Single Phasing

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Single phasing is a condition in three phase motors and transformers wherein the supply to one
of the phases is cut off Single phasing causes negative phase sequence components in the
voltage. Since, motors generally have low impedances for negative phase sequence voltage. The
distortion in terms of negative phase sequence current will be substantial.

Effect of Single Phasing

The following are the effects of single phasing:
1)Due to single phasing the current in the remaining two phases increases and it is
approximately 2.4 times the normal current value.
2) Single Phasing reduces the speed of the motor.
3) The motor becomes noisy and starts vibrating due to uneven torque produced in the motor.
4) If the motor is arranged for standby and automatic starting then the motor will not start, and if
the overload relay provided fails to function then the motor may burn.
5) The windings will melt due to overheating and can give a fatal shock to the personnel.
6) It may cause overloading of the generator.

Causes of Single Phasing

Single Phasing is usually caused when:-
1) One of the three back up fuses blows (or fuse wire melts).
2) One of the contactor for motor is open circuited.
3) Single phasing might also be caused due to wrong setting of the protection devices provided
on the motor.
4) Contactors are coated due to oxidation hence not conducting.
5) Relay contacts may be damage or broken.

Effects of overheating
Heat is the most common cause of motor failure before reaching rated service life. Leading
standardization organizations have concluded that 30 percent of motor failures are attributed to
insulation failure and 60 percent of these are caused by overheating. Articles have been
published stating that a significant cause of bearing deterioration is overheating.
Increase of 10 degrees Centigrade of a motor’s windings above its design operating temperature
cuts the life of the motor’s windings insulation by 50 percent.Operating at 10°C above this, the
motor’s life will be reduced again by 50%. This reduction of the expected life of the motor
repeats itself for every 10°C. This is sometimes referred to as the “half-life” rule.

Causes of overheating
• Unbalanced three phase power supply - Generally, any voltage imbalance in excess of 1%, or
measured current unbalance in excess of 5% will cause excessive heat within motor.
• Operating voltage too high or too low-Any operating voltage above or below 15% of nominal
voltage should be considered a problem, and will cause excessive heat within motor.
• Impeller is locked or dragging, causing overload-Material caught in impeller or between wear
ring and impeller may overload motor, yet not sufficiently to trip overload protection. Heavy
sludge or sand/silt conditions in sump may also cause this condition.
• Operation of pump with motor partially or totally unsubmerged-Heat is produced during the
operation of an electric motor, and this heat must be dissipated to prevent damage. In a
submersible pump, the motor is designed to transfer heat though the motor housing and into the
liquid in which the motor is submerged. For proper heat transfer to occur, over 50% of the motor
housing (or 75% of the whole pump) must be continuously submerged. If the motor housing is
only in contact with air, heat is not transferred at an adequate rate, with the result of excessive
heat build up within the motor.



1. TRANSFORMER (230 – 12 V AC)





6. ULN 2003

7. OP-AMP LM339


9. BC547

10. LED

11. 1N4007




Transformers convert AC electricity from one voltage to another with a little loss of power.
Step-up transformers increase voltage, step-down transformers reduce voltage. Most power
supplies use a step-down transformer to reduce the dangerously high voltage to a safer low voltage.


The input coil is called the primary and the output coil is called the secondary. There is no
electrical connection between the two coils; instead they are linked by an alternating magnetic
field created in the soft-iron core of the transformer. The two lines in the middle of the circuit
symbol represent the core. Transformers waste very little power so the power out is (almost) equal
to the power in. Note that as voltage is stepped down and current is stepped up.
The ratio of the number of turns on each coil, called the turn’s ratio, determines the ratio
of the voltages. A step-down transformer has a large number of turns on its primary (input) coil
which is connected to the high voltage mains supply, and a small number of turns on its secondary
(output) coil to give a low output voltage.
TURNS RATIO = (Vp / Vs) = ( Np / Ns )
Vp = primary (input) voltage.
Vs = secondary (output) voltage
Np = number of turns on primary coil
Ns = number of turns on secondary coil
Ip = primary (input) current
Is = secondary (output) current.

Ideal power equation

FIG 3.1.2

The ideal transformer as a circuit element

If the secondary coil is attached to a load that allows current to flow, electrical power is transmitted
from the primary circuit to the secondary circuit. Ideally, the transformer is perfectly efficient; all
the incoming energy is transformed from the primary circuit to the magnetic field and into the
secondary circuit. If this condition is met, the incoming electric power must equal the outgoing

Giving the ideal transformer equation

Transformers normally have high efficiency, so this formula is a reasonable approximation.

If the voltage is increased, then the current is decreased by the same factor. The impedance in one
circuit is transformed by the square of the turns ratio. For example, if an impedance Zs is attached
across the terminals of the secondary coil, it appears to the primary circuit to have an impedance

of (Np/Ns)2Zs. This relationship is reciprocal, so that the impedance Zp of the primary circuit appears
to the secondary to be (Ns/Np)2Zp.


• Output Current up to 1A.
• Output Voltages of 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 24V.
• Thermal Overload Protection.
• Short Circuit Protection.
• Output Transistor Safe Operating Area Protection.

FIG 3.2 Voltage Regulator

The LM78XX/LM78XXA series of three-terminal positive regulators are available in the
TO-220/D-PAK package and with several fixed output voltages, making them useful in a Wide
range of applications. Each type employs internal current limiting, thermal shutdown and safe
operating area protection, making it essentially indestructible. If adequate heat sinking is provided,
they can deliver over 1A output Current. Although designed primarily as fixed voltage regulators,
these devices can be used with external components to obtain adjustable voltages and currents.

Internal Block Diagram



Absolute Maximum Ratings



A rectifier is an electrical device that converts alternating current (AC), which periodically
reverses direction, to direct current (DC), current that flows in only one direction, a process known
as rectification. Rectifiers have many uses including as components of power supplies and as
detectors of radio signals. Rectifiers may be made of solid state diodes, vacuum tube diodes,
mercury arc valves, and other components. The output from the transformer is fed to the rectifier.
It converts A.C. into pulsating D.C. The rectifier may be a half wave or a full wave rectifier. In
this project, a bridge rectifier is used because of its merits like good stability and full wave
rectification. In positive half cycle only two diodes( 1 set of parallel diodes) will conduct, in
negative half cycle remaining two diodes will conduct and they will conduct only in forward bias

FIG 3.3 Rectifier


Capacitive filter is used in this project. It removes the ripples from the output of rectifier
and smoothens the D.C. Output received from this filter is constant until the mains voltage and
load is maintained constant. However, if either of the two is varied, D.C. voltage received at this
point changes. Therefore a regulator is applied at the output stage.
The simple capacitor filter is the most basic type of power supply filter. The use of this
filter is very limited. It is sometimes used on extremely high-voltage, low-current power supplies
for cathode-ray and similar electron tubes that require very little load current from the supply. This
filter is also used in circuits where the power-supply ripple frequency is not critical and can be
relatively high. Below figure can show how the capacitor changes and discharges.

FIG 3.4 Filter

A relay is an electrically operated switch. Many relays use an electromagnet to operate a
switching mechanism mechanically, but other operating principles are also used. Relays are used
where it is necessary to control a circuit by a low-power signal (with complete electrical isolation
between control and controlled circuits), or where several circuits must be controlled by one signal.


A relay is an electrically operated switch. Current flowing through the coil of the relay
creates a magnetic field which attracts a lever and changes the switch contacts. The coil current
can be on or off so relays have two switch positions and most have double throw (changeover)
switch contacts as shown in the diagram.
Relays allow one circuit to switch a second circuit which can be completely separate from
the first. For example a low voltage battery circuit can use a relay to switch a 230V AC mains
circuit. There is no electrical connection inside the relay between the two circuits; the link is
magnetic and mechanical.
The coil of a relay passes a relatively large current, typically 30mA for a 12V relay, but it
can be as much as 100mA for relays designed to operate from lower voltages. Most ICs (chips)
cannot provide this current and a transistor is usually used to amplify the small IC current to the

larger value required for the relay coil. The maximum output current for the popular 555 timer IC
is 200mA so these devices can supply relay coils directly without amplification.
Relays are usually SPDT or DPDT but they can have many more sets of switch contacts,
for example relays with 4 sets of changeover contacts are readily available. For further information
about switch contacts and the terms used to describe them please see the page on switches.
Most relays are designed for PCB mounting but you can solder wires directly to the pins
providing you take care to avoid melting the plastic case of the relay.

The supplier's catalogue should show you the relay's connections. The coil will be obvious
and it may be connected either way round. Relay coils produce brief high voltage 'spikes' when
they are switched off and this can destroy transistors and ICs in the circuit. To prevent damage you
must connect a protection diode across the relay coil.

Applications of relays
Relays are used to and for:

 Control a high-voltage circuit with a low-voltage signal, as in some types of modems or

audio amplifiers.
 Control a high-current circuit with a low-current signal, as in the starter solenoid of an
 Detect and isolate faults on transmission and distribution lines by opening and closing
circuit breakers.
 Time delay functions. Relays can be modified to delay opening or delay closing a set of
contacts. A very short (a fraction of a second) delay would use a copper disk between the
armature and moving blade assembly. Current flowing in the disk maintains magnetic field
for a short time, lengthening release time. For a slightly longer (up to a minute) delay, a
dashpot is used. A dashpot is a piston filled with fluid that is allowed to escape slowly. The
time period can be varied by increasing or decreasing the flow rate. For longer time periods,
a mechanical clockwork timer is installed.


Three-Phase Induction Motors

The three-phase induction motor, also called an asynchronous motor, is the most
commonly used type of motor in industrial applications. In particular, the squirrel- cage design is
the most widely used electric motor in industrial applications.

Principles of Operation
The electrical section of the three-phase induction motor as shown in Figure 3.6.1 consists
of the fixed stator or frame, a three-phase winding supplied from the three-phase mains and a
turning rotor. There is no electrical connection between the stator and the rotor. The currents in
the rotor are induced via the air gap from the stator side. Stator and rotor are made of highly
magnetizable core sheet providing low eddy current and hysteresis losses.


The stator winding consists of three individual windings which overlap one another and
are offset by an electrical angle of 120°. When it is connected to the power supply, the incoming
current will first magnetize the stator. This magnetizing current generates a rotary field which turns
with synchronous speed ns.

For the smallest pole number of 2p = 2 in a 50 Hz circuit the highest synchronous speed is
ns = 3000/min-1.

The rotor in induction machines with squirrel-cage rotors consists of a slotted cylindrical
rotor core sheet package with aluminum bars which are joined at the front by rings to form a closed
cage. The rotor of three-phase induction motors sometimes is also referred to as an anchor. The
reason for this name is the anchor shape of the rotors used in very early electrical devices. In
electrical equipment the anchor's winding would be induced by the magnetic field, whereas the
rotor takes this role in three-phase induction motors.

The difference between the synchronous speed ns and the speed n in rated operation is called slip
s and is generally expressed in percent. Depending on the size of the machine, in rated operation
it is roughly 10 to 3%. Slip is one of the most important characteristics of an induction machine.

3.7 LM339
The LM339 consists of four independent precision voltage
comparators, with an offset voltage specification as low as 20mV
max for each comparator, which were designed specifically to
operate from a single power supply over a wide range of voltages.
Operation from split power supplies is also possible and the low
power supply current drain is independent of the magnitude of the
power supply voltage.

These comparators also have a unique characteristic in that the input common-mode
voltage range includes ground, even though they are operated from a single power supply voltage.
The LM339 series was designed to directly interface with TTL and CMOS. When operated from
both plus and minus power supplies, the LM339 series will directly interface with MOS logic
where their low power drain is a distinct advantage over standard comparators.

● Wide single supply voltage range 2.0VDC TO
36VDC or dural supplies ±1.0VDC to ±18VDC
● Very low supply current drain (0.8mA) independent
of supply voltage (1.0mW/comparator at 5.0VDC)
● Low input biasing current 25nA
● Low input offset current ±5nA and offset voltage
● Input common-mode voltage range includes ground
● Differential input voltage range equal to the power
supply voltage
● Low output 250mV at 4mA saturation voltage
● Output voltage compatible with TTL, DTL, ECL,
and CMOS logic system

● Moisture Sensitivity Level 3

● A/D Converters
● Wide range VOC
● MOS clock generator
● High voltage logic gate
● Multi vibrators

A thermistor is a type of resistor whose resistance varies significantly (more than in standard
resistors) with temperature. The word is a portmanteau of thermal and resistor. Thermistors are
widely used as inrush current limiters, temperature sensors, self-resetting over current protectors,
and self-regulating heating elements.
Thermistors differ from resistance temperature detectors (RTD) in that the material used
in a thermistor is generally a ceramic or polymer, while RTDs use pure metals. The temperature
response is also different; RTDs are useful over larger temperature ranges, while thermistors
typically achieve a higher precision within a limited temperature range [usually −90 °C to 130 °C].

FIG 3.8 Thermistor

Thermistor symbol
Assuming, as a first-order approximation, that the relationship between resistance and temperature
is linear, then:
ΔR = change in resistance
ΔT = change in temperature
k = first-order temperature coefficient of resistance
Thermistors can be classified into two types, depending on the sign of k. If k is positive, the
resistance increases with increasing temperature, and the device is called a positive temperature
coefficient (PTC) thermistor, or posistor. If k is negative, the resistance decreases with increasing
temperature, and the device is called a negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor.

Resistors that are not thermistors are designed to have a k as close to zero as possible (smallest
possible k), so that their resistance remains nearly constant over a wide temperature range.
Instead of the temperature coefficient k, sometimes the temperature coefficient of resistance α
(alpha) or αT is used. It is defined as for example, for the common PT100 sensor, α = 0.00385
or 0.385 %/°C. This αT coefficient should not be confused with the α parameter below.

Conduction model
Many NTC thermistors are made from a pressed disc or cast chip of a semiconductor such as a
sintered metal oxide. They work because raising the temperature of a semiconductor increases the
number of electrons able to move about and carry charge - it promotes them into the conduction
band. The more charge carriers that are available, the more current a material can conduct. This is
described in the formula:
I = electric current (amperes)
n = density of charge carriers (count/m³)
A = cross-sectional area of the material (m²)
v = velocity of charge carriers (m/s)
e = charge of an electron ( coulomb)
The current is measured using an ammeter. Over large changes in temperature, calibration
is necessary. Over small changes in temperature, if the right semiconductor is used, the resistance
of the material is linearly proportional to the temperature. There are many different
semiconducting thermistors with a range from about 0.01 kelvin to 2,000 kelvins (−273.14 °C to
1,700 °C).
Most PTC thermistors are of the "switching" type, which means that their resistance rises suddenly
at a certain critical temperature. The devices are made of a doped polycrystalline ceramic
containing barium titanate(BaTiO3) and other compounds. The dielectric constant of this
ferroelectric material varies with temperature. Below the Curie point temperature, the high
dielectric constant prevents the formation of potential barriers between the crystal grains, leading
to a low resistance. In this region the device has a small negative temperature coefficient. At the
Curie point temperature, the dielectric constant drops sufficiently to allow the formation of

potential barriers at the grain boundaries, and the resistance increases sharply. At even higher
temperatures, the material reverts to NTC behaviour. The equations used for modeling this
behaviour were derived by W. Heywang and G. H. Jonker in the 1960s.
Another type of PTC thermistor is the polymer PTC, which is sold under brand names such
as "Polyswitch" "Semifuse", and "Multifuse". This consists of a slice of plastic with carbon grains
embedded in it. When the plastic is cool, the carbon grains are all in contact with each other,
forming a conductive path through the device. When the plastic heats up, it expands, forcing the
carbon grains apart, and causing the resistance of the device to rise rapidly. Like the BaTiO 3
thermistor, this device has a highly nonlinear resistance/temperature response and is used for
switching, not for proportional temperature measurement.
Yet another type of thermistor is a silistor, a thermally sensitive silicon resistor. Silistors
are similarly constructed and operate on the same principles as other thermistors, but employ
silicon as the semiconductive component material.

Self-heating effects
When a current flows through a thermistor, it will generate heat which will raise the
temperature of the thermistor above that of its environment. If the thermistor is being used to
measure the temperature of the environment, this electrical heating may introduce a significant
error if a correction is not made. Alternatively, this effect itself can be exploited. It can, for
example, make a sensitive air-flow device employed in a sailplane rate-of-climb instrument, the
electronic variometer, or serve as a timer for a relay as was formerly done in telephone exchanges.
The current and voltage across the thermistor will depend on the particular circuit configuration.
As a simple example, if the voltage across the thermistor is held fixed, then by Ohm's Law we
have I = V / R and the equilibrium equation can be solved for the ambient temperature as a
function of the measured resistance of the thermistor:
The dissipation constant is a measure of the thermal connection of the thermistor to its
surroundings. It is generally given for the thermistor in still air, and in well-stirred oil. Typical
values for a small glass bead thermistor are 1.5 mW/°C in still air and 6.0 mW/°C in stirred oil. If
the temperature of the environment is known beforehand, then a thermistor may be used to measure
the value of the dissipation constant. For example, the thermistor may be used as a flow rate sensor,
since the dissipation constant increases with the rate of flow of a fluid past the thermistor.

 PTC thermistors can be used as current-limiting devices for circuit protection, as
replacements for fuses. Current through the device causes a small amount of resistive
heating. If the current is large enough to generate more heat than the device can lose to its
surroundings, the device heats up, causing its resistance to increase, and therefore causing
even more heating. This creates a self-reinforcing effect that drives the resistance upwards,
reducing the current and voltage available to the device.
 PTC thermistors are used as timers in the degaussing coil circuit of most CRT displays and
televisions. When the display unit is initially switched on, current flows through the
thermistor and degaussing coil. The coil and thermistor are intentionally sized so that the
current flow will heat the thermistor to the point that the degaussing coil shuts off in under
a second. For effective degaussing, it is necessary that the magnitude of the alternating
magnetic field produced by the degaussing coil decreases smoothly and continuously,
rather than sharply switching off or decreasing in steps; the PTC thermistor accomplishes
this naturally as it heats up. A degaussing circuit using a PTC thermistor is simple, reliable
(for its simplicity), and inexpensive.
 NTC thermistors are used as resistance thermometers in low-temperature measurements of
the order of 10 K.
 NTC thermistors can be used as inrush-current limiting devices in power supply circuits.
They present a higher resistance initially which prevents large currents from flowing at
turn-on, and then heat up and become much lower resistance to allow higher current flow
during normal operation. These thermistors are usually much larger than measuring type
thermistors, and are purposely designed for this application.
 NTC thermistors are regularly used in automotive applications. For example, they monitor
things like coolant temperature and/or oil temperature inside the engine and provide data
to the ECU and, indirectly, to the dashboard.
 NTC thermistors can be also used to monitor the temperature of an incubator.
 Thermistors are also commonly used in modern digital thermostats and to monitor the
temperature of battery packs while charging.

3.9 BC547

The BC547 transistor is an NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor. The BC547 transistor is a
general-purpose transistor in small plastic packages. It is used in general-purpose switching and
amplification BC847/BC547 series 45 V, 100 mA NPN general-purpose transistors.


We know that the transistor is a "CURRENT" operated device and that a large current (Ic)
flows freely through the device between the collector and the emitter terminals. However, this only
happens when a small biasing current (Ib) is flowing into the base terminal of the transistor thus
allowing the base to act as a sort of current control input. The ratio of these two currents (Ic/Ib) is
called the DC Current Gain of the device and is given the symbol of hfe or nowadays Beta, (β).
Beta has no units as it is a ratio. Also, the current gain from the emitter to the collector terminal,
Ic/Ie, is called Alpha, (α), and is a function of the transistor itself. As the emitter current Ie is the
product of a very small base current to a very large collector current the value of this parameter α
is very close to unity, and for a typical low-power signal transistor this value ranges from about
0.950 to 0.999.

An NPN Transistor Configuration

3.10 IN4007

Diodes are used to convert AC into DC these are used as half wave rectifier or full wave
rectifier. Three points must he kept in mind while using any type of diode.
1. Maximum forward current capacity
2. Maximum reverse voltage capacity
3. Maximum forward voltage capacity

Fig: 3.10.1 1N4007 diodes

The number and voltage capacity of some of the important diodes available in the market are
as follows:
 Diodes of number IN4001, IN4002, IN4003, IN4004, IN4005, IN4006 and IN4007
have maximum reverse bias voltage capacity of 50V and maximum forward current
capacity of 1 Amp.
 Diode of same capacities can be used in place of one another. Besides this diode of
more capacity can be used in place of diode of low capacity but diode of low capacity
cannot be used in place of diode of high capacity. For example, in place of IN4002; IN4001
or IN4007 can be used but IN4001 or IN4002 cannot be used in place of IN4007.The diode
BY125made by company BEL is equivalent of diode from IN4001 to IN4003. BY 126 is
equivalent to diodes IN4004 to 4006 and BY 127 is equivalent to diode IN4007.

Fig:3.10.2 PN Junction diode

3.11 LED

Light Emitting Diodes (LED) have recently become available that are white and bright, so
bright that they seriously compete with incandescent lamps in lighting applications. They are still
pretty expensive as compared to a GOW lamp but draw much less current and project a fairly well
focused beam.
The diode in the photo came with a neat little reflector that tends to sharpen the beam a
little but doesn't seem to add much to the overall intensity.
When run within their ratings, they are more reliable than lamps as well. Red LEDs are
now being used in automotive and truck tail lights and in red traffic signal lights. You will be able
to detect them because they look like an array of point sources and they go on and off instantly as
compared to conventional incandescent lamps.
LEDs are monochromatic (one color) devices. The color is determined by the band gap of
the semiconductor used to make them. Red, green, yellow and blue LEDs are fairly common.
White light contains all colors and cannot be directly created by a single LED. The most common
form of "white" LED really isn't white. It is a Gallium Nitride blue LED coated with a phosphor
that, when excited by the blue LED light, emits a broad range spectrum that in addition to the blue
emission, makes a fairly white light.
There is a claim that these white LED's have a limited life. After 1000 hours or so of
operation, they tend to yellow and dim to some extent. Running the LEDs at more than their rated
current will certainly accelerate this process.
There are two primary ways of producing high intensity white-light using LED’S. One is
to use individual LED’S that emit three primary colours—red, green, and blue—and then mix all
the colours to form white light. The other is to use a phosphor material to convert monochromatic
light from a blue or UV LED to broad-spectrum white light, much in the same way a fluorescent
light bulb works. Due to metamerism, it is possible to have quite different spectra that appear
LEDs are semiconductor devices. Like transistors, and other diodes, LEDs are made out of
silicon. What makes an LED give off light are the small amounts of chemical impurities that are
added to the silicon, such as gallium, arsenide, indium, and nitride.

When current passes through the LED, it emits photons as a byproduct. Normal light bulbs
produce light by heating a metal filament until it is white hot. LEDs produce photons directly and
not via heat, they are far more efficient than incandescent bulbs.

Fig 3.11(a): circuit symbol

Not long ago LEDs were only bright enough to be used as indicators on dashboards or
electronic equipment. But recent advances have made LEDs bright enough to rival traditional
lighting technologies. Modern LEDs can replace incandescent bulbs in almost any application.

Types of LED’S
LEDs are produced in an array of shapes and sizes. The 5 mm cylindrical package is the most
common, estimated at 80% of world production. The color of the plastic lens is often the same as the
actual color of light emitted, but not always. For instance, purple plastic is often used for infrared LEDs,
and most blue devices have clear housings. There are also LEDs in extremely tiny packages, such as
those found on blinkers and on cell phone keypads. The main types of LEDs are miniature, high power
devices and custom designs such as alphanumeric or multi-color.

Fig 3.11(b) Different types of LED’S


A resistor is a two-terminal electronic component designed to oppose an electric current by

producing a voltage drop between its terminals in proportion to the current, that is, in accordance
with Ohm's law:
V = IR
Resistors are used as part of electrical networks and electronic circuits. They are extremely
commonplace in most electronic equipment. Practical resistors can be made of various compounds
and films, as well as resistance wire (wire made of a high-resistivity alloy, such as nickel/chrome).

FIG 3.12 Resistor

The primary characteristics of resistors are their resistance and the power they can
dissipate. Other characteristics include temperature coefficient, noise, and inductance. Less well-
known is critical resistance, the value below which power dissipation limits the maximum
permitted current flow, and above which the limit is applied voltage. Critical resistance depends
upon the materials constituting the resistor as well as its physical dimensions; it's determined by
Resistors can be integrated into hybrid and printed circuits, as well as integrated circuits.
Size, and position of leads (or terminals) are relevant to equipment designers; resistors must be
physically large enough not to overheat when dissipating their power.
A resistor is a two-terminal passive electronic component which implements electrical
resistance as a circuit element. When a voltage V is applied across the terminals of a resistor, a
current I will flow through the resistor in direct proportion to that voltage. The reciprocal of the
constant of proportionality is known as the resistance R, since, with a given voltage V, a larger
value of R further "resists" the flow of current I as given by Ohm's law:
Resistors are common elements of electrical networks and electronic circuits and are
ubiquitous in most electronic equipment. Practical resistors can be made of various compounds
and films, as well as resistance wire (wire made of a high-resistivity alloy, such as nickel-chrome).
Resistors are also implemented within integrated circuits, particularly analog devices, and can also
be integrated into hybrid and printed circuits.
The electrical functionality of a resistor is specified by its resistance: common commercial
resistors are manufactured over a range of more than 9 orders of magnitude. When specifying that
resistance in an electronic design, the required precision of the resistance may require attention to
the manufacturing tolerance of the chosen resistor, according to its specific application. The
temperature coefficient of the resistance may also be of concern in some precision applications.
Practical resistors are also specified as having a maximum power rating which must exceed the
anticipated power dissipation of that resistor in a particular circuit: this is mainly of concern in
power electronics applications. Resistors with higher power ratings are physically larger and may
require heat sinking. In a high voltage circuit, attention must sometimes be paid to the rated
maximum working voltage of the resistor.
The series inductance of a practical resistor causes its behavior to depart from ohms law;
this specification can be important in some high-frequency applications for smaller values of
resistance. In a low-noise amplifier or pre-amp the noise characteristics of a resistor may be an
issue. The unwanted inductance, excess noise, and temperature coefficient are mainly dependent
on the technology used in manufacturing the resistor. They are not normally specified individually
for a particular family of resistors manufactured using a particular technology. A family of discrete
resistors is also characterized according to its form factor, that is, the size of the device and position
of its leads (or terminals) which is relevant in the practical manufacturing of circuits using them.

The ohm (symbol: Ω) is the SI unit of electrical resistance, named after Georg Simon Ohm.
An ohm is equivalent to a volt per ampere. Since resistors are specified and manufactured over a
very large range of values, the derived units of milliohm (1 mΩ = 10−3 Ω), kilohm (1 kΩ = 103 Ω),
and megohm (1 MΩ = 106 Ω) are also in common usage.

The reciprocal of resistance R is called conductance G = 1/R and is measured in Siemens
(SI unit), sometimes referred to as a mho. Thus a Siemens is the reciprocal of an ohm: S = Ω − 1.
Although the concept of conductance is often used in circuit analysis, practical resistors are always
specified in terms of their resistance (ohms) rather than conductance.


Adjustable resistors
A resistor may have one or more fixed tapping points so that the resistance can be changed
by moving the connecting wires to different terminals. Some wire wound power resistors have a
tapping point that can slide along the resistance element, allowing a larger or smaller part of the
resistance to be used.
Where continuous adjustment of the resistance value during operation of equipment is
required, the sliding resistance tap can be connected to a knob accessible to an operator. Such a
device is called a rheostat and has two terminals.

A potentiometer is a manually adjustable resistor. The way this device works is relatively simple.
One terminal of the potentiometer is connected to a power source. Another is hooked up to ground (a
point with no voltage or resistance and which serves as a neutral reference point), while the third terminal
runs across a strip of resistive material. This resistive strip generally has a low resistance at one end; its
resistance gradually increases to a maximum resistance at the other end. The third terminal serves as the
connection between the power source and ground, and is usually interfaced to the user by means of a
knob or lever. The user can adjust the position of the third terminal along the resistive strip in order to
manually increase or decrease resistance. By controlling resistance, a potentiometer can determine how
much current flow through a circuit. When used to regulate current, the potentiometer is limited by the
maximum resistivity of the strip.

The power of this simple device is not to be underestimated. In most analog devices, a
potentiometer is what establishes the levels of output. In a loud speaker, for example, a potentiometer
directly adjusts volume; in a television monitor, it controls brightness.

A potentiometer can also be used to control the potential difference, or voltage, across a circuit.
The setup involved in utilizing a potentiometer for this purpose is a little bit more complicated. It
involves two circuits: the first circuit consists of a cell and a resistor. At one end, the cell is connected
in series to the second circuit, and at the other end it is connected to a potentiometer in parallel with the
second circuit. The potentiometer in this arrangement drops the voltage by an amount equal to the ratio
between the resistance allowed by the position of the third terminal and the highest possible resistivity
of the strip. In other words, if the knob controlling the resistance is positioned at the exact halfway point
on the resistive strip, then the output voltage will drop by exactly fifty percent, no matter how high the
potentiometer's input voltage. Unlike with current regulation, voltage regulation is not limited by the
maximum resistivity of the strip

A capacitor or condenser is a passive electronic component consisting of a pair of
conductors separated by a dielectric. When a voltage potential difference exists between the
conductors, an electric field is present in the dielectric. This field stores energy and produces a
mechanical force between the plates. The effect is greatest between wide, flat, parallel, narrowly
separated conductors.

FIG 3.13
An ideal capacitor is characterized by a single constant value, capacitance, which is
measured in farads. This is the ratio of the electric charge on each conductor to the potential
difference between them. In practice, the dielectric between the plates passes a small amount of
leakage current. The conductors and leads introduce an equivalent series resistance and the
dielectric has an electric field strength limit resulting in a breakdown voltage.
The properties of capacitors in a circuit may determine the resonant frequency and
quality factor of a resonant circuit, power dissipation and operating frequency in a digital logic
circuit, energy capacity in a high-power system, and many other important aspects.
A capacitor (formerly known as condenser) is a device for storing electric charge. The
forms of practical capacitors vary widely, but all contain at least two conductors separated by a

non-conductor. Capacitors used as parts of electrical systems, for example, consist of metal foils
separated by a layer of insulating film.
Capacitors are widely used in electronic circuits for blocking direct current while allowing
alternating current to pass, in filter networks, for smoothing the output of power supplies, in the
resonant circuits that tune radios to particular frequencies and for many other purposes.
A capacitor is a passive electronic component consisting of a pair of conductors separated
by a dielectric (insulator). When there is a potential difference (voltage) across the conductors, a
static electric field develops in the dielectric that stores energy and produces a mechanical force
between the conductors. An ideal capacitor is characterized by a single constant value, capacitance,
measured in farads. This is the ratio of the electric charge on each conductor to the potential
difference between them.
The capacitance is greatest when there is a narrow separation between large areas of
conductor, hence capacitor conductors are often called "plates", referring to an early means of
construction. In practice the dielectric between the plates passes a small amount of leakage current
and also has an electric field strength limit, resulting in a breakdown voltage, while the conductors
and leads introduce an undesired inductance and resistance.

Theory of operation

Charge separation in a parallel-plate capacitor causes an internal electric field. A dielectric

(orange) reduces the field and increases the capacitance.

A simple demonstration of a parallel-plate capacitor

A capacitor consists of two conductors separated by a non-conductive region. The non-conductive
region is called the dielectric or sometimes the dielectric medium. In simpler terms, the dielectric
is just an electrical insulator. Examples of dielectric mediums are glass, air, paper, vacuum, and
even a semiconductor depletion region chemically identical to the conductors. A capacitor is
assumed to be self-contained and isolated, with no net electric charge and no influence from any
external electric field. The conductors thus hold equal and opposite charges on their facing
surfaces, and the dielectric develops an electric field. In SI units, a capacitance of one farad means
that one coulomb of charge on each conductor causes a voltage of one volt across the device.

The capacitor is a reasonably general model for electric fields within electric circuits. An ideal
capacitor is wholly characterized by a constant capacitance C, defined as the ratio of charge ±Q
on each conductor to the voltage V between them:

Sometimes charge build-up affects the capacitor mechanically, causing its capacitance to vary. In
this case, capacitance is defined in terms of incremental changes:

Energy storage
Work must be done by an external influence to "move" charge between the conductors in a
capacitor. When the external influence is removed the charge separation persists in the electric
field and energy is stored to be released when the charge is allowed to return to its equilibrium
position. The work done in establishing the electric field, and hence the amount of energy stored,
is given by:

Current-voltage relation
The current i(t) through any component in an electric circuit is defined as the rate of flow of a
charge q(t) passing through it, but actual charges, electrons, cannot pass through the dielectric
layer of a capacitor, rather an electron accumulates on the negative plate for each one that leaves
the positive plate, resulting in an electron depletion and consequent positive charge on one
electrode that is equal and opposite to the accumulated negative charge on the other. Thus the
charge on the electrodes is equal to the integral of the current as well as proportional to the voltage
as discussed above. As with any antiderivative, a constant of integration is added to represent the
initial voltage v (t0). This is the integral form of the capacitor equation,

Taking the derivative of this, and multiplying by C, yields the derivative form,

The dual of the capacitor is the inductor, which stores energy in the magnetic field rather than the
electric field. Its current-voltage relation is obtained by exchanging current and voltage in the
capacitor equations and replacing C with the inductance L.




FIG 4.1
The circuit uses standard power supply for each phase comprising of a step-down
transformer from 230Vto 12V and 4 diodes forming a bridge rectifier that delivers pulsating dc
which is then filtered by an electrolytic capacitor of about 470µF to 1000µF. The output of all the
three are made parallel through diodes D14,D15,D16. This filtered dc being unregulated, IC
LM7805 is used to get 5V DC constant at its pin no 3 irrespective of input DC varying from 7V
to 15V. The input dc shall be varying in the event of input ac at 230volts section varies from 160V
to 270V in the ratio of the transformer primary voltage V1 to secondary voltage V2 governed by
the formula V1/V2=N1/N2. As N1/N2 i.e. no. of turns in the primary to the no. of turns in the
secondary remains unchanged V2 is directly proportional to V1.Thus if the transformer delivers
12V at 220V input it will give 8.72V at 160V.Similarly at 270V it will give 14.72V.Thus the dc
voltage at the input of the regulator changes from about 8V to 15V because of A.C voltage
variation from 160V to 270V the regulator output will remain constant at 5V.
The unregulated common 12V point “b” is used for powering comparators and relays
while the 5V point “a” is given for other areas as per applications.

How an op-amp can be used as a comparator?

Potential dividers are connected to the inverting and non inverting inputs of the op-amp
to give some voltage at these terminals. Supply voltage is given to +Vss and –Vss is connected to
ground. The output of this comparator will be logic high (i.e., supply voltage) if the non-inverting
terminal input is greater than the inverting terminal input of the comparator.
i.e., Non inverting input (+) > inverting input (-) = output is logic high

If the inverting terminal input is greater than the non-inverting terminal input then the
output of the comparator will be logic low (i.e., gnd)

i.e., inverting input (-) > Non inverting input (+) = output is logic low

FIG 4.2



Three numbers step-down transformers from 230v to 12v are used with their primary
connected in star and secondary are individually fed to three bridge rectifiers with filter capacitors
C2, C3 & C4 from where the DC voltage is fed to a quad Op-amp used as comparator

LP339/LM339 to the respective inverting inputs after passing through potential divider. The non-
inverting inputs of first three comparators are given pre-settable DC voltage by RV1, RV2 & RV3.
Another Op-amp is used to with its inverting input by a pre-settable voltage while its non-inverting
input is given to a series connected thermistor resistor arrangement across the 5v supply. The
output of all the 4 comparators are given to drive Q1, Q2,Q3,Q4 that operate respective relays. Al
the common NC contacts of the relays are connected in series and are fed from a DC supply to
another 3 CO relay coil with the other point of that connected to GND. Three diodes D14, D15 &
D16 are used respectively from each secondary generated DC and finally filtered by C1. Reason
behind this is to ensure un-interrupted DC supply for the circuit operation in the event of failure
of any one face. A regulator IC 7805 is used for providing steady voltage reference to RV1, RV2,
RV3 & RV4.


FIG 4.4

In normal operations presets RV1, RV2, RV3 & RV4 are so set that the output of the comparators
is held low resulting in 4 relays phase1 relay,phase2 relay,phase3 relay, temperature relay number4
all are in deactivated condition so the 12v dc flows through NC contacts of the those relays to the
coil of the 3CO relay forcing it be in active operation so that 3 phase supply is available to the load

through the NO contact of the 3CO relay. The project uses lamps instead of the motor. In the event
of failure of any phase the corresponding comparator output goes high that switches ON the
respective relay ,the contact of which opens to discontinue the 12V DC supply to the 3CO relay
coil. As the 3 CO relay now is deactivated the 3 phase motor connected in series with the NO
contacts open to stop the motor. Similarly while the temperature goes high on the body of the
motor, the mounted thermistor resistance falls to develop logic high for Q4 to operate relay4 &
disconnect the DC voltage to the 3CO relay coil. Thus in the process the motor is protected against
any phase failure or high body temperature.



 Line voltage of 400 V was obtained across the load when all the three
phases were connected.
 When one of the phases was removed the voltage fell to 2V and the lamps
got turned off.
 It was observed that the lamps got turned off when the thermistor in circuit
was heated and got turned on again when the temperature around
thermistor was restored to room temperature.
 A delay was observed for the lamp to turnoff after single phasing has

 A three phase induction motor protection system was designed and implemented.
 The system protected induction motor from single phasing and overheating.


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