SP-1234 - HSE Specification - Personal Protective Equipment
SP-1234 - HSE Specification - Personal Protective Equipment
SP-1234 - HSE Specification - Personal Protective Equipment
Petroleum Development Oman LLC Effective: August 12
Document ID SP-1234
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Revision 3.0
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC Effective: August 12
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Authorised for Use – August 2012
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Document Authorisation ..................................................................................................................... 2
Authorised for Use – July 2012 ................................................................................................... 2
Revision History .................................................................................................................................. 2
Related Business Processes & CMF Documents .............................................................................. 3
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 6
1.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................................. 6
1.2 Scope and Applicability ......................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Review and Improvement ...................................................................................................... 7
1.4 Distribution ............................................................................................................................. 7
1.5 Compliance Requirements General ...................................................................................... 7
1.6 General Requirements for PPE ............................................................................................. 7
1.7 PPE Identification - Risk Assessment ................................................................................... 8
1.8 Responsibilities ...................................................................................................................... 9
1.9 Performance Monitoring ...................................................................................................... 10
2 Personal Protection Equipment ................................................................................................. 11
2.1 Clothing in the Workplace .................................................................................................... 11
2.2 Head Protection ................................................................................................................... 12
2.3 Personal Hearing Protection ................................................................................................ 15
2.4 Eye Protection ..................................................................................................................... 16
2.5 Foot Protection .................................................................................................................... 18
2.6 Hand Protection ................................................................................................................... 18
2.7 Fall Protection ...................................................................................................................... 20
2.8 Safety Harnesses, Lanyards and Lifelines .......................................................................... 21
2.9 Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) ............................................................................ 21
2.9.1 Air Supplied Respirators .................................................................................... 26
2.9.2 SCBA ................................................................................................................. 26
2.9.3 Air-line Respirators ............................................................................................ 26
2.9.4 Emergency Escape Breathing Apparatus (Escape Set) .................................... 27
2.9.5 Emergency Escape Hoods ................................................................................ 27
2.9.6 Fitness of SCBA or Air-line Users...................................................................... 28
2.10 Other Personal Protective Equipment ............................................................... 28
2.11 Training of Users................................................................................................ 28
3 Visitors and Contractors ............................................................................................................ 30
3.1 Visitors ................................................................................................................................. 30
3.2 Contractors .......................................................................................................................... 30
4 Definitions and Abbreviations .................................................................................................... 31
5 Formats, Templates & additional information ............................................................................ 32
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC Effective: August 12
1 Introduction
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) comprises a range of clothing and equipment which
is worn by the individual to protect or shield their bodies from workplace hazards.
Employers shall, provide their employees with sufficient, fit for purpose personal protective
clothing and equipment to protect them against workplace hazards, without any cost to the
In the Hierarchy of Controls (Elimination, Substitution, Isolation, Engineering,
Administration and PPE), personal protective equipment is considered the least
satisfactory method in the prevention of work-related injury or illness and is only to be used
when other measures are not feasible or cannot be implemented immediately. Provision of
PPE shall always be accompanied with information, instruction and training as to the
correct use and limitations. PPE shall be selected following a documented risk assessment
and shall meet the minimum protection standard outlines for specific PPE in this HSE
1.1 Purpose
This Specification describes PDO's minimum standards for the design, selection, use of
Personal Protective Equipment selected to reduce workers exposures to workplace
This specification establishes the various roles and responsibilities involved in selection,
issue and maintenance of PPE. Check
The PPE checklist referred to in this specification is designed as a tool to evaluate the
effectiveness of the PPE program
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1.4 Distribution
This document shall be distributed to all the HSE Team Leaders, HSE Managers, HSE
Advisors, through HSE MS Web Page with specific communication to the above.
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC Effective: August 12
Supervisor shall inform their staff of the requirement to wear PPE and show them
which PPE is appropriate
Wearing PPE (if appropriate PPE is not worn, the Supervisor shall be responsible
for discontinuing work until PPE is in place)
PPE and the necessary training in its use shall be provided by the employer.
All personnel shall be held responsible for proper care and use of any PPE supplied to them.
Employers (PDO & its Contractors) shall replace, free of charge to the employee, any PPE which
becomes deficient in any way through normal work usage or wear and tear, such that at all times
the worker has adequate protection.
Normal wear and tear shall include the period of effective use specified by the manufacturer and
requirements of basic hygiene standards.
Employees will ensure that PPE, where possible, is marked with their company number i.e.
indelible marking e.g. inside helmet, collar of coveralls.
Records of maintenance of all breathing apparatus, H2S personal monitors (refer to PR-1078 -
Hydrogen Sulphide Management Procedure and SP-1219 - Well Engineering Hydrogen Sulphide
Specification), safety harnesses, and TLD radiation badges shall be maintained.
Unless specific approval is given by the supervisor, all employees shall wear the appropriate PPE
supplied to them at all times while working at their assigned tasks. Supervisors shall enforce strict
disciplinary action on any employee who fails to comply.
A worker shall not use PPE that is not in a good condition to perform the function
for which it was designed and shall be empowered to request for a replacement for
his PPE
PPE shall be inspected regularly as part of the company inspection programme.
PPE shall be replaced based on the condition of the PPE
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by the Directorate HSE Team Leader. Any changes will form part of a revised HEMP for the
contract or project or work site.
The following factors should be considered when assessing the suitability of PPE:
is the PPE appropriate for the risk involved and conditions at the place where
exposure may occur? e.g. goggles are not suitable when full-face protection is
does the PPE prevent or adequately control the risks involved without increasing
the overall risk?
can the PPE be adjusted to fit the wearer correctly? e.g. if a person wears glasses,
ear defenders may not provide a proper seal to protect against noise hazards
has the state of health of those using it been taken into account?
what are the needs of the job and the demands it places on the wearer? How long
will the PPE need to be worn? What are the requirements for visibility and
if more than one item of PPE is being worn, are they compatible? For example,
does a particular type of respirator make it difficult for eye protection to fit properly?
The Supervisor maintains all risk assessment worksheets provided they are applicable to the site;
A copy of the hazard assessment is used by Supervisors to assist in instruction of new or
transferred employees.
1.8 Responsibilities
Job Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Risk Assessment to determine A R R S S S
appropriate PPE for the task
Map & determine areas where PPE R
is applicable
Procurement of PPE A S S S R
PPE Inventory A S R
Issue of PPE A A S R
Enforce the use of PPE A A R S S R
Maintenance of PPE A S R
Reissue of PPE A A S R
Destruction of use and returned A A S R
Training in the effective use of R S S R S R
Task-specific PPE
Maintaining the PPE issue records A R
Evaluation of the effectiveness of A A R S S R S
the PPE program
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B - Some speciality activities may require employees to wear additional coveralls, aprons or
chemical protective suites to prevent dermal exposure. Disposable coveralls for Naturally
Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) shall be manufactured from Tyvek or similar breathable
material and be antistatic. PDO provides the Sperian Mutex 2 coveralls.
Note: Placing workers in additional coveralls or aprons may significantly increase the workers risk
of heat strain and the employer and supervisor shall perform a risk assessment for such activities.
Disposable Coveralls for NORM and Spray Painting shall meet the FFP3; EN149:2001 standards
(Water proof and breathable membrane made through lamination of white micro-porous PE film
and white non woven antistatic polypropylene material - Resistant to nuclear particles)
Material Outer Water proof and breathable membrane made through lamination of white
microporous PE film and white non woven antistatic polypropylene material -
Resistant to nuclear particles
the BSEN397:1995 specification for industrial safety helmet & Head protection – BSEN397
Safety helmets (peaked)
Unsafe Practices
The following practices are considered detrimental to the safe working life and
performance of the helmet and shall be avoided.
Storage or placement of helmets near any window, particularly the rear window of
motor vehicles, through which excessive heat can be generated. Note: Helmets
placed on the rear window ledge of motor vehicles may also become dangerous
missiles in the event of an accident or when sudden braking occurs.
Follow manufacturer's cleaning instructions; the helmet may be damaged and
rendered ineffective by petroleum and petroleum products, cleaning agents, paints,
adhesives etc., without the damage being visible to the user.
Alteration, distortion or damage to the shell, eg. splits and cracks, or to the
The use of safety helmets for any other purpose than that for which they are
designed, eg. as seats, liquid receptacles, wheel chocks.
It is recommended that safety helmets be cleaned regularly. In general, normal washing
methods using warm water and soap are adequate. The use of solvents, very hot water, or
harsh abrasives is not advisable.
Inspection and Maintenance
All safety helmet components and accessories should be visually inspected prior to use by
the wearer, for signs of dents, cracks, penetration or other damage due to impact, rough
treatment or unauthorised alterations which may reduce the degree of safety originally
Helmets showing damage or deterioration to the shell should be immediately withdrawn
from service and discarded (completely destroyed). Helmets with sound shells but with
damaged or defective harness components should be withdrawn from service and the
complete harness and cradle replaced.
Reissue of Safety Helmets
No safety helmet should be reissued unless the helmet has been thoroughly cleaned and
inspected. In general, when a helmet is being re-issued to a different person at least a new
sweatband should be fitted.
Working Life
Excessive discolouration of the shell colour or weathering of the surface may indicate a
loss of strength. Helmets which have been in service for longer than 3 years should be
thoroughly inspected and replaced as necessary.
Plastic components of harnesses may deteriorate more rapidly under aggressive service
conditions and in these cases harnesses should be replaced at intervals not longer than 2
years and/or as per manufacturer’s specification
To comply with EN 397, all helmets are marked with the quarter or month and year of
manufacture. If helmets are stored in boxes in which they were supplied and do not
experience environmental extremes, the shelf life of a helmet is not limited. However, it is
not recommended that a helmet should be in use five years after date of manufacture.
If the helmet has been used regularly it should be replaced after three years from the date
of issue. The date of issue should be marked on an additional sticker on the inside of the
helmet at the back of the shell. The date of issue is not necessarily the same as the date
of manufacture
The harness/headband has a life of two years and should be replaced at an earlier date.
A wide range of accessories can be fitted to helmets to make them more suitable for
variable working conditions. Examples are as follows:
A retaining strap worn either under the chin or at the nape of the neck.
A bracket and cable clip for the attachment of a lamp.
An eye shield, face shield or welding shield.
A wide brim for additional sun protection
Ear Muffs
Care should be taken to ensure that accessories and their attachment systems do not reduce the
safety characteristics of the helmet nor adversely affect the balance or comfort of the helmet. Chin
straps can introduce a strangulation risk and take care in the choice of straps. Particular care
should be given to the electrical resistance.
Ear Muff Earmuffs completely enclose the ear with a hollow cup.
Earmuffs use a spring tensioned headband to hold the
cups in place over our ears at a certain clamp force to
provide the desired reduction.
For situations were workers enter and exit noisy areas
or need hearing protection intermittently, muff mounted
hearing protection may be beneficial. It is easier to fit,
Mounted affords good comfort and is ease to carry,
Ear Muff
The following information shall be marked on every hearing protection device, except earplugs for
which the information shall be on the packaging :
The name or registered trade name or mark of the manufacturer.
Product identification or catalogue number.
Directions to indicate how the hearing protection device has to be worn if it cannot
be worn symmetrically, e.g. correct technique for fitting ear plugs.
The SLC80 or Noise Reduction Rating (NRR)
No hearing protection device shall be used unless it complies with current relevant Australian and
or British Standards and carries the AS1270 or EN 352 compliance mark. Other Applicable
Reference Standards are;
BS EN 352-1 Hearing protector requirements and testing Ear Muffs/Defenders
(worn with safety helmet)
BS EN 352-3 Hearing protector requirements and testing Ear Plugs
BS EN 352-1 Hearing protector requirements and testing
They shall be marked with the: range). Next are the EN166 ratings for optical
Radiation Protection, Lens quality and strength. 1 is the highest optical class
shielding, Optical quality and then the letters 'F' and 'T' indicate they are
capable of withstanding impacts from small
objects travelling no faster than 45m/s even at
extreme temperatures
Chemical goggles
A system to ensure that all personnel are familiar with the arrangements for
cleaning, repairing and replacing damaged or faulty equipment, and for correcting
or adjusting uncomfortable eye protectors.
Inspection and cleaning of all eye protectors at regular intervals, after use, and
before re-issue to another person.
The manufacturer's instructions for the cleaning of eye protectors should be adhered to.
Eye protectors and lenses should be replaced when usage, accidental damage or age has
resulted in deterioration of the properties of the eye protectors to a stage where continued
use could itself by hazardous, or where the eye protectors no longer comply with the
relevant standard.
In particular, lenses which have been scratched, abraded, pitted or otherwise damaged
should be replaced because the protection afforded by them may be reduced and vision
Basic Requirements
A. Gloves MUST be worn when performing work tasks outside the accommodation, office, or
control room. Gloves SHOULD be worn any time the worker is outside the accommodation,
office, or control room, unless the task procedures or work practices specifically advise against
wearing gloves.
Note: Construction and maintenance tasks (cleaning, carpentry, electrical, moving furniture,
etc.) in the accommodation, office, or control room are included in the scope of this
specification. Office-based tasks such as writing and keyboarding are excluded from
the scope of this specification
B. Tasks MUST be evaluated to determine applicable hazards and appropriate hand protection.
Gloves suitable for the task (i.e. impact resistant, cut resistant, electrically insulated, etc.)
SHOULD be worn until the task is complete.
Note: There may be times when gloves are temporarily removed during a task (i.e. for a
specific action requiring high dexterity such as writing or adjusting small
electrical/communications components). Prior to glove removal the worker MUST
appropriately evaluate and mitigate potential hand hazards present.
C. Gloves SHOULD be used, maintained, and discarded according to the manufacturer’s
D. Prior to each use, gloves SHOULD be inspected for damage or excessive wear. Cuts,
punctures, holes, or cracking may render the gloves ineffective. Properly dispose of damaged
E. When performing tasks involving chemical handling or potential exposures, the Material Safety
Data Sheet (MSDS) or equivalent safety information SHOULD be checked to verify the
appropriate glove type. Using the wrong glove may result in the rapid degradation of the glove
material, negating the desired protective properties.
Note: Chemically resistant gloves may degrade after repeated chemical exposures. Swelling,
cracking, shrinking, or discoloration may indicate a change in the glove material,
preventing it from providing the necessary chemical protection. Properly dispose of
damaged gloves.
F. Barrier creams are not adequate protection from chemical exposures. Appropriate chemically
resistant gloves MUST be worn when handling potentially harmful chemicals.
G. Gloves SHOULD be the proper size for the hand of the worker. Improperly fitting gloves can
decrease the effectiveness of the worker in performing the required tasks, and can increase
the potential for inadvertent contact with hazards.
Note: “One Size Fits All” is NOT appropriate in selecting most glove types.
H. Where multiple glove types are required, use of a break-away glove clip is recommended to
ensure the appropriate gloves are readily available.
The gloves shall meet the following Standards for their intended use:
EN 420 for general requirements
EN 388 standards for Protective gloves against mechanical risks.
EN 60903:1993 Specification for rubber gloves for electrical purposes.
EN 374 Protective gloves against chemicals and micro-organisms
EN455 Part 1 & 2, EN420 & ASTM D3578. The gloves are used for those with skin allergies. A
complete list of Glove Types are in Appendix 5:
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Safety harnesses and lifelines shall be provided, worn and properly secured in all work situations
where any of the following dangers exist:
Falling from a height greater then 2m’;
Occurrence of toxic atmospheres or oxygen deficiency. Where this involves
working in a confined space, the requirements of PR-1148 "Entry Into a Confined
Space" shall be followed, as well as the specific precautions identified by the
Permit to Work, Job Safety Plan and Confined Space Entry Certificate
Such situations include, but are not limited to:
Work on any high structure, including petroleum processing plants, drilling rigs,
storage tanks, etc. without a proper working platform (i.e. a platform with handrail,
knee and toe boards) whether in construction or maintenance
Work over water
Rescue work, in fire fighting, from high structures and from hazardous
Abrasive or hydro blasting from high structures
Safety belts shall not be used, only safety harnesses shall be used.
Specific written risk assessment will be required prior to purchase and/or use of such equipment.
The risk assessment will determine the safety requirements and measures needed to be taken
prior to use, including information instruction and training. All safety harnesses and lifelines shall be
manufactured and inspected in accordance with:
BS EN 361 - Personal Protective Equipment Against Falls From a Height - Full
Body Harnesses
BS EN 363 - Personal Protective Equipment Against Falls From a Height - Fall
Arrest Systems
BS EN 354 - Personal Protective Equipment Against Falls From a Height -
Guidance is available in;
BS EN 358 PPE for work positioning and prevention of falls from a height: Belts for
work positioning and restraint and work positioning lanyards
BS EN 360 PPE against falls from height: retractable type fall arresters (e.g.
Many other BS EN standards may be applicable depending on the equipment required.
There are numerous standards for the design, maintenance and safe use of RPE, however all
respiratory protection shall selected shall conform with the basic health and safety requirements
(BHSRs) of the EC Personal Protective Equipment Directive (89/686/EEC) and carry the CE mark,
a. The relevant European Standard for filtering facepieces against particles FF P1, P2, P3 is
EN 149:2001
b. The relevant European Standard for valved filtering half masks for use against gases or
gases and particles is EN 405:2001
c. The relevant European Standard for - Self-contained open circuit compressed air BA with
full face mask is EN 137:2006
E Acidic Gases
Hg Mercury vapour
Half and Full-face air
Self Contained
Breathing Apparatus
Escape Hood
Disposable Respirators for NORM: For working with NORM contaminated equipment or debris
Design Specification FFP3; EN149:2001
Protection Respiratory Protection
Material Outer Polypropylene filter
Assigned Protection 20
Size Small/Medium and Medium/Large
In addition, a Classification of 1-3 follows the gas type which identifies capacilty of filtration of low,
medium or high. This is the external concentration of gas which can be filtered without
breakthrough for a certain duration at the standard test conditions
Class 1 1,000ppm
Class 2 5,000ppm
Class 3 10,000ppm
Filter requirements are provided in accordance with EN14387:2004 and EN 403:2004. I don’t know
Particulate Filters - These are used to remove finely divided solid or liquid particles from the
inhaled air. Particulate filters have a prefix 'P' and a number indicating a class corresponding to
filtration efficiency against a laboratory challenge aerosol of sodium chloride. P1, P2 and P3
filters roughly correspond to the former L, M and H cartridges.
There are 3 types of particulate filter suitable for filtering finely divided solid or liquid particles, or
both, from the inhaled air. These are classified, in accordance with tests in EN149:2001 as follows:
o CLASS (P1) Intended for use against mechanically generated particulates, (e.g
silica, asbestos).
o CLASS (P2) Intended for use against both mechanically and thermally generated
particulates, (e.g metal fumes).
o CLASS (P3) Intended for use against all particulates including highly toxic
materials, (e.g beryllium, NORM). Class P3 requires a full face mask.
Combined gas and particulate filters Filter combinations are used where both hazard types
may exist.
These include airline respirators and self contained breathing apparatus. Use of this equipment
requires detailed training. Example of use areas may be spray painting , abrasive blasting, confined
space entry .
2. Any employee required to wear tight seal fitting respiratory protection shall perform a
medical evaluation SP1230 (fitness to work)?. This is mandatory use of all respirators or
voluntary use of elastomeric face-pieces, and recommended for voluntary use of filtering
3. Qualitative and quantitative tit testing is mandatory for workers required to use tight-fitting
face-pieces. The employer shall ensure that an employee using a tight-fitting face-piece
respirator is fit tested prior to initial use of the respirator, whenever a different respirator
face-piece (size, style, model or make) is used, and at least annually thereafter. PDO and
contractors shall maintain records of fit testing conducted to demonstrate employees are
trained and understand how to correctly fit their respiratory protection. Examples of
quantitative fit testing devices readily available in the market are the Portacount
Respiratory Fit Tester.
5. Effective training is required before workers are required to use respirators. The training
must be comprehensive, understandable, and recur annually and more often as
necessary. It shall include; when to use RPE, maintenance requirements, limitations of
the RPE,
Employers and Respiratory Protection Coordinators shall when selecting and maintaining
respirators consider the Assigned Protection Factor (APF). The APF is the workplace level of
respiratory protection that a respirator or class of respirators is expected to provide to employees
when the employer implements a continuing, effective respiratory protection program as specified
by the regulations.
Training in the correct use of equipment is required by law. Instruction shall include:
The Supervisor shall ensure that all respiratory protective devices are regularly checked, properly
stored and maintained, cleaned and replaced (both mask and cartridges as appropriate) according
to applicable standards and manufacturers advice. Appropriate supervision shall be exercised to
ensure that equipment is used in accordance with instructions.
Employers and Respiratory Protection Coordinators shall consider the breakthrough when
selecting and determining when to change out respiratory protection. Breakthrough is defined as
the penetration of challenge material(s) through a gas or a vapor air-purifying element. The quantity
or extent of breakthrough during service life testing is often referred to as the percentage of the
input concentration. Workers shall not wait for the contaminant to breakthrough before changing
out their canisters or cartridges. The exposure shall be determined and if breakthrough is exceeded
the canisters shall be replaced more frequently. As a minimum cartridge type respirators shall be
replaced within six (6) months of opening the plastic seal.3.9.1 Air Purifying Respirators
a. Air purifying respirators are respirators with an air-purifying filter, cartridge, or canister that
removes specific air contaminants by passing ambient air through the air-purifying element.
b. Air purifying respirators shall meet the requirements of BSEN 141/143/371/372 as applicable",
or be approved jointly by Mines Safety and Health Administration and the National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health (MSHA/NIOSH).
c. Air purifying respirators shall not be used for protection in areas where H 2S is present in the
Air Supplied Respirators are respirators that supply the user with breathing air from a source
independent of the ambient atmosphere, and includes supplied-air respirators (SARs) and self-
contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) units.
SCBA or SAR shall be provided where:
airborne contaminants exceed levels safe for filter masks
there is an atmosphere deficient of oxygen
the atmosphere is immediately dangerous to life or health
2.9.2 SCBA
SCBA is required to be worn in a sour facility when performing any breaking of system containment
until the work area has been tested for H2S and declared safe to proceed without BA (e.g. breaking
flanges, opening of vessels, opening of pump casings, pipelines, etc). For any BA activity, the
Buddy System shall apply (Refer to PR-1081 – The Buddy System) and the Buddy must remain at
a safe vantage point to provide aid or response. Refer PR1078.
BA is also required to be worn when:
Entering any Red Zone
Any gas leak occurs, BA should continue to be worn until mustered in a safe
Working in an area where the concentration of H2S in air has been tested > 10
ppm or where a build-up of H2S could exceed the TLV (e.g. bunded areas and low-
level areas). Refer to PR-1148 – Entry into a Confined Space.
Performing wellhead activities, e.g. bleeding down to a pit, flowline operations etc.
where H2S may be present in gaslift systems.
Performing any sour sampling activity (refer to PR-1096 - Sampling of Oilfield Liquids and Gases
The SCBA sets to comply with the requirements of the Personal Protective Equipment Directive
(89/686/EEC) & must comply with the requirements of the European Standard EN 137 : 2006.
SCBA must comply with any one type: Type 1 for industrial use and Type 2 for fire fighting.
The working duration for the SCBA sets should be selected based on the estimated escape time or
exposure time for the related activity;
To ensure safe working in High Risk Sour areas or facilities SCBA sets with enhanced face
protection factor to be used;
This may include PPE for specific tasks such: lead aprons for x-ray protection; sleeve protectors,
aprons, chemical spill suites when handling toxic or corrosive chemicals; leather jackets, trousers
and spats for welding; thermal and cold protective clothing for work near furnaces and freezer
Personnel designated as users of SCBA shall be trained in its usage (SP 1157 “Specification
for HSE Training”).
Training is provided to all employees who are, or may be expected to use PPE when
performing their job. This training includes:
1. How to determine when PPE is necessary?
2. What PPE is required for the task?
3. Where to obtain company-provided PPE?
4. How to wear or adjust PPE?
5. How to care for and maintain PPE, including disposal?
6. PPE is secondary protection used in conjunction with guarding and other
engineering controls to minimize hazards to employees.
7. Employees must demonstrate that they understand all of the above provisions
before they are allowed to begin working while using PPE. The Personal Protective
Equipment Training and Certification Log (Refer Appendix) is used for
documentation of all training. Training is repeated whenever any of the following
events occur:
8. Changes in the workplace render previous training obsolete.
9. Changes in types of PPE render previous training obsolete.
10. Supervisors, Project Safety Coordinator and/or Site Manager have reason to believe
the employee does not understand its proper use.
11. Training and certification records are retained by the respective Training Coordinator
for the length of employment. Records are stored in the employee's training file.
3.1 Visitors
Visitors, both male and female travelling into areas of the project controlled by PDO are
offered PPE for protection. This includes hearing protection, safety glasses, and hard hats.
These items are provided to our visitors at no cost. Visitors shall not be provided with
safety shoes or other forms of PPE by PDO. The tour guide shall not allow the visitor to
wander into an area of increased hazard without the necessary PPE.
Personnel from Government Bodies visiting the sites shall be issued PPE such hardhats,
and safety glasses on a returnable basis and PPE such as ear-plugs are issued on a non-
returnable basis.
Lady visitors in abayas are restricted from entering operational area. If inspections of
instruments and other moving parts/quipment are required, then the tour guide shall ensure
that coveralls are used. All visitors shall bring with them their own coveralls, safety shoes.
3.2 Contractors
Contractors hired by PDO to perform work under the direct supervision of a PDO employee
are required to wear the appropriate PPE. Specialty items such as face shields or gloves
to protect against chemical exposure and inexpensive items such as ear plugs or non
prescription safety glasses are to be provided by Contractor. Since prescription safety
glasses and steel-toed shoes are considerably more costly, contractor’s employees
reporting to work at PDO project sites are required to provide their own safety shoes and
prescription safety glasses.
When a contractor has been hired to perform a specific task under the direct supervision of
the contracting company, the contractor’s employees provide their own PPE. The
contractor must be advised, before the start of a project that PDO expects the contractor to
comply with applicable regulatory standards. Since safety glasses, safety shoes, ear
plugs, and/or hard hats may be required for the employees at this project site, contractors’
employees may not work at the project site unless they wear the appropriate equipment.
PDO does not provide this equipment.
Corrosive: A compound that strongly irritates, burns, corrodes, or destroys living tissue. These
are bases (alkalis) that are soluble in water (i.e., sodium hydroxide, potassium
hydroxide, etc.) or acids such as hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid
EPZ Energency Planning Zone
The Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) is a geographical area surrounding a well,
pipeline, or facility containing hazardous product that requires specific emergency
response planning. It defines the extent of the hazard to the 100 ppm H2S end
point (for 60 minutes) given the worse case release. The EPZ is typically measured
in kilometers.
Inner SIMOPS A simultaneous operations (SIMOPS) zone is defined as an area where two
Zone activities (e.g. production and drilling) are undertaken simultaneously under different
control systems in overlapping spheres of influence or hazards zones. The extent of
the Inner SIMOPS Zone is where a level of 300 ppm H2S end point occurs with 1E-
03 per year frequency.
Lanyard: A short flexible rope, strap, or webbing connecting the employee to the anchorage
point or lifeline.
Lifeline: An anchoring cable rigged between two fixed anchorage points on the same level.
Permissible The exposure limit for a substance adopted by PDO based on published and
Exposure Limits mandated exposure limits. The PEL indicates the permissible concentration of air
(PEL): contaminants to which nearly all workers may be repeatedly exposed eight hours a
day, 40 hours a week, over a working lifetime (30 years) without adverse health
Outer SIMOPS A simultaneous operations (SIMOPS) zone is defined as an area where two
Zone activities (e.g. production and drilling) are undertaken simultaneously under different
control systems in overlapping spheres of influence or hazards zones. The outer
extent of the Inner SIMOPS Zone is where a level of 300 ppm H2S end point occurs
with frequency.of 1E-4(i.e.10 less likely that you will have H2S at a concentration of
300ppm than the Inner SIMOPS Zone)
Safety Harness Chest, chest-waist, and full-body harnesses that encompass the torso and are
attached to other parts of the fall protection system.
Standard Safety For PDO employees, a foot covering consisting of a solid vinyl or leather upper and
Shoe: slip-resistant sole. This is the minimum acceptable footwear for employees.
Qualitative Fit A pass/fail test to assess the adequacy of respirator fit that relies on the individual’s
Test (QLFT) response to a test agent.
Quantitative Fit Means an assessment of the adequacy of respirator fit by numerically measuring
Test (QNFT) the amount of leakage into the respirator.
Personal Detection and Protection Equipment – extract from SP1219 (WE H2S Specification)
This section describes detection equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE) that shall be
used in all PDO oil and gas drilling and well servicing and work over operations where the work
area atmospheric concentration of Hydrogen Sulphidecould exceed the action levels of 10 ppm of
Hydrogen Sulphide or 2 ppm of Sulfur Dioxide. In addition to providing personal protective
equipment, personnel should be trained in the selection, use, cleaning, inspection, and
maintenance of the PPE. The following H2S Protective equipment shall be available at all H 2S
designated well sites or where H2S suspected (this includes all exploration and development wells):
a. PDO approved personal H2S monitors (Compur or equivalent), with an audible and visual alarm
set at 10 ppm, one per person on site plus 2 spare for visitors;
b. When H2S well fluids are burnt then S02 monitors are provided by the H2S Service Provider.
c. two H2S gas generators (or equivalent) for testing the H2S monitors;
d. PDO approved self-contained 15-minute escape sets, one per person (in line with BSEN
1146:1997 “Respiratory protective devices for self-rescue, Self-contained Open-circuit
Compressed Air Breathing Apparatus, incorporating a Hood (compressed air escape apparatus
with a hood)”);
e. a minimum of 6 Self-contained 30-minute breathing apparatus (SCBA) sets in line with SP-
1234, Personal Protective Equipment and BSEN 137:1993 "Specification for Respiratory
Protective Devices: Self-Contained Open-Circuit Compressed Air Breathing Apparatus"
f. a minimum of 3 spare cylinders (pop comes in bottles with 30-minute capacity for above;
g. resuscitation equipment;
h. a minimum of 2 Draeger Hand pump testers with adequate full-range supply of H2S and CO2
i. a portable explosive gas tester (JW sniffer or equivalent). Continuous monitors are normally
used on Well Pulling Hoist operations only.
j. Site monitors with audio and visual alarms placed around well head, flare pit and muster area.
Note: wireless H2S sensors are not allowed as they interfere with current other radio
Note: Continuous H2S monitoring equipment is not always considered necessary during Well
Services operations as points of discharge are controlled. Accidental discharge is possible due to
system failure but this would not necessarily be detected by a fixed monitoring system with limited
sensors. Personal monitors are considered to be sufficient for, and more suited to, detecting
accidental discharges of this kind. However for known Level 3 areas (Greater Birba, Ghaba, etc)
the H2S Continuous monitoring system and cascade system are mandatory.
The following additional PDO approved H2S protective equipment is required on High Risk wells:
a) Full-face escape sets:
These escape sets shall be in accordance with the requirements of the PDO HSE
Standards Manual, now described in SP-1231, HSE Specification - Occupational Health.
The distribution and control of use is administered directly by the Well Site Supervisor.
b) Compressed air supplied BA:
sets for two persons with trolley-mounted compressed air bottles, operated in “cascade
mode”, and fitted with high pressure airlines and positive pressure face mask sets.
Such BA sets shall be fully compatible and comply with SP-1234, Personal Protective
Equipment and each face mask set shall also be fitted with a quick release connection,
check valve and 10 minute backup compressed air bottle to permit use as a self-contained
escape set. These systems shall be used for extended operations such as rigging up and
down of equipment or other operations where a SCBA might be cumbersome.
All safety equipment shall be visually checked at every rig up, especially the air content of
the escape sets, BA Sets and spare bottles and standard tests shall be performed.
A comprehensive safety equipment inspection shall be carried out once per week including
a complete check of all BA equipment, which should ideally be combined with a BA
If the atmospheric concentration could exceed action levels for Hydrogen Sulphide or Sulfur
Dioxide, detection instruments shall be available on location. In those instances where the
Hydrogen Sulphide atmospheric concentration may exceed the measurement range of the
detection instruments in use, an alternative instrument shall be available on location that can
measure atmospheric concentrations up to 300 ppm. If Sulfur Dioxide levels could exceed the
action level for Sulfur Dioxide (e.g., during flaring or other operations producing Sulfur Dioxide),
either portable Sulfur Dioxide detection instruments or length-of-stain detectors, with a supply of
detector tubes, shall be available on location for determining the Sulfur Dioxide concentration in the
area and to monitor areas impacted by Sulfur Dioxide gas when fluids containing Hydrogen
Sulphideare burned. An adequate number of fixed or portable or both type detectors should be
provided for the safety of personnel working. Prior to commencement of operations, there shall be
a clear understanding as to who will provide detection equipment.
Gas detectors are referred to as portable, personal & transportable gas detectors.
Operation and maintenance
All detectors must have been proven to be in good physical condition and to operate satisfactorily
in a non-hazardous area, before any attempt is made to operate them in any hazardous area.
Therefore, prior to use, all monitors shall be inspected for physical condition and be subjected to a
‘Bump test’ by users.
Dents, kinks, bends, blockages and holes in the sample probe may affect the sample and give a
false reading. A damaged battery, damaged fuel reservoir or cracks in the casing could make the
instrument unsafe or unreliable or both. Contamination, e.g. water or dust, could give false
readings and may damage the instrument.
A damaged display would make the instrument difficult or impossible to read and a broken alarm
may not register a hazardous situation. Any air inlet filters should be clean in order to allow an
unrestricted airflow into the instrument. It is also important to check the integrity of other parts such
as the carrying handle or case and shoulder strap.
All ‘bump tests’ and maintenance of ‘portable meters’ shall be carried out in a non-hazardous area
and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, using the recommended test kit /
All ‘portable detectors’ for use in hazardous areas are certified as Intrinsically Safe by an approved
certifying body. No modification to the apparatus is permitted, EVEN THE USE OF AN
ALTERNATIVE BATTERY TYPE, as this will automatically invalidate certification and render the
instrument dangerous for use in flammable atmospheres
A low battery indicator, distinguishable from the ‘set-point’ alarm, is normally present on personal
instruments. This may not shut down the instrument immediately but the instrument should not be
taken into service until it has been recharged. If the low battery indicator annunciates when work is
underway then the work area should be cleared and only re-started when a fully functioning
instrument becomes available. The instrument should only be recharged in a safe area, away from
the area being monitored.
Before being repaired or maintained the gas monitor should be moved to a safe place outside the
area being protected, e.g. a workshop or office. If hazards are still potentially present then it will be
necessary to use a replacement personal gas monitor until the original is repaired.
Failure to comply with these requirements may render the instrument unreliable and therefore
dangerous for use.
Frequency of checks
It is important that procedures for inspection including, function check (bump test), calibration and
maintenance routines for personal monitors are put in place to ensure correct operation.
Monitor performance may degrade with time and accuracy will reduce depending on the type of
monitor and operating conditions.These factors will have an effect on the frequency of inspection,
maintenance and calibration.
The user shall consider the sensor type, operating conditions, required use / accuracy of the
monitor and manufacturers’ guidance to assess the frequency of inspection and/ or calibration. For
Any personal gas monitor used to check the atmosphere inside a confined space shall
require a bump test before and after testing before allowing entry.
Any personal gas monitor used to check for toxic chemicals shall require Bump testing
before use or once in a day.
It may not be possible to measure the required gas with the same monitor. As a minimum a full
calibration check using the new gas should be carried out as per manufacturer recommended
practicefor the type of gas detectors.
Calibration of personal gas monitors is normally done using a gas mixture from a cylinder; it is
convenient and accurate. In many cases obtaining a calibration gas in a cylinder is a physical
impossibility so calibration must be done with another gas mixture and calibration factors used. Use
of calibration factors must only be done with the recommendation of the manufacturer.
Many gas sensors are sensitive to pressure and care must be taken when calibrating instruments,
that true readings are produced. When using a gas mixture cylinder to calibrate a diffusion
instrument the gas should be passed through a calibration chamber and out to atmosphere.
Excessive flow through the chamber may lead to over pressuring the sensor and raise the
possibility of false readings. For pumped (aspirated) systems it is normal to flow the gas to waste
and allow the instrument to draw the mixture from a tee-piece or reservoir in the line. Again care
must be taken not to set the flow too high or low as similar problems may occur as for diffusion
instruments. On aspirated systems care must be taken to ensure that all joints in the sampling
system are secure as leakage into the system will cause false readings.
PDO and its contractors shall buy only calibrated type and each of these gas detectors shall follow
the manufacturer recommended standard or shall calibrate every six months , whichever is lower
frequency shall be adopted. No disposal type detectors shall be used within PDO concession
PDO approved models shall only be used by contractors within PDO concession area.
2. For General Industry:
3. For Construction:
Gasoline Nitrile
Greases Nitrile
Inorganic Acids (i.e., Sulfuric Acid) Neoprene or Nitrile
Inorganic Bases (i.e., Caustic Soda) Neoprene or Nitrile
Lube Oils/Napthas Nitrile
Methanol Butyl Rubber
Methylethyl Ketone Butyl Rubber
NAF (Non-Aqueous Fluid) Neoprene or Nitrile
OBM (Oil Base Mud) Neoprene or Nitrile
Pesticides Nitrile
Sulfur Compounds Neoprene
Trichloroethane, 1, 1, 1 Polyvinyl Alcohol
Varsol Nitrile
- Good dexterity
- Moderate penetration / puncture protection
- Washable (preferred)
Note: Worker should match glove size to hand.
Light Duty
- Light duty tasks with little impact exposure
- Tasks requiring dexterity greater than general purpose
(writing, handling small components)
- Protection from minor abrasions, cuts
- Excellent grip
- Good dexterity
Washable (preferred)
Puncture Resistant
- Working with tools/equipment/materials with sharp points
- Task involving needles, barbs, piercing devices
- Protects against puncture from sharp points
Note: Some Impact Resistant gloves are made with puncture
resistant materials.
Cut Resistant
- Handling or operating edged cutting tools (knives, chain saw,
power saw)
- Handling materials with sharp edges (sheet metal, glass)
- Food preparation (cutting, chopping)
- Highly resistant to cuts from slicing or abrasion
- Extended cuff for wrist protection
- Can be washed and bleached
- May include slip resistant coating on palm to improve grip
Note: Refer to standards EN388 or ANSI/ISEA105 for definitions and
classifications of cut resistance.
Chemically Resistant
- Handling chemicals such as acids, caustics, brines, soda ash,
hydrocarbons, and drilling fluids
- Protects against skin contact with chemicals
Butyl Rubber
Skin irritation or chemical burns
Chemical absorption
Chemically Resistant Glove Types:
- Butyl Rubber
Resistant to oxygenated solvents and most oxidizing
Page SP_1234 - Personal Protective Equipment Printed 08/09/12
The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED.
Revision: 3.0
Petroleum Development Oman LLC Effective: August 12
- Nitrile Nitrile
Offers excellent abrasion resistance; protects against
solvents and chemicals
Note: Nitrile gloves will not survive when immersed in
- Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA)
Excellent chemical resistance against polychlorinated
biphenyl (PCBs), aromatic hydrocarbons, esters, aliphatic
and organic solvents, and most ketones
Note: Polyvinyl alcohol gloves will melt when immersed in
water. Polyvinyl Alcohol
- Neoprene
Protects against cuts, abrasions, organic solvents, oils,
greases, and petrochemicals
Note: Neoprene gloves will not survive when immersed in
- Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
Protects against most acids, fats and petroleum
hydrocarbons; excellent liquid and solvent protection
Note: PVC gloves will not survive when immersed in
ketone. Neoprene
Note: Refer to Appendix 4 for “Glove Types for Chemical
Handling” above for selecting the appropriate glove for a
Note: For more information, refer to the Material Safety Data
Sheet (MSDS) for the chemical in use.
Heat Resistant
- Welding, flame cutting, burning
- Contact with hot or cold surfaces
- Protection from heat, cold, sparks, flame
- Extended gauntlet cuff
Usually constructed of leather or insulated leather
Thermally Insulated
- Working in cold environments (below -5ºC or +20ºF)
- Protects against the effects of extreme cold including
hypothermia and thermal burns
Waterproof and wrist seals to keep heat from escaping
Extreme Cold
- Extreme cold environments (below -25ºC or -15ºF)
- Heavy duty mitten outer layer
- Thickly insulated inserts – removable to allow drying
- Minimal dexterity
Electrically Insulated
- Work on electrical equipment
Note: Work on electrical systems should be performed only by
qualified electricians
- Protects against electrical burns and shocks
- Constructed of seamless rubber (may be used with leather
cover gloves, as shown)
- Glove class marked on the cuff
Note: Electrical gloves are classified based on their protection at
various energy levels. Select the appropriately rated glove for
the system to which the worker is exposed.
- First Aid or medical emergency response
- Medical examinations, sample handling
- Contact with unhygienic surfaces (cleaning bathroom
Nitrile / Latex
- Protects against bloodborne pathogens, surface
contaminations, and mild detergents
- High dexterity
Note: Some persons are allergic to latex. Do not use latex
gloves without first confirming no persons involved are allergic to
Food Handling
- Food preparation excluding cutting
- Protective liners used inside other gloves
- Protects against bloodborne pathogens, contaminations, and
mild detergents
Nitrile / Vinyl
- High dexterity
Note: Do NOT use latex gloves for food preparation due to the
potential for allergic reaction by a diner.