The Effects of Globalization On The Caribbean
The Effects of Globalization On The Caribbean
The Effects of Globalization On The Caribbean
The Oxford University Press (2013) clearly defines globalization as the process by which
international scale. Globalization has been seen by some as beneficial where it is the key to
future world economic development, it is irreversible and inevitable. On the other hand, some
view it as a mode to increase inequality within and between nations, threatens employment and
living standards and thwarts social progress1. It is the result of human innovation and
predominantly through trade and financial flows. It is also used in regard to the emigration of
people (labour) and knowledge across the international borders, which inherently is promoting
international trade.
Globalization is not new to the world and certainly not to the Caribbean region. Recorded
history reveals that for over a century there has been the international trading of commodities by
the Region. This essay will examine how globalization has moved into the Caribbean and the
positive and negative impacts that are created in the Caribbean. Some of these positive aspects
include a basic 'knowledge-sharing' and easier access to more resources. While negative aspects
include threatens employment, living standards and the effects of the economies.
Oxford University Press. (2013). Globalization. Retrieved
Subject: Caribbean Studies
Class: Upper Six (6) Arts
Student Name: Tyron Rhamanohar
investment entities that aid in generating finance for their respective Caribbean states are now
able to access income generating programmers such as the trading of money, stock and bonds
twenty-four hours a day, in almost every part of the world. These communication techniques
have also greatly reduced communication costs. Additionally, Caribbean people have found that
they are also able to access greater, more varied range of services as a result of globalization.
With the use of technologies like the internet, they can buy and sell almost anything from almost
any place on earth with just a click of a mouse button; sometimes for a fraction of its cost had it
been purchased locally. Furthermore, with policies such as that of free trade food items such as
clothes, educational equipment, and other products deemed necessary to maintain a particular
communications while cutting its costs, Caribbean people have found an easily accessible,
cheaper means of communicating with each other. Hence, Share of different culture and
recognizing the commonalities are exposed. This is due the used of internet, television, radio and
telephone media. Globalization has also provided Caribbean governments with a more efficient
access to pharmaceuticals, health aid apparatus and educational equipment. This has resulted in a
general improvement in the 'health statistics', as well as the 'educational statistics' around the
Caribbean, as its citizens are able to obtain better health care and more reliable, modern
educational tools.
Subject: Caribbean Studies
Class: Upper Six (6) Arts
Student Name: Tyron Rhamanohar
component of globalization. In the Caribbean, traveling from one country to another around the
region has become less time consuming and inexpensive. This is an advantage because regional
tourists who purchase food supplies, clothes and stock for personal use or for business from
neighboring countries, are a means through which governments in these countries generate
revenue. Additionally, there is also the fact that regional governments also supplement their
income with the money spent by regional tourists who travel around the Caribbean to attend
cultural events like Trinidad's 'Carnival', or Barbados' 'Jazz Festival'. It must be noted that the
'international tourist' industry, as visitors find it more efficient by plane and by boat. This is a
crucial factor for the many countries in the region, where tourism provides most of their
revenue.2 Improved transportation methods have also made it easier for the Caribbean to
transport goods abroad to regions where it would have been impossible before to transport them
because of their distance or inaccessibility, this widening of the regional market means an
increase in export profits for the region's nations. There is also the related drop in transportation
costs and the reduction in the loss of profits due to spoilage of goods, for example, fresh fruits
and vegetables traveling form the Caribbean to Europe, because transportation methods has
Globalization also encourages emigration to move to areas around or outside the region
where employment is available. This is advantageous to the Caribbean in some ways because
many of the emigrants send money home to their families improving their standard of living and
Caribbean Tourist Organization. Annual Report, 2004.
Subject: Caribbean Studies
Class: Upper Six (6) Arts
Student Name: Tyron Rhamanohar
generating valuable foreign income within their respective countries. Furthermore, when
Caribbean businesses expand outside the region they provide important economic links between
the Caribbean and the country to which they have moved, and also act as a type of advertisement
to people looking to invest in other Caribbean businesses. Hence, if applied under the right
conditions, globalization can be a positive force in the Caribbean, providing a framework for
However, globalization in the Caribbean tense to created inequality with and between
nations threatens employment and living standard and, hinders social progress. Since the
processes of globalization threaten every aspect of a country, including political systems. These
adversities must be dealt with, and appropriate strategies must be implemented to deal with them.
Trevor Munroe, 2002 stated that there are some negative aspects of present day Caribbean
politics. He believes that there has been a significant deterioration in systems of democratic
governance.3 Therefore, there are some signs of decay in the criminal justice system; for
example, corruption in government and the police force. He continued to argue that,
“unemployment and underemployment are relatively high throughout the region.” This affects
the high level of crime, increases in drug trade and poverty, as well as threatens the survival of
Also the characteristics of globalization have been promoting the drug trade and causing
it to flourish. The technological advances have made communication and other technical issues
easy, endowing trafficking networkers with new and more efficient working tools to adapt, and
Trevor Munroe. An Introduction to Politics. Pg. 10
Subject: Caribbean Studies
Class: Upper Six (6) Arts
Student Name: Tyron Rhamanohar
better export to the world economic system. This rise in drug trafficking has been affecting the
economic potential of the Caribbean states. It is therefore necessary that the Caribbean invest in
advanced technology that can help greatly to minimize the increase in drug trade within the
As a result of globalization, the income gap between rich and poor countries has been
widening and has been giving rise to the high level of poverty in many developing countries.
According to the UN Human Development Indicator (HDI), the quality of life for many
countries has not improved, and many persons are still living in abject poverty. The ability of
Caribbean countries’ businesses to turn over profits has been reducing greatly as a result of the
high level of competition in the domestic and external markets, causing our economy not to be
booming so as to implement proper welfare policies to improve the quality of life of many
persons. This leads to the point that globalization has only created an avenue for larger, and more
developed countries to exploit the smaller countries in the region. An example would be the
preferential trade agreement for the former colonies of the European Union that favored banana
growers; however, this agreement restricted Dole, Chiquita and Del Monte three major banana
producing U.S companies which controlled two thirds of the world banana market‖ (Harper,n.d).
These three companies controlled 42% of the European market compared to 8% by the
Caribbean (Harper, n.d). Chiquita and Dole also contributed to the US political parties. In
1996the US government protested to the World Trade Organization (WTO) on behalf of these
companies. It should be noted that the US does not export banana. The removal of the
preferential trade agreement caused the banana market in the Caribbean to decline steadily, as
they are limited by physical size and the increasing cost of production. In countries like
Subject: Caribbean Studies
Class: Upper Six (6) Arts
Student Name: Tyron Rhamanohar
Dominica and St. Lucia which depended on banana exports, the removal of the preferential trade
agreement was detrimental to the economy. This was considered an example of “quid pro quo
[this for that] motivated trade policies.” In other words the developed country operating with its
In addition, globalization has resulted in the loss of cultural boundaries. In this wise, it
has caused the extinction of several languages in many developing nations. The way languages
are going extinct is very rapid, and this has been predicted to continue unless something can be
done to stop the complex process of globalization.4 The enhanced interaction of western cultures
with local cultures in the developing world has led to melting of previously existing cultural
barriers so that the individuality of the local cultures begin to fade. This is due to the developing
technology such as radio, television and internet. Also there have been several different styles of
music that originated on the islands of the Caribbean. Some of the genres include traditional
Puerto Rico Aguinaldo, Jamaican Mento, Calypso, Soca (Trinidad and Tobago), Reggae and
Dancehall (Jamaica). However, due to Globalization, Caribbean people are moving away from
more traditional types of music and dance that are indigenous to the islands.5 They are embracing
more readily, the foreign, Western music and dance associated with “pop culture. Hence,
globalization has created a negative effect in the loss of cultural boundaries within the Caribbean
developing countries. Globalization on its own has a lot of gains and benefits, but due to the
Cronin, M. (2003). Translation and globalization, Routledge, New York.
Adulraheem, Yusuf. “Impact of Globalization on Culture.”
Subject: Caribbean Studies
Class: Upper Six (6) Arts
Student Name: Tyron Rhamanohar
influence of some other factors and especially the nature and structure of most developing
nations, it impacts negatively despite its advantages. These impacts hold serious challenges for
developing countries in the face of needed economic growth and development for these
countries. To this end, the leadership of the various nations in the developed world must
understand that their major responsibilities lie in the needs of their immediate societies. It is
therefore imperative that these countries formulate rational policies and reforms that would guide
liberalisation of trade and the complexities of globalization as a whole to conform to their own
domestic economic agenda. Globalization itself should not be hindered. But the extent and pace
of its progress should be made to reflect the nation’s situation and presenting economic
dispensation so that in the long run, the developing country itself would be able to strongly
Subject: Caribbean Studies
Class: Upper Six (6) Arts
Student Name: Tyron Rhamanohar