1 Input Data: WWW - Hilti.us
1 Input Data: WWW - Hilti.us
1 Input Data: WWW - Hilti.us
Company: Page: 1
Specifier: Project:
Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.:
Phone I Fax: | Date: 9/10/2017
Specifier's comments:
1 Input data
Anchor type and diameter: HIT-RE 500 V3 + Rebar A706 Gr.60 #3
Effective embedment depth: hef,opti = 109 mm (hef,limit = 118 mm)
Material: ASTM A 706 Gr.60
Evaluation Service Report: ESR-3814
Issued I Valid: 1/1/2017 | 1/1/2019
Proof: Design method ACI 318-08 / Chem
Stand-off installation: eb = 0 mm (no stand-off); t = 16 mm
Anchor plate: lx x ly x t = 388 mm x 206 mm x 16 mm; (Recommended plate thickness: not calculated
Profile: W shape (AISC); (L x W x T x FT) = 152 mm x 152 mm x 6 mm x 7 mm
Base material: cracked concrete, 2500, fc' = 2500 psi; h = 150 mm, Temp. short/long: 32/32 °F
Installation: hammer drilled hole, Installation condition: Dry
Reinforcement: tension: condition B, shear: condition B; no supplemental splitting reinforcement present
edge reinforcement: none or < No. 4 bar
Seismic loads (cat. C, D, E, or F) no
Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility!
PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan
www.hilti.us Profis Anchor 2.7.3
Company: Page: 2
Specifier: Project:
Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.:
Phone I Fax: | Date: 9/10/2017
3 Tension load
Load Nua [kN] Capacity f Nn [kN] Utilization bN = Nua/f Nn Status
Steel Strength* 8.192 29.358 28 OK
Bond Strength** 26.232 50.641 52 OK
Sustained Tension Load Bond Strength* N/A N/A N/A N/A
Concrete Breakout Strength** 26.232 48.325 55 OK
* anchor having the highest loading **anchor group (anchors in tension)
Ase,N [mm2] futa [N/mm2]
71 551.58
Nsa [kN]
Nsa [kN] f steel f Nsa [kN] Nua [kN]
39.144 0.750 29.358 8.192
Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility!
PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan
www.hilti.us Profis Anchor 2.7.3
Company: Page: 3
Specifier: Project:
Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.:
Phone I Fax: | Date: 9/10/2017
Nag = (AA ) y
ec1,Na y ec2,Na y ed,Na y cp,Na Nba ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-19)
f Nag ≥ Nua ACI 318-11 Table D.4.1.1
ANa = see ACI 318-11, Part D.5.5.1, Fig. RD.5.5.1(b)
ANa0 = (2 cNa)2 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-20)
cNa = 10 da √
t uncr
ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-21)
( )
y ec,Na = e' ≤ 1.0 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-23)
1+ N
y ed,Na = 0.7 + 0.3 ( ) ca,min
≤ 1.0 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-25)
y cp,Na = MAX ( )
ca,min cNa
cac cac
≤ 1.0 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-27)
Nba = l a · t k,c · p · da · hef ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-22)
2 2
t k,c,uncr [N/mm ] da [mm] hef [mm] ca,min [mm] t k,c [N/mm ]
12.20 10 109 ∞ 9.31
ec1,N [mm] ec2,N [mm] cac [mm] la
1 27 273 1.000
cNa [mm] ANa [mm2] ANa0 [mm2] y ed,Na
120 184402 57868 1.000
y ec1,Na y ec2,Na y cp,Na Nba [kN]
0.991 0.817 1.000 30.171
Nag [kN] f bond f Nag [kN] Nua [kN]
77.910 0.650 50.641 26.232
Ncbg = (AA ) y
ec,N y ed,N y c,N y cp,N Nb ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-5)
f Ncbg ≥ Nua ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-1)
ANc see ACI 318-08, Part D.5.2.1, Fig. RD.5.2.1(b)
ANc0 = 9 h2ef ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-6)
( )
y ec,N = 2 e'N ≤ 1.0 ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-9)
3 hef
y ed,N = 0.7 + 0.3 (
≤ 1.0) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-11)
y cp,N = MAX (
ca,min 1.5hef
≤ 1.0) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-13)
Nb = kc l √fc hef
ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-7)
hef [mm] ec1,N [mm] ec2,N [mm] ca,min [mm] y c,N
109 1 27 ∞ 1.000
ANc [mm2] ANc0 [mm2] y ec1,N y ec2,N y ed,N y cp,N Nb [kN]
276546 105609 0.994 0.858 1.000 1.000 33.300
Ncbg [kN] f concrete f Ncbg [kN] Nua [kN]
74.347 0.650 48.325 26.232
Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility!
PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan
www.hilti.us Profis Anchor 2.7.3
Company: Page: 4
Specifier: Project:
Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.:
Phone I Fax: | Date: 9/10/2017
4 Shear load
Load Vua [kN] Capacity f Vn [kN] Utilization bV = Vua/f Vn Status
Steel Strength* 11.627 15.266 77 OK
Steel failure (with lever arm)* N/A N/A N/A N/A
Pryout Strength (Bond Strength controls)* 11.627 22.706 52 OK
Concrete edge failure in direction ** N/A N/A N/A N/A
* anchor having the highest loading **anchor group (relevant anchors)
Ase,V [mm2] futa [N/mm2]
71 551.58
Vsa [kN]
Vsa [kN] f steel f Vsa [kN] Vua [kN]
23.487 0.650 15.266 11.627
( )
y ec,Na = e' ≤ 1.0 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-23)
1+ N
y ed,Na = 0.7 + 0.3 ( ) ca,min
≤ 1.0 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-25)
y cp,Na = MAX ( )
ca,min cNa
cac cac
≤ 1.0 ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-27)
Nba = l a · t k,c · p · da · hef ACI 318-11 Eq. (D-22)
kcp t k,c,uncr [N/mm ] da [mm] hef [mm] ca,min [mm]
2 12.20 10 109 ∞
t k,c [N/mm ] ec1,N [mm] ec2,N [mm] cac [mm] la
9.31 0 0 273 1.000
cNa [mm] ANa [mm2] ANa0 [mm2] y ed,Na
120 36894 57868 1.000
Vcp [kN] f concrete f Vcp [kN] Vua [kN]
32.437 0.700 22.706 11.627
Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility!
PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan
www.hilti.us Profis Anchor 2.7.3
Company: Page: 5
Specifier: Project:
Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.:
Phone I Fax: | Date: 9/10/2017
6 Warnings
• The anchor design methods in PROFIS Anchor require rigid anchor plates per current regulations (ETAG 001/Annex C, EOTA TR029, etc.).
This means load re-distribution on the anchors due to elastic deformations of the anchor plate are not considered - the anchor plate is
assumed to be sufficiently stiff, in order not to be deformed when subjected to the design loading. PROFIS Anchor calculates the minimum
required anchor plate thickness with FEM to limit the stress of the anchor plate based on the assumptions explained above. The proof if the
rigid base plate assumption is valid is not carried out by PROFIS Anchor. Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the
existing conditions and for plausibility!
• Condition A applies when supplementary reinforcement is used. The Φ factor is increased for non-steel Design Strengths except Pullout
Strength and Pryout strength. Condition B applies when supplementary reinforcement is not used and for Pullout Strength and Pryout
Strength. Refer to your local standard.
• Design Strengths of adhesive anchor systems are influenced by the cleaning method. Refer to the INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE given in the
Evaluation Service Report for cleaning and installation instructions
• The ACI 318-08 version of the software does not account for adhesive anchor special design provisions corresponding to overhead
• Checking the transfer of loads into the base material and the shear resistance are required in accordance with ACI 318 or the relevant
Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility!
PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan
www.hilti.us Profis Anchor 2.7.3
Company: Page: 6
Specifier: Project:
Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.:
Phone I Fax: | Date: 9/10/2017
7 Installation data
Anchor plate, steel: - Anchor type and diameter: HIT-RE 500 V3 + Rebar A706 Gr.60 #3
Profile: W shape (AISC); 152 x 152 x 6 x 7 mm Installation torque: -
Hole diameter in the fixture: df = 10 mm Hole diameter in the base material: 13 mm
Plate thickness (input): 16 mm Hole depth in the base material: 109 mm
Recommended plate thickness: not calculated Minimum thickness of the base material: 141 mm
Drilling method: Hammer drilled
Cleaning: Compressed air cleaning of the drilled hole according to instructions for use is required
194 194
5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4
Coordinates Anchor mm
Anchor x y c-x c+x c-y c+y Anchor x y c-x c+x c-y c+y
1 -177 -86 - - - - 5 -177 86 - - - -
2 -58 -86 - - - - 6 -58 86 - - - -
3 58 -86 - - - - 7 58 86 - - - -
4 177 -86 - - - - 8 177 86 - - - -
Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility!
PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan
www.hilti.us Profis Anchor 2.7.3
Company: Page: 7
Specifier: Project:
Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.:
Phone I Fax: | Date: 9/10/2017
Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility!
PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan