Mathematical Methods in Civil Engineering: (February 19-23, 2018)
Mathematical Methods in Civil Engineering: (February 19-23, 2018)
Mathematical Methods in Civil Engineering: (February 19-23, 2018)
ON With the advancement of computing power and All the participants have to submit the duly filled
technology, mathematical methods play a crucial role to Registration Form by 31st January, 2018. The registration
Mathematical Methods in Civil Engineering fully realize the advanced engineering systems. In Form has to be posted to the address of the Course
particular, problems that were beyond our reach few Coordinator. Participants of category (b), (c) & (d) must
A Continuing Education Program of decades ago can now be well tackled in today’s context. also send the prescribed course fee along with the
INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KHARAGPUR Moreover, scientific advancement and technological
registration form. Advance (scanned copy) of the filled up
development clearly direct us to refine our knowledge of
physical understanding on a scientific/engineering registration form can also be send as e-mail attachment.
phenomenon. In this context mathematical representation Teachers from AICTE approved colleges need to be
(February 19-23, 2018) of such complex systems and its solutions become forwarded their Registration Form from their respective
increasingly important in present day situation. Head of the College/Institute /University. Students from
AICTE approved colleges need to be forwarded their
Faculties: COURSE CONTENT Registration Form from their respective Head of the
Dr. Kousik Deb Department.
Dr. Anirban Dhar The course will address both theoretical developments and
practical applications related to Structural, Geotechnical, COURSE FEE
Dr. Biswanath Banerjee
Dr. Amit Shaw Transportation, Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering (a) Teachers from the AICTE approved degree level
Dr. Brajesh Kumar Dubey fields. The course will discuss the application of differential engineering colleges: NIL
Dr. Sudeshna Mitra equations, numerical linear algebra, nonlinear (b) Engineers from industries: Rs. 30,000/-
Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Kharagpur (c) Teachers from Non-AICTE approved colleges: Rs.
optimization, statistical analysis, systems of linear
equations, reverse engineering or inverse problem, 20,000/-
particle based methods, finite difference method, (d) Research Scholars / Students: Rs. 3,000/-
advanced finite element within the realm of Civil The course fee will cover lecture notes, refreshment
Engineering. during classes. Board, lodging and travel charges will have
to be borne by the participants (except teachers from
DATES AND VENUE AICTE approved degree level engineering colleges).
The training course will be held at Department of Civil
Engineering, IIT Kharagpur during February 19-23, 2018. The course fee (if applicable) can be submitted in the form
of a demand draft drawn in favor of ‘CEP-STC, IIT
Kharagpur’ payable at Kharagpur.
The following members can attend the course: For electronic payment:
Organized by Teachers of State / Central Govt./Private engineering Name of Bank Account: CEP-STC, IIT Kharagpur; Bank
Department of Civil Engineering degree level Engineering Colleges approved by AICTE. Name: Syndicate Bank; Branch Name: SRIC, IIT Kharagpur;
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur Engineers working in industries dealing with different SB Account No.: 95562200002955; IFSC Code:
branches of Civil Engineering. SYNB0009556; MICR: 721025103; SWIFT: SYNBINBB120.
Kharagpur-721 302
Postgraduate students and Research Scholars from
AICTE approved engineering colleges.
On prior intimation, accommodation can be arranged [for Dr. Kousik Deb AICTE-QIP Short-Term Course on
category (b), (c) & (d)] within the campus on first come Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering Mathematical Methods in Civil Engineering
IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal 721302 February 19-23, 2018
first serve basis on payment of usual charges (NGH: Rs.
Ph.: (+91 3222) 283434(O); Mob.: +91 9434147985 Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Kharagpur
1000/day single occupancy & 1500/day double occupancy;
Email: Name:
VGH: AC Rs. 400/day single occupancy, Rs. 600/day double
occupancy; Non AC Rs. 250/day single occupancy, Rs. 300 Designation:
/day double occupancy)
Dr. Anirban Dhar Office Address:
The participants of the category (a) shall be provided free
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
shared board & lodging in the VGH and travel cost as per IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal 721302
the AICTE norms (AC rooms will be provided on first come Ph.: (+91 3222) 281884(O); Mob.: +91 9434147950 Phone: Mobile:
first serve basis). Travel allowance is limited to maximum Email: Email:
3-tier AC class on the shortest route, round-trip fare
Dr. Biswanath Banerjee Date of Birth:
(train fare or lower) on submission of tickets.
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering Highest academic qualification:
IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal 721302
IMPORTANT DATES Ph.: (+91 3222) 283426 (O); Mob.: +91 9775762130 Requirement of accommodation:
Last date for receipt of Registration Form: 31st Jan 2018. Email: Civil Engineering Specialization (if any):
Intimation to selected participants: 1st February, 2018.
For QIP Sponsored Candidates [Category (a)]