The IRAC Formula 2
The IRAC Formula 2
The IRAC Formula 2
Expository Preaching
Exposting the Bible is essentially explaining the Bible. This preaching method is generally verse by verse and, over a
period of time, covers entire books of the Bible.
Textual Preaching
Preaching through a section of the Bible (or section of a book of the Bible) straight through is the Textual method. It is
similar to the Expositional method except that entire books are generally not covered.
Topical Preaching
Instead of sticking to a certain book or section in a book of the Bible, it remains true to a topic or subject within the
Bible. Preaching is done with several texts throughout the Bible.
These methods can all be used effectively in the pulpit and general preaching platforms. Due to the International
Kingdom Institutes’ founding purpose specifically being the teaching of the Kingdom, IKI will utilize a combination of
the above mentioned formats (Expository, Textual, and Topical) to accomplish its objective. We will call this method
Persuasive Teaching Method (PTM), which is designed to utilize specific components of the above to facilitate
greater learning resulting in a comprehensive understanding of the Kingdom (Proverbs 4:7).
Message Preparation Techniques
ISSUE What is the primary purpose for the discussion? What is the reason or point to be made?
RULE What is the Biblical principle, law or text that addresses the above referenced issue?
ANALYSIS How does the rule or principle of law apply to and relate to the unique facts or circumstance of
your audience?
CONCLUSION Considering the Laws bearing on the issue, and taking into consideration the facts, what is the
outcome or conclusion to the matter?
The Bible is a Constitution, which contains the covenant, between God and the citizen’s of His Kingdom. It contains
the laws, principles, promises, covenants, testaments, statutes, declarations and truths that govern God’s
relationship to man and man’s relationship to Him in His Kingdom. These laws establish the rights, responsibilities
and expectations of His people. Correspondingly, instructions concerning the Constitution and its covenants, as well
as the rights and responsibilities of Kingdom.
Therefore, the Kingdom message is different from those traditionally prepared from a religious perspective.
Oftentimes, the emotional and personal motivations imputed to God, by the religious mind, for doing or not doing a
thing, causes the believer’s foundation for prayer and blessing to be missed placed, resulting in frustration and lack of
answers to their prayers.
With the Kingdom being a government operated upon the principles of law the IRAC method is well suited to
facilitate effective and thorough message preparation. The PTM method of message preparation insures that the
scripture is properly applied to the factual situation which is the issue or main point of the message.
Due to the Kingdom message being drastically different from what is traditionally understood as the Bible’s and
Gospel’s message, we must support each mental transition proposed by providing adequate and appropriate
scriptural support or risk having the hear resist the message. Sermons preparation has traditionally been for the
purpose of telling a story, inspiration and motivation. This often results in limited and short lived change, seldom
Message Preparation Techniques
resulting in transformation. Transformation is not change and requires the development of conviction on the part
of the hearer. This is our objective.
Again, the IRAC (Issue, Rule, Analysis/Application, and Conclusion) forms the fundamental building blocks of any
legal analysis. It is the process by which all lawyers think about any legal problem. From a Bible teaching
perspective, IRAC allows us to communicate often complicated and legal principles and truths of the Kingdom.
Traditionally, the conclusion would be used to support a religiously accepted theological position. However, any
conclusion reached should be the result of what the text / scripture / the rule / the law says concerning the issue. By
doing this we allow the text to give us the conclusion, not us imposing our own understanding and theology upon it.
Note: The issue is generally stated as a question turning on a set of particular facts. Always consider the audience
and if there is specific characteristic of your audience that could affect their understanding or reception of the issue
as framed.
(3) Reference – Comparative documents whose source is not the Bible but may be historical or cultural to
shed light on the issue to gain greater understanding of the issue at hand.
Legally, for every case you read, extract the rule of law by breaking it down into its component parts. In other words,
ask the question: what elements of the rule must be proven in order for the rule to hold true?
Message Preparation Techniques
EXAMPLE: At 12 noon, Joe forces open the door of a houseboat and enters the cabin. He takes the houseboat's
expensive navigation equipment, which he plans to sell at a pawnshop the next day. Using the rule for burglary, we
match up the facts to the elements to analyze the outcome.
"Compare the facts to the rule and see if the application of the rule to the facts is appropriate."
For every relevant fact, you need to ask whether the fact helps to prove or disprove the rule. If a rule requires that a
certain circumstance be present in order for the rule to apply, then the absence of that circumstance helps you reach
the conclusion that the rule does not apply. For instance, all contracts for the sale of goods over $500 have to be in
writing. Consequently, in analyzing a contract for the sale of goods, you apply the presence or absence of two facts -
worth of good and whether there's a written contract - in order to see whether the rule holds true.
The IRAC Triad emphasizes the Analysis by using the Facts, Issue and Rule as building blocks. The Analysis is the
end product and primary goal of the IRAC Triad, but the role that facts play in forming the analysis is highlighted.
The legal issue would not exist unless some event occurred.
The Triad is actually just a simple flowchart in which the facts can be pigeonholed into a Conclusion.
Message Preparation Techniques
"From the analysis and application of the law to the facts you come to a Conclusion as to whether the rule applies
to the facts."
The goal in a good analysis is to step through every element and match up every fact rather than just coming to a
snap conclusion because one of the elements is not satisfied. While the conclusion can be short, the analysis should
be full, lengthy and methodical.
The conclusion is the shortest part of the equation. If a rule does not apply, don't fall into the trap of being conclusive.
There may be another rule by which the party should be judged.
Message Preparation Techniques
Issue: Why hasn’t God answered my prayer and concerning my finances? Why hasn’t He provided for
my needs like He promised? I’m a believer? I go to church? I even give to the poor!
Analysis/Application of Facts: Many of God’s people are suffering from lack and insufficiency all the
while believing and confessing God’s Word. Application: Note: Tithes are like taxes in the Kingdom,
offering is gifts that are outside of the portion allotted for maintenance, and can be dedicated to
improvements, increase
Conclusion: God is not obligated to answer prayer that violate His Law and for which He has already
given us the power to remedy.
Note: This conclusion could have been stated before the issue statement to provide context to what will
Home Work:
Members have come to you and asked why God has not stepped in to deal with America’s problems (Oil spill,
Economy, moral decay etc…). Based on above and the conversation during class and using as the text
below as your Law or Rule, formulate your answer in a lesson format using the IRAC or CIRAC method.
14“if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face,
and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their
land.15 Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place. 16 For now I
have chosen and sanctified this house, that My name may be there forever; and My eyes and My
heart will be there perpetually. 2 Chronicles 7;14-17