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

A2. Log Launchers Pond. The pond was once much bigger, but the
There are two small straw, vine, and wood huts dam has slowly caused it to shrink somewhat.
that are concealed in the jungle on the far side Still, the earth here is marshy, and the pond
of the river; a passive Wisdom (Perception) reaches a depth of about 20 feet at its deepest,
score of 14 will notice these huts (but not their though it averages about 10 feet deep. It forms a
contents without closer inspection). In each of small stream that runs for a few miles.
these, beyond the window-sized “arrow slits,” A8. Submerged Cave Entrance
are makeshift ballista that the kobolds use to fire 10 feet below the surface of the pond is a cave
thick, blunted tree branches designed to knock entrance that the kobolds can use to access
opponents off of the dam or even off of the cliff. Room D3-1.
The huts provide the ballista and kobold crew
with half cover.
The sentries (a crew of 3 kobolds in each hut)
Inside the Kobold Lair
are not very alert; assume they’ve made a DC 12 The environment of the kobold lair is as follows:
Wisdom (Perception) check for noticing any General. The chambers are all roughly square
activity unless the alarm is raised by a patrol. or circular in shape, with some irregularities due
The ballista works exactly as standard ballista to being mostly natural caves. As such, assume
(Dungeon Master’s Guide; Chapter 8) except the rooms are about as big around as they are
as noted below. The crew of three is able to fire wide, as depicted in the map. For example, Room
once per round (so long as all crew members are D1-1 is about 35 feet across, and therefore would
using their actions as noted: one to load, one to be depicted on a battle map as a rough square or
aim, and one to fire). The attack that the ballista circle that measures about 7 squares from any
delivers is modified, however, as noted here: wall to its opposite. Any areas marked as tunnels
Log Launcher. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to are sized for small creatures to be able to move
hit, range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d10) unhindered, but medium and large creatures
bludgeoning damage and the creature must must squeeze.
succeed at a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be Light. The lair is in complete darkness. Any
pushed 5 feet away and knocked prone. areas with an opening to the outside—whether
it’s an uncovered pit or a cave entrance—will
A3. Rope Ladder have dim light during the daytime.
This rope ladder descends 40 feet to the ledge Walls, Ceilings & Floors. Most of the
below. environment is made up of natural caves and
A4. Ledge some crudely excavated earth. As such, the walls
The ledge is only 5 feet wide, forcing creatures of are solid stone, and there are many natural
large size or bigger to squeeze while moving on stalactites and stalagmites. All chambers and
the ledge. tunnels are considered difficult terrain unless
otherwise noted, but the kobolds are not affected
A5. Concealed Cave Entrance by this as they are intimately aware of the lair.
Behind the waterfall is a cave entrance leading to
Room D2-1. Level 1
A6. Pit Trap Entrance This area is made up of ryath root harvesting
This entrance is concealed by vines and brush, areas and the defensive areas of the kobolds’ lair.
making it a 30-foot deep hidden pit trap for the
unwary (DMG; Chapter 5). Those who explore D1-1. High Cavern
the pit’s edge can discover the concealed vine- This ceiling of this cavern averages about 15 feet
and-rope ladder that leads safely down with a DC high, though the stalactites make some areas
13 Wisdom (Perception) check. as low as 10 feet. The pit is another 15 feet
or so above this, and the rope and vine ladder
A7. Down Below descends from the lip of the pit, down into the
Jungle. The area here is thick with foliage and middle of this room. There’s a 50% chance that
marshy from the waterfall and pond. The entire there are a few sentries in this room: 4 kobold
area is difficult terrain. dragonshields and 2 kobolds. Broken barrels

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

and chests, once used to store ryath root and they’ll carve up and use in the log launchers.
other food items, are being used as makeshift Standing guard in this room—usually asleep,
furniture and can be upended to provide half unless an alarm has been raised by ballista crew
cover. fleeing into this tunnel from Area A2 (above) or
elsewhere in the complex—are 2d4 + 2 kobolds
D1-2. Tunnels and a kobold inventor. These kobolds all suffer
There are several tunnels marked on the map, from the poisoned condition, as they have
and the DM can improvise additional ones, overdosed on ryath root in order to “have some
allowing the kobolds fairly easy movement fun” (now they are just woozy and occasionally
through the upper levels of the complex. Some barf). Two of the kobolds are armed with two
may be obvious, some may be concealed and glue bombs each.
require a passive Wisdom (Perception) of 14 Glue Bomb. Each creature within 10 feet of
to discover, but all of them exist at floor level and the bomb’s target point must succeed on a DC
ascend or descend gradually enough that there’s 11 Dexterity saving throw or be restrained. The
very little climbing involved. That said, they are target or another creature within reach of it can
all sized for the kobolds: small creatures can use an action to make a DC 11 Strength check;
move freely, but medium or large creatures must if the check succeeds, the effect on the target
squeeze. Any creatures bigger than that cannot ends.
navigate these tunnels. Additionally, creatures
using the tunnels for cover from which to fire D1-5. Ballista Tunnels
upon interlopers receive the benefits of three- These tunnels operate exactly like those
quarters cover. described in Area D1-2. Entryways into these
Any time a character enters a tunnel for the tunnels exist underneath trapdoors in the huts
first time, there’s a 50% chance that there are used to conceal the log launchers (see Area A2).
1d4 kobolds moving about, or harvesting ryath The trapdoors are not concealed in any way,
root. but they are trapped with collapsing roof traps
(Dungeon Master’s Guide; Chapter 5) designed
D1-3. Harvesting Room to cave in the tunnels.
This cavern is only about 10 feet high and
features a half-dozen rope-and-vine ladders as
well as a few logs that the kobolds can stand on Level 2
to reach the ceiling and access tunnels higher The mid-level caverns act as a means for penning
up. These tunnels are where the kobolds harvest animals that the kobolds use as pets and mounts,
ryath roots that are then placed into baskets as well as an area to unwind.
and barrels and stored elsewhere (see Rooms
D1-4 and D3-2). There are 1d4+4 kobolds at any
D2-1. Lookout
2 kobold dragonshields and 2 kobolds stand
given time harvesting ryath root, and they are
watch in this cave, which looks out on the
protected by a single kobold dragonshield and 2
waterfall. In the event of a raid, they will split
giant weasels (CR 1/8; MM).
up: the dragonshields head to the stables (Area
There are two logs that rest on a simple block-
D2-2) to wrangle some help and the kobolds
and-lever so that they can be upended and rolled
scamper off to raise the alarm in Area D1-1 and
10 feet, either to provide half cover to anyone
using them as such or to trip opponents as an
attack. In the latter case, an individual log takes D2-2. Stables
up a space that’s 10 feet long and 5 feet wide, In this cave are 2 green guard drakes that
moves 10 feet from its starting position, and wander about and a 10’ x 10’ wooden cage with
anyone in the line of its movement must make 4 giant weasels.
a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked
prone. D2-3. Game Room
A kobold inventor and 2 kobolds can be found
D1-4. Armory & Storage here playing a macabre game; they toss small
The kobolds process and store ryath root in wooden rings through holes smashed into large
barrels and baskets in this room, as well as animal skulls that have been hung on the walls in
store some simple weapons and the branches

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

a staggered formation. Their positioning makes D3-3. Trapped Stairway
it difficult—but not impossible—to get the rings The switchback stairs here are better quality
to pass through multiple skulls on their way back than those in Area D2-4 as they are used much
down to the floor. more heavily—they don’t count as difficult terrain,
D2-4. Trapped Stairway unlike most of the complex—but they are still
The stairs here are wide, and at the top (near trapped. It takes activation of a lever in either
where the stairs start in Room D2-3) is a lever Area D3-2 (at the bottom of the stairs) or Area
that unleashes a torrent of some sticky liquid D3-4 (at the top of the stairs) for the trap to be
when pulled. With the stairs thus coated, a armed, but once it is, the going gets rough: every
creature that ends its turn on the first 10 feet 15-20 feet there is a section of the stairs that
of steps has to make a DC 14 Strength saving triggers poison darts (DMG; Chapter 5) to fire
throw or become restrained; the creature may from either wall. All told, there are five such
repeat this saving throw at the end of each of its trapped sections of the stairway.
turns. D3-4. Den
This area is a lounging area, dining room, and
Level 3 playroom for the kobolds. At any given time,
The lower-level areas of this complex are the there are 2d4 kobolds here. The den includes
food stores and living quarters of the kobolds. pallets, barrels, crates, tree stumps, and other
makeshift furniture that can be used as half
D3-1. Submerged Steps cover.
Accessed via Area A8 which is located 10 feet
below the surface of the water, these stairs lead D3-5. Lair
back about 10 feet before emerging from the This is the sleeping area for the kobolds, filled
water in Room D3-2. with makeshift pallet beds strewn with fronds
and leaves to make them comfortable. A steel
D3-2. Food Stores cage hung high up near the ceiling (about 25
The kobolds use this large chamber to cultivate feet up) houses the “queen”: Lilyandranine, a
zabou mushrooms, dry and store fish and game, captured orange faerie dragon (CR 2; MM) who
and haul in any ill-gotten goods by way of the wants nothing but freedom from this wretched
underwater entrance (see Area D3-1). The prison! She has been abused pretty badly and
kobolds aren’t big on manners either, so they only has 1 hit point.
often eat here. At any given time, there are 1d6 + This particular group of kobolds believes
2 kobolds chowing down, a green guard drake faerie dragons are inferior to the large dragons,
and 3 kobold dragonshield sentries, and the so they taunt and pelt the poor dragon with
kobolds’ menial laborer: Drurg the ogre. rotten food. They are led by a scale sorcerer
The food crates and barrels can be used to (VGtM), and include his honor guard of 4
provide half cover. A cooking fire in a corner near kobold dragonshields and a court of 2 winged
the stairwell provides any of the kobolds with kobolds and 6 kobolds. The furniture here—
the ability to toss a firebomb. The kobolds are all which includes a wide, wicker chair sized for a
equipped with one, but they need to be lit: this human and thus appearing rather absurd when
simply requires being adjacent to an open flame the sorcerer sits on it, dangling his feet—can
(it is not an action to light a firebomb, just to be turned into half cover. Additionally, the two
attack with it). winged kobolds each have a single glue bomb.
Fire Bomb. Each creature within 10 feet of Glue Bomb. Each creature within 10 feet of
the bomb’s target point must succeed on a DC the bomb’s target point must succeed on a DC
11 Dexterity saving throw or take 4 (1d8) fire 11 Dexterity saving throw or be restrained. The
damage, or half as much damage on a successful target or another creature within reach of it can
saving throw. use an action to make a DC 11 Strength check;
if the check succeeds, the effect on the target

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

The Butcher
By Benoit de Bernardy
“A psychopathic gnome butcher and his The Caravan
dysfunctional family attack travelers to make Read or paraphrase the following:
sausages that they sell to the cannibalistic
goblins living in the jungle.” As you’re walking through the jungle, the scent
Type: Exploration & Social of decaying flesh suddenly fills your nostrils.
CR: 4 Through the thick vegetation, you discern the
remains of a caravan. The corpses of four giant
lizards are lying on the ground, their bodies
DMs Notes riddled with arrows. They still have their
This encounter has been calculated to present a harnesses and died attached to one another
tough challenge to four characters of 4th level; with thick rope. Their saddlebags are missing,
that is, with an APL (average party level) of 4. If and not a single human being, dead or alive, is
the party decides to attack the entire family and in sight. Judging from the obvious tracks on the
their pets, there’s a real risk that one of the PCs jungle floor, the caravan staff was taken captive
will die. by savages, and they will most likely die if you
don’t find them quickly.
There isn’t anything valuable for the PCs to steal;
Robert Evans is a gnome butcher who found
the goblins took everything of value. The arrows
love where he least expected: he married a goblin
have an obsidian tip and colorful feathers from
woman, and not just any woman, the daughter of
jungle birds, suggesting that a local tribe did
a cannibalistic goblin chieftain. At first, her father
this. If the characters decide the caravan staff’s
disapproved (they always do), but he changed
fate is their business, there are only a couple of
his mind after trying the gnome’s sausages, even
ways they can find the captives. The easiest way
making Robert a business proposition. Today,
is to follow the assailants’ tracks with a DC 12
the butcher, his wife, Whynna, and their adoptive
Wisdom (Survival) check.
sons, Bree and Doul, attack travelers who get
The PCs can also make a DC 16 Intelligence
too close to their home in the jungle, and make
(History) check to learn that the arrows are like
sausages out of their flesh and blood.
the ones used by Batiri goblins. The Batiri are
a tribe of cannibalistic goblins who live in the
The Encounter surrounding jungle. They believe their evil god
The encounter begins when the PCs stumble lives in the sky and build their homes as high
upon the remains of a trade caravan but don’t as possible. If one of the PCs climbs up a tree,
find any bodies. Robert and his family stole the they notice a jagged hill sticking out from the
cargo and brought the staff back to their home forest canopy. A successful DC 12 Intelligence
where he intends to turn them into succulent (History) check reveals that this is where they
sausages. will most likely find the goblins.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

The Evans’ Homestead If the PCs immediately attack, Robert (bandit
Robert Evans and his family built their home captain; MM) and Whynna (cult fanatic; MM)
at the top of a craggy rock, protruding from the fight back as best they can, taking cover behind
jungle below. After attacking the caravan, Robert the rocks and trees around the huts. Two rounds
made sausages from the dead people and is later, their two adoptive sons Bree and Doul
keeping the survivors captive in a cave, in the (scouts; MM) and their two pet flying snakes
jungle, some one hundred yards away from the (MM) join the fight. The two goblins are wearing
homestead. tribal clothing, armor, and masks, and are
When the PCs arrive at the Evans’ home, read carrying shortbows. If the PCs wait, Bree and
or paraphrase the following: Doul join their parents and share a meal.

The assailants’ trail leads you to a small

Goblin NPCs
homestead at the top of a hill overlooking the
Whynna, Bree, and Doul all have the goblin’s
jungle. A large bamboo hut and three smaller
Nimble Escape racial feature.
ones surround a campfire. A female goblin
Nimble Escape. The goblin can take the
wearing tribal clothing is grilling sausages and
Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on
boiling manioc over the fire. You hear someone
each of its turns.
shouting in the Common tongue “Honey, is
lunch ready, I’m starving”. A gnome wearing
a tacky explorer’s outfit comes out of the
larger hut, grabs the goblin by the waist, and
passionately kisses her.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

Talking to the Evans When the PCs arrive at the cave, read or
If the characters come out in the open and make paraphrase the following:
their presence known, Robert is immediately
friendly to them and invites them to share their You have found the survivors of the caravan
meal (human meat). He introduces his family raid. They’re being held captive in a cave in the
and asks the PCs what brings them in such a jungle. A goblin wearing a Batiri mask and a
remote location. He tells them the following: carrying a shortbow is standing guard in front
†† He says his name is Robert Evans. His wife is of a locked wooden cage.
Whynna, and the two stupid looking goblins
wearing masks are his adoptive sons Bree and How the PCs free the prisoners is open-ended.
Doul. One of Robert’s two adoptive sons (scout; MM)
†† He and his wife tried hard to have children of and his pet flying snake (MM) guard the place
their own, but apparently, goblins and gnomes most of the time (even at night); they only leave
can’t breed. That’s why he adopted the two their post to enjoy a quick meal with their
morons. family. If the characters manage to surprise
†† He’s been living in the jungle for years. He the guards and take them out before they have
makes a decent living making and selling a chance to act, it will take the Evans hours to
sausages to the surrounding goblin tribes. notice that the prisoners are missing, giving the
†† He doesn’t know anything about a caravan PCs enough time to flee. The adventurers can
raid or what happened to the staff (he’s lying). also convince the (rather stupid) goblin sentry
that Robert asked them to guard the prisoners,
The gnome is very chatty and even gives create a distraction, etc. If the PCs fail to sneak
the PCs a tour of the place. During their up on the goblin, a fight ensues, and the rest of
conversation, the PCs might notice a few details the family arrives at the cave two rounds later:
that suggest the gnome and his family aren’t a bandit captain (MM), a cult fanatic (MM), a
what they appear to be. First, Robert is lying scout (MM), and a flying snake (MM). The cage
about not knowing anything about the caravan. to the prisoner’s pen is locked with a poor-quality
Characters who succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom padlock (DC 10).
(Insight) check discern the deception. Secondly,
the arrows in Bree and Doul’s quivers are Treasure
identical to the ones that were used to kill the The entire family treasure is in a small chest,
giant lizards. The adventurers can make a DC hidden underneath Robert and Whynna’s bed.
15 Intelligence (Investigation) check to notice A character that casually searches the hut only
the detail. Lastly, some of the bones in Robert’s needs to succeed on a DC 12 Intelligence
workshop (the large hut) are human. During the (Investigation) check or a DC 12 Wisdom
tour of the homestead, PCs who succeed on a (Perception) check to notice the chest;
DC 12 Wisdom (Medicine) check identify the thoroughly inspecting the place will reveal it
bones. without a check. A poison needle trap (DMG)
After the meal, Bree goes back to playing in the protects the chest. The PCs find 80 gp, 450 sp,
jungle and Doul returns to the cave where the 4 citrines worth 50 gp apiece, a potion of greater
caravan staff is being held captive. healing, and a potion of fire breath within.
The Prisoners
The caravan guards were killed during the
attack and are now sausages dangling from a
meat hook in Robert’s workshop. The survivors
are held captive in a cave in the jungle, near the
Evans’ homestead. The PCs can easily find the
place by searching the area around the bamboo
huts or by discretely following Doul after their
meal with the family.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

Stairs to Nowhere
By Chris Bissette
“A self-styled ‘Jungle Guide’ promises to lead the
party to a site of ancient power, but not every
The Encounter
ancient site is an excuse to loot and pillage.” Baka Trailshell is an extraordinarily long-lived
tortle who has made his home in and around the
Type: Exploration & Social jungles of Chult (or an equivalent area in your
CR: Any campaign world). He is a bard, a teller of tales
and collector of strange and unusual information.
DMs Notes Baka was once an adventurer but soon found
This encounter is not designed to explicitly that he didn’t like the life of constant danger. Now
challenge your players or put them in any he trades in information and offers his services
immediate danger. Instead, it is intended to as a guide to many of the stranger locations that
provide you with a toolbox to seed adventures he knows of within the jungle.
with, using an interesting NPC and a selection Baka always wears a thick green and brown
of possible locations. Think of this as an idea cloak that completely covers his shell. On
generator for when your party goes off the rails the shell itself is painted a map of the island,
and you must wing it, rather than an encounter showing routes and paths that are not to be
that you can pick up and drop into your game found on other maps, and sites that Baka has
whole-cloth. discovered himself. For 50 gp he will allow
The ultimate aim of this encounter is to help groups to spend half an hour or so copying his
you make the world the PCs inhabit feel alive map. Of course, if you happen to get him talking,
and lived-in. The jungles are filled with ancient he might just forget to keep track of time whilst
sites whose purpose is long forgotten, places that you copy it down.
that existed before the PCs arrived in the world Baka is most likely encountered in a tavern,
and that will continue to exist after they are gone. where he spends his nights spinning tall tales
Many of these places have already been explored in exchange for drinks. He has traveled Chult
and looted by other adventuring groups, leaving extensively—he has seen the ruins of Mezro
nothing but ruins and fragmented stories. and Hisari, he has traveled to the Snout of
This encounter concerns one such site, but Umgar—but he is reluctant to tell stories of those
the table at the end presents ideas for other places. As he tells it, those fabled sites have been
locations that Baka may offer to lead the party reduced to little more than tourist traps these
to, should you choose to make him a permanent days. He is much more interested in the smaller
feature of your campaign. places off the beaten track, the spots he himself
Running this encounter should be an exercise discovered.
in improvisation. Baka is jovial and full of Baka is a reliable guide in so much as he
obscure information, and he loves to talk. Not knows his way through the jungles. The
everything he says is true, and you should feel information he gives about what is to be found
free to embellish anything he says to the party is often embellished for dramatic effect, but he
as much as you like. Ultimately, the site he leads never outright lies about things.
them to may not hold anything of interest. If you Baka is more than happy to be enlisted as a
already have a session planned, this could simply guide; he charges 5 gp per day, with a discounted
be an interesting waypoint on the road to further rate of 40 gp per tenday as long as it is paid in
adventure. advance.
The encounter begins whenever you decide
Baka should make an appearance.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

Meeting Baka The stairs are enormous, each step a
giant block of dark stone nearly six feet tall,
It may be one of the strangest sites you have stretching up thirty feet to end in jagged,
seen; an old tortle leaning up against a tree, his broken masonry. The bottom step is partially
long green cloak pulled to the side, and a group buried in the earth.
of would-be adventurers gathered around him “That goes deeper”, Baka says. “Much
inspecting the back of his shell and furiously deeper. Or so I hear.”
scribbling onto a sheet of parchment.
Before any details become clear the tortle If the adventurers question Baka about the stairs,
stands upright and pulls the cloak back down he will happily tell them everything he knows.
across his shell. He will also embellish facts when it suits him in
“Time’s up!” he says, smiling warmly. “Best of order to tell a more dramatic story, and he has
luck to you! And remember, if you need a guide, been doing this for so long that he has convinced
Baka is always willing.” himself that everything he says is the truth.
Wisdom (Insight) checks and the like to detect
If the party approach Baka, he can tell them the deception will reveal nothing; Baka is perfectly
following: earnest and believes he is being truthful.
†† His name is Baka Trailshell. Baka knows the following things about the
†† He is a guide-for-hire who knows more than stairs, but you should feel free to invent anything
anybody else about the secrets the jungle has else you like:
to offer. †† These few steps are all that remains of
†† The group who just left were copying the map a grand stairway that once stood here.
from his shell. The party can see it—for a Legend has it that it was built to connect the
price. Underdark to a vast kingdom in the clouds.
†† He has just discovered an ancient site deep in †† The Underdark entrance was sealed once the
the jungle that he believes holds an entrance builders realized exactly how bad an idea it
to a place of great power. He doesn’t know was to open a door between that place and the
how to gain entry, but he can lead the party surface.
there. †† There is a means to open a seal somewhere
†† He calls the site “The Stairs to Nowhere” near the stairs, but nobody has ever been able
because that is literally what they are. He to find it.
is fairly confident that it is the entrance to a †† The sealed entrance lies in a chamber deep
forgotten dungeon. below the ground at the base of the stairs.
At some point somebody collapsed the earth
The Broken Teeth onto the staircase, so accessing that chamber
If the party enlist Baka as a guide he will lead
requires freeing the stairs—either through
them on a long trek through the jungle that lasts
digging or some other means.
the best part of a day, taking the adventurers
†† The kingdom in the clouds is now in ruins, but
way off the beaten track along trails that only
the broken staircase should still point the way
he seems to be able to see. Feel free to spice up
to it.
the journey with random encounters suitable for
your game, or else simply summarize the journey Potential Outcomes
and allow the party to arrive unhindered. Being confronted with this site, your players are
likely to form their own ideas and conclusions
The place Baka has brought you to is deep about what is going on here and how they should
in the heart of the jungle. The dense canopy proceed. You are encouraged to allow them
overhead almost blots out the sky. The foliage to succeed in whatever they try to do, and see
around you teems with unseen life, scurrying where the session takes you. If you would rather
and burrowing and leaping from branches
above you. Then you step into the clearing, and
all falls silent.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

be prepared, though, you can use the following †† A race of intelligent ape-people once lived in
list of ideas to prompt the next phase of the sprawling treetop settlements in the western
adventure: part of the jungle. They are long extinct, but
†† A series of hidden levers—or mystical runes, the ruins of their towns are a sight to behold.
if you are feeling fancy—is hidden among the
trees ringing the clearing. Activating them Monster Statistics
causes the earth to part, revealing more stairs
plunging down into the ground.
†† A strange cult believes that their god once
Baka Trailshell
Medium humanoid (tortle), neutral good
dwelled in the cloud city. They see this site as
a means to release him from his prison there, Armor Class 17 (natural)
and they have been studying it for some time. HP 22 (4d8 + 4)
They keep a close eye on the site, and they Speed 30 ft.
will attempt to dispose of anybody who begins
poking around. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
10 (+0) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 11 (-0) 13 (+1) 16 (+3)
†† The stairs are not broken at all. They are
disguised by powerful illusion magic and
Saving Throws Dex +4, Wis +3
still lead to the floating city—which isn’t
Skills Athletics +2, Performance +5, Survival +3
abandoned and doesn’t welcome visitors. Senses passive Perception 11
†† The stairs are the tongue of an ancient and Languages Aquan, Common
powerful mimic who has disguised itself as Challenge 2 (450 XP)
a dungeon. It has been slumbering here for
centuries and attempts to reveal the entrance Fireside Tale. Baka can tell a story while taking a short
to the dungeon if the party wake it. rest. Any ally who hears the tale regains an extra 1d6 hit
points if it spends any Hit Dice to regain hit points at the
Other Sites end of that rest. Baka can confer this benefit on himself as
Baka knows many places of interest in the well.
jungles, and he will be more than willing to guide Spellcasting. Baka is a 4th-level spellcaster. His
the party to them (assuming they don’t go full spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5 to
hit with spell attacks). He has the following bard spells
murder hobo and kill him the first time they meet prepared:
him, of course). All of these sites are interesting, Cantrips (at-will): friends, mage hand, vicious mockery
but it is up to you to decide exactly how 1st level (4 slots): charm person, healing word, heroism,
interesting they are. Do they lead to treasure, identify, sleep
danger, and glory, or are they just hunks of old 2nd level (3 slots): invisibility, locate object
stone that have been forgotten for good reason? Taunt (2/Day). Baka can use a bonus action on his turn to
Use the following of possible locations that Baka target one creature within 30 feet of him. If the target can
knows: hear Baka, the target must succeed on a DC 13 Charisma
†† A ring of ancient stone archways stands in the saving throw or have disadvantage on ability checks, attack
rolls, and saving throws until the start of Baka’s next turn.
middle of a deep swamp. Legend has it that
speaking the right words in the center of the Actions
ring will open portals to far-off realms.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
†† A valley so narrow you could describe it as a target. Hit: 2 (1d4) slashing damage.
gorge cuts through the earth in the middle of Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
the jungle. It is the place where stegosaurs go one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage, or 4 (1d8)
to die, and the ground there is littered with bludgeoning damage when used with two hands.
their bones. A tribe of kobolds has moved into Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 80/320
the caves in the walls of the valley, building ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
fortifications out of the bones. Shell Defense. Baka withdraws into his shell. Until he
†† Where the jungle ends there is a stretch of emerges, he gains a 4 bonus to AC and has advantage on
unblemished white sand beach. There you can Strength and Constitution saving throws. While in his
shell, Baka is prone, his speed is 0, he has disadvantage
find the skeletal remains of huge worm-like
on Dexterity saving throws, he can’t take reactions, and the
creatures that once hunted on the coasts. only action he can take is a bonus action to emerge.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

Idol of the Three-Headed God
By M.T. Black
“The adventurers find a strange idol and must
overcome a bizarre and dangerous curse.”
The Curse
The idol is also protected by a curse. A wave of
Type: Combat creatures will attack the adventurers each night
CR: 1-10 following the removal of the idol. These attacks
will continue for three nights.
The Idol First Night
The adventurers are travelling through the jungle On the first midnight following the removal of
when they discover a grotesque idol. You can the idol, five apes (MM) appear and attack the
place the idol wherever you wish, but some good adventurers. These creatures are fey spirits in
possible locations are: material form rather than beasts. Though they
†† Atop an ancient stone altar have identical statistics to regular apes, they do
†† In a grotto behind a waterfall not grow tired, nor do they need to eat, drink
†† In a small alcove in a weathered monolith or breathe. They will relentlessly follow the
If the adventurers take a closer look at the idol, adventurers, even swimming across oceans or
read or summarize the following: climbing mountains to reach them.
If the idol is returned to the place from which
The statue is about a foot tall and is made from it was taken, the creatures disappear. The
some sort of green stone, now cracked and creatures also disappear when killed.
worn with age. It was carved with primitive,
though evocative strokes, and depicts a
grotesque figure. The body is that of a kneeling
pot-bellied woman. Three beast heads emerge
from the shoulders: an ape, a lion, and a snake.

A glyph of warding protects the idol. The glyph

erupts with magical energy in a 20-foot-radius
sphere when someone touches the idol, and each
creature in the area make a DC 12 Dexterity
saving throw. A creature takes 22 (5d8) thunder
damage on a failed saving throw, or half as much
damage on a successful one.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

Second Night Conclusion
On the second midnight following the removal
If the idol is returned to the place it was taken
of the idol, three lions (MM) appear and attack
from, the adventurers will no longer be attacked
the adventurers. They have the same fey nature
by the creatures. If the adventurers defeat all
as the apes described above, and they exhibit the
three waves of creatures, they can keep the idol
same behavior.
without further trouble. The idol may be sold for
Third Night 300 gp at an appropriate marketplace. However,
On the third midnight following the removal of the curse resets itself when the idol changes
the idol, two giant constrictor snakes (MM) possession, transferring to the new owner.
appear and attack the adventurers. They have
the same fey nature as the creatures described
above, and they exhibit the same behavior.

Scaling Suggestions
The following suggestions are not cumulative:
APL Glyph Damage Save DC First Night Second Night Third Night Idol Value
1 13 (3d8) 8 2 apes 1 lion 3 constrictor 100 gp
2 17 (4d8) 8 3 apes 2 lions 1 giant constrictor 200 gp
3 22 (5d8) 10 5 apes 3 lions 2 giant constrictor 300 gp
4 26 (6d8) 10 7 apes 3 lions 2 giant constrictor 400 gp
5 30 (7d8) 12 1 giant ape 7 lions 4 giant constrictor 500 gp
6 36 (8d8) 12 1 giant ape 8 lions 5 giant constrictor 600 gp
7 40 (9d8) 14 1 giant ape 9 lions 5 giant constrictor 700 gp
8 44 (10d8) 14 1 giant ape 11 lions 7 giant constrictor 800 gp
9 46 (11d8) 16 2 giant apes 11 lions 7 giant constrictor 900 gp
10 52 (12d8) 16 2 giant apes 13 lions 8 giant constrictor 1000 gp

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

The Lost Treasure-Hunter
By Merric Blackman
“The adventurers discover a lost explorer and his is a particularly pernicious one, and the use of a
magic sword, and the fungus that killed him!” lesser restoration spell will only restore the hit
points lost that day, not cure disease. A greater
Type: Exploration restoration spell or similar magic of 5th level
CR: 5 or higher is the only way to destroy the spores
completely. I advise that you not inform the
An old stone wall becomes visible through the players of the way to destroy the infection; they
jungle undergrowth as you make your way must either figure it out themselves or hire a
forward. Not much of the building remains; sage (at some expense!) to discover it.
two walls, no roof. Inside you can make out a A greater restoration spell cast upon a spitting
lump of scarlet and azure fungus somewhat fungus will destroy it utterly. Otherwise, treat it
resembling a man. A gleaming sword-blade as AC 5 with 100 hit points. It is immune to cold,
protrudes from the fungal mass, untouched by fire, lightning and poison damage, and fails all
rust. A misty rain covers it all. What do you do? relevant saving throws. Any cold, fire or lightning
attack on it will cause it to form a protective
outer coating that makes it look like it has been
destroyed, but it is only dormant until a living
DMs Notes creature moves within 10 feet of it. A successful
The fungal mass is a spitting fungus, a very DC 18 Intelligence (Nature) check will reveal
dangerous occurrence of the natural world. The the subterfuge.
sword is Schatzjaeger, a +1 longsword, with the The possessor of the longsword was Hyrum
ability to detect precious metals within 60 feet. Kalvanus, a well-respected explorer who
The name of the sword is scribed into the hilt, went missing a decade ago. A successful DC
and its ability can be used two times each day, 13 Intelligence (History) check will reveal
recharging at dawn. its provenance. His heirs will pay 2,000 gold
The spitting fungus, per its name, will spit pieces for the return of Schatzjaeger. If the heirs
spores at each creature that approaches within learn about the sword and it is not returned, an
30 feet. It will continue to make this attack on assassin will be sent on the track of the party
initiative count 20 on each succeeding round to recover it; if the assassin fails, no further
against each creature within range. A creature attempts will be made.
may avoid the spore attack by succeeding on
a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed
save, the creature is struck and a blob of fungus
sticks to the creature, inflicting 7 (2d6) poison
damage and infecting the creature with spore
fever. Creatures immune to poison are immune
to spore fever. A creature may spend an action
to scrape the fungus off with a blade, unaware of
the other effects.
At the beginning of each day, a creature
infected by spore fever must make a DC 15
Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the
creature’s maximum hit points are reduced by
10, and a fungal growth can be seen emanating
from the impact point, covering more and more
of the creature’s body. If a creature dies while
infected by spore fever, its body quickly converts
entirely into a new spitting fungus. The disease
Encounters in the Savage Jungles
Asad the Merchant
By Jeff C. Stevens & Alex Clippinger
“A traveling merchant peddles tribal weapons.”

Type: Roleplay
CR: Any

DM’s Notes
Asad al’Sarif (see below), who was originally
created by Jean Headley and appeared in
Encounters in the Savage Cities, was a merchant
and trader of exotic spices. He’s recently given up
that career and is now a collector and peddler of
tribal weapons and antiquities.
He loves the finer things in life—fine wine,
exotic spices, precious oils and soaps, and fancy,
colorful clothing. He has a certain elegance
about him, which is obvious by the way he glides
when he walks, makes smooth hand-gestures
when he speaks, and the calm, almost hypnotic
soft vibrato of his voice.
Seldom does he hide his interest in an item. He
enjoys learning about where it was found, what
occurred to retrieve it, and any history there is to

Using Asad
The adventurers might encounter Asad on
Asad can be used in many ways. He has a
the road as he travels from one city or village to
small shop in a town where he trades for tribal
the next—appearing at just the right time to give
weapons and antiquities, displays them, and then
assistance to a group of troubled adventurers.
sells the items to adventurers and tourists. Tribal
Asad might also be found being held-up by
vases, rugs, armor, weapons, and clothing adorn
bandits (2 bandits per party member). If rescued,
the shelves and walls of his shop—most of which
Asad offers either a 50% discount to one of his
are for sale.
items or a free Identify service.
Asad also has a small wagon, which is covered
Asad is a merchant, but not a swindler. He
in a bright purple canvas. The exterior of the
drives a hard bargain when haggling, but doesn’t
wagon is decorated with a multitude of brightly-
want to lose a sale. He’s not easily cheated,
colored feathers, making the wagon a surprising,
deceived, or persuaded, but he does give in to
yet pleasant, spectacle.
There is a noticeable odor about the wagon,
strong but not necessarily unpleasant. Asad has
open pots of ointment, made with pungent herbs
and spices, hanging in the wagon to keep the
insects away. Incidentally, it also helps keep the
carnivores at bay, since Asad smells like plants
instead of meat.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

Asad’s Items

Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Simple Melee Weapons
Knobkerrie 1 gp 1d6 bludgeoning 3 lb. Light, thrown (20/60)
Mambele 3 gp 1d6 piercing 1 lb. Light, thrown (20/40),
Sjambok 5 sp 1d4 slashing 1 lb. Finesse
Toothed Club 20 gp 1d4 bludgeoning 6 lb.
and 1d4 piercing
Simple Ranged Weapons
Atlatl 2 gp See description 2 lb. Loading (spears only)
Heavy Sling 4 sp 1d6 bludgeoning ½ lb. Ammunition, ranged (60/240)
Martial Melee Weapons
Khopesh 8 gp 1d6 slashing 3 lb. Finesse, light
Macuahuitl 20 gp 1d8 bludgeoning 5 lb. Versatile (1d10)
or 1d8 slashing
Martial Ranged Weapons
Boomerang 3 gp 1d8 bludgeoning 2 lb. Ranged (50/150), special

Armor Cost Armor Class (AC) Strength Stealth Weight
Medium Armor
Ichcahuipilli 12 gp 12 + Dex modifier (max 3) — — 10 lb.
Heavy Armor
Tlahuiztli 100 gp 14 + Dex modifier (max 2) Str 12 Disadvantage 30 lb.
(sight only)
Nguni shield 5 gp +1 bonus to AC — — 2 lb.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

to a helm-crest made from a Stegosaur plate.
Armor Descriptions Even the most functional and down-to-earth
craftsmen of Port Nyanzaru or the jungle tribes
follow these guidelines, honoring the tradition
Passed down from centuries of Omuan tradition,
of making tlahuiztli armor as imposing as it is
the ichcahuipilli is a tough armor made from
layers of interwoven cloth, often fortified with
hide. Though not as strong as other medium
armors, the ichcahuipilli has a number of Weapon Descriptions
advantages in Chult. It is the lightest medium
armor available by weight, which also allows for Atlatl
a greater contribution from a wearer’s Dexterity Also known as a spear-thrower, the atlatl is a
score than other armors. In addition, the long wooden tool with a slight curve and cupped
breathable material and flexibility of the armor notch at one end. This notch is fitted with darts
mean that its wearer does not take disadvantage or spears; the wielder grips the atlatl in their
on saving throws against exhaustion due to palm and the ammunition between thumb and
dehydration. forefinger, swinging the atlatl above their head
and releasing the ammunition just past the apex
Nguni Shield of the swing. This gives the thrown ammunition
The nguni shield is an oval-shaped shield, usually greater power and stability. When wielding an
made of toughened hide. It is made of weaker atlatl, the range of darts and spears is doubled
materials than traditional metal or wooden to (40/120), though spears have the loading
shields, offering only a +1 bonus to Armor Class. property when thrown using an atlatl.
However, the shield can be donned with only Magical atlatls, if bought or discovered, act like
a bonus action and doffed freely. In addition, magical bows and impart their bonuses on the
spellcasters who have proficiency with shields ammunition thrown while using them.
and use a nguni shield are considered to have
the hand free for spellcasting purposes. However, Boomerang
the nguini shield cannot benefit from the Shield Chultans originally devised the boomerang as a
Master feat. Chultan Nguni Shields are made device of entertainment; athletes made a show
almost exclusively from dinosaur hides, making of hurling these remarkable contraptions down
them an agreeable armor for druids who learn to Malar’s Throat or over the waters of the bay,
use them. their odd design causing the device to return to
a skilled thrower’s hand. Some skilled throwers
Tlahuiztli began using the boomerang as a weapon that
Another traditional armor learned from the could return if their attack failed to connect.
ancient days of the Omuans. Unlike the lighter Special: When you make an attack roll against
ichcahuipilli worn over the torso, the tlahuiztli a target that fails to hit, the boomerang sails
was a tougher set of heavy armor that also high for another 20 feet and then slides 15 feet
covered the legs and arms, usually reserved for to the left or right (determined by the thrower)
the most fearsome warrior castes. This armor of the original path, before looping around to the
incorporated more toughened hides into its space you threw it from, provided no creature
creation, usually from tougher herbivores like the or obstacle stops its flight. The thrower can
brontosaurus and triceratops, or apex predators catch the returning boomerang as a reaction on
like the Tyrannosaurus Rex. The thicker armor its next turn, provided it is within 5 feet of the
is still relatively light and gives potential benefit location it threw from.
from a wearer’s Dexterity score, something If an obstacle is in the return path, roll a d20.
unique to heavy armors. Tlahuiztli still imposes If the result is equal to or higher than the target’s
disadvantage on Stealth checks, but only for AC, the boomerang hits that obstacle and deals
those relying on sight, and for good reason. normal damage.
The tlahuiztli is constructed with considerable
flamboyancy, sporting anything from helmets
made from the head of an Allosaurus, to claws
and teeth springing from the back and shoulders,

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

Knobkerrie Mambele
The knobkerrie is a shaped wooden club that Mambele is a general term for wicked, multi-
was carved to have a rounded, heavy end., This bladed throwing daggers . They are generally
simple customization keeps the weapon’s ease curved forward from the hilt, and usually have
of use, but makes it superior to a simple club. In a secondary sharp spur halfway up the blade,
addition, the weighting of the club allows it to be which gives these knives a stylized ‘F’ shape.
thrown short distances while hunting. The curve of the blades and secondary spur
make these weapons poor melee weapons but
Khopesh devastating when thrown. Artisans in Port
An evolution of the battleaxe, the khopesh is a Nyanzaru often make the sharp points and
sickle-sword with a curving crescent at one end. secondary spurs from dinosaur teeth and claws,
This crescent was weighted and sharpened at or make the forward-thrust blades look like
one end, giving it the general shape and power the open mouth of a striking serpent. Treasure
of a battleaxe without the larger blade. Chultan hunters covet the ceremonial mambele that can
mercenaries often carry a Khopesh as a smaller, be found in many ruins. These mambele are
secondary weapon, as they are lighter and less made with spurs of jade or other precious stones,
expensive than other blades. or even teeth that have been delicately etched
Heavy Sling with scrimshaw techniques. These precious
The flexible, rain-hungry trees of Chult often lack artifacts fetch triple or quadruple the price of a
the rigidity necessary to make a good bow. When normal mambele, with particularly fine pieces
fighters or hunters don’t want to carry numerous fetching even more.
thrown weapons, they have learned to make do
with simpler weapons like the sling. Chultans
have made a point of improving upon the design,
weighting the pocket of the sling for stronger

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

Macuahuitl Monster Statistics
The macuahuitl is a wide wooden club that has
been rimmed with a number of spikes or blades.
Wielded with one or two hands, this weapon can
Asad Al’Sarif
Medium humanoid (human), lawful neutral
apply either bludgeoning or piercing damage
at the wielder’s discretion. The most functional Armor Class 15 (breastplate)
macuahuitl made at Port Nyanzaru are wood HP 9 (2d8)
or metal clubs with metal blades. However, the Speed 30 ft
tribes of the Chultan jungles use embedded
dinosaur teeth for the spiky rim, and more than STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
11 (+0) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 18 (+4)
a few port artisans use similar materials in
order to catch the eye (and business) of visiting
Skills Arcana +3, Deception +6, Insight +3, Intimidation +6,
adventurers. Macuahuitl found in lost cities and
Persuasion +6
old ruins are coveted works of art, stylized with Senses passive Perception 12
ancient glyphs and sporting blades of gleaming Languages Common, Elf, Dwarf, plus any two of the region
obsidian and jade, tripling their monetary value. he is in
Firenewt warriors sometimes carry obsidian Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
macuahuitl but the blades are simply the jagged
shards these creatures pick up from the volcanic Identify. Asad may cast the identify spell 1/day, and he
regions they call home, lacking artistry. typically charges 50 gp for the service.
Won’t Be Fooled. Having negotiated many deals, Asad is
Sjambok an expert at the craft of noticing when others are trying to
The sjambok is a piece of animal hide that con him. As a result, Asad has advantage on checks versus
has been rolled and cured into a long, flexible someone trying to persuade or deceive him.
cylinder. This whip-like weapon does little Actions
damage but is popular as a means of driving
Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft, one
livestock. Some dinosaur racers or other creature. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.
dinosaur riders use sjambok as a goad, though
it’s considered dangerous to use on even the
best-trained predatory animals.
Toothed Club
‘Club’ is a poor term for these weapons, which
have a thick, curved question-mark shape. The
rim of the club is lined with shark or dinosaur
teeth, which accentuate the heavy blow of the
club by puncturing through armor and flesh.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

The Nest
By Elven Tower
“The adventurers climb a cliff unaware that two When the pterodactyls attack, read or
territorial pterodactyls are protecting their nest.” summarize the below:

Type: Combat Drops of sweat roll down your foreheads and

CR: 2-4 cheeks as you hug the side of the cliff. It looks
taller than before, now that you are hitting the
DMs Notes mid-point of your climb. It becomes difficult to
This is a low-level encounter appropriate for fight vertigo as you look down to the jungle at
a jungle environment. The party is traveling the cliff’s base. A cry in the sky and the flap of
through the jungle when their path is blocked by wings makes you suddenly alert.
a cliff face which extends for miles on either side. It’s difficult to turn around and see while
Climbing the rocky surface is not difficult in and holding your position on the cliff face. Two
by itself, but the pterodactyls will attack as the flying figures approach at high speed. You can’t
adventurers climb. The creatures referred to as see them clearly as they are flying from the
pterodactyl in this encounter use the pteranodon sun.
stats (CR 1/4; MM).
†† The pterodactyl’s instinctive hunting strategy
is to fly with the sun to its back, blinding its
The Encounter prey as it swoops down.
†† The pterodactyls have advantage on their first
The Climb
attack because of this.
The cliff is 100 ft. high. Characters attempting
†† Any attack against the pterodactyls on the first
to climb the cliff must succeed on a DC 14
turn of battle is rolled with disadvantage for
Strength (Athletics) check to be able to move
the same reason.
half their walking speed in any direction. Failure
†† A pterodactyl attacks once every two turns—
means the character is unable to find a path
performing its Flyby ability and then spending
or a stone to grab onto and is unable to move
the next turn moving to attack again.
momentarily. A check result of 9 or less means
†† A pterodactyl makes use of its Flyby ability to
the character loses his footing and falls to the
stay away from melee attacks. It never stays
bottom of the cliff. A creature that falls from the
adjacent to the adventurers.
cliff takes 4 (1d6) bludgeoning damage for every
†† The only way to attack them is with ranged
10 ft. it falls. Falling from the very top of the cliff
attacks, provided the PCs can use them while
would amount to 31 (10d6) bludgeoning damage.
climbing, or to ready an action to attack the
Cautious characters taking the time to set up
pterodactyls when they perform their next
pitons from a climbing kit may roll the climbing
checks with advantage. If there are not enough
climbing kits for all characters, it is up to the DM Every time a character is hit by a pterodactyl, it
to determine who gets the benefit, depending on must succeed on a climbing check (as specified
the players’ description of their actions. above) to avoid falling from the cliff. In the
event of a fall, if another adventurer is up to 10
Aerial Attack ft. below, he may attempt a DC 14 Strength
The pterodactyl nest is 80 feet above and (Athletics) check to catch the falling character.
hidden behind a rocky outcropping. When the Depending on the falling character’s size and
adventurers climb to a height of 40-50 ft., the two weight, the DM may impose advantage or
pterodactyls attack. disadvantage on this roll.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

The Nest Adjusting CR
After dealing with the pterodactyls, the
As written, the encounter is appropriate for four
adventurers may continue climbing up. They will
3rd level characters. If you wish to adjust the
reach the outcropping where the nest is hidden.
CR, you can add or remove pterodactyls as you
Inside the nest are 4 pterodactyl younglings.
see fit. 4 pterodactyls would be appropriate for a
These creatures are similar to their parents
level 4 party. Alternatively, you could replace the
except for being small-sized. Their attacks deal
stats for the pterodactyls or baby pterodactyls
3 (1d4) piercing damage and they only have 1
with stronger variations of them. Adding a
hit point. They are also territorial, and react
few hit points will increase the challenge a lot
aggressively towards strangers. Killing one or
because of the way the encounter works. Falling
two will make the rest afraid. They will try to find
from the cliff is the real danger in this encounter,
a safe spot close to the cliff face.
and having more pterodactyls or more hit points
Inside the nest, the adventurers will find 1d3
will increase the odds of this outcome.
unhatched pterodactyl eggs. The eggs are 8 to
9 inches tall and blueish in color. Any character
that holds an egg can feel the unhatched infant
trembling inside. A successful DC 14 Wisdom
(Nature) check reveals that these eggs are very
close to hatching. Each day there is a cumulative
chance that any of the eggs hatch. The infant
pterodactyl imprints on the first creature it
sees. It thereafter follows that creature around
like its parent, demanding to be fed. If the
characters manage to keep the baby pterodactyl
alive, it eventually reaches adulthood after 6
months. Track its growth using the Pterodactyl
Maturation Table.

Pterodactyl Maturation
Age Size Save DC
Infant (up to 1 month) Tiny AC 8; 1 hit point; speed 10 ft.; Str 8 (-2); no effective attacks.
Young (1-3 months) Tiny AC 9; 4 hit point; speed 10 ft. fly 20 ft.; Str 10 (+0); Attack:
Bite. +2 to hit, they deal 1 piercing damage. Reach 5 ft.
Juvenile (3-6 months) Small AC 10; 8 hit point; speed 10 ft. fly 40 ft.; Str 10 (+0); Attack:
Bite. +2 to hit, they deal (1d4) piercing damage. Reach 5 ft.
Adult (6+ months) Medium See the Monster Manual (Pteranodon)

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

Enter the Ouroboros
By Joshua C. Kelly
“In the jungle lurks a massive stone serpent that in the door engulfing and forcing the creature
can devour entire villages. If you find yourself into the next room, dealing 9 (2d8) bludgeoning
swallowed by this monstrosity, know that your damage in the process. These doors only
death is assured, but will be neither imminent allow creatures to move one way through the
nor painless.” simulated digestive system.

Type: Combat & Exploration A. Esophagus

CR: 11-17 This room is a circular tunnel 45 ft. long and
20 ft. in circumference with sphincter doors on
DMs Notes either end, though only the rear door opens into
the Stomach (Area B). Characters swallowed by
Ouroboros is a massive snake shaped construct Ouroboros enter at the forward end of the room.
created by ancient yuan-ti artificers. It devours The first 30 ft. of the room shift and move wildly
creatures whole and slowly kills them via a as Ouroboros attacks, sometimes changing into
series of chambers meant to simulate a snake’s a vertical shaft as the snake raises its head to
digestive system. strike.
Read or paraphrase the following:
Is That Temple Watching Me?
The encounter begins when the party is The jaws of the snake snap shut, and its stone
unfortunate enough to cross paths with throat closes around you until you can barely
Ouroboros. Despite its gargantuan size, the breathe. You are pummeled and battered as the
massive snake-like construct attempts to stalk undulating walls push you through this smooth
the characters until it is within striking distance. stone shaft. The walls recede, and you find
The head of the snake is 15 ft. high and 30 ft. yourself at the end of a long dark corridor that
wide with clusters of giant emeralds for eyes. slowly undulates around you.
The snake’s body is hundreds of feet long. When
immobile it appears to be a finely carved temple Six previously devoured bullywugs (CR ¼; MM)
in the shape of a giant snake. have been surviving inside this room for several
days and have formed a symbiotic relationship
with their captor. They ensure that creatures
Inside the Ouroboros coming through the mouth are stripped of any
General. The air is hot and humid. The walls, useful equipment and quickly pushed through
floors, and ceiling all blend together in a slowly the door in the rear to feed their host. They are
writhing mosaic of scale-shaped stones. starving and desperate but unable to escape.
Light. The interior is in complete darkness When the first character enters this area, the
unless otherwise noted. bullywugs are at the rear of the room forcing a
Sphincter Doors. The rooms inside the snake small herbivore (DM’s discretion, but perhaps a
and the entrance and exit are separated by goat, pony, or mastiff) through the sphincter door
circular portals. When closed each door appears to the Stomach (Area B). They plan to do the
to be an 8-foot wide circular pattern of stone same to anyone who enters.
scales slightly darker than the surrounding The room contains quite a few useful pieces of
walls. When a living creature touches one of the equipment including several bundles of rope, an
doors a point at the center of the door dilates assortment of simple tools, six torches, and two
and the outer ring of the door extends to envelop magic items from the below table, determined
the creature. Creatures who touch the door but randomly by rolling a d8.
want to escape its grasp must succeed a DC 18
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check; failure results

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

d8 Magic Item The acid has worn several larger holes in the
ceiling that a small or medium-sized creature
1 Dust of dryness
can climb through to reach the Chest Cavity
2 Philter of love (Area D). The nearest one is 25 ft. from the
3 7 +2 arrows room’s entrance.
4 Potion of hill giant strength Inside the pool of acid is a water elemental
(CR 5; MM) that attacks all creatures in
5 Lantern of revealing
this space. The elemental is immune to the
6 Wand of magic detection chamber’s acid damage. If the elemental is
7 Goggles of night destroyed, Ouroboros takes 92 (12d10 + 48)
8 Rope of climbing points of force damage.
At the rear of the room is another sphincter
door that leads to the Intestine (Area C).
B. Stomach
This room is shaped like the lower half of a C. Intestine
bisected cylinder. It is 45 ft. long, 20 ft. wide and This room is a cramped tunnel 5 ft. in
10 ft. tall in the center. It is almost filled with circumference that curves and winds around
liquid acid leaving a 1/2 ft. tall pocket of air at the itself but leads steadily aft-ward. It is 90 ft. long,
ceiling. The acid churns with a circular current. difficult terrain, and ends with another sphincter
Every round a character begins their turn in door that allows creatures to exit Ouroboros.
this acid they take 5 (1d6 + 1) acid damage and Halfway down this corridor is a magic item from
are pushed 15 ft. towards the rear of the area. the below table, determined randomly by rolling
If a character chooses to dive to the bottom of a d6.
the chamber the current will push them back d6 Magic Item
towards the beginning of the room at the same 1 5 +3 crossbow bolts
2 Potion of speed
The ceiling of the room is a stone lattice with
many small holes through which a bright red- 3 Potion of vitality
light shines. The pulsing throb of Ouroboros’ 4 Potion of invisibility
heart can be heard throughout the room. Each 5 Scroll of prismatic spray
time the character takes damage the light from
6 Scroll of move earth
the heart throbs in a bright pulse.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

When a character begins their turn in the
intestine roll 1d4; on a 1 a dust mephit (CR Adjusting the Challenge Rating
1/2; MM) emerges from the wall to attack them. As written Ouroboros is a CR 17 encounter. To
When a mephit is destroyed, Ouroboros takes adjust the challenge rating make the following
16 (5d6) force damage and each creature in the non-cumulative adjustments.
intestines takes 9 (2d8) bludgeoning damage and CR 11
is ejected out the rear exit, no save. †† Ouroboros has the following stats: Attack
+6, AC 16, HP 190
D. Chest Cavity †† Ouroboros only makes one attack per round.
This room is a horizontal half cylinder separated †† The sphincter doors don’t deal any damage.
from the Stomach below (Area B) by a stone †† There are 2 bullywugs inside the Esophagus
lattice. In the center of the room is a giant heart (Area A).
made of rubies and glowing with a bright red †† There is no water elemental in the Stomach
light that pulses in time to its throbbing beat. (Area B).
Attacking the heart is the best way to destroy †† Ouroboros’ heart has +2 to hit with spell
Ouroboros as it can take damage from creatures attacks and its spells have a saving throw
inside the chest cavity. The heart has the same DC of 10.
AC and saving throws as Ouroboros. Though it †† The dust mephits in the Intestine (Area C)
lacks any damage resistance, it shares the same do not have their Death Burst or Blinding
pool of hit points. Breath abilities.
The heart defends itself with spells chosen
at random from the Heart Spells table below. CR 13
Using its heart to cast a spell counts as a bonus †† Ouroboros has the following stats: Attack
action for Ouroboros. The heart has +7 to hit +7, AC 16, HP 220
with spell attacks and its spells have a DC 15 to †† Ouroboros only makes one attack per round.
saving throw. All spells are cast as if they used †† The sphincter doors deal 1d4 bludgeoning
a 3rd level spell slot. Ouroboros does not need damage.
to concentrate to maintain the effects of any †† There are 4 bullywugs inside the Esophagus
of its heart spells and they last as per the spell (Area A).
description. Effects from duplicative spells are †† There is no water elemental in the Stomach
not cumulative. The heart can only cast one spell (Area B).
per round and it chooses its targets at random if †† Ouroboros’ heart has +3 to hit with spell
there is more than one present: attacks and its spells have a saving throw
DC of 12.
d6 Heart Spell
†† The dust mephits in the Intestine (Area C)
1 Magic missile do not have their Death Burst ability.
2 Thunderwave CR 15
3 Scorching ray †† Ouroboros has the following stats: Attack
4 Ray of sickness +8, AC 17, HP 245
5 Bane †† The sphincter doors deal 1d8 bludgeoning
6 Blindness †† There are 4 bullywugs inside the Esophagus
(Area A).
Developments †† Replace the water elemental in the Stomach
When Ouroboros is reduced to 0 hp or less (Area B) with a water weird.
it disintegrates into a long pile of stone and †† Ouroboros’ heart has +4 to hit with spell
debris. The acid in its stomach is immediately attacks and its spells have a saving throw
neutralized and the mephitis and the water DC of 14.
elemental inside of it disappear. Any living †† The dust mephits in the Intestine (Area C)
creatures trapped inside the construct when it is do not have their Death Burst ability.
destroyed can climb their way out of the rubble
in 1 round.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

Treasure Actions
Multiattack. The Ouroboros makes two attacks, one bite,
The remains of Ouroboros contain piles of rubies and one tail slam attack.
and emeralds totaling 15,000 gp in value. This Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 15 ft., one
is in addition to any treasure noted in the room creature. Hit: 22 (3d8 + 9) piercing damage. If the target is
descriptions above. a Large or smaller creature, it must succeed on a DC 19
Dexterity saving throw or be swallowed by Ouroboros. A
swallowed creature takes an additional 9 (2d8) bludgeoning
Monster Statistics damage and begins its next turn in the Esophagus (Area A).
Tail Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 15 ft., one
Ouroboros creature. Hit: 31 (4d8 + 12) bludgeoning damage.
Gargantuan construct, unaligned
Legendary Actions
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Ouroboros can take 2 legendary actions, choosing from
HP 279 (16d20 + 112) the options below. Only one legendary action option can be
Speed 20 ft., swim 20 ft. used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn.
Ouroboros regains spent legendary actions at the start of its
28 (+9) 5 (-3) 24 (+7) 4 (-3) 10 (+0) 5 (-3) Detect. Ouroboros makes a Wisdom (Perception) check vs.
a creature or object.

Skills Stealth +3, Perception +6 Ground Slam. Ouroboros slams its body against the
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing ground. All creatures within 30 ft. must succeed on a DC 15
from nonmagical weapons Dexterity saving throw to avoid being knocked prone. This
Damage Immunities poison attack also affects all creatures inside Ouroboros who make
Condition Immunities frightened, grappled, petrified, their saving throw with disadvantage.
poisoned, prone, stunned Retaliatory Swallow. Ouroboros makes a bite attack
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16 against a creature that attempted a melee attack against it
Languages — during the current round.
Challenge 17 (18,000 XP)

Heart Spells. As a bonus action, the heart of Ouroboros can

case one spell per the description (Area D).
Immutable Form. Ouroboros is immune to any spell or
effect that would alter its form.
Iron Stomach. Ouroboros is immune to all damage dealt by
creatures inside it unless otherwise noted in the adventure
text above.
Magic Resistance. Ouroboros has advantage on saving
throws against spells and other magical effects.
Magic Weapons. Ouroboros’ attacks are considered

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

Fire and Fangs
By Joshua C. Kelly
“The jungle holds many a bog where fiery gasses
rise from the muck; the lizardfolk know to set
The Fiery Bog
their ambushes there.” General Features. The bog is 30 ft. wide by
45 ft. long and bordered on all sides by thick
Type: Combat vegetation that is impossible to pass through. At
CR: 1 per character its narrowest point, the bog is 15 ft. wide.
Water Depth. The murky bog waters are 3 ft.
DMs Notes deep in most places but there are areas where
The players cross a noxious bog that seeps the ground drops away and the water is 6 ft.
flammable gases where they are ambushed by deep. The deeper areas are impossible to detect
lizardmen launching flaming javelins. Feel free to unless a character has blindsight.
use the map provided or create your own based Lighting. The lizardmen lack the means to set
on the description below. their ambush at night. The encounter takes place
Your players will suspect an ambush the during the day when the area is covered in bright
moment you draw a map or describe the terrain light.
in detail; consider rolling their perception and Swamp Gas. When a character enters the
survival checks in secret as they enter the bog bog, they must succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom
but before the combat encounter begins. (Survival) check to detect the presence of a foul
gas; failure results in nothing being detected.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

If the character succeeds by 5 or more, they The lizardfolk then launch their flaming
understand the gas is flammable and can be javelins in high arcs that ignite the swamp gas
easily set alight. when they land. On a miss, the javelin lands in a
Any open flame such as a torch, lantern, or random square, igniting the gas in that square.
fire arrow ignites the gas pocket in the square Roll a d8 to determine where the arrow lands,
it is in. When the gas pocket in a square ignites with ‘1’ being the leftmost square in front of the
it deals 5 (1d4 + 2) fire damage to all creatures target. If the attack misses by 5 or less, the flame
in that square. A spell that sends a magical fire dies out as the javelin flies through the air, and
effect through a given area (such as fire bolt and no random roll is required.
produce flame) ignites the gas pocket in every The lizardmen flee when half or more of their
square the effect passes through, including the numbers are killed. They dive into the bog water
square the caster is in. Gas can only ignite in and attempt to swim away. Each bandit carries
any given square once per round. The gas is a purse containing a mix of coin that totals 3d6
contained in small pockets, igniting a gas pocket gold pieces.
in one square does not ignite the gas pockets in
surrounding squares. Monster Statistics
Area of effect spells that deal fire damage
simply increase their total fire damage by 5 (1d4
+ 2) fire damage. This increase can only apply to
Lizardman Bandit
Medium Humanoid, neutral evil
a given square once per round.
At the DM’s discretion, creatures in the bog can Armor Class 16 (natural armor, shield)
use their reaction to attempt to dive underwater. HP 45 (6d8 + 18)
If the creature succeeds on a DC 14 Dexterity Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft
saving throw, it dives underwater before their
square catches fire, taking no damage. Creatures STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
14 (+2) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)
already underwater when the square they are in
catches fire automatically take no damage from
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +5, Survival +3
the fire.
Senses passive Perception 13
Ambush! Languages Common, Draconic
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
There is one lizardfolk bandit for each
character in the party. They are lying in wait
Hold Breath. The lizardfolk bandit can hold its breath for
on a small island 15 ft. long and 10 ft. wide at
up to 15 minutes at a time.
the far end of the bog, which is outside the area
Silent Teamwork. The lizardfolk bandits can communicate
of the gas. The lizardfolk have built a hunting
with hand signals and expression, conveying complex
blind out of branches and mud that grants them information without making a sound.
partial cover (+2 bonus to AC and Dexterity
saving throws) and a +10 bonus to Dexterity Actions
(Stealth) checks while they are on the island. The Bone sword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
blind itself has AC 10, 16 HP and is immune to one creature. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage.
piercing damage. Flaming Javelin. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range
The lizardfolk wait until the characters are 30/120, one creature. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage and
halfway across the bog before attacking. One 2 (1d4) fire damage. A javelin attack can miss and still deal
fire damage, see “Ambush!” above.
lizardfolk needs to light their brazier before
the rest can throw their flaming javelins. A Hungry Bite (Recharge 5-6). Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to
hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: (1d6 + 2) slashing damage.
character with a passive Perception of 15 or If the lizardman bandit causes damage with this attack it
higher, or one that succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom gains 3 hp.
(Perception) check, notices the brazier being
ignited and avoids being surprised.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

Collector’s Edition
By Jean Lorber
“The players come across a zoo collector’s birds, and preserved specimens. He leaves the
operation in the middle of the jungle, filled animal wrangling and “care” to his crew of hired
with animals living in terrible conditions. The hands. This is a poor decision as the henchmen
misguided collector can be convinced of the treat the animals with little respect. In addition,
inhumanity of his operation, but his treacherous the hired help is plotting to kill the gnome
henchmen may fight to keep this lucrative and make off with many of the more valuable
scheme going.” creatures.

Type: Interaction, Investigation & Combat

CR: 5-7
The Encounter
As the party nears the camp, located deep in the
DMs Notes/Background jungle, read or paraphrase the following:

The gnomish Beetroot Family runs an animal- A cacophony of animal sounds rises out of
collecting operation, procuring exotic beasts for the jungle, appearing to come from a clearing
the private menageries of princes and merchants ahead. You hear birds, monkeys, and the roars
along the Sword Coast. The enthusiastic-but- of larger animals. A voice calls out indistinct
clueless Yazigoot Beetroot is currently in charge orders above the ruckus.
of the operation.
Yaz genuinely likes animals, but his A successful DC10 Intelligence (Nature) check
involvement in the day-to-day operations is reveals that this is no natural assemblage of
limited by his extremely poor eyesight. He’s animals; you hear predators and prey together
content with cataloging newly-acquired beetles, but no sounds of a struggle. The PCs can move
to the edge of the clearing and observe the camp
without fear of detection (moving with stealth
allows advantage to any later applied checks).
They are closest to Area A unless they stated
they desire to seek out the source of the noise
(Area B).
The Collector’s Camp
General. A large clearing surrounded by
jungle. A few small tents, some wagons, and
many cages of various sizes.
Terrain. Exposed dirt, muddy in high-traffic
areas (difficult terrain).
A. Cataloguing station
Read or paraphrase the following:

In front of a tent, a young gnome sits reading

on a tabletop. Around him are piles of feathers
and insects and two tiny, mummified reptiles.
He looks up from his tome, unsurprised, and
says: “Hello. Do you think it’s ‘quetzalcoatluses’
or ‘quetzalcoatli’?” He blinks slowly through
thick glasses and waits for your answer.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

This is Yazigoot (gnome commoner), who C. Tents
appears to be happily reading a leather-bound Four tents circling a smoldering campfire make
book titled ‘Specimens from the Darkest Jungle’. up the sleeping quarters for the crew. One tent
Any Wisdom (Insight) check reveals that he is is occupied by the last henchwoman—a sleeping
friendly and harmless. He talks animatedly about human cult fanatic (CR 2; MM). She attempts to
animals and invites the PCs to look around. He sneak behind the PCs after combat has started.
declines any offer to venture back to the large Treasure. Each tent contains a lockbox, hidden
animal pens, citing his, “… poor eyesight and a somewhere within. If time is limited, a DC10
related tendency to fall on my face …”. Wisdom (Perception) check reveals the location
Treasure: Yaz’s book is worth 20 gp to the of the lockbox. With no time limit, all boxes can
right collector. Inside Yaz’s tent is a locked easily be found. A DC14 Dexterity check using
cabinet (a successful DC13 Dexterity (Thieves thieves’ tools will open any lockbox. The 4 boxes
Tools) check to open) containing 1,000 gp and contain the following: 3d20 gold pieces, a dagger
some Beetroot family tricks of the trade: 5 scrolls +1, a scrimshaw walrus worth 20 gold pieces,
of animal friendship and 1 tincture of enlarge/ and a folded love letter to a woman named Lilly,
reduce (same as the spell when applied to the stained with drops of blood.
skin) and a ring of animal influence inside an
ornate velvet box (the box has a 10 gp value).
Encounter Developments
B. Animal Pens If the PCs meet the henchmen before Yaz, the
dwarf bandit captain demands to know the
A series of cages is spread across the PCs business. He quickly becomes “friendly”
encampment. Each cage houses a different and takes the PCs to Yaz. A DC 13 Wisdom
species, most of which seem to be suffering (Insight) check sees through the false cheer and
from malnutrition or anxiety. A muzzled reveals high levels of tension. The halfling spy
kamadan stuffed into a small cage seems attempts to hide in Yaz’s tent to eavesdrop on any
particularly miserable. Most noticeable is a far conversation.
cage that towers over the others, covered by a If confronted with evidence of animal
thick cloth. mistreatment, Yazigoot doesn’t believe it at first.
A successful DC 12 Charisma (Persuasion)
A 5-foot tall pile of dung next to the largest check is required to make him recognize the
cage might raise a red flag (encourage Wisdom truth. The check is made with advantage if some
(Nature) checks)—beating a DC10 reveals that righteous role-play shaming precedes it. A failed
this is dinosaur dung). Inside the cages are the check results in Yaz disbelieving what he is
following: a blindfolded eblis (CR 1; ToA), a seeing, becoming angry and insisting the PCs
muzzled kamadan (CR 4; ToA), a vegepygmy leave as he summons his crew. If convinced, Yaz
(CR ¼; ToA), a thorny (CR 1; ToA), and 2 looks sad and orders the creatures freed, even
velociraptors (CR ¼; ToA). The large cage the dangerous ones.
contains a tyrannosaurus rex (CR 8; MM). A Any mention of ending the collecting operation
successful DC 12 Intelligence (Medicine) check will trigger the henchmen’s mutiny. A DC 11
shows that the T-Rex is drugged and covered to Wisdom (Insight) check reveals meaningful
keep it calm. All cages are double-latched but not looks and subtle hand signals among the
locked. Opening a cage requires 2 actions or just henchmen, signaling that some sort of plan is
1 action with a DC 8 Dexterity check. afoot. They might feign compliance, but their
The crew of henchmen is here, feeding plan is to lure the PCs over to the cages, release
animals, repairing cages and plotting when/ the kamadan and watch the carnage. They will
how to execute their coup. The crew consists of fight from atop the cages and engage in melee
a halfling spy (CR 1; MM) who silently eyeballs only if pressed. Once in combat, the bandit
the PCs while smoking a pipe, a bugbear (CR captain yells “…Kill them all, even the gnome!”
1; MM) who samples the animals’ food before The kamadan shakes its muzzle free after 2
feeding them, and their leader, a dwarf bandit
captain (CR 2; MM) who boasts of capturing a
creature while rattling its cage.
Encounters in the Savage Jungles
rounds. All animals flee if they reach half their from his cabinet or just yell: “Inside my cabinet!
normal Hit Points. A DC 14 Wisdom (Animal My ring! The tincture! On the creature!”. This
Handling) check convinces the kamadan to re- gives the spy the same idea though. If this looks
direct its attack to one of the henchmen. to be too deadly, don’t release the T.Rex. Just let
In desperation, a henchman might attempt your PCs keep wondering about what’s in that
to unlock the T. Rex cage. This could quickly giant cage.
become a deadly encounter for the PCs, so there If the PCs win, Yaz thanks them, sighs and
are opportunities to improve their chances. The begins to make ready to head back north with an
T. Rex takes a few rounds to shake off the drugs, empty wagon. He thanks the PCs for saving him
which gives it disadvantage on its attack rolls. and gives them 500 gold pieces from his cabinet.
Yaz loses his glasses but might help with items

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

Lend a Hand, Won’t You?
By Jean Lorber
“The players stumble upon a friendly fellow The initial boxed text is purposefully vague
adventurer, swinging from a snare and about the scene, to encourage investigation.
surrounded by bodies. All around them are clues Sorting through Lim’s story is central to the
as to what led up to this moment. It’s in the encounter. Multiple examples of his lies are
players’ best interest to quickly piece together the presented in insets along with clues for how your
story before things get violent…again.” PCs might uncover them.
Note that all shrine guardians (aka tribal
Type: Investigation & Combat warriors (CR 1/8; MM, p350) are armed with
CR: 4-6 clubs, not spears.

DMs Notes/Background Shrine Site

The dashing, narcissistic burglar Lim Quicksteel The encounter begins when the party walks up
(master thief; CR 5; VGtM, p216) has met his on the shrine and the stand-off between Lim and
match during a jungle tomb robbery. He almost Ixka. The environment of the opening scene is as
defeated a shrine’s defenses (by sacrificing some follows.
companions), but dropped a valuable idol as General. A large clearing surrounded by dense
he fled. Upon exiting the shrine, he killed his jungle.
remaining companions (more gold for him) but Terrain. Bare dirt jungle floor.
then was ambushed by two shrine guardians Sounds. The jungle is alive with animal calls.
who witnessed the whole thing. Lim killed one
but was trapped in the other’s druidic spell.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

A. Shrine Surroundings retreat. Lim attempts to use the PCs to get the
idol. Ixka returns in 15 minutes with 10 tribal
You walk into a small clearing and take in warriors who attempt to kill everyone.
an unusual sight: a person, upside-down and If the PCs approach Ixka cautiously or just talk,
suspended off the ground by a long vine. He she stays put. She doesn’t speak their language
is thoroughly restrained, swaying to and fro. but tries to tell them about Lim using gestures*.
There is a stone building behind him, bodies Then she leaves to intercept her reinforcements,
on the ground below him, and a figure wearing returning 15 minutes later with 10 tribal
a wooden hawk mask off to the side of him. warriors to kill Lim. They leave the PCs alone, as
The upside-down figure speaks with a refined long as they haven’t taken the idol.
accent: “I say, you there! It appears I’m in a Clues
spot of trouble.” Lim’s Lie: “These chaps came along and killed
my party.”
The upside-down figure is Lim, restrained by a Clue: Lim’s party all have stab wounds,
vine. The dead bodies are a shrine guardian and but the shrine guardian has only a club--DC8
two of Lim’s companions. Lim’s two rapiers are Intelligence (Investigation) or if PCs inspect
on the ground nearby, as are his companions’ bodies.
weapons (maul, mace) and the guardian’s 2nd Lie: “Well, they disarmed my men and
weapon (a carved club-see clue below). used their own weapons against them.”
Lim’s plan is to get free, find the idol he Relevance: The stab wounds implicate Lim,
dropped, then run. Lim picks up his rapiers if the only blade-wielder around.

Lim’s Lie: “The attackers were all over us!”

Gestures: The DM must attempt to relate the Clue B: The dead shrine guardian and Ixla are
story of Lim and his cohorts attempting to barefoot, and only 2 sets of bare footprints can
steal the idol. Since there is no way for the two be found in clearing--DC8 Wisdom (Survival)
sides to know if they are truly understanding check.
one another, you may use your own judgment 2nd Lie: “Well, they attacked from the trees.”
when to stop ‘gesturing’ the story. You may Relevance: Lim’s story sounds fishy. The
allow a DC 12 Intelligence (Insight) check evidence doesn’t match his story.
to allow the players to discern the meaning of
the gestures if you wish, or you may just accept B. False Idol room
what the players think the gather from the The entrance to this room is blocked by a
gestures. boulder (a trap triggered by Lim). Moving
it requires 2 simultaneous DC13 Strength
(Athletics) checks. Once inside:
freed, or admits they are his if asked. He is in a
hurry as he suspects that more shrine guardians A ledge juts out of the far stone wall, with
are on the way. But he banters calmly with the a golden, snake-headed idol on it. A body
PCs: “We thought we’d have a go at this shrine. lies sprawled against the far wall. There is a
Had a bit of bad luck, then these local chaps boulder-sized hole in the ceiling and a furrow
arrived. Anyway…” in the mud floor shows the boulder’s path to
The hawk-masked figure is Ixka (druid; CR the door. Stone debris and a broken short
2; MM, p346), protector of this shrine. She has sword have been mushed into the furrow.
been battling Lim and used her last spell slot to
cast entangle, restraining him. She is now simply The body is one of Lim’s crew, a sacrificial lamb
hanging on to the vine to physically keep Lim sent to trigger the expected trap. The hole in the
trapped. But she’s wounded and visibly straining, ceiling was caused by the boulder trap springing.
which is obvious to the PCs when they arrive. A DC10 Intelligence (Investigation) check
She is also barefoot (see clue below). reveals signs of an explosion and a partially-open
If the PCs free Lim or approach Ixka trap door in the floor that leads to area C.
threateningly, Ixka runs for reinforcements while
3 tri-flower fronds (CR ½; ToA, p234) cover her

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

Lim dropped the real hawk-headed idol when Clues
fleeing the boulder and it was mushed into the Lim’s Lie: “We never found anything in this
mud floor. It is hidden from view, but hopefully, bloody shrine. Poor Jekk died for nothing.”
your PCs are clued in to take a look. Each round Clue: There are new scrape marks on the
of digging has a 2 in 6 chance of finding the empty pedestal—automatically visible if a PC
real idol. The idol is covered in a blue-colored crawls to this location.
poison; if touched to skin a DC13 Constitution 2nd Lie: “Well, there was an idol here but
saving throw is needed to avoid 3d8 poison it was just a wooden carving of some rubbish
damage. If it is uncovered, a blue, poisonous crocodile god.”
sheen is noticeable with a DC10 Intelligence Relevance: Lim’s “clarification” should make
(Investigation) check. him seem suspect. A character passing a DC 10
Trap: The snake-headed idol is illusory. It Intelligence (Insight) check realizes a wooden
covers a glyph of warding which is visible with idol wouldn’t have left scrape marks on the wall.
a DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) check. Any
interaction with the idol triggers an explosion, Encounter Developments
doing 4d8 thunder damage to all in the room,
no save. Disabling the rune requires a DC 12 If the PCs leave without interacting with anyone,
Intelligence (Arcana) check. If Lim finds the then they encounter 10 tribal warriors, on their
real idol, he might throw a rock at the snake- way to defend the shrine. A fight breaks out
headed idol in an attempt to trigger the glyph, without some seriously convincing role-playing.
then run. A DC 12 Charisma (Performance) check is
Treasure: Mushed in the mud is the real hawk- required if the players attempt to ‘gesture’ their
headed idol. Solid gold, 1000 gp value. way out of the situation. A failure results in the
tribal warriors believing the PC just threatened
C. True Shrine them.
In all situations, time the warriors’ entrance
The hole leads to a 3 foot-high, earthen-walled for maximum effect: just as someone discovers
tunnel. A bluish glow is emanating from the idol, they hear chanting and the ritualistic
somewhere beyond a left turn, 10 feet away. clacking of wooden clubs outside.
If the PCs return the idol, an appreciative Ixka
The real idol was kept at the end of this tunnel gives the PCs two of the below magic items,
on a small pedestal. Around the corner is determined randomly by rolling a d8:
the body of one of Lim’s crew, killed when he d8 Magic Item
touched the idol. Its poison stained his hands a 1 Ring of protection
glowing blue. Lim then stole the idol with gloved 2 Ring of animal influence
hands and exited just ahead of the boulder.
The blue-glowing gloves are in Lim’s pocket 3 Potion of greater healing
and can be noticed by a creature with a passive 4 Staff of the adder
Perception of 18 or higher, with a successful 5 Wand of web
DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check, or if Lim is 6 Stone of good luck
searched. Residual poison covers the gloves and
7 5 +1 sling bullets
any creature touching the gloves must pass a DC
13 Constitution saving throw or suffer 7 (2d6) 8 A set of sending stones
poison damage and be poisoned for 2d4 rounds.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

What a Fungi!
By Ginny Loveday
“Wherein the party stumbles into a ritual of A. On the Edge of the Clearing
death and creation, disturbing a tribe of savage
plant creatures. In this encounter, the party finds It seems as if you’ve been hacking your way
a carefully laid trap of a tribe of vegepymies through the dense undergrowth for hours
hoping to grow their numbers.” when suddenly your guide stops ahead as the
Type: Combat & Exploration thick foliage gives way to a small clearing. The
CR: 1-10 light filters dimly through the thick canopy
still soaring overhead. The stench of rotted
vegetation wafts on a slight breeze. As you step
DMs Notes into the clearing, you notice a large mushroom
Vegepygmies are fungus creatures that live in growing near the center of the clearing, with an
tribes, hunting and spreading their spores. They odd-looking stone perched atop it. The stone
most commonly inhabit dark areas that are appears to glow and pulse from within.
warm and wet, like underground caves or dense
forests. They prefer to eat fresh meat, bone, and As the party walks into the clearing, keep track
blood. They originate from remains left behind of where they move as patches of russet mold
by a creature killed by russet mold. require anyone who approaches within 5 ft. of it
to make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw (see
The Encounter sidebar below for complete info on the russet
Plant Ambush! The stone was found by the vegepygmies in a
The encounter begins when the party walks into cave system occupied by a fearsome lich; they
a lush clearing, approximately 50-feet across, liberated it after noticing the effect that it had on
with a large flat mushroom growing near the humanoids to cause them to blindly flee, thinking
center surrounded by a patch of reddish brown that they could use it to trick unwitting victims
mold growth. Atop the mushroom lies a faintly into falling prey to the russet mold in their home
glowing stone. habitat.

Interruption, or Just Beginning? B. Reaching the Rock

The environment of the clearing is as follows:
General. The forest is dense and closing in all As you finally approach the center of the
around. The stench of rotting vegetation hangs clearing, the stone seems to pulse faster,
heavy in the air. The clearing is roughly 50-feet flickering madly as you near its perch on the
across. The mushroom in the center rises about mushroom.
a half foot from the ground, sturdy and flat on
top. The stone is about the size of a normal
Light. Though the party has entered a clearing, humanoid fist, etched with a crude drawing of a
the canopy still soars overhead blocking most of demonic face. Describe it as glowing faintly red
the light. The area is dimly lit. in the dim light of the clearing. If a party member
Surfaces. The clearing has a surface of hard picks up the stone, have them, and any other
packed dirt with patches of an odd reddish- party member standing in a 30-foot cone behind
brown mold growing and is surrounded by dense them, make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or
trees and surface vegetation. Any travel outside suffer the effects of a fear spell. Keep in mind
of the clearing is difficult terrain. the russet mold as they flee if any remains in the

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

C. Ambush Awakened Six vegepgymies (CR ¼, VGtM), a vegepygmy
Once the party picks up the stone, or after chief (CR 2, VGtM), and two thornys (CR 1,
a suitable amount of time has passed with VGtM) have crept from the edge of the clearing
them standing in the clearing, have the plants and have surrounded the party with their crude
attack from the edges of the clearing. Any party weapons drawn in a menacing manner.
member with a passive Perception below 10 is The vegepygmies prefer to hang back at the
surprised. edge of the clearing using their slings, luring
party members into the thick underbrush, while
A movement from the edge of your vision the chief and his thornys menace any weak
suddenly startles you as you become aware looking players in melee combat.
that some of the surrounding vegetation
appears to have come to life!

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

Russet Mold Conclusion
The fungus known as russet mold is reddish- If any party members died and their bodies were
brown in color and found only in places that not resurrected, have the guide describe the
are dark, warm, and wet. Russet mold that transformation of their body into the appropriate
spreads out across a metal object can be number of vegepymies.
mistaken for natural rust, and a successful If removed from the jungle, the mysterious
DC 15 Intelligence (Nature) or Wisdom stone slowly loses its glow. It seemed to be an
(Survival) check is required to identify it artifact of some sort designed to repel intruders.
accurately by sight in such a case. From where exactly, is currently unknown.
Any creature that comes within 5 feet of Based on the image on the rock though, players
russet mold must make a DC 13 Constitution could be led to believe it is from the Tomb of
saving throw as the mold emits a puff of Annihilation.
spores. On a failed save, the creature becomes
poisoned. While poisoned in this way, the
creature takes 7 (2d6) poison damage at the
start of each of its turns, sprouting mold as Adjusting the Challenge Rating
it takes damage. The creature can repeat the APL 1: Fear save DC 10. 4 Vegepygmy
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, APL 2: Fear save DC 11. 4 Vegepygmy and 1
ending the effect on itself on a success. Any Thorny
magic that neutralizes poison or cures disease APL 3: Fear save DC 12. 4 Vegepygmy and 1
kills the infestation. Vegepygmy Chief
A creature reduced to zero hit points by the APL 4: As written
poison dies. If the dead creature is a beast, a APL 5: Fear save 14, 6 Vegepygmy, 1
giant, or a humanoid, one or more newborn Vegepygmy Chief, and 1 Thorny
vegepygmies emerge from its body 24 hours APL 6: Fear save 15, 6 Vegepygmy, 1
later: one newborn from a Small corpse, two Vegepymgy Chief, 2 Thorny
from a Medium corpse, four from a Large APL 7: Fear save 15, 8 Vegepygmy, 1
corpse, eight from a Huge corpse, or sixteen Vegepymgy Chief, 2 Thorny
from a Gargantuan corpse. APL 8: Fear save 16, 12 Vegepygmy, 2
Russet mold can be hard to kill since Vegepymgy Chief, 1 Thorny
weapons and most types of damage do it APL 9: Fear save 16, 12 Vegepygmy, 2
no harm. Effects that deal acid, necrotic, or Vegepymgy Chief, 3 Thorny
radiant damage kill 1 square foot of russet APL 10: Fear save 18, 12 Vegepygmy, 2
mold per 1 damage dealt. A pound of salt, a Vegepymgy Chief, 3 Thorny
gallon of alcohol, or a magical effect that cures
disease kills russet mold in a square area that
is 10 feet on a side. Sunlight kills any russet
mold in the light’s area.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

By Tony Petrecca
“An eccentric tree dweller protects the PCs from
possible doom on the jungle floor… but trouble
TimReh’s Greeting
comes from above.” The encounter begins when the traveling party
passes into TimReh’s territory. When that occurs,
Type: Combat, Role Play & Exploration read or paraphrase the following:
CR: 2-5
The hot air is thick with moisture as you make
DMs Notes your way through the dark jungle today. Fit or
not, your body strains at the effort required
TimReh (Pronounced Tim-Ray; see stat block)
of the travel. Sweat soaks your clothes, and
is a bizarre hybrid of squirrel, goblin, and who
insects nip at any exposed flesh they can find...
knows what else, created by the twisted magical
sometimes they manage to find their way to
experimentations of the mad druid Elpam
the unexposed bits as well. Just when you
and the arch mage Accertep. TimReh fled his
think it couldn’t get more miserable you get the
home when he witnessed his ‘mother’, Elpam,
unmistakable feeling you’re being watched.
slaughtered by one of her creations, and has
Readying your weapons, you gaze about,
made his way wandering the treetops since.
seeing naught but the eternal greens of the
TimReh, already quite eccentric, was driven a
jungle canopy. Suddenly something leaps down
touch mad by the horrors he witnessed. A tree
from above, landing on a branch 15-feet above
dweller by nature, TimReh is fearful of life on
the trail.
the ground, and his meanderings from tree top
“TimReh! TimmmReeeh!”
to tree top eventually led him to the vast and
The excitable creature is, well... what is it? It’s
glorious jungle he now calls home.
not too large, four-foot tall perhaps. It seems
Given his upbringing by a wicked, mad human,
to be humanoid, though it has powerfully large
he is a surprisingly good-natured fellow with
legs and is currently perched on all fours. It
a strong affinity for human companionship.
is furry - brown, with gray stripes. It appears
TimReh speaks in broken common, referring
to have goblinoid proportions to its face and
to himself in third person, while often seeking
body, but has a bit of a snout and whiskers, and
friendship with those who pass beneath him.
a large furry tail, nearly as long as its torso,
Unfortunately, though, his freakish nature makes
sprouts from its backside. It wears leather
sealing such friendships challenging for him.
pants and a jerkin, and has a shortbow and
Nevertheless, he gets protective on the rare
quiver slung to its back. Its broad mouth grins,
occasions when folk “like mom” pass through the
revealing razor-sharp teeth.
dangerous jungle he now dwells in. He does not
“TimReh make friends!”
want to see more of them slaughtered.
Ever wary of what prowls the jungle floor, he
wanders through the jungle canopy, at night And thus introduces TimReh. Though the party
sleeping in a hammock slung between high tree might find it suspicious, TimReh is sincere in
branches. Unbeknownst to TimReh, a treetop his desire to make friends with the group. This
threat has settled in above his latest perch. should be a grand opportunity to introduce a
fun new NPC. Ham TimReh up for humor and
fun while he interacts with the PCs, keeping in
mind his stunted phrasing and constant referral

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

to himself in the third person. Note that he is
fearful of the ground. He will not come down
from the trees, though he will find low perches
from which to converse.
TimReh wants to follow along on the group’s
path for a while, offering his help as a scout.
“TimReh help, spot from above! If danger -
TimReh sees it coming!” TimReh isn’t interested
in payment, though he’ll certainly take gifts given.
He just wants companionship for a bit.
Should the party turn hostile, TimReh will
defend himself, scurrying to the backs of trees
for total cover while fleeing to the heights of the
canopy. But, once he’s safe, he’ll follow along
from high above regardless.
Once the greetings and initial interactions
are completed, the party will no doubt wish to
continue with their travels. TimReh will climb up
into the canopy above and follow along, acting
as a scout for the group whether invited or not.
He is remarkably stealthy, and his swift climbing
speed should allow him to keep pace with the
party with relative ease. He will frequently point
out how useful he can be, stating repeatedly
“Danger - TimReh can see it coming.”
TimReh intends to escort the party through
the entirety of his territory, with the size of his
territory left up to the DM. The escort should last
at least one full day’s march, but if you’re having
fun with TimReh’s companionship he can provide
escort for as long as he remains entertaining.
After several hours, TimReh offers a signal
Eventually he should prove his worth as an
to stop - by dropping a branch in front of your
escort, which brings us to the following:
party. You look up to see him dropping low to
converse quietly.
Danger Below - TimReh Sees It “Goblin trouble. Goblin ambush.” he says,
Coming! pointing up the trail. “Told you - TimReh sees it
As the party continues its travels, read or
paraphrase the following: TimReh has spotted a group of ten goblins
(MM) in hiding on either side of the trail ahead.
The day has not gotten any cooler, but it The ambush is roughly 100 feet away, where
certainly has gotten more interesting. Your the goblins are taking cover under bushes and
new ‘friend’, TimReh, paces your travels behind trees, ready to pounce on passersby on
from high in the canopy above, leaping from the trail. Thanks to TimReh’s keen eye a plan
branch to branch, tree to tree. He’s remarkably can be made to thwart the ambush. TimReh is a
stealthy most of the time, though his stealth is fine shot with his bow, and will gladly participate
interrupted from time to time when he talks in any offensive. TimReh can easily find a firing
to himself - “TimReh! TimReh’s a good scout. position amongst the branches that affords him
Trouble today, trouble today, TimReh sees it three quarters cover.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

Treasure Fighting in the Trees
The goblins have some coin amongst them. Each Generally speaking, climbing the trees of the
goblin has 1d20 silver pieces in a belt pouch. jungle canopy should be a simple task when
Scaling Suggestions PCs aren’t pressured for time. With ample
CR 2: Reduce the number of goblins to 6 branches to use as handholds, creatures
CR 3 & 4: As written without a climb speed treat tree climbing as
CR 5: Add two more goblins and two goblin difficult terrain.
bosses However, under the duress of combat the
situation is more dire. During combat, a
creature attempting to use their movement?
Danger Above - TimReh Does to scale a tree must make a DC 12 Strength
Not See It Coming! (Athletics) check or fail to move that round.
Creatures that fail that check by 5 or more
With the ambush successfully thwarted, TimReh
lose their grip and fall, taking 1d6 points of
should have the party’s trust, and quite possibly
bludgeoning damage for each 10 feet they
their friendship as well. The party continues its
plummet. Falling creatures may attempt
travels until dusk when TimReh insists that the
another DC 12 Strength (Athletics) check to
jungle floor is far too dangerous for sleeping.
break their fall. Success halves the distance of
“Beasts, nasty beasts, prowl at night. Come with
the fall.
TimReh. Down is dangerous. Up is safe! Trouble
- TimReh sees it coming!”
Whether he convinces the party to join him
sleeping in the trees or not, TimReh takes his Treasure.
rest on a branch above the party. If the party The forest fishers discard their prey once
chooses to rest in trees, sufficiently strong and satiated. They have no treasure on their tree
broad branches can be found up to thirty feet branch perches. However, a successful DC 15
from the canopy floor. Let the party decide just Intelligence (Investigation) check (before or
how high up in the trees they rest and make note after the encounter) of the forest floor below
of it in case falling becomes an issue. their perch reveals a decomposing elf corpse
Unbeknownst to TimReh, foul beasts have under a bush beneath the trees. She wears a
taken perch above, and they will pounce on silver necklace with an amethyst pendant worth
TimReh in the middle of the night. At the 125 gp, and has a potion of healing, a potion of
appropriate time at night read or paraphrase the climbing, and a spell scroll containing goodberry
following: in her backpack.

Finally, some rest. The air cools a bit as the

Scaling Suggestions
CR 2: Reduce the number of fishers to 1
moon rises and you slip into slumber.
CR 3 & 4: As written.
You are awakened in a start to a scream from
CR 5: Add two more forest fishers.
above. TimReh has been pulled from his perch,
and is being hauled up into the darkness!
“Trouble! Trouble caught TimReh! TimReh Wrapping Up
did NOT see it coming!” With the day’s encounters done TimReh’s role
could end here. His further involvement in the
TimReh has been grappled by the filament of party’s adventures is left entirely up to the DM.
a forest fisher (see stat block) that is perched However, he could make for an interesting repeat
on a branch thirty-feet above. The creature is NPC, popping up from time to time to say...
not alone, as another forest fisher attacks from TimReh!
above as well. Since they are perched on sturdy
branches above, the forest fishers have partial
cover from attacks directed at them from below.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

This forest fisher is a reskin of the cave fisher
Monster Statistics found in Jon Leitheusser’s Book of Beasts:
Underdark Vault. You can check out this
Forest Fisher excellent bestiary on the Dungeon Master’s
Medium monstrosity, unaligned
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
HP 38 (7d8 + 7) TimReh
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft. Small humanoid, chaotic good

Armor Class 16 (leather armor)

HP 44 (8d8 + 8)
16 (+3) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 4 (-3) 12 (+1) 5 (-3) Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.

Skills Perception +3, Stealth +6 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
16 (+3) 20 (+5) 13 (+1) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
Languages —
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Skills Athletics +6, Perception +5, Stealth +8
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
Ambusher. The forest fisher has advantage on attack rolls Languages Common
against any creature it has surprised. Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Forest Camouflage. The forest fisher has advantage on
Dexterity (Stealth) checks made in forest or jungle terrain.
Keen Hearing and Sight. TimReh has advantage on
Sniper. When the forest fisher is hidden from a creature Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or sight.
and misses with its spike launcher or filament grab attacks,
Powerful Leaper. TimReh has advantage on Strength
making the attack does not reveal the forest fisher’s
(Athletics) checks that involve jumping. TimReh doubles his
Strength score when determining long jump and high jump
Spider Climb. The forest fisher can climb difficult surfaces, distances cleared.
including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make
an ability check. Actions
Multiattack. TimReh makes two melee attacks or two
Actions ranged attacks.
Multiattack. The forest fisher makes one attack with its
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
filament grab, uses reel, and makes one attack with its spike
Hit: 7 (1d6+3) piercing damage.
launcher or pincer.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Filament Grab. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
target. Hit: 7 (1d6+3) slashing damage.
40 ft., one target. Hit: The target is grappled (escape DC
13). Until the grapple ends, the target is restrained and Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 80/320,
has disadvantage on Strength checks and Strength saving one target. Hit: 9 (1d6+5) piercing damage.
throws, and the forest fisher can’t use its filament grab on
another target.
Pincer. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 8 (1d10+3) bludgeoning damage.
Spike Launcher. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
30/60, one target. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) piercing damage.
Reel. The forest fisher pulls a Large or smaller creature
grappled by its filament grab up to 15 feet straight toward it.

Surface cousins to cave fishers, these bizarre

insect-like monstrosities feed by ambushing
from above. The forest fisher catches its prey
by extending filaments from their frightening
proboscis, then finishing the prey off with its
launched spikes and powerful pinchers.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

Crypt of the Golden Mummy
By Patrick E. Pullen
“Crypt of the Golden Mummy is an encounter much on a successful save). Complicating the
for a party of 4 to 6 adventurers of levels 5 to situation, if the vines are burned, they release a
7. It takes place in a lost crypt hidden deep in a poisonous gas. If inhaled the gas causes 4 (1d6)
jungle, possibly in Chult. The adventurers are poison damage per round in a 20-foot radius
seeking the remains of an ancient wizard who (no save) and must immediately pass a DC 14
was mummified in solid gold. They will have to Constitution saving throw or become paralyzed
get around the crypt’s guardian, solve a puzzle for 1d4 rounds. To prevent further damage, the
and avoid a deadly trap if they are to succeed in paralyzed PC will then have to be dragged to
their quest.” safety. The gas dissipates after the fire goes out.
Pulling the vines away by hand takes 20
Type: Puzzle, Traps, Combat Encounters minutes, whilst using slashing weapons reduces
CR: 5-7 the time to 10 minutes. Due to the vine being
very dry and extremely flammable, burning the
DMs Notes vines reduces the time to 5 minutes, but also
The PCs have delved deep into the jungle to creates the poisonous gas mentioned above.
find a legendary, golden mummy in a deadly Should you wish to add tension to the
crypt. The legends say the mummy is encased in situation, you may consider adding a random
pure gold. If they can survive, the party could be monster into the mix, making it more difficult to
very wealthy. The PCs can be following a newly clear the door. The door is a heavy stone block
discovered map or lured to the crypt by rumors which can be moved aside with a successful DC
from a tavern bard. 15 Strength check.
Clearing the vine allows the characters to open
the door and proceed into the crypt. Once inside
The Crypt the crypt the PCs find an empty antechamber
The environment of the crypt is as follows. with an opening to room 2.
General. The walls and ceiling are hewn stone.
The ceilings are twenty feet high. The ground is 2. The Puzzle Room
earthen and stone. Progress beyond this room is blocked by a large
Light. There is no light within the tomb, save iron door in the east wall. The door has no
what the party brings with them. visible handles or hinges. It is magically locked
and cannot be bypassed with anything short of
1. The Entrance a wish spell. Attempting to identify the magic
Once the party reaches the entrance, read or used reveals a strong aura of conjuration magic
summarize the following: holding the door in place until the riddle is
After a long trek through the jungle, you finally When approached, a magic mouth appears on
reach your destination—the Crypt of the the door and asks the following question, which
Golden Mummy. A large stone slab serves as must be successfully answered before the door
a door to the tomb. It is covered with strange, will open.
bright red vines. They will have to be cleared Read the following:
before you can open the door.
“A horse outside of the Dripping Dagger Inn is
The door to the crypt is covered in thick tied to an 8-foot long rope. 12 feet away from
poisonous vines that will first need to be the horse is a pile of hay. Without breaking the
cleared before entering. If the vines are touched rope, the horse can eat the hay whenever it
with bare skin, the PC must make a DC 14 chooses. How is this possible?”
Constitution saving throw; failure results in
the PC taking 4 (1d6) poison damage (half as

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

Answer: The other end of the rope is not tied to 4. The Mummy’s Tomb
anything. The mummy rests in a closed sarcophagus
If your players are having trouble with the along the eastern wall of this chamber. Anyone
puzzle, you may allow a DC 14 Intelligence who tampers with the sarcophagus magically
(Insight) check to drop a subtle hint. Correctly summons the crypt’s guardian—a horrific
answering the riddle causes the door to roll chimera (CR 6; MM) that was once the
aside, allowing the party to continue. mummified wizard’s pet. The beast appears in
3. The Trapped Hall a flash of light in the closest unoccupied space
This 10-foot wide hallway is trapped with a near the doorway to the west side of the room,
spring-loaded pressure plate, marked with a blocking any attempt to escape. The chimera
“T” on the map. The plate is hidden by dirt and will not negotiate. It attacks as soon as it is
debris. A DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check by summoned, and fights to the death.
a creature actively searching the hallway reveals Treasure: Inside the sarcophagus is the
the hidden pressure plate. Passive Perception mummified wizard, encased in gold. Its value is
checks should not apply here as the trap cannot to be determined by the DM, basing the decision
be seen without actively clearing the debris. on their current campaign. The trouble will
A successful DC 15 Dexterity check using be getting the extremely heavy gold-encased
thieves’ tools disarms the trap. A failed check, or mummy out of the tomb.
anyone stepping on the pressure plate, set the As an added concern, you can have the
trap off. The ceiling, 20 feet above the pressure mummy (CR 3; MM) be undead and trapped
plate, contains a trap door which opens when within the gold. Once the PCs have the gold
the trap is triggered, causing a 10-foot square melted or stripped away, it animates and attacks.
gelatinous cube (CR 2; MM) to fall on the Keep in mind that melting the gold could injure
victims below. A successful DC 14 Dexterity the mummy. Perhaps it is protected from the
saving throw is required to avoid the gelatinous heat by magic. It is up to you, as the DM, to
cube; failure results in those within the area determine where to go from here.
becoming engulfed within the cube.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

An Uninvited Guest
By Patrick E. Pullen
“An Uninvited Guest is an encounter for a party 1. The Disturbance
of 4 to 6 adventurers of levels 7 to 9. It takes The adventurers have awakened as something
place in a wild jungle, possibly in Chult. The huge crashes through the jungle toward them.
adventurers have been searching for a lost This is a Triceratops (CR 5, MM), which is
group of explorers. With no luck, the party has fleeing a Tyrannosaurus Zombie (CR 8, ToA).
set up camp for the night. While they rest, there The players will not know this, however, and
is a disturbance nearby. Something very large may feel threatened by the panicking dinosaur. It
is rumbling around in the jungle and headed is possible that they will attack the Triceratops,
for the camp. A Triceratops charges out of the completely oblivious to the larger threat
underbrush and appears to be attacking the approaching.
camp when in fact it is running from a much Read or summarize the following:
more dreaded beast; a Tyrannosaurus Zombie.”

Type: Combat The ground slowly begins to tremble as if a

CR: 7-9 mild earthquake is rumbling through the area.
From the North, you realize a large animal is
tearing through the jungle and headed straight
DMs Notes toward the camp. A large dinosaur bounds
The PCs have been sent into the jungle to find into the clearing. Its head is huge. The back is
a missing party of adventurers. After a long day shaped like a shield with two large horns above
of searching, they have found no sign of the lost the beast’s eyes and one horn protruding from
group. It is dark and they are too far from town its snout. It pauses momentarily at the sight of
to hike back before nightfall. They find a clearing you and then thunders forward.
with a stream close by and decide to set up camp
for the night. If the characters attack the Triceratops, it
defends itself up until the Tyrannosaurus Zombie
The Encounter enters the clearing. At that point, it attempts to
flee the battle.
Dino Attack! 2. The Real Threat
The encounter begins when the party has settled
The real threat comes two rounds later, as the
in for the night at their newly built campsite. As
confused Triceratops tries to fight or escape the
the DM, you can decide exactly when the attack
adventurers, and the Tyrannosaurus Zombie
occurs. You may also want to roll a random time
crashes out of the jungle. At this point, the
for the encounter, perhaps after a nightly watch
Triceratops makes a frantic dash in a random
schedule has been set.
direction, possibly trampling one or more of the
party members. Roll a d8, with 1 being the top
The Campsite left square behind the Triceratops, to determine
The environment of the campsite is as follows. the direction of the charge. Reroll any result
General. The camp is set up in a small jungle which would put the Triceratops in range of the
clearing. The night air is hot and humid. The Tyrannosaurus Zombie.
sounds of the jungle come from all around. A character may attempt a DC 13 Dexterity
Light. The moon is out providing some dim saving throw to avoid the path of the fleeing
light through the thick canopy. Triceratops. On a failed save, the character is hit
with a gore attack and trampling charge. On a
successful save, the character jumps out of the
way of the charge.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

Since the Triceratops is frightened and The Tyrannosaurus Zombie ignores the other
being attacked, its frantic retreat negates the dinosaur when it enters the camp and redirects
requirement of moving 20 feet before using its its focus to the adventurers. If defeated, 1d4
trampling charge ability. humanoid zombies (CR ¼, MM) erupt from the
dinosaur’s gut and attack the PCs.
The trees to the north rip apart as another If you wish to give your characters treasure,
huge dinosaur crashes into the clearing. This you can add it to the possessions of the zombies.
one is much more menacing than the first. The zombies can be random victims of the
Standing much taller, it roars loudly, piercing Tyrannosaurus Zombie, or perhaps they are
the night air. The beast stands on two thick the missing party that the adventurers have
hind legs and has a pair of short, stubby arms. been looking for. In the latter case, have some
Its maw is lined with six-inch razor-sharp identifying equipment on the zombies such as a
teeth. Something about the beast is even more beloved one’s wedding ring, which was previously
disturbing, though. It appears to be rotting. Bits described to the party.
of putrid flesh sag from areas of exposed bone.
Its head turns in your direction as it
unleashes another horrifying roar. Its left eye
socket exposes a black, gaping hole, while the
right eye, white and glazed over, appears to
track you.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

Substitute Guardians
By Rat King Games
“An adult bulette has become desperate for
food and is ravaging a forest in search of some Birds sing a greeting to you as you enter this
tasty morsels. The dryads who live here are section of the jungle. The gentle creek that
devastated and are no match for it. The dryads rolls by seem to add to the natural chorus
are in crisis and ask the characters for help, with around you, and sunlight streaks through trees
refusal simply not an option.” like golden ribbons tied to the ground.
As you move deeper into the jungle, you
Type: Combat & Exploration notice the birdsong fading and the smell of
CR: 5 freshly split wood and damp dirt in the air. You
enter a clearing of felled trees and devastated
DMs Notes land. Many towering trees have been snapped
and uprooted like toothpicks and the dust from
The bulette is exceptionally desperate and will
their trunks and roots is still dancing about the
attack the characters, seeing them as a tasty
air; it doesn’t seem as though it has had time to
meal. The dryads are friendly fey, but wary and
settle yet.
scared. They will ask the characters for help,
but if the characters refuse, they will continually
As they enter the clearing the players can easily
warp the woodland magic to turn the characters
see the destruction. The description of the
back toward the bulette.
destroyed clearing may cause them to assume a
Format: any boxed text is meant to be read
multitude of different monsters. Feel free to let
aloud. These are also only suggestions, feel free
them talk about it and make some checks.
to open up the world and add your own flavor!
Change the descriptions and place to match your Wisdom (Perception)
campaign or session! DC 11: There are many holes coming from
the ground. Something burrowed up here and
uprooted the trees.
The Encounter DC 15: All trees that have been felled have
A. TIMBEEEEERRR!!! been cut off near the ground, with what looks
The encounter begins when the party walks into like some sort of bite marks.
a forest clearing; the dust has settled but it looks DC 20: It seems like one of the trees has a
as if all the trees have either been uprooted or pattern in the bark that resembles a face. Then
snapped like toothpicks. you see its eyes move flicking between you, your
Read or summarize the below: party, and the destruction around you. (This is
one of two dryads)
Intelligence (Nature)
DC 11: Bulettes are likely the cause of this
DC 15: All information the DM wishes to
share about bulettes from their stat block in the
monster manual.
DC 18 (Only if at least one dryad has been
spotted): Dryad stat blocks.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

B. A Little Generosity... and Muscle C. Dinner Time (Combat)
The dryad (MM) are desperate for help. A bulette Read or summarize the below:
has ravaged their home while it searched for
food, and the dryad want the characters to get rid The ground beneath you begins to tremble
of it. and the trees around you begin to shake and
Read or summarize the below: sway. A loud clap of thunder bursts out in a
deafening roar, and the strange thing is... it’s
A strange branch reaches out to you from one coming from beneath you.
of the nearby standing trees. As the branch A large set of jaws bursts from the ground,
extends, you hear a voice behind it. “Please, throwing soil into the air. A creature with
will you help?”. long, thick claws lumbers out of the hole and
A beautiful creature that mirrors the forest races toward you, it’s gray jaws snapping as it
itself steps from the tree, its camouflage more charges.
advanced than any naturally occurring you’ve
ever seen. Its dark green orbs stare into you, There are actually two bulettes, but the dryad
and with its hand still extended, it asks once have only seen one. On the third round of
more. “Please?” combat, a second bulette emerges from the
There are two dryad and they are very timid.
They speak some Common, but are younger Conclusion
dryad and speak Elvish more fluently. If the
If the bulettes are defeated, they yield no items
characters speak to them in Common, they have
of their own. If the characters agreed to help
a hard time speaking. Their sentences are short
the dryad, the dryad will reward them with
and hard to follow. If the characters speak Elvish,
the following: a potion of barkskin and ten
the dryad can easily communicate exactly what
goodberries (they remain fresh and useable
is going on. If there is an elf in the party, the
for two days). If you wish to reward additional
dryad speak to it directly, otherwise, the dryad
treasure, you could give the PCs a +1 longbow or
assume the party only speaks Common unless
a +1 shortbow made of Yew and handcrafted by
an adventurer attempts to speak to them in the
the dryad.
Elvish tongue.
If the players didn’t agree to help the dryad
The dryads tell the party of the bulette that
they flee as soon as the battle is over and leave
emerged from the ground and destroyed the
a pile of six regular goodberry behind for the
jungle. They want the bulette destroyed so
it cannot return and do more damage. They
are afraid the bulettes will destroy their home
trees, which would cause the dryads to fall into New Magic Items
If the adventurers agree to help, the dryads Potion of Barkskin
will aid them in the battle by casting barkskin Potion, uncommmon
on two adventurers with an AC of less than 16. When you drink this potion, you gain the effect
In addition, they offer a reward of a handful of of the barkskin spell. The potion’s dense brown
goodberry and a potion of barkskin. liquid has tiny pieces of bark floating in it.
If the adventurers refuse the request, the dryad
use their Fey Charm to charm two adventurers
into helping them. If this occurs, they will
not reward the characters with the potion of

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

Pincer Movement
By Matt Sanders
“An explorer and his band of porters have been
attacked by Jungle Grabber Crabs. There is still A tall, bearded man stands atop a wooden
time to save some of them from a grisly fate.” crate in the middle of the camp, bellowing
orders at the porters as he fends off two claw-
Type: Combat & Exploration snapping crabs with a rapier.
CR: 2

DM’s Notes The River’s Edge

This encounter is designed to present a The environment of the river’s edge is as follows.
challenge for a party of four to five adventurers of General. Short, rough grass covers the ground,
2nd level, but can easily be adapted up or down with small stones strewn around.
a level. As written, this encounter takes place Light. Lighting is dependent on the time of day,
along a river, but could easily be changed to a but Grabber Crabs like to strike when their prey
lake. It could even be moved underground with a is less aware, so dusk or dawn are particularly
pool of water in a cave. suitable.
This encounter mentions the possibility of Walls & Floors. The ground becomes wet and
drowning. If this occurs in your game, please slippery as it slopes downward to the river bank.
reference Suffocating (PHB) and use those rules
to reflect drowning. A. On the Bank
The Jungle Grabber Crab (new creature; see There are eight crabs in total. Four already have
below) is an opportunistic predator that tries to porters (commoners; MM) in their claws, two
drag its prey into a body of water, drown it, and more are close to ensnaring the two remaining
then drag the corpse back to its burrow to feast. upright porters, and the final two are close to
On land, they are slightly sluggish and clumsy. As Brannigan Stokes (noble; MM), attempting to
a result, the crabs try to grab prey and disappear grab him with their claws to drag him back to the
into the water where they are at an advantage. water and their burrow.
Each round, the crabs drag the porters closer
to the water. They reach the water in 3 rounds
A Scream! (or 1d4) where they attempt to drown the porters
The encounter begins when the party hears and drag the bodies away to their burrow. The
a scream nearby. Depending on their current two remaining crabs will attack Brannigan
location, they can rush through the forest to Stokes and try to drag him off, too.
reach the edge of the river, or follow the river If a crab successfully gets a porter into the
and catch sight of the explorers’ plight when they water and stays there for one round, it then tries
round a bend and see the campsite. to scuttle off and into the crabs’ burrow. The
When the party reaches the campsite, read or burrow entrance is hidden, but is revealed if:
paraphrase the following: †† a player watches a crab carry a porter to its
You see a campsite in chaos, its owners †† by succeeding on a DC 17 Wisdom
attacked while preparing a meal. Four (Perception) check
raggedly-dressed young men are being dragged †† by a PC who has a passive Perception of 17
towards the river by huge, flat, mud-gray crabs. or greater when near the river bank.
The ones in the pincers scream and clutch at
The crabs are not easily convinced to drop a
the ground. A couple of men are still standing,
person once they have it in one of their claws.
bashing at the crabs with pots and sticks.
Instead, they attack with their remaining claw
(Continued on next column) while backing away and toward the water.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

At an appropriate time during combat, read or B. In the Water
summarize the following: Read or summarize the following:

The bearded man is grabbed by the leg by The slow-moving water of the river is murky
one of the crabs. He maintains his demeanor at the best of times, but the thrashing of the
and begins bashing at the crabs with the desperately struggling porters has churned up
round guard of his rapier. He shouts “If this mud and silt. It is treacherous underfoot and
expedition is lost, we will all suffer for it. Save the crabs are hard to see once submerged.
me, you fools!” Pincers and chitinous joints lurch out of the
water without warning and attack.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

The mud at the edge of the water is extremely
slippery, and any PC or NPC stepping onto it
The Crab Burrow
must make a DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) The environment of the river’s edge and the
check. On a failed check, the creature falls burrow is as follows:
prone, ending its turn. If successful, or after one General. Hard mud peppered with stones and
failed attempt, the PC has learned how to steady debris from the crabs feeding. A foul stench of
itself on the slippery terrain and no further rotting meat and damp fills the air.
checks are required. The crabs are not subject to Light. The burrow is almost totally dark, just
this check. a few rays of light spill through a couple of small
Once in the water, the crabs have a significant holes in the ceiling.
advantage as they are not affected by underwater Walls & Floors. The ceiling is between 6
combat (PHB; Chapter 9). If the combat is going and 7 feet high, meaning tall PCs will struggle
well for the party, give the crabs the advantage of and jumping or anything acrobatic is almost
underwater combat as soon as they enter it. If it impossible. The roughly round chamber is 20
is going poorly for the party, hold off on applying feet across.
underwater rules until both the PC and the crab If the party find the burrow and investigate
are deep into the river. it, or follow some of the crabs back, they find a
large burrow at the water’s edge which ramps
C. After the Fight
sharply up after the entrance.
Once the crabs are dead and if he is alive,
Read or summarize:
Brannigan Stokes introduces himself and
heartily thanks the party for saving him and what
The low-roofed burrow opens into a roughly
is left of his expedition. He is a tall, fair-haired
round chamber. A few shafts of light struggle
man, but travel in the jungle has taken its toll.
through small holes in the ceiling. A powerful
His clothes are torn and stained, and he looks a
stench of rotting meat pervades. More of these
little hollow around the cheeks.
foul crabs sit chewing on the bodies of some
He explains they are a search party, looking
for Brannigan’s brother, Livingstone. Livingstone
was searching for a lost tomb, defiled by his
There are two more jungle grabber crabs (see
ancestors. He sought to return burial artifacts
below) in the burrow, plus any that successfully
stolen from the tomb, which he believed were
escaped the previous battle. Their home
responsible for the bad luck that had befallen
having been invaded, these crabs are much
his family in recent generations. Following his
more aggressive and rush towards the party.
disappearance, Brannigan has come to search
Instinctively knowing they are at a disadvantage
for his brother and finish the job.
in their burrow, the crabs try to push the party
In thanks, he gifts the party 50 gp and a set
back towards the burrow entrance in an attempt
of map-making tools worth 100 gp. He has no
to move the fight outside and closer to the water.
further use for them as the cartographer in
If the party defeat the crabs in their lair, they
his group died of a fever some weeks ago. The
find lots of gnawed bones from humanoids and
map making tools confer advantage on Survival
animals strewn around the cave. Most of the
checks to make maps or measure distances.
possessions that remain with the bones are
He also tells the players they can help
water-damaged, corroded, damaged by crab
themselves to some of the supply crates around
claws, or all the above. One damp and moldy
the camp, as with his reduced number of porters
leather pouch contains a small stone idol of an
he will be unable to carry it all. The players can
eagle carved in an angular style. It can be sold
stock up on rations, rope and other wilderness
for 75 gp.
travel gear such as tents, bedrolls and lamp oil.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

Monster Statistics
Jungle Grabber Crab
Medium beast, unaligned

Armor Class 16 (natural armor)

HP 25 (3d10 + 9)
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.


14 (+2) 15 (+2) 16 (+2) 4 (-3) 10 (+0) 4 (-3)

Skills Stealth +6
Senses blindsight 40 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages —
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

Amphibious. The jungle grabber crab can breathe air and


Multiattack. The crab makes two attacks but loses its
grapple ability.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target.
Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) and the target is grappled (escape DC 13).
The crab has two claws, each of which can only grapple one

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

Exploding Gnomes
By Bryan R. Stevens
“A band of gnomes is ambushing travelers on a
jungle trail.”
Encounter Introduction
Read or paraphrase the following:
Type: Combat
CR: 4 As you continue to travel down the trail to
[insert destination here], you see a large
DMs Notes body in the middle of the path ahead. As you
draw closer, you see the body is a deceased
This side encounter takes place on a trail in the
portly Goliath that has been stripped of his
middle of a jungle.
Encounter Background Further inspection of the Goliath reveals the
Thavhal Vunakaga, a wealthy heavyset Goliath, twenty-four flasks of a green liquid carefully
had never been much of an adventurer; he spent placed around the body. A successful DC 15
most of his life making money with his real- Intelligence (Arcana) check reveals that the
estate talents. Three days ago, he chartered green liquid is Alchemist’s Fire.
Bilkas, a Gnome adventure guide, to take him
safely through the jungle with guarantees of Encounter
seeing some exciting wildlife. One day into the
excursion, Bilkas led Thavhal into an ambush The encounter begins when the party discovers
where five more gnomes were waiting. Thavhal the flasks around the large Goliath body.
was not prepared to defend himself and went Seconds later, a group of Alchemist’s Fire-toting
down with ease. The gnomes stripped him of his gnomes emerge from the jungle foliage.
packs, but were not strong enough to move his Read or paraphrase the following:
overweight Goliath body off the path; what were
they to do? One of the gnomes, Orcryn, had an After further inspection of the body, you notice
idea; one week ago, they had ambushed a young multiple flasks of a green liquid tucked in
wizard transporting flasks of Alchemist’s Fire. around the sides of the corpse. Suddenly,
It was Orcryn’s idea to use the flasks to explode you hear rustling from the jungle ahead. Six
and incinerate the body. All the gnomes agreed gnomes emerge from the foliage ahead, each
because who doesn’t like blowing stuff up? They carrying multiple flasks of the same green
all ventured back to camp to retrieve the flasks, liquid.
but it has taken multiple trips to accumulate
enough of them. They have twenty-four flasks The gnomes attempt to hide the flasks behind
tucked around the body and are returning to their backs and deny any involvement with
the scene of the crime with one last load of the deceased body on the trail. If they feel
Alchemist’s Fire to destroy the evidence and threatened, they will attack the party with the
clear the path. flasks of Alchemist’s Fire.
If the party is close to the Goliath body, the
gnomes may try to target it and set off all the
flasks of Alchemist’s Fire around the corpse. If
this happens, each creature within 10 feet of the
body must succeed a DC 15 Dexterity saving
throw or take 8d6 fire damage; half damage on a
successful save.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

After the Encounter
After the encounter, the party can find their way
to the gnomes’ camp with a successful DC 15
Wisdom (Survival) check.
The gnome campsite consists of two gnomes, a
firepit, and four tents, with each tent containing a
small wooden chest. Each chest is locked but can
be opened with a successful DC 13 Dexterity
(Thieves Tools) check.
The chests contain 7 small gems worth 25
gp each, 53 gp, a gold bracelet, necklace, and
earring set, each worth 25 gp, and 85 sp.
Encounters in the Savage Jungles
Monster Statistics
Forest Gnome Ambusher
Small humanoid (gnome), chaotic neutral

Armor Class 15 (studded leather)

HP 18 (4d6 + 4)
Speed 25 ft.


8 (-1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)

Skills Athletics +2, Performance +5, Survival +3

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages Gnomish, Common
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Gnome Cunning. The gnome has advantage on all

intelligence, wisdom and charisma saving throws vs magic.
Innate Spellcasting. The gnome’s spellcasting ability is
Intelligence (spell save DC 12). The gnome can innately cast
the following spells, requiring only verbal components:
Cantrips (at-will): minor illusion

Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 +3 ) piercing
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 80/320
ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
Alchemist’s Fire. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
20 ft., one target. Hit: The target catches fire and takes
1d4 fire damage at the start of its next turn. While on fire
the target has disadvantage on attack rolls. The target can
extinguish the flames by using an action to make a DC 10
dexterity saving throw.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

It’s Daddy Time!
By Jeff C. Stevens
“A sentient dagger is lost in a field of…. well…. um Daddy senses the presence of the adventures
…” and calls for help. It’s buried only a few inches
from the surface of a dung pile on the left of the
Type: Exploration clearing. A character with a passive Perception
CR: Any of 14, or one succeeding a DC 14 Wisdom
(Perception) check, knows the general direction
DMs Notes the sound came from. Daddy continues to call
I don’t know why, but this encounter popped into out, with his muffled voice becoming louder or
my head. I wanted to create something fun and quieter as the adventurers move closer to him, or
slightly disgusting, and I know my players have farther away.
dug through many a pile of dung searching for If the adventurers dig through the dung piles,
treasure. I hope you can find a use for this! describe this as you wish. Any character with
This encounter introduces Daddy—a sentient a Constitution score below 13, either digging
magical dagger. Its stats are at the end of the or not, must make a DC 13 Constitution save.
encounter. Failure results in the character nearly retching
Daddy wasn’t pleased with its last owner, so from the smell and their actions, or from the
it coaxed the owner into a fight with a huge disgusting actions of its party members.
dinosaur. Daddy knew the owner would lose Once found, Daddy thanks the adventurers for
the fight. It didn’t mind, it wanted to be found rescuing it. It explains it is the greatest dagger
by someone else. Its previous owner just wasn’t in the land, and it will definitely be beneficial for
deadly enough for Daddy. them to take it, after it is cleaned up, of course.
Spicing up the encounter
The Encounter As written, the encounter should be a lot of fun.
Below are only a few ideas you could use to add
What’s that Smell? to the encounter:
The encounter begins with the party entering a †† A dinosaur comes to ‘visit’ the area. If the
large clearing filled with huge piles of dinosaur adventurers are digging through the dung,
dung. Read or summarize: the beast looks at them, sniffs at them, turns
around, and then does its business. It isn’t
A foul smell floats on the breeze—not of death interested in filth covered adventurers.
and decay, but rather of excrement. At first it †† The dinosaur could be hungry enough to
was only a bit noticeable but, as you continue, attack the filthy adventurers. If this occurs,
the smell’s intensity rises. characters can attempt to hide behind dung
Soon, the source comes into view—a 60-foot piles which proved partial cover. Once a dung
radius clearing filled with huge piles of what pile (0 AC) is hit with 10 or more point of
you assume is dinosaur dung. Flying insects damage, or stepped on by a large dinosaur, it
swarm above the dung piles, creating a low, is considered flattened and no longer grants
incessant hum. cover.
A muffled voice cuts through the hum. “Hmp †† A group of bandits, who often come to this
mm”, you hear, but just vaguely. area and dig through the dung piles for
treasure, arrive as the party is looting the
A character passing a DC 18 Intelligence poop:
(Insight) check believes the voice is saying “Help

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

APL Bandits 6 A Gladiator, a Bandit Captain, and a
1 6 Bandits (CR 1/8, MM) Scout
2 1 Bandit Captain (CR 2, MM), and 1 7 1 Gladiator, 1 Archer (CR 3, VGtM), and
Bandit 2 Bandits
3 1 Bandit Captain and 4 Bandits 8 1 Blackguard (CR 8, VGtM), 1 Scout,
and 1 Bandit – OR – 3 Archers (CR 3,
4 1 Bandit Captain, a Druid (CR 2, MM)
and 2 Bandits
9 1 Blackguard and 2 Archers
5 1 Gladiator (CR 5, MM), a Scout (CR ½,
MM), and 2 Bandits 10 1 Blackguard and 4 Archers

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

Daddy is against taking prisoners unless it can
New Magic Items be convinced doing so will lead to more battles
and destruction.
Daddy wants to be the main weapon for its
Weapon (dagger), legendary (requires
wielder, so it scoffs at any attempt to attune to
attunement by a creature of non-lawful
another weapon. If this conflict occurs, Daddy
makes a Charisma check contested by the
Daddy is a sentient magic item that wants to wielder’s Charisma check. Consult Chapter
be known as the greatest dagger in the land, 7, page 216, of the Dungeon Master’s Guide on
and it feels the only way to do this is to yell its how to resolve the conflict.
catchphrase whenever it is used in an attack. On
a successful hit, Daddy yells ‘It’s Daddy Time!’.
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage
rolls made with this weapon. It has the following
additional properties:
Protection. While attuned to Daddy, you gain a
+1 to armor class and saving throws.
Innate Spellcasting. Daddy can cast the
following spells at 1st level once per day if it
feels inclined to do so based on the reason given.
The wielder must ask Daddy to cast the spell
and give a reason for casting it—an impending
battle, death, destruction, and mayhem: bless,
compelled duel, cure wounds, heroism.
Sentience. Daddy is a sentient chaotic neutral
weapon with an Intelligence of 9, a Wisdom of
10, and a Charisma of 18. It has hearing out to a
range of 60 feet.
The weapon can speak, read, and understand
Common, Dwarf, Gnome, Elf, and Orc. Its voice
is powerful, commanding, yet humorous and
sounds like someone is trying to whisper very
Personality. With its end goal of becoming
the greatest dagger in the land, Daddy has
sometimes (12 so far) had to lead its wielder
astray, coercing them into no-win situations.
Daddy does this if he isn’t used very often in
battle, or if kills are taken away from him by
other adventurers. To spread his name, Daddy
wants to be involved in kills, and he wants his
voice heard.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

The Lost Vault of Jalelel
By Jeff C. Stevens
“A lost tomb holds a magical prize, but greedy The Entrance to The Vault
adventurers are in for a surprise.” Opening the door requires four individuals
Type: Exploration / Combat to place their right hands on the door, in the
CR: 1-10 chiseled spots. Doing so causes the door, and
a 10-foot radius section of the ground centered
on the door, to quickly swing around, and the
DM’s Notes adventurers find themselves inside the dark
This encounter is written to present a challenge vault. Anyone not within 10 feet of the door when
for a party of four to five adventurers of 1st level, it is activated is not transported into the vault.
but scaling options are included at the end of Note: DM may adjust the number required
the encounter. The Lost Vault of Jalelel is also based on the number of members of the party.
mentioned in the encounter titled Stiggy Tong!, From inside the vault, using the handprints on
and it may be used to lengthen that encounter. the door does not grant access to the outside.
Once that feature has been used, it must be
Hooks reset. Inspecting the area inside the vault and
Tribe rumors: The adventurers learn of a near the vault door reveals a slotted area in
stone door covered in vines and obscured by the wall and to the left of the door. A character
thick brush. Chiseled into the door are the passing a DC 12 Intelligence (Insight) check
outlines of four hands. believes this could be a mechanism to activate
Map: The adventurers acquire a map leading the door. Inserting an item in the door does not
to a lost ruin. Scribbled in what appears to be reset the mechanism. Only a shield created by
blood is the word Jalelel. Should they inquire Jalelel inserted into the slot or a successful DC
with locals about Jalelel, they learn the man was 20 Dexterity check using thieves’ tool resets
a master craftsman of shields, with rumors that the door.
some were magical.
The Interior
Villagers: Villagers tell the adventurers of a
The interior of the vault is dark and is made from
stone door covered in vines and brush. Chiseled
a natural cave. Small drops of water occasionally
into the door are the outlines of four hands.
drop into the lake from the 30-foot-high cave
None: No hook is given. The party just
stumbles upon the entrance to The Lost Vault of
You find yourselves in a large cave-like room. A
quiet lake is in the center of the cave. Pedestal-
The Encounter like rock formations scattered in the lake lead
The encounter begins with the party finding the to a stone platform near the center.
stone door of the vault. Read or summarize:
The pedestals may be used to access the stone
A stone patio leads to a cave entrance in the platform in the middle of lake. The platform is
hillside. A thick and weathered granite door— used to progress further into the vault.
concealed by moss, vines, and overgrown
bushes—is built into the cave entrance.
The Lake
A creature (see scaling suggestions) resides in
The door has no obvious keyholes or levers,
the lake, guarding the door to the hidden vault
but chiseled or carved into the door are the
from any who are unworthy of the prize within.
outlines of four right hands.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

tremble; crumbling apart if the gems and coins
are not replaced in two rounds. Access to the
hidden vault is forever lost, unless the party is
very creative (DM discretion).
If a coin or gemstone is added to the bowl, the
bowl lowers 1-inch, and a low rumble is heard
emanating from the westmost square next to
the stone pad. If 50 or more gold coins or gems
are added to the bowl, a stairwell opens in the
westmost square. The stairs lead down and into
the hidden vault.
The Hidden Vault
As the adventurers enter this room using the
stairs, read or summarize the below:

The stairs descend 10-feet into a very odd

room. There appear to be no physical walls,
but rather some type of transparent objects is
keeping the water from entering this area. The
room is dry, yet a few zombie-looking quippers
swim along the invisible barrier where the
walls and ceiling should be.
Three tribal-looking shields hang on a rack
near the far end of this room, each carved
with a different style face. One appears to be
laughing, another crying, and the last has its
mouth open as if yelling.
An image of an old, dark-skinned man
appears in the center of the room. “Greetings,”
says the image. “Having passed my test, I deem
you worthy to take one of my shields, but no
A small stone pad is built in the center of the more than one. Choose wisely.” The image
lake. A creature swimming to, or jumping to the smiles, looks up, and then slowly fades away.
pad, is attacked by the creature in the water.
For a party of APL 1-2, the zombie quippers The first shield touched by a character is
(see “Monster Statistics” below) jump out of the considered the chosen shield. When touched,
water, their razor-sharp teeth chattering as they the shield creates a dim yet noticeable blue flash
fly throw the air, and attempt to bite the jumper. of light. That shield may then be removed from
the wall, carried out of the room without further
The Stone Pad incident from creatures in the moat, and used to
A small bowl containing three gold coins and reset the door mechanism.
four small gemstones rests on a 4-foot-tall,
thin metal rod in the center of the stone pad. So... They Touched Another Shield
Removing a gem or coin causes the metal rod If another shield is touched, that shield’s
to raise 1-inch for each item removed. If this special property is activated, and the shield
occurs, a loud click is heard under the water. The disintegrates. Moments later, the invisible barrier
click is a trap door, along the edge and below begins to dissolve, slowly filling the room with
the surface of the lake, releasing another of the water. In addition, a loud rumble is heard as
creatures into the water. the stone pillars fall apart, becoming useless,
If all coins and gems are removed from the and a loud click is heard as another creature is
bowl, two creatures are released into the water, released into the lake.
and the stone pedestals and platform begin to

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

The hidden vault fills with water in 5 rounds.
An adventurer remaining in the room finds itself
New Magic Items
at the bottom of the lake and 10 feet underwater.
The Ancient Shields of Jalelel
With the stone pedestals destroyed, an
Armor (shield), very rare, requires attunement
adventurer must swim to the edge of the lake
while possibly being attacked if any creatures Jalelel was a master at crafting magical shields.
remain in the lake. Unless an adventurer has a Those on the wall represent some of his finest
swim speed, each foot of movement costs 1 extra work.
foot. Once attuned to the shield, the wielder may
The edges of the lake are sheer stone, speak a command word as a bonus action, which
requiring an adventurer to make a successful DC causes the shield to cast the spell assigned to it.
10 Strength (Athletics) check to successfully The command word is chosen while attuning to
exit the lake. the shield, and the ability may be used once per
long rest. The spells assigned to each of the the
Resetting the Door three shields are as follows:
Placing the bottom of the shield into the slot on Shield Spell
the wall creates a noticeable ‘click’ and resets
the door. The characters must place their right Smiling Shield (left) Tasha’s hideous
hands on the door to activate it, which causes the laughter
door to swing back to the outside. Any character Crying Shield (middle) Fear
not within 10 feet of the door when this occurs is Angry Shield (right) Thunderwave
trapped inside the vault.
The main door automatically resets after 24 In addition, the shields have been created to
hours. increase in power as the wielder increases in
adventuring experience:

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

Adjusting the Challenge Rating Monster Statistics
APL 1: 4 zombie Quipper (they rest at the
bottom of the pool and are not noticeable) Zombie Quipper
APL 2: 6 zombie Quipper Tiny undead, unaligned
APL 3: A Water Weird (CR 3; MM), increase
Athletics check to 12 Armor Class 13
HP 2 (1d4)
APL 4: A Water Weird, +10 HP, increase
Speed 0 ft., swim 40 ft.
Athletics check to 12
APL 5: A Water Elemental (CR 5; MM),
increase Athletics check to 14 2 (-4) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 1 (-5) 2 (-4) 1 (-5)
APL 6: A Water Elemental, +15 HP, increase
Athletics check to 14 Damage Immunities poison
APL 7: A Water Elemental, +30 HP, increase Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
Athletics check to 16 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
APL 8: 3 Water Weirds, increase Athletics Languages —
Challenge 0 (10 XP)
check to 16
APL 9: 2 Water Elementals, increase
Athletics check to 18 Blood Frenzy. The zombie quipper has advantage on melee
attack rolls against any creature that doesn’t have all its hit
APL 10: 2 Water Elementals, +20 HP each, points.
increase Athletics check to 18
Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the zombie quipper
to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw
with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage
Level Bonus Spell DC Damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the zombie
quipper drops to 1 hit point instead.
1-2 +1 shield 12 2d8
Leaping Attack. As an action, the zombie quipper can leap
3-5 +1 shield 14 2d8 out of the water, attacking a creature within 5 feet of it.
6-9 +2 shield 16 3d8 This ability may also be used as a reaction, with the zombie
quipper while attacking a creature attempting to jump over
10+ +3 shield 18 4d8 it.

The increase remains in effect as long as the Actions

original wielder retains possession of the shield. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
If another creature attunes to the shield, it resets creature. Hit: 1 piercing damage.
and gains the abilities equal to the new wielder’s

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

No Ordinary Projectile
By Jeff C. Stevens
“Tribal hunters are waiting to ambush their The Pedestal
target when the adventuring party enters the On top of the pedestal, covered in maggots
ambush area. Too bad for the adventurers—the and swarmed by biting black flies, rests a large
tribal hunters eat all types of flesh!” chunk of rotting, smelly meat. The pedestal is
Type: Combat a bait station used by the tribal hunters who
CR: 1-10 had planned to take down a large-sized jungle
creature today. The adventurers look like a tasty
meal, so the hunters make them the target.
DMs Notes/Background
This encounter includes special tribal arrows, The Hunters
which the hunters use to immobilize or confuse The hunters are experts in camouflage, and they
their prey. A list of the arrows is found at the lay in wait on the opposite side of the clearing.
end of the encounter, and you may choose which The pedestal also acts as a range gauge for the
arrows the hunters are using. hunters, and they attack when one or more party
member reaches the pedestal. They remain
hidden along the edge of the jungle until a party
The Encounter member falls victim to the effects of their special
As the adventurers trek through the savage arrows. Then, another hunter leaves its hiding
jungle, they come upon a 50-foot radius clearing spot to melee attack the drugged adventurer
with a wooden pedestal in the center. Read or before the effect wears off.
paraphrase the following: If there is more than one creature to target,
each hunter targets a different creature. Once a
The bugs under the jungle canopy have been creature is under the effect of a tribal arrow, that
atrocious. The gnats are the worst of all— hunter then switches to normal arrows, attacking
constantly buzzing in your ears, flying up your the effected creature from a distance.
nose, and landing in your eyes. The humidity Each tribal hunter carries three special arrows,
under the canopy is the perfect breeding with the inventory randomly chosen by the DM
ground for these pests. by rolling a d8 (with 1 being Haha and 7-8 being
Ah! A clearing! A dry and open clearing with Seeya). The suggested cost per arrow, if bartered
only a bit of tall vegetation. A welcome sight, for or purchased, is 100 gp.
But…what’s that in the center? A stump, or Tribal Arrows
a pedestal? Something red and meaty rests A few tribes have learned to cultivate the
on top, and black flys (why more bugs?) buzz poisonous vegetation of the jungle. After
around the object. collecting and drying poisonous plants and
flowers, the tribespeople crush them into a fine
The clearing is indeed more inviting. Although powder, place the powder in a small woven
it’s in the sun, it will make a nice place to dry pouch, and then attach the pouch to the tip of
out wet clothing and footwear, escape the a projectile. They have found this to be a very
troublesome gnats and other insects that make efficient way to hunt. It’s easier to kill a creature
sleep impossible, and allow for a dry place to if it can’t attack.
sleep. Due to the shape and weight of the customized
However, the clearing is surrounded by tribal projectile, the range of the projectile used is ½ of
hunters armed with longbows and arrows…. that listed in the PHB.
special arrows.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

Adjusting the Challenge Rating
APL 1: 1 scout (CR ½; MM), 2 tribal warriors
(CR 1/8; MM). Arrow effect save reduced by 2.
APL 2: 3 scouts, 2 tribal warriors. Arrow
effect save reduced by 2.
APL 3: 4 scouts, 3 tribal warriors. Arrow
effect save reduced by 2.
APL 4: 4 scouts, 4 tribal warriors. Arrow
effect save reduced by 2.
APL 5: 2 archers (CR 3; VGtM), 2 tribal
warriors with +10 HP each
On a successful hit, these projectiles deal 1
APL 6: 2 archers, 4 tribal warriors with +10
point of bludgeoning and cause one additional
HP each
effect listed from the Tribal Arrows below.
APL 7: 2 archers, 4 thugs (CR ½; MM)
The potency is often increased or decreased
APL 8: 3 archers, 4 thugs with +15 HP each
based on the prey the tribe is hunting. For a party
APL 9: 3 archers, 4 thugs with +20 HP each.
of level 1-4 characters, reduce the DC by 2. For a
Arrow effect save increased by 2.
party of level 9 and higher, increase the DC by 2.
APL 10: 4 archers, 4 thugs, and one veteran
(CR 3; MM). Arrow effect save increased by 2

Tribal Arrows
Arrow Constitution Effect Duration
Save DC of Effect
Haha 13 The creature falls prone and perceives everything as 2 rounds(2)
hilarious for the duration.
Burna 13 (1)
The creature’s body becomes covered in red, inflamed 3 rounds
hives. All attacks, ability checks, and savings throws are at
Itcha 13 (1)
The creature itches all over its body. It uses its actions and 3 rounds
reactions to scratch whatever areas it can reach.
Nosee 15 The creature loses the ability to see. Attacks and Dexterity 2 rounds (2)
saves are at disadvantage; movement is halved.
Outsa 15 The creature blacks out and falls prone, unaware of its 2 rounds (2)
Hackup 13 The creature begins coughing incessantly. All attacks, 2 rounds (2)
ability checks, and savings throws are at disadvantage.
Seeya 13 On a failed DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, the creature is 3 rounds
under the effect of the Faerie Fire spell.
(1) Repeat the Constitution saving throw at the end of each of the affected creature’s turns to end the
(2) The effect also ends if the affected creature takes damage.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

Stiggy Tong!
By Jeff C. Stevens
“A fearsome creature has made its lair near the
entrance of a hidden tomb.” There it is! Across a small clearing, you can
make out the entrance to the lost tomb of
Type: Combat Jalelel—covered in lush green vines and buried
CR: 1-10 behind overgrown weeds and bushes. It’s no
wonder it’s remained lost for so long.
DM’s Notes
To reach the entrance, the party must cross the
This encounter is designed to present a
50-foot radius clearing, or trek through the dense
challenge for a party of four to five adventurers of
jungle that lines either side of the clearing.
1st level, but scaling options are included at the
Hidden along the jungle tree line, perfectly
end of the encounter. You may use this encounter
camouflaged and undetectable, is Stiggy Tong.
as an add-on before the party enters a lost ruin,
The beast has found this location to be a very
tomb, or temple. You could also build on this
good hunting ground, with the clearing allowing
encounter, having tribes or locals speak of the
it to use its Sticky Tongue ability easily.
dangerous Stiggy Tong that no one has ever
Stiggy Tong targets the creature at the rear
of the line, so as not to draw attention to itself.
This encounter includes two new creatures—
Sitggy Tongs’ tongue attack is very fast, and
Giant Chameleon and Tyrannosaurus
difficult to notice.
Chamaeleonidae—either of which can be used
depending on the level of the party. The stat The Sticky Tongue
blocks for these creatures are located at the end The target, if hit with the sticky tongue, is
of the encounter. immediately pulled back to Stiggy Tong’s mouth
and is considered grappled. In addition, if Stiggy
Hooks Tong’s attack succeeded by 5 or more, the tongue
covers the creature’s mouth and it is unable to
Tribe rumors: The adventurers hear warnings
call out for help. Lastly, if the target failed its
from local tribes, perhaps only making out the
Perception check (see below) it has no idea what
repeated phrase ‘Stiggy Tong!’.
happened. It just knows it’s in the jaws of a large
Map: The adventurers acquire a map leading
to a lost ruin. Stiggy Tong! is written somewhere
on the map. What Just Happened?
Villagers: Villagers tell the adventurers of a Whenever Stiggy Tong makes an attack, the
fearsome, ghost-like presence that guards the creature being attacked and the creature
deep jungle. directly in front of it must make DC 12 Wisdom
None: No warning is given. The party just (Perception) check. On a success, the creature
stumble upon Stiggy Tong as they attempt to sees something out of the corner of its eye, but
enter a newly-found tomb or ruin. can’t discern what it was. On a result of 20 or
higher, the creature sees something appear to
The Encounter run into the woods, but can’t discern what it is.
On a failed check, no one notices anything. They
The encounter begins with the party entering a
would notice that a party member is missing,
small clearing and seeing the entrance to a lost
tomb or ruin. Read or summarize:
Once Stiggy Tong has swallowed its prey, it
then finds a new target and uses its sticky tongue
attack again.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

Swallow. The giant chameleon makes one bite attack
Adjusting the Challenge Rating against a Medium or smaller target it is grappling. If the
APL 1: Use Giant Chameleon as written attack hits, the target is swallowed, and the grapple ends.
APL 2: Use Giant Chameleon as written The swallowed target is blinded and restrained, it has total
cover against attacks and other effects outside the giant
APL 3: Use Giant Chameleon—add 15 HP, chameleon, and it takes 10 (3d6) acid damage at the start of
+1 AC each of the giant chameleon’s turns. The giant chameleon
APL 4: Use Giant Chameleon—add 30 HP, can have only one target swallowed at a time.
+1 AC If the chameleon dies, a swallowed creature is no longer
APL 5: Use Giant Chameleon—add 45 HP, restrained by it and can escape from the corpse using 5 feet
of movement, exiting prone.
+2 AC
APL 6: Use Tyrannosaurus
Tyrannosaurus Chamaeleonidae
Chamaeleonidae—reduce to 105 HP Huge beast, unaligned
APL 7: Use Tyrannosaurus Chamaeleonidae;
reduce to 120 HP Armor Class 13
APL 8: Use Tyrannosaurus Chamaeleonidae HP 136 (13d12 + 52)
as written Speed 50 ft.
APL 9: Use Tyrannosaurus
Chamaeleonidae—add +20 HP, +1 AC STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
25 (+7) 10 (+0) 19 (+4) 2 (-4) 12 (+1) 9 (-1)
APL 10: Use Tyrannosaurus
Chamaeleonidae—add +30 HP, +1 AC
Skills Perception +4
Senses passive Perception 14
Languages —
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
Monster Statistics
False Appearance. While the Tyrannosaurus
Giant Chameleon Chamaeleonidae remains motionless, it is indistinguishable
Large beast, unaligned from its jungle surrounding such as a thicket of bushes or
dark tree line
Armor Class 11
HP 36 (6d10 + 6) Actions
Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.
Multiattack. The Tyrannosaurus Chamaeleonidae make
two attacks: one with its bite or sticky tongue attack, and
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA one with its tail. It can’t make both attacks against the same
15 (+2) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 3 (-4) creature.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
Senses passive Perception 10 creature. Hit: 33 (4d12 + 7) piercing damage. If the target
Languages — is a Medium or smaller creature, it is grappled (escape DC
Challenge 1 (200 XP) 17). Until the grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the
Tyrannosaurus Chamaeleonidae can’t bite another target.
False Appearance. While the chameleon remains Sticky Tongue. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 30
motionless, it is indistinguishable from its jungle ft., one creature. Hit: 20 (2d12 + 7) bludgeoning damage,
surrounding such as a thicket of bushes or dark tree line. the creature is pulled into the mouth of the tyrannosaurus,
and the target is grappled (escape DC 17). Until this grapple
Actions ends, the target is restrained, and the Tyrannosaurus
Chamaeleonidae can’t bite another target.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 30 ft., one
creature. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 3) piercing damage, and the target Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
is grappled (escape DC 13). Until this grapple ends, the target. Hit: 20 (3d8 + 7) bludgeoning damage.
target is restrained, and the giant chameleon can’t bite Swallow. The Tyrannosaurus Chamaeleonidae makes
another target. one bite attack against a Medium or smaller target it is
Sticky Tongue. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 30 grappling. If the attack hits, the target is swallowed, and
ft., one creature. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 3) bludgeoning damage, the the grapple ends. The swallowed target is blinded and
creature is pulled into the mouth of the chameleon, and the restrained, it has total cover against attacks and other
target is grappled (escape DC 13). Until this grapple ends, effects outside the Tyrannosaurus Chamaeleonidae, and it
the target is restrained, and the chameleon can’t use this takes 10 (3d6) acid damage at the start of each of the rex’s
attack on another target. turn. The Tyrannosaurus Chamaeleonidae can have only
three creatures swallowed at a time.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

If the Tyrannosaurus Chamaeleonidae dies, a swallowed
creature is no longer restrained by it and can escape from
the corpse using 5 feet of movement, exiting prone.

Either the gods were trying to make a more

ferocious creature than the Tyrannosaurus Rex,
or evolution made a mistake. However it came
to be, the Tyrannosaurus Chamaeleonidae is a
fierce predator. Resembling the Tyrannosaurus
Rex in physical appearance, the Tyrannosaurus
Chamaeleonidae also has the ability to blend in
with its environment, and a 30-foot-long sticky
tongue, which it uses to capture prey while
remaining hidden. Many adventurers new to the
jungle have never heard of this creature, as most
who encounter it never return. Local tribes call it
‘Stiggy Tong’.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

Yum Yum!
By Jeff C. Stevens
“The adventurers are dinner guests of a
cannibalistic tribe…” The tribesmen carry you over to several
wooden pillars, each with several notches cut
Type: Roleplay along the length, and place the bamboo limbs
CR: Any you are tied to on the pillars, where you remain
hanging upside down.
DMs Notes/Background Several tribeswomen begin tossing more logs
on the fire, causing the flames to rise and the
If for some reason the adventurers become
caldron to steam. A group of small children run
captured by a cannibalistic tribe (perhaps having
up to you and poke your stomachs. One child, a
fallen to the effects of special tribal arrows), this
girl and most likely to oldest of the group, leans
encounter gives them a way out of the heated
up to _________ and licks (his/her) face. With
situation. The PCs may need to roleplay quite a
a look of satisfaction, she smiles while she pats
bit. I suggest awarding inspiration, or rolling with
her belly, and then runs off; the other children
advantage, for great roleplay.
scamper along behind her.
Note: Although this encounter assumes the
adventurers have been captured, you could
Eventually, the chief of the village—Chief
adjust it to introduce a new party member. The
Yum Yum—exits the largest hut. Chief Yum
adventurers, having impressed the tribe in some
Yum demands to hear the story of how the
way, are invited to the tribe’s village for dinner
adventurers were captured. The tribesmen
and relaxation. Low and behold, a humanoid
speak gibberish and pantomime the actions that
wearing adventuring gear is tied to a stake near a
occurred. Chief Yum Yum seems very pleased
large cauldron filled with boiling water.
with the story.

The Encounter As you hang, the villagers begin to chant.

The words ‘yum yum’ are said in chorus, the
The Tribal Village volume rising as the villagers focus their gaze
General. A large clearing surrounded by on the largest hut.
jungle. Fifteen medium-sized thatch huts and As if on cue, the villagers stop chanting as a
one large thatch hut. woman exits the hut. She’s dressed in a robe
Terrain. Exposed dirt. made of red and green feathers, carries a
Population. 30 tribal warriors, 12 children, hardwood staff capped with a humanoid skull,
one shaman, and one Chief Yum Yum (see and wears a tall headdress made of long horns
scaling suggestions). The men and women of this and feathers.
village are all tribal warriors. While patting her belly and licking her
Bound and tied to thick bamboo limbs, hanging lips, she looks at you. “Jim jabadaba! Shosho
upside down, the adventurers are carried to a mikana!” she says loudly while pointing her
cannibal village. The tribe is very happy to see staff at the warriors who carried you to the
such a feast! Read or summarize the following: camp.

Bound and tied to bamboo poles, you are After the story is told, the villagers begin adding
carried through the jungle and into a clearing chopped vegetables and spices to the cauldron.
circled by thatch huts. Tribespeople make their They also begin to shave the heads of the
way out of the huts and cheer as your captors adventurers. After all, no one wants hair in their
parade you around the village before stopping soup.
in front of a large, black caldron resting atop a
smoldering fire.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

Roleplaying: The adventurers could
convince the villagers, using small words and
gestures, that they can help the ox. The ox
has an infected sore on its abdomen, and it
hurts to stand or walk. Casting cure wounds,
or similar means or magic, heals the creature.
Doing so grants the party freedom.
†† A tribesman runs into the village while
screaming ‘Stiggy Tong! Stiggy Tong!’. The
villagers become agitated and looks of fear fill
their faces.
Roleplaying: The adventurers could inquire
about Stiggy Tong using simple words. The
villagers then describe the beast as best
they can. They’ve seen it, but only briefly. Its
camouflage keeps it well-hidden (refer to the
encounter Stiggy Tong!). The adventurers
could volunteer to hunt Stiggy Tong, an offer
which the chief gladly accepts.
Dinner Time
If the adventurers are unsuccessful in their
attempts to convince the villagers, they are
thrown into the large caldron while still tied to
the bamboo, and cooked for dinner.
Getting out of the Situation If the adventurers impress Chief Yum Yum, she
Below are a few things the adventurers may may give them a map that leads to the Lost Vault
notice in the village, which may allow them the of Jalelel, a leather pouch containing 2d4 uncut
opportunity to get out of their situation. You may emeralds (50 gp each), a +1 weapon (leftover
come up with additional situations if you wish. from a prior meal), or 6 tribal arrows (see No
In all the below, if the roleplay is good, no Ordinary Projectile).
checks are required. Otherwise, the villagers
have a +1 to all checks and saving throws. The
tribe may only untie one or two adventurers to
assist with the below situations. Again, if the Adjusting the Challenge Rating
roleplay is good, you may allow all of them to be APL 1 to 3: Use tribal warrior (CR 1/8; MM)
freed: for all except the children.
†† A young boy is carried into the village, severely APL 4 to 6: one druid (CR 2; MM), one
injured by what appears to be a claw slash to bandit captain (CR 2; MM), and thirty tribal
the chest. A shaman is brought to attend to warriors (CR 1/8; MM)
the boy but has no idea how to help him. APL 7 to 10: one conjurer (CR 6; VGtM), one
Roleplaying: The adventurers could gladiator (CR 5; MM), and thirty tribal warriors
convince the villagers, using small words (CR 1/8; MM)
and gestures, that they can help the boy. In the above suggestions, Chief Yum Yum
Administering a potion of healing, or spells is either a tribal warrior, bandit captain, or
such as cure wounds, heal the boy. Doing so gladiator. In all cases, her Charisma and
grants the party freedom. Wisdom are increased by 2, and her saving
†† An ox, which is used to turn a grinding stone throws for those stats are also increased by 2.
to create maize, flour, or ground sugar cane,
lies next to the stone in obvious distress. Its
handler is beside herself, and none of the
villagers can get the ox to move.
Encounters in the Savage Jungles
Appendix A: Quick Encounters
By Casey Bax, Bryan Stevens, and Jeff C. Stevens
“The below are simple encounters that can Thorstop the Red
be used as written or adjusted to your liking. A dwarven cleric (deity of your choice) is
Specific creatures may not be mentioned; you found trekking through the jungle. His name is
should choose a creature with a CR equal to the Thorstop the Red (thick red hair and beard)
adventurers APL. and he is on a journey to spread the word and
You could also use these as hooks or inspiration teachings of his deity.
for a much larger encounter or campaign, Thorstop (use acolyte or priest; MM) can
or to introduce new player characters to the provide healing services if the party listen to
campaign.” him preach about his deity. Adjust the healing
services to the needs of the party, with Thorstop
being able to cast higher-level spells, or provide
The Encounters potions.
Unless you wish to outfit Thorstop yourself,
Injured Tribeswoman assume he wears a dull grey breastplate over
A tribeswoman, her abdomen slashed open and lightweight clothing, carries an explorers pack,
bleeding, lays on the edge of a path. Rustling can and wields a club.
be heard in the jungle that lines the path. Thorstop could have information about a lost
If she is not aided within 3 rounds, she dies, ruin, local tribe or village, or he could help get
and a dinosaur emerges from the foliage, the party back on the correct trail.
salivating and ready to eat. A new PC could be introduced with this
If she is aided in time, the creature in the encounter:
jungle losses the scent, and the woman thanks †† Thorstop just helped another adventurer who
the party by giving them a leather pouch is only a mile or so ahead of the party.
containing 7 small emeralds (25 gp each). †† Thorstop tells them of a solo adventurer in a
nearby village who is looking to team up with
Broken Canoe a party.
Another group of adventurers, or a couple of †† A solo adventurer, tired of the loneliness and
travelers, are found standing on a riverbank, dangers of traveling solo, is with Thorstop
yelling at each other. One blames the other for when the party encounters him. Thorstop
crashing their canoe into a submerged stump, has grown tired of the adventurer’s company
rendering it useless. and begs the group to take his tag-along
Casting mending on the canoe repairs it companion with them.
enough so that they can continue their river
journey. Young Love
A DC 12 Wisdom (Survival) check allows an A young couple has snuck off into the jungle to
adventurer to find suitable components to repair enjoy each other’s company. In between rustling
the canoe. and giggling are brief pauses of silence. They
The travelers don’t have much to spare. are oblivious to the threat that is sneaking up on
Perhaps 10 cp, a brittle parchment map, rumors, them (giant constrictor snake, or DMs choice).
or information that the adventurers need. A character with a passive Perception of 15
A new PC could be introduced as one of the or higher, or one passing a DC 15 Wisdom
travelers: the damage to the canoe now has her (Perception) check, notices the sneaky beast in
wary of the current guide, and she wishes to join the foliage, just before it strikes out at the young
the party. couple. On a failed check, the adventurers do not
notice the threat, and the creature attacks one of
the young couple.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

If saved, the couple is extremely grateful. They The Arm
invite the adventurers back to one of their homes While walking along a trail or through the dense
for rest and dinner, with the understanding that jungle, the adventurers come upon a forearm,
this event not be relayed to their parents. the hand grasping a rolled-up scroll, laying in the
A new PC could be introduced with this middle of the trail or just off to the side.
encounter: The body of the arm has been swallowed by
†† One of the couple could be a young adventurer quicksand, and it became tangled in roots within
who is ready to team up and take on the the 10-foot square quicksand pit before it died,
dangers of adventuring. which is why the forearm is exposed. A character
†† A sibling who is currently in the village is in with a passive Perception of 18, or one passing
between adventures and looking for a new an active DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check,
group to join. notices the quicksand before stepping in the
A Bag on the Trail area.
A medium-sized leather sack is found along If the body is recovered, it could contain any
a trail, perhaps obscured by some overgrown items you wish. The scroll is a map of the area
foliage or a large leaf that has fallen from a palm with the note ‘beware of quicksand’ scribbled in
tree. various places. This map could be used as a clue
The bag could contain anything the DM for the adventurers if they have become lost, or a
wishes—necessary equipment, obscure art, map leading to a lost temple or ruin.
a diary with notes about the area, potions, A new PC could be introduced with this
drawings of a ruin entrance, a hand-drawn map encounter: it’s possible the adventurer stuck in
of the area. Anything that could lead to further the quicksand had a pink bamboo straw with
adventure, aid the party, or get the adventurers them, retained from a fun village experience
back on the correct path if they are lost. that involved a large, colorful drink and the pink
bamboo straw. The straw, having been kept as a
A Circle of Tents souvenir, is now being used to supply air to the
The adventurers come upon a small campsite person in the quicksand.
with a circle of five tents, with the center-most,
far-most tent being double the size of the other The Man in a Box
tents. The camp is deserted, the firepit is cold, The adventurers come upon a wooden crate
but nothing else looks out of place. along a road or near a path. The crate jitters and
A large creature (one or two giant constrictor moves and a muffled sound is heard from within.
snakes, or a giant chameleon) is resting in the Inside the box is Pruiz Lado—a local artist
large tent. It’s made a quick meal of the original who hired a group of adventurers to escort
camp members and it finds the large tent a nice him and his wagon full of art to a city where he
place to hide while it digests its meal. has an exhibition scheduled. The adventurers
A character passing a DC 15 Wisdom subdued Pruiz, gagged and bound him, crammed
(Perception) check notices strange footprints or him into a wooden crate from the wagon, and
marks in the grass/ground around the camp. then nailed the crate shut. Poor Pruiz has been
If attacked, the creature regurgitates its last trapped in this crate for two days. He’s hungry,
meal and then attacks the party. thirsty, tired, and smells very bad.
The campsite may contain a few useful items Pruiz has no treasure or coin as the other
(potions, scrolls), but it will most certainly adventurers stole this from him. However, if he is
contain a set of cooking utensils, a dagger, the escorted to a city, he offers to paint a portrait of
fully-stocked explorers back, and a small wooden the adventurers. Pruiz is a well-known artist, and
chest (DC 12 if locked) containing 1 pp, 13 gp, his painting could be worth 200 gp to the right
23 sp, and 34 cp. buyer.
A new PC could be introduced with this There is the potential for the party to
encounter: the last surviving camp member encounter the group of adventurers who stole
is hiding in a crate, barrel or in the edge of Pruiz’s wagon and art. There’s also the possibility
the clearing. Upon seeing or hearing the that these thieves encountered a big bad jungle
adventurers, he makes himself noticed. creature, and are found wounded or dead in the

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

A new PC could be introduced with this If the party uses the rope and bucket system
encounter: to lower someone into the well, roll a d20 on the
†† The person in the box could be a new way down and back up. On a result of 17-20, the
player character. If so, adjust the backstory rope breaks and the character falls into the water
accordingly. below.
†† If the party encounter the thieving The necklace is a simple silver chain worth 7
adventurers, one of them could be a new gp. If it is recovered, she thanks the party, invites
player character. them back to her home for a quick meal and then
†† A new player character is found driving the gives them an old scroll she found in the jungle
wagon back to the scene of the crime, or (3rd level dispel magic, daylight, haste, or remove
with the wagon while camping at night. This curse).
character just single-handedly dispatched the
thieving adventurers. Oh Baby!
The party comes across a horse-drawn cart
Flying Projectiles crashed on the side of the road. One of the front
While traveling, the adventures come upon an wheels is broken and the horse is dead and full
area with arrows, bolts, or bullets flying from of arrows. Next to the cart on the ground is the
one side of a path or clearing to another. The body of a deceased Human man also riddled with
shooters, hidden within the dense brush of the arrows. A DC 12 Wisdom (Medicine) check
jungle, seem to be trading volleys; one side fires, shows that he has been dead for approximately
and the projectiles fly, and then the other side 3 hours. On the sides of the cart are a few
replies with its own volley. stuck arrows and inside the bed of the cart is a
Rival tribes, or perhaps children of rival deceased Human woman curled up and on her
tribes, are at a standoff while trying to declare knees. While investigating the cart, the party
the border of their lands and hunting grounds. hears muffled noises coming from underneath
If the party make themselves known, the the woman. Moving her body to the side the
tribes quickly cease their skirmish, and turn party finds an unharmed Human baby.
their joint attention to the adventurers, with The party must now find a home for the child.
the adventurers being the new target for the While traveling and camping with the child, it
projectiles. will cry from hunger, dirty diapers, etc. The party
This doesn’t have to be a grand encounter. will need to find a way to take care of the baby’s
Using just a few tribal warriors, bandits, or needs or risk attracting the attention of predators
similar creatures could make this a quick and and/or monsters. Every four hours, roll a d6 to
easy encounter. Choose whichever adversaries determine if the infant is happy or not. A result
you wish. of 1-3 means the infant is unhappy and crying,
and a result of 4-6 means the infant is currently
My Necklace! either sleeping or happy.
The party comes across a panicked young The DM decides what is causing the infant
woman, Isabelle, standing at the side of a well. to cry, and successful DC 12 Wisdom checks,
She was trying to get water out of the well when or fantastic roleplay, reveal the cause to the
her necklace came loose and fell into the water characters.
below. The necklace was a gift from her late As the DM, you could change the encounter to
husband and she must get it back. The well is involve any humanoid race that you wish.
40-feet deep and has a rope and bucket system
suspended above the opening. A Mule for Player Character
Climbing down and back up the damp walls As the party treks through the jungle, their path
of the well can be accomplished with a DC 15 opens into a clearing where a pack of herbivore
Dexterity (Acrobatics) or Strength (Athletics) dinosaurs is feeding (suggest Hadrosaurus,
check. ToA). Startled by the party, the pack darts deeper
into the jungle. One dinosaur takes its time,
grabbing a few more leaves and then slowly
begins to follow the pack.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

A character with a passive Perception of a burial ritual that involves planting a tree at
10, or one succeeding on a DC 10 Wisdom the grave of a loved one and leaving an item of
(Perception) check, notices the lagging dinosaur remembrance tied around it. As the tree grows,
has a body harness and a collar with a name on the item is enveloped by the growing tree.
it (the DM or the party chooses the name of the Only a few of the items in the trees hold
dinosaur). value. One item (of a former chief of the tribe)
This dinosaur was used as a pack animal. Its is particularly of interest to the party (use a
previous owner met an untimely demise several magic item that is really enticing so they have
months ago while traversing this jungle and the a dilemma but make sure it is an item worn or
dinosaur found a herd to join, whatever was displayed). If the adventurers spend some time
strapped to the dinosaur previously was lost at and have the proper equipment, they can extract
that time. The body harness allows up to 8 bags the items from the tree.
or 4 chests to be strapped to it, with a weight If the party extracts an item, they may
limit of 600 lbs. encounter the tribe in question later and they
In order to capture the animal, a character may (will) notice their beloved chief’s item. How
must approach the dinosaur and pass a DC will that go over? What will happen if the tribe
15 Wisdom (Animal Handling) check, with inspects the graveyard? Well, the possibilities are
advantage granted to the roll if the character endless.
attempts to entice the creature with a bundle of
leaves. Gnome Over the Waterfall
†† Upon success, the dinosaur is domesticated. The characters have arrived at the base of a
You can use DC 10 Wisdom (Animal beautiful waterfall. Read or paraphrase the
Handling) checks to determine how well following:
the dinosaur follows directions given to it. If
treated properly, the creature bonds with one An awesome waterfall cascades down a 40-foot
of the adventurers, and checks will become tall cliff into a beautiful pool before continuing
unnecessary. down a stream. As you admire the view from
†† Upon failure, the dinosaur snorts, and rushes the base of the cliff, a roar sounds in the
after its pack. distance and the ground quakes. As you survey
the area to assess the danger, you realize the
Graveyard Grove rumblings are footfalls of a large creature at
Deep in the jungle, the party stumbles onto a the top of the cliff. Your attention is drawn to
grove of trees that are just unique enough to the waterfall as a shout of “Geronimo!!!!” rings
be noticed (red leaves, blue flowers, or maybe out. From the top of the cliff, a small figure
gold speckled bark). A character with a passive leaps as a large set of jaws snap after it. The
Perception of 12, or one passing a DC 12 dejected giant crocodile (the owner of the jaws)
Wisdom (Perception) check notices something watches the figure splash into the pool of water
odd about the trees. If they succeed, read or below, then reluctantly backs away. You watch
paraphrase the following: the pool to see who will emerge, but no one
While inspecting the trunks of the trees,
you find the hilt of a dagger sticking out. On The jumper was a gnome barbarian named
another tree, half a jeweled amulet protrudes Komek. There is a hidden cavern under the pool
from the trunk. As you continue to look around of water that Komek has made into his home. To
you notice most of these trees have some type find his home, the characters must be in the pool
of object protruding from the trunks. at the base of the waterfall and then succeed on
a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check. In order
The adventurers have stumbled onto a jungle to actually access the cavern, the character must
tribe’s graveyard. Any character proficient in succeed on a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check.
Religion should roll a DC 15 Wisdom (Religion) Due to the depth of the cavern entrance, the
check. On a success—the character recalls characters may roll with advantage if they dive
into the pool from the cliff above.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

Komek is surprised by the visitors and will While trekking through the jungle, anyone with
defend his home if necessary. If the characters a passive Perception of 13 or more hears a
are respectful and friendly, they may attempt a moan from somewhere nearby. With a successful
DC 10 Charisma (Persuasion) check to prove DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check, the
they are friendly. character can pinpoint the direction of the moan.
†† Success: Komek will gladly replenish their As they approach, a second gourd sounds from
rations (he has a wide variety of jungle another area of the jungle. Again, a successful
cuisine). He questions the characters about DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check will point
where they are from and what their purpose them in the direction of the second gourd…
is. Komek then offers the characters some Continue this with the 3 gourds until at least
advice about surviving the dangers of the area. one character pursues a single gourd, ignoring
The characters may roll with advantage on 3 the other 2 gourds sounds. Once they pinpoint
upcoming Nature or Survival checks in this a gourd they can attempt a DC 15 Strength
area. (Athletics) check to climb the tree and retrieve
†† Failure: Komek encourages the characters to the gourd. These gourds can then be used by the
leave his cave and this area. party.
If the characters attempt to overpower or
intimidate Komek, they may attempt a DC 15
Charisma (Intimidation) check.
†† Success: Komek will replenish their rations
and send them away. If the characters attempt
to take more from Komek, he will defend his
†† Failure: Komek attacks the party.
Komek has no treasure as it has no value for
him. If you’d like to give the characters a magic
item or weapon, it may be looted from the home
or given to the characters as a gift.
Note: You can create any necessary stats you
need for Komek, depending on the challenge you
want to present and the involvement you want
him to have. It’s possible the characters will want
Komek to join their party as a guide for their
Moans... Moans All Around
There are 3 gourds, each hung in separate trees
within a 60-foot radius of each other. When a
breeze blows through them, the gourds emit a
sound like the moans of a zombie. These were
placed to scare away adventurers and travelers
(why is up to you).
The object of this encounter is to build tension
while the characters attempt to pinpoint where
this noise emits from. Naturally, the players will
believe a zombie pack is approaching. When they
hear a gourd from a 2nd direction they may think
there are 2 packs of zombies. Finally, when the
3rd sounds they may fear being surrounded.

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

Appendix B: Bonus Maps

Encounters in the Savage Jungles

Encounters in the Savage Jungles
Encounters in the Savage Jungles
Encounters in the Savage Jungles
Encounters in the Savage Jungles
Encounters in the Savage Jungles
Thank You!
Again, thank you for purchasing Encounters
in the Savage Jungles! I hope you find the
encounters as creative and entertaining as I did.
There are several, if not all, that I plan to use
while running my home group through Tomb of
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Encounters in the Savage Jungles


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