Changelog OpenXava 5.8.1

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Change Log for OpenXava project


OpenXava 5.8.1 (2017-11-20)

- New look for sections.
- Default value calculators with on-create=true (only in XML components) are not
executed on clicking new action.
- Fix: Creating a new project in Eclipse 4.7.1a (Oxygen 1a) does not work.
- Fix: Filtering by booleans is not accurate when there are nulls in the database
- Fix: On browser refresh the portlet title in Liferay is incorrect.
- Fix: Element collection inside dialog shows horizontal scrollbar.
- Fix: Charts are not well aligned.
- Fix: When there are many sections (tabs) in a small screen the latest tabs are
not clickable.
- Fix: Filtering in a collection inside a reference produces an error.
- Fix: Adding columns to a collection inside a reference produces an error.
- Fix: Paging in a collection produces that in the next entity there are no entries
until we paging.
- Fix: % in a condition of a @DescriptionsList breaks the list if it contains the
- Fix: Tab.setBaseCondition() does not update the list UI immediately in some
- Fix: Generating PDF from a dialog puts the dialog content in the main view.
- Fix: Browser refresh while editing a collection element changes the element by
the root entity in the dialog.
- Fix: Checkbox with tooltip can not be checked/unchecked.
- Fix: Showing a dialog in list mode resizes the list.
- Fix: Ugly layout with long text when DISCUSSION used inside a section.
- Fix: Charts are below the buttons instead of on the right.
- Fix: Cards are not updated when data is updated in detail mode.
- Fix: Grouping in a list with calculated properties fails.
- Fix: Ordering in a list with grouping fails, both by the user or using
- Fix: @Calculation does not work in collections.

OpenXava 5.8 (2017-10-17)

- The user can group by any property in the list to get summation of numeric
properties by group.
- Import action in list mode to import data from CSV, XLSX (Excel 2007/2010/2013)
and XLS (Excel 97/2000/XP/2003) files.
- The user can rename the columns in list and collections for him.
- New look for messages.
- Messages can be closed by the user.
- Messages placed in a fix part of the screen, even if you scroll the page.
- New striking tooltip for editors that are activated just with the focus.
- Tooltip is omitted if matches with label for actions and editors.
- New look of buttons bar for module and collection.
- Delete icon in top bar is red on hover.
- Font size for list and editors changed.
- First steps screenshots upgraded.
- In controllers inheritance you can exclude actions from parent controller with
new excluded-actions attribute.
- New attribute available-on-new for action in controllers.xml to exclude actions
when creating a new element.
- Dynamic combos with the new methods addValidValue(), removeValidValue() and
getValidValues() in View.
- It's possible to change by code the descriptions list condition.
- If a module has no rows it starts in detail mode executing New action.
- Lists remember the last filtering and ordering by user between sessions.
- Generate PDF works even if the browser does not allow popups, this applies to
most IForwadAction too.
- Action for deleting rows in list mode now is on top bar and it has icon.
- 'Sign in' link not shown when the user is in 'Sign in' page.
- When Discussion editor has the focus the Add comment button is shown and the Save
button for module is hidden.
- Renamed button of Discussion editor from Post to Add comment, moreover it is
hidden on start.
- Delete action in detail mode is not present if there is not an entity selected.
- Search action in detail mode is no longer included by default.
- Clicking in detail mode when the list has no rows executes New action.
- Workspace included in distribution upgraded to Eclipse Oxygen, though it still
works in all Eclipse 4.x.
- Placeholders for fields using [placeholder] suffix in i18n label files.
- New resetAfterOnCreate/Modify in SaveAction to define the behavior after saving
separately for create and modify.
- Module description in menu of modules is omitted if matches with module name.
- Number of modules shown in the menu in the first load is 20, before it was 15.
- Reduced the amount of serialization errors on stopping the application server.
- New property showModulesMenuWhenNotLogged in to hide Start button
to guest users.
- ModuleTestBase removes user preferences before executing each test.
- Attribute label-style in property-view and descriptions-list of XML components.
- Some new common use labels to be used in applications.
- Property messagesOnTop removed from, now you can use CSS to place
the messages.
- New showDefaultActionInBottom property in to show/hide the
default action on bottom.
- New methods showButtons() and hideButtons() in ModuleManager to show/hide the
button bars from UI.
- Material Design Icons upgraded to 1.9.32.
- Added poi-ooxml.jar library to manage Excel 2007/2010/2013 files.
- New controllers TypicalWithSearch and SearchForCRUD to use the classic search
- New method getQualifiedActionIfAvailable() in BaseAction.
- New method put() in Labels to add new labels in runtime.
- New method unquote() in Strings utility class.
- New CancelToDefaultControllersAction that closes the dialog and set the default
module controllers.
- New methods selectGroupBy() and assertAllGroupBys() in ModuleTestBase for
grouping in list mode.
- New method assertValuesInList(int row, String ... values) in ModuleTestBase to
test all row values in a shot.
- New method updateModelFromView() in View to update the model set with setModel()
from the view data.
- Value of attribute 'label' in <property/> of XML components has preference over
i18n files.
- Fix: Error in JavaScript console of browser trying to loading an inexistent font
- Fix: ModuleTestBase.waitAJAX() fails when navigating from a non-openxava page.
- Fix: Changing the browser URL from an application to another the first action
does not work.
- Fix: Buttons bar in collections with flowLayout=true goes outside of the frame.
- Fix: In some cases labels in collections are not translated.
- Fix: Useless tooltip on HtmlText and Discussion editors.
- Fix: Validation error adding entities to a collection rollbacks all the entities
added even the good ones.

OpenXava 5.7.1 (2017-6-13)

- Reference actions are shown in the reference frame, instead of next to the key
- New method resetEntityManagerFactory() in XPersistence.
- Fix: Base condition and default order is shown in query name making it large and
- Fix: Double click on an upload file action executes the action twice producing
- Fix: Saving with resetAfter=false and refreshAfter=false fails on creating with
hidden key when saving a second time.
- Fix: Impossible to search a reference if its view has no at least a plain field.
- Fix: SchemaTool does not work with PostgreSQL when we use @Index in @Table.
- Fix: When scrolling in a touch screen @OrderColumn rows move inadvertently.
- Fix: Impossible to select text in @OrderColumn collections.
- Fix: Mode tabs too close to right when cards list format is used.
- Fix: Horizontal scrollbar with flow layout.
- Fix: Horizontal scrollbar with cards list format.
- Fix: Frames truncated in dialog with flow layout.
- Fix: Queries names in list have some incorrect ) when
- Fix: Opening the first combo in a dialog with a @OnChange throws the onchange
event closing the combo on click.
- Fix: Images gallery shows the content of the HTML_TEXT stereotype if the property
is called "description".
- Fix: The reference to parent is shown creating a new element from an entity
collection without @CollectionView/@View.
- Fix: If the list has many columns without column resizing the icons for edit and
delete are one below other.
- Fix: In lists with many columns the detail/list/both links are outside of
viewport without column resizing.
- Fix: Impossible to remove columns in list without column resizing, the x is
- Fix: Comparator combo and filter value textfield do not fit all the available
space without column resizing.
- Fix: Flow layout does not select correct format (vertical or left to right) on
first page load.
- Fix: Textfields too separated from label in views with few fields.

OpenXava 5.7 (2017-5-16)

- It's possible to go directly to the detail of an entity with ?detail=entityId in
the module URL.
- It's possible going to a module executing an action adding ?
action=Controller.action in the URL.
- When the user navigates among records or executes actions the browser URL is
modified to be a valid permalink.
- Cards format for list available in all modules by default.
- New attribute editors in @Tab to define a group of editors to be used for list
- Editors for list formats defining several <for-tabs/> editors in editors.xml.
- New attribute editors in tab of tabs-default-values.xml to set the default
editors (Charts, List, etc) for lists.
- Responsive layout with flowLayout=true in
- @Calculation to declare an arithmetic expression for a property.
- <calculation/> in <property/> of XML components to declare an arithmetic
- It's possible to create new elements from a regular @OneToMany collection even if
it has no cascade REMOVE.
- It's possible to modify elements in a regular @OneToMany collection.
- You can define 'subcontroller' in a collection using @ListSubcontroller.
- Rounded corners changed by squared corners in all the UI.
- The last list format (chart or list) is remembered between sessions by user.
- The user can remove any query from the combo of recent queries in list mode.
- It's possible to remove Charts from all the modules of the application, using
editors of tab in tabs-default-values.xml.
- Better default values for list and collection properties when @Tab and
@ListProperties are omitted.
- Added font size and format to SIMPLE_HTML_TEXT and removing some rarely used
options to keep it simple.
- Labels for properties of references in list use the reference label if the
property is name, description or title.
- Delete selected action not available for Charts.
- Formatter for HTML_TEXT in list mode, now uses the plain text until 200
- New method executeAction() in BaseAction to execute actions from an action.
- New attribute selectable-items in editor of editors.xml for list editors that
allows selecting items.
- New attribute process-selected-items in action of controllers.xml to hide the
action when selecting item is not available.
- @NewAction no longer define the action for adding new elements from existing one,
now it's only to create new elements.
- New @AddAction annotation allowed for collections, to define the action to add
elements from existing ones.
- New <add-action/> element in <collection-view/> for XML components.
- Chunk size to get data from database for list mode now is 120 records, it was 50.
- Japanese translation of labels and messages.
- Mail API available for using in your project.
- New multiline() method in Strings to create platform independent multiline
- Default size for stereotypes IMAGES_GALLERY, GALERIA_IMAGENES, FILES and
- New method waitAJAX() in ModuleTestBase to wait until the current AJAX request is
- New method assertValidValueNotExists() in ModuleTestBase.
- Some new common use labels to be used in applications.
- New get/assertValueInList() methods without column param in ModuleTestBase to
work with values of list elements in columnless formats.
- SessionData class to access session data from any part of your application:
actions, calculators, validators, even from entities.
- Logging of time of each AJAX request, in debug level.
- New methods getDiscussionCommentText(), getDiscussionCommentContentText() and
assertDiscussionCommentContentText() in ModuleTestBase.
- More intuitive messages in English.
- New method toMap() in Maps utility to create a Map from a varargs of objects.
- Library jsoup to manage HTML included.
- Fix: Clicking New from Charts with calculated collections breaks the module.
- Fix: SchemaTool fails with entities with @Table(schema=).
- Fix: "Yes" is shown besides the check symbol in list for boolean values with
column resizing disable.
- Fix: Error "Action ... not available" on refresh after session lost.
- Fix: List customization not saved in some cases.
- Fix: ModuleTestBase.assertDiscussionCommentText() only works for row 0.

OpenXava 5.6.1 (2017-1-27)

- Each browser tab has its own independent session state by module.
- New icon for WebURL editor, now embedded inside the fields, as in the date case.
- New method moveCollectionElement() in MapFacade to move collection elements
- New method Servlets.getCookie() to get a cookie from the request.
- New method toList(Iterable it) in XCollections utility class.
- Some new common use labels to be used in applications.
- GoToURLAction removed, it was used only by WebURL editor that now uses a direct
- Improved stacktraces thrown from an editor for easier debugging.
- Method reload() removed from MetaComponent.
- MetaComponent has a new boolean property called metaDataCached, to determine if
the metadata is cached for that component.
- Fix: Opening the same module in several browser tabs produces unpredictable
- Fix: Closing a dialog scroll up to the beginning of the page.
- Fix: Controllers do not overwrite repeated actions.
- Fix: Impossible to add new lines in an @ElementCollection with only
- Fix: Combo for @DescriptionsList does not open for third line in
- Fix: Impossible to delete elements from @OrderColumn collections.
- Fix: Money symbol in MONEY stereotype is not shown in @ElementCollection.
- Fix: After removing a row in an @ElementCollection searching a reference with a
dialog changes the incorrect row.
- Fix: @DescriptionsList annotated with @ReadOnly in a @ElementCollection can be
- Fix: Pressing Cancel when adding columns to the list used for searching a
reference fails.
- Fix: Remove column icon is not shown when the column is too narrow.
- Fix: Customization icons for list columns in several lines with Liferay 6.1.
- Fix: Using setControllers() inside an action to show a dialog with several levels
removes the actions on come back.
- Fix: Closing the dialog to add a new element in ManyToMany collections removes
the actions of current dialog.
- Fix: Second nested dialog for adding a new ManyToMany element does not show its
- Fix: @Required in enum for @ElementCollection gives incorrect validation errors
on save.
- Fix: Newly created entity is not available when navigating with left/right
- Fix: Dialogs with collections with many properties are bigger than screen.
- Fix: Searching a reference produces a dialog bigger that the page if there are
many properties in the list.
- Fix: Calculated properties with @Depends do not work when in the same view of a
polymorphic reference.
- Fix: Two collections in the same row are wrapped by a very ugly frame inside and
outside Liferay.
- Fix: @DescriptionsList combos in @ElementCollection are not well aligned.
- Fix: Reference annotated with @DescriptionsList(showReferenceView=true) and
@NoFrame alone inside a section breaks the layout.
- Fix: Ugly spacing in @DescriptionsList with showReferenceView=true.
- Fix: When mouse hover an option of a @DescriptionsList combo and click outside
the selected value is lost.
- Fix: When mouse hover an option of a @DescriptionsList combo inside a dialog and
click outside the option is shown but not selected.
- Fix: When a group, section or main view is aligned by column with @NoFrame
references inside not aligned by column the layout is broken.
- Fix: @Editor in a property of an @Embeddable used in a @ElementCollection does
not work if the view name of the module is no the default one.
- Fix: Calling an action after saving with element collection fails if an event
changes the main view.
- Fix: Properties placed on right of the UI when the next element has a frame,
fails when @NoFrame is used.
- Fix: assertLabel()/getLabel() of ModuleTestBase do no work with members with
- Fix: NullPointerException with JDBCTabProvider when the keys contains null.
- Fix: Current user lost in jUnit tests under certain circumstances.
- Fix: Editors are cut when their columns are resized in @ElementCollection inside
- Fix: View.isEditable(String member) does not work with references.
- Fix: assertEditableInCollection() and assertNoEditableInCollection() from
ModuleTestBase do not work with @DescriptionsList.
- Fix: ICON stereotype editor is not correctly aligned in some cases.
- Fix: URLs without http:// prefix do not work in WebURL editor.
- Fix: Icon for going to the URL is not shown in WebURL editor inside element
- Fix: GenerateReportAction does not work for XLS and MyReports.
- Fix: In Jxls utility classes when using some characters ( [ ] * / \ ? : ) in
sheet names fail creating the POI sheet.

OpenXava 5.6 (2016-10-28)

- List remembers filters and ordering done by user to be re-executed choosing from
a combo, you can rename the filter/ordering configurations produced.
- New DISCUSSION stereotype to include a discussion thread as a property of an
- New SIMPLE_HTML_TEXT stereotype to edit rich text with a simplified user
- CKEditor look & feel adapted to NaviOX and Liferay 6.1 look & feels.
- CKEditor upgraded to 4.5.9.
- Partial query from FROM allowed in @Tab(baseCondition=) of JPA entities and base-
condition of XML components.
- New indexExt.jsp in naviox/web to add elements to the main HTML page that wraps
the application.
- 'My reports' action is no longer available by default, though it is still in
- New TypicalExtendedPrint controller that includes 'My report' action.
- The combination XML components + JPA persistence no longer supported.
- Main window is not refreshed when generating a SimpleHTMLReport.
- New helpAvailable property in to enable/disable the help icon in
- Eclipse workspace in distribution upgraded to Eclipse Neon, though it still works
with all 4.x versions.
- MetaController.containsMetaAction() receives a not qualified action name as
- New method validateViewValues() in ViewBaseAction.
- New WithRequiredLongName class for using as generic transient class for dialogs.
- New method move() in XArrays utility class.
- New booleanWithSuffixEditor.jsp editor that allows put a suffix label after the
field checkbox.
- Some new common use labels to be used in applications.
- New toString(Object [] array) method in Strings utility class.
- ModuleTestBase.setLocale() no longer reset the module.
- New methods selectListConfiguration(), assertListSelectedConfiguration() and
assertListAllConfigurations() in ModuleTestBase.
- New method clearCondition() in ModuleTestBase to simulate clicking on the clear
list condition button.
- New method anyEqual() in Is utility class.
- New method naturalLabelToIdentifier() in Strings utility class.
- New methods assertDiscussionCommentText(), assertDiscussionCommentsCount() and
postDiscussionComment() in ModuleTestBase.
- IExplicitModifyPersistenceProvider to define persistence providers that needs an
explicit command to modify data.
- New property connectionRefinerClass in for defining an
IConnectionRefiner to refine JDBC connections.
- Each component type has its own IPersistenceProvider, there is no longer a unique
IPersistenceProvider for the whole application.
- Properties jpaCodeInPOJOs and persistenceProviderClass in no
longer have effect.
- Methods isEJB2Persistence(), isJPAPersistence(), isJPACodeInPOJOs() and
getPersistenceProviderClass() removed from XavaPreferences.
- Pluggable component parser by means of IComponentParser implementations declared
- Improvements for English, German and French translations of labels and messages.
- New property smtpStartTLSEnable in to configure the behavior of
- Servlet mapping to generate custom Excel files included by default in web.xml.
- Fix: Labels.getQualified(String id) does not return the qualified label.
- Fix: Changes in custom.css lost when upgrading OpenXava version.
- Fix: On hover style for default action button does not work.
- Fix: Schema tool does not add schema for CREATE INDEX sentences.
- Fix: The order of subcontrollers in the user interface is not the declared one in
- Fix: In a module with 'ListOnly' or 'Void' for mode-controller with
subcontrollers but no actions, the subcontrollers are not displayed.

OpenXava 5.5.1 (2016-6-13)

- CSS for layout instead of HTML tables.
- In the validation message values of the properties of the current entity can be
- Some new common use labels to be used in applications.
- Fix: Bad layout with nested @NoFrame.
- Fix: Collection inside a section is duplicate in some cases.
- Fix: Two groups in the same row in @View not possible.
- Fix: @NoFrame elements not aligned with outside elements.
- Fix: Constraint exception produces a blank message.
- Fix: Duplicate buttons after generating PDF or refreshing the page in a view
aligned by column (with # in @View).
- Fix: The files welcome.jsp and firstSteps.jsp overwritten when deployWar or
- Fix: Controller in controladores.xml with contexto=web sometimes does not show
the actions.
- Fix: Combo handle for @DescriptionsList is displaced inside a dialog when it is
- Fix: Moving with the cursor in a @DescriptionsList combo shows the key in the
textfield instead of description.
- Fix: Required and error icon displaced in Android tablets and iPad.
- Fix: Changing the schema with JPA or Hibernate inside a test has lateral effects
in next tests.
- Fix: @DescriptionsList inside a dialog is not displayed completely when opened,
it is cut on dialog limit.
- Fix: @DescriptionsList does not close the list when you click in other place.
- Fix: @DescriptionsList with " in the data breaks the module.
- Fix: @DescriptionsList with showReferenceView=true and composite key loses non-
key data on action call.
- Fix: Editors with frame=true adds a little space before editor.
- Fix: Editors with frame=true adds a blank line if the editor is wrapped in a HTML
- Fix: Required icon not in correct position in text areas.
- Fix: JxlsSheet needs setFreezePane().
- Fix: createPOIWorkbook() can not be called twice on the same JxlsWorkbook.
- Fix: JxlsWorkbook.getSheet() does not check if the index is valid.
- Fix: JUnit tests do not find actions in some circumstances.
- Fix: Elements inside sign in box are not centered.

OpenXava 5.5 (2016-4-26)

- @DescriptionsList combos have autocomplete functionality.
- showReferenceView=true in descriptions list to show a combo and a detail view at
the same time for a reference.
- Pressing ENTER in the filter part of a collection executes the filter of the
- "contains" instead of "starts" as default value in filters for string values in
list and collections.
- Real Excel exporting by means of type=xls in GenerateReportAction or using the
TypicalRealExcel controller.
- New ICON stereotype to store an icon of Material Design Icon into a property of
an entity.
- Delete buttons are red only on hover.
- Delete icons are red on hover.
- There is no special icon for key, just the required icon if applies.
- Icon instead of image for sorting rows in collections with @OrderColumn.
- Icons instead of images for messages.
- Icons instead of images for sort indicators in list and collections.
- Icon instead of image to reset filter values in list and collections.
- Icon instead of image for boolean values in list and collections.
- Icons instead of images for date and date/time editors and list filtering.
- Icon to throw calendar in DateTimeCalendar editor inside textfield.
- Icons instead of images in new created project from templates.
- New icon for going to first record in detail mode.
- Icons instead of images for page navigation in lists.
- Material Design Icons upgraded to 1.4.57.
- Icon instead of image for help.
- Icons instead of images for closing and opening frames.
- Icons for customizing list are of the same color (green).
- Icon for showing and hiding filter in list is in the same place.
- Icons instead of images for customizing list and collections.
- Icons instead of images for validation error and required.
- Better alignment for icons in button bar.
- Property showApplicationName in to hide or show the application
name in header.
- New xava:label taglib to include i18n labels in custom JSPs.
- German translation improved.
- Documentation in for new projects improved.
- Documentation about module navigation improved.
- Default renderer now is JSP based instead of Java based.
- ValidValuesRadioButton and ValidValuesVerticalRadioButton editors look improved.
- Table created by default for images gallery allows big images.
- New method XObjects.execute() to call dynamically methods with three arguments.
- View.setEditable(member, state) works for references and collection in addition
of plain properties.
- Stereotype FILE supports multischema.
- Fix: Clear button in IE is on top of calendar icon in date fields.
- Fix: Generate schema tool fails when the dialect is not specified.
- Fix: Internet Explorer CSS adjustments ignored for IE11.
- Fix: Icon in date fields hides some part of the date in some browsers.
- Fix: Text field font size and family inside dialogs are not the same than in a
regular view.
- Fix: If view is not initialized View.setEditable(member, state) is not propagate
to groups.
- Fix: Generating PDF in list fails with Android.
- Fix: ValidValuesVerticalRadioButton editor does not align the first option well.
- Fix: Properties inside a group within a section are not cleared or saved.
- Fix: Label style does not work.
- Fix: referenceEditor.jsp name ignored in editors.xml.
- Fix: Editors with frame=true composite=true do not work correctly.
- Fix: Textfields are not aligned when there are validation errors.
- Fix: Frames not aligned with element collections.
- Fix: Pressing enter in a filter text box in split view causes action to be
triggered in detail view.
- Fix: @SearchAction without image or icon does not shown the link, just is

OpenXava 5.4.1 (2015-12-15)

- Fix: Default action fired pressing ENTER ignores confirm=true and takes-
- Fix: Searching modules does not work if you do not use exact accents.
- Fix: ClassCastException when an entity used in a CascadeType.REMOVE or ALL
collection has a reference to itself.
- Fix: Properties with EMAIL_LIST stereotype are not validated.
- Fix: After removing a row from an element collection, fails on adding a second
additional row to the collection.
- Fix: When creating a new entity with an element collection if we remove a row
before saving only saves the first row.
- Fix: View.setFocus() does not work from @OnChange actions.
- Fix: Duplicated format list buttons in Linux/Mac running Tomcat from Eclipse.
- Fix: Legend in charts is not translated.
- Fix: Add columns to list can be empty and with "Show more..." in some
- Fix: Actions with confirm=true whose description contains apostrophes are not
- Fix: on-init, on-each-request, before-each-request and after-each-request do not
work for actions inside subcontrollers.
- Fix: Focus not on the first field when editing a collection item with all members
inside section tabs.
- Fix: Scrolling in add columns dialog hides search text box.
- Fix: Columns list over bottom buttons when there are many entries in add columns
dialog inside Liferay.
- Fix: Scrollbar disappears in adding columns dialog when clicking on "Show
- Fix: Incorrect row height in list.
- Fix: Summation bad aligned in list.
- Fix: Incorrect row height in add columns dialog.
- Fix: Editors of type select multiple have fixed height.
- Fix: Spanish messages not uniform for t�/usted usage.
- Fix: @NoFrame references show the frame after choose a value searching in a
polymorphic resultset.

OpenXava 5.4 (2015-11-9)

- New icons, now all standard OpenXava actions use Material Design Icons instead of
gifs or pngs.
- New icon property in action and subcontroller definitions to define an icon by
name from Material Design Icons.
- UI for charts simplified.
- Charts no longer are shown in a dialog but flat in the list space.
- Support for Image editor in @ElementCollection.
- Added the library for auditing Hibernate Envers.
- Add columns dialog has a search box to delimit the columns to add.
- Add columns dialog is limited to 20 properties each time it's opened, with a link
to load all.
- "empty" and "not empty" filters for list and collections.
- Split mode starts with the first object selected, unless you come from detail
- New textWithSuffixEditor.jsp editor that allows put a suffix label after the
field textbox.
- CSS files in web/xava/editors/style are loaded automatically.
- New methods assertNoWarnings() and assertNoInfos() in ModuleTestBase.
- New useIconsInsteadOfImages property in to choose between new
monochrome icons or old color images.
- New resources.xml in WEB-INF for defining resource-ref elements.
- Automatically schema update for new projects.
- Optimal Hibernate connection release mode for new projects.
- start-manager-hsqldb.bat/.sh no longer need the JAVA_HOME environment variable.
- Dropped support for Internet Explorer 9 and 10.
- asm.jar, cglib.jar and ehcache.jar removed from distribution.
- Servers view added in Java perspective in Eclipse initial layout.
- Fix: Numbers left aligned in list and collections.
- Fix: From time to time the user is not redirected to the correct current module.
- Fix: CSS changes are not automatically refreshed on version upgrade.
- Fix: Charts style missing inside portals.
- Fix: Liferay navigation bar shown over dialogs.
- Fix: setConditionComparators method did not set conditions for collections in

OpenXava 5.3.2 (2015-7-27)

- New RemoveSelectedInElementCollectionAction to refine @RemoveSelectedAction for
- Fix: View inheritance fails with groups inside sections.
- Fix: The menu shows modules from MappedSuperclass classes.
- Fix: Strings.removeAccents() does not remove grave accents.
- Fix: Class not found OrganizationServlet deploying on JBoss.
- Fix: Errors in tabs-default-values.dtd and valores-defecto-tabs.dtd.
- Fix: Clickable region in list does not include the entire row area, but just the
- Fix: An IJDBCCalculator with properties assigned using 'from' fails because the
JDBC provider is null.
- Fix: Combos for references in list filter ignore order defined in
- Fix: Reloading page produces "Editor not available" error in charts.
- Fix: Second level references with @DescriptionsList do not show the combo for
filtering in list.
- Fix: A qualified properties in a list fails when the simple name of the property
is used in other part of the full qualified name.
- Fix: Apostrophes incorrectly shown in search dialog title in Spanish.
- Fix: Saved chart configurations are not restored.
- Fix: Transaction marked as rollbackOnly in element collection with default
calculator that use JPA.
- Fix: @ReadOnly in list with @OrderColumn can be reordered by the user.
OpenXava 5.3.1 (2015-6-29)
- Eclipse workspace included in distribution upgraded to Eclipse Mars, though it
still works fine with older Eclipse versions.
- Template project generates a project configured for HSQLDB for easy startup.
- start-hsqldb.bat/.sh no longer need the JAVA_HOME environment variable.
- HSQLDB jar moved from OpenXavaTest to OpenXava.
- generatePortlets ant target works for WebSphere Portal 8,
generateWebSpherePortal8Portlets is no longer needed.
- Fix: Memory leak after calling charts.
- Fix: Charts fail when the first list column is a numeric property of a reference.
- Fix: @ReadOnly does not work for views with inheritance inside groups or
- Fix: Update schema tool does not create images table for IMAGES_GALLERY
- Fix: Infinite loop when generating PDF or any other list action from a collection
inside a section of a reference.
- Fix: Portlet application cannot be deployed on Liferay 6.0 and 6.1.
- Fix: Boolean property with read only checkbox in Spanish has always false as
value, even if it's checked.
- Fix: Drag and drop in @ElementCollection with @OrderColumn after adding several
rows fails.
- Fix: Checkboxes in element collections are too bigs.
- Fix: Ordering rows in @OrderColumn collections does not work in touch screens.
- Fix: Moving and resizing columns in list in collection does not work with touch
- Fix: Removing a second row removes all rows until the end with element
- Fix: Removing a row after adding several rows remove all rows after it in element
- Fix: OpenXava does not work in Android tablets.
- Fix: Schema update does not work with Hibernate Envers.
- Fix: @ReadOnly with @ElementCollection makes the data lost when saving.
- Fix: @SearchAction is ignored the second time when inheritance is used in the
- Fix: Search key with default value calculator cleared in element collections.
- Fix: Filtering list with a reference as descriptions list with composite key that
includes other reference fails.
- Fix: Default scale is ignored with XML components.
- Fix: The time part is not exported to Excel for stereotype DATETIME with a
java.util.Date property.
- Fix: Filtering in list does not work for stereotype DATETIME with a
java.util.Date property.
- Fix: Spanish format for dates in Excel generation, even if the locale is not
- Fix: Some custom reports frozen in some databases, such as MS SQL Server.
- Fix: @OrderColumn with java.util.Collection allows the user reorder when the
order is not persisted.

OpenXava 5.3 (2015-5-18)

- Charts generated automatically from list data.
- A List annotated with @OrderColumn can be sorted by the user with drag & drop.
- JPA 2.1 (JSR-338) support.
- Bean Validation 1.1 (JSR-349) support.
- Combo has no blank option in enum properties with @Required.
- New properties startInLastVisitedModule and rememberVisitedModules in
- Default controllers.xml in new projects.
- @RemoveSelectedAction available for @ElementCollection.
- New method assertValidValueExists() in ModuleTestBase.
- Hibernate upgraded to 4.3.9.
- Hibernate Validator upgraded to 5.1.3.
- HSQLDB used in sample projects upgraded to 2.3.2.
- Classic Hibernate Validator (3.1) dropped.
- Ant target updateSchema no longer supported for XML components.
- Automated Business Logic (ABL) library dropped.
- Fix: Creating a new element in a collection with @OrderColumn fails.
- Fix: Obsolete hibernate namespace.
- Fix: Disabled dialogs using Liferay 5.1 style.
- Fix: Apostrophes in messages missing sometimes.

OpenXava 5.2.1 (2015-3-2)

- Methods showDialog(), closeDialog(), showNewView() and returnToPreviousView()
available from OnChangePropertyBaseAction.
- New removeBlanks() method in Strings utility class.
- Entity from View has nulls for non-existing references, before they were empty
- Fix: Reference with calculated property in an entity is cleared after modifying a
collection in the same entity.
- Fix: View.addValues() does not keep original values in subviews.
- Fix: Sort and filter lost in collections after editing/viewing an element with a
- Fix: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException trace in tab with calculated properties.
- Fix: Misleading message "Trying to load controller twice" in the log.
- Fix: Apostrophe used in labels files is not shown in tooltips.
- Fix: Several except-for-tab in tabs-default-values fails.
- Fix: Calling getView().getEntity() when there is an element collection in the
view fails.
- Fix: helpPrefix from does not work for external URLs.
- Fix: It is possible to add programmatically the same action several times.
- Fix: View.getEntity() fails when there is an empty reference in the UI.
- Fix: Dialog is not shown from an @OnChange action.
- Fix: Dangerous JavaScript content possible in list mode by a XSS attack.
- Fix: An IForwardAction from an IChainAction with on-init=true does not do the
- Fix: Collection customization is not stored permanently if @ListProperties is
- Fix: DWR signature warning in log.
- Fix: View.getEntity() when creating does not load the references so combo
descriptions are not available.
- Fix: FILES stereotype fails from embedded reference.
- Fix: XSS protection does not include iframe and window.location.
- Fix: Error "i.contentWindow is null" on closing a dialog with HTML_TEXT
- Fix: Frames for groups with blanks in their name do not open and close.
- Fix: Section and group names with blanks produces some misbehavior.
- Fix: A reference to parent cannot be changed in a composite structure.

OpenXava 5.2 (2015-1-26)

- Moving columns in list with drag and drop.
- Removing a column from a list is done instantly and with a fade effect.
- The list for adding columns to a list is shown inside a dialog.
- The list for adding columns to a list no longer uses pagination, but a scrollbar.
- The list for adding columns to a list shows only until second level properties at
first, and all properties on demand.
- The list for adding columns to a list is ordered by the localized column labels
of the properties.
- The list for adding columns to a list no longer shows the internal properties
- Fade effect to show/hide the filter part of the list and the customization icons.
- Using JavaScript to show/hide the list customization icons, without an AJAX
- List customization icons are hidden automatically after executing any action.
- 20% performance improvement in automated module tests.
- HtmlUnit upgraded to 2.15.
- jQuery UI upgraded to 1.11.2.
- jQuery upgraded to 1.11.2.
- Upgraded Commons Lang3 library to 3.3.2.
- New move() method in XCollections utility class.
- The browser property in is no longer supported.
- New createWar ant task included by default in new projects.
- Frame spacing when several frames in a row adjusted.
- Performance improvement for label resolution.
- Fix: After removing a column from a list the filter data is gone.
- Fix: Test code does not work after calling ModuleTestBase.logout().

OpenXava 5.1.1 (2014-11-24)

- New isNumeric() method in Strings utility class.
- Some new common use labels to be used in applications.
- Fix: It does not work with WebSphere Portal (broken since v5.0).
- Fix: Required icon is not shown for descriptions lists.
- Fix: Too much space between UI elements when a descriptionLists is located after
the first column.
- Fix: Accessing to an application from a mobile device shows a resource not found
- Fix: Collections do not fill all the available width and the wasted space grows
when resizing.
- Fix: The list does not fill all the available width with the new OpenXava 5
- Fix: Look & feel for progress bar of takes-long actions does not match the new
OpenXava 5 style.
- Fix: Progress bar is not shown when a takes-long action is called from a dialog.
- Fix: The state of a frame is not stored if its name is too long.
- Fix: Entering alphabetic values for filtering numeric data in list generates a
generic system error.
- Fix: Top bar module links displaced when the page is customized adding content on
- Fix: Module search does not work with uppercase letters.
- Fix: Ugly horizontal scrollbar when there are many modules in top menu.
- Fix: Many actions on bottom of the view are ugly.
- Fix: Visual defect in links for changing mode.
- Fix: Help link too close to mode links.
- Fix: Style for selected row hides the line separator.
- Fix: Totals in element collections are not recalculated after removing a row.
- Fix: After removing a line from an element collection events and calculated
properties do not work in the collection.
- Fix: Reloading page after removing a line from an element collection leaves a
blank line.
- Fix: Error on searching and adding references in embedded classes with sections.

OpenXava 5.1 (2014-10-21)

- @NoSearch supported for references in embeddable classes of element collections.
- @ReadOnly and @EditOnly supported for @ElementCollection.
- @OnChangeSearch supported for references in embeddable classes of element
- @OnChange supported in embeddable classes of element collections.
- @SearchListCondition supported for references in embeddable classes of element
- @SearchAction supported for references in embeddable classes of element
- Search action for references available in element collections.
- Support for @DescriptionsList references in element collections, including
dependent ones.
- @DefaultValueCalculator support in @ElementCollection.
- Improving AJAX behavior for element collection, with x10 improvement in
- Reference data fetching in element collections optimized.
- Searching references by @SearchKey properties in element collections.
- New stereotype FILES for attaching several files to an entity.
- @DefaultValueCalculator is executed each time that the properties in
@PropertyValue(from) change.
- Look and feel for totals in lists and collections improved.
- Java 8 support.
- FirstSteps content changed.
- French messages improved.
- Showing messages in log for annotation misuse in element collection.
- Methods assertEditableInCollection() and assertNoEditableInCollection() of
ModuleTestBase work for any type of collection.
- New assertValidValuesCountInCollection() and assertValidValuesInCollection()
methods in ModuleTestBase.
- Some new common use labels to be used in applications.
- Fix: Not numeric totals are not well aligned.
- Fix: Totals are not well aligned after column resizes.
- Fix: Summation icon in list not correctly aligned.
- Fix: ModuleTestBase.assertLabelInList() does not work with element collections.
- Fix: The xava:descriptionsList JSP tag only works from some folders.
- Fix: Editor resizing in element collections only works for text input fields.
- Fix: ModuleTestBase.logout() fails with the built-in security.
- Fix: ModuleTestBase.login() fails with a language other than English.
- Fix: @DefaultValueCalculator with dependent properties is executed twice
- Fix: Portlets from iPad does not work in Liferay.

OpenXava 5.0.1 (2014-7-14)

- Focus navigation improved for list filter fields.
- Date format in editors with date and time improved for Catalonian and French.
- Some new common use labels to be used in applications.
- Fix: Module as key in i18n labels file breaks the name and module description
resolution for all modules.
- Fix: Message of ValidationException from setter not shown to the user on create.
- Fix: Labels placed incorrectly in properties not in the first column.
- Fix: Incorrect properties alignment in some cases.
- Fix: Icons in properties with label format SMALL are shown on left instead on
- Fix: Too much space between UI elements.
- Fix: Unique constraint custom message is not displayed with embedded classes.
- Fix: When focus lost with tab key from a date field in the list filter part of
the date field is hidden.
- Fix: Two collections in the same row are wrapped with a very ugly frame.
- Fix: In DateTimeSeparatedCalendar editor when the time is not specified the value
is null, even if the date exists.
- Fix: Entering 2 digits for year in editors with date and time creates a date of
first century.
- Fix: XML component applications without persistence.xml does not start with
OpenXava 5.
- Fix: @AssertTrue fails with @Id and @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO)
used in an embedded collection.
- Fix: GROOVY_DSL_SUPPORT problem compiling with Eclipse in some machines.
- Fix: Dates in descriptions list not well formatted, really it used just
toString() for all data types.
- Fix: Property label definition in XML components takes preference over i18n
- Fix: View.getCollectionSelectedValues() and
CollectionBaseAction.getMapsSelectedValues() do not return all displayed column
- Fix: Totals are not recalculated with element collections sometimes.

OpenXava 5.0 (2014-6-9)

- New look and feel.
- Login/logout functionality.
- Module navigation: Left searchable menu with all modules and top menu with
recently used modules.
- Collections editable at cell mode, like a spreadsheet, available for
- All collection elements and the container entity are persisted at once, available
for @ElementCollection.
- @ElementCollection of JPA 2 supported.
- New renderer engine to layout the user interface.
- Look and feel of date editor improved.
- Several reports in one PDF with the new JasperConcatReportBaseAction.
- @Collapsed annotation to initiate collections and references with the frame
closed. Also allowed in XML components.
- New NoCustomizeList controller for disabling list customization to a specific
- New stereotype FILE for attached files, it can store the files in DB or file
- The user can share a report of 'My reports' with all other users.
- New Addons project added to distribution to contain extended features outside of
the OpenXava core.
- New InvoiceDemo project added to distribution.
- Groovy upgraded to 2.2.2.
- JasperReports upgraded to 5.5.1.
- DWR upgraded to 2.0.10.
- JSTL upgraded to 1.2 using Apache Standard Taglibs 1.2.1.
- JavaMail upgraded to 1.5.1.
- Upgrade of commons libraries to: beanutils 1.8.0, logging 1.1.1, digester 2.1,
codec 1.9, fileupload 1.3.1, io 2.4, lang 2.6, validator 1.4.0.
- Upgrade to Servlet 2.5 and JSP 2.1.
- Added Commons Lang3 3.2.1 library.
- Tomcat 7 included in distribution.
- Dropped IE6, IE7 and IE8 support.
- Using module.jsp to execute modules from browser is no longer supported.
- Dropped Java 5 support, from now on Java 6 or better is required.
- Dropped WebSphere 6.1 and WebSphere Portal 6.1 support.
- Dropped Tomcat 5.5 support.
- Removed jakarta-oro library, only used by older commons-validator.
- ejb.jar and jpa.jar added to WEB-INF/lib to facilitate deploying in Tomcat.
- MiEscuela project removed from distribution.
- AccessTracking removed from OpenXava distribution.
- Objects class from org.openxava.util removed, you can use XObjects instead.
- New is/setCollapsed() methods in View to close a frame of a reference or
collection programmatically.
- Added validateMinimum() and validateMaximum() to CollectionElementViewBaseAction.
- New getPopupPDFPageCount() method in ModuleTestBase.
- New methods setValueInCollection(), assertEditableInCollection() and
assertEditableInCollection() in ModuleTestBase.
- New method noFirstTokenWithoutFirstDelim() in Strings.
- When @Digits is specified default scale is ignored even if fraction is not
- Performance of delete action in detail mode action improved.
- Improved behavior with READ COMMITED isolation level.
- New commit() and rollback() methods in BaseAction.
- Methods Is.emptyString() and Is.emptyStringAll() allow infinite number of
- clearCondition() method removed from ModuleTestBase.
- Fix: Double border when using .ox-frame in the CSS with new renderer.
- Fix: Totals in collections frames are not shown with the new renderer.
- Fix: assertListRowCount() method from ModuleTestBase fails when the value of
summationInList property is false.
- Fix: Subcontrollers fails in split mode.
- Fix: Incorrect encoding in emails sent by Emails class.
- Fix: Members inside @NoFrame are not aligned with the outside members.
- Fix: Incorrect default size for java.lang.Boolean.
- Fix: View broken on reload if the module is inside a HTML table.
- Fix: Simple property after group without ; does not layout correctly.
- Fix: A reference with @NoFrame inside a group produces an ugly layout.
- Fix: Error messages for @Size in collections show 'Element' in English always,
even if English is not used.
- Fix: Top field with little margin on top with the new renderer.
- Fix: Html id for frames not correct for references with new renderer.
- Fix: Properties aligned by column when it should not in the new renderer.
- Fix: Property icons are not aligned correctly with the new renderer.
- Fix: Scale defined in default-size.xml is ignored when formatting.
- Fix: Scale definition from @Column and @Digits is ignored when formatting.
- Fix: The @LabelStyle annotation is not supported with the new renderer.
- Fix: Boolean inside a group in the parent view using view inheritance fails when
clicking on new from detail mode.
- Fix: When resizing dialog inside elements can go outside dialog (fixed in the new

OpenXava 4.9.1 (2014-2-3)

- Fix: Opening a dialog resizes the list and collections.
- Fix: In PDF reports the space for headers sometimes is two lines where there is
only a line of text.
- Fix: In PDF reports the more left column sometimes is out of the report, in the
- Fix: Calendar is not shown when entering dates in 'My reports'.
- Fix: ModuleTestBase.assertDescriptionValue() does not work for enums.
- Fix: It's possible to add blank colums in 'My reports'.
- Fix: true is shown always for boolean columns in 'My reports'.
- Fix: Populating initial values in 'My reports' fails for booleans, descriptions
lists and enums.
- Fix: When overwriting associateEntity() in SaveElementInCollectionAction we lose
the validate minimum functionality.
- Fix: Minimum for collections declared with @Size(min=) is not validated on remove
- Fix: Adding elements to a collection with no cascade REMOVE or ALL does not
validate maximum (@Size(max=)).
- Fix: Two collections in the same row are not well displayed with the new
- Fix: @LabelFormat(LabelFormatType.SMALL) is not working under the new renderer
- Fix: CSS ox-label class ignored by the new renderer.
- Fix: Several frames in the same row with the new renderer are too close or even
- Fix: The new renderer fails with a section with two references.
- Fix: Mark for required field is not shown with the new renderer.

OpenXava 4.9 (2013-12-11)

- Combos and textfields in list filtering adapt their widths to the column and they
are always completely visible.
- 'in group' and 'not in group' (the 'in' of SQL) allowed to filter in list,
collections and 'My reports'.
- Link to hide filter is in the filter row itself.
- Links to show and hide the filter are only visible in customization mode.
- New icons for customizing list and collections.
- Paging in list and collections allows 12 rows per page.
- PDF reports with no data show a page with an informative message instead of an
empty report.
- Long labels in automatic PDF reports can use several lines if needed.
- Automatic PDF reports use qualified labels for column header, just as list mode.
- Detail line height optimized for automatic PDF reports.
- Algorithm to adjust columns in PDF reports optimized: right column is better
adjusted and columns that not fit are dropped.
- Width of columns in automatic PDF reports is calculated from the real content,
not from declaration.
- The combo for adding columns in 'My report' only shows until second level
properties by default.
- Labels instead of internal names in combo for adding new columns in 'My reports'.
- Initial condition and ordering for 'My reports' is populated from the current
- Duplicate columns allowed in 'My reports' to filter by range or complex
conditions, though only one is shown in the report.
- Dialog title of 'My reports' column editing improved.
- Refactoring of 'My reports' code (CustomReport renamed to MyReport) that produces
the loss of current store user reports.
- @AssertTrue message can be customized, even values of properties of the current
entity can be used.
- When a ConstraintViolationException is thrown the message to the user is obtained
from the constraint definition.
- @Size validation annotations produces a more significative message.
- Support for multivalue editors with checkboxes.
- It's possible to exclude the HTML head code when calling a module using
htmlHead=false as argument.
- Order for properties when no @View is defined is consistent for all Java vendors.
- Subcontrollers are not shown when they have no action.
- Style of subcontrollers improved.
- Subcontrollers behavior improved: now they are closed on clicking again on the
button or outside the popup menu.
- Code for buttonBar.jsp and subButton.jsp downgraded to Java 1.4.
- New TypicalNewOnInit controller that starts the module in detail mode ready to
create a new entity.
- New methods addDays(), lastOfYear(), lastOfMonth() and firstOfMonth() added to
- Fix: Methods setYear(), setMonth() and setDay() of Dates do not work.
- Fix: Wrong OpenXava version number when using some third party libraries.
- Fix: Filtering in list by Timestamp or DATETIME does not allows to specify the
time part.
- Fix: Totals in automatic PDF reports use two lines when the number is too large.
- Fix: Little vertical white bar in subcontroller button.

OpenXava 4.8.1 (2013-9-30)

- OpenXavaTest now includes Selenium tests for visual testing of views.
- It's possible to add JavaScript functions to release resources to editors.
- New method hasTime() in Dates.
- TLDs moved from openxava.jar to openxava.tld in WEB-INF (to work with Tomcat 7 +
Eclipse WTP in Windows).
- Some new common use labels to be used in applications.
- Fall-back encoding now is UTF-8 (before it was ISO-8859-1), however it still
tries to use the system encoding first.
- Fix: Calling to View.getEntity() when the view has view properties fails (only
for XML components).
- Fix: Time part of Timestamp properties cannot be used for filtering in list.
- Fix: Application does not start with Tomcat 7 inside Eclipse in Windows.
- Fix: @OnChange actions do not work in both mode.
- Fix: HtmlText editor produces a JavaScript error when changing the mode or
- Fix: Adding and removing elements in the not owning side of a @ManyToMany
collection does not work.
- Fix: Pressing ENTER from a numeric field does not execute the default action.
- Fix: Clearing the view does not put the focus in the correct place when the
action is called from a keystroke.
- Fix: An on-change action can be execute twice sometimes from tests.
- Fix: When in a test a setValue() throws an on-change action then next execute()
fails sometimes.
- Fix: The setConditionValue() method of Tab fails with dates.
- Fix: Hibernate @Type annotation fails when a @TypeDef is used as name.
- Fix: The setHidden() method of View does not work with sections.
- Fix: 'My reports' when tab name is too long fail.
- Fix: Clear condition in list hide some combos (enum, boolean and
- Fix: Subcontrollers do not change when the container controller is changed by
- Fix: Subcontrollers do not show the actions according the mode (list, detail or
- Fix: Using getSelectedObjects() from an @OnSelectElementAction in calculated
collections fails.
- Fix: When there are selected rows 'My reports' prints only the selected ones.
- Fix: Ignoring accents for string arguments in the filter fails on some machines.
- Fix: Combining @OneToOne and @OnChange produces a 'Duplicate Component' error.
- Fix: Floats and doubles are truncated on display.
- Fix: # in root view with groups in the view does not work.
- Fix: # in groups and sections to align by columns does not work.
- Fix: XML component with a validator that uses 'from' fails if the view has a view
- Fix: Links of several actions associated to the same property are too close.
- Fix: Incorrect encoding in the first page load.
- Fix: Removing a property of a stored 'My reports' report does not work.
- Fix: Some labels for 'My reports' are not translated.
- Fix: New (still BETA) renderer failed to align by columns in section.
- Fix: Some groups or properties overflowed the view with new (still BETA)
- Fix: Collections and group within the same line were displayed too close with new
(still BETA) renderer.

OpenXava 4.8 (2013-7-23)

- In controllers.xml you can define 'subcontroller' that will show a drop-down
button with nested actions.
- The user can modify the column labels in 'My reports'.
- The columns shown in 'My reports' use the labels instead of the property names.
- Hidden columns in 'My reports', they can be used for filtering and ordering but
are not shown in the report.
- The default value for comparators in 'My reports' is '=' or 'starts with'.
- Combos for @DescriptionsList references in 'My reports'.
- Generate Excel action available from 'My reports' dialog.
- Summation for columns allowed for 'My reports'.
- Report file name for 'Generate PDF', 'Excel' and 'My reports' is the report
- Booleans in list and collections are rendered with a green check sign.
- On choosing a combo in list the filtering is executed automatically (it can be
deactivated with filterOnChange=false).
- Calendars are shown in filters for date types in list and collections.
- Bulgarian translation of JavaScript calendar with UTF-8 character encoding.
- New setLabel() method in Tab to change the column labels programmatically.
- New CurrentMonthCalculator.
- Export to excel (CSV) exports null as empty strings.
- New MAC stereotype for MAC address.
- New filter condition "Ends with" for list and collections.
- New layout engine improved again, though it's not activated by default it's
almost ready for production.
- New refreshAfter property in SaveAction to not refreshing from database after
- Width ratio for collections depends on style, to better definition of custom
- CSS class frame renamed to ox-frame.
- New CSS class ox-images-gallery to define the visual style of images gallery
- Fix: reference.jsp left an open tag when using alternate renderer.
- Fix: descriptionsEditor.jsp had a no terminated input tag.
- Fix: Labels for qualified properties in 'My reports' PDFs do not match labels in
screen list.
- Fix: Connection leaks produced in the first page load.
- Fix: Pressing ENTER in a view with a JavaScript calendar shows the calendar and
does not execute the corresponding action.
- Fix: Opening a dialog after adding or removing actions in list fails to show the

OpenXava 4.7.1 (2013-5-28)

- New alignedByColumns property in to aligned all the members by
columns in the user interface.
- Support of # for root view, also available as aligned-by-columns for classic XML
- Images gallery editor uses a dialog.
- Russian documentation improved.
- New layout engine improved again, though it is still in BETA it is perfectly
- New generic controller Close useful for dialogs with just a close button.
- On closing a dialog if it has an action named return, volver, close or cerrar,
the action is called automatically.
- Counter injected in IAggregateOidCalculator now is a random number. It only
applies to XML classic components.
- Gallery.removeImage action asks for user confirmation.
- New clearCondition() method in Tab, to clear the condition values and
- Some new common use labels to be used in applications.
- Fix: Adding images to a gallery from a dialog produces a JavaScript error.
- Fix: Methods assertDialog(), assertNoDialog(), assertDialogTitle(), closeDialog()
of ModuleTestBase fail after upload a file.
- Fix: Title for dialogs with no associated model has an unneeded hyphen.
- Fix: Dialog titles are lost when closing dialogs after upload a file from a
- Fix: When elements are hidden or shown inside a dialog the dialog width is not
- Fix: With two embedded collections of the same type adding to the second
collection adds the element to the first one.
- Fix: View.getValues() returns only a copy of the first tree level, so it produces
some lateral effects sometimes.
- Fix: If updating an entity fails referenced objects can be left created.
- Fix: Filters in collections are stored between elements.
- Fix: A ValidationException (both org.openxava and javax.validation) from a
callback method shows an ugly message to the user.
- Fix: It loses the added or removed actions in the list when you change to the
detail mode.
- Fix: Grammatical errors in English messages.
- Fix: Date in footer of PDF reports is formatted using server locale instead of
client locale.
- Fix: Composite structure fails when the parent reference is not named as the
- Fix: Checkbox editors for non-boolean values does not work.
- Fix: Polymorphic reference from a base class fails.

OpenXava 4.7 (2013-4-2)

- ExtendedPrint.myReports stores all the generated reports, so the user can get
them by name later.
- WebSphere Portal 8 support including visual style integration.
- WebSphere 8 support.
- Liferay 6.1 support.
- 30% performance improvement in automated module tests.
- Action ExtendedPrint.customReport renamed to ExtendedPrint.myReports.
- New smtpHostTrusted property in to use email servers with expired
- If a session object has a request property, the current request is injected
before injecting the object into the action.
- Date formatting optimized for French.
- New protected method saveCollectionElement() in SaveElementInCollectionAction to
refine behavior.
- Shell scripts to start HSQLDB manager from command line.
- Data in automatic PDF reports is formatted in the same way as in list.
- New layout engine improved again, though it is still in BETA and deactivated by
- User preferences support creating and removing subnodes (from Preferences Java
- Fix: web.xml is not Servlet 2.4 compatible, though OpenXava uses Servlet 2.4
since v3.1.
- Fix: Sometimes columns customization for collections is not stored.
- Fix: Report title is not shown for automatic PDF reports in some machines.
- Fix: Many standard i18n messages do not show correctly apostrophes.
- Fix: In custom reports filters gt_comparator is shown instead of > with Spanish.
- Fix: @ManyToMany collections fail after removing one of the elements.
- Fix: Selected rows are lost when you do a order by any property, a page change,
- Fix: When combining filter and order in custom report, filter is ignored.
- Fix: Confirm message for actions associated to properties incorrect.
- Fix: View.setModel() does not refresh collections.

OpenXava 4.6.1 (2013-1-9)

- New IWithMessage to be implemented by validators to get the messages from
@Required, @PropertyValidator and @EntityValidator.
- New layout engine improved, though it is still in BETA and deactivated by
- Fix: @Inject does not work in "on change" actions.
- Fix: Impossible to store column width in collections inside @AsEmbedded
- Fix: Default size not correct for TELEFONO stereotype.
- Fix: Clicking in the current mode with IE8 goes to a nonexistent page.
- Fix: Named reference view for reference with inheritance switches to DEFAULT.
- Fix: HTML_TEXT fields don't preserve content after recalculation.
- Fix: Second level dialogs are shown very narrow with IE9.
- Fix: Mouse over list rows in IE9 moves the bottom button bar.
- Fix: Removing first column in custom reports fails.
- Fix: Removing selected columns in custom reports fails.
- Fix: Obtaining selected object from a calculated collection fails with transient
- Fix: Attribute message of @Required is ignored.
- Fix: Incorrect validation message from PositiveValidator.
- Fix: Messages in i18n files with no arguments are not formatted in the standard
- Fix: Thai MS874 encoding fails with IE.
- Fix: Custom reports fail with XML components if persistence.xml is not defined.
- Fix: Valid values do not work in custom reports With XML components.
- Fix: Duplicate dialog title in custom report.
- Fix: Incorrect title on reloading custom report dialog.
- Fix: Valid-values values are not kept when a column is edited in custom report
- Fix: Comparator values are not kept when a column is edited in custom report

OpenXava 4.6 (2012-11-21)

- Custom reports in list mode that allow user define its own reports using a
- New attribute editor in @Tab to define an editor for a tab. Also available for
XML version with <tab editor=/>.
- In editors.xml it's possible to associate an editor by default for all tabs or
for tabs of certain models.
- New @RowAction annotation for collections (also available as row-action in XML
- Labels and messages available in Russian.
- The report names include model name and time, for automatic and custom reports in
PDF, CSV, RTF, ODT and Excel.
- New property model (setModel()/getModel() in View for populating a View directly
from a model object (an entity or transient class).
- BooleanFormatter parses null as null and not as false, so Boolean values can be
true, false or null.
- It's possible to assert PDF content in jUnit tests with new 6 methods of
ModuleTestBase, such as assertPopupPDFLine().
- New setTitle(), setConditionValues() and setConditionComparators() methods in
- New BooleanYesNoCombo editor to show booleans with a YES/NO combo.
- In list mode focus is placed in the first filter text box.
- Many new common use labels to be used in applications.
- New property 'showIconForViewReadOnly' in to view or not the key
and required icons in read only views.
- New methods assertAction/assertNoAction(String action, String arguments) in
- It's possible to add custom portlets by means of portlet-ext.xml and liferay-
- Fields version and versionDate of ModuleManager now are private.
- Fix: @Size(max=x) fails with Save and Stay
- Fix: OpenXava 4.5.1 fails in WebSphere 6.1.

OpenXava 4.5.1 (2012-9-11)

- Focus order only include editors. Actions, links, tabs, etc. are excluded.
- SimpleHTMLReportAction extends SimpleTemplaterAction to be able to use
SimpleTemplater in mails.
- Documentation for @Tree improved.
- Fix: Focus is not set in the first load of detail only modules.
- Fix: Navigating among objects with references with inheritance produces system
- Fix: New in a model with a reference with inheritance does not reset the
reference view to the base model.
- Fix: Searching from a reference with inheritance does not always show all the
objects of the hierarchy.
- Fix: resetAfter=false for saving fails when inheritance is used in references.
- Fix: Tree editor cannot add child node without @GeneratedValue.
- Fix: SimplerTemplaterAction does not return booleans.
- Fix: SimpleTemplater does not work for empty collections.
- Fix: SimpleTemplater better detect in which cases not to insert <br/> instead of
new lines.
- Fix: Tree editor failed to look up properties in property-based entities.
- Fix: Base Style generates a tr with no td in sections, so it fails with IE.
- Fix: Bad layout for + and X icons in frame of images gallery.
- Fix: Liferay column resize not stored permanently.
- Fix: Fails on save the second object when id is inside a group.
- Fix: Labels qualified with entity name (MyEntity.myProperty in i18n file) are not
used in list mode.
- Fix: Tooltip not recognized when defined qualified in i18n file, that is using:
- Fix: Searching a reference with several @SearchKey does not work if some key
field has an event associated.
- Fix: Removing a column from the list after filtering produces "Errors trying to
obtain data list".
- Fix: Adding an element in a collection in split mode changes the main module list
by the collection list.
- Fix: Changing list row count in a page other than the first one shows the
incorrect page.
- Fix: Image for showing/hiding filter in list in collection is broken with 2
collections in a dialog.
- Fix: Popup calendar for dates fails in Chinese.
- Fix: Fails on Tomcat with unpackWARs="false".
- Fix: Duplicate div on load collections via AJAX.

OpenXava 4.5 (2012-7-18)

- Support for all strategies of JPA inheritance mapping.
- Data for list and collections is obtained via JPA, before JDBC was used.
- Automated Business Logic (ABL) library added.
- All new layout architecture (the code that paints the UI). It still in BETA but
can be activated with layout.painter in
- New TypicalNotResetOnSave controller available.
- AJAX performance improvement in collections: when selected elements change but
data remains the same, only the selection is refreshed.
- @OnSelectElementAction does not refresh its collection by default, it improves
dramatically performance in some cases.
- Improvements in Italian i18n files.
- New utility class XArrays.
- It's possible to define more easily styles with the file custom.css.
- Hibernate upgraded to 3.6.10.
- New property messagesOnTop in to show the messages in the top or
in the bottom of the user interface.
- New methods add/removeActionForProperty() in View for adding actions to a
property dynamically.
- New calculators: CurrentUserJobTitleCalculator, CurrentUserMiddleNameCalculator,
CurrentUserNickNameCalculator, CurrentUserBirthDateYearCalculator,
CurrentUserBirthDateMonthCalculator and CurrentUserBirthDateDayCalculator.
- New properties in UserInfo: jobTitle, middleName, nickName, birthDateYear,
birthDateMonth and birthDateDay.
- It's possible to define different parameters for each report in
- Fix: Link to CSS null when running inside portal.
- Fix: Fails in WebSphere 6.1.
- Fix: Message 'Delete record on row x...' shows the incorrect row number.
- Fix: Navigation with key value 0.
- Fix: Navigation with hidden key and view with nested sections.
- Fix: Default pdf and excel when the filter list needs the user name.
- Fix: on-select-element-action missed in component.dtd.
- Fix: Some methods of ModuleTestBase for checking, unchecking and asserting
checked rows fail with calculated collections.
- Fix: Adding the second detail in an embedded collection when creating the second
main object fails.

OpenXava 4.4.1 (2012-4-25)

- New method executeClicking() in ModuleTestBase.
- Fix: Locales for portlet resource files do not match those of portlet.xml
(javax.portlet.title error in liferay).
- Fix: Reports with format excel produce a file called report.pdf instead of
- Fix: Tab default values are applied to collections.
- Fix: If defined list formatter is used as formatter in detail mode too.
- Fix: Tries to load .svn files as JS.
- Fix: Calculated properties are not injected in the entity validators.
- Fix: CSRF attack error in Liferay.
- Fix: Keystrokes don't work until the first action is called.
- Fix: Method setFocus() of View does not work for dialogs.
- Fix: Report titles too long are now shown completely.
- Fix: Searching from detail does not execute XAVA_SEARCH_ACTION.
- Fix: Reference property with a @Formula fails in the tabs.
- Fix: collections with @Condition not work well in change schema.

OpenXava 4.4 (2012-3-22)

- Totals and row count are shown in collection frames when they are folded.
- Comparator 'range' added to list and collections filter.
- Java 7 support.
- Slide effect for hiding and showing frames.
- Frames fill all the width of the view.
- HtmlUnit upgraded to 2.9.
- jQuery UI upgraded to 1.8.12.
- jQuery upgraded to 1.5.2.
- Liferay 4.1 is no longer supported.
- New method setConditionValuesTo() in ModuleTestBase.
- Fix: Reseting filter values does not work completely when an enum or descriptions
list is present.
- Fix: Liferay51 style (the default one) pointed to a non-existent JavaScript file.
- Fix: List column resizing does not work with IE9.
- Fix: Moving and resizing dialogs do not work with IE9.
- Fix: Loading... AJAX waiting message is not visible when a dialog is shown.
- Fix: Moving and resizing a dialog affect the next open dialog size and position.
- Fix: Combo with a simple key (a) overlapped with a combo with a composed key (a,
b) and a simple property (b) fails: Field b is not saved.

OpenXava 4.3.1 (2012-1-12)

- Fix: Reference with @AsEmbedded read the referenced object if the id has some
event associated.
- Fix: Dialogs do not work on IE9.
- Fix: Object not found when the id is inside a section.
- Fix: Parent entity is not injected in EntityValidor if the reference name does
not match with the model name.
- Fix: Oracle 9 maximum open cursors exceeded.
- Fix: Exception on commit from a dialog disables the dialog and shows the error
message in a hidden layer.
- Fix: After modifying a collection calculated values that depend on a not saved
value are not correct.
- Fix: Loading in the View an embeddable with all the values null fails.
- Fix: setHidden() of View does not work for elements of subviews.
- Fix: Generating a PDF report from a collection inside a group fails.
- Fix: Custom ITreeViewReader is never selected.
- Fix: Redeploying in Liferay generates an ugly stacktrace about portlet title.
- Fix: i18n entry not recognized if it does not exist in the default language of
the server machine.
- Fix: Exception saving entity with embeddable with read only members.
- Fix: Popup for dates is not shown from dialogs.

OpenXava 4.3 (2011-12-14)

- Total properties in collections.
- HtmlText editor now uses an embedded rich text editor instead of using a popup
- New methods addWarning() and addInfo() in BaseAction to produce warning and info
- It's possible to generate several reports from the same action by means of
- New IMultipleForwardAction to do several forwards to several URIs from the same
- New SimpleHTMLReportAction to create reports from simple HTML templates.
- New SimpleTemplater class to process simple HTML templates.
- New getEntity() method in View class that returns the entity associated to the
- Groovy upgraded to 1.8.3.
- FCKEditor upgraded to CKEditor 3.6.2.
- When a constraint violation of JSR-303 has no property path its message is shown
as is to the user.
- New property summationInList in to enable or disable the custom
user summation in list and collections.
- OpenXava version info now is stored in a file.
- New methods assertPopupCount(), assertInfo(), assertWarning(), assertNoInfo(),
assertNoWarning(), assertInfosCount(), assertWarningsCount() in ModuleTestBase.
- New method toList() in Strings.
- Commons Lang jar added to WEB-INF/lib.
- Fix: Links in HtmlEditors disappear using Firefox 3.6.
- Fix: In pages with several modules javascript code for editors is executed
several times causing incorrect behavior.
- Fix: Customizing a collection in a module affects collections of the same element
in all modules.
- Fix: PDF reports fail with summation of qualified properties.
- Fix: Validators defined in validators.xml of a project does not overwrite the
built in ones.
- Fix: Closing prepared statements twice produces errors in JBoss.

OpenXava 4.2.3 (2011-9-20)

- Properties with WebURL editor or WEBURL stereotype are shown in list as links.
- Fix: Dialogs in Liferay 6 do not hide resizing gadgets of collections behind.
- Fix: Images gallery does not work from a reference.
- Fix: Encoding of the content of the generated hbm files does not match with the
declared encoding.
- Fix: On change actions and calculated properties fail in Chrome with BigDecimal
- Fix: Loading... AJAX message is not well displayed in IE6/IE7.
- Fix: Uploading files fails when using old URL notation for module.
- Fix: Reference members in @Tab does not show the correct value when referenced
entity and main entity map to the same table.
- Fix: On IE6 and IE7 columns headers are fixed when the horizontal scroll is
moved. The horizontal scroll for lists has been removed for IE6 and IE7.
- Fix: NullPointerException when a getter method is missing or bad written.
- Fix: Modifying an empty reference from a dialog closes the dialog and freezes the
- Fix: Simple package name for entities (without dots) produces an exception.
- Fix: Liferay 6 navigation bar changes its font size when there is an OpenXava
portlet in the page.
- Fix: @Editor with forViews is ignored when used inside a reference.
- Fix: PDF reports fail if hibernate.cfg.xml is not present.
- Fix: French i18n files contain single quote ', which prevent the {0} replacement
to be done.
- Fix: Argument type mismatch on saving element in nested collection with root
entity with composite key.

OpenXava 4.2.2 (2011-8-16)

- JetSpeed 2.2.1 supported.
- New PersistenceUnit controller and SetPersistenceUnitAction class to facilitate
multi-database applications.
- BaseAction no longer implements IChangeControllersAction, but still implements
the change controllers related methods.
- Date format improved for Catalan.
- Fix: Inheritance for views does not work with transient classes.
- Fix: Fixed URL for DTD of DWR files, it improves performance on Liferay
- Fix: List fails when the user customize the list and afterwards the programmer
removes properties from the entities.
- Fix: "en" language entries are not included in portlet.xml because they are
redundant with default entries.
- Fix: In a cascade remove collection when trying to create an element with a
embedded with a reference to an entity fails.
- Fix: Changing module from dialog does not close the dialog.
- Fix: Multi persistence unit applications do not work.
- Fix: regenerateGenerator ant task fails.
- Fix: portletLocales of xava.propeties has no effect on portlet.xml generation.
- Fix: Closing a two level dialog in a module with web-view shows the root view in
the dialog.
- Fix: After using setControllers(), removeActions() has no effect if executed in
the same action.
- Fix: Creating a new collection element when all element components are inside
groups fails.
- Fix: @OnChange actions are executed twice inside collection elements with groups.
- Fix: No focus placement inside collection elements in some cases.
- Fix: Using apostrophe in HtmlText editor cut the content from the apostrophe.

OpenXava 4.2.1 (2011-7-11)

- View.setLabelId() supports qualified member name as argument.
- Commons FileUpload upgraded to 1.2.2.
- Removed "images/" prefix of all action definitions in default-controllers.xml, it
was optional since v4.2.
- English and Spanish messages refined.
- New csvEncoding property available in to define the encoding of the
generated CSV.
- Fix: ClassCastException using a collection with cascade remove and a reference to
the same entity in the same entity.
- Fix: @Tab doesn't work with @AttributeOverride.
- Fix: More than two levels of nested entities as embedded fails.
- Fix: Loss of the selected rows when enter on the list to choose a reference.
- Fix: Performance problem on iPad using list with many columns, it was produced by
Flip effect, so Flip effect has been removed.
- Fix: Buttons in dialogs does not respond on iPad.
- Fix: Flip effect on close dialogs on iPad.
- Fix: IForwardAction does not forward when used on module initialization (on-init,
on-each-request or before-each-request).
- Fix: Impossible to add a child in Tree editor without treeOrder.
- Fix: JDBC connection leaks in some circumstances.
- Fix: References marked as @SearchKey are not modifiable when the keyEditable is
false in main view.
- Fix: Dialog disappears adding collection elements with no chosen rows.

OpenXava 4.2 (2011-6-17)

- iPad support: when an application is accessed from an iPad a style adapted to the
iPad is used.
- A new custom visual style can be defined writing only a CSS file.
- Top right red 'Loading...' AJAX indicator replaced by a stylized centered
'Loading...' box.
- The default mode controller is defined by the style, though defaultModeController
of still exists and has preference.
- Slide effect on list pagination (only for iPad).
- Flip effect on changing mode (only for iPad).
- Styles allow define more details about the UI behavior: isRowLinkable(),
isShowPageNumber(), isShowModuleDescription(), isChangingPageRowCountAllowed(),
isShowRowCountOnTop(), etc.
- Each style has its own imagesFolder, so each style can define its own icon for
actions, even for custom actions.
- A different style can be selected by each browser type.
- ValidationException now is a RuntimeException.
- System encoding recognition improved.
- Property labelAlign removed from, now alignment is defined by
- In action definition 'image' does not requires the folder name 'images/' as
- Fix: NullPointerException validating BigDecimal null values.
- Fix: Fails rendering list when the property ( 'resizeColumns=
- Fix: NullPointerException stacktrace (without failing) when starting portlets in
- Fix View.setLabelId() fails when used in subviews.
- Fix: NullPointerException: charsetName with Jetty.
- Fix: Fails displaying collection element when the collection has a group in its
- Fix: Fails the tab preferences when you have same model name in several
applications. Added application name as discriminator.

OpenXava 4.1.2 (2011-4-11)

- Added comparator 'not contains' to list and collections filter.
- New ManyToMany.edit action for updating elements from a many to many collection.
- New method reload() in ModuleTestBase for simulating clicking in browser reload
- New method createNotValidatingCollections() in MapFacade.
- The user only can choose 20 rows per page at most for list and collections, in
order to have a good performance.
- New 'reportParametersProviderClass' property in It allows that
you put your own code to generate the report parameters.
- Photos are shown in list and collections.
- jquery.qtip.js removed, this produces a 40% performance improvement in list
- UrlParameters controller accepts language_COUNTRY as argument for locale.
- Clear message in log when incorrect migration to OX4 from old versions.
- Fix: Downloading file fails after uploading file.
- Fix: Reloading the page after navigating to a module locks the module.
- Fix: Bad behavior when ESC is pressed from a dialog with Firefox (now ESC is not
allowed in Firefox).
- Fix: radioButtonEditor does not throw change event.
- Fix: @Size(min=) in collections is not recognized.
- Fix: showDialog() fails when used in a module with web-view.
- Fix: Composite structure using collections with cascade remove does not work.
- Fix: @Required in the reference to the container class prevents saving collection
- Fix: Since the user changes the size of a column in a list or collection, the
changes in @Tab(properties=) are ignored.
- Fix: Processing box for takes-long actions is shown back when called from a
- Fix: Removing a collection element from detail dialog does not ask for
- Fix: Shorting columns if the value contains '-' produces two lines in calculated

OpenXava 4.1.1 (2011-2-28)

- CRITICAL FIX: List and collections are not shown inside dialogs.
- Support for @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn and @PrimaryKeyJoinColumns JPA annotations in
@OneToOne relationships.
- Fix: Failed properties not marked in UI when using Bean Validation (JSR-303).
- Fix: @Max from JSR-303 does not limit the characters that user can type in the

OpenXava 4.1 (2011-2-15)

- Bean Validation JSR-303 support.
- The user can add and remove summation for any numeric persistent property in list
and collections.
- The user can sort by several columns in list and collections.
- Standard PDF reports show column summations.
- Summation available for list and collections adding a + to property names.
- Automatic horizontal scrollbar for list and collections for not enlarging the UI.
- Hibernate upgraded to 3.6.1.
- When the model is transient the default controller-mode for the module is
- New methods toSet() and toSetNullByPass() in Strings to convert string lists in
- Added assertTotalInList() and assertTotalInCollection() in ModuleTestBase.
- Removed the unused library: jboss-archive-browsing.jar.
- Fix: Export to EXCEl in list mode does not work fine with Russian data.

OpenXava 4.0.1 (2011-1-11)

- New callback methods that allow to use JPA inside them: @PreCreate, @PostCreate
and @PreDelete.
- Groovy can be use for calculators and validators of XML components.
- New getMethodsAnnotatedWith() method in Classes utility class.
- Boolean and bool has no default converter.
- In conditions if you put a model name inside ${ } it is changed by table name.
- Added setConditionValues(List ) and setConditionComparators(List ) in
ModuleTestBase to be used with Groovy.
- New after-each-request option for <action/> in controllers.xml.
- IForwardAction allows to forward to javascript code, using javascript: as prefix.
- New listeners.xml in WEB-INF for defining listeners.
- Fix: Tomcat start/stop script leaves directory in windows.
- Fix: @AsEmbedded delete action only works when container reference name matches
container model name.
- Fix: @AsEmbedded does not hide reference to parent.
- Fix: getView() from a CreateNewElementInCollectionAction does not return the main
- Fix: Reference actions not shown with a @ReadOnly @SearchKey.
- Fix: Entity validator fails when a property name of the entity matches container
entity name.
- Fix: Validators run more than once.
- Fix: Descriptions list of a reference with multiple key with some values with
- Fix: Filtering by boolean in list when column is boolean fails with some
- Fix: Fails on save list/collection preferences when the tab or collection name is
too long.
- Fix: Descriptions list of a reference with nested composite keys fails on save.
- Fix: "List.filter" action present in bottom in detail only modules with before-
each-request actions.
- Fix: @DescriptionsList notForTabs, it does not work with 'DEFAULT'.
- Fix: Character & not supported in condition of descriptions list.
- Fix: <xava:editor> doesn't work in a custom view when it is not the main module
- Fix: Converter was not applied to descriptions list parameters.
- Fix: Depends condition for Enum from a descriptions list is not working.
- Fix: TreeView editor does not work in Liferay 6.

OpenXava 4.0 (2010-11-22)

Main new features over 3.1.4 for developers:
- Groovy support.
- JPA 2.0 support.
- Support for JSR-330, the Java standard for dependency injection.
- Dropped support for EntityBeans CMP2.
- Dropped support for Java 1.4. From now on OX requires Java 5 or better.
Main new features over 3.1.4 for the users:
- New mode 'split' (labeled as "Both") in addition to already existing 'detail' and
'List' modes.
- The user can minimize and restore any frame, storing the frame status by user.
- Delete action for collections and list is shown in each row.
- More intuitive 'search' action. Now it uses a dialog to ask for the search data.
- The user can resize the column widths for list and collections using the mouse,
and the values are persisted by user.
- Tooltip for cells in list and collections.
- References as combos to filter in list mode.
- Clicking on any part of the row, for list or collection, goes to the detail.
- Popup dialogs supported.
- Collections use dialogs to edit, add and remove elements.
- A dialog is used for searching, creating or modifying a reference.
- New checkbox in list to select and deselect all rows at once.
- The user can change the row count of list and collections, and the setting is
stored by user.
- Improved look & feel of page navigation for list and collections.
- Visual style of button bar improved.
For the full list of new features see below the notes for the versions from 4m1 to

OpenXava 4m6 (2010-11-10)

- Groovy support.
- Liferay 6 supported, including look & feel integration.
- JPA 2.0 support: Hibernate upgraded to 3.6.0.
- Friendly URL for modules, like this: /MyApplication/modules/MyModule.
- Visual style of button bar improved, including showing the label for each action.
- More intuitive icons for navigation.
- Labels are aligned by default to right. For aligning to left use labelAlign=LEFT
- Default action is shown as first button in bottom button bar, even if it is
already in top button bar.
- New editor DocumentLibrary (and stereotype DOCUMENT_LIBRARY) to have a group of
documents stored in Liferay Document Library.
- New mapped superclass Identifiable with a UUID id, to use as base class for
- Default size for columns optimized in list and collections.
- Russian documentation improved.
- It's no longer required to put the entities in a package named 'model' or
'modelo'. Any package name is valid for entities.
- Minor changes to TreeView to optimize performance.
- @OneToMany(orphanRemoval=true) supported: if an element is removed from a
collection the element is deleted from database.
- New showLabelsForToolBarActions property in
- New possible value "almost-never" for by-default attribute of <action/> inside
- New 'ignoreAccentsForStringArgumentsInConditions' in It finds
records whether you're looking for 'camión' or 'camion',...
- New setModuleDescription() method in ModuleManager that changes the portlet
- Emails: Sending attachments added.
- Help icon obtained from container portal.
- New saveAndStayForCollections property in to choose if the button
for save & stay will be in collection element dialog.
- New setConditionValue() method in Tab for setting the value for the list
condition programmatically.
- Removed the Hibernate dependent code from AnnotatedClassParser, so now it's
possible to use other JPA providers.
- Methods getProperty() of ModuleTestBase renamed to getXavaJUnitProperty().
- Clear stacktrace when data source does not work. No more 'Module x is not
- Fix: Tests fail to do login against Liferay 6.
- Fix: Users.getCurrent() returns an incorrect user sometimes.
- Fix: i18n files are not correctly copied when creating a portlet war.
- Fix: Choosing reference fails when reference name matches id name of referenced
- Fix: @Tab fails with multi-level @Embedded.
- Fix: Updating embedded collection element a 'Member not found' exception is
- Fix: Bad layout for header fields when frames.
- Fix: NullPointerException by EditorTag hides the real source of error in some
- Fix: Incorrect default action (broken in 4m5).
- Fix: Help doesn't work for external URL.
- Fix: Division by 0 generating PDF reports where all columns are little.
- Fix: 'Parse may not be called while parsing' error when several users start at
once after deploying.

OpenXava 4m5 (2010-7-28)

- New mode 'split' (labeled as "Both") in addition to already existing 'detail' and
'List' modes.
- The user can change the row count of list and collections, and the setting is
stored by user.
- Improved look & feel of page navigation for list and collections.
- New Collection.saveAndStay action that allows to save a collection element
without closing the dialog.
- Default module help text in English, Spanish and Russian.
- New defaultModeController property in to define the default initial
- Russian translation of Reference Guide and other documentation improved.
- Help module: new 'helpPrefix', 'helpSuffix' and 'helpInNewWindow' properties in By default it uses ''.
- New getParentView() method in CollectionElementViewBaseAction.
- Column resizing and customizing list can be disabled.
- New mode 'NONE' for actions in controllers.xml to be displayed only in each row.
- The pageRowCount property of Tab is persistent, storing its value by user.
- Row action is always shows in collections, even when the properties of collection
list and detail view match.
- Actions from mode-controller with on-init=true are executed on module
- HibernatePersistence declared explicitly as provider for JPA.
- Hidden properties are not available to add by the user in list and collections.
- Upgrade Jasperreports to 3.5.3
- New SetEditableAction action class.
- New cssClass and cssStyle attributes available for <xava:image /> taglib.
- The List and Navigation controllers are no longer added automatically.
- Style for checked rows is also applied in the list for adding new columns.
- ModuleManager, ModuleContext, IValidator and IPropertyValidator now are
- View editable and keyEditable properties are false at module initialization.
- Delete action in each row: it display message with the row number.
- The setConditionValues and setConditionComparators methods of ModuleTestBase use
- Fix: SaveElementInCollectionAction changes the view if not super.execute() is
- Fix: Dependent properties in a collection element does not react to events when
they are hidden and shown.
- Fix: @NoCreate and @NoModify annotations doesn't work for collections.
- Fix: When a view is not editable its collections have edit action for rows and
save action in element view.
- Fix: Arrays are not displayed nicely in list and collections.
- Fix: Row actions in several lines when the list shows many properties.
- Fix: Detail collection actions (like @RemoveAction) with empty action name fails.
- Fix: Bug on dialogs when opening another dialog such as reference search.
- Fix: @Column scale attribute ignored.
- Fix: Jasper report actions does not show correct data after changing schema.
- Fix: Several nested tooltip for cells when executing several times actions over a
- Fix: JavaScript memory leak (so performance degradation) when working some time
with a collection/list.
- Fix: Checkbox 'select/deselect all' not display in choose list (rows with radio
- Fix: When you shorten columns if the value contain '-' it produces two lines.

OpenXava 4m4 (2010-5-25)

- The user can minimize and restore any frame, storing the frame status by user.
- Delete action for collections and list is shown in each row.
- New in-each-row attribute in <action/> to show actions for list mode or
collection in each row.
- @Tree annotation and TreeView editor for displaying collections using a tree.
- More intuitive 'search' action. Now it uses a dialog to ask for the search data.
- It is possible to define default values for tabs (tabular data) at global level
with the new tabs-default-values.xml.
- Frames are right and left justified.
- New ManyToMany controller for creating new elements from a many to many
- New 'refresh' action in CRUD controller. Behaves as the old 'search'.
- The default action for CRUD controller now is 'save'. Before it was 'search'.
- New @SearchListCondition annotation to specify a condition for the search list
used in a references or collections.
- New defaultLabelFormat property in to indicate the default when
@LabelFormat would be omitted.
- New styles in openxava.css to use in @LabelStyle: 'bold-label', 'italic-label'
and 'reverse-label'.
- New 'defaultLabelStyle' property in to indicate the default when
@LabelStyle would be omitted.
- New @LabelStyle annotation to specify a style for the label.
- Add 'forTabs' and 'notForTabs' in @DescriptionsList.
- The addListAction and removeListAction methods of View preserve the original
order of the actions.
- Little adjustment for space between columns in automatic PDF reports.
- New SetSchemaAction, SetLocaleAction and SetUserAction action to modify session
data from url parameters.
- Fix: Mode List: @DescriptionsList does not apply 'condition', and if it has
'depends' it shows plane property.
- Fix: Adding and removing actions to a collection is not refreshed instantly.
- Fix: After customizing the list all the row are shown, even if they have been
hidden using 'Hide them' link.
- Fix: JavaScript calendar does not throw onchange event when clicking on 'Today'.
- Fix: On change events are not thrown with numeric fields in IE.
- Fix: Dialog does not hide combo boxes from back view in IE6.
- Fix: @Depends not working properly in Safari with numeric values.
- Fix: Poor performance when editing a collection element in a large collection.
- Fix: @SearchKey in a not editable view does not hide their associate actions.
- Fix: References as combos to filter in list mode: qualify the columns when it
create the condition.
- Fix: References as combos to filter in list mode: using XML components.
- Fix: Mode List: descriptionsList does not apply conditionBase with filter.
- Fix: Filter in list mode with calculated property and descriptionsList;
descriptionsList and enumLetterType property.
- Fix: Filter by number zero in list mode.

OpenXava 4m3 (2010-3-25)

- The user can resize the column widths for list and collections using the mouse,
and the values are persisted by user.
- Tooltip for cells in list and collections.
- References as combos to filter in list mode.
- Clicking on any part of the row, for list or collection, goes to the detail.
- Polimorphic view resolution for collection elements.
- Removed MemoFormatter for list mode. The new tooltip and resizing columns are
better options.
- Russian translation of documentation improved.
- The dot key can be used as decimal separator in any locale. It is converted
automatically to the local decimal separator.
- ValidationException and RuntimeException in @Prepersist are propagated to the
- Original RuntimeExceptions from MapFacade.setValues() are propagated to the
- Any JavaScript file in xava/editors/js is loaded automatically. This folder is
for JS of custom editors.
- The JavaScript function openxava.addEditorInitFunction to add code to be executed
for initialized JS of custom editors.
- The creation of default modules is optional. Added property
'generateDefaultModules' in
- Clear error message when module reentrance is produced.
- Attribute id included in Html for all the built-in editors, to facilitate
JavaScript manipulation.
- custom-editors.js is only included if exists. Moreover the usage of this file has
been deprecated.
- Classes.getSimpleName() method dropped. Use getSimpleName() of Class instead.
- Style 'highlight' from openxava.css renamed to 'row-highlight'.
- MapFacade.getValues() adds a __MODEL_NAME__ entry with the model name of the
found object.
- Removed history.txt file.
- commons-beanutils.jar (already included in OX) is exported from the Eclipse
OpenXava project.
- Fix: New JS files are not recognized after updating OX version because of browser
- Fix: Calendar popup is not shown from dialogs.
- Fix: Fields annotated with @SearchKey are not editable when editing an existing
- Fix: Alphabetic characters can be entered in numeric fields.
- Fix: Excel exporting does not work fine when semicolons in the text.
- Fix: Chinese translation of popup calendar was not correctly encoded.
- Fix: Collection of generic (Collection<T>) fails.
- Fix: MappedSuperClass in different package than child classes fails.
- Fix: Filtering by year or month in list mode fails with Oracle and latest
PostgreSQL versions.
- Fix: Trying to modify an empty reference shows an error but must not show a
- Fix: 'forwardUri' in a 'nextModule' fails inside a portal.

OpenXava 4m2 (2010-1-26)

- Collections use dialogs to edit, add and remove elements.
- Support for JSR-330, the Java standard for dependency injection. Now it's
possible to use @Inject and @Named in action fields instead of <use-object /> in
- Show messages/errors animated.
- New methods in BaseAction to change dynamically actions: setControllers(),
returnToPreviousControllers(), setDefaultControllers(), addActions(),
removeActions() and clearActions().
- New methods in ViewBaseAction to manage dialogs: showDialog() and closeDialog().
- Improved performance with large tables in list mode.
- It's possible to specify the style to use inside portals by means of new
properties in
- Edit action by default for collections other than @AsEmbeddable,
CascadeType.REMOVE or CascadeType.ALL allows only viewing the element.
- Now the action Return.return does not close the dialog.
- TabBaseAction now extends ViewBaseAction so getView() and methods about dialogs
and view navigation are available from it.
- show-dialog and hide-dialog has been dropped from <action/>, this produces a
- DWR engine.js is cached to improve performance.
- No error occurs, but only a warning, when <use-object /> (from controllers.xml)
tries to inject in an non-existing property. This feature improves backward
- New getFieldsAnnotatedWith() method in Classes utility class.
- Fix: Hibernate log is not shown when retrieving the entity metadata.
- Fix: Degradation of performance when the user is working in the same page during
some time.
- Fix: Focus cannot be controlled when using OnChange actions. The next field is
focused after the action.
- Fix: JavaScript error (not noticeable by the user) ox_...__xava_focus_property is
not defined.
- Fix: Labels in collection with no 'cascade=CascadeType.REMOVE'
- Fix: Documentation portlets with no language specified cannot be installed in
WebSphere Portal. Now a default value for languages (from portletLocales in is assumed.
- Fix: Paging in collections forgets selected rows.
- Fix: Problems with checkbox 'select/deselect all' with several collections and
- Fix: Timing problems in junit test combining on-change properties and actions.
- Fix: In @OnChange for descriptions list references when the value is zero it's
converted to null.
- Fix: Automatic label generation (Strings.javaIdentifierToNaturalLabel() method)
does not work fine with acronyms.
- Fix: JavaScript calendar does not work when several portlets in the same page.
- Fix: In some combination of nested sections the section is duplicated on changing
- Fix: Problems with charset encoding on accepting data from browser.

OpenXava 4m1 (2009-11-24)

- Popup dialogs supported by means of show-dialog and hide-dialog attribute for
<action /> in controllers.xml.
- A dialog is used for searching, creating or modifying a reference.
- Image editor and Image gallery editor use a dialog to upload the files.
- New checkbox in list to select and deselect all rows at once.
- Reference guide in Russian improved.
- Dropped support for EntityBeans CMP2.
- Dropped support for Java 1.4. From now on OX requires Java 5 or better.
- Dialog for uploading file in image editor has a cancel button.
- When generating a PDF report or CSV export from list, if there are checked rows,
only them are shown in the report.
- WebURL editor, used by WEBURL steroetype, has a link to go to the URL.
- New methods in BaseAction: getManager(), getRequest() and getContext().
- New property 'title' for View class. This title will be shown in the frame when
the view would be displayed in a dialog.
- New getNewMode() and setNewMode() methods in BaseAction to change the module mode
- Fordward to pages outside the application is possible by means of IForwardAction.
- SaveElementInCollectionAction has a method getValuesToSave() to refine the data
to save.
- New methods in ViewBaseAction to work with view navigation: showNewView(),
returnToPreviousView() and getPreviousView().
- JasperReportBaseAction now extends from ViewBaseAction.
- New assertDialog(), assertNoDialog(), assertDialogTitle() and closeDialog()
methods in ModuleTestBase.
- XSystem.isJava5OrBetter() method removed.
- JavaScript code (openxava.js) now uses jQuery.
- Added jQuery UI library.
- EntityResolver for XML parser that allows you to remove the WEB-INF/classes/dtds
in your application at deploying time.
- Tomcat included in distribution upgrade to Tomcat 6.0.20.
- Upgrade to HtmlUnit 2.5.
- A trim is applied to all labels of OpenXava elements: This fix some ugly layout
in IE7.
- New EnumStringType hibernate type to convert from arbitrary strings in DB to enum
values in JPA.
- OpenXavaTest refactored: Source folders reorganized, XavaSuite class removed, ant
task renamed, etc.
- Fix: Generating PDF reports and exporting to CSV fail when multischema is used.
- Fix: Generating PDF reports and exporting to CSV fail in collections inside
nested sections.
- Fix: View navigation malfunction after choosing a reference when searching with a
- Fix: Calculated collections inside a transient (not entity) class does not work.
- Fix: Character + in string fields was erased.
- Fix: Ugly formatting of action error messages with additional information.
- Fix: MetaElement.getDescription() and MetaElement.getLabel() used local machine
locale. Now it uses client locale.
- Fix: ModuleManager.reset does not work with descriptionsList at default schema
OpenXava 3.1.4 (2009-8-27)
- @Formula annotation from Hibernate supported for detail and list mode.
- Labels and messages translated to Serbian.
- Labels and messages translated to Swedish.
- Added 'list-formatter' to <formatter /> in editors.xml.
- New servlets.xml and filters.xml can be used in web/WEB-INF to add custom
servlets and filters.
- Support for Liferay 5.2.3 with Tomcat 6.
- When the user reset the filters in list, the comparators (the combos) are reset
- On adding first collection element the container entity is refreshed in UI after
- New attribute formula for property-mapping in XML components to specify a
property calcuted by SQL.
- DateFormatter and javascript calendar adapted to work in Swedish.
- New MemoFormatter applied by default to MEMO stereotype.
- Attribute column in property-mapping of XML components now is optional. Property
name is assumed.
- Added assertCollectionNotEmpty() method to ModuleTestBase.
- Improved message when datasource is not defined in persistence.xml
- Added reset() method in ModuleManager to reinitalize the running module.
- Added getAll() method in ModuleContext to obtain all objects with the same name.
- Upgrade to commons-logging 1.1.1.
- Parameters in module URL can be obtained with request.getParameter() from any
part of the application, even inside a portal.
- If adding alements to a collection validation exceptions are produced , the
validation messages are show to the user.
- Property isI18nWarnings from now is false by default, so i18n
warnings are no shown by default.
- Better management of exceptions from editors: The trace has the root cause and
the module is not broken, only the failed editor is not shown.
- Removed getChosenKeyMap() method from ChooseReferenceAction. This method was not
- Fix: Messages objects are not serializable betweend different JVM. Added
- Fix: IChangeModuleAction does not work when called from a IChainAction.
- Fix: Error on delete entity with inheritance and composite key.
- Fix: Projects with - in the name do not work.
- Fix: Double click execute the action twice, adding duplicate records to database
in some cases.
- Fix: AccessTracking does not work in Sybase.
- Fix: StackOverflowError with recursive referenced annotated with @OnChange.
- Fix: Formatting boolean in list mode fails when boolean type column is used.
- Fix: Calculated properties fails on adding first collection element in some
- Fix: View.refresh() method closed detail element view of collections.
- Fix: Changing the name of a searching reference tab makes the main module tab
- Fix: After loading an image (LoadImageAction) subsequent calls to CancelAction do
not return to previous view.
- Fix: Nested collections with composite key with references fail.
- Fix: Actions with confirm=true do not ask for confirmation when keystrokes is
- Fix: Users.getCurrentUserInfo() returns null after using MapFacade.
- Fix: The default action (when user press ENTER) does not work with AJAX.
- Fix: ModuleTestBase.executeDefaultAction() does not refresh page after execution.
- Fix: JavaScript error when using groups aligned by columns in Liferay with
- Fix: Date formatting fails with Chinese locale.
- Fix: Adding only sections with extendsView of @View produces an
- Fix: Using extendsView of @View without members adds all member of current entity
to the extended view.
- Fix: View.setHidden(group, true) doesn't work fired from OnChange in some cases.
- Fix: When a row is selected by code, if the user unselected it the selected style
- Fix: Switching subview dynamically (with setViewName) does not work.
- Fix: Fails to compile on Eclipse Galileo (JUNIT_HOME is missing).
- Fix: Adding elements to a ManyToMany collection when the parent object is new
- Fix: @DisplaySize does not work in custom view with <xava:editor> for reference
- Fix: Row selection in collection are not cleared when main object changed.
- Fix: Reference (@ManyToOne) to an element of a collection with cascade ALL or
REMOVE fails when used in a list.
- Fix: It's not possible to write in a full numeric field though the content is
- Fix: textAreaEditor (really any editor with frame=true) cannot be displayed side
by side.
- Fix: Uploading files fails with before-each-request and on-each-request actions.
- Fix: @EmbeddedId with int/long and NUMERIC in DB fails.

OpenXava 3.1.3 (2009-6-16)

- @Editor can be applied to collections. Also available for XML version with
<collection-view editor=/>.
- @Editor can be applied to references. Also available for XML version with
<reference-view editor=/>.
- In editors.xml it's possible to associate an editor by default for all
collections or for collections to certain models.
- In editors.xml it's possible to associate an editor by default for all references
or for references to certain models.
- The selected row in list and collection is highlight.
- OnSelectElementAction uses takesLong and confirmMessage.
- The default label is natural, e.g. the label for lastInvoiceNumber now is "Last
invoice label".
- The default parse for int, short and long (MetaProperty.parse) returns null for
null or empty string (before it returned 0).
- It's possible to layout several collections on the same line.
- OnSelectElementAction added to calculated collection.
- Removed unused TTFs (fonts for PDF generation).
- Fix: Editors with alwaysEnabled=true do not refresh via AJAX in some cases.
- Fix: Is.empty fails with a BigDecimal less than one and not zero.
- Fix: XCollections.last fail when collection is empty or null.
- Fix: viewObject property is missing for OnSelectElementBaseAction
- Fix: highlight select element whit OnSelectElementAction
- Fix: Collections with cascade REMOVE whose getter returns null fails in some
- Fix: mappedBy in @ManyToOne only allowed a reference named equal as the container
- Fix: @GeneratedValue in a not @Hidden key throws a NullPointerException.
- Fix: Editors with multiple html elements with the same name fail (broken in
- Fix: IForwardAction at the same time that IChainAction (not refreshed the
OpenXava 3.1.2 (2009-4-22)
- View inheritance: A view can extends from another. Available for JPA POJOs and
XML components.
- New @OnSelectElementAction annotation to define an action to be executed when an
element of the collection is selected or unselected.
- Russian translation of the reference guide and other documentation.
- New format 'odt' (Open Document) available for JasperReportBaseAction.
- The UI for adding columns to list or collections now uses paging.
- Descriptive icons for properties are show next to the label when LabelFormat is
- New 'remove' link in Image editor, so also in PHOTO and IMAGE stereotypes.
- New attribute always-reload for editor in editors.xml.
- New method assertNoLabel() in ModuleTestBase.
- ModuleTestBase.assertExists() works with collections too.
- New defaultPersistenceUnit property in to choose the JPA
persistence unit to use by default.
- New properties pageRowCount and addColumnsPageRowCount to customize rows per page
for list and "add columns".
- Clear message if you have not the ejb.jar in lib or common/lib of Tomcat.
- Clear warning message when using @ReferenceView erroneously.
- openxava.tld moved to openxava.jar (as taglib.tld).
- Added activation.jar in order to facilitate the use of JavaMail.
- Upgrade to JasperReport 3.1.4.
- Fix: Nested sections with only sections are duplicated on change section in some
very rare cases.
- Fix: When changing controllers from an @OnChange action the button bar is not
- Fix: fails to enter a second time for a change of third-level module
- Fix: To generate portlets when 'configuration' property is not in build.xml fails
with XML style applications.
- Fix: PDF generation does not work with Russian language.
- Fix: Some rare NullPointerException on generating PDF the first time with filters
- Fix: StackOverflowError on circular references.
- Fix: Some gramatical corrections in error messages.
- Fix: Messages are not showed after executing an IForwardAction.
- Fix: Order columns fails in some databases when changing schema with XPersistence
or XHibernate.

OpenXava 3.1.1 (2009-2-23)

- Several modules in the same portal page are supported.
- WebSphere Portal 6.1 style support.
- Refine style for WebSphere Portal 6.0.
- Full tested with WebSphere 6.1.
- @PropertyValue in @PropertyValidator with not 'value' throws error (because it's
not supported).
- Default editors and default size for short, java.lang.Short, double,
java.lang.Double, float and java.lang.Float.
- Removed method ModuleManager.getForm().
- Fix: Upload files in a module called from an IChangeModuleAction does not work.
- Fix: Module navigation (IChangeModuleAction) with more than 2 deep levels does
not returns well.
- Fix: Warning NotSerializableException with Tab removed.
- Fix: List for adding columns to list or collections did not use list look & feel.
- Fix: Creating from a reference an entity with collection fails.
- Fix: OneToMany Fails without AutoGenerated ID trying to insert a parent and child
record at the same time with visible ID in the detail entity.
- Fix: FinderException, CreateException, ValidationException and RemoveException
did rollback transaction, and they ought not to rollback.
- Fix: Modify a reference to an entity that uses UUID as hidden key fails when
UpperCaseFormatter is used for strings.
- Fix: Selfreference collection with CascadeType.ALL or REMOVE fails.

OpenXava 3.1 (2008-12-16)

- Full AJAX support.
- Style for standalone module (outside portal) is configurable: Liferay 5.1 (now
the default), Liferay4.3 and the OX Classic are available (change it using
styleClass and styleCSS in properties/
- Chinese documentation advanced.
- Now template projects do not ask by datasource name on create a new project.
- Upgrade to Hibernate 3.3.1, Hibernate Annotations 3.4.0, Hibernate EntityManager
3.4.0 and Hibernate Validator 3.1.0.
- The of template projects contains all available properties.
- Property formLineSpacing removed from It's better to change CSS
files for this.
- The produced pages are XHTML 1.0 instead of HTML 4.0 (only outside portal).
- Upgrade to Servlets 2.4 API; so now requires a Servlet 2.4 container for run
(Tomcat 5.x, WebSphere 6.x, etc).
- ModuleTestBase does not allow to modify a disabled or readonly html element.
- Support for UTF-8 for web request and response. Now the encoding for
request/response is gotten from file.encoding system property.
- New file custom-editors.js can be used on web/xava/js for defining the javascript
for custom editors.
- New editor for Timestamp and DATETIME with only one field for date and time. The
old one still is available using @Editor("DateTimeSeparatedCalendar") or changing
- Removed old and unused stuff for language: xava_language session object,
Languages controller, Language class and languages.jsp.
- New methods for obtaing labels for MetaProperty and Labels that do not required
request or locale object as argument.
- Library aspectrt.jar removed from WEB-INF/lib.
- Money editor shows the currency symbol depending on the server locale.
- Button for popup calendar has a new image.
- Is.equal admits to compare objects of not compatible types, just it returns false
in this case.
- Custom reports, those derived from JasperReportBaseAction, now are filled inside
JPA/Hibernate transaction, for avoiding lazy initialization problems.
- New method getChosenKeyMap() in ChooseReferenceAction.
- New method getMembers() in Messages.
- New methods refresh() and refreshCollections() in View.
- New property 'portletLocales' in that indicates the locales to
use for generating i18n files for portlets.
- Is.equal can compare integers with enums, using the enum ordinal; and Shorts,
Integers and Long among themselves.
- Added default sizes (in default-size.xml) for java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Long,
float, java.lang.Float, double and java.lang.Double.
- New format 'rtf' available for JasperReportBaseAction.
- New method remove() in ModuleContext for removing a session object.
- New property 'browser' for to indicate the browser type to
be used for testing.
- New InputStreams utility class.
- HtmlUnit updated to 2.2.
- Fix: Validation error in some build.xml because default attribute was missing.
- Fix: Code generation with some version of Sun JDK fails with when Spanish
language is used.
- Fix: JavaScript calendar in catalan inside Liferay does not show special
character. calendar-ca.js has been adapted to UTF-8.
- Fix: fckEditor.jsp indide portal throws JSP file "/xava/editors/../imports.jsp"
not found.
- Fix over 3.0.3: @RowStyle does not work on Liferay 5.1.
- Fix: In ModuleTestBase tests after a popup windows with a non-html page is shown
(as a pdf) the test does not behaves well.
- Fix: From time to time when reference objects are created or modified a
NullPointerException is thrown returning to the main view.
- Fix: JavaScript error in IE6 and IE7 trying to put the focus in a hidden input.
- Fix: FCKEditor not modifying text for FF3.
- Fix: Error image for properties is not only shown for the failing property, but
for all with the same name in view.
- Fix: Modifying the container object from a callback method of a collection
element fails.
- Fix: Searching in a reference uses 'like' as condition when id is hidden and
another property is used for searching, so sometimes the search is not exact.
- Fix: On generating reports (and other cases) the latest action is reexecuted.

OpenXava 3.0.3 (2008-8-14)

- Full support for Liferay 5.0 and 5.1.
- Visual style integration for Liferay 5.1.
- Labels and messages translated to Chinese.
- French translation of labels and messages by a native French speaker.
- French translation of the reference guide and other documentation.
- Chinese translation of the reference guide and other documentation.
- HttpUnit replaced by HtmlUnit for implementing ModuleTestBase.
- Qualified properties are allowed for 'condition' and 'orderBy' of
@DescriptionsList even it they are not in 'descriptionProperties'.
- New property 'format' for JasperReportBaseAction. It can be 'pdf' or 'excel'.
- JSP link tag has a new attribute 'cssStyle'.
- Date formatter for Spanish and Polish admit 2 or 4 digits for years, and it
throws parse error on incorrect dates.
- New methods assertRowCollectionChecked() and assertRowCollectionUnchecked() in
- New utility class Classes for helping in class introspection.
- Label editors show the description instead of id when the type is enum or valid-
- Some HTML cleanup: All scripts inside HTML, no duplicate ids, focus_property_id
hidden input removed.
- commons-logging.jar is included in WEB-INF/lib.
- Fix: FCKEditor, used for htmlEditor, is always in Spanish.
- Fix: MetaElement class does not compile in some charsets.
- Fix: Portlets do not work on Liferay 5.0.x.
- Fix: getJRXML() of JasperReportBase does not recognize windows style path as
absolute paths.
- Fix: IPropertyAction fails when applied to a not qualified property.
- Fix: Checkboxes remain checked after deletion in collections.
- Fix: StackOverflowError parsing entities with cyclic references.
- Fix: Calling updateSchema just before create a new project fails.
- Fix: A on-change action triggered from the execution of a normal action closes
the transaction.
- Fix: Added elements to an inherited collection fails.
- Fix: updateSchema ant target of MiEscuela demo project fails.
- Fix: Incorrect default size for editors when using @Column without length.
- Fix: On module navigation with IChangeModuleAction on-each-request and before-
each-request actions of initial module were executed in target module too.
- Fix: Hiding a predefined collection action for detail (as DeleteAction) duplicate
the previous action in UI.

OpenXava 3.0.2 (2008-6-4)

- Labels and messages translated to Italian.
- liferay-display.xml file is generated: OX applications inside Liferay is not on
'Undefined' category but on a category for each application.
- To hide/show the filter for a list or collection is remember by each user.
- Gallery images table can work on a database without schema.
- Java Preferences used for storing user preferences. OpenXavaDS and openxava-db
are no longer needed.
- New method getCurrentPreferences() added to Users class.
- Actions on-each-request and before-each-request are executed only in the
specified mode of the action (list or detail).
- DateUtilSQLConverter (the default converter used for dates) admits any object
compatible with java.util.Date from DB.
- Classic XML Components guide moved to wiki.
- The message for "object not found" contains the used key values.
- @SearhKey can be applied to references.
- I18n entries for tab properties can be applied to all entities at once using
- New method toStringArray() added to XCollections utility class.
- PropertyAspect removed from OpenXava.
- Fix: Broken links in Reference Guide.
- Fix: Projects generated by OpenXavaTemplate or OpenXavaPlantilla do not work in
embedded tomcat of Eclipse WTP 1.5 at first attemp.
- Fix: Ant target 'compile' of OpenXava/build.xml does not work with OX3 style
- Fix: Compilation errors with Java 6.
- Fix: Groups in one row aren't displayed correctly everytime with Firefox.
- Fix: Incorrect charset on PDF report generation with WebSphere Portal 6.0 inside
- Fix: When there are rows selected in list mode and the user choose directly a not
selected row it fails.
- It's possible to scape message for avoiding translation putting them between
simple quotes.
- Fix: Searching a reference typing the key does not throw on change actions if the
key displayed is not the internal id of the object.
- Fix: Hiding programmatically all the elements of a section fails.
- Fix: When the user changes the key of a reference and then click the link for
searching the reference using a list it does not go to the list.
- Fix: Excessive log warning about editors.
- Fix: Searching a reference with @SearchKey using the list fails.
- Fix: Stereotype PHOTO/IMAGE fails in collections.
- Fix: Incorrect focus position when two search references inside a reference.
- Fix: updateOX ant task was not coping xml components dtds for classic projects.
- Fix: Selected elements of a collection inside of a not showed section are not
correctly cleared.

OpenXava 3.0.1 (2008-4-16)

- Hibernate Validator full support. Messages thrown by Hibernate Validator are
shown to the user as validation messages.
- @Required, @PropertyValidator and @EntityValidator redefined as Hibernate
Validator constraints.
- Max size of textAreaEditor uses Javascript for control max size (even with Ctrl-
- Action 'new' of CRUD put the view to the initial section.
- Ant creation wizard on template projects asks for the project name. Now it's not
needed edit the ant build files.
- Fix: On Liferay 4.3 with Internet Explorer 7 frames and tabs are not shown when
the user is
log on.
- Fix: Getters of references or collections annotated with @Transient fail.
- Fix: Calculated properties with @Depends fails on transient classes.
- Fix: Formatter is not applied when an editor is assigned via @Editor annotation.
- Fix: On edit detail of collections data of nested references is not loaded
- Fix: Select for row count of list fails when last showed database column ends
with 'FROM'.
- Fix: JasperReport generation: Invalid encoding name on some windows with
WebSphere 6.0.

OpenXava 3.0 (2008-3-4)

- POJOs + Java 5 annotations for defining business components.
- XavaException now is a RuntimeException.
- MapFacade methods do not longer throws RemoteException, instead it now throws
SystemException (runtime).
- Fix: JasperReport generation: Invalid encoding name "Cp1252" on some windows, and
malformed URL on WebSphere 6.0.
- Fix: Fails on WebSphere 6.0 (at some level patch). Broken since 2.2.3.

OpenXava 2.2.5 (2008-2-21)

- New <on-change-search /> element for <reference-view/> to overwrite the default
action for searching when the user type the key.
- New before-each-request attribute for <action/> in controllers.xml.
- Text field editor for numeric data uses JavaScript to prevent the user from
entering non-numeric characters.
- Text field editor for numeric data take into decimal point, thousands separator
and sign for calculate size.
- New utility class Emails to facilitate the use of JavaMail.
- The cmp-type attribute of property-mapping supports to use all Java wrappers of
java.lang and java.math without package.
- MapFacade is not autocommit by default from now on. It's needed to put
mapFacadeAutoCommit=true in for autocommit.
- New method MapFacade.commit to force a commit when MapFacade is working without
auto commit.
- Dates.toString() methods uses the current locale from Locales.getCurrent.
- Unused classes ChangeLenguageAction and GoFirstAction removed.
- action now restore by default the model of the view to the current
module model.
- Hibernate updated to 3.2.5.
- When an action throws an exception all messages (not errors) added by the action
are not shown.
- AccessTracking does not record duplicate continuous entries.
- TabUserPreference uses "native" as key generation to allow to save tab
preferences in Oracle.
- Hide rows action is no longer shown on collections.
- New StringTimeConverter.
- AnnotatedClassParser shows source exception on obtaining class names from
hibernate session.
- Code tuning after FindBugs revision.
- Fix: Layout problem in Liferay when a section with only a property with frame.
- Fix: Layout problem when a reference with frame="false" which contains sections.
- Fix: Navigation is broken sometimes on Jetspeed 2.0 with Internet Explorer.
- Fix: Buttons too big in IE.
- Fix: Focus is not set after a request with IE7 and Liferay 4.1.
- Fix: Javascript warning, when the focus go to a not selectable control, removed.
- Fix: Fails on create hibernate session on JDK1.4 of AS/400.
- Fix: 'Create' and 'Modify' link for references which key is inside a group was
not shown.
- Fix: On Java 6 the on change event in keys with composite keys was not always the
last one.
- Fix: Save first detail in a collection saved the container entity although the
detail was not saved because of a validation error
- Fix: Fails on search references typing its key when working with multischema.
- Fix: Search reference does not work when key is multiple, visible and inside a
- Fix: When a member in a section was hidden programmatically and the result was
only one reference or collection the frame was not hidden.
- Fix: Overlapped columns were not recognized when the letters case does not match.
- Fix: ValidValuesVerticalRadioButton was horizontal.

OpenXava 2.2.4 (2007-12-19)

- Full support for Liferay 4.3, including visual style integration.
- New stereotypes IP, ISBN, CREDIT_CARD and EMAIL_LIST.
- It's possible to mark a property as search key to be used for indicating which
properties will be used for searching.
- New class UserInfo and method Users.getCurrentUserInfo() for accessing to info
the portal user.
- New calculators CurrentUserGivenNameCalculator, CurrentUserFamilyNameCalculator
and CurrentUserEmailCalculator.
- XSS (Cross-site scripting) protection added.
- XHibernate supports multischema and different configuration by thread.
- Refined default size of text fields for filtering in list mode. Now is 80%,
before it was 50%.
- Portlets use action url as form action, and propagate parameters from
processAction method. Needed for Jetspeed 2.1.2.
- Fix: Search using list from an overlapped reference with string keys fails.
- Fix: 'Remove selected' from a collection inside a reference displayed as-
aggregate does not work.
- Fix: Minor errors in component.dtd/componente.dtd.
- Fix: Reference to entity used as key and displayed as-aggregate fails on delete.
- Fix: JavaScript calendar in Liferay 4.3 did not work.
- Fix: Ugly layout when one (or few) fields before a wide group.
- Fix: Layout problem when multiple nested frames with references with no frame.
- Fix: Removed warning 'Trying to load controller .. twice' on generating portlets.
- Fix: Code generator works with Java 1.4 (broken in 2.2.3).
- Fix: If key inside a group in a reference the first editor outside the group was
- Fix: removed.

OpenXava 2.2.3 (2007-10-29)

- New stereotypes TELEPHONE, EMAIL and WEBURL.
- Optimistic concurrency support using version property.
- The generic messager error "Impossible to execute x action" now has also the
message from the original exception.
- In the page for customizing columns of list (and collections) the label of each
property to add is shown.
- The user can hide/show the filter part in list and collections. Also
showFilterByDefaultInList and
showFilterByDefaultInCollections are available in
- Labels in list mode are qualified by default. That is is shown as
"Name of Customer" (before it was only "Name").
- Compilable with Java 6, and still with Java 5 and Java 1.4 (dropped
EmptyResultSet class).
- New methods Labels.getQualified() and MetaProperty.getQualifiedLabel().
- New DaysDelayCalculator for calculating delays between dates.
- New property toUpperForStringArgumentsInConditions for It allows
to choose the use of upper for searching in list and collections.
- XavaPreferences can be only instatiate using getInstance() method.
- JavaScript calendar aligns to bottom on IE6 and to top in the other cases, for
avoiding a problem of overlapping with Liferay top bar.
- Buttons instead of links for no image actions is possible (using
buttonsForNoImageActions=true in
- New property nullToZero in IntegerNumberConverter and LongNumberConverter to
choose if null have to be converted to 0.
- AccessTracking table schema changed in order to support MySQL.
- New calculator CurrentTimestampCalculator.
- Labels class does not print any stack trace on fail, it only log warning
- Fix: Focus when a reference or group is on top of the view is not set inside that
reference or group.
- Fix: Nested key references do not set editable correctly.
- Fix: References with no frames inside groups are not nicely shown in some cases.
- Fix: SQLException from Oracle on collections when key of main object is empty.
- Fix: <xava:link /> with empty string fails. This breaks the ability to removing
some action in collection-view.

OpenXava 2.2.2 (2007-9-3)

- A default module is assumed for each component of the application without
declaring it in application.xml.
- New element default-module in application.xml for defining the controllers for
default modules.
- A static final field for each property is generated for interfaces on code
- Support for qualified properties (properties of references) in order of
- row-style available for <collection-view/>.
- Fix: Code generation Java 1.4 compatibilty restored (broken in v2.2.1).
- Checkbox in collection row is always present, even in read only calculated
collection with no list actions.
- New methods assertRowStyleInCollection and assertNoRowStyleInCollection in
- Method setJPAPersistence removed from XavaPreferences.
- Fix: Ordering and filtering for nested collection or collection inside references
did not work.
- Fix: When <property-view /> is used the size of the property is ignored by
- Fix: Using a named view with sections for displaying a reference was failing.
- Fix: order in <descriptions-list/> has no effect when condition is not specified.

OpenXava 2.2.1 (2007-8-7)

- Method getSQLBaseCondition() removed from MetaTab.
- Button bar is not shown if it is empty (no action nor mode actions).
- More meaningful title for PDF reports in collections.
- Icon for 'delete' changed.
- New property emailAsUserNameInPortal for usin in that allows
Users.getCurrent() returns the user email instead of the user id inside a portal.
- JavaScript calendar is aligned on top of editor, in order to work fine in IE6.
- MoneyFormatter for MONEY and DINERO stereotypes. Now money is always displayed
with two decimals.
- New methods noLastTokenWithoutLastDelim() added to Strings utity class.
- It's possible to put empty string for action in edit-action, view-action, new-
action, save-action, hide-detail-action, remove-action, remove-selected-action of
collection-view, and the action will not be shown in the User Interface.
- The JSP tags: action, link, image and button support empty string as value for
- Tab now is serializable.
- Now actions in DefaultListActionsForCollections controller are not added
automatically to calculated collections.
- New method Messages.getIds() that returns a list with the ids of the messages.
- New display-size attribute available in <property-view/>.
- A validation of scale is done for MONEY/DINERO stereotype.
- regenerateHibernate now delete filtered-file folder before regenerate. Now you
can rename a component with no problems.
- Mode.list link is not available when creating or modifing a reference. In general
change mode actions are not available after view navigation.
- Beta support for EJB3 Entities as component definition language. The code is in a
ox3-src folder. This is for supporting the development of OX3.
- All data access from JUnit tests in OpenXavaTest is done using JPA instead of
- Added method toKeyString(Object pojo) to ModuleTestBase in order to obtain a
string representation of the key of a POJO from the POJO itself.
- Fix: Searching by a property of type String mapped to a numeric column fails on
Informix (or other DBs that do not support like in numerica columns)
- Fix: JavaScript calendar fails on choose dates in languages other than Spanish.
- Fix: List actions fail in nested collection. As generating PDF or deleting
selected rows.
- Fix: Some unexpected exception in Labels produces that collections will not work.
- Fix: editor attribute in <property-view/> does not work is the property is inside
a group.
- Fix: NullPointerException in DateTimeFormatter when it try to parse a null value.
- Fix: Calculated properties in aggregate collections that use IModelCalculator
- Fix: Collections fails on creating new objects in UI working agains some
databases (as Informix).
- Fix: Charset of JasperReports for automatic reports depends on the JVM config
(special characters was not well displayed in Liferay).
- Fix: 'editor' attribute of <property-view/> did not work in default view (the
view with no name).
- Fix: Multischema applications (using XPersistence.setDefaultSchema()) fail in
collections when changing from a schema to other in some databases without
reinitatite the module.
- Fix: StackOverflowError in ResourceManagerI18n generating code from a locale
other than ca, de, en, es, fr, in, pl.
- Fix: MetaModel.getMetaView() failed when a null or empty string was used as
argument and no default view was explicitly defined in component.
- Fix: getValueInCollection and assertValueInCollection does not calculated well
the row number in the case of not calculated and read only collection without view

OpenXava 2.2 (2007-6-28)

- Collection behaviour greatly improved.
- Look & Feel integration for Liferay and WebSphere Portal 6 improved.
- Transient components and default mapping for persistent components.
- Moreover, more than 80 features and fixes over 2.1.

Features and fixes since 2.1.5:

- Entity collection behaviour improved: You can add several elements at once, and
with less clicks.
- New type of action IChainActionWithArgv, that allows sent values for the
properties to the chained action.
- The detail view in collections now is shown on top by default, you can put it on
bottom with detailOnBottomInCollections=true in
- When save a collection element the detail view is not hidden, but it continue
- When i18n for members of collections are not defined, the i18n for the default
tab is assumed.
- Bulgarian flag added to OpenXava Portal (Liferay).
- Fix: When quotation marks in text field was used, the data inside quotation was
not visible.
- Fix: Intermittent bug on high load (NullPointer obtaining a parameter for
request) on return from creating o modifiying a reference.
- Fix: Tomcat log does not work in OpenXava Portal (Liferay) on Windows.
- Fix: Fails in i18n of members of collections.

OpenXava 2.1.5 (2007-6-18)

- Refined look and feel of lists and collections for WebSphere Portal and Liferay
in order to see clearly the seperation within cells.
- WebSphere Portal 6 style improved: Sections and frames have native aspect; and a
little problem with resolutions higher than 1600x has been fixed.
- Support for Bulgarian language in portlet generation.
- Filtering by year and month in list mode works fine in all databases (including
Postgres and Informix).
- New editors ValidValuesVerticalRadioButton and ValidValuesHorizontalRadioButton.
- Fix: MapFacade.createReturningValues did not return values calculated from
- New property hibernateJavaLoggingLevel available in to set the
logging level for Hibernate.
- Fix: Overlapping properties and references in mapping did not work if the case of
the columns did not match.
- Fix: ModuleTestBase.assertCollectionRowCount and assertCollectionRowCount fails
on a calculated collection with only one row.
- Fix: Calculated properties using IModelCalculator or IEntityCalculator fail in
collection (bug introduced in v2.1.4)
- Fix: Focus positioning fails when there is an event associated to the last field
of a group.

OpenXava 2.1.4 (2007-5-29)

- Controller DefaultListActionsForCollections that allows define default list
actions for all collections.
- Export to excel and print as PDF is available for collections.
- Action for list mode (that work with Tab object) can be apply to collection too.
- All features of list mode are available also for collections. This includes
ordering, searching, pagination, etc.
- New method Tab.setDefaultOrder() for setting the default order for the Tab in
- New method Tab.setPropertiesNames() for setting the properties displayed by the
Tab in runtime.
- New method Tab.setFilter() for setting the filter of a Tab in runtime.
- New methods in View: getCollectionSelectedValues(), getCollectionObjects() and
- PersistenceFacade added (in package org.openxava.model) for accessing some
persistence services in an abstract way.
- Hibernate update to 3.2.4.sp1 and Hibernate EntityManager updated to 3.3.1.GA.
- Button for filtering in list mode is replaced by an icon.
- Class ArrayOneRowResultSetAdapter (from util) removed (really moved to
- CSV Export (export to excel in list mode) change the 'new line' (\n or \r) by
spaces in order to export nicely when multiline texts are present.
- Property 'csvSeparator' can be used in to indicate the column
separator for CSV export.
- New class SystemException for throwing from business method when a system level
exception is produced.
- Ant target 'generarPortlets' has been removed from OpenXava/build.xml,
'generatePortlets' can be used instead.
- MapFacade.validate() can be used for validating aggregates (not only entities)
- Fix: Fail in list mode: Calculated property of a reference that depends on a
property of the same name of one of the main object.
- Fix: User preferences for tab was not loaded when duplicate rows was found.
- Fix: View.setValue() threw exception if the member is hidden.
- Fix: 'Transaction not successfully' message showed on saving tab preferences.
- Fix: When create a new object from a reference ant it has an on-change action
associated to the key some times a NullPointerException is thrown and the on-change
action is not executed.
- Fix: Required icon in editors with frame was not nicely displayed inside Liferay
- Fix: In websphere 6.0 using WebSphereTransactionManagerLookup a lot of warning
messages is shown on commit transaction.
- Fix: Ant targets 'generatePorlets' and 'redeployPortlets' touched application.xml
although it did not exists. This created an empty application.xml file in Spanish
- Fix: MapFacade.setValue and MapFacade.validate crash when a reference with null
value used in a model validator is sent.

OpenXava 2.1.3 (2007-5-2)

- New editor radionButton.jsp to display/edit valid-values in radio button format.
- <property-view/> has the attribute editor to specify a editor to a property for
use only in that view.
- It's possible to give name to a editor in editors.xml
- A key property marked as hidden="true" without required attribute assumes
- Fix: NoClassDefFoundError on AS/400 + WebSphere 6 (bug introduced in OX2.1.2).
- New static methods for MetaModel: getForPOJO(), getForPOJOClass() and
- CSS modified in order to make more visible disable editors.
- Fix: It did not release transaction nor hibernate session when fail on loading
and saving tab preferences.
- NotZeroValidator (used by default for required="true") now shown a message '{0}
is required' is the value is null. Before the message was 'It's not possible assign
null to a int'.
- Value of type int, long and short used as key are parsed as null (before as 0) if
they are used as key, this is for better support of referenced using 0 as valid
- Default mapping: If mapping is not specified in a component definition a default
one is assumed.
- Support for Transient Components: Using the <transient/> instead of mappings on
defining the component.
- Fix: On modifying view properties was not validated.
- Fix: When create a new object from a reference the on-change action associated to
the key of the reference is not thrown.

OpenXava 2.1.2 (2007-4-12)

- Fix: Cache in DataSourceConnectionProvider by component did not work
- New controller 'DefaultSchema' that allows creating applications that change the
default database schema in runtime for each user independently.
- New methods setDefaultSchema and setPersistenceUnitProperties for XPersistence
class. These methods allow change the JPA configuration in the current thread.
- A little improvement in dateCalendar editor. It did fail when used without HTML
tables, because a <br>
- New attribute 'on-each-request' available for action element in controllers.xml.
This allows that an action will be executed automatically in each user request.
- The keystrokes for record navigation now are control alt RIGHT, control alt LEFT
and control alt HOME, because the old ones (control RIGHT, control LEFT, control
HOME) had conflicts with text editor normal keystrokes.
- Fix: If in list mode a property from a reference is shown (a qualified property),
and the property is calculated using a IModelCalculator then it fails.
- Hibernate update to 3.2.2, and Hibernate Persistence Manager and Hibernate
Annotations update to 3.3.0.
- Support for database with schema support but that they not allow to use schema in
data manipulation. This allows use schemas in Hypersonic.
- Editor for valid-value and Java 5 Enum is defined in default-editor.xml and can
be defined in editors.xml/editores.xml. Now it's possible to customize the valid-
values/enum editor.
- Fix: ClassCastException when searching with MapFacade using BigDecimal as values
for integer properties.
- Fix: Stereotype IMAGES_GALLERY/GALERIA_IMAGENES shows a gap between first and
second image if you have more than seven.
- New class ArrayOneRowResultSetAdapter for reading a object array as JDBC

OpenXava 2.1.1 (2007-3-2)

- OpenXava number version is logged.
- Fix: Composite key with an int or long and NUMERIC in database fails searching in
detail mode.
- New methods setYear, setMonth and setDay added to Dates class.
- Stereotype IMAGES_GALLERY/GALERIA_IMAGENES is shown nicely in Liferay Portal.
- New method getAllMetaActionsIterator() added to ModuleManager to avoid using
org.apache.commons.collections.IteratorUtils inside JSP (Eclipse WTP does not like
- Ant target 'compile' in OpenXava/build.xml is refined in order to work fine even
if it is the first ant target to be executed when a project is recently created.
- Fix: Focus is lost inside Liferay when a request is done.
- Fix: Avoid browser cache of PDF OpenXava generated documents.
- Using key properties of parent model in a 'from' attribute from an aggregate
works. That is, to use from="invoice.year" from a InvoiceDetail aggregate is

OpenXava 2.1 (2007-2-12)

- Full support for EJB3 JPA as persistence engine.
- Full support for Liferay portal.
- Session objects declared in controllers.xml now can have global scope. A new
scope attribute is added to <object/> element.
- Attribute remove-selected-action added to <collection-view/> in order to define a
custom action for removing selected elements in a collection.

- View.getRemoveSelectedInCollectionAction() renamed to
- Protected method removeSelected added to RemoveSelectedInCollectionAction in
order to facilitate the refiniment of the action.

- deployEJB (in OpenXava/build.xml) copy all hibernate jars to the ear in order to
use Hibernate inside EJB2.
- New ant target in OpenXava/build.xml 'generatePortlets' that generates a war file
in portlet format but it does not copy it to deploy directory.
- Logging of i18n problems is now low (only short warning messages). No exception
is shown now.
- Removed commit from list.jsp. Now in order to work with WebSphere you need to
configure your hibernate.cfg.xml. Look at OpenXavaTest/hibernate.cfg.xml adn
OpenXavaTest/ to see an example.
- Hibernate Entity Manager and Hibernate Annotations updated to 3.2.1
- DateTimeFormatter improved for Polish locale.
- New property javaLoggingLevel available in to specify the log
level for the OX applications.
- No cache is used for OX portlets. expiration-cache is 0 in portlet.xml generated
by OpenXava.
- Polish translation for labels and messages.
- wtpBuild ant target is dropped from OX. You can use 'rebuild' ant target instead.
- New demo project ProductSale added.
- Style of frame for collection elements supports Liferay.
- The OX jsp are always updated in OX applications, in this way when a new OX
version is updated the OX code in applications is update without problems
- Removed incorrect stack trace about JPA when a datasource cannot be obtained,
even if the application does not use JPA the trace was shown.
- The properties in the files inside WEB-INF/classes have always preference,
independently of classloader configuration of application server.
- Choosing the encoding for portlet.xml is posible using portlet.encoding property
in build.xml.

- Fix: Maps.treeToPlains did not work with more than 2 levels.
- Fix: Action for references (search, create, modifying) did not support more than
2 nested level.
- Fix: javaLoggingLevel property in had no effect inside junit
test. Also now trim() is done before parse its value.
- Fix: Typing @ in a windows using a view with sections changes the current tab.
This may affect to all AltGr characters.
- Fix: In view: Layout a reference besides to the next reference does not work (the
next one was placed below).
- Fix: Java 5 was required for portlet generation. Now it works (again) with Java
- Fix: Calendar for date editor does not work in a module called from another
- Fix: Portlets does not work in WebSphere Portal 5.1
- Fix: HtmlPortlet does not recognize the language correctly.
- Fix: Searching on focus lost in references with hidden key fails in the second
- Fix: Image for editing in HTML_TEXT stereotype was missing.
- Fix: MetaValidators.findFromParent print a NullPointer stacktrace if the type is
an interface.
- Fix: ModuleTestBase.assertListNotEmpty() works well, before one line list was
considered as empty.

OpenXava 2.0.4 (2006-12-19)

- More coherent behaviour for IMAGES_GALLERY stereotype. Now the images are always
added to the gallery, although the save button in main entity is not pushed.
- Searching in detail model for any displayed field includes references (before
only it worked with plain properties)
- Link for modify references available to users.
- In list mode java.sql.Timestamp allows filter by year, month and year/month.
- Informative message on adding new image to a Gallery.
- Seaching by year/month in data types is allowed in list mode.
- Images gallery show identification data about the object that own the images
- Top button bar shows icon and bottom button bar shows buttons, without redundancy
- java.sql.Timestamp can be used for filtering in list mode using plain dates.

- New attribute modify (to disable/enable 'modify link') in <reference-view/>
- New attribute modify-reference (to disable/enable 'modify link') in <collection-
- New attribute scale (useful for creating a more accurate hiberante mapping) in
<property/> (by Radoslaw)
- New attribute aligned-by-columns for <group/> and <section/> in views. It allows
layout the members by columns, as in a table.

- ModuleTestBase.getProperty now is public and static in order to access to xava- from any place.
- New method ModuleTestBase.setLocale to change the locale of the client at
- Strings.change allows sending null as string.
- View class has this 3 new methods: putObject(), getObject() and removeObject()
that allow to associated arbitrary objects to a view.
- Method Dates.cloneWith2359() added. To clone a date but with time 23:59:59 999
- INCOMPATIBITY: Dates.clonWithoutTime() renamed to Dates.cloneWithoutTime()

- Style works fine in Liferay, adapting well to all look & feels.
- Updated to Hibernate 3.2.1
- Liferay style integration improved.
- XavaSuite works at 100% agains Liferay 4.1.3.
- Logging using apache commons loggins instead of
- Default value (3000) for HTML_TEST/TEXTO_HTML stereotype.
- StringArrayBytesConverter supports Blob as column type in DB.
- StringTimeFormatter (used by TIME/HORA stereotype) format using 5 digits.
- Referencing in 'from' attribute of a calculator inside an aggregate to properties
of the parent model are allowed (look at section 3.8.4 of reference guide)
- ConcatCaculator now admits until 5 strings/ints
- MetaProperty.parse converts empty string in null (instead of 0) for all value of
type Number. This can produce some little INCOMPATIBILITIES (now blanks are shown
where before 0 was shown).
- It's possible to create a folder named 'public' inside our OX project then all
JSP inside it will be always public and accessibles even in a Portal.
- Date format and parse are done depending on browser locale.
- Ant target 'redeployPorlets' added to OpenXava/build.xml and used from all OX
- java.sql.Time are parsed using 24 hours format in all locales by default.
- Some correction in translations for object_not_found.
- ModuleTestBase.setValue(String model, String name, String value) throw onchange
events as the
setValue(String name, value) does.
- JasperReport version returns to 1.1.1, because 1.2 has problems in some
J2EE/portals server (WAS 5.1 + WPS 5.1 in an IBM iSeries)
- The ant target 'clearGeneratedCode' does not fail although the gen-src (used only
in EJB) does not exist.
- portlet.xml is generated using UTF-8.
- NotNullDateConverter now supports java.util.Date.
- java.sql.Time supported (including JasperReport generation).
- TimeFormatter renamed to StringTimeFormatter.
- IBM WebSphere Portal 6.0 tested and supported
- IChangeModeAction allows to change to PREVIOUS_MODE, in addition to DETAIL and
- Using <env-var name="XAVA_LIST_ACTION" value=""/> on defining a module in
application.xml the detail action in each row is missing.
- The buttonBarOnTop and buttonBarOnBottom properties of are not
longer used

- Fix: htmlEditor does not work inside portal
- Fix: "order by" links in list mode are displayed ugly in JetSpeed2.
- Fix: String (or any other type) for property type and byte [] for cmp-type
supported in Hibernate.
- Fix: Stacktrace is shown in trace when a label is not in i18n files.
- Fix: default value calculators do not work in collection of entities displayed as
- Fix: Calculated properties inside a section that depend on a property on other
section is not recalculated well.
- Fix: util.Server restore XHibernate.isCmt state correctly. In order to use Server
from calculators when you use hibernate + ejb.
- Fix: Javascript calendar for date fails in Liferay.
- Fix: Actions of references do not work inside nested sections.
- Fix: Filtering in list by java.sql.Time does not work.
- Fix: Filtering in list mode using other operators than '=' fails using Timestamp.
- Fix: Focus does not work well inside a portal.
- Fix: A blank line at first of the module using Internet Explorer.
- Fix: Exporting to excel does not work inside JetSpeed 2.
- Fix: On creating a new object from reference, when we are creating an object from
a reference (more than 1 nested level) the reference in the original view is not
- Fix: Parsing numbers in Polish fails if the number is > 1000
- Fix: Searching an object with a single reference (with a single column) as key
fails in hibernate.
- Fix: createWebsphereEar ant target broken
- Fix: <set/> with 'from' attribute does not work in <remove-validator/>
- Fix: On removing an element from a collection using check box the dependent data
was not updated.
- Fix: If you try to filter pressing return (without click in filter) when
searching a reference a error message was displayed.
- Fix: When customize a list searching references always return to the main list
mode of module.
- Fix: When a new object is created from reference UI (with + icon), and it has a
autogenerated hidden key, the reference is not filled with the new created object.
- Fix: Defining a calculated property that mix <set/>s with 'value' and 'from'
- Fix: Fails in tab when ordering by primary key in Informix

OpenXava 2.0.3 (2006-10-02)

- It's possible to remove several rows from collection at once, using a checkbox +
- When you navigate or search to a new object all collections closes the detail
view. In this way a lot of incorrect data display problems are removed.

- Attribute 'maximum' (for validating maximum item count) allowed in <collection />
- order in finder supports using a property of a reference inside an aggregate
( for example) for Hibernate and JPA.
- <action/> inside <members>, <property-view/> or <reference-view/> have the
attribute 'always-enabled', when this attribute is true the action is always
present, even if the view, property or reference are not editable.
- <action /> allowed inside members(groups and section) of view. In order to put an
arbitrary action inside a view.

- The method getJRXML of JasperReportBaseAction admit full file path for specifying
a resource of file system, before only resources from classpath could be readed.
- View.setValue throws exception if member to update is not shown in view
- Added method treeToPlain to Maps utility class.
- Added method assertNoMessage to ModuleTestBase
- Maps.putValueFromQualifiedName for put a value in a tree format map using a
qualified name.
- MapFacade.addCollectionElement method added and use from standard OpenXava

- New stereotype: HTML_TEXT/TEXTO_HTML.
- Chapter 2 of reference guide uses 'updateSchema' for creating database.
- JPA code in POJOs only is generated if JPA persistence provider is set, or the
property 'jpaCodeInPOJOs' in is set to true. In this way POJOs can
be compiled using a java 1.4 compiler.
- Default validators for type or stereotype are supported. They can be defined in
- If component name does not match with xml file name a meaningful message is
- <xava:descriptionsList/> JSP taglib added.
- <xava:message/> JSP taglib added.
- Calculated properties with IModelCalculator or IEntityCalculator are recalculated
in view when some dependent value changed and an POJO (not EJB) populated with the
current view data is injected in calculator before calculation.
- Custom JSP are allowed in root folder.
- It's possible to overwrite standard messages of OpenXava.
- dropped from OpenXava. All its content is moved to
- Code generation for EJB2 exclude some finder cases only supported in
- Added 'as-aggregate' to <reference-view/> to allow entity references behave as
aggregate references.
- It's possible override for our application a defaut controller of OpenXava
(Collection, References, Typical, etc).
- OpenXava/xava/controllers.xml is renamed to OpenXava/xava/default-

- Fix: checkbox of rows in collection is not shown when collections are not
- Fix: SaveAction with resetAfter=false clear the data of references
- Fix: as-aggregate for in <reference-view/> does not work if the key of reference
is autogenerated.
- Fix: View.setValueNotifying and View.setValuesExecutingOnChangeActions does not
execute the same action more than once.
- Fix: Now CRUD.searchByViewKey does not throw on-change event for key in
references, and CRUD.searchExecutingOnChange lanza on-change event for key in
references. Now works as reference guide explains.
- Fix: OnChange action associated to a view used for create a new reference crash
if add error or messages
- Fix: Editable mode of collection of entities inside an section fails.
- Fix: assertListRowCount(0) works fine in junit tests
- Fix: View.setEditable from inside a XAVA_SEARCH_ACTION in list mode does not
affect to collections with <collection-view/>
- Fix: validator in aggregate that references to its parent of which key is single
- Fix: If the user removing a column from tab and after he filter by a aggregate
value then fails: Filter is not done, and the list is not well displayed

OpenXava 2.0.2 (2006-08-01)

- On creating a new object from a reference the reference view is filled
automatically with the just created object.
- Added 'as-aggregate' to <collection-view/> to allow entity collections behave as
aggregate collections.
- Added exportSchema and updateSchema to OpenXava/build.xml (see example in
MySchool/MiEscuela build.xml)
- It's possible to refine the default behavior of a collection-view with new new-
action, save-action, hide-detail-action and remove-action elements in collection-
- add/removeListAction and add/removeDetailAction added to view. This allow
add/remove programmatically actions to a collection view.
- hiddenDetail action of Collection controller in controllers.xml is renamed to
- Feedback to the user of standard action are improved, specially those of
- Searching a reference using radio button instead of checkbox, because only an
item can be selected.
- Allows spaces at end of persistenceProviderClass property value in
- In upload forms (multiplar) any number of actions is allowed.
- In IMAGES_GALLERY stereotype there is a cancel action in the form for upload
- Added explicit support for identity (auto-increment) database columns by means of
the new IdentityCalculator.
- IPropertyAction added, to allow inject property name and view to an action
defined in an <property-view/>
- SearchByViewKeyAction has new protected methods for refining its behaviour
- list.jsp admit the parameter singleSelection to indicate if the list has to use
chechbox or radio button.
- CreateNewFromReferenceAction and SaveNewAction now have a property
'referenceSubview' (of View type) that has to be injected in controllers.xml. If
you have some custom action that extends them remember modify your controllers.xml
- The order of elements in entity/aggregate are more flexible.
- Converters (defined in converters.xml or MyComponent.xml) are applied for not
generated code too. In this case conversion is only used for list mode, and the
programmer is responsible to include the conversion in get/set code.
- Some adaptation a oracle syntax: Inner joins for tab works fine with Oracle (" as
" dropped).
OpenXava is refined in order to avoid this jetspeed flaw
- All text editors are limited to 100 displayed charecters as maximum. You can
customize it for you applicaction using maxSizeForTextEditor in
- The textEditor.jsp editor has a new parameter 'maxSize' that is assigned to the
'size' attribute of html <input /> element. You can use it in your own steroetypes.
- workspace.dir in (or equivalent) is ignore by OpenXava.
Therefore, from now on you can rename the folder of your workspace without worrying
about to change your
- Key with 0 as value works in searching
- The ERROR messages on deleting the last object are not shown if removal is done
- support the 'application' property to indicate the default
value for
the application to all the junit test the project.
- Image editor does not show the broken image when there is no image.
- Labels.get and Labels.exists methods do not fail, instead returns a default
- XavaResource.getString never fails. This is for avoid some bug in jetspeed2
request implementations.
- Fix: descriptions-list with order and without condition fails
- Fix: collections of references to entities are full editable inside sections.
- Fix: Sterotype IMAGES_GALLERY crash when the property is not in i18n files.
- Fix: request.getLocale() throws NullPointerException in some circumstance inside
- Fix: actions which description contains ' fails
- Fix: Numeric text fields are aligned to right (maybe it was broken in some point)
- Fix: Bug in CollectionBaseAction.getObjects()
- Fix: collection of aggregates inside group inside section fails
- Fix: Searching in detail fails with boolean and properties with converters
- Fix: Searching in detail fails when more than one match to the searching

OpenXava 2.0.1 (2006-06-29)

- Support for EJB3 JPA: 100% supported, but still in beta stage until 2.1.
> EntityManager can be used inside your own actions.
> JPAPersistenceManager available and 100% tested
> XPersistence class
- keystroke supported for actions (in controllers.xml)
- IHibernateIdGeneratorCalculator added, to customize the .hbm.xml generated code
for id generators.
- Search action in detail mode supports searching by any field or fields. Before
only 'by primary key' was supported
- Support for sequence id generator for Hibernate/EJB3.
- Method XSystem.isJava5OrBetter() added.
- Formatter is not required for stereotype that uses 'descriptionsEditor.jsp',
including the case of multiple key with references.
- Attributes 'editable' and 'throwPropertyChanged' added to <xava:editor /> taglib
- Searching references of which key is hidden can be done using the first displayed
field of reference.
- PropertiesManager.executeGet and executeGets support qualified properties.
- New method MapFacade.getValuesByAnyProperty to search by any property (not only
the key)
- Nes method Is.empty to ascertain if the argument (an object) is null, empty
string or 0.
- Actions with confirmation show a meaningful confirmation message (from
description of action)
- Keystrokes (control-1 to control-9) availables for section change.
- Controls duplicated form submit: In this way last action is not repeated
accessing portlets in WebSphere Portal.
- Updated to httpunit 1.6.2
- Grammatical corrections to reference guide
- Fix: In Hibernate int key with NUMERIC in db fails.
- Qualified properties allowed in <xava:editor /> taglib
- <action/> element added to <reference-view/> in <view>. Works as in case of
- Eclipse validation droped from OpenXava project, in order to avoid errors in
folder xdoclet

OpenXava 2.0 (2006-05-22)

- Model layer generated using POJOs.
- Persistence managed by Hibernate.
- Works with a simple Tomcat.

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