Mouth Licking in Dogs
Mouth Licking in Dogs
Mouth Licking in Dogs
Behavioural Processes
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Keywords: Dogs are able to perceptually discriminate emotional displays of conspecifics and heterospecifics and possess the
Dog cognitive prototypes for emotional categorisation, however, it remains unclear whether dogs can respond ap-
Emotion propriately to this information. One way to assess associations between specific behaviours and the perception of
Ethology emotionally competent stimuli is to look at other reliable measures that are related to cognitive and physiolo-
gical processing. Using a cross-modal preferential looking paradigm (Albuquerque et al., 2016), we presented
dogs with pairs of facial expressions (positive and negative) combined with an emotionally charged vocalisation
(positive or negative) or a control sound (neutral) and coded their mouth-licking behaviour. We found an effect
of the valence of the face image dogs were seeing on the onset of the mouth-licking, with higher frequencies of
this behaviour in response to the negative faces compared to images with positive valence. However, neither the
sound being played nor the interaction between image valence and sound affected the behaviour. We also found
an effect of species with mouth-licking occurring more often towards human stimuli. This spontaneous differ-
ential behavioural response, combined with previous evidence of cognitive emotional processing in these ani-
mals, suggests that dogs may have a functional understanding of emotional expressions.
Corresponding author at: Department of Experimental Psychology, Institute of Psychology, University of São Paulo, São Paulo 05508-030, Brazil.
E-mail addresses: (N. Albuquerque), (K. Guo), (A. Wilkinson), (B. Resende), (D.S. Mills).
Received 28 June 2017; Received in revised form 6 October 2017; Accepted 8 November 2017
Available online 10 November 2017
0376-6357/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
N. Albuquerque et al. Behavioural Processes 146 (2018) 42–45
way self-scratching behaviour is used in monkeys and apes (e.g. de comfortable (dogs were free to move if they wanted to). Ethical ap-
Waal and Aureli, 1997; Castles et al., 1999; Fraser et al., 2008). proval was granted by the delegated authority of the Ethics Committee
Beerda et al. (1998) noted a variety of behaviours, including mouth- of the School of Life Sciences of the University of Lincoln. Owners
licking, which were displayed by dogs in response to aversive stimuli provided written informed consent, with the right to withdraw without
(e.g. pulling and pressing the animal to the floor, loud noises and giving a reason, for each dog.
electric shocks). More recently, studies such as those by Frank et al. Dogs were presented with a pair of grey-scale face images of
(2007) and Palestrini et al. (2010) have used mouth-licking as a unfamiliar humans or dogs with positive (happy/playful) and nega-
measure to assess stress when left alone in both puppies and dogs tive (angry/aggressive) facial expressions (Fig. 1). The images were
with separation-related problems (respectively). However, it has also paired with a sound from the same individual (positive or negative
been suggested that this display might simply be a spontaneous vocalisation) or a neutral sound (Brownian noise) in a cross-modal
display of increased arousal or motivation (e.g. Miklósi et al., 2000) preferential looking set up (see Albuquerque et al., 2016 for full
or a communicative cue in the absence of food when asking for a toy details).
and for playing (Gaunet, 2010). Despite the widespread use of this Trials were five seconds long and consisted of the simultaneous
response in behavioural studies, there are several controversies re- presentation of images paired with a sound. During testing, dogs stood
garding its function, underlying mechanisms and even its validity as in front of two screens and a digital video camera recorded their
a stress indicator. Most importantly, until now, no study has sought looking as well as mouth-licking behaviour (towards the happy face, the
to systematically identify its specific association with emotionally angry face or away from the screens). Each dog was tested in two se-
competent stimuli. parate experimental sessions (two weeks apart from each other) and
Although there is currently an increasing body of literature on undertook 20 trials in total. Each dog saw all combinations, only once.
emotions in dogs, little attention has been given to analysing the po- The order of presentation of the stimulus combinations was rando-
tential communicative value of behavioural responses associated with mised.
the perception of emotionally relevant information. Therefore, we re- Only spontaneous behaviour was recorded and no behaviour was
visited the data from our previous emotion categorisation study reinforced at any time. The absence of reinforcement ensured that
(Albuquerque et al., 2016) and undertook a detailed examination of mouth-licking behaviour in this study could not be associated with the
mouth-licking behaviour, investigating when it occurred and whether presence or anticipation of food or other rewards.
its occurrence was differentially associated with the perception of ne-
gative emotional stimuli. We predicted that if mouth-licking has com-
municative value as an emotional response, then it should correlate 2.1. Data analysis
with the dog’s affective state and would occur more often upon the
presentation of negatively charged stimuli. We also investigated whe- The behaviour of each subject was analysed continuously for the
ther the species and the gender of the stimulus influenced the occur- five seconds of each trial. Mouth-licking displays were blind coded
rence of this behaviour. frame-by-frame and real time speed using Solomon Coder Beta (www. For each experimental trial, the direction of the
dog’s gaze at the onset of the display and number of mouth-licks were
2. Methods calculated. A second experimenter blind-coded 25% of the data. Good
correlation and agreement between coders was found for both looking
The responses of 17 healthy adult family dogs of various breeds (9 behaviour (Pearson correlation 0.95, p < 0.0001 and Kendall’s con-
males and 8 females, 2–7.5 years old) from Albuquerque et al. (2016) cordance coefficient 0.88, p < 0.0001) and mouth-licking (Spearman
were analysed. All dogs were owned and had no auditory, visual or correlation: 0.771, p < 0.0001 and Kendall’s concordance coefficient:
chronic health problems. Dogs were not food deprived before taking 0.767, p < 0.0001).
part in this experiment. Each subject was tested individually. All dogs Since dogs may have displayed mouth-licking more than once and
had the opportunity to explore the room with the owners and habituate towards different images in the same trial, we created a standardised
to the environment and experimenters prior to testing. There was no metric (index) for mouth-licking frequency (IML). This was the number
training or familiarisation phase. The procedures used caused no phy- of “mouth-licks” displayed in a given condition divided by the total
sical or psychological harm and the behaviour of all subjects was number of “mouth-licks” displayed by that dog. For each dog, IML was
monitored throughout the experiment to ensure the animals were calculated in each of the following conditions: (i) looking at negative
N. Albuquerque et al. Behavioural Processes 146 (2018) 42–45
face with a negative vocalisation stimulus, (ii) looking at negative face The GEE model with the raw data confirmed mouth-licking occur-
with a positive vocalisation, (iii) looking at positive face with negative rence was significantly different from zero (Wald = 31.52, df = 1,
vocalisation, (iv) looking at positive face with positive vocalisation, (v) p < 0.0001). The model also showed an effect of the stimulus species
looking at negative face with control sound, (vi) looking at positive face presented to the dogs (Wald = 8.52, df = 1, p = 0.004), with subjects
with control sound. If mouth-licking was displayed when the dog was displaying more mouth-licking towards human stimuli
looking away from the screens (right after it had been looking at the (0.395 ± 0.092, Mean ± SE) than to dog stimuli (0.210 ± 0.055).
images) we referred to the most recent image that they had looked at There was no effect of stimulus gender (Wald = 1.97, df = 1,
before mouth-licking. p = 0.160) or the interaction between gender and species
To answer the central question of whether the occurrence of (Wald = 1.19, df = 1, p = 0.275).
mouth-licking is related to the perception of emotional information,
we first looked at all trials when the behaviour occurred and ana- 4. Discussion
lysed the effect of image and sound. Therefore, a 2 (image valence:
positive and negative) × 3 (sound valence: positive, negative and Our results revealed that dogs mouth-licked more frequently having
control) repeated-measures analyses of variance (ANOVA) was con- seen a negative facial expression than when observing a facial expres-
ducted to examine the effect of valence of the emotional cues and the sion with a positive valence. Interestingly, the effect was only observed
interaction between sensory modalities on dogs’ mouth-licking be- in the visual domain and preferentially in response to human stimuli.
haviour. The normality assumption was verified by visually in- There was no significant effect of the valence of the auditory cue, or
specting plots of residuals with no important deviation from nor- interaction between the audio-visual emotional cues on the target be-
mality identified. haviour. The results indicate that mouth-licking is not simply a re-
To investigate what influenced the occurrence or the absence of sponse to stressful stimuli and has the potential to be a functional re-
mouth-licking, we conducted a complementary analysis using the raw sponse to certain cues of negative valence. Thus, the findings suggest
data (count; for all individuals in all trials) in a Generalised Estimated that dogs may be able to functionally respond to emotionally competent
Equation (GEE) model with Poisson distribution; the within subjects’ stimuli and that the form of the response is linked to the sensory mode
dependence was incorporated using an exchangeable working correla- of the stimulus, and may be part of a visual emotional exchange of
tion matrix, which assumes the same correlation among measures from signals.
the same individual. Species of stimulus, sex of stimulus and their first As the mouth-licking behaviour was associated with the viewing of
order interaction were included as factors. We used SPSS (IBM SPSS 22) negative faces, it is likely that these negative emotional visual stimuli
for all statistical analysis and a 5% significance level on two tailed tests were perceived as aversive by the dogs. The subjects’ perception of
for interpretive purposes. negative facial expressions appear to have activated a cognitive re-
presentation of a negative emotion category (as reported by
3. Results Albuquerque et al., 2016), which potentially led to an affective re-
sponse resulting in the display of this behaviour. This relationship be-
Fifteen of the seventeen dogs displayed mouth-licking during sti- tween cognitive and other affective responses is consistent with dogs
mulus presentation. It occurred 71 times (N = 29 for dog stimulus and having a functional understanding of emotionally charged expressions.
N = 42 for human stimulus), equivalent to 22% of the 236 analysed The evolutionary emergence of social cognition is believed to be
trials. Overall, the analysis showed that IML was significantly different closely linked to complex social demands such as individual recogni-
from zero (F1,96 = 37.13, p < 0.0001), indicating it to be a useful tion, the development of strategies for group maintenance and beha-
measure for analysis. The ANOVA also showed a significant effect of the viours that facilitate the coordination of actions (de Haan and Nelson,
image that the dogs were looking towards at the onset of (or im- 1999). Facial recognition plays an important social role and is con-
mediately prior to) the display of a mouth-lick (F1,96 = 4.73, sidered especially important within cooperative groups (Parr et al.,
p = 0.032, Fig. 2), with subjects displaying mouth-licking more fre- 2000). For example, Schwab and Huber (2006) argue that working dogs
quently when looking at the negative faces (0.196 ± 0.034, Mean ± have been selected for their ability to read human communicative
SE) compared to positive faces (0.093 ± 0.034). However, neither the signals, including visual ones.
sound being played nor the interaction between valence of image and In this study, we also found an effect of the stimulus species on the
valence of the auditory stimulus had a significant effect on mouth- occurrence of mouth-licking, with dogs showing the behaviour more
licking behaviour (F2,96 = 0.78, p = 0.46 and F2,96 = 2.12, p = 0.13, often when presented with human stimuli. Humans are known to be
respectively). very visual and rely heavily on facial expressions for intraspecific (e.g.
Schmidt and Cohn, 2001) and interspecific communication (e.g. Savalli
et al., 2014; Savalli et al., 2016). The ability to obtain information from
faces and to respond appropriately may carry adaptive advantages for
both intra and interspecific relationships (Guo et al., 2009), especially
when the emotional content of the faces has ecological value. In this
sense, the mouth-licking behaviour in dogs may have been selected for
(possibly non-consciously) as it may facilitate dog-human commu-
From an ethological perspective, the perception of negative stimuli
together with a differential behavioural response towards the stimuli
has functional relevance as it provides crucial information regarding
one’s social environment and allows individuals to potentially predict
others’ behaviour and thereby respond appropriately (Bruce and Young,
1986). If the behaviour was simply a more general response to distress
or to non-emotional factors, such as any discomfort associated with the
Fig. 2. Relative occurrence of mouth-licking (calculated by IML) towards negative and
experimental set up, we would expect the behaviour to occur randomly.
positive faces. *p < 0.05.
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